_,!I -~'l M Iý ' sai Rootewwrtg ~r4e~$......u.... bti«o au08,- A EL Q~,SN - UsWZJiLI'UJ fltRULNICW£ ONZ DOLLAR ?EATU( t ;-é,le:>;; t r 'j lp rp b s oal sg9 ton 'io.. ëvwmor4nliicq -n. .............00 >î~ pwIlI beds~ixtlned isiitil l arrîsar. 'tAierlaÀottI' È bl hear w 0>1 uddreuied oeclgostrba -BOdKIAUJQ pub M prôqu1 0 re s ecapo o! >tl4e us)mt -et Fo "7dileatai la, prepakroalt6eodae BOOK AP4DIJOB PIIITNG' f oy o e enlptsoilnu a muptrstylo an& wited7ipaucûiaht iise lowosit roinuueiitin, First-çlasa Premses aud, Pninti ug ilinory, tAttýoe PiisfIiu niiiailao id suailar doscnap- tluus gfu-iilidwitlira au iosar cf bel»5 ordereul. ýj W. . ÇIUGNS jýUVIEO0F TRE CPitNTY &SURROGATE Oolr)4.,Q0celt t.hea Crîrt iloista. 1 IN 1,.FLSOX G. RÉYNOLDS, QI SIMIWF. 3 OFF1CE AT TIIE COURT JQIIN.IIAN FERRYP R~TBR. LOIF ICE ON 1111CR ST 11. J. MACDONELL. LERIC(OF 111E ' EACE. O.ÃFICE-AT ^Ctio. Court Ilonie. THE~ 0 1E COU1NTY COURT, AND XJR~iser othae Siarrogaîte Court.' Office aut MacIi Rejistry Oflicc, Brook Street.I W. PAXTON, Jr., rrkCAgURER. OFFICE, AT TIIE COURT Hl. J. MACI)ONELLI S LICITOR, & CLER*IK OP 111E COUNTY c 0UNTYENJE. OFFICE AT TIIE Courtlliass. C1 LEUK FIRST1)1VISION COUItT. OFFICE Jat the Court 1 louas I JOHN iPORDOr<, IN$1'ECICOX of WEIGIlTS & MEASURES for the Coaaaaay (if Oatario. 1ARRisTElt ANI) C<>UNTY CHOWN .i>tt(p>r[1oy: (>llce-Iaî Aralal'e I1ow Briek I;îoç-~Secoid Fluor. 10 CMJIERON & MAUDONElLL EAI 1ilSTEI1S & ATTOHNEYS AT LAW, »Solicitors to tte couaty Coaîiail Ontario.- ait t lo tte 'oart loaae-Soath W'ing. GEORGL- l. DART.NELL, T)ARIuTE~,ATORLNEY, CONV EYAN .LPc tî,&v. 0ilic over .1. S. Dauaaaldmil &Co' a'. ~ll.(wtre iStore, 'Brnck Street 'Wiitby J. V. IIA)I, fl\îI~ITEUILA : (FrICE-B1IOÇK OLICITcOR, NoT;iIY PUBLIC, &c.- &c. SOshaawli, C. W. N. G. UA.!], AUSTEIZ, AN]) ATTOIINEY-AT-LAW. B (ffc-, p Iboate the Rcgistry Ofice,,Brook Street, W litby. STEPHEN SEARLE, I~RE, LWPE AND MAINE INSURANCE FA et ltor tdte Comaty ot Oatirio. 0fficeî. ovee 0qonaldsoai's Iardware Store, Brock Street * SCOTT-'S IIOTEL, D UNDAiSTrEIETWfllITB-Y FIRSTDOOR ., Elst of W. Laing's Store. 11-11W. J. W. CALDWELL BRQWN, - coNvYA ERI. COMISSIONER FOR' takinAildaviti, Acconntaint, Laind, Divi sclU urt otry Plile aua ' (caeral Agent, tIxbridg Oilce-ing Streeti nearly oppomite th edîcal11a1l. N. B-h businiess autrusted to hMe ce e will b. prqnmptly attejided tôo.- 82 JOHN '4 BILLINGS, AClIttNCEiRV' 6CCONVEYANCING Oiloe'Prince Albert. r-TTÃ"RNEY' Â7T IAW, SOLICITOR IN A Cucry, Coavoyiiuccr, &o., Main Street Xaîrkhai. TIErPUTY REGISTZA.R, MASTER EXTRA- JP odiarar~ nd exam~ iner in ciaaxcery for tlecowrity f ntariQ, rqck-it., W hithy - 47 j ARRIM?ýTEIE AKTOUNEY, .&e. Office- Cývu% pf (,haurlxad(.Court Streets, (oppo ';CQYJL:]JAMILTON, ~TTOBNEYS & COUNSELOBS AT LAW W1lzlà lt 11EMPEST, M. 1b. Weiit." . ' 17 - ONTEA«JUla e,&e.NCHUTE1p 01TET OIVIL ENGINEER. AND E.tAxat4 Agent, Wh4b I At ER,~.;'gCxEBOROuTGli, *La -ôlt i r X4 ..IREeOQz BE COUNT<,AO (1ONEYANE~~ ,C0MIN E1toI rQ-e eoWiihy werad EAST< WINfafR a qorSeWIonsY ilotel le sîUI o Otuateà ln a pleesantsu retireil part of the Town, bn tiiorout rond. Good accomanotaîion for t'avellers. Good Staiblinic and' attentive ostlers.' ' 22 JUpsTReçuJIYZD, bt lesCons, 50 fluiLoie CLovxul Sauxi) 1 0J0bdgllaolý TaKorly Sit», fortulle luw. il. W.ýWçJoDWARD 9 Comnaaisoiou Morgh 'ut, Danadais t HUGIl FELITZ, rE&c{Pi IN MUSIC, TIIE ÂLOrgîaaPIlitno Forte 1larinony througlv a' irus aaad laif kirada o Strilu Iutraiucnt,s proparod ta lreoive a few more 1>uils nt tiaul or lis reelderaco. 4r J. C. IIANCOCK, gW-BOOT AND' 5110E MAKER.02 r j(nObibELICIALDilaidi ngg, Brook-st.1 %JWlitby. Work natie tIi ordor of PLgond Mlasurial, aaaad by ex porioneed work- mna. Alsorepi.dringtluiaaowitia aeataieseanrd dospatoli.8 AMERICAN ILOTE 1,. W~ALKEU ptz 1ATES " ROPRIE- orerir of Youung and Ioant Streets§. Toronto, Ù. W. 15 i PERU SALOON. J FARRA11, LAIEOtF TUIE "Y OUNG *Caîaaaîda½t" l'aear tlae *jioyai ILyceuin, King Street, West, Toronto. Clioluo Suppura a"rd itefrenlitnco tt it sali lîurs, i JOXIN METCAILF, (1LERK OF Tif1E FIFTJI PiVluION COURT, .coap rishaag Mis Towais1ipBaook. Adl- dra:Cauaiaagtoi. 1 FRANVKLIN IIIOUNE* - LINDSAY, C. W. BF. .JEWETT,P1ltul'RIETOR. OFR Betable accommaoudaition for Tr.îvoll(ura. Wlaiitby, Jftn. 21, 185i7. 1 A. K. RICE, C ýABINEîT MAKel, UI'IfOLSTERER, &c. UGerrlc'lIdII, Byron Street, Wlitby. Il>4- tapr flan 'itgr neîtly donsc, and pihkinde nt' job- bangr aîa' repairing or Fiîraitùiro attoaaded to. Furituro oarcfuhly scaasoved. RAILROAD -'HOTEL, F>ORTIUTELY. RFAlIMER, IliOPI'TOB. >-r11115 Ri lusc possetisca gulod moniodatioaa rr T.raîvellors. O nod Stabl îng anad attentive Osi- A. PRINGLE, R4 RC-IJANT TAILOIZ, BliOCK STREET, WlîitlhY. TIIOXASDVEL, B UIL 1) E R, &o. &c., GREEN 9STRtEET, B Whitby, C. W. OAKWOOD MOTEL, OAKWOOD, W. BANICS, PloRt>>RETOR. 0 Good aoonarbtn for trevelors. 8d HURON BOUSE, POSîT WRITIIY, C. W.. 1,LIOTT SPROWLE, 1>RORER.- .12Good Acceommaodation. i P. M. CLARK, .- LATZ OlIBn & 0o., MERCILANT TAI1M1I, No. 74, KING ST West. Toronîto. 10 MARTIN'S (Late Walsh's) MOTEL. TliEi SUBSORIBEiI HAVING TARENTIIE Ta'bve ilotel froîn Mr. Cooke, lm able to aif- ford thle best accommodation to the publc. 44 JOSEPHL NOIJRSE9 CLEIR TWELFTH DIVISION COURT 0F C Northîumberland and Duraiu, mssrance AIgeî't, Convoyancer, &c. Addiross-Williams burgla, Cart wright. ONTARIO MOTEL, -BRYAN Jr., PItOlRIET>R, BROOK *Street, Wlaitby. Uood Stablng and atten- tive OetleNs. 1 CANTON MOTEL, FUFFINS <êtEEK .1'ICKERING. GOOD D1 accommodationî ýr Travellors;. W. CUTIIBERT, 4a Bill Proprietor. PHILANDER M. CLARK, UIGII CONSTABLE, COUNTY ONTARIO, * and Inspoctor of Liccuses lu the Municipal- ty o!the Town o! Wlîitby. 1 J. W. CORSON, M. D. IQ1MERLY PHYSIC IAN Pro TEEBROOR- £!ys iosptal 1t~ hyicienta theNew "a1or1 Wfispe1'me!y ;'ke1leol0thê N, Y. Aadeiy (tMdcn;LiQenitteoi1,Upper cana", &o. Jleideice:-Mrksin vilagune milo f1orth of the Zobnmi Me 'BBOUQUET 8s&tOÃ"Xýo ;B Hîo se KhsÊ St?ée8 "Weot,"T6rôto. Gain e Siaper, lùnraOyters &-.Al.l; knds of Winels and Sègar. 1, , "h Pet' o f u A2 STER &ATTO -!YALAW, Solitors, là Oh"dit M ht )y, w.-. ilext door N .9bý Egistry0oe y1 NAT0aTIL RýT WIJTBY, TUE '?A jk voi "u upalà autlsor ,0anY uuuir ôà ablisu. menon tahue .dnxenican Continent. ' T rIIEABOVE PJIEMISEs ILAVj1 ýÈeËN- ..JUS * ' e b houn1eherd isn travellona eau now ludgodacmolln... Thie flouse is welu furnuished, woll kept, and thet Qoo cciâ untabhbiug, audthIe boahAâtton. ispl oaýn und hon ë. Thëjsiur roni lx large and eouveanioaft, and W-eil upp]ied- wht]s tise bout Wiues, Liquors and (~a~ ird voasaely lltttd up isittiisg reouis for privato pau!- ts. MICHAËL, McOAULEY - QUINN'S MOTEL'-- NO. 8, BÂ8LT-AU-1(4TELOT sThiEl, LOWER.TOWN QUEBEC. a o ia A Staambçat Lqapdiagaa opoaità a. BkitiaVÂa'eut£ariaa . URAVELLEUS AND>,ViSI»Rs to ýte, An-, lent City o! Quebc will llnd O§Uponi9n aie- uýOunmodatiou aut oderaîte chuages at it le. above -Isote.», The Ihôtel la ver>' conveulentiy siî'autéd -nan thie 5iuks,Steansboaaî wiariveri, anad prisa- cipa1 busincess places of thc City,. 'lI'e table antd bar aine supîlled wlth ever pruablhisatahhe and drinkble. Visitons wIill !id ven>' atteahiou paléhotlacin conafont and convenienaceaud even>' iutoniiatioii antidinuitioà ais tu -lthiunrciîidbsig.localities, piaciîial places of remont, scenor] &o. JOHA'N I NQUIN. 18 Propnetor. GLOBE HQTEL, JJROOKLIN. T~ H ,inisn.igneti la*vung tsîkon pses. o eabovowel kaicivu blotl, ivliachi wil bc eonduoîod as foraoienhy iwth theo strac4tat ro pniety ud regard l'or th Licot ud couaveni cîsce of tic public. The rprpietor assures lis usany frions thet. evenyttal hugis uide rcady as fornsen]y to enter-' tai thlaut ah he GlobeIMoteh, and thuat ie will' be persouadi>' proeaint to give ëthein snchba e eptenonsw-as lis wo" 1 ' It. Taie bouse lues beau tiorougl i?apored, piicet and rtenovatud, ansd la fittcd np ain ever>' respect ina suais a maiaîer as ho Insane aatis!sue- tiou7 Tfice bar -uud hable supplieti, as foinenh> wita ii.buh otalesani danabbs.Caland 5-'y, _ C. DAWEU, Proprieton. TUE TERRêï APIN. r r, 11EIE ROP'RIETOR 0OF T111,S3WELL- .L l<aown Saloon ire iiov in occaspatiota ut the old ST. NIC1IOLAS. Kinsg streol, roronto ~fui-iiierly kupt by Mlr. -l urley. Tbe proanises- lavobeu ewly ruuovuitcd tlîroaglauait, atad. fltted ia-) litlhe fiat style. E'.cry procuraîble delicaeinlscsagon. A cigar divan fltted aap se- pa'raictey into which nooue but the be8t braunda are puruuitted tia cate, 28CARLISLE & McCONREY. RILROAD BOUSE, C ORNER OF B1IOCK AND DUNDAS Sts,, Whitby, (Laite Wllcocksois.) TVio Suli soribor begs te anntnce tothue ilaiabitants ol wuaitb3', aînd thae travelling eomaalaanity, that lio liais. takesa tlthealiove lirait clauls 10use, wiichlie sais fltttcd up las-suncw aud cnavonieaat ianntr. A tirat-rate Tableisscrvudettis H Iote]. Din, liera, Lwiiclienias, &c., cen blieluat a maomnrts notice. Ail Liqainrs kejat on the ;'remsises arc warrantod tha e',e article. C'hiae Cigas THIOMAS DOWVNING. lîitby, Mardi Iltîs, 185 .8 VINI (lAit 1 VINEGAR I11 TE lI asdrsagîacud taikes ]cave toeinforia thae Tliabitiucit Vliithy, andl te pasile,thant lie as suw ianiaafictiisg Viiiegar nofraa superuor quaity, wlaachlielau s îarepanîd tu tsul).ply 'ýVIsole- sale ta Merelhatsts anad othiers, uit greatlv reduccdl pîr i"eca Th'e 'Jraadc libcrally deakla. AI' ondesZ by uîaail jsunctuadhyiattended to. A Sre "ATIIAN MILLEi DAILY STAGE. VROM BRU UHA M TO FUENCIM AN'S FBay Station, on theo Grand Trunk Bailroad, cîannectiaîg.witla tlae I~mornisag anad Eveaing Trains. _ea -JAME S HUBBARD. Novesaîber Ird, 18-57. 42 LIIIE FOR SALE. SOSANTLY ON IIAND DURTNG -THE oiaaning spring and Sunser Fresh Burnt Lame; which wilh beainld for Casih ouly, at 2s tld MATHEW CARL,1 7 Port '7itby TUST recelveul a consgnnat o! Whimkey,1 J'fi-otieole o! tise beait lus iler's ini th e Pro- vaîse, sas packages offrons 5 to,50 gallonf;,Whicha the sibsun-iber offera fe~r sale aut very low fiure for CialA. ---- THOMAS MOODY, Commission Agent. RAILROAD MOTEL,. EAVERTON. 0001) ACCOMMODATION IJ good Stabling, and caret ail Oetle'rs always ýin attoudance. 15 C. J. M. FRASER, Proprietor. AirES! AXSV! p ERSONS iii waut o! ai- good axe, cen have tis0te saie1ne s aIsYIi1g to the usîdermigned '!cnt '. notice. Warrainte Cia. ee]. CLARK ]IUTLIIIN$ 72-4111 Axe-isker, 'Wlitby. A SITUATION WAeTED fl a young.man 22 *yeers o! age, ho cen «N write a gocd band, and la willing to make himseoif useful inu auy'cà acity. 72' Adu-esC. D.,Witby'Post Office T ESubseribor im pÉoýedto do all ldnds of-' WccI-CardingiClotujJJrésîng, &e., at Iis old XstablisImout, Pickg9nn. LEVI E.PIKE Wlsitby, May M24t 1859.,. oror"ALuT VZNi ,teGAR f'etfon ito alî wî16 Indy ttitlrqgea cita. For mite County" 'Of' Onwr TSSUR'OFMARRAGE J y-SES -tiON. J.V IYANCEU and COMM i SIONâUI -for takiaag Afi1dsvits in lQýB. an&imé P 1. - AddeSý ,., i - x - - Towuship o! Bnoek, A TVown feaeneisoge, sud 'hwas held consultai Wbiel w-ais flic metliotifor fontification ; A gi-aive kilful t nison gtave ijetbis opinilon, TIsai notsiaig lut 'stosie"cauld sectane the do, 1 iiuiaa, A eîînpetter said, tho' ttiat.wais 57011 spoko, 'Tsiais bettor by fan ho dcfen'd if witli oak ; A dis-rien bciîag by, witsen tiaiui bath thos o ho. getiien, Said try seliat you picaso, tiauino le nothing like Luather. .. ' ' -1 ' 4as -SO «tft AYS.- Lýadies§' and Geashlomen'ti Fasioisablu foot and Slioe Maker,- BROOKLIN, C. W The abume, lias fon the lastseven yemrs takens the flnat Irize ton Boots aaad Shoos atýh he Cous».- ty Shoôw. ..1- Nonobut itue lest inuteniasdleséot w-ont- ausssi ip mosade 1amp onthie promises. '111e old, fa'icaidas aaîd niwtti îatoîsaers wl bu) reail"aat tonded, anid unaishoti wlhh gocd and elnul) wonk a a ssiau. - -Brooklai, J uIy4, 1859. GERMAN BOUSE, FRONT 8TREETt TI&BNT.ON. IIE f4iabmeriben bogs ta aîsraoasaace 0thae lu-, iuttlti f retopudflie.~Trau)*ohlisg conmimiitythat theoà ave uieuh clt lus asiin boeu itte up n a iew ud covenitit aun Ail Liquors kept ân the prensises aire of the hasit qtaauity, coicc Ce gars. Also, a Livery Stable lu voaiiecýtioai witheao bove promisss. J. S. (JERMAN, Proprietor Trenton, Aug. 8, 18au. 8-aa ATLAS IRON WORKS, gfîW Fronît Street, Toronto., ff OHARLES.VALE C o., BEG to laîforan the Publieaset tliey have ru -Bcoilmtractc.d thiose extenssive proises on l'aont1 Street, (t*oiaaaally aoeupied ig theoOitaîio Brelrcv, l i te aaost complote style f'or carry- ingr on thie buézlms of Irou Founding& Smfth's Work lIai-s invite inspection of tbeir nunierois lpait- terras or ornaîsncatal Iron Fonces, BalconioA Vcrasndalas, Vaiuaît Doorse lalîinasand Onnançutal Caist Ilrou Coluaxasas, Window Caps, sWs alaad 14B CffITEC TURi4 _.voRAÃŽ ofoevery descriptoru; Cokcig, ;Palor eand box, Stoves; Grates, Cven lMoaitla, Canîdrens, Su&air' jýtt1cs, PMaîin Cîstiii,,aad:Forgiings' al of 'wliicla tlîy offor ta tihe Taiadceand,'otae'ss on ad-, .vautagcouis troaM. L&,-Oouaitry qrdQvspçaac- tualliy tteudcd tn.' Toronsto, Octoiber 20, 1857. 40-tf NOW 18 THE TIME. GET YOUIR LIKENESS AT J. Aý rClark9s lst Prize Piçtqre.Gallery TFondewire ai corroet aid, lfe-Jik« Aiubro. It iCaactypq, Lcttergrapia, or Leetlier Trascor a i Lkendas ini a'ocket, Broacli or Rting, foir J. A. (1. cen do. it' lu tIse hest style, and utt short notice. WILRINSON'S BLOCK 88Brock Streei W4tby. H. W. WOODWARD, 'OMMISSION MERdCIANT, INSUIRÂNCE Cn Gdjnelral Agent. Offioc-Laatoly ocui- pied HyJmsIodgson, lltby, <0 XW UaFitanaeîî.-Thoinas CaluoEsq.qPre- aident Boad of Trade Toronto; W. G. ('auasela5 Esq Manager, 3ainÃœ B. N. Aancrica, Toronto; W. %'. Rant§oi, Eeq., Mfanagelr u4uqe -Bank, Toronto; W. Gauble Esq.»I Milton MUI; Te- roîsto; lo. P.Mci, rsd tBkfou trel, Montreal; Mosara'. Maitlaiud, 'Tylee' Huntehinsoas, Toronto; Messrý. Anderson, Evoras & Co., Montreail; 341sra.1. "Pife & Son,Que- bae; 'Msmans . J. Noad & Ce. -> 52 ly AUCTION BUSJXEM ,-,' A TTENDED to as nnaJ- 1C. Sterling. 1-,Ail ordue rrlating to. Auç.tionsaeai by the naîderi4ignod, shnuild be left at ti'Clroîiole Of- flc,'Whitby.Mea.Uagn Marlof. are, dtdau nMo'nzeetlto -APPOaaît uPY, dauye of salé; settle tornus, &c., anad taouter into suacll otlier arraaigcicentftrelstiug to sIny aiction bulsine as thaÃ"y may considcr p roper and uccessairy. shal' be on hahd ta ratify amy eà grâeemètt they uaayMalte on an y behiaif. Sales attiended inýa.l perte oô,ttJoùntry J OSEPE RAINER nsanutac e't'treauof Pianos, !Uelodeéais, &o.; and l 9rpnifor kndw proiaaîredto remev and, "odutaaMI or-' dors entrnstted tô hlm. Ah À1work a ne tar- bhum will b. gurioÛe'd ai0S s 1 t il1Folo.'-~ tyof intruneu. terMaU1li-i. +Prj ltradê.'P' -4Mo yà î, of tat,,eWor 9 se i t af oi4 Qimaa opposite the "Otilo Hetel," wlVýme jt endoers outrusted te theni wili b. dbino*w'ýth en~estl~ des ~ 'Qmeec A-gcy for te Ta n ctzon oi cà for té 1n/~~ 1att'èsresidlng ts turduiÃada Lands, or*hevl'n g Caans cf auy cêtri.u'md 'ïïiini 1' i6 îÃ'5'. a" a" - ' ,ha!ôïiîtltn obtihiudbIe ti tthe Oro'w filands ,tr ;pthes' Pdblic gOfices, 5-may- hbave,,thoir ~ wi~hUtthe e4,pense and lu- cOyueuniee ca >ouirihoy t' Quëbee. -aAuUIprepaid cocà iuniietiona,' addréssed »R4 FRED. DELLElî!34UQ-JI, £IJp over t bty vetrâ, bolig-about, rptiriug from active practice at the * iquçst ofn merous eMâriin'iia11 pketk 161 tue ýcoéinty;hue, ,obwGnt- whioliîbhulas bôtowtd Lthe caro atid knowleodge 'of1liâs1ôuér eaee iadd'hae i ft them'- svitli are ac'qùaintcd -WaiVthe bctor niothing need lie aid-tooth~ik iaWbut - à aassiry i.tb'say, tbat )i%î bas ft~a.pr:qacribcq £or £aom 4,000 tô 5,09 . P , '14ôus a 1nd a ys nit ith thae gresîtest euaceci.' , s~a~eebfidoie medièa] aatieill y9dc4,rcà dijy ý91JJI trçutilieiîtt ead por- PôziecaimeafyIon1saaeaoaes to bc rxuid. ~he octo, hwtvr, is sat beinhble. IliothE, "o cure everythuajqwith.onc 9 rg~ar- "i put nph lïêies aalcae intwo ott os. 'whlh'ae pnbei cd 1 ad'2. Te numberls a * . BLOOD PILJRIF'.Xue1 8,uperior to the pure st e.traict- of SarspAfriU1ia mnadc entlrely 0P-roots and -herbs of 't ilis an tire extractud by U. entire uew flchlagîacaîl oîa. It s"t" inalargoedogcet% a n active Iphysie, lin smraller ouie as u aterittiveo rkiaawdireetly on the Liver and Klî e, xpellisig tliirtrotà n ,11i mhorbid tulatter, tlauîs bringiag intc, action ull thae. oagatl tnaîliave lceouxe ilitiative, anad mn114y ise rel'l 011 oaa ure Livé'rknpaus and coý4p1aiaté(Y't*the liidndjpg, Ingaieoat C,,I- samptiO4, DQppeps4r, Uenauat a'l 'N1itY1 014 U cerd, ScajSd~ a1t-lllueum Pimples, ÀS&reqATr vous e iy)gye8s Iu#irh/unbe rIvjtair* origan. lai1 aidlaîorduarvi or imapure s5tate of blood. 1: ls3:of a strengtlacninq nature, and wiliienver weaîkeu or proattrate the body. rîae uuuabtu4 21Psa FEVER MEDICINE. And mut iiever lbc takikuaa xcIt in counction wi1taa No. 1. It will then cure 1, ma Uu I7e- or Acute.-Tlaee inedicines ivii lUfet CUR-ES, ' ilot reluovals f rouiî one part of'tlae hody ta tilt- 'l proveaitÃŽraaid, a.correct, ih-iwm esîof' tha Dotor 1" 0ou tic wrapi ' r.oftiîelà l'ottle anal " r.'rd. é llaUg1 &Co., Bulffalo, i4. y , -in ',t utegaaietoa aceoimpluiying eacha boulte. No. 1i la solal fur $1 pur boutle; No. 2 for 7-5 ceaitd. Witi htis simtple r)btice tlacy airc ottrd to tà ie.pu bile, relyiaag on tci virtues iii fecur wcIals i9$ trilvuâ. iFor sale by 0ýý JAS. IL ERE - Sole Agent lViithy. Whitby, Sept. 14, I.S59. w & à i-Y Départmeéntial Notice., ÃNSPECT0R: G]iNRAL'S ,0FFICE3y CU8Toms DEFARTmsNT, TOTICEla herebygiven thatlby au ordorin j~Comicll bcariaag date tho 14tla instssct, it là sdfrected'tlsat a lraiwback, eqilu ti ch dutios -p4l, be allo cd tu Slip Builders on Condatre of cvery* dcciptioas and. on taU arircleuiâ of mou, Copper,' Bnabaq, YcIIow Mefail Or Zinc, lnau- fsstured ýor-taxmaruf#tured,actuaiily buid anad ompjoyod ýby thü in luhe buil4ssg Ã"!ntlais 'rîs- o!'LI 9111yTt b'li l" i hin- l ise lIraits tI vinée,-anuponall oîf.which"u<rioles (iutoludiiug the Cordasge), di'ci;esof -CuMost's shalh]lauve becai paid by tisens (or by , Lho Perso or por Sous foîn wliOM th'is sîalha-ve PnlohaAedta saine), i*pontheirlm 'ortti. atCiud. :TO>r -ia Consaeil lunthor directs thait tle ~hi -BiifdÃ"r' )aiplal' or tle *'raiwbaok sbah fatilish'the Coulector of Custoanà witW iapocitl- 'liaci'olthie Conthage aid othen articles upoax w'lc'V ocinrs sucla drawback, silôýisg tise quaititie?.ud y4ues, by w)iosu and w-lion lin- *îorced n ainotif uaîietpa da halo anad riggirag o!f aoi ûai Co ithe urtieleai aneultioaaed were aisud ansd wiaeuî the said slip or mhips',*ohoauretlforea ioreigi,21orh4îthe saîld spoci, ficationus ho bu supportid hy theauth aitaa!hue iShipiBsîilder ,to su kelaratioiî preeisred .by thse Deparhmeu,firMxLaugthitrýity I tthe coantenite of à âà pclafih to bc ateaiched 'unde>r Seau Tise' oloectoiý hevirag à atlsfed buanseIfthlait tIleoîqiuiunt- o! dretsvtsIek eIine'i cre ;eiimxinatiloaî,,tho Oolectorwill baeuuhorlzd to; pay the aa ltaç. :-- Thç hole,ýpefrënienti9gied ho itp qieastly to the Sireailf 4» c<,aayuý ,1S8 tb4. da h!e 'neethue e, a illîhefcape1 and effoot. ' ~ ~ 71 Commnlsla~gptm u xi I4.J&w agoEn~ ~a uie A 14ý9 1u - ti iïÎ4iüiù , h '6 iWAM89S'splufro *tWMbr i t-i-i ~J0SEPIIaBÀNDLML ~5pu I18 77 r- t m= '4 bMÛÎjp ~ 9; I nid Mums;c arranged, for the Piiro'Forte. Y- Daliy's Xew Quadrilles. .l3oqlu 4sset,~Aitbi AGIRIGUTURA OK : BROOK, STR>EET, WHITBY', - AGICILTURÂL -IPLEMIENT LîGnT ;AND NEÂ-VY W.ÀGocNs,- Merket a;nti liôbSleigbs, C 1 ü-1i'e Cuti 'atcrs, Plcughs et' vendus iok é and st3le - Schnuffiers, Corux astiPotatcoCultivato-s Scud andi Tsrnip Drills, Road Scrapea &c. Tler.ldng M hnRepaiýreZ on ,5lort - Notice. Everyuliing 'in th.e bove line atended ho, with Pfiratuality and Choapaiîess. Agent for,-Patteraou's comabiused Reaper ahdm ow. Wlitby October, 12, 1859. 58 Ceai OÙà ,an d L a mpui. 8-IIE siabscniber lbes just received avery- J5' flife assortnscnî cf Goal Oil Lampas of thie raim est'pattenn,ard witb thée latesit iià i- -- prcved btrniers. Paes From $1 and Upmwardsilq.'- Hlis Coal 011l isdeodoi.iïed perl'eeaiypure ansd fa-ce froi nasy -uanpieasent sampli, And as sold at boroasto ÉPniçes. lte g> voéý a igit' sqnuii tô gas, "at bs lianinlIt tIc'oit . Fluid nud coaîsuio<sOil'L anîpà altered4W- bus-1, Goal. Ou at an hcurtnotice.- GRO.YULE, JIL P-S--Shutionery, Sebool -Boeks, Viollias,' -Fiîates,. Accordeotis, ai a.upeniorViolin, Stringsi, for saule cheisp. - -74 M. M'IPllADEN'"" A«UCTIONEER,LIA" DAGENT, Wilhibo wilhiaaqto attesd proup^ti> e4 .cane- fuil)- to aaiy l'tusaaICSS '.stlailaliha îiinay be Rcsdeipo--YnonsuaiaaBroek, Cosaut>' of 'Ontario.,- -36-f TIIAS MYEeSi, LICENSED AUCTIjNjEEFI Oir TUIE COUNrY, 0F Oý4RIo. TJ'AT-MER'S SALES iu tise'Cuistny ilîl ne-' -U coive pndai;)tatttentions, ouincatsoisable terme :-Likewiaoe, Gonds coissigiietioas coi- nilsalon ho thée Asetans basana. sll Ibe disposcîl o! ho tahel>emaavantaîge. $uleà u it tse Ans.-tion Diseae ! orssasRingbones end Spavins, are treahed witli perfect suacest4. Atiuhess, wiaeu by Post: .MOMAS MYERS, Wliltby, Febnay 25th, 1859.. EARTHENWARE. 0TOIN MOONEY fronx Pnesteott offers for fisaile, ail kands o! Eartliaul4ireu nia Jiotua - 'ed.et bas pottcry in ra recott, ait oxciedlsgly]loa prics. - THOMAS Ma)ODY ý1 'Agena , t st -N. B. Menchais and Dea.lons will flud xct t their advauttagusta unspeot Mr.;Mooncay , sstocliats thée aigentit unV'ititbjy,-aaid exemiuhlatIls Ût ot pncsbefore coaîpudtrag oxpeu'mivepÃalrcbaseà * SQUARE IXBER r7lUE sfndcrslgasd bais a largze quatty o ali . kjziése uare. lansbea oaa musél, wiaich lac 'wilaiapse.ooiilibéraul term's te paùrties rai- A pictio, f blette; (poat pd, t b- JAMES B. CAMPBELL, 80.41u - 287idnernP.',C.W Ial c oue nia011e. fot the. (uLLECi DIE ae.m 0 Lr'busillmhA, ý,- oatieet ng4ig uith.C' ýWlllftd tÈ -l' vots piliiy dily f uaLJPNwlr49 %OU# 1qiect "sPartie" 1.4- h. Crwi];nl a Quebedc. 16th: Decegrbe,,i5 ihinoka i, neiiat aîa, M-aim-e;1for 82 4n-e w -- issat(yupaiîer BE, "' t5a-.j 10/ le Barle of Ericrinreye1Its 40-Roxè8oa~rs" iùiDrjg anle~T an1i0eee Brà ru aHor8a T W on -tll dele1onè nte Whch enuhe -%ni tui' cclièsalicia> r aTi ceatîmre 1tui o.ttu&co rit#m. A~.-h -H no. -leo . - - - - - - CO. - - I SCII1LD- ant ai tlî in î lifte uunni'eoîa tli. - - - T. HM. Sfieid& . FOR ;SALEB A SGRPN 0FRE 1An st Sélver M<,aaaatcibéraa hrëlso Witb ' ela dSiino iacÉtnewl nha ote . hý- ot hlta y. tO h it. S 1 5 C B IÉT ERW Ei\E fI PARIES IIEATN - aplcan tREAL PJI CES FOR foAl.E BY GEO. YIJJJEJ1{1 4cr.rp tEsGfrPc u StREi.ovuià e :purose ofproit- br eguaiii- t-s or ou'"drii.q.-o cedi > à ffù iý'pu t d m r, 9! 1, I