Whitby Chronicle, 2 Feb 1860, p. 3

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s th te 1W.C 'Oter Draper, fearfful Ibat he gel hlmélfàt aspe wlth bis Griteconfeder. steel i sel vohlug'- ,agsât the aidreus off the TOVuêlmnil W lthe, GovernowGe neral, soudesau, apeIegtic>1ttr4o f.Walc' paper. Rallier parlakiug e i te comic t6 fis!d .&pure Gi-of Ut.Draper',s stamp oblig1ed hoi 48zcus hlnuseIf te a luru.eoat Tory for is politicsalpoition? 'lr. Draper ael.ed oui,' -fýever>' goos! loyal subject shouls! do-as k.r. Jmues*&aae would eagerty do vere ho la lir. Draper's place-iu votiug a loyal *idreaso he aReprescaaive of Hiesgoy. 'go bat. injures hie oua slf.respect la con. slesoeùnlug lmake explanahtions thhrough l' oi$Snrct"hbuasselected. wl. sand losof LUNelu Kangiton. On Monday momning between. on. and lueo'co1lock, a Smuebroke oun tuheeold liwo sten>'fraîne building acjoliug lthe "1Cenamencial MarI," near lte foot of - Prlncoustsreet4 sud, we regrel ho amy, a vomcan ans! hree oidren perished l inte 2Baimgu. AItlime lime lime fine occurnàedlm vIns! blew ver>' sînongi>' frpm lime soutIx- ýweel, and but forlime fire-wnltl on the oee side, sud lime bighibuil brick botlloceupi- is!by lire. McNinch, on lime otier, thée devastatiçn, migiml have béen immense. Thme fine engines were apeedil> ounlime grouns!, bh front lime peculiar combusibiiity of thme 'building and! lie force of 1h. wind, befare lime>' ouls! b. put ialo operation the old shel of s house. waxneani>' cousumed. No. 2 engin uvatlhe frt lu motion, and di- tectes! Its energies b limhaI part of time houâe *id et the lime to have occupants, but &lu 1 ait humeu efforts failles!te amre the enforhuaal beinga, who were prababi>' suaiiîiered te deaîi b>' the smoke befone lime -ft es an.reaches!hem. éThenainee oflime voman burned t10 déath wuas argsnet Murphy, - viose hus- l1and la a talion, snd recçnlly came froua Hamailton to Ihie cil'. -'Her thn.ee children À-oee ges! between 1l sud 12 years, auo. tker' belveeti à ans! 6- sud an infant oui>' seven moulin old-perismed witim hor. Il li sais! tie- romainso thlie infant wene fouad eleeped au lhe ciarred anui th fie devaîed moîher., Margaret. Flood;, a iservaul lu the famllyq, va scorches!, and iajuned in lthe back b>' jumping trom the wimdow, ans! alI Mashler armi severel>' qat b>'time broken glass. llidgel Baruetl ras severel>' buru. ed on oane arm sud one side of time iead. Tiese lwo vere seult10 lime haspital. Mur- *phy>, le father, aund Marga-et FloAs, junîp. - ed togethen from thme wiudow. Mn. Mur- ph>', li Jumping from time wimdow irjured hi& suite. The iouse aKüsiaowiîcd b>' Mn. Josephm George, ans! vas imures! for $1000. I-NOM .318t. The Colon>' of Victoria. Among lime officiai p,,pena just rcceived ln the baiiancc-slact ut' Victoraia, ot'o ei y<iar 1858, whichi osunidicating the com- mnercial proiaperity of the cadpaay, aimai tim gravîhot île Institutiomns, 1the marcia of in- tellecI, British sakili mnd enterpige, le ex. ceedingl>' Inloresling mand notcwoa'tay. lTe receipîs uof revenue in 1858 (relating ta tlst year) amouail 10 uittle short ofk£3,000. 000; t1ew itponi dlules alan. bulimg £1,- 318,012; tleIm nport dîaty 0on goldl wats £8189.052 ;- hae saleutfpublic Ilandsi, £028,- 817; licenîses (dsmpatiure on iaradm,aiscias- ment on stes-k, uctioncers,putluittas &c.,) £881 ,024a - postage, £89,0661;-lite nentain- der froam i ecg, fines, amd misçelaneatis Ibetno. Tiie voles and appropriations of the Asseattbly are aiea intereshing, spenk- ing well ton thae cane, wiuidomu ainsd luaxin- Il>' wlaieh have charactenized li proceed- The expenses of th. -ouges ot' Legisle- ture amounted to £14,556-viz. bbc Conn- eil, £ 1,558; the Assembi>', £8,127T; aflit the librdry, £4,871. The. expeuse of police, gaols, Chimesa ptolectorale, gohd-fields, regititrar-crencrml - chiot secrotary'a office, kC., aînounted ta -£41890;- lh. vole for educatin (demouma- national aud national,) £114,030 ;for s cientifle purposes, £28,006, and for mcd. ical sanuitar>' prpose, £24,825 The ex penses o! tibe deparmnc of -Boas! of Worksamaunîedti o £769,345, anudcomprise votes nauerous public imu- provemet-sif roads, Construction of i-idgos, ceiuetries, leclric lelogniaphua, &c., hovards the erection o> new public offices, complion of Bouses ut Parliatuent, aiay- lame, &C. Auuong tho misceltaneous vohit e .fol- Iowlrtg ceserve notice :-Orants 10 85 char- itable institutions, £05 560 - cou-tribations tovards lhe fond fer le reliet o! the su!- foerasby - lie Sepoy matin>', £25,000 ; public lUibri-, 7,288 ; Mebourne Uuivor- k;esosare eîcluize of lime ouI- standing cialume snd votes -for 1858, receiv td aud pail l 1859. TW T e eue balance-sheet (inclutling trasactions, lunlime ealy part of 1858, ne- ~lot 87) ends wlth s cash balance loi 5,î816a 9d. Csutomics.u Omet,. Ditto-Sprin Ose8. te $1, Flouir $;f Ze$5 es,580.. a 600c.- - aile>' 50e. a 05e. Obtis 871c Q 40e. Bs'$4Q$16 %q tou. oik$5 loi$61. ~of$8 7 5 13U sr15. Q 0D. Eggs9Od o 1s doz. rouIs 240, Q 80C. V pair.- >- TarkeI 50. Q760. eh. tfjes 50e a$1 .O0 %îbusimel. 5.1 bai-iel., j C<~r4W4#20~l~od Oeu1. 'Clark. Whlîby, Jan.J31, Ù40. Iln MOTEL TO LET" lot a ow lt ltes! ap JIOTEL. "6T]UE R&ILROD HOTELI7, ath preseul u in a.e ,ocffpatanof eMn. Thoias Dawmilng, sîtuetes! ou ti Corner of Brock, sud Duaidam Bînet&, I ima hcentre of Town of Whlt- by' The premiesai ver>' raomy, wlh ex- -toin ve stabiling, shedsansd out ofioes snd have mlDLU te oavuleîees, and aeôommoâatî&a tîecesmsry for a ftrsîclaiehuse. rt. will bai runtet-for a tarinm etyesaraon sueh terume laaa> betigrêed au. Passesutoion u iel tt tMarcta uexî. Thias liotel Is ii. eboat stand ti th'ù County. A pi>o' GEO. 8MITU, Uxbridre.,, PW. 0., HIG10,8P Waity Feb. 1,186<C W. l.roIIclo. The NIONTREAL WITNESS 18 PUîumioi» Twion à wouK AT TWO DOLLARS PI 4Nit'1IN, WEEKLY EDITION 2 dollars per a8iglO cop>' peer miniu in advamuce 0 Il Jor lub,, of 4, mmdrusmedeparatel'. 12 " 6ii 10, 6" 6 20 " foor cpies tumeOleaddrei4m. When a eltb tams been furmied, mdditlousincay> be inaède ismt i;m sitaae rate. Tite tas fbj>opth editimams tatrai trietly cemit lus avmmawel..nul the paper inaurdutuiy stops whcen thec tinte mulmmrihc'd for expireil. Ail letter,,, o rders amd rémuxaînces, t bucd - dreabliem, IpUat-piid. ta JOHN DOLTGALL, ProiriOtAr IlMONTHCAL WITFAmS," Mon1trentl. SITUATION. w NTrEI) a yotîg moni wqîtlated witli lhe Stistoary but4inems, atid havlua aa kaîuwiedge of acoits. A suitémbie parim, oit possensmu ga iiaawledge uft ite i'riutlug btlsi- teswl e trested witli libally. Apply by letter, ()ýtpi, ONTARIO BANK. I)IVIDEND NO. 5. NOTICE In liereby given tbmt a dlvideiid of fourla per cenut. upon te pud aUp Capital ttock or tiis insititulflou for Mie curran ulmit yeibr, (Iaelaga tthe rate uof eight per cent. per asinuin,) hm t dits cty been di'clared, and t at die saine wiil bei pymit-e it theBa 3nk iiimmtitu branchles, umuid mller Tlauruédiy, thie first dia> of Mitreài nuxt. * 'rli- Traster B3ooks witl bc losed froua the jaOh W LiMe 2vth ot kobrair>, botta duys indlu- B>' order of the Boiarri. 1). ZlSIIEJI, ouattmr!u Batiîk, mslir JOHN McGlLtç J PENSED ALTCTIOÏN EEil F011I CANADA WemVai., mîfers lim servies tai the ltalitll- ttiit4 fl a.o(titmmfi iiandi 1)mrhariî Cdi iltlesg, to lt- tmîd iîla's'ly Auction tI,îsamiFtriaitu ru, Muctimaaaiu and atltir effi-uîs, aut.à, remsuuitlmiu Oslaamwa, Aligut 1S59. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. 'fUtMlTI'Ai R Nt, a Rane Coin. 0 Pîamtîil futhte Wimier M)itle. lm'ery PLiiiaist, $tmnimld rocimri tiis waîukl Every Sianger, t'aablltaticmîa itmîfVultimai Ever>' Teimur, ]>iiaaao Forte bM miic, e cL Ever>' l'aajîil, itaac but Jo4) EN vr 1 Ecery Aamaamlcmr 1 imuuaiîor, itamm I îr.ouamoed B>' tlae caai mo lress <a! the (oaaua r>, lu lac 'CH le, NI ND>IN 'îTHE fciD. 'rwulve ftil-sizî'd 1'mges or Vouîl alid ami>aayurlc bMuAu ,aur 10 mui t4. Veimai>, $5; Ilima t-ycaaniy, $2.50; Quanterly, $1.25. Sf-crhciene u amar Miastieul Frieimdl," or order It fromt lime auarust Ntwduiia'r, fiumîl vou wili hmave M lamide caotagilifir y:tir uttru fiiiil> ut m111 'algailcanat cost ; aada't ai oi wmaat Mams'auftir the Fii te, Viotija. Cuia t, Clmmr1oaat, Aucordioai, nc,&. ubaciceto LIme Cauiiauiuarmg12 p m~zs oting o1i1Y 10 cents a Number ; Yearlv 02.50 lHatf.yeaarly, *1.25. Ail the Rmiek Namamibens at 10 ets., and Baîîaud Vulaaamus, comiiiag 17 Ni abons4, ait $2.50 cach, cotiiitiv Oaa11laad. geAguiità wiiutem1 or Vtaint uiations. C. B. SEYMOUR & (;(., ai lma7 Niimai St., New York NOTICE. r 1111,' Annaul Mceting of thec stockholders t o! the Windsior lioad Cojnpany, wiii take place at Soripture's hotel on hiotîda>' the-0 ixth day of February next, for ttîo elccting Directons and officers for the eniuing yean. By order of the Prosidcnt, R. E. PERRY. -JOHN' Whitby,0 WATSObj, 90crelmr>'. Jan. 5, 1 080. 524er1 QUEEN" Fire and Life Insurance Comnpany. Capital 0&i500,000 Sterling. QIIIEE OFFJCE-Liverpool, Zagland. OFFICE IN MONTREAL. -DIRECTOUS. CIIAIRMAN-WM. MiOLSON, ESQ. Huai. Johtu Youag, ITîomait Kay, BF-41 Ileur>'Thonias fs. David Torraunce, tq Agent far Witby and sunnoundiug District. H. W. WOODWARD. Wiitby, Jan. 21, 1860. 87-2ma. LONDON )FREE PRE8ss 4DAILY JOURNÂL, PUICE $6 à-YEÂE. THE WEEKLY FREE ý 'PESSt," PRICE $2 A-YEAR. Io' Solieitons Merolats, Manuftaectreîsa, add oltha,wil fndithe FREZ PRCSS lthe but Advertllslug Medum for Ithe Wetern p»ft oi Upper cautata. ffl-The sireulation of the Fimm t Pisi.dou,. blktth#&o(aaq Dallyýjoamrua published West of1 litmilton. Loudon, Jeu. 19, 0, . 5 Greenwood1Royal 0 TICKM ,Tj; 50 ' Band. Stmppera- mi Danoing ut so'eloek. MRee UN s'ô, liI 1 ta ini ~,Moster of Ceremonls. rlEWHITBY,, READING ROOM 10 well lightedcIocetforta e. and warmil and is weil sitocicd' with nýewspapers aud peracdaclsoôf aIl kinde. Termucg 4 perannum ftudents a"d <lerku, ?z. Situated luý the, second Býfat over tbe CÃ"hronicte,,Offce. ý.Entrarde tbrough lii. Statiotiery Store. * HG N. IrAWYER$ àN]j DIVISION COURT hiuacan bo haàd Oheaper tban ah Toronto, and will be found to be printed on better p"per. Buy al, the Chronicie Offiçe. W. H. HIGGINS. PRI NT I NG rfHNEATEST AND 9~EST PRINT. ing, plain and fane>', ot'every duiscrip- tdon, cati be bad ckeaper and quicicer tat the Chronile Office than- an>' other establish- ment li the Couitty.W.H N. îiUltTIEJL ARRIVALS OP' MW'4 STATIBNERY l J ast rèelred by. the Uadortlgned. W. H. HIGGINS, Grand Trunk Rotilway motel. (&>adk sidOW f Ram v eagDpotPortWlaUY.) of Whic,,lae wil ifia future carer s on bin owu imeounl.t. 0ood Liquors, Wjnea amid Bntndte, Cigmirmi &a. Excellent istabliiig-careful attention for niara muid borse. JOSEPHI IUEBOTTONI Whtty, Jain. 19i,1860. 86 O& -To the Aflited..ÇG VI1E ClELEfBATED GE RMAN OIL! Fut iit RCUBE ior Cuts, Brumues and ail klndis of Fleimh %Voutide incadenit to the Humain In Botties at 25 to SOcts Each, Aecording lu suie Thig 011 will cure ail rosi wouidm, muid is aim iaifmlirlo reauedly fur titcrel- lirel ol HOR1SES & CATTLE BsI'IIRI:I" e ICOi)I ALIÏ, ApmTa£a HEALING 0P ÂLL WOUNDS, I ifflim.tm'îl oiiaa aaiauti. 'il hit (atilsd ,muemstl'luliN.f'Ir tile Lafmit Se'en Veanmi, ai:d liais aevvr buelii imutwaa tu fliai. Made landid od by A. K;OWIcSA. Pickmrîug. C. W. Wli'aty, .Tuî. 24 1800 1 glailoc lmamry 1' USDAtY the Seveieenth lai liamn cr ç ~ dîîya>!Jmmaaaîmry liatue V.s il. ttn. ttlaitiiri yoamr ut' limeIteigai o!ar ilam.tî.Qimm Vkia uid ini the yeuar ut our Lord, i860. imiuivy.zri Joliii (4urdun MmuKezim, anad Gordon MacKeit- zie, P'hititil. ANDi Jolita ,;<. Bovem, Eiw.ird Bomwes, Jmismaot Bowas, David Jtolws a i hvin 1Pollock, Deudaintsi. Upon the atpitlication o<dli,. pimmitittfs iind tapoinliitriig rouî t mafufidtit mf Wlliamnt Huma. ry Ilamîitymma', uad it mppcmmriaagthm theLimeid a.elleaiiiimat, Jolin 7. Iluwes liais su abmmeodcd tiait lie ciiamaot be foimid tu bc servedl witb cun moffice cflpy t'limeuiaitiftfs Bitlluntil. citmuse. 1t ls orîlured limit the amîidd uhufeiditimt dolaii G. l3mwes doam mwer or deamur to the. piimtifis Bilt on ior Ielone I liaetweuty.-eigluth dmay ai lob- rmamry a"e't, mnd ik is undenedlimat i cipjy of! lIit. .onder tigutaen witlm the notice ru qiulrcd b>' the 66hr amlliews3pmpr. ptilisted anltme Town of W hmtty, oimaîcli caweek 1ur Lte four Tii lolan G. Bowes, one of the above uamcd deleaîdarts. Taîke aotiae thait if yon do nal answer or demain Io lime Bill pursutînt to the abuve orden, the plaimtiffit uic y obtain aia ords.r tu tike the the BJill ais eomfessed againaut youand Lthe Court itaa> araint thei pluimtifis s4uc'hrelief us tbey naty bueuntitled taeaontîteir own âhewî 1g, asmd yenu wilt flot. roceivupý mifîrtlmu r notice o! the futu re proeediaags in 43im se W.H. TREMA YN E, Sotielton for the. abave uamed pllitits. WitLy, Janu. 28, 1800.2-w Excolsior Illuminafing KEROSENE OIL. TIS I8 TRE PUREST COAL OIL, GIVES A Entirul>' fre trom msiell, and in chesper than amy other light givinma aaeriaa. gA GIVE IT A TRIAL ja Remembor W gel t from the Agent for Whlthy. J AMES H. GEBRIE, * Drug Store, Whlnby, Jan. 12, 1860. 62-tf ÇITIONARY NOTICE. p U BLIC Notk. e shoreby gtven thwat ait pan- 801so» fouamd removln or t4lng'&"y unDY smas!or grsval fromt lieubeahon îslsd&of Mr. Win. Melmtoh, Ia4e Shor, WIdtby, *lth- out finit obtaiming permission frýom thaiidsr- slgued will bo proaaeued accordimg le iaw, fNrt Whlt>r, Fab. 9t , p4 I ~ir Fiî~st sou1 Stand., «M 1 Our customers will fiicld in Qi . urx sW ËBbiÇsment an iinmesStock.- 'atéf2ully keteanid omp 1 ght ýàhbst recI&drce andvaried assortminta of splenidid groôdëu A 1~m~ Sock: df'Té's b -AUÇ EEA EOREI.Ç Great additîons of- ne n hi ya- s6rted patterns .hgwe beçn madeto 0otirh-ea1vystock Of, We are.iii almost' daily rècqipt of frcsh Teas and Groceries. LOWES & POWELL0i" Brock Street- Wbitby. Remember the address, Lowes & Powell, Brook Strýeet1 [First Door Souith Of Mr'. Laing's'Old Stand. 0 SUL*EIO f mfF I SE $£UIlS ççT&.Tc!r Begs to inform biscustomers and, the pub- lie, that he.bas just commenced to seli off-at HIS EXTENSIVE STOCK 0F' DIR-Y GOODýS, LADIES' FURS, BUFFALO ROBES, AND &0ROCERIES, To make room for his Spring Purchases. Parties requiring sîîch, had better cali before purchasing elsewhere as great inducements wil be given for cash. Paid for . B Cash Oats, and Pork. È PERMYIS Whitby, February, 1800. REMOVAI,. 00 L MLI ug :E Huai reanaved his nta. k Mu Drugs, Pits, &o. la No. 1, Commercial Buildings. Brock Street, opposite thae new Brick Block or James Wallace.. 78 Shorlifl SaUtle of Lande. Count>' of Ontario ) Y vintîmo of a Wrll of 'ru Wir:, .IB Fieniiiatil4stîed ceut ni lien Mjcmty s §Couat ut Qaeeu'it Beaîch, uit Torntto,anto eme dlia ciee'igamintamt.te lausaîl tud tenuemeamîs which wene o!f(Cornwall Faire- well,uleceamed, mt t tleliane of! ls doathlis la iae haands of Elli Farewell, iduaaiiatrtnrix, &c., defendaint, aut the suit of Antitr (.'Lettt3, plaiatiti'. 1 haive saized aîaad talinlai exeat.it ah tle ittorest wlich tlue smid Co-.iiwall Fani- well, deieaised, nu lis lite t1iau, miai t the lianc of' Il ammid li i n t lihuit e.tuiaa juarel on tramLet ai laiuîd, belaaP throcqa èesu' miareb h suiasse more orI.ut, hing compaîseat of part of lot nuiniier fftae nmlathie sec.ond Coteession of the Towiasiip o!fl'ickeriie- conunaiieiamg wlaere a post tans bcia pleled'at a distmace o! two chaîineLhity sem'ea imia hlmai!liiaks ouisa course inortla scvîts Lwo t, udue ouait !raîa thIe sotattia cest ingle ail said lot. rîmllutace nortla, sv- etity four ýc.green, Emamt t.wo ehatts aevenaî iîakA, i, miae nortlaimixtevu doîrreema, wcsit tlarce chaitm aand tweni>' Ibe llîaks more or lati totbe soîath sadJoeto the puablie roaâ, 'rhenae nonlia westerly mloug t.lemoaîtlà sde uf 1h.emid pamîtîle nosdtwa citulaistanit neveut links. 'rheice somth, six- teci dogrmes et, lhreeetitisatsnmd flfty aine liniks iore or lems ta thie plaic u e gof 1 naug. Alo iai tiat certiain perce! or tract atenf st itited, 1yitig and t'iug ini the Village ut' O*ha- wu, iid boimg cona poued of m part ut lot. No. ten ta te 2nd Coaa. of the Tarwntihipu! taÂit Wiiit- b>', and buttedud bounded as !loliows : coin- ntecicng lia front o! thmuidCouasoa ut tîae distantce of oîe chaun ftty links on ai course net th, sevout>' four degrees.onaslfrom Ialo saoutai West angteiof!seid tout tace niai-lb sevositý fviîr de oem aist une cliauma fltty links, 'r cstosc not-thasaxteeta degrees, west an. chiai» sovetl one links, Themace samth seveaml>' feur degrocs, wuot onu cliia ift>' liniks, Theuce soath isitîuen d0111esweetolndshaandsenoaat>'ttheneon, on the said det'endaute estate or aatcost therein, i smlal fer tir sale at Paublic Auction as JoUPFas, vtz ;-The irst dencribed tiare quartunsof mu acre. oia the premnies et Dudfia's *Cruuk, ýou Monda- ise. Twenty tlird day of Aprl, 4, 1D. 1860, et taie hour o! Teno'elaeka.mn. Aiidtlse test dea.eibed outhe preiimesat ostaawa au Manda>' th. Twenty Ilird dia>'of. Aprit, A£D. 166t), at the haun oft Twa oclackp.ia Slituiff. C. 0. j:r C, Nourse. Blaeiff'tt Office, - b & W-td. Wiltb>', Jaan. 21, '60, Statlonery of all Kinds. 1F'OR SALE AT TOONTO AND MON. A.treal pri-les, sahe Chronicle Office. W. IL HIOGINS. WVitby, Jau. 19, 1860. Xory, err- Chbimts f - AsgPsder , Bi"s land' ultaui RaisiWu, rest, Citt'tians! Lemon Pec, kwotn Ea«*, _ Miaatard, ?bbamàoea, sjc., ç Tirsre t PAMOT PIPES, Wheat, Peas,1 BRICK BUILDINGS. Mù àa LITERARY PRIZES. A s a slghtI mskowledgnment o! the. liber- al support exteuded lu bhis cffante, as weil as fromp a deuire le encourage-in hov- ever a iimited a degree-a tasle for litera-- tare amangat thae neadens o!flthe C/t ,onidle, lime publishen untimates iis intention o! of- ferung annuat premiamus for original literar>' productions, lu prose sud verse. fhe final distribution o! premiumu will take place ou Tucaida', lime finat dit> of May naexz ans will b. awarded as follove; PLUtT PnI.. 2OFor time best original Esmay ou lime;h Count>' of Otino, the advan- tages o! its geographical position, ils settie-ament, progree, muid nesoarces. t~~flFor time beit originail Esea>' ou 2 lU EDUCA'rîoi--embracingelfedu. W sati n sd physical education. THIRD PRIZE. $5Fer lime besl original Essa>' on Neyeo- FOURTUPRamES. $5 For time best origiat Essa>' ou CouR- TESY. A Cap>' a! tie Semi-Weekiy Chrouicle, for ane year (postage free,) for time beel original Antimem On SPIIING SIXTE PRIZE. A copy af lime Weekiy Chronicle for oe year, <postage free,) for time second besî orignal Anîimem ou ptie JUDIS. H. J. Macdouelle sq., Mayor of Whitby.. John Siien, Esq., P. L. S. &c. R. J. Wilson, Esq., Barrister. il. J. Gunu, Esq., M. D. R. Checicle>', Eq., M. D. Competitons mutI send in their produc. tiofis under seat ho lthe undersigned, on or before the 151h day of Aprit nexl. Each Emysa>ad.Auhem 10 beara mollo, sud .t b. aecompanied b>' lhe Dame sud ad-. dres of thimwiter, wvitim lie motto on the envetop6 enclosing tlimame. The sevenal Esaye and Antheuis ho be- corne tb. propent>' of lime publismer. Competi tors for time second sud hb"d, prizes w b. confined ho persoue-meidiug la lime Count>' of Ontario. Tihe fourh, flfhh and slxhh prizes, ho b. exclusively confiues! ho lime Teacimeresuad jppils ulimthi. eCouuhy. W. H. HIGGINSf Chroniole Offie Whilby, Jan. 19, 1860. Crown Lande Department. XrTOTICE la hereby giron thattho lots lu the. owîshlp et Dsnblgh lurear oL-tbq eoamn- Yoront.na,U C wfb.ùbeu fi aile Où adafter tl,. T;WgkIY-TRID of 1NEXTI For 1a.ohle lots*. ad 'onditions of sale' pm>'waleiifaerry, 14;jCirowýtau AgetahTauwortb lu tme. towiielap of Shof- flts, ôouty tAdntm Ail ~litm!tas cati sud e~iiti Ait kinda ~ tlae > bire hie labor ol ohhers. a t tIi lowestlIiviuig-pridci. 4*Oaeb, oron p ttimeîa'dmes ~rodcetak en b exciange. DONOVAN91 OR C~#EÏA_ A RPME oEburbua obg 0 le±u~4 o othir fried id~tc '1Ù~htti> hav Bmovd o ailaw!a No rio 'tk3kJ,i Brook'w lce M h 'a 'utotheir A-LARGE A4ND WEL 5,4U DSTGK 1el-~TNçk0F or 1- TOBACCOS. Black sud Green of the Choflet Bi3amdti. avrjad8ou COFFEESI. Heu ols! Java aiCle ADonaluga. Lgradilni asn, fea ~ '~ ~a Canadivd Vitroal, Letmbu nud OringeJ museuvadc., Ycltow, Uefluaed mnd Ca ustaed. Spic co Pickles, 8aiU&O # Sy>'nps. cidtsh And eveiv dcltciptioii of Feamtail'roics$, wIc it ictie're doteruiid Ita'sei flaJUllO'e- luwes prifl for tém eh or haitiamtry Praîduce. - J. S. DONALDSON & . ~I!Lt... T- - a inn.-. * I. ONLY $7T OR ONE I- - SINGEII'S CELEBIIATED SE.WING MACINES W ARE-ANTIP ta'btî~Salia lu ci: rsetustae osin C*T M) -Sin9er & (a inutire Stiat, fin $11 v.. 1t imuu eiitdtmim mami v. uait »Snaeîîlreme i:amclaîaae, ' witch patnt teuther Cainta ho utelc-'l witiîoamt ohl. Sa-amedaad i gt,t14eetioaato uai"g mele mua- Chiues betore, owlaîg te lime oil oîhîaib]vW itii t ilè imoh mdJas cig liidit.t.' galle-rs.; Thuese uucilues lare as ttmotatexceptiona the bush aadd ikupamt Wsatinffcactd ion atie lu ia ft.&ti. PRICES.: No. i MACHINE $75., Nô. AHIE~~ No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND IMPROVED, $(5* I have received uaaîaeruaus tem.timomaiials frnua lIol aaud Slaoe Manufhctiiibrs;ýTailori, Draim» Mmulç- crst, Privamie Fiamilhs, uti, rd oilierm, Who ire iutiig Bm>' Mticliie>-mli unîe lu recomiendimag tliem l'or geameraul mie. 1<ead the ftiltowitag caatificmtei%, waitmen lai'the t*o M ta antd ubtxteaaa.iVo l3..t uand Slmo MamuLictirers iin Cmîmidi. Moutreail, Dec. 1859. MuraDec Ihi WC taurce pleaismre i beiiriiig îestinaoîav tu the WC have used seven of E. J. X le. «à i coumplete warkiiag of the Mactiaacsmaaial'mcîm- liille>b iiý oua' fittur>'for tae puOYIt, ionts cd bU' Mn. E. J. Nauglua, linviamw lied tlirce in aise atau huve nohesitmlioîa ina iaaylthâlJit tlmey otre in fort eh tust sixmoiths4. 'rly ore of Siagr's ey.ry ret3lmuctuViyl 191119 1aottpprpvedAaucrw Paitternanmd equimil.o»any of' our titquuuuce mjcci aiin mzs- lumbiwe boveevrtl ut b.kimd. BROWN & CIILDS.* CII' S, SCHQLU & MES. Ail commiunications relative to Sewiig' Machines, etc., must be prepsi, as nou*- others will bu roceiveda E. J. NAGLE, ANIUNSEWmNîo MACHINE TALInE , 265 Notre Damne Street, Monitreaml, é. E. Fatory aver Bmrtley & Gilbert,'& Canal Basin; montreai, C. E. 9w0' J~. wcEI.~ I - IN ALL ITS BRANCHES On lime pi-emisea hretoforeaoccalpied b>' Mr. N à,onllMary St sund Bri 6kSîrcets, where be le icas'meherelofore, ho execute 40 his cane.ý AL1L WR ARAT ýLiTJfBhPR-nZ PROJUCBTAXEN L&T RXCH.NGB,ai.-. D. FQRDS long experieuce ofthtbry yàadl4îi,epnýi'cIs States aud Canada haie giron that exoeirce lnu: é#ery .braiic o tew have been able to arrive at, ans! for .beauty- of desi, n, elegano ans! selidt>'of vorknianship, bis iwork-càujnotl> e led .., ~ il K ir ' le n. lIe. ,wu avd te 1>' 00.' eau, M , but 1 eps coke ho e eeoap- I ors 1 mors anu al in er 1< .4 1 1 vv nitt)yl january Y,, im. Il

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