Whitby Chronicle, 4 Feb 1860, p. 4

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labo mtade opat simotmue fr Ansi- S o5 ewsd assi Kin- du.er deniers' fr ein t soces IP. in. FI UMLSFrou tiO' et Off Apel. ýtri for Us-et Erilin sasIW eter. stage eoil'. ýtndesi fr Esrope sheuisi ho pornO. 'cisek A. M. oin oniys tATION 0()pLETfEliSThe ugltrtistt, 6e addttiffle9a*50peo' slu thse Iltàd Stte,, ( peetoge eldaleo>ied er i0geOons *aI la' -Bd per 1. t0e çat1e= ,umsud nisyhoeregkai e.ld iteess. 48 arc *4pisstobc or reolve en 8tu o ted aid bc "-- aifens enLerpam i1uJildtur taLo Neooc- o hoeBritirshwo.tai- lis, r oenploon ltes'sd sse% $i> d esois OFÉICE NUUIS.-Wobdavs. frsm, . n Se?7 P.iM. Sas'st riO teIOA.I. pestag Eîtasspesan rh esead ttIs Pet Whiltly, /Affel, 1859.OdaI13W. DENTISTRYI »ENISTRY! - E.jones, M.». Barge onDentiot,&C-9 ffTINS hl soe c lsks le tise ellisesa R b"Wlti&ty andt -cluits, fr the vry littoal iarcgs ed dte hin lAhierofosaOies- tlsudmid hsDabie ttste lino feilly compla- toid hlm s vseel neierte osstupatts 'ét hlm protesaie, in -lse Townset Whtby.- »Xsê mseaSod eon Gls, Plstln, Cheoplileo motels. &c. Toth 5104 vîwtis JWG OLD AND) STANIEL Fou", -M~ AU oelia sldmeeseiteoth. PûbIlitbo, -luii th. Ipanetesly attiMd osit. CIRCULATION, SCIRCULATION of thse CHiOONICLE le Thanthiat,,of'ay ot.her local Paper iu the Province, and Thse circulation-of ail the other papersin. the County.of Ontario united. WEEKLY CLIIOiNICLE - ONLY Dslq pû ûQïe ohQ'pe' qItqh. uss )WIq, f., eeley ed DrZO .; PE--]NTISTRýYe 09,. C. .JEROME, Surgleos Il»Uat, ae. xthes SEMI-WVEEKLY $2.50 FER ÂANNUMI. Thi Chroniclo in the Paper te, 7 Advertine in. BR1TISI[ REVIEIWS. 0oco tinetepbLmi54isefolow- s 2. ra EUSUaU MonIsw (Whig.) TU£ NOMISMS U îS avsaw (F4e (Jiurci.) - 4. nm auwvmunuauRvisw (LiboraL) us.AcwoW& mm moa suuAezmàc(Tory.) -pesiedisal abis' represent thse th poaitiomipeetes.off Gret Bri- tain Tbrm uid llsi-but poli- j . ivis oeth. shove Goods%. dret front dis Xagisokot sel.., snd ut, ssi08 as 1eà ssy5 hu lu tiotmrde Wt otMgntre. ON aALE,, Afg advael,i" fIut ýGeeda lepl eoustaslyoest as. . g. CüôuOFIE as c. ON8SA LE,, a frn~et e aS oe pl i nde e of cres, sud a * oriteke Lqur, Choicesbrandis Vin- L l. sCIIoFIELD & Ce, 3o erea.oetOd Rectiflil Whtslcey tro rlppowa. O N S A.LE, A choiceesnd'full amortisset cf CroekeeyCea Ulmasssd rths nwae. L. ii. sciIOFiELD &Ce. 6*Clests Preuh Teas from 213. 3d. tô e 0& Sdpr lb. 27 l9oîei Tobm.ô,o from le. to 2s. Od. per IL. 4 ]WeiÂnsoriom Grey Cotton 40 RBoi..Soap. 10 R3oxes. 0anides.- 36,ïCaska of Liquor. 2001 Rurrela of, Salt. 10 larrela of Xerring. L. n. scItoFiELi) & Ce. the Test 1860, tetidiere te tho CASH- SYSTEM, Whil i yl enahis them Se sii mach ehenpor, sud give pgesa t6ssctisu. L. Il. 8CIIOFIELD & Ce. T0 L1È T. I sute sf1, Tou, e eutloy. Apply te the pçeprietor. L. Il. SCHOFIELi). A oT.tsa thst ses intlebted ttto stheobsri- hLbors stlier b y N.te or Bokiosi eeett. yl saili after ibo Pitot day ef Jamary, -1860, sut psy tlteir rspective aSueuote. L L ~Softeld & Co. lVhithy. Janunry 2, 1860.-, 18-iy Crown Ilan Dprtment, Quebec, 16/A Docèneber, 1859. T I Flande la the Townships ef Aylwiu ,tnd Ilîmlse, essssty of Ottawa, viii ttc Spotsfor sale fer actuel settlstueut, ou and ater the 101h jIuiext. ForMeisftet lots snd conditions eofsle apply to Robert Ferle',EqrCen us Agent, te Wako1w yd, Emtoirerwusy. 82-is-a w AuslantConmisiuner. SQUAR TEPR T IIE nuderlgned hits a large qusutitv et alh kîndsof$8quours 'ioîter on ban, lileh le wiul dLsýpoes, t u littoral terous10 parties rs- quinn li t e t. ~l iction, I by lette, (post paisi> te les JAMES I. OANPBELL, 80 4io.A A hbrP. 0., . W T ST ldouresd Pbe igelitianto teiI T Fris dle ud te lPutti , csl ttho l.. pon an OffIce fso (Le ( YFe i-.IUN 0il F Dm e tîsor lsoiseab. PasOis potroting hIsn uitis Cemisus5eins vîlI aud tior lutareats punctalîs'attaesi te. Divlelsia Court Coilociona pa4'tcqlyruFIr- quested. < ARTBUR HÂWES. PA. itforçnoos itiils' penited tetSleorge ImpO asm K"uisssiT. C. -llob, su ad G. non H. FcntsEqoirus. lAndaayý November 100h, 1859. 48-3us CARRIAI E- 13 TJIL DERSR ANP ANtIF A4JTtRR8 Op. BOKSTR£eT, JVIITR Y TIuE subsctiber 'eies (Inra the public that tbey'have opened business ln Eo. thepromises for n rvy sspied hy Mr. Ira R Carpeuter,- sltuated lu Brock Streetà. Sut Ema of tIe Bank, en i ; opposite the Mrket building, whe they are prepa red to aupply al Who favor t m ewith a coul, witb eveî'y article in their fineofu business Thse subscribers are practicol and competcnt workunen of, long ex erieuce, snd as thcy. devote tho entire of tiseir own labor to their business, they cau produce articles othbetter w rkmnanship, of greatcr durshilit3', and more eleganuty flisishtd, sud M-AFriO'RD TO SELL TIIEM CHEBAPER,- Than th ose Who have to hire the lnbor of sthcra. Ail articlcs sold at thse iowest livintg priceo for Cash, or on approvesi creulit. Plesse oeil and examsine. MIl kindsof ut ls nhc d farinera produce talion lu exuhauge. Ail wsrk wrrantcd. DONOVAN, WALIKEY & Co DIRE CT FROM THE 9a£ ______ 11 ZY i fl 35 Boxes, and 50 Caddies Tea. 20 BoisTobacco. 650 Boxes Raisins. FBUM LAKE IIERON AND PUEStQU' ISLE. 25 flarrels Salmon Trout. 50 Barrols White Fiali. 25 Barrels Round and Split Hri~~ 10 Barrels Labrador Hlerringe.- Table Codftsh. OYSTERS EXI>ECTED IN A FEW DAY S. FURS AND BUFFALO ROBES. ~Als ag--ii td-'itions toour Soc - in ailits brat'ches.eM We wonild cau tle attention of the lovera of good TEA, to our large stock, as we feel confident it caninot bc surpasscd. LOWES & POWELL. lirock Street WhiLby. November lOtis, 1859. 819. Teas ,2s@ 6d@ per lb.', -AT-TIE- TEA & COFFIEE WAIIEIIOUSE. Just received, direct frorn Portland, a lot of Freshi COU AND HADDOCK.s HAAUILTON e ROBERTSy N. B. est will per cent per annum. xx- 23 II. Whitby, January 13, 1860. 52-w *R9CEMES AUlADWB -:0:- sa-a z PUBLI Tue YANKEE NOTION To - BRIOCK.9ST1U2ET S STARLTLIr<G' UT tRUe Saurvivo cor Perlis. ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F SINGEII'S CELEBRÂTED SEIIING 31ACEINES. w AP.iVNTED teol le ssC i îcvs.îc stsaniei inI. MSigerCo.i.Islits VV t .t i s-,sc#.s ls tti ssss'stossst ;'.'slis -e itsisisse siiels Tt is estliiltse are Not'ittst stso ,H-,bst tstsss tis i l'or - c, i Canadaî. PRICES No. 1 MACHINE $75. N.,. 2 -MACHINE $85.1 No. 3 MACHINE, LARGE AND I\!PROVED, $r.5. i itve reet-ivotli tstertstso tes-ijtttssttisiN frotin 1mt nittt it s :tIsit-'>tu,,II Taiior,ln-uIes ose, iris-.sls, Ftstsiits,, sandittms-s ho tisssss, 5isits itlstttio-isttstesstiile t isss tr 5eses-llel ts. iRensite isiistissrtilica, w rsit5o5t ly t t- lie tsan td mset etettis ov liot osnd $lieu ssssiitttstintCigulasis. 1 Ils-sL, lise.i. M"itis-etI.Déc. 1859. Setske pleosîsce ils -tit. s-ttstsi-ttis e t ioe iilJtstttof E. J. Ntsseis-'e Setils0 eusssîls-tte tsîtittt -fuse ssisîttou'Mait.stfartes- Nhj-- , - ,isui- t iesi lV istsItt clixonttis,, esl ly Mn. E. J. Ntsfes, listtiitts, lissa it-trints se si llst, e;sissl ss i stt l ttStseytstit os- tse lect ssossssîills,. Tistirse 55 ttgt--'s -t--îlr-t 1st-,ithiets.ttttltsedsAinesr- Passtern-t, sîssi s1sssteusttsv of' strt.cy tîsostiss-s iviMsait s--l' tistit COwusots, svero lis oftle uti. IOWlN Il CIILDS. s1 1 I ', SètLlES & AMES. Ail commc atiisions relative te Seuiîg Mecîsins, (x., iltssstbcjrepaisi, as noue others wyul be rcccivcd. E. J. SAilLE, CA~.Ni.x't SFi-s tCe Y s ssci: s.i150L 55r 215NoseD.soaicStelt, otr, C . E. Fetolry o' u t liY & Gilhtst'e te#issîlIlR-suie, Mfossirs-l, C. E. 50sss-45)w 13 NOS te sitnotittcste isis stuloss fris-iti4 anti cuos tors tisaI ho is uow cers'ing on itis extensive isssincee CAItLIlAGE X!MAKJNG, IN ALL ITS BIZ.%NCiI;.,1 Ou the r-stiis-solss-seilti-oe occut0icti tic Mr. X. liÂT,i it-y Sires-tbetwcen Byront tind, BrsocisStrtit, toiture lis o arojr s l siseretofore i eoctle ail eiders intrusted te hiss are. CAIII<AULS, BU(t ESSLLLI->, CIE lei~'ltitbufaoSiced sands Slt ut tise Ls-ct siie-li LU.lBi- ,ttssî JtPRODUCE TAJs7I:W IXEAuffIAI1i'etai1MAI D. FO)15S lsong tops-rit-stce oet iiiriy 3cs in 5th is st-t tai M States tui sst istda tsigis ostlsteS o-c î)t.,iessce i o-ry -m.st tf th, fs-w haseb be to t aii ve sr itt . îsa nd o ibat oe ssetig- s- ofu asts olidsty e of roetststisiii itises uent esessîsol bu oxcel: an Clicd ce e cîsetn.. FRESH FRUIT AND NEW A1RIVALS CHRfPISTifl AS AÎND NEW ïEA R-#1 lYcNllau's mWholesale & - - une Ln auOs 1i5t5500 is' 025. M ose 5 o.Unue c a au samuet- A_ or thea met uso&iund HI~tih8 ~ y f IE gb e rstît e îrihens i ee tgl t a is' e lof e tsir ienste andeisscuomers,eilends-it it tises- Stinse- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ TUW su O'M5'YM rtn o .Imeukoaîs Tisclitîsettlnote Nitilieen New Bs- k 5Bloc, llrock Strseet, ulsîro i e istt' s.îted i'o ~s' ~ w Stylesn cet Ls, tue, alt y , r LCNII UTOESIFRTI ddWon te ttin ly 't' pla5'uet« - AanLARGE AND asWELL'*vSrLECTEI) STOCK 0FRFvi tes ta the "tfeus .0titu, a c lni ieacsie us hmuaworl etlo10c Ott!a countryesututti. et lýt Cs4 st isacarantlîorathe F sais roept0isola Coc diaucoin- mOE8.dfeiti igisusaasdS ila c uGreoftec lotklae ien ndS kng 750tssl oaewar. i re inaac h . tstdylhpre t asa..à t, f5. 17iW W uaauak ~ e> cmiinov Wlalty 3re~7e mme bandt&. bout uclien Westar. ÇOFFEE8, E I ,s ER.--aidtn0, Viby, Y 800h, 185. £cai l iJavaasu%. te Domingo. u- r anti Vaeneia RalýdelîtFige audssi"resut,, BI{OCK STREETI, lâiLTBY Il su* eae1T6ES les-anc.In ~caudies i C'rois, Leson & ang eto ei, ç;sruraity one*ofJthe fourOeEÎewb.. pfer0lusoSuedo, eltlo>lkeand Crisoheol, Ch a ese. klw 6 Isw'yrapo. oct' lE u s îbr eci- , Fer nytheeof ttor e ve -t oNEAnsiovo decrpt tnof ls' ins. Iesc, wahich thcs'artdsOoraststed te b i &thd w" -c iveaid is lù%,il, dii idW . 0 slakn@fWt7ýeOr h efor't m co "oeR'ie-. 5 00 MMSMOYJ asuit Fergjus Mj. r I Co àgiysioîa Wi:kyt anuary 2,184---- e tAcit 4..esand i a s eRz IIetobanSa and ])-,4 t- j " Aa.. 9od rata.o1.npotu- estr> eBajIrooid andns- Il 'IH g. ec-&t- - O SAKI eui winoe I1d00 G0a. ut ~, ~ ,P ¶ 7 e u ~ ~ i sitse . ti0mr I .-e A/ V IL ]R I.,> ' a --' t S t e.gtmtv oe-- ut du&-oodO d, 'lo* ai - s- - s-.flOe or i BI t' -i Gunpowder, 4o op t ue ddff j'4; m ý"Wâb l -l sdShtts, on wiicilsLime ~igran!tmg exclusive vilee. - estesring à,LT h o a.givm lsfurelig approvoîl cuoisei- urtepo eu Cs-8 ciaisios- olses- Souchong,Rc, *Âbe tries-le snôkeaesefpred segulatiug suces'.co isieMisineses cMT. Il.MeCMILA. or bundslor. doiilg ans'thiug ten- conouO. Sugar.-liaf a ~~lPcecoeia Am~ssaas Oi suT'Crib12 ib .?" lst.' uPmiiob.Oc.5 5si a cis-!'m mes-el>notifid 'jo reAt 15 Per cent reduction on vo ýsd 4à O- SOriiby, erdi l Mlgdibswwv b iu T bjC j" ù+ "owsu)id lm"n inALeu S Ud, and Iues ~ e jyhicsDar etofrescia.rgd.p-Tobacco or Smo] É'L'4 ý1Oo 6M le. à«t, U& h l àeow memm "ditket Gett4ltwe ia OTS oie-ciw ÏONTREIL ofG 025 mpie0e. tiseeuoticuedis - 40 NewTut " JIthe ctedM;'(SYRIJIS. Pickes aicty £sssusas0Pasker.Si JmuaamfSress, 4mm 30- chiou5. Nuov Yack or ruta n "tof ficend QsaeSymalsuc.e & ___ 3~~~~~nate ad o -d G E 0 Y LLE 5 g Bm i mat ce t ocs -God nas th rS rpqa is,& G,2 E O . YlJ-mLclit e ,mm @r.nTU M K fU M A n d ev ery art cl in th G . evrlaio Alu t hie e mâ palwis TELEGILPH tiS o580 WI fPirt UIofc avALMA& teLA 3* EMOM. CALIL AND EXA -4. e -d r.1 Lg ii. W as, m5u. g IIOLLOIVAY'S PILLS. T' lIE itisttts of thois e'àt --ssd s r osttdur-tel se ivritîcît hy oest-xssssst, ttc esets des-listfes0m Ofss-i-,esst'50Ilitttio, bt i tttoss i . psition ote. l-sslîsiolegfr-ont theo jio u-fît cosiisrs -st recorsd, thse like of 'sliellIt teeil m bie il adsdittd uiiistoor u y dtsso,e0 y vtitoît 5ttCsilicetntabegon. Billions Disorders. lit, wltteser rnI -ss teesus, 55000eh-atle Jisi lu cplied andsl sterstttiiti-s5 t y tseeei 41istic -.110dirxcitiiitlo cutretive. Let tliseetik, cithit in setlty Isaveelos 0.1, coust v sttith t-se 1 ît tts-crilg liit s iît gets, niu s re-itiouste ssit, nel-iiytttli bue lit:tsssrsîgressit. Dyspepsie. Tis e -otO scoisrge utftit, cutitteis i ledit'e'ivcssorp.c-sss-s st reeios-es tetis,, ct otte ; rîo tic tqe 18sht ie ltIlis, Isyds-oofr. eo , i teiself, thtkee, isst'tt cystint.. Generul DebiIisY end Weeknuo Fs-ont, vitevcr estts-, lssiitïeeoo iijs. all otlieor sigtt ofuts, dccseed liei, laid tl'ttttisietosits teiYsts, vtttit tisdsî es-sdivaseig iilit.ettee etf tiidsIIpuwerfel amp-lesstt dets-reit re-esss-sy Sickly Femnicus Slîsii bos0.4ettieininst 55tyiug a tots -Ome ICst . tu thti-r stsi it ctt, tOmu tattetu stIis-!iii ssii zersiii itî tt hIer disetgi îtsý ts,, e s- l',t is tli hsut is-esssiets. IIoiZsscsi'e l'il.are t es e st .ei eesy nss-ismj Asthtmes, .les Cottspiil, t2osi:is, f tICotlitsst ieic, tisisssDYspe'sin, ti,rlsosy, I t.sliitv, tsss-odil gtte, C 1Istflsssssoîiis, I twsss-îi Wkiss-e, iser sissLtssow e s .f C1iriis,, 'iir3, toile ins , W'ct-sîsttîin a.sessVise !crsATN-Neitcaoegseîutits, th ot-s-t. Ie2ttttys1îslotS, asti £ss asre, tiio-r'sile vsotae itesr-ms- t socya tise booos, slircoeet o rtssssd cseispot es-bs te ssinessssy b lesîiisiy sesosby oissiiill 14, th, liVAI.. A tsssslsdssoc ewarswiii ttc S uy une3 t itdecig esssh issisrinsseliesi ledte Oie ili-t4ottots of itSty bsn, or - em-tttsssrfsitissg theiti tsdstitss, or tsssdis0 ssssit, htttstgthitelbho puriss. sld slitishe Msttissestocy s-f Prof 60st 'tsNv O ilsidsss Lsa:ci Netw Yor ssl ssii cpebesîsssiis1rugite s andl i)oers is Oi cissu tiisrtsgsot tIse Unitedi Statots aslttt,,i ited wl sad, isilhoxsut i25 e, 61 ronta set :.éTheorc. k ssessilosesvitsg hs tIse larger ecie--. iii cs-sssy d s,l-sor are tiltOiti tteettititboxs. PUIIFY TUE SLOWS. liothit's Lite rils and Phoean ii Frece freesuail Minuerai Poise. s-lt Ii.~11Sllr,. C[ItEG A.'t .'PIUIltTY WîîICHN' ng Prices. tstittsd u tt0s5teeiftssxiaosia oeisstsii hv tieir u5ie'reisîers lt il setestr tielst-stis-iterits-istoeprtit.lcsista 1RKET pp. ICfi'& tf limneieisl s-is-tsîes or piroperfiçft.l: îîsg beh osî sre liai tmwoîty yessttferctte sîsiufactoris ettise lie, cuti Iaviîsg ,thse ssnitoed teetiio*-of i seo busines s -hidh itisttres iionusuf' pers-ettite ie S ,ffintish. dur.sbiiiy rlîtsr-sul Sssî tieeîsjyssest of pos-fectl isakî tileît,tlt its beliesiii t thosir reuttietsis heet «Leetbe ie sdis-iîse nsonshofore ftie pu aiîils îof ttliq) tsvte. lu shîsseot et-es-yCity v illege is thse United Statoe@, tiserosarcsssetsy ar e aey te teu;tif3' le tiseir eiiacy il.n ette dseusttte, snd givilsg te tiec hole syateunon ~~~~io aFs n'trtd Iseells. ,SIF1 wls sece roftla, Ulcere, Sous-vs' or£ ~ ittîts aifise otits. thesopjeestieu ftte lUts denstoss tcely ,etoiielisi, ofteon no-tg 's GOODS tin (l s', et-es-y eie liitîthse.lostiise teses, ly tisuir 1tititg olocle en tse hloc roes- stti AgilseDOisîeiDrops-, ilsi uisort, misse l I isees, Aon. ioldto i] ut thoneas by Olusie tisîsely s'c mucheangee Prûýaredbl W tttEl.rATi, M. D., BUFFALO MEDICAL DISPENSAI aSTABLSUssu nit vuS CUita OF DjaRpqnsa, Gênerai eNl ilsz, Piter and~4 Setufst. 1a OUVlée- e, s Sliospssciijtf~ S.eu Riesos, Pietse, Fdlsttld, Pi ïl is Debititsj, lsiedin fo epetàaimdelte DR. AMOS & SON, (osites1oOr Mità5;ANOcQUAI' eam, BeFFAL, IL A lHE TI1E ON LY liIYSICIANsS IN T STA'TE selseas-e ttseîtters et dia 10. (Ntiiege et Sur-geonse, Lessstoc, usay bhosu)t f1riîs8t s'e5ssi fl is corusîsg ioutsilOstai lunos-orys'ttige sand synUtItit i Disose. Tie trcslmtito e y- isa'ciejt le tie rociteti ward etfti y ensa'ettensu ad ssteomeftuli1 tire iiin eudoti. The masO invoter-stocase, Di'sessc radiessted inis8or 9 dai-e, and oset aseligisl nature ini2Sur à doyu>,lt sasmoderato i pause.'Tiso cars ollecled i ttit oonflseid or Isissresses from intetts. vos.' E N TsAs vKE PARTICULAS sert MMTisre il;au os-il habit monsotintea sldsiged os' no, in luaitudeo, stesigcigm sp1t-i theîn toa sselsuisul wiici.,itast cefu lu duetfinie, noly bgtssrions obtale5 il eoiteisidiaseestu iotac Fcw oet tisewlu gis-e wms'te Olia péatIn preetice ses sware of the couse 30 [y recip of und thsenervessystea 0J reSpt Of tra suad unemcussattlosososetîmta,sus"TV lludioog: fisss stthsesuind.1 An insetrumet fertn s crs #t geîlidDeh «runNcetoums isisil morase pr ees'kluO m %iin.1 5esu skem, &e-. sasoq pabel e uft tisaistOrumtet, ceesied eei'jeluly' ,saedicîs.. Dr. Aniseleotile opleanae sol iu n 'othat the'hbaves iccestesi a nSO sasï scrumittu fer the elisofethie aboyVa dàamuusl.q limliL* e heesi s lsjooted te a teetthe .ussamwi * W1UU9 ~is'el inl London, t nP" P s ecm I=seu ct laverc vluc AdSr eue t SomiliWnakceua, or auy dimssooff geabaei es-gais., eSami hs' o iie scu a 01db yaath. ah.d aMd Dr. Amaen& Souï in erder to 41610* cm lil tMay'proveoteaslseoy a f ou miSS kù U m ony vll bhosudàsd7 ls îareing91 okn d tastuestlin ad er. PT""ea wÉslg misove uebfl IMaSUU-d Wiin elere " priésea. vh hemao ar ing dbenoei 6 ml - l et on t M11à ma WA t etOum bt »Vr Oc A.*'oab< fAiiUfsO - 4 I *1~ - -a ?~.- '< Ail accotints over due inter- be citarged at the rate of 101 .11

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