Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1860, p. 1

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1129m"'1IO AUI tLii oft-Ray ther "à tiy pipbll.bed lu B4TE1 I 0 yhETvxum l x WEEELT. -N opqwpr wlll b.-di*Sllcuaed antil $1 Airrer- ige airo -pald up. -Ltier. leîo.ing cul%, If reglaaei, 's Ili b. t 5h. r5sk cf the Publisheér wheon stiresis W. R. HInàNa, Wlutby, 5J...W OOAND JOB"' I~NT 1N G zEiiTAD LISME NT. rl i Ml ltOI> ITOiI0FTRE WII1TBY 'asYoc"would roispeeU'liy Inforint the PuM~io isat itehlioa.procia d ome of thé most uüee style# îcf Type Wrom'Naw York ýanti oth. o, Fusadrles and lo. prepsêreth te xuet BOKAM»'JOB PRINING os .vevy deairiptlinl iuperlor style andi - with dspatch, at tle iowea.t relliuaîoratiing Vin.rt-cla sPreide*-aiti l'rinting Macilnery, 1_aon lxa l s ors. hBis, and ssîmilir desir- tt4.SYiof Prîntîîsg furaala.lad wit!ilu ahit liur 10f W. il. IIOGINS, 0oaaeOffice, Wbitby, Ci. * ZACHEUS DURNHAN, Co~UE0 THE COUNTY & IIUJROGATE (Jîr.,Office lit the (2oirt Ulnissqe. I NlqFLtON G. RLEYNqOLDS, S 11LERIFF. W- OFFICE AT TUIE COURT flc a ,,.,. 1 JOHN HAN PERRY,9 R ÀiSRA.OFFICE.- ON 1311CK ST. Ho J. BIACDONELL. CLERK OF TUE PEACE. OFFICE-AT ci ,4Court Ilîona. JOHN V. HAM, CLEBK 0F TuIE COUNTY COURT, AND JlKEtraîr cf thie Ssirrogate Court. Office at h EnJ<egstry (>fflon, Brook Street.1 W. PAXTON, Jr., TREASURER. OFFICE AT TuIE COURT H. J. MACDONELL, S LICIToR, & <2LERK OF THE CQUNTY 'sCoiteail. O)ffice at thse Court Ilise. i JOHN SKIER, U OUKTY ENGINERJ. OFFICE AT TIE Court louge. L. FAIRBANKS, CLER FIISTDIVISII>N COURT. OFFICE cat tihe Court flion.. JOHN GORXDON, I NS>EC of Nt' ElIGHThS &iMEASURES for the Coatiy tf Ontasrio. W. I. TREMAYNF., '3AURISTEII AND COUNTY CRUWN ÂL> ttorney'. offie-i na&riaiull'a New Brick i4ok-4W"ieonfd Floor. 10i CAMERON & MAUDOMEI.L, I3AlttsrRI S & ATTORLNEYS AT LAW,1 SBolicitorm teu 'nsty Conceil Ontaro.- s'Oflice nit tise Court llotig-SBoutla Wing. GU ~RGE H. DARTNELL, BARIISTER, ATTOIINEY, CONVEYAN Bcer &c. &c. office over J. M. Duîildmon &coo. YlIrdw!aire Stiru, Brook Street Whitby J. V. IhAN, ARIIISTER-AT-LAW. OFFICE-BROOK B1> Street, Wiitby, C. W. 1 S. B. FAIRBANKSq, S(lî0IIT0Rtý NOTARY PUBLIC, &». c. Oshsawa, . ' N. G. IIA-M, T)AIIIISTER AND) ATTORNEY-AT-1,AW. A>Otlce-oýppos4ite the Jlcgi.try Office, Brook ,TitpuT 419G1STRAR, MASTER EXTRA. ../rluiyad exaine1ir - isainoery for 5h Capt"oOltario,Broek-st., WhIîtby. 47 t-ATTOBNICY, &o. Offce- tâ trect,(opp KAýITO ENRYSi& COUNSELORS iv LAW JW Wng, Mlineseta.8 !' STEEt, OSHAWA, CANADA ~Kws. . -17 laortm. LEVI PAUtANXÉ J. DIrIS-ON COURT. 'A GEORGE ERABÂZON, tolc BBrook, C. W.i RB T. CECILEVr j, l.,î URGEN '.O-TIIEi <OUSTY 01A)' SByron treet, Witby. ' OCAL DENTIST.-OF1qCE IN 1311CR LiSîreet, over J. Bigelow'H Store, and oppopilte tg le-Uegiatry Ollice. Ail operatioua warranted. N.stferonce, a fair trial. G. A. CARSON, il. D. fl IYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUICER, tt.e. Offie u d reaiduiae-Coatre Ilotol, WIîitby.-~ Pairtienilair ateaioîî gieîî te CI)ronie N. B.-Advlco to the poor every Mlonday, grai- tas 43. EAST WINDSOR HOUS1E, WHIIT13Y, îlRE above Ilotel i ýItaated in a pleasant and X retired partuof the Town, on the fronît ronîd. Goo.l accommaîodation for traivellere. (iood Statllnr and attentive ostieris. 22 JIJST RECEIVE», 1 obughlelm Coaaw,,.5u ftuilulis CtovaE 1r*xI> 1050 bashlo ia Tfo'y Szau, ltor îAiie low. H. W. W<ooDWARD 9 Commiss.ion Merchant, Diskt 1111011 ELITZ, rEACIIER IN MUSIC, TUIE JLOr an Piano Forte liairmony elîro g ram*su ad ailkindsi of Atn strninent4,le propaired tW lrceive ai lew mure l>upilâ ntait lci ,rlc, e'ieîe. 4r J. C. IIANCOCK, WBO0T AND 8110E MAKER,.Jf1 ,gLoMMERCIAL Building%, Broek-ast. fo %)Whti.y. Work inate to, order et acÀiàoud Mut.arÏa, atid Ihy exiy>erieîaced work- in. Al*o rtpitirlzag doue with neatueoi and Jelt'atels. - 3 W ALICEI & 1>A'fTES0N 1'UOP1RIE- Wtonh, coner of' Young sudl kront $troeta. 'foromt', C. W. 1 OA.KWOOD IIOTELI, AKWODI WBANKS9 PHIOlRIETOR. O Good accommiodaition for traivellers.. 88 HURON ]ROUxe VOnT WiiITDT, C.W. LLIOT SPICWLE, ROPRIETOR.- E Good Accommowdation~. il P. M1. CLARK, "ATB Gasi &00.9 IfRCHANT TAILOR, No. 74, KING ST LIWes't, Toronto.1' MIARTINPS (Laite Walah's) JIOTEL. IIF, UBSC IIAVING TAREN TIIF ford tihe be.êt accommoîdation tW the publie. 44 JOSEPHrNOURsEl, fLEIIK TWELFTII DIVISION COURT 0F C INorthumberland andi 1urhain, In..srue ,Igesat, Conveyaascer, &c. Adaress-Wilianis burgia, Lart Wrighat. ONTARIO HOTEL, B RYAN Jr, 1'OPRIETON, BROCK feotreet, wiitby. Good Stablisag aind attan- ti%.eOute. CANTON HOTEL, 'UFFINS CliIEEK lICKERING. GO<'D D acccnnnodatioîî tor Triaveliers.. NY. CUTHBERT, 4o 8m Proprietor. PRILANDER M. CLARK, I 1I TABLE, OUTYONTABIO, ly of the Town of WV iithy. J. W. CORSON, EM. D. F,-ORMEVY PIYIAN TO TIIEBROOK- of, Moeicîne; Liccnitate of Upper Canaada, &t. lic-sidence :-Marklîam village, one mile nortii of the Economi.t office. -BOUQUJET tSALOON. , 1 L;NDsàY1 C. W. BY. JEWETT, P'ROPI».IFTOI. CORFOIL- Bu table accommodation f'ur Traiveller.. 'Whitby, Jain. 21, 1857. A . KltiCE, CiÀBINET AMAKR PflO}ATERE, &é., 'JG(re,é Hall; lIy/U Otreet W hltby. IHa- perHsngi ngilyte, daukitsf-ob bin, udreal"ag of Furtitare itteuttot. Futitar eueul>'r 9mei RànUmLROAUD *"ýn WmeTul .IVtANE4os MANC ETER, rvlm h CIND XENGINEER. III..pWhltbM. -M txoAgent, Whltb 1 W T A1by.RO SR NRNRT-1KAN" M, riIolA9 EvÈ,*]t s i 0T1~., Pv, I baférre lais Meaaig ,no* lia noàaa.aio.~ 00355E or «ur T AI iEiN e EI A . "X,ýÉt niodation tu the taelx~pbi qo ob betErpathblel0si, otohany otheï -esttibIs ment on theA-naêriusw Continnt - P ERSONâ a atcfagoiaxe, eau bave the samne o1L applyiug to the.uaderslgneol ý0' WIii1 by Fountiry. Axes repaireti on the cnt m înotice. -Wsrrmtnted . tast teel. CLARK IlUTCHINS 1241a A xe.niaker. 1Wlitby. A SITUATION '$AXTEBD - - fY i young nain 22 years of âge, lé ea Swrite a gooti baud, antiin s wiliing to make bimaieli usefuia uay oapbicity. 72 Atidress C. D., Wbit.k>y 'PDst Office WOOIL OARDINGF. T E S ubsriberîs jreWe t do ail kinds ofm TWooI'Cuarding, Cotiî-Dressing, &o., uit his oid Establio;hi'nt, Pickering. Wool (;arding ait 2d. per lb. LEVI E. PIKE WhItby, M!ay 24tb, 3R59. MALT VINEGAIR. MU LATVINEGAR eu ow b. laai lu large1 ôo;nmahtquuntities, atthe W hitby Brewerv. 1 VINEGAI 9VINEGAR 11 rrIE ndeisgtid ftex leave te Inforn the he as now mnasfiattariaîg tinegar or a asPueror qalaity wicih lie lA.- jroparet te upply Whole- sale telslerchautiq sud others, ut greatiy reduced prie... Tii. 'raide iiberaliy dea1t whh. AI' irdcrs by mail psaactually atteuaded to. Adret4ATHAN MILLER, Whitby.. A wigt Il, 1858. go »AILY STAGE. F RLOM BR<)UGH-AMi TO FRENCHNAN'S Buay Station, on thae Grand Trnnk Bafiroaid, counectiiag with thae W- Dloruing and EvenIng Trains.*.,u JAMES IIUBIIAID. Tovember 8r4, 1857. 4t LIME -FOR SALE. f-IONSTANTLY ON HAND DURING TRE eaauuiaîgitpring sud Sumuier Fresh Burut laue wisicla wilî b.c,.old for Casb oidy, at 2à; 6d MATHEW CARL, 7 Fort Wkttbi, Jt1eT receiveih a ,on,,Ignnent of Whiskey, frein on. te o 0beot IstiIlery & In the h'ro- vince, lu packages of freinà ta 50 gallons, wiih thse subscriher olfersi for sale ýt a very iow ligure for cash.j THOMAS MOODY, Coanglsson Agent. WESTERBN lBOÙSE, T lIE ABOVE PREMIRES HAVE BREN .i uKt iopeuet b y the undersignet wiîcre traîvellermi etin aow Sud gooti accinecosiadtio.- Tihe ihase is wveli INrnihedi,weii kept, sud ths. gsiepiiig aprtnaenis rooany andi airy. Thtere 1#4 deoifortable Stabling, sud the, bc.t, atte»n- fiono11t paidtin al anud horse. The bar-roomn ls large anconvenient, asnd well suipplieti with the best Wines, Llquorsamd Cigars. Hanti- soniely fitteti up aittiaîg roula for private par- ties. MICHAEL MocAULEY, QUINN'S HOTEL, - 8 , ,M7TA1-Ai 9OT.RasT, LOW ER TOWN QIJEBEC. gar' Cia..te Mie.teamboa Landing anid oppoSite t» Br!ti#4 American Lýras Qopl7eA~ q RAVELLEIIS AND VISITOILS t the An- Y cientCity of Quebeo willi Sud superlor ae- commodation ut Moderato chxrget aithe above luotel. Tise hotl is very eonveuiontiy sitaaatcd GILOIBE HOteL. BRlOOKILINq. TIl E undoralgueti hsring takea posses- Tof the aibore weil knowu bCde, whaeb wil bc condiactet as foraneri>' wlth the strictesat pro priet>' anti regard for the coanfurt and cenveni unceo uthtie îiblic. The propnictor assures lhis man>' frieutis that everytiii ltismade reuafr neri>' to enter- tain tiae uit the Globe Ilotel, aa.id tissU.liîe Wil be persouali>' present to gîve Cloua such a re- ceî,$ion ai; Wa. lia. wout. The bouse Ir. been thonougisl> papereti, painteti anti ranvateti, anti lx. ittet i n irerr resçpect hasud as nanuer as te !usurec satisfac- tion. Thse bar andt tble auppliei, sas t'rmery with tdisoatables andi drînkables. Caillaut 5-1>'.C. DÂWES, Proprietor. THE TERRAPIN. R E PROPRIETORS 0F TILIS WELL knowu Saloon aire now lu occupation Df 'the eltiST. NIGHOLA. Ring street, Toronto. ,,imrykept bb Mu. Hurle. heO'promises v e> ncwqyIrenoraithroughout, anti fited ùi i te irt style. Ever>' precuraible dalles.>'nlbsson. A cigair divan itteti up se- pat-tel>' lie owlalob mon. but tihe beat biantis arc permitted te enter 28 ÇAEI8BLE & MoCONKEY. JRAILROAD BOUSEt C ORNER 0F BROCK- AND DUNDAS $ta., VWb'itby, (Laite WilSoéksou'.) Thé Babl ecrber begà tô anmeneteeIiabatso -Whltby, ind, the travelng tetmmuwsty, tISat he bau takon Ut borve Iiélis. ,oiae,-,vaeh le nsràJfLnaetsîhlà*Do., ça . h4aot antM Mf.l "0 4 "h1q qpt remes St' o aine oomzorv-~ r-.-.-- lýýleiliL fe-th'as gata e ut a nd*et - - N. RAY 1AVNG parchsed t»e eetire stock ot IL CWith uitdition eot we $attr narseqstbawoeun giveeiàtire ont!-. f..gti<an te aîw*ho lâ>tavôr n'witla a caîl. 'Id.8ÉtH1THCKINS &,Co. A. Isrgquatltofoîpd New ppens.upplie1 "44- W Ei yRd pgEoo datring tit A TTENDED aanui ' 1G&rIg .MAilorder&s relatiug- te Auctigçu salesbàu amdaily authorized te appoint îny. dù;yg et sale', settle terme, &o., andt enter lut" such other arrangeenéitsrelaing te ýMy sueticu businesd4 ae thema consider prpper andi uocessairy. 1 slhah b e on' isaid te ratîfy amy agreemnent they issay maike on iny belilf. Sales attendeti lu ai parts of the Count Wheat and Woôl.* T U1 E underignet bais just recelved or- .ders te purchase several thousand bushels ef FaIl anti Sp ring WHJEAT, aise, toy quantity ef WOOL, for which thel highest markcet price wil; b. paid. Cash for POTATOES. Swhitby, May, 1851 TIIOMÀS MOOD'Y, Comminitrn Agent. '16 X. MOPHADEN, LiCENSED AIcTioNEER, For lte Uounty of Ontrio. ISSUER OF MARIRAGE LICENSES. CON- V.XANCER ad COMAHSSIONER for taking Afildtsin. u Q. B. anti-C. P. Atidresis. VILOOMÂNTI>N, P. o.' Township cf Breec. A Town feaireti seige, ad 'twas helt coisulta wlaicli was Cihe mctlaod for fortificaitiona A grave sklfaîli nuson Igave la' liis opinion, Thaat uaatig but stono coulti seure the. do uminion, A carpenter sali, tlao' tluat was wel opolke, 'Twaa. botter hy fair te deténti it wifii oatk A currier beiug by, wimer tlîan both tuies. W- gethuer, sid trywlhat you phease, thaerc oia othiuag like -SO . SAYS- L.aies' snd GOatlemen's Fasiaionable Bout anti $1s00 Msker, 13R001LIN, C. W. rThîe above, lias, for tIse lait seven ycarsd takein tihe firitt juraze for B3.ot* anîd Siaoea. st the Cois n-1 t>' SiSOW. Nonebut tihe boat aisteriah sud bost work- ruanstil moduacon uthe piemises. fils old frionentsiast ienw outtounera. will b. reauiy ait- tendeti, sud furnishmd witlî -gooti anti oficup work a usuail. Brooklil, JnIly4, 1859. NOW 118 T"ETIME. GET YOU1I LIKENESS AT J. A. Vlark's lst Prize Piotuare. Gallery IrF yon desire a correct anti ife-like Ambre Jtype, Cauneotype, Lettergraph, or Leatiher Traaasfcr, or as Likenea.,.il a Looket, Broci or Ring, for.J. A. C. ciau do it lu the bcst style, anti ait short notIce. WILKINSON'S 13L0(7K. 88 Bfrock ,Vreei Whitp. H. W. WOODWARI)g C -MîSION MRANT, INSURANCE anti Gsieraî Agent. O Ic-ateiy 'occu- pied by James Hodsrson, Wliitby, C. W. Uainaarvts.Tiemua.Ciarkson, Esq., Pre- sid eut Boand of Trade, Toronto; WX. G. Cassel.-, FM,Manuager, BankB. N. Aunerica, Toronto;- W*. Hfta1om, esq., Manager Qaaebec latik, Toronto'- W Gaimble Exq., MltQu Mille To- ronto; lon. iP. Mc«ii , prc5ident Bank cf' idou- treasl, Moutreal; Messars. Maitianti, Tyiec & Iluelaiouson, Toronto, Meuars. Anderson, Evaaat & Co., Motr'ai; Isa.tra.. W. Puice & Soii,Qiae- bec; Mlessrs. H. J1. Nosti & Ce. 52 ly GERJIAN BOUSE, FRONT STRE2ET, TRSENTON... -9IESubscriber begs te announce te the lu- 'Tulhabitants o>f Trenton sund the Travelling ooinmuuitv that the aboe. flrat-ciaislionso bas been'fittc-d up in a new anti conveuit, maunùer. A First.Claum Table ii sed at Mû~i Hotol. AIl Liqnors kept ou the- premnlss are efthtie beat qualit>', choice.C ~a.Alise, aLirer>' stable iu connection witth Ce abere promises. CHARGES NODIIRATE. J. S. GERMAN, Prorietor Trenton, Ang. 8 n8,.5-Os W'.Fromnt, tr eet, Toronto. 5 O0HARLES'VALE-,& Co.; B EG o hekuinese ýcpbý htteaer IronitFomueing& xnv"tWres or luon Steet,, rssmer pe »ihOu ter"a of Ornaumental Iron Fee1 AUene .ystioW Un CoBîWluldOWOui Bilse Box iJWHITC7-77UL* 0 - hl-8 wch ver' dsc4 en ICeeinéIl 4 am 1,og 8tÃ"~~; G~4terCIàrotllé,ud~sa, ua KetIes -laIdCWtlga.w orgzss, J-f Tha TI AI ovpot t hé.-'5<ntario .Ho,- Wbvere aIu orders etutdt4eSiloo,,U UMeaha~s' the h.Goveramei.t Hapartmut. l . N-qî çe< ferthe Transaction cf thehllpsi ues84 of PArties rosidfu'ç in 'pan Cla or elseubere, W if 'y- àf thé ýG-overnnaent Departme. ts. i -- peigop 40sirpuc efsecurn.g tq foo agajuait tht «ove-rnumeni., or ,,uiin~an> inforn>atin obtaina'lè'gc thé CIÃ"*n' Lýsuc or othfer Pàblic -'Offices, 'may' biv i~ bus4iness ýdiligenti>' atteudedtc.byhaResi.' dent Agent, witbontathe expense ant inl- cenreulie -o'ôf ,s a ' je-ùrneyte - Çuè6ec. P~atente cf -Investien!taken, uý ' e-_-, ,- i Prepaidi communications, 'address'ed teo Box8ePI OfceQibé,« ilr eeiveliqamed *atè a"tèntica. --- 1J i -' H. IJ.Gplus. Qoçbec, Sept. 2,8' 9. > w1.ly, INno .p e > ed tu recf 1'anaaosiete 811eoni., dors eiasotédto i hm. h AiÃŽ work tnauuufaetulÊede b y hlm.wili b. gzaariteed of equal workuiïnî s4hiptoanyliteroac. Pianos froan«$150 W, $800, amcoidiÉg Ccquli tr'ot listrument. - Piano.m, lodceons, qnd otlier Mumieulinstru- ment$ nafactureti -te order. ?aitt paiym'aut talsejs in.trade. AIl srdora. by masil tiirected P. 0i. Wiitly, of leftai hi. own iaouse, rear uof the Graimmair 115hocl, wlîbe pnnctnsaîiy atte nidcd to. 2 -PROVINCE OFgNAA ]Departmental'Notice.' INSPECTOR G1~NERAL'S CuaToxai DE1'AITmExT, N OTICE le hcrcby given that b>' an order in Cosuneil beaniigdate tthe 14>1 iietant, it ls directeti that a duawbaoek. equal te the tinties paidt, bc alîowed tuSiaip Buildera.ou Cordage ef ever>' description anti on mal titicies cf lion, Copper Bruism, Yeliow Metiii or Zinco, nalins feiit'rumaîantacit'ad, actuail>' useti i'ad employetib themin l thé building und-lrimsig ofàyoi)ulit witlsinthe limità pa'tts '.ri- vîcsaJupon ail]ut' whieli iartiles (iaîcludiung the Cordage), dultes of üCust'aui siuail live beemu pnidi lv Chutas>(on b> tIc persous or per- so n wioan tIi.>'à§haliaai veparehan teh iwtme), upeai theirliunportatiou biite Csinisds. Thae Oder li Couneil funîhor ihireeta. that the Ship Builder afpying for thaé drawback shahl ftruisitIheCo lector of iCusterniwith a spociii- ciation outue Cordage and ô ther articles lupous wiaiehLa la aium- sud drawbaok, gshowiaig the qUUItitieui anti raines, lu>'W]10111 Uadilma hua- purtoti andtihie amùount o utdaties pad, anti aiso the aaune uof the slip or sîsipe> in the buiidiig amati uiig of wiaich tIse wiaol t' îf lieuitieles mentio9nei werc uset sud when the said slip or ships ohlearetilou-a foreign l'or t thsaiti speci- fications te le taupported h la iseoutil t'. tige $iuip Builden te sa declanatiou 1repareti by Cth. Departusemt,'afirmngtbs trus fth e eeuateiu ti o u h u oilcatiuaitu buar ttachaetiunder SesI to sucls decilanatiosi. Tihe Collecter lsav'ag stsfc 1 iinseif tuit the amouint ut' -drwbac-k ciaisued iouscorrect, ithlli certif>' tle u.pecifieation, aud transmit thc siie teutiie Depiartausent, >w iaortupoau, alten tdte examninaition, thsé Coilector will bc. stbizeridte pa>' tue amoenut claiameti. Thae drawbackliaereinueu'rearseationedtu te p ph>' to s"eta iiiortiitione ouiy, u1« tIhe specificti arti.-les, as sacre mad-e imte thîîs Proruince susboe-, queuti>' te the Suveartis day - ut Aasjîaat, 18.58, the diay upous wliclu tia Act .22 Vie. cap. 741, grar.uinq adrawbsick on the imiportation os doti aille articles lu certain cases, caine into force anud effect. By Ucuximaint, R. S. M. BOUCH-ETTE, 71 Coiumisisioner ut' Custems anti Excise. DR. FRED. -DELLENBAUGH, 0F BUFFALO, N. Y., A TRan inprecedonteti suceestul practice Art oer ttiirty yeaa'a, betng!about rotiaring (roula istive pruectice uit tiae reqaieat ofnaicrotss fuieuds llu ail partset the counîtry, iit. consenti- cd W niako twu niedicai prcîrtstius, uîpris whicia luelias bettwcd the etre aihd ktuwledg>* ut' hait. long exparrieuce, citi liamileft thens $4htl the. different drnurgititsl'or sa'e. To, tiose who are aeqiîainted witla the Dioctor aiotiiing Pieed b. saii-to otlacri., it lm. hat ioecsiry Wtusssy, tîmat ho 1mars for yécafà4 preamoribeu for frein 4,00O te 5,O0W peracs, and alwa a witla the groteast» smeccîs. Cisces thsit htave ?Iafleti, ottaer inedicul unien, y iehded eitdihy to is iaîaineuaisnd per- sons canie dail>' fromhÃœuieds ut' muesWto cuireti. 'S'ite Doctor, liowever, bas mot, been sbIe. iike otîsers, te sr veyhiî witii ou prepitr- tMon, but*'Ise put up lais niediclme lu two botties%, whicb are numbaretidI1 anti 2.,Tise nunaber 1tis HRLOOD. PUitIFI-ER. - $uperlor te thpepuree t xtriitot fSari4apanusl mnate ettrel>' utroota. anti bcrbs of ililis ani for sigai consaitriais., tis ehit propertiei-.ef wliii are extraicteti by aituciitire new oleaueisi provesa. lt acts lu langer doacs tut. atactive piiytic, in. a.uaafler oiae ia amialteratire sterltsagdirectl>' on the Liver aati diieyn,, expçlliag tue circui aît morbid i mttér, tliua.brigug iîto actuon ail tlie organe tuaiit uiy lasave eeelaart-'e atid aa>'b- elod-etu vcore-Lises (lnpoite,1 and (cepplada. ê (f tt X17W p nspea cepo, Df Vq aînOira l Pe1di 4 014 7- ~cr6fdtRkeurnPi-eÈ .ra >er of th amd'gel'suid4 ail other .is.maeà% wlaieb have air oin a>a a dîsorderard or luapure sitte t' blod. itis t a ttriengtheïin n ure, aind: will noyer- wesken or proistraté 5ee bo4y, Tie umiier 2 ie, a -FEVESR MEDICINE. Anti auus;t neveu b. ethae eièlt luncnetion witn No.]. it Win thil urehi Mma MWrRCu&- matismu ailkadeffs.Li Agua es 5.wrs efccf'oldé, <id aU. Pais. auetkr Ckronîc not remorais font One- part ofthe bodti't tis other. - > ~'Remembor te prevom3t qoÇQpf .pombsse -Mediletnëiarprepaoireti l'y,(Jt 4DenofeABD, -mmgDzssmhÂmeswhobas iprs6teW& W Buf- Te prVvent tramd, a correet lilteof eî5h b1;àotbr àson the wrspî'eroeah etl ifl .'Dr. 7usd. DeIduanir &o1Bflo hX No. 2 for 75 cents. Witis th6ia snapie a'te vii'tauie li ln on lff hsmes.. o W1kitbyi sapt. 1»,1869. awsI y I I -UAL - >VIÉa (A for rodP suth frt ian c f ente vatrqPI Êhso, vBu'i àaiktl s wd~ SeedandaTurei r d lernaIoinac IV I UnTuANiIy og Cea éne itoss, - et fàrsàrkt and ob 1.gb.- Tohrseut Sèlrufl, COrnand,ï'oao Glfvaor Seeti anoti nu-j ofp I> al l Làd érps&c thery.e athi u h.above-w- in.atedein-. prith bPutauitrnd ea .Pres-Agt HforlOi Patason'sa oieti peraetl ureo Wbui tyoc astbe 2z1. t - 58th,çot Pli n o Oil and Lamips.trdt fine oa orlt an nt cf GoOI Lapa lthens pattàer"aàduihthioe hitt n ati nýfor roa ané ehe-a*ta< '74a M.i sodai ornoPrice.It gieN ih OFFICE, ovyae, omsInnQB&BC DIVISION- COURT AGENT, aU. 'WiIl be williug to atten)d'prouj)tI and, eare- itl>' te asXY busàines .1Ibwlîic i'b entrusteti.- - ]lesidence-Yroonton, Brook, GConnty eot Ontario, 3wL SAVE YOUiR MONKY- AND - ESubsoruiber b a.to returu lisidncere 'Ttuans Co tise 1iiabitant. eof Whitby slnd tiiiyf ie l hes patronaige lbet4towed ,upo h'ni ucelie commiéeoti miexsin thit oWn",a e* wouh pcîw appriseahI hbis oUs§tcmqers that ~ ~ lu litihun'nIe titislaimmense atQoot thath1eils;ýUro ail klbarido of BO&IUS A -D SHO-"-ES S'itting ,fo*-r Ladiesc', Gcntcincua's îsun'I Ch 1l1 rens' weatri i Iilie alcwihi steli at Gretiy Reduceti Ail 'work matie to ortie: on the, premises, b>' 1snbseribér sud bis ok'ua;t'orknîjen. - No siop., but gooti anti durablel uîiaateruihs, atVCieap ratesý. Selicitiug yonr cna.touu, antiwa'aimar yen to sas e ynkur, noaacy aund reerve yoaar lwi ab>' - )aurehuasiitgBoott4iaunti Shoes trouai ti. jder. saigafeti at wildnroic's* Bhock, Brock St., Wliitby, XVhcre vou wii, miet with aIl ciunds. of, atten tioaa, intiaýgo'o t itfrom . >.- 1Sept. 1, 1859. JOSEPH, BANDEL. 48-& 1-w FOR, SA LEK A SPANOF. MATCHED -1-IORSESý-; Anti set ci Sfiver Munteti Harnesa, aliso a .1"W B.U'G G1 Wi'th Pcle anti Shiaft, en whaich'time wil la. giron b>' furniéahiuag apprc-vedendorseti nDot"s. T. H. I«cM1LLAN. Whitby. Oct 5 185903 AT F-U.T RAL iBY h IES1 GEO. YÏE J. 1XpLEGU4R S-ORe. e abrocil la. perfectly pume with-i moutmqe,ëL .The subéàibora-ails a gréaitvaiit>' cf- 0- A L, ",.IL L AM PSI with latest- umprcved humnera,' forsalevor>' choap for cash.* » ýCo-'-i i la-ps'allcom-i ploté and ready tée lght at 75 centseaàcl. 52-wGE.YLJR will d4s eoeiieal-tret artleil pTi ytt itib éiser, '(peet -jasil: te' b 80 dia> AaAlurn P.- 0.,'C' W. W.ihe coin~ *I A 4 lare sud viii. ON- rztpltes'k-l a i. tcko -l h.-~hh- h' ---i--i 30 Naraies et 01<1Beetlffed Whspkey lrom ýChlpp8wa. 80110=dno'D -&7cô Ach3oceandi 1uo ~Cokery, Cnlni, Gla" andi Eartbeallre.* L. IL 8ClOFIELD C o. - 8d.1to8&9d. 4er lb; 27 -Box4s Tobaeofrom, le. to pet 6d be 1. jlb. 4,3WIes>Americau Gzêey Cotton_ 136 Caske ;of.,LiqiLor, 200 Barrels of SBait. 10,Barrels of Herring. The -Subgoiibeai hve resol-eti Ã" eomiung to the Year 1860,4o atihere tu te C AS;H SY S TEBM Whioh wilI enabfi thean to seli ninh oheaper and gise generm ai saetcon. -, the proprietor.- L.R. SCHOFIELD. 'A L Chose tu iritebtedti Ctise eaIaasct'- A Mebers»etiier hy- Nete t"r.ook. aon'nct. wml calaea üîthe First day'o! .laisuary, 186, aaad psy their res»pective accountal- - - -L. H.Schofteýd& Co., Whltby. Jannar>' 2, 1960. * 5sI -CroWuLaàndsDe'parnent. Quebec, 161h Dezembter, 1859. T IE landtin-lutise Townsuipa cf AyIr.in and f infcks, ca>uuty ut' ttawa, wlll l'e "peus fui' saile foir attual eteuu~uadatrteit lain, next. F&rLits cf the lots anti ýoaditiuns of sale, apply.tu- Robef't Faricys Esquiro,. Cruwiî Land AgE nt, ea e , i eld lu s ii ustv.;t u OIROULAI{.F DEBS. and ot 0-em' I>arties -eaatirpotiaa iaigMt'"ilr* nrnomeasiona will llaadilieir iinterefsts pain 4afi y tteumded te. .i 4'ivisiou Court- Collections - puârttnarlyre- qu'esteti. - ARIU -HwE Rompt Tiouna» .Reaan, pT. C. Patîrick, a G. Il. l.uunE.jiaires. Liadis>', N04oember loth, 18«59. - 8m LICENSED AUUPIONEER FOR THE COUSNTYOFO AR1O, F IMRSSALES iu tué fCôxatry w*iIi ré- ccv raiiattention, 011 rea*aabl tenu :-îkcwscGocsds cuaaigled osi coin- uuisiaft trtoAilatiin onot,'wiII be- dlîposcdl oftt t.iehebf-,r gc ~i ýlca. ait the Auction -DI..iaae. oif leue., ngbOnes and -spavhaa, aire treatatiwitls Uicrteà tasacceai.. -Adtlress wfiaeu b>' l'et: THOMASYES Whîitby, Feliranr>' 25th, r- - IAR.HNE qARE; J OHN MOONEYtaon Preseott offirs for eidat i. otirerY ii;ectait xceediUgly low N'. . -erchnt~andi Delari'a. wiil Ãœd 1ô C tliae ageait -'1a11W itit'byu id exrînineii 18Ih-t t o ,sbrond. - -~IihNori 17,-~ -- 68a-w44w 'AIL -aplcto Prn th Lfliv -l -hI>y' for.WiyaIle,-oýLocal. l,hia~ pau4i clusëtysie prlivieea1 oerç"errp)K corporate, poers fr-eowrecbolç lvhltbr.Apeil 16t1"i&9 79 'r 6-Sain ipert gooti r>' ln - Q.uebec, lTtls Noiuember, 1859.1 AUCTIONEERLA.ND AGENT, &o.

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