Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1860, p. 2

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g 1 Store to [t-J. AnisIL. CSwmIAnàDepsrtmot- 'Notioo-4pphiestion t Par 4Poeket »Qo, Â. si Reportor thse' ChiotUSapc i th* 1,ed, vison tlsDay. P is m-&sient.ai Feb. 7, 1860. .r i*.adent of 1 K Theu aunai report, cf tseChier Supet- Int.udenî t Edmonosfer upper Canada fortb. yoa'r 1858, ýlly prnt4 Sbems imidwstandiag lb. finsucial deprosios ' srd coumasrcial dîsatéeiof Uic tac 'pr-,s Vica ens «14su inorese le -lb. sishoc '-MW tendance, sud ila tho. aumber cf 'sefroohst Sept oenisduinglb.eyoar. "'The. lmrue bu tise aniber of pupilu lu .1 ,O46 iâ lb. uciseelmunicipal assessainuts $32,68?, sud P $60,408iltheus Mounulpsi tt tachrs.-'-T TIflioa large anti aiexpècely gratiling succes. under Uic clrcumustanbes. Thse amount of LeigisiativeSoboci Grant apportioned ote .Muebipaliliosinu aid cf b Commuon anti 'Bepanule Soboola in 1868, w mwsu *133,OU-iucresu SotfiSa cf the 'pno'edlug year $3,00W. Tic lsm required.iu aun equal usm tc buralsoti:15yMinicipal as- sesaunti busirer te entitiq MUunicipéiîtieu 'le tiaaid. The amount -'ralsoti by Muni- cipaltisîu ms 270,5W-maore tIssu tise suai ise lam reqpined iu erdér tlenotille thoni 10 *i' okle' nef' lie. ' ugisiaire oesnt astIN $22,648 aide t#tis eb.amentai" sidb>' tâterainbu1857. r Tic amouat spportiouei.fa'lte LIs. latve Grant for CoaimonSSbaul appartus, prisesand ibraries up W» 517-docree' ou b.e pnaedhrg.yeaa' $l,649. Tic sainie OunmaU recoie fhssi localsorc, lise aicuât.of tii.-pportionaient ha usch1 au- dispeutilgupon the amount udraucet Eombl sores, in Connexion Iithéh application' for tise articleoren bocks esireti. STW ' ttal value cf articiou sent ont te, or1 elsuisenu puncleseti b>'Commet' Solicoli Tirsk" ounaetioIis boati mas *14,142-be- le, adOrease cl f $4t,25.i 1% & Meunt .5 1,' WuSteeBeool Assoas- 1monlts mas *486,572-hoing a tiecreaso W', lb. lsrge'arnouit cf $98,5691, chieR>' nden tbi bieati cf mono>'. raisoti and ,expeadcci fortheb punebase of sciseel silos, andt Ib motion ansi 4ýgisiîng cf ucisool lieuse. 8h11 Lb. eaimni cf *486,572 of Truda's À" erbt%, iu atditon ho MaiicipW As- 4esumont et $240,503, is ver>' -large, andi r 'indicatou liee ducationul spiriti,4as mlias nuuonh'es cf -thecocuniry', eonuideTrtg tho "prece§ented pressure mesiu. Teasïuaut '; 'lýIichol Rate »Itinen tu ichool wu 4*do, -aso, *45,480. Thse total recipta for Commun Sebeol puyposeufor the par 1858 mas $1,244,488 - Seings tiecree on thie total roceiptu cf île preoeding year cf *49,927. - The total ,amenai pabi 1 Tuacers mas $9»0633-su increas ocf *60,402 on the r . samant, pait inbu1867. 7%e, total arnetit naiseti anti expendeti for sçbMa sites andstheleorootien cf School. bousm, wm $17362-5-a large mmm, but *3263 lm .tissu lie amenut raiuei andi oxedoith ucadiug year for th. samue parposes. Tihe amenat raised andi expeud- ed fer lise ueo< sud repaira cf sohool- bouses vsw» ,20-sdecrease cf $366. SThse anuot naisesiand expendes fur acbool.boeksstationey, sanito defra>' iu- iduatul eipensos, va& *102,838--ainl- mruse cf *13,804 Fenmoeriltisé jugalolcbd nueofcf eil- Bd._lais *nigbtt i atd tlise cisool, irerefrouk te16 yearsiSi""e18O, tisé -rigl*t toattend thoe chools- bas boa ox- tetet oemlpeuns roui S 1021 yeanu of &Pej ht tise pmWWluliii htbeila ir- - gard te sobool popilation rotulrermain usobangeti, anti ince oW Cl> csl run<ou Ïhe agos cf 5 6 srffl Tise-.eboni .population Iii18589 as'-usas limile4i, ae Tse uurnbir of pupils stt.dlwg ibe can- mon 8cisoolu (not iincludiug Unaniear, tmuent îe ages cfansd 16 years, mas, Isis 8-inerinso 1097., Tise:nmber of yMpile cf oison aie# sttouding tb. achoolu ma 268lioeu 07 he' mhoio am et 01pupils atoading 'schisiwma Tise number cf lp ýattemsdigtise acltoeis we of girS. tteadla tiseucsoam 13. "050-4uPOs.OiO#e4Z. Sam bçr, 'cf I5 ébdhlidren AtteudAag lb. r . ~440ltsuede 1670. The, ddwnfol1dntdo«s. sot ~u h trbig t UaPPe t b. uCWIsooscrding te ~hi~Pei4,mat. m "Fscr4çsg W s4». SItu brasasenefrotteryý Aum01bSfing tba il Brn" *hbospesk id s'a ericIlfoas1ý bfihe Iwa of Whitby-"into whié d l «Me akud-sud ~u remsaja u,. in "s "aplace 1 One rulItInI,ý M6 ieb.ststemenaiuOfibeu topetbt Iutadof owing .11 îbey Poe. mu'té th lb. leiat has.fre tea ef use silo b.trh- b& 6,éue brtuulsuam t tlrcitizen& - It lus a<oui 4ra that souls ftsq"wsnestr and l'in lit w. niast regard those whsa seas vIi 9amcl Igrttue fthe Town wliere hey bave, foond 1 d Ud s,~e~Ç mon' e haraot*r-udffruut though th. itte My, bel 1~ ~ ~~l, wiwvr uyjuIvat might have eu expected <rom t"ose wbo ma S£praC. l'o cf dcryling. evertMoig tbaVs gooôd-- tg& evevy good maa'snàtme belonging 10 be town-;* it ws ouly onu sto p ;fartisur -la bat careur et o'uIn n sudmuorePte- sitatiou -Whick heliuloxe tsi purme. Captain URowe eau weli sftbrd to despise buejeurs and jibes corning front much a ourçeo n we itot thse bonest, wortliy, patriotic, and, popular citizen Ibat bu lu, b. rould, be certain tW edeape their unmity. rhere la a Iav of retribution which vili yet oeurtace--lb. offenders. Âltisough lise> bave beeupermitted W' ,abuge prirai ebhr- aolet' vith impsmity, Uic>' v itnd that lepublic spirit of theu oltize of %Whiîby wil ris. op &nd ovui'wb h ie boldness vhich cornus forirad W ausait thc good 'ame ami fuie fwe of thuir Town. Thue orLoam. 1I TIw Leadr speaing cf lb. nomw Ca'na- dqau Loan, lhe firit.,entaimeul.t cf miio wu payable onîbe 'lmtSulte., says Theé amount miss £28ge000 ; but te, snob an exteut did lb. subsorlbers avail iieni- suives cf lb. option!cf cash paymet t hat £l,078,000 mas paid, ibu ae,isud £40,000 in, bonds, makiug £1,128,000 altogether. explanatiots cf lb. caimse cf me mati>'elecl- iug tu, psy inuhul. W. knom itSu been preteudod ,thsat, lu case the amonaIno r 'paid down, thebeau wouild Se 'mado ut 95'. That souçb lu not liso casewas cleur onough;, Wo au>'oee mo teck the, trouble te refleot tisat lb. discount cf Ove pur cent. miss upon 15eï'mount paisi up iustead cf crodit being takon ou Uic lustalmeuts. The credit mas, uqual le liait a >'ear; sud therefoîe the is un fr aswouldho I& per cent'on lbo~licl amnt o,puid. Thus the lba wimaa&êet 2& pen'cenî. sud net 6,put ceat 4~ut, hetisur the pnoffréor e- dit Wm a tfn or cash paid aud tlb. discont te *Il'but'lb. ve rîesi dunceu ; but, atraugo us il Mu>' appoar, columu upon coinain of acouense lias, houa piled te mako il uppest that tbe lests mas issuud, aI 96. If there bail beon any roout. for rational doulit on bais poin4 t, lwouléi ho cleaned up 'b>'the stato' mient cf théeLotdon Daily News that "ithe Nem Canada Five per cent. Loan bas ud- vancod te 3i4 t10al peumihi. .The "iformeor pnie lu equal te 101, allowing for thse 'kIls :OQU . I t mI wen allowance liadhooun ado for the discount ut wbieb tho loa mvas oegotialed, Si pen cent. preminn ifi tliereliad been discount. Wu trust me shahl Searnon more nonseuse about the lmbanhé in& issued at five pen cout. discount. Rotnt f atateu itse Thc Leader says that 1Mn. Postmuston Genural Smith nia>' hé xpectesi to roturu te Canada, S>'lte next Canadian, steamer. Re bas licouemitiettl>' suocesuful lu lis uegtahiouss iâ Europe; asd, ili reteru covered ii laurels. Mn. Gait lies lad au equa!l>' groat sunceuu1 sud oneîlt as , sîtraclesi more attention. Mn. Snitb'ane - gotiations mre nucesuanil> quiet sndudnueS- trusive; mbilioMn, Gait set thse vhole mon- ied menti agog mw ithbs sciseme. Of the resulta cf Mn. Gals i'%lors thse Englus preus lins given tle meut ample' deteils. Mn. Smith's mcrk lu bardl>' eompieted; sund the dtails of tle arrangementé into whieS hho oi etrdAaea et but panhinlly ku ,oin. ..bh r1ist'moment, mhen it mili be Possibi,. n4 prudent te do se, vo 4halli piabili uai..- M.'Gait, me are li- clined le Ihlkiàidnotcorne ont b>' lh. Norl0 rnuý,UsU ainsuticipateti. [W. Sure $boer 'sésilong ife boîter eyphberéd bliti sss~ge rom oeo Flanches playui.j- Thu ysms c( msien msto, bot meyil sasy n. ~ yain lny etLisne, lu alitheey.unhiaasli vesia day. Oui0<tii ugbl yn ýsut'rt resiamber The h hurs Ocf nlgt yo paa-Mtup lunbcw JuaistiiSyens lilf Ou, LdYenbaesed"u To (oety yeuat oseby ibiredeuos Wbula cung wtutsual wi Pcnmwtkie Yl on'renomliâv te whehal"Mife I. cmii1 Fron iiiny.4vO exm tk, fas'idueulloi, rlfte es e lmi, etollae asS i u t o IsSu mny mebave lais ut to dlspieme o qqà »»de ant lu, ibl'tteu (rom iloti's e . - Ce ut'uh onas yutt *yenam" et iie i" Say4me AW "$laaVUStOis amcaeIV@mi, lig &in sbMWa ye5Us, " iu, YeliMY iHave mreiy «ee q 'en<u 4 , eociwet vouiv. resale(Wfour sM 4bav.u't livuitas du%. RouliesCiacureBumas ,, ~aaibton$. ........... MtOl S23rdti4.pri 30h 4&L Sweaoud...... . 5h Bli.............nd April. Weofdstc..... ..- . 85s0a5'* . ...;..14th Mardi. lionic.. ......... ..20. " PzAcz or Lmu'oî,.-Tse INiagara Mail cf tise lot iu annoasotIsaI J. M., luir der', Esq.,' of Niagarbus heen appeliteti Jutige'cf the Cossa i>' i;ncolu, in, tbe placecf tse hale Juige Caniphél;, andILR MXcDopadcfSt CtieryasClonk-of ther PeSo. l adda--"We are heartil> glat that b.e ofices are thus filloti -vitIsin thec ount>', anti congratulsie bath' gentieen ou theis' appointaient, mbleb lu perfeotly sablafactor>' to ail parties concerned."1 Ronuzar or A SouTaR.Auuzcus Ay «AS su»o.-A deapateis nmCharleston, N. C., statua Ithat GesDolsen, Ambesador $1, fr uni jel val nm ou Of thse Southi American countnies, io snnived ah Ibat port on the ' isabe a robbed ut bis liolel, on Satunda>', cf 000O in Spanilli,-oua bundred rou i plce the coinagu cf 1859;-61,500, iu Ion d twouty pound notes cf tise Bank of agland; honora'> decorutions, crosses, wois, vatcb &c., The total umouating in ne to '$17,000. eacS Township Couecll Preceediagm. Toms MuLL, MàNCSOTCI% rsFo. 6, 1860. The Ceuncil met at the TomwnHall this day, ah 10, a. M. Ail the membens preseul, theo Reeve lu lb. chais'. EXLÂNATZON-O7RZEVTE AND DE5'UTIY. On motion cf Mr'. Canipbell a resoîntion put requesting the Reeve &tnd Depety> Loeve tleéxplababthe -action laisen b>' Ilim at ltse CeunI>' Couni lunreference te tb. non-resident L.and fond duo the Tomni' Mn. Wright, thu Rueve, states i Ilat Ibe amount coming te tise Township monbd lie' 'elaiued hl the CeunI>' Treasurus' te retire debeuhuros ailigdue iu 1861. TATSIRI LIIJENB. -A By.lam for Ibis purpese mes pasaed, fixing the License for taverne aI $3.5, sud shep Licenses at 142 ; tle latter Seing lb milesi W lb. sale cf not lsu thau e gai- lon. A motion cf Mr. -Camipbell, -moved le substitute $25, as tbe amount of Taveru license, mus lest. Ou motion of Mn. Campliell, a '-oesolu- tien pusuod, lIaitishe Township Municipali- t>' menoins1the Governor Genai in Coun- cil, uguiost the estabisimig anothet- Begia. tr>' office iu Ontario. AIse a resolution auîhorizing the clerk to obtain a stalemunt cf tle delit and jouta in the suit. cf Besi vis. tihe Corporation, sud Wo puy tle' sainie. Alue, on Motion of Mr. Cunipbeil a re- solution orderiug paymout of Higginu & Ma>'rloffer's account for printng, sud that. a receipt ho tabou hn fail. Aise a rusoilion for puyment cf' Mac- leur & C's account. Aloo a resolution ordering payaient cf account of Meuars. Thompson & Ce., for supplying four manuals for nu of Corpora. tien. A resobution passed directiug tb. Cieris Wo post notices on tle eld Brock roud, lOtI, Ilt an ud l2tis concession, slating tbat the Councit monld tek.e action ut ta néit it- ting fur closing up cf saine, sud requesting parties iuleresled te attend. Ounioton of Mn. Bnabazou, a rusolu- tio passued directiug a surve>' 1 Se nmade -of the villages cf Prince Albient, Borelis sud Manchuster, that the plans hé lodged in the Regiatr>"-office cf tle CeunI>', and that the lecaliticu ho asssosi for payrnt of sainie. A by'lav pussed sppoiutiug N. Van AI- Ian Lisceuce inspecIor, lu place cf A. W. Bmens reshgued. Mr. Brabazon morodth ie sanie cf Mn. Peuhai, sud Mn. Campbell tInt cf Chas Edgan, Sut SotS more roleti domu. Co-ncil adjonrned until tIsebith Marcis. Lx-*44.--' lb. 1015 inâtant, Abraham Fareweli, Esq., mil deliver sLetueefrO-tis e Mcbhut- les' Institule. Sujcîh:"asiGat. couxrr ZTI TieA"sai Cont>'meeting ýol b.eLoy- si Offlgoe caot sSthisOntaio, vs.bell a ee Hea's EIl Dffwsu Cruel on Mon-* tahe * .5 lt. The folilomajarelb oflers elcée or. b.cre nt yoar; hià Stabbseli SA41 Depnty Master." ~aatsiie~ h.,Treasrer. in: s%atseisFeq., alan Il iceni ITomi ailà lb. n pivate 'it meplni thes are~viseisthisr, day .Whitb>' for >'uars. <cm atosj W De ise be isp5si t; ihtna*lve, id ; 1~e of bOrinu owoul4 le besne6tdb~ dh~ hioui muekl>' circulation cficuL's. Th osaisvôu romin as Ui- To-wn ysudhet case. Atco ne m çqrauotisen u"ucsuier' like myseif bave conversed -on the mattes', ud mc sbcougbt _ber eauily7 aJoint Stock Manufactuning Company' mlgbt, b. got up zens, àAJoi nt Stock Comnpan>' vith a csp ital of #20i,0 igÉlt beéoil>' -org»dnized. Lut us us>' an issue -of 1000 uSures ai $20, One-baif the amount vwojàd.Pre soon aub- scnibed iu the Towu, sund 1 fuel Versuadçd tia the Corporation mould bu patrîcîbo e- nougiho 1àuthieCo.oae-half the. amount oQu offer Ihose suggestions as u cli 1 inlerust your readers lu offuring suggestions as for 1b tepurpose 'cf uubmitting'- tbuthm vbal'I h ave t su>' ou the malter 'myseif. The sdvsutageu (rom sncb ;a'ffovèment voud bu' incalculable not atone le lisee Towa but te, the. surronnding country'. Wissh do yen ta>' yoiiraelf ou the subjuot ? WiIl some cf your luadiug men lu the »Town givo ycour readors their vicirs on the Yours bruI>', -Ai O»aunLvE. Bin. Q Çy2 orruspeutdeace. MisYH3Esi inETHORI Faix Ibmn-an' 'hîls nicelf thufl soi pum ne th hm. na ili tc ai 'w ti b s r s v a c 1: Drr>' te say lt-but >'e muât be desavia Ile uliick intirel>' vitiyen grata prssin" cof ho Town cf Whiîtby ; an' it oui>'a d"pub. bruy," lé btinkin' " place. T have Seen radin' yen puper tise lest <cm years about he grata doins in Whtby-the spîlili trbon, t5e butiful sîbreeto, au' the gr-sud ,esidences cf yen citlzeus ; Ilim fine atones igunt goodi' grata enîlierpriso, au' I lont Sac vIt net, .tili I mis farci>' inken 'id tise pluco, 'in' mas makin preparusîlous ;spindtie iemnant of mu days thee- a'iuo nole utoolt hai 'is ne place at al t ahl- , 'Tie enuft' spile me geoti looks wid frethin.. Wliare la the grate viate su' rojucu niarket goune te--tic ver>' Sest in Canada, tIat Wlxitby mus given unite lieo? Vhlssbekun of ail yen grand oratiors, lu' yel'.,vaînablo Tomn iota?7 Io tiere noue f thie distingishin icaracteiics cf tle 'owu left nemaimlin. Whitby lad the natni f Sein a bolusonie, beaiti>', lansome bommi ad nom it "setinka." Yes, that's vliut yeî [kal contempter>', tho Watdsman, sisys, élithiral>' eîiuks ini tle nosthrilis cf tle outl." Oh uzurdisen miniat ablack de 'raditi spot ye' vo bekum ounIthe <are face Df OMaiïo. T-lune mas a timnieffwiin oe Histger Wal-Aua was mure au mi Mis. ter Lang usudti lebu>' nto u t imWlit by was sumthimi of as pince. -Ever>'tbing -tomu lots su ail-fi'unlsied tuis ; bu' biuce Misther Wall-Ass purtectio aund Ps rentbla sui as mus vilîdrawu <nom thi shupenrintindince, affaira bave genle tbî wrng va>'. Couiti' notisin bu dune tc save île Tomn b>' gettin Mr. Wall-Asa te alunie the govenoirsbip, sud Mn. Lang tI by mlate uginI T Wsd mu mind matie up .to ,givo yuzi camahion about mathers u preveutin yei spradin desavin accounts aboulyer' 'satinkin!. T'own, win yossng Pst' Flanigin, that .yi kuom liveti in WSitly in bce liemu a gos socu, came S>'. He sa>' tisaI the repent bbut have come to me are ail a tinhushiei --or as Pst elabonates it, in the' grufi, isoguage of one Misiler Pierson s gonds lusbion. Tisai Wlitby la a grate-snd tio s greater piaco' tainolever il vas, lIai lot of nom buildins )lave Seun erecteti, an' at uven>' day appeaingoas iik as binckhonnioi that the twmn is eue big isive cf busines u' industr>', thut t5e tisrade la incrasin g miglitil>', lIaI meal cf yen mardhants ai obleugedti t iniargu Ibeir stores or te Sbil nem cnes largo, eneugis fer their business tlat wbate bnngs 8 ci a busSil mci tlau lu Toronte, un' Ibat ut leste baîf scone cf Suyera have taken lie place cf Mi Lansg. That île 5ség0ols, cisurclies, il ladies, min, wmin, au' childles', au' ai are flouribhin su' Ibnivin ; an' tIal lu, fa( le sarch ail over lIe bm-catilandescf Ami iky, usure lan't a spot can bale tb. dan:i Toma cf WIitSy. 'This lu nett he hafe c tise*gievin tisenipalien that Put givea, ai ho sayu that even>' mord yen sayams' more tirue about lie piaccan' thnt the Clsonic lsaus Ibrue us thie sunu us, muloeeà tihe sunisine to itas nosu-an th, theirnatl inm lu gion. 'But hSeBus> Tin ru Iexpiain yen île- sayeril cf -the me t.SeF, --Mister Wall-.Au les tume&u4. Ciç Gril, (baticeus tôthe gàûfb(iW lb eér'was, - ear' "oi! clAsnèy--fre thein-distbructieuu,) u-'stetc i reportsau' ail Ibrougis site; anSyo( a. tuber- for a 1"prcktica piniber,"-1,au' eonsana caloti Beecî,, ^jual usalmbur-bos uti as bigçme or e'diibor 'an'bebi ple mitit hi&s Wngne, hédoeas te mlii lhlng almost b>'ConýraCk asosetou lià abusesi. evor'ya"&iitsTmnhielasu gaemeu lkfualibtq lt bru.itat cf ffa tO' U'ng-Pte etc~ ijýL- 11 IMM"à. Iq 'ml that I liqad .Antire ,vorlclwuas*amig om voico, us' ie' a hosuse'b6iit without cem ',uiaf'mf entire'>' had heea' squèzd o0t a' shepherd!s crookt,aud I la>' as deïad, e; 'loutI r could rrciv1n1-femm, tow '~ il ulera li eaieaocsu es IinsteadN'f day -il mas, nlbtj %ad, iustesd. a,,gruat lempest vitu«; rai-, s bàl 1qmoon sud stars put forth tbeir ii 'ýv- Wtllô u ct a' oloertsthé-eis. W be 25UiL And 1 Ibookedfor -'té-. vaut c ire ý àwir i.btm49»1'uetul tise fvn7sl the to jeu1 et f bàve vu eorrc.çpOuaswith u r ôuiy.- i .y TIlainècieut, usrweù, U s S a ,féüîenlIàénbu, éou c *th'ýfi n . iUiet, iwra meazis "Gru houp-Oisz ITher _it V'Étd fhistrh 'twc à1lithha epf4éý(lod, !t lfliy Wo beemuc~ Wegible. Th' ] o tord HeraZs of "the lostu.g ays tiâti6Ms'Pr nobleman aàWd4igu4taqAf *11e Ohurcb, for 4 Diocue, vii laku ltfnadupartru (rom P Canada for EurOpe iln 1courte f.9ngt, where lé ie Il-'hýu4iithie Iab t 4c strict Order -of ethé Ca'puehins'. DÀiNTTrBUT DAxzou.-The,8prîtý, di field: RépfMicaa -cautions-'ttbepËup4lui ugainst uatiug psrtridgesut Ibs esson,85as U.hiic>'6cbliged tWfeed'on lauré! lesif, the extruct of wbich le virulent poison.to thc uman systeai. Thi e trutimpregnutes ,Il the flesh of the birdtud numnbers of pet- I o have'been, poiso ned lrom eating it. Arrivai et tiste Noirth. America. PewrLxND, Feb'4.' The sîeanisbip Northi Amenicu, ut 2 p. ni., on the 18th, aîsd Queeuslomu of the following day, uirnved ut Portland ut 9.45 to-day. The Cil>' of B3altimore left L*Àverpool about the sanie lime for Nom Yq;k.Ï I Theo Royal mail steaniship Aia' rived ut Liverpool at four a-.ni. ou the 16tb. The, sleaniship 'Tince »LIbert srnived at Gal!va>'about noon on. the 16t5, -sud 1he Northi Briton arrived ut. :Queei3>îwn A t 8.15 a. ni., on the 17th.- 1--! ritc eliey Ve Istersrplw oxb~~etd f!body vbicb- for stii#net ui6tld h tbat of b.'wl Wh ilutati' rtiedfroui. Sodoin. U.To- SLway Uh itktW&s(vb0Dkcl1iuUst Of evils wicih affect uit saoi in futuiee (o a, part c os's~ " n u~l~ Rightsf not.on>' btaisetieirsuast Ui 'estive hoird, but te rtai -osus W c wbet eur« b. bueraethal lus goinig may- cons, f ,wine,ý Ivatqr,,% r p#dink, W taise swigý about as long, as, ilta eth. Truc i1thlIat-allbengh itisecais not vise u our 9,ightt W.go niÇely to t ic by divers , ~ue.usters, namel>' wbelher lisesole aud exclusive, nighta;oD-f cvory bo<usewife to rotais possession of thé shovel' thé epoker, and the tonga i1>8aco-eval vilthohetimc's rbe'n 'Adam delved, and Bye sporn, or la no carlier thon Uic cali of Abrsham,:irhicis lutteriopinion vo Are lu- cliuudto fayor, yet we xuuy authorits- tivel>' say that by the Iaws of every vu!! governod state irbich'has umurged <rôm-thé miste of sutiquity down to our'limes, Pos- s e ssion 1without challenge .oDf ,any>' "u n g for s spccifled peniod, of lime crotes owu- ership, sud tis me kuow t;ethretofôro ne mian, elîher lu, or eut, of the bauds oi matrirnonyy, las ventarud t10 challenge oni riglit oie pdàsueion of said muapous. Thim just snd euligbteucd vium me deem decisive of the question.1iw flivôr of tbis, part oI Womau's Riglita, ouly me Would rccoM moud te our favored aiters, who are un trusted vith .sbovels, pokeru, and long-sý thu. should tbcy have occasion to usé then ras offefisive orýdeféoive weupons, wisdon sud discrétion sbould goveru Ibeir miuds h: the use of theni.: 7îh. That as oftun as a husbaud unt mife, or a bridcgroom sud bride, shahl agrusý to sleep lu oneulied, and if il la the pleasur of the mife or tb. bride to retire for 1h, uight firat, thon it shall forever form, s pur ôt Womun's Riglits 10, choose, front o bacis, stock or wall, ofusaid bod, sud therci, Wo occupy the ressonablu héif thereof îa peaceuble possession until she la moved C hurseif tW open lier eyes and willidrai therefrom. VEBsE 18, And il came to pans whe these resolutions more put b o'thé Meeting the firit six mere adopted miîli eue voice aud witb man>' signs of riejoicing, but lb 0sunheanis haviug moveèd a certain amen( 0meut on-tIhe sevculb resolution, vhicli lû ilmutrons dld not approe, IL loo as carnie ýb> a great majorit>'. lOth. And Wiukii 4 anakin again lîftud up lier voice and suid ,eIt la ullt oDur sou! te kexow Ihat thei >- résolutions wbicli me have laborcd te poe ýfeci, have beun- spprovcd 'b>" you, buti ,thuy doafford no cure for al the evils whic S' affliet us lu our dealings mitis mon, vu abS trnom procecd -to, perfect thut mbich is wautir 9, sud thut ail your gnievunces may bu kuowi ansd fully cornprehended lu our ameuds riglits, me have resolvud that not fewi ke than five,apfd ;»Pjt more, tbgn,twenty., leour sisturs ohall spuak âtI ouce. .20th.., Ai ouo husring thesu words a number -of voit wore ail at.ouce lifted - up, by some' cryli Do on6-thîng sud some auother, others Îuug ed, danced, sud sang, sud cried Winki Swanakin for ever, whercupou my ideas fli er bocame coufused, sud then finshly scatter I know not wheru, sud while Ibis bnbl O, of voices mure heudlessl>' buiug heard, t, 1-sun had bld bis head bebind a ver>' du ýt cloud, wheuuIo, a mighty mmnd, sud sfj n this wmmd, .camu nain sud bail of vast si2 ci 2lst. And as the fury of the tempuat w la vury gruat, I lifted up mine eyes aud i ce hoid Naaman's tout sud the uppurul lb )t apportainud tb the limbe of a man mure Xe be seen floatiug lu Uice air aboyé tbe te e8y of tbe trous, sud lomer domu sud a lit '~ beind eamas leT perceiav* C amn tien vere fo#i qn4b0%fields .ef. Tuisi TiseMoorssboedaun*tenltion cf attacis- ing lb. Spanléiposition;,. buta fom u- non sliotu suffi ei lte repl se ,lhém. Everj' ' p re p a uto n s 1 b eé à m a e o r u s g Beuiulusseudu an éeJPeditionary forceto china. The nov Belg#im 1ban of 45,O0Ot c frncs wmus asisoSscesi.. ý' The Opânlsrds eostnsed ltaprso Toisan and'iss a ttac'smus;o'sa- ea' eted' Spaini bud atsil esiEuglaud's. elli fis <nil. mins '!! rosiguatios fbs itr>'. , at'au mas foni ng s nov Cabiuet. wmite v-Ila a ui-ms Tise article' concis dry mnshtbetleeli upon sncb a- klnj tli5y ma>' catch Lx bis bing-liSe influe tain. A. Ascheme for t of Central Itai>'là Testerday' tise tien t5a auack Il tbrovn hile dlsor issh artiller>'. Tht edTetm, froni i four' miles distant The Moorisisz Segria Ver Xures Tiseofficiai Gîg te su Calliohies i lion of these tate Pope 'obe3jug the w" has negalively ep Emperor ->7apole orae f Ibe-refis liseprovince ila ti WIIITB WVbeat -Fall, iiitte-Spripg, Flour $511 Banc>' SOc a LI Unt is Tc 0 Rye SOc. 'a 60 Ponk $5 to $61 Beef $375 Q *~ Sbeep $@s Pelatousi25c. Fowls 25r- @ Gees.25e@ 'ApiesS Oc @ Bides $54. Salt $125 Cord Wood $1 z JONESW - - MObelusion cftb. brlde'a 'liTbidge, te Jet BÂTES-AI te $t5hai., aitt tise 'beloved thé _2915 year cf >Tise fumneaiY S Weduesda>', S plesse ateu& wi 'At port Wht instant, Mr. Qoi Gbhpa" Mary ni»iyesa5, 5 nu At maucilst tise 2ad-ins4,sf David'Daniels. uem Western 7Us6& aem q iet4M bbynoin1~ Asbes qi.t -,ýPos'3 T'uarn is . Broad uuf deobined fro4àù'v!wl îabup.,~n< ;s 100-pt Il 1 GREAT B191TA19- usIorm aud commercial lreatiou milS. (fosa Bign\.povwets; Uithe160,00,000Oof frliUeý m41,ýIug dispouable (rom the lIii loin', wili b~pied rreeyeas4y'-mrdits, le th exucutbon.cf great public morks. The ifmperor ucbuldes--I, am-convincesi It 'ai-l'bbthé,WeÈffpotô' iè and 14lajrèivtboW ,»those refon." I se _ ýrxq oti ,m'paugt#lbte wvih, Aem the 00W cru of pence, utid- to assure 'go Llssings 10. France. The loueýr attricld great attention. Witliscaircy ieeptionti4e PrisI Press aplanded the prjeet.. Iu En-land il gives. great satisfiaction. The London Times conclddeiaa leadéi ou the 1eitter> as <ollows.:-4iWe -aïe Mla io .condition, ourselves »t preset ,te redue. our revenues sud mu are opposud le coc-s. merdiai treAtims.: Buta'*llip hpe lIaI il mn' he in the pomer cf theCliancellor cf the, Exchequer lu cousidurution cf thé imipulsÉý theso changes -mPsetgiy. 'te Britisi cern- mercu, siid the probable- increase cf ±h, custns revenue, te muSe me reduetica' ou Frenchi produetà, wmlleS mi» bu at '"Y rate an uus'nest Of 'goôdwiM.' Tise tm countnies' arc atI uglisneanIl'entere*d'4' the saine pals lu this, conlest lu mbicis botb may bu vicIo ns ud- bile thse-' one lIat yields the miost bas a rnlg!.t W *xpuet lb. meut uolid advautages." it vas sîtatud thai'the Frëei Govuru- lenut mlas about to preceed, aguina thIe' Sc- ciez>' of St. Vinent du Puni, 'a 'meut' im-' portant cliaritabie asoitininFrn, *sud Ibat the 'minister of the intenlo«t bid slready informýe4 nil the public Sanctions.> ries Ibal tbéy ùu ,st'ciooselbetten ouai. berg"of that association, anud rutaiuig tbeir offices au public functionaries. Il as alooa reponted t'irethtie 1>Sal ,Nuncio lad dlivered Mn. i3aroçfiea note coîùsiniug's formai official protust againsl ' the programme of lb. pamhlet, "Thé Pope sud Cougios." The, Paris .fleur mariset mes, duill sd sales dilicuit. Wheut quiet but stcndy. - VRY',LTE8 PàaisWedn"sda,. The, Patrie cf tbis ,eve ning tyhéb prohibitiosviiwi ,net hé e'abolisbéd befor. Juyi 1861i' mhertley WI l urelecesib>' protectivé duties,,of 84 or 26'per.' es4 mlicb, milthéheadvautages granled ltiseh L reuch, in.dusry' miii hé quile isuffiieunt-te1ô shlow competition. 'lefore laising au>' definite rosolufiôn the -Emperor:-bad deci ded to heur the opinions cf Uie-prnui, munufacturera.' 71' Thie Austnisa and Sardistin cohmssion for the regulation of theI'bpndary lime bas already, hlld Uiruee meetings. 'The Ausînisu Custom officors'bsvu bÉen r ,uore y thoý militr>,uode'l avent provocatjqv fronvthçe otisr, uide cf the, îroutiers. MADR», atL18. LzvEnreeL, 9 s. ni., Jan. 18. r lu anticipatio'f ilth i imeting c"f Panlia-c ment ou thé 24tif cf Januaqy, LOrd-'Pal- merston hsd iasued' the usuai circulai tuIs1 supporters lu the Hlouse cf Cummons, ru-3 quesliug their atteudauce ut Uic openiug of the session, ns business cf gnous impor. tance is ut o nce te lie bronglit formurd.1 Tihe leaders of the respective parties Sud9 likemise-isued invitatfions W 15te customar>' dinuers wbich'uare givun prier le 15e assem- blagre cf Parîliatoont. A dotuestie affiction vould. prevent Mr. D'isaeli eutertaining lis follomors. At an 4dournud meeting of -the Grs#t Ship Companthîe Dirocters report mus adoptedà TDe majonit>' aguinitt îb.aswetd- munItmes 1848. A commuttee of investi- gation waa appoiuted, sua il mas resolved tbul no néw directors shoiid Se elected un- til ffîor the preseutatiosi cf the',commlttee's report. The tire mateu cf t5e Amunican bark Anus, previouél>' reported undur urreut up- on the cherge of -haviu'r caused thse deuth of six color ed seamen b>' cruel treatmesst, have lieun lrougfit up' before the Mugis. trates nt Nompont, TIe cf Wighi. Ei- deuce of great crueit>' mas udduc*ed, bu~t it la asserted forlte defeuce liat t5e mou died fnom, 15e effectu. of Yeliow févur,mhicli bad prevailed ou Sourd the vesiel. 1' TW Asuerican Miniater 'haviug sent a proleut ainst*tlise juriadicîhon cf the Court; 'the Magistrae -bldte dismisu lte charge., The proteut mas ucconipanied' Witis't ie4eqt Ihat the Mugistrate wm' uId detain, the, du. fendants until lIc matter conld hd, iuquired inbob>' thé Anen ican Cnu, 'o th1e>' mugît ho reniitted te their- omu ceuntry?, under the extradition Iront>'. The. Magii' trute s coucluded that tht>' could 'net li accused i vilout a formai requiaiticu, sud tise>'mere. saccordi.ngi>' dlscbnrged. -The mutes Sud teO be cenveyed t10 hum a.ip un- der the protection of the police for fet ci the mob. Another case cf cruseit> on b;oard the Anieridau ýship 'Wizard, King, mhicis remîlt- esiiitise duathofthe viétim,',bàdudnnden'; gouean inveutgai 9n '- beýfo i teéCoroner<, lu Loador. The'Jusy b. h'eir verdl4i Bstaee 6xlaustiou to10 bve been the -cause cf; deI, Ëi î4' n i ii méîùcbarge the t'hicr vlignous and cruel -négleot. Thé Queuec Iad -affepted tbeýservices cf te emp1oyeus' of . 'e Ounard mail serice a t Livorpooli ta'akcorps ,ofsrtilIony vomis- leurs. The force lhai . en ,orga niz od . bj Mr. MIcIver ,' agent cf tishe,nd whI'*t suaps ber 4040 mua. The aunouucemet tbat Lord Comley bha -ruturued, 10 PÂTis mas premiaue. Ho disi uoi urnlebre ouiît7tsî. Onbis arivai lho ei .d al on gaudience iithEpoor telogram on the subject asys the Emperor -requusted' lid oI>'.t dêkeo, ei 9 -Englins Cabinet tisat âihhi desiing an telsasof noniilervehtion, :iu r' uuderstood'tisat; be Atwaëco nsi dered lins 0self bnu , thé enÉgè ente. Of.,Yilla. ,gollation, cf France, and gÉland'. Tiii *assmblage cf lis. Congres lu tSerèfe stl osibèY Is îOitâiuh4ng found. 'lie dablne'e bue Congransd 5b>' ytelograpl i lfoî '= "enozfr-ds- -- -f th. )t >r e'. 1 1 * 1 1 - 1 - 1 ý.1 1 1 il l 1 1 1

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