Whitby Chronicle, 7 Feb 1860, p. 4

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.IF 'CJ~ONICLE' WeehIi QJ~roiridc - ~tr b~h - - - - izrnî. s -- - The CIRCUILATION 1'han that of any other local IP ê' r in the Province, and I?ÂR EXCEIED The -circulation of al the other papers in the County of Ontàri'o united. WEEKLY CHROINICLE ONLY ?éER 4YNUM. TheQhroniole is thie Paper to Aes, l£OARtD -SCOTT S 0,NEW " I& conitinuete publiabthle feîlow. iug'iesli'g Britishi POrýodlcaî, vis:- un ILONIXIN QUARITEILi' (Conservatlv..) nu seNDRUnesVi îw (Whig.) - 4. Mr nwzsxiuuTBR uaVIEv(Libérai.) BIAckwooD » s>IBUhIGH NxaGAziNE (Tory.) These parlodicahs ahi>' répreseuttIhe tbm.. Smah politicel parties et Great Bn-. f ln-9' tbig, Tory, aud Radical-but poli. tics teriseuly oefeteture of hhircharact- er, Au Or gans et thé meat profouud vîitésuen Science, Litemahure, blerahit>', arnd Religien, thé>' stand as they éver baié tood, unrivahied lu thé e rd o et t targ, -1beIug. côusidercd indispensable te -thé #cholusr snd thé psel esslonai man, vhilé teIltéeiIntelligent readem of every clamns. tiy turnim.h a more cerrect and satîistacter>' me- cord-ot thé curmont iterahuraetfthe day, threughout the venld, than eau lie peaaibiy JL btAli.d trous ami> other seurce. - Thé recel ph et ADvANCH AJEET irom thé - 'hntim.h pubishiers give.s dditierual vaitfe the Réprinhi, Ilusemuci as the>' can new ho placed in thé hunsdofetubscribers about as soors as thé original éditions. Par anu. 'Fror aiiy on.et thé four Rcviows . .. $8 00 F'or au>' hwo cf ile four Reviéu.... ô 00 For auy îhreé of thé tour Reviev ... 7 00 For al ftour ef thé Revléwut........ 8 00 l'or Blackwood'u Magazine ........ 8 00 For TiIackwbsod snd oee Rvkw . ô6O ix--etul.twood> sud tweRéeview ... 7 00 l'or Nlaekw.od aid tirée Revievi...0 00 l'or Bliack wood sud the tour Beviévs. 10 00 .Sfoy'ourrnt in tliseBtto er. isued ïeil, oebveod «t par., A discourd ofetwtenty .five pot cent. troni the above pricels vwli> e llovéd to CLUBIS erderun g four or more copies ot an>' oue or more <s tihe abové vortu. Tiss: FPour onples oftBlackw*ood, or of ent Révlew, wil b.isent l e a ddreuu fer $9 ; tour copies of théelotir R.vle ws sud Blackwood foi- $8;auco ou. POSTAGE. Qanadian niairouseibers wIll be eup. plled Irue. of l;S. Postage. Rstnltta&nc. for any ofthie aboe publics n4s sbouid always b. addréeued, post. i~d, te thé publuhers, * tLEONARD SCOTT&Se0C. 46W -Ne. 54, Gold Street, Nev York fb. eeterborol Exaznner1 T'H'UWqSAY MON09O lait XA 1 bolusuthé larueteronltlou go ï oe t e oi hid e din atérbM oin su= Teint-To sdvertlsers Ver>' libéra., of the1 AREA UrTX L lute ýt' X al *V Dov111. %gs laQss"s 8v niavhl, e~eslp Can, toitP4ort sud yWurP n oép<ioti MEî Mi u éiudlng Sil plr(es on lte Wéa. lgten At 7e i.,siMd0p& i.m- Due for del very at 10..*ni.1sud P-i- LetterA for Montréui sud Pils lu td4ôflpg- ït ta'éenKdéipitebd'by th ilghtmuii'ge -Pilitriug '1 oroto asud o aiplées WestiôtTo- route, aié, thé G. ý. B. .tr velUettýPBofi00 go!Pg 'West, loms7A. m.$ and t 6 1t.In. Due for dtlivéi7 hèer@e t 10 &.Mt., audshi a.îu. Tue Malse for i9korl nt aud Dusubarton are ouiy maiied by thhê ornlug train gong West. North Maclleavo dally Atter tlieé arrvAI o lié trsin frontl'orontop fer lIroolliln, Manches- ter, port, Perry, Beac, iîda, Baota 81- -verton, Port ebDver, Ashburu, Epsoîn, Utcea and Uîbrl lg,esio for aIlthie coerepoixdlng.of- âges.1 - 1 ' . .Mails are aiso-made up Ah sauîietlméfýoi' ud- lév, Bronglialn, 'Basai, reenvood sud Kin- esale daliy andaon Tuesday, Thursda Ansd Saturdcy iýr Altons, Claronieltt sud tbiff- Malse are due for cleilvér>' roii tl0ose offie ah about à 80 P;'ni. ENGLISII MAILS.-Froin thé lut cf April. 18.59, cil lettérsfor Great Britain useWN .pr'é- paid, b>' potagestaiuip. Lattera iteudéd for Europe shioui hé pent- éd beforo 7. o'leci A. M. on Montlays.- IREGISTRtATION opF 1.ITERS-The chargé for Registration, in addi9m o isupotL- agi, l.as folleive on eaolî ltter -%ls: Le an>' place ni ritàh Norti Âmerioea, Id j To au>' place lu thé United Staten, (postage muaI be propald aise )Sd : To an>' place lu Gréa t Briain snd Ireland(ot age iuet ho prepid aise> 74d - d(iosh Te an>' place lu thé British Coles or Fosses- uxi)ns, sent eia Epgiand, (postage mutaI .prê- Te uy placeinmuce~, orotherlforeignoot- tries, tiâ Eugiaud, an amaunt equal te hhe post- age rata. PARCELS up 10,8 Ibo. wolght eaui b. sent by post under reaulatlons at lxa d 'per lb. te bie prepaid by postae e tampe, and nia>' liéregintor éd 5»' payu et 8 d dd tiousi. No ms I Asare desputched or receivéd on Sun 'cBook,Se*i-mted materfor thé Uited 4tatés, Qa ai 1 stgé ue ahopro pai lz"'outsge at éal OH msncb niatter frSi AWl trauileutl'iuapa ç1ne ulnéing tiose fer effnd utb ;repta.by Pesteag eStanip INevfpap.sfer th.-8rltlsh Wout liidies, or Newiotssç1and, muaI' be-me pald by Postage ni te déahu;an fodnl,Ohlna, Austra .14q ujbohr placesbeyço&dluea, 24d eauh. O~FO~ UU~.-..Wekdasfrein aïmu. to p n. S Üdi,.ýq roi 0 W10a. M. Postige Shanipa ombe purchaaed uh thé Peut Office. ~ , M4>F!RSON, P. if. DEN TBTIT1 DENSTRY 1 ID ZT7BNS ,is sîncemé -tiauku ho théeizeusn 'AXI iitbhy sud vieluil>', for tii.!e y lbetal patronage extieuded te hlm lu g is- proalôn.- Hanov laktes lavé ta acquelut blaunoueu freda tapuUIbat hé iasfulyconiple- tedhi usmageneuu orthé permanent mracc of hilsprofe"aien, luthie Tevn'et Wjiitby- Tééthh ieated on Qoid, P'latin, Cheoplahie Métal.S&. Tésth illi Iwth Or QOLD -AND STANIEL FOIL, JO sud viti Docter JoetnesInvniolnthie non- coresivo.pcrl ceret-e q ual to gold, 6ut net se eostly.Teeth extmsced by'tIsé usual procéas witiionh pain. Apu'actlci et Iveut>' vesrs lu bis profesioun, ûnabes D. Joues te guaanItee i patiénti siii that protessloinal saMUI sud éxperiénce eau ecoompli,*tewards alla vlaîing hmen eufferingr. ,ai théeatenh ent fai affeen oethie Téehhi, SUme ansdfacal nerves--Tie-doloreanx, * Se. D. Joués operations havea ivesys beu atendéci vîlti the gréatest aucéesg, OFFICE ah tao old Dontai Stand, ovér Jo. B lov'e lDry Geedi Store. 1%YTsiENeF.J.Hoiiui Party, Esq., Ma yor et WVhltbv -N. G. Reynolseul., Siserlit', C. 0O. W. Il. ihreriyne, Esq., Dr. Viactley sud Dr %suin. Novoîier 24th, 1858. DENTISTRY« DR. C. C. JEROME§ surgeon Dénit, I'N rettnmlng thasi; aliste us nuinérons% friands4 sd t epublicey'enémuly for tudr libomu'i pitrcseu ce ieh ceusîneeiîced practice li thus Tewn, voîîhdlucre ate occaion te s4tate teahil tisosé viearecreqnir'ugArtifliil Teétti that hé has nowobtuuuné a uchiluiéfor Weniiigtisa vuhcaiàsisad ubber, upon v1iscli lié wilI'uiert aIl lehuel and styles oi Toothif, chw.cpr il.au hm. over in eudone bq/or. I vIth tlait;process. .Dr. C. C. JunouE viii guariast t fit thse ineut lféit ets eviti tise greateAt preelsiosi Iii ai tulcses, parti-as eau have Blocit Téellu vitih Sld Gumi, wviolei, lu évor>' respect,j fts supéerrte ai>' cher tisud et' womit nituv li tige.TVis wort lu biglay apîrovcd of b>' cli' "f thluéoudiumg Deniste iii NeM Yrt, anîd pnius- clpal ciles tliroughout tise Unilted Stats-. ewlrg te Its helusg nainéh liglter sud et a neh-curoitive nauture sud 1h le, afttr a test of tlire )*ari%, dceinià ligier ssmd iore prcf1.riléthan goid or aisi' thèr uetallc platte. Ds. Jiseoxmur veu sis it tealie berné lu mind thîs lie ha. grasti>' rédscedthie pTi-ceswhlie heretofore vére the standard. lié wouud pimu feirthurstaté liaI ethbseu ontuatauuîl>' siîug tise ahevo nsend nialéral for severaliiutîsa îauht, ditmlig will i tuuîhoihuas put tasp aigraui nutubar eofcaseisand ln ail lInstanoce tic et cf stlsfaetioil nosalc«u niit'euted b>' tie <od, Si ver aud Platina Plates 0555 np tu the Late9t Setyles, Olaaper Maun ma; ,anmd Warrante. *Alil surgfical operatiossof theé'Lt or Gui, skilifuhl>' pemtormad. S0"Teethiextraetedl vithout pain b>' menueor eletriclity. 'Pirtien, taer attention g van t te rega lois et Cliii. P.S. Cail sud examine spacimaus et tis vomi. bafore gettiu; yen téeth i iuuém-d esuévisere. .Pwepek're fok stu-t, WAtc. sept. 15, 1869.lysv Whitby Brewezy. vit sa suexeelul &atel i-élchsdsquuli tai i mna> 1,e requl"ed, sud on té,'.. s ou#li Pu> BOUt0l1 Alé équai te théelImported artilIe. CLAR4K S 0DAW The Colonialwsaç otabllsbed i.19 180 -md ite ý ý cMII,9ItAi-bx Million Sterling. aie-role au- c laima s ettied. .Agent at Whitly?. IDTtIl Âgeeleinev >Parttleo . 1 -'Eyainîr~moecompauy. OAPTALTWO MILLIONS MT. Fia Pa~i~il58-wo uured Thouuand' Ponuds Sterling. HuYgt'd 27Tou.and Po. Serng. aud Méebadié, of iiery deseription, et. fot4d'oI fiethmnt favorable terms. ort perlod rit%. taken on Merehandite for one or more months. Luismeeon vryadvuutogeons tems for thée nsubred; with unànal bonus itnd diviïien Whitby, June, 1859. 20 PHlRWIX INURANCE COMPFANYs. NARTYOID, CONN4ECTICUT.. W-PAID ùP- CAPITAL, $20,0OOý P OLICIES granted liîudintely on, applies.v C. LYNDE, Whith Veb. 2.1859. Tbe 'seottitih Pribviuclal Asaurusue Company. F..tab&i.1.d . D. 1825, and IncorporaUd y à ..pWW ia p c -arianieni. CAPITAIL -1,000,000 OA1An-RMD OFFICE: Montreal, 9 Great St. James Street. SOExT&ETn.-A. Davidien Parkter. I NTEZ<DINQ Assurera are reitpectfiilly re JLqnosted te peruse this Company'@ Prospec- tusl vierein I il iil be fouud liat ever> advan- tage, consdistent with securit>', Io offered Te rates ef Preiluni charged arc 1ev. while the Bonuses déciared viii bearcomparisoîî vitîz .ho Proti>ie. allotted by any et the étheor leadiug offices. *Partieular attention 1% aise direeted te an-équi- table régulation adepted hy tbis Cempan>', as te surrendor valuà ef reliiq uislied Policies. WHrrsv.-John Agnew~, ...gnt; RobertJ.' Gunn, M. D. Médical Advixer. PEiaNoz ALxwe.-Niveu Agnêw, M. D. Medi cat ldviser. 9B State pukre Insuranâçe Comnpany of Lone *don, England. CUéETERE» ET ACTOF 0W EliTiSit AXEEW. CA4PITLL...£500,000 STERLING. BOARD Or DIRETzcRoS Chairmaa-The Riglit Hou. L-rd Keane. H. B. Sheridan, M.P1, Coloneol James Adir Thé Bey. W. Beau. Peter Cuarstairo, Es q. Théelieu. B. Béothby John James Unwîn caie Esq. Henry' Clark, Eaq.,M. D. Nieholao Donnya, Yb,. William B. Pot or, Esq. William IIénnry Boiugli, Esq., M. A. F. M. Wclin, E8'. Peter Morrison , 'q., Managine Dirooter. À ivdd4uor.-Aubros. Millor, Esq. &licdtr.- bfiae. Mller 4&kHorne. .Sureqor.-Wuilliam &.Williams, Esq. Bankoa.-Momsrs. Bansoni &eCompany. .Ycretar.-Wni. Canveil, Esq. CANADA BRANCHI Hlead Offie,-Maaonie Hall, Torouto. T1'u.tmé.-IIon. John Boss, John Crawford, «P.d f Director.-C9uirman-Wm. Me Mater, Esq. im-Caairrnn-W.P. lIowlatid, lisq.,ý M. P. P. Win. Bosst, Esq., Win.lieu. deson, Esq. F. W. Jarvis. Eiq., Shériff, U. (C. of York and l'cel. Banker.-The Bank of 3Monircul. Sellcitort -Rusa, Crawford & (Jrombic. Tie é.aeneîof the Stato lire isuranco Comcpany> are g"nlaraitted by a reeeotiilu P'ro-. prictary. Ail Losses wil hé settled prenîî.tly ihu refèrece o tethe fBoard ihi îîlotd.Ywtou Thé businem ôt t hé hunes baving been pur- chose 1, Poliey -lioldors are nov guaranted b>' thé stae. ALEXANDER STEWART, Mtanager, JBritiolh No-th AmdH.rl JOHN AGNEW, Whlltby, Jan. 5, 1859. 1gna Protection agdintit Lois and Dama;.re by pire@ WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £ 100,000 rIbNUluANCE cffeeted ou Buildings aud Inier contents. Ever>' inforrmation supplied on application tte té ders;igucd. JOIIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Sireet, Whitby BrittaIt Amerlos Asurance Conspamy, Pr-C OPURATED under an Ac t hie Ttdrd JL Ssjion ef tho Elevouth Provincial Périls CAPITAL' £1009090. Irsurance éttocted, on Buildings and tîteir coniten'ts. Every linformaittion asnppliâ e n an h4o *al Fuwi«p £.di1 1 - ,.1.1 »roisof oielle Unirin t e8. .ang1le is fortai. o 1 r ot-Sec t lu'dlu port S. W. fiflli Of 21, 20d 'Coli. of 1<eaohI for- ,mer, .own.dib r oot. hs *dl under enitivatlen, and ln excellent order. It wll ba sioid to nuit purchassers, or lviii be lot to a stendy toisant. For ternme sppJlý 5JONSO BAS. JO, C. W. or teTHOMÀS BEOALjL, 1Whitby. ar d lsa lcs vishow the land lu Uxbrldge. ]Kons. ,auid Lot for Baie. 7"rrlJx Lot contains on-feurth of on acre or JL excellent I4,pd,ywhioh is in> l4igh 84e-of, oxtivatleu.' T!,b houns la aFranie bxtildig 18 by*24, and tomifortably njhdo.11 lia ted lu a very pleasant part et the Vill.1e et Ux- bridge, boing lissr the churoh, the sehool, the, pelît offie, and -the places of geuèral bw'iness. ~rnie aisy, aud niay biskuewiî by spplying te Wui Wakerprori~ornt Dr. Nat îon's or te lan, nkmtUalridg.. May, 1859. 1 ]FOR SALÉ CHEAF. Lr OT IleXoM, in the-Brd eoncesàioii of Whihby JU(the Wn.xixs FARM) adjoining the Town of Wlsitby. Apply te the lion. B. C. WILKINS, Carrying Place, CuAs. WILKINSq, BelieVile, or te J ulyl15, 185?. . H AM Whitby 2C Stcam and Plastr Mill for Sale. T IUE ASSIGNEFS 0F O. STONE, OFFIE for salie on easy temme thé Stéam M>later Mili and Fumuitumé hhemin, ah Port W hithy. Application te hacnmade te J. L. GRANOLR, or N. MILLIER, Whutby, 3!arch 2, 1859. Whitby. 7 Farm for Bale. ACRES OF SPLENDID LAND. LOT 200~j10, in l0 oti ssono Thorais; 15 Acres cieared. This Famnin h situatod withli four mi'eseof Beaverton, ou thh travel read tu Mera; thé laud lu et thé boat quniity, andiluilui thé centre cf a good siettlonxont, viti a Scicel, - and a Savisl couveuient. Aise Northi lalfeof Lot 4, lu thé 101h Comces- sien of Thorah, eonoistiug et 94.acres - 12 et ich arc eced, sud fronting on lisé Portage Boad, near (Jamere's Miil.- Api' D CAMERON. Béavorton, 101h .>niy, 1857 26 FOR SALE. T OWN LOTS lu W hihby near thé Bay,- Aise Vilag Loah Dumu'u Creét, French- SAppI> te --Tr - à"- -w Jîsune 1, 1857. Brook S ti"ti b FOR SALE IN %IHE TOWN 0F WÏIITBY. LOTS NOS. , sud 22. TIIEY ARE SITU' atod ounDundats Street, betwoon Mr. S.- Cochrano'as and Lyndo's Crcek. W* TEiNS LIBEsIAL. ,,,o Application te lié made te MRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 88, Sth concesision Darliicton. Christian Offernîg" pieuse cop>' until forbld LIVERPOOL. Blaeksmlths & Waggonmkers Shops For Saie,or to Let aI Liverpoolv, T WENTY MlLES EAST 0F TORONTO (A XDepotand Stationoet hhseGrad Tnet i - way). Encoiu$hop usesi a Cottage and a quarter et au Acreet'fLUd attacied. Theso preiiîsises have beux iateiy ércctad vith lu a short dista.a efthei Kingston Road, sud tise Biiv.c>' Dcpot. A good busineéssun bhou tradea uealédone by uteadi>'asd geed vert- ilion. For furtiér partleulsims a>li te Liverpool Juiy 28, 1857.28 FOR SALE. A Nexcellent nov FraieCothpgciunariyln thé heucrht ftaie àown oethitbyand vithin a févyardls oethie Main Stret- und Strét-toet or vith rwo-gitts et su acraet land attacied. Thé liouséecentaines six apant- monte, lias an excellent ceilar, sud tise.le g od tabling sud ail nceser>'o -uhldinge, 00" a u en o pu p o t g ed vater on tisa spot. viot i i lié found ver>' ~~> J. A. MAYERIIOFFER lu.Chroulle Office, WhitLy. BEAVERTON. FOR SALE jCHEaAP. AMILL PEIVILEQE AND TOWN LOTS Aconigieus te the Besiverteu Wharf. A large dud -profilalléM1114umgbusinesu eaui hé doue hmre. Favorable terimeauuabe moade vittu thé Proprleher b>' 1rachlcalMlr. ' M RMsTRONGI N.B.Thée l a rot-rata openg e- vcrton for th. e latblshuxelxh0ea~ têvron, 4a128 187. b a Whnso~ eiéÈetlV plcTeouto nsudtof ,A quaitty of5o9d UDAWEVOS, 1 PRO 'E AOVE IjLs.-100 aces'SoUth 6ai'Otôet t1 19,"r ocsinc hty cia AUMSTROU È STAT, Onytiemles fronüt tii.Towi> f Wiitb>'. L*t No. 20-8, s'cohoneion 'iofDarliigton, -about e dggxI il es 1o ômuil. - rd.-50 scies ouhRuhqumýrtIof 'Lot .Ne. 18,; 111h condession, otMrpess, about 9miles front Liudsay. Thé aboyé meuhioued Lots ère firoIS14las Parms, lu s high state'ot culItivatien , 'goo«' BuBld sud néar, important Tovus.- Wi ouýd reaibe, Sdon fvo,'a- blé torna. ÀApi>te p 1J. H. PERRy. Agent for tiseOtoner. ýWihby, Oct. 6, 1850'. 56 TU MIL TUE WURLDY, AND ZHALE' 07' TiUE T Esubsoriber haviugau5mpeuded business, hé 'enov offers ho Sel or ont fer a erni yedTS, on ver oiuréinaibé-ternis hi. spieîidd vEILGE 0OF VROOXMNTON Township of Brock, eousisting ef a STORE & DWELLIING HOUSE, Witlî two Kitchentý, a Sitlugrooi aud Parler tond attaclied te thie store giswell furnisiieci- loce and Warelienso. Thé buildings ore finIt clams Fraine Buildings. I'rice, 09209in four oqual aunnal instalÎments, wîti inwtrcsAt at tise rate of eliht pr cenit per annuin, or 0923 per Brook ueedâo ne wrtten rceonimendation, 1ils iudustriona iishabitants is a snfliieut-roeoui- tueudation. For further partieulars topplte BOSS, MITCHELL, & Ce., Mérehiants, Yuîn; Street, Toronto, or te the subseriber ou thé ~.reuscuM. McPLIADEN. Vrooniten, Brook, Sept. 17, 1859. 86w-tf Faxm t o-Let. Farni te Lot for B terni cf yéàa, lu thé Towns;bip cf Darlington; about two miles east of Bowuxanville village, con- haîning about 150' acres clear, wîhh good Buildings. Apply on thé Pari to Mmm.. DANIEL (GALBRAITH. Darliugton, Oct. 20, 1859. 40.2w A Comfortable.Failiy Résidence sftuated iu ltheVillage of Livompeol, TowusLip of V1ick- enxng, adJong thé Frencliman'a ayStation cf tie GrandiTrlunkit ay, 18 miles frei To- relite. consistinîg of a Cottage contarning Niue Roomu, wlîh ever>' convenieucé réquisiho; a large hum and Stable attacbed ; a nover faliiig well et wa- ter; thé Grounds are tastefull>' laid out, and ilaiîted with Mhade Trocs;- aise a Large Garden well steeked with Fruit Trees; lhe whoio cô,vers îwo acres of' Ground and'catinet bé surpaiçiod lit thé Tow nship of liokoretîg, fer its convenu- etîce ud rcady &as te the -ltailway. Ternis r.ade easmy or fu rthier particuliera appiy htheil sihscrxber,YIorkvile;or teMr. Wil ni Purdy uioti thé premisées. Possession given forth- witli. GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yerkvilio, May>, 1858. 1 ForSa.le, or to Lot. S COMMODIOUS AND PE Asantli ' itexated "ý BRICK COTTAGE, with j of an acre of land, in thé North Ward cf thé Town cf Whitby, on thé East aide ef Brook Street. For further particeilars apply (if by lot-, ter, post-paid) at W. I. Tremayné's office Whitby, or te thé subgcriber, Cashili, Markiani. Whitby, Jul>' 2Sth, D. O. JENNINS, Proi et o. 1059. 81 For Bale Cheap, and on Rea- sonable Terme. T HRE god tainslu thé Tovnship cf Thorah, Cou to Ontario, with i. provenienta et 20 acrai ou each Lot. Fer particularsa spply to H. J. Mesodon- eli, Whitby, Barrister, or tb D. Camercu, Beaverton P. O.- D. CAMERON. Gc&tcber 17, 1859. 50.21n-s 40-2in-v TO LET& T TFStoeéasd dwehlmîng Eousé nevoccupied by James Pringle, atid-kuowu as tié lu thé Tovu et Wlsitby. Possession gîven ou tisé draet St eniber next.ý Applt'e JAMES ROWE. FARM 'FOR SALE. t~BALtthe JNotkh of flot No.?7, ilu Sthé li2th Ccessioo et ah, about 80 acesoprd.,Thé ansvelvsémpb a th. ptsnimwo. Théiaisdlsoié4ééun4tý _ ti-mbe mémpr"ilésgn duanad'Hu- WM. TOXLINSONt Gm'oebaùk P. ., iw"bp Jusa07t.il barnea nu'emia parý.onshJ Jan. U1 hl1860.~ 1>,or by lotter, pestpal'4,-tho Abram Logan, BR31OCK STREET, WHITBY, E3 AVETre ighspnt up on îtLÏ lstest Anr- eau and c(Janaiinisproved> styles, with lrôn ho)ld-fixsts. Ggtivanized Liitaimig rôe. Couuty orders ment by pesh, or oïtherwise pronip)tly -aîtendeil to. 42e. BLONDINOM MUE 8fîl ubscrîber requests public allen T tien to his new steck cf cuperior Steves. Thé>' inch.ude tisé felcvirsg neir patternsa: 7W.9 KING 0F S TOVFES, THE PRINCE ALBERT, DAVY CROOKET, PROTECTJONIST, GRAND TUBE, MRON D UKE, Cail and examne? S62 JOIIN BUVAN. Breet Street, Wisihby. opJUST; OPEN ,, CANTON Te COMliPÀNY'S New store 11 ing-e.1hst, lieur thé st. q'lECmtny, fonîned for hie impoirtatirnef th plané of-griwtii, nov effer te thie public seine et tise niet Splendid (Jrop eofTéois ever seld lui Canada; and ai priaes for.UCash cul>, that viii hé sure tho1taise a cren gailîst ls b>' interes- ted fartoI, wh hîaiu ebieon uelisg for yeur» Se- cou Clma tes beâevy profil s. Tisémotte, '>Sbiort 'proita »âtd qu éietiirK, 'vi -bc âtrietlyardisémd Id b'>' liCompany'. Tes. viii ho retoiled ut Whole »lePrices tinus euîîhii ail paiahoBUYM'-PIA RAN>L NEW ;TEAS' ah t&é Lovwlet si l>ticiý(F]iure. ThéeCosuan>haiýé been carofulte selèet, thtrougl ilcir AgenitSiici Cllmiua, sOiiéof tiiose swIendcid Tes.o, oul iltseulbeliéLondon anîd 1i ln Mïetx, se Ihsut ceusumors, vIs e r- mouiber tie daliicioiua fiavoroetTees oU'etisere nia>ôw bcwhosuppliéd vith thmse cleioiing auJa invigtatiusc articelsf. 'We ilivite a triali te test Ounr iis'etois. Thé pnces viii upeait for them Aehvow. Look ah ti'esn' Now on Sale, Five Hundred (Iluest1 Biserpr b,.... les. i rés prlb.à. ets. Ooodper- l. 4é=s: eprlb 40cus. Spieideid perlb. s ISp5eu.did petib- lcta 'onperier et ...fes iati.arl..'O. llohlKesepcros hool Propniéhor Countury Store,asud Boar<liug flouse Icepers, olÏERVEFI va orty »,?Uc ackme, asu p. a nof l' bot ciris trcte cliii'part cf Cad, on reeet itei CASH Thoso vie doutb netl 11sp e.ge a quanhit>' ouid de veil to club t eéther vitît théir frinU. g Sts faction Warassted. IWtbffee, la an'article adnihmtéd te snob, a frigilfai LXtenitilit Pep1le arc gettsug alam-, éd. Th#p Comitauîy, désirons cf offenlug pure sud- uaddilhrted atioles r.eqîst a trial oe iai deicionai TUI$EY COllEZ, at,28dms., sd vé illgusar~ee tactsalenieiioye. Fine, La GusyrseZcta. 0' Bémeniler thé numbor, 151,KAng.St., jtwe diomoru-roMaritét sqjuare, Mud pletumé oôiù.- ~nitnnicato thui novate y6ouiriouds. Teresîte, Sept. 22, 18M, *-- 8-- POSTj-,PONqEMENT 0 FTIME, rPE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIOZiS for' Ltb Gq , pme it m ajéué t tta-* '7 Ptuau# Woans, } lOtit Jaa~ny, 1880. - shîpofR~ch;etng ceompsed'tüf pdrt-,,et Lobt nuié en, in -thé -,Ninthýonceme sien of tlre-aiO Towuehip,,of b b and kuov'-n' asalithe rein igpart pf jid Letý,wI job bas ixot hter been esq4 .fog haires, or previously conveye4 by J'ôfin-' Wàggoneeto Tbouas lifatini wlith * gj4 hast menhfoned pieceoor parcel may bé de- rtribëdïngas followls, * COUR ni dni'ou!Iront c!fasýid lot, 'at,-or about. thé :ýdi&îtance-'oî twelse ,chaina and eighty ýliuku, on a-couru scuAtl seveuty.fbur .dégrées: west, -from seuth et anfgle et said lot and at th. soni asts angle cf land, sold for taxes;' the ne norti sixteéen degreés west eighlaen clinus uid'tWenty-flve ints; tbencénotrth aeveuty.four dégres eat, ho thé western lituit cf limd dèed éd te Thons Martin; thence south sixteen, degrees, eost, éight teén- chains an'd twcnty-fiveIita t. the fron t cf said lot; thhence 1 aieug tbe front 0( ,hié said lot te thé place et beginuing. NELSON Ü. REYNOLDB, - Sheriff's Office, hrf .'. Whitby, Nov. 28, 1859 CORD',WO 0 1D WANTE GRAND TRUN'K' RAIL WATS T IIE UNDENSIGNED wii reeive oflers nft'. Ttii huradav2fiti Jan. néxt, for thé delir- ery before lo IAnI, of [rom 50 te, 1000 Corde of goud Ilierd Wood, ah the Gnrand Tmunit Eaiwsy Station home, subjeet te tic Comnpamîyos lupfc- tion und uiensnrénient. Wood te bu eut thiréé -and 3 aaif tect long.- - - Aise o onted any nantity e0 ood liard Weod Whitby, Doc. 26., 1850. 7 Oats Wauted. 'T Htil sb"criber wilh pay th'éiiget mtîiirkéi tic r an>' quaritit>' of poil 0*sts deiv- 51ZPEOPUIETOt mtx&lei'is styliSe cf Type f 01 evei-y dé..criptieu, i .*!th despatch, ut the. Anetiosu 111îilu.horgeé Bu tiens cf Pitigfuritize ZACHEUS in J UD(GE OQIE UE(îJ Conu'.Offic ith NELSON G. 1 Q ITRIFP 0"OFF. JORHN RA .J.MAC' O LER 0OF Thil P: thie-Court Houée. ()LEZKOF TRE ':COI ýJRegistrar of th Sxsrr li te Reg'lstry, Omfie, Broc] T.W. PÂlI' EA iTE. 01114 t' * Ty H.JNLitc at hcunl.ofeut tu;,. JOHffN S for he Corty Jone ereel -utiiiiriill a t he ara geoueessxý7n ef Wlit- . ," by. QUINTIN McG')WANe. WhîiIb>, Jani. 10, 1860. -B l£NFORruIATION WAKTVLD."_____ ~F WILLIAM, QUINLIVAN, wÉýo>ft ii -_W'f. RO rushî. Cotiuty of clre, Irelauid, ln. 18"8-Or AEtSE A] l'lrd ot!cî Iîslesrd of he vas voiiciug-oRn TiD RAttiuy ieI. bor feue oft le Baltimore stamrsM' Atctorn~~e.'Ou Flor informtationi eIîcemniing lui viiilibe ItiWkntfniitlBOc-.-e$Cod Fo rcccived liv Iii sou, PitricitQilvnwereC EE O s4ide-s lu Wbitb>', C. W. UuitedStatua PapersARSES&AT ploaso cepy. >;ý'beiiitERS te té<Cln January 9, 1860, 88(qffc.aits outi Rides! Hides I Hides 1 GEORGEiH. D, THundersigned'vi * i tébgbs lcm e&c OfRie', prHE i ahfra> uatt-fgo *Co'I. lisrdwîre Store,1 BEEF BI)YES déivered ah i4=Tne' lu '-J. V.' IL G reenwood. Ailt kiidg cf *' A<ITR-TLW Li E A' TUH EE H.--Streot, Witîy, c. W. kept-ceustati>' on hand -fo!r sale, e?i7!ew B.PAIR] for Cash. I. Thé Uundersigued ispré'pared ta IPAY CS O - ATFOR ýSALE, C.HEýPô Whibsept. 28, 1859 Olliipposth le E !et, Wiiitby. STEPHEi S, In T.IIE ANIS MAI, Agent tertio 4Contyl iitby. -SCOTTIS H UNDASSTREETtt H '.W. (YALDWRUl 1I Aw MAIESI M. AT LAW ery, Colveyauce JE EGISTEAIR: 0F NEW 101 CafA, CapitaallpW - PIllE AND MÂRI Wilby, Nov. r r 1

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