iorpot landl. no c t ist II9 w« -é fibqný. iteeà pence, per MlIe. , Tunnels o.e a 5ise !Qve bejpe coutiiplitmd )avejfpen. .trated for miles tbrogh lbard rockay, or 1 hrougb s'hiftisag -daly. sd sid " l ' order. to admit of tises. railways 'etbahitnents and yjadutcs bave been raised andi erected' OnBfal of magnificence. susi5Àeing any N aformer siliaras works 1 ridges, of a rion" novel.kindç lnventéd'sud constrtsçted for tbesopecial occaRions, carry the rtilwaybi Svr traits of. tise sea, tbroasgh, gigantic ~' tubes-acros. rivera, suapended from rodi snpported by iageniously deviseal piers andi :a gitdeims...tid oýirolanting roads aon iron besitss, or on brick arches bailli aakew. Aiýtelvaofai te, ,North Britain. 1I1EAT 115T71Al?. a'he ;Parlament, vas openeal by thée Qùeoh,"oi tise 24tî. r' W. anake the foliowing extracts from Ber >fjetyâs upeech :"Circumstancsi a bve griperawich -bave led ta the*pout- pôhrnent aaeongreas wltbott tise'day bav. 'beintenl fid for thé meetIng. boit wbcth- 'ear in eôngreMs, -or In iPepsrate negocitioni4. a1 safliesdavorto oitin fur 'thaé people of Jtaly. fret-dom froua forcign snterlerenrc witlîeut force of, amis ha their internai con- cero as, nd 1itust thec tffaiirs-of Italiari Pc. p. V inseolanay be fuît>' and iatsfactoriiy set. 1' am»Ina cOmmuiricatin witii thse Enape' 'yrmof the French, to extend tiie comninsr- j _ elii intercosarse betwe 'eunthe two cotirtries, r anddrns till cimier thc bondi; of frienetiy *alliance between tiien. * bm orroceo, 1 endesavort-i hy friendly saicanit to pvent i rurptture, but 1 rcretto rawithosat stisccees. ~An aiihsrizcd prcceediirg by an offiufer o tise Uniirod 3tnlis. iii regard to thse lm-' lasnd of San Jssaaa, iictwn.r Vasncouvar'sa ],%liand tond tie nanisa luad, asaiglis i hveled te aatariotsaicollision hsasiwaei tny forces anid tlsae aMtlteUnitc Sattes misela col- Ilition, lsswever, ilins esan îreveni-d by flot- 0jdiciotis foraesrasncccof niysv aai fficers. irathe spot, aii 1» c'r;iitabîlc asil concilia. a tory arrangemsents, proposeil on tisoit. fer by the Coversinselîtt of the United Statesa. I trust ttt jiac4ii n Of botandairi out cul wlich ti s afiair lias ariscîs, snay beu I amicabiy scttlcd, in smmsnncr conformsable with the jussice ortsfile two Celnanismaitsa apifncd by thse firait article citheis treaîty of 1846.l' Izs1heBlise cof Lords. an<'rey. ait er S giviag lis h pprssvusiiis gonerul ttoiie for- çign policy ef thc goerilsaent, und qsîes- iotingathe aslvaarsig: to ibc denivtrom tise iew comnserii freati' witls France. complaiaed tlis&irmiiisierx Issolnoir called Parliaoment f ogthier cariier. The Liverpool 1 081 ';"3'ftIse EmfsarOr af tise Fitesach blas writtcn a seccuod letir tes the pope. ut wasa briefabtat esnplatic, llus )Iajety in wiîiing aai aaxsosi irormasin us lutherie tIhe cect sow ;of flac Chircli, and cortinused defèreîîtiaitoaftisc Jtnlv Fasther ir alal tîsingua i sariîsasl, buat if tsii lolisaesM &oppîosae flaelaste hjnalcs'tioIaM let bina renit-irai,c-r 1Iiriy teliseEgiatia. Tise IPope Isevisig sleil l'or the %v'i - dnarawai of severil cof irIse Erench trooips froir B1orne, the Eiiipcs'orin theashillîse leîtr iuiy, ba wili witticiaw the",i if lus hloli sess perizis, luiont ac (tlise Esîperor,) ( wil enlise a muntlas notce tse lise-sgiveîi ta ssII strasngert rcsideast isa irie etornisi city. 15PAfI Nmi tiOctlot". Ncirhing dascisive issd oceisnrcd hetwcera * thse Spaniasi andh !Moors. 'lhe Sjmnisls rs- sorts tisat irie EnglisusCuonsiul Gesieral, i sad aided the IMoors usii.very;possible way,and Iiis removal Irons-Tsingiera was atrongly urgeal. TheiscLondonr A tloenep'susa naaîicaa ere- jort thisaiMr. Uobdc,1)Ii isial baiLnessaly al afis private fortune by irsvcstiracnts in*Ans- etncaqn*Roiwaiy secuniies, and sasys. ticre ru a a-tussor i i ,a ussuic , isai> a f uîsîîa l, Sherlff Ig Office WbItbYol~B<10. h 92 r , 7N Ne. 61Kme S TiWM#, Toeozr, C. W, DJR. GOODING 1 (formerly of Engiand.). NEW, SPEDYt, M*D MOST SUCCESS-, tiLWakaeu, LWaUe#, ô? the Kiet -Ma Rhem, Mreiria lLo l2fpZitd5, d., e&019e UrNo'chnarg'a for Advlce. DU. )ODl G ik now cngaged, il trocBtha» tlîis' Clas0tsmfmainlld >'ies th thse ninst Of <snialaîslg ouccexo 'Tho aessaes s'ptdbylin bsaaw, lt la bntitl tapon oeénttiflc 1' rinciples -withle aww diotcawcred rimedies, s'ioteminlerashsor pi .oiio., Theafuiiieêeeatare- itch. thril! ie~ fists cusit lie urdatt3>ýjr oQWni hotseli wittsônt expelmie, lis aaîay jsai t tiecountry, frons fil) tic imite loascri;.taan of tieir comil, by lettari, sad buve tise aediviise seiit to theas' by i11ti or cx- NERVOUS DEBILTTY. yaannat araea Who stro'trosiljcal witlia wù-knrssas. j.Ptearaly mcawd by a bil ih t i n oila,,thw ciuea of whilis ire djasslnelda, Dii, îau:is1il- iimia,, smetirnes aà rin isln a flua starm. weatk syeii, westksaeai inftic1e kitidlower ext Cli tics oafaiusaof lerim, Ilassas i ssasssaaary,witi ni4assselcly, ias,' hbc cred hy ftice Nw Ltasi COU NTUIY PATIENTS. 1CAliicaes witlafi/frehcîsiettail il pasalt cfthc Unstcd luei s sttta assssassg lavr isympt<snisi by li-tir. BsaiIo'rs'slotai- alacestr.i4!tiy trînfiis'îstiasl. Nu. riJsgrtetW.t FO-a I)t . csi ï1140. 4w 114m. 'Sa- Tho.rrovinc'u iGrandcs £axge wr .et in- ediat tl4 tyortMatreal et noon. Giand Mater.e NASSAU CGOWÂN, (r*pd Sçrctary, p. CILEA? COAL OILS!f BET XOAL OILI A NEWY;STOCK "0F WUMZ~&O~UIAP GOR.,iGE tULE,. NOTICE ttela 1ruî'ilasi lasrî itset, aet ite& next ise» ision,5 <ir ss Ac s i t smsd irise Aa.tesireorpora- tsi-e tissa i'îart'Wlittby aad ake iBuron htsaiway ~I2 5< h 4 s e ONL'Y $75 FOR ONE 0F SIINGEII'S CLIlAE)SEWING -MACEINES -Every iogr, qiaipats5Iusd 'r'~EB~aAND CEEAM!T WOUK oiF aTIIEKIND INTIIE"sOEIaV." ;Twelve full-sîzed Pisge.o'ac!fdP'siP5i Yearly, $6, -é*l420;Qarery$.5 SsisriêteacerMicaSl rit," or rder haveu mase ooaghfoi'ar etre a* a !Dei ihiemnt'>ccsêhanffl' Ions wsIrmnt.Isl7for &c,wt&t., aiôbse rie1 rUs l'n Contassasng 12 lpapa, ôoestolios 'Al lie; Bock umbean st 10O**., ad BOisiM Volumas, eontslrsliug17 Nuslras, at 13.50 eacli eeneitastly où a wntdfa. s.~pbiaîn a , 107Nasssu t.,,ew Yorku NOTIE take thbe fo tar thei M 'Wr OFin CH Up liaten put down fuir £404,0(0insusis frons AhlATED to lau' flac psuaasiae il, ~srasif st iIae 1 li iîu'-&(a.lazis 800 tu £.5000 tu-a1srhaailisa.5tits s%, fer$u ' 1 Iiaave inasuac la-vsss -'i s utin gse s-', lu-pc s-sc îaaliisle,liy wlsieia à pste'it isrtitruiai l'o stitelaerd witaiit <'l. thaîs i m i s l esî a staObaijec'tion ito asis i c-sle ma- Liutes by Tiegrn~s te neeaste'v'i, rîinsa el uafrep, aawig r.- thei' 4l eostisiaa'iî':01v aaurai a ia li- va'Iaf la sassatiiags f ludi's'gaitarit. ,Ltn yTlg-p l leltt ntTl '1ac iîeaiuitV (f 5tIa~îO 'l t rit lauim 'riaus'srly ai itubyI 5ttiAs eW'aslieiist. niLAtues'. ~~Tîtesne s-ci; ire wsas-otishat eeptiaaail-s- bita as iale'iita - îialfrsuciif'aai The ccaninaes'uri:sl ira.ny iP 11,ngand 1 C ME S andl France wass signed nt l'amis on the 28nd. No. 1 MACHINE $75.. 2 MACIINE $8r). : -A Decee hais lîccî pubaislivcd coiivoking thse senate andl Le-aaive h.ody, for the No. 31 MCHTNE, LARGE AND IMI'ROVED, $5 28rd o! Feb. Y .11J iive s-acirved sc-asua'osa SssaimoaaiiilsI,a fs-nas >n't aîaism a-"Mutsîs,i i ra. Tailes-sa Dreisses Ms S A rurasoun hand isen carrent in Paris. crs, Psi'uat 'i ailii'uas, ilaiutliseria, %n-t lirase is-.iag i~l,%,u ---aiia.'sl simieh e inrcmsoieanisg tiseas thasi the Ersaperuir inteisded axsian camnem tforIgesnrarsl ssa-e.1aaultiséfaloaavsa t rifuurraaî. 'Va sritiesl ly this li srgeast tassal noaat cxteniu' ,,f hlm pacifie intention ta red-uce lus 2ansy Iot ais d lioe Mailt'faatas'rm insa 'aida. by lu'100,000 mnr. Mit-aDc.15.à Mateah e.151 r s-.------------ iVe fttaA pleis-ealiaarisag tutimaiilsyfai tas. j W1ll-fi'aivc sxsa-'en cof E. J. Nualc'sSen'ing - - ------ -*- --...'.ni w-ra.a.kiii of t aaiines auinu'si-ifa'ahiiaas aats- for thé pitst tix inotiti'~ Fclsrtuary 9tii, 1860-. Jitto-Spning, ps1e. to $1. Peoa, 58c. aelOc. Iiariey 50c. a 55c. (btu 71eC @40c. Rye 50c. a 00e. aBlay $14 1&$16 'fton. Ileef $5 @ 5 a Sbeop$8 0~ $4 50. Potatml ,25c. Q S0c. Bliter 15. @ 20C. Eg9d 0Io 'fder. leFws 25c. a 80e. 19 pain. Turktsu50c. C 75c. each. -~~~ ~~ ~ s~~;@S 0bushel. iC.dWed$2O0$2 25f cord. NEW DVTISEMENTS. FOR',SALES. XVZ AND AA AV ÂCM 'OPLAND, F tatzad la tise. Town of Wlbywths alvohilutlibou" tiserpos, (soaitaluigs Jrlos dInig-foeiI b.d recuire, kitoho»cr xliars 'tbe'l iargodsable, 'wce hd, asi otger n;euiesary ottiosin sîssaas gosm ul'appiy o<hara'aid stS ater. TIsarasiii iocs' 0 'lsa *)d îs eli adaptei for ethcs' a gun- eliaa bargal», for oaui. For tu r aeula, apiîy (sf by lettes' l) tIlovn btyor te C. C,. Reler, Jnhf>y, eb,8 196.- t2tf NOTonCE. --TOUSE AND' LOT to loaniitheoTown cf Whibypsemfl gRi;en ismeistely, onlt 83.00 J iont P3Ap j LLER Yobmsry8, 160.92tf arel Iiy bir. E. .J. Nlgie, iauî'iutL' hasaj ltl'ira ass leI aassaa lat) 0iaL'5-ius'tio>lI iai usng raai aclitfreis ftass thes hst -:ix incaitits-. Tlacy as-e caf 'Iasag'r'u inisy sea.aiesslto thse asost asîsîrsaed As-ien- P'atter-n, ,nd eqaîsîlt(Pan sssoft' à ýcalas- ..i'stase uiieaiaea, wh -aichaeia ]l ave sevrril lu ofth ]Iij, BO W'N & CIElI1DS. CI L $, SC]I1OLES & AMhlES'. Al ronsnsanicttions relative to Sewing Maichinesz,- etc., miusi lbc prepala], as noue otiescru- lii bo ýéceived- grP,5 Notre Dame Street, Masutresul, C. E. Fartes-y cver Litartfey ut Gilinirt'asCisnal Basi;n, M<afrel, 2. . Sssw4a) B3EGS toa arnourace te, bis nunserouat fricadas ad custoaxers tisatie la new csanying on his extensive businesi a C.ARPf1ÂG]E M-AK1NG, ILN ALL ITS BRANCHES, On thse pnemiises ieretefere occupica] hy lMn. N.PRAY, on Mary Street, beiver,' Byr-pn and] Bncck Streets, wisere-lire s pnepared, as lscerofore, to execute aIl orders intrustcd tohie cane. CÂIIII BU 'CJGIE, -SLi GI0S, CIJITERS, &CI W-TMmnulhctured aiud SoI4 au the ,Lowesî rcs u nsg puces. * ALL WORK WARRANTEDI. LUJIBJk.12 and 1?ODUCJ? LYIVIXEXCIL4NGE e t 2MARKE T PRIO.KS. SUite ana Canda bps;ginra hai tp' ience .in every branch cf the business vii fevr have béera bleto ernîveat, anal for bcauty o! designa, ciegasace of finish,' durability, anal solsty or worktnaaraip, bis work cannot b. ececled.- - Wbiirby, Aaaf snd6. 1e spe - - - 'HE Anni;ai Meeting of thi stocicholden of the Wilsdgor Road CoâpsAny. vill eplace air Scriptureds hotati on >iond#3 ixthi day of Pebruary next, tise electinig Directers andl officera 1e ensuing year. By onder cf the President, * - -R.- E. PERRY. 8ecre tà ry<"ý hiirby, Jan». 5, 1680.~ 52-1 *QIEEN" te and Life Insurance Compani capital £500900 Sterling. VIERE ,OFFJCe-Lieipool; £- nglana OFFICE IN MONTREAL PIStEOTOIIS. (ITIAI{MbAN-WM. MOL8ON, F.SQ. Dn. JosaVaagiTumss iy sq ns-y Tiaoiap, e.E-q. IDavid' Torassee, la ,gtnt for W isitby and saaronnding Diaitria B. W. WOODWARD. visitî.y, Jhan. 21, 1860o. 87-21 THE ITINLON FREEPUS A DAILY JOlUIMLNA, PRICE $6 A-YEAB6 TTEK H FE WELY'R E -EAR PRESS il utherai, wili tissi tiste FREE PICES$ the b rljvertiraiig sldis mfor tise Wcetcmn part pper Cnaà da. :eý -Thea circpution os Liis Fsaxx Puva; is d letsiat of any Difly josrii psxiished Weai 'Afiis, Jasa. 1f9, 1860. ti"To the Afflcted.-Ci TTi ECEL EBRATE!> GERMAN OIL utm, BRriises atad ail kinds or Pi IVouads ascident te the Humaa Systesu. 'n Botties at 25 to 5Octe Éaî Aceordinizf0 suais Tiais 011 viii cure aillf wosttds u sdtç ai an iasfallihs' renaeaiy for tha Slief 01 HORSES & CATIL- brTir"timi YsuOM rmSeA M»E, IIEAING OF AL .QPUM l, 1Ir A ~~~a~ 'lmK~ ~ ~ q 12 ~'o 0 S ' «ô oopies tuei ddveg. as a The ternis forbptb editiôrsarc'ato tilily tab A AU eitelï. é6r iassisl rmlUan0pio be i dre.se4; p of oua Jlohnr s'y Ti lade, orde Ba Bthe oden te te: ad the Bsu «I oer oi e 855 Y. Id ;i et fr D sasccesofiîiiy for thse Lult tven Yasera. aai bi; aever bueiis kiownt a li. Made aînd a'id by A. K'iOWL.m, Pickerinag; C.W. Wlsitby, JIan. 24, 1860. . 2 1> HIOTEL_,.rTO LET:jjv. T IAT Spacliss and eli lttod p OTEL "THM RA ILROAD HOTM, ut preptent in tise oeuataon of Mr. Thomni DYowsairg, aitisted on thée Corner ot.Brook aind t)naids Streetis, in the centre oaf Town ocf Wlit- lîy. Thse yretaif are very roomy, with ex- teunsive stahliing, -ehedas' isand onat office.t and have ail the cossveniersccs sand iocconimolastiosz necepaary for a lirai cciams hou"s. 1v will bcs rentcd for a terni of' vears on iasah tersai. a nsa bc sgrecil ois. Posaaisaaion ona the lirmt oflarcli issext. Thasi Ilotel i#4 the beit staisd in the Cousat.. Apply to GEO. SRsITH, Uxbrldgç, P.0, rte r WhitbyaFeah. 1, 18540. otf ONTARJO. BANK. NOTI CE, Iliscreby given tisai a dividenal of IN four par -cent. asot tise paid np Capital Stock cf tmis inesuirutiien for ftie carrentai lat yes.r, (beitag ai irhe rate of oight par oiat. pr suum,) iata oesday, hein 4aclaredi anal tisa .tise sameý-vi.l bpisbea ieBank sad li bsranoes, on and tae r ûday, ;he Iret dsiï cf Mwanei-rii a -- Tus TmnanaalaBoon iii b. olosealfa-ostise Uâtis omiet.h et Febrnarv, both dayas hcîs- Pma 14 aipplication cOf tIssa luilsaliff andl illaeasring raalsn-affldî't iof-!Williste o- 'renikyne, iaid ut appearisaitsa t tise esia nalstaI, Jopia'. ] oweimlinasse*. Id ise 0-asôli t is9a1 g be srv<ir tl an U' fp e'thse 1lltioltifss 13111 atisa rie., m ordèred tisai tise saiid iefussdant -Jolon G 'e. do, atsswer or dassau tar the îjsdaatift. ry nezt, ana]itaoi 0ere*d chut ir c fihis tn togihr v!tsthée InOiraee rqntelbui itie memalordéracfthsia t irle )0%ligçlis atise asioîioI" tewa " *ipia.sLuîaed Ithsie Towsa itby, once-saMcaiwee k or irie tours isi sbext preeiuag tieuid tvesty eig.sth c.f Febnusary, isnditiafaartbasrorderd that ainçc p o>a f the JIaistitf* aaaid 111.and n yo'f irisasordeVibe fcatisw*ithisssrai aspnn fairbûr eof ruse aaid defesidasst, John G. - (sigalea) A. GRANT, ro Jolhn G. Boves, éfie or tise atIove fianed fonadan:te. Tuake noetice thsat if YODa do aotaanasaer or maur toe Bi Ili p aruaato'tise isiove carder, epiaiitiq aniaan ubtaits laiordo r to teke irieý a 13111 tas cn~i(md agsiir o n, asd the vrinay eranst tise pluisatifla a'ucisrelief s vy muly ie entiiad, tiiosa tieir ova iliwîrag, f yon wiii isot reareive asîy fairtiser notice et efuture jsroceedinv in tisa cassiae. .IREDA YNF, E eOlCttT or ai sbase saia i nt( - !HITB REAING ROON. PUiE WHTTBY READIN G ROOM IS, Lwell lighted. conafortable and warm, id ls well- stockcd with newspnpers, and periodicals of ail kirids.' ýrusg $4 îper nauas, Stùdene. and . 1 Clefrks, $2. Situated irn tihe«escoiid flat cuver ili irorsicle Office. Elatrance throsagh the tationery Store. W. ff. TIIOGINS. * AwYERS AND DIVISION COUR'1 B lianks can be lied Cheaper' than ar ýorosato, aund will, be fouuad ta be printed on better paper. Iiuy etthe Chronicle iffice. W. IB. IIIGGINS. PRINTING'. F lIIE NIVLTEST A.ND BEST PRIT. ig.plain and fancy, ofevery descrip- ion, can bo bad ehe.'per and quicker atthire Chronicle Office thaîs any other establish-* ment in tIi. Cuuniry.. W. IH. IIXGGTNS. '74URTI-IER ARRI 'VALS 0F Mll WSTATIONERY! lust received by the Tnderasigned. W. JP. JIGINS, Grandi Trnk JIatwaýy lotel. (Soetk aide ofR aiuacjDpaPrflJia T._'IULDERSGNFI)BEGSTO NFtRM T huiqfriends ansd thae public, tht'I e is ulesow ias poaseassicn usf 1 he aboie hotel, tise busiseess of whlsilie will isa future carry casa can hies own acecasist. (loai Liqsort%, Winean d Basaidies, Excelletitastabliiig-camreftslaitte-ntion formaa andl hurse. 1,1860. - 8 BITUATION. w XANTZD s yoang nmia- cqsaiftd vu tise Statioury buissnicis, sa]d heving a kasovwlge of op isantsa. A ouitaibie perxon ppt;iiessissg a krauswedgeo cf the rintiug buai- tiMuai viii ise trestea] viis ibarasly. Apply by IettOr,_ýPOstýhaýeiI' Excesiorox uIlinatg REROSEýNE QIL".. PURESý TU GOALH VES CA L 01IL91 mBIL~UIW ~I8P~, Entirely fric from - tinielh5 ani$ la cheaper tissus ayottser Jigla'givitsguxsei cGIV IT A TRIAL,,,M aRmme teA - JUit frnt te Aget fo Wia j - rug Sore, Wirby, Jan. 12, 1860., 62-tf ~intrIoPeu ' AUTIONAUY NOTICE. gomnuinvilée, 2lut Janf., 1860. 89 î ~a : _________________________lotice in horeby given lt atp- jesil Or'ýim0te t ,e inhabi- o1*1lrat 0bithn fërÉlà n'fret1'4défj t.nt~ ~~~~~M- M> >jarosdDubs ohtie4ý to at- aigaaed ailU b. proaecsstedà aeeordisig (eIsw tendoù Sale. hold Ydiox 4sAitntre, .: O'Ji>#BRAIDEN, Merlsadberal&êtbéram t, at S rgoôaail Fort Whitby. Fuit hit4ilrýb f'a 959j s if new and-lioiceoly as.0 soi-ted PatternombaYkebëen made to: our heavy stock of EINA' ,N mie rem lix lmSt, daily rcePt of frcs e* IaR rte LOWES & POW1ÉLL Be g Qifr i u mr a-nd -thepib- Uc, hat ie bs- jst cmm~ e o fCUat, DRY -G0O0DS-1, LADJ zS' 4S -'BUPPALO ftORÉ, .it To make room for his Spring Purhss Parties requiring sucb, had better calbefore.:prehasing elsewhere as great inducenients Wil'be given for- cash. .B (Cash, Paid frL74aPeas, Oats, and Porkf No. 1, Commercial Biiildiigà .'ý Brock Street, opposite the' new.1Brick Bloch-k f James Wallacee. , sheriff's Sales of<Landas- Tà Wrr: IBL FYWsi Faeisas iaaUed caut caf Ber Msjas'a'i taii t aseea'isRends, ut Toroanto, enîd té me dis ected ntiassat tise isut aud, tenementa viîici worc of Cornwvall Fire-' vei deeesenNdat atss iudsEina tie hanas estElleiFarewell,idminisrsatrsx, alto., iicfeadaitst, ai ie sasit cf Artisan 0'Leir>-, pisuiintitt'. 1 have esoized uisd t"aensinsenation asll.tse isiteat w iihtise aisd (io nwail Fiar- wà 11 deAseaaea, isalaies lifts tinsie,,anlat tise tsie caf usasdiatitisissl iaitce.itai arcel or tract- ant laadl hisipthrc quarters ofa-sas, ascre ie tise assise imsore or bss ass composcti 1f jrsasrt of lost xumsaser fffteen i js tie suçosad 0Caancuiesn of- the Tulwnahip of, Pjék ,eriu - comrnesscig w is a r o a 'lpo s;t b hn * ie as p h u s te tl' st d i a ta n s.e o f two obiasatlsisty seven tid ià baf iuka on, e oosir&flOtWleT.nttoicgrcciraawt frais tise ý,6ùuisast'aiuglëofcals'aid lot, Theisctortis, 50v-Ãj esity fouîriegretà , Ew4, irtwo'ciiaaiiss evsashitskik, T--ace norti ixteesu degyrecs, veAt threeeiiiaïs asad twenly five lisaka,iiere <or lasttis oiegot Adehocf thaspublie rnd, 'ruetice stertis wcsterîy 'lonýg tlieaicutii sauilecf Isiie sasid psatille roa two Cl'aisîna and sevea liniks, Tisesce tîiaux- (cois dcgreas catir, Garceoèhaitîs and-, ifty aià c-é links motu, on laeigsto tile place of ,iteginniuit lno ailt tair certain paréel or tract of land s6t- sated, lylnjg ansit Iitg. ira fhe Village c f (baba- wa,adexu oseil cf,*spart ci-lia Nia. ten in the nC>5 ieTwshpfEsiWlait- bv, aud buttd and bouze as f6oýis: cas- rickneing inafronat cf tise Mt iCoscusiutiithe distssace -ofone lsalulity liaik» a eus ýcourse nos th, aavuy ordgrecaaffenil- astli vasai angle cfaiid lot ience asorti s 'nt.fuir, deg.saeai, eaisi cassie citain liily liuiks, lUsast4 ýn uis i xteeaa,,degree , vesi case eid .Si eve stsy une lixaka, Tiee asoniti aventyf.)ur dîgreos, ve a§t casechaulasfitty links. T he uce »ouatis sâixteapi, deg reca ait u lîisseesyos iia Ai wfuîsJislasiadas, sand eisiltstpves the mid dct'ndaat's cstate or intèrst thoraiu,- 1, isals uuffar trsL enutnt 1 'uilie -Aucf.icn smt tdlws, viz -.-Thse irèidenribod irce.quai tr-4f un ses-e, on tie presimsasuat Duigisa Çre4 , ou Monada-r'airie Twenty tiaid day üf Apri, A. 1D., 1860, uai le boum et'Ton &ook.&a. a-a Md irIe' lat dearibed on thse preasissa iintOashawn on Monday tise Tenty third day cf ApniI5,A;J>). 180 $thebolar cf Two o eak,. In Per C. Iloursè.ý 9hà rifrsOfae. 1 ' 8& W-a. *Stationery of an,,Kin.ds'.. J'OR SALE AT TORONTO AND 7MON-. ýWbltby, Ja!». 19, l1860., Korry, Xperr- a Chrismmas!o O, JLLoWi#,adofle IIIDelou BRiCK ~~BUILDI~iGS. ;~i 2 LITERARY PRIZIES. A taaiii acknovledgSnent ef thse liber- woillas froil a adeairî to' leà uageein how- encr-a Iimited iaderee-a taste for literi ,tire amongst thimmeders oftise-Clionidle the..publisher istimatea hits intention tif .ef- feriaig annasai prein'utis fer origiad;ui terery productions, in proie andl verse. ,Tise fistediotribstieit of PreBüiÈgi s ii f alc place on Tisday, thé firsir day of-Mai uext, anari ii e sva;rd ï fallevs: A% Forthe best originale Fay où -thges uýo È s eegra hé poitin, Dlý7 ae .itATiog-ra ositilfdu ~ 1O~,,, assdphysa l atfon PAriie. $5Fo t best gialEsy oen- IFEPRIZ9, A copy ofu the Setfi;Wreekly Cbronic' e, for, one year <postage -fiee,),,-for.flic besi orlgmin Anthere oaan as AÂcopy f ef-eWeekly Obronicle -for oe year, (poasge'fmi~y fer tise second beit origrel.Anthesu on SPRInc, a Job hnBhêir Fi ,P. ta. S. ~ R. J Wilon, sq., Bars4gter4 B. J. Qupp», Esq., M.- D, B. Cie icl"', Fq% m. e; Co"aptsisus&end lu thêfrpiu- tiens under calt - die nirigsedonor- 1hefori-e tishrsday et April net.' Eea',h Essa anl .ullsiutrtqbear a miotto, and dres-u.t -vifs ,hie motteou ùthe dnof, thécîswrite ie corne tse prer tbe tislfblisherëa 'Coln*pqýtaiorn foe thé.second Âqd ,ilssrd, prizes te'lb. ebnflu'ed'to.p.erseunus id3zag le tise Couni>'. f>9ntý,iq Thse four", IJItI and sixtis re, te he- excluiei oùthted t t 'eLéraanid r>npls vithuhi tthe Ceuz5i a a 2»i1G Ufi o ai r ro e ci. ef )art r dai Bor 1 e 1- 1 l f ý, ý ut 1 1 - ý -l te- -:0:-- Il Whittýy,.Tan. 19 1