Whitby Chronicle, 9 Feb 1860, p. 4

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pj Thanrtat ofany tôther l r h bro,4fié,md The'elrculaf on'of-aU -the other P9 esi!te COnty of - ONUY ISEMI-WEEIKLY- $2-»O FER À NÉNUM. The Chonil fa the Paper to Advertlae in. BRITISH REVLEÇm lut-loaa, onIu .u bhlsitlmo (t 3. m1 1gumw#Msun uvw (blg.QU DLACaWOOI9S EPvIUOUxAOa4zlý(i Tume. pidl'is bly- ropreseni thre. g 'afpolitlcci partie$ of Great tinm- w bigTory, and da.-q Nesfom oui> o ontnrcflei wrltera on 5ciencý LiteraSure,Mo muen liin iysad , mu thi ter, biuiig coneldered_ lmispisml th. seholar and tIhe prc.oai lman,Il te 5h. lnteillgut reader cf everLdclan -Sapr wnls am ms. and ti efet, cord o! the current literitqrso< tic throughout th. worktthaa eau b. po obai'eii fmujâtIer ourmo Tic 'rrdeFf f e!.svswe SU*JMMfrou Britiesh publiliero gires'addiuioual i the Reprints,, -lnpuuci au th.y eu le piacéidln the handi of subaqrubmil m asubi origimkl ,edtlone for y ont qf the four Revivîs... $ 7cr an>' tvc <lthe four Rcievi ..9 For al B rn'èw and,êh. J5ii' ie_.. Fcr' Bi 0" 'onos Maazlmi For B kÃ"o nt oeRi'e i Meg t es. m nthé mae oeheela ÀAdIefinto! 'tvet>-iîe pér cent. *ae abore plo lt euiwdth ci orderng.ou; or nios opimof on> on, basatjp droeifor$9 kqr ct tffor RvewSui ).cwo seittence <ii»~.aoeputb *pq-ýi4dipnyo b. sddrsoed,p kCo. lbroeib t lieviOriTi5b o tMtlO? sjidm lem #«.; 1~s , asi. t'ythoawlbtpualgo-î tepot Je7, tot, * lloyoiillim.bSu- Vertou, FortS ocer, Aebim, Epsoin Ufles sud Uxbritgi, ils. for Iliti#emorripodg of. Nuis orsdue for 4.11v.,>' from thoofieal f BGLIOR H IU*-rom flie lotoSAi d,Jh>' I.poseetmp. Lettem,, lut.mded for Europe should b. pool- .4 bitord. o'eiock. M. ou Mouulis. f rmiataouM4a= Miupit. a S!Olfblovi ou ech adtter' vlz sOgyu>' oniea4 nrtu. Notht Âmeric. Id; Té say piio'n lu tMi.Unied Staes,(jpif Muit biprepild Ilno4a &Ws) 7Ud di muout siefo l¶»fepo. PAR cS U lb. Ii. vet it lis gnt b>' p<t idurretulitlo aifl 08<1 par IL.to ti p%rby pontage =mmaend ng ergeo id Voaent of3did "n.rgie No fmio s ir ileP&tdor reod on suis Baoki msa1tted mittermu the !Uited m(00u0, <h. Csnidf mu otae M a b.Prr b4ptptlm an sd oi u îaisUe lm t Uniîd $u*%,5he Cswosdlii itaPpot w i, b. le ollët ou delivar>' -, AIl tusuaent Kawlpmpoen imeladlng those for Englsm ut, imaehopropald"Y ' O*4mgestamp 01 titit inuof o forari , ifspapo. for tite-Brlfhh Weot ludien, or Nzewfo nlsdmunt be pr Pild by'lotapi e"-mip, 1d.meseli d for India, Chliîa, Auutra 1is, Aid oiller placs beyoîîd ges, 23>d eci. >ýýOFFICE IIOURS1.-. Week dîy#, front 7 a. mi. f0 7 P. M. anday, bom9 to 10 . M. l'ogWgg. Stampa eou b. pa1rahad if the lPool Offic. ,Whit,>,.01,189 .l 1)117121 hie uimocre glîmnis te die citizeus ncWlfi u vliuiat>', (or tdis eu lyibevml 0 tomuîîtond" tg him ln lois profe*lom- Z". "1wuk aluatis tf0 aqumînt eosfumerous lrib& Mdamd$e pubic, tht h.bu famliytep- te b Maru'mgeiuenr for th rnimeniréa or sits professilon, lu th* T!àwn of W it>y.-- Teetis «Momtd on Gold, Pltina, Chooplistle Notai1, &c, Tenih filiod wlsh OrGOLD A»D STANlL F01LAB sud wlth Douter Jome'a nevîlnvenfion tic non- ooroive =1irlc=u-.ul to goli, ýut tint costy.Tethteatraetitu 56.uaitproecait A pmaietifent iesa n hie profecloai, enableisPr. Jones au iamimfc. to a ipaiueul ail tut, prof.slal.st stîti*bd .xprleeeu secoplihfowirdamltovlatilng huîunufflug. lM dit frasimeut-or 411i afSeeloao! te.«tl nu.am sdfacial iierve*-TJe-doioreams,&ae D'Joues oerafoiblai'. sliyobeeited h@uegreatmtit ueoa. OFICE nt taîoid DoùW almnd, over Jci Mrol YGooda Store. xx irs-J inm Perry, P.sq., taor ol Whitkby- N. G. eynolde ZU.j., iiru, C .; . W. yITenye .. lr he uD %hmu. Noreimer Wb5, 118 *bie t DENTISTRY. y, ai, DR. C. -C. JEROME, Surgi.. Deu,f ,I rctumung timis ta bis numierons frIande and flue public gmncrsiiy <or tieli hierri patrouagei mine. lis eàmmetieed practica tri thip Town, oer.salke occasion f0 $taot tamli tlu oae b re requgdlig rt IiiMa Teetl, tlat h. bue nov obtàsuuèda ihine fourorkIlng tuc i'alemnfl.edrubber, upoit viiei ho i wl Iifutt ali kitd d 'tylea'oî Tet, W1S.epfrIam h«a evér &,m dms~i> ruI vti ttiia proc. Dr. C. C. Juîaxx yl gurso Io dg tihe Most diffienît eue vIt théSi. reibst pr"eIion la Iil toit, paunie"eau have Bloclu Teef h vifS. soid Goûts, Wb"h ~Io, uever>' rajîccf, f(W ouperièr to au>'oSier kfisiaiof voit ituova lnasu. Tua veortula ibly Approed of b>' aIl ,f thlumdlmg Dentiste lutiMeV ortmuid prlin. elpae itlestiromghomf t6. United litst. owlrg Sqé t. h.tug nuu.li glter and of a f ou'eîroulvi nature, suid§tels, after a test o!, ehrei yeats, dcumed ilgier andi more prafeble tisu gold or snr ctlier mtlleplate. DitJssourwould vls itito b.bornein mlud ,that i. haisaretyr.uie.d, thi pnieus whk'b héretofore vers Si.sanedard . Me would r.o forflir mte tha" ho labuien eonetn ainiu tii stuc' uand mot" iriati everai monflin put, drlîîg wlilel fini e bas ha.pt op m post nuimbir o! à" Mdasud taitutncesea lcboo of, s*tWb«imou a. ben au lfsimd lu>'4h. op-lin th. LaIeut styles, O&àpor <han 851141, ad, W",rnte4t AlilSurgilao péraion* of tii Tetior dams skililfa111 prformi.d. 'eti iextruacee 'Y*.al-af4xsmil eimmof this work hi a«-ÀtM ».tra r, Wb"tbr, ov.i, M. 0 6-"W4. Rame.>' AI sud ISa .Pounda 9lng. ~' WYWZAn#Jo had tofma 5Mdahu, ow d Hum", TO EXMÂGE short ew fotaen Eon 8uiidiua Iitu lr tho mmmot fuoribl. - Sormi. lit. Ineurmu oon Vary adràntaepe m rm W rthe aiured, wlis m»tuaitbonua îud dlviiiou Âprrt, W7iby. Whitl, Joue, 1865. PHoeNIX ]INEIAK(CIR OPA Wr'AIP UP cAPITAI4 S200,OO. don sielod pe Thi emftiokProvinlse Ai  nasce Compasny. êSohkd A. D. 1825, and !smrral4 by à KoatrWa, 9 Grait St. Jima Strets. JNTENDING Asiurera ira rappetfouil re 4nse opirm etiis mpsuyo 1'ropee.. fu*e, Vherelu It vilii hofound fuit cveq a dvan. toe o0nitent vifi mcurIt>', la oll'ered. aIi rate a oPteralnmacharged are low. whii. the iomuuendeleimnivli bearcomipmtluon witis ;iie Irodow ialiotted b>' au>'ofithe otîer eiealg office particmlarttentlon Io aise diremtedfon iqul- tabier.guiation adopteat b>' tule C >,s to aurrender vaue ofr<hqlle1qiia Wum#-John Agon, t.got;%bolerS 3. Gun, M.'D.Molm dle. esi tdviaer. 9 Mte Vire Iuasraee Coepserl ýèn Icu, Esglaad. MaâarxUTn a ccvor »MOUsaràsemalui. 30.585 or racca H. B. slierldAu, 1V.1P. Colonel Jci ttAdir. The BRv. W. Beau. Peter Cartairi, Es The MJim, B Ioothg. JohntuJaunea Cuvin OClarke, q. lien,> liark, hq. M 1) WlflhaaMolin Roug, Faq., M., A. I. rm. - Mai lDrector. Âadlti>-Ambr0 Mil or, 4q. &S oZIIr. «Mr». n..1511r hIHornu.re, w - 'Wdîiiu ef Wiilama, q. Jikr s-e arp tlmuoni &eCompany. &aecarj,.Wuu.C*neli, iaq. CANADA BRANCen JfoauOflee-aaoIoldiaitToronto. flsi.e.-Ilon. John Rois, John Crawford. Master, hF.q. Vl-'uumaW.1.ioviaud, lteq., IL P. P. Wot.,UosîsEsq.,Win,. lien, dermon Poil F. W. Jsarv. ia Jq., blaerES, 11 C. cf Y'ork md Peel. Jiaakr#-The lInt of Monulal. Sollori -Bosa, Cravford hàVromibiq, .Thi.e igoatire iitoflu tho te lire lisuranea Compauy are g.mriut"d 1by s reuponibic pro. prietar>'. AUi Lo i iiib. netfled ,promupti>' vithouf reflrence toSthe Board lunEaig and, 'the b ouncoS tigt.'ime» hsvilig boom pur- ohuisd, Polko>'-iotdereg are nov gui.rnteesl b> ALEXANDER STEWART, AcugaBrUteS )(ort4 Aamrtcc JOHN AGNEW WFhitbJan. 51 i9. Protection ugainât Losu and Damago WESTgaN ASSURANCE (COMPANY, CAPITAL £lO,0Om I L EAC effeuted on Buildingssud tiller eyouuta. Eý0vM uiform"ato upplid ou appilication So the uudoratned. JOHN AGI9EW, jrriiug Agent, Byron St4rct, Whltby INCOPORATD under eu Act of tho TlIird CAPITAL £100,000. omoteta. £vem7 iuforwiafou pledo p. plicatfoiîto the. undruslgnod. Main. EIaka <or tie SeaOmor forpnula. Triviilu Aget, Brou litreet, Whl ]Phoeniz Pire Asua C o. GH<LE8plIRý 11OPPT à CO., - ~ ~ ~ r-4é , ',MaliowJerhn 'fU, W lo i t , A u g , 1 8 5 9 .m Ses g e t foià stead7 ftoiant For l.rmssa pyiy >I;ilto, .4 -Tdoto 1Towiosip. UT, m lisu ad viii ihoew *0 land Jo llxri. muais, Moi'. 1551, 186. 46 SOU » ànd Lot for Sa. tid Inoi ve*y plaisant part of t5h.,Viliiiguor U- pue in tihe î4aeus ofgeuîrai basinaai. renneaipîud Wbe knowni aspyig to J. W. ALDELLBlOI4N, May', 1M5. . ]F0R SALE CIIEAF. Jut>' là, 187. JV. HANl, 2Cite stesai ad Plaster i ifor sait. r A88!GNEEX8O0. STONE, OPTER ,or .,leon e«sy tamnils ftle teansM Jater ILII1 andi Yanituro therain, at Port Whitby. A&ppiition ib b. made to J. L. ORANGrR, or N iLR Whlth>', Mardi 2, 1859. Wîty7 fam or Sale. O~~~ACE F illLENDID LAND, LOT ý20 10, l 10h Colicesalon or Thorah;, 15 'Acre* elaared. This Farm Le situaiod ithi» tour uijien of Serron, ou tii. trrael road tf Mi t h.etUnd la of the. hast quality, and in in the centre or a goç. sttlotncnt, witii a sctiool,. sud e Siwrnil aoiii'výtleiit. A.~oNorth liifof Lot 4, lfinltb 0i Comesi.. Mion o 1Thorah, eonsisting oSf 95 acres' 12 o! wieih am eclcared, snd fioîîtizîg ou thI,. o Eoad, flur Caieron Mill. «RU lMsLZAl; _M Ayl oD CAMERnON.- Boarerfon, 10511 .>uly, 1857 2U POla-SALE. p WNLOTSlu hltb, uar th" BAvY- dune 14, lut7 U. Il. VAIfl'NJtLL, Broc> ~lklSor,&c., POIL SALE KM TE TOWN 0F L O IM $2, e22. TIIEY AIE ITU 5~ U CroLIII " 'AL. . - Application to b. miade ta MRS. ANGELINE M'EST, Lotasi, Sth Coonceilow1iurIlngton L 1 V-R POOaL. Bla4ksmithab Waggonmkers Shops Foi Sale or te Ls tLiverpoolt 1WNT MILE8 EAST 0F TORONTO (A D fau tatnof the. Gi'audTroulu Rail- va>'>. ltach Shop u a sCottage sud Pquarter #t'oni Acre or Lad sttaclued. Thaieprmiiîieia havi, bain Lateyoruaod vif h lu a *hairt diitm.c. of ste KiiigfoIto Hmad tii. Rutiway Depof. A good Laiîitu,,ln hos trades cen bo donc by itcady and good vont. ,mien. - For fiirtler Prteulare 1 toe Ms. PtTRDY, Juil 28,857.Liverptool FOR SALE.-- A N excellent mev lame Coftiç, neariy lni th. heurt of tuîe aovn o!rW htby, and vithîn a 1mw yard» oSflic MXain Sfreof--Duudas Street--togettierwith tvo-fitl"so !inauacr, oS laid sttaehed. The hou,. ountahu itoir *part- ineute, h.munexcellent cellar, and Shete Ie goaablmg alignli n acooai'>owuhiidiiigo, asu aupersor puuip o!good vafer on 3the. spot. For Ternis, dm., wiuleh viii b. fouud ver>' liberal. Appi>' f0 J. A. MAYERHOFFEIt 1, .Chro l i (111h itdy. ÏBEAýv-Ë'RîTON~ Pola SALE CxEAF*, AMILL PEWVILIGE ýAMP TOW§ LOTS A eonflgioum th 6 e kverféo WVarf. A large M Êuipeltbl Millngbulueoo abmii donc Froprlitorb hyllradwcti u lllo r. tu 1l~EPKOPETT fer SAXE. ~ luthse4ola t ~~tf~of5ertltàqmr aioS y kit > Pla .~i w~ UUnsmboc~wi<auTppi8,to Teris -tu af. tii idIfi " 1 'aie, Ut made toJiYÀM CALLA, W ckursugLorf9, BroketoFront, Tol quaulty lsofor aleA N EXCELLET C 'Aoudt géOd (MAU PmeT. iaa, , iyrua i APPLY AS ABOVz. ii&8m w & ;m OE w~ 3, IIP1 ROYED TARIlS lîIt.-0 igres j-oa th tiaIço! Lot 1;,." part of th@ #,qlm8TiINp1 ES4FÀTE, L'1> wo mia-rth& TOvnof WhltbY. 2nd,.-5lO aces, SÃŽoutb, West quarter o Lot No,, 2§'th eConcession of Darlington, about erfght milesai rom Bomînvllle. 3ïd.-50 cre ut qes.uarter 01 Lot Noii, 11dm concession oS Mariposabout 9 miles from Lindîsay, ýThe above mentioned Lots -pré flrat.clmm Fime,in a blgh staSe of cuitlîîtbion, good Buldlnp, and flair important Townx,, Wii b e sold TaiiOflible, a3< nd io vra bie terme. Appi>' to- À irfor the Omer. Wbltby, Oct. O, 1850,.O TO AIL THE WORLU, A" M 1.51.7 0Or1Ton M. MPILADEN. vrooiamt<'u, Brook, sep. s17 d85. 6-t A Frm to Let for àt o ym4 tWliÃŽ1ieeiI5ipf alioi&llabe ou- tainin& about 10acIbo r.wS go Buidine.' Api>'on di. Farnï tb 1(5. DI4I'L ALBRAITH. A Comfortame-cFamul>' Psane ituatd ln ftic Village uJ :=11p)i 'éwLî,ofl'ici<- cai 40',ajuinïàg tie. Fremchnain'î By Stalion 'îffiîeu raiîd' I wak 18 îîuilea (rom To- renito, eotisttig Sa coftge contaiiug'Nia.e loomaa. Witl af/rcm oii$'iieic reiliilite; a large Bain mutd Stable maueda îîcver MSii gweli of wa- fer; the. (rouiuîtî atre tuastefuit>' laid oaf, eud liauted wif h tlladc Tree; alpo, asLarge Glardon weli mfocked with 1'ruit Tracs; the whole covers two actai of (4rouîd, end esno' ho sîrpsî,od liti 'flioiuîhoip of 1'frkcreng, for lItsaonveuti- ece aud readj access f0 the lRail wsy. Terme ':,ndaeasy.}For t'urfher prucie. oml ttige apouithe premniett. loeucîîiou given forcth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkville, May', 1868. 17 For Sale, or toLUt. S COMMODIOLIS AND PLEA Asantl>' situatad SBRICK COTTAGE, wltb 1 cf an acre of land, ln the North Wsrd of the Town <of Wbitby, on the Raut nide of Brock Street. For further pfrSlcularei appt>' (if by le ter, pat-paid) sW. B. Tremmyne'î office Whitby, or to the ubicriber, Cishuli, Markham, D. O. JEXiKINS,1 .Propricf or. Whitby, Jul>' 285h, 1659. m0 For Sale Cheap, and on Rea- sonable Ternis. provements of 20 acres ou eich Lot. For jîsrticulara appi>'tu IL J. Mscdmi. Cli hiy>, Barrist.r, omr te D. Camu.ron, D.CA1MRON. October Ir, 1859. 69-21n.e 40.21n-w1 TO LET. 111E Stoeasd dveiling iIou.. nov ooepie lAb>' James Puingle, and kuown as f6. STONE MSTORE, lu tbeT'mvn or Wlfbi'. Foussion givea On fhmir.tot@fmUr next. whlthy, Jully2g, 1950., 28 FARM FOIR SALE. aqwcekmd, >Thte farmJia veltw*Werd by the prmW& ss.Tlieloudlà-oo!aixe tgn ui 'Mei tituber Comprli" gStI Cedar ema am "lr Trma, .., 'Apmi>to - West. part <'f mid îl. aid OilhawU AYO reipee ou. snd aboli mile*e it Appiy persouaiiy, Or-j Pickering. TINSKITHS. Abrami Logan,ý J388CM STREMT, WJIInTJJy, Thi-Smltb an& Bell-Ranger, &C., ke. AVE Trontgiuis liaS nV ou tIcLusitn ri- Xicati aud (Ciion uî iîproi'ed ufyle, Miti trou hold-footo. Oulvaîîire4d Ligbfîaiipc rude Coutu>' Tmcru "nt Il pJuit or ofirvioe' pronolo t #îue ..8-2n ,IMPE' aubacriber reqitiestei public atten- ton hois naw atock n1 i uparior tovea. 7The>' inciqe W e foliowing ncm THE IN& o0F $luF'Es, -THE PRINCE ALRERT, DA y T ROCKFTt - PRETJeOlNIST, - RAND TURI4 IRON j)URE, Cstt and examine? 62 JOHJN BRYAN. Brock Street, Wisitby. OrJTJST OPEN CANTON T. OOM1PANY'S Mev store 0,l9Kiul.t . Eaet,.r thue st. amnie o1 te ie iu*t Spit-isdid Urop of Tuis ever » li ii (anida; and ai prices for Cusiou',th)lllat viii b.c s're f0 jualwe a ci'>' gulioit nx by ilifcra- ted prria, who have Wbeen iailug for ycaru, &- -Short profit. u uc rtruç"wl iltrictl>' 5iore t b>' tiiConlip'uv.Tes, viti bc retuilc<i Pt WhoiaaicPrire iu. ts iib ait parties; fo BUY VltAGRIANIT NEW TEAir if tlue .owest Posible Figure. Tic Corny have beae erofa select, ibrough fluit Agaufi. lit.China, inonî, of thoZs j-per.idTra:,offy ett tetheo Lo n îd Publin Mork tiifit conuarnera, vlu<,ta- mnuber the. dealiom llvor oS Tuésoipd fhere ifa orb supliled with tlusa clieedor ced <'or iieaton.s. Tho pneî uswll pealu for thaun neive,. Loolc nut liiu Now on Sale, FIve 1l«red Uliese lilsel par Ii,.McS&nJ(Green per Ill. 8am. 6rei per lb. 40M, jGoM d per lb.dOct0. Splendid per lb..-... dom,8e.penid pcriî.iei ifuiprtur Patlb..,. .Eulusîloi. pet lb... l70M. flotel Ke'im Scluooi Proprietori, Country> 0 tonr1 à noBomrd iug Mou se Kea paru, 0OB$SEBVE - ors Fory Poud poeki esandup. oS Omuada, ou rcciptoftlte'A55i 'TIi.w vo do niot buy0>a' luae quanfit>', wouid do Weal ta club !agetier .terreud.lSts fiction warrsed4. dgriiee l aartic~'îl dut sidtsnn- suniaid arilsroquanet a trial udthi vo viii gaaraîltôa trest; nedomaîîojoyod. - Fln '__ber tiheitmber, 161 JCing..t.- t*o deori front Marita square, und pieuse oom- iunicmtt lue nievîf o<ur friands. publie Builings. Otta*a,, !I P9TPFONEMNT 0F TIMR Loti.lme Jeven, ih53.îp le .L'4th. osnces- §ion 'of tbe-aid TOWO»biP OS. Re«,s* Md no as al the iemaiiulm*9, art- ofi nid ýLot wbicb ba not hlUwerto ben gold fer toxeos, or Prediotwily onvcyedby john Waggr,rÏt4 ThOatiff MayUu,. wbicl,usaid loit uientioncadpiaceorparcel moybg de- scribed as0foiiowe, - coumeucing: cil front of .*nd lot. ut or about the 4i*IIDC.c f twehvechain»4nd eigbty liii.on a couuu $outil ftenyfolir de rç" w9vai Dons "oth aniS angle eofil loi, snd àt <h SoV-tit aat angle oStend ioid for taxai; thnenorth sixteen degreci wtteighteeà severay4our degrac, caut, to the, we$tern lmit of land decded to Thomas Martin; tliene Uuth fsixteen dce ,,eat rgbt 0teemi chaîns alld twcnt. ve imit to the front of said l-,t; tece along the front or tiie sId lot te te place of beinmimg, NELSON- 6-1REYNOLDS, heifsOffic . Whs,,Nov. 2,I5 CORD WOOD WANTZ» ,GRAUI TRUNK RAJLWAY.- T ~ ~ ~ ~ wl lEVDEIN> iireeelve offiranm.. Ttii Thundavliy h.sJoun. îext, forft. delîr- or>' before Lit Alil~, of from 60 <o 100O'Çorda et goud'llürd Woo<l, ut dtl.Grand.Trunk Eiliwiy btution hi-re, i'ubject W flie Coumpayîy"!a inipe.,- tlon and neercnn Wood- t o eeut urte sud a halit -1ln .Aloo wonted 'In amnt it o o«od 1iar.l Wood to Le dulivered uthte Ila br ortW Wiiitby, Dec. 26, 1M59. 7 Oate Wauted. "T E.submcriber w11 rmy fthe bigliwnf imrk#$ -& ric-fir ay qjnnityof goiQ ouf..Zeliv-' eredut is iliin he rilciten oi Wilt- by. wiify, Jan, 10, Ti N MG'W.l INFORMATION W A NSkD. n'Y WILLIAUM ýINLIVA ,who loft 9KW- %J b 1555 0CarIr pjýfnfl or tiourd of oneot tfih aimom #6sfàanieO.-Av iif7rnuilio o ar i 1m will'be f iukiuf re'cieicîiby lt o»ný ,irictt Qr.iîiivmq, whore oid.- il h4 iiby, C. W.' Uitied #5t&"140 Fafer plcee cepy. Hifdes! Hides! lfildeo T IE underxigned wilI ps.y thé h#ghait T pricefi) Cagh fri il <*antity of gooti BEEF ILES deliircaShs!uryl Greenwood. A Il kindi oS L E AT HE R kept conntantiy on bîand for aileN Vr>' loy forCeuhi :D,. McMURCEY. Grcenwood, Nor. 14,,1859.p,8 CASH E.FOR_ PRODUCE The UJndaiggned la prepared te îny quantity o01 'Wheat, Barley, P« oaste, &o. sALT POI LE.IÂp Whitby, Sept 28,1809 A4 5 LIVY STXLE e 'Fyudc sud us prep - BOOK AND» JOB 4 ofrasydecion, inmai0 dit=,pAteb sthe loy, Fnst-dePasePresenedl Vi Auctisu 11,11e, Iorme Ilillua, un ti-. fous Of-1riuflig (Sunl>iscd i bigordertd. C7 m - WIr JOHN MHAIL TIITU JU<INfOF TUIE 4(>UNTY ej Cfmrto. d fntw e 4t:(!C1 iwELS0N G. RE 1: lIuTl.~ OFFCE S he oun nse JOH1N V. 11-4 R LEOIST.iOF IC Ib cïtyle. . MCk ON W.1121 V. IL T REAUIIELOFFIÇE .4 î ï J.M AC DON*- S, Court .liî. >1<aflaGn %j Court JCuue. * Xifor te ktii, o r S'O!<ntari W- IL TREXAT B AIJRJlI4TER ANI) col CAMIE0RON k J1-IU GEOIRGE U. DART J--.'G. RAM, STEPHE S fE.AiU 12ELIE A.N» 3.lNASN F Ag eut fo'r thaCu,cn;v Of Ou orir z o'e surara eSfi 1. W- CALDWELL B ( atIng Alff&itof, Aeeonufa sicn Court, 2101.7 7Publie aid <c Uxbridge. Ofllo-King Street, n M. B.-ulIibuiiussmfrutc bc promputi>' attendcd 5<>. JOHN 1311.1.1G A TEEY AT LAW, SO. t- Chan.e"Zry, Cou veysneer, e&c. marluhani. rplus ove>'. Mm 'ufl u w . of vi uai - ~JOHN O, J Finia Wcs.s, miuhouir. lmt Jaumar>', 1860. 1DOb Whit,', $cr9,1 riaeuira 'llý, . lé'l l-, 1 1 - -l

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