Whitby Chronicle, 14 Feb 1860, p. 4

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<~Esubsciber recjuéts public aten T' Ili on ho bis new stock of superior Stovea. They Include lime folowing new patterns : TU1E KING 0F S7N2VES, TH1E PRINCE ALBERTp DAVY CROCKET, PROTECTIONlSTe GËAND TVURK, IRON .DJUNE, COU ~nd eximinen? -JOHIN BRYAN. Brock Street, Wluibby. LIVERY STABLES. L -111 SCITOFIELi) & Co. IMPORTERS 0F- St ap1e and-Fancy Dry Goods GENERAL STOCK OF Garocerles, -Crockery, Chifa, Earthen AND GLASSWARE. Corner e Broek and Coîburue Streets, Whitby T IE Subscnbers arxe li roeipt of Fresh ar- T rivais of'tle abtive Goods direct f'roîuu MIe UxinufImehodjem. arll iv n-slà is; ow 0t uaamy hou#é lI the trade West uof Montreal. O N S'AL E, Aarensd vanloal Stock of Dry Gooda kept ceotsatîy on hanci. L. Il. SCIIOFIELD & Co. ON SALE., A cnt» p lotoStock of ilikinidg ofGroceries, sud a fuull Stock of Liquons, Chjeice brauuds Viii- - L, Il. SCIIOFIELD & Co. 30 Barrels of Olci Reetifleci Wliskey fromn Ciilppown. 1 Li IL. SCIIOFIELD & Co. ON, SALE, Aeitolce anal ffuil as onehf Crockery, Cuilus, Gl"andErhewt.i "L. 1. SCIIOFIELD & 0o. 64 Chests Fresh Tbas frorû 2s. 3d.to39, 94. per lb. - 27 Boxes Tobacco from Is. to -2s., 6d., per lb. 4Bales Americ'an Grey Cotton 40 'Boxes oap.: 10 Bomes Candies. 36 Oasks of, liquor. 200-Barrels-of -Sait. r10 Barrelis of Herring. - - L. H. SCHOFIELD & Co. ViTe Sisnieslieve resolveci ort eoming te thé ye.ar 1ro0, to udiare to the CA"SH SYSTEM, Wblh i vilanilie thlàiata sell muîeh chéaper, an sd givôo geinî satLsLeition. L. Il. SCIVOFIELD &Ce. - T WO 'eonîfortîitle dwelltuag Hens1In thé J. etre ORf:tîTowu, ho refnt kw. Appiy te the Proprtetor. - A t LL those tIbet are lmîdébhéd te thé tbsen-1 ,t.bora lthier 1,> Note or Book ucoonul wIli r À1 - fe - .l * thée-Virt diT>'of ,auairy, 1O suit y their respective apeonnts. r~~~ Ho -- ,Schol~ od &Co. r ItZ IoU Thé CIRCULATION of the -CHRONICLE iS Than that of any other local Paper in the Province, and FÂR EXCEEDS The, circulation of all the other papers in the County of Ontario united-,.I WEÉiKLY CHIIOINICLE ONLY- SEMI-WIEEKLY $2.50 -PER A.ANNUiW. The Chronicle is the Paper to Âdvertisie ini. BRITISH ;fIWS. L ONR SOT O. NEW iug leading Britlih Peniodicals, viz: 1. nUEs LONDON QUÂRTEIILY (Clonséirvative.) 2. rus EDINB UIlOII EVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH ESITISIF sEVînw (Free Church.) 4. IRE WESTMINSTER REviEw (Libéral.) 5. I)LACKWOO)'5 ED)l'BUItGtt MAGAZINE (Tory.) Thèse. periodicals ably represent thé thrce great polihicmi parties of Great Bn-. tai-Whg, ýTory, sud Radical-but poli. tics forma ionly eue feature -of thoincharact- er.> As, Prgans of thé most pýrofound -writers on Science, Litérahuré, Morslity, sud Religýlon, they stand, as thé>' ever have shood,! unrivaiiéd in thé worldof let- hèrs, being cousidércd indispensable te thé seholair 'sud the professionsl man, wbiié ho, the intelligent réader ofevéery cias. tby furuisb a morè corrét.-ad atisfaetory re- cordi et thé current lilerahure of the de>', tbroughnouh bbc world, Ibsu can hé possibi>' obtaiued froni an>' ether source. EARLY COPIES. The receiph of ADvAiqcp BsImEET fnom4the Bnitituh publishers gives additiouai value ho thé Reprints, iuasmuch as they can uow bé placed in the hauds of subecnîbers about as soon as the, original éditions. TERM>SO For Rny one of bhc four üdjw $ 0 For any two of tue four 'eiW .6-5 0 For auy three of thé four Reviews. -.'.7 00 For ail four of thé Revie ira........ 8 00 For, Blackwood's Magazine ......... oo 0 For Biackwood aud oue Réview. . . 6 00 For Blackwood sud îwo Reviews... 7 00 For Blackwood and Ibre e eew. ...09'0 For.Ilackwood sud tho four* Beviewa'10 00 .Atone ren in the &ate îMere Imsued Xi11 be reie t par. A discount of tweuhy-.five p er cert,4roni thé abauve pices wiIî be allowéd te CttuBs orceirng four or more Co p es f ay one or miore of thé abcrvé works.Thus:- Pouur cqpi4s of Blackwood, or of one Review, wili be sent 10 one address for $9; fouir copies of týe four Reviews and BlckÏwbod ýfor $30; and 50 ou. P OSTA GE - Can adian mail subscribèrs will bé sup. Piied freaef C'. S. Postage. _Rénittance !or suy of thé aboyé publics dions - should always be agdreque.di post- paid, otiahOn, ' lm 46w N. 54, Gold Stre2et, New York 'L!he Peterboro' Examier, THURSDAY MORNING, Hl E EXAMINER iasw thé largeat oirenIaUbrô ljot any ýpapér publl.hucd lu Poerbore',-,and thérotore tou ét ia4verthlaiï, . iidlàtula ithèe unltdCoutis GRAHAM k RBNFREW, AEýRANGMEIT$ FOR 180.- TNTIL ftier notice, Mails yuil b. losçeà and duo for delivary atthuis office as loi- Down Mtils goîng East iz :-Os-Qbaw ilôw- G. cooiusto lont 'j~,e~4~;oKing AL 'ore5i~ n(. pszp ug Wos*, di4ng Denbartou' Piceréing,TorontO and ail placés Wes t' o- ronto, aIse thé Q. '.R.B..trairelling Poibt Onice going 'West, cloitssnah? . m., sud ut 6 P. nM. Due for dtliveuybèe.ahet10 a.m., and st 7 a.mu. Thé Mails fore ip*erung sud DunmbarhWnare onlyma*1ed by thée 1 rumng train goinàg Weslt. North Mails lcav6 dsily Aftar tiie arriva, o1 the. train fromn Toronto, for lrookliu, Mtuncues-, 'ter, Port Péri>, Reuaeh, Liuudsa, Manilla, Béa- vérton, Port rioover, Aauhburms, Epsoma, Utica Wn UxbrLige, mlo for il thé corréspouîding of- Mails are also madeupant sane tirn for And- lev, Brongîîlia ulasat», Grcenwood smud 1Kn- unît, dailyfaonal u Tsdiîy, Tîaursday sud Si tnrday for Allons, CIarcunont andi louif- vIlle. biails are due for dlivery from, thosé offices et about& 80 p ni.r ,-, ENGLISII MAIL.-From ic heisI of Aprîl. 1859, a I ltters for -Great Brituin mu l bd Pr- palid, by postage ehamp. Lelténs iitendce for Europe shotuléi ba post- ed before 7. o'cloek A. M. ou Mouusys%.. REGISTRATION 0F -LETTER.-The ciaariFe for Ragitration, in additim ote poat- mueýs as followau oui each lettervz To aiy place li'hue Uit6el Staîcts, (post4ige To auy place lu GreaItlirihiln sud Irelaud(post-. ago mueI bé proptic-aléo ) 7Xjd .- Toan>' place in thue British Colonies -Z Posses- s ions, seult-via Eugland, ( postage inuamt tbe pro-' 'nre tan>'eplacilu'rny , oroîluér Foreign coun- triosa, t h ngland,cii ainouantoeqialtoitféepost- PA RCELS rap t"l Ibn. weiglt can i e se by' poaI undérr nouîisiomas at liq 8d per lb. tobe prepaid hy ponage stamps, sud nuay be register cd hy psymont of 8d tuald tionul. ,No mua ilhtire despatehmed on received on Sun nBookLq sud pintcd matterftr thme United tstates, lime Ciîùiduutn'ostage muttt bc piepid by postage stanmpe,-sud on usîeilumatter Prom thue United titales, the Caumsdîatia Postage w"Ill ho AIl tranlstetNewopalpcrsi, itiluîahfg those tor Engliand, nust ho prepsid J' y Postage Stamp or lhaey canuaot he forwsrdeul. -Newapspers for flic Bilisia Uest, lIdice, or Newtoutuîland, mnust hé p ru paid l'y Postage Slamp, 14d ech; and ifor Indue, Chiaî, Austrs lia, ait otimer pInces hbeyond ses, 2J4d esch. OFFICE lIOUTS.- Week éaye, froua 7 a. m. ho 7 p. m. Suuidaya, froun 9 to 10 s. ni. Postage Stampa'au chopurchaîscdaI thoe1Post offie. A. McPIIERSON, P. M. Whitby, Apnil, 1859. *fa13W. DENTISTRY 1 DENTISTRY! J .S.Jones, M!.SreuDentilt, lc., R ETJRNS liis sincère tmamks ho hMn citizeus4 Whitby îaud vieiiiy, f'or thue verv liberal paîrontige extendidc to himia!lils profissionu. lic aowtakets leaive 10 cqtusit bluis umronîs trieuds sud the publie, thlat lie hias fally touple- ted bis arrangements f'or lte permaunenthpractice of lis profession, ini lie Town of W fibb.- Teotia uinoumteçl ou Gold, I>iatiua, Cheoplaiei Motel, &o. Tetlî filîed with fflGOLD AND STANIEL FOIL, aud wiilî Doctor Jonc', saew invention, the noua- cornsive p-ai _qie nüqail togzold,-but mnt 80 without pam. A pr ctice notweutyyveà iurniilis professiona, anables Dr. Jonues tb giaramaîce to l is patientis all lIa professiomîul skil sund experience eau se0complisla towarda alleviîuhiug human sufferntg lu the treatineut of aIl affec«iong of dic Teeth, rum ansd fucial îee-i.dlraa,&c. Dr. Jones operahuona luave always beîî uttcnemmo waiîh the greste.at suacces 0O' FICE i toc old Dental Stand, ovcr Joe Biglo"s Dry Goods Store. 1ixncuuacxs-J.Ilitimu 'erry, Esc., Mauor ot WIftV , -0 . G. iiiillr;Esq, Slierift, é .; w. l Icnyé . 8(-lInD. Clicokley sud Dr Novemil,ér 21t1u,18. IDE NTISTRYO DR. C. C. JEROME.. Surgeon Dentiat, -TN rcttiniug tltaniks oho ii numerous fiends ansd the puiblie geuuonlly for t-lueir litorsil patronagqe silice lie couieuîccd pnacice lna hi.a rown, îvonld lacre lak ococauuiouu ho saIe ho al those who arrenairiumg Artifliil Tceell, that hie lias uow obtauuued a Mauoîiuue for jvorkiiig due vuleataised riuhber, upon whii lle till insert aîl kindi; sud styles e o Tel, Er-Ocîsap,-r titan hffl ever bein dones before ! withî titis procamas. Dr. C. C. JFmunai will -guarauece ho 1f1it te iuost dificult cuse wltlu the greetest precialon Iu ail ful cases, partiesq eau have Jflcck Tecîi wiîh ,.Soi GOutis, which la, ini cvee respmect, fat suipéniorto aîy other kiud of woï*l knowu lu lise. -Titis workcisliighlyapprovedtofby al) ,f thie lqadiug Ileutisîs uuun ýew York, sud yrruu- cipal illes 'tiiroughouttiue Unitedi Stat-. owi rg to ils bong nucli lighter anîd of a ion-eujroisivu natunre, inid il is, alter a- test of thre years, deemucc higher saddnaore preferable Iluan'gold or suv othen netalie piste.- Dit. JyuomE wonîl wll it to ho borne in minaI taI hlias e &reatly r%1iiced the Prices wîîieh lierotofore were te stanudard. Ile would risqo feirtîier stitIlat lie lias beuî eonstuuitîy usinig the ahove nameci mautenluul for sevoral niontha pass, duinug wiich timne lie lias put up 4 groat uîumber of casesi, sind in ail instances the bebt of sstisfahiu sbau becin mauitestod by tIme patienta. Gold, Silvér sud Platina Plates 'mut nps the Latest styles, C.iajer Mlan uguaZ, and Warranted. AUI Sorgical operatiois 0f limé Teellu or Gnîs ekillfally perforned. I_'Teetb oxtractcd withouit pan by mneaus 6or ectiity. Panhicu Ian~ ~ ~~ ~c u1tuhÃ"î;i othe rcguiia;ioi etofChli îreti'a 1'ech. ,onaIitÏioû Fi-ce. ", Ail iWork Wtýrrdn1e P.S- Callicl uexamIineutpeciumais of Ibis worlu befOècegèhtirIý,yoî tçuth auiietci-lelscwlîero. 0,C n ALD1WELL'S BLOctc, oser - Lowe# ai Po,$ ui tre, BrockS'reet, Wh%/e. Sept.W, 1~9. -- - - y-sw- W -WhitbyBrewery. t4uu~q~ ,Uriojb " ~dto on- -u.Lishtxe ~lrpzs e litehrw'B Preefop iet itiuo e titis- 41, crÃœaltô hit W OD RD Whîe 0ý réetby o4i4,I5~--~-icsi. imf, leifryStriXqMfI iXo~Ui 1SETyler0 CS-W>.llma Itubibéd COapft-1-Ufli Milllon-Stenlngm Constlluhted by Act of Parliaumieut. arc receivbd ténd7lusstld'- - Aqett st Wbitby-G. H. Dartncîl. Royal Insuwaio Company. -OFFICE-2 TOiôxroNTOxciTANE. OAPITÀL-TWO MILLIONS STG. FIEE Pjtauîus 1858-Two laundréd Tlîonsand Pound>6sSterling. Reset-ve Funda on Mait e acldaims, over tire H1udrod Thousea'ad Jouuds Steeng. F IR INSURANCE on Buildings, Furuiture sud Merchandcize, of every description, cf- feeted en Uhe ,nottworable ternis. ,Short period rit§kt taken on bierchandize -for oune or more niontha. LAfe lusurance on 'vory avautuuigeous ternis for thue aosured, with annaial bonusud division of p. ollts cvery five yeurs.àIN*A N W Agent, Wlitby. Whithy, Junue, 1859. 20 PHoeNIX INSTJRANCE COMIPANY. IIARTFORD, CON<NECTICUJT. M-PA ID UP C APITAL, $200,000.Rï DOLICIES ,gnunted iimeinciatcly on applhea- dLton, withont ofreieru the Ilend Office. C. LYNDE, . . fanager The Seottish Provin~cial Assurtuce- Compâby F4dabli,4ued A. A) 1825, and Jncorporated by e .5peial Act qf Parliaisent. CAPITiA-1.4- 1,000,000 CANADA-UFlAD oFI'rCE: Mloutreal, 9 Greait St. JamesA Street. Sizcu£TART.-A. Davidâou 1>rkbr. T NTENDING Agsurers are rciapeetfîîlly re .L qllocstcd to penniio thîls Carnpany's Prospec- tus, wherein it will be found tImaI cvery advala- tage, consiistent witlî secunrity, la otteneil. The rates ont Prenfluins elîsrged are lc,î. while Uico Bonsmes declîured will bearcouuparisouî wiîlî ,hîe ProfiOs allottcdl by auy 0f the other lcsdinig offices. Partielsrattention is4 also dfrecteil ho an eqîui- table regnlation adopted by tlîis Company, am~ to surreuder value ofrelinquislîed 1'olieies. Wauvur.-JIohn Agné., .-*gent; Riobert J. aOnuni, M. D. Médical Adviser. PniNcE, Ai.auur.-Nivcn Aguew, M. D. Mctdi cal dvitucr. State Fire Insurance Company of Lon. don, England. OnAItTERD BY ACT 07 BETISI lPÂRL.IAMENiT. CA PITA L. ..£500,000 STERLISG. BOARD OF DiIECTOtS: C7airman-Thc lilit lion. L-rd. Keatue. Il. B. Sheridan, Il.P. Colonel James Adair. The Rý'v. W. Beau. Peter Carstairs, Esmq. The lion. B. Boothby. Johin Janmes Uuwin Clarke, Esq. leuîry Clark, Esq., M. D. Nieliolas I>eunuiys, Esq. - William S. Potter, Esq. William clny ougli, Esq., M. A. F. M.WelUs Esq. Peter Morrasouu, 1,à4., Mauiagiuur Director. Auditor.- mabroso Milecr, Esc1.*oliri- Messrs. Miller & Hrne.. Su-veyor.-Wî'lliaiîî E. Williams, Esq. Bukr-Msr.Itatisoin & Company. Séretary.- W m. Catiîwcll, Esq. OGAIADA BRANCII -Head Offic,-Iias.onie ITatî, Torouto. 1Truees.-lIon. John Ross, Jolmu Crawford. Eauî., Q. C. lard of Ditrector.-Chairiti-Wm. Mc derson Esqq. F. W. Juanvia. Esq., Slaeriff, U. C. of Y'on sud Peel. Jienkeros--ilie Bank of Momareal. Solicitors -Rosa, Crawford & Crombie. The emgazneemts§ of the State Fine lusumiratce Company are gnanenteeci by a reaponsible Pro- pietary. Al Lossea will ho sctled promptlyT wit hout refereuce te the B3oard in Euglsud. The business ofthie Tinues laviug been Sun.; cluisel, Policy -holders are eow guarauteedy the shaue. ALEXANDER STEWART, .Manager, Jiritish North Anerica. JOHN AGNEW, îVîuhhy Jsî. , 159. Agent at Whitbg Protection against Loas and Damage by Fire. WESTERN ASSURANCE COM1PANY, CAPITAL9£100,000 INbURANCE effeeted on uluIdings sund tuiler contenta. Every inforemationu suîpplieci ou applicahion ho the iîndersiguacd. JOhN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron Stroot, Whihby British America Assurance Company, INCORPORATED under su Aet of lime Tlird Session of the Eloveeth Provincial Parusa nient of Uppaur Cinadli. CAPITAL £100,000. Irsurauce éftected on Buildings sund their couattiis. llvcry luforfftraion suppliec ou sp plicahion hothie undcaizaed. Marine Illaki, forthie Scson or for Perla. JOHIN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Byron tmÏeét, Whitbj Phoenix FTire Assurance Co. 01154W»' smx=ETAND, itGflX CROmtSBY LONDON ESTABLISHED ]IN 17820 GILLBSWE, MOFFAT & CO.,' Agents.foreCaada. TNSURANCES against LOB$Eo ýb FIRE and J-ffccted es the moat fàvoid-'le îérma; and LUS8SES 1aid %Yithioùtrefollunce 10 thé Rounrd in - 1.W., QQ0DW-ARD,: - commi-imzr Hehnt,'WJitbe, Wlulhby, Ang iO,1rnî.- au -j -àdo MI Lôts -.-i -t- Hamptin ot urf lsîý«Ùtrhîîoja niake the first paysient. Sedfoirc0fuIüjù Address, pae aid; October 11, 1859. 5 FOB SAM$E sÏarsof xcellent Land latheS 8. .angle 'ofcres18 ln'theOiCon. -of Uxbhidge, hie timber on the LUndi first. chsplue. partB. W. angleof21, dCo.f inifr- merlyr owned by 3r. Uoborts;. This land fit under cultivatin,and in excellent order. It will bc sold to suit purchasers, or ivili bc let t0 a stendy tonant. For terms app1lto J¶NT Malton, C. W. Toronto Towlit4lîip. or-to TIIOMIAS BEALL, -WIlitby. Mr. isnaceRoad will show ic lanîd inUxbridge. Mîîkltoîî, Nov. 151h, 1859. 4 HouBO and Lot for Sale. IIË Lot contains onie-foulrtlî of fin acre et excellent 1Lauid, wiili 4i snu a iglu state of cultivation. Tjýc houom- la a Franie buildinig 18 by 24, and couxfortiîbly Illiialieýd off. It issifu- ted in 4 very plenaittpart of thievilqge o1 Ux- bridge, bcing rieur the clauuch, the school, the pest offlce, aud tic places of geueriul bnoiness. 'rrrmseas-y, and uay bc kuowii by tipplyiuig to Win. Wsl krprrepr , 0 t lh utioÃŽa's, or 10 'itd Agent, Uzbridge. May, 1859. l FOR SALIC. CHEAF. Tr OT No.27, intlîe Zrd Coyiîecssin nWiitby JL th itjciNs FAJU!) ndjohiag the Town of Carryiiug Plaice, CiîAs. WrLxtws, Egq., Belleville, or t0 J ily 15, 1857. Wiluth>' 2Gc Stearn and Plaster Mill for Sale. T IF ASSIGNFES 0F . STONE., OFFERZ for sale oua eaasy tenusthie Steam 1'1asteuî MilI sud Furuiture tiierciaa,ilont Whitby. Appliéatiouî 10hbcamaude to J. L. GRANGLR, or N. MILLER, NVlitby. Whitby,Mrc i89 Farm for Sale. 2( ACRliS 0 F SPLENDID LAINDI. LOT 20 10, luin i Oijessof ot I<rali; 15 Acres leared. Thtis Farin in situîated witlulu four ailcas of ]3eeverton, oi the tniavel rond tb Maria; thec iitdlia t ie bout quaiity, sud us in thie centre of a guod setticinut, wihhiae Seliool, simd s Sawmill cotnveniut. Also, Northa lalfof Lot 4, luthie lOtlî Conces- siona of Thorali, cousistiuug of Dé! acres; 1:1 of whicli arcelcurcd,sind tfrou'jitîg ouithicPortage Rond, noar (Camuroui's iil. ff'.TERM5 LISERIAi. Apply ho 1) CAMERON. Beat-erton, 1lOth Juiy, 1857 26 FOR SALE. TJOWN LOTS Wi 'ibv, n'ar the Bay- Also, Village Lotsatt luttiul'q Creek, Frenich me-tnus Baay, snd Pomrt 1erry. Apl oG. H. DARTNELL, Solicitor, -. Brockc Street, Jhly FOR SALE IN THE TOWVN 0F L OTS NOS. 2, and 22. TIIEY ARE SI1TU- j ated ou Diiindes Street, behwecii Mn. S- Coeîarane'o aund LuccsCreck. Applicathiomn to bc macdo t MRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 3:5, 1;0i concession D.-rlinu-toii. "Christian Othurnug" please copy unt I fourlid Blacksmiths & Waggonmkers Shops FoT Sale or to Let at Liverpool, mrWENTY MlLES EAST 0F TORIONTO (A JLDepotud Statiomu of huie Grnd'fniiuîk Rail- way). iaeh Shop ;susa aCottage uand P.quarter of ai Acre of 1Lund attaelued. *These prenises have been lately cocted wvith lu a so t istuce of the Kigto1us;nc thue lhaifay Depot. A good busineïss luboth trades caun-bc doifé*by steady sud gooci worklc alen.m For fiiie purticulenti p ly tPUe Y Liverpool July 28,187 . 2 8 FOR SALE. .AN excllentmmew Framo Cottag, ncarly lu .the heurt of hue ,own of W Nhitby, sud witbiu a fow y aida of thé Main Street-Danda Street-togethen with rwo-tiftîis of an aure of land attaehed. The.-liuse contaluas six spart- monts, lias an excellent cellar, suda thiere la good stabliîg asud ail necessaüry ou -buildings, and a superior pump of good water ou the spot. For Tornna, &c., whtcai will bo founci very lierl.Ap. lyteJ. A. M1AYERIIOFFER ls. Chroniele Office, Wiiy. FOR- SALE' CHEAF. A MILL PtwVIRGÉ ÀND OWN LTS Acotigiosîsto thé Beaverton Wharf. A barge simd profitable Millimig buisiness aec done bre. Favorable ténus inay bemsidT'wih thue Propriotor b>' a VmutcuaMilIer.-, AppI>' o0 If iL JAMS A1PMSTRONGI, N. ].-Thoeag 5 Lifinit-rate onlpg ah utBéa- Ne rlon fur thé Entbisbnt t fa 11où-ndny. ý - - -J. A.- VÂLUABLE lPOFeRTY for SALIR.- rVUE Store a d rei~ stelyoeulc 1. Mn. J. A. !(ePlîi,: ah Utus, uin thé '1own- ship Of-Réalhehtgthar-with-s quarter--acre ot Laâd afttahs>éréh. This utone la ve fa-Vo," rabi>' situàtéJ frsny'husinéss. Thé ViIIëéft Utlca isin the centre ofthe To'wmi35, ian lui_à tÉé travé1'otÃŽ >ék rOO» au xêgh 1t,- Oi wtme t b la, P1er , à& .r JA. .G %BL 43 AIbsmPOU&lu ;Wï~iVJStnLl ièNlo9i3okê ron, Awoo foi iSale ANrECE A quntt AoNgod EËA ?s, e Oetcuer 81851)r 55SmA,-OF!,. m ns-a o~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ As 1POYDFRSÂSbarli auà -lst.-100 a ftcréO go th'-haifof )Lot Ne. 9;« 8Srd cessuéieuo(Vhitby,..k ùwn as part' of thé TE Oiytwe mles trou» thé Tewnof:Wbmlby., 2nd.-50 .acres, Suth West quarter ef Lot No. 8 t cnesofetDurliughon, about, éfgh!isinules'frQm llowifuaeuiille. grd.-50 acres South Entulquarter et Lot Ne. 18, 1llth concession of Maiposa,- about 9 tu iles froni Lindsay. Thec aboyé 1mentioned Lobs a9rc 'finst-îmuss Fermns, ln a- high stete ofecuîti vation, good Buildlingsç,»sud inear lauportaltTowns. Wili be soid reasomable, and ou tarera-_ bic ternis. Appi>' te 4gent for the Owncr'. wVhihby, Oct. 6, 18M11 56 TU ALL, TR.E IVO1ILII AN~D HAIl! 1 ZTIE 4 yé.ar»? oui ver), reauîsoiablo ternus hi:§ pleudid preuuises lai the VILLAGE 0F VROOMANTON, Townshuip ofllroek, consisting of a STORE &DWELLING HOUSE, Witli lwo Kittecui, a Sitting-roni nti Pairli r and attaclued 10 Itue Storei a weli fiiriehecl office .sud Wîîvreîîonse. Tuie buildintrq are llrst Jlisii 1'ranuc Biidincai. l'riee, £250, ini fouir 11q1111u a iai inn l uiaillleits. ivitîa iit'erest lit tic rul f cîglit lier ceî. pern siunnn, or£2 pr ainîu reatal. Brock iiet:ds no witteu recouumcendaution, is: iuîduistriouus iuîîistitauat$ is a sufiiit recoin- ,îe,îdatioiî. lFor fîurtluer pearticaul.ors eppîy to RO.SS, MITC1ELL, & Co., Merchliuts, Yoliig Street., Toronto, or to thîe iub.-criber on thie preriles. M. McPIIAD)EN. Vroouîuauton, Brock, Sept. 17, 1859. 36w-tf FarTm to Let. A Farun toe Lt for a terni of yenrq, in "the Towuîsip«Z of .Darlirîton, about hwo miles cash of Bo'Wiuanville village, con- .taining about 150 acres clear, witli good Buildinugs. Apply on the Faîrm bt Mis. DANIEL GALB,1RMrii. Darliugtoin, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w POR SALE, A Comfortitble Fuuily illsidece, ituatd in thie Vlau'ofLiverlî%o , Twsliip of Pick- et ing, iud1joiuing th)e Freuîcllauauli's Bay station of' t Ila G rnud Truuak Railwvay, 18 iiieL4 froui To- ronat<., tuiistiliui of a Cottage containing Nine Roorms, itili every, couiveamîcuce requisite; a large Baern auuul Staîble ettaiclid ; a uuver failiug weli of wa- ter; thie Griunds aire tîstefîilly laid out, and plauted witli Sliaude Trget4; a l,Large Garndon mi-cîl ttockedl with Frutit Trecs; thie whiole covers two acres of Grouaid, aind cannaoî bce sirpati»-od iii thie rt)iisliili of i'ickereiîg, for its couiveni- cuace and reaîdv acces tothue 1Rilvay. Termis siabseriher, Yonlcville; or tu Mr. Willmaîîu l'uurdy npon thie prenaises. Pos.session given fortli- GEORGE BQSTWICK. yonkville, May, 1858. 17 For Sale, or to Lot. US.AC01MODIOUS ANDt A-- B BRI1C K COitT AG E, with of au acre of land, ina the North Ward of the Town of Wlitby, ou the East side of Brock Street. For furîher parhiculars aRpply (if by lot. ter, post-paid) ah W. H. Tremayue's office Whihby, or to the subseniber, Cashili, Markhani. 1Whitby, July 28h,1 .Propriet or. 1659. 361 For Sale Cheap, and on Rea-. sonable Terme-.,%$,i i T BREE good frma in the Township of 'horah, Counhy of Out.-rio, with ina- provements of 20 acres on ecdi Lot. For particulars apply to H. ýJ. Meedon- cil, Whitby, Barristen, aur ho D. Cameron, Ieaverton P. O. D. CAMERON. TO LET. ilStore sud dwellhaigrIlouse now oce iapicd Ty James l'rngle, sud kamowu asthe S TONE -S TO0 k-E, in thie Town of Wlailbv. Possession givon. ou 7 - - ApPle te Wlihhy, July28, 1858. FAR1M. FÃ"i AE TjQOR -SALE theé NomUxsaîf et' LotNo.,7e -in f .1 thé IZth Cencessioi:-ofBeah bout aoý acres clearéci. The lin is- wellwatered b>' s ,nuc-er fliliug sptîng. eTimoreéis a I houas -on thé premiams. Thé lais> la ec lfe t qaiy The tituber comprises gulod Cedarnd mae! - Wood.,-- For Tarm», &6.1- Appi>'y -- - - - - -WM. TOMVLÙNSON, - Greenl'ank P. O., Réach, Jannary ltb, lm.',59 4~.w and Oiluawa .-anc. one sud shualf ni] Jan. 4th 1860.- llyu O! - t. - rue pion »y 194r 511EI FFes @ALE OF' LAN<DS@ COUzTv 0o ONqTÂlto, t,_ON Saturd4y, the - To Wit: jf Third day of March, X D. 1860,1"tT*elve o'clock, noon, Wil be aold by Public' Auctio», at my Office in the Court Houtie, ilii the Town' of Whitly, the rigbti" t'itie, and~Interest which thi undernuetitioneddeleiidànts sev- erully po. cess in the underméntioned lands and'toee ents thiereon, seiztdý by me un- der, andt y virtue of certain Writâ.ol Fieri Faciès to mc direet&l, viz-:ý In the Court of Queen's lencb. Williar Il?. owlarud and John -Charles Fitch, plaLutiffs vs. Paul F. WbIit'ney, defen- dant. Lot 23, Proken Front, irn the lst conces- sion of Piékering. lu tlie Court of CoinnPleas. Laclulan l)avidson, plaintif v-Y. Irvino Johunson, defendant.1 Ail that pircel or tract of land in the- Township of Brock, lu the County of On- tarin, beiug Lot number Nincteen, (19) in the Twelfth concession of the said Town'- ship of Brockr, with al aud singular, the tecleent.-u,, hereditanuents aud appurtenan- ces thercunto in any wisc lulouigiug. lu thc Court of Queeu's Bcncb. Jimes laiug-plaint-.ff Ys. -Peter Stouten- burgh, defendant.: Ail and sinugniar, - that' certain ,p iece or pare of land, situated'ira the Townslàip of Reach, aforcsaid, audbýeing conipouaed of part of Lot number SeVen, in the"Eighth concession of the said Townuship, aud being ail huIn part lbretofore conveyed'hy one Thomas floden, to the said Peter Stouten- burgh, coutainiug three acresý, be the sanie more or lees. nid also, al that other piece or~ parcol of land si tuated lu the said Town- ship of Reach, beiug composed of part -of Lot numlier Seven, lu the Niuth ,conces- sion of the raid Township of ]Reach, and kuown as ail the 'reuaiuing pa rt of naid Lot wvhich has ÃŽlot hitherto bec» sold for taxes, or. previously1 conveyed by John Waggoner to Thonmas Merlin, wbich said last mcutionedpiece or parcel nlay be de- seribed as follaws, - comnmeuciug on front of sagid lot, ah or about the distapce of twelve chains and eighty links, on a- course sonti seventy-four degrees wet', front south cash angle of said lot, and _ah' the,- sotîx est angle of land sold for' taies ; thence north sixteen.degrees ntust eightecn chains and, tweuty-five links,- thence north sevcnty-four degrees est, to the western limit of land deeded te Thôtig,,Uartin-; thence south sixteen degrees, eisat eight teen chains sud twenty-fivo inks t0 the .front of said lot; theuce along théefront of the said lot to the place of begittàiʽ. NELSON G. REYN.L'OLDS, SlleriffTVC. ., ShcriffWs Office, Wlîihby, No V. 28, 1859 Sheilt's Salé of Lus Coîmit> of Ontaurio, Y yirtu of >a Wnit of To Iî: B zei acim alsuied- onuitflier Majesty's Court of Q4ue14 iBenéhi, it Toronto, sud to me d4céiéd esti lands sud teuemcnte wbich wée eofC rW&W lFané- Weil deoc-sod, ah lthé uméeofbm déath in lihe bauds of Rue Y'arewell, edmi istatlx, &c., defeaidant, nt tméstet- Anlofr'A Men plaluhlif. I bave slçezéd simdtancn u xeçutca ail time inteet, whieli thaesaid. Co.-itwse!?&é - Weil; doeteised, lus his lifo flimea uui' t tie tirne of lana deasî li 1ud lu thel ce.tsuupreol or tract of lanîd, heiumg tlIrée quartera of sn acrelo the amane more or lots, béîn# eôîuposed rtpanu of lot unmmber iffrcen i lbice second- Cenceason et lime Towîtship, of,1ikrn .- mtéa hivo cl.tin% thiit>'sevén itiaîmd n liunks on a course ioliavnswdg enst froni thé soutis wcat -angle >ef ssîd-lot Thonco north, mv- emuly four degices, Eab4two 0chiauasèves lnka%, TI, tunce uBort Fisixtécn degreos, wcstharée élca atd.t-wénty lie Iinks,miiii~ res.t enI ,,,0det0 the publicroad, Tiience tinrtla weatenly alog Uu~subusliso1li publiernoadto cuuuinruexud èèvoûialk. n- ie sonîh, six- bëolî ategrces at, three' - 1 flft a ine links haiore or-léesa to li' 1 a ltg Aiso I heaendtml1ossit Wtt, aiid beucg coin » rQ1 -ot No.tm la 2Uic d Coui. ' e, i FEêtWhlS< by, sud butté u ûan dët - Rows i:onsl- nseonc!,Ãœgin frômih o thV - MlC sin utahe no; thl7 eventy tour dégres est fron Ibhé setI -1>t we8thel BOOK AU DJOB, PR cf'qar emeripti0in in pei pI~ AiactbiaBaisl. ornse lills, nds t u,! f lr bn i W f n bu a d ii ZACHEIUS BURNII »f NJ1N G. EY JONRAM PET Il. J. MACDONI C the t' mtihî,?se OFFICE 2 3OLICIX>W &CLERK'a1 - JOHN SIU! U cort CourtIlos TNSI'EEOR uf WEI;rr, .IIb théCumuui>'Of i>utair l. DEJA: -RRISER >NMAi] uttrtu11 D lover Io Otitese am, * .(~e t-aclan Stre F 5iukha . ' 4nç GH.DAI AURisTE.R, XVTU B oCrenîetohchaitreh ai aite th, Cabf stand,)Ten' 59-2in-s 40-2in-w 1 Octôber 17, 1859.

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