Whitby Chronicle, 16 Feb 1860, p. 3

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r--- -,11 *Tbeliwfrnisi mi n Iil no 1p lier w -&h o tb-ivla mlth e ovo, Peônslo Im nd. a e e-mtciv..o l eT wn., o Ridision 1y te'- re teoh. ly.Yer enu, a i A e. AL ael itt 94.Datdaa. streOO Whitby. LITIERARY PsIeS L 1E A . augibtendw1dgeLis *ffbr- Iwell as from & desire to encourage-in, bow- e-er a limited a degreé--a tasbe for; litera 4ture amnongat te reakders of the ýCionicke O.the publisixer intimates his intention of f- fering annusýi premsfor:original literary prodoctions, la Proe and verse.' ý TheY firstdistribution of premiums viii taePlace on Tuesday, the lirst day of May neit, a nd wilI -bo awarded as follova: Fo- ie best original Essay on, S OTte Countr of Ontarioe the advan- tages of ýits geographical position, ifs settlent progreos, and reorceo.._ SECOND PlUZL $1OForite 'best.orieinW Essay on cainandphjisical educatio. TRIR!) PRjZE. 'Very Valuable Froperties. I AIR UNrrrDENVROWROP-SALIA MORTOAGIi Y (rm JhiiB. MDergotandwlfo, froms James r- , . Wah aitti vife, te the aboya Cuîmpanyt parc cf f 'owu ho« uimiers elgitteait andttiiiîiaeei. listhlie -Tci,cPlot or Port Hope. a' (urfiher des*rbed lis the aald Morigaga liaariig date the 6thit8eSptemhcr, IBN6, ,wlîhbrick siore-itouses capabîle îofuglîriîig 10.000 bitltelmu o(i grain; suc a (nune store-bouse sind a (ante buildig atable fur a &hop sand offices. 2 Alpoutder rower cf Baie lit atînlter Morîgeerom .1.n Lhoi.Melermot andi wife.a iii Jant. E.àVghamid wdita iidie aisove iolimpaty. barlitg date th » iMar., £55, pmtrc Park lo)litmumersevoitty Oive lnothe Towtî * dftrt Rope. eoutaiigeiiçbt acres muidt -OOls tomorstr lem s a(trter describad nutihe morigage, ésav. Imsgt id xceptlmîg ptc of th atove deseriei ic itae aber deerlbd p~mises lime portion of said park loi 1 mersvtiy5e marketl as lot imumier tiny-siz on a pli, f ibe suiliivisiosî tof uaid loi. Oi1tchus pro- percy Le a brick dwelliig. knowisathI l in ue Grave Boap tid Ca.tdlo Faelry,t mow lit ifulLworkitîg ortier; suc, a substmtsital brick dweilligug.boWa ow yielduig îm refto<50daor ancim. 3- Under "of gale In a Morngge (rom Peleg Wood am wlfe te ime steve Companîy the Nortberly aite huit.- dred andi (Orly acre% ca( let nmber cwcimyetglît. li the firaI eoasemss ocf the Towntîhip cf Cranuche, ezcîsi. ig abotl weiily acrcs andi a quarter. bmig village Ici, sold i ofronms aid lot and occipit.tlb>' %Vidow 'rir- ase J.1¶ Merriman. D. Il. Pattersou. Chapel Lt. goehcol House Lo)t. andu J. 8Scoett. Tais la a ver>' val- 'alue farm, wltlî gond buldiiîge. 4 Iltider pover of Saite in a Morlýgnge from Timuity Sciper. lci the aijove Companty. L.uti nir lwahciy. titrea ki ithirat coeisdiiiiîof thté 'tîwttliî, cfiiortipe, ettciiligtîibîiurai crs ioe r es..Ane<'te. lotitt farm b iuRt-gond in ute cf cutivctiojî. 110 acres-.P m yrod. Huilditgg--A Frame ljwelliig!,House muid two lime-ans. Uudsrpnwer cf Sale ili a Morcgagc fromtsEpitrimi powel l îir ivifec heabove Company>, the Norit paslrt cf lm t iumbar tweiiiy.savest li the secndi coiees- * to airi h. Tovoitsblp of'ilImmilttoiî. aitd C.uty cf Nor thumiterlaiad, euittiîifg oit a hîidred and -ihirt>' acres moreotir las. An exitelleîtt leare! iî rm-witî (rame dwelliog ltuuse two (rus ain be, cuilisedd, &c. 6 lnder Po C Mcfale a tsMortgitg#-froit Druioimoot 0. p~lectert wiIe, tg) che aboya Ciiopany. pari tif the Norii iatof umai iumtw etinlitoimalri tenaa^st cf ihe Tovîîship ofrllurliîgto, cnmîtiit aitue Noah IVegt angliecf te saiIt..t, teaca ruîîîîng lis an isteriy dlrimtinisi altlite second cncesioliste twety>chiaiîs ittie or las t inte arih eist ang6leof Maid, clthelicil isa iituiierly adirection t lite cliaittu c te soimllirauAtggl oftîi alîti cfei iecli erai. tlmc In a westerlydireciiclt ptralil'l lutcte. Notihînt liti cf sadltot iweotiy chaiti incora or lais*i. inteSoutht Wesl antars cf ald ust tif eilîtcil mcrtaa '- iltiea It a Ncrth- rrdlrtectlcmraloiig the ine 'of 1,îlCfl>' treet, tila Chebin r, h. llat. flegitnt.iis Lt a-atualepirea <if elghieen acres cof tand, sataatdInlc te Tîeit cf Boy- maicille, snwd oam nNursetry gitrdaiî. eut!will lu oi-l subjet itua certailaes as wilt lue (archer explaitedaut plae cf sale. Uynter pnwer cf Sale Ili tcwo Mortgages 7ram Citarlai parler anal vif», n tea si,'eaCumpaniy, ihe tathitaif cf ot murtar seva1nilIbo utevelluh etiîteeosotn cf t.e Tttvship ocf Mmuvr. eoittaining une lintitretiacres. imre gun les.. Also te Notîiim Easi fort>' acres cf Lt stumnbar tvulve. lis te sixtti concessiouctiof the Tom o- ailpcof 1Muîveri. The irsc meiitiolitcd Pecurily s a sfood limwithi a sulle frcmt Ballydtilih lotghbouge. rame bans. &. Tua sacoi! cecuriivlaale" cu.,su'to Jiallydtug anu tflsse viteat grnviiag Uic. Loîg Luld- "ms of Sale Very Iàberal. m-IXecai b.leanetion applicalt i iteunderigned, or ii i tl e dkcVnatishe sale, wlmre deedit antiad e rci c d l ilie proemlici. t l"4 tteritonsmttoaut ais, uc hal an applict ciI Williarm FraserlEsqParst ipe. - THO.S. PAWONi J. A. MACDONALD, ]Kingsîcn, Fatuai>' th. 1860 Loyal Orani OiSA"iLD oI ,or 1RPROVINOI TIanada, viii tttei o he Sudci on folovi : ,teprovincial jccnada sthce Tua Tho irpvtuneul 0 8d, et tlueCiLy ur ada, aMtthe City of 0 f wlloh &Uii Mn ]provlicil l rand 1 - GrandS To-neJb. S, If of &'t , ste? an t the ur of Il $à5 For the best origisial Esaay on oa srru lPRIME A copy cf thc Serni-Weelcly Cîtronicle, for one year (postage free,) for te bos original Anthem On SPI11NG SuXT!!PRIZE. A copy cf the Weekly Chronicle for one year, <postage free,) for the second boat orignal Anthemu on Srcixu. JUDO E. H. J. Maédonell, Esq., Mayor of Wlitby. John Shier, Esq., P. L. S. cIe. R. J. Wilson, Esq., Barrister. R. J. Gnon, Bsq., M. D. R. Cheekley, Esq., M. D. iois under oea! to the undersigned, on or befort- the l5th day cf April next. EacIt Essay and Anthecu Se beur a motte, and to e hoaceotpanied by Uic namo and ad. dresut the writer, with the moltte on te Thte several Essays and Antbt corne the preperty cf Ste publiai Competitors for te second prizes to be confined tu persona the Cuutîty ut Ontario. The féûrth, fifth «and sixth pý exelusively coîmfined to bte Tes pupiis vititin the C3our.ty. W. H. MIG( Clîronicle Office. Whitby, Jan. 19, 1860. THE LONDON FRUEE PUFESSY A DAILY.JOURNAL, PICE e40A-yEA. THE "WEE KLY FREE PRESS,"1 __ 4 _ - à% "A- t. t:W-Sotilcitorg, MrhltMnîtci's undt otliters, vilil indth le FR E PRESStitîe liteut Advertistimg Medium fuirte Westerît liait ut Uutper Canaidat. t4rTlce ciriitatii on tr teFicnt PxEs ie d»ue- Ne tîmat ut' auy Daiiy jottrral pitbished Weçt cf. I lîiuiltoit. Londlon, Jaît. 19, 1860. i AFFLICTED IRE AD'. MEDICAL I1O0JSE AND No. 51 RiNo Srtzx WtsT, Toîcono, C. W., 1D«H. GOODING, (formerly of England.) 4-t £fn Ibett1 CAlULI voete t ~CWVO ~o~ndi i~pnblIc tht7yhave ,openleci bitineo n' TT prmi fso-u - 7 lptedhny bM. r* 13. Carpenter, uitunted in.1rc tet South Engt cftbe Bank 1 ly .ôipcëute tfélii aket lu,1dinr,ýw1eqtheý-ce pioPa red to gQppl y iïçi ' i 'mwith a calI. with evevyari eii hefrline ôt businesp, Thieibcrlbrs érict' land &inipetentwnrkmen, of long e,perf nce. iand -su thffy d9vote the entire cf their ôtivi labor to tb'eb buainefe, ,tbey ean:prodnCb erticlekof bett er.9 40 RDTO --E-1L jTHi'MCHEA1>P , Thopn thoan who ba've tô uetelbrc tea AIIartcîci'soIdt tthe lowesit livinig pries ofor vnsah, or on ipprovedcredit. Please. coul andi examîine.. ' Al'kindsfiof ltimbohr and farcuers4prodiùce.talen In exchinge. AI! lwpkaiftL DONOVÂN,.WALKEZY -& Co REMO,,VAýL! REMOAL LOVES a POWUIL W~E beg nost respectfully to announce to our numerns eus. VItomers, that in consequence ' of the great enerease In our trade,' we hbave found it necessary to renlove to those extensive premies which have been expressly erected by Mr. William Mc- Pherson, for our accom modation, Our First door south of Mr. Laing's OId Stand. W Our customers will find in eur New Establishment an immense Stock, carefully selected, and comprising the Mnost recherche and varied assortments of splendid goods. A- lYlammth Stock of Teas, O> "AD GENRÂL GROCERIES. <O Great additions of inew and clîoicely as- ge4rl nctt.erns have been made to our hea'vy stock of ayeouli i îîîC'towiltlî or' Â-N'f)EW- RUJSe 1. .1. £~d. 0o« OL 75 F OR ONE 0F SINGER'S CELEBI;AÎTED SEWING MAClHIE IXARA TED te bo the satnie un évery' reslpect-as tlicote isoit) hy I. Y.-fingi de(o. inftu yy ~ ~ ~ ~~e SSt',tnu10 aeiade aitttlproyément ou ielag ie nlmmolaie, Ity pvliidî patent loatiter can be Oiitlc!l:rwitiiou cil. $ceiîesbdaina beto ontt hii' chines Iteforo, owîîag tc tîn cil coattitallly worlnmig cIl' on tlîciee1otli goaýti mcîgs..ttie atc Tlae tececsslty cf uppli-iitg cil Su ;ittte"t lcaterltm ttinel>' iviatecd iv iis ttaii-wit ormet. 'fîm Machines ai-e sithit xeptio l>tii. best tmu ictitp(st:ovcr ffait-ti for sale b in.1Plaa.- No. 1i-MACHINE $75. INo 2MACHINE: $85. No.- 3 MACHINE, LARGE, AND IMPROVBD, $5. 1 ltavo rceliel nuttucrous ýtcctimoills o;fjntBootnt )ýSuc an tnn.Tallons, Piem Mal- ierg, l'nivato Famiit's, nticîterg, vto aine ut'nag tiv Mcliie niei n (etbctntiîëciiuitg fiet f'oi geltonal use. Rouad tîte fellovii c ç-tifleatés, written hy te two lurgeet and ieti i-Aextenbsit' B Liot ant)Situe Macîîifatureriq in Canàdem.-- enn-' forti Latl( of th othe -piete wurkinir 6f the Machines Miinfletitr- ,v Mr. E. J. Natgie. lixving lttd th -ce in use telacet six tnonths. Tiîoy arc rfSiutger'm Loin, antd eqcîal te liny ofut cr icc>uau BIROWN d& CIIILDS. ti le o u Iesitatl i l itasi.ilig tîtat Shcysire in, eve.ry respeict eqitat th te tîiosçt uppruved Amier- sct*Meilc,-of wilil we haive sevdmit hl CI{il D8, SCHOLES ~AE~ B. J. NAGLE, C.AiADiAii SEWIt;G MACHnm.EEsTxnELissrX T, 29.5 Notre Daine StreetMra, C. E. Factory over Bartley.& GiIbet'@ Canal flasn, nireal, C. E. 5 9aw-40w EGS te annouce Lu his nui Pl rusinnda anîd customers that ho , p iriyn BF on bis extensive business ot c A RR 1 M A K 1NG TîALLI tS RNdTS On te promises heretofore c-citpied by Mr. N. RAY', on Mary' Street, hetwean Byron antd ]-Brockc Streets, where lie is repnred, as lîeretufore, Lu execute ail orciers intrttsted- to bis cane. CARN AGES, BUGIS SLB IGIIS, CIITT ERS, &C.,ý gAJInnufctured acnd Soit! aS the Lowest iemuneratiitg P1iceoa., ALL> WOR'K WARRMN'rE LUJIBiýbR and PRO» UCE 2ýAKEN Y VEXCHANGOE, àt MALRKET 1'RIOEg D. FORD'S long experience ft thirty years un the prncipal Manufactories cf the States and Canada lins given Lbh t expenierîce iu cvery brauch of the business which tew have been able te arrive at, 9nd Wo beauty ot destign, eleganice cf finisht, durabljty, and soiity of workmanship, bi$ work cneS be exceuleti. r~wçall antd sepsSpecimelis. S'ELNO ~FfI S US Off! Begs to inform blis çustomers and. the pub- lic, that he hs just commenced to SPIl off at DRY GOOPI SLADIES'-.FURS, BPFFALO ROBES,' AND GlIOCER IES, To make roo n for bis Spring Purchases. Parties requiring such, b'ad better eall before purchasing elkewhe as great inducements i be given for cash. Oats, and Porý OROCy, ebrIIy ý6 A LARGE. , em Ez Blaek eut) Green tSitie cloleestt "-el -'làûva 7--e- onît~u museevade, Yeliow, -Etafinet) au Aind everv dbaiqitpti0n cf FY -~ ~~~~; Wbty Jna'y2 1 S..BRICK BUILDINGS. -:0:A-D fW e New Bric loBoek, trait Streeti where they ltavs epevQt)ilt additton ta tei ' INI) WEI. SÉLECTED STOCIC 0F Oa% SmSTIx '0 Gâa" icTOito Irtd. ChcviogatiA Smoking. Lageran 'i Valouela Ra Crushed. -Sicoes Picklest, Sang e"oo S. -DONÂLDS< The NONITIREAL V rWO »OLLÂES PER ANNUJI IX 2 d ollars p pr ,lîg l o co 'y perm nf"ti lit i îlvan çe ô fiar el ubs 4 if 4. ccdri- asod se r tely , 2Q for 20 ocliet ti onc dtdts. Wiit cacéltib liùs ern fprined, additlios m ay ho inade nt s n'q'lie visie. Tt1 ins uý§for otit lit'îîflfl aré' tretol ns the tlmue nhscriied for expires. t eo A l l tt ers , 0order14 alla ire sitttt t ece st, t c -ii drcssu'd, p<ist-pitid. to JOUN pOIJGALL, 11ropritnr "MUwricEAb Wrrxr.s," Montreci. T TEN1REP AIJCIONEErR FORECANADA W. Iest, o ters lits seervices to te inih ei~- tailtfl of OltarlO andcl puriain Couintief4, to, t- tend Moes by Auctifh i onsp.itui Firitire. Merchitdize and otier ffecte, nt a i-cîWOnoilel co tnnirtsio fl, 10 Oshatwa, Atîgust 1859. Croira Lands Depatmeft. Quebe, 2th Jai&ua1b34 1860. N TOTICE litclirebv te-en that that lotit in t 1'towu;hip of Dnhigli, ln rer of te cotn- ty of Frontenac, 1C. C. wil he r*ef for solo oon and after te TWENTY-TIIIRD of NEX'I MONTI. Foi- listi' of 5h lots aid onditiot o f ale, apply toe bene.zr 1err, Eq, Crow-n Lau.] Agentý t Ttmcwntlt, h lite towni;hp f Shef- iftld, Jocmnty cf Addingtofl. ANDREW RUSSEIl,., GHA Gl A S ANDB AT NWARE) hi, Wrear iDalos dalyrecip o tr s 'lasan Fiase~ reNo. e 1, C omeOrc a ulins. t ber. LOWES & POWELL. and Shird, Brock Street Whitby. ireaiding lun Remember tlie address, Lowes & Powell, Brock Street, [First nizes, Su be Door South of Mr. Laing's Old Stand. 90 cwhers and ___________________ In Ciac ?rG13 DA Y the tevcîttecnth w1IF al rT f.«.I cai'r "F of_ Jintary ilu the (;Oîtîtv o0"<lîtarie, I TS ichy giveni, that ftic 'É1tu it : f..(,Iuirt cf Genatratl Qutar- ten &esslttîs ut' tlîi Pence, and (iounîty Coturt, wiilb ho hideiini snd for the Cotcîa1tY etf<nitril, at tlue Court Ilocîsc, in titeTowit ut Whitby, 01t Tciepday, Sho l3th day of March, 180 tt 12 oclock, non, ot which ail Coroner%. Jîni§ ticca of the Peace. andt Constables, aaial otit- ers concerned,' viii takaetnotice aînd govenul Llansel vesvaîccord inlv. lilELSON G. UEYNOL1)q, Vhrf . O. Slitauff's(fle, Wilitby, Yeh. 9, 1860. 92 "QIEEN" Firo and 111e Insurance Companiy. Captal ,£500,000 sterling. CRIIEE OFFIGE-Liverpool, Englandl. OFFICE 1.1 MONTREÂL. iIIRECTOit5. "(n. Jol ittie~t, , iThiomnasî ay. Esq. cunry Thoitas, D.i avid Turrcînce, Esq. Agent for W, bitby and sitnionding Dis4trict. il. W. WOODWARD. itby, Joit. 21, 1860.872n to'2-To the Afict0d'ÇO TRE CELEJIRATED GERMAN OIL! FRaHE'nitit eore Cutg, Brulses and ai kinda eof leuh Wount!s incidenlt to the Human systeni. En Bottles at 25 to OOcts Mach, Aceonding te 117e. Titis; Ou1viillcure nll trust ocdacnd W ian inftîilih-ioirmd o h e lief of HORSES & CATTLE surrtcti-se i- AM, ÂWD Til ru Il Lge A sociaione NEW, SPEEDY, AND MOST SUCCESF- AftitI modot et the illir Liver CmPlaint Dsepi, -IVOUs Ddditty, - M[araamuâa"4laRtîig Cnu tim o~Serai- ceWeiosLiosa of' he. R]rdaq's and iadde'-, Ifeematuwii, Srofula, ,Sait l<keu-m, Meuîrial( Chronci ggNa citargi ton Advice. DRI. (,,OlDING lA now engaetinb treatiiig tîis éiass ut maladies witlî thÏ naest artonlilliîg siteceiasThe LCiîttt uotc io snw - '~- ~ it lA bnseti u1en sientifle pincipies. vill e nw r. diiseo%*Oed riotedieg, vitîmont tmi :terals unpol- Piu>1u8. The tueiiitiesti f lsure areci1.th ittpa- -' tiopts con bu curciet tteir ownu Itetasitiioct oxele Iiny vpatnt Vt 'accountiry, trott itn ERITSH NR?!!AMEICA.nevuatedeseiIlýLion of their capie by letton, anti have te madiceile L Le thenia by mail or ai- A [A RADLDOS~ pregoa. w ýIL RAD ýOGUINNERVOUJS D1ltIITY. meet nder thte new Cocati- yonu1ýg mcii vite are trunhie dvitit veakness, sactien cf bus;iness4, on . cîeioiaily cetuset) by a bad lîub.t lu yott, te 1 6HI 2- 1 - t I S T é ie-e s of w tic it src di ain esa1, pain, ttuget tî1i1 - 09E 1S1yINST , somaîmcs a inenln, te lu' eg eye, weukuess blnte acand) lover etemi Grand Loilge foi Western its, oeolfut;lon ut ideas, huas ut teînury, with vin of JICttern1ex, lt noon, meil.aictilyu nia>'bc ecired t) >'LIeNew ]3otanie lràn Lodo fu Centrt1 Cz- eineditis. 'liangt lte fr.Cem.tiCOUNTRY PATIENTS. Mrea Loteo osteraCao- ccnel% vitix full directions sent teoan>' Part Wea@ontlo 5 e5 vte000. chofthéUnited Stetpos by patients communicatittg [»dges, are hereby requîred titeir sm5 o* lter 0uiioo o e;Yn dence snal conïidenil IILLIA&RD CAEOardes, Giand Muter.GOODINO, Giai) aiOn No, 51 King Street West. ;e'ea,. -Toronto, C. W., ~e. '92 Tuoronto, T. 8, 1860. 4 FOR SAlE. A. IALMAIN SUPERFINE COT. fer cah. Enquire at te (JJRONIOLE Of- 0 T 10ZE fice.Wtitby. j O gýnhttv Whitby, Feb. 18, 1860. 5-iu. Terminer, sud General Oaci PFrst lasa PTarm for Bale, holiden lu' and for te Cont>' Coutrt Hanse, lu te Teonutf :LOO ACRES.,- Whth dy - of aep» 0TH'wsSbal' lot No. 20, 2nd (.onces- 1111,. dayot aiehio80 of the Township et Wbitby. The 1 oeloolc noon, of vhlxuh alwhol cloart'd and) under cuitivatlen. Weil no Ie 'eo,wl eut ostaiend cedundisubstlartial bar-n, sheds, oust, ~~lq c SJr EyOLi buildingç, and rocS collai- newly orectod. sff »IizyqoLýq, For tSoi-s &o., applyt Pe r(,. NouEs, Whltby. - Wh ~~ib o cf Our Lord, 1861. Jlohn Grdlon MacKenzici nd Gorn IînMiKen- rie, i'laiittf. totuG.Bueg,. Edwitrli owc, James ows David Bowesg andi Gaîvin Pollock, Defendaînts. Upos île application of tle pliaintiffit andi lupuitl acarinc rcad aul affidaivit cf Williacm Ileti. ry Tretiiàyiie, and it epieninitg tut the satic dufendatit,Jouît G. Boweas Itai 50 bseoindt ttaît u leiethabcfotnd tu o, sagrved vitix an ofettcop), i-the ~plaintifs ;Bill10 inti>cautse. it in ortlered titat thec sntdd mifendiînt Joiri 0. Bowes do answer or dernur teu -thte piuintitî Bill oit or lief*ore tihe twenty-eighti do y et Feb- riary next, and it i. ordered tfiat a copy oft ii erder toiruicher witl thte notice nequiured by tlte oeîteraîi ordor" cf thîi Court bop-ubliseli tite "CIlireiiie' e" wsatper. -putli'hed in theciTown of WVitcy, oco nt'mîcelitweek for the four iveekg a udt pracedcîîg theiîittd twemity eig.îth day ot' Feliî'iarv, aînd it ln furtuier urd eredti iu aut office eopy ýf tlîeruaittiffin maid Bill and ai copy cf Lis urder ba furthwitt serve(tl tpn tuie ftter eoftte said defendant, Johnt G. Iloo se. . t' t 4bge)A. uiîtîel Td;Jiîn G. Bovea, une cf the ahovefutmed 'j'ake ietiopt iat if von do net nswci or demiti to Lice B11i îrsuamit tu the achove eider, lte 1laaitift'sîntîy ubtalain urds r to t lke the tint U1 as confusmet) îîgiîîst yoît, isthal îe Court rnacy graint thce plitiiititlm muicue relief lts tlaey nîay bce cctit'Ied tii ouitaeir own mliewi n, atcf yeit vili itt,t receive tîny furtlaer noticcie o the futuîre proceedutigs in tlt caumse. W. il. TREMA N E: Solicitor for te above utaîr.ed plaintiffi'. Wlihiny, Jan. 23, 1860. 2-4w. OUR MUSICAL FRIEND. 119iUR MIUSICAL Y1IFND I a Rare Cunt- .J partion ferte W4inter kontlhe. Every iacitst, Silt proure tliiî wekly- Every singer, Pîtblicaticn cf Voocl andi Every Teceher, Piano Fente Mctsic eet- Rvery Pupil, riitg but 0< CEN'TS a Ec'ery Aniateu nuinhor, On-I proncunecti tuTIlE BEST AND) CII"EAPF;ST'WOEK 0F TRE KIND IN TRE WORLD." Twelve tuii-sized Pages et Vmoiand PianoFonte - -Mucîle fi oee0ms. , ,fi"" T LL'W UN S Ycariy, $5 ; Ilul t-yeaiiy, 25 .4tatr REAL NG IF U W MM- Subseribe te l'Our Musical Fnietci," un ordeui Infietet) on aninais. Le»11Il basbeen u)iiL froin lthe neanest Newiidcaler, andi yuu wil iîuccesstuliy for the Lait Seven Yeans4, aîtd ias h !av.e Mtsie cnough for your ecira fiamil> nt- an noever been kitovll te ti. Mode and muid bY îusîgîtificectt cuat; acnd if yen.vaut Mie for A. N'iOWLES. the Plnta, Violin. Curciet, Cianicuet, Aceurdion, Pickering, C. W. dec., &oc., subsonlbe to te WItLby, Ta. 24, 1800. 2-1>' SOL, M ILODIBI,0 O N T A I O B AN K. Cotainig 12 pages, estng oly 10 Cenats a Nnznber ;Yealv $2.50; DIVIDEND NO. 5. J*alf.yealrly, 01.25. - AIU the Bsok Ntimbers at 10 ets., and Bount) JOTICE la lîereby given lit a divideut) cf Vahtmns, eontainiog 17 Nu mbers, nt$2.50 euh, N. four ter enlt. upon Stio paid up Capital constaut>' on hancd. Stock ef Suis Institution fer the enriont hait Agent. wauted for S1l tise pnhbleaslons. yalci, (bilng aetSthe rate ut eight per cent. por C. B. SEYMOUR & (JO., anunti) has tItis daiy beon declaned, anut t ae 107 Naisa St., Nov York Lb. smo@ vilI bc payable ut Ste-Bank ond t) t _________________ branchmes, on and afer Thti-sday, the fireL day F R S lE of March next,FO SA E Thea Trauster Bocks w,11 be closat) from the igtiu ta te 205h ut Fabrua->, beth dys indu- "'. VE AND A HALl ÂCRES OF LAND ive.- - n - -0. - u---1.F i atuatet) in . b T own cf W bity, w ih o goIemnville,S $lot Jan., 1860. 8 NOTICE -Pion, for a Adtto amend the Âafl n cra- tint theFort Whitbyaoi4 lsk* lnronmway T00, 80.9 tngtger wti a ood stablea voo)- shoed, and oter 11005ig-y othouses; aise a gaod sup ly af hart) mnt soft vater. The prmlaeis are ebgI hi>' uituatocl, ttd vwlI-adapteu for eltIer a ga- douer or.buittter. eThé,above preperty vDibe soit) . *ta a-gWhtof cah. r oi Stprteir, pi'(if b>' leSter i "llrTôvneëf Whitby, «i-to C, c.KoUer -Toi-nte. WhlSby, ob. 8,190. 9ggf Brock Street opposite te newl3nick Bloc]k of James Wallace. 72 THEI1TBY READING ROGMM and is welI toced with newspapers ané periodicals ofet il-kinds. Terni: $4 prnun, tudetetsani (jirerkii, $2. Sitcated in the second flat ove? 41:g Chronicle Office. Entrance thruclth Li Stationery Store.c W. Il. IiGGINS. id e e LJAYR AD IVISONCOURT Blans cn b hadCheperthon a Toronto. and vil! -bc found Lu bc printed on better paper. Bny at the Chronicle PRINTING. T LIE NEATEST AND BEST PRINT- 3-ing, plain and fancy, ofcevery descrip- tion, can be had cheazper and quicker at the Chronicle Office thon any other establish- ment in the W. 11. HIGGIil. 'URTHER ARRIVALS 0F Juat STciv T IOy1h Ndcrsig1e 1 -W. JT. 1IIGGTNÀS, (Sýocutliaide of Railway Dépot, Poart lhitby.) rrAEFUNDvRSIG'NFD BE,(,STO INFOEM JL hiisfMentis ant) ta rubtîtli, titîho io in putcssioll tif tice aboya iautei, the 1,tîinems uo' hoict ewilul ic future carry on onit lis on tciccnt. Goot) IAquous, Wines andt Branidies, Ci urari; deC. ,%collent tabling.--caiefti attention for man and herse.- SIT'UÂTIONK. kitowietge ut acconots. Aiitab]le persuon 1o%%sasiug a knovietige ut the Pnintitxg huai- itests wiil bc tietitet) vith ibeieiiy. - Appi> b>' lattai, gpost nit:?ý CAUTIONAR1 NOIE. DEU BLC Notice il; henebv giron tlia a par- IL 5005 founti reovine r i takin away an>' mant) or gravei frocu Site Beach on to handa cf Mi. wrm. Mointogh, Lake Shore, W hitby,vwith- olittt famubtalnbng perotissien tlfon the tîndot?- signet) viii be proséented sceaîtiing te 1ev. JACOB BRAIDENt Part WhibIy. Port Whitbyt.VoIt. 9, 1859- 4-t5f .... . .. . . . ..... . . .. ... . . . . Si-alpiICS.utW. H. HIGOINS.- Wbitby, Jan, 19, 1860. TTÂS Jus! opeiod e good) asci-tient cf Gi-o- Lerea, antg vh.ch wll be iluot Teas, Stga,nwgg ,<oceiBSffl, G- cong Pw~r on/.adSuifant Raiains,, Currae, Cifrm n and Lemo TItrai giom of FAJIOT PIPES. -WhSty, Dse. 15*, 5.49w- a" oaof tarsud1 la womaa,-Gi IlON SA OF VÂLUAEJJE L-ai Esta' ON AÇCOWT 0F MMS TruE and Lcaan QGow OF UPPER CANADAÂ. WILL BE SOLD ]3Y IPIC AUCTIOý, AT THE NKORTH ÂXERIOÂN HOTEL IN THB TOWN 0F PORT HOPE, -AT-NOON, oe e Iii. f- r. oit, oti thbe I s, tasiair, Figsaont) Citurantts, . 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 We -are in almost daily receipt of frcsh Teas and Uroceries. .1 1 Paid for PERRYj(ý CAUTIONARY NOTICE, Stationery of' all Kincts. 4 1 1 Wlieat,. Peas,

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