Whitby Chronicle, 25 Feb 1860, p. 2

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r iaiitiste song tise Mnelave befor.e uh- scolIes!larexemafr' ils laupraveint, Medha" ula>vabo" a 1ibei5Mty la tbu mater of >islw aterprhaî. hilgliy cousu theM.'-I lapeople Off BeoIlUx- bde9liga, HC1i,t lAs TomiiipofWhiI.1 hl yom v ouE ita ialpiesgband es!laTownt of iww, WMly *a v u liaatàw, vIl!nt bc ha someliing hbter tbaiGril thauer--aut Grit fie.-If bbuy cas point out sny ef- fect»Il emincay for îny positive cvii, let tIens do i, va say, "Iln the usine off theo PropleI"-snt-usailfig." lu thuintain, vu cauot bItcI hgstaIthe»e«"Canveution- mnaears"-tsesc joist authorlljy voisleers'i -tises. tlaecution aiflAceuiu-iitagers.j &ai regardions oi priest aret riilsiillj, ans! Seras lic gondi. A littio sors avury one misat bu prepar ing issus! jstbisa orb, se tablasnaans. Tisas.i vils picnly, and! Wio are hy fon ail thuy ojoy, . i Wm a aafly p.aalusl blet a y-bv for Tbq e vindsi -a£fthe aex aif roactSeus, uugrasgiugiy ansi Ical the »sY ramssa"Bahe ntea ane"in a"s- vis, aseleoit vel ushapoti ide, stcffeai ilA miltoa la nompososon s iag reub Morts, oui le app-Xiii off by aih i godiy eneugi ta loitatbultu s-tuandatimot proaminenti aine-taat.hs i lAheratapaeasoff tiseToéa. slimg nolAidg laet. In a vend 1107 their pace te net âan Cl Isa a fasihe, &»4 thelia mne l risu- asm as vattoring as acf r Meaî, tbeu& s-encoragemnt la Ibuir1 quauela clause bupropemt sti tistera cs' »mMivitis his 42IahaeîDame aitisa Ps--citisema. lieue onii f th S. Is f aaauitiom plaW".t«-sd js as apiti, asvu t ~H eu.J. .orrisea t bft.u viss ae a p istara u tissohsin àlm Puisse eM4iimaputent finale fer ia] --vers a st Soe t eeratuirpit- no.uJoeph!gs.cI MayIpmoaUIî vot greauijfcitabtei J-be pp»mbm sem«. anSoicéitor Geaieral, as pj4-aet. Vesss phnseo A a..eh L paeosa gue' Exemtiive Coeaaciî juta eoa, vdti le aroauigué; pluimd eusem-tisai lAe MWv BoùdierG *8i e! A Il sueli M%*Yeî"-uf Th~e ppremimg mules t jà aulclloipe, cnsieS aaey laNrgi tis ,teillaf5. - vtu le aun ma m hr n. laeUthor ba e rsesaaed is lsbrothe mace va gtise aho-a a estam "La - SDOrwaly p"-eleslmas~m ~ shu ha~ lb mItte. ais tTovan uacuas"ces5s!, ta esIIforaipreIeusgdieiaiaof igmaou~ip Of liii City Of -boi-d ai-lg oplthemBjeet cf Gravaes-!thli Lgatua. AM jet -4»ueminmiuiielie ' »Mas Nortà. *Vaho"ape li cmailue.presuimea ispi sue MIhe agrava; Wvke I om s de g, and linbais-rpotte ju p,,s.DOsilmtles alaever besag guve Off visai Va lave resaiset no fem 84a* 40awilmozetiag aille 1as.- mine il measurs mqay eTlewsautl.op te the tlme off gigt tbe Mam t vrvelw M* MgnOue GirienÎàstdeidmasagea ft, <~CanadI eamâj isuIFmtrt xpsa hua ad m d tder t. tickef I ti1 r- -la is, tiiscmd te vualan d iljom ef prios R Msa'.-A erplete dàog&n mou OftbeePpata .tuar puI bu eau Ia emm br "r"u hm beu aapeuisy 10117lia Gte overaoa <liws ne ausnstasfr liaI me 1I lult «ý tj"» lA uto dew l ie'4 e, la -tea Ist aim eolit e e lawdm e~Lq bied KPP»asAM > ontil, va MaYuPeci tu eritt, UcLellea-, Des m e .hle tpeatlof . pm-*u 1. welyvu . ~atr Mi. NMi m i Odw Cre<eat vaiud me' ILL U baud- WVa s igva -_ 0 i Mt% e un àémmod, vit lau. cl he trM Matavoie. le seinsosities, lu aisgly ion tise pcb. ýis sicaasecesary rred ta ileuti i lslp- id ecrisaccording, visa are hiessosi s indebteai lu lhil- null, vo Ircet, ais! he vay. Tisaceas- ina aifans- veaitii- tmon, sud ut us ample, asai givre leua itvonid ieîlov Sohacîlor Gemerul Misau, sor and iombur ai tise s-dy. Il la stateti Gaeal viii fiat a liusnoe, st pret as- Mur. Anges Mor- Ur vill I 51 fle B&r of Toroalo. fsrfiseeprtcaa te preme of li am hfip sd » mils. e fmd vAasdkU ol ommuas. Tiseain kmsth"nfoumeies Taniatisah mdea isuaiés veson B lahr partiuam meb rsr-"lye -a U ai% f Ott J.fÇ4 "5c force, il t suserlet, is-hveagrees!'f 1 P "IN TUE asie watea.or1< T UEitlii C itopaeyrloas." jestidcWn,; m4 e& at set'a Iu an excelent "elite i.Fret Prm o ai rÎnetioet a Lover Conalat1 is, u an tissle, ." of5~ a-tise îthi lst., tisé questions ix asied ti O m ,ti oa i lc Ai aari'T " tne8btaftit wk rm vstiai fa sersvdy puces&aa.3ir nraaiunisifrt tis --:-"a(a fluumdurenentheGovarmaen -'Th~ 1AIluet1k. se ot eof les-klied& 'Borsu eqm.oat"ntl!r1«n ur a t elswavst ht istjisue'a bOraneadreOe O99 wilyl, &am, oficousge,bave Ijiir raolations cse 'cube,,rm r tu'lisr re'tno, qmiry"-btsr côtempelss7 jcstty remualo, for' rcmoeling tise Coutitution, &c but ToIieleinl ls 1O pîrepr. '-bon falid ta drag laolgisi tishe iasisthn iseyl hii al an. Heran ny atgtmsr8is tu poiel, gr 40=rt ehabrminfthispolitisai orthse praeticol1Iiâsjisiton.V4cbuib "écho. "brejigusa. An<iyet, dassird hltise naine îkl e cu Absube 'S4 'a luisclProsttt1 As voM it atesng." tttita othse Mot solfiaisaad bassent airq"dis, .ltLwiia orsiproveti aieniptgUlolin he voriing. ai toi 7clst ais tor* le ala"hnad berlot, people are foùuultlohbc sllltog0 uta a inl uijncja ytm-aa aamta gis apuri iim su stilrd artieirlol with tisa .jngrs-prs o ute f tén tis élcioln ci ReevesandaiDeplstyRelevs th se tearnedvoinru do, vriied, m3steries, îlei hecome intet sud par-hyts ope irpam ioiout htisuira -i leaic, iice 'en el aif& noiety visose abects arc bititiritCOUDsilr uacai~ ieF aea Wutdnos asy nsusber-s itm tisa gaesaiftise initi i tten ielevs. set ai last rcssiosu, ne0aie rensove the ie'. » Tise illoaing lin ar vry Smsooti asti Astiif euquirnugmind a'i iavbecs unablo aîa esaeapssu lrui ie embrare a beauliful.seuimtent - ledelrmine visaIthé ojeui rongisifor ..()h neer brotise alitt cns's naies . let 0fficr;,perhaps the curtaiing-, r do- cý VU1sn tt« osaieloïvôthlat Iaine a n lgis ureall i l a, .a hal o a h Of- u altogethar ai tise, frauleing prive- h« I nni aava thraugCbtheîn anes tien of tise mutitude-tise uisq'ring, ue hc oiiisaaotuiio tp Itrlsaaodthstle îs-ua Inn,,h , ho foliow, jusi awhere nome nuisy leader,a (Sis ireig agissisIsilis hrat) Whvo catis them. b thé cara chausse...t' g -t Assa isssd oi'rry esock tit tsei ~ o gtherwuitis practical andi rernedial menslure' jg A string mada elquent isy iets. Il la plin tbat they are blundeing lu' tie o h av ý,ito w.myepc ub ÀKA Mý as Ktîd Whtle Falealag OuI druaa i 'y osmdaeis itssctise Great Souislera Btâilaay, tise Nortis b nilmW W l. - iaglar truluifulus, tisey seek tbey kuov hr tiay uitieetssoaa - -511 ist. -Grand Trunk tel Haliax luccppy MIartis Weavrr an idestelcus vonkie The '-Rform asociation, or tise -11e- , reâsoniec orunatieSsi la na i iseuîllig Mll abutPitshrg, foins raniztion or visatever eoi t Maiy ULagation on thuse aubjects5 and the pri- r ived very ,'unbappily ville hise f, vswhnasot ot-vl sii ooals auuvl o aecatainýà be nt WraI unreasoaen ,ed as it at.presnt stas, nnt-vt il eoetéRuewl e blinboues and aithoui' reasunibla excuse.. ieg mare or legs^ tisaisa clameonus. docop. massa s engtheï ses esion, Andi vo msy > en Friaiay ighl, or rathOee.Satuial Me tien An inveution of M r. iavn for tise eprwtoea.la r~isdrtc ing jlst,&aise hai nt returard by tvaor ups a tto-eedusmntaexbend ithefore tia,'ond May-.isd o Il thtto'to'cki,-andhor ihacti expressed apupoe f'catiuf cupiai hlcfh'hrdlîtaVif-îý,bynd-ay.uttudaiMn dterminsion le iack lier oun t latdajl.t. bis pols clbl o opanI to $rcform" Tise 'sucthuas wteddMr Hea acoordingly retirerdte bliroaa ln thse tise Wnistry aut ofoffice andi pace M r. Gt5o.ir Gaitlsfisncs eiemanthés favorable stend lory of tise butali l icli iso vas Braonlunufilce. Thiss in teiusfrsaa au'to n.Snofpotimgacta hoadieg, ansl vas nt moe agae for arr- lise prenent day, as adv-anceai by Clear Grit viii gise tise Minintry a gouti "tand' t i uisihuei, ahen lis urpte vas foiuti ljssgpatriote.tiapeigitseesonasvhae o la iront afise haine. Ast examinallon oih pnn ftessin sw ain desrpermise indicat edt at ho bleai naiteti Their cry resembios Ibat af tise aid Mcs- douht tis ecxpîenations oi theso Ilinisters tisa dooe leading lait paons on lhilsido, sisan hisester, il bogies grand-lose, said viii serve greally, lu put tise bouge in gondh sud tliseufe Ibai flsufrulbcthepoins ahile enda sssrlot-ioatt. lu lise noms ai tise humour.- atempliiu na ail the viobtaipon teFrapSet-r-.1Îeeognrlo-fl r culid. is alain , f-os Ie rau i ind f ps.'ithoeal r iadm iofriaeb are e st. elig Gin tg Ithe cause or tie porch tteatse so pavement e lo w oa, absia oitribedstghybv ducatlen.1 vuabsot fifteen fus; sund tho deceasedini no ceaor psth ta a atîl define isuae. Thayc falig, Witifractereti bis igisi têmpie, are made up ai revolving questions, ai con- We acre àsisaaplan ai a nov achool e ieiprodoceai inaotrdeath-A tadaier traverica abich are ataays ieginssing bouse, abile aîîcnding the meeting ai the t sl itiseand tieb ouge spes m d iluenad d ie again. The Gils vise flia lise Brao Uxbritige Tovnsisip Couneil, un Tue'day alesio asf sus. ts idv~ standard, adopi one sal of prieciplin.Vits s atproposei ta bu erecteai epon thé pro- i lsastisaton. Hii ohiaetu aprevent vise foliov tise talested éditar ai tise Hein- sent mheol sectios site ai the Grammnart hils vue rospirà g ag a ýQ jIis osse iliton Ti&sls,(rereotiy connetti ails tise soi ln connction i ilstise Communc viie iho vas unaeii vorlu. * laie) go for tise fuit figure, ta ait, s dis- sçboei, in lise village ai Uxbridgc. 'Asdti Théisal~rce "4, frasuvisich is vaLon- t danse the facte givua above,gasys the rouai sslution ai tisecunioan. Tisedisputa betvuen va vure muais gratifled th lieiiufomation vas lu a very0 disurdery condition, as thra, la about as istrsting as liaitlbe- ibat M. Jos episGaulai, M. P. F., bati of- thoughi ilbai sut reccloasl lie attention taren the artboaiol Lilliputiaus andthie fecusto Puat up the building et hsm ovu ex- cfia houseleeper fac a e'ontlu Aasaligrenct Biciescuaiuans, (as narrateti by pensu, sud tO malle a praseost tllatiset lise contants 1 were îaonîy-flve bonnes of Saift,) abouttisa big ruassad i tle and,,scarisa section v ieti hsosle condition Ibata vas-loua desciptiansi st lor ltas beissg .ag T1 u1lljs a eIpae ucs h poutnin eae b in. separata boxes. Tier. verse' a sver- o gs hy -b uta elpoea mteprsn no ewe h AI sails, soima pieu. or flreeg<iotiand about.visatidl ho iZhistn gout-ahethur gramnar ansi comun achis ofc the vi- etiser articles-partty nov asti petliy vwont. paie ho an eviu viietier al thinga bc fa.lage,, aboulai!isuppen ta lie diasoîrcai beforei ted-wtielbr %crasa hoecertain or smy. th.e xpiratian.ai to elrsr, the valet' ai àtsW À4îeztlumsetlU s b:Day. iing-viselher va astan iecertain, tiat voulise buildinsg (ta ho ascunîsiord bj arbitra- are certainofn olbiug. SucS disputesadataitien) nuouid bc pai ie', Iucase ai 110 ~ sale lu Aurtoc-fonatsl ~ nublsngIlucaur stocb of poitirai aivance- disiolutio- or i Isltosttbs Notic-Rlobert Spea. ment. One sensible asti energetie action, Pace hforotise ton yeara, the bhisidisîgtlia Cira-Robent Speura. aimiuar te tisat ao cievrly, assa i mlrais- lv sairce gtit. ted Fir -- C. Sterling. tuit7y admit, au uarxperleully îerirmed, iay Tlise catimaite c osI in $600. il.s -r "-teriy Far-Wam. Young. car Fost-mastar Conret, lu regard ta tise The gin, vili hoe adînittedt ie h a mut Itoota Sisi '-Wns. KBrien, new Postei arrangements, la varth a ahip. sppropitoncisgrnste oue Xerri-rr ~i1rOsUr1mlu' ~ s .u. î..5......-.-J' .L.s T t-- 's it dons- ILi lêlauleanroan5 - .I,.<5i .l.rioiiarsiacrid-.'WU.Miller 'tbey are, bstiig avay as suaf amongsit tlufisti amari us prusperaUS CirrUMatancen, Sai' s.e-"J. l.floalisa &Ca. tbemaoelvia. Tier. are the sarme unsasumfac- but ahe jIn himeuli lias experiescai the r ilà1gn »opcmtm>.-3mes T. Bymne. Iryv arguments., Tbec ara the samne.inter- draw.binbs of-a deotcic't éducation, tous Aiattg g ryIootMoor.. minable qu estions. Toue, 15r. b noue l .ckL.1 af i orslfortrand nsiduilo t lapice bthe Lâue.Association ai SctI&nol-ýJ. Grant. seau or ofi ietustey. Tbere is picsty afinmoan of bnoovîcage wilbisa the1 reach of! alera Sae of L.ands-N. . Ilejeoida. plocgiig, isarroving, r.aping anai tbrasb' it selibore. Mr. Gosaldaorsnmoois-cvry' Public lecîre-Etibe Barrit. 1 isg. But tisera la neoismovrt. Their gar- tbing ta Uxbridge, eadtise very teuttlho -rlqiag Office forsase-W. K Higgins.asra cantalus oly hae'sl anai tubbie. we cas du la ta showa aUitie gratitude for For sale vry loir-J. S. Douiaisson. repeat, lt-m the olai eatersu rry, "In tis e bMsaily favora of aicisho bas huas lJast's ocoaiee.saitaioftise Frophet'fl 1"P, Tiscy are a the recipientt mass the people fiîrai tt an- Oxygisatad Biftersý-8e1 W. Fovie à C. gars-nIons, delaising, cantig, vrangiing nhip. le conclusion aive ili aay of M. Fill-T. otioay.lot. Tbcy nerer geoum tuhoe able ta, manh oh lud* gint, Luforvarti-, îhey moreiy emark isen. Would Autur preticsao alr. M ~!ib1~ iIIIIIILiL.suS tiy vociai tasd'st case ! They re- Townra isataUres. menaiusaitise grat Baron's uxpresuilos, "ltiey are neitiser ibria vine-yard, nr u Wobaven nsany forero etraiunsin thiee Whltby, SalUrdy, FcbnUar 25 1860. olive grocîa, but'ratelies, ley rsemis!e as caisass,adroceld hé grea imupor-tsaeoufa -- Intaeaod aifbs-aresaid tbiaîles, iran prossoing smnsufasctures in WlitSy -sud 1, t 1O 5w E AR viicia liosu e Insuogetismsolves isn i, vo cortistlj nov, cannaI, fesrl ciler ties iring iacb many scraches, and no fooda. great stisfaction et tht pracîlcai tors gir. - Lt tises reiorssntion organisera gel op ens te thé agitatiuon bErS ch ) aveoieue- Wr are ssach plesne t t lea r soulas somefling tangible, ieasihiu5 practicable. moocea. Tisesccrsaa aitise prjeet nov u*OrrePOndent t aIUxbrlee, Ibat tisa abjeul Let reiarmation hegin vitis themneives. tiepenais, in. s greal measureon u téaction ofa <raveileti Rsa, ri11em nti Md Ux- Thse lappinesa ai every society ust ldéeastu ie taben by tise cammttee appainîcai aI brdg t tltToalano egain cn-ai Ia isonufil mmbrs Lgiiaioa Acpusio eeilg.if-ibu-iSa..th -obF-aw ir çat '5raib*l&iiliuor g'oor Lut week we punposciy errainedi' - roin in or colarno'With-a-'report of the, wecssisosaon thePrintisg malter, lt ise 'oac CounruL. W* expee ti taur 10- ai-cotempcsury, acel&ihave 1ai lthegooti agete Wol ir -à4piiV O1 hkve a- 4u Rijak toreauts eId aders egrd+ ofa their felings as erer. The âiting, and notIiisl.skt»0 printing, Wu tiafjy1. lsta 111bis coiemos olîh. Ho a ucorrigibie. :But truiy bis vagaries par- kA silucli or ridiculons« inçousilcucices at aeare bgiouing tu, hp an wd ith fie'. Captai n Roae la ahseti and cri- ýatsoued arb wcek, thsa nusb ho is sOft---' dared, and Mr. Feriy l4 0,jp f o Watclsses ire. Then thse Town "stinka ithe nôatrils ai the Ceuuy." ailb ulaiwn gelsli hot sud heéavy-the print. 'g, and Mtr. Ferry, follow suit ;and abat between these aubjecla ,lllbc stilàking Town"-C*psin Rove, ma d.lqhu. lse 'Crry, Mfr. James a Wsespaper'Las a boey time ofiti. The ýàp" àpmeac-Io bave ean publisbcd soieiy asd'exclusivelY tu at- tendi religiousiy to these ssbjects. Tbcy ~r~safour grrt tribuIations. WVe rai suiy sy meckiy and quietly,. ".,,e thons rip. >We juat auppiy the speech orf5Mr. Ferry which cal1ed forth the great-jorath sud de- nuuciations of tho Watîbm$4In ist aeek. Et aid mss'o "tse gniP'd'jade.,wioco." Mfr. Perry in opposing D r. Gunn's motion, statuai tiat lho vas shrough une printing sceoe, -in the Counçil, andaieb liai not wat ta go îhrougb unother. Tbey blud heard a great deal about ibis prniug matteri but as fur as bis humble jutigemeut coulai forai au opinion, thse great difllcnity aas that, uea tenders liad net been giron out lest sommer aber tise Priuling Compansy calme loto existece. I l tisbeen doue,so as ta give ibis pro- rios iFrinling Comnpany" the job, ail acuis! have heenp ieetly rigbî. But tihe Corporation did flot wat for tihe 'Prinsting Compasny;" tho '*Pristing Company" dis ot get the costrart, sud the, oussequesci is, ail is arsssg. To say the very lesof ibis matter, the courue porsoed toaards tbe costractor exabited anything- but that boasted courtesy betwaen tbe brosbres ol the Presm. It sras pitifut, Led -rootempti ble tu sou disappoialed rivaleis >y bsises poutsrîsg doan to aorry a fellea crnftsusni; bocos e h appeord teliehoa littie. luckier than themsolses. Tho aboi oe course pur- oued by these parties aas t painfuiiy bi- miliating. lu 1858 Otie sminecourae a psrsued, sud thons net osly tbi*-Council, but the aboie Town of Wbitby, 'if ever they acre dingouleai with a matior. ehey wore eick or the prietlng business thn ; sud bh ttecai t the Coiorit aonldsnoir osis or weou beforo tlîey %vould tend tlîooîsolves te getsisîg uplihe sunse scoues. Tise char;. os made theu jere cross nsoretenions than the presn nsd abat did thrly ait sunouid teu? Just su mtîetî empty amour. The chargeu made sloir cre made by irrOulsohs' ble partis- "tite WtîitbY Printing Cor" pasy,' whose siaises acre sîssinoasî tes os body, aho could nflt ho sucd for tulie e '_-Jltsh *ans«, IlLlc~ a. te act upon charges- maebty lier ousit]v out asîy accomntlatillity, in the prescot ecor -simply beeausu thoy aura rivalisl'sth( bsioess-vlsofltlîeY rememberoti the mr nuit or aimitar chairgea made more serionsI lu 1858? The Msyor-Order 1 I.se' sorny t caii thu gentleman ta erder, but the motil, bofore tise chair ia îimpty asie ta refe memoriaitoetise Frineing Cammitte. Mr. Perry, 1 amn pefeetiY avare ai th, fac; Mr. Mayor. It lu ta the resoîstion'i yeux bande théit 1 desire te adaireamysol Had jour Worsisip ruet hat resonutio out of order, a,îd deielda tisat the mespi jl voulai have gose lu the Prissting Can roittpey as a malter af course tise diarussio voulai have bes saved. Dr. ounn-Mr. Mayor, 1 think Ileih han f y fuir berause- Mr. Ferry -Order i 1 sus net qoi tbrough yet, usîcas tbe Mayor dectarcu a 1te ho out of oder.leiio llie Mayor-Mr. Ferry b h t i andaie bas a perfect rigbt ta s"Y aby il momorial s usti ot ho referreti, but sot1 * aler imb malter ioreign lu tisureolutio * 5Mr. Laisg-I îhimsk 'the fauîlt is ai ltspeaker bas hess aliowod too, morts ititul aiready. Dr. Gusu-i aisb ta speak t 'thse re la ltion Mr. Mayor. r* Mr. Ferry-I bave tbe fluor;l' A I irMayor, I tiiît, Sir, that I bave' strii ncunfinod mir remarbe latiste resaisation1 ilfore yoo, as woil as ta the messiorial ilse ncil i15Mr. Ferry darisg lu bavhtbhe temi eity, to deiend the Clsrossirc Oe , ai hié dCkrcsscte Ofice, it asulai ho chargetiWa aovauti by 5Mr. Ferry bim9eof ; assail'bti apaakng anti votiag lu ils fiseor, ho wa st p-bugkiclsu -ticg t4 jset tise Ilone c- f the Townia b ià owapocket I >tbls, and mach mora voniti behilamo fort i je houIglaricg colore.And i vas no couseque, sisal tMe. Ferry asled puoblirty, a-i privately, anti »w gtatet tise auritithat ho isat sot tis a igitou îi ratersaI, ilier dlrertiy, or indireely is th m CA'seudeO«ce ; tisahoneverlad on a>ivacced a copper tovarduits paunis.c su pport, Jet tis e daor outiie percevere rn î tise atâat utàulssste li m" is and itbtheosmafbaty os ave. > - Xed lr. erry cItaiu th" mggaetal a. hicis aler geatlesmea at twh ,C leBowd a med a iemula Mo 16u Tuilew.elasjlsa a ""moue~aa fl-rth!yara &sjstly is the mdt Ni. O'Da$a itcorrePoudrUe . !psc u. fJts Ia. Paer Eau MssTiscs Esiço-fvraaiaatssNfafttt - Sa yee ptthie metbu.i ~on .A-prouuised in aur issunofaiTuessi 1 -- smitgiaZlte -Qtil & sapy lAc follovlcg aondine of Mr. P, 1 eaic- M moe or ah erd a c vt tise TowvnHall, oui Monassi efs iobýuoj, sanflusl'ithe gnatesar1in ig lest Wr 'are sors-yIthil la s viiss ye 1nie., I jbard&i:'grain storY aur paver tlado Mr. Freti Xasicr. inîirea boent.tlgy atopetiaius fan tise rats- getcutce lu fautthbe eh a lrat an 50JIcruai ta Taa--n luskble bboas-te Se fuly apprariateai. - <s!oq51imin 'tasa(riomus otinia'atisonger lisas vatises-) laastis the ry-lxeof lise Mr. Ferry in tise course "of bis rus piilistedmi, do je prasse? Weitle0andaisaali LAisho vas ginai lAc meeting bar buisoi yq 1vau.stachîclnei long aI 1he caileai, said IbatSl aiuiiereatWaa Copstisoutigastepa viis waa sfonats> igt encai on the important subjceut oai m mcliÏ mcoisin,-lIsO quarint Ilinga je ever taras, as tiese ignatusres t0etise requU sa aI this sajaun o! tise jearnastise doai ans! tiselargeoatetsmesnr ut tiseine ai vitbter. Tise DauwaLia' eraimae I soweai. Herelciora the massfantu beveas'I ff.rgot my 'latinity je se > ftie the Iarcality vera ieft ta ntruggio for corpsSIs, >a&n<siaeto'spsake Frnihid, selves, aideai cni>rby'isîiduaol efforti ai WVabchmin, Vindiraîhars, an wasasdoe- nov bthIe aisole rOmmnlsity ioai sites appecredl lusfull view-riprisistid lha anu isterent, aid nues un inloereal a wat s!ye isi? Weil, ipun inn con- canostusesa of îtescpreucut diîpiaye atiste I Moat put .il in rbjrma for yu. iitt expert, ns a couaquOtitl, that Ouausasa ~thing ceemprehtessire vaula ie odo, Whili a alliear a wss- vardaetabiiahing penituaneul anai fl Wbit5u Awk laie aIVetlI-aus iug brancies uf mittufcîirc5 onail e Orc11u4ll iai i cd aselusintiialocelity. Austsi t Tl shas lie wssusuri- cabjent tabou up lsoonuilaller the cel W ii.5ueiti Be i r cial criainsîlraagh wvicbch h gonts- Oaa the sliihcy d'ut ,re5iipmoied, npoitc veii for tiue esprise Tise 15-ohe he As, Toan ai Wbitby, ans! lie'stabilily- Auusa utan 'aMi td citizesa. Il sboacd îosithong-h hej ny-trIas d'ye tshus -asmaîl touas,t hat lltebSai sameth Nt'hy--a GOmnt iblc4v-heuL bchm luiitcmeca Nov aanil hqune, lu the deti5fsuroctetS trisser. bc ie. Aldn acmens To aec these àAutos asthe Ciorteonso su tusîsshr!sens, lbe meotionos! it as a vemina Weil itIlas a fusisight te lbe sore bu facrtatcauoses oi publiç oxetemontR soc occur periodirsillyst raguler istervulE sie' hisb reu golan; butohaibSethe pénsnevery peniuaoià tcii oua e haro la sue tise îbracofci unenta ualagits1 iteeto on id ütwdb 'Taauld surpasIbhejayolun ai a d -. mrtuit anie Isai,38fallad the aisa Diritins ta, diacribo tue rositsrassl. Ifor adldan cl 138o sud tise tise pirtisea oulaiSe laiton ut titI time a ltaa is o!aeuainfle poar onu aculd ailuthi4 fart-tubs oaoîils ýapens.In. lu1848? ve had the i t. Go itto tise pictiser thrado un coin- grarel roandusai canal psie, foilov .inne Walti b. sotslj oea auanotser sesu,,ofidopransieus. Frain e- 1 a sin d eg scînai eined nta118, lvo bad the toilay punit, au .sumtbin lu Whiiby about maoaicactbaures. anr the periosi preccding 1868, in ail laRtire tha omte medical mi ar obad, vo sre in the beginuing of wah 3about petilionin lise County Coussl taes-x. lVlitSj la steMaoufàingseluaesu lamine tisa aiceauntu ai Dortisor Golin tbe htyintalseintepsn, i3 Jail S en.ýCo texoenleu inclut, buttlise isole ventera trns ri ureai hy a pranthical prnstier ? - tSpavetisga tise a s eiciai mo Yer tisrue frisai, Sekngo h utpr ftl >TIM O'DAY. altoisug a grcat deaiili dbren sait n-6e. -_ bie couf oi our Railwilaycausiof I e MECDnisaca5BALLu.-Tbis BaIl abirb extravagance, asdîsaapéculations, it peui during amies Casais pro, r ame off attise Town Hait, an Friday ho tritisarodeufui rapidily; prugressosi o li1tS inst., ans the geteat nacrous in the eqoci, if sut grenter tisna uy Siute vf ay ai a iiveiy rail, of the aoasoo uin Aieruenu ýUniesi, ausaidurnug aI ieWib.Thoeeacre upasrds of fIl!ty cou- halli constrîctei uer <GranudTrnisl, RIWleo hei iertby al. oe tesevsRsilasy, whicis waatue msulspiesid b pi ou ise lua-, asai Il ejoyd sieinsîrc va Iai, leas darisg tisat peiid Il le t Ibeir iesrta' cnentui outul '.hrosd'disj oaisliads urtea itis admiirable sajo slight lu the mornhsg.' Tise melodioue Municipal Goveromosît, our *cduu t s-raussof Csrran's hans! acre le tbeisseiri ytem,thie admirationi ci tise va ýr a deligisîful entorîasumseus. Tiese pp eî etlemeuut ci the Feoduisl tolue qus r-tise srcolasiutiuu ai tise Clorgy Bel r- hicb vaproviaddiy M. Vasn Sîjtovas, car elcieinsitutionsandssithe Ri a"in ercry respect, excelent. ty treatj; aussit ivas during Ibut pas-i t - *e lo idnostrucîued irast 161 tiles t( Lecture hy Eliliit l ilt. micsaiflbilway, cuairacisug tise - Trnsi. lYshui sius bbis lsd i le M r. E li u Ioritt a n ounce a bis inte us- tïv o p as-iod c ast -u t id the V ictoria d.tuas in or nais otisiag couie,, of delivrs a monumeunt ai Britiis abili asusin1 ru in- s Lecture aitthIe Mecbassis' al, insiurpaaed, aaand wicisralieng g-tiis Tuas, au Sutsrday erouisg. Thiue aud nai theIsgr.adeurnofitiiicoi "' viii be a runt aicisnullse aifon clîlrs anad exersulien. (Cheers.) Ri caul!i aprue~ ATise sucfactanin.- penid Saitr ,t o n i e iti lt ne poti u in; ' l c r e a r- sa d , i e d . C a n a d ie n s b e g u n t a f -e l lIa s;. n s ineretin a uijet,-'Tlur Phs i- coutlsy lu Setraeiy prosporons a i- cogy ai Naiun"-bj ibesoois-renoasn msot bce aMInuactutiuung as seli as y- cd liiirrne a lseititli," mn a trael a culturel country ; ans i le oaa gla Is big codi heTl fWhty t is te Town o! Wiisby ata car n ti i moud ii tse Tots a Wiuthy. Mr.is Ps-* Fy errysones! luoIluej erla se tingoisicaimon-ilO greitss mtes- of in is-oi, houts, acel, Ar.,tla omigri as-eiisiuge of thieage, wvlinbmuy susver or Sept isesi i ber ownonrto eno re creas ais. Oas- fietus frointishe counetry isugdium, bj tiese kill cf tbnir ai 1> sault ause- sip. le traces!thIbise suad grei I ou galber intau sueo, ans! lesote. nai, subishe couoragement aIl ta liig istolectual un thise occasi. mauufilcturos4, assa attrilsusosi lie gr 011--- grosboth of Englasai andi France,,' a el-Tie adrertisemes nt n aotiser ru.-lesti cenury, anaiteesnid positioni ilnis caliiug the attention ta the Bible De. countrios at the prescrit day. la th ie pasitary in tiis tuas, does-s-res the notice cause. It vas asuiy nov tbal manuifat in of à,,th iben uteBiihadFrinCanada vers attracliuug tise attentioun innatIfh.rtibasi ueg servît!. Ansi aben Cansudiînds ana Il inBible Society, aussi e hea-tiy boie, the frain Soul,ta tIe Westerun States, ®r- ucrnpturen, tissougb ils.hstnomentality, aitl oror a thusanai tiles 'ai Catîudiaîu1 asl have sus extensive crulation. pasisg by their onon daurs, iliont io - --- tboie oaa aooul ouglit bore, anda Du. F. DacaI.aNAraaoII, tbe celebroattusi asZbj sisir maistfactooissg neig Germs Fsyaninuba arivei il15eCer-the oISon aide. ifste tisse, ansiea A* Grma Phsicatihas rried it he om.a.alu la Cîaaaiis manuiactuî ite merraI isalel, ubnher i anrauibu ous*Sted aiîb a duty oaitiruuy per rent ; an Rite op ta tise 26sS iust, o ailI diseuses. saine way, sanse il bter ai ou, -_ 4*ý brougil bsrb touaus movolactareai ns, UxbrldgeTevasisip Coneli, binaitofai'Cbinet aorb,doausltboe stchenrî isg pin, abls vbieh vo pausai Lu xnDc Touday,Feby, 2ist. steak, (Leeglites-) îyeond vicbha est. The Municipal Cousseit ai the Township sonubilisa sent burktotas in tIseà tbe of Unts-isige, foot aI Metalir', baîci, Ux- votturus utmes, assaibais-voue ude 4rEigoilag, os Tuesdaj at. Membera gicat ltgbtc,)anai vopaj ior t' presenst, Messn. Sith, Cisapisns, Bendelt, legoe of osiîug tleul. Il vas limei rua ansi Sberras-d. A communiucation vars re- esi about us ansi bugun tu s! ceirid frain Ms. Sangter, aueosstng ftu 11114fur oirnelvcs. Otisur loins Mir. bis absetnce front tbe Council tlusougb ill. ulreccuy taiseastise iniiative insmdi tly nsa. ra pramate mnufuacturés, Cllingi bue- Tise minutes ofi lie furmer meeting aere goEag iu for a catton insîuufantî sel. rend anainfirmeud. rutai ail vus-bs, Ibis ail bcbng ps-cdc ai ofCounnil resueutinbcommitbee aiflihe thue sanie description ai ibair, ahic ey j&a. Cosileillar Siserrard prfflnted hi, ulai couse vilAintbu requremeai miI !ei5orbstiýg tisablc lad salai t-he plue Tavn, in eilbur oai Lc2re wcaiilerm usi an tise c«" siiovasce, e. the ?th ranoes- il w as nly ao omiual taiue,tbeuns lu aie, id vivions MW' ilats, -asing in vaniti bu hothe Isbars- utovid. ,d, tlm grestcep$" b0vbidissam vuato bu ferretluthe impelca giren teIt ta paitiou or leforoa eltisyelofiJune borgvillgeofiOshawa,visiclca in st.- oct wvas-BOLu only uredilable ta thse ào A Mion pemed appontisg lMeures. but tth le estura Province ai Cas s.me ael cli1pis,ad liae(Irb, a speci- 5mÀ51tht bu feit certain tisaim us- ,,Muiut» %0 mals anaudus uthe iagocd nd Mo me uai ose coul or isy-avs Mdie*orLe the Council. - in opuretion ia Whitlayc ly ain joi ,d , aotin Ia. Banuhil, -seuid isy g-ter,-d oainetteamvail ta us e, Mr. cisapmNmsol TS vae l-larëln. iý thnaw am 1, th, n é *e mw stoçp t ta iei lfor. the sie. A haut ans ais oru ty mmtéu in faa ta aae.ieniialand b nofagrai ngirtace tthe MIl fmud tmo% * ýp llag ia he uB f wul c mexpemdiu, & m d r- s tt i *9Uniud I tirs of euicier rertisas hm paris,. a jyandasiLu. He ekord Le the osrtaàmode in Ma I~oyme 4f*an .. vaiRLàTees. of f 4i w" wioit, ten of t "y' -.** S" tApsàL 1.tomet at. ofa popelsll;» Mabm Mv s juetam'sA.GOO*v 1 uparaau of Po.Mdafg àisela -l Tour ahae ir em, Ilangit bcrs0(ihy thse.Eajsoib ýFaacy. 48 e, Salh islai& eaéupllmaglh,!vu aie ch Iior-va&isaest le stidat c" T -iY le ae p*jade.Md fu~ Bqr- Bee e ts coia m m oMr mes!a jumile- pultice Ito peemolsg fhe gravé s&W pua. 'srr th, b-" of< ri thea air. la- 1 uas! et Mmmtise isestismd n=»Ws "Awkadeimdu- la casa,. KaurÂfi,»l**mi Tur 1..mvlawmai* om , r r~'~ ~'¶r-r:<'I '-r- r- ertfmobeerveil Mr. Pcry N.Dustu Le, -aveu - i wua' iclli Taredesetilte tshé inena rfonlro~o,~ ut.i wteruied ouerrrcd apeie,'iis Evrisy auit i a s e e vihlet' ' getofgres Iigi s fcuspeesabIsba mestsabi aiauleoes-asyobr siaî e- AsMmH *embur utiibu.FaaCane jnywanail tiseypofthesnai h motive, pl ibcdtihe pe. ie mclimotat oluia il fr ovthis s.graie -er. lt ic oideua of lAc mintvssa ish- orlsa ueiet, cie ntitis saim ta 11< iseine vat otive as erlciibpesAsui proaement oiba5 gar bee su ftligurescsroely hal$ repati Iat ioahallsa»s ion!a îi asied~j ruofr- A. mt oficcislpla colai u ~ ThLr deuta i asenrbis, on'ip siton, offe pele. Tise ment ilng, bonoovpri aait for oul,. ena. " sa urtessai e tin gis e -at taotise meon. lIe acg. bç_Mran a - tlb au ire ai g est e a rlsîe wai ae bummrOite l i cii a i t aiit ai nosid atfadntrydiiel tlirsiineats mutEgst u mrr,àeasi o m tu? cea' hori i e tiisv lcoied h cta, est "as tioa rh ae' s louoi o tise pruala!i' Ol Be oa i a ive , up on t f Tot i, nti o lt vla s a «taI a «oe- acit csretpa n visout i ls innuf of uai appr o na it tossu al isti enfle abc .. o woud 0 _. y. se, ta W ,rsudThet and etile thoingie finca t t ug fecina olaliissty au n thosd ieterscuaithecansisg te l su- 505.Fqusiustaipia1 outns ive eîrlreaîn iaa T opaitonaiCasasi isc i m tli ucs ,'ty llanst ofes rla t Orer-of vsedesimies t bu proia ana it eal tsa igten ca Sis onlessiV The péasible îi4 yr s ab u i llepr eriutu e eig nte kth of i 1 àunansmanvote ich i a ch o fsper t b t a Son age « ul l r c u lt ndiUr e a h e ratti t io f C l n l o n r i n ofrisd tise Se.iLiaresc., l i Çe a s i tis ehsmoa -its .s is oo Milie ae ise rûtsyt isenovenrpiru tse-, goy Vlet, ai!n il 1nueat a buon ea s is lhe mrosîpiar l e srgrm elt i tonalsî n i ecsnn o ud bbcuit arneti etu s ss I resut- nom te-dry bbc~~~~~,ton hicoutryjeaulu tieBrlas idcolibeis'ccurea e Ir gSat witbou ilsrnaialie raL sue e dide liuaC sd ,apla e> n . Pe ateny 5J'ngfe lig . mt udbohr >neb t u c s;olu a hyC a pad o iis r tiie s w e a b n t g t e los. lu liu teal cu1 lieToasiufe wislby tabi ai ons. F tet actse. pas an oxfAc1sdua m ompr in uothlrietematou.- se--t-'- -h-raocme eu0on airCaasi te 'lebea1115 ou e1.liceOal Theg oî*r - - so i homisraIBldeori sarbothe assctù i, apiaun. a aget Wad ec lsa bis eean is er ndtai Ille, inii r wn hy iie - t c -" " R"t- hegof Df i nni m eScs ote slu nlîg ts viUtor Iy tkln i M. M 5hriei s e xea Soiri rg c r o tionor ooe Cam eron t seahoei ord for lisebon, lher bis frsîhoreaiiegeaho baila at r ma over tcu trl55ii El u eelÙw Oce a . e rlusitnco l re sa te riai ety lea, 5; fo Couly r!TerrSuce by smajoiIy i 210 Ecoy Saab ai briîcyoitis sppar da-r e Opositniollns)t, Mr-. I-rtOTv inrl vsesb aiau 'soot. leute, becs rad by hi ahhliseratiifica. -e n to a..g- treroowntronhin>' van bus!ii ionotsly ane- ola.andre, sig pe te-eeidngyisbsmsiadb air i aountipitic(1< as gs ted nd1rid nthse Irca eiie i ier, 1811 Hiim laitaay ou an tnk aisst amlid' thutit sel f aovi1 a tho'asity dZo uha, garormark o -plase pa theayostesb orulistie Ilu la ~ ~ ~ te ratee Ou Fns eitue. ssxsry au ss,, - AidatieSeaprobci isa I ii vo Pla tht the c fSliitbjc nl'fo lbr fthe-ilyeAt p, hue M a i 5o r. Eitu s-, l re- y u baed f o the bisclac isfa h r ni s1 iiho tisa tief lsor ohbtsiss i nxcyfnt evti iedaliie, soi sbiu tis i o, 1 bature Ca- ut erre al ter y aj t f20 r okonaicta it fciosnatoitemil lonbippeur o ar euopituasi o Isniste, r.ata i eScTOaa tise expio tesa e i li lnesse, Vemenit. nle. y ob(Sitae n a a nt pic d cilhieai ai oais, h ec'hanis antiete e i îais insseif usboaer thu t jyý fatnsasr. ieautreabie.ouî ther, w a lan bis asti-e ind cfacutis s.,wa sud Wthe hia arsiaofthre 5e puraurd th fere; eesl îself eOfrogjtofthem the r va-r-es it ciîran'ths r-risedpniscsgiupsias~cge a elesit itiu, ud geFatc id, iaI ista stba ii tura ertan aliin lpsin tis vctr8e0011. auer o in5 theiim uneiiCuas)u olsr ei Ah lise fu-i, SppesntdLim se hic we7b ht ditr o te 11hiby hroide blckmonh, wta maIe p frsla.II Grn han e of r. E tr iOii as a th sruthaves, rom- tetyfrt er, prsi uL ilringres- me-c ia s itasisnyabici soai frte s it heorkit isad or lusnthebouseas bridge-,fiteme opiaisgaiaesncted toast, or As in bs asbe raitraai' osem, cdm f h Ibe r usst turlandcrap ai steessso e O itgheis <iratinr lbis ibat, andin seetiaus nsubdl e îe . City o bis ant ise Y u Myne , ss itathe r the forg. lc tsue foo te dért it l'o t e n otri erot e t l tsoce, umatî 183.1, aelfudt h ealnta faiH éner-;or ifveuso!ai, lacs redytateaam- o Wth btaiterluane bi sude uo t arlcotsii' as bat oef, actoailisticla commnidtheHner'sinaalieuane, s s ad lets, lin eniaqtheviilateetsnyug.httynothe, ta latiisii ormonsof 48 as 170go uttev o rf ios trsu i icai d s ftise firaor t eua erto eni t tran u e no unîtsis naslthe0cr isntaiessin-'u lis, o imet.te u p fltor hlest i ~ ~ ~j, iu ts ~ tîu d a ,' rsn e t ., ta r e coa a ply u I e d the r u i i e a y te s s tîlÎe, buttisehpant igbofbav e ut ngidisorAs seiennih carentdireish sngnic h e Ib umsiiti ko ff t o, ve atserbsisn ai uasti eantsonpsisat alloer etcb rd tae-colles.s hu s amicro"topraparaitse-artice for l th isorasnaumn olaitabaid Gutel 15eto a m 'duele. A na loime ursthtisaI ,tand ave igte na ssanti ore bid, tuaise I .sdi bsfoossUrithe othevay fan isie scuin t nat, ubliea83ter hendliaaîty touNes n, alr ar- orif sseru ofyu s a ns ard ostl y ai coulim- h otr ta11 pa sueMst u-ifurai ano ust tis ae saonod s la bn int ai s1ane exîaaî eqIloels, ecrans is r ater tide. lu sa i- ath en anai I isl d Ose s, voutai h asliid nprcloenofh rnse a. tsa init, e xte asetsis Crsuuy etrctiaOur.aoanud aceofpiiyl enival atr acou1tdn iUnest i letfe.s ea n v n d tcrept a e itenfur, or. et i ttraSa ieîsidr chn, ccteea n sdýe ttl tkis'irtia ýnd isuisersaicary fai the nepli aitestiasnsmaleoau iotnais1 irabutea itityoralile Sr-u aveiss eeMscis," oaa fudt7 tui Ca m r alelu ilS s llithesy, teabos i ad in fectpuss iste a ains1 o uti enodsal, thlisnt ait he Contsy ttsry an- acuse it 'irmltSa pîh of helrss.,th e r I aitrarl eraidn sgin aii. eu itnes-riOfd a ps-ire At h Ds pasie OssItabasi a veis ni g a.cand bis b-aihantil senat aime D bor a s i LI -sud iste ea f r inueaculi, «s iing t inas i eig n d - b os f rest pro-k t his r hs no mLt ssa, eit cii> 'iur- Hr' lavi g eiideqs!arluvigrige si litheha se -h. it rctfssci avar te a I uHaopuese lssguqgai.lratuext ta i isot tise f dusy e i t o abtl, wun srisarte s. l at11 tin tc maenIo-Ill éngsieIl feuretai thoe i at ue, te %ierab ndlen tla fr tan ttlaus grnm t nta s à aslw ilu, lstae ail sles i- esasu i l aret. ise imiaticy or f t a "ivgri a coti ut e bu Ou s- ces- r t he0isiv asin th ni d couinatryîles thenry monote asitu pasetion ses.-agetudiora ,ourre b l Pari, e Sput bi lian i e, nti va ul so u airin lI.Comp an n tàA lailwso tif soe n ineorgepra r endbi(lsgi uon miditenivy lrug ~thelrs-, nt a I bins s ua [urýstofthelnSouth Of gralor 1T510ns! ewarcolletned Silnca te a le pAriev i éerossas isn ptbis eusuel inhté,is hîîng aunwiaiurenbi Is sga .as mental iet ce160 t£ nibt-s liaiîuuut fr>merrebyasus.- incr;dothiYp* i i h oen b m- W t h -e bufeie onl a se inoet *etlb dtau* ass Id usaa r e bau Hvn baeq,*noledn alsinthasdte e rales ai be u uart leso.Iloyttetisntradte as a in siS&Iil remoisg lieratioh, gionoidaevieMr asce bu foretise ,lia - eenin-@ a ýeistasaio. rufose - ve o l- sas u Bas nd in tie Souîhai Ian em eiare-more %alys-bu an se lasie nt.s-cd ure tas i5cm, hé petsys us a tea wds-s at ia 'greea ti n.d(loe, ng lof h e 1 5red l it m ieeéliny pe i a ibi s a c. ra i- e ids LII lab, Veltic , laisth Wocesa e , lhi ullaile var s mras-r.e, l proi, lhonwhisebasoi!- l te, Grmcaemuahih, "àxces, il as labtintp-celvas ostly gsipratr neada lctioncaoi ls,*Iksein nientRase selirevi-,,resor.r pcîbido uenti tho flax, j ierie aid. oo rnit eng. j.tus-k axer" stsi iSsilook- irisîrad gave, hua e ruro, ane ot. inSmaletsit &H A rabi -'L ' i tc leiantur haes.tsb ie failunoviemont isaIvasdasarneate sud Tanthi.hý ai i ouI aie185t5. upris 'of tbe rtivscli entlrnt. lwhbiie a osierrthkamfltk, boavrn tis iie lu in aasbroe sp abilote e Basari trac iem ofbis lissey . Mom A.l '0 as ofput i ~, ivehegSt hafe t-en, ia aWoreser16ieous able taCrelnd eas nId~~~~~ tht n'-- -- -a i-.2- m ictut essatt tapae eiuidl.Là

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