x.............. Thisp prhan alarge circulation là te zbà ' ln'Whithy and vkIsman 'rUE WEELY UWL la puhllshec, n tlhe morninp of, SÂTURDÀY lneei eezt,at, ,ybet ityln adyance. T~he Weedy bur leehaitho largnst circulé- tin of any o&ber eonntry paper puiis[hcd hi R,cs or lnrîmt< iVEEI.. Under ten Unes., .. . - Aboya ton linos first insertion, (per line)-..0'10> Xvery submu'euait Insertion.o..o.......O 04 Ne papor viii be4loqeoýutiunuodqnutil ah érrear- iges are pold is.up.1 ' f1,. rlsk of' tho Pultblish1er wvhen addressoedl W. IL. UJOQINS, Whîtby, C. 'W BOOK AND JOB P ]UN TtIO BESTAÀB IIS 31MElWT. J'>CaqKoLi," ould 1roispeettîîlly Inform the publie tiià t lie liés procuredmineî of the ;nost modern stylos; of Type from Nov York and otti- or FoundrIis aud 1% propnrodt'> exeente BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, 01 every description b 'sisperior style nnd wth dempatelà , at tle uwèoqt reiiuîîiereting prices. Anetîoi Buiisq, horme BuIs, msîintiiiliir tdesc4rip- tions of Pinting furîulslied wltlîlmî aiu lonr of belng ordered. Oktronicle (>lleo, W iitby, (XW. JOhIN HALL TIIOIMPSONt W ARD>EN OIF TEC<UNTY O'F ON. tuîto Reiîeiîo-:îoiiîgtn.Broek. J E<F TII E (i UNTY& 1lI(GT Couiýtrtp. Otite>' gt tli>.Co'urt lloio.e. NELSON, G. REYNOLD89 * ITEr-F: OFFICE AT TIuE COU RAI«1~ILt. FFICE ON lBiLoC7K ST., il. X. MACDONELL. 1l LRI< OF TUE E JACE. tOFFICEw-AT JOHN V. RIAII, CtIEBX<OF TVIE COUNTY COURT, AND thikglttmy otfilce, Brock Street.i -w. IAXTON9 Jr., rrkEARURER. OFFICE AT' TuE COUIT ]I,. .,. MACI>ONEJolfi S Q!CITOR, & t( llE iOF Ti e COYUNTV ffnel.Oliec It the Cou rt tuo I c OMNTY FN4NEi.oFFICEr AT TlIIE Court 1101us4. ('INLEIIX FIRST DI VlSWfN COU IT. OFFICE ut thée(Court 1Iloisa I JOHN <.GORhONe I Nt4ECTOR of WEIGIITS & MEASVIWS for the (>îiiy ot i>îîtîrlo. WV.I. TREMAYNE, .1> atthféy.* ()tlee--lii Arnifla XNew Brick CAMERQON & MAtDON r., B U u'el"" & AT 'O tNK S AT L AW , olito t'> lic ('îîîiîi y Coliniiel Olturo.- g'oflice t tise (%îtIla-î'îl ii;g. GEORGE Il. DARTNE]rL, B cor, &r., &rc. Office over .1, . $. )tîiittl &Co'a. Hagrdlware Storc, bite k $îreùt Whtitif'% BAl<R1S'ERZ-AT-TLAW. 0OFFI(E- I '1 Street, Whlithy, C. W.i 01iCITOiI, NO'rAuY PUBLIfC, &e. &C. N. Go. AIA T>AURpISTER AN]) ATToRNrEY-AT-]I. fltfiee-oppoite tIie Jlgistry Office, Brook NTEPHEN SEARLEr, p F'Agent for the Coiuty ît ît pri>.iIce- offler obalds4on'#4 HardlwareStore, IBr<,fek utreot Whitby. 7 SCOTTPS IHOrEL, U)ASTH MET MIl lTUY, F1IIST 1)00E J. W. CALDWELL I3ROWN, Cl ONVEYANCîF.R, Co1M SSI>NII F01R titking Alilavitm, Accoutuîît, Juumu], Iiil l a Court, Nontary Iciein iuea gul * Jb4dge. tice-Kuug1troet, ueuriyopp'>alte tle-MdclHall. N. .-A'tl buîincss .tilitriîated to bis ce c viii bé pnoînptlv atteîîded lu. JOHiN 1JI1Li1N(.I4, AW,' CIIANCEIIY & C5>NV'l'N-ciÀNG A.-XAI RK,-B. A., ATTORNFW -AT ]1Ae., SuILiCiT0OR l,% m Chauxcry,,conveymmuer, &o, ain Street G. IU. 1ARTNELLe L> l 81,,Udexamilner l in uneyfom -téConnt<,'-arin, J»roek-st., VWlîitby. 47 JOHN IÇeNAB,9 1> ARRISTER, ATTO]tNEy, &c. Office- > eruOrOTot;7hltrcii antd (ortatreets, (oppo itu tué I»1, piand,) Toronito. 8 VO~U.L& HAMILTON, - k'3T01htEYS -4COUTISELORS AT LAW SW419, Minnesota. WILLIAM TEMPEST, M. J>. ING fSTZBT, OSHAWA, C.&NA])A 777 >4-ç. * 1W.RON 9 MT , V,ftIL E>QNZER. AND ti~Ette Agen, Whilot 'ôi1'diUNITY ANI) SLPERIOII Cuou uit and )assof4go'r té the (4oU ôty Çouix B PRRSTE &ATPoRqY AT 'f Office-~~~~ oW.teSoeso er.1I~iIO R itu'. $1x ck ALE W. NE for Mie ofnt.rifOntf r2i la.VI FAIRBNKS, M., flMLIFONT ý$-VE1O COUT. ML Byron SrGeADAZON, 3. mACE. COMMES(>EUFO u. ftk, o r . BglwsSW.i n opipog o. AuCARSONE, M. ., p SICIAGN, ACCUCHEU, &o CORNER &oCt. fCona n rtoo.-Cnr ino, R.I.-AJ. eetot NN, N. Mod.y g EAST WINDSOR THEOUNTY GA<>TTB,- t rEo Ste1% Whitli. 4na inrnt n X ~'ret, oeprt J. theoTown, Son Vie d opsit u L'el Uegimitry 0111e..ioper raions rrGantd FStabroneoauir tctiacsl. I 2 G..A.. RI5ONIf. J>.) &c Ilio inid rion iec ntr I i d , TAS HACHEDSR INUSE, I('HE rei Op r g't h no o te. i ro ra String Iatolîattrtive o ti &,l;s. 22e t recenl ea fî mou Sfo r slmal te w J.C IL. . O>)W9I ?IUIII FELITZ, rk 31EIAII1WMUEC, . W 8tring îistrnnontsUs rot sro to Toronl o, r eCo. . 3. C. ......... f-OI MMRCIL P.iigs, lre- HUIIROCN IOTEL ror OitoC. W I 15 C _IUJitOJIOUSE,111ETU. P. a1. CLAIRK, LATE -mis"n & C'., 1-IEIi('JIA T LîOi, N(,. 74, KING -ýT 111jWe4.iTo'ronto. le MIARTIN98 (Lote Waleli's) JIOTEL. T îl E tU ISC Z1 BEtiÃŽ.IlAV IN( T A IZEN 'h 1 E L îîv letel ftOin Mm. CîOke, la ale iot i- iord t lie heat îeeoniînodthittIi aîheli filie. 44 JONIPIINOURSE, c 1 ElI 1I lWEI.FTII ])IVIStI<)N COURT OF ONTARIO JIOTEL, J RY.AN Jr, PIIOIRIETOR, BROCK ePStreet, Wliltby. Uuod Stniling and tte tive (stiers4. CANTON JIOTEL, J)CFFIN,\s CIEEK 'ICKERING. C(Ot'] nceCCtiiiiiitloii t{'r ":'-l' W. CLY'lIITERT, 46% ',ni mpitr PIIILAlIDER M. CLARKt, 1011 COINSTABLE, COUNTYO<NTARII'>, iln insectoit of lieciesoliit te Municpipa- ty >flicTue'ownî <IlWiitlpy. J. W. CORSON, M. D. Fi IMUTlJYSI(IlAN To Til EBROOT< li lsî'lolte lîlymiciamu t'>thîe New 'ai- "ri iei;i'o:e; llow of ftie N. Yi. Academy of Modicite ie u(eiilate nil lier(.ittitdt, e. ilesienee -Marliiuîmn village,, one imilunortu of t Icl'eFpopnoffittlce. BIOUQUET RALOON, B ETW EIN TH E TITEATRE A14D R098,1 N Iloimae, Siî treet M'est, Toronto. Gftïtic Sii~~~~J pprJlîes ~stfer, ý&è. Al kinds etf Guiîîe Mu tk'aoii. Zehloîce seleetion lit fie M' lues and] Segars. Ife> J. IL. FARJAI Agenit. IIENUY HANNAN, P TAIN ANI) ) IiNAMENTALiPAINTER, (lizier, l>aper Dlauger, "e, Whitbyý 21 W.IHe BILLINGSe 'DAIIISTI& xATTORNEY AT LAW, B->Solitoîtns l inamcry, Wbiithy, C. W.- Oie-Waîlace's u ildligs, Brook-nt, Whitby PERU SALOONs J FARIT, LATE 0F TUIE "O eCaitiuda," utear Uic RtyaJ iLyccum, Kitn Stree-t, W'eat, Toronto. Cluolce f ulipers ui 'JfHN >IETCALt, CIL llE W iE FIFTII I)IVISI>N COURT, c e4nlriîuîig tiiei aToship ]),rock. Ad- dncsst aitiigtotî. -14 -FRANK-ILIN IIOUSE. iINDSAY, C. W. B J'.-llVF'r,PIZOI'ltIETOU. COMNFoR- B tui)ie ace'rmiodation for TraveWlerm. W bit1by, Jan. 2]1887.1l A. K. RICE, CABINF'T 1AKE'R, UPIIOIJITERER, &e., C ieri,'& lfill, Byrou S tréet Wliitby. l'a-. pur lauîgiîig uîatiy dolie, and ail klnds of'jb Femnitnré oarefuiily removedusm epitgo'Fnltu! atenedtdr RAIL BOA» IIOTEL, -0 ARMFER, PROPRIETOB. tWmýrfS RUt lions. possgossqes gOodaccommodation for iraLvellarp. Uood Stehllng _anil attenive Otý ~HANT TAILOR, BROOK STEEET Whitby, c. W. 11.1%.; eue.. mulocatf6ni x4Ã"+idc1 for m Iru NATIONArL I10TEL9 ;ORT iTBV. undorslgb1a d b g8tô noi i e- AI 0d . puBLIe, tPR~ aoPwin pOsII onIS ,i thét bôvé tf egel, the Piné~o leh, and pomme fadiite efr frn ng itowueeroonV-, modaion o te trveling nbU. eqa o en betWiptupttlsonr t inanahor ls.. menôn ilemoleDWÀRD iient 2 thase 94fnd itli f aforng suphe ir aom-zie mîtoatin t o ttr in g . xrpub ie oat the t'st-4 En fopean î'lsnrito uy otîte sli . A ILRA IOWTED wooritabling, andcaedul stir lway i luk hittendeaice tli ty aai WO5- C~ 1u.FASR pIotr. HESlioN> In vant cf a gd ao au bknd o PtWoe same in, t i1.iyretsito tlî&a., ut rigî 'c WmabIgln(niiebyForîdy xs >pure ut WWrt ii ut Mok . Wnr mic4I:"s~e Whit'Are-mnaker, Wlitly. fLY a yotîng tan n2 yearscfaeilea 72 1 orcs. C. P.. Wtli tbyPothefc W hitby_]3rewerv. VINI-GiAJI! 1VINEGAIt I i rriIF, eieve taInfor tlà qLilnalit wîîit o lie laî>canrd te ulic 1t'îol salé t4; kerciuuîîts iiid dithers, lut gm.'au Iy rodueed lîrices;. 'neTriuiIc Iibecraîly deuit wîLlm. AI edopdtrs i>y îîîîîlijoliiii yaitended te. NATIIAN MILLER<, DAILY STAGE. -L-11OM Blt()C(41JAM TO FRENCJTMAN'8 XIiey Stationi, on the Grand Trumumk Ralroad, cpnietiug witli the gB llorning and Eveping Trains. _in JAMIÉS IlUBBARD). N ovcnber 8rd, 1 -57.4 2 LIME VOIC SALE,~ C ON\STANTLY O)»N AN]) DUJIiNG TUE iîîitîiig eprnc 'and .'mininer Froslî Buin Liiuo. wlîieh wiII letçeili-l for ('aidi only, at 2m (;d per ilarro. l'ortlVIIitby, TU1T recoiveil, oni ne iWîiikey, fi ti o <'rti ofîe et;) uil r' ptihe Iro- v>iiee, iii pue-kai-reif "tf r<îîi 5tot.5(i>tiuiti, wtucli the ,îmllscier î>tlera tfor sale at a kery lkw tiliire for Cash. TH M S ODY W ESTERLN BOUSE, 1)lUN DAA 0 sRE ET, Wva mrrY. T 1W "ABOV'JtPIIEMIRES AVE BEEN jL it st ucjîe . ytire indems4ignied. wtiere tritvi'lecia clnDow e l id gîod îeonioait. 'f'lie 1I buse is well t'îrîiled, '>eiîp1t, und tirt sllityrtiiint smonny aîîd ay. Tiiere is orul stitblit, i d the bcst attÀ'n- tiî apid 1 tomitiîiid luîmsoc. Thte bvir-mooin ul; large am.dlcoîiveîiieiit, liîud nîl siipllied witli tîtc. tiemt W'iiomf',jfiitiormsaîîd <îar.i[îd- i4ouietv itted îîp fittiîîg r'îonis for privale par- ties. Il Prei4 f1 or. QIJINN98 IIOTEL, Nuo., surl-A-t'TLT smor'r L<IW'EhtTOIW'N QITEIIC. W- Ceotethe i f'eum.ctJndiug cand,-ioazee tMe Jriti"u i ]eic ,ir.crcaagq . és JRAVEULLEIIS ANI) VISITOItth Ie An- ciettCity vu"Quebe will hinul suiperior ac- coninodatioui uit Ml'ouerote chargew uit the above -ucar the BtksSeaîoa harî'cs, andu] n- eil liaiesi plaes etthe (ity. irbo table and han unre suppliéd with everv îiretrabo aîafl ittu <l~oab e.Visitora vibi ttid ery atteuition puidto <'tlueir coittfurt utund eoîu'>'euienceeaiid avorl' iotormatiou ud direction mu' t> the surrouudiu locolfitios, principal places of res'>rt, acueny, &C. JTAN llK 18 i>ropmlctor. GLOBSE MOTEL, DROO-KLINq. T l Funrgi%rned liavlng takceftpouses- bc coîduîcted us mfcrierîy vit th îe stri!ct4,1t pro priety sud regard l'or the cotnfort atnd couiveni etîce of the 1îîiî bile. Tite propriaror iassures lIiii' mny fricndii tiat everything lis ruade rcadv as;t'oruiiy te enter- tailti tieni at the Glob)e l<tel, atnd tiat lie wil bu personq.lly, jprî.îeu t'> give thitui c a re- ceptien as vas lus %vont. TuW eti4îe lias ituei tîiOrOiighiy rpapered, painited au i-i nîtnuîtcd, and la fttedtp ini aîery rosllect lu sîjot inoanter as t'>irusume satisfac- tioi. 'The bar and table sçulppliadl, as tormeîrîy vitit the hoit cetablos and driiikul)l,Los. aleod t-ly.C. DAWffl, Proprictor. TÉE TERIUAFINl. I IE PROPRIETOtS 0F TIRIS WELL knovn Saloon ara nov lu occupation di1 thé olu] 1f. NIL'lIObAuf. King stroat, Loôrotito (formriketbyMn. Jfrley. TIe-'proumiseit bave een newly renovated throughont, and fitted n'> ln tlii. fiit style. ,Evory procuirablé daicacy iu séasdfi. A cugar divanlltted up se- perately into which noue but thé bout brandi' are permîtted toenexter 20: 1 ,CARLLSLE *& MeCONKEY., RAILRQMAD BOUSE, C ORNER 0FBROOK A»NDPUNDAS Stu'., VWhltby, (Lato Wliooekso's.) Thé Sub uicrbér bope té announcé to thé imhabitarts efl itby<j athéetravl t eiaxuntbth ML JC"ot' ,e pan bc had#ata oiefté WhimtbyMathe 1Lth, 1857 sysi 09 , -, is& VAN VLKPRPRIETOU. Tbe liasreu~me4 haï osseasi of »nIfnn oe 1 TOI in ~ o 'o n their satiofaction aildcomf ort.Ile ttstbt1 bi.re.vio4s.chmr-r.foret 1mbç,ppbl»a d tIepei îmay bc fo smé ëe'Lta u'enm- ýmondaion t'> public favbinV XEYèry à tituthn niîd t>thée oxnfort. of ýtsw»l!ers. Qood sta bling. "JESSE VAS SLYCE. »ÂILY a STAGE ~BETWEEN WHITBY A*Wîi>TIÈÂ$SY AND WHITBY AJ"DSBEVERTON. cThe place themornie dà y; '>. te S4,.sifrom ~uss u evro i rive ilu tiffie fc'- thé cars gopiu»steadwg*t Stage office, w nnoy, lu ne 80, 1858. - lO 0T I CE. JIAVI NGpnrelmiaadthée otire stoek of IL iiaiii & Co., witlt ami addition ot we flotter oursiveathat we can givetintireoat!1m; f..vtiotn to all who may tevor us wijth aca. josE4PJJ IJUCKINS & Co.; 'Bronllu, Novoniber iQti, 1857, 48 - Old Newspapers for Sale'1 A large~~n nmiui ld Newsrnpers suplpiiod A litue t) itvReading itoornidnring thé pîst y'eur, foi- mtlle licup. 8 AUCTION BUSINESS A TT HN D1,) t'> as liti, i'.J. C Sterling Al orders relating to ,Aiieiion sales by tue, uindcrsitrned, s1liil he lmftat tiieChrtoniteeOf.- lice, ",lit, -Msrs Iigins & Mayerlioffem are diiy it);nrlzed toa ppoint uîy dtiym rf stile, svitic. ternis, &c., and to enîter inot4 iîeh otîter Lirrallg.elientm 1relntitr to muy alii'tionI)Ilvisiet§. 11M tlîey ma ensiierroper rand necestsary. i4al lie on hl( a A. rtivauy agreemnimt they ilifi itiî~i'ou iîvbeiiall. k8ale' aitec<e<l in alparti' of thte 'ountrv. J.O(. STE1tRI N'. Whoat and Wool. TI'ITE unclrrigned han jilt received or- Aders to prcbase rayveraIl thouaaýnd buidîeia. of FaIl and Spring WHEAT, alan, aoy qunntity of W(>OL, for svhieh the higheat nînrkct price wil bo paid. Cash for POTATOES. TJIONAS MOODY, Commistion A gent., W'hitby, May, 19154). NOW 18 TIIE TIB E. rt'rouîtLlKEES8AT J.A. Clark's 1sft Prize Picture Gallery TrF yvolu de'iro a correct aud ilfe-like Amulro .1. typ, aîîrplergrpl, or 1.eatlîfr 'i:rmtiifèr, <'r a JLikeiiessqi' iaLekot, Brt.ch or li -, for J. A. (V. eu do) 1 liîe hest faLyle, fin< fit ,lîort inotice. S3q 1rocb k r.e il. WV. WOODWARD, C (>MMIISSION ME]iCIIANT, IN$UTLANCE %_. l and eîeit AgetitI. >tie uieyceeu- pied if3 .Iuinii' ffi ýVI , ii>, C. W. IIKv.hiNl~is.Itilmu ( arkoue.q.. re- si~eii jiaulet oul, Tîmoito W.G. Cipdeels, ICsqMuî'îçe, iiik cIL. N. Anuerici.. Toronto. W. IýV. Ritn,>" o, F'eî., Muiag-er (Iuee Batik, Toronito W. GImlte. FEsq., Milton MUlls, Ira- rotit": Jio. P. MeGl, i'residetitBuuk ot'Mou- trestl, Motreai; Meu.rm. Maitiand, Tylce & lintcliinsoii, Toronto; Mesmiit. An<hic»rsoit, Evane & Co., Montriîh ,ss. .W'. PInca oî, Ix.e Measmrs. i...Noad & b2. I y GERNAN IIOUSE, ruoIv T TRET, TRtENTON. T 11E. guliséri ,or lies tri aunounce totlte i- itititiuitsif Trenîtoîn aud the Travelliiiîg citnuili itv thluit lthe' bove. liýi t-ciussIlotis> lia' heen ii te? ui i a lieu' iund ounventieit marinuer. A Fiix's. ('bau' 7iide is serred ut this Irfotd. Alu Liilors >kept oi the prentisefz are of the le.t qtîalit.y, elîcice Cgmm.At,', a Livery 5ULI)ltf iii vonuuetiofl witti the aboie picouises. CHiARG~ES >IDEJ:ATE. J. S. GEILMAN, rropiieir 1Treunton, Aîmg. 9, 185e). uî-riW ATLAS IRON VORIKS, W~ Fronit Stree.t, Toronto. _M~ C-ARLES VALE & Co., B EG to iîîfomnî tflie public titat the>'l-ive re coun îcistcd tloeextensive -preiuises mi Front Strect, (furnmm: it tl)iecl ats tieti' I iiîr Brewery,, in ttiv igît cmxiplete s4tyla fir carry- itigr mlit te bîisilîess of Iron Founding& Smfth's work lu Il its rni. rhev itnvite insmpection of tleir unintroîits Pu- toruls of' O rimtiîu'util Iron I"cucîsBilconies Veratîduuflis, VanIiît Dno'rs, h'luin anid Omnantieitîi Cîat iron Columnus, lVindow C'aps, Si11,sud AI? r1117'ECTUJ,,l4I TORK,- ofeî'ei'y degeripton ; Cookinji, ]'arlor ammd Box stoies; Gi-ies, (Cen Moutîts, Cituoîdreiims, Sulgar Kettîca, JPlaint Castingma onu] eongiilia, 101l î> whicli tluey ottor te? the Trade and ethcms on aëd- vatutigcousl§ ternis. Se- C(ountry orders patte ttliy att(,ndled to. Toromto, )ctober2(I, 1857. 40-tf CASH IFOR PRODUCE. The Undersigncd la prcpared to PAY CASH F01R any quuntity 01 Wheat, Barley,'Peasi, Oats, &o. THIOMAS' MOODY, Commissiion Atg MALT POP. SALEP, <JHAP. WhiLhly, Sept. 28,189r M. MOPIADEN conveyancer, comm1sonln QA .&1.. IssumR opARIGELTCE?<isiS AUCTINEEBLANDAGENT 'Wili bé villinq to iattend pmoimp tl amIare fffily tp any bditïmésa '*ith *Bich ne muy b. Residonco-Vrooitiatofl, Brook,, Cout or flOUSE A"D LOT to let ln thé Tovti d, Whltby, ponseslm ivo i lmmnpdly, lIeut $3.OGper mù~th. p KiLLEE I - R f m4t opposite 1 'itfrGf'tO, lée. thWjt>f 1>C<~I~>r be Tlramaction cftiè:uof orý elol Jr , itlnof t oernn ýe fr h-! tsiocurin oratpfs ogf- er Ont; e fixe <4or r4neut, nr ifi' jnf~,rnatio Io~ile 'tithe Crcl*TI 'Lndsi or othéer Pu1bilica-0itea nrhvehix bu ie8s :iilligentJy. etteindcd, W b'aReai- dent Agent, vitho..tithe 'expemute nind b- cotvcuieince of a jonnev ta ubc ceivo inirreciarte attentiuon. . Quebclc.,Sept. 28, 1l5ffl-87-ll Pianos, Ifolodeons,,&c. CWi nd mueet-iui wrknimfor lirr'îir of k ulseiof . l1umaci istrimtîîets, dora éntmosted to-'> Ali I1'crk niýitlfetliredý hy hlm viii ibc guaruutýeAd of ecliiisl wurkinau Pli î)toan1Y Si'ntlue Prov'>incec Piatnost'notn $150 t'> $80(1, ,cnrdiini. t'>qao ty of imitrnlimt. Ileau'>. ËMeluidennos, atîulotiier )Mustica.linfstru- macits îmnoufui-e tu uoruien. Partmt Tfiymeit takeit in Irade. AIl ondeni' b) inuul dineme(.d . (I. Wltitly, of1 lcft ut lis nîvo liouisu', reun cf theiGrainiar Behool ill bie t mIlv ,ttc.iuued o. 12 - S4T E - îvu M CANTON T. COMAY' 1New' Store 151, KintrstEit, near thé St. ý,iwreitce ituil, Tori'nuo. R 'hE Mnipuy, t'onit,fuir tlife imnportautiuon of puim ndi nriiiutteruted l'cas, direct f nom tlî. um oltf f grou'iî, ni=fe ta the - ute pblic su0ie ot the tuiest Splu'îulii Cmop it' Tes l'oer esiid lui Caurilu t; rînullatutpnieus mVal îly, Ãtîmai wili h lire trt>i il-c i ruiýiu' uîgîils iraliteres4- tti prrties, vtinolhave MÇA<t'i ti:tiig t'eye"ars ttc- coi( Clasi' Tcuis, it i liv%,fr,flit. mie piotto, -Sitîrt prott ita adqilîh'k rt-t itrua," i0ili he atiiy adlied t'>A di tmMAn p uty.T--ts ii hc o retleui ctWI1tiee ioestla.tt iusbuiiiig dul îartiem hi HUY FRIAC;IANr N ew TIA8, ut tlie teIoweet 1'ossilp I'ilmrdî.. The ('oirrpauitave vcbven e-îrefi 10W select. tiimougît thteir Agif'euit.(li 'uîu.sîîue cf tluvéî jtm.dd"eu, mitl, >eut luie luim atnd Ilimblin Mirle-4, a n ui eou'>iiîns, vitore- uttu'tnber tu l'the'gVifftiiavsr tif 'huis sieîIdtlieru, rtiay noi, be stippjlied a-lit it -is iiiig aatl iti'igonrutin& uîtîctea. %We initéu a triail ta test cun -sei~ 'l'lie înîcer; wiil zçpeuik for tîtetut seli'es. ,Lei t ijt tîîiî Now on Sale, Five Ilaiidrcd Cliests1 Gixol perInli-..... . 1%.(iutti er Ii ... dcï ttpiem iirtper 1. M. 0-ta. j puîti itiper Iii-.... -ts,- tiuw,er ict Ili. .u62.1,4: - auu-. Ilmîm-Iti. per Ib.. . 704r:e.s Ilotel ICeliena, 'îtit Irffjri<-monl,('imtr 1pîr Fort y pou tmd pack-uxg"ga âad up- warrds, of 'ii, .'î-it carriigu- truie, toa ny' par-t ofI Caniuliî, dit neeit (A ott >iO A) sTilose îî'Io doi ot l>iy so lui-ge u.tlt if-il tlill oe ilI tg' cliii'toeg wit ltî urcîi u ids. Situas- faction M a'utted. te-Coffpie, lm enit rticle-itiIrc ul to ieli a nguuieXtictt, tIi.>C ii-utr- gfttint( uluunuîu- cdl. ý71hio t(laîlîî glti), 'usiiti -f tft»ii ui ltre delielotua 'fUtE EV UFF;E, i2ryets. auutl W'C wilI guttrftetiitreuit 1seidloîlti.idtîyeil. Filme Luta tturf 2Octs. gS' lîeutî'nbre n u uler, 151 Kingt.t tien don-i-u aiket squuare, fanu]pieimaiseomt- in uîticte tctli- I wmti; )tîtui' tniuiîls. 'feront, Se-pt. !2'-, jIs-ffl>1- OORD -WOOD WAXITED AT 1GRAND TRtJNE RAIL WAY. T 11Pwl -.cv 40- 11 eny let'tme A \liili, et'f; ci tiI tuSiiI Oi> Cetift Iunl hil W itt titi-Grnil T'I'nik Railiîiy 'ùttion here, F:l-ut- tau ii(tîuthegl's ipre- tionu ant i uxasurit en-it. IWooi luob-eotît t-bec autI ut lî lffetIui.. Alan wivitîl tily qnufftity ofgAond hlumnîl IWood t'> bc delivenctl lu'thde Jiim1)îîr. PotîWluiîb . CHE AI>COAL OILS! $1 25 ots. per Gallon. I3EST COAL OIL! $125 ets. per Gallon at Geo. Yule's Telegraph Store. ANEW STOCK 0For Jusit receuveul, ut îriceeçfi-outi 75 au. tt $8 Aitertd o hum Coîtl-Oi. 92 G(l tE ULE. JUJS -RE CEIYED. 50 BIUSFIELS 0F CLOVER SEýED, andl 200 Bilghel$'cfL Timôtluy Seed, epceinafew dat's. expoted u ~TIIOS.-IL. MeMILLAN,. W'hitby, Feu). 10, 860. 9-td .FTiondsend tho rPublice eteral',, tpthoý 1>EHTS. and oiobsna"ff vllfixdtiilîîteretg nntialI ttcudcdtof 4uesod. - - ART!IIUU ILý.WS.: e>$.Efflerc in kiblly perxulltedtlofGO6i1itO Kem#ltTîmomasKm itT> t~~p Q. . L eunn, u,%4snIreý. Lindsay, Novembër loth, 1859. 48541» rrmuuindeî'iîned .ié ojq rarge niu ,gà l >."""W qui nngthi e mé. if>by -fete." - f f -rlF - - Gevue»dý>wl- pa of - "h g ipabel Jcept4dË cntn>on1sd 'fori*Tne, ry lo fýl, hd ff f ere- - ~ r f1 , CMURe J f'Tuue'01î~ 11 1cqoodnstatly 14, i18 ef. e, 47v tb- feoruntj 4 if ~' IlE ND MA1.1 desi of insurance oag;.uiist loss y Fire the-Dani- STPirEN SEARIE,"i w I!,lît y o. 2,8")g1. 72mw.41W-ly AGRIOULTURAL--WO)RKS' BRO"Cl% STRflFT, WIIITBY, (Afeu' rodiv sostti of the iBank '>1' Mdntre,1l.) Manufacturer in,md enIler ir. aIlkinds of AGlILCULýTULtAL IMPLEMENTS LACionANM JAVY IWAr.GoNSl Market ad ]Rob Sleighs, Two-hor.ne Cnlt.i vators, Plotighs of varions ni'keand iztyle ScrfimC rn 'n nd Potatoe CtAfflvators Séeedand Teirip Drills, ltond Scrapes &c. 7tlrasldng I'v7inARepaired on 'Short Evérything in the above Uine attended to with Punctuiity and (Jheapness. Agent for Patterson's coiubined Reaper and ?low- Ci.. Whitby Octoler 12, 181591.5 ~'uu't recei-red by theezrndersigned, POLKAS, WlALTZES, GALLOPS, QUADRILLE8, SOKGS, Andl Musie irranged for thîe Piano Forte. Dally's 'Now Quadrille-s., W. 11.il. iIGIýNS, Lreu-lPSFire'e, Witl4' 1 Wild Lands Wantoe .J~L7~ N'?]) h infic Tow.nqldprof Ifiara W 40to600 acre" of iLand. 1 îuui lîg lisiiii t ie 10 tipoe ot îi.ldrs.poit paîd, Bx-')î78, 1,. ()., romo-ex tn, st-ting lot, ciiueessiliu, price anud termes Trormtto. Feb. 4-, 1840i. 4-2w Phoenix Fire Assurance Co., (o3uAnt' i'TtIJET ANtD <'tAit)NG Coa oD ENTABLISII El IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT.& GO., "e dr>wia on II ek iriîî-'oreac ,tied to- ÃŽ>rti.-INsas la'eme ltuiii veoretietrorke t a queto tyîiotéSeétr lIofiit4u$i S au;bAefertiutt 10e él'caes, )'I 11Y 1111 Çlï lLte AC 2 , Coroniand, - 7Af 71 Conxtti'sioncm <'of Cq4jpMns ru cs, 0BU"FPALNY.' fie]dr; mlt <t iC ii wprton, pn (î'lîiehlig exs estowédte cr itkioud the diffemeut ivi umggits lor k». Toth nan W116 tir, luitaiëd WitfhcheD*oëtér no:iit esul - tha lie IMMs for M R14rllu o f0' pariions, unu] ali vtlî'li rmie uim,>hieiretudiîyto fl tetiert i.per curu] '!e )ocor hwevrbas'm-tbeenable. lîke otheru', tu> cuire eî-ervthisii i Ilhm iipr lion, i)ltt hm.'>put lup lisi, ediclil n a t. irhieli lcrc uirinheied i amd 2. Tlieixir IElai SuprÉior t'>e pveextm-et- fSars".tilit m rade etitimelv y tabr iof, t lii apnd fortigo eonutrics, the best properiai- of wlubieh ure e-xtrateýd by ar. entire ioeir ïcitilri-4;ek4 iziplu eones as an alteritiî'c w'rkiumg dini'ctly- oi tuýe 13,ïveradKdcaxcligleI-utx tilt tûi*bid mfntter, tlino'hrmngzaum- mte ecetmiilH ati nîuîy be -relietI on toeotre LiverCýph'PMi 1f 1 oetk aidAgi>, aJj It. ai ter .lseaasec wlîeh Iîat'4their oriein h -iiouea r rlin statte nt blond. It Jis f reti"he iiug ul ire', afid willif i- ver vealcen orprostrate lIme hoty. Tbennumber2 u And niurtjiever ho tskeil, exço - qtu'.u'tiufn or~ ~ ~~~~le1 dcf.'le- tnm-u wi;i idhcet <tf$Iýk îlot remrcul 1rcncut6at ïth i to ft'>ré Chîer.> ~~Reeer to prc'vent e>f n Is file ovèur 27 cuirs. Tro prevetit truîud. ut correct Iikeneu's of lté Doctor i15i îtii> ivruiptufr r oeuili Ittte, and ~'Dr. Fred.;Dellenhaie-h & Lo lîftî1.Y,'i hlovti iii tule gLsa. Dinectrions utic cnspuuuyiog, caibotule. *7Nir. 1Ir laoiîl for $1 Il(e'r httle; No. 2 for ï-5 cenlts. Withi tIn ire mtii'pic - "tîot'e tliec. are off1,red to tht publ "ic, relvilirzoli.titeir virn cali neceomno ilutuîii For ;file hi JAS.iH. GEEGRIE. W'hitby. Septt. 14, IS1'>'. &51- I NSUIIN cESaiîtit L(i8SES-hy 'FIREand- effuicied t iiuthélitaîoat fitiîna 'le terniFs, aumu] T.A.TrS NTENDING TO, EK ES n-tt u. 'id '>îitiiiit referece to the Boird ilii J)1B'J l.otmdtîma. u~~~pplienîtion t'> the L.gîimieAsn Ii. W. 1wOODWARp, hly for Private or Lor-al Billis, Withibefr. Qommsaicer llcehat, l'hiîygin'*ig excliive privilege. orcouferriiug (ý v""8xonerecrporuute, povers l'or commtercial or otherý APumt, ('ounty oj Ontario. pmpaa<fpoIfrrgl~iguurer Wltitliy, Ang 10, 1859' or botmnd.trie. or for diga4higtn flritiim Amerlca Assurance Company, iug to etfl'ectlime rights ni 1)îmnffrty.of nther, N'~ ~~ine s1PiLT» îîtu in Act of l Ite itird parie-arc hcreb.notificd thnutltay are t' reqniiredlh h 2i,6Idýid6t .ie4 .%e.Aion tir thîu Elevetlli'o.xcimi'uiaf'h h-lt6tul .rid6thRme nienm t -1ipr Canxit. [h ahsrc puxhîtél-hedifl l fo l te rlaaj GaclIel two give 'rWO MO-NTII$' notiiceý CAPITAL £100,000. of tue uîppicatiou iu the indG et, rtind aIs'> lu r6ue newspaper pubighéud lu Irsuîirumce effetred on ]îuildiig and tîxeir thie Cotnty of Unioni of Coutic'a afl'ectcd ; eouiia1. Ei'eiy iîiu't'iti ti11, led on "P' seuding copier, ofthiefrt td o5t'f truie pîleal'outt'irtt. à u raigmued Mliatinîe ika ion te emion 'rPrt n otices te the Privule 1311 Offlicej .Queçbeç. JOHEN AGNEW AFUI>TOi>. Travelling Agent, Bvroil Str'eet, Whitiy 61 Cliief -Clerkof Privutte Bill Offlicee AYFFLIOT P--D READ. TOA ir.s EUio P E A N LICENSE]) AUCTJCSNERFon TIEý "INLJMI UIAL -r U n No. f51 Nu">5-itEET W yoT, TorOot oC. W, 11 . G(OODIN (J, (fofimerly of England.) A IFXý, tIPEÉDY, AN!) MOST SlUéCCes-- fI itiode oft lme tiuig Liter (hrnphiuf, J)juxp,-pa, iVYomx7.li-1 - Jjra*utla r f O5ldfl<J onn*tutût,&i sud i-teal-ýnos',Lia, I"f thé.ji5dneps an Jod, le", lu',munu,, &fuýIds sSaIt lRhecua, tre'r4i7a'oniem ff'N harg-,foýr Advie. DR. GOODING lx nw. n gaked luntreatimig, ,tlis claljs of imaladlics withî lte îuîos4t JUatpi>hiiug stîcesu' The tétuolaope uh i na., it 's based uxpoîx s;cieutittepriuciplea vitla uewe tieu't1s con bu enneId it thein owmu buiuseta witbout eXpelse ilu auy altoït t!' ccoixntmy, froîn uni> -acuurate descriî4cio f their cit5, by letten, snd haýveixetîx»Odbemsli èt ýte theut by' nit or cx- PUS NE1VVO$ DEBLITY.- Yognici Rriea ctnoeod-itlî, p'pkness, ~eîierlycanigoct bye 4usd ýbîxbtt' lu, ' uth tue 'j0 m ome 1 le* a'ut lguig litu es ti gprcfusion cf ideia,JOsé cof uleuri with IMIei~lâes. - may bo'cur.r,»ti. w taule - -iiomwIhfa f tif i 1ddr Utm 8 t 'î b ToT@»I (1 . W., Toroit,f Jb. ,1e.4v COUNTY 0F IYAI. F TCe7WS SALZS lu>;the Çutitryir ilB rs.- lmnsiptint') tîent Actioti R?ï.M'niryl leu'disposedj f t i es afat:g. :ies-fi the Auet'aom Routuis cicr)' SÂTîuiy. 11. Dise4eWe of - I s s, Riui; ,in S >,ul 'iis, atre treated '>itt ptetitucefsa. ' , . ; Ad4d nesi', whieuxb Post:~ UAL. TH E W.ORLU, AND 'UAL4 OF WHIE T enw»fe _ _eel"i iréstri i -e nq, (Wiý,abl, erm bi sftçffft 3' RF vt, 1hth,. )eIng 't (il fi 'i mi mi mi ând mid d for Jultu »nid e de- front Mme ýil