4--& . H. wdei Aucias.r.- *ar hth 1~ 7th;i dé,1 pe h of rthe wrng eogr MAaftira . dow ail your ilk «drues, ft~LWtft~1Lt~EC WW o ats op vlth wèe.jant haste, - Ndanse laap &,i hesp on t 4peg. Tbec if'ulà m vhtusw40"iÃt liégat "d5h#in, 11. '100 Vogledi2o't I '~ Thon ho bit Of string/' (la tskitih, à _,____ ___lm cathesitén henock of a pWa. Dw it cornes ommsIk-wlth the coents entA new 'wriakile in Our DIuatozpet Eleco fier. Mr. Smith enys édj,, tIens. - V in whieh remarli yen fuuly coincide. Thon- Mr. Smih waute a pair et.0 e t eut Thie position ofthle MuuicipaJity of the Ide '$bit of 'striagi"n s ho goes te your United townohips of Martiand ÃR4% ia eat wSk*iE41is, tii holieuetâ, scatturiug- nec iihepresent moment !o tuQmaous.olii de%~ i~it"l1y et uixee and seveiis,"-ail serves to show that huwever weil eensidored Ovêr ùe .fluor, mized with bodkins, spoolsogip -v naîmn 4 ayho'MO 1l tap, ad trmnt ouly knows what. Hoe ~gthersthem ntaoeeful woop, and la-ariso for which no buman foreâslt'le adol <Ilia thoms back ie îLo e box, in a mannor quaite oi nako sufflient provision. 'On the 'pecultauiy andi sninently masculine; andi deatli ot Mr, O'Donuell, laie counoeillor fur1 adi ifthe-hilige-of-the-lid of-..Myaat tht-uxwa-roeub.uror if R ndItma, a now cloction WM Iaeld. â4 di&l il. Ai iflthe-rscal diiinea teoloct a memberin iitihe placeofutthe. de lin, rceafed. Two candidates came forward, libeea ioose fr cpm. dîne, anti tiraI il vas u mianier -ut eense-iueico; althe yul. do'vouîiy laojaiag that tlais might bu iii. last saiîuaatce. Not a bit et ht. "Uc Ilainku h. -wilI take eâ utile brandy te set lias rigLu,"', o ho uncorlts the botîle- on the apotle* white teilel-cever et yeua- bureau, apill lthe brandy al ovor il, pemters the ugrouathie ceor uta zibebook, anti Inys the. sticky spoon ois a nico lace coihar thnt lmu jùsh boeu "tituisp."* Tiienho -un- Ceork yqur colouaaubottle te aunnint bis ~moky whhekers, anti sets doma the boule, lea0ving the Corak out. ThestLe laites up * your ha-aceht and itries il-oaasbis wa-istd"te soe 1011 Wil fit."'bl'h."fit" uîeed 1I a>' in flothîe braclel-the fastuig ef * whilcii hobreaks., Thonihe throws à up the 'window, "es nec what suat of a day ihinlei andi evoir goos a vase utf goecs~, whieh yen lave Wonm arraaîgiaag wnu ail tLe ikili yen Ç vire mistreseoe, te diaphay thfi perfection ot eaclî bkssoea. Ho bueks at the vase, and says, "imiserahie îhing 1lit wua ays uickety -, I muet bey yon a botter euo doar," which you devenutl hope h. will do, tiuough a long nonuaintauce nu htirai gou. tleman's habits ,dueos fot auuiiorizo yon lu IL - - Thon Ma. Smith goes tu tho glass anti tait. a s"lmgnsurvey etf his bearti. Dit jeuaea-r notice theo - différncie hotween a M ma& *îîda oman's way 6f louking in lhe l1assIt in veedertuliy characteristie I 'L'ho vomau peako:Loy headuaae sitie Banci- Jy andi wmil pleasec liko a bird;- man airities lut. aiea-dl>' dignifieti way np to it asitilwero mivory pet 4' hhingfor lîlef te do, haut men- tiii.. ld l ' i. te catchIt gla s ying lirat ieisnet a flue bookieg tiew I Weil -Ma-. Sntitb takes a solemai surveof bt is beard, whih io faucic es ateei lppiag,"' endttiaites yona- sharposi andi boit pair ef ;oeisurs; fer îhe-wiry lbporatioa; tLe uîra> mUle-..5hueauwhile failiug miereseeuver il bot pioases tLe Iaws et gravitatieon te senti il. Thon 3Mr. Smlilla, anys, "renuly, to dur, thleisnsuci a picasant aoom, oe balos te leave i4, bt--alasi buies-bui. "BasatnesaP' Isîoultithitik se-busi-. ness eneugh, te put thnt rooni te rights, fer the. nexi tir.,heurs t FANNV EY F In. 1 bItI.AalMtU N Con -Whaiii l f ~ le ke tuà ?-for coekiaig doüa not coic b> aatnro er enaor ti ouig a table b>' oer- vation. Thbu art init buI arat itilik ofotîer - ate, by. proper ir4tructioua. Wc mat, anti bIUSt-La'vo, scoie~s oet tiepsuo nanage- Ment nom tint * evur>' home ienaut m sci n scinool. Mothmmcan atnIhent tend tiacia- drugilers ýte unom ciao sert e on ct troan atîier, anti une joitt' a-en another, ana, ienaa-oaglmera-oermore t.hoaourii mn>', mimat .10 orter te lhe ever a-> t>'way andtfor guets. Tbus gnuh. Ilion,- ever>' girl isiontidkraom, frum chilthooeutiaipwntis A lutle I)a-ctice ot observatkinin tire inerketis- ouldrouta touman iling leatrer te diâtingulaL usaino : at icles faum, inferior kitade, andti t knaow whaît isi, hlesh anti tom are la season ever>' Mentir ia tire:yoar. We bave sicen ladiesi bujing pork under a sweltering sumnioer auna bnuriing for gcese ln u nei anti Jul>', anti -tking up skien>' aaite in Mary, andltinetîui the iseausenioutiuckea-el, 0e--igs anoa aiad al mannirof etliai, pasacti niuseti. -O= e csWeek. -:WlIl b. fouani to e heap anaîtphasant inigater forc ireemsanaît-tifu'sing n Itealtitul, aga-coabte anibigil>'peaaelaatinîg &uiiteçtau*tb udor in tLuse aparimeuts, or = oe-îiur the ar niateriîarated. Pour cern- n tz iegaw ou- pontieret chalk until cIteù- i05001Ç13ce asos,- lem4e the miole te seutlee, anti peur off' the tiqjueru. Dry-the setuanentf anà place it in a shallon oa-lion on glaism diseliansd pour eau le il suhpherWid unit-ntill whie fumes cemmeuac riing. Ths- vapo-i. quickly iproadsis ver>' aga-eeably puaig#ut, anti acte as a powortul purifier ut vitiateci air. Col tiratt9fd n ruendacan te.* th. iquid oit hCoast gar et cuwneru-&ci To DïâTeroY RAr-.- mnvirSat sa>'. tira hms houa. boame - i ut>' dfdikwptV ng eopp stroasg), and spa-tati. tMutà s# Kelly anti Ritchoy, nui thte votes Lpoileti for eesui mcae tond ttte oequal ilu unbera-,tie. 'flire mecefive Iteturang 0f- ficors appointedtitoIt ldtiiu pel l truugL the tewia4ipe ; santhe question nom aises wlaoise4itledta 3give thi.e astingvote? Which of'the fivolittnnrag Officers? Or la the poer te record thre castiang vote vesteti in theo donk? If net, whichî et the candidates is ontitheti te lie vacanit scat, anti hem ia Lis right thereto te bo asccrtaiueti? IIow are tLe reaining tour membea- cein. pesiaag the council te acl?? Have tho>'tue power te erder a nom obctien ? Anad if the' hiave tihe power te ortior anenw election, Lere a tresih difficuit>' arises, Previons te the laet clectiou tia uziteti townships wèe divideti lite masna. Siorti>' betoro tLe ehectioti a by-hnw mas passeti daiag away witi thie, marts, anti uuter i tithee several conneilers more electeduby a pa-emisezions vote efthîe ratopaers. lu was while this stateofetthings oblaincdti tn the candidates Kelly ant i hche>' mca-o bathlireturnoti. Il nom turneout Ihut thieby-haw le iîatoamal, ilîni il mil ho quasieti, anti -tint thc tomutsh'ipa remnai di. videti mie waa-ts as thec>' riginail>' stooti. Fur miiainard-t lin, eati a aew eleetiezi he oa-tere4 t? haea-e i14 nd paovisioti in tLe Muncipal net te nacet'lie case, andtihîe Municipalit>' ut Marad taiRma le eviticut- 1>' ln a dileunna. itis ld a case nîrere me aLcaoulti desiro te have Itohe eit ot the opinion oet er resteometi eotorporary,thie Law jour".4 Iu the ueantirae me mould suoggesî te Our- frientis tar norti, as tic least troublesome anti mesi inexpendive solutioniofethte diff- cuit>' te allom higste romain just as tise>' are. Atheugh il hais heen saidt t-in '8 multitude oft .ouncihhors ihero is wistiorn tuaey ii finti thatmiih tonrmembe-sthae pros. eut ycaa-, Iheir business wilhL e equnl>' mehi aît'pua-Lapa mua-o ocenemicahi>' conducteti thani if tLe>' Lad fi va or aveu six merubors te do it np. tlasevitenitnt an>' stop)s tho ratepayers or the Conucil mn>' take te utler the pi-osent enter oftiinga uill Le cor- tai te lualve tihe torulaip li exhac-ase; anti aftor lantring a fum laundaet dollars il -oult bc doubtuaipe-hapsafatea- ai mucther lte expendture mas a benotit or ait cvi tute etownshaip. Ir nuatter e mc- ahioeutlu roanias lime>" na-epanti me cea- taimi> moult atvise it as tic sateat course atiter al lahe- ia-Outances, me moult also bhin.reeornuienti tiu api-ent tflrt in-oe tic Coamitil e nake iso chantageiirtire ap- poitient ut' iia-pa-eit uthýers-who, me beieve arc ai abeve repra-octi in tîmola sevenal dapaciies-se as te give nu ctuse otemîalaiîat. Iu this waay the husiuui.sofuthei Township curunot sufiba-, non coul th le Ceencil b hcana-et mwitIracbiaag tî-om ulter- ier motives, gr linter tuatntaiua particu. han objects lu serve ihacia-onpuaposes. Soirce iun id of the funds of the Pro;s- byteniau Uhurchi utMa-ai. Oaa Wetirestary, the Su hast., a Ton part>' asebled ti athe Proabytenian Chua-ci ini the Townsiaip ut Ma-a, iait ut tue funtdi for tiecorectiorinaît compleoan et the buihtuago. -TheoLd>'o e icCharci mas completol>' frlet. TieIteoveofethtie Toma. ship? D. G. lI-eweth, Esq., mas cahld otteL chaira. The ev. Mr. Mehavisi, et Boa- Vr'atoui, openoath le meeting miti i)aayer. After ton an d cffeathte aeeenpan ying M MUUUU.agul buviau& de Lad ipselof dress bitlates breanatie vine- -be ipst t ttess ient 5/le Artizan. ,-ery' npprkor-at te eoccasion, mere tic- l ivereti hy theic csaanu, Roy. Mn. MehTai- -The Grila (Ga.) isi, Rov. Mr. Gre>', and- Rev. Ma-. Dallas ut t &ayiw> utiat ci>', Orilia, anti Mr. Gunu et Beaveaton. An uteiated miti ihese excellent choir et Intilan singeroýaddattet éi#eslte Simplea-O- mciiote eentertainmeul anti cnjoymont lrais wai.a- r(nialit. ot the evening b>' thé e crediiab1e manner lu hh a éos pa onat hch iîmpy rendored«,sonne beanlil a- à ,t-ied ij'.thtoms, aahared ehorusos. Attea-au eve-; milê iiiualng lspent \iarthe 8 ainlerobaîrge -ut iindu>' tir 11v. e. reyi;an vnybeneolence, thO-e4r M'ýbGréy ina vry aikUU,qeu.- iniormea, mws mom satlsferatowtowards t OPENIN1G OY2LL9635!J Qususo, 28th ?eb, 1860. This diy st 3 ocelock P. M., Wris Excç :IeacythoeGà vdtùor qçnorai prooeeded i Otà te' te the: Chaà mber 't'th 'Le i.ativ Counoil, iin he Parliaient buildià s. T mombeis of t6é LegUWatve itùiciLýamee bled, is' -eea W s pl~ed to:cou isemnbly, and îua l Hiiïee boing ,proesnt-, gi Exclloey aspleased te open the 3ri se"ion of theelxth Parlia nîo lPr <rmthe.Throný, i "Uonorable gentleme uOf the ILegisiativeCuunc-ii Gentlomen o the Ldeà iolaîlve as8ebly, L bave muet joint"" :ieeoutlait session,- inviting ttu ýQùeen te visit Canada, Lad been laid at ht ott fthe Thrune, and that lier Majeuîyl 1moet gracions answery will .forihwith bi piaeed i î yoîr bald&. 1You wil Seo witl îjaciÊtiounti e May hope for eho Lonoi of roceiving Ëià s Royal Higimthe P'rince ut Wale, suvh a ma*nwr.aswili provo tihe hearty loyatlty ut ail, rauke amongstl n. Negoiateushave been carried on by îLp eoatMaster (tlerafur prucuriag the transia'saien through Canada, of a large portion eft h6 correispendenco boîween Eu. rope à nd .ineriea. herr-suit ot theze nogociatiens bas been sueh as te show, that the. advantages etf tho route by the, St. Lawrence are fully appreciateti. Aitith samne tne, care liai been. taliotot repre- sent proporlyte lier Majetitye (Jovornment the position and claims ot Canada, with r. ferencetuethe Postal. subsidies granted te Ocean steamers. The commissioners ap. pointed to report ou the boutidary lino between Upper andi Lower Canada, have completeti their labourd' 50 M te eu- able yeu toecouac to a saittlement et thiî Ion 1 pouding question. Tho Governumeist have received su4gestionts front many sources, ivith retorence te the mensure in- troduceti lest session for tlhe consideration ot the Muniicipal law of Lower Canadaand a bill wil le suhmitted to yen, wbich May enaible yen ho effeci tuis inliportant objeet. I congratulat. yeu ou the issue of the Consolidated Statues et Canada, and of Upper Canada. 1 trust, soon te sec the sane work cempleted for Lower Canada, and whon tue jes done, w. may hope that t will be followed by tLe assimilation of ithe laws in force, in houh section»o eti Province. 'I desir. te cail your attention te the ex. pediency of cousidering the law et debtor and creditor in commercial mattera, te it exista bhin Upper and Lower Canadawith, a furîher legielatien on this difficult subject; and 1 tbink too, ltiai the presieut systcm ef curroncy andi banking, deserves yeur early aud serions coneideration. A mensure will be laid beoe you for the purPose et facilitating the administra. tien'or the Cruwn lands, Gentlemen ofthe Legislative Aseembly, -If I may net congratulate yeu on haaviaag completoly surmeunteti oua- flnancial diUR. culties, 1I&bink yen wil Sud that the income and expenditure oi ez. past year Lave been sucli as te, cause ne fear for the fait- Ure, papers will be laid before yen Liaving refereiaco te tho consolidation o"te publie debt andi the auccesaful exertion mnate by the Minister of Finance during the, recess, with a vicw ai accuring liis uaî,urtauî ob- jeci. You will sc that the diapressien un- der which we have labored Lam net dimin- important characte-, yot reuu Vochodoalt with by immediate legisîntion. I now louve you tu tLe discliarge of yeur tegislature duties. Trhe los& of the IIuaagarian. Ver>' hutte tua-uer pnî-ticniai-s have racd- et ns a-spectiiugtiec bsoas.ethtie ihi-tateti Ilungarian. Thea-. is information, mîici arnounts almoat te n ceratl that aeiîbea- Mn. Mea-aitt, Ma-. MeKeliar, uer Mn. Damson mure ou boar-d. The following tahug-ans have heen receivedu - St. Calicnines, FoLb. 27. Hon. W. Il. Mon-it, M. P. P., mas net a paseonZer per HIungariana. REis se a- ceiveti n lelîatet-ta>' atet i Ljien, 1bih, ira mhich Le says, Le mas paevonîti b>'bus- neas fa-oui coming b>' ber. Toronito, FoL. 27. Lutters received per tlae Ena-epa, ty> fa-ents et Ma-. Meellar, M. P. P., stat, Laa he tii net suil b> tise Hungarian as was supposet. Monta-cal, Feb. 27. Tire tolieming message bas been reeiveti b>' Ma-. AUhau ta-om ]arindten "Ara-ied at 9 a. m.-One beat, complete, miii ear-a ashedt t tiarts, fouet -botteai up at'Port Lateur. Sevea-l pieces et honts mer. ýpioketiup off Cape Sable. Guets s4rewed,à longIbe'beach fromuasuket Is- land aoued Cape Sable as taarcast as Rag- geti Islandi- "'No mure budlos yel fouet. Wil pro. ceet tor ihe na-ce t Is a. ai. 71 A. CIiAXYFORD. 'Whitby, Monday Eveuhig, Feb.121î ;M th ie iaombners presoul. PITITION. The Mayor presented L e petition ot Win. Wjalker andi others' - compiaining ut a pit opened ýoiü? entre 1&reet4 opposite èf' andi paaying l.immediate %action et'tthe Couneil there on., YItUl AND WTIJ. Dr. Gunît brenglat up the report efthte eoamuittee iM tollowos: TIrait te comittee have liad under con. sideration the varieus matteas connecteti with tIi eatahlitshrneîît ofaù: ire andi wator organizatien, anti woulti reoemmetas Man important stop toêw r sthe accouiplislianout ofthlant objeet, -the ernctionota fa builditig iguitahie fur the sart-kecpiugofta fire-eagîe andi ouher necossary fire appurauas; and also fur tLe purpuse of a 1iremitt's Hall, said building tu b.e recetoti upon a'pieceofe lanid lu bc leme4d or pai-chaisd utirsucii purpose, andi siteaittetioseiwhere hetwcen Dunlep anti Mary Streets ut lByron Street Yeur cema.ittee recernrencl Unit assouw as; snob building shallbticompleti a ire engrine ho preeured Iren orneumoiakor et aoknowledged colobaity, anti air officut fire eernpainy bcoerganized ; andti Unt sncb memberts et saiti cornpany ho prcsentcd wiîii a cviii, hat anti boit te ho useti wlien on duty. Your comniittee are et epintion uat ho- fore amjy anjy appropriation le ruade froin the tuntis of the Corporation for tLe hpur- chuie et a fire engine, these paa-ties who are situatdinliathoeamore denscly îaopulatcd parts et the Town, and who are co)nsequcaîtly te a greater extont intercsued lu the lireve'n- tien et accidente by rire, contrilaute tp li- vate sub9criptien, ai least eue tiitofutex penses et saiti fia-e englue; nas your cemnmit- tee ýthink it would be uxifair te caîl UPeai tLe tarmers in the eutskirtsofethe Corpora- tien te contribnte their fu quota et taxi wben they cenîti net but a ornail extetat, parlicipate in tLe benefite ot a fire-engine. The commitîec furîher recemmeuti that every bolder Le requiredti t procure anti keep radty for use a laddez ef sufficieut lcngîh' te admit et easy access te the rouf. The adoption efthe report was al- lowed to Jay ov r vatl next mceing. TOWN F11L'IIRTY. Mr. Draper brought up the report of this cemmutîce, which was udoptet inl commit- tee elthîe whole withont aa*cndmenî,1anti resolutions pussed for paymenî of varieus pmall sumos amounîing ln the wholo te $27 Tino Mayor infea-medthei Council tint a mrit b[ t heen servet upon bim ni îLe suit oft;'H. Iiggins v8 îhe Corporation, *te recoyer $500, boing anonni et jutigment recovea-oti bLina against tLe Dia-octors ot 3îte Port Wbuîby anti Lake Hua-en Railma>' Company', ant inlu mci Cornpauy thes de- tendantesa-e stokielders. Aise tint tic girl orderedt te e romovet rra tLheuase et Ma-s. Butta-y, tant been placet ina the charge ut Ma-s. Weblxu-, atid tint hira-nceount for ime weekçs board, Lc., arnounting te $8, was neessa-y t b e or- doe-tite Le paid ly resolntiora ethte Ceun. cil. That tLe Chiot Constable bat ixcli- 7deti extra lime anti disburset i e money in the mattea-, anti trustedth ie Council weuiti take tLesanme mb ocenaitieratien anti allow hlmm wni îLe>' teret i'easona:bic. Aise tint Le liadrd üeivet a cuaaarnu,icaîiun ta-cm tIhea-oonto uîospiuaî, suaîing that the girl coulti Le receive ot halotin tstitution at a charge ef la 3d per ta>', utîtl a nfa-oc vacane>' moult eccua-, pa-ovitiedth Ie Conu'- cil Lecame reaponaible for lie arnount. Also staiing tint Le Lad diaecti tic Chiet Constable te notity parties tl e aurov the suew upposîto their resitences, anti that tic orter marsgenernhl>' compiet witl b>' theraepaer ;but hoe was sorry to add te lhe eau etf ticCouncil. Mis Worslîip aise dia-ctedthtie atten- tion o et litCouncil te îLhe necessity ofet eslablishlngr a Luck-up untea tise statute. PatINTLXG. Ma-. Lynde baougit up lie reporI t liais commilîce, miieh mas ariteleinlucommit- tee of the whole, recommrnding Ihut Ton- tiers bu ativea-tiseti for, anti a-qucsting iu-f sîructiens ta-em tic Council ou the mmoe- ral et Thomas Wallace.t STATEMENT 0 Or WN'om<TUISÂSUREIt. heTomai haeusurea- submitt a sutate-9 mnaishewing the arnenutoet nucoleciet Total ameunt et taxes ou roll, $7,765 82 Fait Treasua-er............. 7Y180 88 eUncollecueti ........... Accountot ton as toilons3: Uncolluctet frein Ilesidenit8, gen- caairate .............. Special raie............... Ara-cars et Non-a-caltent, genea- ailrate ......... $365 t62 Special rate......... 69 38 $584 94 $83 76 8 88 $92 64 $436 00 Deducliens b>' enter et Ceuncl $50 22 Lest en Doge ................G00 Incum hax...............1 88 $584 94 The T reasua-er -.,xeqiastatiinstructions truai the Council ýon tËc foregoing state- ment. - Ou miniof Ma-. Penny, secdaidet b>' Mn. LYit, tic ca-ri Yas iusta-uctud ru iaavQ municipal I ', l * nîh ' id Deputy lleeves ni.ay be,'aioctèd by îa djM«»-pteof raý#ayeîd,,tuesaineo i4J4qtôweaad' citiipi.,Tbé:moîidetaled th.eiieoMekity f9r Le lt.rtitraiome eeh,'showing' tii.Pâit eéslyfor tho (fpunty (cpulièi1 having, 1 *policy togpuraue iii 'regard -<o locial las. preveèments &c., Captain Réo We no parouIar objection te the motion if, 'the' movpr wouhd point ont how hie amênduients would work, -par iulryin tewxaships divided 'inte ýwà idir --Mr- Draper ropiieti that ' wirold hav.e a nemiatjo dy, .n>wiich i o everal e au'- didates- for"thaR.éetip woaIld -b. aôml. nateti ititb o4 uaaethe atia ber e ofu ncillere ho -7, whoa-, the -tow». ship waulnitlet te et a Depuly Ileeve, atiti six, where a ileove uiy ;wuuùd-be elec. tell. Mr. Ferry spoko il tavr et îLe hinq antdin doitag sgo mirixalutlat the varjo»oe chngesi in. ur wle muunicipal ,systeni Werc stops in ativauce. 'riant urne Wims, Couîly Coutoils vti nleee hoi Vr. tiens, atatýitlao Govqrnor in Council ap. po>uteitn eor tÃ"iupoopl0; antihLe w"t net quite certain -brat uiant tseir cuuniy. 'ren. ena-ors wore ahso appointed ini the saine lianner, but et thus Lo was r.oul Bo sunf. Tint then, Mayois couit, tiot bîçkctbytae public, but 'were a"soappoitatet for théme.ý Now the:changes wlîiclîwere tfront lime' tournme sought tubho nade, more evcry day bringing oua- municipal systena down te tholi ratopayers themoelves, tu thoso 'Who put- their bande lu their pookete, anti paid the piper. ht would givo gi-enter digity' te. the office, antheacmanelocteti by the voico ut the whîoio p(pol,- would bo looketi up te wiîh more respoot and cotîfidoaco thain the man ceocteti by thaaeutouttofthofive as was at presctat the case. Thé tact oftso mueh trickery, anti ho muit suy bribea-yi ini clecting the bonds utf Corporins waas nolorieus. -Ulie ned -jul travol out ot their ewn Cuaîy (Onatariio), tfa- insîatica tu shaew the mataca-rin which thie heatis ef Muîaicipaiities weî-o olecteti. If they looketi lu the Townships utfIteacli anti liby- tîtore -ateaice round thae Town hall, or Le- cause a caatidndt.e happeuitidte ho surety fa- ail eflicofet iccenuacil, or because et some other more irnuiciate local malter ot trivial importance te, tho County, gev. ernethe éL lection oethe conncillers,and ithe Leati et the municipalilies. A Lra catiua- t>' pelicy neyer entereti mb îthe question. Litfre cembinaulons were enteret into te put that man lu, or te keep tLe etiier mn eut, merely te gratif>'Borne petty spleen, anti without any reference te the fitness et the candidate. hise was th- great reason why grenier energy anti ability was net diigplayti at oua- county coeaiis. Ma-. Fer. a- >refe-aed teitas a notable tact, Low la the coiporations et Oshawa anti Whitby, te, go ne tarihor, tLe presnut systcm woed. Hie reter-edtu t Oshawa ln '58 ivhciailteeok1 tive tinys lIo leci uder Iteeve ; andtiute the hoads et the corporation if Wbitby the hast six yea-s, dua-ing enly two ot wbich it couiti Le saiti that the persens sent te thée Ceuuty Council ivore the choiee ofthe ratepayers. Aftca-flurtîrer tieneuaacing the pa-actices tinter tLe préesent syatoi, M5. r ['en-y ceucludoti by expa-essing Lirneeit lieantiiy iu taver et a change. The motion was -then agreedto. Ma-. Draper moved n strnîiar memorial te the Legisiaturo praying for tue passiaîg ofta jrehibito-y liqrioa--Law. BouL Ma-. Dapera anti Dr. Guiaur mute ver>'tala- tom- perance -speeches. Mur. Dap1er hlievea-, aa-guing, lu icarua-, tIsat as at am riow. stooti nu iqaor maa aillomedtle Le suit mwillîlutht-e miles ot un>' publie mua-k; Whoa-eas the Iuw is&, blniat 1ie nomtaveru shall Le erectetmille the merks are lu prega-css. Captain Rowe obiaincti bave te iuîz-e- duce n by-lam te ament b>' ham 62. The bill ment thao-ng Comiuutc anti passet. ILu rejaas the 4th anati 2ti euh, sectionà et îiac: Id hy-lnwg as le the uiosiaag ai 11, o'. dlock at nigit, or aelling liquors to, persea-s lutexicateti or under agVe-ihe comimun lam airent>' pruviting for sncb casesi. It aise amonts clause No. 10 b>' makinoe the amount te bue pait fer licence as r oi, Iowa; Iutise North Ward, MNoriL et Ma- ry St. West of Kent St. anut East. et Gar- don sta-et : lu tLe couler Warti, West et Conter sta-cot East ot site-line oteieen lots 24 anti 25, Southa ot Fr-ont Street : Iu tise Senti Ward, lhc whule oft Uic Ward $40o incl uting the Iriallanti Praoviucial tu- tics anti al otiac- r ouses $50. Tie by-lnm aise pa-eibits lic sale oft h- quers off the promises licenseti miîbout permission et tic Coulacil, tie latter being an me atment et Dr. Gun.t Tire billa-cpealing tise L35,O00 b'-iarm was finuhi>' passet. iRESOLUTIONS. Ou motioea etCaptain fRowe, tic Clenî4 mas inairneteti te obtain 50 copies ut 22- Vie. Cnp. 5, andt iat n cop>' Le given te oaci pea-sua obtainim..g a icense. Ou motion otf bn. Gunu, a rosohution te pa>' $8 for board efthîe siek murnau romov;I e t fr ein B ui r >s. ,t On motion et Mn-. Laing, u tal hie Wor- ship tre 'Mayor- emplo>' competîeut coa- soel te detcud the suit breuight bp W. H. B ui.adjourduntil Sait., March 1 0. The Fia-. Brigade. Dr. Gnnu's report lsA a geut eue, ýfor tIlé, Tomeif me can only succeed imlraisieg the eoe thldeftieo'qt of the Èire e nitey subsnpen edîe i'.iiro thtiasofle Toma Council.- cation for the Xollowing synopsis" u't tii' business trgoted'<, -at là odge for Western Canada wu:aepoad' Je- ilo territ 0 8 k ihh r eo ,County Qf Lin. p o In, o fTe d a , ,th 2 at et. b ina qf y, 1860. Tbe Most Wq1reipu1 l o raÀd7 Maser,~h-I~n.Joua Kllyaîr( ; Cneron,] q, .,Thomnas Keys,. Bne ,'Depaîy Grani # aster, th e Claituti Setary -oft'thé, Mgost Worehipfnl the Graind 'LptgG df-Irt i s h A i e r i a , w e r p r s . a t > a a 4 - . t r c e d e d j Tho warrant autlîeriuing the eOpeUnge(îtifi, Lotge having be et i tan bpj# en, 100 ani200 bretlareai pr-s.ent, front tho several parts oftheicWestertsi'i-ovirce, îLe folluw- iîag gentlemieun uo-clettdpiico bearors, v is. - -- T. H. Buckley, Esaj, Cotant>' Master of ter. -D'Arc,' BouIteu tit .,S Co unty !Maste r ut NrihiSimco, DputsaîyGanti Maister. ' Win. A Mcul loîîgh, Esq, Ceuni' Mas- ter ot Sentî t Gaturlo, Associai. Demuty Grand Master., Bey. Win. Guni>, ofthe Mothetit New connection, grand Chapiain. ,John B. EiIiot, Esq,. Cony Secretary' o aast4 t i hdeaex, Grant Sere'tary. , - Cajai. J. H. B3esse>' District Blster cf Niagara, OGrand ha-ensuaer. Wm. DeCcw, Esq., District Master et Cayuga, Rainhase anti Walpole, Grand Di- recter of Ceremeaijesî. Aitda-cw Fleming, Esq., Worsiiiptfuh Mas- ter 387, G-rad Locture-. EL! I. Suliyn, Es,,Wea-sliiptui Muster 360, Dopul>' (laanti Scra-oay. Wr. Sîaili, lyEsq, Grant Tyler. Imaneiiaîeiy after tLe ehection anti in- stallation ut the Grant Oflicers, a resoîn- tien wns passot, dia-ecting liant eaei Muiter anti District Easter shoulti imrnodiate!y briîag hetore uheir respective Lotiges the new Constitution cf tuai Ortier, Leaa-ing nu on the erection et icuhià l Grandi Lotiges; eaci Loie te, express ils opinion upon tii ane, anti fora-wrt i hte their. Coun ty Mes- tea--wbica tiaew forth an able anti lenguth. enact debate, ita which Bros. h. H. Buck- hey, Wmn. DeCew, E. 1B. Sullivan, F)ÀA-rey Boulten, H. -P. Gowan ati thers teek part. It wuas resoivedti hat the next Animai Session ut luis Provincial Grand Lodgce shoniti Le J Leit in the Town ut Barrie, Counîy et Simcoo, en uhird Tuestay in Februa-y, 1861. A Committe. te draft By-Laws for the local geverurnaitfuthe Division was ap- pointefl, as tollows :-Honl. j. H. Came- a-on, O. LR. Jewau, M. P. - P., G. L. Allen T. H1. IuckheyYF. H. Metcaît, IH. Gowan, D'.Arcty Bouhton, A. Flemng John Cen-, N. C. Gomnai, A.. Jacqes, JFiequires, anti he Staternent inainti usonie oethîe t'rOviUciaî papeis relative te MDr. McGee's risit te Badftorti on a a-ceont occasi »n, was considered. A.&ttea-laving a fuît suit - lengtheacd aateriacut o et acics cenaxec. tedt (lea-witb, a rosolution mas unaaamousiy ac passeti, exonra-ating the BretLa-en et SiÃn. Tic popularit>' of T. IL Bnckiey, Esq., Gr-anud 3nste-, wuoseh as tocal frt trequcnaîtnîplause fa-om tic repros5eativcs ofthe Order in Ga-anti Lotigo assembleti; anti a reoeliou masnanimeus>'passeti amit tmucli goot felliaag,oet mInci tLe toliomiug ls a eop> "lThattic eauthanks ut tuls- Riiat Wuraiiful Granad Lotige na-e just>' due ,ni are LerçbL> teutereti te Bro. T. H.' Buck- le>', Esq., ou- etteemet R. W. Grand Mas. ton, for the- ver>' sbie and d ignifieti munne- in mhlch Le bas pa-edited ti i 'ss esîsion. niand nt ail tumes pearuireti bis tut>' as an Or- nfgema. he Gand Master rose, ant in u oe queut anti apprepriare speech thankotd the. ba-otiiers tea-tihe h9oer, assuring 'tiseint-bat ho moniti Le,, lu he future, aë Le aimaya bat -been1 read nd>'natiliiir, te proamete the boît ica-esta of 'onar houereti Orter. Resolutions cenveyi-gthe thanks oethe breLa-cii 'ere aIse passet te o t WYoash ip. tel Grand Master; Hon. J.. , tama-n, for is kinduess ln bein- preacut - te essisi an tLe ora-,anization efthtie Provincial Grand Lotig-e-io the Rev. Ma-. Reberta, lfor tise excellent discourar tl vere& l e ie -cha-n lu St. Geor-ge's Cina-ci the tirst day et thc session-to the ClaurcL martiens of St. Geenge's CLua-ch, for tic graîtaitous use ot tic Churci, &c.i'for tLe eondncting et tahe public religeous services in connection mith' lia session efthtie Grant Lodge-andt t the St. Catherinies La-oulîreifr-ton hie admi- rable arangemnt& tac> matie for tiecn- commetiation 'et the Grand Lotige anti viati- The pa-oceedings et the oLetige mre ceutuctodti mthe utinositiegro. -ot zeal, broeur>' ioveanti businesà s intelligence; anti betoro dlosiaug, liree - huart>' Orangoe cees more givea for tho Queen, iiréé andi eue cicer more for M- Bckley, Pro- vincial Grand Maste,: aise tiree fer îhe broîa-enet S. Caierimes. TieGrant 'Lutigo -was tien d 'ul>' eoseti. We are' lu- aiette a ý,St. - CntherîSine ô- uneuppra :for the aboie narative, et tic businesa - et ,te sesssion.- .lree ProeJ. - -Ma-,, Franrklin Du~la-cidng. ar Char. place, bas been expeletidta-oui usisewau s a a-anti jurysen, fe having expressed sen-' lanreut uuplin te §We~ ery. le, gm of et uetheusant dollars tua- us appeau. urîco ah ttre n e xtî si tin g of , h e , S u p er io r Cort ,,tus? é,ls n M ýIî4Q t comae ily$10 $14 to. Beet sa '5 Ã5. Sheep $8 Q $4 50, Potlooel, 2,1ç' Q ;( M -Butter 1M, Q20c. Fige PdO Qi9doz. Fowls 25e; s ue, V pair. AÉplçi,;0oQ$1 00 ~bushel, Sit $12 i barrel. Coi'd W-0 4 9$', 9Y -,22 e rd NEW, ADYERMTISEMENT Si FIIILANL F. 0 NGDN Y.29, Lomb5ard &treet, London. IWO MILLIOINS S0TRING,> IRE -DE PARTME N-Tq Titis C'mpany ifusr, uildings and ali o tlsér d es§cri ption uof ' -p o t-y ýa' t i Lm s.op D asa ga un' the, on e m uaI LiSral Ter mie. e1jui oas prornpty settledJ, witisontd- druto ic '0tad mitiiont refereuace ~ Englant. Thé large Capital tant juittiozas nanagemnena of tis Coanpaay lasueas thasmint pea-aect satety, LIFE DEPARTMEFNT, witi iiiidùittted .'cua-ity, uind ever> benefil ena- braicod mta ite siaî of Lite Assunaaacoallbrded tîy tins Roy>al. ]teciits for New JYlcies alone lu six menteà ort the i'aat year. £200, 00 STRIN-G! Iracoaie fruin aIl awua-ce in 1858 ExhiitMnUaa ieracm eiii oCiao .ar ailone i£259348, Tlwfire(ini a u haut e(xceti, £700,000, £80O00-.! .Agaîat for- Tuwa, er WhitLy, Wlaiuby, Feb. M5, 1890, 1 50 Acres ecnret Lent, being paùrI NÃ",. -"'27, in 2uxati ncessioa e WiLYý AppI>' ieaseniy te 97 R. E, PERRIY, -W£4'1tby- CO UNTY o r ONT ÂAIÃ"a, N tu a d y-l e 110 Vlt r. - ' Second day .l .JUnO, A. D. 1860, ah, Twelve -o'cbock,- Duon, mill' Le colt b>' Publie Auction, at ruDY COfice; lu the. court flouse, lu1h. TbweN of Whitby, tlhe nigit, tille, amnd inhiea-esi %mhich tiche raaîamddftdnse- ral ly psiessi iiîLe untierkminiooed ladu anti tenemntits thon-con, aeized by men- der, nîtb>'via-tue ut cea-laie Ws - e i facias te tue tirectot, viz: hi the Court7et Quens Bcc. l'Tic City Banki, Plaitiifs vsL ohe Hicks;, tint Jaumes Goot, Deents. Lut No. 9. lu 1h. ,4th concess Ion o f vire Trownship et Reach, centaininig:by- aduâea- su-renet 200 acres. - Inl u Court eof(lonmoýîPleas. ,Ensen Watson, plnmntiffis. WillaîùShà w-ý tefentant. Ail anti singular tiese-eertaiaaparcel or tractasetfhladanti promises. situai., 1yi* anti being, luthe. Township eof-Whitby, ifi -tic Conu>'ot Ontarioubeing composet etf thai part'ut LoI number twonty-six, in'tii. secon{tcencess.if the lait' Township of- Whitby, known anti tiecrihetionîspa11ý thereof, mate hy JohitnSh.a-, P-vinemi Lanti Sirveoer; an village lots -au'mbora. flue, six anti fqrty-one,-East of Brock sua-cet ona sait., plan. Alse.--aUa-rigiu, iile.apina-, Lots nunabora tmoay-njne sud thirty,;'(29 - aà nd 30) Ip timoseconadt ie- iît tise fftb dou- Sble a-ange of vilü lgé'ote Wéùse ôb't ýoek strîèela:beingepait et LoitalUîùbér twe1ty4 seven, in the fa-at concession of thée Towu. sLip ofWhlbyafraai&L v --'"lahae ÙoUaity ÙUiV ' -loslah Penmeroy, Plaitji, vs. 'Willia Todd-and Tiiotnî!odîé-'ij êgs.t LueINe:-17 -in 'lbe Sud -îouam ti*f - S 1 a o -i ff S O f f i o , k , Wbîb,leb. 25 18605 À6 tvai -A d@nt r& dîao ftroi tehooi rates * do. Woe de J. Hop do P. M da' J. IL I do C.- rI)M do C. Lyni do B. P. v de Sanda-k 'Amoant et a Fob. 180... de Amount-ce on. acceunt CG Roll for 18Mi -~ i f I - .,!ji~ j: 1