Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1860, p. 4

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IHE ubscibeu"-'requesto public atten ~,MIP on -hp ewStock .:,ofauiperior Tlhey inclulde thîefllowing unew ME , XN« 0 F 8 TVE2 - 7RE PRiNCE> ALBERT, DAVY CROOKET, PRBOTMCTJO7NiL?,,Te GRAND TURK, i f 1. 4-c., M ION .ZD UK.-B a ,ai'c~'" JON BIIYAN. 62.'4 Brpçk iStreot, Wlitby. ÃŽMPORTELIS 0F OUpfe' and Fanoy Dry Goods GZNERAL STOCK 0F Gr corles, Croc1ory, China, Earthen CoBurelroek/isi14 'ol urue, St-acti, W hitl,y lf~lIf~ Susottb irae ln recea1ît orFreslis ar- U rivais cs hue abovu (Gods dretel thlie Xaanilft i -la o is, i. ni ai-suic is Jtw as any Itobo li theu t-uidulW'st cf Muaitrerm. QON SA LE, A: li-go and î'srhctlStock of J)ry (loodai Ilept #oniuuntly on lumcîd. Ji. Il. SCII(FIELI) Co. ON SALE,9 -_e oonploe e f ll u'mi! iundai oft (ro<'ei, uid IL. Il. SIIFIEL1) & C'o. se Ilan-oha of 014 Ilectihied IViiklcc' from L. Il. SCllOlFELD Co. Lu. l. S('IOFIELI) & Co. [S T R E V?, TJ 64 Choute Fresh Teas from 2s. -3M. to 3s. 9d. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobacco from le. to 2s. 6d. per lb. 4 Baloiz American Grey Cotton 40 Boxes Soap. 10, Boxes Canadles.' 36 Çaokoof tiquer. 200' arrels of Salt. 10 .Barrelsof Herring. là. Il. SCIJOFIEL» & Co. TI. nbatiershave sasolrcd o01,omumlg f0 g 10 r80, to adhmore fo the A 5-s'I SYSTzEM, lVîmigll wlill enauble tilei f0 aiseU antaclu cheapoer, TO. LETi-vge. it PI"IVÙeoufofaliedwçlliig Ilouse iu fli J.b cruuc cflm own,ttuiri-*ntlow. Applytoe lo, il. SCIIOFIELIJ- Iciase ~ ~ ~ t' hjs r udbe o e ulbsri- ci Ila ~y~ma~ cr Jook aeoeulît, wlli 0 F Il-Sm. t! or pa t~ttk The CIRCULATIONÃŽ of the CHRONICLE 18 mrniAE R Than that of -aîy other local l'aper in the Province, and FAR EXOIEEDÙnS Tfhe circulation of all the other patpers in the County of Ontario united. WEEKLY IIRONLCLE ONLY SEMI-W-EEKL-Y $'2.50 P>ER ANNU3I. Advertise iM. gIýqejooYs }49'4z;qe AND BRITISII 1RE VIE WS. ing leadiuig BritishIle 'riodicals, vi:- 1. rit LONDUON Qi3AitTIILT (Conservative.) 2. rME zDIîxsUiîrn aRvviviv W(Whiig.) 8. i TIra NOIIT 9TI IS uctFW (Fi-cc Church.) 4. rMIE WEtSTMI NSrTERît JIEVIR(Libenal.) 5,. 81t.A4CKWOO!) 9 EDINBUijtOI MAGAZIXE (Tory.) Tîcese pcrndicala ably represent tîhe tliroc gi-dat plitical parties etfOreatBlin. 1 ain -%Vhig, Tory, and Radical-but poli. ticsi fcmnuîs oaîîy cite feataîre of tlîircbsract- ci-. As '(>rgsims of the nicst profourîd writens on Science, JLiterature, Morality, and Iteligion, tIc>' stand, as tîey ever hiFvo itood, umrivalied in tlue world of let- tcnq, being considcned indispenîsable to lte acolnr andth te prof essional ian, while f0 te intelligent render Qf every chisai tley fcxnisb a more correct andi satigfactory re. cord ot the current literature of the day, thrcig'tint tIceuorld, f han cen b. possibly obtained froî auy otiier s;ource.! EARLY COPIES. Tîte recéipt cf AnvAucy suas? froni fli Britishl publisbers gives additional valucto thie RepintR, caimasîueuc as thme> caau now ho placed in the liandai of subscnibers about as soon as the original edi ticaus. TERIIIS. ]Per anu. For any one of the lotr Revicws .. .$3 00 Fon acîy tîî'o of flicfour llcviews ... 5 O0 lFor auy tIti-e of the lotir Jleviews ... 7 00 For sl four of tluc Revie vi,......... 8 O0 For Illackwood's Magazine .........oo0 For l3laclwcod and onie lRview. .. . 5 00 For lkckwood and two Revicws ... 7 00 For ]llackwood sud threc e tews... .9 00 For Black wood arîd ite four ltevieivs. 10 00a Jfoney current in thce State ir7tere i8stied xdi be u'eeired at par. A discoutit cf twenty-fuvc pev cent. fi-cm duje ibave pices will ac sllowed te CLuUPS orderang lotir onrmore copier, of aumy one or mor i-ch Oe above woi-ks. Tîmus: Fouir copies of9t)aekwood, or ci one lleview, with be sent tâ one addi'ess fcor $9; fouir copies cf the four Réviews and Illackwoocl for $30 ; anal seoui. POSTAGE. Canadian mail subscribers will be sup. plied fnee of U. S. Postage. .Remittance fer any cf the above publicr, tionis should always be addresned, pomt- Pald, te hIe publishers, LEONAItD SCOTT & CO. 46w No. 54, Gold Street, New York 'f he Peterboro' Examiner, THURSDAY MORNINO, Twe DOLLAIIS vk NL. HF fiE XAMINER lias the largest circulafica cf ane paper publiaihed in.Peterbôro', su îiceretcre hf bu ast sveî-titlug mcdimi ie ht Caînitcd Cotunties . 1)n. .J11myuui'.a'atii slm ilt ta lie brie iii imid timmt ie lims iuremtiy rediiemîcithe lai-les wii hertocfore wer-e 1ljim iiiidrd. lic %voiild r1lao fut'iî'tei- aiate tlimt he luaisaemilccnstaitiy 1nJa111g the aciaoî'e ccîiiuomi nitleri-iîi r1maievérmul mao) tîs pumat, daiiiigrwliaiclme lie iahis puît up mi gi-ît amitiher of' cases, amdinlai ml iliitaicea iclIme t of satclacliuîî lias beei ncitcatcd iy lime tGold, Silver mmd FhPltia nPlatesa 'mt up iunftie Lateait Styles, Chiea'perItitan lusueil, aucd Il"orante(l. Ail tlic-iixilperi-mscoinI iml'cet!m'oa' Gaia, alciif'nli.c pcf'uaaaîîi. E" ecti exlrîmcti'di s'mtîcaî pami > mciii OlCletriCiti'. i>artiCac lai- .tiitilion giîcm tii tue ricguIiaciai 'cf' Chlii jrea'let wti. coi2sultation Fi-ce. AU i rodIr3 Jarî'aîteil Ja (cnil ad exacminimegpeilluamiait offhiai woi-l oecîorejtit liig yomcteutji îiiauctd eltieîvilerL>. QJ/uîCe in CÂLDWIIL'@ IioCIL, ôtDsr J4ifeài t Poic'dIVs Oloi'e, ?rocl Stred., iititae. làat 1,18. ly-sw w Protection againait Long and Damage by pire. ~WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, CAPITAL £1()0,000 INIuURANCE effeMtd on Buildings and t'hier contenta. eirry Iforniation snpplied on ppitonto.the undet#igued.. JOHN AGNEW, Ti-aeil~g Jia'rTrGByî1 siremi, Whitbi ARRANGIEEWTg PFG T'fliT,1m ,fusrtber ltc, ii ib.e oua'd and ,î4due fordeliyery ut t iIcl1e-feLi* 1 cludng li rnce nQuthe. Wéoa<ct iugsýtoll, at IJeefas dcsivery a.m.i. anal 7 r. i. Letters for Montreail, ansu ptae At of King- îton -are onlydeaipatehed bt)ue cigli."tlgo inp â P giirWest, ineltidilng Ilnhartor Pickiering, Toroit ad 11places Wesf souto, sïo the G. Jý.B.ArieligPs going 'West,!elosos nt 7 a. iii., and nt 6 p. nm. Due for dslivery liere et 10 a.m., anal et? 7i. The Mpilokwtr JI"corinir andi1îi1sroi'r oWiopy lthe moruing train gfig est N osih Masils leatve daily 'after thae arric'tal e lime train fromu Tosonto, for llrooklin, wcanebs ter, Port Perry, Reaeh, Ltîdssiv, Mlanihnisiea. veston, Fort Iloove; Àshbbnu, Ept4oin. Utien and ilxbriigei- also for ùIltheecorrofiponding of. tc". Mails are slso nmade upant "aftnie for Andi- lo y Bron ,ia n B iaiv, -ceto& aîd i- sale goiy n Nou Tu(eui, nd ad aind S4atusdacy fr lona, Clàreainon and Stouif- M1ais are (lue for delivery frou tliofe offices st about 5 80 p. ni. ENGLISIL MAILS.-Froin thluin of Apil. 1859, ail lettes-for Great Jiritain muet Se pre' paîd, by postage itaiup.,4 1 1Letteri inteaided for Europe .alîinlilhoc oit- ai before 7. o'cloec A. M. on Monalîcyp. REGISTBATIOlN OF 1,ETlS.Ti ehiarg for legi;tration, in addition to the podt- aïeO, aI as0folilowi, ci bi eter î'iz:- r2o anly place in Brîtîsua Notfh À nerica, lit To any place in tfle United $tates, <postage muthebcpropiid alico )Md To any place in Gretli-itain and lrelnnd(pogt- age iuait bc prepitid aliso>) 7Jd To auy pince !l the Britiaiui Co)ltanie tir Posses- sionst,sentesia En iaiîd, <postag!elmuait hopra.- Toanylacoiî france, orot lier Ff reigi eo1ili- triesi, Via Englandt an amoîmul eqalgtue ficpo%î. ogo rate. rA RCELStir to a li4. weijtlit ccli ho sent l'y posit under rrnlîations its4s: la !per lb. b he prepaici by postacge satr n d nîs>' be registter cd liv pnymemifof Bdacld itioicl. Na naaiîs areccsp4jatied or rec'ived coi Sun un aiP Ilok*an sd piutcd mintrfr ic th nife Stattes, thelatindsisdîcîcai 'btif ge einse lieprepamdl hv T>lýa<aati4Pstaaînpai, uid ti 4aeinatter lf,-on tfie Uîiîed Statuai4, the C81.401:01caal"41atîige 'iili e t0 cotteet on dolivc'rv. Ail tranAient 1Nc'wspliporg, ieidtgflnaifor Englaîmî, flistêIt iîrcîîîid 1) ' Ptge îatp or tlîe ccîot he 'orwisrtloud.. Nwpceri; for tlic Britia'li 'reit Indicsi, or Newto1uà cand, imt bhe lai-aj.icl b)'Puttcge stenîp, 134'd aei; cmil!frIds ttiî,Asr lia, anad olaer places hce'oud ses, 2M cccli. OFFICE IlOUItS.- Week dlayai, l'rain 7 a. in. 10 7 p. mi. Suudcys, froîn Ilto 11 ia. imn. Plostage Stîcmpai clian buclatiuîaed ut tflic Posit A. lIcPIIERSO.N, P. M." Wblthy, April, 1859. s1,3w. DENTISTRY 1 DENTISTRY! J.S.Joneâ,M.D. Surgeon Dentint,,&c 1 j ETRNSlttilsi neere thisnicai faflac icitizenai Wiatlthv and itvi-aity la*r fle very' tiherai tîtroiiiage etuuito h lin li ls îrot'esioa.- t lu iosc' lkc'i es t', eii.ilsit liai îîaînaaerolîa friendsai sidl ime puliea, tJact lie 111Ja i tcly comnplie- ted bis arrangemnents for lime peranent pruetiet' of' tuiprofessiona, iii the o 'awi fol'W TitM,~.' 'rcha ia(iatait.ct aon(iclc, 'lmcuiaiiîc; Chcofftastie Mcît, &c. Tcell til ,cîd wiebii aud with DîT)etor .lonei'snew iavecaion, flae noîa- (!orostie peci-l cetaial;.eahtii giioi, liit ilatmo$ cciatty. 'I'Teutla extractccl ïv the' îîiaîîît pncîcism w th;aa iti ii. A îPricice #il twoati'yetrm iii tlil prleaiaioIt, eîîsbl es l)r. .loiteato giiirititce , ipa itiviaim cli tliit jrfeai mailakili suit-perie'iee clini aeconipliai t tardm altcî'istiaag ltaiaamacn aiittrilag. li the ti-eiitmnit ot'al lt'ecaiiof' theu 'l'c. gunaci cand fsl'a tmcvsTi-atrii~,&û., Dr. Jones cope ritions ig iivc, iwtm)'ai l a ttemtîd witli itlie greateail stia'di'ais.4 OFlFICE t' ufic lend lioiitiit tilid, <i ci- Joe BigLtloîc s Di-> ,m o lai tStot cq. Rxmrnxwcwsi.-.l. Ilialai l'airry, E sq., Mai>or or otie neeem ony. 1tb'ousU ;aIo'-aood mnpply of liard SnT sott *etoi h Tojprnmïcesarc lîi b1y sltoatilaap"w I dtâ'retber agur- douer. or ititiier. The abbv&pio1p0rty wîll b. sold e a J»T*fin,for,'ÇOSb. Foi tub po'lçle ply (if by letter "r o '%%itbï o toC. C. Kelleu, Toronto. Wiî1tb~J'eb 9 198 SITEýS, OWN LOTS, &ô. TOR ) ALE, OE, Jmjrovedi Fari in Wlitby, 100 One hmprovedci Parn un Darlington 501 acreg.-1 One " " ariposa 50 acres. WiId Landsin iii ai:, Somerville, En- phraia, Artemeftia, Luther, Ohathani, Dover, .Il ungerford. Mill PrtV.'iege In Iffampton, Townghip of Dartington, one of the very best in the Township of Dar- 1ig >. Town ILots Tu llowuîanviiUe, Brooklin, Itampton, Port Perry' and Sarnia. Ase a few Town Lot* in the To'wn of IHITBY For sale Loir and on Long YCredit. Mfechafnics and others desirous of'build- ing can bave froîn 12 to 18 months to inake the flrst payment. Send for a Circular. Addrcçai, poqt-pt4d, 1rhitSbj. October 17, 1859. 59 Farm for Sale. 2 0ACREtS 0F SPLF.NDI D LAND. LOT 2010, i n "lth Cojiccisioli of Tlîorh ; IF) Acres eleared. This Farrit li iitiated witiiiî f<îîîr iiles or Bc-itrton, oit the itrui'el roisd to àMitra; the lsnd li of the bcst quality, andl ii iii tla- enrte îfa good ,etteîîîcut, withaSli s uio, aniaa s ýFjwîîill convenient. Aliso, Northi lialf of Lot 4, iu the 1Otlî (onces- sion of Thioralii, cnnsisitiîg of m a sea; 1,-)ut' ivilîiharec lestred, sud frontiugfth de 1Portage Road,îîear Cimeron'ai Mill. Apply to Boneairton, ltii Jiiiy, 185 26 II1t~I8'1i J44.,M. P. P. AiOx. Si~Iflt ItS yer1sq, eolaT.' IlE _q..yle lx foOF Ã"YA(; NCIS-1V.31. Ramuny* The Colonial w;ïogabimb1Met ln 1846 andIita Pr %en 't Iaîeomeo1s N <et-Ise ZAonauiu J'ounru4 8llb bedlýoitàl;-4n iIlioni sterling, consti tcd t*tofr Uilaniit. Agenelerin A ithe oOllOn1Q. wbere Preinm FISC recied sad Claimac settieci. xgeitîite l lnevery prt of the, werld. 1 Ro0rà Inmurauce Co'Mpsuyi OFFWE-,22 TORONTOEX IÂÇ . CÀPÈJTAL-TWO MILLION1SSTO. Emam xu~,185--Two hundred Thonsand P1olinds Sterling. RaoreuFwnzd4 m hand to imed"-d aim, ~ e uîo Jfundred Thousýand PoundaSterling. FEi<UÂC on Building*, Furniture and ercahdzeof'every ,description, ot 11beud on the îaîot evoruble ternie. Shlort peod ritikitaken n Merchiandizo for one or morenothi Lite lnguranceon vCYe sry tlitageo0T15termit for the sssured. witla anne bonjus and division or p, ofits every five volant JOUX AGNEW, Agent, W'itb!l. lVIitby, J lino, 1859. o EA&IiTVOIC, CON'<TICI'T. W-PAID UP CAPITAL, $200,000 p OLTVI fflgrilita'd inlinie(diitely eon applica- tioli, withiont referief to lime 11usd Office. C. LYNDE, M anager Wlith *Vb..18. The gcottipih Provincisal Aitsursmnce Companiy. Ertàbliolied A. P. 1825, aind Inenre~rtted by à .'Çpei*al Ac f Jarliaineut. CAPITAL - ;£i,000,000 lioitrt-al, 09(Trent S~t. jsîîivi; Street. Sn'murÂiTvP.-A- I1)avicbou l'rker. 1-NTENDING Assmurer#i are ret&peotfulv vs ..L qiuated to uerlse tlii.Comnpiy's i'rosapec- tfis, wherein it will bc fonnd flint sn'ery jidvati- ta uCo -rigîsient with i icnlrity, i offremi. flie rstes oail reinilumai clîrgeil ire tapi. whilc file Boîisuse deelareti will hhesrconiaperit4iiaîwittî .he 1rofluss llotied byfiaiy oftheia otlier teeding offices. i'articnltr attention li ln directeci toan qui- table regulistion adopted ly thin amhîsî, , to aterreider value of reliiititîci' olicic*ai Wnrrwr.--JohiiiAgner* , 'gent; IRobaert à. llitir;ci ALi»D.-SNiVOVD AgneW, M. 1). MOdi State Fire Jnaiunrance Company of Loep. don, Eîagand. T'ORSal, Lts os.122 sud 123, j~Kntt ice, ~'eitcf Býrnck Street, in tIhe 'rowm ot Wlhiîhv. Thea bove 1Lotsaitire muit etigibiy fsittisfecV'ir bauildintg i rlaoaicsithity arcecloscd as imdstiiuteminluthie htîa rtmof lIme TmaWll ii umd irili bu dis4laoaed cdf, ou liher.il ti-nus CW _A ecaediTeed will bc givemi, free fi-out u] J. A. MtuERV.OF.FMA o'irciiccOii', lluh' C ArIJTA L..... .15o0,00O STJL'JI.N-0. First Class Farm for Sale, BOARD )Or nmîcREcmrS:. C7iairnacu-The Iliglut Ihuai. ]i'ml Keanmo. ILS.. Shieridan, M. P. Coloniel .lunimsAcîmir. Tbme lat.WM. 1cMu. Peter a .ai-tairs, Esq. 'itlaiJon. B. llohblu. .loiaîî James Unwiua CIsrkc, Eeq- lleurs Clark, Esci. M. D. Vilititim S. loatcci, E,44. Williicm leiu-v .liciglu, Esc'1. M. A. F.M.WelIls, J:aq. Pe'ter Mcrrisai, Esc ., Mituagiatr i)irector. A cilitr.-A iibi-osc Miller~i, Escj. Sdaim Nfeaiirs. Mil1ler & Ilucrama'. îryr-Wmiiu E. Wilraams, Er-c. IJikirs.-Mc'ssi-. ltcaimuui SiCn;cay Secretarl.- Win. ('aiiwci , Eaq. c ANAD1)A B R ANCI11 11usd t aIei loiie hll, Tîrci-ct. 2T-iises.-Jlon. John Rosai, John ('rawforcî. FIa i. 1'. P. Winî. Rosis, F1ai41., Wii. Heu' C. 6rfYorkuand Peel. Jakrsr-TlhcBank of Molimirciaci. oicitr -oaCrawfaard & ('roiubie. The esigazeniitaicaf' the Stale Vire l--tirance Compiniy ai-c giiuneitctl hla srespamîîsifcle l'rco' prieluca')-v. Ai1 l.«a4ies ili ho sCettlcl pronuptly îaillor relerence toa lie Iliamrd iai Eiglmud. :$chmînim et <ithae uies c'm ig bln pur- 9tiSeulal, 'iiy lioldero4are ai-eumw gacra hee y Iflmiîia, Jan. ALEXAND)ER STEWART, ,Manager, Jiritliglc .i'rth ,lwsa'icc. JoIIN AGNEW, - ~, ~ tAgentit if, U 1FOR SALE OR TO LEP. 3 1MI>ROYE1) FAI131S lst.-100 acres soutm haif of Lot NXo. 191 .3rd concession et Wîitby, kriownàas part ci the ARNIST1UJNLGE STATEY Oiily two miles ftrheli Town o' Wiitby. 2nd.-5O acres Socuth 'Wcst quhrter Of Lot No. 28, 6Ui concosshan nof 1arlington, about eight utiles fron i owlnuarville. .id.-rl'l acres Souîth Eagt cquarter cl Lot No. 187 11f l concession of Maniposà, about 9 miles froni Lindsay. -The above nicntioîîed Lots are first;-class Farnîs, in a biglu Mate of cîîitivation, good Bu'ldingm, and jîcar important 'fownir. Will bc solci neasouable, and on favora- ble ternis. Appîy to J.i.PR . ..4gent ./'or t/he Owner. whîtby, Oet. 6, 1 8r59. 56 flouse and Lot for Sale. 1 ~IE 1.t cotais on-fairthof tin acre ot excellent Land, wliioh jmain a Jaigl, sUtSeoi cultivation. TLaêlaouneeaaiiFa1ranie b)uildiiigl8 bv, 'Ma and conif'otablv Oniphed olf. Ititatl'ai- tmîd i na' vei-y. plosîamfpart of itee V!14 0 00Ux!- bridige heflig ueeir ttue ureb, thcebooôl', tlio, , eris eCa n sd may honWn bv applyili g to m.aW kr, o o it r.14 100 ACRES. u lEWest haîf lot No. 20, cnd Conces- filon, o1 the Tlownaship of Whitby. l'le wh-ole clcarcd and under cultivatiori. Weil feuced and substautmal barn, shedsi, out- buildings, and root callas newly erocted. For teracîs &c., apply te Z. BUR1NHIAM, Wbitby. Wliitby, Feb.13, 1860. Biackçsmllîs & Waggonmkers Sliops lor Sale or te Let at Liverpool, TrWENTV MILDS EAST OF TOIZONTo (A i.Depmt amd tacionm of theu Granîd Triinik Ilil- w'IL). Ficcli Shop ;uai mc Cottage snd a'. quai-tes nof dii Ac'rcaif Land amctaeled. 'i'jelte~rc'laisesav uce been laîely ei-cced il il- in au short dismiii.ec i'f iîeKingaiton tlauai.'imcud tho litilw'amy iepol. A gmud biisiness lu n'both fi-mues can buc oce l ea)'îdy and good work- Fui- firtîmer juîiiticulera PUJIDY, Liî'crpoolr J nl y28,1857 i FOR SALIE. 0%4 acres of excellenit Land lunflicS. le. cngle t Ler 1,<a n Leim 4la liait. of 1Uxbridge, tue f be o heuad sgttciasa piie. Alsît for saie or to ket, 8 ceres oi clearcd lmnd parS. IV. aitagrle cf 21, *2nd ('ou. ni lieîactu for- : nerli- ourîid by 31r. Rocbertsi. Tian mmd is incler enlîlvatioci, sud in excellent order. If witl ha sold tu saut laurclîssers. or ilitibc let 10 ac 81usd)'leimiil. For tIci- apptv 10 ýltAS. .1011NSTON, Mairon, C. W. lorîmto Towiaaalip. orfo TIlil.AS BEALL, Mr. bismcccllcad wîill shlow tlie lanud in Uxbi-idge. b1lsllo, Nov'. I15dm,'1159. 44 FOR SALE. TOWN LOTS lit ýViiitby uucir tflacitvc.- MU1an1s fBay, muid lPurt l'cry. A PPI, to G.Il.DARTNELL, solieitor, &c., J/rock da'l'ieta D ibyiti1 J tinca 1i, 18,57. FPOR SALE. AN excellent niew Frame Cottage, nurly in A the heurt of taic &Ownflt0f Wlitby, ad wiliain c fuvw yards ofîthe Main Street- uxideai. Streetegoetmci- witm :wo-fllthst' an muniro of land îttacbed. The hoîmso contaua sir apairt- mnuts, bas u excellent ecolar, and thece is 91>od1 aablin~g ad a lneceoAiary ou-uildingst, -sud» suprmorpp«gond water on dia spot. For ll( ic i0ns, Cc., wlieî i lI be round very libenci. ApplY te JA. >AEHFE lai. hobvicleoOffice,, Whit£~y. VAlLUABILE PROIERTÉY for MALE.O UTIJE Store -ad promi'ses lctely occupled ,y TiýMr., 46 .,Meillan, nt Utica, Iunte'own- jslip cf Reà eil be with, aquarter acre of Lanjd attaehedl therefo.î This a tocrû ia4i very favo' rably mituafed for sny busjinesso. The Xllageo titica ii influeé centre of île Trownszhîi, and al tii. travel on thna;Broek rA4d-paf4eatbroughit. Tonnai will bo uîde te suitpuear. 4p' pjatotebe, ade to' ' pçaJAS. B. CAMPBELL, Aeuburai P. 0.,litenol'. WIiitIy. ' BEAVERTONw- M8ihr>L,'D. 1860oi, ou li"Uo solti by large anal profitable Millingbluiieaa an bit ilji Psopitor UV -iaPro tial3111r. N.B.-Thiereisaiai-te.pnKte- oerton fur thie Eatsîlishment of a Fouindy %eavorton, JîIV28, 1857. FOR SALIE CHEAP. Ir OT Ko.27, in th.eSrd Concessiin nri' ls iv jb, (he Wiuacms FAitut) idjoiniaîg the Towiîîet Whjitb3,. Apply to the Jlion. X, C. M'ILXIX14, CarrTvingPls'c», ~lA LIMEq.BIeik or toJ..IA , à nIy15, >1857. ______ l9team n and Fiaster Mill forSae T IIE ASI OES(F 0. STONE, OFFER tôr sale on -cas5V tergas tie litain l'laatcr 31111 nnd Fliriuitture tierin, ut P>ort Whittby. Applicationî to bu inaîde to « J. L. .IlRA NG -R, or N ILR Wlithyv. W'llithy, Mlarcdi 2, 189.7 FOII SALE IN '111lE TOWN 0F WJJITBY. T OTS -O.2, sudi 22. TIIY ,NIZE SîTU j tpcl on ]>iîndîîai Street, bi-twecii 'Mr. S 4 OChTîI-uîi'ssu a na (,'rock. J--TF.R3sl5 inJitAL. ý Applicationin t ho Macde to Lot Sèl8ti concesa;Ii i ffîliîîgtoîi. - Christien (tcriiîg" pieuse cop)y umtil furilîid Valuable Farm for,,Sale. T v cnlnnble Fîcrm coilln&ntcl'X. j.4 Tot Lot iNc. 4, ini the 4th concessmion o~f t'1 Containing 50 Acre-e, .Xlaoît 20 ierec coppied. T.'î itotloi', , ita ri aittinted ln flic cenître of ai,-, îx-teiit îîlit-it-grwing tocilit"%, und witliin cicoilt six laisoft ige iîaîîîîrt lut Town tel wilithv. Tcsitai îuoderttc. Tibtleiiiispa itîîhle. Aprilietion lu buiae md .~ae 31 T.L1. , w'Iîîîln; JAS. LEUA , Lt If, lircakesi Front, l'ick'riiig, or to TIJOMAS HUSTON, Also, for Sale A qusntity ofgod CEDAII l'tSTS. Ml'L'Y AS AI30VF. October .1895!5-8in w & atn Fairm to Lot. *AFarm to Tct for a terin of yen, in thle Townîship of Darliiigto:-, about two miles east of Bowmànville village, cou- tainaing about 150 acres etear, with gooci 'luildisîgs. .Apply on the Fan to Mrs. D)ANIEL GALBJRAITHJ. Darlington, Oct. 20, 1859.,40.2w FOR SALE, A (orafortatble Fenîily Itesidciice. siltnled ini A ieVillage of k;iverpoot, Toi&ni;hipoi 'Pick'- -ailiîg, iijoiuligg the ïrencîmuallt i's ,tsîii,n ofthli Grimnai TÏuni Railway, 18 miles fi-oui To- ronituo. enia;iîuinRor a Cottage containing Nine noms. with ei'ury colîvenienoe reqiite; i lctr e LBaris îîuîd Stable attaehied; a never faitiiîg well <of wu- "tr; the (;roiidi are tastefnlli, laid otfinal ptantcdl with St-iade Trecai; also, *a isrge t4ardeu well aiîocked witlî Fiiit Treema; the wiîole envers two acres of Gronîîd, aud catiiot hc suirpisisud ini thîe Towiship of Pielercîîg, l'or ils iCoiveil- ence and rctady accusai lu ttie -iffatwai'. Terings !:.ade eîsy. F or fi'urther particuiltiarsai ply to the sîîbaiuriber, 'Vorklie; or ta Mir. aitliarniPnardy lîporî the îîreiîises. l'c,4mieaon given forth- with. GEORGE IIOSTWICK. Vorkrille, liay, 1858. 17 For Sale, or to Lot. Aw ý COMMODIOUS AN'D PLEA à ÃŽBRICK C0OTTAGE, 1October 17, 1859. 59-2in-8 40.2in-wJ TO LET. VIIE Store And dwoing flouse nomocnpied A b) Jaunes 1'i-igle,aud known as f ho S TONE STORE,- In tIle Tl>",of WhitbY. Poissessëion given OU thie Iirit Or$eprtember nexf. 1Whifby, 3u1y2,18158. JAMES ROWE. 04l< tèteui-e'lrp zueron, 'Mi7%ý»y'jftg un- der, andi by virtue of cetin Writs et Fieri FPacdaiqte anndirected., viz : ,,-',-.. , - Iu the Court1 otQî'uen'si* àcî Wiliîwi P:'lowl'and and JohnCare *Fiteb, plaintiffs Ys. Paul F.Whbitnoy, defen- dant. Lo 3.hroken Front, in the. st conces- sion cf Pickering. In ~the court of ceumon-i-Peas. Lachian -Davidson, plaintiwt x&Jrvine JôfitirOu, defendant ' AIl that pîcrëel or traet of land in thé Townachip <af Brock, 'in the Courîty of Ou- taiom, being 1Lot nmnber hNineteen, (19) in the Twelfth concession et the said Town- .Ship of Brock, witb >alaud, siugular, tii. tenenients, ligreditanicntg aïud--appnrtenn* ces thereunto in any wiée belonging. In the Court of Queen's hiencli. James Laiug.plaintI f vo. Peter -Stou ten- burgh, defenclant. Alaud singular, tlîat certain piece or parcel oaf landi, situafed in tlmTowunship oi Reacli, aforcaiaid, aud being compoized-,et part of Lot, numnber Seven,- in the Eighthi concession of thc, said Tow nghip, sud beiug' sllthatpart-heretofore iconve)yed by nue 'Lhomis Boden, te the sai d Peter Stouten bîrghi, conlaiaing three acres, bc the samo more air lts. andal slls that other piece or parcel cf lanîd situated 1in thec149id l Tcwn ship cf Rc:mch, boing coniposcd cof parto'f Lot unabster Seven, in the Ninîli conces- sieofuthte sii Tonshlip of l.each, anal- kuown ai; aIl tîce rcmainin- part of said Lot whiciu hau not hitherfo bié-u vFoicifor taxes, or previotmsly convcyed by Johln Waggoncr te oîislMrtin. wliclî iait! last nicitioneci piece or jiarcel nmay bic de;ý scribed as follewa, - cenimcncing ou front Wb .suid lot, at or about the distance of twelvv sIsîins aud eiglity linksr, on a course aouth ieveiity-fotiîrdegrees n-est, (rOM south ecit angle -of saici lot, sud at thie sonth eavt anigle et landt - solci for taxest; thciîae north sixteeni degrees ýwegat cightea chains sud tweuty-flve"linkcs ; tbence nortli seventy' four degrees east, to fthe w'ewtern Ilînit oaf lnnd'deeded -t' Thomas- 31artiti;, thence souutî sixteen degrees. enn telglt teen chams and twertv.five link.4 to the front of raid lot; f lence along the front-et the raid lot to the place of beginning. NELSON G. IENLS .Shenifi', C. O.,1 SlicrifV's Offc, Wliitby,.Ncov. 28, 1859Ç Slcerii's Salecat Lands* Coî,mf y of OIntario T vY'istue of a twitrof To Wmv: f >F"îéi~i Facias., lssued ont nI fBer Mijc'aify'i Curt cf Quei'a I lcncr, ct Tfmrcntn, muuîd tboume diteefedurainit fte tandis aîuct tcuaiieimtic wbiotc weî'eeof('Ornull Fare- WC-licuesd,(aj Il.. finue Orfbis deall tuth limtadiof Elten Far-ewell, aclmm'ii4steiitr&e., dc'fenafaut, i fthme, suit'etArhar ofa allo:tueall Fare- Weil, dercuacdt. ilaclusli ietiliu, andl mt ticetlzuw of hiii deafta tul i-flai eIn'ael or frut nI ]and-, beiaig titi-e qumrtera lan acre beo4e muie moi-c car leais, hein'g eonipoaiad of part o"0 lot mnulîci- fffi-etouit lui he econd 'Conession aof thie 1'aawuiiip <if 'iëkeritug ' cuaîmèelîigi wlucre a post tuas bei plaînted uatm disance fe.e two clualuai thii-mi, iseven and a halt liutkm' en-a couise nortia scnetstwc depeeg cash from thé~ soullu weait amngle et ssid lot Tîtenco nortia, sev- emty fourdegre's, Enàbtf fwebeaîns sevewalinhs; cI ;nc nostl ixteen derrsep, 'weaif Ilréoe hsims and twemty Ilie linika, more or eeaite ~osouth aide cfth bpillic rond, 'flene -o jorth wtsterly Jilongfliesonîh aide ofIlue aiid publie road t"i- et1aiuusg and, seven linksi. Tiencsentit, six.- Icea degoeues enst, tIi-oýchâlitss und Ilft'v niner links mioor icais lte eplae of 1 egziiuiîig. Alan al fliat certainparcelor tuet oft hsifst- umclcd, >)iuansd 'eeing lu fhe Village of Osgha- WB, uî.îd bemeg e oinpcaaed ot apart et loti No e in the 2ud Çon; 9ftflicTownaliuiipefEsoWhtz hy, sud hîtted sud boubded as followi;:'eom- nienchuig lu front ofthe said Cortsieinat te d-u4tie ut cauecdam ilft>"linksi on a course nou thi, serent>' fr degrmesoawt frot leho auitii Wesf mungie î,fsaid lot thenee north seventyfu;IT; degrees, eoust oune eiain llftv linkrsTiiona, noth acixtemudegri-e, wost -;es hatir soev-ity 0o1e lioakai, Thacu i otifli .icveity Ionsr deirseet-, wecct oee lîin flfty iinks, Thaaneonth-smxtsen degreasmit îm e u iin sovomty euîe linku. , Al îi itllands, and fenenienîs tlaereoet or, the maid defcndanaVi osîate or intorest tbereln, 1 shbah offar tus sale at Public Aucîiou lu tollouvu, viz :-Thae lirait dea-éesiliec s.quarterai 'e- un, sc., on ft. promnises ,utDuifinleCc(re.e o Moîidaaî flicTwentv thîrd dav 0f -.&prl,A hit -dcaicribcd on t.he i-oemises ut ombatsa . 0 - 'loudmi#' the Tweumîy third day 'of- Aprn!; A.D. 181s, ai the Imnur of Tsdo oeluee, p.uin N ELSON G. REYN LDS,' - Siierif, -' P>er -. -rc. slierif's Office, tS&w tCLI Wlif b>', .Au. 21, '60. ç Excelsior ]flbinD.%tli~' K.EILOSENE 0OIL. PURESI 'lCýOAL 011I, GIYLS A B00 P RIITIIrG ioderanstyles caf or odre BOOI'ÇKAN ofl every deseril 'wcith de>spatcli, Firat-eclasai li Auctigiu Bis, ILt tiomuaof Pi-intiîig being erdered. WJAJUDEN 4 Brts.O v ZAatFH 'JMISTRAR RNELÇOJy W. F - ~Courai. (On C LElIX FIESiti mutthIle ('cumuli1 J!iPECTOR o ARILISTE 7Aftornecy. ü B.oliciterg te sI r-jrtlieuhe lmt GEORGIE St-cet, Wlitl OICIITOR, N Street, itbï 1'lE, LIE Whitby. u-NASSTRI ID Eutof'êW. W.CI - 1 MTO, A7wS1 any otier light giviîug Maýel :W'GIVE IT A Romember to gel lîfroni the *JAMU IlGE 281 Wlirby, Jan . 12, 1860.. r ~ Apply te TOWN LOTý.

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