Whitby Chronicle, 3 Mar 1860, p. 4

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jAdei &bottr of rigt oflStu¶idiL l'the oxu "> rotaer should b. a cloue uper,, ùr cylln- >E liD A - BONUS' YEAIL1.\ý; D der ~ Thearona, opon wkiiolihiiigond FIal i theTown> or, WhIb,-thr»a pna àTeO fait of the. cofée dependei, in< 1 ly evelop. dVfel tnr bouta. thereon, eentalnlng-a rieur, je-Nf 1orbope 0 W utAJIm ed la tii. beroy is diiEbmn4 hefrooms kiten>titi euAeceloifoolar4 ewin h eo b h éld n t 0rwitta koti sa Woo ncd soti, ;7j deplta$tt tà dt. nt or -or tt a gedl-oa or e, Mi tila andi fit iWfdr gra4ng. 1 White roat- eflltdandiotwat~r-Toti ae tgt eIjum A i.u , anMtdh1" Duapuîg 1o~~~~~u h~~~,ly .ltnatod. and vcl*' pt.'dh for cther a scar- îaeIt lel~t re iiBoao lte 6Io* .fron ifl""" tte Iwenty delc or hocther. The above pre1.ertY Ul hlia cpt'y par cent et Ità weight, anal'gains front soldt ala baetdofr cuh. Tou zJlfT omavsivuD- i1e1à tmolfte proer t io titn open P. Kellr, ho poItlaIuitl or t' >. tOoprpalahitA.loaa e S. lite quaity of tewtolneeiorptlfC. C.r HaToronro il bqba a Ikll r, Tn-.nef , 6corchet or boed ebestiea viiiimteriaïîy Wdb>Fbi lÂ>~?C-dfbYb l»ara Ithe flavor of sevral copetoul. Even moataa-016"5e Cooaial Companyu a &É~ght over-laating dlminisaàthe ngood as îJ)lltdIi tuite. The bat mode et routlng, n-bore. B O F IQ DRC0STa.lion.Pýter il iu dono .t homo, iu ta dry theo ffitevoélt u i loOfl, rr ofkaî tItltP»atik obo.ra EIIP EDF RM ,W T1Tihe Roi. lutioe blcCord. lientaninil. L- in an open vel otil its color ii alàblly Mine, k, i ,Cuablor xan.je du re%îe- chage. This allovÏ-the. mosture ta os- SITE, o« »T &l iry Stansa. Eq., o.. P. Pu_ Aloi. Siititzon topo. Thon Laver il cbouly andi scorch it, Whitn, Xil M. P.r IOl~t'i.n kooping UP ea çonsanî agitation uo. thdaînGuo FOR SALEIVàe*o. portion oft heo mmcl -maf'be ooomqually ONE Ioplrovct armn"iù lbyioo 1S'COO USI-.t ttn boatot. Too Ion-aod» lot urwa bonidrios Acres. . And etnuohc l 8 li.atls il op vitiiont proslcing flie fult amrratie Que Improvoti Far in luDarlington 50 proenea n ta vi.55-ee Aoa oooJ1'ode flvor; n-hile too grenat a Itoat diaipates ne"- erli a"pttise,. < tý ll mdtr ad etve oly iterchr. One" M nripesa 50 Stibaucribtoci Cpitatlo be illion Sterling. tijo ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ osiiie oiymle nilaeaol itrea.1 Act of Piarliuent. reai kamnotu. It aoulai le heatotisau ato Wiîai Laatda in Mais, %omerville, Eu- areie cod otati Chalut> celtird. acquire a doep unitoini cinnamon color anti phrsia, Artelnesia, Luther, Chatham, %£eut ai titb-t. Il. l)atliirl. an toilya làOanobnver a deep dark DOvier, Ilungorford. Agenieu ie>pr t i crt l broffai coer. It abonîti thon bcu liton tramz Mil Privilege ,te ire andi hopt losety covoroti until cold, inu Hamptont, Tonnship of Drlington, oee Roy8al InBur=0ceCompany. andi furtiier ouil usot. 'n'White unroastod of the vory buit, in the Tow-nship of>Dar- ca04oimpm oves by acte, the routeti berriea linglon. OFFICE-22 TORONTO EXClIIG E n-lU rory goneraliy 1loue ir arums, if oct ITowx ]Lots %PTi-W--ILOýSSO coin-ced vry ciosély. Tho ir6ounti atuf un Bon-manvitte, Brookia, iHampton, Port CPTLTW LLOS T. kep-t on mile in barrela or boxenteoriin Prry, andi Samnla. Fin Pxxr .105-Tn-o tundrel Thousand pier, la net n-erby:, h nameofe coflite. Aise a tbw To)wn Lotslun thse Town ef luuoSterlg ColSée aboulai nt ho Sroand oil jui VUT 4before uuing.If grôùnn ovor ni gtist h For so eLm ad on Long VCreJZt. gRouer> ads canland 1<Io d aildail cer aeelti becovereti j or, -bat il u<1iî u Mechaulcu andi thera desirous of huilai- Ied~Xoau eud sri tia, put into thte boiter andt onereti vithin a- eau have froin 12 to 18 m>ont>lbnta I RANC-E onuBuittilue,, Firiture iter. The, inter net oly retaiou tho 1l h is aaetF n eeltdzOeeye Snd for a Crcular. ,ddroupot-ai, eteti ouit e ict Ifivorable toraur tlaie oit adotisr uxomatic elometi, J. i.j ER . Short perîltinolatk-on uhlrelaundim efo butit y s ag or mmei-une <oe morte tttnthsu. abt utur ltae Xi Okng for >e 17,85med>- y' Lire tInsuretuceoiot rcry advaiitageci ermi at ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 boin tls onn.Otbr1,5.foteeil Witodnittesamabett iddivîttiol la mregardite calice. maling, ne gondot f P.O@t fiîa yc O1 0lQiN ANW liosmeeepr ' an hope ta sunceoti n-eh if the Farm for sale. Agent, ll'Ait& blal nitbea t boiling ina commun colite ACIIES OF SIILESIDID LAND. LOT WIitky, Juno, 185b'. pôt lu padoptoti.Theo "OltiDominion" 20010,. jlit )t>lt cee"onof utTiora; 13 coiept o-uextcusively mel tbrougbArse. rTmrr>auct>tt itti» pH<ENJ.qX INSuRAN,,-c eCOIpANIy fourirules of Seaertott, oit lihe tnet road te ont"di contryr, i.. beyond al questiOn,t 5bjr>a; tl and hW cf tee t al otvi, and iloin AI-O»,CSCTV. -bost contrlvaittiayot introducedte th te pub te contre of a good seuîlemenOtt, n-là a Sohool, I"AD~ePTL 2O0O lie. In _e~~~~~~d aSn-taîtll conventeut- -ADU AIAI -0100e <lgi~ionÉkve, but coffhe ta aiapiy impos' ion f Thotitt, eonttittgof 95 are; l12 of OIlClE5 gmuneotbuooiayt tribie. Many oue&-kee5ers, n-houe - Iis wn-t itrae cireet, anti frotttiog ou the Portage P lien, ictIo l reierelctc0lit.e loi t(ii<e tâffee pt, grinti their coffée and pt t luin outet , ncrîui in M i.. . -C. LYSDF, the boier over igbit, sotiug the bolier ou AltI)t>i uolo range, or near the fire, but n hem il cr> D CAMIERON. Wth -i'e. ,1l. boit, The hoverage thua producedi, tare, Bone.t-ton. floti>Juty, 1657 ST..leStisPrvnalAumc iiellan, und ife a mot doicions flavor.C W. commond ibis plan ta our 1lad odra. TOWN ]LOTS.' &.Uao COuPanT. One- of tiestrong rocoamndatou of the iLi-e.iSaa 2, Sittl:.~ 'ta. Old i Dminion coie 'pot in ils econoty. It FoKit Sîrcet, Wnellt of lkSon-oit ctrct1, t» lao Aie___ iavei -fronnue-forth ta one-thital of thse Tlontuf W T hety. iab I.to are o'ýstî - T£1,00Q,000 -berr. We baveued one inour fattiyfor 0are n>tlt-ed frcitlleai n'r e- l fle son-ral montbu peuat, and beil very fond of T7on nd nill utb disp1eof t;» liteltetrnia 1toltlrçel, 4 GrentI St. Jaols StretOt. a ep ofttmal goo t oOlie, voulti nui disi- ý' A rieur docti viii tc giron, leenfret,> tal u Âr-A lavitisot> larker. peul iitilfor ton timan ils coa.-Far- acautltmanee. Wilt~~NfSitGActesaer,~-tol AIppy 10l' C. .11.4 'EBIO"*EJ2, ht IoJ. A. MIERIIOFF R lt», i>,,etdt o l tct!.Clatl tht al'e l Chtronie. q t'~-, yhiltLy ", whc, c toî.ctoî natbc ettiava .ttr. _____________________________________ fie lsteu teanitttn clhy, ilt st i>- o t To it<EVEIIT RAT, "I-SERMIXSt T a.t.a tc uetsontee himiit,,reap. il WàLLS-The sabiity et' celtar in-le s ri=t Clas. anthor Iiuie. teat li t soetimea aeiousty ufectoti by rats oigging ratfr oale , ].'nIlrta ailttllc b4 -a i t teetiter iciotlt "r&iatl lIent andt tisea eieing the. 100 ACES. - patietiîtrattenttn i-n,îo dretoc> t>t eu toundatton. Tu order ta prairentitasl' lîE West bail lot No. 0t, Osai t'ncr- tlu nrrnticr vat>ue, f rc-ituqtiicedi'icn- jury, afier tise colr ahia am coinpleted -- sien, efthlie Township f %Wiilby. The Wisai,Yo.-Jeiti Agaes, geaitt ,ýlbt t anal pointeotyen mlat dig a amat tncis n-olq cleareti anti nador atelîleation. Weil Ganalaii.Médical Ado acre. Wnude of tiso, about une fot vide anti tencecl anti substantilbhtttsie&-t, ou&- i .ca, ALntaat ivelt £ giw, Ma. D.laMe llf afoot deep. Non- ilt i t.trenîh fleur- wtit~ niru olrnsl rcei Lt'ir____ - - o frtit of aualI doues anti valet-lime mer.Fer lertoa &c., apply ta> State Fane insuance CompanyetLo tr tison coeor tise atones and aortai n-iîh Z. BRILMdon, Englamal. di.rits Mton fro thtie trench. Ift tiuaWitby. ton goandthlie bqtilm e tinall, yon Witti i bt, Feb.l9, 18410. CATRDB trO UMi -lLAPNT maUtise otbrn f trait I ndermining 1te V lrtÂL...t£5 ,000 STEI.LINV vIto1 -itiyM v taooeneait. LI1V E R POO 0L. ontistdtheneri doot'orblynbute s ioen o nA 0 ,t crols: 1,07y ntocet. smé peupleaay that mirataBcktillhs & Waggroniè1ris hops Ataom.TeIi1 ln.LrEato l'Mthetboolides dig down- n ttder thoenai, For Sale or teLetut aILvrpool, 11,,IljaheriAdar3.. à *i tun under thocelar 1butttbsa f0 a mia- TY MILlES EAST Oh' TIoIoNT(41t.A TtcheR. W. P-a. c. Tluatmt i, tboy enter tise ceUar by X. tan alaioatneof thetatdtTunt lRail- Poutr <2areaire. Eu, ý...A doSor o'e haot, andteif es e .n- q>). EmbolaSh mla aCottage anti4a qutarter Ttcliton. B. Ilootiffi. St of en Acre of la-tsatetteat. . 1J-in .Jameso Uau l itleEoq trace ncOu loiAgainst tho, they tmg aà oopcaaio th o>. atl ectedWntiIl- lear,'Clrk, 11. i. 1). pamageeunt eer the. Wal. sncbpasagtlu aetotdita..c tclC ton tRonda, auJ lttchlaaDenuaye, Eeq. tiaoy cannot nulseif thea inide tretacki u na 9pt. >,rt,>,> e n ltcr1 iltiain S. ttel, Esi., .A &âmiee, au they aln-ayu iegin tao dig cloeo t den.nF.WM.lwilat eta. - ltqM.A ge the bolaefubhe nail; asudbencen-bn trtWloTlOiOa e i>iyoitc M terMrlo oq-y atattao >iee hhyencetater ls thetntidmnir«, tbey iîS. PIJRDY, Aio.AttroMUlice, 1Eaaî. M.Sife.- Are diseanenetianti abandon the. ander-.1nyt iTu WlIiC s.Prhe-anco ec lubing. t pakclaie ta tevwall aboula t 'aaay eaotrj.--n-Cts iwi- leotiacUcbottum, lbey vilI con- *ý«e 4wngstth iaie ý,altboutb D.ENTISTRY i DÈNTISTRY CND RNI i* b -ee àff yn"frcm tthe - If a He "- ~ ~ --~- iadiUletaud i-t ccuc aantyof potalcO" aii bc piloD nlaTcooo.int.Jolui>.L'c., Jdcli» 'ane f. lhe amiddtle of thee elar isa rataenittl ie ta dig untier tise pila,0- aIt oveu, tndon di. >-.3îne--n.Ni liolun t ltecila'0U' ielaaa nuinciv' uS.OfO5 U ur egeom eniOlîtI, &C lattto, cq.lt-t i-4t '.11lIcelail iboEtotRori>be elnmmire lipuaauku le, F t,1M p.1'. Witt.la'a, t>, Watt. Il, N epet to a go&-thsirw ay oni. Va laitjlde antta e li-toe l1ie de-oci, E»>. F. W. Jan. >,., -î>.rii;, expoctiuag lite. f Q) ln ieitîity, li er-iboa 2 f Yorn l'it.1te. ta> guard ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rmagaîafmg > en- sar aeel tethisaain>ai* nntus&ioat- io-Ito-Tclaso acte cover jour cetise baton t ttklie nun-tuti toorp e *c a1aitnt hi.- iaaierotio -nkru th. ranfoai t ofCettotitr. ig et vater-lnoniaud o MU d ths _' aeotun1> ciet eire itae eaga.relaieftflite Siats File» 11 ,araat tipeittwont troub uayo li neteaelalte1Taoun et W laî3-.Comanyleaîo ar ,t-nttetci L'y a ciVnc t ' es dtpreda(bis ou M'y r hi» P =41011,214 thl gai. ttmcricaa. > tebe dm ?for ookig des nt coli wiî Doctor Jonc'la-non- invenaton, fliconon. fileo SIa. ve Ie uilett-egit alo goi, lut net a-ta ALEXANDE.R STÉWAtIT, taturo, non eVen crdeing a table by obser- i>- rtti aîncrtM' lt e 11c.M.gr It> ilte 4trN in-tt... Tise art must ho lesarrtilike ailieor PMt U ta.OJNAS t. iota, by proper inteuctun. We vaut, andi c eire o> f twnty l7yeacm lI is eeffeouuu %.s ll »W tid et en ohme lu nt aucb a lt>n-îrlol haetait'au ~utlitra- i. ao - ae m rt t m atfron Lctoe t tîbtî ste ino then- t--.-- - aj V o b rê ua> # ti t t on a stn o th e ir t 1 h ,S A=gO Rato a W E bec, most respectfully to inonfCe oOur nuinc'ous cus- togmers, tiat iii consequence of the great eénerçasè, in or tr ,twebae found1t.necçssnry to remove to ,thos ,exensive premises which bave been e.cpresly'!erected'by Mr, William Me- Pherson, for our accoffimodÂation, 83- First door soutb of Mr. Laing's OId Stand. _jg jOtur cstoniers will Iid in our New Estnblishrnent an immense Stock, carefully sclected, andconpiisiini the inost recherche and varied assortînents of splendid goods. A. llamth Stock of Teas, O-AND ~GEME1É.ALGROCERIIES. -.o Great additionis of new and clioicely as-! sorted patternis htave been made to our heavy stock of GIIINA# GLA SS ANI) EAIJt"IENWARl, We arc in almost d;sily receipt of fix sh'Tiensand Gi ocet tes. LOWES & POWELL. Brock Stret «Whttby. îr Remember the auldress-, l.owes & Powell, Brock Street, [Fi rst Door South of Mr. Lting's Old Stand. 90 PR:NfO CNBA. N.'W. BROWN'S AGRICULTURAL -WORKS ileIIROCK STREET, WtIITBY, 0t>1 (A ft% ou-rtlasunîlut fIhe Bank of Maonlecoi.) Manufacturer aud Denier in DUl kintis ut -s- AGICU'LTUIIAL 1DII>LEMENTS - DepartnwalNotice. Liai»? >ADIIEAVY sv.tq'ccIiS, araket andti IibSicigîtaq, Twso-lioneo C>,lhi INSPECTOR GENEiILS OFFICE> ratons, Piouglis oetosccniaie.iai icl Crovu> DîAlTsc~T> cltntàslcrs, Cocu atnd Poiccîse Ccativan'os CesTms EP-iý,Tit:-r, Sertiand Turnip Drills, ttoocd Scrautes & C. o Qelart 171 Nortibr, li9. Tltiaotii>g . lloc iura c>c oct .S/it N(T ý c -oc e»i,1.l sacu nI r in ~ r- ce~ ~ ~~~~~t t>e it-.... ,:'.cs ttc.c-c1Itr1t v-Eerytllî>tg 1iiite sl>cce Unte ittengll t ..........a>t nr >ejtre-.Pc> a- il, lai 'le ri-S c>c t->cc.pc >.. l 5 ,r>t,'a --ict hea-itett-e..c'n.tcbtttaiil c tt " , cl l t a i . c t i i ' , t i > a l e a i - c-f acc1c i tt ~ t i t>. - t> t l's 1tet p t ,tt ic, tt ia1--111T' >>C ratt e -1 ctiIl I ,la. ~Itcetli,- 4 1RN aà t t . il! ilcIt t .t .it ctil -, îrtI- Ille il., % 'l ..;l ltzti-t>>, u Itotaa. et-c Iiela;~ct i i-e i-.cIlt titite P-ci1. i aile 1 - .'t , tetJ>c Icr itI ce - zldt-i> at--, tîb%, tag 1".> >tltt iecc: teale TIic >itIcc.r - e tIti-. L t. . . t l tatte I e.> s-ecit'c ti a ctt' l'%,a tu c III,l> ct tclIlle- It> alo-illatali.t>cc. tt>. o IIItiui tttct.ltl'at ttztii t ccl.dcOla at-t a-cc.ti c- -f tt tt- t laa >- Le> t atii>t .t-cea e . t,>I t4 atii effeit., ni ý rdu ils q , a-a %tIat tt. u . . %I.Itîtclî2rfg alta- II. TE BLLS a;T-E hiNTENDi.,, TO MNIKE abl>e ril-utcunlo-ai, til; rlîe o er bs&ttm.dnie. n fr d»g tr Ila.taa, ing luitrrlalan nigheLa fecîcentai utice pa frtiescee te or Loicîii lal l llh, i>er for greattrex lusivle Otiotlvilleglents, 4i iar le plat ancpuwliurcmmrcil ai l or taller pucf ,e lit ajproft,> iorliegulattatit (ueyott oratti aIne lu o ur nco'tariei tia sd-i ingIet(nat> cIllt,>iuu t., ofta les aif er scatiiaanaate er c r itati icdian as tf -îea auntiu l wilrte 11Otli t ie. ALFRED TODia, 661 Chiel Ch aet oPnruell Offic<1e» THOMAS NMR, LICE2SED AUCTiiIINEU FOI. TuFE COV.NTY OF ON ARIO. F rOIEtSSA.E fil>Ianc Cr,%tttartail e- -z .- I- - -iup t taittt -c ut.-atl taioas . ieitri',latt.~>~ ec»>-t of ,ctte Licc hast citvitt.a>oa. t ha> . Ie Attcic-u a-ne trtat-t li, 1-ntt-e au wiiitu tkeP-1tt 9, TU MLL TUE lIURLD, r- A-NDI LuAIFcOF TUE Luh TIF P ea rtLa, -- îicc.- SVILLAGIE OF VROOMAMION, W' .aI~ -.-C '-et-b. .H ir i ei o ur >~cem as ! p> r - a-YUIo -c asiti an n-su- aorkkeca- ---a-. ct-a- c1'eî>e mmaTmeetw ed euh maitc&r. c te kiti in t Yr k i. a - I Houasandi Lot for Sale. î. -" - - a zdocnre, a-Lt i0a- aufrca tut of tav in-e i ex n L a[ud, wtoitit ua ce un. h -1=>4 1l ->~-- tt * t operk MU ua o r t 8, uid e.ttseieplut-tsl -f. ~ -- >a-.ht-Lu o c ;ieuVn> rWi-t' -a9r tatue arn-y$?wan£tb"flbtitVtLmst <1 .i'eO.T- --- e- rk.c,- acCec edkt aoi% g cr ge. rei,ý d 1tou e" eraoIt t3e L t-n>cMPIIADEN. be " 1erao iw, d me, bek.vn b MI-.iiig lettffto Lý II Ln e-r -ri, -t - p~ uie»Pm ~~la tat umgc tirtuneb. b..à*&)ii et, Nu abutao * M ad i a u < tou e lsa c e m a rt __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ ___ IKEROSE O(L. f;* a«a u I"m u» t t . f TlMIIT«g ***, W i 9 t, lmrrUà m4 d àrua.- h& X à»m- __i e. P>RFS$T LOAL 011, ,« am. .c eti anvàràBm of> fce- t. st- iaeae ca Fk~~~~~~n iRm * « kaitdIg> ie ct It& e gol &ce i'. te =pi- -a r-qW 1&y, IIéL8EZS LEutEAiso 17a-W kPini.u ee liiti>r Orttcccr 12> ISSu. 1 NEW_ MUSIC. most rered~bg flic undeîignrd, POLKAse1 CARRIAGE i,,j L D ERS, - ANI) NA-lJ . UlE - 1'uIJBLISIIERS' PIUCI AT TlIlt YANKEE NOTION BIWOK STRtEE' IJOCK 57'REPT, iITY the hae Send bsiessin STÂRT16ING, BUT TXUIIS Tlttch. pu..ctasesror:-' . .t p-.,y>IMr.nIra IL î riietter,situateinluBrocU t Sreet surn-un-oor Perlai. Suoia ut tîhflnk, > i.c1>o-ic le Il,, .tîbuilding, vl>cre tley are prepa - reth lustofitheiBniler ppt» sijtacîîte tci varticle ini their lino et business. Thcettubocriters tre pnactical il ai Lt tpcct erLt'î£n Of long expic, anitshy deotînthe ratire cf tltcir on> iur to tîtein burs- tcy C>ttt 1rthdict articles-af botter %v rknttshtia, of greater t ittiiity> ant I a,l e Y iialcat zý-AFFORD TO -:SELL 11M LIAE,- Tin iaecitoive l telte ttte br ut otirs- Ailn te> aIOica1ia acri liag rices for C c, raon apnoved creit. Pieuse cuit atatiexcainae. Cag.A vr.wrat Ail kitd out Liauber an>d laines proetakon 1h ,cc>tg.Aloot urtîei L UV YS PL 1DON)VAN, WALKEY &Co l _ £ROCuER*ES ANI) 1RWR T ,l Ite vd t .N lew .11EELfitSO i O ~EJt, A A OEN EStI L-E O CK O TOBACCOS. COFFEES,Fa Mre Iteuc odi.,ttt ttc, L. tcccM1e, , ti.,in, FOge tc> -u i->,ctctlt'tc Acc,1 cc-C >1>-c > îcltcc>c a> i îc'ict .cc ", ib. i W-lti il>-d l.lc>cttr ; 2, I Sf0 ttc ld tît> ge ir .d-b îctc. licceclt,> ci c tihe ,c'e 1)UNALI)SON & Co>. oeIle> ktot> on tanio rudosef cxIn-l ia-qe tue luZIOti> .Il çti.t f f otnn -a eain lit tOcctc fllUna iO lsalerm.ý cluit r -- r tc il at,1trec ,ttIet of hit>t> pailalett aî>ad irei at-oetrltr lui rleearcotttectittdieise tt >l>t cei -iniiata ted>adteteina tcraie ttt cr110 i> >,11b.tte »ac athifieuit. ea a> l,ul la ttentan fa tt-s tta tejt ith liiiirettc ttncrat-rettiscn ion- i ac lt», t atut re ta ositt tlc -ectt- a, virc cf t>ii-et- ehit-i>atîceifttct &ituaitteeatg retteoy aiuipre t iftbe 1 ticaalý,o c3tel il. (lonemi DebilitY antal let,. ,ii-ot l>ia--tc> a dl t-.e d it» , , .1,1ci eecc>tii, itti>attte0ttc>tae ahluasrtclu Niicýly Femule'it ret a ti i ttc itmie<. li.caetia >at ret* att-to - t; .c'l f-intahia tl t i,.r t. ll. ar.tlVto> Ict .tc Ie 1>cîi.-tttc>at .ftc m P W c i Lc- ic > ie.Ltt viottt I as cir 'r GAIiLLOJ>Sa Q UA>DRILLES> __ ete / ,It tti >iie-tiotttateee>-ldt-cl> 'SONt a S0- ljl ti taJt>toccrodlei c Anti linsiciunnuatc>1 to itte >i.c»oFerle l' 1-4c1,te ctt l -niaefate t ittci-c Dally's New Quadrilles. t>-- tc»ilc.g Itlîco .î ,i q- e e SQUARE TIIdBER. I it-Ic> , lcc.rotiariloe. iG YIat.tac J- G oanltoon i ciand- c oi .laattalt he ta a , -cet ic'tlIg-->ce.I> cct T ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ q li itllitcci> ,les -xelice lcctvt -,cc -oc ciii cieNtc,->t.tt GIAI IIde,îre tii»lirctl c-1.c-.at >tt lî.ac i ul > h et- ai oU L 'Is I A ,M S JîANr l 1. CANI E L (I lep eiiw irtI-Mr. N. t IL Mary Street, betm ee>I LitTonPilîcutiati iseauil -Si 4in P.le/ 0.t , C Il.< Jk-cî>d ilrock Strcetit, worl e i-e > - ii-a->'> ast itc rri:, t-ta eetic el orties Ûttteli re fn. sl tarlPin Hlides! Hidos ! Hiden Iilitt'Ule rire. ______ I 1AIIAGS. B G(1E ,1i; I LIIl tTHIN &U 1.aCv nR Iun tctrsi,-net.-, l ttî a->v is athe >.S1 [.i c ., itia-ctti l'lcctnitc ittImbla ffi7'ilttARR Ait urîoa taîSat i u ost ,aaui'nti iiao BREF liI1DES delirereci il lis T-anneey in Icrrenoot. Ail kitîds cf IL E A T 17 E R kelitt ecniaully on tanti tar sale, rery Ion- fer C"asht. D. MtcMaUIltY. t>rrusrooti> Non. 14a 185ol. 67 ani N the L o iitvri letlk ies 1). FIIRIIS ion,- expeinice rtirecfcirent> iiuce 1,>'c c clVila iiciatctuLrlaarOf-teto States ad CanataainIts gis-et> duitl nuutrie>tc. la, ec' tlraitaet flite tatainrs s juielu few have bren able 10 arrive-ata. andi for beatt»> (of il --,it, c-egace ofai tiAtrdurabilltra atnd ooldtiy utfatteliiiut>caatllî. lie avr c rlu 1,etvt> ,i i editc. ,>lrooII andtiee ipctîit. whithab 'a t 6li1,5i Begs to iniforîîî ls eîistoîteis and the pub- lic, tlat lie lia-. jiI coiii-i i to si-Il off rit FL~IIIIS ETENSIVEIJEcK OP DRY GOOI)S LAI)E>S' FUlIS, ANI) G'rIOCEAUES, Britishs Amocric -a Assurance CompannyT make - rootu for 'lis bSpî11ing1 Purchiases. .\C W U T Dtandem au> Acteoflthn Thiecil Parties re qui ri ng s ie- h Iati botter caîl u r e' h asi n elsew lîere illLt f tpl.rC;iitd;t asgrc-at induceniets 'aili ho givoît for -tsh. viccc>ce t-e-rtù c»oitcuiidi>,gl andct iteir e-i>c>c>. ova> tctcettitat ctlitcd etap JOHIiN AGNEWV, A F-'F1,1CT'fE D RLtE A D. i . lo Il-E.A N .7Y B- Cash Puid fi>,. i7licat, Peas, Oats, a>îd J>oirk. - IIClRY'S BRICK BU LI)INGS. Wilitlay, Ft-lwcu;ty, I ciaO. MEDIAL 110U~-SABr jTAL CLEABING DIL. fiOODINXG, (fornterly of En-land.), - NE , I 1E Sît-->t-slîg l 11iItilrl li Kt theirA a I F'~ FEEIaY. ANti lMOST SUC('SS AJu me0Iaa.a(l ciaT teo Oujisaý-tas, o>o.u1 RI G N[4 'h,"meetcgi fcr AtiPitee. j)I t>.a aDi2tG i-a ut-v cgacterdnlu laeuitcg lWILL (>OM N ,o 1iiebtco tcf totbte iae h le 1a1 a.t & ' i4 p il o,- Tic rcrlaaaa ie paeo I ih neo di-eroeet >-ilre> tîitta>tt 'son]rti MO' wVDir e .>, "tao. The facitiilea--d cfea>tirce m>,i.tîc>i ir>»,Cu e ccarcOlir c a-a-tit iat wlcat FOR>lcî copetIrv tSsac lecteiteictcfruucI m (<um 1 STI lI)i1> 'lVE - se ueoite c-rrit .>tt-irar b terioa n ad -AT (Ui iNLÇ i NERVOUS DEBILITY.r> i~0L ><t Toun n-out» osa-ereuldti vt n-aaltacotc>No.1, TILL'S BL(UI, reunt a c db> a btia lt i n tta teh, tte nacls ftet c vhittc ttasatOttn-, t cgettel - 0 : c,-ee,ielmt a 1 1119109 ati le eMxtk ~SPERIOR yOIJNG ,HYSON 'FA2 eema dis a ~o ~ ~ CIIE LPWE TEA *-6, pe - coUXTItr ATIENTS. FINEST JAýVA COFFEE AT TH Man wt-dIse. e6,mmet atdt e viiteIZallpý ýca>otuunp il tneuiree Wei. VflÀILT>x & l Tqrago-," n-No 2j TîlF mock- SALE. Annuad Clearing erf, .tlcaite ttcti . etor itiian>c-ilrteacrco. i ltgicora tae ittaîlvtlot ruahcirlt in e n itatt titati t c ttecty eeli-tatca tie, antlnc-ut actttc>tcsaaf tee-illu -in an ne>t-,tcr 1to te ecatit uenaaî 1n-irfciai thetua il io lm-liaot ilhat ticeir neitttntoau attttoitta e t-tluieitvita ntc»btierr et> vtllag'eitltteUltttrStalo,,iaire arecttt tir, ceao>1 le>ltft- la ilcir atHeirena oa tilcecter, uad gis îitaeb tetauole yeoctt vc-tgoc tutt iait là. 1a t-cu." .fccsfctCre e -rry o tiotteof lte ,ktn,>lt>,»unelaa fltiih altars et> N tai alatgs tttt O tlnat]Lt>u -t-cc--, tacitir îcatniuStacýg et, olt ii cee act1Atatr, t>eî-îtec Dntisyiit- »tve tti ge aDlaattnct>»tldittiP ontthuct-at. by ta rtnielttae>un>à aiusndtcx>n>>itabcocaved. itcehtcant tt Wat, taLXNt'eFr, -l'i.DI.N y ort, amîi fer Salu b .A. lctaerct BUFFALO DIEiICAL DISPENa ESTABL"luEu nOs mile cuts orc bâwqdoat, b'csctsiIa&Stjn' a Scnf>lat lmtai Cire, Cr*it aetrtf SýaSiRîcet, an, acioa, ttiuPk J DRt. AMOS & SON% lt-trýestit orMAi> AND crac rme., arc»ttte ARETItE OCIX V lly.S1CIAXsS I - Lb. STATE wlataarc lltuatsiacuOf tiei Ciailege cfrea>ruieti,Le>ttîtta, nyiccaea fta in 'eiat 'inthîe tucriUg, util liàta- lu cier cr lgoeand yalali oi 1 isaaa0 Thte ll-ttthiitI aýdoucti au tce TeUX virtl cf t3s -seoct eiat acealti riei xla>i.ot>te. Timts t l'tcjretonat* DtiO eacca eates i lt 8eo net t iae td 0 a aIdgitalture ita2 nr i tla)'dtet au Qnltc peu. îtle rie otioetcs n-ahanit tceal -ý >rnat t antittier. U h M-EN>TAIE PARtriCULAiI 10% Titen% ic -t evîl luait 1co,1tfciumiaIt Zny ne, li solitude, oftel'nugaitto iautto ,tumîtcloM; tusil e-iiriaif coltO icn titan tin ttI oiy bel> anc tats nl*b4,a ,ttlitatallàilt> >bol ite e*at Fcn- cf ttce -bnhogte n-ar lathis tO- i.eic-tice are an -r ftite CotutIne~> ics>- Sud te nertcus,7lCeil asatte~> cîreaiqe aundtiauua tl eeitlota touatu -he ntnti. Atu MOSTalutc f nlloceeeefge.ta rir Nctttctntl En>îccoiaaa moren eiaii ai Senîlual Wan>,~.~nt eW er, liirtlnfn%'% taatuS2 u-l sautt,' rif t1h>iîtutistient,n-e. Itarae uhlsd tain- 5EUE ANDe QUVtteKl Dr. Amoaaa& $uai asi e bnsare tltaa taI te!lhave inveaite an - aot lutn0r aLrouatent£uar lte taure out l ia.adkoo, liai lindessn,-erec tat-st bthe meot so-Vct it Jeau uca rure uf Setmta ca~aaa geuitai eut, act htm-0iii- IDn.-Amos & Sonl, in or-deC tla go'*tYtde 0 es » nthe niet.of tbli, >10 Mnay pue n ibwt the monr n-ii b eflni I c. Am. n'eut ba= htZhýv AT -Tlik 18.1 'q 1

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