Whitby Chronicle, 6 Mar 1860, p. 2

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D p b lt u a i X a g e u s m4.M o s t5 1 u am ti g te d éà A m i e ri, tr s e it , nl u r- 1 O 5 5 * W 1o>'ofcu a4nation iil ievidesîly ieft1 t' i~ itti transrsdng r awl-as no definWton, whatev0er bu abee ,v«e W1mtkoh,'Wre ,imy bes '1Mhue m omoke W beas% safed ali te 1* forts, or ibape, or eeoo. :T er~ ' ~"~ ~ A ublis se«I.I bh. II-n thi e ndsof 'outdiscennSgfrind rennme we' thfs.*c v lM4 ai*bt the. .s.41u «Ch 89squ asae, Samn, vo woutd remind -leue jeint-sutiori. Conse111il, -04 4bcdy, bas every disposition lhét1 &Mb8~is d mine. t 17mOngSrIl"âtstl% sî"Mt ~~ duo hie ea4-èNonT 'Tha I ii bs s d bo s th a t'.a î ermîl ,à usi refo s s&!e t stw ays co siact of theL. 16" e n..m a u .Spmk ot u..- iprevementg7' TaNknever put a la amirble.Ent nin uoffice, wu Lse Ns,~ usa~u~ili1 a lnSly 'tii gronidý,.and of ai] the barren talIr ve populer and distingihdaMyre bt Ci ur. ~~fr ~ - ià,evr eei oteedwihL s lthîe b'a a i uifrapredecessor. S ~ ~ l .Ls , m mjJ at nu e mtJ sc a. w ' sh a d m o i s f . t he n am e e0 c e mm on s d t a k f u e e dm g snd g viùg pub- I-pli.4 aisu..s.d .-ww 4h1 S have soetiig pacia liesllsfsotion il -ne * am e. o , ~yebeulg b ls kndc ~In; ome*bng cliâner te handle, sud pleasater fT~Mî Mr. 4=1104011, bu mmeâed, Tiire SbrMt.lhn. g90i b. known Stf ult ess.peuk the Lâct. ..cli. go auuli. --aefwmat.ii owsrfIuw"iie sehoutd QmeO wbn fln oodbads.ire te direct lithew"oucOf 'the Cons- Would (min mmhsvla usàee DeonmtOpealng 0 e BenDtinuqueLs. , ami ewlh*er4 u~ateds( Uvem~lt~i.sssain~... ~i.isall îht Ioeeuryu< ite prodiies 14s p.. . mmalîy but bleas'? 1> nés les ui rascb ablher iuooé, W. cas uPMI iaember oadent cf oeeasgood r"su' Ha ...t ~. .~ub~ -Un", eM o ra utions te 'recal l ig1. t. Tii. 'acouaof our Town Pairs. Mlqshoiau the boit vs .u. - oundlig iet net insppvsp" spe fTii.sent Fair takes place on lie firet !N..eu "lno lu, but iolent bc tnioiomentade in vhih Ibolie tloi Lord Wednesdsy lu 4y, -aud now b>'takiîg, Toota-. l.hlîpa cu ciZdward Fitzgerald, Wolf Toue, sud Robt ta.lieb'usfr-ocsdusagiipoe If YOU'r$ bIthe "kL40OUsc, Cý1Xsab e.,.. lb ~ ~ Éxsnst, el adaii4muwi .exeiion tiie Pair vill Le ne failure lain Po V o b oyà um silia c-ceg. of Freodom. ewon"ing t *mi'fte. :No li,>'«Y th tins #P1 , sler'cf lii prt ioapined te Leset 2nd. A lNâce Office lu1necessar>' te Le Lsettoipeak cf ail the btws cmeyer the? afi'airs cf the. Pro>vince cf Baby. ostalle.W aeIeeeeesenta -e-. - in came unscaîhed eut ef the '-buruing neeul ty; ;s4friin behefesishretfaci A Welcome te Winter. Sonry fuisse-11 isamueh as the ose corn.vod aeedfinlcetbshetf sià vg X uetesaTo -izXMu Zri rmnmittod suicide, lie other beetue an exileop cOSc.hl neesr hrfn snd lie third vas exeoucltcd, tLe-application te repeat liesi. Tiie law requines. thes& Seni inil th stmte dc' cnti agte of the orator - vu singulani>' iufelicitous. tabliahment of a Police Offiee,sî,d lie Cout-ilE Coma. rosi ati Irosicomi 1.a s i AMeal We neverhlets admit that lie individuat 'il """vo"neoption l ic'aer uta. That h. wbo walkeamay g0t ft Whh hroët l"iimenaIof misapplied hsi& l>' te cii.7 the lsv. Blow, vIiitry vîndil Blow cold asnd kosu, tory dovs the tiirot cf bis admining but Tii. third maitéer viiei aiiuld oecupy AstI ltine varmlng suiît c heatetono;teT'tC gil s h du dma, delopte thoir ihickeeî coite, -net ver>' Soute O udence, Lsd god stuif leatnino i TM cnil h Wbce'er go ouitaMy set sore*4haî, in hlm, if hoe kai used bis talents teoone raisiiîg ef funda for Town improvements, fuelemont lime 1 the chilI. pnsouuwiiat bottei purpose than ho did. Re la tuisviw nelude the puiebase of .4 Fine. To wlch wrak Itumen Iidh14 hein; meLîs Ive wo odfire.« 4awd the lat muggy mli, unnijxte amp, fudLsfquiy, sud Lie beunce accep, il, go Drerd ague,, aahma, cough and crainp, table te tLe cars oflils admireriansd isi equipuient cf as lias gale, «s veIt as e £uW@ Dores,, couee lut go blow, 'ce-maté -etfliee'cabbage-garden,' UnM. -plsag Beeck otrcot in a pèrtmanent state jt AMlay thcm, simpte 'mr"pluw; 'm (l'c, Geoi, aqs e t oee yulbeiind i LIscul. 'Of rnoiri. An m ieaiould aailclude the 1l Ai nacktbirlin11b. îith rlîcunsdarnl iary compauler, in assurng thst ho nul ees. idt L en> gae eis *rvelsilee i m i ge* lartipropane, venture on pnohibited groand, and eut- leetrs uitt L sudfo hspr And Iiutuciziu fil! hlie air; Heri is cempeer la audacit>' sud liceuse. pose, extendiug over a period cf twenty or ni And til vii lnlia ilil IA'weib mcd, W ih aeoelokd guimastiirt>' yeai-u. As wehAve heretofon, m For Cevcr4 arc to doî î W mgh hveovrlok i his gniren? Scats.îcu-*raealiest ecapade lu Iretaud; ve mugît ohevs lu 'aîheee celumnu, it veuld Le tee j' Foî aur ki 1 e.gcngih.-ieîh min e - have endeavonod tv ipe o o hetbesunjust te bundea the natepayeru cf the pro. ti iIh -r oir lnror sitiur bille, oentfrein the thblets(Ir iV. lh-,e I.>'symmî unr nlghKr kil& cf ibur mernor>'certain mosi villîsus aspi. s e a vit -ofTowe debt.eon V an, iîger, hllI i ansowv 1 ani neeze 1 rations touciiing our brave, sud sufferiug Tinuje o oumntfeuei u Andi î.y fiul vwcnîhcr uweIl our tees; - sldien>' ia the Crimes ; vo Migiil have of primo importam etoe te4ansd we th Tlh. hcavy fcl t i cIght S'arlî,trstes mm r othConigv r 'riec.uneismat aid rmuiistar. Éimpljy langisoilat Lis bombstabout 300,. trustte ecagememters of lie oweri, lvng c _________________000 Valant foliowens (existing soîely iu bis i L sorgma àtcrpwr eh Nuw Âvertlemeat titi Day. ver>' <iseasc imasigirsiion,) but tho seema thiepresent siovenent set on foot te accure G Ne Avrlenns(i a. resoluiel>' Lent on precluding aIl peaibulit>' ma qlictires te 'îe tevu. th V ùebeo- Governneî,î Agenc>-E. S. CLos. cf oblivion on thcs. manifeld absurdities u, T im thare ar fe ndcf îL e set hichbu le'. 'b>' Lis neccîui meut indefeuisible, snd un. sienof dathe eancl>' sud arepatacu b V Agriulturllspement-. ~W. Bnown. c suuinayad veny suicidat attack up. Ce fi i> aepatiad Life Associationî cf Scotland-J. Grant. ou the Queen'a Representative, t the, ver>'sdscys ol rv hMl eel ic 8thiiiAn4i aBlanc-James Grant. opening cf tLe Panliannaî-y session lu lu their operation, And if, -istead cf ce- 1 Quoec. Ho cannot plend ignoranceo f cupying lime, vith tii. Lumbug, sud the ie ~be~tU -~Itti>~îQL~~IUC e: aw n mkin :luaina f h kmd.hypeenis>', of prohibitor>' liquor meinonls:sh He s to wll eadandpractiaed ina mci membeofât e Conseil 'pply hem earg e t ith-am rUydwnd *k,..ôigt ndunl nte ....eimpnortant iat sthenv l qfe cutr '.,.wa-. rat nt uînZg nmattens te put lu tint kind of pies. WLat - tLi î ltc l ei'eact c,,Progn.as, LnowleeScBrltho r o eugove,, if incliuc<l o soins rani good. WMby Tîoda E'g Mrd 6 860 tlink ht possible tint abouîiding il& talent Board cf Ichool Trateen. Wldtyo, uesay E'gl aroi 6. 1 f nu eudiuany kind, ho inight have becone i 16 Joint-Auihorîîy.9-0as rnnmeut te our Assewrbiy, sud service- WubMri ,16. ' - - abo t îL comuei>' e wiclîlieassmes The Board cf Sciioci Trustees met ai the,-t abl tothecolmuaty o wichlie"SuneàTown Hait ou Satunda>' lut. The foliew. nig Joiut4-ýlddle-atickt Wlîaîdoccithmesu? te visti veli? - What, voumsk, eau be urged ing members were present :-Mes. Bonl- te ru it suething odible? Qi- potable?7 Wiliinl extenuatien cf the imui uîjusîifinblc, gcugîu, (Chairman,) Brown, Penny, Fraser, Bai it keeoffl tho veovil ? lii it encourage umtirnel>, andi indeceut attack on the Gev- snd Watson. Absent-Mn. Sprowie. kin ri largo growîlî cf flux ? Or esitabliiah "y erîmer Geterai cf vîuicitho humase recenîl>' The Ciairman oxplained that lho Lad 'n<' uspeciesof manufactures? Alias vo fear been guilty ? le bas dis-raced himscif, waie nîeMyr u nomdhmc h a ev wof viadosif hyd ohn es.Lsi ii becu recentl>' pnactiaing a big Mn. Brown, a resolution pasaed iustnucting Your patent patiet bas onî>' te bawl out, lieux upon public credulit>', sud la iimsotf tho Chairman te grantisore0ortc~ procduc bils warea, pst-adobils samplea, sud uow inst coufoundcdly hosxed lu retunumrnOf $60, Liug 6 mentis interest on St Feolain hoir eiese>'. Ho las oui>' te b>'Mr. Harr>' Honny's communication. scicol debonuues. banamnrer-aa as long as be-eati stand, or Toronto, FeL. 16, 1860. Ou motion cf Mr. Brown, s rescluiouî towa il athera lunge admit, sud no (car as te pasaed autiiorlzing lie chiirman te grant cerni lts ccesu, mliii ait tho "6disconteutcd." "Fiîàwic LESAICI, EsQ., Si-Your grand Lis order ou tLe Treasurcu- in favcr cf A. eftht lat irforinsanct &Ictt pbli b exposure of ithe Sono cf Malts (viti ver>' Logan, fer ticeasi cof $6, lu payrnent cf the1 dîne. hm, o. in uaie ul oot pubfec ly i Lr. littho oxeotipîlc) h a rn pepaed- upon o sh ac ou tt for tin box procured b >' the C air rie n, don. Hnoa le iny s enoct>'safe te substantiate as being quite correct, Iu man for tLe use of the Board. gaine. IhisL alwnaya amaiingi>' popular. It the Ci>' ef Toronto, lu the Lodge kucwn Tii. Board tien adjourned nil lthl tat e a ~capai la boned upea "nasuunpion." Itpaadsas tiéclé"etiEnd," cf vili G. L. AII>'viu Saturda>' lu tiche nt.cc -Wint Mr. Se-sud-Se mould'- have doue, er îu Grand Commander, I do certif>' that the---- -- I fesu veud o fM>'igeîs tc enfia ! Ltenture te which tic candidates are put, la Parlismentary. rMy i cuis>' fr natinoriecsthe beted b>' ofithe lusorne instances more distnossiug than QE c oda ac t. 2240 ol>'farnatealobjetan, csuctd bfiis ticdearlbed iu your paper, iu seeinstances QuutMus'MrhS. ceuni theyare agerte spptat an fils Le>'h are put te breakiîmg atones wiii pou- Te-day au addresite the Gevernor if Le Htall ef Assombi>', viihwcudrpua vindy derouî Laminera, barelîeaded sud banofoot. General, prayiug fon the. remisalon cf the more mprton h balr d.iwmcrn sentence cf Mosans. Felioves sud Cassel. oui>' 'pîtos i rvosal*rm aug Yen yu-l oblige b>' giving thils note pub. awscridi teAebyb wr m l11111e for iieir clients, as a grampua or ïa ludt>' lu yur invaluable paper, a0 mn vsenid uîe.&urby b>' iaws àwe.-d4iuifera sitoal cf heringi. Y08105s gunnd su>' more cf tLe iniabitauts being vtcf8te3.-eIna tbey mcv litai tLe Lulk etfsisnkiad, are dupes of, sud guard tLe publieclungemerai, Bilie vers intnoduced b>' Mn. DUNBAR have kssvs samd f4ls ; roligicus Icuaves, loga insî being Ilaold" by tudr infernal pRO SS 55te prevent the sdnlterstieu of anul, sudv maysquck uaes tndig uaea e- odi Ma B'dupeyn rii oeos cf food and drink sud te provide for I mou vat uvesu oltia kaes ie'oblige your humble servanttcinpcio iref ay ' ,van knveoyandpoHARRY'knHENRYhe To regulato lie preceedinga of Gu Coin- but il - nnuaîly, or qaartanly ah leastprociain H MYHENY, paniosàsud t tehtonize disappoinimani cf tint:1 ,ie ruination of lb. viole cemmuniîy', lok Past Vice 0. Commander."1 inspectons et gas sud gas inoînes. oquai] upea Lsd Larvet as se mueli polilicat ",P.S.-hinma>' Iste for yenr iuf4'uuatien To amend the set respectiug Telegrapi apital, rejoice litieveu-y passiug clouti, lIhar nonelaoneuetion vith an>'Sou Ceinpanies. lever on . evmr>' glesut cf isunsîlue, c4uc eto Malts Lotige nov. H. H." JTo provide for au inquir>' ie lite houa. * an>'sLip or steam vesset car>'ing pan.u- se the meraileat deoilue # oui secunltica, FPew cf oui renadorsamut fait te recoguize in engers froin Europe or seviahre te diii glosi oven s faIt lu our rnd Rawla>' uuMn. r. any Heur>', lie hero et lis Toronto Province. Ti deriaking, snd ve venli beisve have ne Police offilce. Indeeti il muai Le fresi u-T a i erMas.yu Ceunts cf jus. is>', a objection te an -ooeasionai ceuflagraiouor ths e eotlecîiou cf the publie tint - Mn. celLor aa therîeden200 mine maltns in dispute bebveen die Cromn au>' otier sinistor misfort-ue. The cous- lenry'u lasi appoarauce bofore lie Polices sid tiie out;jeot aI' the instance cf the. Inter. "B fry7l1oeVem-, tiank fIearen, sutilsurvives; MagistratestaIToroato, mas On4, for dise ]3y Mn.' MO WATT, te amend the lsv et yen tc the people utilt arc fuiticf hope sud cenfi-, one IAunred and aeventy first turne. Mr. Replevin li Upper Canada. augry B>' Mr. D. ROSS, te negulato tLe igit elouga dutice, sud- oui constitution combines as.a "Atlywin" the Grand Commander, miii, (of oïet asons nuarried iu foreigu Cehmtries, sud -01W moiti goud viti kia utile cvii, as huan course, Le recognizeti as Mn. G. L. Altan, immigrating tlierefrom tte resde lu Lover hî's oci araiugilicts car, genenali>' duvise, ii- io e tcGeveniiuo f &hoToroultQ Gaul. Cnd.oic A vaulyfai> oitressmre ten eg -vitoutdobse, m*L ie s. udjni Th Vmiet &ttC, oda> , u cnequence f bi. des& ofetlion. ParimameMmar Corrap«denc. (orsi th xeteo'le (Iover orGene ai met the citates cf the Ilealm eauesda 4sl o hIecocasios, QuebS e eut c a' gisit ýaira>'etof imsobe mrn'su loyal men, vio gneeated hlm wviii ail dsa nespkt-tbe ladies viîL smllixig faco,a1 uicent drsses,ud vouterful hýoopa, th, gentlemen, anthe mes, vie dcn'î proton, to goutilli>' lu the fasuionable aen"sof thi ter"a, viti heurt>' acclamations. NOhinj coult Le more pleaut than lie wmiel aft'air, foi- tie day Was mu fine us if i haÀ becti Jane, andtihti arrangements voire per feet. I hi b eaily extnsordinam->' liaiwitLii 6 meontis of the commencement eft ti buildingthLe lieues of parliainent, uu bc orccupied b>' lie voncenirated vIisdem, c UhO Province, everying in sud ont hein luisefel lu tLe nesteat manuer. Hlis Exeîenc>s peeluyou iii lead) bsve seen nd sut twu ge gecl, liaItith Opposition dit nett in'toenid itby mcvý iug 9,&endmeus te tic ecio-tie attresm in repl>'. A (0w-ver>' feir, sel more tisi ihre. memiers in the Upper lieuse ventur. il te express duasatisilctien,- andi even thon it was not mith iLs malter oethe speech but miti the praisos cther speakers Laci beshomcd cit the TMiister cf Finance snd the Pstinasten Geneia. lu h. Asembi> Le topies lu centaiued more Lard>' glaucec it b>' tLe cuts, viho cul>'matie a feebci Low cf disapprobaîlon, b>' atmptiug c ike cm- Ime. Monsieur Plihe taiked miat ,ho French caît de la blaguie, Anglico Clap ýrap lu his usual scneaming tene, sud gel MIt l ubbed for bài pains, as didthe peri. mtetie Gniflin Toma O'Connl.-.--twJ.oc me libarator 1 usI n abomination te l iken )ne te the othen-mie oe fan forgot where la vag, aud wvaholis la aste launci s irate cf disnusting abuse a1 ithe Governor -eneral, for wmici- he mas admioniaiet b>' he chair, sud Lissed b>' the bouse. Ogle . (loman wneti te pitecinto the sutinai, :mt mas ceunsclled te lot hun alone, anti lac teultue ne deubtinfluite mortification - the voutti-be martyr, fon.t la evident>' ceGee's objoci te stir up stnife, sud I shahl 0bû surprised if befone the session la ont, ýdoua tuot manage eue get ni> a rom. No- hiîîg is se injurious tu.e eman, as tLe ai- ut couterapt etftthe *nembera on tLe mini- :eniaifd4,'isud If Le>' are viso, the>'yull 't Lia. pr'lt i latitdes anti stutioti ittie- mi fs'iththe olmeers et his emu fniencla ifi hoùve' rcai fnieuda lu th. enuée,wLic-h luuit. The mir eto Panliament Las juat mate s fi-st sppearancc,anti I observe ii lacep>- ghted, s hoeeh c imsferits contents their ovu columus, viii Le under t-ho iodtons et tho law, viciipretecta îhîis md of propent>'. The Frenchi editien is i yeî iusued, but la expeccti te Le ou ýdesks cf membera at istf pasu 7 o'cieck. he Legialature shouId sastain the enter ze ilci is a Lcavy oue, anti mien il la rnbered Ihal n mua equivalent te, I ink, $600 dollars a week, mas efi'eed ne Yoeusago te n>'pniaten mie oniod leniake acmeîiing of the kiud, mhicit tr ne one dsmed te secept, h soenît nos- nable'io hope that some aid viiiLebcton- -ed. Wiîhouî nid 1h la possible tiat thc iglisi part na>' go on, but h canuc' see v tLe Prench, miice CstO sgreai deal ne, omiug tu the necessi>' cf Irausiatons, - Le kept n.- Noc Interidinga et the Hungarisu. Noc business lu eltien Lous to-day. Ad- sa te Le passeto-morrcv. Youra, aieiIspecil more immedit. ueigliboniicod cf the dt' su,,ler;,sa #ééd b±.their salir. noget te ever, conialus -auarticle-li referencete tlhm HIungsulsu,. mich imaIres some ,,aarzping dlsclosures, tut probabi>ly wt~sithe loa of tkeaâsbie vemsett- Tieres -sn etlt euil &t tho. cause of bier les a as's lunder lu*. uvigw, lies, ver>' probable iisviug Ia-engIn lu Io- -cal magnetie attra.dtlou, i kaffectetiber. cesipases. 1Witl l ire rnmtaucei cen.- uectod mitk lie fou et tLs Indisu>,tüli -freshiniuMIS taint, lier. la, reasen te su0p. pose tiat Captais Joncs censidereti hinseif veti clear oethle land aitie, lime i ese veut asiere..WLen me 'suppose tint mýag- neicl local attraction vas lihe probable cans e ofhonlou, -me are- atngtluetrétlu tiaionvlelieuby parusnge correspondence behmeen seme -f lie captalus eft ishUe -Sud R, il& Ferbes» Captais PorLes, vimose lutereat Ï& &IlI "sconeerrsêtieses la coq-, mopolitlncalitetstesti& cf Hoeeoe the captaius cf Ibis lin. le tie importaiot faci liai Captain Morris Lad dicovered s preceas by mhick local attracetion on board cf iron veasols la complotai>' neutrsîized,t se tai the. cempasasiehulti Le left free te the action cf polar attraction atone. The ansmera miieti Le receiveti more ver>' cour- teous, but tiscredted Lis $ltauent@% hn (set, oee of ti m state dt h a itil as i 0881-i t LIe ; sudalso ceutaineil lie utaniiiugan- nouncemnet l"aicempassses more et ver>' littie use on board et an>' cf tiosoe vesseis hu tLe vicinit>' cf tLe land-tint ihey mere navigaiet aimost b>' gues venr.c Furîher Particutars Relative te the 111. ut [r er- Mt le le ad he id W-- in àe of t- li COON. Mie Editor of tMe W/îitby C/îronicle Yen moulti perfomn a ect fkindues ards ycnn (farmer rendors b>' atatimg the cl veight of a ton of La>' in Iba. Soe 1on Mn>' have iteen similai>' troated tc mnuer lu wich hvas served b>' yonî id Mn. Wallace, vie publishes a nova- or mu yeur îown, sud (rom 'ivosin la a aclit, the public wouid expeçt to ne , correct information. hmsiead oethit, ar, ho Las nulcîtd me lu tLe veigit ci us>'. Hoe bas insisieti ou receiviug 0 lbs. te tLe ten. If Le Le correct, ef rse I have ne cause te cemplinn; but L as get fi-on me 240 Is,. te the ton ethan hi laenîitled te I tbiuk lu la , ight liai tLe puLlie aiontd Le made re et the faci se as te prevent otiera gtrealti as I Lave Leu. sold hlm the ha>' lu gooti(ah. ns I te man>' othens, tic paut twe seaseuis, u'itionî tLe slighteetiught Lut tisu Pulti Le deait vitît jusîl>', sud tuat ni> would Le veigieti as, the lav directs, ýappearsa tt asmnnet thi.eut>' oe Mrn. James Wallace Lau skinned lnan 1>'y ereditable mannen. JOHIN DOYLE 'iitby Marci 6th, 1860. le correct voigit ini ILs et s ton et as settet b>' sel of Parliament, la lbâ.-ED. CHsexîCLE. Smm>, yoti luttle viol>, titi I net tell c lot tint cais tait atoneo' Sait an fatier te hig mon, mie vas tr>'ing te ato a cat's narative. Vrl, oitihosu, what if yen dit ? Id Browu'a '.à4 aud %lil yack ihunder; lut if h plesso 11 Halifax, Murci 2. 9 An officiai, letton from, Mn. Tovuscuil, a agent cf ithe Govenrnent ni the wreck oc tîte H-lngsian, sya liai it is nom airer- 9 tained Leyoud s doub4t, tat lier are- uo tsurvivons of tLe disaster te, the H1unganlan. .Ouly bine. Ladies have bera found, euon fiLat cf a voman, one tiat cf a insu ni- ipose t te La fireman, anti oueo a ciild,' auppesedti tebL two yeans oïi. The cargo sud mateniala cf tue steamer are acatorati aleng tLe shore frein Tasket arcunti CapeB Sable as firn essias Ragged hilaut. Cou. aiderabte goocls are tiriftlng ashore nitie meti cf Sielborue harbor.- The ceuntr>' 1people genennîl>' are acting _Loneatl>'. Three atorehouses are ired aitflarringicu te colluot tii, proper:>' viiel islaoftcousid- erable vaine. Tic siip's sniCtb have been found, sud ih shows tint the crew nnnibercd 74. No passenger liai Las yet been found. Tic rmuored finding of tic clearance cf tié steamer la utitrue. Tic oui>' passengers yet knowu te have been on board the ili-tateti vessel, are Mr. Boulton. ions. et Sackville and Dr. Barnett cf Nov York; s box Lerouglug te îLhe latter Las becu found, eentaiming a numbce, cf loutera fi-cm Lis vife sud danigLuer. Paricular cune yl Leutakem cf an>' bodies tintnia>' Le founut, sud a record efthte marks found upon them vili be kept. The Lodies vili Le buried lu separale graves for recoven>'b>' temr fientis. The mails are-soaketi inte pulp, but îLe>' viii be sent te Halifax b>' the revenue cuiter Dauing. Hon. Joseph love, Provincial Scuneta->, is oxhibitînug umuch intenesi and promptitude ceuceruingy the vreck. Rumored ilarriage of the Priacesui Bmussels, Foi. 10> 1850. Tic Observateur Belge speaks cf thc appoclingc nuptiata f the Prince f Or aug w iîL t Le P rnrc cas A lie e t E uîland, the second daugiter cf Queen Victoria, as a setitleti set,"andtin ucennectien viiticth subjoct it publiaies lie foileviug para. grapi. The magnifieut sud spacicus royal car. niage, calleth e "British Qucen," mieci ina just Leen ccmpteted, andtislate Le seen ai tLe Station du Nord at I3rusela, viii Le put lu motion probabl>' for the firat tino on the occasion et a prcjected excursion lu Bl 'îglum o et icPrince Royal et the Nether landts sud the British Pninceas, usia itendeti bride. This carniage comprises severat spacious conpartwzent, andtiin lunn respect mfet-ler te that tately made for thei. mpe. rial fanil>'of Franco. Messrs Joues, Brou., the celebratcul coach buildera cf thc Duke of Brabant, Lave been changet i miitii.h pitndecoratien antiraetaino his luxunieus voiture, wmieL Las latel>' lu. snod (rom the ateliers de colusructiots of the Malines station, anti Las Leeu deaigueti uder the direction ef M. Goben4thîe tn. lKeDe Thouveneî's reply te hh. Pope'. fM. De Thouvoet Lasu adtime8sue te tLe t diplomatie agents et France a reppi>' tee luti oncycticai letton cf . the Pope.,lie bauvets ilte hisiony te sày ibether lie ne. speuaiiility cf events faîte ou the Empenor, oon o e. vi, refiming 5-i>'concession cf reoem, andi cbnfiuiug liesiselves th in. explicable actions, Lave allowedti iingi' te groir verse, until tte>' threaten te s peint ut ici tic evhl boconcase gresutiat it cannot Le remediet. RH omeaîins cf lie Ceuni of Rome trauspcnulng tte elbd et religion s question wvilci belenga oteo1m. porat affaira, sud-disolaim thieasilgitoat in- tentien et eucnoaching on lie spiritual power et iLs Pabiff. Tii. HeIy BSe, e gays, Lhu placet ilseif lu discerd vii tite spirit cf di. limes b>' mskhng appealtot men'a cunscionces in lhe saine of faili, fer an intenestwmilchisl sinupi>'tomporal. M. De Tieuvenel cites examples te show tiai lie Blinagna, sarrau>' escaped behug diasevereti freinthe States cf thse Cinîci la 1815. lu 1814 Ansîridansd Na- pies oeet dinte stipulation viii ssci other, baset on thei, pnaciple cf panitioning the Legaticua. Iu lie negetistiens aI Vi. enna, in 1816 * tie dlscuuasios >on ic Roman States vas enstauti>' maiutainet evea 'b>' à tic Roman' Caliclie Pevers, sunduder t eousidbiratioüs purel>' temporal. g ti preenu tatec afia uiigîo The KCing et Surdinia arnived ti aMlan. 1FoL. 15. le vas moceiveti witi extra- iinary enihusiasin. Ti cew- Roman tenu mas Leen negoîla I wiîii Belgian capitaliats. Tho nine iinndred Larbaniaus wvici en- ted for tie Papal arsi> had annived ai 1Lord Johnu Bu sutatad lu Parllamaut tint the . speoiaI - missiofil of Lord Elgin te cin~a iéà nut beeu' 'dofluitel>' arnged, Joéhu3cm-Rluho tnncuu>ced limit ue mounit Introduce ,a Befonm Bill on 'lhe Anrsi ofxMsred U. -H. aise sa - lai ! ortes. poudene vAW piogfinmg mithii 'Gvý-, enmeitt of lhs United!t tes, vithi4 eapct tte" res ,dIniîsi on etBritli shipping te th rÂeiean eeasting Irade betiveen -tii. Eaiten States snd Californis, &c.,*but lie malter vwas uot l a sposition te b. lait Le- forelie Hnouas. lu nosponso te Mn. Peel, Lord John uaseli rsaid liai inquiries Lad been ad- drffeadte mdiaas te viietier liere- vas an>' intenêu nte cotde Savoy to, France. -. ardinia dénies, an>' ssci intention. - Barltfranrilte aseannoncet han- lie .House et Lords thai Frauce wilt do aneth- iiig touciiug thit aunexatios uihout firat couisultiug tLe Great power, anti obtaiuinig îiic censent oethle iiabitauts. A Molltiite lieuse le abolihgog giug ha tLe navy mai unegatived. The ai-ut> estirnales show an i-reme of- twe millions sterling. . It la deniodti iusiAustnia lias repliovi te tLe proposiitions et Eiigiaud luchiug the Ibnliau question. Il la aise repo-tedti tat Rusais rejeais lthe pnepotions. 1Advies frets Madirid ustat, tint Mar- abaii O'Donuel vas activel>' -engaget ne- couueitçning tLe ceunry' surroniidiug Te- tuan. lie Lad necciret a delega,,tion fi or tie Meorisi govemcmeut. auking on vint terSas peace iroulti Le grantoti, asimd es!ne femiethe ti.question to Lia Quceu, vie Lad Èlespateited 'a messogenerte Tetuari vit thre contions upon mic peace wiliL e gan- ted. The public spirit lu Spain, ieweven, is marlike, anti h la believodthle van yull continue. Theliron masters et Glasgom have agreed to-keep ailt hemr fui-suces eut for suotier forinigit. t Docten Marra>', lie Bisiop cf Roceter-, s dead.d The landi forces cf Englanil are fixed atuM 43,000 smen, being incr-e'aseti neal>' 6,500, 9 in addition toe e ait Indisa amy num- oerlng 92,000. t] Them nov Wiitworth gun Las bees tried t- li astouiumgstuccesu, surpassing lu rang. utd accuracy tLe Armstrong gumi. It is sait Lat tie French Govomnîneni àas emmered i tt elaitions viii Pi-ussa, as q imemier cf the Zolverein, for tLe nege. h Àaticnfa fs ev commercial lient>' simitan ;o dat vith Eîagiant.b M. Titonvenei's circular te tLe Prenchi9g i'piomaic lugeuta,lin response te tice late wmc>clicsl lettofethe Pope, Las beeu pub. ished, andtislaattracting sattentîionm. u ni>. iront>' conviets the Pope et improperl>' i îig Lisaspiritual, office for pellîlcai pur. i M. Thenvenei's letton the e roci Arn- ( ussadon ut t orne laaise pubtisaied,expIain. W. a- te p - o -t il bi in ai on cri Londen, Sat. Moruiîîg. The London aud China mails left D])er for London ai. nidight Il la -rumoncd titat Goverms ucutLaste intelligence f mcm Pokiuu vis St. Petersburg, te tic effeet liaiticheEmporor la dispoased te make eveny concession fer averîing fuir- lier iosîiIities, sud tiat if titis peaceful disposition -la met viti an honorable spirit b>' Eng-lanti-giti -furtlwer .contest mn>' Le avoidcd.? Advices frorn Rosie s>' tinttLe Italisu patrioes luSpelete, Perugia, Pennie, sud cuLer lomna, have senti 10,000 francs te Breadatuffis quiet sud fleur neminailly un- changed, Lut difficultte seil, qnoe ta 23a te 28 6d. Wheat inactive anti unchmîgecl. Cern dm11 aud casier; yeitow 33à te 33s 6di. ficef lu gcod requesu. Pork selling free>' ah 75a te 8Oo for ucw. Lard lu (air de- mandt 58Oa te 6Os. Asies active andi dearer, 29a 6d te 328 for pots aud 34a te 35a for peanis. London corn market COUL» MOT ReSui'Plii .-Au oIt vo- inu vie mss in-'thehabit of declarIug af- ter the occurrence-cf n> unusuat evoni, tint sie Lad predicteti il, as eue day veny doyen>' 'Isolti,'. br.àerion eth>' apouse, mIm, like inu' adn e mot oet md get tireti cf Lesning ber etenual AI telti you seo.' Rushig lie iL.heionse one day breatiiess miti excitomnent, ho dropped jute is ehaýi-, elevated is banda, anti exclired' Ohfi' vifé 1 vite 1 uLt-vist-do yen iiink ? Tii. old bintle cc bon gene anti est - up oui gnindatene 1"' The old voman mas ready ; sud hardi>' maiîlng te Lear tLe lait vend, mie sereameti out at lie tep cf 'ber vice.-" I teit yen se, >'ou old foot 11 telti Rtsoau,-Tie population of tli usias empire vas estimaîeti ai651200,000 lu 18- 50. In 1858 il enialsie as8 ficill s ts.ý ted, cmýi>'5432 scioois, viti 1352618 pu.- p0is of mluioh 4982 faIlt teuivrie 30ttilyceums, 2,210 te theliihcol,. logea, 28,358 te lie provincial gcieola, 2 ,06te lie privatostabilirneuts, 3- 38, te -Hebrev achools. 'Besities lieue timere msre ,la h. '-dIstrict Of Wsuv76,x059 tIntent.suad puplls,-in 1451 - cicois. Se tiaI ilueeuütlr fe ont of pnpili, lu Rusa .and Pelant la 2 14,0'08la3W~ abua lis nüe th ouesta f -dotrn. b --v alieci U yc be is ato tear up a geod of it and get.B sàemhng te put on it. (irat his cwopa may be ligLI, Lut 1he7 increuseîf ho continues. te cùltivîe in vt a>, and put the produce back on the. dliatis ifa apeda the produce on the. WHIITUY MARK~ET&. itto-Sprin, t$1 te $1 4. 4ss, b5.. a ba.' a 80C g 82c, ýay$100$14R on. onrk $6 te $6 '5 eef $4 C 0 ho.p $8 @ $4 50. otatoeâ, 25e.,@8. utter 15. @0i20c. ~gp d 0 laf do. Ws 25.,@SC.80r, Vpair. arksyà 5o0. q 75. eaeF. Dese 25. @85e, pIles 5Oc @ $1 O09 jqbushol.4 Ides $5J.,- L $1 2() $ arrot. Exblbitlexua. rdWood$2 OO@$225~cord~ WluU.by, Yeb. a t» ( eas une bl tnlt se', iv DIm ii wner, vas uwisaure quite a 4iWos't yon Walk in, M asIed the. iisU.' ter, politely. "Much àoleeged, squire, I don't know but we viii, 1 say you're a min. istor ain't fyen 71 80.rkond o eéy sand me-hats Betàey,ý a fust. rate sort ibf gal-anyhov-"l "OýIIh ýJotham," 1-sisnpered the, bealful Betse . "Yjoa are nov, and you need'nt go foe- ýte defty it. Well, Betsey asdeme have con. cluded te hiteL teamu, and wvo *snted yoa te o lt i.1 "Yen vigL tde matried 7"1 "Ye,1Ibelieve tLat's vhat lie7 Caul t. -I say, th -ougb, Muster, before wo begin, let's knovw ha's1gOing te be, the dasmages, as I reckon it ins-t best to go it blisd." 111 "Oh I eier set any price, I taire wha tbey giveýme." - "gWeII, that's ail riglit; go ahead, min. istel-, if you please, we are in a Lurry;j a4 .T o got to finish a Plantin, the tater Patchi &fore night, snd Betsey, she's got 1te feteh the butter." Thus abjureci, the. miniater comrnencei ticeremouy, which occupied:but -a few minutes. "iKiss me, Betsey,"I said the delighted bridegrooml. "You are, My old womaz nov, aint itniee'r' &4pis.ýrate 1"1 vas the satisfaeîoryrpy I'Hold on a jerk,') said Jothani, .8*5sho Ieft Lis wire abruptfy sud darted out of the gate to where thre wagon vws left. "What's your husbanil gone Ot r ort il iaked the niier somewhat anrprised. 111 expectt Wa for the. sassages," vasW the confused reply. Just then Jotham iiide bis appearance> dangling in Lis band a pailfut of s»Usages) whieh hoe haudcd to the mlnzs.r, with the grill of eue ceuferring a favor. £&We hiaia't got much money, aud vo tho't we'd psy you -ia sassges. >fam made thens, nnd I reckonï they are goed. If bhey anu't, you juxst send them, baek, andl we'Il send you somne w -. quarian discoveries of the. higbest interçst bave lately been made in the Great Delser, beyesd the river Jordan, by an Engtish gentlemnan, C. -C. GîiamesFq... who rend ipaper on the. subject te the Royal Asiat. ýSociety, on January 7. Far te the euat )f the district of tlie Enurau, an il, a re- gion u «nvisited by any European traveller, le found fl-v. sncieît towna, ail perfect an ýthe iuhabitants Lad judt left them-the iouses retainiag, the massive atone dîr vhich are characteriâtic of the. archeticture )f that regrionî* One of tii cities is remar- kable for a large building like a castie, )ult of white atone, beautifully cut. Fur. ier ea.itward otiier places were found vhere "6every atone was covered. with in. criptions", in an uakaowa character, bear. Dg somne aparent, likenea to the Orceer pýhabet' but probably referable (in tii. pliOl -Of 1Mr. Grahami) te tth. aucient. latiyaritic alphabet, formerly la use in. Outhern .A.rabia. Copies and impressions fseveral inscriptions are presented, a.ud îll, no doubt, engage the. attention of Orn. taliats. 0 la à LARGE F,&îiuE ONOzMonCA....A» ew anawer te tuis problem is given by a )rrespoudeut of the New Enàland Far_ Sr. Hoays ;-IIIarn one of those fa., trs Wiio believe la a good large far». rere 1 a Young man aud guill& te farming r a living, I should wsnt from n de ha. red to tvo Lundred acres of land. But I n ot One of those Who thin' ht ot ike moe monY from, a littho farlt than gi-cnt One. I believe thnt I can psy for OR!E ansd ai Ongl Iin n 6o14 at, ALL tuSg 4ertit tilt. NO Persesn Wbirby, Jan ltme preaimuit tues aI h Svcmvmg the S; Whiiby,Mi TL and plmr Drui.'tâ apri (Cm1 01l ut $1 I iîape Mr. , fflabout Othe - - - ii~Ied by tl idways 0err Whitby, à ]Removal Nlorth cf ]3yau $1.dadhoc:J SBROC A nov stock rani cf a resu, ai MOBRIENSi almays of tum tic soveralCeu - j ~- - '- - - - - -- !-< - ~ -~ç $ - .'----~- - - i a p t ri tl 01 Pl ti BL ti ui 91 lu Liverpool, Feb. 17. ý 1 Weight of Huy. 1 1 à e. - 1 1 Y Mt e 1 1 -- 1 1 . NEW XIA ac -F

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