Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1860, p. 1

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>891 I N6J0 J 5ai*<: i lu i*by4i îtII~ I a t~., I t-' f oÂr.v I I Aboy* lsPa etoieprJ4~ O E3vcrY $j aquotit lnsîrtion..... Thli pa or iamaîlarge irculation n the Ceun- ty«OfV ro, %s& m h biutgenrn l, publI"ed uýkitheii.îat6fATRA ()]MO î »OLLAR PER1 A!MiXP lyItr niinMLsthlr teleii. - 'tien of, pty, ,otllet C#Utry piLp' pý%b4ln i Above toin unes firât iuoedtoiai (per hi). 0 10 'Every su>ueqraeult rîu........o 04 No lpÇarr îj*lltb6iseeefifiiiid ttij ailî i#t-dy- igcs amepald up '.. - t. l Letters-encIouing ensa,lf tegjtere<,,,,tç,1 t the rhsk 0f the Pi'bliaihef -whlen ddreusod» t W. 11. iIGIËàl, Whitby, C. W 800KANDJOB rRINTI Nq;':ESTAI3LIS HMVET. r %lhirrl>ûOX>iETOu 0ý F 'thIWIIITBY 1 "Crtitoictea" lwpit1d rectthhfliîîllforaîî the puhblctt ht lias 14mprocur1ecl soute of the aeost * nodea natyles cof Type fi'oi New York amud eLli o r Foinadries iaiý s olOhtt Lateoxceete BOO 1 ANM JOB PINT9IG 01eer esrp iot n na saperior ait> te aad, wltlî despateh, tit e iowecst rcaaaltaîr4tiaig priMte.. PreOS Aaîd 11lPrantt" aMtclincrv, Autitil Bise, Ikîrse Bis, uaaîd sinu.ilar des;criji- tiet fPriuttiaîg -irislted withiil, an liuu o' baing oýrc qA T -i ,i &r Mlsnc~ 9ice, Whitby, o.k. a~LkuUL~ £'#'iW~î '-J i ---7 el, 0 IIN ÙALL ,TII1U1PtSONp w TRýEN'OE TIIE COUNTY OF ON- J UDWL OF TUE COUNTY & SURROGATE (utrts. (ýjHcQ la t ie court lIoaaMQ. 1 LUNG. REYNtL~ SOFFICE AT TUE COURT I J6II~ 1f1~!PERIltY, REGSTRR. ffFt'EON BROCK. ST. CLÈR 0F TUIE PEACE. OI'FICE,-AT the Court ituaie. JOhiN. V. IiAm, CLEJRK 0FT11E COUNY COURT, AND le Regataytil 11ce, lrek litreet. %V. rAXTON, Jr., T~RER. OFFEICE AT TIIE COURT Hl. J. JIACDONELL, ~OLfClToR, &CIElil OF 1VIE COUNTY 'sCouail. (ililce et tic Court Ilotîse. 1 JOHN MITIER, 0OtJNTÇ'Y ENOiNEERýI. OFFICE AT TuIE c ht lmtise. CLEfFll1F IVTIý'ISON -OUtT. OFFICE clitt the Couîrt 11 oiise JOIIN (9-(>tJ>0N, r .. for tuie ("ouîYi w 71 laîjtiîrio. W. 1-1. TREMAYNE, «B A R R IS T E EA NI) COUi;TY CROWN Ator 11. eilc-1 n Arntltl'4 New Brick iliok4irtec d Flur.10 CAMERON &MACONIL if)ÂItUSTUS& ATTt)UNEYS AT LAW, .Du'I>S litcrs tt4. ie titi îity Utincil Otriô.- 944,Oii(c at the Courtfo~-oal Wing. GEORGE, Il. DAItTNELL, )AU1STR, ATTORNEY, CONVEYAN J>cor &0.,&C Ollice over J. h. Doliaalds4on itCo'.i. ;Harar Store, Brook Street Whitby Stet iihy ' V. i B S. R.w FAIRBANKMc, W ý(o1iai4X)PS O'tA1Y PUBLIC, &a. &o. ýsOhmà .W. 2 N. G I~ AR=~T1,',ANJMPATTOI.tNr4Y-AT-I1AW. eOfo-oDppos te the Jlegistry <ilice, Broek Street,; Wliitby. i STEliIeN SEARLE, 11#7L]FE A'ND)MAli*,:INSURANCE over Poialdsi's iaadwattro Store, Brook Street Wlaltby. SCOTT'IS IJOTEL,. DUNDASSTRRý,eT W IIITIIY,FiRSTDOOR D East of W. .,iiag'iior(e. 8-11w. J. 1W. 4ALDWE LLIBROWN, t -ON,'YA CER, <)MMISSIONER FOR %-Jtaliii AflclivîsAccîîntaînt, Land, Divi Mion Court, Notary P>ubic itild Outaicaîl Agenit, Uxbridgat. Olhce-XiÇaag street, uîenariy opuposite tuut, medical hall. N. IL-,Ail business antristed te Maien, e will b. promptiy ttcndcd te. 82 - A. MAiRS, 13. A., ATT(.IZNLEY AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .3.Clatauory, Ctiitvcyatîeea', &o., mainî Street Go., ~DAht'rNE~LL, D FEPUTY ILEGISTRAIt,1MASTER EXTRA- ordiuîaryi attd cxaaatiiacr it inlaaîcry for hie Counity ofOnitario,Iilrook-st., Wiitby., 47 JO»N IMeNAB9, - ARRISTER, ATTORtNEY, &o. Office- J) Corner et Chi trclli taîtiCbrtSreets, (oppo' site tho Cab s;tand(,) Toroanto.- COLVILL & IIAkIILTO'Nq, A TTORNEYS &OTINSELORS s.r-LA-W Red Wing, Miftnesotai.8 WILLIAM TJÈMPEST9 M. Do -~ING STEET, OSHIAWA, CANADA K 1.West. -17 - AMiOS WV. CRON, - A RIIITE, ltCIVIL* ENGINEER. LLEtseAgei Wliti - - AND 1 JINIIY IANNAX. - fRIIR Ob-C(UNTY AN> SUPROR CJourts, tad M(eýtisLaitrtt thte coîaty Cou- -ci -21 Boue,'VRaltn Storm UÀIwn~TEF, E ÎÀIJ ýýD»LÈÉ FIÈS IV IStOX COURT. Ad %JtakîngAffldâwit1ro, ueus %noh,e. Sfor the County of Ontttrio. eî J UNN, 1Wf.:D. S UEGZON TO TUIE' COTY GAOL BJXyrofi Streait, Wlitby. 3- S. JONEs, [ OCAL DRNTST.-OËFIJCEF IN BROCK I S treet, over .J. Bigelow's S-tore, and opposite bl'e Registry Office. Ail operations warranted. Riferonce, a fair triail.i G. A. CARSO?4, M. D). p IYSJCJ1AN, SURGEON, ACCOUCHER, &.Ofc and remidcnco-Centre Ilote], Wiîithy. Iarticîîier attelitioti given to Clironlo N. B.-Advice to the poor every Monday, gra- tis 8 EAST WINDSOR HOUSE,9 WIITBY,9 WMf. GAitY, -PROPRIUTOr.. JIIEabove Ilotel it5 situated in'a pleasant and tretired part offthe Town, on the fronat rond. Gooi aecommIrodation for Itraveilers. Good Stabinag and attentive ostierB. 22 JUST RECEIVED, blilils oiý('5oflusqiacîs CLOvRSEET> il. W. WOODWARD g'Commniion Merçlaant, Dundas ý HUGI! ,,ELITZ, T EACIIER IN MUSIC, THE Orgaîn 1PlatForte liaaranonly tiirougi ldamss-nd alil kndg of Strinag linstrulments;, is preparcdl to Zrecive a teiv niâb Pupilà nt tlici or MiA remildeace. .,.4r J. C. IIANCOCK, M-1300T AND SIrOE MAKER,..M *fa OMMERC]AL Buildings, Brook-st. %J iM'ithy. Worktiade to order of P igoodl Materiti, aid by expericied work- inèn. Also repairing donc witi neetness andj despatcli. ADIERICAN MOTEL. WALKER & PATTE RSON PROPRIE- W tors, corner of Yoting and Pront Streets. Toronto, C. W. 15 OAKWOOD 1ROTEL, O KWOOD, W.B]ANKS, PI<OPRIETOR. 0 Good accommodation for travellers. 88 II1URON HOTJSE9 POnT WlttTBT, C. . EFLLIOT SROWýLE PiROIRIETOR.- ,i.,* .eCLARK, tAt'E <tia3 &m<., XJERCIIANT IAILOR, No.74, KING ST NVWcst. Toronîto. 1 MARTIN9S (Latte Walslî'a) IlOTEL. L 1I N 1 8 A y TIE SUIISCRLBER1-TAVING TAKEN TUIE T bove I-Lotel froan Mr. Gooke, is able te tif- JOSEPII NOURSE, CLERI< T WELFTII DIVISION COURT 0F CNorthuamberlaand and ])urliuanî, ýnsarance Agîi t, vonveyaaaaer, &c. Adurcss4-Wiliii burgli, CsîLtwriglit.î ONTARIO IIOTELq e'BRYAN Jr., l'OIRIETOR,1ROCK J* Street, W] itby.Guood $ubiiaîg-and atn t-'e tîstiers.I -CANTON _IIOTEL, DUFFINS CREI< PICKERING. GOOD Dacccnaaaa)odatî;ai or Tratvelicrp. W. CUTHBERT, 4s Sua Proprietor. PHILA.NDER DI. CLARK, iTIGII CO>NSTABLE, COUNTY ONTARIO, i Land Inspectur of Liceamialiite Municipal- y oit de Tovn of Wlithy. J. W. CORSON, M. D. F IORMiE1ILY PILYSICIAN TO TIIEBROOL, ork Jln i ompîtail ltec1iafYichiaîato the New ý'orl)ipeisar,; ellwo»hoNY. Acadeany of Medicine ; Liccafliini tUipper Cannda,-&c. Ileidece:-Marlîianvillaige, one mile north cf thae &Eû0(miat office. BOUQUET S&LOOrN.. BM BTEN TME THlEAIRE AND ROSSIN leUt4et RKin, Street West, Toronto. Quotte 8tuppers, Panliers, <yters, &c. -Ail kinds of Gainae in $ca1sn. A daubce selection et fine 80~s adSoes J. H. FARIAI Agent. IIENRY HANNANq T)LAIN AN]> OENAMENTAL PAINTER, (lizicr, JPaper Ilager, &c., Whitby 2ï WV. H. BILLINGS. BARISTER & AT'iORiNEY AT LAW, Bsoliettois Iia Claancery, Wlîitby, C. W.- Oflic-Walni ce'sBuildinags, Bi-ook-8t, Wlittîy PERU SALOON. J FAURAII, LATE 0F TME "YOUNG ej Cattltcaii" neur the Royal Lyccutn, Kina ntreet, West, Toronto. Citoiec Suppers and Ibcifrtesnicnts et ail heurs. 15 JOHN METCALF, C liERIN 0F 111E FIFTII DIVISION COURIT, coanprisiuîg tito Townaship Brook. Ad- dress : Caningtoti. FRANKLIN BOUSE. LINDSAY, C. W. B F. J EW ETT, PROP1<IETOR. C(MFOR. * table Leenminodetion for Travelers4. Wliitby, Jan. 21, 1857. 1 A.- K. RICE, - nABINET MAKER, UPHOLSTERER, &a.,- UQerrie's ali, ByrTon Street, Wlhitby. Pi.a- p or Ianging neatly clone,aeid faI i nds of job- bing, and repairintg of' Furniture atteaîded te., Ferniture crcfaly removed. - RAIZIàOAD 'HQTL, -7 - ORT PxRT». FrAloro.ER, Stabllng and attentive.Ost- lero. 5 A. FETUGLE, - ERCHANT TAILOR$' BROCK STREET M J.Whitby.. BUTLDER, &o. &o., GREEN'STREE, Wiitby, C. W. ME8U8119, O0W~xoe, wmur Oent style fbrtb i.~eoimdtin lor., Ziafy attsnt*nýpalm ott 'qe~, fit. bie aoéo àofodatiôàpràvId ifor mmi Ai'... 48 ettb 1 auiiui lie.l9e heb wlmhture car7 n; nî a 1» owuaaccount.-. QoJLquotrs, WnisaiBrandles; -Exdllentý nt1rg. Oartflaitepdonfor nianand liuoe. Whfbyay t'i,, EPW..RD RAY. h1857ù '. 16 C. J~OS SIN ROPIO ]R;SE. I A # hotel ath arget in the ovnc, n po sses facilities for affordinig s9perior ceCofi- ilnodtiou toâ the travelling publie, equal to the best Europcan hotels, or to any othor eè4tabIijih nment on the6 Amerien Continent. 2 RAILROAD HOTEL, EAVERTOII. GOOD ACCOMMODATION 1good Stabliug, and earcf ci Ostiers aiways in attendance.' 16 C. J. M. FRÂSER, Proprietor. AXES! AXES!! P) ERSONS ini want of a good axe, cen have ..the saiane on applying th uicude-rsigned ýt thoWliiby Foundlry. Axes repaired on the .-crtost notice. Warranlci gtSel CLARK IIUTcIUNi\,, 12-4in Axe-maker, 'W'hitby. A SITUATION WANTED Bl a young mani 22 years of age, he can -' Write a good hand, andid j willing to make himsecf useful in any capacity. 72 Address 0. D., Whitby Post Offic WOOL CARDING. H-E Subscriber ipruparcd to do ail kinds of J.Wool-Carding Cloth Dresn,&o., at hié oid Establitianiont,i-Packcring. Wooi Cardiag aut 2d. per lb. LEVI E. PIKE Whitby, Maye4tb, 1R59. MALT VINEGA. ALT VINEGAR can uîow be laad lai large .ÀLor emnaîl quantlties,- nt the W hitbv Brewerv. VINEGAR 1 VINEGAR 1 1 T Eundersîgraed takes leave te iiaforni the lauttelibittiitL4 of 'itb>- end Lthe publie, ttaat ttc is now iaranutfactuning iaîegnr uitfCati per qianit> whlai li le is Urpnaared to siupply Wltile- sale toe terchants and otitersnt greaîl y rcdraccd "rie i e Trede llbeaaly deailti uith. AI' ordure .b>' mail paînctuall> atteîdcd t,. AdeskATIIAN MILLIER, Augîust I,15.80 DAILY STAGE. TrROM BR<>UGHAM TO FRENCIIMAN'S X BIay> Station, on tlae Grand Trunk Raiinoad, connectiaîg witb Ithe W~- Morning and Eveling Trains. _M JAMES HUBBARD. November Srd, 18-57. 42 LIDME FOR SALE. C NSANTLY ON IBAND) DUPZINObIlE caîsiaii" riîg ard Saiîuiiiîer r lesta Bant Lime, wtiicfi wilh be .old fer esia eut>', et 2s c;d pet arre M ATIIEW CARL, 7 Port Whitiy WHISKEY. TUST receivcd a censignauctit of WVliskey, e> troan one of thebestfl ilhr .li the Pro- vince, I packages of frouai bto 50 geIloaa, whii ttae subaicriber>offers4 for sale at a uery low TIHOMAS MOODY, - (ounanitsgiotaiAgent. WVESTERN BOUSE.,_ DUN DAS aSTREEIT, WttI TI Y. rriIE AIIOVE PEIEs HAVE BEEN ..L jastuibpeited by te uaîlensigaacul where trevellers; cai new laid good accetitttecaton.- Thae Bouse li wctlfarnisbhed, well ke1tt, and tho sleeping apartments roomni rd air>. Titene if; goo conifortable Stebliatg, and tha best atten- tion il; paid Lt unnaad herse. TVie ban-rooma is lange aand convettietit, and well supîîlieul witlu the best Wines, Liîtuors anid Cigars. liand- itoiil>' fitted np sittitig rooias for pr-i vate pair- tes. MICHAEL McULY QIJINN's HOTEL, NO. J3, 5AULT-A&U-MATttLOT STREtET, LOWE R TOWN QUE]lEC. Iýjr(o.-e o flc teemlloai fiTndinq and oppaite thé D ritija/ Ame,-iean l<1-uapQrcm .~ ' BAVFL1LERS AND) VISITORS tuate An- oien t CiL>' of Quebee wiii find ipenbor au- eouuaaîedatieau it Moderato chuarge§; at to lieaove liotel. Tholu liotel is4--vor>' conveuiietutly siituaitati -neafte Baulu,SteatîaboeLt waarpsîadhrini- cipîal business placeus Of't'hle CiLty. 'Ditaible antd bar tire supiied wuithi evary precaîrable catablo aaîd dirakabtle. Visite raiwill lid 0ever>' eteution al îd Le (hala-coitiont and couveieuenad ever>' i tonuatieuî and direction as te the surroiîndiug localities, principal îpueces o f r e o r , c e c r , c . J O I I A N N A Q U I N N . , 18 I'noprietor. G GLOBE IIOTEL, BROOIÇLIN.- Til E iidenaigaiod havieg atte-ipôsots- Tf ethLie nove well knewn liott, Nliel wil be eondîaeted ais fonuienl> wiLlu ite stricteait pro pniaty and regaird for te coîîîfortantalconveati once ofthLiepuicatal. The propnietor assures bis mati>' fricaîds tlîat ovcrytbhng isaade rend y ais tontnai>'Lyte enter- tain thiten aitte Globe Il otol, anad Liat lie wil ha persouaui>' preseait to givo ttean sueli a re- ce ptaon as ;ams bis wont. The bouse laas heen thorougil>' papered, [painted anîdmnînvatcd, aind im flttlt ap an ever>' respect ini suel an manner as to intacte aittisfne- tiin. Thiebhran td table sujiplieul, as former]>' wit thae best çitiibiesend drikebles5. Caliand sec. y->. 0 . DAWES, Propnietor. TIJE TERRAFIN. 1i HEPROPRIETORS 0F.;TRIS WELL kneown: Saloon are now le occu 1 tion -of thé old ST. NICHO±.As. in teet oet (tomonyket by Mn. Hurle>'. The' promises htave be uîewiy reuovaed thr4ughoet, and fitted u-) le the first\sêtyle. Ever>' procurable- daese>'c in season. A cigar divaefittcdnp se- paratel>' into whiclî noue but.thebeat: brade aire permitted te enter CARLISLE & M6CONKEY. RAILR04D EOTJSq, (IORNER 0F BROOK AND) DUIDAS %t., %J Whitby, (Lte Wiiceo s.) ý*The Scb soiber begas te annocuie to *thé iùIl$bitants o1 WLltby, aed thotriveiliaugeommun#y,etirathle hais toURn the aboyé fira s Ins os4,1iic î hln flýted ep Ie a new anc!coi1vouie ýni~ er. A ilnt-rat-Tabe ieredatthi, iii o -Di atcrs1Lunch ons ., S canbeIin t momente noticie. Ail Liquéirs kept on thej4énioes are warrauîtoc!the gen'uïne aiiicl4. Choi , elàara., -THOMAS'DOWNzê* lihitby,5Marcl 1hil, 1857. 8 h CENTRE HOTEL, AND HITËAÉ BEATE T -àASENGERS cati travel thriougli from tLbor plat!eesaneday, - he-tAe fromLindtsay and Beaverton- ar- iwe lu ti>oce ,- the cars goaigeastan we3t- N.RAYi stage oflice, w niroy, ,June 80, 18 58. ll AVING purcluaed. the ectire stock of H.< L>eils & Co., with ait addition of M' A New Stock, .M We flatter oai rselvas that we eau give entire mati- f-ctiou te al Who nia> favor as with a caîl. jOSEPH iIUOKINS & Co. 13rooklu, November l0th, 1857. 48 Old' Newpapers, for Sale, Alarge quaintity of old Newspsipers saîpplied At atbe W iîtby Rading Rooni duriîg the post ycar, frsaecep.8 AUCTION BUSINESS TTENDED to as usual, b>' J.OC. Sterling. A Al orders reiating to Auction sales b>'Lite undersign.'d, siîonld be ieftant the Clronicle Of- fice, W luth>'. Messirs. Higgins & Mayerlioffer are duly autborizcd Lu appoint ni> daym of sala, settle ternis, &c., and te enter intn sncb etîter arraiagenaants reating Lo ni>' auction busineai as Llîcy nue>'coutider preper taîd taccessar>'. - 1 shahl bc ou baud Lo natif>' puy agreenîiajt ttuey maiy iauke on rn> behiaif.-1 Sales ateaided lu ail parts of the Cotintry J. C. STERZLI NG. 1 Wheat and Wool. TjHE undersigned bats just received or.- ders to purchase several tbeusand butîhels of Feul and Spring W'IJEA1T, aise> an>' quaratit>' of WOOL, for wiuich the bighcst market price will be paid. Cash for POTATOES. THIOMAS MOODY, Comissfion Agent. Wbitby, May, 1959. 16 GET YOUR LIKENESS AT J. A. Clark's lot Prize Picture Gallery Ir de sire a correct and life-like Ambro Jtypae, Canacotype, Lattergraph, or Leather Traît*er, or ai Likeness in a liooket, Broaeh or ing, for J. A. C. cati do iL in tehe et style, and et short notice. WILKINSON'S ]BLOCK 88 Brock utreoi WÏiUj. H. W. WOODWARD, C OMMISSION MERCILANT, INSURANCE e,) nd Geneiali Agenat. Ofle-Lately- occu- pied by James lioîlason, Wiihy, £. W. Raeunarzoas.Tlio a irksoaa, EqPre- sideattBotîd oft.ratit'-, Toronto; W'. (:r. Catttsei, Esq Nuttuieger, Biaili Il. N.Aairicau Toronte; W.\. Rîitîi , Es ., M.aiager iaiee Baik' Toront-r W'(ianîile, Eq., MuLtota Mils To- rotto; ii-li.*P.hMe(t;iii,1 'remideit Bank of Iion- troti, *Montrcal; Meassrs. Mitland, Tylce& 1Ilutcîinson, Toronto; Mlessro. Anderson, Evans & Co., Montreal; 1M3ssrsm. W. 1-rice & Son,Qulc- bec; Messrs. IL. J. Noed & Co. 52 Iy GERMAN HOUSE, FRONT STREET, TRIENTON. Trfffl Stîbscriber bem-s to annoaauee to te in- h. ab>itanîat fTrenaton anîd the Travelling eeninîuîaa iîttmLte nbqvcfirtt-clamsIlouse lias been fitted aîp lu a new anîd couveraient manner. A Fir8t. Clasa 7able i.s served at tii NoteZ. Ail Li qurors kept on te promiîses are of the best, quel iy, eiteice Ca gars. Also, a Livery Stab)le lu connecUiotuwittî thoe bove Prenmises. CHtARG.ES INODEB.&TE. J. S. GERMAN, rroprietor Trenton, Aug. 8, 18-59. B0-6111W ATLAS IRON WORKS, W Front Street, Toronto.@._M CHARLES VALE & Co., B EG to inforni te puale LIant they lativüe eous4truîeted titose exteansive preîiKs0on Frotnt Street, (furaaerl ceupied as thte Ontario Brewery, i t-l i aast coinptc style for carry- atig e11th ie btettîcits of Iron Founiding&-Smi'th's wor'k la1 a]l1 its branches. Tttcy invite inspection of thîeir nuimeroans Pit- teraîs of (irnaantittal Iron Fonces, Balconies %Verandelas, Vaîtaîtl)îit'rs, Plai aud Oruamexitati Ctast Irqu ui ttittus, lViidow Catps, Silîs and AR CII TEC'UR.AL WORK efoecry demcripton; Cooking, Parler aud Box :Stovem.; Grates, Oveai MouLuts, Canîdiretîs, Saîgair Kettles, PlatiniCasings and Fergingai, adI et wtt il ii ttaycter te ti Traule ai-id otiiere on aid- vatagaoaîs ternais. r-0- <Country ordars pnate tutliy attended Lo. Toronto, October 20, 1857. 40-tf CASH FOR PRODUTCE. The Undcrsigrued is prepared to PAY CASHR FOR any quantity ol Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THOMAS MOODY, Commission .Ag SALT FOR SALE, CHEEA P. Whitby, Sept. 28, 185ÇI M. MÇPHÂIDEN IStIER 0FrMARRIÂGn LICENSÈ,sy DIVISION COURT AGENT, &o., Will be 'wlilina te attend prompi adcae LUily te ay bustness --itla wlichhe msay Le entrusted. Bea!denee-Vroomantotî, Brook, County ot Ontarto. ,36w-tf -NOTICE. -TOUSE AND) LOT to lot In the Toi of .LLW hitby, ýpossession given immedlately, lient $3.Ooper month. Ap te,. Februar 'S, I8Û0.-yLit ~. afli~' ~OP oi tBrokS-e, Wh Wi,,O tisOth 1659. 00.t Qmbec -fr É>ej forctioTrn ôootioa of tees ' ôtPartieq' regIdfng in'Upper O'anad or elsewhOre, with anytý of the Govertiment Dgpatmot. u ~uit aet o Lands, or Iavig Cliamis of any other kind against the (#vernmnent, or requirang .ariy information obtainable ait thie Crown Lands or other J'abl*c Offiecsé maY have -tIlér business dilligently attended to by a-Reei dent Agent, without-the expensai and in- eonvenieaice of a jouraiey te Quebe ,C.. Patents of Tnventi1on taken iiott. - Ali prepaid communications, addressed te Box 8:36, Post Office, QatýbeC, wills-re - ceive imiaaediatentteratiou.t - Pianos, Nelodeons, &c. -MM== TOSEPIJ RAINER maiua tjLinrer of Pianos, kcilodauons &e., and gneral worknan fr !11e repair of atl ktads eOf Musiei]îanstraumenîts, as now prepared t4> receive and execute aIl or- dersantnt-rrd t latun. Ati work aaauuîufatured b y lau will he g auaraateed of equet workauaan siiptoauy vinta te roincc. Piatnos î'i-em.815o te $800, a-ccordi-a te~t quali- t>' ef inastrumnt. Pianos. Meladeoits, aaid otlier M'tusical instru- ments anitftittarecd to order. Part paayutî'ait takea in trede.> AlI orders hli uii ldiaected1P. C>. Wiaitiîy, of l.tft' at his o4ataoaliese, rear of tute' Graunmair Soliool, uili be a a li talyattended o. 2 I- J. GIBBS CANTON T. COMPÂNY'S New Store, 151, Ring-stt., Ratat, near the St. Liawrcence Hll, Toroanto. -0: T 'IIE Comanay, formed for Lite imnportation of pure aand aîaîaduterated Tonis, direct troni Lthe pince n." groutla, iow offer to the public $Ooeofthte laînst Splendid Crop of Taism ever soid in Canada; andd et prices for <2aslî ealy, tuiat wiil lie stare ittanise a ery agnist nis by iuteres- ted parties, wlto have heen seiliaîg for yenrt; Se- cond Clastie> eL, it iacavïprelits. Tie aaîttoi, 64 Short profits aaad qinaekri-ttrns&," will be àtrictly adtaiered to by thç Comîpaay. Tcaai will be retaailcd aet Wiaeiesale Prics tiîus enanin all parties Le BUY FRAG;RAN1V NEW TE.AS, et te Lowest iPossible Figure. The Comupaîny 'aave been ciirc-fi te select, thiroaigla thar AMcaatsit tii tua>ii, sonte of thiose Ï ler.d id l'eaus, oaly seaat te thelac]utoaaanti V ublin Mtnrkis, su titat eon*iatner-., wlao re- member tî1(-,dclciteas fiaivor of Teas soid tiacre mûy niomttc suîtpliedlwîtiltianse eiecerinanaeu iaavigeraaiila- it tueLti. Wue invite i triattitetest Ouraiîilî. 'Ttu pilrnswill spenk for tiacu- acese. liu t thorîa, Now on Sale, Fivoli{undrcd (3hcsts1 liaek per 11, ..35ets. (racia pier 1tii...cas Geud per lb.4Caj. U.sstjpuer 11.... 4ts. ppeddlerIi.eca... j s1leica tutPer lb.. bcs. Superior inelt .. c1 .Etates l 4ia. par 11)... 70e:3. M-oto] Keu'pcrs, Sehooil Iroprietors C*ouat7 store, and ui oaaa'uig flonse KeepIera,(>SRVt I? Forty pound packages, aiaid up- wars, f '1'Asonat carrltagc irue, to anv part 71a aaaaacla, oaare Ici-iptof*tiiASII. Tiosc wlao de atot 1,1N. i)- se r-eaiaaaîitity, woaald do wel to citit t1-turi ier-ritt iair faiendai. CI Satis- t-e"Cofi!Ce, j-4 ait article adtltlrated to siioII a trigiatîl ment, tit peolle are getting alaîrm- ed. 'lcc-îjaty d1eiruaas cf oethriaag piare atnu inadulrauit-tîl articles roqaîest ai triai of heir dcleliis TUi KECY C(>FFtLE, nit 25ets. anîd we il gaaîaîcct rcat eioaa eajy d.Fine L utÏ.* 2Octs. WLtiii~cbr te nuiabor. 151 Klng-St. two cleors4 frutai Market s.quare, aaad piciase com- matilieate tItis iuews te your friends. Terornto, &ept. 22, 18511.,_80-1-y DR. FRED. DELLENDAUGUI, A FTElfitati aaaprecedaîted suceesful practic rofrtver tltirty yanrs, biuig atbouat retiring frt#atvepactice it the requetat of nuinerons friende l'IV p ~arts ofthe coaaatry, lits cotasent- cd to itake Lwo inedictal îrepurtîtions, upuua wlillie taclaa i)cstipeud te catre id ktîowlcdge ofîtlis lonig e retatnd buas left tlauni wtla te dittereait il aaaigists for sai'e. 'Wu tiose who ire ttcquiitlittlwi la lte I octertotlîiiig aaeed b. said-to eîerit is hait aýiLccsatry to say, tit lac lit, rlor y cars prescriben for froti 4,000 te 5,000 Jtermottsé, and alwiyA witla thtegrcitest sueceais. Cilsc-s tuait htave haflir'd otlier tîtedicaul taoni, yedtdre'iiiy to hii. reataicaant7 and pot- sotîs ettaîn îiîilv- tîcan h tttîttedls of artalc-s ta bit curect. 'i.lie Dotctor, laoweNcr, ttas not been able.-, like. otiiers, tt <'irelertliîg witl onc prepir,- ite, bt a is t liaipthlis niediciato litwo bottlcEî:ý whlaiil ire tattiici c d 1 atnd 2. lie iapaber 1isleà Stiperior te tlite pyrest exLract of Sa .rs:tat-illa maîde etitirely 'r-oots and herbaiofet tis anti feraigai eatinatries, tebéait prepertie>. of wluaci ire extrt-od by atm caîtira e-s'e eltetutical prooes. 1it actas it Iwlatgr doses on atacuti ve îaiysie, ira sanalter oties ais et iai-ive %workhng directl>' oua te Liver unad Kiduev-s, ax;tnilirtg tîteretroita tAU niorbid ittlauttata- it4sbringaaag iaîLo actioni all te ongutais thitut la>' iave hecoauîe iititative, anîd mu>ay crt'Iied on Lo cture Liauer Cvmplaints, and oetpttta f flie XUideys, Jngipient Cea- sumpfion, D11spepoiuz GeneralDlel4lif y 01<2 t/- Cergys NSc-qfili,, &d1-jheuum Pïm1m aimees, Nuui of loufli anîd .le, anrd ail otîter dlisnauaies wviiet litvthe'i rino'itigiti li a iuiserdnrcet tiptire atate etof ttd It is cf a stueaîgticaaingp nature, ted will atover %voakeat or promtrth ie body bbc ntaîàlacî 2 li a FEVER MEDICINE. And unust tuoven bc takeiexet lhi conuîetion wita No. 1. ltwiil thoî cureaiffammatoiry lteî- maim, ail kia<Zs f Fever8 and Aqgte ha tss efleots qf ,0o4l, <id aU Pauwi, wlWefkr <D4ris-nt or Acu4f.-Tbese medicities will etlect ÇURES, not 'removels troni one part'et-thé body to thé ,gu. oemnber te préettt 6nt\aionj thes'a Medicinie»>are preparcd by' 0m)aDomr iutw.t zmaix DxLL9ENBAIIGI, Who ins prUcticed ini BUt. tado ever 27 yearsi. *- I - ý- " To.prevent fràüanc aent.likenesaofut th Deetor ls on t hcewrappér ofearcit bottl tùid *'Dr. Fredi Delhenbaugzh & ColiBuifiale, i.~' blewn le t-hoeglam.. Dictns aieonapîeng -etach hottle. N aD. 1i1Bs sciaifor $1 ýpet, boulé1 No. 2 for 75 cents. Witl t-hie sitiapie notic the>' arc offereçl to thé public, ulyig on their viatues ine rceommending thettiuàuy. F6r sale b>' JAS. H. GSERib Wltib>'-?pt 1 ~sole gént W il-Iàt>'ý. cl LU ,-AND mTREsUi$ -,, p TU Tewnaîhip oUbig.drsUdndc su uso omea uyquauîitlyorgqood Irar4 lWoed tu be delvrd :eRrbrjo t ;î, ' 1IIM, P OA L OL $'25ct.Per Galon., 1 BEtST OA-L OIL!I *$125 -oto. per Gallonat Geo. -Yule's Tèlegraph, Store',ý A NWSTOCK 0F Ma .&. M ' M> 3 -ffl Altered tehua-n Ceai0,11'. 92 GE ORGE YUÈLE. - JUST RECEIYED.ý e50 BUSHELS OF CLOVER LSEED expected in a few da>e.. THOS. I. McMILLAN. lVbitby, eb. 10, 1860. 93-td UnIE e begai to ittimnte te 'hi-a T FniexttîaaatKluaPidife penerially, thet ho -ieocnedii Offie for tLie (OLLE<CTION 0F DEB'%S. and otu aer businjeabt. ->artics 'îetrusting Iim with CeniîiiiIons will ied thteir interest& punctuall> atteuaded to. Divis4ion Cout Collections partienurly re- qaiested. - ARTHIUR HAWE S. P.S. References kiaudi>'permitted te George Kempt TlaoniÇea Ko T. C. Patrick, arnd .G. Hl. ]Lnnon, Esqîires.' Linds;ay,,Noveniber lOtit,1859. 48-Sm Hlome Insurance- Company OF NEWV YORK. Caml Capitcil, all.paid in, $1,000,000 Surplm 8ove? ............... 400000. -:0:- FIRW-AND MARINE. undesignd, tgenofthcauhcvu first clos of Irasurance agaîtait Loris b>' Pire te )Dan- gers of liaîuil Negotution and Tr:tnspertatiouas. STEPIIEN'SEARLE, Duaidais St. Whltby, Nov. 24, îr,. 72s-46w->- N. W. BROWN'S AGIOnnnIJULTURAL -WORICS BROOK STREET, wnrry, (A few roc!, eoaith of Ltae Banik of' iV4mrtreal.) Manufacturer and Dealer iu ail kinds of AGIIICULTURAL DIPLEMENTS LIGIIT AND InEÂIA- WA<1ONS, Market anad Bob Sieighs, Two-horse OuIti vators, Phougbs of varieus ittako and style Schrtifflertî, Cern and Potratoe COniuaters Seed anid Tuîrnip Drills, Rend Scrapcs &e. Tkra4ling .Machùancs upir on Slacert Evcrything lu the aboya, hue attended Le with Pttnetuality and Cheapteus. Agent Wbitby October 121 1859. Iut receved Zby te' under#igaed, POLKA1s, - WA LTZE9, GALLOPS, -QUADRILLE, And Music arratiged for the Piano Forte..- Dally's New Quadrilles. -W. FI. IIIGOINS, Brode Street, Wliia& SQUARE TIMBER. a- [IIE tundlegned bits anlarge quaintit>' cf <ii eildispose eton liberal ternis Le parties re- -quining thé maanie. g pPlicaLbottt. if b >' l tter, (p eost paid) t e bc JAMES B. OAMPflELLI 80 41n - ifAit butn P.C.W Hides! Hides! Hides T1"fE undersigned wiul pa>' the higbest ~-price ini Cash for any quantity ot gond BEEF BIDES deîivercd aLlaiis T7anncry in Greenwood. Ail kinds of 1-àEAT HE R kept constantly on banc! for sale, very houv for Cash. D. McMURCHY. GreenWood, Nov. 14, 185P. 67 ]PRIMATIRE!BILLS. PARTIES- 1NTENDING, TO MAK Application te bi ~islativo s1em: bly IrPiter'Local- ilei hcrfo Çorporate, îpow& îfor coîiaerciaj or- othor jurpoes ofpro9,4for regula&5ng surveya or boun'daiêee r'or d.ong anythiaig tend- ing9 t'Oe1ffoct thei'rights ef propertyofoôthe'r. tae#U can bcectired-et their own bouss 't'a Ifl edeapton of tC!A T bylueAnd )lae thxe edicune setit-to, hen,m #1pîJ o. S- N-ERVOUS ]Y ILT e menW*lao arc tronhied i<h~<~ans gt e l it aîsed b>' a, lad hubit.îia yout , -thé ;-i qyem weknelus thie *e aaJoWer ete Ma ties otflusionofi ls-ofnihtmojvw. , mel'ncloly, 1nia>' b c e reul b>' t e New ýIt ,if Retedicies - e t iR t t'ô . - m t t of the United Staites, by .patientaicommnunicaaîing. their syitenisb y letter. B-]Iwsinesscrepm ,dence tit> eîfduil - ] I f 'G V O D I N G - t:' - Ni,.51 K iue 'Street W t-st. -'TorttoC. W., Toroto, b ,IG.4w Datmi,it., Nti c, INSPEO TOR GQUINERAL'S OFFICE, OuaToits DE:PÀRTîÇENT,t Qu-ebec, Iî.Ncenbe r.,7'15Ã". - N OTICE ls hc.rehy given thînt bv an' order li- Ceaincil hearirpg dtecLne I4ýhîhiLenat, iL le dircted ftuiitadriw-btctk. eqlurl to tLitediLtas - paid, bu nllewed tu Slip iilca-a onCodgt ever>' duscriptioui rand ca titi rticies of* Irora, - Coppcr Brais, YC]lw Mctal or Zic, iain flc irà or uurlaat fàctured, actuall>' îtaied , and =rp1o>cauu lini n hebuildiund aaaîd Iîri vitîc, auîupoi l of -itlel articles (iuelaudling thie Cedaeduies 'cf Cits1ýîn1s sitaui hiave- benai jaiidby tiacu (or b> Le perroen or teu- sos a-m wlinni te>' sua t lhave picas u anae), upoi their imiprtattion -iuto Cnau Miae Order iii Corncil fertîter directs thiat tej S h ip B iuild 6r a pply in g f oir t e dr i ut k alti fu rl h t eC-o lector et C u sto mis w itI lî iî'e cith- cation of the Cordage and other articles tipoat wliili L l tixuts stieta draiwl)elk, -aîlicwiUJthe qaîiiitîities aind ve, b>' whiîn aud wliýîeaulu-'- tterted aendte ameiit ef duties paid, aîd i"o tlae iîiue of tilae cip or aii .ta in Lite biîii anîd rggiug of whlihtueheI of the eu-tic-les sîtipai cleared for a Ioreign Port; tesndaVc - t- ficationtîsu>be u pjt8)irtcdb>' teenuia u'1t te, -'hile Buidrer te clronpea re hy théo lctriaîent, ailirrninig the tri iof the contents- cf s'uîcb s peciticutioti tu be u.'ttcoelied urader cu-a L s u c li d e c la r a tio n . 1 - . - , . 'nte aollectôr Iiaivi a atislled binseîf tLit tbe aniotnt of drawaek claied is co;rectl, slaalertify te srec'tlicatirtn atîd trnnitte.- -' sauuîe Le the Jipit itwlîau'etipeu a'iftetI' dt cxtanîiiaîtion, the CeîtcctoÉrill be antiri-zed teô p a y ' l t a e n c t i n e d . - teraaolleieîlicfo e itioneal ft) rip PI>- te s"clî imlportaîttins "uiic, of'tI'e isptc'i-tied aritls is werFJiiuîd into tItis P-ro-iancecuittu qleitat>'tLe LaSevetti da>'<fAiîtiiuS thtu. utypoi whlcitAc t 2'i.cu.t, g r t an t i ii c - a t d r tî-v tt a i- -: o u i t 4 i i i p r t -. i t i o n e t a t i t i - - altie art;ch-es lu crtti i-cescamne into force ad etitot. -- 71 Contiaiiieitwr e iîaesand Eii WHITBY READING ROOM. and la wll c;tDel(d. 'îith newspapers andt pcriodicals of il 1kinda. Terme: -ipîr nnuîîm Studenits and 'Situated- in, the second Ifat. ovèî- te..- Obronicle Office. Erance tlirotith the StaLiouicry store.- W. 1.IIGGINS. -T190MAS MYERS, LICENSE]) AUCTIONUPER FOR 111E COUNTY 0F ON 'ARIOi 'JARMERIS AiES tri the Coniîtry aillre-- J 1. c iv at p r o m p t ta tte tn tio an , o n a a c - ~ t a l Lea'ms :-]Lik-cwisce oty c tui'îd a oin- nilisîrtu t tlie AuîctiouîIto bcwI hodisposieicd cfite ti et ci a inttge. tSidce etite ttet Rooxn,ýevery .tc:'x-- are treateil witla lîrfi't ecc,t. -i A d tJr e.'1; , wîî t n îby lP o st : - i THLOMAS MYE1r3,1 WhiLby, Fehrnary 2.5th18711)T. - TU ALU THE WBLII ANI) HAM-' OF aTI rJ rI nucihcr hau'I itîgsu'eucl bu0snegs he laIIOW (trers Lt t or Rlit feor a terni e1t yeaars, on ver>'rnsaebeternIis ls1 plndd4 uirerrisan in thte ýVILLAGE 0F-v-R00A2T0-- Townshîipt f Brok, ceousitin of a STORE &PW 'ELLIN.LG flOUSE, vvýtlitLwo Kititeus, eSitting-rooadp j - - - and :attacd te te stoea s a irc11jXriisit'h offie uoid warebutise. lia hauliiasretflrst elati Franue Buîildingsa. Pric,9250, lit fours t »qat aînnauadalelîeL îwil ntIeIra it tthe ret et ciglilPt Co a tl'r im orri e925 i' anaîtîna renttl- c-' Break mccc!.>neouritteuineenîmmendation, lta indlititriouà liaîlbîiantai 'la snfftcient Irecin- mnadtion., Fr urtier pariti faraitîlP- -t ROSS, MITCHELL, & Ce., Mùrcittit,,1aug.. Strent,.TorôonLo, or tqtflue stabsoihea en the x M.McPHADEN. VnoDoniauîfo, Brook, ept. 7,15. 3wt Excelsior Illuminat-Ing - TI s 8m ]PUREST. OAL OU4 GIVES A Oîe'ALFRED WO -; le , C~lerh of Privuito1 k - là -4- 1 -T Quobec, Sept. 9A, 1859.

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