Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1860, p. 2

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IfIthltheSmbglnl Wl,1 otâwîhthille. t<msL1 bueWn m 'wees, I oehmi.a teud; Chup th m PeMt U eIInda. Ba~ot «n 1cmeai b hP ill îlot h o o -For hugb uelkitowt 0 e. 1 Weuh ho" a te Ili@ gkaaee4lqalrj, - U4 beukst teij nd twhisbt 1dàre. mekasow. 1, s ee m, u leow oeuge Wer 011 bis bnaw 1 Ifl batmbho"e e hlngis h* lgis ?alMOW lni hguagebokt 'lymii ms'et ow oki UaiS @vek«O eep Yoss*s.-bholthe sIght4 lYlua, shoqia h.'.rida orpsiort, *Or beggfeg.uMy do« f ltwttbishie dc#y@ iauh boc he rhtis lg Ne wgugaMybasa ti Whut W1hbSa lovillamt, JIow mi a mI rnnawaar hJaIlk youarylsht so 1 toupjluas osa Sprnag'Wqbka - MIaouthe "urIlamt mentis et nltise YOemr,' bn-corne npin, and, thoughis l zest>'boalftie, ky w inter still continsues th neIgn, tise tocsin ef preparation aQundeti on ever> bite, b>' nature begrins te b bard. 11ev l tise- dime for tise fariner to exor- ee*11lisu vigilance- ndtiforetisougisiand tO sec ibat ever>' moment oetliane 15 turueti ta aaseount. So tisait a suficient stock et fuel la laid un tise ious6 for aummon vanta, andt iat tise rails'are trâvedasd laitdvisera *iely-are -1kly7 10bbiandy for meparing feue.&. Put tise fonce&santi gatos mbnt e- pair, a. oon a. tise grounati s iaved e- usougiste ix ties takes. - Have. ycu a stock et roota on baud ? Ens- r, goot fermer ougisi 10 bave. Nov lu th. time toi-,foot thorn eut le tiseanimal» on ltae fartm, espocially mileS covs anti huent- Ang eoe, toeonable tisen t1 givean fuît sup- ph>' of milk for tisoir youug. Setisatishe yeaningç oves are separatéti frein'tise roitftise flock, given a lth.e ex- tra foot, anti aitishe-tags anti tirt îamnoned from tIbm. At lambitig liane, keep tisean eocmfortably souse, ilS plet>' ef gooi, ~CZ a straw te lie on, aut do net forget, bo Woitisenthave accuse te pure, cîcar vates- at &ai ures. Tise>' requir. constant came. -ai ths Ulia, if it ha teairedt 10raiso 15e lambi. Tise ewosm ia>' haleto ot it ta -,ardi ever>' aftemiioon, but tise -Iambe m butter to romain ici tise Souse tili ai lenma 'vouS olti, stroniç antiheltiy.-ÂII chueg- « wanti oxposumee, enpo:41ly tgte aun et- rain, là iijurions to tiseWl ans-aise lying on tlbe colt, tiamp eus-us. The îaabs viimesoo leanu t e eau if a litile fine-aioppeti ha>' or eaimeal la flacet inaisalov box on treugis la thoir bouse, witie tis ewoes are eut, andi ifI inela domiite bring tisean forvas-tiennly for tieutûhur, tisis extra feetiing vilI islp lhem grenu>'. Feedthtie cova lwoil, anti de net let thein tI l off luthéli milk visite vaithag for thé gis..te Ore. Givç tise vorluganimis enouàgisof ueS food 8a. vu! protitýwî aumtle, -neýt fat-sud gin. îa$hem sieante amount cf taiT>' emrcis. Keep tise yardt vol!litkared vilS ti av, ant-tsee ttle confluaed' te it. Tisrer ls nettling gainuti b>'- bciing tisent vwamier over tise farmi rnaking trackin haie soft avount viseréeor tisey-go& Stock shonîti huevr go te gmas-until thse- grocnti bacomas. sottioti 1rmn>' enemagiste bear thean vitisoui mheving foolpriat- hidain-.me.dcep. Pl lthettsanssnithe>'andlaasfast as il is "mt.,mixin& ite lise bep ait. tise serap. Î ngs et tise bouse, tovî an& sbeep >yardis, kik onu tise petatbas; ad select tise J:igetansd ounetrsom et. If thcy are - d et, rel- toienu'iitplasewrl, of -paris, anti? Oprin kirpbsar ever tfiem wbvle tyiug lu 06 coller., ht .ssaidte netina )me degree mea prevoutive efthtie rot. N le knov et soeaformar&-m vis mev-aiteau oonful of pIeter ln a ehi hilI, or over i achset, as lb. lime of pîantissg, anti viseascnibe lise rreedom eft tieir potato crop troan dsease te tiseame et' pla8ter. Frein tise kuovu tentiof tsait te deatro>' tungoit lite la M eamil stages, ve -ibinis soving it on the petite plant migiitishe moaus et mitigating à@e rot.. W., Sevaver, eh>' throv Ibis et m a suggestion te tise ise homn>ay v ilI- ilsg te ta>' t"expeimant. ê ai isulasiof piaster per acre on elover a. zomo th e grount isludry. Cluvar anti gi-sasee aa>' hosowu thie mot,-on tise anev if you liko-tsougb f ~ he lie>ilI do a. voîl, if net botter, vison ov jnst. after tise varm spriiîg ains. t Has-o#tng il genes-ali>' unnecessar>', but a agtivanu a W ise sdesimetitanel ior- dev fescue, or 1 lb et uFýktop,. or 2 licf. Meadow fox--tail, or 3 Ibo of Kentucky>' buo grass, or 41Ibo et oreiait' grass. Clenen' pr granit meets do bâtter vieson v ou bas-- loy or aprisg *visant iban on atis> otisor spring prop.. î»!1thoeineatiova ut- wittr visent as uoou n shufrosi in eut anti tiselandt bicsa- bly dsr, Qld meadova vii bcbe bttai ton a SçKo humkwg igi thse spsiug betor s-ol-. De aot b.clin omagzemt &. usr>' toemt tise wIiit oîk. LUt- tht. blaud «hecom ry.ti> auctagi. e tac~. oves usellov. Tieseuraface $b. onon b.cgwxaxmed, anîd you ça gev imu'asately. -Fou oaa ha aovu eaîlter thgn au>' dses- *ueop, and neo sa mseuolti le vithopi a ommil fiedWf teu. Tisavisite vAloîjos, ,a-ei it suitsw tur IiighVuoo htie gney - Iititifor long asaiys. Tisa-besi sort of vhito pea va kuow of, ar'tise Golden Drstî, anti lacebiss. Peus do veli on an oId àod plO>vemth ler fl4tt, but not miait/lu and tIbosa iy hu rollil daftur haarmvizsg ils 1 t m ode . wlS advanstage. If tise.-and à" bhon.plovêti thu Previomis fuIl, tbey al s.atiuter wil e of mat bo.ftL. SpringiWhecomes noatthe soit for 1!hch tihto be la-goodbheàrtand fre. t'M and t~4mosua., Theýiu l..t or iso. rop is better to b. plowd4igymo& M a 10harow down w.!! over the'seed ; un: leu a Md .u, s o be ase. %is More Sabie to1mot lta iuter wIuu* sÀ ud a a preventive uofts dis«e., t.tà soluion of three os. of bltI. vitrol! 4h.oltod , là" quai of bot wator to each bushel. LUt it cool, thon'oprinkle thé eolutionu*ver thse whmts on th.erM flooi, 1sring it over witb ,sovel ai the au» e lime, unlil evsry gran is daMpened#ýIt Wuill ha rea4y for eclwing in 4wo or liii.. ho= - uer. .,Aiong :the: tisé but soit« are 1the Fife, Osuada lub, Tus andi Italian.is. hti.of greaî ativatag 10 > . spiu- Wbea.Iasearly nea.prntouaiblëj proôvid-dthe: grount isi dry and mllo ; though:î It lought by morne1f tiat if owu t, *Mt vilore readily escape tise ravage of$iÜili4e, 'tw buahels per acre le, thé iisiealowance for eeing. telr thus, buÏrloy May be own, îthe.land fçor bmould be warsn1 ricis ant I.ml !ow, anti if plowed thse prenions fâl!, rMay a. * * citily prepareti by going cver it iee wtit a two or titre. horme oultivator, andalsarrowing between. Thée common twà-rowed -variety of baile7 is pelisap the mout reliable for Sgoneral cultivation, tisougl other orts succoectiboat in partictlnr locali. ties. i3arley docis boat on lasnd tisai ba. growa corn or root -crops the previons yaar, and it ulways requir1w a wýell*di'ined gravellÎt~oil, to yield heavy crops. Tise asual amount of soed sown is too little. Froan 2 -to 2j busiselà, per acre us the least~ tisai sioulti be allowcd. A friand ai oui, elbow mnys, "If thse seed us steepeti for 24 heours beforo aowing in a weaak solution of crude nitre, wiih coma only about six or aigisi cents per lb., thse plants will germi- nato rapidly andi corne up atrong and of a dark color." After.tiseplants are woll out of tihe ground, the land mszy be rolled -witis alvanitatga. Oats usually corne next aftcr barley, but we think tbey might be sown carlier. They will boar being sown on anuuidrieti soit in parly spring, boiter tisan-barlay or pring Inhoat. Eanly owa osta prodtsce tihe mout grain-late m2wn, î ios ot tmw. If estes are to b. raimoti in lGéW, îlot, damp Meadow, lande, on wiich tisey ofteu do wei!, tisay are better to. be aown late -say just beoare' corn plainting. Tise'wlite varities of ot 4re0uise bèât for uplanit, dry sousy andi the black kiwis for moist .oils. 'Haro gan tise quanîity oaf sceti usnally allowad is, in our opinion, far tosmall; 2& to 3 busisels per acre is little enugnh. Thse landi for corn sud roots can be put in a forward amIas â soon ns the tiSe car. lier pring crops ara sowia. Greant caro sisofflti b.exercised ini collectin-, teed cor, so as to gcî stick kiudts as mature cnrly. ew Advrertlsernents thLl Day. BlIWk's Hotel-Jamas Black. ~ Bumnt'a Cooain-J. H. Gerrie. . Cigare, k.-S. Bamnti. V toêLmlons àRoberts. cÀitGrcericg-Lowes & Powell. d"5tyw avcs,1aoPoraa nowlodge, Drula-. WIitby, Thursday Ev'g, Maroh 8, 1860 The Real Cura, 1PHYSInsÂN IJEAL Ti.mS-.w..' MsOppoeit4ste 6a Gonsîltutienai torm et Go'vanmaent is au abseinte nacoi>'. Wiîhin due limita, ils abilit>"anti praroga. ti.ves are tudenaly important. But,.vbnn tisai amential ceusstoapoiase te tise sate voîking et tise political asaciine, 'ltm es aoriginal parpose ha panti-ng - io more faction; ts value bacome atlyveàk-s enet. Simpl>' 0 o, anavr filntiig - fant; redunem it te tise lenel of tise cuckeo'a nota. i is bons-t, net Seetiet. It la ail ver>' woll to prove abusas anti coirauptions, but iti le ofy vork 10 b. atemuaill>' qaiging te tise accouaite minlsera, mutiles-s, ever visicis tise>'have possaibi>' bat necossîmol. Maay cf.lb. complainta oet viinis voean tise perpatual eciso on tise Gril iumpot, as-e juat as nefama-blo te tise people tisemselves, an te thbe ministars viso mn>' isappen t0 ho tise Iomesatar>' telegratas et power; anti visen gentlemen on tise opposition bouches reproacis tieir oppoenus wvus net baviug ean hants, it is se extrmel>' natrai for thse accusati te aisk a sigh is ilw tse of tiseir accusera. IVe saintain thait tise iateinpcmanceofe ihese Utopiaui on ratson factions Iteformors, bua doue more inijus->'te tîe cause et a- torm tisa ail tiese opisisîr'anti ail tise ai. leged corruption eftiheir opponenta. IVe nopaiàt, tisatit kis hn tise orait> et tise people, va must senis for a remet>' for au>' enne, tisaitishe state et pubtie affaira ma> iadicate ns- open te correction. Tîhe peo- ple iu tise axascise etftiscir pelitical rigiss at tbe 6-4," are thSe rani practionera ; anti if thé>' çeloi quacisa anti notilos, anti pietantée, inâteant etuprigfisiandti tua mon,. tuair toly lie aitiseir own door. If* esp4rii 4orrupticnis festeret in the ceuntr>',, t hé pa'riet v ili be ever open 10 tisa pidligate anti daring; but te assert tisat corrupi practises are paculiar te tise aziasiteriai portion etfuts. legisiatmsre, ha te, tieus> tlie -groda anti nnbinshing buhbery vîjicis 'on. G.' Broya anti is aagents ex- iibited i i tisa le o lection, hantise "Qucen Cite' et thé West," asnd ha about as palpa- hIe a piecqocf fictiou au lthe autaiacons anti analevoent eMssonofetMr. >çGao, tisai lise Goves-utor ha a "detestet Goncruor," If tisaretore a paîtrtftise people id veusIl and cr-spt, lot lise -teuni" .1fee4o the1 adaoit th"peop0le, whena a onmience feeling' tisatou tise traie exorcise ot tisai greai political privelego, all refortu binges,, maUô ëiiàtie eloctoral- body; thse woarltng outcry of tise politici charlatans, musitcoue. Lot lthe people ha taught te- uet thse tse value on tiseir rgiti ti10 i retwo n, thuir. moral prinoiplos, ibteirprd anti tieir habituaI foclinga ho ,engagepo tiside of thir pelitical'indopontionco, lot theirMattntion, be directedtot théir righs aMW theurdntiei, as ieIti7zeüsof1 a fiee fstate, lot,â tierb.,criearta niafotoa be fansilia iMseti vtisthspeotacem, isue anti 0ocea.iom ! that: remind I tisem -cof those rigisa anti duties, andi oui lifo npon i4th ie true remet>' la founti., Tise 'Pisycians shah havei ouredt tenSolvem.- Candidates for KlnVs. Divitlon. Most ef oui readors are aware> that tise election of a Legisîstive Councillor-for'tise Electoral Division of King, wyul tako plaçol ,et be ptember, Tise Division comprises- teTownmships of Whitby, and Enti Whitby, issoludussg tise Town of Wbiîby, andt Village of Oshawa, Pickering, Maiîkham, Scarboro', Etibieocke, ansd Vaughsan. For acame time pust the naines of many candidates, msi- dents anti noa-rsidents of ,,the Division, have b8enisapoken, of, in private circles, a 1'iknly to corne forwnrd aud try tiseir lunk for th istsingruisising, prefix of IfororaUle. Evea tIse Honorable Mr. M'owatt, altisougis already eujoyiug tise title, but perisapa isav. in-, mre delie> of feeling on account of thse chance mannor on wiie it was obtain. eti, is spokeia of as comnug forward, provi. ted aIl can bc matie smooth anti snug for assoiber nomiasco of Mr. Brown in Soutis Onatario. Thse naines of tise othar aspirants anentionet aire our townsman, John Ham Perry,, Joh 'n Bell of Toronto, David Reesor of Markisam, Win. Button of Mnrkisam, Tr. P.- White of Pickerinag, Abrsaham Farewell of ýOusawa, and Mr. T. N. Gibs of tise saine place..- Of course, writing ai this oarly day, hit upoasible t10 ay ' ow man>' more me>' enter tise field wiseu tise urne arrives, Altisougis tise pariod of ehlction iii yaî six montise distant, it woulti sot b)e a visit îoo soon for tise Constitutioîsal anti Mode- rato part>', in tise Divisions, tai tAke a Icaf out of their opposea'books and org-,auize, 50 as te tismow a unitcd vote for vwichever candidate may boctise choice ofthtie mujo. rit>'. I is ont>' by organizisig in time, 50 as te aci uuitedly, tisey nain expect 10 bc successful. Thsis is al va bave te suggrest ait tise presout; anti if our ativice bc tollow- ati, anti preliminar>' meetinigs of tise frieuds of tise Costsiutional party bc norinened at a few central poialts-smy Grcenwood, Markisam anti Wliiby, ab gooti reisuit te- varda oiganization ma>' be prodneed. LUti us; not be founti naippinag, wiile Mr. Browa's band of Clear -Giitj are tisorogis. 1>' erganizeti and ti i ork Parties isave become so mizcd - tise olti BastdwinHiinnks, l4efommers, tise Liberail Cou6.ervatives, Moderatos anti friandi oir goonîîitutional auîiority-that some basim eî uniteti act7son hi necessar>' in order to op- Tise usual Quartent>' Fai- ot Grecuveot, visicisvas iselti ni tisaiVillage on Wetnos. da les w as vos-y faiti>' attoîstet. Tisere vas à gooti shaire of fat cattle aind sse, visicis soit vaîl. - Tise caiuile frein $4 .50 a $6; shep$4a-$5. Tise prizas cf tise Societ>' for tise best seets exiiitat vore avartot as toltovs: BPRasseWaasn-lt;t prise, Diiiielioarstoti, $8; %ii, Jame.4 Dîmitisoii, $2; 3rd, Joiluaiuih- sa-daun2, $1. IjAd-lt, WMsas. Tiylaar, 83; 2usd, Eobort Aasuoîu, $2; aird, )unvid Ctracliiias, 1, %% fil~-,-,'t . Plaippbin, $a ; 211d. Jois Sida-s, $2; Bs-t, Wa.Miià.jor, $1. B-11CLa-Ist, G. Millier $ê3; 2usd, 1). Sts-îslusuu, $2, urd, Joars 1<iclaîrdi3un, $1. 118~-1. 2ltausiitaî, rsM>T11Y a-nu.-JOIlL1 Mitld, (osai>ytamise), ë2. ý BEâT 'Z'BuaaatiLLu, ('EL -iSaED-tt, Ttsaauuuusuu.a Sýùddtr, &J ; s iilub.er-a-Fîslier, $; rd, Lia- lues tWiu«auu, 10. Ba-rar20 )Lsanuus aus . Ma Kjus, (ouiiy Bisas- 4 BUuas. Ciii iu tN , sîjj-ui, fDitiiol'«Thon- tous, $. 50 ; ýuad, u(Io ; J oln bidie, 7i5ets4. Thie aoc-lt wes-u sold ait asaticua luasunlledi îtely acs- rtise as-izes wéu-uiwssrdaad, saldbrotuglsst det i'ollowiasg icuma: $psin Ssi,t ..;aici o Iba ; Bu-loy, u 8z4 6d ; 1k-ia, 2.4 sd g(i - tti; t)s sta 11i 2s; 'Viitiuia-', 5'() ;isuluel ; sClover $u-ed Iroutu £I à 6 £l £1) 'l 1uriii p Sad la ild ilb ;Uo-i i in Ounr troim 221 aid @ 4. The laite J!r. Talbot, and Easut Mit. dlesex. Tise sncb nova et poor Ms-. Talbot's snelnscisoly faite, bat becîn ne more tisan surnuiet, vo are toît, hetore peliticluna hegan te lo~ok aitte-cndidates for tise East Ritiuîg 'et Middtlesex. Nov tisai tse.dents et tise laite menenuhas-naunte tu n certaint>', ever>' little cliqune appeana 10 b. airent>' buail>' engageti makiasg va>'for its candidate. Tise .Free Prue ainneunnes tise narnes et ne leu ibannsavoen candidfates, sund aaya "i in quita possible thai some odis ay n'yeî be calîcti into tise fild. Ms-. J. C. Muni- sons tise racentl>' appointeti Solicitor Oea- eral ton Upper Canada le namet amouget tise aspirants ton tise inpreaentation et Ensi Mitdlesex. Wisoenes tise suceesmîtal candi- date mu>' be, uhe Free Presa admises ail tisa ciosîestants te keep dlean efthtie Globe, andt Mn. George Broyn, tfs- tisaite follov tise "par>' lent" i te anticipate o dms-ne.i tien. 1U0wmotion eoflMn. Ubapman, a Jly.Iaw4 appointing Township Olfflerm 'fortise pros. oent year,7 wu. ipsrenod anti puaei iidne on motion of Mn. Chapman, tisa Clark wau instrtactotite furetis thse ConîyTrea- urer withis a eopy of tise nonresident' Col- actor's Bol of' lii. Corporation of thé Mesr 1856. -ýth MJ iaman),m0YemsI tisç - d, orm report e -1ise400ou.so ii.Twnhpfor tho yanr 1859. j>receivédti aatidôpted, and tisait issCon eu* ~ faùi nt lo Mr. Chisans? moves thai tise Reeve gmu :ist oro otise Treasnner la favor of W. A;ý&týWloàis and Adam Fullarten, Esq.,fi.isqtwzet$12 boing amonut of salary dnothém-a. Antitora for tise proml ont year, anti alo an eider in favor of A. Fuilar~,~4.,.ritise mm c f $2. foi him sai-vicati u et's-fic er, for Ward No. '31 foth'ejîyea'r, also au erder in fa- ner cf He ,e Jeaton, for tise snm of $12 71, bJeingiarnoarni paiti by blus fo James Bali for Staîioheiy as per bill rendeeti. Camried..- .MmI. Chnpman, monos tisat thse Clerk ba instm-uctedtet procure 25 printeti copies con- tsaining tise tnies of tise offiners of, tise Townaship of Pickering for tise year 1860. -Tise Council atijonuneti until tise limai Saturday in April. - WhiLby T"'wshlp Councul. Brocklin, Mamcis 5, 1860. Tise Couracil inet at tise ustuil heur teîa Ail tise' mambers pt-sent. Tise following petitions voie tison pre. sented, vis: Jesse Wells anti others, ansd Jas. Dryden asking for aid upon tiseRond. 0f Jas. Story andi otisers prasying for tise nîtemation of Union Scisool Section No. 1. Alto tise aiceounts ()f G. W. Coîston anti Adiam Wilson. A By.law vas thon introduceti andi pasa- cd, nppointing Patis Masters anti Poundi Keepers anti Fonce Vievers, for tise pmes. ont year. oui motion of Mr. Whsite, the'Reeve vais instructodte1 grant an order on tise Treai- sumer in favom of tise Clemis of tise Divisioas Court for tise amount of jutigmorit ind cost ini tise suit ut 11. J. Wilson vs. tisis Corpor. atioza, Movcd b>' Jas. Alnua, secondeti b>'Mr. Nicisols, tisaitishe potitiozi of James Stor>' and otisers, of Union S. S. No. 1, be again cossitemod antd action takeans tisceon ait tise June ncetina . -Caraied. On mnotion of Mr. White, tise Treasurer was intsîuctedtet receive froin Solomon flodgson tis uni of £88 6 8, being an in- stalnaent witis une year intamesi thereon, due féom him on a certain jmdgmeni hait, b' tiis Corporation.1 Also 10 receivo fmom John Gordon tise" firsi insmaimnt wiîis intemosi, due from hian in tisa judinent iselti by tisis Corporation. Oas motion of Mm. Whiite, tise Reeve was iîstrtuted to grant an erder on tise Trea- murer, in tavor ut G. W. Coîston for $4,00, aise, ue lifanor et Atam Wilson tom $30. Tise Auditôrs report. Ccftmmitee oeant mportedthtie Auti- torsi Beport vitiseut ameutiment. Report receiveti anti adopted. Oui motionae M.White, thse Clark was instmucted te nuf>' J. C. Runkins 10 baud over fortliwiîis, ail moules, books, papors, andi otiser docaiments belonghng te tise Tins. siurcr's offize, toeIRobert Darliugion, tise pintent Irasisirer. Tisa Council tison adjoumneti te mcci on tise fiast Monday lu April next. Tise Auditors' report was presentot b>' tise Clos-k, and ion motions, tise Council vent irato cornrittee ofthtie vhole tises-con, Mi. MeGregos- in tihe chair. Atter teonue tinme spent in considering tisej report, comnxitUc rose, reportet progmas ansd obtisined leave te sit again. THE 01.1) DSOCK itOAD. A numberonfetparties hterestet inhathin reait being presert- Me. Buabazon 'movedthuaitisait pas-t et tise oit Brock rosit runaing betveen tise l2th anti 13Li councessions bcelcoseti up, agmeea- hie te B>'.iav passe b>' tise Couacit et tise precediaag ycam. Mn. Caumpbell monot in arnentanont, tisait aIl action irstise malter ho teferroti until tise concession, ant i sie linosnenar tise loca- lit>' ha placet in a better stateofet epair.- Consiterable et -a discussion ensueti. Tise original motion vas tieclas-et carrnet. Mi. MeGiegor paesesîledtheis repos-t cf tise Surve>'er ou céloâing, up- part cf tismre rend beiveen tise Stis and 9th Concessiens. Tis msttien vasa as discusset, anti vas al-1 lovet-to stand ever until the let Monda>' lu Mainci, in res-ie te givo tise partiel la- terestet au oppertunli>' et petitioan nh lise maiter. At G o'clocktise Couacil sitjoumnet un- tiI Wedaesday,-the 7this hst., te meot ait 10 O'clock. Tise Mon, tise Postinaster General, anti MnI. Jeis auimunKPM.P 1, viii hoplans. edto teaccept eus- cnekueietigmouls for tisein courtes>' ha madhn- tus Pas-limantai>' jmpers. tson are bit fou dlmpbsed tiefoniow-mishon liveti premier-th6'es tise word--willý soii hat ho balioveaithse doctrine) thatvbhai ou an nueau doe -anotiser m a u ,try. 1,4U laot liso go -abeati,-tise subjectis go u ne te tieelope tise ma's -caRacitiem, ifisehbave tiem, anda hbeeaiod usola nn roIS i. bis previens attempi aitiismetiN snob usiaga it vi L boa fine opportusity tc 'dimpe thse allellgntionsi, of tisose vise deny hlm a bond fer figures. As pu in vlimea b>' tsa sbjei a ragaps.Se a.Iï lo extensive information, -bati visetisfer itvil ha iu tise ýover eofthé (ovennment tu Sup ýpi>' i aul, I -cunet mn>', anti fi .mayb1c doubtet, wisothérucomothinir ho, ha.- enu", eratot, are waînteil for 21he. pîpr under tanding of tise oporation hé vanta. lut. Copy of ail cerrespoutence -viic ma>' have pa.md eti oeen'tise Ç*evonenment or'an>' member, théreof,, anti tie Fi.nocial Agente et tise Province la Englani, trýou isi Januar>',,1859, to -lse promorntdate, witb refèeece vutise consolidation etftihe pub1 lic debi. 2nd. A roture of ai Provincial anti Muni cipal Loan Funti Debentures pucmcined b> Gavomumeai or icceivati in axcisauge toi otiser securitias, from lst Januaîy, 1859etc tise date efthtie Finsance Ministor's louter tc tise Loùiton Stock Exchsange-ssovinâ cleîl>' tise date vison ssud Debenturas mn, tumei, visetiser payable un Englanti or Canada, tue prices atiesiistise>'veme taken tise parties trom wviom tise>' vae puicsaseti and tise place visere purchde~d. srd. A fuîl statemenu f etternismannd cntditions ou viiistise ",sFinanial Agents et Eugrlad undcntook tise negotiation ef tise sait Cousolitiateti Stock-tse naines anti resiticcs ofthtie parties viso tendereti for tisat portion of tiese ame stock of'emed ta public competition, tinter tieseailtiar- rangement -tise amouni et stock subscrib- et in cacs Tender, ndîthie àmount allotteti to eacis-tse amounts of interedt wviicitise several pumcisaseit gainet bayendthe tieuip- ulateti named inatise new Stock or Debea-. tures, frosa tiMe difféence eftlime boîveen lise date et tis tock ant tisime et pa>'. ing tise moue>'. 4. A Retum, siovin g cearly in grogs, tise anaount of secunities soIt tandem tise sait arrangement vus lise Financial Agente -tse huteresitishai bat accruet, or tist wili accrue on tise securities aitishe dates et paymeut b>' pamcisers beondth ie inter- est stipulated in tise securities-tse com- mission and brokerage paition tisevisole transaction-tse net amount ot cash recien- oui b>' the Province andtihie manner hn wiiistise tuaits receivet, up te tise laitesi date, bat been a11plied. 5tis. A Ratura of tise amounts of Pro- vinîcial anti Munuicipal Loan Funti Deban- tures respetive>' receivat in excsange for New Stock, or Debonnmes, tandem tise pro- posai ofthtie Minister of Finance ta tise Stock Excsainge-ssoving tise date vison sait medecaieti Dobentumos, matue- viscîbar payable in En-glanti or in Canada -tse prices aI visicistise>' voeeîaspoc- tival>'takon-tse parties trom wvioan tise> veme puciasat-tse amount et nov Stock or Debentuies given hn exeisarge tiseretor, anti tise intemesi accruct aitishe date et cx- change. Tise samq, Hon. member aise teck an eas-l> opportunit>' et propouading issplan toi tise cure et ail tise evils untiorvisics tise Province labours, 10 vii, a Feteral union of tise ivo Provinces, vus Bsoue joint autsent>' ta manage tise internat common ta bots, but tise- pertinacious Tom Fergu- son vise, ges for Representatien by nean- bers, ise vonît net let Mr. Brown stite se ensil>' ava>'trom, tise poliy e>' o 0Ion., atvo- cated,an isthu siis hahoconvulet tise Pro- vince for several years-as far ait least n3 his part>' voie conene-t-o vo bave tis gard te a tivitiug, line beiveen Upper anti Lover Canada. Tsat'à pat enougis, anti Mr. B rovwn a>' simp>' cousider ii Federation rosolutions killet, viicisprobably isisai ise most te- tires, for ot course ho knows tise>'aire more bunkum, ant ihf demotishet b>' Tom, ho whiI ho able te mn>' ho reteemet ieispledgo te tise convention, anti ouI>' failet by tise intervention et a dougs-tae. Mr. Postmaster General Smnits brings ha tome proposition îospenting tise Cainadian oceau steamers, but iltonenas ene net yet publisiset. Tise loss of tise Hungarin in- ateati of disposing tse public- mid vits dis- courmamni, seema 10 have bat quit aa coutins-y effeel, anti I axpeci tisatinutise priment tampon of the Legisntume, a ver>' libemal proposai vonld ho noceptet teait the Company'. "Tsa itea et re-imposing sisackela upen thse moea> market la renevet, and sevaral attempte vil! ho mate te limit tise rata of iniarest. Ihioi prepesedt te make 8 tise legal rate, a tt allov tise Banks te sisarge tisat i fghsi, from viicisacs I inter tisat baaking influence'la ai vomis. Tise Mirror of Panliamen aiis matie ia ap- paance, andi>'ou have nodoubi sen tisa vo firati nembero- Considering tise -,$at dit- bOIct>' attenisng tise nndemtaking, muais crediî is due tise'publisiser ant isreporters, Frenchs anti Enugiss, of visom, ho hs iupply aliarge staff. Youmn 000K. paninictge ai tis -,fen or w2 .. ýtyear, ug te bd oison i-~-~ a bava tq emaplo msometbing beaidiýi the flomlaef tisé bird toti i l. T isa flav eur et bMt9e f o (~ ft h é p m n i g liike tuaýof vory 9tser bira o Isuiulà affect dby their f4ot. Wlsea tise. do thé pantzldg«'is £bud#, < the polai or Thé pÉlant;vbhithle:Rqs*hcUs 1colis aa- roi: taho Katamir Aigeulfoiir-a Plan !v'>' commoni i~guat a> >ears ago it> va. suppeme t t 0stuge ani oeofethie bom am e ts latl I m*f.hkno w-a& woalthy ani ntelli- gent tanner, wvise lt hSla lieo'p- rs-n ua past.ure,visera tise onlygrantiig Wm tise Kaîmir, visicis the sisep ent greadul>' vus- oui bnrm. $isouldyou îhink. tisai xpesing a vulgan err eo suffidet importance to cern- panate for- tise spai this vill eccupy in y oui valuable paper, you cati-use ht.I leave yen to eh ie jutige. I hamn, Mm. Edior, Yourma Irai>, SPORTSMAN. Tise nev raeideace cf tise Govaruor Oen- oral, la situatet on tise St. Foy' rond, about n mile froan St. Johsn's îGato, Quebec. Mr. Simaird M. P. P. isas bitiserto occupiadth ie place. Tai: 6"Mmioaor Pàauxhw."-The irai andi second n umbers are te haut, con- siteriug tisa immansit>' ot laber enti greal axpatition roquirai, *the vos- Sasieen vaîl toue. Ail interoste in politics shoulti mubscribe for t!sé "Mir."r Offciai Appoiatmnts. 'ag bey, noar Latroe,I a novce m0v, trou tb. 1811 Set.ot lt ouI~ 1859, nm.or trom ivelve ttIo beclock fanlis. nlgSt, ise- apparition, cf -aBenedicline monk in his full festival dieu. 'Ater a&U :Is askied hum, ina-tise presence of -anoilser niembar et tue enter, v bat lhé -vanteti. Tise spirit tho~n.ansveredti al hobu 5.8boo sufi'oriug seventy-moveni yesrs airat>, Se- cause lSe haitno. sait sevea masses et oS- ligation; Tiatieb. at -Appearati te seven oison Benedietinaa, ai diffamrent limesj, sud biltebeeon eaià ;- andti tisai Sa oulti bave te aippear atter élev en yaars agnin if fie.voulti net hclp isim.HRe vainteti thon evean amsos/'said, for hlm ;besitea. tisa novice sisoulti, for Sevan tinys, observe tise strictest silence ant ore ansd more, ho should say for tisirty-threo timyN , enci daiy thiee limas, tise "fittietis Psalm, barafoototi ant i hs arma siiecisat ont This vws deerot. the 2lst Novomber, tilI tise 25th Dacember, vison ise-lut MaM va. celebrateti, anthie Gist disappeared During tiss ima She a id eppemmd etimera timaes again, exisortedth ie novice mcmi im- preasivel>' to pray for lieheufis uPwsrga- to7, ince tieseuffor ver>' Srand ui ea sequ eutly-are ver>' tbanktul hte s. vise concur te their retemlpien ud a ï m onougis alt that o et isOve priemiavise bat airent>' tie t ethtie Abhay neont& vas yaî in iseavan,bnt, snffering in Purgag> Tiis hathé substance etftisa tacts tisai gave enîgin te >'ou.- stranga report; vo give il as munis ciedit as it deservas; but tisis report la correct. B. WIMER. Aishot St. Vincenî'm Abbey, 26îis, Feb., 1860. TaxuzçoAUVANiTÂGE 0F LEàP YEARz.- A mati narnet Hourain, frein Yatea, Orleans Count>', rornovetisose yeams since' 10 Miebigan. Wbilatiseraho contracteil a marriago ongagement vils -a lady in ibis State. Lutt fnl! hée rernovedti teYate, ises-e be bas since rasideti.' One. day luit wcek ai yonng lady put up a lise S"dI ia 'Yatas anti sent for Housaum. HRe obayo teiemmons, santlaroat "immeti- atol>' aftr bis outrance m lise s-cenvas accostadth ie lad>'; vi saket i hm if hto -va. villing te paitorm ,his engagemnent. Ai thismre ime shi dmav a six-Saniéeoa revolver, anti pointing at t h Sm tateti thai se wonlti give Sim tise contents- if hoe re. fnet. Under thea inspiration e thtieSix- sooter, atiedti t ase charma uof tis a«?> Hoensan atiittedti tisiho vm viag. Tise inshtumenit fdentS va. immediataiy !ovenet, andthtie couple were moom on thair vs>' tea thé'ise esiicae othe fathar et Houseman visera il la preasmitise>' ere maniet. This lsa anev va>' of -tnking adi vantage oet bnp >eair. <Prom the CQu"adGazette.) -SEcaUvnT' YlsOu'sCE, Quebec, Marcis 3rti-_1860. Hia Exceliaunc tise Governor Ganerat bus beau plemesatot make tise tolloving ap- pointananta, viz : Dr. Heur>' Goodman, - Auseciato Coro uer, Count>' et Lincoln. 1 Alfredi W>'at, Amooigt Coroner, Cotin- t>' et Ontario. James Hanve>',- of pt. Tisoe, Esq, Barristes, i av, 10 tobo-Notax-y Public lu Uppan Canada.- Ria Excelleno>' tiseGovern'or Goemeal isas beenupheasedti t grant,,a License toWi-. liam B. Qua-a.ofettise-Cii>' et Lonsdon, Esquira, M. D., te ennuie birn te practicè Pis>sic, Surger>' Mitvifam>' ln Uppai Cana- da. V Hla Exceilen>' tise Govarnor GeneMIl hbu fui-tier beau pleaset- te grant Licenms te Fraudis T. MeILenu, èt Baanvihie, Es- quis-o, James .P Teagne, etftise Cit>' et London, 'Esquire, William -Springei, of ha- gensoîl, Esquire, anti Jphn William: Fai gusen, et Wootstock, Esqashra tinter tise Provisions et tise forty-firsî Cisapte fthtie Consolidatati Statutes for UpF ai Canada, institutet: "An aci raupacting Homo- pathy>," 10 practice Pbysic, Sus-gar', --anti Mitifen', ns undersiot ,anti patiset b>' Rurnoeopaiîlùms. 1ienems y. "Jus: Heaven forbid Tissa a niaitsahonld ever omsi for gasn wViat villany muet enLSoliNe we nre poor. Be Inonegt>- our ries. The srie heai iSe noble." Ail mue muccosa in lite must Se buset upea isonesit enling vilS oui feiiov-men. Wo ail neet frieasiip, love, aut sympa- us>'. Lite, vithont themo, hstises-y indeeti. A man, ha an>' uaigiborhoot, knowu te ha devoiti cf conmeon homety, in ssunnet a. an onein>'te isarace anti an eutcast frein respectable meciet>'. - Like a treebooter cf the sans-, Se ihaa hums anti a b>vort ini evar>'veli-ortierati commuait>'. Honasi men bois. upon hlm as a putrescence on tise bcd>' polluec. Ris ceantenance betokens a dtieait emples. hie vmeteis. Tise trovus of Heaven rami upon isim, bim doinlete staffer regret, ra- morse, anti shame. - Coatrast sucis a man vils tise upsigist houent main. Al tise naigihbomiooti lovas anti respectes hm, aime bis triends anti sym- pisatizors. Tise vitie anti orpisan ativise vitS anti trust him. Ho isna motel main te visoa refereace la mate for imitation. Ho adonaanti purifies vses-oves- 1e is kuova, anti tanes lise vorît i tter thânai e touati hi. ~ Y~-- - Solomonii, w, ise, bathS ait,"ie'gi tiug eftrteasures b>' a lyiag.tongue » a van-' 11>' tossedti tesdtfa-o, oft tiei that seais teatis. A goot -ninme la ratier 'te ho nisosen tuain grenu riches, anti loving faner aher tisan ailer anti gold. Bu>'tise traiS anti mdl it net; nlsb visoan,. anti instruc- tion, anti understanding."1 "lHeair, thon maed ptedge, dtison hof et lu, Wbieh lino eaIbi:alm it is th tittfy. By tise astaind, tise Iovlylirjinimt.e Amid his toila, aM nd ieful mianka bis God. , For tishma a a censcltce-It tintantod, vie mli theiss-.adew!poanp tis~Weona&forci% Cheoam Mtise drooping lSert te houer Iosty, A Lovs SoaàP.-A cas- .la untier-in vestigaton, mn>.tise Detroit Adaetise,- et tise 25th Feb., hi - tise -Police - Court oet ta cit>', iavolvng thé nigisi ut &a follov tte back the pimsents e blmasmadtoa ngirl, vison se mn>'.aise vod'have ?isii, ant inl gettiug rend>' te main>' somaébeti> else. A yonng mainvise Setd, iepomet ut-about $76 vertS et jevel->in haIis va>', turing. a a yeari 'co)urtaiin aon btl for lnr_.ya l bq~ CCOnÂNu.-Tise ladies are delightod witis "Btram'iTs Cocoà:X. Tise doscribe with no eligisi ontbnsum its wonderN f.u f fecte in prosnoting tise growth* of te hair. "Buaitc-rTT's L.LIIoN," is eaIy adinir. ed a. a cosmatie. Ib is Burnatk Go. wiso are also proprietors of tise new perfume 0n- totdi ti nuL" anti of -hetisOrIENTL, Tooru Wasx." Ali thae préparations deserva tihe higis raputation :wiich tlno have already attained.-N. Y.-Ha»n Jour. Hlleway'u Oerumew aad Piuh-Pro., tedtion tethse ai/c-Ench leaf of ese pam- phlets visicis tevelop thse genuiée Pis. anti> 'Gintment, is waier-marketi iiti tise word. "Hlolloway, New York and Làondon."1 If tis trade mark la flot visible oýt holding tisa _page batwaau tise oye antheti. lgisi tise article us apurions. We leain rom an- tisentie sonrces, tisat *the ladies . aýywhere are abandoning tise parnicious cosometica wisicis choke an'drive in eruptine "dse anti atopting this- safe, 'penetratink diain- fectant, wlicis expels tise printiple jf irri- tation from tise blooti, removes, tise uperfi- niai inflammation witisonî danger, asti im-, parts tranaparency anti-bloo'ni t ts skai; WHiTBY IMARUETS. CasRoNicxx Orrîna, Mameis 8, 1860. Wiseat-Fall, $1.80. iO $1.32. Ditto-Spring, $*to $1 4c. Flour $51 0 $6. Penni, 55c. a 56c. Barley 50c.: a 05Q Oats80o C O82e. Bye 50c.. a 60c. Hay .10 0 $14 -f toi. Pork $8 to, $6 15. Bef$4 qb$6. BheP $8 0 $4 5Oc. POtatoe,25e. a080a Butter 15. (D 20c. Eggs9d' laIo Vdo&. powla,2&e. 080e. jfpair., T0rkoy 5c0C . escis. Geese25c085e.ý Aptles, 50e $ 0 ushoL. Hi '$* $1 : -7 1.b Salit$120'f'barrel.' Wot $2 00 $2 25 V cord, BIRTHS. OR-In Oshawa, on Suzsdaytishe 4tb mst., tise wife oft'Mr. lJa H 0, of, aduB",î I - - - --a J 'APPLIcA IBWIN-~--Iu Bal ~2zti uitthse vii DAVY-At Bail Benjam"il-.Day, WICKS-At bis outie 29tin Fai Wlekm, ageti 54 $anè BURNS-Ou th, hambelis Burs-nx t DueýA Me IS. Sct Aa& ar by tise pnant 00 beau sparot te indane Thse bout bins of Boom>'andalconveai Mud attentive caltera. This isotel las ituait. Town cf W hitlîv,t and lacet eoiveuieut atop] mClgnrssand Leur "mle , &. '- 101 LWa Port Hope, Mas-ch st 1 i v a ?à . a Buness con] andi ]PUBLIC DE1 attentai IPATENTS 17a &cnset by thse sutiaci X. J. el Land and 0 Quebea, Mameis li, Il Buy TM KEROSI andafl wis rtt hù nosnsellad m-jus Slat $2 AI bu 6on iebasaile 1tth ie st pmé. JÂM 55WhrbyJan. 12, 18l0 a NOT mmae icha euffsla onm ~»-iL' G--

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