Whitby Chronicle, 8 Mar 1860, p. 4

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1:iXW i île ifuuit6~t Amen- ~ or otlrerwlse 1~ EUE~ '1 HEsubscrlber requcats publie atten to, t liii TIOw stock of aupoiior vos,8. Tbey inludo the following new patternm - Tg»EKÃŽrNG,Ã"F STvOVE, 711E-PRINCE ALBERT,/ DA VY CIIOOKET, GRAND iTURJ4 MRON D UKEt JOHN BRYAN. B3rock Strçet, Whtby.r L.£ CIIOFi1ELD & coi 11IMPORTERS oh' Staple- and Fancy Pre Goods OENE1tAL STOCK0F AND GLÂSBWARE. Corà'o«Brooc t ad Coll)urîre Stroets, Whlthy MILE Subi4èriberii are ini receipt o! Fresili ar- Tervalis ofthre abiovo edAjrsu direct freux tirs - anufget o'il ud arc' sOI(m s ow as any bouse la (bu tradu West et'Moitre. O N S AL E, A large md varifciStock e! ]iDry.Ooo4s kept r ioiîs41rtly oîx1IWuu&' ' r' r'% -1 , i L. Il. SÇIIOFIELD & Ce. GQ A LE, emplotoJho! mqf iii kudm o! Grocerles, and a full IeC4,» iq u ore, Cirice breido§ Vini- 30Bel o! Old l'bectitild 'liiskey froni *L. IL. SCllt>IIELD & Ce. O N SA LE, A ouloe anai1tul 1assortnncrxt cf Crocker>', Cîrtura, Olaas andEutcnre IIl. SCIIOFI L1) & Ce. i@ 64 hçots-Frosh Teas from 2s. 3-.ý to 39, 9à. per lb. 27 Boxes Tobaccoo from 19. to r2s. Od. per lb., 4 Bales American Grey Cotton 40 B0os oap. 10 Boxeo Candles, 36 Oasks of Iàquor. 200 Barre].. of Sait. - 1 Brre..of Herring. L. IL. SCIOFIELD & Co. l'b StxeBbsrbers have roso0lved oru eomiurg te tu vér180n( dlreeotO Ilso C ASH IýSYSTEM, 'Whueix lliririrlo t Irirri t n!uiuch eheaper, - L. IL SrIO Cl)&o. WO oni'rtr' dwullilrg lnurus luatir T cntr utîsoTunitu 'enlow ipplyte * id'â arc 14dcýtc(d tO thu aubseri- b>' Noto or -loçl accourst wl ,ot( Chu QI Januszfyq 1800, a:5 Scofild & CO. le la advaneo. 'C1ONICHE~ C I~Ud ,U~ The, -,,IRCULATION -'CHRNIoZ'si of the, B-ku&,Er Than'that of any other local Paper in the Province-, and FAR EXCEED'S The circulation of ail the other jmers hi thé County of Onaounitd - ONLY SEM-WEEKLY $2.50 PElR ANNUM. *Xheo liCronicle i h-Papor to Advertise lu. AND BRITISH 1REYIEWS. -:0:- T. EONARD SC0TT & 00., NEW YorsKý continue te pubîiah tire follow- ing îeadiug lBritishr Poriodicals, viz: rME LONDON QUAuTEItLY (Conservative.) ;2. rira ED!KBUIIGII amivîxw (Whig,) 3. mils NOIUBItîTISII uEVIEW (Freoc Cirrb.) 4. rit£ WLSTMINSTIIIIIEViIW (Liberàl.) CLACKWOOD s EDi-,nBui(GII AAzINE(Toi'y.) These periodicais ably vrepresent thre threc great political parties of Gvet-Bri- taiu-Whig, Tory, and Radical-huit poli. tics forma ouly oefe ftuire of tirir charact- or. As Or gans of théenuost profouud Writers on Science, Llterature, MoiXliy, and Religion, tlîey stand as'they *evér have stood, unrivalliàd la tue wold of lot-, ter%. beiug cousi<lred'indispehsable te. the soholar and (lie piofessional maxi, whlle to tbe intelligent reader of eve, lm stirey furnish a more correct and satisaetory re-, cord cf the curcunt itevature ýo!- tie de>', (lirougirout thre werld, tiien cen bu possibly ohtained frein an>' othun- source. Tire receipt of ÀDVANOE aurmmT from tho Britishr publisirrs givesadaditionai vaueto thre Reprints, inamucir as tire>' cn now be placed in (ho Iandsof subsoribers about as soon As tire originel cdi tions. r TERIlIS. Puraenu. For anuy onu o! (ho four Review ... $8 O0 For unu> two o! tise four Review ..5 00 For niny three o! thre tour Reviws. ,. 7 00 For al four of tire Revie es ........ 8 00 For Biackwocd's Magazine......... 3 00 For Backwood and ono Rceviw.. .5 00 For ]llackwood and two Rcvcw... 7 O0 For Blackweed and Ilîrce Rcviows. .. 9 00 For Blaokwood and (licfour Ilcvicws.10 00 3foncy. c rrcnt in thle State w/tare i8ucd euill be race 'er at par. CLUIBING. Adiacou cf twenty-five pur cent. fror tire abnyé Pr! will bo allowod to cî.vns orderia g four or cru copies of au>' onu or more o ftire ehov works. -limas: Four ceiso! Blackw od, or of one Review, wil =r et to eue addrcss for $9 ; four copies of tho foui' Rcvicws anud Blackwood for $80; aud so on. r POS9TAGE.I 0 Canadien mail subacrihers will ho sup- pîied rce of U. S. Postage. Remittuinco for any o!f hc above publica tious, ihGi id.a ,elways -bc addjýcsscd, pot- pald,r tftie publfshérs, - r LEONARD 00SCOTT&'CO'. 46w No. 14, Goîd Street, New York Trhe Peterboro' Examiner, THURDAYMORNINO, A TWO DOLLAÀRS PER~ ANNUN. '1 IE EXAMINER htAis tire harff et elreulatio of. o n yppor pabllshed ine elorboro', a n t rrfore tire best advertiaiung mediumi in tires Urltéd Counties. Terma.-Tio d t oevçgRX Ubu W, 'ire punerus thf%1 roiviA T. a. RWHITE, - *AMLAýXGEMENTS PORI 860.ý TT1VrX1 f\rrt Ie nte i'1 i4J COEr -bnl6wa: r ic rky rr kt )'l ' manv, lid,~o, cr cning tfcet%, aise t e e. u' ., su-R . ru. ?'gti il Elr t i' * Ducr delivry nt 10 n VI M'cl7jz P. M Lotters for Mte6nl, Qiitpiaes Ésrt'f Kng- stonx are oly dcspaftehled by the niglîtniiail go- inje kmst, at 5 i. . leuir nbr Up mailsgfoing West, nMIgDnbro Piekering, oronte and ail places West of To- route, also (ho G. 1ý. IL. R. travellinigl'est Office goiug Wm'et, closAs lit 7 a. iu., and ic 6 p. m. Dire for ilelrvery liere ut 10 a.rn., anrdut 7 .m. The,Mrils for Pickering and D)u irbîrtou arc onlyrm plied by tlhenwruLng trasliin g West Nortinx ~<îîxls baver ~lifter tire mririe the train front Tronmîto, t'oi3rooklii, IManches- ter- Port Perr LiBeh, Liudsr iMnillis, Bon- verton, port: loor, ,&iiirbnxn e, EpseniUticat and UibrHgket also for all1tliÃ"r'reslroitditig of- flues,' Mafis are ao madé upat sariote for And- loy, Broghar, Illsar, (*recnwoold and Kin- sale dailiy alla on Tuoday, 'Ihlnrmday and S3atutrday kbr Altonta, Clarernont aud.f3touff- ville. Meils are due for dIllvcryý frountirhose cilices At about 5f80 p. nr ENGLISII TdAL.-?ror-n the Ist o! April. 18», aul lettors for Great Iritaih vim e I e - cd betoye 7. ollock A. M. on M[ozr.ays.é REGISTRATION 0F LETTRES$-Tire charte for PReglstratior', in madm4fe t *Ae poat- aý#j ieaï follows, ou cotch bIter ivit - Te Any place ru Jl5rtrtslr North &eicid; To any place la thre United Sta(w,jý positage ,Tfomrny-pacé e n reat B]3ain ond'Irir2(ppst- ase muetaDe prpi a isgo) dr- r Tô'eay plDawil1the British t(Jolàno it o ePo0su- siono,,oeutel sfst lrxd, <poâtage tnfist b. ýpro- To any p1n trlc4obr'riuou tries, via Engiaiid, un àrnount eqult trépost- M age rate. - -PÂRCELS up to 8 Ibn. wlglit cuir ho sent by poat undor reinl-atlouis -et 7111 Bd pur lb. te ho No mails am dcspatched or receclved on Sun vu olc and printcd mattur/,op lime làited S5tales, the Ciînrdiiîî Postrîgo c rue be prepaîdt b>' Postîage stémipa, anmd 'our -sim rurriiitter fi.(ns tfireuited stater, theCsra.à>rtie wili bc to-cUcecton dolivcry 'Al trrinsit esrres bhrdn hs or Eîrglitnd, ruusbe Pr(veIdsfhy 1ostagu stimlp gr tlmoy exuuot bc 1fbmwaîdc'id. Newspapcrs4 for tise Bi'itis}r testâirrls, orý Newfouidlir ld, finr st bo prip.mi d hîy Postagej Starnp, 1 d iîiîî,,lid for I udra, Ciimî, Austra lie, aird nirer places buyond sea,:2y i cr1011 OFFICE I-lOUEtS.-Week deys, froin 7 a. lit. to 7 P. M. sandelys, fronr0 910 a lOi,r Postage Sntinps eati bu pîrchmusud lit thîu Post Oflicu. ý4 A. -McPUEFRSON, P., i. Wlitby, April, 80.' Os% 18W. DENTISTRYI DENTISTRYI DENTISTRY, DR. 0. 0. JEROME, Surgeon Dentist, IN rcttnrrrig tlrinrs to lus uniirîrorum frienjrs aird tise pubrllic, emerriliy for ilusir libersi psmroîîig miirc isee omifitmced priceticu in tîsis niowli, ,ou Idliere lichke oceisicu b rtite 3to maii tîsese wlso ire reqririnf Artificial Teetir, tltitlire lies îrew obtrsîîmcriimi ilaciimuelrrrh.,r )iiisg tirs vullerrîrisedri rtther, upon wlrielr lie ili iîsert ail kilds mcmidistylem Pl ci Ietim, W-'Chîayrsrthanr hue ere been donc' beo'c with t iis Iroces,. Dr. C. C. Jriruiawllgîaariretru fit tire In ail fîrhi crises, panrties cat i have liorck 'l'eils with Solid Gumsl, whicli isiri evi-ry respeîct, fer superior to ai y otlier kilid ef mrrrk ]Zriruwrr rnunue. TLuis wrrkis lrigliypprei<'bsi of tlue leading Deutisîs rîr Noýw Yoilk, rlaid rrirs- cîpal cities tbroighoutt(ho United 1îasr wimrgy to its bin eg chliglitor aird of a rii ieurosrveu nature, and it is, ater a. test'pf Ilia reyrars, deiexnd liighur and more pref,6iitIe tirrîrr guid or any other mctsllc piate. Du. Jyneu wotule wishtt1ýobqlrirsm iniiiirîd -thtie lu ra gealtly rc dû9q4r $>xt 2îriees whiili Jxerotofore wee tIre st4sfdaje5tI1emurdrl forthier sUite tiri-lie > lnr rstlrcrtiy iîing tireaooum4mtraio'eusl mrtr peaàt, nlgwll imoelratli r uge INSUIZANCE offectc'd cri Briidinggs mmd tirièrr Corntenrts. Ev'cry infrmaruntionr mpîlied un application te the iridt-rigiieri. 1JOHN AGNEW, Travelling Agent, Blyronr SirecotWlritliy 0::"To the Afflicted.«Zo T11E CELEBR1ATED GERIMAN OIL!e FOuR VIEcCut£ op' .CVo ;ts jkqUl end i4. li 1ijpdai o! Flesh lVoun4s ancîicnýtâ ~thie.umai 1 In Botties at 25 to 5Octs Each, According b stio, 'IlisOll i» cdirIqrost woîîsrds, and is an lntrillh.iic rcuredy fer»oi re- lief cf HORSE' &'CATTLEJU HfEÂLINoie0FÀAL WOWNDS, Infilcted ou 4nimals. rIf.lues bcen used succosifuiliy for tise Last Sevon, Years, and bras noer beunirnown t fail. Made and soid by A. KNOWLES, PicleoYiug, C. W. Wbitby, Jrrmm. 24, 1860, r' 2I xx raz Dm- ,,-eéJ, -on-o, ber. r ~I Compauy'u e11 m -à r , 1-éPr -rnbserlbod Ciipital-Qu0e Mllion Sterling. oinstltutedbyAct' of Pàgnl[amcte. - AýgnSeshhillfli-te1iewhere ?roiùiums arereel edau CliM ottle&d. , -'. Ageht nt Whtby-Q. X. Dartncli.' .Agcnclcs in evory pi1if thé %Y-ôld. 19' Royal Inuu1ýucp Company. "£)F , 1CE»-Ë-C TOEONeTO EXCIIANG~ 'CAPITAL-TWO MILLIONBSTO1. Jfitz Pnxrnuus 1858-Two lint4dred Thousand -Ruerve Fends on 7and to mut cil clef nu, oeég. uoe llundred IU'/~ud 1>oundgst&eriag. Shglort period riisk,ê talion on Meicluidize -forý oné or miore niotth. Life 1111411r111100c n very ta4vglugoig anms forthe nssîîred, witm ,nxlî:al bous und division oVesofits cvury fiACIcnrW' Wiltly, Jume, 18510., 201 PHIRNIX IN$UUANCE COMPANY, ZÂitTFOJ8lD, CONN2rECTICUT. InPAID UP CAP'ITAL, $200,000_M~ DOLICI ES gritaiterl iîntnediiîitcly on appllca. MRton, witlhout referwice te tihe, lcad Offices. C. LYNDE, ~~y Manager ý-YWîbitb 'b. 2, 18-5î). :~eScottisht Provincial Assuranice AXbi7e . D. 18-21, a-, Z Iuor.yoafWd l~ rSpeckdelect P 1arliani. CAPITAL - £40ôo0,00, Montreai, 90(aret St. J aimesStreet. Srutnx'rArr.-A. 1)avidmon Parker. TNTEN1)îN0 Assvrer., arc rcspectfilly re (j qucmtcd to perusou in Coumî'auy's -PrOspece- ti s, whcreill it wil l , fcnd tiret ovcry adVan- tit 0, consistent witit seeurity', im offerod., 'bc rates 0f lPrend ilins cilirc-dare low wllilc tire Bou ses daciarud wil beareonparison witi ie l'rotlvs aIioetd by' auy of thre otlrleading lt'tiefr1arîmttei6hi Is alito dircécld'rJncqni- table rcguilatioîi edoýptW-d ly 'Vbiâ% 9hpuly, as te se rremrder rlef ixqusdichi. lVuny.-Jolinu gre.,'gont; Rlobert 3. (hiii, M. 1). Medicrîl AdIvioer. PU msCn A LUirLUT.- N i vlà Agnew, 31. D. Mcdi- et 4ldviïer. 98 State Pire Jnsiuraesee Comnyziet Lon. don, eîngland. CIIAUTEICPI' DBT ~OF iMIiTisiI PAIîLIAMEIT. C'APITAL.- 500,000 STERLING. BiOARtD 1?fh&~T Cai'-lre iUlèt lin Lord Kouane. IIl. SwiixM ' Golotirc ic"e' rrr 'Theire l- W. 1riaîx Iletetcr'11tstril 1 , iE 1 Vilireihr. B. Urfltlr 1W.y .oiiunams irwiuidarko, Esq Niclirlas )eîrrry, .. Williami S. l'otter, ls1 wiiiiai l lenry l.tughi, Esq.,.. F. M. Wiells, Eq IPeter Morrison, q, Mrrnaging Director. A uitar.-A nîbrose 1.1.1 1, Eq oictr. MicerKr. Miller & lirrire. .Smsrveo.-Willium E. WilrnEq. lrnus.Msr.Raîsoin & 8uray.&reary.- Wri. tanwcil, Esq. CANADA BRA NÇII Trm«s- o.John Rloss, Jolit Crawford, le.~, .(2 Master, Eýq. Vr-C3htirruur-,-W. 1'. IIowkiJc, lKsj., M. 1'. 1'. WR oss, Eq., Wuli. fld- dersuur, Eq F. 1Y. Jrrrvia. Esrj., Sheriff, U. C3. of Yrrk riin l Peel. r, oinea~~iieJa f IMoireai. SoUdctor8 lire eîîgageoirîerts cf tire SÃŽ-tate Firc Iimturance Coiuilany arcr gnarautocd by il responsible Pro- irrictrîry. Ail Lprisem will bc t;ettiod ironiptiy witheul refirrene tu tire Boaird iii hig] arid. lire btr>irrer.s ci tire Times baving been puir- ohiatier, iolicy -lridurrs arc iuow giuarauitecdby tlie 8State. .--- ..--. 1 1tViritby, Janr Meagr itid& Nartie Aiine,-c. JOIJN Ac*NEW, Agent at Wlitby British A mericis Assuran ce Co mpa ny, 4()NE Improved Farî n.,u Whitby, 100 Ac7.-~r'. t 0naiie .r Ir! d anilé Bolu Ma, 8çervlptn1for ýAisoe fewTo*à os inliton, oor Tohnceaowu L dos oW d luk themanflle, ]3rooknt,Heptn o AIa or a u oi Lots in tIu, owt-pUo Fo el and onfor Sale i 2010 lehn clsoth oncdssioof 1rqi ;1ô fmiles oau havefro 1l ,te 1e onthe nethe ontretofaygodmntiont il col and f awCrcnulin.Adrsp.pa, 10bi lthCnc sono Thorph gmji1 fý95ar i 2-et Ahch re carendTiisfrm tig onthekatcdwlGi foadur e o aerto ilol.ctavlrod sin 1 ler, Lotsi,1t"Ngo. -122arel12 3ct whiKent reet Wrc, anf ýroin oStret -,de Tonan iltnl bth JuJy o, o1857 26terit A~ pKe1nyt aStre. tAWEsto!I3oFER, WSttby, h Tow cfWhlIJ. TA. abYé L1ots aRe cligibiy sitnatedfforb«ilding . aret Cneise dstuaduftorbstaleii ion, ofdthelTownsdisp of o, n ibylTheîn gar' iýcer ed nwtle lthivin, frelma Aply 10 adV.u C.ntJl4YEB Frn, hot-y or tetm capyt J. . MAYRIIOFFE Chonee fiWtby. WiyF10 A1RES.. r¶LE W1tVhaE lotNo.0, 0d 4 on., sion, o the ToWanshp ofSWbitb Th -r S le ord andLoder cuiivertiol f eprand Suhtainotud uGrad i ailu- bu aidingsf and ootacolrncl ret For trms &c.,appiely tolg t Z. SURA, T AENTED inEheAT oOnTpof A 400 tuArec Lan ataesond P~lccTenoisshavige bc itlye t d ist in a short, pst aoc ic Kox57,n.g,Tr o41 n- taes otbuconcesyst, cyand gtednisr- ýon to o.e,160"-, ORCOItI01 A'1ED nuder smr A ctof lire TIrird 1 J.e'm onf tire Elueairtil'ucii Provinial P FOIR SALE. tunt t <ut i ultrar t 'rulit u. 1 CAPITAL £1009000. Irmirancoelte-tud o Birilditîgs and tiri crirteuts. Every iilrjtm'rrtir srrpilied ouap pliirt ion to the urrder-sigumierl. M'o rieIikstrtisq Seuisosaor lfor Purta. JOIIN AGNEW, Travcliiug Agent, Bytron rcl Whitb>' Phoenix Fire Assurance Co& OIunAItD 5TILriET AN~D CIAJitNO (BOs, LODNDON GILLESPI'e. MOFFÂT -CIO.e Agunts for Oanada., TjNSýURA OF âugaiuis8 LOSSÈS y FiEE mmd Iü ele te e . re mnst avorae'Io tern 0sand LUSSES peid wftlîout refereti ;etIr & iln London. ..4flcnt, (Jonnty ;Ol niârio. Whitby, Aug 10, 1859, FOR SALEè - T OWN LOfin. LaW bitbyei'tIeBy' Mun's4 Beuy, enIid PoûrtflPucrr)ni'g Cr re ArI'G. H.DAItTNELL SSolicitor z Bron * b~ J xi 11 85. Jrcrr < 2 F A Nexcelent néw Irame Cottage,rnearly in teheuart of tine towuof W llithy, end wiîlrin a !Cw yards of tihe Main Street- cidas Sîret-toirether withtr-Ififlis o! aunacr c,,f' lraud attecbed. ýTire beume eoutsîfu six apart- munIs, huis au excellent cellar, and.r thetu is good stmbllug eard ail rsrcery oui-buildings, cnd a superior pump et'good witer ou thre spot. For Teruns,,,&e.g whlch wil -bu thunei ery liberai. AppJy te t.; i J. A. MAYEIIOFFER la. <ironioeu Offie, WhîitÉ. VALUABLE VJOPERTYfo AY T IIE Store and Promnises iataiy oeeupied by Mr. J. A. McMilsun, at Utica,. in thé Towmx- slip o!fReoeh toiethei wltha quarter acre o Land a(tacheâtierute. Tis astàore la Véry' 1aveW 'ehly sitaatdforanyhusiuéi.Tie'iI~Q thptravul ou thre Brook road passsothzrpugh lt. ,erms will be made te s'nit puioiérer. Ap_> pleetlon to hé rade 10 45- Ashburn P.OU., ROe House and Lot -for Sale. ~H'ËLot éontàIx# on 461irt 0(~~çe I excebloht 14u& , iclh àsîVlrg'sttéo b>' 24i audeomnforjbly,:nIaihed off. -Itikai xia- jiricge belng né.thé cirnirch?, tiso ool, tihe Past otice, and tl;é Phacea OTfeném ral msns re niis uldit Y y Wr.Walker AcOPtor, at'Dr Nt onsor t6 J. ('ALDWELL fltO*N, ~r ote W. RHIIGGliNi, Whlthy Pcb. Il,1860.- . r- BEAVERTN.~ n AMILL PRIVILEGE AND To'W#Içlkt4 A ontiient;t te BoJ3AveoouWraf large and profi(uibleMilii ilw$ 5âàb î lur.FavOralafm e 1u'riy *4vb'*ieud w4tbA, ?rpitrby a 1J'raeticaî Mliller. I JAÂMES ARMSTRONG? B'.1.-There iafrst-ratc opeuing et 'LIca- J. A. %lavorton, J u1728, 1857. 28 FOR SALE CHEAP. TOT No. 27, lu tlierd Coneessl f Wlitby W tý.Apî'ly t-the ieIox s WlLKr5, Carryinagllace, CiWuLxn0,ý , livi_ Err~ M, Slritby J uly 15, 18157. ' -.-- 2G SSteam an Eisé,l -or Sae. Wliitby, Ma7c1î2, 1859. 7 FOR SALE IN TH1E TOWN 0F WBHITBY. TOTS NOS. 2, îd 22. TIIEY ARE SITU ated ounDruxES Struet, b"n Mr. S:- Cochrena'a isndLyneâCrock. - 'ýApplemUori to bmadtIdERA; MUS. ANGELINE WEST, L ot983, 9Sthr poueesi;ofiD6)éliuï-ktoif.L CirlistiaiiOtIeriug" picase cepy uiiitil'forbid Valuable .Farm for Sale. T IAT valuabie Frsrm ceruposéd of N. E. Y, of Lot No. 4, in the 4tli concussion of pigI- ering, Containing 50' Acres,' Aboilt 20 acres clîeppud. ,Thre abovo Farmî is sitrrated in thre ceirtre cf' fln cxcM e,wîte'giONvlbg locaiity) aud witldi mibout six imileso! i roft t owî t ,Wlritby. Terra moderate, Tille indispirtable. Applicatiorr to be niadeo te JAS. Mc.A LIAN, W lrt½'; JAS. LOGAN, Let 9, Biroken Front, Pickering, or to THOMAS HUSTON, Aloo, for Sale A qîrantity of good c~O~8 APPLY AS ABOVE. October il 1850 55-3m w & Sm Fran to Let A Farm te Lut fo îr én4. yeurs, lu thé Township of Dnrliugtou., about two miles cemit cf BowuranivUiWyîllange, con- taiuing about 150 r lularyith good IIuildirrýs. Apply ou the Farm té Mrs. DANIEL O(ALBRAITII. Darliugtou, Oct. 20, 1859. 40-2w POIR SÂLt, nomfortble a îily eideuce sitmrted lu (he Villageof Liverpool, Townslrip of! Pick- erirg, adjoimiulimhe Freiîchu Bey Station of tire Graînd Trunk Railway, 18 ÃŽles freux Te- ronto, consistini o! a, Cottage containiug Nias îî'Rooms, witlm every couverillnc r'aqrtsite; jlergfBarn and Stable attaciedrl irgcftl'e*eIl o!fva- ter; the Grounds arc, tasitef%àliylaid onrt, and plautcd. -witlx Shade Trees'; aluto, aLitrge Garrdon wull stocked withFruit Trace§; tîre wlrole covers two acres cf Grouud, anad cannot bu snrpasaod in the Township o!fI'iokereng, for ils coîrveai- ence and rcady aceeu.s te theu ailway. Turnîs; .made easy. For furtirer particîrlars aîîriy te tire Iiubssriber,-YorlcviIle;- or toe Mr. WllràxnPurdy irpon thre lpromises, ossession given forth- GEORGE BOSTWICK. Yorkvile, May', 1858. 17 Tor Sale, or to Let. COMMODIOUS AND PLEA mm. seuIl>' itua(ed WBRICK COTTAGE, with 1 of an ýacre of land, la the North Wamd o! tire Town of Whitby, on th-Esat aide o! Brook Street. -For furthér particularà appyifb-I- Ï~r-, poat-paid) àt ,W. H. Trernayn's offlice Whitby, or to thé aubssiribe,. Cahll, Markhem* -t fà n > y11 D. O. JENKINS, Whithy, July 281h, 16519. 'se For Sale'Cheap, and on Rea- - sonableTeris,.:, tain, goo&ferma lu tho Township of Thorah, County of OntAio wiih iü-^ ý.proeèmcntà o! 20 acres ou 1egoir' r ý,I> Foi ' artîculars apOT 'te Il. J. Macdon- Beaverton P. O. TO LET.- * ESoèanddàweiing Rlýouie noWoeéCUp iéd ltb Mitrnes Phuiglole, airdknowun e.. cm: the Toewux o! Whltbý.- P'Mssss!ots glVou on tlr1ë ffat ofkiéptembor xrex±. JAMlS ROWNE. rWhithY,JllIY28, 11858. - --r '-xv ~ -<c Ut 7. i C~rr~r-fnrib-1I)y virtue o! a Writ of c~xwQnI, XF fçi îne du eegnt t Ile suitreofo!Arlîu rer * laintifi. I ltiive-ocized and taklcsuli eeut wll trlfrstwibtx s iii 1 ruah Yaié,o f!lusdahlidl-lut<çtanp ,or trae' cf land, bcirrg-tlirc 'quarters§ of on acre b. thr. sonie more or les», lbcing eonrposed o! part of lot numnbor fftc lu tlire second -Conoeàssi e â the Townsiijp of Piekcring -- cowpxnng, wiree pstirs een Êittsted et a distance of twe chiîr rityA v n d a hJuýýI ika ýon-ar courrsu north iGNs'ents two e qscast frein the %outil West angle of meid lotqTlrênee rotii sev- 0îîty four dgee;x t woceius seenx lnkt4 r Ti one£-irozntlr xtc eepdur cPs, wcItpréc n and twcAfID' ôliuks4, uio ýeor IC84othd «itt f ; sie eftuepbl ra,]î n b~ rrth wq.4rlzy 11long tlre t.olth sie llir id pllko two (eil degreos east, tire lrisadlfynn Iiirks more or ,ie.s tp, tl<rlrre.of ieor1 n uated. i1rlîi» and 'lîir lV4agofObr.r La a2d b Itg oprced of!ue vrtpt lotNo. ton i lie 2 4 the. c Vfic orrlij ifE rWiit- taauit n sd bournIclêd as folewW:èox- uusnciug in front of tIe sitid (onccssien et the. ditstîîotrn'lm no,-o o turo ct m degroeus, uat ofieehailf ty 1no,~~cxÃ" nortir sixteon daegrçc8, y or a, CbIr pventy one Iiiuksm, 'llenoeAoott 0 111- t cf~rîdKres? AIi lrfi uandii tuerreiients tlrcr'on or' tire said defcndauLs estatc or interest tbereýn, 1 shahl offar for sae at Publie Mtittion ris foliow r ,'iz :-Theflir$t duscribedcd ilre qurtcri cf an.l ac0re. on the premises et>Diiuii"s Crcck, on brondàL*N tlireTworxty tirird fhry of April, . Di. lamt dv,î-ribod on, thIre rîmirme» et Oîhawa on hlondrsy tiiTýwciut3,tiird rbty -of April, A. >.ý 1WO, eithtIe heur cf iTwo ooiccý, p. i. NELSON G. REYNO'LDS, - * lrir, (G. O. l'or (;. Nou-rse. Sherff' Ofice s , w d. ,Wlitby, Ju. 21,,'0 IFOR. SALE 0OI-ÈTO IEe 3 i M PROY ýED FAR~ ist.-100 acres sotith3lflhf o! Lot 1ý. 19, lird concession cf Whttby, -1-nown asý part of tUé.. AUM3T111aiNG-TATIE Orûy two Miles lroin tire 1SWn o! Wlitby.. 2n. noe- Soth rWest quàriýer pt' Lot No. 28i,6th ncso f Drmtn No. 18, îiiiitiotucssiion o£eripos-a ao - miles from Lidsy. - -:- _ TI>e abýý'é nuontioned Lot»,eefrkceî FerminâtrÂ.h11iglrstatc cf câltivittion, -good Bui14ings., an&-ncar imnportant TowrZs Will bh o ed-re.tsonabl _'d o- favo bic tèrmi.Appy to- J1.PIRY. 4 fgeaJfof the Ow1wiM 'Store to it r- - - eurtiidid rcw -Brick--St<ire, idér- niueth tire LawýOflices of. W. R Tré- nuircyn, CoWx i At týzncy, n D Street. Iuffl 4.1WcHeg 1 9 âhsow;o id& tl6'j Slro n k3 _ 1 nuaruirts lxx tllrlUild 1)g,i ea 'elet it e0 store. ly. For-Turmis, &c,apply te' OUR XUSIOÂLI FRIEND. TIUR MUSICAL FRIEND"I a -Raru (Jeom- " .paricir for tue Wfnter ~osls Evcry pitîrisl, Shoild procure (Iris weebdy Ever> Pgr~-~rluliceiou oe a~l nd Every Teceixc', 1 -Plctr e oÏte Mtst~a-- Ever>'Yý pl imii 'bl È B>' tbu untire Prç!su cft lSienIr', tlobe "TUIE,-BEST, AN!) CI!FarPSfI Twelve fulî-sîzed Pages o'oaadrnP Yeerly, $b5; Heit-yuarly, $2.510; -Quartërly, $.5.- Subseribe-to .heur 3e4irricaFriend;" & 'order i front tIe neret -Newsdealcr and 1von,_II iusigniténtt est; a u. yexwsntM'io fore Vielue. in ouet lropt C9ydio.l Con(axurng 12 pagea, ç4tixîg pri>'- Raif-yeariy, sj 2 , ru.tr Ahi (ho Baec Numbxn'uit 10 étt-.,aiid ound VoIumns, conntlning17tNumbers, eit $2.150 ceel, je"Âgcnt» warrcd -for tlIr sé julbidâtoutn%. GadTrtùik jiwai'tsity . (Soiek tf Zaide o1 r7. -rFUNDERsiGiqÃŽD-à3EG rppossession e-ftli6. a o o Ilote] e! Wbiuh ibu wili lua fltxuoe- c'rrY necouùt. .Good"Ll~qtloe, WIDer and irse, ot1eéIf"îdeé6pt pne"- Fi~teasPréss Auetmth»'46fa, ine heing odred. <JOHN IL W ARDENO0 t rus.Bei ZAGRI TUDGE OF TI t> Courts. 0111< i HK. O. ~'thConrt île c ER% F T W. ' OLICITORt,, fIOUNTY M) Court Ileur-c C et tiré Court INiqPFCTolt for tire Cou BA'RRI TI CA14BE Ir4R1IISTERM B Sc'licîtors te 9rofflce st theu qF.ORG fl&rIISTEE, 1.3 rr"4t1Wfitby. STÉI Co aiKDuuàl~f Rinco, W C Ufftige. OM9i é.s&ràptIy atl 4w ;0 1 'STÃ" INFORM %.Jqu.

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