Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1860, p. 1

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t' t I ~ ~ i W b- t1 aSmKsifixrob4 Aý Pltiixefxlxaof SÀTUEDÂ', LLJA PEIR ANUNX, ýpllîo gptry pgporpalallipti Abats; tenihnsfrstisqo(per line). V.t No paperwlJl4înito'atfsIre- Letters enclaslngretAit, if r.glsero,wili ha thîe rp pf !ç Piïbietir when od4r dti BOOK AND JOB ' 't tit rl1ip 'î l xTPRIE Op0FTUE, WIIITBY publiea that hoe'bas procurot ii'omo o fAhs mos modqgra e.tloof Type front NX Yorksutd athi' youuIdrlctt ani la rcyro-d taexecato BOOK N»JO PINTING ai eý*.' ,,a6deriÉ'tlon ln a superlar týle anti wIt)viî dpazch, 'at lite lowett retuuuersting' Fj~~slree~esant i Jnnlg MltlnMr, W. Il' IIIGGINS OlrngeOffice,*Wltltby, JiV , JO011N HALL TIIOMPSON, W'XAILDIeN 0F TuE COUNTY OP1 ON. yana. culditcc-Canntgtaii. Brook. ZACHEUR BURNHffAN, J CPGE 0ý F TfIlE COUNTY deSURROGATE <'ottrts. Ofeo, ait te Contlione. 1 -'NELSON G. REYNOLDS, S IIIEIFt'.3~OFFICE, AT TIIE COUIrT JON114m FERRY, 1)EGSTRILJi.OïIUIE ON ICK ST., JWlitby. I lu . ACDIONEBLL. C LEMC (OF TUE A'EACE. FFICE-AT te (Courtt Ilotîso.I JOHN Aim, CLERI< 0F TUE COVNTY COURT, AND .&l4i-trar of tîe Suirrozate Court. offlice at liel0gistry Offie, Bnuck Street. W. PAXTON, Jr., r 'kIEASURER. OFFICE AT TIE COUICT H. J. MACDONELL9, 'OJ401TOR, & CLERK OIF TIIE C<)UXTY scoilcil. -Offieceut the Court IBouse.. 1 JOHIN §HIER, CIO0UNTY EN(4INEER. .FFICE AT TUE Coulrt flolse. -1_________ LFAIRBANKS, ClEi leXIST DIVISION COURT. OFFICE uat rite Coutrt Ilouga JOHN GORIDON, T SI'ECT( lIt f WEIGIITS & MEASURES for the Connty or(t' nto. I ~ llIr~1T%~TflI'~ ~WiTrPrinrH a. ;4sths4aut4i~ei~ie cvvw~~~t~t* g --J"---- B A R R1 ST F AND COUNTY CROWN BAttornecy. O)ffie-lu Artiill's% New Brick Ble~tctdFluor. lin CAX1ERON & NACDONEILL, 1f ,N]UISTERS & ATTOUfNEYS AT LAW, 3>Stlcitors to tle Cotînty Council Ontario.- g0t-flfco st thc Cmiîrt llonsme.-$otith W.ing. (,EORGE H. DÂRTNELLI, T) lUSTEit, AT'TORNFX, CONVEVANi BL;,c,, &C Offece over J. 8. Donsltd4sn (3610'.J4dwr Store, Brook Streot W hitby J. V. IA)!, :A<lî$TýTTLW.OFFICE-BRtOCK BDrsfred, Wil tty, C. W. ~OL10CIR NOTARY PUBLIC, &oc. &c. S.Oh',C. W. 2 v. G. IADIf, TJ'1RB,4LIFE AND MA1INE INSURANCE, .1 Agçpt tor the Consity -ot Ontario. t(lo-_ over Pjoî,aldson's I-lardwaie Store, Brook t&rect Wlhltby. 7 SCOTT'S HOTEL, TUNDAS ;STREET W iIITBY,FII1ST DOOR .1DEse1t or W. Lalng'R Store. 1-llw. JW. CALDWELL BROWN, CiOVEVANCER, CODIMISMONBF» FOR etasking Aflidavitm, Acconntant, Land, Divi ou Court, Notary Publie anti (Jneral Agent, (Jxbridge. Offlee-King Street, nearly opposite Stlm -Medical Hall. N.B.-411 buisiio&ss atrumted te hiie o wlll ,.prôipt1y atteridedtet. 82 14W.C ANCERY & CONVEYANCING PrjOfic,1rnce Albert. Ao.»MAIES, lB. A., ~AT(NY A~T LAW, SOLICITou ix tCh noory, CoxivoyAncer, &e., Main Street TIlPUTY REGISTRAR, M1ASTER EX, TRA- tI- odinar, anti exatilie6InClîauZory for lieC uu Untalo, Brook-st., Whltby. 47 JONMçNAB9 j3)A ISTER,1ATTORNEY,- &o. bffice- 1) Corerof <Aunroh and CourtStreet&,(OPhto blte theJsIune T1<>t> T OReS & COJNSELORS ar LÂ1 Wug, Mneos I WiLIAMTEEFESBTO M311) T iGSTEE BT, -OSKAWA, CANADi J.W est. *non -*. CRON stuà rà Mesfnfet to the c6wy , 60 , t fît 'gt Jo renisMlif~eiW «Olo- 4r 0 éade A:!16' ym DM, uL1ISoN COUZM iAd. Wlk, Broek, 0. W. , for the ConntyAiiro L2JEIXI ;! TFIE OOUXTY <*OLý gOCAL DlgNTIT-OfplcICE N'BOOK, I4Strul, pcrJilolwsStr, 0ppt 0 Whi lia NAI %4, A. ÇARSÃ"II, M. 'D. &oc. Ofloe antidc, eueCnrelçtl itby. l>artleulâr attentlin gven té Clirditie C B.-Advio lalitepon eer'y Monda>', gr- SOT WINDSOR HUBIS, WII-ITBY9 illE above fIbId leq aitttuod n luea'nt nti rL retireti part ýofihe To'wn, onthe fronît roand. Gooti accommodation for Iravellers. Gooti Stabiig anti attentive cOllera. 22 HUGII FELITZ9 rvACIIER IN music, -TUE, OL r an Piano Forte, îlartu9uy raeu ms anti l i kntiaof String Iniîtrumtmicleprepareita redoive afew MOT r i'pils at hiel onlsqluce. 4 J. C. HANCOKr, W-BOOT AND-SHOE M&AKER,..&1 iii C OMMECIAL Buildings, Brook-Pt. C'Vit~. Work madtie l order tif Cexirriencet gogid Materiatl, apdt hy pgine work- mon. Also rt-pairitig datte wlt neatnesso anti despaîcla.8 ADIERICAN HOTEL. W AIRER de ATTERSON PROPII- tons, onter of Yotug anti liroitl Strls. Torouto, C. W. 1 OAKWOOD ROTEL, OARW OOD, W. BANRS, PiaOiRIETOIR. Goat accotmmodtiiion for Iraveller». 88 P. M. CLARK, "L,&TE 018B de 00.4 EfRUChANT TAILOR, No. 74, RING ST .L.West. Tarante. 10 MARTIN'S (LaIe Walali,'s> MOTEIL. Lt 1 aÀ IT TRE SUBSORIBER HAVINU TAKEN TUIE ubauve Blotl froîn Mn. (oke, le able la af- ford te bct acetimnîdation tathe publlic. JOSEPI! NOURSEq C LER TW EJFTII DIVISION COURT 0FY %JNorthutm berlattianti Dutrhamt, Iusurituco .fgeî t, (Jonvcyaucer, dec. Atiure»ss-Wiliants bîtrgzlt, Catrtwr'ightt. ONTARIO IIOTEL, ~'BRYAN Jr, PROPRIETOR, BROCII "i Street, Wltlitby. Good tibing anti allen- tle (aflIerL4. ' ', CANTON HOTELI, J)UFFINS CI<EEK PICKERING. GOOD] Daccaîîuîodîtion ior Trurellons. W. CLTrHBERT, 4g 3mî Proprietor. PHILANDER M. CLARK, lTIGII CO)NSTABLE, COUNTY ONTARIO, elnd Itipector of Licences ini lte Municipal- y oltîto Town of Wlitbv. ___ 1__ 17 J. W. CORSON, iM. D. F ORMERLY PHYSICIAN TO TI{EBROOK- ]vil Hlospital 0lte }lysiiau to thle New ltork bispensiary; c lowo0theoN. Y. Acaticmy cf Me-dicine ; Liconitate a1 Upper -Canada, &c. Rosidence :-Msrk-lîam village, ane mile nortis of thse Elnomi#t office. BOUQUET S&LOOW, BBTWEN TRE TiiEAT.rE A14» ROSSIN BousZe, King Street West, Toronto. Gaine Squppers%, Dinnorg, 0 sters, &ec. Ail kindis of Gante in Seasm I A ooce seleotion oetfine Wiuos anti Segaris. ~~FIRHAet RLENRY HANNAX, PLAIN AN» (]i1NAMEN1TAL PAINTER Glazier, Paýper 1laugér, dec., Whltby. '2ï W. H. BIL'LING@o B AIRISTER de ATTORNEY AT LAW., Solicitors lu ClîancorýY, Whitby, C. W.- offle-W allace's Buildings, Broek-st, Whftby ]PERlu SALOON. T F AURAIT, LATE0F TUIE ",YOUNG e)>a Canada," near the Royal Ljyccunt, Rang Street, We4t, Toronto. Choice Suppers su Rofreshini; teaail hourm. 1 JOHN METCALF, C LEUX 0F THE FIFTH DIV1ISION lC*É'T, ýoomning lte -Township Brook. ,Ad- FRANKLIN HOUSE.- LNDSA.T, C. W. B F. JEWETT, PROPHIET 1- COXPOR. Be tablcconxmostiou fidTrarellerg. qhitbY, Jany. 21, 1887. 1 CABINZT MA.KEIC, UPHIOLSTERER, deo., Grr's nali, Byron $51reel Whllby. Pd,- ÃŽer"lsngiigneatly'dOlieesud ailkihdosof job. big el repaitriug o! Furniluro atte.ndodti t. Fuarnilre orefully reutoveti. _ RAIL ROAD, BOTECL, lors.5 MrE=mAlfir rALOI, ROOIC ýSTREE!JT THXS EERJL B. I 'b ec, 1iENBT e . 1 i~R O 1nRoi mé IJE1>ràtdi c~~POi AE lIma 'bis s4eOuut~ttstt@tu tute l~p~e. W"Astoady Osîlor sue,. t', 't'y,' t t. t t~~TIONALU1IOtELl, t PORT WRITIY. elth' pu 1-t le 6now in possession 1cUtiîStlutf1hi e e it, j o ra FdT1ý#tpet w4tEaom hota,'tr to!asny o4iher ,»tgblal t" pERZI iii wantt ef a dd as, ei l lisye' egtar.plyboig tm ltq guodoraigned, My ttÃŽikliy.Axesire~rotiçcd tte cnusi'nol~. "aranedCasIt t. /24h " CLARK HUTCHIINri, TI Wi W "Fi Snerbsiprparetto deallkinds of, eatincArltdig at2d. pirI LE'VI E. PIE' MAL-T VINEGA.R. 'ÀLT IN ARcan now b. hl in l arge or sitltl untiîcte, aIlte rrlIEuntirstged laines le4ve'ta l'nfarin lite -L fnisbtanlc at f Whltby , antle pnblc,'tbat lie is. nowmarinufucnrigVji ngnr of amperior, quality Wjîillite isepar1iÃœa)stl]Py Wbobe- sale to ierohtafits sind altéraý, at gicatIy"ieducd' Pries. TheTrsde liberill>' tie it ilt.AI' ortiens by imailrpnctunlly attonde te1. 'NATHAN MîTLLEît, Wkitby. *DAILY STAGE. URM BROUGHIAM '70 FRENCHIMAN'S X ayItatian, on th Grand Trunk Ralroat, connectiiig withhlie, 1 W- Morning anti Evening Trahis. .._M JAMES HUBBARD. N'oveniber Stel, 18.57. 42 WESTERN HOUSE, WEitS TEN XOUwIiry DUNDB STEETwH BrEN jus opnedhy heundersigned where The Biousec is well rurnioshetl, well kept, and tit sleeping fpartments roonîy andi airy. There in go.. ci otable Ltabli.., and the best atten- tion iipaid to man auJhorso. The bit-rooin is large and convcnieîît, and well supplicd with the bost W lues, Liquors and Cigars. Hand- îiomcly lltted ulp sittiug rooma fur private par- ties§. MICHAEL McCAtTLEY, QUINN'S HOTEL, r<.3,5UL?-AU-MATELSR, LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. 19Fi Z Gloe /eSteamloat J.etding and opposite tAs Britio'î American L>pe88 0 io.~ IRAVItLLERS AND VISITOUS to the An- cienf City of Quebee will find sulperior ne- commodittion at Moderate chargeA et the above hotel. The hotel is very conveniently sitnated -nearthe.Banks,Steainboat wliar%,es, aud prin- cial buoiness4 plac-es of the City. wt v ?Ah tabTç and bar are auppl«iéd wh vry jg ocu rible esaible tuand drinkabo. ,Viitors wil ndevry attuntionpaid te, their comfort aîîe convenieuceaîîd every intormation andi direction on to the surroundiug localities, principal places of resort, scenery, d&c.1__ý.1 18 Proprieti 'r. GLOBE MOTEL, BROORLIN. T HE undrignd haTittg taken "jes- ho conducltid as fonnoly with te etrioteit pro priely anti regard for thie coinfont audeconvenl', once ofîhopubhlieé. *The proprietor iassures 'bis mrauy fiends that cyerythbxgSismoide roady as forinerly ta enter- tain then t alte Globe Ilotel, andt îat ho 'will bu personally present te give tîtem auch, a re- ecepIon as was bis wont. The*bouse bas been tlborangbhly papeTed, paintcd andi renovatedi,and is flttoti up lu .overy respect lu sucit a manuer as to maître satisfae- tion. Thet bar sud table sutpplAîed, as formerly wlth thebeet estables sud drnkables. Csll sud sec. à-Iy. . A ES roprietor. TUHE TZRRLAPIN. n IE IROPRIETORS OF TRIIS WELL .L '*t Itox'SlOon 'arenow ln occuation ot lte o1<1 5v. NICI OLAII. King streelt,,Toroutt gornurly kopt by r.hrl poie hav been , -r ne*y rnvnte d uogh utanti filtet i nuthé irttstylo. Every procu rablo delicney ln season. A cigar-dIvan fittet up e psrately int wkiiiîh Pnecbut the beet birandàe are permnitbt b o e 2$~ ~ CRSLE de McCONKEY. GraindiTruzule Rsilway IHotel. (Sou t aiof RaithL7ldsa tPort Wleitby.) rrI II4DUSGNI~BEGS TO-INFORM J. is frienlde Sathie publie, thst ho liq now lu,,oessin aftbe abers lttel, lte businei In'lbioli lue will iii fuiture caryon o i lacount. eôod Liquôo, ,WInos anti Brandies, Excellent slabling--or4tii attention for.man snd bomse. JSPREOTM Propriebor, WtbJt.19, 1880. M ACTURER AÀ]D DEALMRSTI' Ci»" a tnd Leg! Tol$c os laie Whipo; libes,de. e. 101 Wallon tret, Port Hari. àlrot Hope, Marolu stt, IO. w 1 ~;ver>~ t, 's 't mentiton 40 nilié' fsvor; r~attuftlm W o the cm t-fVllr.G0 t 'BÊITWEEN WHITB f -ND LUiSAY tit1AN]) WIIITOY' -fiYXON, .eitlîer place ltsnime goy. .The eas front Lintis andl1~vro r i rivél' 80,td$it i 1 i , t, 3~1IY a 'i refi .tatl 13î A# dÃ"purchîasçdtlIte otire ,toik aofIn. Lîbilelde e.,with mi additibI - A *Â1eî d tqok ËatfrsdIýdmthit *6ca'ngive iÉ'sîti,4 A largecquantityofold Newsp apcrs cuppll £.et the Wliitby Readtng Rdoont uring tîtê PuI fear, fortsale convàp ' 8 a&re c sel arra ohaI IF Tri sud ?rTZIN'DD ta as noaa, by 3. C0 telig LAIl ot'erg relalirig te Auction sMcsE'iy* thei -raw4 houlti ha loftant the Olironiei, 0f- W hitby. Mosanrs. Iliggis& Mayérfi'«rý duly atrtlinriye'd tàaËpoint tmy-timys'of s4Ie,' Ue terns, dc.,mand te enter into asuch t oier angqtnnttsrelating to n pe o uiet fleIna y ommtrop a1n eeeaRSsr.i Mir in ortf any agreeenut they r m alke on nu ybellia 1- ,'. iles.attendetin lu h parts of lthe Country. NOW 18 TUE TIME. GET YOTIR LIKENFSS AT A. 413lark9s lot Prize Picture Gallery Fyou desire a correct and1 life-like Anibro type, Caintiype, lettergraph, nr Leather usfer, or ut Lîkenees ;ýn a Liocket, Brai or g, for J. A. C. eau do tin l lteeI t ;yle, d at short notice. WILXINSON'S BLOCK< Ilrock St~reei Wkifl1. C OMMISSION MERCIANT INSURANCE andTlenerial Aentl. Olfic-Lately océu- jîiedby Jitine» lHodlLson, Whithy, C. W. Rtc ii îos.Tlîmîî Garkson Es-4, ro- -ident Bpd iofr Trade Torouto; W'. G. U~ss;eîs, Esq,*,bManager, Baudý B. N. Amièic Toronto; W. W. Ratîsom, Esq, Manager Qneec Bank, Toronto- W Gamble, Eeq., Milton Milis4 To- routdt; lionl.«. McGilI, PregidentBftnk of }Idon- treal, Montreal; Mesîtrg. laitland, Tylee & Ilutehins«on, Toronto; Maesr. Anderson, Evans% & C'o., Montreal; Mýt;grs. W. Pnico & Son,Qîîe. bec; Niesgrot il. J. Noad & Co. 52 ly col be, A be St. Ti GERM AN HOUSE, PRONT STRF.!T, TIRENTON. MIE Subscribar itegrstoanetiutnce to the lu- linbitituts of Trcnîtttttti dthe Tnttelliiig tnuxîîîuity tîtat the sibou',i' lrst-clas iouse ltns in fltted ulp ini a îîcw atîcl coîiu'cient maliter. ilir8t. C/cas lob/e is serned nt tluig floteci All Liq3tars tet outlIte promises are of lte esqcnalîty, coce Ce'gitrs. Also, a ]ivery tble lu conncctiutî wit thlIe abovc'premiscs. CHIARGES MODERiATE. J. S. GERMAN, rroprietor ircnton, Aug. 8, 1859. 30-6m'W ATLAS IRON WORKS, W- Front Street, Toronto* jo~ C HARLES VALE & Co., J) EG to inforin the pblic that tey ave e I gcontriîted* those extensive promnises on llroecnl the îîost conîllete style for carry- îng on tlte businless of Iron Founding& Smith's work Tin ey1nite nseiontftei nnrosPt tms tif(anvienpt ou oferne, lones ernd Omâablt Posan Fntei uaeitt Cast mron M ii musj, Wiudow Capms Sus anti of every degcripton ; Coôkiîtg, PxIror anti Box Stove; Grates, Cven Mouths, Caultirens, Siigar *Kettcà, 'Plain Cagtin-gs sund Yôr$rius, uI tof whIèlî they aller to the Trade and ti ors on ad- rantageotîs ternis.', W Country orders paneî ttuallyattontiedti . Sor~onto, October 20,18157. 40-tf jPAY CASH- FORI àn uniyô 'Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &c. THOMAS MOftIyY, Com4n&iseion Ag SALT FOR @ALE, CHBAP4 I CASE FORPRODUOE. 6 Q1EEN 19 1 ire 'ad Life InsanwCeompany.1 UllH1IE -OFFICE-l0epooZ, Jnglezu.1 OFFICE IN MONTREAL. flan. John YoufiF, Thonas Ksy, F.cq. Ilcry Thonas, IEq.i Davidi Tormmne, hsq. Agent for Whitby ari nti roùndiug District., Ir. W. WOODWARD. Wlîltby, Jen. el,' 1860.à'-2u :tIebeo GoVernment ,AgenoY.; 'Bsies cneed'si-thlb.f O~aW. UNT éSo~, Ms'reh 8rd~ 1880. *bitb 2 f , - .L t.-, 4u~ec ~ecy ltueIes rn etktÉlof [AS OPENED .ANOFICE IlTE" bec fer teit.~rn 'eimM cfthe, ua neâs of Pâlrtlo'reiidii'g,'in Uppr Canasda' ç o lsewhere, witb any -of'the, Govrnmnt Pers9pe 4çaiT9ugof seçuring aesfo, or having Olaima aftany other;kinti agaitAèt tli'ë Govcl'nieut; -or rT4ufrlng'any.V information abtainable at lte Crown' LW&d or 'other Public -Office4-may have their bttineai ilgnletldt ya ~sRos- dent Agent, witboudllo exýk'nle anti in-, coutvenicu.ce a atuÃŽie, yto Quebec.- iPetnti 6f lun 6iW" k' t.L lent: _medil .uion.i - Q1qcbec. Sept. 28, 1859. V -- ~Pi~osKeldeons,&C J OSEPTI RAINER minaio turer of.,>i'anios, keîétieocv &o*. anti generul wtirkinau for. 'the rlîpair tfaiki?.'fM c'Ii'tiiés' 1t now preparedt tereceiret anti oxecute lo~ ,dersentruistetitobmint. Aliwonjc ananufaottiTpti li hiin'wiIl b geraté d tf equal workinau. $hip "Awi'y illtheProlfto.è ' -Pianos front $160 te $800, a4ucrdingtoquail- Pt finos.tren , Miia'pt Ments imaurfactuirail tborder. ï ,Pirt payntenttakeiiin.tratie. SAil orteiersby ma! itelt . .WiÈtc li~ft ut hIe awu l'Onse, rear tif tlîe Oatt geltool, wili be iat o.attiet CANTON Tr. COPANY'S ?Lawreic Hall, Toronto. rr Eci ffrnà ý h Mp'ortaàinof thîe pIlac of growtb, now offer 'toetbe public tonte et the nxost Splendid Crop of Toits ever sold in cainada; tÏnd et prices for L'iuth only, that will ho su re toe iseiq a cry agaiiiitt ust by interes-ý ted parties, -who bave been t;ellinig for ),cars Se- cond <Jliw. Teno it e avy profits. Tihemtno, Shglort profits and qnick retnrns," wîll be strietly adhered to by tueG Cornpany.. Tees will be retailcd rPt Wholeizale Prices, titttt4 enahliîîg all partieisto BUY FRA(4RAN r NEW TEAS, st the~Loweit Poxsible Figure. The Conmpany 'have heen careful to 9elcct,-ý Lhrongh tîteir Ageuîts lin China, scomo of those ispleri id Teas, ouly senît te the, London and Dublin Marketgseatlint conuuners, whio re- ininber the deliclong fliivor of Team tsold there may now be snpplied witlî those clîeering ami invigoriting articles. WCo invite a tçil te test otîr litsetions. TIhe prices %vill tyeak fur thein- selves. flook et thenrr Now on Sale, riive IIandred tihests!1 OWlak per 11,....35ce. 1treen pet lb. . 6t GMper lb ....... SOcet Gocd per lb ... 0t Splendid pet lb...... serti.) $jîleîîdîd Per lb..»t§ ttuperlor pet il... igts. IEinesi lm. per 1lb... ';O(es- ilotel Herpers, &lîool I'roprietors, Counitry Store, and Jkoarding lieuse Keepers, O13SERVY, 1 gj Forty pounti packages, andi Up. wardst, of TEA, senît carrnage free, te sur part ot Cantda,n irceeipt ot tue CASH IfTiiosewlîo do not buy se0 mage a quantity, would do well te club together witlî tieir friendst. gW. Satis- faction ilarrtînted. gW'Coffee, is an article adultrated to sncb a frightful extexit, tînt peoile are getting alartit- cd. The Contpany, detairous cof offering pre aud~ ~ ~ ~~~. undlrtdatce est a trial of theil delicious TU1tKEY COFFEE, nt 25cts. and we will gnaratce a treua eldoîn etîjoyed. Finc La <l1inavrît, 2Octs. C;F I emember the nilmnber, 151 King-Mt. two doors from MNlrket square, and pleese coin. nnicaiete tîitsnew, te yoir frieuids;. Teronto, Sept. 22, 1859,. 36.-- DR. FRED. DELLENBAUGU, A FTER an uupreeedented sunecslful practîce9 offtirer tlîirty yesrs, beiug about retiriug fro n t i c tiiv e p r a t c e a t th e r q u egt o f g t n e r o u îls fninds lu al parts tif the couiitry, bas cousent- cd to nuake two médical preparations, Uîtp wlîich be lias bettwedthe care sud kuowlodge of hieslotg exerieoce, auti: bas left tîton with the différentdruWgisti4 for sae. To thosé who are acqllainted witlr lte Doctor nothing ostie bo saiti-to otlierg, il le but flecessary to say, that hc bas faor ycars prescnîbea for froin 4,0mt ta s,0(0 persan s, sud n aye ).Awitlî the greatest' suocepes. :Cages tîtat have haffieti otîter. -medieal. mxen, yiolded rea>dily to hie trentmneut1 sud per sous; came dnIly f'r'om hildtreds of miles ta ho ciired. Thé Dootr, b oweror, lies%,îo beuble. like olths, 10 cure cverytliiugwîth one prepar-. tion, but lias -put np bis nicdcçiie in two bottles. wliltýare iýumnboicd 1 sud2. Tho nulnberl lien BILOOD PUJRIFIER. Superior 10 the.pureet'- extrat of.-Savnrspillin muade entirelytof rmots and lhorbs of this ýauJ forzign countries, the best propertiet. of wlttch- are oittrnatodbe an entire new chomical prot-ea. Itsets in-langer doses as an active physio, in maller onçe as ain alterativc workiig directly, on thte Liver ii )d Kiducys, expelling therefroni, aIl iorhnd ùmster,'thu% tbRinz ginto nnatin al, flic organualitaI itsay bave hecome Ilititve,. anti aybe rehitd ont pla creLiver ComtliP adti plaUot of fe e ZitM, Iaaifnt Cmio- aaùmpf ion, J)yrnpeaa, General JMbUitý, 0U;M, «r8, A5oprî(ed, MUl-Illiq, impis, Fres, £Ver voua Debiitp, pea, Indi getio, In#ohnifieé tout/e ccd Aqe; und aIl other isemess whioh tlare them r crin In îa disortiereti or impure Atate of blooi., i t ila of a strengthcuing nature, anti wilî neyer weakeu or prostrte lte body The numbert-is a FEVER igDICINE. And tinovter hc taleit excep t lu cenneton witu No. 1. It will then cure Inffammatoryj Ifeu section, cilkinduot kéverancd Aemt.i ,tot eu7ecte cfColda, and ail Pais, wtefWher C/ironté or oue.-lîSemodiinen will affect CURES, not reînorlils fronît onepart 0f Iho body te the W- Xemernberzto prevent canfamion, thessu Medicinos% are prepareti by' <t Dorot Feuna> ziuocDLuLptEtmehug Whi, basprnôticed lu Bt. M0opreVn rgut ruc,correct, ikeuess oftieý Dowtr la ou lte wrapper' ôfeie. botfle' atnd "'Dr. Fred. -Dollettbâiïh,'d41b Biliaa, Iýi~,. blown in the glase. J.)3,retions amompanyiug ebosatiule. No. ile couff or ý$1 ,Per bottle ; No.2'or 1$ocus.Witlt Iis. inpi , çttioe -Te aeOffcPdteth . bi, Tely, ig onutheir virtees in recoiftnetd ilg tenev o JAS., O RW Angtta~1S5~. Geo. Yn1OïT î'!!!4r~ A NEW 'STOCJiOl JutAI~ t véeîe ùtrc.o 5 l.t ~l~dobru't~s'Ol.~TÙ 92 GEOR(dE YLà. ' TITE tindleregnOti a atlaittc uaittyof ml ýikinti)f S q naz inrifbe# onb'thid wicli lu e wiUdisose0f n hberal toms te parties re- Appictill; i ,byýletý-,'(post-pai) to be 80 4înJAMESB.iCAMPBELTJ, Kdea!l HideS I id4çà BEBY, IÃŽIDES delivereti at his Tanner>' in, Greenwrood.: AIl kinda of kep.etilt4tyon hanti fot sale, very iw D.McMURCIIK. Grc' o4 ýa. 14,:1850. '.67 LICENSEi» AUCTiONEER. FOR TUE dOUNTY 0F ON-J6AT'I0. ljA FAMERIS SAL.S lunlte Country will ne- J.ceire promtpt uttelition, on rceoxiable ternlis:-Likèwise, G o cnigneioc o t mision 10 lte Atttian Roottis wiII be diapo c tif to thte hcst adviuttgc. Salest at the Auetiôn Rootus aerry SATununÂr. Disee tiIorsos, tiugbonee anti Sparitîs,' arc treateel wltlaperféec t ucesst.- Addrossm, wheîî by Post: TlIOMAS' E* Wlitby, Fehiruary 251h,"1859 FOR SALE VERY LOW- O NE BlaecîtCamîiar. 9 yarsol, nce double seateti fuanily ]eigli, oceliglit lunibor Waggotî, 2 s;pritig soîtta. 15 J.S-1. DON ALDSON de C0. BY-LAW NO. A Jy-laa, to e8tablisit a' certain newn Une oflload acrosa lots NAo. 3 and 49 in-te 7tlA Con. andi ciao on lots No. il and 12, in tle 6th-Coni. of the ýTotcnhip of lix- btridige. '- 1 JLbridge, enecî44sias ollows :-That thé foP~ lowing new lino of maid, on Lots No. 3 andi 4 in tuie 7th Conicession, beiug lu accordauce witli -a survey natie by John Sheir, Esq., P. L. S., sas dotli appear by bis report bearing date, W bitby Jielio, li, eretînto attaelied bi., sud temarne is hereby established..'.....publi Ronàd or Hik'W'ay,' vi 1z. Connencing on Lot No. 8, àt au angle In the ýwestern lintit of the. rond, survoyeti by saîi John Sltoir, ià June 1854, anti runig thence N. 660 W, 12 clliit thence NA 640 '9 ohains 44 links théiNe oji. 59c> W, 5 ehaîne l links theuce N. 82-«>W. 8 oliiiins 18 links te the eaterlyliinit of the alloer. suce for ronti, between the 6th anti17th Cnes- sions. Tue sad'proposed r oadt be 40 feet wide, nt lte above escribed ufne, te bocflic sount westcly lituit thereof. Andi be itfnrtber enacteti. that lte rond sur- veyecd by, aud describotin l the repori ,of tte: Sid.J hnSgheir. beariug date lIc . 9 '1859, hereuto' a6ttacheti bé, sud the saine ta iîereby est*blirhéd as a publie Higlîwayiviz., Coin-1 mouoilig at a j'est planteti où the oseteru 11mi ot lot Ni. il, in the 6th Concession, antlthe dis- tance of 8 chainsý anti 59 links on a course N. 82z j& W, front the, sonrh weate»ngleo! Jfot No. 11, lu the 7th Coueessioit, snd runianug tenco N. 610W, 1 ébain anti50links *théuce N. 28=0' W1,isohai; nd t22 linkn thence N. 87elSa W, 18 obins thence N. 24<0 E, 10, cliins and 75, itis te a Peost planted ou the casteru n it if. lot No. 12 in the 6th Concession., -The iaitond te bco one okain wide anti the aboyée deocribedi lino <which la înarked by postq planted att the iseveral antgles thereof, aîîd thie, line blazeeli'i the utqual inanner> tg be the eateru limilI $lere- Rend a second lime the 141h day of Feb.1860. i«)BUIT SIŽEAItS t' 5Toownip Clerk. FHE abave usa tructcoapy of a propoged &By.Iaw wbich was read a second, tinte this »ny , anti jîih wilh'be peseti;, Sh next4 mleeting of the Cauncil,aftei pu'h1téaâ- tion'thhe smiid'By.l.w 'for, onét mônt'i lte 'Wbitby Chroniclenispet" ' ROMET SPEARS, trU biidge, 'Pcb. 14, 1860. MobRIEN4 M. -s TI el Ni~OhDý Jj3Sree';~t 't ti Not o, mdd ohi at th4e pu4bgfl, 3geaWite0 t ipof, of- prougsitn rsan eis-e.o~e it I support extieibtinofle i mswil tàeeraa I n Tedg ëfeestW f ~'ia-y lnetï amngat tbe, aehded s fb ronile" "' lb. r thhi1eriutmest iri itenti En 1on fem analg f »ts 1for o giuI Plit-rq~ produc ti,prose&é an verse. , takc laceou Tceday, rtlý-e bt'ay ofM ucz,-ad wlI e aarcd as fohtis: Jà f'Fp the best oighial E nIj on oeËr te éa oigial sadie.ty TEST. ' " A--copy -of rte Semi-Weelcly Chroilo, ;fonç. ye r (posage., fee,) for theblîct original Anthern on SpRING 1 JXTý"';' 1i L 4Zý. A copy cf theWUellyûChrnicle'for oîoe.ý year, (postage freè,y'forFihe second best orign lAnthem lo n SPRItG. John Shier, Esq. .L .dc R. J. Wilson, Esq., Barister. R. J. Gunu, Esq', M. D. R. Chcklcy?' Es4., 'M. D.- Competitons must senti iu tieir produc. liants under aeàl bt tie underaigncd, on or befona the lSth day of April next. Elach Essay anti Anthem, to bear a motta,nnt ta be accompanied by lthe name aud a-. dress of lte wriler, with the motta an the cuvèlopée fclosing thc saine. The sevenal* Esisaysansd Anitheins t10'be- corne the property of the Publisher. Competitars for 'te' second anti' third,' pizes to be confined to persans resitiig-in the.County of Ontai'o. The fountit, fifth anti sixtÉ t pni, t' be exclsiveîy conflned la ie Teacaherd lànd- pupilsi within thc CouuýtY. " ) IL'W. . IGGINS,"' (çhro uiclé Office. r Whilby, 'Tan. 19, 86. Protection against Losg andi Damaçe' by Fire.l, 8WýE$ERN ASSURANrCE COMPANYP CAPITAL £lO0,00' INSUlIANCE effecteti ou Buildningsai thIer contents. Eery informnation suppiieti on application ta the îîîdersigned. JOHN 'A«mvri Te'lhinieAgent, IByron Styt Wit~ 0f&To the. Affiicte...tC 'TIE CLEBRATRI) t ftni.c tol Culs? Bruises 'anti al kinds of Finals i4çcrtiing fa aize. Thuis 011 wiil cure ail frot wouns,'ntiie é inallblu nee4y-'lhtfblé 1P' ifoi HORRS -& ,AtttUD in EAIJNGOE0F 4LWOUUS.,t 16 c1 Z f l l f o r t h c ÊL a s e v e n Y e r , a n t i a s térlcou nkiown'to figli. Mim ad fl rT bust bui t- j'; /l; f MICHAEL McCAULEY, Pmý Mr The 'Undersigned is-prepared-to Wl)!.ti)yý OOPL 28,1859 ýcapital: 9500,000 Sterling 1- DIRECTORS. àùd Sobujmz T, J -1 U -1 - 'l 1 1 - 1 - l' . 1 . 1 . 1 1 ',; l 1 - . 1 . 1 i 1 - 1 1 1 n 51 n ly

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