Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1860, p. 2

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ra Report. W'#I SaSp~sl0wo~s.grM houbt ,ad u.ttug lu The T.wm%**u.a mdl 5h0 "'Watehw' to pietutre thgre çmwnint4hovertveu4 POs- sible Ilgk- Illooks liii. t. -NSt -aàaheet boues fromUý't« s'res Ithôut the att4l!npt lislg wae in on. shape ýor another. LIait ireel1tlmder the captlen cf 'dTown Finan.1 ceStit, everjr poluile stràlned to miurepreuent tbelisuecial state of the Tcwn. The truth isu4epsrtc&omy<vansd figurgea re sotuy forged te prove te tbe wcrld tht a defliéfrw ey ýf 01,940 ncw existe'on last year's ESus té ii? ui agàinnt o lc oq: w ou<,L.cftatt 'yeavbWeulUscll VIy dwwhow unfound., e. -are beu m rtioxo, snd how erroneus tie figures ot M. .James Wallace'a ealtor. The. p eeulibiiitics u per Awu iltors' report amount to. .*36t8 45 Lmu for marleut seale< . 164 89 $3>453 6C) ira thül aCepeutcor liifaco lu inciadred the&o s (01$5l, for féuefng the mark. et #»eityj whiell siloulci nt-MIn er w» Wmu t inht ehiargable' cwtl miu -The, Coutrsesfor the- wodc was set tuntit ater tbi eam ent nefor 1859 sdbeenmwle.a4 acor&Wgjçte tJbccou. *actý wswnt1»b. pauï)mtUI the firat o f Kuscli' 98M Po~)deuggthevefove, this ftlmu, 1*svç." actual liahilities for 1185; .~.-.. . . . . 330290 PT 1.mut bo added market 3>6uuedue lu-jt Jan. 1860... 333 3 'Vaipsid luterest on market Deben. bure....................~. 00, Ttl $3686 23 Tb meet tfilàs We Liave assett cf 1859: euh onhlband te rot Jan. 186D. .$1403 46 t Taxes eollected since lot Jan. 186...... . . 1172 88 PIl Tàr, -PbundFaeu &c...... 200 00 Nen-resident taxes for i859. . 733 88 Ihtimàted' non-résident taxes, 18565 te 1858j according te, re- port cf Finiatico Commiutce lut. Anguat............-300. oo1 $3810-221 Xistx for 1859 over hibilities. . $123 99 j Ite auets; ont of'$1196ý of nenresi- dont taxes- a-cm 1855 b» 185si. ire bave Itouldtouiy $300j lleing bthe-amount set down b>' tic Finance committee cf 1859. Tuteat cf'oml>'-' $300- being. collectet, ire Bellevo -tiat. tmice-or uven bllree tfimes the. amount viii bu realizot. befere lut May' nex. We aiso incinte the sms of $733.88-non-rcsitent taxes cf 1859 -P. for sltiongh a pottiout of 18 w il ol lie avaleable at tbc moment, yet it is an smeas, ud1one- tAlat ili be realizet. There- t bfrenoloua tu' thc town lias eccurret. 1h. <set isýtl>atttc toifor 1859 cosses but noe nly wlthusi- ciar balknce siieet, but - l~~3te tii. gond; And'ire bave Ibis favourable-andtgrt!fying resulb, net- vitliotandiug tie-psyiueut cf $600, on se- eoust cf Gramaar sciiooi purohame, $1003 lLydel-aCreekc bridge, at'upwardè cf $4. 0O -on secoant - cf thé Bout suit-i1,Tic te. baia Auant1 1169 vasu were Wý&vIlC' wire bil -Most tixactil en aria>'of bhc meet Oi or do utel afrala, unti ligli Ndil ailset dows ctrget, tc 0 te Tow estuibr item - Ietctu. )1o - ,I <o Dakc i cf taxes fer tain pupses fou 3,491; at teout $2000 cof vhicb miet up bi tie lut tirce extra- temsîof expenditure. Ibis- muid ihouitibesufllient te atisfy the iug ratepayur.- Not se- Ixever vw- lllatcinanifl viesupplici )f(figures te, prove a tieficiene>'. eus he dh. it ?' Bpiiiduding tht Of 1859, onq Of M18 , nih ot hav~ Jury1860, W inur nv phawy sep.1 bPM tô bave beoged to iii. present' year. Iatwu $Oj.uAy .burgedu o lliUties qet 1859 ; ltbough do ~h.sr ~n reaeter parte are for' nefltiiiDh ýleuHIti.ixthe ~~r pena of 1660 iflu CèuikWIU192paid the'etSetion expont«es of that ym« oenit Itc e' t; tb- a uboDg, ».sc previà: for te iiiR.epe oefe180 fi With ai mueh ressesi mighit ïtii couni ettepreseâbt Yesa r .ýýered te provide for bue wlmle eCthe ±pnses of 1861 l,and t cbùge the sauie te tho~ liabiuseOf 1 sc.02 The Wàtcmaniý', ish'Waperstebe i fini fauat wi=tb ver»h* Ii i lu out, t diçdee n" 4dlie eventa have soe gourg su1his. aiable tA0prj, tAt i-ca.i hd i ùing eith, Aht or,go4 iii Whityt2 à4ve a 'Word "of âppoval Jluring the years '1868 --nd lffl, riç have"w&prdnt cjioiél and P~IpU? tâklng Uàimils 6.skshwn by thpiv ue"ge ment of our tô t6. ss. 1ýi Î6rntaxes tht face cf $2Mo0.'of extMaegpepditure add. 04 to thte latter yçar . lesvsurplus cf,. Wl lu shax r fr te ai~ lte, dbtreaccount a9,sueqÙal >lt6$1017' 'bas been eitbec puid or prvided fer 5sad ca«or ,,precloui Watu*uo o< Sm eTêrythi4 ga.wreng, deciare# thM, ýWe are icyeaahig Our delÀ1 asud blet the town lu gfflg to in It Out u"en ch twaddle, Wm the sourvy- pclnng OlMçF, ý4t gives it îsvrency. WHIT13 ', MArch 13tb, 11860. The. Court of Quarter Sess ions and Coxuty Court -of Ontari o,e opened at the Court lieuse et twelve o'clock this <lu7. 13à louer Judge Burnhem presiding,, Qeo. Brabazon, Esq., J. P., and J. 9. M. W141. cc, ?.q., J.,P., associstes. The -panel cf Grand Jurors bav ing been called over, tbe foliewing gentlemenan swered to, their nasses and were swotîi. James golden, Foemili. f Wm. Ainos, Whitbey; W.. 3aotn Mars; L. D. Coxail, Mtach; WM.. Ewst, Brock; R. H. Eddy, Beach,; W.. Gordon, Beaverton; James O. Guye Whitby; S. Hoover, Pickarîing; Charsleo Hod7gson, Scugog; John Hultby, Beach; Jas. How- den, Witby; Wm. Johnston, Scott; W.. Law, Oshawa; J-ohn C.Mitchell, Pickerlng , John Michael, Wbitby; Wm. Nelson, Scott,. amsN. Smnith, Whitby; James Smith, Scott; Joui Shaw, Beach; Joseph Thomp. àson, Brook. 3 COUNTY COURT Verdicts 'vere givun lu the followimig CaUS. Perr3/ es. .Shaw.-Vea-dict for pîsaitif! for £64 Bes- 8d. N. G. Ham, attorney for plaintif!. Imméndiate exécution. Morrfoon et ai -t'. Doldon-Verdict Cfor plaintif! by cotisent for £41 3ealOt.- ;H. J.- Macdbrueii, for plaimtifi; W. H. fil. ling& for defendant. Imumediate uxecubion. Laing vs. Burke-Verdict for plaintif! by cusent £28 lit 3d. :H. J. Mactieneli, forpiaintiff; D. Eetbuuu for dfedat.- Immédiate mention. - RVichards etal vg Domldon,-Verdict for Plaintif! for-38 Ils 7d- Immetiate lerecurion. W. H. Tremayue for plaintif!. 1, J. Wilson for défendant B'rtLet va Pringle,-Vemdict for plain- tif! for £43 18a 8d. Immédiate uxecution W. H. Trcmisyne for plaintif! ; N. G. Ha. for défendant. - Hielop vit Coe.-Verdict forfer plain- tif! £57 16 8t- 8. B. Fairbanks Plaint- if!. Assount for dubt. Llmdéetcai va Witby Steam Mill Conjjxy-Verdict for plaintif! for £40 19d Od. Imméndiate uxecution. N. G- Ram plaintif! ; H. J. Mactoueli for de- fendant. 'J7wmpaon etal vâ McKerc1er.-Ver- dict for plaintif! for £30 lôts.'Immédiate menction. S. B. Fairbanks plam 1 tif!' t- tomé> ;j John Billilgi defunotants Attor- ney. Hucett s .teven.-Vcrdict for plain- tif! for £23 17s St John fillitilgi for plain-- tif! ; N. G. Ham for tefentant,., Logan vs. Warren and Fairbank.- ThIis was an actioru bvougbt by tiie défend- sunt Logan, againet J. B. Warren sud S. Ml. Fair-banks, Esquives, cf Oshawa, as Trustes' of the E.iscopal Cinrcii at tuait - place, for vork àene boy plaintif! at tbc rchut-cii. Tic defence irs antthle defent- 1 ants dit net employ the plaintif!, that tiie viole job of thueburci iras let by contracl te Mesura. Kinsley sut. Keuuy for putting up tic bùilding, anuitthat tbe plaintif!irait employet by the ceutractes, sundet by r the tefentants. S Thle Jury bat retivet at the tisse wvo 1.- te presa. Latst front tdue lugitrian. re Of, t-e JSTO gar'ce wbm' lie bodies of lue mou-c pameongera have eutainly .ré vcry easy may; but beei round:z 'Y. H. O'IYounel at Miss' haloir a pTýuar te ducelive tio> but Wood. Tb. Miss Wood meutioned is, 18 ituse uudëertandi*ng. 'The talents 1in surnulsed, tic wldow of tic late Mv. Gaîy Lte s, lincier -cautiot,-voe are Wood cf Cornwall, brother-in-hum of the sl. hyObcm bte Bey. Dr. Srachan, Bihsopf Toroto. il he> beomebeterkuovu, lThe schooner Boito, wmincir urivéd at utly ,ifaPreiated. lu a smali Boston ou lhaursday mornîuxfg rois Ysv- tcvui tiey mwiii b. ike a imouth, N. S., repoita tinat lau-go quantitiei4 uuîcer a -bumiiel. Wo fiat cf mek stuff! lt-oieicsteaiushlip 1IIunea onSoelt ebon- rian Ild bees pluketýaýt the place. lai',Mz rd&, 1860-$60; beach- « - lTac -CoummAs-Iî crm mu 6GREATa Eau- s «iem .prl net -531; vuuaw-Bya reecintien of tic Boar-of vu abhiiiiis6 oe atet lu, ast Direeters, Mr. Jaumes Ihoun mi een th ti acouat'of 1859 1" Where- placet iii charge of tie Great Estern ince ru Councii fl51-ivit h o -e iiinstt d dtitl, cf aptgii. fisvvbon. 1fr. foirc bas benu-a master marinier for ans duait>luMaroli aalla Apnil- of uwr.c tutyyaro;dubas, besites1 Simle ci i o sppso intlapasi eicBoard cf Traite ao,Ïaster t iq W ifdsciarg it thoir dtt'ihen uistèr extra. -Rl lnoeuft~sni struua ris then te Pro. nuniber whc luave piassed eiatumôin i te- saune ltius fer 1960 oocf:Il theAm U iibocobo rcti eat 8591 W»' evai îht ~ Eatera as senior'ùfficer alust freinm ic urnme ci blierit being aifloat. tWa"ckmoes Iippéïe4 tà 'bd n "ÇO6 the thlng "oiii' 15-OcUNrvAiUDrtOi st & oItr.-A fpi er-- r aûquàé g.h ani u*i f B8eeTOkrPrç ~pt halo the Autitors' report 1PUb veqirs. lsieti~ tseweely cloiSturtay;.,,w Lho~~~~ ~~ tio7>.-litso u tIeraiforü rtubiislf ut correctet 'ni -thus WuJIlkiughame, iUqe ant proecet week's veookly, ou)i ourtli page. t1~or. ~ ~wa~q àd, «N. W.ruv, j nYi t ltorrovSal-1a4 Jâiegajèbits $2; ,riDriil.1,<tW mu.Xiiit'2 SALE OF GUAIN. IVII4 4 Icifi 841; Uatx f 4 2%6 f4; The Conseil met Wthtie Tous TI lon 8atnrdàq evening. 'Preéent- His W6oslup tiié Mayor., Menai ,Peury, D-aper, Brevu,* 'of Jesse Van lyke piryàg îï?veducti on pf'Licetise te be male--fer tie Contre *Iotel. Of T. R. Lewis for an increaue cf salary' Of Geo. MuGili fer as increase cf salar>'. -1fr. Brown. Oit motion of Mr. Brown, 1Mr. Van Slykc's peitien vas9 referred te the Stand.- ing Ccmniittee on Licenses., And on motioni cf Mr. Drapertbbc peti. tiens cf Lewis sud Gco. MeGilI mre,.refor rai te bbc Standintg Committee on applica- tions- tu oflice. 0Of thc Finance-Coanmidtt.-Mr.Browni 0< ibbcCommitte On TovuPrcpery- Mr-. Draper. On motion cf Mr.. Brown the Councul me- solved imte committee on this report. The report reccmmcnded payment cf sa.- counts cf Adam Wilson for drafting Bail- ira>', By-law, $60. M. C. Camuron for drafting a similar By-law, $50 ; H. Brai- den, boct ; N. W. Brown, $3 25. The committce aftevý a short delibera- ion rose, reporteti prcgreoss ad obtaiaiud leare te ait again. -TOWN F5OPEitTY. The Couneil resolvet into cornmittee Oun tuis report, sud reportut the report mici iras adoptet mithont ameudment. lie re- port recômmented payanont of the folloir- ingr acceunts z-John Matili, voot $5 52&; Wm. Barute3, $550; Wm. Barnes fer feue- iug lown prepevty, &C., $151 75. MA&ToIi'8COMMUNqIC*TIox. His %Worsiiip lait ou tbc table the pcti- tiens dm-ftcd by ima in accortance vith tho resolutions cf the Council, prsyiutg ,foi tbe euaetmunb of a Prohibitor>' Liquer Lair; and tic sîndment cf tie Munilci- pal sot se as te sHlow cf Ibores aud Dopai ty Rleuvos buing uicectct by a direct vote ef the ratepayers. Hlm Worsip aise inform ed thc Council that the infant cf the girl stopping at Mrs. Webber's bai tiet, and tint ho bat giveu ertens te the Chief Cou. stable for its interment, aidt bat the Ciiief Constable's expunues for se toing arnounul et te $6, whichlie aikodthbb Council to erder te b. pait. itEaîLUTIONS. Ou motion of Mr. Ferry, secotîtu b3 Mr. Vs!., the committee ou struets ané improvements wcrc aubiiorizedtoteexpendit sum îîot exceedîig $60, fer lie improva metîts çf strootsandt s'tewaika, s cet-meci accourut te b. kupt cf the smre in ortci that thie amount may b. diridet equitabij betircen tbc Wamts lu the general appt-a priation tbc prement ycsr. -_ The iCtYiei1 tbéti adjourned anti! Mon. OGUN;j ÈXO t I.? 1"p-ps - . tox -uowu. g~lctau1iyofheparties, both lumber nmerehasts es iding at Po&tPéry, exeéibed' eànsiderable aftëeopic, -came before the ab(ore uamed CouutY Magistratei, on Satur. day lait, March, 1,Oth., The Coue w, held at the off ice of -W.H.TraneEs, County Âttorney, whc aLtteuded on behalf cf the;c iwn. >J. V. Hnllqappear. edfcir the. defendant. The nature sud grounds cf the charge ,wiii b. iearned f<m ,the following evidence. ~'.he information wau laid ou the Stb iest; .t te 1_ged "ý1covrupt pevjurjr' was stated to tiare taicen place at Liudsay on' the llth cf October lest. W. S. Saxton, sworn and examiued. fHad a suit with George Crandie ln whicb, Mr. Paxton was examined, au a witnussat Lindsay., Iubte, flrst place the suit for the sameaffair was brougbt in the Division Court cf Beach -n lu bcbeglnning cf 1858 The suit wau brcught by Grgndie agains; witness. It came befere four courts in succession, aud the final conclusion was thst the plaiattiff could net ianstain the> suit, as the evideuce *as not sufficient. Thea Grandie asked for a non-suit. Thlnlca tbls was in June 1848. 1In '59 the suit was brougltith le Lindsay Court Whittaker aud Crandie were plaiutifftu, sud Ira WhiIý ney , was a defendaut with witnt>ss Wbitney's nime wau ieft out aud vitues' wausoued alone. The firat trne the cam was adjonructi., At the second hearing Mr. Paxton vas preseut, this vas lu Octo. ber. When the plaintiff1s evidencu led beea gone tbrongb, Mr. Ilurd, wituesses ragent, stated to thc Court that the case-bud several hearingu at the Beach Court, and took exception to the juridiction cf Judge Bouchier, the> Judge cf the Lindsay Court. lu eply te this the plaintif!, Craudie stated the case.Lad been tbrown tut cof the Reach Court on tho account cf the want cf juria- diction. That Jutige BoncirakdCa die if h.e could prove that, that Grandie re *plicd he coulti, sud-thereupon ealled upci the defendaut Paxton, who gave testimon) that such wvas the case, andi statcd. to h Court at Linadsay thut the want of jurisdie tiori was the grounti on which thc case wa decideti in Reach. At the windiîîg up c, thc case in Beach, Grandie when findiný *that hu conld flot sustain his suit asked foi a nion-suit, that Jutige Buruham thereupoi rsaid d"I wili give you ai non-suit, but it ia rf bu cf ne use tu you.' Witness was at ti Court lu Heach the wholu Urne, and neith er witnu himscîf, uer any ene on his bc Shaîf raisuti the question of juriadietion. Te Mr. iam. lThe reason that Judg, rlBonchier refuscd te try the case ivasa tha ýdif Grandie'had any dlaim at ail upen wit nuis it occurrut inlaieach, and was vithi the juridictien cf the Heach Court. Iono t-positive whetheç Pacxton wus preseait at th Otrial at Beach or net, or whether ait Lini sy, Paxton mentioued any partieular da or net. Witucss huaird notbing from Ju'lg >y Burnhaîn about "jurisdiction"l during th td trial in Heach. Do't helieve the Judg a said anything about juridiebion. Witnem e-mentioneti the names cf suveral wituesat et at the trial. r Mr. Haru-Was net Paxton askcdb y Mr. Hurd whethur it was not ho who mad On motion cf Mr. Valu, the Mayor vas Witncs-He statet ne eue. instmucted te notify N. G. Reynolds aut Original summeus protucet aut prov& James Wallace, te stop up tic hle mate Mn. Ram-Dit yen even threstes M by them ou Centre Street; aaîd that if tic Paxton about this prosecution ? dame vote not filhhd up irithin six tays,bio Witnss-I bhink 1 dit say that I7dd Corporation meuld procet t. o e su ad something. -i o -a htjudp boit sait Reynods sud Wallace 1 iahie for Mr. Ham-Ddyn'm> ht>o~ the> expunse thereof. hlm tiirough. Oni motion cf 1Mr. Draper, seconded hy Wituess-Yes, I titi say I'd put bi Perry, eousent-vas gircu te sHlow Mr. tirougi mithin tic luit six mentis, be h iligeXeir to excavate a train from tiecocl- icen enkleavoring'ttedtome ail tic inju lsr cf bis proposed building on Duntas bu cenitul, ho lia been iiko a bount on i Street, aiso tu, occul)y one blird cf tie St. Itrack. fer building pumpos3e, unie tht> building Mr. Ham-A.ud nov yen are like a beri mas in courue of urectien. lie dra-nmte on bis track. (Laugiiter.) be mate urîter tue direction cf tii. cou- Jutge fBurniiaurswrru sutexaaine mitte on streots snd impuovements. Ileremberedtheicsuit lu question. 'T On motion cf 1Mr. Perry, seccudut by haut time there mas s non-suit, sud tl Mr. Brown, the Iretusuver vas authorizet finliitet it. lihe action wms brongbt te te place te tie crotit cf te Sciiooi Board ocrer chargea, orne- cf wltich vure inca, the sum cof $1,000 for tie ycar 1860. cd uithin the Division Court et Beach, aà Ou motion cf M. Draper, tie Treusun- itome miii Lindsay. As the trial pi er vuas atienizet te psy A. Camrno, cootet, he (thie Jutge) offret Grande Clief Constable, e6 75 cents expenses cfjo rctforua s the i clairs mli but-ying ai t iait beýleuginugto a destitueu occurmet mitlîin Bteach; but bu preferr girL - taking a nonàuit for the wmole, snt sit Br-LAW To r Al.rL auNo. 4, (nuRLÂTING wmunitgo to Lindsayand ut t-y 8tith TO OBSnTRUCIONS oFNS- mînuAuxu &c.) <Thc summeus .vas hoee produtiot i Mr. Pevry obtainet beave te introduce Tpretwu on - mcii tic bonsut irai g above By-law, te provide for thcea-emoving Thr* isn. ot insait âgve at"usO Of sueir front idemaîku ai», ýandi repeaîîI'ng mu." Tfriti uCa-umasgcB euieC sectious ic theedlfor It.wCeThe 0e t ssy mhetiîer;p secion ii te ot y-lv. icBy-btw tics standing betweeru hum,(tic Jntge)9 uS rats iat im1udbb ucot 'ethti Court reeni may net have taIL isrgoidcmed for tiie seat meeting., smns hmevsueIsidoi~ * NON-RESIDiINT TAUES. certainiy vaut of- juristitiini ias sot1 On motion cf 1fr., Pcrry, a rusohution 'csuse cfis giring-thc son-suit-ib Tis passot inmrutiag the Imeauren te sat da jui& oaqof te ae *ir copy cf tbc printed lbat te cadi cf ti i par- bhue becslq' tbudn be npwê0i# sous .namudtbhemea'l. , -, -;the jurlsdiction cf lie Court, trmm bai Mr.J'sry-lui sscfiag bismotion ,auçu- taked about thutattibtree5hiewî tainedthec very favorable resuit vbicii thec fluas oî ïàitiîàxilêd ove bini.M, p eWtiu cf, tiihuigt delêMàdypreducedi- To Mr. H i-im wu u is te . muuipmue4d, - Uciluusited At some *length, bell lie partieho Ti CêquIeth 1 hôw aumbro esnuoneer tlie'î part wiich, occurm-tin Listes>' ias itIuoy o'wed ai penny fr itaxes t e Tov.vs, prpyed . Tht>Linsay Jndgc baut jumiv mi-en tii.>' air their n '~o- the i i atien e r e eter. portipu o1 tIi.au~ maietl uoesrry icurv n oa Imjued. GrandIe rsaid beo' take ti an 'adjourumeàt te Mon4syiauorder-ta 1*0. 0The fmagistraïtatterupwards-cf hlAI ain heurs couui bimond>ebiiu.oajourn the casete Monday. lowing "n ttat~were AIsep~e~ l day at ti .furtiier hearigof Ëtii.e'iene, vis: Msr .Fv*1 James Burns L. 'ýdburc6HU, sud R.CampbéliRevè '~Otitlii Tiovnsliip f P. A. H rexarnénd.- uasprésent lit thi Cérbin -Lindsay -whew- lietriai bW tveenü ýGvsndb15tid SKbOfl came- up. >At- tene4u8àZO~isagent'- Vhénýibbo'cime vus celle4,v!tneu tated, gçbieu tblet ie cme case bIa&been i efr r.î adge Burubain, severl tuin thé ýW Cous- ty of Ontria , d ý4stM b1W~ ar- ing beeu fuily gone iat4,sadb inge4e uon-sultii4ordlsmisud,-the plaiutifl'hould not, bealloeet tel>ing lt te 1,in4lsy. Th- Judge after besr ing- what witness baim t sayq suid tbèt.fýdi* !tlne were gIvey the plaintif! te getover this, ob. jecionbuceutinot enterteilsUcuss u :he calieti npou Grudel's atrney 4, tî 5ay-,f the Court.on this point .-befere bbhece eould bé' entertainc'. Mr-.. Dainsford, SCrandell.s:sttomeyè gavetbbc JudgP, te n ýderstand t.aat lie ceaid remove the. obje- tien, sud bist eho ad à lght to briug tic case to Lindsay' on acount of ýhe vau t4,. of juisdiutici uat Beach. M~r. Paxton wu theti call -îa vituesi on lie, part.cf 1 rande!, sud evidencti in efrence te irbat 'teck p" lac ït tbe'Beath Court.., Paxtbn n said that some time bad elapsuti since, theý 'a Reach Court, 'that bu. vas present viien te asum was disposed cf, aud that beu un4r. r tood that isouie par t'of the cause cf action bai taken plcixédiWidîayand that'conse. quently it vas out.cf -thejurisdictieu cf the R each, Court, snd fthat vas the, eason tbc coue ias non-suiteti. Witness thon sukcd Mr. Paxb iÀýWiétherhew*onid -swear that he <wituess) maie.,that objection,; sud dPaxton answercd tbat lie wenld flot but ~tbt it was madie b>' tome eue. It was not ýthé, greunti cf ncn-suit in Beach te the bes't cf vitnessc's recoliection; but wituesa ce weaild not sirear -tint lie did, not, mraleh dobjection. Hia imupression w-as tîtat bu dicà ,d net. 1f r. Saxten put a question ta the vituese 5- to which Mv. Paxcton ebjected. n.' he magistrates allowed the question tc e'bu put. S Mr. Saxton-Huti yen sny enversatior 'y with Mfr. Paxton lu reference te the casa ce before thc Court opeued ut Linîdsay 7 S Wituss-I bad. Mr. 1Paxton, Mr. Bi11 '~linga, *snd myseif, werè waiking up the street tegether, Mr. Paixteai exprussud a gwish that lie couiti go home, sud s-id thai irhe iras subpoeaed lu Crandel's case, ue n lie diti net kueir what they brourht Lini 11dem te prove. Paxton aliso stated lun thE te course cf that conversation, that hie uaîder h- steod tho e uaswdisuised for waît oe <juaisdiction. Witness theai told 1axtor tint sncb mas sot the f.ctý and tint waà ge jaist the objection which he hadti t urge s lat Lindsay'. it, To Mr. Fareircl-Diti net ecollec in what roesn Crandel gave for bakiug a non et suit. ie To Mr. Ham-Crandei vas suothei i-part>' wbo vas cf the same opinion as Pax "Y ton, aud that Paxton mas.,rigbt. Wituea ge kueir that no gooti feeliiu existet oie lie the parties, sud lhe was sé*ry for it. ge R. Lund ucnmind-Ir. clerli cf thcDD m visioni Court iluRBeach. liccoýlecteti cuie uce it vas up s numbur' of tnes. The lu time tiiere vas a non-suit. To the bestc by witnessés Wécllection the piaintiffasuked fo de a upu-suit. , Plaintiff did net state wby, h àýd' place at the-iat cin. Thierewss nthii PIO raid abent jurisédictioti. The ýcase iras nu e a itedt, GC-sdel suketi for a non-sju)t,. Ti ich. Judge offere Ci-audJ !a judgruuntfcr abc ,red £2, paut c«f the aecagnt. Âfter bbhece, bu býeing deided Cradt4 tumued round te Sa ere. ton sud sa»d YXe*renet doue vitir sud yet9,11-1se yon à inda. en.) Captislbre snet at bhc lait cou Idio> a eacih;i but waW at tbc p!erIcus cou] rate- To Mr. Hami-4Iead Saxtoumýinnti( Par. :the proiiecutioe qi-tire ýafthle Lia aud 'say cour4- and twlQr three times iluc lked ;ThgreP irus a4ieDoglfeeling btea vas Yi ng ton was a witaea4 Iard what Pait ve sai.at hebtime. jTtis 'twss tru. i.G li nt Oon-suit *rêj t Myv1HnriI-'SsxWt not AtÏër',raised 5<a jetintu liju oio- dictioil , cfthe tiost a lh, Qu-:1 ho~.hro at Li bh~ e'd gire, a non .sul4 lu ýM"t'W6tlài Splaintift uivtgoGe '?,Ik qra& jjUçktp uion 8 tbé .ùimétéubbat'thé. no ri 'W idorv vwaut cf jurlsdktn. - - q- ToSa --h'f saeing aulrc obbeir psrty at Lindsy,- jcause as ~o the '<ý-côn«ïVt. <' ,,, h Joeh]igoWPw *v.evar esd , fihied.à Mellmd li te wstirmoay about FtJie -,each- u"on-snt >ras0ece ere case te-Lindstýy. The iuýpressicn-remuanet onl:huit-i ïgt1iâ it!"" h6",Ce4e Whittas. len te Paxton on the subjeet. overy geai féeRiig, eiist e e*eù- the pârtiet.. Was quite positive that twas ciher ata or, .Hdtadthalv aealtd~uideo Sair difl'erences betwcn.t4tp parties at mui- nicipal elections-"meutioed,,qee iaýtauat. gt tbe meeting.te iucorporatewtbe vilages, - eid st bbc brick scool hoese -George Paxton vas awcrau indexauxiin- cd, sud gave saiWlki teiino;iy idc-Mr. Bige. 1ev, WMi ote bc lpreusion lot luoe bits mmird at, tht> conclusionà ôf-théce u nluthe. Beach Court. -fThe Magistrates, after a short coitsulta. tien, dismlsset tht> case, and orderodthebb presecuter, Sartatj to"py csta-. Quehuc, Mu~rch 8, 186Q.- Mi> Dear Sir,- 'Tis ver>' pleaisant -te find that bbch busi. nns cf the country, inPavliimnt lu pi-gress- ing witii se mueii orter sud dutpatch since- Mr. Postmastur Generni Smiti's expose.' of biâ coings in f4ujglant apdýt ih tic sev-C uval Europeaui Courts he viâit.ud, sud, o Which mat se velu received by-the HouWse, tt biis motioan for- pnttiug bis RLesPiutions1 ini Committe aske'i unanimousiy. We Lavec -bat nothii.g lun cither Routaît- mighî bu ýIp bu caliet a v'ery iively debate, Sevemal-t notices of motion significant cf eommug, strife have been put ou the papers, sud asv umual the tougi,,by metuber for tiie North % Riding cof Leods sud Grenrile- O.,e R.-g Gemsu, Esquire-hbitsIris share. Amnerg ethers isteoliemloinriluteidetas sut ex- tinguisiier to thé eue by Darcy MeGoeel 1E4q-cof courtu-iutcuîted to prevent mcmn. bers cf policice-relig9ious secîctiezi t-eaun ze- ting for tie Crowu li suits at law'. 'Ihiat tIhe freu exorcise cf cynsueouce lu tie vo- lnntary pursuit cf every objeet, mimoîluert Belialouu or I'olitical, h the iualiiibie riglît cf uvea->' British subjeet, sud that te- place any nisai beondthei paie of Execu- utive or Legisiative poition, or te illet, upon hlm any sjpecicu of dhîarace or depri. ration for buingY a member, of uiny associa- ciation within the Qpeemt's peacu anti net prolîibited by: Lawr, lu repugusu tote' spirit of thc Ciée Constitution umîder mhicb me livo, imîdirect violiatiou of the great principal of"cCivii and Beliglons Liberty" snd abhorrent Ite bue liberal sud geuili spirit cf thc presont ago, -aud that titis Hon8, wihoutfeelingitecf callod 'upon 1 or dumterits cf any association or bedy, se-1 c rct or open? religrious or politicai, is cf opinion tint al l te Qncen'a subjecti shouit bu equal bofore thc law , sud bu entrustet vith offices cf public trust snd respenuibili-I b>',r ithbontmfre nce -to religions or politi- - cal distinctioùn'sa npdn thé grOuud.3 ouîiy cf pèraouail;ment sud qualiticiation, sud baving due regard' te thcefflcie4cy suad necessities o e Whcthiiertho 'iýdubtablc member for rGrifiSn Tow vwii met te.challenge s' corne boldlY te the, scratch msy bu doubt- cd, for Goiran,,lu abont as pertimiaclous sud cantaukevous* au bbc cuher lu s-tyasd ma.- liclousj,but 1I wouldu't ask- better - fou bhat tesiée 'bbc two. pU a 1and storlr, te Rouie allowiug themi-fuli tisse sud amnpie license te sér,4 tlîeelves o te totheir huarts centeut., 1Gouras ýpitubes also junte O eorgeBrovis hutnbug Federatios Ihuso- g utioÎns (vi lo are neyer likuly toe bre!t [a up) and preputiés ',tliVbeeiftiu- no hostile vote Ou a Ministenlal»Meaure shali bu able te, dispisce thera tieuin- ,-that Meuibes often vote >or bis b hey ý'îte nl -ppve jusi te kuep t l in luprer. He6 ulsbes te e substiti l iCOteetiols cf "aniof confidence ~ uyasnas -o ti~i ~uiiu vligîa.rTuà Commip .on. ut mIa, ebas brougitit .la I lui' be UpeOrHousi,ý mbicbha t:à :ad hVdh 4second treading, bbc objent *of uhicli is te amuued- tdiputed- claiî»,utsati61ev .umpprýttm- tirs. Under the sstem in force, o le 'Geveruor l!à i-h~~le psso >fchoir. The bill provides't "bba-ei Jb i£ lied asappual say be file. E-ctvIftýjo-bill pana-u business la the n CroWnn afk fll i be lt¶fsciitat p. Ve etý ù t9yi<he, Geýv.1 b Oprodnoebtle taie re. ciite.accouine sud the kway te gel them 'w 'bysdeta. ' Mt. Brown nii-er 'put int thin swas a .mere -trielk te ti ie sud vc "hkn-deguù~tlo~nl nd (l$ irs pramlptIy.teid tat the paper would lIie Tortbeming, mIcas ,thauis vcekývhe upon he abandoued is" fit-st objection, sud i ou n ot udpae 7-pcn, bat Mr. iU'5che mwasatisiut sd lot bis -originaI motioof ,thc Py, subistita- iitg f P therequuilte -addreus- ivhich tice icr. çp<sented te uitiiott re- 'qniriug the. &apS i et of bmoedays.-Get>. enquiry mhicà wmli resmit lu hitidiscaufiture jut as tue extciuâWiL'ditiptovclthe, se 'oCt epcabed assertion tbat' Upper Canada coutaits firom 400,000 te 500M0 iniabibantu- niore than Ipwcr Cusiaf.- Mr. 0,i1t brings-on bis Financial state- nient Fridny ,nexti wlîcu it is to b. hopeti thme tire days- spçet e «ccus!iii prove bhis akilfinl aualysiug it. * - . Yours, COON. T ie ditor. ofthere Ionick.Ji Couaîty Accoanntm. MIL~ EuITroIC. -àr rrtepayer in bbc Caulity i-4, imtetra.-stdl lu liehé managemient cruir CmuaInty fit.Thc Amîcitors-Ab- trct of recclit'anda cxpenditaires for 1859, is a ciear, creditable and v.iiuable te- cumen-at. As one irarmrested, 1 beg meâ- pctilto Our Coumnty rlrmitiurer. Auîdi. L is nd yomarseif, te imake bthe foliouring Whlemiithae i f $159, $100 snd "40W werc discouitct.i, liit aiouînt of funcis werin ir hei llittd4 cf the Tremiuarer, sud fom '-r*iat .artiiîîar purposc yur- thote 1 low ik$4-t75 exptded iu rutiri'ng $1500) frpur Idmr discount, J1st iaccuaber, IMi! .t 2.'> theUicreg'uIarliankcomnnis-- Of the $2803-1 ou hart per Treittu- rer'îî ,;ssi hnk, :ilst Deceai!u.-r, 18.19.lîow iumach 'u w- i 1ut inthe credit of tue Coun- ty at rhffB;irik ? A Ccumîtv'By-iaw says '01iliOliitvi S811,111ho de1,o,.îit d at tho- 13:nki ; tid a Il p urajnrismaile by chque-s. 1860l, shlowte o urireircit 5, 6, 7, 8, or 12,6~46? 1 pause fui a rupily. BROOKLIN. Brookiu, 1l2th March, 1860. Montay, îfarcii 12. The Ar-geniteuil Eiection Commitucu i- portuti thât Mr- Abbett, sutd1Mr. hteiiing- batu, Lad been electot to represont tbe Cc cf Argenteni!. lMm. Abbott mas subsequeut- ly introtucet sut teck luüs seaL- *Bilis met-e introduce d i-est alirst time, te 'amueu*'dtbtht63rd chapter cf tic. Gon- oidates Stututes cf- Canata- te amendthie sot mciatin- t6 Iuiereît and uir,by estaWt lishinga. rateôf literésbý t? incovporate,,. tiie Asociatiouu ef Provincitil LUd- 8uir.' veyors anu iIustituter'of UCiIIEuginucrs ; to amendthte sut :nespcètiug WaFqter Courses -us Upper Canada; *rqueigTiMf Real Estate lu Upper.Canada-;. te ainenchbesct ,regrulain-g4he'Id4pceti n of iB«efsud Pork. mitte iras',ap6inted tb esquive as te the, meut effectv e'plan for romoting coloulua-, tion in thisPrvne, on motioa cf'- r. Aikine a returs vas oreret, sho'in- th&ujaMesof ali rorus: to vhom cither patentseor licenses Immv butin gtt'sited cf mnri u the Vlea on, tic -nrth -.1ore cf Lahes Huron - su .Supexior. - -Os motica cf. Mv.- White, afretérsu orereutshowiug tbebc quantit>' cf hand scld by the u pper Càiiaa Gllege .àa1d1Eti7àl- - C*amma~ciicibie umber of -toachers, - sohlar, &~ a 'iil'e4" n a . svarie- tV, cf otier' jutiii, v~conneceted -vith thei. management cff- ti istibutico ï n yeply tf»iX). îb~Mnstrc inne s.it a:othe latention ofthëu Muistry 8e recomamendthebbcusual .amoant, 1u eufùre grte4,ils ait cf Meobanicu' lu- tintes andbhr sàitoi ~ fMnre»bèvnýrÈetums - veïrs rerdlaz igto i aw' fraight cbarged onù -mechaudize - the sums pald for the. ad.- tnieItrtions. u*i~u1'UÉpb sud Lov.- er~ ~ ~ di, Cau<a h lerrsessents on se- onut of Seignor , depie~c ' For Licaises USurrey Tax.. -' . M Mnicçipalrey t Lt-Comilfy Tri thçm witlr the Y tainiug soîne dl-t Further by' - ST. J The Steamship, àrrivcd ont on tà ait. The steamship. SNewr York, arrive Heavy gales hz, coasttof Englanti. - Tho steamner û * London, came iu cm Heroine op n sunk in tmenty froni fcrty te fiftî Bumtirs vere tributedti teVicto on Sicity te irsul Tic armameni accelerated. Aico-rethat ie .eederctat h nèt bu excc-mmiîa .cenia Might sui) *Tbure vasar against the Emopu eeaatiy becu discô A Madrid teJe< vion cf Mellilla the Spanisi lose -el, sud 21 mnissin Thu S-pan ish fi teir mant f .against Morocce. -Tic Nova St - coal, and viii uni vberuibc mwli bc There vas a laut night viti-a SAR» op?'ç N I ;tendon Count>', Maries, sud el pbuu- >livedaanmai wife. Os Tuesd ori n in utic, jg a shot lire >b. aoeuIrg tirougi WMWalaimedau lefore bis ulfe i ifna obeing afa a-determinatieio .sbeuli bedoue. .dlueoveryof susI Of he vife of l'asit sua damir ber guilt, that SI injàil on Fritay .W vomn, ovcrc ueought to aivebcf àaiîe-; ful * tlast be batifor ther, and uisbe $M sh ired 1 of delth by wh <romF ler husbas tuk 1oui>' toc 'M l(<vo mes implios e&inite eustody, brotber $100 fa peprated pec from bthe jail te them -up ntbl man as iireserv he populace v were concrmned lusea shouhi eu ]Eelem ofe - . 7uŽ~ ' ~ '~>~aa~ u Ig Lb Ig el

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