Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1860, p. 3

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iLui is Buno; . No. 9, $91 ~ sîuj.AO fin--id4 K o 1857 .......~ 1 4 j' Do' Ili. Pemcoli, oit Féocunt of ;.4t X. W>o.10 K 7 ,xfo~tbwu: .si5, James RX1îrý Taverike oi el t $8,5...... .......... ....." " ti uf. Noredn' uib nNa.C loW i. fltuba)tr, icaq., Tress'ntrer' t dit t "ý'Ã"BHôot URPOSES., rabo; frwoI 0ry ~srve Fund of ieoe nue Treasüuýek va' iér L4mcttIenet.... unndorigned Auditorý for the kitlëýety -of Pickerîig'for the year, 1860,- certfyth U anBd accoiunt. for the; year di'î1e Deme1O; that4,e'4 ~~iithe saie to 1 true state ment of thé, éimptâ and.teidtre ohe spid year ding 3 lt Decendý "er, 1 cash, or on spproveci creg 80 Dr. 'Cd pn' 'ait.-oiOjlg S Iileply ................. C Çuetty Trespurtr'g4 2j per ceul;.. IV.ethe underm'i4ped 1îaviný t1heft, ittite vouchers, finc1 t * tliligln onî digerîepaî1ciues as t JFurther by the Noviaa Scot ST. Jolinis, N. F., Ma The Steamiship America, froni **arrived out on the morning of t uit. The stoamship City of Baltimc 1Xew York, arrived the same day. SHeavy gales hiad -pi-evailed ar( eonat of England. Thte steamier O'Dione, from Du Lcîndan, came in eoiiion witl, îh orlHeroineoun the 'l9ia uit. The sunk ini wenty minlutes afterwal frcurn fo Xy to ifty persons were Hum as were -current of au a trihuted to Victor Eninuel himsei 0on icily to insurrection. 'The aMmamentai Piedmnont wl accelerated. 'A. congremation hiAd at the Vaf decided that Alto King of S-ardi neotbe oxcoînnmoielte, wiiatever tevents znight 8upervn'e4. 'There Wu a report current ti against the Hui peror of, the Freuc cenily.been discovercd. * A Madrid we-rain stati±s that vison of Mellijihihad îîmhadeitu the. Spanitih logi3 wuw 33 kifledi I .0<1, and 21 migsingp. TheSplanit4h forces -were una their dlemnd 'l'or au n ergeti -against Morocco. -The Nova Seotiati takes '18 coal,,and wilI sait the p. m., for wb.reihe will be due on b1ondaý oehere was a gale froin the 'lut iglît with rii Lyscami» FouIAsSASSINATIlUx w»M or _AN UcoeÀ'uuvuîý WîF. teadion County, Aîlanaas, nôl Marlon, aud eiglîî, or tan miles ix phs,. ived -a man nsmed Robinsc e.,i On Tueadtey night,. Februi lu Wg âtiýe dwelliug'but Hol ife, juat as .ho wusrélirlr a stfired by some per lïu%tig Uýrough the.windo -V. vuwwliaimed,and the unfortunil befor i wilb sa..corpee. Strm aenl'5105# i te'neighborhooe, 40uÀa belng a favorite wiîhh ii ;&4etrmsinshioa waa expressedf ibosilt be doue. Investigation 'disooya$ry of suapicieus condacl OCf '»g wife of île murdered &As~ ana daming were' Oie in' ber guiit, liat she was arrasted la jai on Friday 'ef lest.wela.1 PBEWfiM 'FOM EEST tTMO2ÇTbc Polileis now benlu sm:le nn re eefroimî, ý Ui,4jJ(~IUtT 111 IIIIll tettlou '(as comntonly limpodeel 'y otitor.comfta ssd'etr1urtaait'prevl-4 ýegeu. Thoe Se Iate toeï andmm-aLruîii~--.~i.o SAq'2 iioÀRD1?EE1-f and -aiw&Xiatonn'fwet rneqeas nn, 1Y cuishraid cil Thça. ilodgbeo î i'.tgmenî 4,3 45 . 1 ; I.,d Eust Whý h P c1 ~ ~ 40 or4le'res.entotltwyVJ,.ALt 00 Rii.. .ss4goltl lti Aql .? .dý cii ~ lieyhoidCels ftti F tenis tn? a e ~eitiitorolt-seav ttS Ye lmtilq mnch% déa7 per. cent. (nm&eiy 71Od per £)> of 9 42 1 J 12 t4 h ler. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. l E, n l l e e ao i t ol j . h a t a e5 -. olui uj.rilt............... 46000ctc? ,1t9 105 ittelr is bCp . ..cs,9ý ; ........ 18 66 67) ' A3 5~' ~ I., 45." 4 $Yi -~ 8y "f5 03451 &à castnmmd.......PREM IUM,'sssttipli s dZs q d s£14d £s7dÃŽ's'àeÊs à! sd HA FIl in P 1T fer ii10 0 58 15 044 b0O 21 $281 ô09g 8 0"750088 $18' 88 AR*F 41ssoasfo ~îj er *~ 241Il 8 20Ia 1 16 '4 1181812 441189 7184 gexaillined the iflovef t nit nd'opared is 2 7 l ali 12I' 'làE tj LIte~~~~~ DUC t"crret s e10nm .......... J ________40 18 98.1l11 127 1828q87 20 7 4116 11 1 themaiie orrct.s t nnots àitiüé;i cn- IA4 HIT Y q FU-Poiei-Aof £50V rlig:ndutîW;rd-a îmt'y lo effectod tand kept iup o dtes. 'iypntn fomyneafthe Preutitalua l'r the Fi-st Six Veuts, with Interest on the PE4TER 11IEJW]IXSTALL "1 mdf. EMPOWPRED h y ROYAL CHARTER mnd ACT of PARLTAMENT foi- JOtIN LAT, Y ,, EABSCIRA.NCE lithtie iOL0)NIE$, the Associto i mntbelte aor Ke a -W'- àdvi&ntnges to 1leàidifs 1tin litisit NtitAeui,.i Caasa it'ny whelm ' îl'aI head Offig -"t l!ti Otnti. AJ, îl hî ftrit A iiieoujierior io wilamlluosSotiier Brititeli Officese7)- éan offar, ltee mct,&Titex Le not ef recient erig' or.fiin ilodb<siacssand rc-cotrm. It li , ~man. BIRT31 118.f os xentv adscecessitîl amon eýthe Biisth Assurance Offie; thte ?olicy- ~- rehi 9. M) '.MEY-AtWooeok n itolder*Iithbie JBritish dAntericmrn Provliics h he nnti me f afire autiituii stîea liii 4tlàinst., t ie ,îfo Mr tere ot râtitsctedin Great Bitain aud Ireiandc, and the atople at-d etu8usttyuçcut-iîul-iting fittîdâ, t'4 inr, oalomilistat l f ag-n' iou ix1einlttt mincoîne efulpwnrids t f*1l.50,000' per aitttn. ~h 2ndgonry Rya aailieîtiîeo dîîh. , HEAD -OFFICES-IN-BRITJSJJ NORTH AMERICA: ONLY $75, Y.FOR frm I>OP.M ".At Woods'ock, on the 4îh 'CANADA-Montreal, t9GreatM. TJa ,e .SIN E CELEBRATED SEWING MACHINES- orfri inst.. the witf Mf ur. Joieph I)orinnn, of a NOVA 5007IA, Hdifar -NEW BRUNSWICKt,St- John- : :- ,ound the biîîjhîLEiTON-Il xlontietil, at No. 284 <>THERE Ye, ASPECIAL AD VANTAGE 1 ARRANTED te bcethe amt neeyrsetstlîsal ' . igr&Ce. ýn the. iVn. in Assuring before lise approacising C'lose of tise Booksa for t4tisen t tthcan fr *1sti1 hava,î,eiti îpoctîmt h iie"tmgote xnxlimu lli Notre Datme Si. ,oî itle Vii haist., 3Mrà§. ptetWcîte crmh aithd l lmotoI hetcr c rma beÃ"~t . êitgths - Lbnifor %Iidil'.uti, cf a diigtluîi. ' 21ttANNUAL BALANCEý:. 'ethines bolore, owittg to lteoe itinmiîîîllworklng off nu e clii amimlitiigs o , iîu'giiters. ,obchon, lIIID Thiimecsmity of' applvlltg cil tri patent 1çater ii eutirely ohjwiabeclhy tItis n,", lniprovemtn.- e tiheot. AR1ED.One Year's earlier Participation in Profita wWl thIug be secured- Tlieextîaclîiues ite, witlotitexiteption thie bet ansd cltcaipcst ever offîed for sole in Canada, e steamer NVlLSON-NWÊST.- In Belleville, on APIA5of FLB EEVDUTL5hARL idm, and the 2lltiit.y,ylt eINtv. ';otn Çrcer,t. PLIATOS GL E EClVE NTIL PRL PRI E drowned. A., Mr. Jîîlîî ilsnirt.,f ii ùtmgerer oCLAJli C1-âT ' o M C IE$' o MACHINE $8. idi.eis at- te Miss Mtrgaret.' eî,ly daîîghîer of Joie- ' AGENTS:î . îîîh il.Iqo f ilitasanme plaée. %Witb-.IAM ER.No. 3 MACHiELARtGE AND IMPROVED, U 5. 0 1 etmîtvleR 1us'L L OB1ltirse.Thave roccivci'1 lntrolmtet-tintnniis ftrttfotîmdn)îe anîir, Ttai1a, Dreste Mxfk- cmlng ~Nî~-oJN.-A ari, Newc,tle-SAMlU L WILMOT. n re on lite 2id imtl., by hle Rv. 1). %Waiker, Pr oeW .IALECîîtrilBk crs, Irivatte Ftîtnilbps, tmincIi l ir, %%livare imusiîg mîv !lahiît'si-al 1i noue iti ruccnaîîaemîingflitent ,lebcîutg I.y NieEcii,'.q.,t-IviRuid, Oi§haw-SA3iUEL ÇCFIRANF,, Jr., B hler 9 ot tuid lnae. leîtctithecs iicatttiia '. '. iyti wolrg(s n ulsexes 41tiugitîc of .\îciliiiaid Yottg, Esq. Bo n tu ictie humi iED. bl'~ .SOJA.JIÇI4~ I (>>TAN oîxtremd, Dcc. 1859. , I'lontren], Dec. 1§59. a thttild .LIr-xASSOCIATINon he OF iLIJFOUNED We tke plcnrtr in lx<triir ttittttîm tu lte W'C have tîscîl atevexa of E. . .sage'swing ol teà nsî ,%Mi'. %Wnt. M. Ntîtiîail, în'cd 48 yaars. cd Iv Mr. E. J. Ntgize. lîxvitir ltttd t1lt in- ise -txa an Ive li hititti<itt'iî1sayig -thaitliey'àen __________________________________ ~tokrtlite hît tsix noithie. TI:cy tire cf Stiizt'r's cî'try resjt'ct equîl to the i,,est approu'ed Atier- plot ~~~~--- ~~~ l>mîPtetrî, atnd cqutu 1 may cf otr tqîîttîice MîIîeo'whlîîclabave ksevera i hi c ad e _SFECIAL NOTICES:-LL( 7,7 c tcklid ROWIN & C-7ILIISQ."CILIS, E'C1IOLES & AMES; Wtt cuttstler Nie are doitg otar iierchantt 4 t tc rai'. ieadeiî.w ho piuiolîmsegootlis i fie.iglî Or THE IItF'ILT9<IN ttOUGtNi>TuIE EXt'tttHsE0? ~sfatC. 'All communications relative le Scwing Machines, etc., tnîst be prepaid,ý as none CiOttîdttttkets, na rvice liy occataiiît-ially <rawittg A Shitre cf l'rndttsi,; alloettedd yrarlil te every Polimy-Ilolder cf tive yeitrs' 51 atxiffig ut the ehr ~ilb cevd 1e wcuti tieir aller. tioît Ln a firsl elaîsa aid h-onora- iirecodlt itnaiiiii biliie.. and !m aappled safo st eiielt rstî olylo asloiv E. J. NAGLE, CANADLAN SitwitaC MACHIî%E ESTA5îII~T hie ouss. t peseîl e sah nlyne- A POLIÇY iMt)LDEt'ofCî£100sîg$4ttsq, nerdt7)tigeîGO, r ù ý % e t ifrinthe 25NtePtn re1Mtotiral1 C. E, Fatr over Vèarle; & Gilbiert's Catial Baiu, lice ie <4 atî exIeittiv tuaimpor.ing profils, $11vt.4.1, viz., t1l'l)Iper $4 cf lis preiitini. If lie tlaie' partidipated sitico '18451-ilsFcty Monsw-40w ,îînouai Ia espafoaprfl tmnt il itcîst iils hi..............2441.08~Mnrml .E auîi ioccry liotte cfMoar. . G. lough. fahîv mr.llin oîymmc <, lie lias recccîved.................. 1481.44- ~~'O toits cf witiî Cani-idi. *182.17,If li vie 150rti $cf tülao0 isprxhtIfleiveprieaedince I85Rlstoa w t'lfdaIfl ie lava prtîctîpsid oi mines18550, lIelatits roecivedl................. 1050.280 ty exI ofbbcWatr'Lwn ttdRono.ilr l fh itauîa particiîîated onIlî- sine 1855,lie liat riciaed.............442total por sentive elt liuaie . imîc.1.6la $7.6, viz., $1.50 per $4 cf ls raiw î.I i îîepriiaeisne145 i otlr re kpsfofiba tit iioit, witin teret, lte un letail.................$1649.13 Potgnm f xeln ecnîi bll iît rt~~iarlicilbalted only e.inîe 1850, lia iis raceiv'd ...........8.7 T of thea %nti picns n i aînRîe, noti, we tuv ie Ifla h i ave partieiîialed onîy ainca 1855, lie lias recelvad ........ o............4.67S y -TiCt dbw i asiritrfull cary <lict,'au6 en-]TA. POIAlctiODonfem0Q bue ria rc tio terdalî ig4îicnly i dat, iiyuvatotle pfilAs got-atige eisleua ne iewtîet ue malinotoie fie, îîtt o i I iar bartiJly atîoed minedur, ittal he wk fa'fro irehmantat. fte bo s. N .I . it a e ltà fe o r he ibentg ii ii bu pay utits, omiAle-atIan .....i.. e......... rom Ment. "(Se l - Prospecttefr>r faller e .ntn. Lon and hie CANAoiAN MANur-vi'AtUS15. - Mentreal ,,<5TII AE 8SPEC IAL AD IVANTA GtB ary 21, ro deserves great credit fer taking lthe'lesd In'»aaurinq7 lmfore the appro&eling Close "t4 Bookse for, tlm binion and In lte manuatcture of sttuple and useful ar- 218t ANNLTAL BALA "& ' , ' ng for tet~;udthe he rsn il ai' a . < OnearOtearlier pa'rtieipation.tin ProfitasoZ'~1èyfZe#CeeZ non camne paiîî ltrrs antb it inre. ý u 4.PPLICA TIONS WILL BE BREC1IVED UN74,.)YARLPj. *The shet brooto, match, pdsu and wmsh board manu. AMS YtNT, Secretary. E o~uotnet i.runr~i redsansd euiltomerstbat 1@ iv ,rJ.CTTYl5M ùte marn fell fmsctlery ' lI,_. Austin Adanis, of Ihat city, Monîresi 9 Grant St. Jaîmes St. ton ' t ' itensive business o: lng, exclite.and are gli.d' toasec tae.or frigand,,Mgr. FIra>,16. HbiPcr ~wavie Il and Rlob- John Holland, 'is on"a usîféiei toi 4,QJ iF bt on1, a t te XIuI" f U' iE jSamuel Coekraue, Jr., Barrister, , "' tixot justice tiv-e of that establtsliment.________________ ______________ IN ALL ITS 'I3fANCHES. led to the N~EW A yETSbENTSWOnth prezntsea heretnfore eccupieti by Mr.. N. RAY, on Mary Street .eteeBro on the part N W A V RIE E T. _____' 2 and Broek Stricett5 where lie is prepured, as heretofore,, lu exce oalLorclers iiitrt'tît man 80NOTICE. 't W ŽTD "encr ýdications of t 1 and placed BOY ~~~ ~ ~A ACCUSTOMED 'te tazechlaarge of - ' j'E UGIS I'G iC YE rh th h usrbr e epclY' teîuin- j IIormes. A È Ax- ply le* Chonce ffc'. 1 . 3W». li '3 WManutlctured and Sold at the Lewest iremutierating Priea. Th weth-ferm their friends and' custéoerathat they Whîîby,eXat-it"141b, 100O.. &10,ALWOsiARA E LUIà! adPIO UEL41<EN , WR-ILUANGfE, tMRED RCS 4d -w*ôlang overconle with hort,0w and îear, h ave sold eut their stock te Mr. G. C. -sougt to saye hersef by denouiteing othlre, Gres, whcx weI1 î firn$ a ' bi - snd matie a fulconfession. She Étated SIcs 'tesefur tI' i't1 b. o cyWI h Inca th âmepfernIîes Jhetofore oct. thit ah. bsd fornicd an' intimacytwîhaue cupied by Mesan. L' &. Donldlson & Cc., ther, aud wished té marry hiip and fer sud lhey xéapectfully solicit for their sue. $0site hired hii brother te de the deedàeo'ùbi arn of de,ýth by which sue miguit be set free cesser saàre'ogpic atonge. frox> ber husband. Hie preformed bis fatal ';S OAPQ o MCl1 ytee wel. On Weduesclaye the THE HA.MILTO J=M~ <omes implicateti were..rrested and plae. ' N VE A Âap ed ito custody, and theoene who wus te ANE NKd mànny the. widow confeased te paying his Midti>ttreé<l$a./rmaI4d brother $100 fur shooting Robinîson. Thé exsapens4ted people dragged the criminals THE "WEEK-LY TIMES, rom the. jail te the woods, and thero lung '$150 q-,merinaaee them up until they wcra dead. The wo- Dia wusreserved, but was te ho huug, as TrpHE*t1Mi rie asdo<stii leleÃ"lfittOil'et lite thpopulace wredetermiued tâtailwho stitution-tt'nd the Ei a£ou o 6't. xAcîltive were coneerned ithe assauasnation, ef Rob- rom tuie Legisîiara. .emiýuwll, e Pontyi lason ahould cumber tl.e arth ne longer. tia dnîutlrtiii o teGo?, mI h .I -touo'ti e 0Refoîi 'I3àtet frotl lit-Toilo 'lejeae of ]Kr. FelowèIsud tihe Cas. of Cliques;Etcnîg1el qaiftS4' selmaît Frea Ludg; fv Seilers§; Ioiueseed Exemption on Friday evening the Sheriff of the sud AyPrmisentel Lowm. ont United Cenuîes of York sud Poel rocrived fon fth imàa Debt C6Uird(5sild' Pl3 a tlegraphie despatoli frot -lhe pre.per au. 1 ealienif the broum to te cebweba wlich tng aMifles at Queboc ordering uns te relense abcu e ic ~ .1~ (rom jail Mr, G. B. L. Followes and Meurs hîsanlten, Marc, 1840.Ç Xp#îi ad Johin Caalman, wilh lhe cause t77t .7 M =1 cf wio e*im'pr so ment the publie are now Xisignsryýmeeil.ti weill acquahited. The. parties appeared le have uffercid sevoroly by their close con- uL ç~ment, and expesd ttmele art, ïîaed (D. V 9) mi là le 1 Iy'g#rad te0. oagain at liberty. They were ' ' on di&cbisrged by the.Shuriff 'about 8 o'lock Thursd4r ;i Em eU~~it~ la isees'nin. Te ederCaselmn lfI The llox. J. IH. CÂMetaox, antd other g9 molnwlll mi&vbffltu thcause., The Chair 1b >tOwu Iitheliext mornuîg auott atpii? D. FORD'$ long experience of lhirty, years in. th. principal banafactgriem, Wt lit StateR and Canaida bias given thaul experieuae' in everybrancchi:of the, buiiines'which.,' feW hav eben able te arrive at, and-for beauty of designi, elegauce-'etf!nisb. durab4ity,. 'and soidîty of workm.iarn8hip, bis .w'ork cannet ha exccllad. ' Whi tby, Antl qt6. 1859., IMI ~ t 0 uhltîèvt ixfT tîerfrenleeu gtîera1vyattheà addittoîil ~ttheir _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z Earm to Let.' A' LARGE AN ELCT t't"'t Vi 0 50QAresjeedLi, enarNo 4iyperonaiy.îo hty 97 Whitby. " tCONSiSTiGO< AN]~1»YIION'COUT t 1~J~~~*TOBÂCOOS. Toronto, and'.*e->Il ùünd to bb printed Bwtt'd Green et l h-cttBadi Jîwn u Iod~. . ' ' ton botter. paperk.BiZtIY . 4t thé,,'Obronicle ' Office. luiH.,IGl S.- od avsc'LoDo4no Hia Rifalo4. sraeégeP0,î>r ttt.tt1 :AL~jeii! otu d flpie im frige os r. ' 111,C4utry erapc - dOtet. a , Maro~h~Q*At"Oit ALheNelCot.!~' ~ S~JîDO I ..'~ P~iD~ÂL . ~ < scMû l'l - Pet C. NimawV Sherff'siOffic, Whtby, Jeb. 8, .ý HEEBY, give. flQÇlee that a Public UéÈ ftihe Ràste'pyers wlhl b. beld W~dIésdtr Evg M.areh 14à,0 At thg heur1 of 7*,,o'lock, for the proe of taking intocensideritirn, the retni2t -cf-- the- Cornuittee -appointed on à'b'Wutjeýit ~dt TOWN -MANUFACTURES And ase for the purpose of'aepïn ud1 furîlies m'easurés in the' prezbaes a te thiâ meeting inay seern desirabie. IL, J. MACDONE Ltj Tow43t~t>y, fr'o 9-1 vi. qvzl4ç, 1îIx Eeb. 1860. NOTYCE in her<fby gin that the lotsi; î lth ïto*nsbip ot'Heiir asd Maria. (on the rivér .Ota'vawe~. f'tîetowrislip of ]Rolph,> in -the t'In ~oary jdicial itrictnftNipiissitg, U. C. Itvi1 1 'beOpen for pale on and aftcr the 2l1st ot ne.xt ¶nontl,. }:r~~of lots uxie' conditioxIls of Bide. appl- 'teJxne'sP. oiSt.Esq., Crown Lnlgn at P.entroke, ini the eouinty of]ieiifrow. 98 Assistant Coinmiisi.ner. REMOVAl.l T2aB rcînoved his stoc'k ci Drùg-, 1Points, &oC. te No. 1, commercial fluildhxgs, Brooki Street, opposite the ne;w Brick Block of James Wallae. JOIIN MOF tonP'rescott offgrs eor ad eat bim pottery in 1recott, at exceedingly low prîces.TIOMASSMOODY Agen'. IVIItFhV. N. B. Merchants and Deniers will fluîd k l their a dvantage tb insp)eetMNr. Moey's sroclc, the agent in. NYhitby, and exsîtnino ism ligt of Ito the Provincial Par ittunert, atits next Se& Mion, for on' -4ct 10 - ,aîmýnd the Acta jîxcorpora'- ting th otWitby and Lake Huron ailwoty Co.thPotW Brii mrenCrclrDlvr Genersi Âdvertising Aýgeiucy, 22 St. T pulic tibat hue im ncw prepared te receivo ýOrdm, foi lrtit;ku, "Àddrstmaqd 1 4tiwR- bin g ËuI s, îirculmira, &oe., aiseo ostmn.ý lacards anîd re cti g 'Àdiiveriatntii 'for itîserla n by mens of lhàot irnsAg ie»raioneofor insertion, Avrlsmu t4ëIlevarionusPaperm iti upperiîd Lo wr Ca nad aî -LÀêw- eor Provinces, aud the 'United fBt slimtfoî bisterand ail! parifs wàlmaag10 ecrrguai antd sytemuoittt.llS1city las' tlnumiteer at agreat isavia?ý! ýittne;tronble 'and exqt6iiam begs to Re i» ttrôz tiwmiay Cù une Mer-; chaents, )HuatteteTdsnlotMl Keet-. en sud oiliers lie"triotsection et aIl sui busi.- nos, whtei:Ç ha begm- te- asstwre.theni w.111 lim mtniotly' sîîended te, withîpntusltiîy audeu- pateh1 sndItatterr4 îîmmelf" IbsI frm bis- tlong expenetn in Euiglattrl, lt bs iofet nk1neo m sw ,in, luceunection with the h[uritra e*NlewilI b eUaSbled 10 eu, ene »oat» faction. RIOBERT MQORKx t' J. G naiin~ Xsqof Ser' th ie Board. of Trade anid ;Merchaunts' Exchange. P. a.~uutu ECson id Forwwd- !Dg Aceuitl 0 b Gînd Trunik lay Con , PF. W. sienailiw, Es1., Merchint. James Doagal,; Esq., Marchant. Là6va âf lDr. J. rna l i il 'i t, t4b. theI mut .pro y M, lio.t we and set» SpeciMeUf3. Ob 1 ,

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