Whitby Chronicle, 13 Mar 1860, p. 4

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oy pos or IjFIE ubscvlber requesta public atteen 't, ion ta bis 'nov ýstock ol supeor Stovu. Th.y Inolude the. -ollowig nov patterns: 7'9» .KINOP0F 7V 2ESP ~1'1~?RIOEALBER7, DAVY GROCKET, FROTECTJONIS, GRAND TLJRK, MRONDJUE, - Qllsu ozt~uê JOHN BEYAN. B rook Street, Whyitby. LIVERY STABLES. LE l SCIJOFIELD & Co. IMPORTERS 0P Staple and Fanoy Dry Gooda GENERAL STOCK 0F (roeertéeCroekery, Chia, Earthen AMD GLASSWARE. elrnhr of Brook and Joburne Street., Wbltby I IE Suboorlbor.m are ln reeelpt of Fresh ar- rival, cf the. above Goodsa direct froin the nnact cries, andeamsic'cd- as low as any Iwube ln the trade West cf Miontreai. ONtSALE, A large and varied Stock of Dry (Ioods kcpt oenstantly on hand. * l II. SCIIOFIELD & Co. ON SA L E X omrleto k3tock of ail kinds cf Groceries, and M full Stock cf Lîquora, Choie. brandi Vin,- L. Il. SCIIOFIELD & Ce. M) lhtrrols cf Old Bocticod Whiskey froni L. 11. SOIIOFIELD & Co. ON SALE, A eoiec snd fulîl assortmcit cf Crockery, Onina, Q4"» and Esrthcnwaru. L. Il. 801-IOPIELD & Cho. 64. Cteste Trait Tots from 2s. 3d. te 3s. 9d, per lb. ,7,Boxes Tobacco from ls. to r2s. 6d.. per lb. 4Bales American Grey Cotton 40 »oxes Seap. -10 Boxes Candies. 36 Casks of Liquor. "00 Barrels cf Se*l. r10 Barrels -of Herring. L. IL, SCROFIELD & Co. sTu Sebrilîcru have eslv.d ou coniing te tait. ear 1860Y » atdiore te the .Wllch wifl smble than om omuol i hcheapor, sud give gonoirai utiafiitioîi. L. 1H. L4CIOFIELD ACo. rjTWO conthrttile dsvlllnghIousos Ilutho ocisouteTown, te ent luvj. Apply t he Iloprlotoi'. - A Ltioes litti e dbted çtsbr- be aé1lîer by efte 'o Bo6k ~og wI ralafterthte rliriSday 'nt Y*aSU5lmî asi puy tijeir res§pective secotnta. 'L. E. i " à Ce Wbltily. JtilgsrY 2, 1860.- isl 0op'2 :~ j' 0111Rf, iiii ada. - PteMg ~1~rouide - E~J~1 * ~m~-t~teMiî ~T1Y, or - pw'tuttIt - --- LZDiT The CIRCULATION- cf the Thaon thst of any 'other local Paper in the- Province, and FAR EXOEEDS8 The circulation of all the other papers_ in. the Oounty of Ontario united. WEEKLY HOIIONICLE *ONLY SEMI-WEEKLY $2.50 P ER ANNUM. The Chrouicle' h tle Paper to Advertise ini. ejQc'ký»AND BRITISH REVIEWSO LE9RDSTT & O.,NEW Ing leadîng British Periodicels, riz:- 1. Irff LONDiON QUAILTEIILY (Côiiiervetlvo.) e. rt1E EDINBVROI RF.VIEW (Whig.) THEs NORTHI BRITISH REVIEW (FroeChOurch.) 4. rii WESTMINSTER REv1Ew (Liboral.) 5. BLÂCKWOOWD'5 Ei)NBuàtonH MAAzINE (Tory.) Theso poriodicala ably represent the thece great political parties of Qurest Brn. tain-Whig, Tory, and» Radical-but poli. tics forme only one feature of thefrchursct- or. As Or gans of the. most pofound writers on Science, Literature, Moblity, and Religion, the. stand ^a they over have stood, unrlvalledluntle world cf let- ter% - being cousiderod Indispensable ta Lb. sciiolar sud tiie prolossional mau, while te the. intelligent roader of every clam e y furnisb a more correct andudmslactairy re- cord cf the. current literaturo of the day, tbrougbout the woÏld, than can b. possubly obtained fron any otiior source. BARLY COPIES. Tii. reoelpt of ABvANcE osHEETfroni the British publisiior gives additionsl value ta the Reprntù, inasmuci> as tboey can now be placod in thebande ofasubscrîbema about as soon as the originel editions. TEar ann. For auy on. cf the four Reviews ... $8 O0 For any two of thî eu' Reviows .. 00' For any thrce of the tour RW~ews ... 7 00 For ail four of the. Revios ........ 8 00 Fou' Blackwood's Magazine ........ 300 For Blackwoid sud eue Review. .-. ..5 00 For Biackwood sud two Reviews ... 7 00 For Bleckwoed sud thmree Rciéw ... 90f00 For Blackwood sud the four Beviews.10 00 Money current ini tUs State tc7iseaimsud AUil be receisied at par. CLUB BING. A discount of twenty-fivepeu' cent. ftom tho ab'ove prices will bce allowod te CLUBS odertng tour or more COplecs of eny eue or more efthte aboe r cs. Thus:- Four copies of Blackwood, ou' of one Bevicw, will bc sent to one sddmess fer $9; four copies ef the. four Reviews sud Blackwood for $80; and se on. ]POSTAGE9. Canadien mail subscnibcrs will bc sup. ýplied fre ef U. 8. Postage. Remittance fom'sny of the. ebove publica tions sbhould"always be addresaed, poat- LafdNbliD S017 & Cod 46w No. 54, Geld Street, New Yorks WHITBY READING ROOX. THE WHITBY READING ROOM 18 sud l llightt~ed-"wrlth sud vanm, andlgwol:é ;d ithnewspaperonsud petiodlabsof .11 I"d&. emea0 par anhuns Studeats suld Tesno 4 (lIrers, ÃŽSf1. Situatcd iluho second fiat orer.te Qiruc.OMfie. Zùtmance t'iirough' tthe tainuyStore. "TEE 5*1., - chontaiuing lipages, oea ng only e NI~D-, FM Plu F nou cp oi Ali Y Wl re on Le &PALÂ 10 ConteaNuu e ; Variv 02.50 - nast.veari y, 01.230 -Al the. BoelïiXutlic at 10 et&., sud Bôuni.d couslautly on batud. 0-4nt'fiuited f r thèeepublication~.. C. B EYMOUR-& 00.,- 110,7iwast., New yâl~ WITÉ ÃŽPOST* OFFUcizE 'JTNT11A furthom noti ,Mafia will be coeed su ad due for dellv ru t this office.ns.1fol- Down Mails going ~tvs:Olaa Bow- ruanvllle, New te, xrs ingaten sud Port Hoeps nd erorosmnig offces, alsgo the (.TR. t1h%ýelllgpsO icoong Bost, lu- uiudug al Placs t~Weato fKingston, et la. m., sudS.. Due for dolxva na-in. nsd 7p. m., Lettors for Montroiad placesEst cf King- itou, are onuitdexpatBd by the nlgiitl mail go- in;meteîlgc0 cst, linclndlng -Duibartei' PilkerluaL orotito an alal places West of To- rente, alagtthe G. . 2B. travellinîg Post oflice goIug Wesgt, closéet51e. mn., sud at 6 p. ni. Due for déiivery liernet 10 e.m., andaet 7 a.m.4 oal1y mallod by tIie m Inng train goiiig West.> 14orth Mails Icave sily after the arrivai ef tie train freni Toronto for Brocislin, Mancies%- ter, Port Perr Beach Litadsiay, Manille, Be.- vorton, Pcrt oover , Ashbun, Epsetn, Utie aud Uxbrlige, aise <or ail the. corresponding cf- Mails iare aise made, pattnotimefrAd loy, BrongitaniBaIën, enodàmd 'Bli- sale daily sud on T esday, Thîrgsdmy sud Satnrda 'r Altona, Clereinent sud Btut- Malse are due for de isery froni tIosefo ofe et about ô 80p. m. ENGTLISII MAIL.Freom tii lot cf April. 1859, cii icîters for G reat, Britaîn n uet lacpro.- paid, by petage stom p. lottors intendesi <oirEurope shonld bc poat- ed boforo 7. oelock A, M. ou Meusîsys. REGISTRATION ~OF LETTES.-Th. chageforRéistatS¶ n*adif (o gfalu. pNt- ah a cegfcllews on iach lotter riz: Tesny place iniiBrtîih North Âmeriea, Id; To aay place In liîci United Statea;, (postage muet lie prepaîd alioao d: To any place lu Great Britain and Iroiaud(post. oge muet be prapuid i so ) 7%d To auy place luthe 1 rtish Colonies or Posses- sions, sent cf Engli ci, (postage mut bc pro- T o auy place lu Frai ce, or cther Foreign cetîl- triois, «àa England, an ameinait equal toe i.peut- agei rats. PASCELS ap te 8 boi. weighit eau be sent b) pont under rogulaticha et loi 8d per lb. te bc pro paid. by postage ota andmey b. rogister ed by paymeît cf add idtlonal. No mails are deops ched or rcivod on Sun duns Bocks sud printcd mattor/or the. Uaitocý t;tatef-tbe Canadîsu Postage rmiatbc pi'eparic bypeostage atampa, saxd on ucnei atter (ton ,tfiI.Unltod statos, tii.CaxaaditîtiPostagewllb te colleet on deliver'yJ Ail trausient Nuws;papers lneluding tîxose loa Englend, muet bc ij1pad ly Postage stauîp or they cantiit be ff rardei. Newspers for tl e BrillihIvest Induesi, o' Nwtouidiauid, mus- b. rprsld by Postagi Stamp, l<omî;an 1 for induis, Chia, Anstra 1lia, and otlier place 1eyotîd ses, 23Xd each. 1OFFICE l.lOUi<S. ~Week days, froni 7 a. m 1te 7 p. m. Sundayso, rm 9 to 10 n. m. 1 Postage Stampa ceutlbe parchaoced ut the Pos A. 3 kcpHERsONi P. M. Whltby, April, 1859. l6o1w. DENTITRY $ DENISTRY I DENTISTRY. DR. 0.C. JEROMEg TN ratuling tienk te bis, cmerons friands a. nd the publice oterally for titoir libemai ptronage ince hec mm.nced practice in titis Towu, would home ta occasion te state to al lieue whc are reyuirh Artiflelal Tcoth, that ho has now obtsnnea a a!chine for wcrklug the vulealsesi rîubber, nuion whichi b. will Fnsert ail kinda sund stylos $Te tt< ÇhAWPirt1wn as. anver lbaue 5 b aiwit Lxt isWpress. Dr. C. C. JMMOxz 1i1gnrsntee te fItheb meat dffica taese i% h . greteut- preelalon Moa aiclt a casepatieauhv lokTel Itil fulld Gus, wi gcahlavne Blockreet, far' Bopndior 10 ax ihkiud cf woerkkespoct lur usei om su hiiber povd o ? by ail if uite. hswr la ing enigh;a t I 0 omI sud pral] opf ci les throiîghontite nitsYrk d St.wrn.g tia es itbig chi hUitersd fat- orgv nte s éud Il eli atcr asdotest c otea, netureà i and in, tr a tpsofre ha goî or enva chegr m4aldie Isofeb thn Du. Jn termEita]oid Wai oe. bret ta iox as grcatly i ocbieornces inhtic themt homeu vere tli cdtha e wodrics hc beofu r er oe taheh5as bau ceHotisldly ul fathr abooated pt1 ee fr oval nt s pt durhug whlcihori Ifor be hmpu aret numbe dr cf ceh auho la alis pt a th bat nuof eueani boon ninies tdhey ti pf atifinta. anfsedb h Gold, iver. eu4 Platina Plates 'int .p in the L-atemt Styles, c7eperftian. Uual, and Warranfed Ai arialeerlos fth eolUo a sllllfli rforic Jar a otnioa >~ trou%'sTeeth. consuationlFred P.S. (hal sud exat before gettl1 yeu t Mo#eS Yors, .8ra sept. 1e, 1859 Whitby El £monte, biautif otherwise , and r*0 sadd.d to, taiestok tii notice. JAMbe eb-l agrTeeth extracu ns cf eleotricity. Partic ;0 the rooglo f Ch] Une "pInmans cf thus wo eth lnaertceis ewhere. ILIL1 ýBLooz,.owPLomo ÉlDpstory. ion cf B&blo sud Tetl 4)ly beaiid in Merrocot baveoently be T'cf Ita frielïusat thé o 3al sud promt»attention a T. BYRNE, erptar7 ctd in 'il. lri itsa 40n ,ts 79, i 5 .Ce lio. Peter medn Peuple.- B 1i. ffl on m W .M .... ..... a zi- .22 TORONTO EXCEANGE. -1W0MILLIONS STO. opàââëxî 1858ý-Twb hundrod Thousùdý !Pounds sterling. vro ýPlWdoon àand fa mud aflodm#, o H#%ded, n17.wnd .Pond. .SYrUng. tRE INSUBANCE on Buildings, Furnitiarf and Merchandize of every description, ef-. id on' tbe mnost fai4reble tori. îort period riakatakeü on Merebandizo for' or more montbs.,ý li. Insurance on Very advàtntageons toeri lhe aasuredwltb,nul bonuis uddviulon îýoflta every oive yes. JOHN AO;NzW, Agent, Wibitby. V'htby, June, 1859. 2 [oeNIXIÉ1NSIJRÂNCE COMIPANY- NARTFORD, CONNECTICUJT. rPAID UP CAPITAL, $200OOO«à eOLICIES granted immediateiy on applica- tien, without reforence to the Hb.d Offce. C. LYNDE,- .Manager itioh Amoî'ictiAssurance COMPas NIOOEORATED under an Act of the Third Session of the Elevientix Provincial Parlla mt of Upper Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. [rurance êltected or! Biligs and t1ie! atents. Every intorruation supplied oua cation te the. tlndersigzned. Marine Riskt- or thé Season or for Plrts. ',- JOHN AN W Travelling Agent, Iroi Strect, Whitbj ioeuix rire Assurance Co. ïsAlt» SirtESETAND> ouARINO 01105, LonniO E.STAI39LlfSIIED IN 17è2. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO.? Agents for Canada 'NSURANCES against LOSSES by FUIEeet .effectoe tc the most favoraA'l terme, oa( >55E8 paid witlîout reference to the Board ii ondon. H. W. WOODWARD, Commisajoner Mereliant, W&îi>b Aent, Connty or Onta'io. Whitby, Ang- 10, 1859 orne. Insurance (Jompan3 0F NEW YORK. ra8l Capital, alpaid in, *1,000,00C ;urplus over............ 40000C -.0:- FIRE AND MARINE. r IF nderoiguéd, agent oftho abhove fin clamae(Company, loi prepared to îa-'ucPcl La of Iisurance agamait Loïs by V ire the Dat ers of Liland Negotation sud fr, naportationi STEPHEN 8EABLF, .Dundes St. Vhitby, Nov. 29, 1859. 72ow-46w-1 FIRE AND iF INS1UANCýE IICMPAN i Royal nsurance Buiiing*,Liverx, No. -29, Lombard S reet, London CAPITAIL TPWO MILLIONSB STERLIN' F FIRE DEPARTMEN1 Thîis Cenîpauy meures Buildings and al et lescriptien cf 1Propolt rgainst Lom or Damu by Wdr, on the nîcat ipbrai T«wn. AU jnot lbases; promptIy settoml, wlthentk Incticix or discount, aad.witboîit referenze ingiansi. Tii. large Capital and juidons mannt of tus Company insurem the most pcrecoâe i g B» eut sty., LIFE DEPAIRTMENTe LATgotpmni -ptinetlrofite consisen wih undeubted secpnntty, sud every bonefit cm- bracesi in te science cf Lîfa Assumtnceaffordcd by the'Roal Receipts for' New Policios sien. lu six months cf the paut year. Inoome <in utamisources lu 1858 ExýIxbitlOÊ îan inceats 'lu one yomralone of Thi. ftndr i bu .oo E ubn uineroase Ini one y.ar dons lof .e.lmasxACOsCountlng bou.Csincars'wt ever$ ucessat' hufeni on fnnse itf Aoh% lm ow ofbofy W hllby, Feb. 25, 1860. go Sents. 50 sente. Lngbauî 6 eus 40 oepts. 4Sosts. ~rpuntuÏl. Briota- 'yJr. e4-h 96 3 e ~ othe FOR SALE VM ANiD Â RAILACEES'0F LAND,,< 1sBtuated lentthe Town of Wbftty, with a Iing boum. thorpon, eontaweng a rIeur, rol.4b.d moins kitobon auZ'ooîlar 1 ta bargin, i;for aush.1ýb 'r furtiier particulars, app1y ý(if by lettoi F.4àeT* IdWhltbyt- « t'o C.,;K6ll.r,; ronto.. FOR , Amâ, - NEIrnprovcd FermiD lnWhitby, 100 Acre. One Improved Farm in Darlingto 50 One "4 Maviposâa 50 reg. WVi1d LandsisnI Maie, Somerville, Eu- iraffa, Artememia, Luther, Chatbami, )Ver, Hungerford. Mill Priviilege Hampton, Township of Dariugton, one the. very best -in the Township of Dar-' igton. Townu Lots Bowmanvilie, Brooklin, Hampton, Port rry, and Sarnia. tio a feW Toiri Lo1# nthe Town of IVHITBY For sald Lmto and on, Long Credit. Xeocbanics and oth)ers deairous of build- ýcen have from 12 ta 18 mnonths to ak. the. first payment. Send for a Circuler. Addresm, poitpaid, J. H. PERUVI Whitly. tober 17, 1859. » 5 dinfit ~tÀ of is For Tom. à acre Per r'A -mal Oct id 2( mi the, and si whi Roi y 0. rat ai- * ai ly. ri au IS the mest -central and business w part of the Town cf Whitby, that :11 splendid ncw hBrick Store, under- lt.8 neath the Law fflisof W. Il. ire- asyne, (Jounty Attorney, -situste on-Dundas reet. Thé. building i% 40 byi 27; there is a ,h0W roomn over the Shop, and 2 or 8 good ,artments la the building, eau bc lot with the. *010. Tii. show front is the most coustpicuoas sud tractive lu the ,Town. PoRmeasîon iinmediate-. y.For Ternis, &c., apply to JOHN ABNALL -8nm. Dundes street, WhitÃŽ4. FOR SAILE. rOWN LOTS lu Wbitby, npr the. Bay.- AIVilag'LtseDfln"(reek, French- A -i' BY, andPort Perry. Apply to G. I. DARtNILc B r o ok ;S t r ic t , " 'eib 1 J,îmie 1, 1857. flHE WESTERN 11018su ad promises in- JLoluding Stables, Shed1, &c,, and qp. 1ter ore of agrdeîî-mosit convenleuiy anîdc et- ai'situated on Dandes Street, lnu the Town )f h'itb .Thé promiises biive beeti aewly ult, =udare ln an excellent- stateocf r'epair. 'lie istand i. oe te i.béat li thé. Town. For Ternis, "c, apply te DENNIS CONNOR., The. owner, Piokering P.O0 or to XICHAEL cCAULEY on the *premtides. Whitby, March 8, 1860. é T 0 AHL>LTHBE WR À-ND H2ILF 01?TEE T HE ubsorib r iiving au se idecd business, yemonvery easeéable terfiis bis splendid Township of Irools, oonsatiug jofa With twe Kitchens.a Sttlig-eO odParler sud ettaebe- , t sàoTei'mwoll furnisheâ' office sud Wsreiii-Teu ii sareftrot cims Frae uldigu ri t ZOin four: s-qtiâl'iann uls*tet i itiitercat at%~be' rae cf elght p.ro t par anun, or 0926 per, ennam rmotas. Brook needo neofrtten nr.ommendlation, ita ludaustricus labUt* lesa sufiieet reconi- mendatîcu. Fr rtheiâ .tlii a pplyte BosS, mIT E &Ç Co., Merobute, ioung, trt, Teron .tot the a ubscrP>l On~ premses. 0 Wh in hà1rr kiôt7,169, xeU>4f R iilt8y00 t vR 7 - J. A. Siierif T. 2 Witby, -HE. TOWK0F O 7B.< ai :.I~M fori e atlToronto, and -tomne direetedna intdti0lond0 Valuable Prm e a lems 'on mn wicCvee omuwali Fare- wId eccetmad, ttic letie cfIbis deth ilunthe mUT a lvqabe lam i mposedo et N. E. hijZÎâaofEUcu Farewell, sadmiistrstrix,4j,. 'I~ ~ ~~I otat 4plntl4thicornceasiefl of.xlok- d d a1nl,, e àt tuie f. .rt]ii1f Tj erlig, t ~liàtIff. Jlin tiPf*d rIii 4I am 0 ALbeua2Q ffrop chepefo f is adent1jlied lunthtat cmtoi'tnporcel or tracet The- aber. 'ml' situm In lubo centre of 'cf land, bcing tlrec qifaiercran cc eb le tif ýn excellent rwheat-growing loeality, sud within aime mror eto lest, hemlg compooed cf pitrt cf jbont oi~mie f tue import..ut Townî cf lot tnitmber fffteen itii thre aecnd..Conceesiopiji«e Wbltby. thi. Tcwt'thip cf IPiekerig-co enîi eens nâicd.rte, Title iniaputable. *wlîeacsut lis boeau plutxted ant a -diltance cf' i '-nléatlou, toho maile te JAS. MeALLAX, twc chiîna 6tlirty sevdn aînd s, haîf Ihinka on a Wlbv JAS. LOGAN, Lot 9j Broken Front, course ni tht scvents twc dr-grecssat fréi the. Piekern, or tei' snnth bwest mngie cf anid lot Thterce, uortli, sv- THOXAS HUSTON, cnty four degrecia, Eammt two cliais ieven musaki, Whitly. TIarsaee tortm sixtecîl sireei, wr-st thryce ellîtitis - atndtwenly. Ove liniké, muore or icas t tteoxtlth aide ci tîe puiblie rosi, uheu.rc nerth weterly A Alo,-fer Sale aioig themgentil Aide of It e ïaaid publlic rond two Aquxtity cf good (JEDAR 'POSTS H'ettd egreen -st, thrce chta isd ffty nn AP1'LY AS ABOVE. liltîks, more or icas te ti e place cf 1eg û ng Octoliar S 8 955-511 w & mi iAlise aIl thet. certainptirce] or trimet cf fond ait- uaxîed, iying Ud coing in thle Village of Oabp.e Fori'Sae, or teLet. w5 i,l Àd bel iupcsed et'a part'of lotNoý tef COMMbDITinAN'theEA 2nld (Coi. 'if uitcTocwnFhipOft, atWhit- COMMÃ"IO«U ANDPLEA by, and i bîttard iiiid .boicudd atisfocwa: ern- A ssutly aitued iieci infront o le miid Co'ncesion itt sa BR I OKCO OT TAG E9 , roth,atcvcnity four degreca cast froîn iube somth %Utoge cf saisilot thetîce xartiî aeveuty leur witb- * of en acre cf land, in the Northî degi--scrast- one eclain 1111v litnks, T b once Ward of the. Town ef Wbitby, on thebEutnmi itee mrre, emrl one CIl:Iir sçrenty aide of Brook Street. oine ligguths,'1'cee solnt])t;aeeiitv n ege, wcat une elimiti tifty litîke. Tlrcnýe tsonti sîxteen For furtiier panticulans apply (if by lt- degr<ea et,talsov.e llii tacveitity e l . ter, peat-paid) et W. H. Temsayne'a office Ail wlileli ltatds, aîîd ienemients thereoix or* 'Whitby, or te the subscriber, C iresiidtnctitactil riirattir-n Carmam.hi aîiili utiar f,,r sale tt Plie icAuttion tas followfçi M ark am . iz - T he fir -t dc, î'ilid iice q 1uoTter cff cit D. O. JENT<INS, acre. <att utc lrcxaxirtes il Puffia', 1rcck, on rPO.prietor. MIOiUclIt thce Tiventy tiaird çlay of April, A. '1). W h t y ,J l 2 t , 1659. 36 1860, at te 1- ,11 raA i tTon î e'î - a . i . A ncVtiîta Wbity, Jly 21hlest cicacrihec on- the rreni.-es ut Oalucwa,< o - - lcad:a ti Tw.-ny tiru da ofApril, A.Dh.- TO LET. 186J, lit the lîianr ut' Tiaorlo'c'k, p. ni. Mr.LISON G. I-ICYNVLDS,, T p lH E S to re a d w ellin g Il o ue uw e c.p ied lhlic- ifl, C . 0 . Aby Jamoe ~Pritge, sud known aslte' Per C. Nouîrme. sherifl"s Office, h d& W td. lu the. Town of Wisitby. Possession giv en on tlio 9irot cf Sopteuiber îîezt. Apply tc JAMES ROWVE. Withy, Jly28, 1858. 2 1 i 00 lislaCRES.o 1? wfe Wst baîf lot No. 20, 2ncl Cones- sion, of the Township of Wbitby. T he wbole cleared sud under cultivotion. WeiI fenced and substantiel bar, sheds, eut. building@, sud moot coller uewly erectcd. For terme "c, appîy ta, Z. BURNHAM, Witby, Feb.18, 180. 1 hty Wild Lande Wanted.. S~400 te OMares oftud. Persens hbaviug tha sanie tedispose cf w*ii iiross, pont paici, Box 578, 11,0O., roton- te1 stuttiug lot, coucessbon, price sud termît. forento, Feb. 4, 1860. 42 FOR SALE. AN excellent uew Freine Cottage, nesriy in AË the heurt cf tuie Âowa cf Whtb3yaud witbia, a fqw yards cf the Main Street-Dnudas Sr et4o ethr ith two-fifths cffiun acre cf land àtaeeiid.Tii. bouse coutains six spart-: mneuts,. hai ou excellent celler, sudtuercAsl 9oetabing anid ail ocesaryp-bidn, sud e èuerlir ump of g ced water ou thxe spot. For Terni, oi., whiob wiil bc fouud very, fiberi. pply te .MoIH>F3 ha. Chenic. A ROPFFI hty vAlLUABIcE rROPEUTY for SALE. TrEistor 'and p reis elatoly occupibd lîy TMm. J. A1. liMillan, at Utica, il tiit Bh'p cf4 Beach togetiier with a quarter acre of ;Lmildattaohed thereto'. Ths store la vrj'avo rbly situsted for-auy businss. The Vi lagot Utfies in in tut. centre cf the Townslii sdal) tii. travol ou thie Brock rond passes twrough it. Terms will be made-tc suit purchasers. Ap pliggtiou ta bc mad to JA.B.: OÀMPBEFLL, 45., Aslibura P .O.,IHeachi. 3; ' LMPROYE D -FÂ,ýRMS 8Lst-100 scres oti> huof fLot No. 19, Brd; coucesion-,cfWbitby, known as pirt eoftthe AJegMT1-IIÃœN; ,ESTATE, Only t*o iffiles troni tbe. Town, of W ' itby. 2nl.-ý50 acres South West quarter cf Lot 1<0.-28, OU> cnonsion-cf Damlingtou, about eight miles fmom Bowmanville. Brd.-5à) scres, Soutb tqarter ef Lot No. 18, lit> concession cf amripesa,,about 9 iesfom Lindsay. Tii. sbove'mentlonodLotg are Omeit-lan'i Fa auahi#hstateof cultiivation,,goed guildngispd ear m â,o ù t townm. Wlbet 9,l "9.t>, sdo ios SIJEUTFF'S SALE or LANDS. Comnrn OF OremAnl, (bON Saturday, the.~ To Wt:1 -'Second day ef Jâne, A. 1). 1860, at Twelve o'elock, ucon, will ho smld hy Public Auctien, at my Office, ini tho Court leuse, lu the Town cf Wliitby, the right, title, nt- interegt whicb theliînderncntimned ilefendants isev- emlly pessetîs ini thc undermeutioned landi; ansi teneme'its tiiereon, scie- by nie un- der, and by virtue cf certainî Writs cf Piçri Facias t e u uirectesi. riz: Iu the Court cf Qiiecu's Iccl. The City Bsinki,Plmointiffsv s. John, Ilieko sud James Giod, Drfenldants. The City Banke 1-'aintifls vs.John Hiocs and James Good, Defendants. Lot No. 0, in the 4th concssion -cf :'th Township of Reauh, contnining by edmes- suremeut 200 acres. In the Court cf Cor nuon Irleas.- Rason Watson, plaintilf vs. William Shi* defeudeut. S Ah end singular, thjse certain p aes r. tracts cf ]and ,sud prèmises situâte, ý yng- sud being iu the Township ef Witby;,4** tlt County! ef Ontario, being compon,&eêqf tbmit part cf Lot number twenty-sx, the second*concessrion of the. sad T w 0îh WbYitbyý, known- aud descrbcdi thereof, made by- JohnSiétPdi' Lând Surveor,ý as villagý l'otsa numbens l five,. six sud forty-oue, -East of,Bmoèk streed 1 ou aaid plan. Alsé, . Ilriit ,I Shf- teroat ef the seidiW-illiam. Shgw, in.and., ta Lots nuràbers twenty-uino aâp4t1ty(9 apd 80) i'ie second'tiorin tiiefifth .aen-" bl~~ngocf illae Lto-West 0f: &ii>k' street, bnpart' cf Lot uiÙnbertwéuy-m geve,in the frfat concession cf thé. Td*di-, sbip of Wbitby afere said. Tu the.Coualty ,Couirt Jcsiaix Pomcroy, Plaintifi va. Williara Todd aud Thomas'Todd, defendaute. Lot No.- l7, in tbe 8rdcençesMon of Uý-; bridge. Sh riff's Offce,- -,1 Wbitby! FPcb. 25,18, 0 TIE PETERO1GTIREVIEW FRIDAY MORNINQ-- At OnoDoller per nnum, payable ta sdvnosi. hIE Bevicw hott iclton tîe~i T l sanoti r irpi hýd'lu tbeTJii j A 0t s c f 1 , e r o 0 u n d i t r i s , as u d s t h e b eatavrtiinmediu.~itp514Nws~J Distict.: Ail erderfwaddrcssocVd 0thPublieom b. 'puntiîalrýtyteded, te.IN ýi T &1HT~ p 1, Salelot# Nos.e122 ad 12 Tow f ,Whlt'y. Thei.'boe r tàromont Ton itu'eacf or sfîngprposos-tbey "dn4tsithât6& n thée prtof tho aý' *I e isofd6;ý Ibeilterus ahu Ti tH4ftiDAYft0t )UÂT" O<F AI Unidar ton linost... Âbove tenhUes fln Every subseqiien)t tbeuako tlt.Pt PRIXTI NG 1 7j 11KPROPRII, rii public thut lhohuag modiem sjtyles of T or Yiinndnies i B 0OOK m« el every descript with- deaputoli, a Firat--elasa 1re-i Atin, 1>lntu ioing orderedL. JOHRN M. J 111G4EOF THI il Courts. (>01. ?fELt4Oi IRISTRÂR. JO l i iatrv 1a l lie s. ClLERK FIl$ fo lr tlie Coli W. 1 IP~rnce ut tii DARISTER AR IStromtW OLIIf $ec W bitb ,. sienort o J. W c tbakeeAn EtonuraNol uc tjoanty ef at LOV A BdinM th -LLIOr, 1ING 81 7 - FL 00ACRES F SPLENDID LAND. LOT Io, i l10h. Concession cf Themah; 16 iras cleared. This Farn la uituated wltluiu Ur Miles cf Beavertu, on the travel- rond te ira; the land 1lu cf the hast, qasity, sud la lu i centre cf a geod, seutlemenut, wlth a Sciioi, da eawnu*ill coniveiiax. Aise North half cf Lot 4, lu tho 101h Cones- on oÏ Thoa csisting of 95 acrem, 12 cf hieh arecca9ronsu fronling on lhe Portage a, o Cauee I. STom1N5 ImERAL. .AH~ Apl oD CAMERON. Boarmrton, 101h july, 1857_ 26 Store to Lot. m 1 1 il Sale, if. ýscùoFIFLD. 1 1 Io

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