Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1860, p. 1

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pVill tr. t- 1l.- oi t ollows, . i rs of ima. ,ek wO. ANDSRa arlay,f id dy of çi-0clock? lictinn, mt the Town' d ilterest ýdants 0V cd lands 4 tunoun- of Ficri Ch. - n Iickx .1 i bru Ilicits n. or the )y adinea- Wll1la~ t.. nef Ui~- ikDS, o. Q., 1N G ri pdva'nce. aouislimec elorq, wW QI 'NS Or. ý ile -e tg1stry oflkeo, àTë td$0'é liewbn payâbl. Abovp 4Iul-é4 rot nâibnsotpr lins) (0 0$ EvVy W~iiqu5n1'Inaetiu.......(0 (2 A liberaldacutIiwdoWhut n *eiierswa ot b tlîoetê1'. Thiis p, Z WlÈfOWftltli n mComfl- tyofouttsro anuitaredyeoebulneoo ian OZDOU.AR PER AKNUX, TI h Wë mkly Cliiîam inothn litrgApt circule- tton of igny othor country paper lmmhished lu UIndor ton inm ..........$1 (0 -iAbove ton lino* firet liimsrtiumm, <(per lino).,O0l10 X very snboçqmmt ims rtion ..........O 004 W" ppmr wlii bedtgonno1nned mntil ail erreur- weot 'gwllib est the rilikof l.pbilimor wcriaddreoed W. f.i, it(ilfo<, -Wlitbyi C. W BOÇK AND JOB r i mit, PRtÉTETOÎt O*F TTuE WTIITBY J "pmssmmma',"wouid respecfiily lnfnrin lime publilothat lie ha% proenred s4omme of the most smodern otyies of Typa rfron New York andi îmth- or Yoindrles mmfd Io prepored toeoxecste BO00K AND JOB, PRINTING ofl ev.ry daitérlptIom ln ami itperlnr tyle mand wth, iempamwli, ut ths iuwest remiiiiîmrtillg tion. o Prmmt~mgf"rmisimed witimlmm anit hor of belmgordorpd !t W. il. TiT(IGINS, £Vuaiie moffice, MWilithy, C. W. 1 1 ALTHOMPRON, W AICI)VIIZ<O T0F uCOUNTY (il?0 oN; t4mmo. Rèsdmc-mmmmgo.Bok iZACHEIYS BUIRNHAM, TUDOE OF 'TBE CmUNTY &SUiO(>GATI, etjC nnrtst. (>111ce itthLIe ('ai r! 1lnîsme. 1 NELS ~N G. ILLYNULDJS, s 'flERIFkI. r--OFFICE ATIrViE COcîRT JOhIN fIIAM FEP'RRY, p ECI STIil. (F'CES itC T., auWhit.y. *-.I ils J. MACJ)ONELL. RK 0.1? TUE I'EACi'E. i'FiCEAT JOhIN V. Iýf A3, Ç IEUI<0F Tii F<'Ci UNTlY CO URlT. AND c lel4trmr of Limael4mrr"gite Coummrt. (Allma ut hia Regitr-y ttlice, flrov~k Street.-I W. PAXTON, Jr., T IAJ$UllWl. (OFFICtE AI' TIIE COURT T lmse H. j. MltACî>ONEL, -iOLICITOR & CLEUKOF >1TilE COUNTY Counili. (fficmi mt the Colirt 1ilîuse. I JOHN SllEIt, 10V~NTY ENGiNEER. OFFICE, AT THE L FAIIiIANKi<S JOHN <GORDiON, TNQV1ECTOîZ t &t v:i;il'~~5Atlî 1 , 01'teL i ti3miil)y(il )i mtmri. W. H. TUEMAYNE, B It I1.S'rElRAND CO)'NTV ('l1IWN Attrev. t >fle-l n Arntll'u New Brick Bljk:î ietdFo mir.il! CAME RON & MACI)OINEIL, ")ARI4TERS & AT'VOlNEVS AT LAW, .esoloituri4 tm> Lie Couiity coimiil Ommttmrio.- W-(>1icme Attl 0 loimlmrt 1 'onisetîmLmit. GEORGE IL. DAItTNELL, BÂRISTERATTOtN EV, <MuN VEYAN J. m e., &.-office uver J. mS. Dimmmmîdsoi & Cos,~aidaroStore, Brockltreut W hitby J. y. IIAM,ý1 13"glUsTU-AT-LAW. ok'FICF,-BRtoc1 WmIdtl' , C.'.W. j 9. IB. FAIRBANK89, $OLCT0R~ NOTAItY PUBLIC, &. &0 S N. G. HAM, BIMTSE îCNDAT ORNYAT1 B RSee -ppWhite heRgity fleBrc k STEPIIN E11 iARtLE, 1P'RE, LIFFE ANI) ARNEiNsITRANCE .1Agent tor lihe conmty ot (itirio. oiltic- c>vr )onldmuns Hardwaire Store, Bmmmck Street Whitby. IICOTT4 HOTEL, ofatut W. Lmimm'ttorsm. lm-llw. WO. l m/îÇ t h h B AIMFFIRTDIISMIONULA EORER SAIBORPHM A., >frrk 0i. W. A UCTNER MAXCIEWMRe ot 1 fco rm h lty ofentalo IURGFÀON TO TUZý C4NhTY UAOI B~Iyron streut, WlmIlby. YOCAT, PrNTif4T.-0FY3'UE IN BIlOCI Ej$ltreet, over J. iiigulow'I§ store, sud opposite l1'e lLegio4try (>lece. AUl operetiona warrante. Rironc se, a firîî trial. 1 (1. A. CARMON, M. D. S ITYSICIAN, SURGEON, ArcnuCIIEJtR, P&c. (tiic and remideice-C'eistre Boiel, Wliitby. Pamrticuar attention givon te Cliromie N. 13.-Advlco tolime Iloor every Moniay, gra- tis 48. EAST WINDSOn IIOUSE, WIIITBY, wu. cAmnT, svti'ou - f TE aho ciHtel li sitmîmted lui a ploumsmut mni retireailnrLt ime licTowmi, ou thefot rm omnd. Gipoi mcnnodatiomi for traveliera. Uood Stabinîg mnd mttottivo ostiers. 22 IIU(dIFELITZ9 ECIleR IN MUSIC, THE ttrougi Braissmmmnimiiikinds oýf -S tring ittrîmmmcii'lts, is prirIled to reeceive i few moro Puils i i or Iim resiclencv. 4 J. C. IIANCOCK, M-BM)OT AND 811(5E MAKR,ffl OM fIC ArBiidlnmFs, BIlrock-st. %_j iittt, . Vîrk mate to order ot F'I M mriml, and hy ex pmrieîced work- mnm. Also rimiirmumg mieu wiLim nmatîems andi MEItICAN IIOTEL. tors, c 'riim'r mf Younig mimd lIrOmî treets4. Toronto, C .1 OAKWOOI) IlOTEL, 0' AIC' m>muI), W. BAN KS, l'UOlRTETOTI. GJ(oîod fcoîiîîlmitlor tramvellirg.. as P. M. CLARK LATE Galata & co., XJERClI1ANT TA 1 m-'R, No. 74, KING ST WcVmt. -T'oront. 10 ýMART1N'S (Lite WM'islimts) JITEL. il 1 N 1) m A y' T i E Ul~('!IBitIIAVING (4TAKZEN TuIE aT.i iimîtIlg el 1roilmM r. (-"oke, is mie lu mît- tord tlic1me st , aenimmmidmtimîai ttitemapli ic. 44 LITIC' DEi IiVISION ('11T O :lmh mmLwi i ait D riiIiir4iý ONTA Iý10 IIOTEL, * ]RYAN, 'r.ý/J()'IPIETVOHIlbiot'K f Streût, W ImtIy oot Sîmbliig m1 ilatten- téC %c stlirs4. CANrON IlOTEL D Ur1lsCIOER PiKFItING. G000D mcccmimomitioi; tir Triveir. W. cu'L'iIBEnRT. 4-.;ii iroprietor. PUIILANDER M. CLARK, IT M(ill.(O(NSTABL,lCOUNTY ONTAI1, adIlîmc msi emtmiof'LiMeises inthLie M mnicipimi- J. W. CORNON9, M. D. FORM EHLY 1'IYSIClAN TtiTIiEIBIIOOKC FIimm Jîmîsiitmi -lut mme 1'hvticia thoLie Newv 'TI Dispemîsmry; llow cafthe N. Y. Acmidemmmy of Medicmie ; Lieitate uat Upper (Cîimda, &o. liosidence -Markhmm village, one mile nortmi of thme monenmlsoffie. BOUQUET S&LOON, B ETWEJéEN TU1E THFATRE AN]) ROSSIJý Homise, King Stremet Wes4t, Tromlo. Gant( Sîmli1peri, imiîmei, Oys§ters, &c. Ail kimîds o Gmmuie taioismi. A eloice seleetionm out tht Wirtes anmd Sugars.J. F RAtgn. q'J3I.0RRRAlot 1 IN 't ue IIENRI MINNAI¶I, PLAIN A.N 1) URiNAINENTAL 1'AINTER, olummer, 'îîper Dlanger, &o., Whithy. 211 W *. I ILLINGS. BAIIRISTEJI & ATT"LORNEY AT LAW, Salcim'r i CiaiceyW hilby, C. W'.- OffceW i Iîc'sBuildimngs, Brook-s4t, Whilby PERV SALOON. T FAIiRA, jLAT£ 0F TII mmYOIN(l C>* Cau11(411 neir lima Royal Lyceummu, King treuth, Wes , orouto. Chioice Suppers mnd lietreshients mt iii ionms;. 16 Stab pose .b]t Go" Bi Pl 12-4 Ti 'N(i wN W bê iWbitby and Uxbid ~Tlo liibqeâui ,tt.d andfriib~ aiz ut làfor she oommodMInotof trsvol- ýE ory tmuetioft psd 't 43irs and 90. A. Stý.II8 ýOî tlor .wayo ini tt.udic la cndaral gied bogs 10 iutorm-hi% friensa adtepublke, thathe ta Dow in poomsmaalo e aïove Hotel, lthe basineo of wbIhlehi ' lun bture carry oni, on hlm owU aeéotuutý- dl1 unorg, Wlriems andB3rndies. Eoelleul 'h ,.My ti IDJWÂRD RAY.ý THIE ROSStiIN HOUi. n'lm !Or 1TolItAIM K 6 fiXG E tY TOUO1Ç?O, Ç- JOBLIN, ?OlEO ;~I :}otbl ixm the lir t In tlb. Piovio, and mdo'n te lb. travéllIng. puble, equal totbhe tEaVopean hotelxorlote il.y other establioli, t 014 th il l5m 8 ontnent. 28 ]RAILROAD IftTEL, ~'RO.GOOD ACCOMMODATION, d Stablilg, imd caretul, Ustiers imlwayo lance. C. j. bM. FitAsER, 1'rorletor. \WOOL CAR-IDING-. ilE Suhsriberis repared todouallkinda of W'"lCsc Ing lotb-Dremislng, &C., ut im Estallimon t, licskering Vooi emmrdimmg mit 2d. Per lb. LEV"I E. MUE 'litÈy, May 241h, 15159. MALT VINEGAR. ALT VINEG AU can now beho bd iularge or sumiali qntantitiem, nt the g, 0 &n tla 41n WVhitbv Brewerv. VINEGAR I VINEGAR i I T Emnderslgned takes banve 10 inf'orm lime i'îhmillbitmîîmts of Wliithy,md Lime pîmblie, th t ho us now nîmmuifmctring Viimîgar o'f a su perior qmiality, which lie is prepmired o luîppiy W hole- sale tu Merchimts 4anmd Othersutmigrmty reduced prices. 1'ia Trmmde literaily deutIt wi. AI' >rdeurs by mamiil punctualiy umittided to. AddresA. NATIHAN MTLLEJ{, Whitl'y. DAILY STAGE. ROM3ROUGITAM TO FREINCJ13UN'S £Bay Station, on tIme Grand Trmînk Rituiromd, em'nnecting with thme Sgm' Moruiing and Evening Trains. . JAMES MU13IARD. N~ovenbcr Ord, 1857. 42 WESTERN HOUSE, nuNnAII armiEz', WHITrTr. T IIE ABUVE PIMîISES hIAVE J3EEN .Liimslmi-pencd.b y the undersigued whmre traiciiers cai now fi nd gond accommîîmmuatiom.- Time lluie is wel tinished,well kept, anmdithe sçleeping mpmrtmmmemmtsN roomny and miry. Timere is gomm comiffirtmile Sîablitig, mnd ltehe t mtteit. tiofm is pmit i man and hurme. Time bar-rooin hs large and euvemmiemt, mnd weil sippiieulwiLlî the bcst Miies§, Liqnurs and Cigcars. Ilind- wi onmly lttLed up s;tittig romos for privmte pamr- MTIhAEL McOAULEY, QUINN98 HOTEL, 'NO. 3, BAULT-AU-MATELOT TeMFET, LOWER TOWN QUEBEC. Ig Goeta, the .'tmoaot anding andeippogite the BritisÀ 4mmericam . piegg Offtee...,î rRAVELLEitS AND VlSI'fOIS to ltmé An- ciet City of Quebec will fincismperior me- coinoditimumt Momerate charges aItLtue aboute Iotel. The hotel ini very coun'eniemtiy situmiteci -nearîie lBank,Steautboat wiîarves, mand prin- cipal iusiiîessplames uofthLe City. The table mmmd bmrwrmismp1}fied mî'th every procunîhi emtmble mmd drimkmm ,lie. Visitors wil itud overy mttntio'n aid toLieir conmlort and conveiieommmd every intormmitiom mamd direction as te thme urroundhîg localiliast, principal places of reot, s4cenery, &oc. JOHANNA QUINN. IR Proprietor. p r J. Wè CALiDWELL BROWN, JOHN MIETCALF, t ONVEANCE, CMMISIONE, F Ru LER 0FTuE FrfTH DlVISIONCOURtT, ( Ç ONEYACE1, CMM1S!ONI~ OR c0pr,img Lie Towusiip Brock. Ad- fi tekngfidavts Aeoumutaliml,Land, Diii dc.:'.muImln.1 so1n Court, Notary Plictansd ener-at Agetîmî,drm.(tllgb .14 f iJxbridge. 0 Ilce-Kiug Street, uimeîr>'oppmimtc FRANKLIN HoUmE. time Médica i siau.p N.B.-.-11 business .utlmnted 10 lis cmi ewili LiliNDÂYI V. W. b. prmfitiv tly tetdedto. 82B F. .IFWBTT, PROPliIETOR. COMFOE- Be table mccommoîdatio on f raveliers. jJIHN ILl.INUGS, W hillhv. jan. 21. 18.57. I llAW O& NCFERy de UONVEYANCING .1.4(Hie., r4tce Aher. 5A. K. RICE, - ('IliNET MAK$-'R, tJPIrQUmSTERER, &o.,r A. MAIRS, B. A., 'c_ Gerio'es 1all, B yrmantStreet W hilby. l'a- A TTORNEY AT LAW, SOLîICITOR IN j'rlmnianal otmmc f id fjb .tL IOhaiîcury, Comîveymmcer, d&., Maimm Sstreet Dnai epiim t fritiemteme o Murkhaum- '( Fu rmiture caemm't'ily reînoved. G.-H.DARTELLeRAIL ROAD HOTEL, T'N ,F.UTY REGIST1IAR, MASTER EXTRA- FORTME R,1RYIET. TIS J.) ordinair>, asud exalmiilJilm flimiimcry tor R IARMiERpîmsRisgoimonimode3 UrTmonfo the 4Coua.ty of Onmtrio, Broek-st., W litby. 47 e ches Gim talg d attenodtieost-o 1e BTR ATTORNEY. d&c. Office- A. PRINGLE, »BRISTR1 CutStreos '00TAILOR, BROOK STEE sit.thé: Cab atamd,) Toronto. 8Mj W iiiîb>Tlm coxiJL HAMILTON, THIOMAS DEVE*ELL9 L TTOURWELYS de COUNSELORSAT> LA"W DUltLD El, ec.de., GREEN STREET, .L edWiug, Miuuosols. a LWhitby, C. W.o *.XLLIAMX TEMPEST, M. D). ROBERT S9PEÂIRB. 7ING, STEET, OSIIAWA, CANADA Ci LERi< AND TREA8URER OF TIT 1~, Wet. 17 ' Towuiship of Umbrldge. Addresa, Uxbhridge. A HJITECT, CIVIL ENGINEER. AND IILatteAgemît. Whir.i, I1PONSTANTLON HADURGTI * HfENUBY JANNAN. Liima wiih WilbeWsold for Choly,at 2;ad RIMI OF CîUN'VV ANI) SUPERI0R fier dsro. Lgs ad Mmmmfnur te th. Connty Ceun- , MATIIEW CARL," 21 i 1pet Wij GLOBE, IOTEL, BROOKLIN. r" H E mnderigned bavirîg laiton possies;- Lof tb. aboyee well lçnowîn botel, wlmîe lîyl e, uomdcted mimufonnmeri>' wmllm the sîrictest pro nerit>' sud regard for the conmfort and couvemîl ume of the ptibîic. 'rime proprieter uassures lus ;mRny friends that B'erytinix mminade remmdy üafurmerly tW enter- tait them t ethlIe Globe liotei, aud thiat ho will ec personaIiy îréqnt to give thm sucli a ro- ce p ion as was lis wout. To libouse hum been tlimrougiuîy pmiporod, 'm4rted sud renovatod, and is4 fitted up lu every respect ln suc a maniier as te insure sialisfae- tie. The bar und tlmsuppiieci, as fommmieriy wita lime best emtabies iand drinkabies. Callmmmd 5-1y. C. D)AWES, Pro'prietnr. THÎE TERLRAPINq. 1 I1E PROPRIETORS 0F TIS WELL kmowniSmaloon are nowinlu imialioti ot tme old tST. NICH(>LÀS. King streot, L'orouLu ilfortuerly' kept b'Mr. 1hurle>'. Tite premmises aya been newiy renovaled tlmoughouit, anxd fltted mu'>lu im te finetstyle. Every procurmbie lelieso>' lu semmsomt. A cigar divan litteciup se- îecmmtoiy into wmimlm noue huitLime best brands% ame permitted W enter, 28 CARLILE & MoCONKEY. Grand Trunk Railwey Hotel. (SOUM g id# Of RailwommfDspo4 Port Wib,. T 3E NDERIGI'3FI) IEGS TO INFORM ý liisufrieçdsand the public, limho la uaow in pnowse1um t ' ie asovo botel, lime busines of wiii lile wilu in fmtuare carry on on bis owu aceouumt. (;ood Liqueors, Wines sud Brandie%, Excellent stmbiimg-eoa refmtl attention for mnu andEH REBOme.M JOSPHRUBfroremor Wimtby, Jan. 19, 1860 8 S. -BARNETT. M ANUFALTUREW AND DEALERS TN Ciora,mnd Leaf Tobsecos; aise Wiipf, Lmmm.es, d&c. de lOiWstonSteet, Port Nope. Port Hope,;sol&r 10. W-s W Iy IWhiMtby 3r6we]rY. J..itsi th " - âu 4'lIeey w a xlent uartielei scbqsuite un1 beeui.,audo & tu' la cut ur Wlntby, Nov, lbth, 180- 08-4w mwndatlon opbiate M d te he conîfortof"twelèerà.' -ëo ilu ~ XUOEvwA LY)CE -DAILYG BETWEER WIIJTJ3Y,,,N k41ND$4Y., MiN ÎWHJTBY;ÂeD BE1VRT-N., 1['A8NGEM8 caft travel'thlroigh 'from Tiio thnem fr teur Ll n4ayeg=dv tnr N. E4Y S U OMWm;oey, I Ik Gp nrabsfed lb.e etrootook of IT :W» A New Stock, . f-etion te ail whio mmiy laver tis with m a! JOSEPH, HUCRÎNS & Ce. l3roolc*ii, ~vmc Oh 85. Old Newspapers for Sale. A lage tîuof 014 plKews lqpplt liist year, for sae e enit 85 - AUCTION BUSINESS5 ATTENDED) to i;usnîmmu, y J. C, Sterling. AAil orders reiat.ngti? Aucton iasis bythe undermifno',d, shculd be ieftgt ie (hronicle Of fice, hithvMestrs. 1liggmnt. & Muyerholl'er mrc dul ni itnrizcd t4)appoint my dmy of mie, mettie termm, &c., and tW enter inta much other arrmmmgoifetim relutiz to, mmmymmn'tiofl busines, a# 11ev mimmmvcumuider proper and nocessii4ry. sili iAe on hmmmmd to rmtifY mny mgreineut thoy nmay makie on mmv bliat. Salie,. mttemmld imluil] prtg of the Country. J. C. STERLlING. NOW 18 TIIE TIDIE. GET Y()UR J,IXElNESS AT J.A. Ciark's -lot Prize Picture Gallery TF voit desiro a correct andi life-like Amnbro Ityl 'e, Cmmmmcotype, Lettergrapi, or Lemtier 'Iriimstècr, or a Likenes m i a Locoet, Brouch or Ring, to'r J. A. C. catii do iL in Liehîe L style, mmd ut shtort notice. WILKINSON'S BLOCK, SIS Bmrck Mtnei Wï,4tli. H. W. WOODWARD, %.andi Genermil Agent. Offee-Lately oCen- pied by James H1-odcsrm'n, Whithv, V. W. REvimsejI.-TmommmsCiark;on,, Esq., Pro- s;ideuî Boai utTrade Torontou;Vi..Cmse, Esq, Manmager, Bani B. N. Amcriem, Toronlo; W. ki' Ransomi, Esq., Mhimnmger Qmi.bec Batik, ToronLo);-W.UGanihimi, isq., MiliLîmmMiils4, o- ronto:Ilion. P. McGii, Prom.îdctflank of Mon- tremmi, Montreai; bMessrs. MaitLid, Tyiee & Hutelinson, Toronto; Meisrs. Anidemsonm, Evanms & C'O.,MonLreai; MMýétirt. W. lrice & kSom,Qne- ec; cssr . ..Noad & (o. 5L, ly GEUMAN IIOTSE, PRONT S'PRiIPT, TRE.NTON. T TIF ESilihsriher l'as tb ilcpumce 1 lie in- imui-itàitmtoi f rmitmim îîiiidte 'I'mieimu 'cimnmiîiity tiit theiteibiovo flrlt-l.lm issilms')uis besaci tittem impi in a ilew mamd<l omierient mutmiiner. A Firet.ClamsYab le i.. seimed at tlmi,8liotel. AI] Li uors kept on Limî prenilses are of time best qînaliLy, clioice Ci'girs. Al.4o, a Livery Stsmle ini connecmionm wiiii the aboea rieme. .7S. GEILMAN, Proprietor 1Trenton, Atmîg. s, 18-59. ATLAS IRON WORKS, *W-Front «Streel, Toronto». ..fl CHARLES VALE & Co., BFG te inforni the public tuaI they havc e r constrincted Ihose extensive preinises on Front Street, (formmmriy )et--pied as the UOntario Browcrv im lie rmost completo style f'or curry- ngoi tlebins t Iroil FGundingY& Sinith's work in ai1l rnhs Tliey imnvite inspectioni of their nnlmmrouls l't- torms of Ornanmcntal Trou Fences, Bilcntiles Verandalts, Vaîmît Doa-rs, Plain umnd 0rnanetm Camt Iroit Coli'mnais, Wiiîdow Caps, Sis anmd AR CJJITT"CTURAL WORi'7 of every descripton ; (iooking, Parlor nd Box Gtvs raLes, Cven Moiths§, Caidrenmî, $mgar Ketties,, Plinm Cmmsîimg4 aid Foricrimîs, mail mof whlmitlmey otter-to the Trmdeanmd othiers on ad- vamtagois terni%. À Comntry ormers pane lnmiiyatite,d Lu. Toronto, 4Octolier 2f, 1857. 40-tf CASH FOR IPROtvDIJCE. The Undersigned is prepsred to PAY CAS!T FOR e ny quamntity ot Wheat, Barley, Peas, Oats, &o. THIOMAS MOODY, Gomnmision Ag SALT FOR SALE, CHEAP. W'uithy, Sept. 28,1859> Fire and life Insurance Company. Capital' 95009000Sterling. CuILE OFFICE-Làivei-ool, England. OFFICE DIMONITREAL. SDIRECTORS. CIIATRMAN-WM. MOLSON, FSQ. Nlon. John Yolnîrm I Thommis JKey, Fsq. llenry Tiomas, J'.mq. 1 David Torr4mice, EsmI. Agent for Wltitby and snrronnding Disxtrict. .H. W. WOODWARD. Whilby, Jeu. 21, 1860. 87-2m. Quebeo Go'vernmeint Age01ney. Buoinems eonnîected witbtlb:. PUJBLIC EkTET Secured by the pub", u ddr mprop.i<. Lona~d 0énorl Agent, que% 4uetTel AI? CUAL H A:OE NED. -ANOFFICE INQUE.: ness ofPartie.ý residing.in Upper Canada or elsewhere, with any>di the Goverjment 1 ertwntdsirost'ecmzring Pmients for Lon,&, or havin~ leailiof any other kind, against the GOve rment, &r requrni ny information obtainatbleat theOCrewn Lndls or other Plublic; Offices, M7 yha%-e their bueiincas diliigently;attende 1 tebysaReui-' dent Agent, witboàut the oxpense and, inc- convenience of a jemîrmey, to Quebee. Patents of Invention taken cont. Ail prèpRid conimiudcationm, odresoed t.Box 883ffPoat' Ofice, Qteber, 'wilrm çelve im meiste attention. _ H.- J. GI1BS Quebee. Sept. 284 1859.' -87w.1.lY ,Pianos, Kelodeouhi, &c. JOSEI'RAINER nmsnufae Çturer of Piaios§, melodeunm lanti emnerail worktnmu .fmr thie roîmair of mii1 knds of Musoical lsistrnnîentm, ls uow prcjared to receivp fimmd excateal or- dors entrnted to imn. AIl work ,mmîmutiac-tîred b y lmm wiii b. gnmramteecd of eqnl worknan ii,lto an m luimeProvifce. Pian8 os ron$150 Lu $8010, amcording 10 queàli- ty of ili1îstrunmeult. Pianuos, Meiodeons, end'otiier Musical insîru- tnemts îîmuuflctured ti, order. P'art paymotmt takli in trade. All orders by mail ditreeted 1.". Whsitby, of loft utIl iion Imose, reir of thme Granmmar selà4ool, will be L. I1-%mttendcd * ftrp'JUeT OPeNm CANTON T. COMPANY'S ~Lwremîce Hl.iTuruîto. 0n: 1II Coin any, formeil for Lime imîportation of .1. itre m tUmmmdil Lerîted 'l'cmis, direct f roin liepîcuo'growth, îmow ofi'er to the publie soîne ot the imonsle&pcid (Jrop ofTeîms aver soid !ii Cammda; md mai prices for Cash uniy, that wili l'e sure lu isaise ma cry mguimit misbyiteres- tedl prti, wîoIîo ee eliig for yemmms Se-1 c dClams Tes i mt heave profits. Time imottop, Short profits anmd quick returns4," will bu striclly mdhiereci to iîy t1im i nptîmy. Temis will be retidleu amt Wiioiesmile l>nees1tlus enthlimg mml pmrtics tu UY FRAGRANT N EW TEAS, aI lte Loweslt Possible Figure. Tho Conàpmiuiy ihmve been carefnl to iselect, Iliromîgli tiîeir *Agolmls m (.iima, 1somîteof iiose spiet.did'femlil, umly Ment 10 thme Lomdomi snd Limibylin Marliet, mil tuait commuî:mies, wluo me- înefiber lima deliciom a vor of 'l'ams soid Lime In y nom' bc uulimtwiLim LlmrSUe cmering and! ilnvIgormLlmg mmtce. W'C invite m iailal »test ets. per, a11ozt Rn BEST .: 0A L 0OIL!',fthé 125 ot.. per Galon'at. dioe Gèè, YüléO' Telegraph Soe -- NEW STOCxit" .Allered to burn Cei OI 92 GEORGE YULEI ,TRBEmindersiedmmugsJi larèe qnimtitv >of ait I1kinds Of 8q"sreTillnber on band, w1ii ime wili dlixpose ofMnlbes terma te parties re-. quirn the saine. Ajpiesatioti, ifby lette; (post pmiid), te be JAMu .eAMBEtJ 8041n IM7d Pi1. O., O. I. Rides 1 Hides!1 Hides! T Eundersigned wil pay the -hgest I3EEF HIDES delivered at his Tannery ln> Greenlwood. Ail kinds of LE AT H E.R ketconstantly on band for sale, very low for Cash., Tort" rmtoy FOI). 9, îseo - * * 4w ILITEIRA1tY PRIZES. well as-fromi a desire 10 encourage-in how- eveïs a mited à,degree-a teste for litera- ture amngsî litereÀders ,of tihe Ch1r onicle, 'the publIier ntimùateshie intention of of- ferinig annual prenîfums for original iiteravy productions, iin prose and verse. The first distribution, of premiama WuII taIke place oh Tmieda, the firot day ofMafy next, anmd wiii be awardedl as follows: FPIROT PRIME~. F (~' or'the best original Essay on -$20 the County of Ontario, lie admvan- tagesof its geograplilcal posi ion, its settie2nent,- progreos, suc! resources. SECOND PIRIZE. f% O For the -best original Essay on EDUOTIo-embracinggelfedu. cation and physical educaion. THOXAS ERS, 5 For lte beot original Essay onNLa- LICENSED AUCTI()NEER FOR THlE FOt'RTU PIIEZ. COUNT 0F X?2A IO Q 5 Forlthe beat origimual Essay on Cori- FA1RMERIS SALS in, the Conntry wil r-) F ceivmi Prompt mattemntioni, omu rtasoimiibie JIFH IIEZ. terms -ieic Guomlsî consigned on coin- umissionmto eAmction iooimi. -wili ho dimpoemi A copy of the Senmi-Weelciy Çhoni el e, uor ta the bemt mdvamntuge. * tile ut the Aticttoi froeya psaefo, otteba Ronmrseverv SÂ'rtmlz,Âm'Y. -o n eT(otgrfe, ,fr5teb Disease ol Horses', Iinmrboncs a nd Spavinsa, Original Aîthem On Sm'RI , c mre treîtx with perfect énccess. Adie,,wiieîby Post - SIXTUR uIZE. TIIOMAS myER53, A copy of time Weekly Ch ronicle. for -oue Amîctiomi Roo0miq WaI'rmT. yenr, (postage free,) for te' second bemmi Whitby. Febmuary 25llh, 1859. orignal Anthem on SPRItnO. ., FOR SALE VERY LOW. s.elves4. Loojk mit liemm XEBlack CiadiaiMitrem, 9 yemrs old, 0mie Now on Sale, Fivo Ilundred Chests !1ONuoithe ,elited fiiniily Sicigli, one iigimt iilak pe lb . Sd..Gree. pe lb mber Waggom, 2 14primmg seat4. i rprI.ren e b....3049 . 1 NALDSON & CO. Gmî.u pe r 11). 4Otio. ( e or 1I) ...40ce _______ S lemmid per I1). ôms.Splimfimper ii. Oi.-- 1 Itl Keperi, $lioai l'olriitttrk4 Coutirv Store, mmiii Botrdiing lomse Keciiers, (>13SEliV1f! Zýîr Forty pound packages, and up- wiards, of TEA, seigt carriajzn free, te mmv part do itot hmyty sula.ie t anmmtity, woulIo d, el - to club toîgmithler wiLtîmteir frieamds. M-Satis- fnction M'mirmmmmtd. i!r'Caftéee is sWmartiele adlîltratcd tb mncit a l'rigiatful uxient, ftintpipiamrc gcting miî- mmm. Tue Cmunpanyv, rleiiroîîs cf oileriig pue iBy-las to e8tabli7t o.' certain imew lino undî nniîiiitratcd artie r quiest ai trial ofiîUýer Rada r88losNo. 3 anid 4, in thel delicionm TUî<KEY (OFFiiE, ut 25cts * mmd q we miii gumroitee i. roal sildoin cijyed. Fine 71 Gon. and alyo on lofaN.oI I-endl 2, La (I4iavmm, 20cts. in tlt 6t1t C/on. of the Tov'n8lip o Uoe- g eîeiittbesm the nimtber, 151 King-St. bridge. Lwo dcoîrs troimIi rket sqmmare, umnd pleme coinm- imunicmatiuis news te yourfrieîmds. rflim, Corporation of tlue Townsmip nf Ux- Teroîto Sep. '2, îSIgo861-yIV bridge, cummts is toiiows :-Uinit thme foi- __________________________________lowing 1îew limme of mijat, otn Lots No. 3 iumd 4 DR. FRED. DELLENDAUGU, in the 7th Conccsion, beiniin acorduneeC wi.. 0F BUFALON. Y. a s <101hiapemirby Jhtle repot L.bmmm $.,d A FTER aunimprceientcd su;cceaful proctice _LLof over tliirty years, beiug abtînt retirimmgz ?ramrn active practic ut timo meqmest of uimierons friemmdls iii mii yparts oithlie coutry, ]itms consent- cd to Tnake two medieiml prepmirmmlttious, inp"u wliieblimo imms bestmnved thie cîmo amîcikmowledge ofimis lonmg experieuca, mmnd lias Ieft liment with Ltme differeut d rlimgists l'or sî'e. 'lo Ihose who tire mcq îitumted wiLli lie J)octnr iiothimig need Ie smi-ta oLiers, iL ii huit mtuessmry 1 my that lie has for ycmrs prescrilmea for froni 4,000 to 5,0imO persons, midilwnNmît i thte Igroittemît muîccess.cagses utt havme blfed otimer miedical imoen, yielded remmdmly lu im!% Lreieîmt, antd lpur sous caine dailv fro;mIniimiicindt4 of milels tm ho cured. Tjle Doctor, iîowever, limmmsot been ahie. like olimen,, tmîe ure everythivmg witm omme pre)in- ti'n, huit liasput iî p hiii,.icediciiie intlwo boLtles.- wliich are mmiiiieied 1îîmd 2. 'rienmimber 1us a 13100D PURtIFIER. superin o 'liemue mreîmtextracl of saarailia imade enîmmely ut roumimuand imrhs ufthsmaitm t'orcign coutitries;, the haust propeîtiet. of' whmch are extumetoi by mmmà emtire mew ehiemicai prot'emis. It aets in imrger dos4es as nactive pimic, in mîmmlajier ones as11î aiatermtive workimmg dircetiy oi thle Liver mmd Kidrey, expeiling theretroimi li i uorbid imater, thtime brmmgitig toaction mmii thme ongans tait nia>' hâve ilome mitîîutivo, and utay bcheliemîon umi cumre Liver <lr'rmpaint., anmd (mmmpdiiit of tM4 Kiaîmeys, Jkm*swiemt Cun- omrption, Dyýppsie. 4'eercl DlityW 101d Ut- ce',, scrofuli, -;àa1.RAeUzmPilnmoe, Sores, Yer L>s ebility, FErysz'pelae, Mdig~etioîm, Infiimitit* ofloa md.Ags, amdidmli utîmer isemses wiie faVmUijeir urmgmmm mit a dii>ordored or imîpure stmte of blood. It is of a streugthemeniîgnature, anci williever weaken or prustraiethmLie body 'rie nîumher 2 iiima FEVER MEDICINE. Andi nmst iever bc takeiexcepl ini connection witil No.1. lt wili theu cure iîflamnmatorg Ree- ,matiîm, ac i mtq / i4mve,'a and Aguew tAsemrs seets 0(f COlit, aiclU a '-imaw7ther Cluronic or ..cute.-Trhoe e tdiiles wili etl'ect CURES, not nolumovls trrint onu part ot Lue body Lu the jar Remneirier ta provent confusion, lhms Mes-dicin(us are proureci by CiO uoroit FRED yAncsDzx m wAho, tiulina prmticud lu Buli Toa prevmmnt traud,- e correct lîkenem a of lime Docter la on lime wrspper ofeaut' ec botile sund -&Dr. Fred. Delllibaukli de Co., Biffmlo, ?R. Tllm blown in tlie glaim1s. Directioms scoýmpmînymng enditbottie. No. 1 is subi for $1 per bottle;- No. 2 foir 7r) ceiits. Witli thias inipieé nolice they are offered toe tl ~bliet rel'lio their vrtueà ini recenttieititg licimai.elss, For mile b>' - TAST :i. IRt1i Whity, ept.14, 186 de s 1y JOHN MCGILL, tutï% or itro au ohmCountiéÉS, rt 5-- tÇnd S"lea y;AucilokRoumelold Fumritaure, Meyimndiesd othor tel'eetariambo comnamison. 1 )amwAugngt 1869. WhiLb Juimo 1, 182, Ieremnto ttaciîed he, anmd te sine is lîereby cstmbished.is a pumblic loicd or Higlmway, viz. Commmencing ou Lot No. 31 utl au augl in i thé western limtit of ltme romis urveyod by said Johmm Sleir, in June 1854, anI rumning tîence N. 8110 W, 12 climmiis tiience N. Me W 8 eliautis 44 links tieziiee N. 590 %V, 5 chains ý links Iheuce N. 820 W. 3 ch ains 18 links te Ihe-eamslerly litne of Lime asow. suce for rommî, hetweeii Lhe Otim anmd 7tLî GOUeOi- siomis. Tue said prmposed ronid te ho 40 teet9 wide, and Lime uhove demcribeil lie, te bc Ltme somth westerly Iiinit Ihereof. Anduci oiLfurtimer euacted, limaotlte rond] sur- ve>'ed ht, maud duscribed, il te report oft' te saîmoi mm teir bdearimmg date DUC. 9, 1$59, iercmîitu atlaclmed be, umd Lime saine is hereby establishled as a publiie Iiigiwmmy, viz. Comi- mimetieiCig mil a m-osl plmnted on lime castemu limnit ot lot 1Na. Il, inu hie Ot mConmcessionumltimmdis- tatîeof 3 chins amtd 56 links ou mi cou rse N. 12,= 15'Il, frointhte souîrh weslaaugle of lot Nu. 11 tî I Concession, anud rauiing Lmeimco N.6C ,1cîmaintmmml.r0 iinks thence N. 28-- W, h5 chai'nr imd '22 liimks-themmce I>. 87e 80 W, 18 climius Liietce N. 24= E, lu clîinau an -% linmks tu a posI plaited ou th4-eîmslern limitof lot Ne. 12 mn te tim Conîcession. The said rua te hconome cuin wide aind tha above desoibed lume (%Yliieh i.. marked by posts piamhledit lit meverIan mgles thereuf, mmmd 'Ime- ino blazeciim Lime usummi maimer) te bce euateru Iimmmt tüe- of'. Rend a sccommd tiumc tl 411mdmiy of Feb. 1800. BRoBERT IPEARS, s Townshmip CIerk. NOTICE." 11IE ahove ra a true ropy of a proposed T& By-law which wns read a second tinie this day, and whic;h wiil bc pmssed aI lthe mext meeting of the Jomtncii, after publicsý- lion of the said By-law for ome1 month in lthe Whitby Chronicle newsapmpe. ROBERT SPEARS, To'wn8kip' Cleri' 'Uxbridge, Feb. 14,'1860. -&WM. MOBRIEN.1 ÂMIES' and Geutlen;enis'feahionable Boot Lsmd Sbe lMaker. I3ROOKLIN, C. CW. Anew stokof Le4athor sud llmdiWg. Al in yant of a realliy god hipot or. sbce ,mlold cmiii et McBRLEN'S, BBOOKLtN. lIméni,.teril is alweys ýf ltme heot quiity, and the worxiau àh ,üpsmmrpassl eu.1e lte flirt prizeafi he svérl Coutv Agremltnral sd iowu8hip ExlibtIZna - WiLLIAM MoBEIEN. Whitby,,F.b. 2U,1EM". -t. H. J. Macdonell, Esq., Mayor of Wlitly. John Sîier, Esq., P. L. S. &c. I. J. Wilson, Esq., Barrister. I. J. Gunn, Esq., «M. 1). R. Checkiley, -Elsq., M. D). Competilors muet send in their produc- tions nuder seal.to the undersigned, on or beform' lhe 15th day of Aprilnoxl. 'Bauch- ]3 ssay anîd Aulhem 10- bear aýjmnotto, and 10, be mccompanied hytlIe nmiae and ad- dresa of lime writer, witlm bte'mOo on te cuvelope euclosiug lime saine. The several Esýays and Anlthemna (be-'c cornelime propert of lte publisher. prizes to bo confined to persous residing ini the County of Ontario. The fourth,, fifth and ',sixtît -prizes, fo. he' exclusivciy confimîcd to, the Teaechers and' pupils within the Couma.y. W. H. moai XS, Chronicle Office. MWhlitby, Jan.. 19e 1860. Protection agai nst Los% maid. DamnLge_ by Fire. JWESTE RN ASUINECOMPANY, IN.SUIANCE effemted on Biiildings aindtfftuir contenitm. Every intformnation smmipplictl 0on applicationi te the midrsigîmcd. JOHN AG EW, Tram'elling Agent, Byron Street, Wliitby CC-To the Afficted.40:o T11FCELEBRATE]) G.ERMAN OIL! 7oa TIT OUM îor Cuts" Brixisea mmnd alkindg* of Femk Wounds incident to the Humau I systemt. in ý'Oft1es .at 25 to S0cts E,?chp Accor4ling to 51i70. This 0f! will enre all frost woui<ls, mmd is mut infauliiilA remieily forîhe rrt- HORSES -,& CAITTLB Qi UPPERIbO TROU PM AMI DTHE HEAINIG 0F ALL «WOUNDS, Initictet! on anlmamls. '* ILlias brt-en -nsed sucécessiuily furftime Liit Seven YeaLrs, aimidhis iever beei kmmri)toil. Mode _111d mmld hy S A. KNZOWT4ES,. Piccerimmg, C.. W. Wbitby, -Jan. 24, 186n. 2-ly IBLACK98 EOTEL. ("ATFDOWNINWOIUMAtL1O.A1D OTEL,) aimer Of .Broc4 -and4 l5ndaaares Wiy np, end revomràited in a mot coinfortable nm- uer by the proet5it: eécnpant. Koe expenthan beon spared te insmaxe te al 9ùeals suad viaitom Dite "y its 1' T ý 1 l AXES4 ILXS!!l IOSiim want oifma good axe, cen have Ae n 0trspjyirimgte iLimmmdrslted 11111 by FouindrY. Azes repalred où time *notice. MWmrmnted Usait Steel. CLARK IIUTC;IiiNh ,Axe-nitiker: llb- 1 --- . 1 1 - 1 1 14 1 1 e it 80-fim'W e 1 b il 1

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