Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1860, p. 2

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We i mazed't'i te a2iouut ne$ iýed ysibyil tise Féreiulas ho drawsu mlk and ossy. ,Witl al 480- 7-dy sXt 7---7='pàth î bý yCotn ses otwtr Q ocier la'a fsvorite. And wbi - u r~es t sîçssestss3aeiiPU - bîly sneu Rni dsy ipefernci futifssly tidprlust-else tha,'a newapaper editore,,ot tiss-Çousuty,- ly, yt 1ý À se leuiiugly.- donse,thst 0Y5ve iasd'ctfels ~it6, , ne ihW pîýyÏ the pipier, does su witlýâSîlitg coming trous Mr. 'î4oldee Àù ignorance geod sature While2hsusdinýjoser tise sunout adssbo ' er s'it upa -'beNe wee xt- -elgk,- to thse attsi4iva çoUlçtor, Vire mall 'ý1ary tisaIîle Cuuuty Clork was-presps$,ta. his attadlied te tihe office, $101, id liy.110 imeausgou t rreetii.-nttintsre -adeumsto teseservices pertirsaed;. A on oerfltf atê'rs*cti s tsif light. Tise ilhitéra'. large portion ot the ratepayers have exp.ssslsrgw iosl uasfr nrfet - Tincedbis Induse a4 tubcaru~esudvery Ilittie credit ou thsegetimq l -s- wo are sstisaied that s reasonable encrousse susses te enligiston tise peuple' of -Nus-tih vosld give gouural satisfaction. L kjus. Outarie' lirougli tish dioil ou i tico ho done, sud ans ldad fiitistul mer.- thse Observer. W. sbould (oel assiaMedU vasIsumitably rewsrded. to sçe snob a. documntu-M-,iuausto (rom the ~Ws!ntise subject -ut To wiu Taxes aud yuungest psentice lu ouur o'M'c. Lt wii be fousd lu tise report of tise proceediusgs collecbers, wo duire Lu allude t ansutîser ofthtie Court verbal-in et literatim. point, lu To1wî1us, CiLles sud Villages; tise whoo ystom of Coltecters a wrossg. Tise Asunuil Meetinug ofCou Jaglstràtes. ta¶e çssd~h~pad irctybytu At the, animual Meeting ut tise' 'agia payeraito Lhe Town Treasurer, îliereby trates ufthtie Couuty of t 1tàrbe, bel4 ise saving a considernublei item et uexpeuditure. Court Hosauos tise l3ÃŽh dal cf Marcis Mals tihe taxes duc, sayist Sept. la escis 1860.- yuur.' AiU taxés fnt paid by lot Nor., add John S. M. Wilcox, Esq., was called te on 5 per. cent; aill unpid l1t Dac., scan iecaiaudR u auqs4eisSc a 1 npa onrotas-y. additional ô per cen; andPtur ailuai05 Presort-tho clairmnan, J. S. M. Wii. thse Ist Jan. folbo)wiu,ePlace tise tscesssry cox, tise Clerk ýofthtie Peace, IL. Lunsd, Lu. 'warrants lu tise bauds et a coustable for LIer Harendeiu, Oco Brabazun, John Rat- colleecion. Fusmher-permit nso ratepayer clif', James Busrsss, Culviss <Campbell, Ira lu otit is Mnicpa Elctcu luIa.,Valu, Ezra Gamble, sud Ira Csrpenter, unlois lueecau produsce. a receipt for tise Tiefloigp-cousto iae puyment cf lis taxes fos- tisi previenos year. Tise lirt of Constables for tise ensning If we mistake noethis plain la adupted in year was made ont, Tisumu Danford ising thlie Towns of tiese tate of Now York lotis appoiuted Iligis Constable. sudlisQiubecsu ottes plceslu Ordercd tisaitiste salsry efttie Higis sucou, nd n Qubecandotho plces inConsstable bu $20 for tho ensuing ycur. Lower Canada. jt woitld not be te me- Modby r.lstllseoddly r chaules sud lsborimsg classes that wouid sut- Burns, and usdcs'ed Liat tise Gaolers sa- for by sucis an alteration., As a rule-this lary for tise eusuinsg year lie $900. portion ut unr population la tise moat Moved by Mr. Rutcitf, snd tscconded by - prnxp painsgpast u tis conmnst.- Mr. Farewell, ansd ordered tiat tise commiu- Thse slow coaches belong ltetise UpIer Slserifl"s tues for sos-ving Jurors, stand ad.- 'len, not iutfrequently iuclndiug evosi Towiu jous-ned urtil tIse uscxt sittinsg of tise Xg (lonsnsilbos-s. Tise ps-c-ent year alffrded a traies ini sessions. striking iriustration uf this tact. Some- ameudment tu cur Municipal Low in this lteach Towvsschip CouneiL. mater we tiblu would hocsacchange for tise Maus-lustrasclu 7tis, 1860. Lubaii.UiiCi5 115V Iit . in 5J5ý 50511 ms in. butter. Tise subject le verts>' ut couside- ratios, à 'ud eiould nut bc lest sigisi ut. If s ssviag ef expeuse eau le secomplissesi, Audât tisessaue lime prouvisiont mode for s more peompt paymenl of taxes, vitiout dstrese, 1051.or isjur>'te- an)' one, an im- portant point la Municipal Gusiesament is gainesi. "6Pairty Vasatag6."9 - uamost îusmstesiy smarnr -lias tec Halsitons 2 intre onth>' taken tise Glase, aud is editôr-in-chiot Lu task. Tise articles as-e seilhy 'exiiiiatlug-abl>', îsafuily, aud corruetiy writtess as tisey arc. lu tiset Timsseofttise l2tis, wo fihudl auarticleienomd- cd "Pas-ty assaso, a fewv paraigrapis 1 froun wiicls mu isastuis. vitis s satisfaction1 me bave soldons expes-leiseesi Lu trassfes- tu tboso colusuns : -1 SIlTise tmutis is, lisat lunLîsis Cansada, fi. .Joui>' Lu part>' k moade tise excuse fur Lihe- susearesttishe muaI pititul vassalage that oves- diîgraces s fs-ce counntry. lal uttise conusorsisip ut Louis Napuluon 1I Wlsy, lieu-e, ibulpper C(anada, lu the cause outrs- foi-w, *oe avec cnsership irifisiteiy saure iutolemabie, buceauuse infiuitel>' mure degrad- iug tasu as>' tîat exisaSurîdes tise dos- putissui et Europe. Tises-c a valid, state suse-esIýiay ba> c assignin lu jst.ifications Of Lthemeasuîre fus- mszzing rncwspopes- 1ý ibe& > i', tise gaggissg potsslsaup-_ -Piied, usot iu tIse lots-est af tise suite, suot to premote great -public pursposes, but Lu fustiser tisenduts of a tew stobodicâ, wiso have geL bute iseoir iben& itise notion tîsat 0ieyareclse0 eus-rm Ilpsasr lusdts i ie -dcs-e ,tisir coumduet, thisss pus-poses, arc te paau uceinailcsugot Andi LIe susii% e 0awiîsdle goca un ti-osîs issoîst i soutis, noue das-inug Lu ua>-lus seul la his oîvu. IL iii ahi dorse, tou, in Lise -uineo e u Iuosin. Tisuglit asnd wovrds, àçloecis or eit miri uâut s-unis> tihe saisne grouver "Par5ty nuit>'," fossouthis1 tise sircet uass giveis te tise abject bondt- Wi'at la LIhe i-cadI te tise part>'1 UTnt I streugtiuoncd b.y tise show ofu usaiiiunit>' acuussr.d? YbIolus chasacter hisegitened, its lowrineresacci, b tise t>'rsimy viicis Lise rudth luicesof iloucuart -y sîule ? Tise onitrailathoe cs. Good unti ablo mun sidaientfs-om s vas-tas-e rhsicis cauu lspasticipakd lu erly 4t tise test ci soit respect. Iniosdeiin.»t minuda svurn ansalliance wmmchil ssu tâ oi-isunda- io houlswave»ring aeceptssce ut Pas-t>' shibboitsu, Ancr, ll>pparty i c verlast Sligly çsuave ud wessk, aikd tiupfrited, un- dec tw basiut iîliduonçu swiichisnakus- ovQyiJi55%Ssboidiatoto pcsrsoalusoe-- lty sand ît'esaladY&ntasi. Thse prs-hoa-sw fArses iLt dlhy lwsauy mean cao tetLfr wiu>knuy '&sagit et iI,- ts..iewau. WWuises' in Eniiand< ii tseý dey. AUl tIse snembeusapseset-tseliceve in Lise chais-. 'l'ie cestificate andi petition ut Ms-s.Gs-asy prayiug tus- relief, rse pre4scntcd isy Ms-. J , B. Cinslpb)eli, aasns utof$10, offls-ed -tu bc pîîid to lber. Mu-. Camspbsell also ps-esented tise potition ut inls. Sin4clair- and otiseri pruiyig tisat shsop-keupess iaiboweiîLu osueli hiqnus-s b>' tise qussurt. Tise lnsru3er ofthile petitin vas s grarsted, snd o by-isuîvpuassed Ltiste elbect ps-syed for. The Asiditors repos-t was considcs-ed lu cuiusittee. Suisse discussion teoiç place ou, thse item etof40 Lu Mr. Furesuan. Mr-. Camupbell rniovcd te siloîv euh>' $30 instesti ut $40 te Mr. Fos-einu, thse lato Reeve ,for- atteudance; iL appoasiug troustishe min- utes tisat bis total attenlsîsco at tise Coun- cil dsuriug tIse yeas- made up but 20 daye sut $1 50 per- day. Tise motion iris bat by tise cstgvoeofo!tise Reevo, Bs-abgZou asd Citmsplidi lny votiug for tise arsuenti- msenît. Tist-et is ôf$St.rLuJosiuaW -it tise Reeve, ivas ulsq wuns-nly digeussed and disalluwed b>'tise votes of Mesas-s. Cauni,- -bell ils-baszon andusiîite. Ott motiors o! -Ms-. CusmîsSoi ltse legai opinion of Ms-. Jolin Bihîiugs ivas rdemed Lu be talon as ta tîsu-Iesut sueans ut colic- Ling tise asuossînt froni Ms-. Ws-igit. Tise Cossîscil di-ected Lise leove aunds CierI Lu geLtishe repos-t ;ublisised in tise l'rince AlbertI papes-. "ie Cosusecil tison adIjosss-rscd nustil tige lsut Mouds>' isu Mas-eh,Lise question ot stop"!pig îi'tise old ils-ck 11usd ttiu L Lc taken p. - " meectinsg on Towis Manafuactaresi. Iu conssequscticofuthtie Courts sitting, 'tise the absence ufthLie 'Mayor,nnid tIse c-hais-mu aftie comiittee---). G uss-ts e cinsg stands adunrned Lu Wedmtesday eveniog usent. TEmS'sciAxccE LsiCwuuII.-A lecture wili bu deiivcd oltEMosuda>' eveisitug rsext, heose tise Wliitby Total Abstisnence Sociefy attse Hliiofuttise-Mecisaies Isuitituto b>' Dr. ]3sent et Oshawua. MÀsob.-Compusite LosiguetofFrc snd Accepted Mauns uft tus Tosvrs,Ibave litteti up tiseir nov Lq.dge ruo n siencel- elent taite. We lad slool iin a da>' or tire ago, aud ireever>' mueisgrstifiod 'vitis lis titotul appearace sud appropria.e decura- Lions outhie apsrtuiest, mssvos tise baud- eomse, nov sud elegani rus-siturs-, provided. NovwcItaissbavo e oua provided for tise Woshptl Li an sd, 1tise Senior and Ja. nier Wardetis, uaaatrs xrsl'te o ouer';tise cas-pot, fus-sites-e, snd hangimuge ase 0s înev, Andi siegetiser, COmîposite ies a cssturtabla, ireli ftsrssiscd, aud sassd-l some as 1dje ruom as a-e r45tsusn coud, 1 enter. eTor anau zenea nu bia 'ous i r l u 'seveo &~ve iit tse 4cousnaci toLbrpkésu byttlcuopmpaluy, a n smer- onwbieh di hua&nosëredit, aud whieh le ury ussgraciousy'sbandouedsvlsèa it was sown thaut tise, co t 1n-'ad isot lu tisa lay, 'fàitèd ina" f5ejtitlng tisey buid indert#kçu 1 !rss;,lkhv )riglt p 'one of. tli* veasietePore- a4.Tite coss4uot ot.Mr-.JglipSasdfield, géD oùald, gnd'.his immediate friends, stood z flse coutrast iwith that of thée pare Griits -houest Malclmn ineluded-for lie said, Iis w sn th',11 te u'tlrow watesr ou Ii enterprise.b' delay,'sud tisat tisough,he thought, it rigI, tisat iqiyshudt laceS yct ti asmore imputant toeteifore Lie convictiontisatCanada 1usd lost no ortilon of îf confidenice 'lu tiseline, sud 0 stertiîncdet tise ailigliteit ides of embar- rassiQg iti, isuciae ofgivin& il up. Tise Çoeàiitte ru'se sud reported tlie resolution rhicis inclnded au sunual grantte tise Mon- roéalTelegrapli Compsny, ou condition ut tboir extendiug thioir'line by suismarine lubIee, te ie$traits of Bellcisie, from wvich ssewt would bc spread over tise con- up'eutand tros is continent tu, Europe witisin 6 days atter lcavisug cither shsore. Mlr. Brown tison rnoved, that titis repo-rt ho not reeeived ors Tnesday, as by rul it wonld come up, but that it be tiseir committed to, a Comuaittee of 9 memibers to maIe thse unquiries lie had apoken of. His objeet lue said was not delsy, but lie wsnted Lu -put the muotion on recor-d, tisat lie. did not think t rlgist to vote sway snos large snms witis- out previos inqniry. John A. McDonald said- tiat if this wau lis object, ie miglit bo allowed to, put bis rnotion-wsich tise speakerlad mnied out of os-der-if lie would allow thoe suspension of tise raie respeeting Lise reception ufthie report, sud as lie cdam>- ed indulgen ce fer lsis own motion, ho cousld nuL woll1 refuise it tu lis sdversaries, sirliis was put sud lati, sud that for the recep- ion of tise report, whicls could usot bave been received for two d-aya, wus carried ait once, Previons to, tiis ssattor tise Seiectiug Conumitteestruck by tise Houseat the in- stance uithtie Opposition clsargcd, wit in.u ing tise varions Standinsg Cominittees Isad reported tise Personnel of tiso. Cominittue on Plublic Accounts, ausd tise Opposition to thedisuuny of some, s ud tise secret joy of oiles-i s-t8 said-percived tisat tisenaine of the member for Torosnto iras not amung lie otisers. Mr. Foiey gut grestly excited aud said some -sarsh tiuings , moviug tisai .Mr. Brownn name be addod, but tihe Mo. tiou, asuer debate was lost 57 Lu, 50. Per- haps 1 have stated tiss iefore to yoss. Tii sus a ad isiow to tise late I'remsicr, but wili you, az.a mais sows lho must expecet te reap. Iii tle Concil, Mr. Vankongsîset isutro. lssced a vos-y usefui bill, to, wit une for tht nos-e'effectivye Adinuistrationu ut tieCrowsý Uauds. On Monday' it was rend a -secon<l time sud to. day. iL <rame 'up n committec and pat§sed atter s livc-ly debate. Tisis bil s'ill enable tise- Comîslssioner to, decide, ni ouce o; after a pertionsal investigation eý bise'dispnted inatters, sud it is auticipate Lisat musei greater despateis wili isererîtoi tisaracterizo tise proceedings ufthtie Depart ment. Hou. Mr. Allens ot Tos-onto rassed a bil iu tise sanse House tbrongîs a second rend ing to-day making IL a penal oIl'ence pun isisable by confinement in tise Peniteutiary to eut sud carry ssway timiur trust> Pubil or Private lands witlsout license or leave o tiseowuers, and du-inrgtise debiste it c-arn 01> tisat some4ouf tise Iinest parts lad l>eei plusudored of itd best t-ces by gansugofutii respunsiblo rmaraudera, %wlienuILit as usoee to sansnd wheu tise erinuinssi law eonltnc resclu. Latest frous the Seat of Guverannesut. Pad Mex-Wilcqz Eq., J P. lian.rriëtrnvs boda n,..sit lame. i~wdefen4a t la ucase, ~ o~shepro oeýrty-of tle plai be. seized, as th. property ,ofýWi L.ewis Morrisoa, father and son. ni execptiou. Thse plintiffe laimzed ti ai hiii own property. Verdict for soslelgfrâind between fatherà 144- Wilson for defeidat4,,N. rý feo pl.aintift, tien ini this case wâa brous"lit tu $116 amourit "of acco ni for service defeotce claimed te have paid part scéount, ýand ,contended -that the, sisould l1si&ve 0beenbouh ute Court. The Jury found- s verdict 3s 84; out »of which thse plainiiff" eztitled to deduet bis Costa. W. Wiayne for plaintiff, N. G. Ham foi ant. Buctnnan va. Graluint.-A<i wages. Thse plaintitf claisned £50 of tliree years wagres. Tise deft that thse plaintif' was nuL lsired,1 sllowed to stay ini defeusldant'a ih tufferauce, verdict for plaintiff forA H. Tremayne for pluissîiff, John1 nsâisted by I. J. Wilson for defeuxcd Phekin vs. llrown.-Tsis aci brouglit for recovery of thse smon reéeipt for £50, for amousst of nob ferrcd to plaintiff by Il. E. Bruwi the defendaut, Elias Brown and Brown wcre lu partnership. i tisat H. E. Brown received a nc plaustilf to colleet af;tinst H. for a similar amoant, and tisa agreed betweeîs plàintiff and H. E. tisat if Brown could colleet thse n Daniels, lie mi«lit have the usE moisey for 6 unonths at ton per ce that if le could nuL colleet thse thea H. E wns not -to suifer any ii ienee in tise transacetion. Fur Lthe it was contended that thse transsci logether one betweeu thse plaintif E. Brown, and flot witli the e That at tise time the transaction te lie partner-ship was dissolved, anc receipt was signcd by H. E. Browl E. Brown &t Co., after tise dissoluti Jury alter an biourm deliberation, iu a verdict for thse plaintif'for amoutit claimed, £59. R-. J. W plaiutlff, G. Il. Dartiseil Attorney, 'G. Hans coumusl for defetidaint. et 111 tis 'If W UiMidita aUiN i Uc pcJ*S Iou!JLad4y te ueoiC i 1ht, H:le Çif,PeryrowP, and Silas 3. ',1 I* l Higbt, ee 4ites".id 1the case. Thé prisoner was fon'd iuily. Sente. -é ed 0one, iontklisime someýi4, th ïg1*The' Quun -a Roêert tMurwàg*.-Ae' ioder a ;U ."It. -The patties'oettted1the case out of crt. The> întff1 é1Jr,-aiithé dZ rl odefedfndant were admoiaed by the Judge, and n.ud ~ .pronisedin open CortIe fieiids ands n fot to break -the poe l su TuQueçn ms Jas. Wie~grv The aé ed assani L, The indiotmeut fl u 'îhig' - roerchargèd the pri1soner i@ Wî -committiny a s.Tefelonieus asmdaui pOne John .-MeCrea, at t of the Deuvertun, oâ tBie 4th of February. Thle "àtiàcase came up by wayiof appeai' (rom the DiisonMagistrates decision. - The fôllowing i!0 thé ,t of £24 evidence oôf the prosecutor. will be John :McCrea resides ýat Eldon. Was at .Tr-Beaverton, at Giover's hotel ou the l4th H. defes- of February. Went. -in ta look for Hugli MeGillivray. -HIltrd1ôéud talkinig, dnd said etion for Io McGillivay-"what are tîsey doin, to amount you'I *Prisoner stepped- up aud said, "1what businesd la it of ypurs, shut up or l'il but Wa break ur d--d niouth fer you." PAiS- btwzoner teup with nalseavy stick lie luad £11w and struck witness riglit over. thse hcad, Billings, witsess put up a chair before hlm to defend lant; himseif, buth then clisxehed, and in tihe etion wa tussel wit;sess got prisonor down, John Cam- *nt of a eron thon came ou and struek prisoner and ýte trans- gave lise everai kicks ln tiseface. White ru, wile got witnessed fingerî in lis ifuth at tise Id H. E .Saine time and bit hlm. Before wituess appearcd waî struck, prisoner said that lie was "'the ýote from bully of Beaverton, and asked witness if 1Daniels lie would compare himseif to his." Lt it S as Wtpeswu cross examiued by Mr. otBromn Hugli McGillivray, examined by Mr. I.e fof is Wilson, gave similar tcstirnony for thse pros- ont ,and ecCtiOii sniount, Chsarles Robinson Esq., the convicting inovn magistrale, gave evidence as to thse injuries edefence reeeived by the prosecutor, and as to the eto a part of one bis fin-ers having been bitten iff and H. off'. He wus cross examined by Mr. Ham cDPn.as to thse conviction made by hlm in the okpaecase, irnposin- a fine of £5 on tise de- a that tise fendant, £4 of which wuasto go 10 ttse pros. ff ecUtor for bis toss of time, and £3 1las 9d ion. ie broug4ît theo fuili Vison fur y, snd N. IN APPs-Â,-McGee 4ppdlat vsr. Tay- lor andi Corrnall, Resondents.-Tis case came up ou appessi trous i. Dunsbasr Esq., ndes- lie insster sud serVant set. Thc respoudentis more oirnera ut a tlusesling machine, aud agreed te f bresis sonue uvisat for appellant. Atter tise>' iai pasformed tise service, iappeliant s-etwned Lu psy tise demausi, w.Ierenpon lise aspclhnt waà Srungisi before Lise magistrato, Ms-. Dunbar, wisu attes- leariug tise evidence an botlu àides, ordes-esitise appellusut ta puay tur-tise wrl doue by tise espondesits as wcqges tus- thrsehing. Ms-. I. J. Wilson apiess-ed ons tise pas-t ofttie appullant, and Ms-. H. J. Maedouel lu support the consvictions. At tes- argumeuntb>' Iearned coutusel on otis aides, tIse counst decided tisaItishe convictions muât bu quasised, as tIse Justice fisadino juisisdictionu lustise case under tise master asnd es-vaut sèt; sud tisaIlise propos- tri- bunal mas tle Division Court.- ibis concludes tise court business. Tise Grand Jus-y made Lise foliowiog s PILESENTMENT. 'uTite Grand Jury for ous- Svereign tise Lady lise Quccu, lu sud for tise Couîsty ut Ostarlo, upon tiseir usisps-oent." "&Beg lcove tu repus-t as foloiv: 'That upon a sict examintion uf tIse jail sud jus iunsates, fi-oistise perfect clealluessansd 4osodruto every part ufthtie promises, tise iiesut ps-aise la due te tise autlsorîties lu tise disehas-ge uft tieis- duties. They vus-c higiI>'pleased tote bd but na fuir ps- soners cunfistesinlutise jail, lise No. Seingr usîl> 8-7, inalesasnd 1 feinale. Tise crimes the>' as-e . cisoged-, with, is as fol lows . 4 Las-cois>, 1 tiss-ateniung bîiesdias-y, 1 mit uesai Insane, 1 looping bouse 'ut il-tome; ite>' tiink titis smail a -mount ot crime speals weîl for tise ounst." "iThseGrand Jnry-.ýsome utfirions -have travelleiluneuminsg hoe, a ditisce ot oves- one lîuodred mniles-cousider I ismrdaiip Lu be compellcdrte du 50ot t iseir ownex pensse, ansd du lerécit>' express tiseir asLais- isînnut at tise action ufthtie County Cosn- Iu lime Legiiativ Counîseil onîsctesday, cil, un deprsvsig unscînof Ilios.Mesans1-. Vonsougiunet, Simpsnpaid Lu sixei on liste eccas yrueFi-ssier, Fenrs-les, Leslie, Seysuour, hm euetts pno Mosris, snd Campbéh, tmes-e appointeti a to tle justice or legalit>' comuittee on Baknîruple>'. tise Count>-'icunueil un t Ini the AssemÉly bills ,Wet-é,,iiitreodûc4d, JAMES il te amendth ie lawi espectine'lhe substitu- Lion utof farmation eo thilucertain cases, " Grand Jury Boums te provide, for tise producetion ot lav costa Wlsiîby, 00. Ontario, athe collection ot delto, 'Lucouao4at ssc 4'l-86. tise dclii .t -ie-Toma eflýowmaavilie, ans iHie Houer is diechas-git to amend tli set iel cang-e tise',-tenure etf s-ea&rkod upen thesis r Indlas n tIseTevushsip ut Durham-»Gs-and Jures-s te attend ' wrpyt rýHuiues, tÂt>'. Goses-ai tIelîsd Tatvh Macdonaàld stated usaIt iseGeves-ussueinl- lte blaIasvpsefi bîyti 'teadeded tLu restes- tt'oise e ant>of Brucead tisat tise viVoe - ury the poiwrs- ete 1ct tiseCuunly Tov' . to e esended. 'That it Q'ss motionOut'Ms-. Cýsméson, ttahé ousseteô,censpel msen to e ss monigto Cuwmittee and -reperted as roe- oee brud m silea i lution f t io itlaexp>ediéulte oregusiate by gatIbs-eva eti xpauuse. lew, tise sale oftintoxie4sting ,,,liquers. -Mr. lstedonell addreu han.ALto-uc> Geni-s lrter, enu s-pi>' piainiîsg tisa it ires uti isiens ; aud wmui utoflise court, ns eto thc by-law of Foreman." ug tise Os-pd Jury iip eouuipellinge mihsunt renumera- -sn ty' oÃœinif system eqssis-d MCsCra was seealied sud stated i sa White bit off tise top otflis finfges-, sud tisat lie iras laid up and i sd nu wus-k asice. Ms-. Ilam for tise defence examnined Heu- s-y O'Dell, Gransger, sud asotisor wituoss whiose testimany iront Lu show tisaItise provocation was aI lise side ut the proseen- tus-, whîsucailed himselt 'o Glessgsry bully.' Mr.Hasm ahI>' addrossed tisejus-y cosutesus- ing tis-rt at molit tise affair iras 0151>'a bar- s-oom rosi. Tise Jul-y were absent abosut ans lounssd returnesi s'verdict ut guit>' on LIe second cous-t indielmeut, cisargiuaa commun as- soauit. Thse prisnoner wass senteuced Lu psy s fie ut $50 sudcouata. Mr. B. J. Wilson assiste inlutise prose- cution siltis the County ALtos-ney. Tire Queen rs Jas. Gaiger and 6-- lhp Wod.-Steaiing-. Ths-ee.persotns were eisas-ged lu tise indictmesut witî tise oit-once lus tisis casse, Samuel Woud, tise fatisrorfu boy Godlip, Seing tise tii-t. Jas Gaiger sud Gudlip were botl youug boys, aged rs-- spoctiveiy 15 sud 12, and itI appeas-od froml tise evidence tisat tisey enteres tise harts ut Josepis Studtlsolme, in tie Tuwaip ut Pickorinigon tise nihît outhtie 14t1 of Oc- tuber, and stule tiseretous about 14. bush. ut irient 'viicis lie>' broughtl Lu Sainnei's huuse, a'.d attervards sôsId at Boyes's milI. Evidence was given ut the 'boys' admission before tise magistrale tisat tise>'lad stulen tise wheat, and tisait tise eider Wood was sawar ofuttise stealing. Mr*ý R. f. Wilsont detended tise prisouers. Tise Jury fouud- bull ps-sosies guilly attes- a slhort absence. Ou tise sentence ofthtie Court Seing pro nonuucei, .M-. Wilson picadeti lard tise youthtuiness ufthlie yunug, prisonssr Wood, for s loniesut sentence. Tise Court seuten- ced James 'Gaiger lu two monlîs, sud Godîip Wood te îwo weeks imprisouimoul in tise Conuty Gool witlslisrdlaisor. SainuetWood iras ises pisced aI tle bar cisusged 'as as cessx!' sfure 'Lise t act, sud Jas. Gaiger ws, examiaed. as, a witssoss an tise part ofethlie Cruwn. TIse Jury founsitise prisuer -uity., sud e wss suntenced te twou menths impriaument eitt il is ar d labos-, in tIse Cul ei Soveeig Carp?.e#. lipe.-'-Tise iprisonor was busuns oves- uisis owvu recog- aizance'te appear sta I tise set Sessions j fh lieprosceutor net isaving attende-ilusti ~case. Robet ,Miller.s-dýArCOIi. Was di& cisasged un acconuaio ý et3Iio-Iapear5a4,ý ut tise wituessesfor tiseproftutntla; Ontario Srg siu 80 Tise Cons-t> vas oeu t5 tsiwo o'ecock te- day, b>' tise His. Chef Justice Robinson. Ms-. Hectos- Cameodos. in altendance on hlaf oethîe Croire, Sld me notice -e- semni àVerat ggeaibsaOfS-t tie lea terobe frein Tor-osnto e d e e. "L. e idJstbes-slaviug been lgat papçci yyug tberçforfl :Cet% -Jlwas' assure4 pshduuti su~&~Bv Witls the' 'ilfistrjqus r.Beh-àcif4~ editor, and dte luotorioue: Mr. WalLass as 'pOprictor sud Directot-Geiiersl et thse I 41local department," everting, was to -o0 OnIas sss«uothâs u Thsepaper. wns -to bel a Oounty paper- stone uf you IÃ" 16w seurriloiis Townu afisiro, _Tkmes. Nô snsliis Sianders, dsrk j'u- nelîdént, wilful talseisoods; 'or paltry nse4ni an fs rticles, were te be adnsitted; Mr. eachwiu a gesstom'n aud a sisolar, snd- scornea sncb a 'course. A brosta County policy was to be pnrsued. A res- pectable .CountyOrgan ,waa ithegrsud' ob. jeet ; the resuit we have. My 37 & cents, andi diriner te tise agent tlrow.s in, are gone. I am satisfued, if tley but keep their papers at home in future, I wilL my rnoney- and diioners. J3But, seys thse Waich-man, thse Town stinko in tise nostrils of the County." I 1tisouélît I smnelt s rat whou thse aïgent was around. To hear that Jas. Wallace had turued s rosi, live, boisa ide, stÃŽ!pod, blue-bellied ' Clear-CGrif,' did smiell s littIe rattiss. But ' te Townu stinks,' brings to, mid the old Court House cou. tract, .,ith thse galissut captiiug,' snd tise comimon sehoot, contract. Du you smell auythine, 7Wbew-gret out witli your musli. Thon there is thse old road con- tract at Whitby bay, and ail thse other con-, tracts, and ail tise threatened pâblie horso. whippings of gentlemen of Whitby sud lirookîlo. Wherc does tise -siuel corne trom ? Set thse dogîou thse rat, liole hlm, singe hii. tail 1 Yes, sud thse post office investigationIi 1Thsmel is gettiug worse ail tIse timc-and weigrhiug lay at 2240 lbs. for tise ton-240 Ibs. over thse stand- ard weight., Why, I declare, the ameli is still worse. That certainly is not a rat- wisy, wliy nu, it must be a skunk ail thse Lime i How lie emelîs i Avaunt !I Hands off. Dount corne here,. we doust want tise breed of the animaIs lu tis ii eigisborliood I A fox susel6 lis own hiole tirât, and thse Wg#ctitlinan says tise I"Town stinks, &c. 'Your readors caui drow thuir owu lifer. once. WVith tise Editor-in-Çhief, 1 have nothing to do, thse simple qu;ýstio1u witis hlm ss to "root luog or die," ud lie wo-s accord- Another Watclirnan lias just corne ta isand, and thse 1"Toiin stinkl" is incrensiug. My eyes how it smells. Hay 2240 lbs. Lu tise ton; Post Ofiiice investigations ; Cossrsty Court Housse and cousmon seisoul cusutracts ; 'ro'id msskiug11, whipuiug, pits, rats, &cý. Cau't stand it. I ams a -osse. er. Yoursil PICKE RONIAN. Pickcriug, 4ts Mmrcl,1860. A Ilerole hittie Girl. A heroie littie girl in Norfoik, Va., a fcw day since, provcd hIsuelf a wortsy cumpeer of tise tomons Grace Darlinsg. Tise story la tisis, and thte naine of Lousisa Hod- gins deserves a place on tise pag-e ut bis- tory beside tisaiuf tise noble maid of Eddy- atone l-htiouse: f It appears tisat s few days ago, while the wcatiser was quite cold and tise wind blowiug. quite a gale,a amail salbat was seen approachiug tise Mattisews shore. WVieu about une hundred yards off, a sqnall of wisud capsizcd tise frail bark, sud une of. thc men, was throwss ieadlong lonto tise au- gry billows. This accident wus witnessed by littie Lonisa Hiodgins, wiso was at tise moment watcliing thse approa.ihing, boat front lier fatberf s window, wlien. site saW W. bhave iearâed vwitis gravpleasu-elu viiis 'ire are sue e vii bu-héotod by 'a Ous readers, t tisasver>'importait.- dlsoov es-y bhm reeeniy bueumade - la ýl zeigis horisood cof PerI-Hlope, whicb, through the [entes-ps-Se ut eue utuOs- fellomtem"nan I asociat#sd sytl spm e, gentlemsen in Pus-; I ope, las beiug turssed te -a gues accut kuva teexlst, vitbin-a feirmiles otf Éorî Hope, a large Wedifttwhite masl >r cis'ey L~ T5545tlsiMtî ,wax ...1Ao 4*f yeatrs. severmauvusucisus y in iiis-muiearsey ds-agged isciser. Noe ses-lous duiuuageý-as- tusined. 'ýThe suiip Roubes-t Mills left Liverpool'for Guslvesuton, la totally wroclceti nlear fHop iscsd. Nu lives losticargô trould bho svy- <- Tise slip -New gunpire frein Mobile, fer Clyde, wlsicli rau into Troon Bay on thse 7ts -for siseite-, huad toecutlà wall ber, Tise ees-gin; IleftLives-pool tfs- New Orleirus, but put busck. Tises-e ina' rurnered alliance isetweeus Russas sd A sustria. TifE ITÀA1%QUESTION. - -Accos-diîsglo aBer-lin despatcli or tise 27t1s,>useqvwrppflticofls'for ceDfeTeicOeOf tise five CGreat- Powerg lad tsiled,'inmaiuly because Englanrd ba hddeclined te alluuv, eveutuaily,trueé isceussuon ef tise treaty cf Tise Paris &ongtitutional publishes a despistei from M4 Tisonvenal datoti31&s. Jaisuary addrcs.sed 'Ltiste Frenchs Amsbas- seulor atlVienua, to ho coinuended tl-Cont - If. Thouvoual givec- iitorical outîlues cf uselo.s endeavors of F-ause su bring about, usautonfutthis estion ut Central Italy tlue inîsabitauts -et the-se Provinces baving s-efnsed to recugnize tisei-fus-me- sove- eiguty. M. Thouvenai appiis tiste con- ,,iliating spirit of!flis eiielisl proposals as regards Rqimagna, snd expresses, hia ru- gret tisat tise Pupe shldslh ave àllowed tise ittate utt liiunuga in tisat province tu becomu su aggs-avated. Fs-ise onisi gill, bowever, conceut te less Radical combinations tissu une ps-upu- posing tIse dismemnbes-ment of Stateofethie îChus-ch, oit condition ofthtie prinsible cf nons-intervenîtion thein- ma'ntàainui- Tusrin despalcises ay tise PRsssan .Arn- bsssadus- bsdin Lise usunse efbis Govern- msent, s-epresente<l Ei'ount Covour- tise lise;vy rt-sponisibility wsiits onîti taill p-, on Sardiinia, if astishe ver>' maret wlcn Esro-'pennu Powve..; were cudeaveur- ing ti) muake tise sut-ite uf at-Ais l dirusent- ~~ esniiig, iiiies-ee tike stopis fus- Lie, annexa-- Liai) uf Central Wsly Lu Piedmout. lieraid thsst in cnn&:equsuncoet of erepresenrta-, tiorsa, :and ftllowing tise atîvice et Franco, in ~ m reseesec Lu Ceints-aiItaly wo-este L s isspendesi for tise ps-osent. A cis-csnlars-h.d beu is§uedl by tise Sa- dinian ihnistes-ef Wits- to tailitate tise. consolidaition andi organi7Atioii ut tise otri- bas-dt,-.S.rdisials armv.- - - £ho Daily Nete' Paris, cors-espesudehi- -i.tys a s-csos-t n'as esurrent atner tise Mini - t - isl Cntincil on tise 24t1s, Lls:t tise Emupe' s-WNapolcon hasi resolvedtiipon 'tise préè- text tsat itus-uia andi Prs-sasoljedi te "an-' nexatiun-lst, ftiaitheLis.M exniti>ft oTs- caîsy Le Piedmont t ut bêsîrogether alan- - donei. Tise populastion of Twucany viii lu eallcei upon Lu 'isisae a sboverigamand, tises-e wiii be nu objection te tueur- choice, tsling upostie DukofutGene, Victor Eusannel's-nepisew. 2nur. thisatMoe=~u ansd Pas-ma nay Se aursex i osie idiui ; tise inisalitants cosenzng., s-d, thse-qnWs- - lion et Romagna las-ceserved and vii Pueb. -sbly-be submiltod to 'Lie conféence' St Powe-s, but Lise ides of -creatisig a sopas-ste; State uinder tise auve reignty cf tiseluly Ëe, f suidarà ar.ux.tion subjèci't t nt sever- einsyeltier te PiediuotL rT'2 nisey, - nuLot,'aidonod. Piedmont, 'tise writeraidds, svill~ ~ t beseuse eagree te tise prq1Pous, sunde tise tismeat oft- witisdiawing- -*i&' > Frencs arniy fr<uruItaly, 's-ud fuaving' ber'3 tu tise ruseeor tAustriL ,Thisla M.. la in a iÏatue cunfirmued by tisa- Oè-'er> -respontientof Lise Tirnes, buk*'the tu:rkoe for tise'elü7e Selîvease Saeeî, ia fas- s-um beiog correct lu Huusut Loirds on 27i13, Ras-i Hard- tvicàulled attention le tise naval reoer- cou atise unitsyasud cempliineilof tîier ineficiency in point oftuibers -ant iifl. B Tise Duke ut. Somerset explaiue thet' staweoft affairs, sud raid' îlot, in'ud.ing nav~al cost volunteirs, tse-e wasa sse fos-ceut betwon 1.0,000. sud,12,000 men, whose service wud, nover ho, requiredu x- ~ -cept iu case ot au emcs-geucy.,,- a luntise 1-buse uft Cemmeus-rame evening hLord John ussell statod that-remeit de 'dersunee thé uearubitious design'th Em peorNaplolleon. - . -~ o .tury ieAels to «- Prtery heAmr4e We, the surer'sbooks to the .3lst D ROBT. SPEi the list of the stos --- nc-easslng lise ni fantry by crestir and tise re-establi Tise ifosit&un- -gramme otft e 0 onlishe fis-t ef Mas t114 tise twro Mca tes-day attse eati 'iha vlew topr _tween Marshil Ù bas, snd the Mini of Moroccu. Ti lise !osd ta Laugq cussed 'vas tise e thse Spani.ards, w jected toby the Y O'Donnell 'vas eo- theo confereuce, b 'Absbs it was cor produciug any rt fera lus-lIes-dels - Mas-isal O'Donuî tobe'terninatled ta Tetuftuand ù àl' commanude-ofethi ou-des- te concet tIes- active oper -Tise delinite-r glisis propuaitier italian question. given 'viy Ansts- pi-epossi ass a "-A Par-istelegu « tisat Rusais sud ~psope5aI tors-adu Pewers., -Negocistions - tlian questior rspidiy cars-led s Tise ïurtgssiz'1 maiun -extraneunl tweo the'ýpowes muantains allish snd if. thoy la, lavît eau oui>' i> rcvobutionas-y îlx fIluuin cuisis Aunef Iiea-cun' l ishasentof lise >-'- realization oeth federatien, 'voul tiseftlus-e, oftti Iu ibe flouse caledth ie allen' -tien cemplainin, peace. betweems 4Ai»eriea cil - plqwsahppof Eu9 tise overzsmeu -'to put dwntbu fiS-GCI. ILe ,x B5L, Vieo )auni1 amul demi Lntin te~ v

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