Whitby Chronicle, 15 Mar 1860, p. 4

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J1. A1. 28 llzug. w ne C IRCULÂTI< atten ME PP4NCE ALI3'Po - CTJOP.IS21 MRON D UKE, ndtexamine ?, Brock Sti'eetý Whltby. IVZRY »STABLES. L. Il4 ScIIOFIELD &CoIC IMPORTELS 0F' Staple ad Fanicy Dry Goods GEN1IRAL STOCK 0F AND GLASSWARE. Covur 0fDriuls e#«d Cobunuao'treetjWlithy a al Suba0cribrs arn urce pt of Frch a'- U lvlsf tle above Gonbd dreet frai,,the aaefaet on.., aainsoI(- *uns loi as Any bon». lu the. twdeW esn of louitreîul. \-O N .A L E, A lage uiK1 varlcd Stockof Dry Gooubu Thon that of a ny other local Paper in the Province, amnd 'FAIRi,. EXGEEDS The circulation of ail the other Spaperg in the Oounty of Ontario united., WEKLY -GHROINIGLE ONLY ' SE1'4-WEEKLY $2.50 PEI? ÂNNUM. The Chronicle is the Paper to Âdvertiàe in. AND BJIITISII -REVIEWS. ing leading British Periodicals, viz- M'JE LONDON QUARTEIILY (Conservative.) mr lDINUrnit nvirw (Whig.) 8. ,rma NoItTiT JitiTioniti virw (Free Ohurch.) 4. MEz WESTMIN5$TEU izw (Liberal.) lotBLACIWOOD'S EDIJBnen JEmiAZInE (Toi-y.) l. H.OCIOIELD &Co. Tiiese periodtcails ably ropresent. the -- thi-ce greaf political paurties cf Gi-ott En- 0!ý1K,%'AL E ain-Whig, Tory, and Radical-but poli- O N 8 A ~ , tics forins only iee feature of theli-chai-not- l otae Stock cfail kuiso--f Orceories, sud or. As Oianq . 'f the meust pi-ofound ive 11, f 1jors, (Jliieobrautâs Vini- wiiters on Scien!ceTiteraturo, Mouality, andd Religion, theystar dsas they or T.Il- SCIOFIELD & CO- have stooti, urrivZ.led luntle world cf loe - ters, beirg conidered indispensablete of 01,1e. f i Rectilled Whlàkey (rom the acholtur and the.profesaicrial man, whîle te the intelligent'roader cf overyT dsa th.y là.- U- SCIIOFIELD, & Co. furnitih a more correct andst sfactory i-e- -- cord of the ourrent literatureocf. the day, througbout the o rîc, thon cari b. possibly 0 N A LE 9 btoiued frei n ay otiiei source. A iuohiesud inil assot'tmoîtetCfrookery, Cira,EAL COI . L1- il SCIIOFIELD &Co. The reccept cf,,À&DvANOR tsHEET froua the __________________________Brtish pubisbers gives odditional value te the Reprnutsg, inasmuch as tluey can now *be piaced ln -thoeliarda cf aubacribers about, oPa'~i~sv~q .roaiuoraahl y~~as accu as the original'editions. TERRMS. .per arn. 64 Chiegi1fi resh Z'o froi 2.. For ouy one cf the. feur Reviows . ..518'00, ~4 ~~For ~~ any tWvo cf the four Reviews . 00 Od. * 3o 9&per, lb.Forany th'ce *of 'the tour Rcview.. 7 '00 27 3oxes Tobacco from 1.. to For ail four cf- the Revie wrà........ 8 00 2.Od, per lb., Feo' Blackwood's Magazine.. i... . .g.800 For Backwoýd and.crie Reviev. .- .5 001 Sales Amerioani Grey Cotton For Blackwood and twe Rovews ... 7 00 10 -.1b - amd o For 13akw:od andi the four Beviews.10 00 Money current inM e State tol.ee ioëueei 36 Cuks of Iq4uor. Aoll b. reoelved at par. 8*0 -.Bexrelsof Sait.CLUBBINGO ~ arrois Of.Herring. A discourt cf twenty-five per cent frein LI. IL. SCHOVIELD d o.c. The ftbscr!ber% hanve ves§olvoti on coming te *0e r~ar 1860, ho adliiro to th e C'A SII SYS T E M *ÇWllch wlil ensile thom to soul much eýhegpor, aýd gve gonoral sttltfetaon. L. Il. CiOFLD d o C. JL oiireoftheTùuto relt lo. Applyte the PFropilter. ordôing foui- or moe ce ptes cf any crie or moesof the above works. Thus : Foîur copies of Blackwood, or' of eue Reriew, Wit b. sort te ene acidresa for $9; foui' copies cf the four lleviews aud Blackwccd for $80 - andi se on. POSTAGE. 0 anadiauA, uPil subsonibers- wilI b. sup- plieti freeocf'U. S.,Postage. Rouittauce for any cf the above publica tiens shculd always., o ,atdressed, , polit- pald, o the>ublebIoi', -. 40W No. ", Golti street, Né* York HE W IB -ADIN(QIL0OM* Io wl ih comfco'tableO sud worm, -snd ta wellIsc wft awpp u IP*iodei<fUof il nds. Ternis1 1$4, por 1alm tudEt t sud Situated in the seSond flat ovri the Chron!e eOffic&e- ntrànco through the I *.'il. IGINS. 1 10 :at $82J AERA!rGEXEWft IOR 1860. 'j NTIL*fnrtlier notice, Mail * be elo*d- aonds due foi' 4ellvery aý this office as (bl- naanville, Newceastle, Clark, Kinugton anti Port. G. Ir R. . traellig Pos, O#c-o ro ust, 'la-, cluadlug ail places.on the. WeOt cf Kingston, nt' Ira. mi., and 5 p.'mTrin Due. for dol ivcry et 10 a. ni ,,ad Irp; ln. Letters for Montreal, arid pMacs at.ofKiag- steai are only despetolied by the night mnail go- lU ma< nWes, inclndiaag Diiîbartov Pickerng Ioroi~e ntoýidalplaceset cf Tc&-. ronto,,al:; the.G. . ý R. It. travelling l'est Office goiug 'West, closesi at 7 a. ni., anti ut 6 p. m. - Due toi'deIiveuý bore et 10 .n., and t Ira.mn. Tii. Mails for I icleering:àsud' Duîîarton are. onlv' màiled by tih. moing train goiug Wegt. Niorsla Mails loave daily atter thé% arrivaI of tis. train from Toronto, for llrookli, Manches- ter, Port Penny, Reuch, Lintdsay, Miilla, Boa- verton, Port Iloover, Asîthursi, E'ps;oîn, Utioa and Uxbri igc. utîso for pi1 the corresponding of- fices.. SMails are also madlenp at sametime for Anti. 1ev,:rnla 93a1,aGreerwood atiMIn- sýodiyale d. n'Ttesday, £hunuday unad Saturîday l'or Altona, Claremoat andi Stouti'- ville. .Mails are dlue for delivery fromt tliogeo ies at about 580 P. M. ENGLISIT, MALS.-Froia the. îst of Aprill 1859, alU letteosfor Great Britain mwt-&ld prod- poids by postage stamp. è -ýLÀtterns lntoéndod for Euirope shoold b. post- ed bel ore 7. o'olok A. . .or Moaneuys. REGISTIRATION OF LETTERS.-TIe Ile usa flos, on caeh letter viz: To aay place in British North Âmerica, id; To auy place in the United States, ( postage mit bc prepaid also ) M To auy place la Gisent Britain and Irelancl(post- age muet lbe preptsid also ) 7%d To any place ln the flritishli Colonies or Posses- si]ons, sont cùa Englaud, ( postage must ha pre- Tr!i'sO 1 a oinFrance, orother Foreignucou.n- age rate. I'ARCELS up to 8 lbs.. ,c!ght cari be sent by potit urder regiilations -at 1Is 8d per lb. to he propald by. postiige stnmarnîd nmaybereg,,ister cd b y pay'ment of 8d additiorial. No Mais arc dcspehed or rëei'ed eh eSuit dars. On Book% and rtritcd a-atter.fortlie Uniteti States;, the (Jaîtadi an Postage mustt bit preruaici b y Postage msanps, saîd io u scli mttcr.fromn tfîe'Unlted States, the Catadian P>ostaîge will bc to colloci. on delivcrvy. AIl traîîsflent Newrsîîapcrs, luclullng hansetfor En land, iuust b readt'y Postage Stanîp or fheyoanitot bc foradd Newspapers for^ thie Britisia ll'cst Indies, or Newtouunidlad, must b. rt p..d hy Postage 8 anp lXdoat-li; and for lucha, Chiiia, Aîstra esa BIJIA ottier places beyoiîdlsea, 2x>d eaelr- OFFICE IIOURS- Week daym, trom 7 a. m. te 7 p. in, Stiudays, froîn 9 to 1Osi. in. postage Stampti eau be purehased at the PosI A. MOPHERSON, P. M. Whltb)yIÀPrll, 1859f. 614 18W. DENTISTRY' .DENTISTRYI DR. C. C. JEROME, surgeon Dentîst, TN'returuingthanlostarlis nnuinorous frlcnés I anti the publie geiueraiy for their Iihert.l patroîlage since. lue couuuîrenccd practice ln tItis Town, would bere taIre occasion to shtate to il, thoseo no r eqttiri.ngArtificial Tectia, thathe bas noir uhtsîued a ZMiliafor workiuig tua vulcanime.d nruhber, upota iuiclu haen'hl ruaient aIl kiuîds and styles <nt Teetît, g~7eprthd4u hm. ever beeado;te bfore /-w;tli,.tl1sprucas. S Dr. C1. C. Jxaioacx wli giara4ýtatô ft, thie Mon t(111110111t case n'ith the grettit ,precusin in ail f nil cases, parties eau bave Blockr'rcoth wltix Soui. Guinis, wich i, iii every resl'ect, fat supeorntoaity tier kiutd of' wnrk ktour lntise. Tlitsw or klis igll spproved of hy al of tIke lsadjiugDoîitits lun en York, atntiprin- cipal eltios thgro ugiont the.iUited g St-ts. wir g to its beug tmach lighter ani c f a non-curosulve nature, auud it in, aft.n a te t uf :treo ,;yeans, deemeti higiier anutmre pto eIurble tita- goiti or auy othenrniettuhtoplate. Dxa. Jznxz oa roi wishi it ho ho borne lnu mmd that lue huis urnatly noduteectithe prices ýwhchý henetofore uere t.he staurdati. Ilic ould u'.so'ý farditenstahttat lie hambns e conëttutly uing the. aboieunueti matonial '(or tieveral ~iortbs pust, d iîutg wliob tinas liebes put up6 i i 'gti numben of cases, aud inuiintce tebu of satisfactioni bas beon meuulètset by the patients. Goldj, Silver aud Platina Plates imut up in the Latost Styles, Clueaper tluzn tisual, and JFarranted. Ail Suirgical operations <of the Tecth -r Guenat skdllfully perfornieci. lgFTeeth extreeteciý ithoutt pain by' moats of ilectfleity. Pasrticiï Lir attention'gaven tqýýbd riegulauloil of 0,11il. ireual e tl IP.S. call-ýh'c 1xedî4 CI laus Of tlts'*or Ibeforc'gettinig yon teeth luteerted lsewhere. sept. 16, 1lsboï-' y-ww Thtby't1ige Peppaitéry T1.~j6 anti i ~ OÂPIIXAL-TWO-MILLION, TGi- :;d .'t 1 l. - . . . .. . ý 1 . 1 . rmxzmm 1xs 15-Two hiurdred Thousand - Bdw drw ýN«e ~$ .oailf SUrUn do F U.INSURANCE orn]3nldlugs, Furnîtture JCand Morchatîclizo, cf every 4egcriptýon, cf- tbeted-ori the.iaostfav(iublg tarins. 1* l ShortpËen'io6d r'lkks tken on a 4oandip.or1 one or more mnontîtsq. ' *. f fbrth ti. sure&, wilhaumupal houp. qund d!i*iori- JOHiN.AONEWË *. Agent,, lYlcîtbi,. Whiitby, Jurýe, 1859. 20 PHoeNIX INSURANCE COMPANY.t UARTF0RD, CONNECTICUT. ~PAID UP -CAPITAL, $20,00I T> tÏCIF.S granted immediatcly' on 'applica- JYtion, withiont Weereuce to the Head 091ee. 0. LYNDE, British Amiea Assurance Comipany, INCOR1ýOBATED under an Act of the Third S8ession of the -leventh Provincial PaiIa- Ment Of' lîppeT Canada. CAPITAL £100,000. Irourance etteted on Buildings and their contents. Every inlorinention supplied -on-ap plication to the îîndersigned. M erine Riskit'for the gcason or for Pnrts. Travelline Aent, JO}INon eWib Phc<onIz Pire Assurance 'Co. O»RAD 5IRET A"1 CUÀRITi CRiOSS, LONDON FISTAIILISIIED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT .& CO., IqURA NCF.S againt;t L05SES byFlItE and etfeeted ('14tde Moat favora le terhlis, and LUSSES paid withodut refèrene to flic Board in London. il. W.WOODWARD, ADent, (cnn ty <j'On tajo. Wlithy, Aug 10, IPA5 Hlome Insurance Cômpnauy 0F NEW YORK. C<adi Capital, allpaid in- $1 ,000,000 Surplui8 over .............400,000. -:0:- SFIRE AND MARINE. T IF ndrliâ, iottn'leaofirsi. T clasis Conipuny, 1.4 prepitted t iml.oi oies of lnsurancm aguiîst Lms. hy lire tihé Dan- gers of lîîlaudt Negontttion îîîîld I2'îI jf)pnrtitîonsm. 9 T HP il EN- SEÈAi kL i>undiioq t. Whitby, NOV. 241, 1859. 72sw.4Aw-1y FIRE AND LIFE INSUORANUE UCOMPANY OPF ENGLAN. Royal Ineéurance .J)ui2ngeîLivereool N-fo. 29, Lombard Stret, London. TWO lYILLIOPS TERLING, AND LARQE RESEIWE 11UN1DS. FIRE DEPARTMENT, Ths ÇCompar Inja-ure# %iiasand al othior de"cniticu of roperti i'gae»A 88oaor Damage trbFie on the înot Zbr ere A:ijutt lssspiompiyohto<l iithottde- drettoor.ordisecouatt, anti wîthout 'rOforeuco' Tii.elrgeCapital and'jftlcouiannsc.ment. of t1iý=is oaa ïîau e tiÃŽogt perftotsafety.l LIFE D-EPA'RTMENT, withludoiubl-oeanaty, anti ovarybouctlt ouna- bracecIun tii. acienco cf Llfo.Aýsunuuneafforded hy:1 lie Ryl - Rteceipua fif Nôw'oliciosalonëii six Montbu of.tle puasty6an.t- Ireomfe from u al ources i-1858 un 1néeaîý ear aloncof M EST. BàNfl$ocr ta I Wbity> ~T. tBNE 80retsiy. Wbitby, '.1.... - If g8i8 oftwte. 0 Ill~pmiikg are lîgi- blytàated,sin4wtll ùitpted for eèther s'gt1 t- doer or bntoher. The. above prup.rty willl b. sold ut a bargain, for cash. For turther pa;rticulars5, appi>' (if' by letter s", ;92i SITES, TOWN LOTS, &c. FOR SALE,' 0l EIproved Farm in,.Whitby, 100 One Jmproved Fera-n in Darlington 50 acres. One < i Mariposa- 50 Wild 'Larda in Maia, Somierville, Eu. hrsai, Artemesia, Luther, Chatham, Dorer, }lungei'ford.1 ,Mil Privilege Ta Hampton, ' Township cf Darlingten, one of the very best ir the TôwnËhip of Dar- liugton. To n L t In Bowmaiavillc, Brooklil, Hampton, Port Perry, andi Sarnia. WHITBY For 8ala Loto and- on Long Creait. Mechanics and others desiroua of bilild- ing can have from 12 to 18 inonthe to inake the first payaient. Sand for a Circulai'. Ad'dress, pat.paid, J. 1-. PERRY, Wkitby. October 17, 1850.i5 Farm for Sale. -"ACRES 0F'SPLEINDID-LÂND. LOT .010, in 10tl< Concession of T'ralih; 15 Acres 'el6ared. This Fairni in situatud witliin four miles ôt lBeavorto, n, ntii travel roàad to M4mI; Zthoîîd s f thle best qualityaend, is iu the centre oa oa'se-ttieînent, with a S0111,, and a $awnîill convenieut. Almo North hul'fo Lot 4, la the 1IOth Conces- sion oî,Thbrali,. onnisting of M neares; 12 of~ whiclh are çleareci!,-and fronting on tlite lortuige Rioad, nwur i > nýro1VMil -- Apply to' D) CAMERON. Beagsirtnn, 10th .tnîy, 1872 Store to Let. T N the m,st central and business' ,Ls . part, oftluujTovui of Witby, that ýplëndId netw B1rick Store, tunder- .ath tie Law' Offices of W. IL. Tre- wuayne, Coluut-Y Atto)rnpy, situate on Dundas Street- VieI. uilding im'40 Iby 27; thiere i. a show room over the Shop, aud 2 or A good apartmcnts in the building, eaun be let with thle $tore. Teo shnw front im flic moiet eommrictionsandi attractive ini the'rown. Poomomiou inmediate- ly. For Ternis, &c., apply to JOIIN ARNÂLLt, 014SM. Dandai street, Whitby. FOR S&&LE.. T OWN LOTS in W hit.v, pear te Bay.- Also, Village Lots at, Duffin * Creek, French- man'. ]Bay, sud Port Ierry. Apply to G. il. DARTINELL, Solieitor &a., J une 16, 1857. . 29 # FOR SALE OR TU LET. T UXE WESTERN HOUSE and promisest lu- JLcludiug Stables, Sîtcdis,&o., and quarter -nre of ut gardeit-met conveuttY and oc-n- tnall4' situated on Dundas Street, iut the Town of Vt. hitlîv. The premistes have beoun newly muit, anti are lunsun excelcut stahe of' neltaur. Thue stand is oae of the bestt lu the loin. For leraus, &r., apply*ïta . DENNIS CONNOR, The ovtuen, 'iekoeing P.O or to MICHIAEL' MeCKlULEY, ou the.promisies. Wluitby, Manda' 8, 1860. ' 8 TO A LL ýTIQ WÃœRLfl, AND IIALF 0? TIIEI pneui bn ines Wiho tua Kifètoe lf lroor a r Iail uTte ý oeIghî cei ' ogsltînmof npe W8teet, 'o itoh, ar tthesig-&lbean'bParle apreunacd ea. M.. lit l44obe dgcead Orh oïe"Theiikln" - rs AT o ~Forn . eomlosed ot N. PiE itut n tbeo4th cnesunof k Çontainintg 50 Acreesi Abnt'20 acroe copped. ,the oabove Fagrta us9 itaited iu flic centre <'f an excellent whoat-growitiig loeality, onditin about six, miles of tMe imor. ut Town oet ~Wit y. ~~lication ho homade to JAS. McA LLIN, htb;JAS. LOGAN, Lot 9, ]3rokelu Fruiti Pieorng, or to THOMAS. HUSTON, A ofor -Sale A qnnîatity èÈofgooCBDARPuT. AP'LY î'ýSAXIOVE. Octobr 3 559 55-it W & smn orSlor t6& iet. mu sartly situated BRICK COTTAGE, with. JIcf san iacre of landc, in the North Wei'dof the Town oL Whitby, on the East aide of ]lrock Street. For further particultirs apply (if by let- toi', post.paid) at W. 4. Tremayîae' office Whitby, or to the aùbscriber, Cahill, Markham. D. O. JENNINS, Whitby, July 28th, 16150. 36 TO LET# T IStore aud ulîelliuîg llîscnoiv ooccuiuiil bv Juitiacs P8rituigle-, atd knonuaus tue STO'NE STORE. ini the Tl o<f hithv. Posseission git'eua on tLia l'rst oft3epteinber îîext. Apply hc JAMES R>WrE. MViithy, Jitly2S, 18ri9. 2 1 100i C arss r ES.g -o [THE Wes-t hnlf lot No. 20, 2ndliÇcnes' Pion, of theo Town-ship of Whit!by. Thle wholc clearcd and under cultivation. WéAl fenccd and substfftial barnri shds, out* buildingsa, nnd root cell.ir newly crected. For terins &c, iipply to l Z. I3URNIUiM, wVhitby. Whitby,Feb.18, 1860. Wild Lands Wauted. inTt),l te'Townshlipof Mori â'&400 to 600 acres ot Lîd __Portons lîavmng the saine tu dispose of weii rems, pot pit!d, Borx 5178, P. Q., 1'orol-' to stueting lotcnio, price anid ternis. koronto, Febi 4j 1860. - 42w FPOR SALIE. A Negcellont noir ýFrme Cottage, nearly lu A the. heatrt 'of tie jown of Wlîithv, 'and withiri a ftt% yurdtt <'f the Main Street-ÛInndag streeBt-together with two-fitths -of an- acre of land attaclîod . *The ho use contaiît< six apart- 'meuts, has ag. excellent cellar, and1 thre eIs good sbling and ail necessary u-uiliis ard a suùperior pump o'f iooci inter on the spot. Foi'r,,&c., wlîieux will be forund very liberaL Airly te J. A. MAYERIlOFFFR' I. Clîroniole Otice, Wiidy. VALirUA&BLE PROPER'Y for SALE. TIEStore and-p reouises latcly occupied hy Mr.,J .A., McIilla>i, at Utica, in iiue owt- shtipotEReach toge3t]iiriilla quarter acre (if Liîuîdiattached thereto. This store us very fiavo rably aituated fokr anyliusiness. 'Tlte Village uf Utieri Wstla the enttre ot the Townsliip, n il t the travel'on the Brook road pamiesthrough it. Teins eilI b. madle to suit purchasere. . Ap plication'to be macle te -JAS.: 13. CAMPBE LL, 45 As.hburni P. 0., Iteach. 3 H'IIYEDFARM«,S lst.-100 acres south hiaif of 'Lot- No. 1, îdcqncesolon.ofWhitby, known as 'làI tii.introt*1îéthe saidÃ"uw ZT- oflits déath bcd in thlit ce.tait, pareol'or'îtraCt ot land, b(eingf three quarters oftln acre be the suu1me uoî'e Dorlest, e, -omom £pert 1,qf,,i lot nlumber fffceeîîihiille ifecýofiC ! -icnisowô'f- th~e -, 'owaship of .:Ptekerinig - comiuoncii!g- wlierc ut po,ýt lbas bf enplante u istanwe of, twyo cjliats'tlAuircy seneansd a h ,aifefie.t& course litu'tt t et to a&perLAèsni *oDUI'the" moutlî i st ngeof satîlot Thene or~~ eliiy -lOur dcgre.s§, Eau.t two eolilife. i wte,: i ct,<.e iortlî sixtec'nilec'roes, sest threue lini and hiany five li:nxlc,-iiîore cw letstothe s ti ide OuIt he p blc oa , i l'etiae iorth We B<Ãœrly mloig thýetsouunt ilde of lhe said pulijle rond t*o d'aui îiîtieenliflzs. Thence southiý_six-. ton d egreest, tltree clus sadI ltty ijMue likue>- more or louis to tuie place of 1 efJinBiig. Also ail tlitaitCertain parcel qor trtict of. said'it- îîîted, hlr iiig ud" iîîg il' thîe villatge ttI*OIà- n'a, a fi eug-coinnmsec of a ptart OIlcat ;Nten in' the aad. eiî. ut te Towni'hlp f East Wiit- by, and buotted,&uid bon:jded as f>ollowg -, coru- iuencitg lufroiitof flee uuddConcession a~t tie dietuîcefoac'cmiiftfty lin'ks 'on& 7course mie, tii t cesievn tftu greseai f)idéron haeth W'est u c i iin ifty t'iaks..Th énce soîth sixteoit dlegîIeeýs.ctit oie chuin u'eventy c<une links. Ail irçîtlttlands, auîd teîienîetmtheroçp' or tue îtld duîltandcUt'S ebuta Or int ercst tlreiui, 1 shah offr f,r 'ae ttPublic Anctîoit as bIbis, viz :-'flit ret de..crubcd rlree queiters3f au acre. vi thle',f.renises ttDulBisâCreek, .on .Motdî't ic n'c th îird day of April,A. D. * i 860,pt thde hour ut' Teri c'cloek a. in. Andthetti ltit dcser.iht>d oui the preinises et Usiisw'i it M ounduiy the Twietty th itd d:y of April;.A. 1. 1861, nt tué blu r tuf T w uo huck. p. fil. N1.LSON G. < NLIS Pet C. Noipi.e. Slîeriff's Office, t&Wli W' lîiîly, 1111,.121, '60.1 SIIERTFF'S SALE OFLANDSO. CouNrr 0OF ONTARIO, (flN'ýSatudl To117i t: Ç ;- s e co0ndà -dàyo4 Jnc, A. 1D. 1860(, t' Tw0-lve o'eock, nonn, will ho aold hbyPublie AÀuctin, t my Offie, in tIe Court flouse, in t-ueUTwn of Whitby, the right, litie., pnd intereat. which the undermentic'ned dlefendanta sev- crally possî l teunderrnentioned lands and tenetnc'it therenn, 'seized by mue un- der, and by vijýtnc of certain Wrlits of Fieri Faclas to Ilne irectcd. riz: Tri the Couirt oif Queeài's B'ench. The City Panl,PlitiffiM, 's.,John fHiékî and James G,od, I)cfàddarils. TIn the Court ofQueen's Pen-h. The City Bank, laintiffrs v8n.4ohn Ilieks and Jame God, Dfendants. Lot No. 9, in the, 4th cnession of tbe-, Township-of Reaeh, conZinhîug by admeui- surementU20 acr-esq. In tlîe Cour-t ,of Comnibh>'nPleàqs defeoat Alndsnular, tboe cerb 1ainrR.G tracts Oflanhd nd ,ýý iti ýéssifut,1,ym g and being inithe o Ins Ii ' of ib y inu the County. f Ontario, bein compos that part of îot n nuber tyentyî sfecond concession et'the 8aid, To lP.D-1g W h i t b y , ' k n o w n a d d s r , b ,ë ' T thereof,- ruade hy Joh'i"'iè,,~o Lnnd SùrvPveyr, 'asvillage~'~ k fvai ad'forty-on e, Eastoù J3 8 o'iv' plan. Alsô,n t îb1MI IaiU teregt of the sakl W illiam haii L ots n u m b ers tw e1tY ýrb a n t >1 2 and 20)in th'e second tirin~' Ie bie raýnge of village L ots W es 'ot B. 6èk street, being part f Lot1 nûnbE<Wuutû seven, in the fr9t concession of thé T$*dm ship--f oW bitby afôresaîd. i the CoUhty Court. 'Toiah.?ouucroy, Plaintiff, !8 Wii1bas> Tod4. aild Thiotua Toddj def(ùdantp...- Lot No. 17, he Brd ooaioâotx bridge. . NELSON G. RtEYLNOL<DSi Sheriff, 0. 0.,. Sheriff s Office, Whitby, Feb. 25, 180 ZAC 0lF JI ho Reg&ty( c ER 1I i te urt. -T or ho A 4RRKIRT BAt-or Cue. Ce * CAMR ~RM81U1N~ FJTATE t - TUE * Onl ticmilesfrqnt--.Tou--cf---tb- -2nd.-50 acres South West quarter cf Lot NO. 28, Oth èocosaicu cf Darlington, about eight'ý-milesfi-crm Bowu'nivilie;- * rd.-50 acres Son th'Eat qitarter cf, Lote t~ô Co, "'r cie'ssion'cf Mariposa, abouft 'Parmi; iu a high state of'cl~titbn, good n',,nd riaar important Town-is owjlýe po1a eanablé, 'and, on, faIvora- ble toi-tu. . tApply, te o - - -,J. H. PERRY. À4gent for M toner $troc tieetk lu e e THE PETERBOROUGH~ f R-1IDA Y MO0R Seuit d vertisiug m èi.iuain tlnu Ditict,.~ Ail orders eaddrcsse4 . th».e b. punctually sttende4ihf5: Tw â -Twi i - Sale, 1 .. %, ýtA

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