Whitby Chronicle, 17 Mar 1860, p. 4

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-Tli ?ahdaaSua« b l ql arOies oiutaUsll fres frocs 'Osed Ihy thei o anpu s) Au coer Imrlo7rtaut prael. Ilt qf.cesai -lu, Jdmcd- Siep sO&C; sud iffou, ii cssat aellnutoucpltpcq. sisIâ II Olast slts iaeOua elmiessit O iSlbO lioe a ano1Pas açinpt fýoui sb Obthe ia mt-Srte{ ( hto'a*yet r cet. nssalyTa dpar )l -gry bUllowa. This accidents wýi_ïïtiesed pin.- __ by liitle Loulua RdUdgns'whio 's a istise :»or,,1 Ago Ago' Ae age go Aa~ womoi wtgillg iseapro~Isîn bat 0845067 60., M . 5a. 4.. 4. 8. 30. . from - her aher'àao'dw, visen ala saw P0EMIa£as las-dO £ e15 sd£. as a a£d na a d 151 0.815 044 6 081 1i8osa i118 28 10.C 25 50 01l 184 the. strugglng f9rns tsf a mn la tise wter., SiIAREOF 'jôITor1510O à Sht nubed hasti lyfron thhbellstd thé theYgg ...... ..241Il a20 8 1 10lo 1 8 1812 4 41018,'l997 68il44 slr4 riseted horseif of bar oalus and 3'1EUMUis""IUS RE 61 s SUE a.....40 la e088111l2 i8 a 7120 7 417 1 8 15 12 131 hbotte - àn waded ot toa acanne whicb wao fiIÂL 5ê a'YTlt-oîo f£500 Stelring ud no itrs ay hlia olfold sd k=pt op a&o.n st a ke aashort distance from the _hy iiay'osaot of ouly OÏtc-saif tlie rrcodi-t for thise tiasBit Ycia, wih Istorcot on tise aboe. hi oh baislyp~dle totie r- EING AE-l'I.Y EbIO'Q1VF.RED byv'ROYAL CHIARTERC snd AGT ef PAIILIAMENT for lot of the did.Wninig man and reached him LFEîAS8OitANLJEin tisa CoLbNIES, tise Assoeiotion n 0enadled te 017r *tihe "nia ln tiaoç ta ave bis life. ,sha then, .with aalc oItlot i rlaNri u~,saaCîîlyaicsla i lalfie th sitneof ailier me, succeeded csoirnAiwil isoalrlglaiiIuopeirb'lainutale riii fie getting hlm loto ber hoat, and paddlcd hin 000 of thi aus extensive snd succesafiîl sino.t tise Brillis lAssoarit in Ol he is oliey- safe!y. t0shsore.'1 We ondartad tisais*heis lodre lantisa lritisie Mîjeu'ican 1rovinces limeatlh boscOit of' thearge aliiui isnueiit théroahëdtheshoe ad fundhdrelf týàisted in GratjlriWtaiicsl Ireahdîc, and tha oialilO snd coanîtly arciiinooLtlýg fsodh, aiséreahed sbashoe aa fond hsaef 0w ytldisg an Ibnoume of iîpwarilo aof;,000 peta ins. seasbonnet, sans sisoes, and sans stock- HEAD OFFICES IN BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: 1 ngu, ad naidely mQdest, wlich b isd CAN 1 A .4-MoWsreal, 9l Great Si. James . Street. benuo ercome by ber hriosm,. returned, aud aise luslied acarlet. Buis aise hadno NOVA $COTIA, IIohifx-NElV BRUNVSWIICK, St. John. need toise asiamed ; the deed vus à noble -TIERE 1 A SI>ECIAL ADV.4NTAGTE -pie; wortbl of aSpartan motiser 1 and wO las Asuriasg before thae approaciag Close of the Books for the take gresis *pleauüre " nOcironiling i. 21si ANNUAL BALANCE: Important Ubcovery. Onse Yer's arlier Participationa in Profits wuil thss e sccured. APPLICATIONS IVILL BE RECEl VED UNTIL 11h APRIL. W. bave learned witb greais pleasure, îb SLeC1IEAity-JAIES GRlANT. ,*lslh we ara sre we wil ha joined by ail AGENTS: cur riera , tistaisnvery importat.digcov- wilis-J. lHAMt 1ERRIY. ery lbas ceny beeu mode bisbathenaigis-, Nowyna7Ulle- 'RSSELL LOSCOMIII, flîidiiirr Nowe BusuîaSAîivi -LWIL110t>T. borisood of Port Hope, VaC hics irougis the laOt Sops-W. F. nAIillEit <2C.miircisl flaet. enterpr!ioe canp of our. felow-tîownaan, Oiawa-SAiiUEL Ci.CHIKN E, Jr., flsrriter. aaaocat'id uit.insmegentlmen a.Port Hope, is bcbng isoscoa ta a good accouais.ln lcnoWnton exist, witbiu a few muiles of port Rloip alarge bcd of white 'marl, or loayey iulatanee. Little notice Was attacheil to tlse'fct and, except ering as a se ( for lime for white-washing fances, -&., t' bas remained ais «productive as a bail o- granite. Itig now ascertained, boîveyer, a mari ne deposlt of mach value,hereisnfnre oniy knowo t'> exîs in o Africa, thIsle of France,, Tuscany, And b n«,ome otiser prta C A R RITA G E B U IL D IE R IS, ef Europe. Tise tura tripali la quite un- eqllald Rasa polissisng substance, It was AND MM1 NCFACTII1ERS 0F ased by isba ancionts exiesuively, and banelles, ujaiyjfl o~ tisais iigis polishis viicsthey are lnown ta j JIJ,1a i.,d .l~, G'5 lave gleen taatouie, crystal, ilîver, and BROCK STREE7', JVHITB Y.ý-- every description of meta. Bth in Eng- - land and Ainsrica, attompts have heauonMI11E Suboci iser: t .lcnvo ta iufur,îî tisa pubie tisaI thay>' bave opened booess bn producald, nnas f theas re utaitIlcompalr. JLtisaprarnîles for ila-v"'.ieîîd bl M. Ira Il. Carpenter, si4uatted ln Brock Street able ta tise newly discooeced tripoli of SotEasîtss of tise Bak, s i'1- i ly opposite tise Malrket building. wiere tisey arc prepa Canada., A company have been forased, rad toasspply al '«li avhsor t -'ii 'itîs a cal, with avery article iNN tisir lino of business. '«ho.have purchased tise praperty and pu- Tisesubacciscrrs are prsclici lasnd coiptrnt sork neno4 long ex parience, a [sd as tisey iented tise diacovery. They ara 00w menu- des'ote tisae tiro of thisr own laisor toatîsir buuinessl, tisyco n prodîsce articles ofisettor facturing it an a very large seulo, giviisg w rkmanslîip, ot greater duability, and aorslegaNtly finlised, and empnyment ta beisween 30 and 40 persona. gW=AFIFOI1D ro SELL TIIEM CIIEAPEB'...I _ýPeeerbfrn Revie. ' o. . ,-,, ,. TIa t"' awh av t h Itse leiaor au asera. wrT~rAU ricl iescS osuintSthe shiiiig pui oi n-, JVU 'J.'OPEN «m 9 ail and examiniîe. Ail kinds ofuniserr and farmero prodore take, CANTON'I'. COMPANYS _________ 1ouuç isra 151,<lag -a - ne"s, a 0 tat. p i d aa îuiîsîduterated Tees0 circois lram psafgr,Wh ow ,00wete1111a piublie auAI' iiLaduanaM tprlces tarICsh only, rer TIIE SUBSORIBERS Il '1W l' euste s ais&a ry ssiil îiiUeiy iiteres- tted artis, "«li a bus o alisg for 7eura Se, ;e0m iné O'ale ie ~ I. Tue iite, itelictlyadissredrs ta isy ise Company. Taaa îill bcmane rooA OwliolOaaePrire, tlhsîs abli,,r 0f the best quahity., A]e ai ace aBOYI YR AO06ZTT 141W TEAe, astise I.ousista igore The Com îay Salstesacrefol t seleict, 'nm U üteelîî Chiassoine ftciseo laid Tees, oe ontathelaisbâoadonanmd Riîblsns BtaotsBi Nat ciosumera, '«isere--: - sas.y he ho sîipis le ' us esol oe ilTIIEIR ANNUAL audio, Loos ais tS(rai ean Sale, Fiveiliindred Uhests1 euVelb :* :i 6 rI bWiU bc etohltnd by * W4YPO9UUIOset Iarr% i frIo, a dUP. March 8, 1860,. ~ 4Oaaada1o lis, IAB. Ts'isoU ntboy au aPg a qisasts>, woîd do '«cl n Osblflnl.g8i ofje laa.rtle l atalieste sn Uwii. Tls&oay eil ïcf aàd unmuîtrat _ srlt l of . e rfug '«a ltllge* s teu aiest aotn dlleloos TIJItEY TCO"kn 6U tse dsufoabrktsaradpiasomHAVÉ ATPTHEIR Necîeaatbs nseta ourfrndd YITEE'aa unprecadeisedsocuftprartîce or ves- tisiriy por, D'bg about rtirissg Orind .11 Nparue ci che ciontry, bsan onsacl ad a, aelî ('o Niedlsul preauetîsue, npeo who hnbesowed tiss cisi sud kto'ledge Iahblongexerenou, splise left thLam al lla 4iêra, ( ais-o t fr m'e. Te tisaa '«ho areliutua lies fer >'cs ornohig c ho 9,0u8ptees,uSli4btJ pc'«> t mnosasm. thies tihas ehlledotier medical f an, y>lded rendU>' te hIe drtootnnt andi par eeoes eusse daly fréo acshuireda f sales te ha anp<. Tise Dastor, howc%-er,ies tot becnable tio)tlulslputsap MsaMc-diehue laissa oti. '«bIis are îîîscshoued 1 and PL The nnmbsr 1ion BLOOD PURIFIER. saslotthe ssuures etret of Siuraarlblia »Ausdsssiilslysf roataand iseba o tlila ai liict* #sotelee%, isa et prapertiet. of *Inch aret rtestu tsu o."cira a e'«eiauuicsubprcseuuA. Il meta ln lr doies. es au satisaep inii, i smaller o«su 'ana lteifntsuworkissg dreely onutheaLletoaà ah4e " Illg tin rabraiji emuorbiat uattw0 dne u eqILtoain ail thse o.,pus*o hut »I 7basI-I 5 lpeigs-tiv, sud ma% b. e'iudn t.ueai'e O'asptiait, rstCàa ts ehîse lls f usîre"dsosegSta Ulhirneognslkai or utîsetartimpbud> a n d il l e v e r e a S s a i e i'. a t e e e m b o d y ýU I0.1. lts-llthes-es Jsd~ *O.a ~a e ue-asm tr0ose VUprtos tisa body te tfiý' àýébrta preeoult.eîan,sic jeaipard by ()Lu sDacrua 'Fsa'. g» i- ,a"'«hoaus p ieid la Bat. ~m e4, ae-nt lihaum orofIl'. . omt rmbw ssr eOfesh Lttle sud aeoBffais, À.g 1 as tdfo 1par batti; ;W 'i this aimuia notice, dlMrveà. For fr Cash, or on npprovcd croolit. Picaso n in oxcisange. Ail work warrantcd. >ONOVAN, WALKEY& Co UAVE F0OR SALE MNOTIY -SEED,ý [so a Choice lot of LSOCK 0F rnext Steamer. MLTOb & 1ROBERTS, Ilitby. NEW STAND TJIQ THL'r Together with a genera1 a.stmeutof Jusi t.eceved from the American Market, i quantity of «0) vîz :--Cloths, Cassiînereo, Tweeds, Satinetts, Jeançs, &c. Ladies and Gents Hats of the latest stylcs. Boots and Shoes in great variety -0- Au inimense.stock of Teas, Toibaccos, and gencral Groceries. LOWES & POWELL Brook Street Wiitisy. iiaLtf*Gn fF F t SEUiNO*1 OFF t Begs to iéftwm bis custoiner~aid -the puýb- lie, that be bas juat com nncned to sell off at 'R1IS EýTEN9IVE STOCK 0F DRY GOODS LADIIES' FIJRS, BUFFALO ROBES, ANIDGROCEIRIES.» To make room for his Spring Purchases. Parties requirig such, had better call before purchbiiig elsewheze us gteat induoements 'w-ll be given 'for cash. . R Cash PaiI for5 fle.t, Peas,ý Oa, an&d Pork. tff PERMI'S BILICK BUILDING*S Aa Wh4tbl, Fbry, 186. 8 Ur" JL Lr I iIA Jij a -- OF THE FOR YEAR ENDING. 31ST DECEMBERý, 1859. Jinuary 1 EECEnPT& Balmce of Oas in la ads of Treasorer ffomx 1858,$ 4871 039 ÂO5IREOiS Or COUXTY RATES Fna 1851 COLLECTES 0n 1859. Amoant recebvedi froin Townshsip of Beach la ful,.850 21 té SbertfI sasoe.s do. 51 75 44Intercason do . 341 72 48 «1Fracs village ni Oshavain full,.. 216 53 AassAJls or ~c5T rraiTEs rena 1858 coLLxE tu 1s859. Ameni reccived frocs Township of Pickcering la fuil, 44 4 cf Eass Wbitby...... I 44 of-Reacis...... 44 48 For interesis on . do ... cg 44 TowanifViitby in fu, te 46 Twnshipof Scego,.. 4. 4.efUlàbr*dg,. 64 ora&Rm Legldative grant fer Orammar Schools-balance for 1858 .................................. 44 I for Criminal Justice nluding Ja- uar>' Sessioas cf 1859,..... ............... cOa1< TsExs ena185q. Ameuni received from Townhi 1 fPickering ia fui, cf07oo............. Oof Scott............... .4 44 cf Thorash............. Il 4 oiScugng ........... 44 Il c f Iteacisin paris. 44 .4 ' of Uxbridge la part.. .4 Village of Oshsawa in part... MNSCELLA1<EOM3 49320 8464 00 2391 20 83 B0 1422 10 145 60 1427 40 913 80 6030 003 8158 84 ---$28120 64 5513 30 2455 82 980 si 721 85 401388 8089 10 1424 10 100 003 -$14684 61 Amnî,nis reccived fro,îî Anctionecrs License. 9 ais $20 180 003 Magistrales for Fines,. 124 50 J.V.Ilscs on ac- Jury Focs, 109 50 Robt. PSillips on se. ni pro- perty purchased "lm Ceý, 128 003 LEUISI.ATIVIC. aCRineiN.05MMS Amniint raeed for Townsisip of Broek for 1859, cf Mra and Rama4,..... of Pickering,-........... ai Beýach .............. of Scotts,............... 4t cf Scogog ............. .4 i o f ThoraS,....... .... ... .4 ~of Iiabridge, ........... of Wlitby,........ ..... 4. Of RosisWhitby,...... 4 ..For Senior Ormniaer Scisool lu part, .4 . Oshawsa,............... 94 Uxbridge,.............. Ameunisreceived frein (lovernoni for Administra- tion of Justice for 18309 i parc,.............. ,PNLL5 OSCOrNTEO. Bills Payable,............ ...............Ne. 1, .i .... .... .... Amonan reeciocd (rom Mttî.abipalities fund to psy caoi- penso on nan-resident Dtsentnres Nos. 3 and 4, due lis Januar>' and Ist Jul>', 1859.... L20 003 238-100 102400 714 003 226 100 65 00 170 00 424 100 360 100 465 00 248 100 121 100 100 00 ____$4675 003 $1173 57 550 003 400 00 400 00 $1850 003 $576 003 LIABILITIES ,sCUliED nEroI-E 't JÀAuÂ,189 J&nuar-y 1. Palid Trossurers udr Comisigliliof 2hlier cent. en (Jouais' ietts 057'aasd 325,...... " Toeshp Teasrer of Pickering ist IWlîîtby', IRoes, Scugeg, Uxbrilgc, ad.5andIL-k~~a l tiNNcidpul Sciool /assessssent fù'.ý Bis payable uder liscas,,ut on 31s lîiicober, 1858 Batik- Agcncy for retirinig do ............... o Sondriea for sectinîg Juors in 1811 ............ Suindr>' orders iss.uud I>y cliairsaN 0.Qîortrr Ses.'58, CauttY Ollcers arrears of salaries fl$3S)8. ScloolSalperintcndetits accouis t t! Vceuiber,. For Scnior Osishaaund Uxisidge cuîîsîssssIr ScI1oals, balance of Legislativa'grouît for l8ý -......... SIeritl"S casis collecting Itencîs raies ............ D. G. loewitisbalanîce for a ttei din '()ilil'cil in 115, Sondries for c in 1,,t58N..i.......1... Iîrasisio,îal Delisstore No. 11, dite 1 i., 1818,.. lulorcat oiduoftram uaturity, ............... DcacNritEx AND 3lrT Paid County llebentiires'Nos. 7 anid 8, s;ILtJa.'9 ProvisioasiCo.(Ilo -13anad 14.1ue SePt.,11159, Intere-st Coupoas No. 13 ou Prosis ual debts, duo 31arcis, 1859,............. .............. e i 14 .. Spt. 159 Si 7, Cosaty iýl Jas'>' 1859, 8, du St July, 1819, 8, Noîi're& .'lt Jany 1859, 4, do ul (JuIlsu 8596 014 82 2269 80 3500 100 8 75 52 003 666 & 432 50 133 70 600 100 51 75 14 00 237 30 40000 8 85 - $ 901.9 e2 3200 003 1200 00 bol 00 5040 6120 576 no 288 003 288 0 -- 't .SUIACE ON CoUtTN j'.7.IiNNi Palid Eqîitable Tas. Co. Prean. un $16,0 :10 Msr.4, '60, 10 0 '4..Western las. Co. iS 1,4( lii Jiiy 14, Il 00 Il 8.'. i lI er. 1, 50 L90 British Am.. Ts., CoiNpany, 2,0'. to 10cr 4,~ 12 50 -- t 44Palid Treasurar or Tssiip Iluiiicipalit.-s for 1859, ... 4206 GO 44Senior Oshawa andî Uxbridge Graiîi'ir Scliaols on accounit for 1859 ............ ............. -.469 0 MUXNUSPAL SCNNOON Lo i:T Pali tuiTroasuror ef Ton'itiiî i fPic-e i ...... '1'lîiir........... Sirugt:. ý......... Scouil........ ... eti Il Uxbr e .. . . . SAi.9. 1IN ES A Nt, CO' ÇriN \'i1:.. PalaI Il. J. Meaciel, clark, in luli,..............'« WKNI Paxton,'Ti esmurcr ta lOtIS Se-p; iiilr,... John Slîicr, Eluglîscer, t ust ilctober............ J. S. Sprowle, Uiaîler, tu> lut Octotier............ Jaha Weiton, keeper of coiil IMust' 1.) 4îlî Qerlhur, Dr. hua, tIai Sargcaui, to 301h'Sr ioiiber,... Anditors for 185!) in ull5...................... Loal cs!Srsoî Siîeritcudenta, &r., 1i1accotait salar- les and atteîidanre,....................... . Cîerk licark at Ri.gitry Office,..... ..... ....... Lawv costs qusliiig Ily-lats. ...... ........... Cauntl>'Salicitors oralered b>' Coun. ............ Sttionnry Postage, IBooks,._ .. .............. For Si'alf bouatie,.............. ...... l...... Coînillors fur slîeiidsîiie Jaîiuary , 1 Joune Sessions Warclrîsfîîr Ex «lises, &C.,................... 1Iloîsusnti, Tuesseaigor,.............. ....... Sundry Prîîîitîîtirrccuuiils,........... ........_ COl.sY Ry ENiiilcs AND Aî5"A.5CT Paid J. S. Sprosv h, Ortler, ........ ............ . (lelrge Cormiack, carpente lorkuis-k...... Sundricu for Cord'«ood, ftiriii.iiiig airs, . 2j PERi CENT COMMNISSION TO TitBAStssENiS ON s, scYRATEcS. W/1 7 Paid Tawnship Tres1,uorer ot brook, Scs' Tisursîi, Ses,- gg aud Ilickei-ing rammasiuoîn (t'sfor 1859, ADIiNN5T0ATIN Onr i O. 45.& i-Et5 osîIii..5 OF Ci5AItN1i 5OFr ujiTcru19 SSiaNclÇ. l'niaI Il. J. Mscdcnvll, Clos-k of tise Peai.sunîls-> ordera W. I. L rem'.Sviie, Couiîty Atitorney ....... N. G. IRynolds, SIieifli.......... Corobners sud otlscr Iaqîîutss .................. Susidries, coud, <bol iund Court llot,............. Printiusg sudlBook arcoits .......... Johnu A'thiiscon ouou iOlt lhsnuortoi'. iris up,.. Il. G. IlIscous, Poh>stage snd turiibuiig accountil...............-. constablcs, ... .............. ....... ...... 5172 10 173 50 4675 0 10240 5120 10 '700 035 0 2260 424 G0 --- $ '2429 10 400 10 75o 0 225 G0 810 00 197 50 7 5 90 120 0 443 53 335 77 44 95 20 0 162 92 18 () 436< 50 100 003 22I 00 327') 29 - - $4478 46 198 23 6r, (10 276 Il un 31-- $ 251 78 1322099 269 80 1024 91 156 40 1600 409 102 97 10 14 52 17 75 181)8 43 $5080 92 SiPaaid Jus-ass ais Qîuarter Scssionis, .. ir, 1859, 109 70 du10 ido> C<O .... ..sîo 1859, 305u do du (1abu .....icuar1859, 118 t'O 44 do A.size,ý do . \ lirels, 1 sà!1, 304 80 du du doI ... Niovr, 1859, 229 40 Paid sadries u(-etîngWurar.s, I100 ....... 86 10 .4 ~isîdigelit %Vittimses, ....... 62 50 NIMADS ANDNBI Olun Palal JolSa !lisy 1I)-cars' sahsry t t U-jy, '1859, kccpcr of Narrows Bridge, .... ..... Do. 0-rouèt for rowsllBridge, 441John Carets, labor andl usaterisils for ,,o~g Bridge, Usiniissiosora order for '«orS isku' cuaStrecis, Atidres Anacu' propartionîîo! cOt c 'ulgt on base hune, IVcot Oshawa«, ...... ...... Coîaîîissioîîcra craIes-for nsorS dose on'.Iorll lino bS tween Maru snd Rasas ._ ...... John Prince atteîîding Taîtbot Brid~..... Paaid bills payali, Nos. 1 and 2 retb .. . Discounts sud Bonk Agrur>' an * . .....hl« Balace por Treasns-r's CagS BoaoklIas Di 'cusber, 1859, 1 18 50 40 100 2 9<0 296 77 500 100 100 100 503 00 10 003 950 100 26 20 999 67 8 ..$976 291 $12846 341 $48121 791 Wlliyý, March lst, 1860. thWe1 the undersined Au.itor; of the Corporation of the Couiîty ofOntaorio, hereby ceîrtify that the ab v9 js a correct Abstrlact of te Receipts and Expenditures of the said Corporation for the year endling 3lst Decembèr, 1859. POl EIT H. LAWDER, Jos :1>11DICKEY. 1 Abstract of Assets and Liabilities of the Corporati - eCOli1y of Ontario, 31st December, 1859. ' Balance la bauds of Treasorn as per cash Bock alasDec 1859, 812846 34 64duo frocs Tow«nship of Masansd Rama oaccuais Coun- ty rates for1839 ..............................8485 44 eBtsc.................... 825 31 et et Uxbrid;e...............8378307 usWbltby East............ 2505 60 Whitby.............. ... 2419 us S S Toue-aofiWhiiSy ... 1770 84 Villap of Oshs'aa........ 817 013 dus On Oounisy londe soîd S&. E.Pers-y '«tubinterest :Om0 28th Augosis 1856.......................... 580 003 et Bobt Phîhlipa '«11h inteecat fei. 11118h A guate 1857, 869 013 Ncn-seidest taxes of sondny Munhiplities fonsnbng macirity for ENa-reaideat Dehastuges Liability cf £%u440 0 0... Amount atili to e haemcired frocs Goverumeasisone acoosut of digbersementa for adeinistraision of Cnimlnal JStice las1&59, no seisrea heng raceied an ap proximate "bmae ilama, et Gaël, Onot MoOUSland tiset. attcaciuai Md BiaVutim]a&Lc- nP .............. .....,..........1--ý: . $22032 96 li 9100 "w 9100 *120010 $400006 $18744 9U Bis payable Ne. 8 nader discou iot Slst Dec. 185,) Areaure ai Salaries due Treosurer, Gauler, G.asb Home Keopar .......********-- a andaconts dueaL SchSaaSuperinstend>. as for as ascea tasiad. fr15 ,Municipal Scisoal assesmonîs lu 1*819 flot yet*piîo~~ i Tresai-rsoaiRuaslutby, WhiStby, Mare and lýi' lc 2k par centisçolsscission payable ta sundry Trettc,,u es ceunis (ouoisy rates 1859.... .. ....eicrone 1o9 e>'. ceoytafor dù « oes-kidan a nIet Gaol'itd su osi Uae............................ for 1859 as pa er ana a CmmicceeonosF 44 for Pitsing ..... .u4 u ~Cantinensu.- Waris dane oni Ioadsa't Jury tees due Jurora fur 1859 nal applied Iorno0r paauu rff- PenvÎab" ouatcity Dentum O utastkuding 31st D. cennty - - 4. c, Non-leaidenita Balance aoulag exem o f Assola oSe Lbl"ise. - $4000 682 560 147 40 1777 001 844 99 501 88 1410 25 28 27j 220 le ,f-75, -, 5806 63 1859,. 386O~ 60 8819000 960000 AT - A c T&' YANEE NOTIOIe toi Bitock, Sitaui Squrvise or perjsb. %vis IIELBTYSP viTt Il%. on' in), ot I',L'iit Ieiel.lf iLoi' i iy i rcordiii, te li iSoI j'Il iiic.iiiîcî îtîîssîiîof illlyrois~o, piloiiî'îc ll iiiîiiiha toiiîi. Ilillinus Disorders. lut risIieiliiriiri(iutLiisirîhu t0. PUs li11s:Lîîîiîlirreiithle eîirîilve. th el Si ci i liî iitiîliuly Ilav ed, reit i ilventil.ir u ll etlvity '«iliibu hoe titi%, r3 iîîgreAusi. Dyspepin. Tii,.grosl eetirge..f lui.î esiuue qidriy tlicuisa f lii-c titi iIi3 i l eugc.lii oirerea Il uio,l Fsei toilicisirolmir i Niicldt,il fil -idliiuirriigccunieîy diq'uîicccsit itr tieist'âsaystllii. (leneral DelsOlis>' mnd Wl Freîin iuiiliccr enuisi, Iun iio,i, ail ociriri f à s i,e,il l ai erudsiiisr iillliiee e* ci' Ill pieoscot sitil iile "ti iilaid raiii'dyI Sirialy Femialen rcgiliniiicniirîîîî'îiîgOcil%-I lieul u l' ieiri'isI'.liliiiu, itlci Ii lsaisJ ssiiýt i 411 Il roi il and îl car ii tiîîucli ilîcle La il3 hui ii.iul Ilattisi'îiqa XPillitsoiiiit4'iic.îci liiti i ir tieitiîua bs lse,,iîî.s' ls.Il% , b 'îrsîî DelaiiiihIîurl' sis' esktiIis.l.ii,; conluiti .îii 4, 'lu tlifaiiil il'îil isIiot tIi.'lî,uk IIsli1i'iJiN !-Ni'suslire e,îî'iî~,u r-iie usiuiiiiq'v hI piiiiii s' csi. hl.S II M i/i/5. A liiidiîliis reuIid Ms.llb ilIl iy olicriulIi ,lef.ui'iiuiei'i s l il itci'i'i ofi4111). 9 iriy af i' laiie é lu . .,riia. Si/il ii 1h ..Jbeiuliue.fls I îîîAv', i.:: 1Iijiî.ilai: v, Nos ol ilsulril c'.iIit. 1 i'lSiat,ii'osu iii i",liii b.xi'sitt 2.liSi..cs in. Is lPUIF TUE 111.001). Mfitit's Lifo 'lhsîiud PhoeeisII F5re fIrnuiî nl l Mineri i F5m, rT UEiitlb:i' i»OÎtIIAItITY Wiîsiif I Cils"sLite IPilo île ndlisiis. blitebRsa alîss ieto u iiro ert,r iiot ,riuiieucs-i aISe cuiluclciawr 5lime rlie it-oit I1I1Vilie cf thicîiiediei u1 il isesceprajiruI iig Scisi imur,' e t i Seliti t-ztr., 'fucii lie, and hiiuislig, tise IIitiiilieh ion1iit4 thoani ilrcueu ai.i' chjur8mis a ci14o bus îlcîî i tuliellis riiit-istrie erialsas beet % c gsuilc eull'iîeîîso befatroe p îishiiiltti ut iscu iipiue. I lamâtiiicieserf rilbî«iziilîc lid'it uletsre aeaiiii tire cii u l eolil u ia hihe licsicy' i n î disauie, anîd giviig loci. h ISus'4tcbIft icrsd hsalili. litcSemroaaat/eafala, Itflsersî Scarv"> SI lioîuasfrhie chisi, tIhe uss'a c is h'îeL (iiiele trils iibeiibi luluti~i esucîsO %vi uapiys cvmCe.sigeof aI ClaIsUâhuci ruer ialAguuc, lb abelOliS, bIr, li u ini oce, 1ust îîlldiaeiiaý, ecîcîs >i'd euruitlu'iuuN cso N5. liuiil> c1lsiîes sui t Ileci, swlis'heir iiielyu' 0 .u idiO sad xu.iuuia ss>' h-:'id.' lrç,iueulbiy WILIu.AM 1Jîb, il, M1 y undh 1cr Siibiha> (. A. I',aîti BUFFA.LO IIEDICAL I>ISPEN<d /i7,eus eeciul Detifltg, >,cci u.'J .uasf't, )O VIcra, Grr'sIpt ijcniy$. Sait J1.iciitiSIi'i.pti'., KRola, J<Ca5, I »Rt. AMOS &u SN, (LUaNEa OFrMI N Dis s u oîslàas., sir5Oii A RF TIIE ONLY 1'IISICLisNS IN f.STATE wsua e- riaiiura of the l '44ailog' oc* Sulrgi'.i .sik, uNluSa>is eeOS tronSt a'cbi'oc l'.s L:,îuai silI ,5 iii eere>' eanr 'îd cîuiiliiabDcsu Thoctreauîiieisc thucadsaît L la lm- Xl< '«ards of10"'.0 a eZeisicud ,sseet- Il tiecein Lnonî. Tise iioa.l Ilivoieces Diaaiam cenIdictea iiit or dicye, asud a sligisl natîuîreltbu sos-Ideya nt a 55sdcuu pauss. Tisacuir oatebd '«lissaI ceiR orlwjdmure hosin business. .osM8O lIE-i TAKE PANaTICrLAR t N0 1 Tieea i o uil habit sotueliiiaa Induis .,ay noya, in eol'tud, OoNCIIguasusi thiesîi 1a iishio ;AtI W.'hidi. if nul tei lu r it claipotit aiil> lcre .saius lt ,ut-i i'.lpiiusai iccarietso Frw autsthune Whos giva way t cilale tuatIce rane usre ofrUi- sscma Cae. thuey aBul tise tiuerîassysteis slialrte, elrii;'iisugsealeeadid nara uuXIS e nind. AàlMOST SCIt8dTlFCc NVIMT0 AInîalistent fie the Cdire orlill15 ur Noetansal Eii mosure proeeu!> asisisî OeakiI.Ce, &C.exil ca cered i rtr,% 1. uly#, to g5 uiStie, 5,7 * orthm S laentasaint, '«leun tea siluu mesllcias. Dr. Anisa & ' uas taise plaeurs in 45 thiat tbey hiSse sureaited a soîsl aclai0 st£oiseubteer htirer t Ie miss s-sdé*' hsshseii subjuirîcd bo a ts by thae -1 p~h * *inusoaLosndon lPariasUai l uaeri lin.,îsîiiestnt .e Issabeed f«i Casegr etSilWeakneae4, cee>' 8. geaical urgwea, eauad S7 thés saut yoeth. Dr. Aies & B$SS, tlu dse taes t'*l skiept" as mete tIi.e ueioi blass 5tm plig lsuesatisaIla gouyJaei thse uma>'utbcarufiae by reame5 Isaeaiesut le' gow deset Permetes w sg the aboci e lul1 »r..obseve a lith ie, *8ii We, the innderined Âudtoes for ItheOoepoeiimof cf L ounty of Owtaj, o teyer18 , r a orect AbstrâWctheIL.Amb iand Jfor C i ~~ O o ltelber1% >fa 1 - - r ort 1 - . . - - 1 . 1 ý ---- -1

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