Whitby Chronicle, 22 Mar 1860, p. 2

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r To attac1> Mr*.GalV's Fiancieztal etatta hna aspeech cf um.eI. abilil>', çhesr caudid sudd eioue% ue Minimier ot Fi- nance bas plae«i fo 're tLe ceunIr>', tIi. fuliemi t £*tahm as te tLe recent arrange. m ononnectoèd mit thle tuading et eue *xistlag national d.bt, and tie establish. ment ot a slnking fund fer tLe extindio et thal doL; mwithin a periQd ef fifty yeaes. Whéther vo regard the. singularli>' <enaate moment wbleh Me . Gal seiected for *tLe plaeing, et is peopoalibeore tie Englisi marks; or lie nutirîng seal irbioh le dis. played i nrylo'g Ibeougi îLoe.proposi. tiens to, a succemaful issue, lime Hon. Gen. ieuman deserves mol! cfis counIery. An>' Miniéîr>' mlghl veilib. proud et suoL s Minuter. gren Mr, Den ccnld -net vo. êala tfroin paylng the horageofetaspolisi adrorsar>' "te Ibthe r>' Able mauner ia wieh LMr. Gal laed piae.dthe statemeats1 oft hl fnanclal operallens before lie Seom." Of ceaie, is out-spolean lnbut of spontâsumonuappreval, mwu foilow0< b>'1 Plium. lwonid lot be GWorgê Brow% 1 #adi ith3Du otierviso. Il unI boeyovgc fako a greater finaneier Ian the tvo days. incubation developedy tesaili the malfrom t he cetitcte et approb1ation, ubici ihree- fountiofetihe ceunie>'baveunremervedî>' - onceded te Me. GaIî's admvit>' and abilt>'. Mc. Galleaunomlyaud emphaticall>'poiatto lie'mmportaniat, Ibatht a "Siukiug Fnnd" bas Leen, provldod, vli.reby lb. viole et eue debi viii ultiitel>' b. extinguisbod. This fealuro Walon uet starnp bis measure, miti tbe approval et all e bave tiserJ country'& geed at bearl. Itmneots triumph. antI>' lie tmuwnde sudners aud meut un- reasonable jibes et bis oppouent, vbo, tee- getive et alioue natienal enterprusm vielL- or in rails, ronds, canis or publie build- ings, wibiLhave leaped aes if b>' miracle, inte existence, vitbin lb. lasutom wyoaes,i (aud wiciean>' eould neyer Lave existed' but by' a mugit>' effort accompaniod b>' ý certain amnoualof inevitable indebtedaem,) il zùeeta, vwerpeal lie eereîssiag invec-. * nes. et- sncb, b>'tie Lrond bLd tact,, Ibatj ne funibe debt io tole .iacun'el, anud thai provision is now made tee îLe total exinc- lion et eue national liabflitdes. lun ating lins, vo malatain that Goverumeni Lave acted visel>'. The>' Lave looked le tLe tu-1 <tnro as veli asuote .presenI ; and la malc. ihtng 111e imfmna s userlus; aM qzplica5J e- tihe reemuption eof the nation- cil debt, tLey hbae exhibited a sound sud honorable discretion. No needy minister câu place bie financiai pair, on lhis golden nesl-egg. The compact entered ino th le ceunir', vithihome vie haro talen sleclc,i lb. nev fund, places tIs tund b.yond ahi contcel or influence. Our nationaLoe ii plcdgcd te ibis, and vo tiink vo do net poak tee confidmmîl> mien vs airer1 liat Canada vould villingi>' encounter any exîromit>', raiber than" break liaI pligited <nuLh. Inte ail 1h. dotails con- uected iii ibis great financiai mca-- sure me canet enter. TLoy are fuhi>' and 'tiai day, mur ekildeen wmli. W. posMs Immene public wee'km, vhichy if net juat J. nov profitable, viii yet beconie se. The taxation nom requined to ouai themn, "I bot o urlb.ucme,'an.d th bour c£ profit May b. eeer ttua vo anticipsa. Oui oilidreai iilanit tiemo mangifleont week i-fresoe. aIl dobi and the year 1860 viii yotb. refered'te prebsb>',as lie peried l in wih u Masmbli$heda moundi anud honorable a$ea> cf finance."1 dl v. nepeal ecienîiops. I~y1Ia ~ ~my be prond f iÛh oolww* Me. Robsite.prooeded te read lb. ýr. 'Port, whleh vas tée ifollowiugs efec4ý Ttb é ommîtlttee'hav. hsîd Under, cosideratiop difféent mallerg Ia connec. tio> wflhthe evection of a Wô6lèn Facto. r>' 1W Wbitby, mnd that afler inforotation, recoivd frôm',tho Manager eof th«.0obourgý WolnMilla, bçing .the largest in the, Prvnee, b. eomnlittsoo Suds ýthat ibeý ou uppo s of t0< ç irctibofeta ,FÀto4y '20 ft on, 50r feet wide,2 stades bigh, wouid be......... .600 oussomachinervat2,00& a&,sel, -8,000 IlaIna blie, e.,~0hersepo*br,, 5,000 $19,00q~ A Factory this uize would employ, about' 80 operatives. The machiner> te b. drir.- en by steann, 4 to ô corde of wood wôuld, be consumred dailly. A constant stippljr of water to 611 a ton Inch pipe would, b.' requl. red for washing pnrpoaca, &c. _ Your Committes are of opinion that if a piart>' eeuld b. got possessing a capital oz $14,000, and ereet a building te the above dimensions, and if halI' thatarnount eoutd b. ra.ised by privat. individuals in town, sa>' $7,000, said sm lobe invested In the erection of the building, on tLe fol. lowing termes: Forthe first 8 years no Interest te hoe charged; for the remaindor et the lime, *àgreed oniÎnterest te be cbarged aI lbe legal rate, taking a mortgage on the pro- perty for tbe arnount invested. Or, If a part>' could b. gelt W ereet a -building, and put lu machiner>' to cost tb. ail muin of $144000, and on complo. tien eft' he vork, 1h. Town lb pîroeont said part>' vith MON 00 s a bonus, roviding sufficlent securit>' b. ¶lven thalts P acte- ?>' shall b. coied on n Cl! opralion for ô ln oeusfme, 7eqir, omiWttée meely bring g hhe report *y lb. shape of a few sug. gestongs leowing the meeting to take whal aton diey ina> sce fitlin tiso mater. Whtby, Mlarch 14, 1800. Mr. Roberts maid il vas for the meeting ta determins whethee they' venld assist a capitalist that vas ready te cerne forward, by free gift or b>' ban. Dr. Onn stated that enseofthle objecta of -the report vas te elicit discussion. That b. vas net present at the firsI meeting when the malter vas discussed, but that Ihere eouid be ne Ivo opinions on the sub- ject tiat somethiug vas necessar' te ho don. te sitimulaI. tLe energies oetthb. .peo- ple and adrance the intercsafth tîe Town. That thie subject of manufactures appenred to have talcen a hold on peoples' minds, sud'thêl even if îLe>' couid net bo wholly muecesaful in seuring ttn le th e Town the ver discussion of th. subjeet vouid serve a good purpose, and be a stirnilus te exertion la thal direction. Iu drawing up the report hi (tb. doctor) followed lhe. suggestions of Mr. Roberts, who precured tLe information laid before the meeting fromn a peactical pari>'. The greal diffi. cuit>', however, vas as tebow the money was te, b. procured. One part of the report h. approved ef ver>' cordially,lhe giving et a henua if a capitalist conld bo found te undertahe the projeel. It vas iu bis (Doctor Gunu'sl opinion tb. best plan and ho would b. glad te lend bisý as- sistauce in Ibis vay. Joint stock cern- panies did net meel vith bis approval, as, Le censidered that in general îLe>' did net ansvor the. pueposes ter whieh IL.>' were mea«nt but iLte great majorily of iustances dioded iÏ misinanagement. If it went abroad tiaI ve vers villing te gin. a good boàia » a, suitable part>' peepared viLli tb. roquisite amount of capital, he Lad ne doubt but tbat the right person veuld be altracted tovards lhs Town. Ho irlas net exacîl>'of opinion.thal vlîat vo needed niost ver. manufactures; b. preferred a gzod gravel road, that vonld afferd f.cili- Mr. W. W. Caldwcll wauted te, ask the docor te give tLe meeting soe informa- Dtion jespecting gravel ronde. 0 Mr. John sbaw objected 'te tLe introduc- tien ofthîe subject, et gavel rends until the report-.efthle commi ttee on Manufac. tures vas disposed et. Ho cornpinined ethal the report did net stat. Low the va>'. esud menais vre t«. ho prenided, Mr. Roberts repiied referrnog to, lie cd- port sUeontaluing tihs. ver>' suggestions vbich Me. Shaw aileged te be ouliîtted' ho vus of opinion liat Mr. Shav reteered, le tb.dmcarrying aeound et the subseriptlon ,liti- Me. Iteberta observed that wiii> man'u- factures, tber. iras nothing more rZequisi te thac a good gieavei rond. Mr Lairder enqulred irhethce he oem- mué. ehad an>'one in vies lia iàould b. likel>' le corne torvard and estabiah man- autures ; or vhether 1h.>' lad reason to belioe ibat an>' one would beattracted b>' their off'r: cf a bon»s. Mr. lioberts repiie'd it h>' bad net,ý bu " hate intention vas te adverîla. in from ou: 'êV1itt.>'~r*~w~ î ls the peputy Clerk'o e:b cvi pny eharged vili makirmg a!'y wit ai ,ac eoi, miich fod ie r de a preeenton f rg.r~ry. This,,r.- ceipl, il is- alloged* ,ienld b. in bis, possession. This grave chlargeèiwmade- in the face oet the facflmtalD mneyeri hand the ceceipllu is epossession1, and Ihat the proper cusledy f et lisdocument vas miii tLe Ceuni>' Aterne>'. The attaeki efthîe Wa*chman la-la ever>' respect unjus- justifiable'sud nncalled for, and cati onl>' Lave proceeded lfrom tie privaI. malice et tho Watc'Jm«zn'a atcher. Circeulara baro been isaued cal ing a pub. lic meeting unIlhouck's 'hetel, Epson>, lebe Leld on te-rnorrew, the 23rd mmls., ter the purpese of-takîng loto censidecation tLe Lest menus"ot' conslrucîing :a macadamized rond froni Brookla te, Brook, lie present Brook rond te b. lice main hune. Il is aloe proposed. te macadamize th. rend rom Epaom te Uxbridge.. Those et eue citizen. irbo can do se, sud especialiy the advoea. tes et gravel roadNahaiuld attendl Ibis meet- ing. Cartons Addrese o a Letter. We have been shows> tLe folloving cu- rions address on a letter coming te the WLilby Peut Office. The letier was mail- ed In the United SIats. 4-Te the clerk» and agents ofihe United States mail: "My contents are important, and inuit go without thi; 1' wi vinl go te a professor of lmv, "Hi% naine 1 shail cai Mr. W.,.J. Shaw$ ilWlio resndes at Whiby. CanadaWest, "And a d-d cotd bol t i, îaasay thibe"t. 9 If lb.e author efthîe foregoing wrctcbed doggrei ever makes bis ippearance in Whitby, b. mn>' find tLe place a iittlo toarmer Iban Le expecta. We perceirs b>' lie list oettiLs.Rmga. ,ian'a passongens, thal Mr. Riehardsomn et the North Ridiag oetihis Ceuni>' la amongst lie'lest efthe ill-fted vessel. Mr. Rici. anrdson vent te England at seasen fer tLe benefit et Lis henl, and mas returning le Lie cenifortable Canadian home, whiei Lis <tva iudustry Lad secured ii, in tLe lest steamer. Mr. Richardson vas a Ieadiag tanmeer la North Ontario sn u vs el l ked, and in2uci respected. On and atter tL. 2nd et April, Stenff'e- ville and Toronto viii excbange mails dail>', via Wbitby. Atter tLat date mails vilI bo made up aItlime Whiîby Pest Office for, Bnlsam direct ; and mails for A"barn, Balmarn, Claremont, Allena and Steuffe- ville, will b. despatcied in W. leatier bagi le, Mhbwtu by tLe Uxbridge stage ever>' mormniug, The Learneti BlacksmIth Aýgaïe. I il b. seen b>' an anneuncemna in eue adrertiaiugr columas that Mr. Elibu Bue. iii lectures at the Meebaules' Hall, in tueé T ow-n Tbumsdny svening, Mardi 29ti. Tic subjeet, "The dignit>' and comfen-l of tLe Pariera lite," is eue that siotxld at- ThillIIte proetelgrowing timber vent tirough eemmittec and vas ordered for a iiird rending le-merev. On motion et Hep. Me. VankougLne4, tis bill te gànt aý 'additional subsidy tW' tie Oceaa ,>Steame, anl t6 extend4, the teiegraRi lin. te BetiVI p rend a firat lime. la îLe Assmbi>' several- bill e menm- îroducod, amenga tIhona i all to eiouie ,Momers et CeunI>' Conucils travelling ex- pemse and severai others more adv'anced'la. s-age. Mowa's bi11 te ýamsnd tLe lmv r epievin mas rend .& second lime and r?. Mr. Goman's biil $o'abollub prOpeutý', qualiicaton f r m bors et Pariamepmî1 beouzgbi on cenaiderabie debsie, suad mm ameudment et Mn. Loranger, g iviig the Lii lhesix menths boistewira arrled, teS51. ,mawpupaefýlre uaM y- ermuy pet' a 4iea~moitun der foot. On! p eamaultfm.otfitandthe>'8.1émed'to euJo>'! Ïheir festival euih more than usual, , gjto. 4geod m> yfaXs' mre displayed acfois and;eret ,,"dpon evengreens decocaod be <roýtastgot e. miôgoler- resi- aencès iaI oft heHon. ,, Alleyn mas. se jailnguied, mnd'bi ÉbealîL sh eema te b. 4'ery-much impcored, Le, la Lis capacit>' of President et' lihe St. Pateick's Societ>', bended tho procemsion te lie Gev. Genen- rd"i romirbýere Le dolirored a loyal ad- àlresN',bthe unie t he Icisimen ef Que- tec, t1; HiosExcellency. 'Ho alluded te iLe expected visit o e b irapparenl and asued Ris Excellency liaI Le mouid Le recived b>' ne ciass efthe population more Jg oyously than b>'tho Irish, but for fear tint Oms disaifected person siould deubt vbat 1 sa>' , Iseid'yen bôti tie address ana îhe anaver, mhiie are rather significant et a Werydiifereut state et feeling trotn thlianas sumed te exisi, b>' tint mould-be great au-. thin>'Mn. D'Arc>' McGee. M'Y IT PLiAS OtR ExcmLrmc,-TLe St. Pateick's Societ>' et Quebec avail lhem- selves of thia, their National Annivrrar, o usure yen of their atiaciment te tic Throne, tisir bigi respecl-fryour Excellene>' lu tLe exalîed station te mhich Hec Majesi>' Las beei plaied te eau yenu. Thougi recog. nizing tisir pararnnt dut>' on ahl occa- iens in ibis tecesand happy land oetIheir adoption, wiere oqual rights unite mon et W1l origiuu -and creeds, on Ibis day vs tond- 1>' dweil almost excînsivel>' on tLe recel- lections et our emu green lie, lie land et aour binîh or enigin, >'et me are happy te Lave lis opportnnit>' et decîaning *0 youe Exceilency tbat siould yen Le called en te receive His Royal Higineis the Prince et Wales during the ensuing summor, ne clas et Candian subjects viii more cordial1>' e- opemate miii> their felleir Canadians, in giving le Iheir future Sovoreigu a dutîfal andý loyal recoption linlhe Irish of the ancient capital efthte Province et Cana- da. His Exceilc> replied briefi>' oteL teliovwing effeet : hU gave him sincers pieanre te con-1 gratulate tb. me.nbers efthîe St. Patrickis Society' on the reenerenceoef tis national festival. Tic terrent enthusiasrnm iii vidi IL.> ever gnceted the coming of tuis <estive day eviijced their deep attaebment te tise native land-the strng mmemies thai boanm!hein in Ibis distant colon>', ic lb. green fields et oîd lreiand. <Chcees.) Aithongh Dot an Irishman hituselt Le vas Lappy, in tie persan et their vorti>' Preai- dent, te have tLe intellect sud judgment aud loyalty eof ai Irishman, le assisi hlm inlihe gover-oment eftIhis Prevne. <Leud entinsiastie ciccnlng.> Ho mas salisfled tint b>' ne chas ef Hec Mnjest>"s aubjeets moud Ris Royal Highmess IL. Prince et Wales Le recoived viti more hpartelt pics- surs, fer b>' nons vas Rer Graclous Majes. t>' more ieyally servcd. He îbanked ilium fer tLe pensonaiL ouer îLe>' Lad done hlm; and lu conclusion preposed tlime cbeens for tLe Quesu and old Ireiand, wbici more givon miha Loet>' géodmii, and as tLe echees <ied aira',Mn. O'NeiII, Vico-Presideni ,ofthlis Societ>', callod for ibres -more for-Hi. Excellenc>' îLe Gev- enor General ot Britisb Norti America, and v. v enture W m>' ai îLe -téhis go(old Sta- dacena nevor gave baek a more veciferens respense, than tint ir:ci came <rom thé sonosoftthe Ernirald lIe on Ibis occa- sien. While I aaiini»g I hff'a nv et ofîLe 8L1 awrence, miiciï is ns pineid as a mle- rer sud refletis the bigi lande ai Point Ley.i as faitituli>' as tLe Lest glass. There tLe Ferry Steamers are goiug across miti perfect oeue, encousîîeriog Lui bers sud îbere a uitile drift ootle. rondoncd quite seft b>' the sun of the lasI fine or six <laya. About my ewn promises I perceive <lande- liens and grass exilibiting signs et active vegetation, and allegetber I muet sa>'I never koem anytinig npproaciing te se oaci>' a Sprinfg la the oid Forînesa Cit>'; but v. nia>' ponape barp te pay <eur for ahi ths a uittle inter.! lu lie malter polies me are gotting along prelty*mcli, yot net vitieut seme fightiug, On. Thurada>' me bd a joli>' gooci round gamoe on Mr. MeMiekeos Liilte fi tL. rate ot intemeat sud te, puolsi uanry with loss et intemoat and principal Leaides infiicting tie pouah>' et imprisonmout upor. tho offender, but îLe geod sens. -ofthîe House prevailod sud lie antiquated abaurdi- t>' vas kicked out. On Frida>' Me. Cactier submittcd lie oliot tentures et a Liiile oimpeeve tie miodes çI cegisteriug mortgages in Lever Cûsîý, of et icb iav lier. vas muci need, * lreseut tiose debta are chargcd, net Ieust. roert>', but againat tLe ovuens et «rois 1se muci difficuli>' in fiuding- Tul mhaisuma ovos, and irhal Le oves, lhat *auds are afien perpelrntcd, upon the eotgageou. The bill iras received mi approbation b>'ths French members gener. ah>', sud I Lave ne donbA, miii bc accepîed as naI beau lu inLover Canada. Afier dinnertbe Bill ofthue Peatmaster Generai te gin, au increaeed annusi grant te the Cadadimue f Ocean Steamers came tmp fonrasecond iaadiag ,snd mas îLe euh- ject ef a_.fier>' discussion for 6 or 7 montai, boums - No lesst hau dires amendrna mer. pcoposed mhLth iew omfetdeiaying, the niesure,,4ul Goverumeul refused te, acýeede, sud as smo etiheir supporters mcmed isoem baîsky, tLe Opposition A good dEàl 0ff ' oi yolWi -egrdît tbein, and per4ap.in,,my.iwxt letteX I mayj b. able le sa>' somnslbag on the sueet. Arrivai or lhe Plillon. NaEW Yoaa Mëreb 201h. Thestoaxer Fidton arrivthis ibi tù iug. h 1WeýW1'Ceéeàon lie,1morning er, the l8ti,,a!2d biingaLondon papers ,ett 7th, isalt Breadatuffi - duil 1 cern declining pro visions steaàdy. Tb.e ù olean *arrived on tLe 7tb, viîh £30,00e> in,Atiîian goid, en route tee Great BritagLu. AnadaÏnce in >In'dia. secueities Lad ta& ken place. In Londo n the publication of Thouve- nci's despateL causod a deeline la con- sols. The nciý Ameelean Minister prealented his credenýials aI Paria on!tLe4ti. The Austrian rcoon peog e l eut.Prs General Ectag-,as comrn enccd a forvard niovernultefthe Spapisi Ireepa frorn Se- mle. Victor Emanuel Las agreed te tLe solu- tion proposed b>' France vili efeence te Remagna Buoncompagni resignod the Govemnor Goueralsbip. Teain tLe London Marketcl; lafat. Con- SOla 94 for mono>' and 94s a onac1 Wlieal quiet at 9s 9d a 'loi 7d -,vhite 1 Oa 6d a 12é. Cern doclined 3d a 6d yellov 3 a 33a 6d. Beef quiet, bolders ofesring free>'. Podc steady. Bacon quiet. Lard firm, aI 60# a 6rs for choie. Bye quiet. Ashes duil. In the Houseef Conunouos on Monda>', during an incidentaI disossion et tb. ques- tion eftbîe annexation ol Savoy, Mn. Fitz- gerald expressed an eminest hope Ibat Panliamenl vould enter a t solenin protest agninsat a nt, and Mr.. loebuek enveigi. ed billon>' againsl tLe Emperor, accusing i et breaneboetIrentios. Irish papers den>' tLe. ruth ofthe re. celi reports tint Piecolomii vas mnrried Intel>' in Dublin. The Pieturesque "marine terrace" ereet- ed b>' th. late Lord Murray" ou - portion efthe Casîle Hill, Edinburgi, halî giron va>' eviugte lite deteetive f9undation and became a mass et ruina. The Constitutionnel publiahes an article sxplaining tLe French pelicy in Itai>'. lu mentioning tLe solution proposed lu the message et M. Thonvenel, lie Consitution- met inys, if ih is net a Sardinian solution, il is an Italian eue. Sardinia viii poule alu Tusean>' an ail>' vo ie viiaid ber teo ver- cerne the opposition et Naples and Romne, in erder te constiluts the Italian nation mi the cocureence et ail ils nationali 'tics, and net an Italian kinigdern absorhing or- enytbing -wilLeul considering the esseutial difl'erenees, opposing intereste, and tbe dis- trustsetfEurope. The Times Paris correspondent aaya their is n rumeur Ihat Militar>' mon and soldiers nov on lenvo are te jein tbeir re girnents sas soon as possible. Tho Imperi. - ai Guard is net exempted. _ #jre,' Tho Cardinals and Preae,'ER6ý a membens et the Sonate, bave- prete»*d pe. tillons, demanding tLe niainteé,eeoetthe temporal power efthe Pp. The correspondance etf et the Morning Poil s>' despaiehes Lave been eecoived froni allparts oe tly>. Tbo Emperor's speech ianet beon received ver>' tavora- bhi" Tpiatt.*ha peopbe etCentrail Iai>' perer vili completo the Council et the Em- pire, b>' appointing persona ot distinction on the basis et pepulation. Niez, Monda>', Marci, 4.-On the oc- casion ofthte annivenuar>' of lie preomulga- lien et the Sardinian constitution, Mani- festations vers mads b>' lie Piedmontese part>' in tLe Itatian tisatre. A domoualea- tien aise îoek place lu the French, ibeatrç, vicese epopulaioen etNice demand-ed tLe "Qd. Napoleoe" and the "Reine Horr tense," irbici. werc pectormed amidat en- thusiastie applause; and uboulsetof"Vive rl'Emperatere-"1 The situation efthîe ceun- ie>'y is ver>' critiçai,. 3The Tinzes'cii>' articet of arch 7sanys aaitieugi the discussion eoflast evsaing en -the Savoy question eeeathdandisagneenhie 1impression, tie Englisit funda opened-Ibis merning af ' . S imrorement mieL Las been mn frd1 to the close.,- The aggregate mailan geM kaovn ate be aisea for BaI ij ê0 00. Tllaeý Irate et iu»QaneeL srai j oÈcêri care t témis E oznasPàSzxuNaE-Hugtfcaffr>', ]I Riohandson, 'P. Alon FredericlcZ*iid, Mes. F. CLiId, Fredriclc Chid, Bell Morrd- son, Richard Madden, Rdil,-,MarLi Fi. D. Batltqe.ShikGs. .Dermqotl JbDa>(John Delancyî;, WmI. erle>', Wm. Wright, Michael Lucey, Mantîn ,om- nes, Fraudes, Rie rdou, iss E Dillen SLe- han and PetrickM. Guin, and -a crew, et The rtntrL rn the'Liverpeel .migrati0('m agent, ivirrFom Liverpool, Çabin pas- sengers, 30--Steera«'edo. 40 Crem froni Livprpqoi80:. tota- 20e. P.E*w SÀitING DEPÂTMET-W. H. Hardie, lot officer;-,.Wî. Aiýlan, 2nd du,; Richard. Porter, 3rd do ; Wm. Cain, èth do; M. Fielding, Loatavain ; James Basele>y, bontswain's mat.'; John, Balle>', M. Me- Pierson, A Liddie, A PLillipg, J. Sîanoon, Wrn. Quinn, A. MeMillan, Thomas MeLear J. Crostiaite, R. Lutus, David Jones, Thomas Carter, John Ramaden, George Beole>', John Bennett, M. GoligLîl>', Me- Doald, Edwn:ds, Williams, Cieve, Watt. Greenwa>', Merrimati P. Mitcellh, A Boyd, W. Craddock, Gilbert Jobusteue, claorley McCuleb, John Brice. Seaien-Ne- son Wal<es, ordinar>' seamen ; Maxwcll, F boy. Euiginees Departmen-W. Stewart,1 lis englobeer ; Jehn McKean, 2nd do; A. Smith, Snd do; John Clark, 4tL do; Hugh MeGuon, Sti do ;Isaac Wolclb, John Calder veod, Hugli Russell, H. Lowe, J. Morne>', J. Beyle, W. Helmea. Peter Haioe Heur>' French, John Jones, John Fox, Richard McNallc>', Arcbibald MoCail, John Joncs, John Hamel, Win. Welsb, Alex. Wataon, Richard McDooaId, Mbos. Shawr, Wm Flan- nigan, T. Jamesen, Thomas Ritchie, Jamest Allison, Roeet Edmardsfiremen. VicTtJuà,,,Nc DEI'ARTMEi.-C. Mc Donald, steward ; John MeKinnon, 2nd do; Richard Thomnas, John Madden Gco., Edwards, Aiexaude Wabshav, Edward Len-i non? Boben Dyvor, James Rhoedes, Hugli McGnegor, Thoen' Rantiab, , atewards; Francis Duaivore anmd George Searisbroolc, ceoka:- Wm. Presten, baker ; Jas. Get- tinga, butcier ; J. Leugvceli, Jehn Bren- nu, Thomas Kennedy, James Keîîard, Ed. yard MeMan, Augustus Caine, Wmn. Ha- meerta, Robert Stephenson, Pester MeCrea ,stewards ; Edward Murphy, Wm. Henreeka cooki; Wm. Proscoil, Richard Joues,.1 Jeseph Mariot, stewards ; T. S. Green,1 sterekeeper; Dr. Ferguson ; T. Robert- son, punser; Misa Caugitres, atemadeua Joues, steward. Appoiatments. SzCETax-rAn'a OFFICE;, Qur.umC, Manci ,17, 1860. Ris Excellene>' the Geveenor Genlerl bus Losu pleaaed te make the felleving Bp. 7poinîrnenla, riz :- Wiiiâm Horten, Ejsquirý,Wethîe cil>' of London, Barristem-at-Law,: te be Recorder and Police Magistrat. foritie cil>' et Lon>. don. - Alexander Shaw, Eaqnlire, etfKincar- dine, Attoey-"lLav, tl e Le &ar>' Public la Upper Canada. George Souilivick, Esq., M. D., sud Cyeunis B. Hall, Eaq., IM. D., et St. Siomas, sud William Burgemsa Eaq., M. D., of Port Stanloey, te Le a Boari et Surgeons ton exnminiang applicanta foi, Militia Pen- siens, lu îLe ceunI>' et Elgin. Ris Exceilene>' lie Goveruor Geueral Las aise been pleaaec le grant a liceose te James Austoni, Esq., et Cebosrg, le enahle hlm te pentcePiysi¶, Suiger>' and Mid- vifeny, lu Upper Canada. rangemoent ýcelons., Si. onu lene dem lis rapture et s Leldai dreum , and uliren îLe î-elenchoiy et n mourning dresi~i% la mord, shé Las carriod lb. art et attire <rom tie dignit>' of ascience tote heprscisien et a science. 8h. bas creatcd lie poète>' et dram. 'The combination aid ishowstuntI7 colora like merda ihave ibeir, grammar-- ithois, over>' toilette for thée day la snbrnilîed b>' ion*;,îLe shawliîscenfronted mii îLte gown ; th eobonnet 'is -mando te suit ii Loti. The meeti eof oweraS ic Loe in keepi g iL îLhe viè oL ile,, lie bodice itjý #w.pîng train,; lie nich joeiilery, paueljs t6 beplaced aI reflevo eskPy lii. eélctrtym proeeos>., Thefqir(designs pro. pods94-re.-fèr f:front face , the -5epresqna? ;otinoof one of Hoe's uix-cylinder prese suiuned*fIIrays, emblemaýticl-'.è.2tiW. advanced state of the art of."t ipuýr es.. tnry, -and, withh e mOtt6 &"Letibtere'-be light." ' Beiow tis there' is to ho inseribed the Dames ef4it '8éitis[it date oft e ereeClou of the monumenit., la the- î'sris W o ;a representation ofih .process, edous and uneertain, of prèdue.ý inig t;okèief6re the iîweënti4on oCprinting. Upon oèiean luttino Ihtit "T1alce fust held of iiistrdétion,"andI. on. thé okier o dsigi *embiem tic of the. Ourla tian's fith in things unseen. Dr. Wii4teruI Baliom of Wild-l,Çy This sterling rernedy nppears to be working wonde.rs. W. hlave so long beard of its superior incrit diseases of the Tbront and Lungi that we doubt not its cdaim of bcing "tiie Grciit remedi." Many of, our Most rcsplcctcd citizens' wl.o appreciate its uricoinnion worda from personul use, bave attesteil to the fart by thjeir writ-ten- teliti- înonials. They, are strong -reonimerada. ion.-, and should certainly prompt ail wbo' sfer frnm pufiînonary eomplaJintsIinîtIs varions forins, tu give it s trinl.-Qttaw* Leal) year Surprise ]Party. The yoting ladies of Brantford,, 0. W.ýý a Iew eveniiigs Fince, raLlier atonisbed soine of tleir gentlemen friendit, b>' dri- ving up te tlîir <iffere-nt plicesof resi- dence, and iniýiîîng theni ,te attend a Lesp Ycar evemuîîg party, and nt thu.-ssme inme conducting thoni te their sent% in the car- riage, mnd in faet taking entireýbarge of them during the. evening. Throuighout the ladies tshowed,,great attention, and iet a pret>' good cxaInple te tihtdr gentlemen of the wiy sucb thingisbhould> be done. Excellenit xnic iwas-pro rided, and lu al cases the lady seleeted tbe gentleman i;h. wighed in d<ance witb., When supper was, announced. the gentlemen were p6litelly at-. ten<led tu the dining room, and attentive- ly waited on at the table. The novçl1ty, of the thing creuîed nnrnch merriment, -and it was flot l ilte heur thal lbe.bilani- tics of thee "ei-ng terrninatcd, when thé grentlenien were safely ianded at home, and well pieased with the evening's enter. lainnient. ,WHEITBY J,ÀIUKET. Reported by R. &. Pur, EâQ. CiioxicLr. M ch 180 'The downward tendcncy of the Wheatý Mairket in New «York bas caused a decliine bere of 15ets per Ilushél on White7- wbeat and 5ets on Spring, with suaitl receipts sine last report. The bigbest priée paid te day. wasa 1.338 and spring 105. Pes haveaiso ne dowpto58 a GOc0t&., de advance lust week was. causedb opl lien befere l3nyers wich has sernewhat sb sided, Sales of the foiiowing-lots Ibis wçeeh: 200. Bçshels-SpringWhest, 105k 600 do ,,,White. do 133 2000 doe -Péu 62et. ÂII in store. Wheal-Pall, $1.28. $ 1.88. 1ito-Spring, $1 ý2e-toI1 5« Flour $51 @ $6. 4 iens, 580. a G0e. .Barley 50c. a Obe. Oats 80e @88e.Q Rlye SOc. a-6Oe. lIay $$16 l413 ton. Pork $0 to $0 75. Beéf ~ 6 Sheep $ $4 50. Potates, 2Dc. <Q.80c. Buttar 12. @ 15e- Eggs Oeta. 13 le. he Fair toe l, ýrgpsIever hld iages, -Piuhs, iBarle>', Jte, or and Ha>' see( me, Geese, Turl Nôotions,, simd-ru>1 .meien an>' aelic in tint Wn1v. - y frin&d, es b. on band te wecrkiug horse t,.tb Bryan, a.n York Museunt, )sph Pierson, i in tie Orange 77Me 11nswtaô- T Gamesmwili tai as runining in sed polo, at the if mnttdia. the < am>, Ge-ni -K f i BIRD-On the lati mt, at Bury, tbe wvif. of Mr. G. S . Bird, 'Of a son; eTAYLOI-In St Osîherinés, on.tho 1la, mst., -Mrs Jarnci, Taylor of a daughter. GAUWIN.-In Oshava, on Frida' the lGth init, the. vifb et Mr. John Garvia of a son. M'MÂHON.-In Oshawa, on the 1611> imt., the viteet'ofMe. Johin Mieoeof a son. CARMICHAEL..1u Osbawap on Fui. day the lGth inmai, 1h. vife of iMr. %h- iCarmicheel of a daughtsr. Eherfs Sa Ceunty cf Ontario To Wit:. 'Yaciasissuedeutoe of et eedsn'aoni, ah directed against the -j tJamesHdgn fQ tsong, detend.-ntit, e ý'of Torent. , pluintifi ~taken intoexecuhion - èlst et1h. aid Jame IL- Armstrong, in» ,lands asfoilovs: Ten acres of and' South West corner 2-nd Cen. et tic To. scrLed, as fcllows : umningùn;al a post YVest corner ef sid enty four -dgres, E t~1> sui inks sd.ti ertliteen degre - Ybenoe Roh event &~Xchains auId sut, linlks telLhe aide lino fourand tweztfl ire degvees a1ong-tLe -Sig te lpIce et bogiie _.Âhso .-ommencii Q(syS1reet aI a d ?awrs. Senti 7ý te scin miti Mar> - betw- the Est an l1ot, No. 25, thon ý hains 32 links umoEe - d efthe Senti LaI >çin South 740, W çp boundar>' et the Noe. 251 2 cLaine moi the distance of 3 eha tiu'sen tLe said lot 25 -on the Eit side of -st A65=0.aM89-cbaiD S'£ fTlehinr, and 6e lin ~ f taseondccese Bail sog thl-e NDi- 2 clains mors or lesA gmnning, and cents meut eigit ars Aie-Mad i d cel or trn4toet!an 1parit fLet,25 lu tie et ofWiitby, con beiveen the Eat an, lot 25eontheo North si 11t he distance ot 10) %e Sonthodti uit INorli 160, 'West SI 'the Nonth eud oettJýI eot 25, îhen South. 7 'ýen Senti 160, Ea 'Knh 174c>- .as1t aie 2nd ( ButI i he'-

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