Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1860, p. 2

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Lite Asociaion of 8colnd-J. granit., Helleuay'a Pill3ansd Ointmn0.- Iaectur-Blhhu Bum11. NYsted. Pie, 1 Fire 1-R.e. Penry. Greenwood far-.-. C. Sterling. M4clWss new lIsp of, Upper'Canada. To th. Mgitrates uf the Coumty . ofOn * taro-li. J. mucdouel. Public Meetlo-8 ai the Twn 141. SlerifP. Sale of aad--Thoa 0. Ry For sta ]EL -JH.Gerrie. Âpoft*k" oWatci-John Bryas. _ê WOtoe e nt. Pust Office-Â. MPhcrsoný Card-Edua ras & Hodd.'t. - AgcicntnralS -~1~Ilao t 3UberIs. Garden 8Suds- , i> Uchedaeeof mAao Ç «OLY OIOnt LLJAaEÂYB" lua speech of înrkçd sbility, cierx, e.I4 sud copions, oar binister of Fi- aùmuesebiplaed before tbe country, te -fulest. or detuai mto the recent arrange- -Ment$sconeotte t iithe findin t ona exL,îiu, nautional dclii, and the eatablsh- of aet nsinling fu,îd fer the e.actiee tif that dlbt, withia s period of ift.>.yeam lVhetkeer wo rnjard cie4tiogulsel>. fortanate inomurt ubiçh lir. Ga eleciafor lime Pltttin .otfais proposaIs iefom te uBazlisbà idsrket, or tie entiing sedl uldh he dis- îbloa indla arrying i1rogk *Weeproposi. ilonls ta a auteesmful imse, mmieRoc. Geut. mînman dsr w dlî Srliis country. Anjr Miiir.Ifithis'-1is e ud et nori ae Mjsti. Erno Mv. Demu cold soi ce Tran teiupayio fhhg goor & poliicsl -adrersary 9"te iho e e>.able sesuneri <whi., iMr. fiaIt hatVIAcad lthe tament. 'et his finsiioperatioa buoru the 'Ose fcumasu, iis "Uimpolen tribut. 'et' spoolaneene approrsi, wau foluuwed bi zaneldens 'd-iluiono ut Ids cotupelled aq plwns. tlic uld nt bu George Broit lddi t teeaothurwime., if, uthoueer ' <îsfelagreater Soncer ihaa lhe ivo day' * im3aiadevelopedi tui rail theu maifroc nisi*eeem orapprobation, ubicli ibree Wkirtba ort-the conntry bave unrenervedk, - ooudedtu leMr. Gas activit>. and ability 1. taliaaeaily medesapbatiilly points t tiiaportant fIs.r% that a &«Siuhlog Fond' ha saprovided, m'iereby the viole c otdekllwat ltsatly bu extinguilShd. This hfaturealune,;nmt alanspbis menure, uiltiitheappruval ut ail Fho haveboit cootq'a good aI hcsrt.5 it ments telumpi antI>. the tsatas am oen.sud Most ne reouable jibes o aof i PPOUnutWbnfoi "a-tof &otiur national enterpuisea w"t e uirails, ruade, canai or publie bulle iuge, uiluLhave loapnd ns if b>. mirace in. existence, vithin the lut fou yeas (and wihc dolysaIuld never have existe bu hy a Wtgbty ellurt aouspsniedbyj certain auoîf Iueviuaimkdbtedoes, imenta, un tepe".t lie eerls.tiog anec tiag of aur, b>. the l*hma bold fau4t lb uo fuetier deb lie te h. anmarnsd tht provision àa nov mde fer the tota extine iton et our national liabIlitI a :acting eated vian>.. The>. have fllthedte le- tura i dtas tote preanut suad iu mak- iug thce kng funda ascsed truataeld appicaUe te thse redempion utimeu ntion i dcl>; ihey bave cxlbitetd asaonnd and< honorable dia.-etiieu. Noenccdy minitter eu placebis financiai psu, on thu goiden aast-egg. The compactnentered lto hy the * country, yuL tuose ubo havetasena tuchiî them e fard, places " mfond beyonid mIl coctrd ue'iuUeum. Our national honui Li pWd t!oti, mdv. tilkuntido ao Y' tee ouMmulI>. Wha" un that ada"v*" l uler .eadste su>. nilmumit>, tm tht-ashrt-ha ,p dfith.Im. BUt.altht tintais cm se vth ibà s gmifluauncislmes * s e u euelenes.i.> e s SsII>. ay u Ab>. neportein ha ii. rrer, antipose lbsfre ibm. p@Vleb>. uer eatorpeleaeg co lempecar>.tie londr. -s usasul how eses- refn omu gilseeg mezteso l. la freasthe eonuldlmg «ses flen u. Mn Ga1tenlme. "liseufthe111.Ossueu meatai Pis. voli bu te .ties.tbseish" duin 0tise lest feu% eme, vies lca tl i>.iiiruait>. equhe elie. iar tbai the- voti ha 'suminceumoi eharge cd £h*OOa eliaI vte m es u nltierlthimea*zy ulli ti, lna peebabu&litY, bu m lti s'rimiter poltia t bea- -Cliandt Iat la vmiii eut e i eiffiextcittion of tt deit, ib.' epuni- suceetfbm Ipi» viii bu t >âmumaeti 1 wwetIl tithteso. genulena e U " meniso uhata>, Ouer eàtasuie vll. W 'uio ome bipule vks b ibfoêa i~t-blO vii >.i bue Ti, -. tasslss sou etm amsietient.vi » t b -sunme, osà tb. houeutof OUI E l i"thetbasmaglie mb cetS et * , su"the jean 181 la taget n. ush>, mt-i - _____ w atà Mr. càis's sa taet~ hlPt e oed ;]mteuhdao Ia the Turento>G"ekof mondey Mura- ha 'called uponlier. Roerets _te brlug foi. ing& ou titi firsti page, Wu 1usd mc article uati lie'repos-. beade Il Thme fCai 't jugglIô1 ' commmcnmg M. Etoberts pceced-,d ltuend theter- m au flluva' -;. port, vhirh v utemefollov'ing -efrect. IlThe Ululat>. hart aurcecded Iin con- Tiat toC-mnitechave lid uti uaer vertthg thle Monlat<Pxellfe 1510 a vu- cesldoration, dificret mattear ia conut-ocO aipper sof Galt; it vas ,irelebl nsuidiff- tion usiti the eectioo ohisa Yeollen Patio. me cut tu du a, botthe Ifeeen lC@u5m<tC- s'y lu W'itby, anti liai alter' informnationA al, Mretier las sil olidatc. il Canant reccived fron thlie lisagor ut tieCeons-rg see auytblng dirmîe lauthtjtiggle." es elc ilhi;tt sga u.1~ iL." . - po l..iOnthtieonsnittme Suds tiat theî Thme GInie utusîh n isextrasrbem. auppuact e ct rtise erctien uof a Fuctors - 200 lent long,. fit t idout 2 tlerks ligh, Ibm article rtefecnd te, incbit-Il-lnre tbm vositili..:, - ývv $8,000JU ftiloui nt eînce foevstef Macbi4errsfat t00a a tt8,000 je a<Tinre l, temefere, if the publ'nhod EliVtisboloir, . I ba"Qptmu ,000Q. accontseaie torreC4un au uaetîtd dc$1.00 ' ciecr> ut£100,00V.',A Fmctovjy 1h1ais de voulu eîsploy a&sonut The. Osmuecml .lietiser, anpinng ào epnrnaecs.Tino uatiiaenytu Îledri a- tbst th'e proposition s tisai, maI Iat £ en,-tIt1>7ntema% 4 te a cerslf eWseod veeil liboeesstsnetdeil>. A ronsttiaut. spply et QU0 mss>. le file->.ieued. us Iia r the Vrater tau i a îfri iulipipe scosîld c rrni-G cee et Mr. Gate trituse, ptocmtetu tel- secel tesrsessling purposes, &r. itis. is riu4tnansaisatr. nin- es omuiarte ofopinion lia.if il Prefitable. Mî;ùzctiana ebjeugena aité a arýt>. eeld h gel pesesiog scapital 1I et $14.000, muid ereci s building te tht ed, l iste fat% iliaitep tutab h lme erthcisve ditnsesio-'u, an il bal that asount Fehuumar 'msstslnen& plta 1, 0on lime ,suceultibe eai b>. pi5'seilediyidnmli ilast mlust.fue ieMncpi~ towt, ay $000, asid S'ata t civcstr'd stoe, vry ew otý Xudcipa Lo inthetretio orttc building, oi thte ICI- Fedos'Çà 1r mii nt leTnq .Debotnees, loiig terns: W bbW- 1bir uversin. ]or tet Il care n halctta e ha hatibee~lOWlstthtiu onvesion rlsrgtd; tee the remeindcs- of' te lise TiI. aboute à a > S>r-aepreeenttluît et agi-ed on interesi t e ha enet. t ÙM5 ureaum.a iin. the artile et- Jugal -et. tm'ng a rorigmgm on tbm pro- _ _a lm nt he ýsimit t l itse-tpet>. tuctic semotmt imstatd. I ferrd; a, WAthe &"t of&ilOr i a periy' ceuld bu gt ui eroci ; i gumnsts, oxcpt the Inu, depeada on thtý building, andi put itamîaciiner>' te eost itetulea nszteat,%£100,000 dciciency. Use said sanas et$14,000, sud on reaipl- tien etflite'vork, ils, 'j'nntluprascn ai id Tbm figtres pubished b>. tise AMeriisev part>- viti $4000 ns la iono, îas'viduuîg os fugUiepatea. the negpciatiua tulSict secuns->. ha eeeu at thet Farte-. efuhe £3,800ý000 Onaaoua re:&'y sillbcharas'-tdon munfuloeaniilfor à Ârnt ecoived in csh, £1,855S,060 1h8O In cnlusion, yer Conseitiee tacscl>.a, do do Bends, 43,056 4 7 bring th'sreprut imthe shape ut a foin sng- Instlmet stilI duea... 6,370 0 0 gestiotns. lsving the îmeeing te takt n-bal Discounts........40,513 13 9 action titi>.May>.aeu fit lu tIhe malie. P Wiiby, Mhieet11, 1860. £2,70000 o 0 aU. Robets saimi h vas fer the meeti ng1 If thtse figure ue eCorrect, thte rgu- tu6 deteemino ubetur tht>. vnuld asiat ae mont bsed spanmisneareotel deflcen- rapliaiuit thai 'ea-.etcd> te conse ferward, ment voul a suppetd bton enfesmucte by fregit er b>. Inn. cy wuld c spporod buton elètnce Dr. finnu staitieteuoe of the eijnctsc tte epubl'îalatd returos as rontaincd in et tht report ves tue dieudiscussion. Tint Ptheu message sent devn a te Uit flse1utlit vas net present et. the first rnertiîag t -Pailasent on Ibis sulject, sud tunniag tauben thie tater uns dseussrd, but tint1 pages 43 sud 45, it Witt ha dsms-tred tuaittre could bhe0uneo opiniinsa on tht sub- tht beunfigres re nt crrec, su ubt.ei tint nonscîbing wsnsneresnar>. te be the bov fiure ar tit crret, nd hatdoetateatinsulute tht energirs et tht pru- 1 rne part.ofuthtb £2,800,000 romaisa oc- piceod adi-ace tht iatersts ufthti Tosen. , ceenteti for. The folloviag are tht trae Tint tht ubjeri t umnufactures appcarede afiurs -te bave talien a hlnd un peuplest'asinda, 1860 cas avasauss. 0f and titit erni if tbey 'coud moi bc uhoîl>. Jaa15.ntttumt i eeOOli a aoecsstul in seeueiusg tiens ote rTco l oui îuu«.t eas. . us a îLe rer>. discu-sinen fthle ssbjeci sa-uldc timsJs oi'dn serve a gondi purpose, eed be a ainilus te sua .aeqsh - 4 4 : exeetien in tai direction. la drauing np ~15r~0iupti int'> iai~sstmi the report ho (tint derer) tolioeed the rxEz.- INs a Na. suggestions et M. Roberts, vie pnncured -<te........ os mnae4 teinformation laid hetore mcth e iaagn, Fei Î ......... -.3. su 08 s fosux a p 'mirial pry. lie gtoat ditEi- j.. i. nte . Siiu. S a ."-.s~5~ colt>, hevser, vas ai tuhese tie moue>. cas do. . i1.i3î.l 6 _-ni a e haproctrel. Ont pari of tereport >- lOb. I4 Taeaiaiii las--e ...........= t t le approved or et s-ceomslaly,ihe givieg ot hi laiilEcul e t>a bonus if a capitlitceeld ho fouod T sdfiute e acelai lue ibe nsutako taundertaiko tht .projec-I. it u nl of thse Montrent Commnercial Adrtiser, bis (Doctes- Ca's) opinionathe brai nu orm nICourse' it- ita teuiacu- ~plan sud bu ueuld bc glad tn lend i s as- monts teutaded on sncb sunereoneous cou- sîstauce in th'o va>.. Joint stock cens- e L olie ol te iete t puius <11net lmet wahi ils appeuval, as veuitin.Th lced onathesubjeinsofut tutu uonsidered ht inlageoteot tir>. diti nei r egt lee ganttesce fii ansvur tht purpoassfer wviinbtir>. eret Loue, is tir une . lrecdy Ïétered te, tiai meest, but iu tht «Test niajueil> of instances z se feu et tht Municipal Lean Fond Debeu- duindied iuio miemaii,eteli. If il vent 1 tort hae ina It~al~au un aymnt. abrostithet ivo vote uiiling lu gire a. good W. hare oflen huard il remrktd, tant. requisite-i capital, b liedilne if Mn.. Gali uns, seshI> desirous toefelcu douit uthèau t persa ouid bce thlirchia*ofNiel ,debeniture tor 6 pus- sitecttd touad e Toan. Re vus nol cen SW thatin erder te o mnplish ient topno tn in i ntc cent-ste .- , -- ' muet wye nnaufactures i ho prelerreul s r«tedil>. snd promupti>., &Ilt al vs oses- good gras'th rond, tint vouid effurd taciti- se>. *os&mn intimation ftmn, ie tic tins te theo tartauscoming le mare-et.. It boldmorf t hee bonds in Eisgland, ihal the un bad nana a graved rend a large aseuni L Cltt ofOada s'asquitt unsviilimg ad on- et tht iasi4m snov dont ai l'rince Albert ahI temat su~ ai-scesia utue fr oaul ho donu hua, e. ncemactien viii a abe a ale v aîsuces nlutretf ras-rel rend tht nexi aubjeet uhici in ils ibr a.nu tnt t e-opimiaien beuld cdaime tht attetion ofthti colectnd from llap municipalilies. Suril an peopluetftiis teunt vus a gisotili. If iin<malln,it la suppeseul. vunld have creat- vohblldoeu illi firee nesix rainofetones, ndasruait <Ort the convesion et these neenel- centrait>. aiiustad, sud a gondi gravti eond tisa Tine m, hae hen ojenleaite oming tu martet., tien uti manufacturts, k., ics.Thee ma hae ben obectons a lie teun of Whiiby woutd stand in botter a-haCoquse at the timeMa arfiaIt va in position thau perhaps an>. otie tuvuiin SBuglaud;titire eppear tehaienoe n ae, imm- Canada. A disposition te biîep tic tncmer mucn ns sncb an intimation bai bet. mueut. ulî' a god rend veuid eliatinlu eu soi mesbat> ge ni.Glt liît ex mitersi the tewusips bhaiiud, iti vioni .d umistke*y gièe i Mr Gata bue va somrs'>.teSamy Wvo ures et prescrnt a phiatieus of lb. ultus ofet aon tua semoebat entrangeu. A gecd grivet iuad >point. Luis baer uttd ha ontetaiuied but veuid b. fer Use beieitftet tlove and thal hafere the lti Jauene ut, mîmot conayt> el ,fuse in eld t ha ecer Sever>. Municipal Losu Fond Delienture vilI eithed tht conat>. mutanse Lefothei lie cenverted ai pas, into 3 pretenattock intoresi efthlietwu.' (Cirersa od aie ore bonds, andta s ss'og et ont pet cent in Mlue. W .Clah aidtsukln >eret electeti un the ver>. lasg&Muonie otoo rteWgis-oCnldweliWu amotu, cnste- nh IbmMaeicipmh Lemn Fond delt. ion respetiug- gravel rends. 1% at prose dishoss-l.iag sud discous-. Mr. John abasa objer"teuthelitintrodur- Sagimg ho public mée, liaitheir tam as-tien oethte aubjoc t fgaerl roadaounili flal>.peesre su mmi nneluli mmanesthe report et thé ecommitîce on Manufae- fOlY POPUed ud OUbeafical emaostam res vsdispoard et. JIe coapialod Of e iss-m sitonld e udiSCnusid ndo- ilîs thm report did ne4t, ie iirtht usys jcded %spos b> .acurses'>, sud ceamqutati>. sud meanavore te liep.smddmd pmeaocd eu --mitete lots round ite o acrption ia4t, b htdeelincti actang. f Meetig astôwa smaf.turn. Nuts fou e Pare.sd Ruberts, vere %hmn apluhed thte bmparse. . dnmj-esslusti-g S d-epa-pesofetAnd ma i fMr. ScO ett iedeti as lb.ahoueabheu*% thae tugius. v heu im TUs N.itu an tiortîay esepsg. bla Wsmhl Ibm synucuspsi 4m as ars huit amusd talling aspub>- the ohai astILE.H. Lauder s-, se. ie SMeeting a i Kas uatel, Epmomc, te ha a- Senanua7-TW -îelse b-ca " ~as. tu i. 234 î»4ma, c'tht pn.rly *st5e& elt et-g sua>. yies ses tiMeghenoaastio b The IM ay-en s s-ulaaaaaah- <Wtt md frocs ]kEý hh n.Bevek limepuvuet adll aies ke haà saebairaubsmi th na r >-nGMu.t-pa., ho. h m. q. . Onh&M mpm uytât b' ch mmie- hbat rpetea in- fzaw O smt e, of V& endu eni*d Ilia Muset- - 02a!Oenicte,.and aschai c»y,, - "- -- A meutin- himi fte mCimroEng'-- aida 3lùMhonan>.Soolet>. ve l ant the àtalein Hall, ln Ibis Tou, eu Thuis- s>. ertenin -lat. Thtelins. Mr. Ptetiaail ceupiod thie chair'. Tisemeeting sens nn'- n~msy und wveraepuetahi>. etteoddt. &m<ingst titase lîresont si-e notied lier. J. iruBy.Me. Lovery, Roc. Mr. Byrne, liun. J. il. Ceémeres, H. J. lisedoerl, 'aq., Mayor tif Wbiilsy, Z. Burniiam, Esq., atige et Cont>. Court, J. H. Pen-. s. 'amen Rouve, q., Juin Watson, Eeq., S. B. Fairbanks, liaq., , J. IWison, Es7., ThmsiDfow. lisq., Maana gtr, iBank ef Nentei, Whîtb>, aned W. H. Tresae, Isq., Ceuni Atteroey, ste, &o- lb.hesrt reoeution. " oed b>!11ev. J. Givcns, andi secoadeti b>. IVa. lirCaha, Esq., vus cernird uecuimeusty as fol- liai ticetibjéc omteiTtatrd iy the cet- stitution et ticCiurri Society beiag suri as are cli nitier dirrît>eor indircnl>. et n uiiaionnry eiaroetrmust eernmeîsd theni. selvet ttheurt. sappori t nieer>.Mea 1 bec efthtie ciarci, particunni>. as tic aoeie- ty la ticeuh> t edium ,practiesîl> npeak- ing, tirougi sviieh ail, whether ries -or pour, seiti the Dinrase, haerau opportu. ait>. et eoetribelii'g aerording te their neans, tu tire cteusien nd suppo'rt et tit Hon. J. H. Caniereri in a sec> aeead- dress, seilci wsi-ilistenedte to li mark<ed attention ced uppisuse, mnsed thc seconîd reseline, seici vas serunedlb>.Me. Pcrr>., us fIliocs: liatinluthe vords ut une blesseul Lord ahe bnesi icul>. is pienteous, but tic labour. tes arse tru' areunhappil>, ibuitutonappli- cable te tlae spiritual conadition utftîia 11e. rase, and that lie considcrotiona ta large outitersofeour feliose Clsuneimea are des. litatetfinn miistrotiuuîs seule ttiere are no menus et oopplyinag une sialilo, or tisse ofteunropidly iaumrrnsiiug populatiosua trng- IV. appeci te us te aid tlejs Society. A Ilsird rea'aluitioii, c ihitluives iutcîsd- cd sioeid lac issi d b> tue Claiet Justice, seho baci prcusisnd lu addras tue mrrtîiug, but wsn able tus atend ia eoiuaequenct et tue bour nau sceithe Ceurt edjournrd, sens uied b> Ilse.Mr. Caniecouandi ae- coîîdrd is>Mr. Fairbanks, expressive ofthi dai>. of ait Cisristiaii u eimsat iiureadiag tic Duvlue Word. A collections uas taicu up aitltechose et tAc uurnîing,1 and a vole oftanston- drred te tise lb,. Mc. Camrnferthcte nble atitresa driceulb> hlm. Anoiher Attache by flie "'liotehian."3 To oîîcck a hubic oltrer sejust>. and cithtaaacause cerîprovocationu, ever>. con- templili, te ta> Ilîs leasi, ira a journal c-lui au> proleîsi.<us 1e rtsîctsiility. h 1'> isouve n aly jactst ati uîigiulue expecîrd frons ur Wiiiy lgi'rLc/îia. lia thicast numuber uftiaakalletitilo obeel, Dr Hia, tir Depsa> Crk of the Crowia, s opeuuly eiaredrtitcul a kaiîug osa>. illaa ceceipt, s-bina tornind lie greunti ut a prosecenlea for tongr. Thia re eipt, il is atteeru, elould bc in is possession. Tlisgrave ria iieg smade in tise tace cf uuthe fa huaiDr. Ilste uer haul the reruiptin bis posenssion, ansd tiai tht proper custoti> et flic doceunrat vas viii the Ceun>. Atturne.l'lie etiset ofet tiIthitan is.in ever> respect unjas- jstifiable ndt unsuatird for, and clan oaty bave preceeded fothee iinprisais malice ot tir wtadlstessatcet. Sondey Laoin utint Post Office, We pubilainis tier cemas in c cver- tiiement ftraticelPoet Oice e ipericiat relieving Peaicastrs fermn aîs>t abaer. Heneeorui tise option l isi tirthePost mute-s tharasetecoi, victier tîr> seul de- limer mcml matier ou tic Suibiati or nu.- lT Post Office ii '-ttiis Toin ilIlunfuture bu rhoesne tibt pacsonsascie bave iren in lie habit <ifaeudinZ for tirir luttesa on Sanda>. tariaie, mn>. save ticanulies tir tr.uiie un a oda>'> froa laecae torîrurd. Ceios Aduleaa ni a Lutter. Wr have beasholswn the fetiovisg -u rions nddres on a lettes" 'eoniug ta flic Wisitb> Puost Office. Tic lutter %vas miait- cd la the United States. " Tu the rI,,ta mm arrhes fille Uuaîted States, ntail. .,- jtys'iim i lltum iait. iiduomulgoawiisnsi ail; lis lnas» oual Ni a . 5%V. J iL , "55'io c-ndsai '%l'lhy. Coîcidu WVeai If thse aiutorfetcforegujug cretced dug.-rel oner lliakes bis apînsseence in Whitb>', bu îuia>.tIud flic 'place a 11111e secs-mer itanîa ir cprets. Wo perocive b>. tirelaist f telionga- rana pu snt-es, titiMn. ichardsone et the Nortih Ridiig oet elin Coua>. iî caunn'si tie tuai et tie ilî-fted s-rsst. Me. Itiri. ardeen vent te Euuglauîd tisu sessos for lhe bieefit cf is iealîb, and iras rewsriting in the lestuitanter toeluis eeustoi-tale Cauiadiaâ home, uiic i iîiîcciiindustry bail ancut' cd hlm. Me. Richardsnvuas a iteading fermer in North Ontarioendti us sec11 115<1 anti acht nealrtcd. Thet Mails. On naftec ithr led of April, Stouffwt ville anti Toronto %Viii uxciauge Mails doit>., uia Whiîby. Atter tilsate m"la vili bu matie aitai lthe WhitAy Post Office fer Bathseicdirect ;and maails tes' Ashbrs, Baisns, clamint, Altu ansud Siufe- ille, vii ho eduspaichet inl a ilsatias' bu te Aolabu.-a b>. tise Lxbridgc singe oser>. m Lasat llsbs!t Agaa MHanap. MIaEr.Asu&Co., oeTobronto, are nov geting np a e tw sap et the lippeProvince. W.luiave sta aù.apeci- mon preef vielabasns nUthie uppeaceiofe necurar., acut;ia rrtainl>. ver>. ottti>. get op.I haows alhebneWl>.aurvcye toue- ahipe, pont offics, tailva>.Unes, ,&C., ani là a lis actjasi thet diuneedet.'Tht rnup la benetifuli>. coloreti, asti puiliabeti ah tho 1ev prieet $4. Mre. fUgan. This genterais lsailI us'ing; sud e gond deas et uncasines is noie begioning te 11 feonoutht pari cf lus fricuideaas 'adi as b>. thesu torsofetbilarge & ittportamnt oemitluecr., sebe art uns-epresented in Parlianacot. Pesvaoo.\nsNEcsercnS.-A petition tu repaul this tdietas mx lies ah eue office tue signature. - D(j?-Atteud Sttniiigs' great Fairant Croco' veeti ou tir iti ilt. SM. J. Hl. Cerie oultr' a bargamin et sornmeiashibe peopunts'. Mlacrblt' sud FuaslAccident.' WC givt Irons th i 6m>e un cccuist thet melacly fate of Mc. hRobert Spuroil, vie vus uso echi keovotu mail>.oet ue cendires la tus lecetit>.. lnHens a yeun. man, vie bai jui enierd on tise uhreahlod et mauiood1siti fair voridhy îresprcîs bc- fore ils, requiring onh>. application and seadînnan to arrive ri sucrass aind respecta hulit>.. lu lie tepiauloos aud d-amgers weiiei beset youhinl a large cii> lité lTo- resto, me>. ha attributed, to a greal cxîrîut, bis sad end. We dcrîl]y cynîpathire viti the sorroseing parents and tusnil.- About liee striclô -ou thearin,îeofu Sumuda>.ont of tirevathetinms rctirCity Halt1 inard a tronge noise uîite luiftle virinit>. cf ube isiimarke-t. lHe cas u,îîer tic impiresion fituaitil ssissîaiîg tuum flic relisanI tue îpolic sîsio,andatîrr rmeciiug soutr coquinies terne, c-nt ta eir'une lis rounds. ho a tra minutens lue ceturtiard d infornird Sergeant itediuaveu liaituer sas a mesain file bu> lieur thelaiobmîarkrt slîunling for icijo. lIabe sergesutalaroi- panird b> a Constable and tir vaîclamua, jasîati> proceeded u te tplace and ftuud c yuung mas standing uts lu lus saistin Iille vater. He aptîrared te be under Ilan lu- fluience ut iquer, uand unabte uo get oi u tir Esplanade. A pule cias haunded uot lu hiii' hilci irc uliglut hlud outand 1 as beougil tutersthore. lie suineîld lu stand upriàiî but ftilcul la thenatten!pu aîud frît to tir ground uoi lis tare. A seet barrese cas 1rucured aaad licecas cuiiveyed clîhout tosuftitr utetatiou. -tVlieea lie conastable'o serre abuIoi eraine bni 0i, preparotor> tru aiiilg iiii,,, imao ibe stationa lac siglacul hîavil> saud talliig bok nstote a barroir sudeuil>ex 1ird. lie-ui'a.,üaijirdj inte file statîsionand plareelcloue te Ilic etove. Warin ila,î irs serre cratpped round bium aand eseryeffriteletadrte store ani mastiolu, butitut îavail. Pahdiriil uid iad li thi tuliimu bren sent fur,cnd Dis. ltoss aed Hilllocrîl cc-ce upredil> in cecen- daive. Oi tinhir arrivai, lossere, ilue> prunouncru leuicu.férsuaaî tuauit ley-uîd the rceacta ut iuîîas aid. iitae foremaouu is s'as ideîtitied ns iRobet Spurrili, a lrin the uceoiaveyuulriug deparinirlit ef Messrs. Rcnd, Leiti anîd R, udu utfilce, Ciarelu treet. lie icluigcd teIo Wlaiby ced hati ont> bren in Messes. Ilcada eapluy abouat tiret %vcns.lie usas'a sidecer and cas abouit teuuly'four e yaaes o ec. lie vas ohaureul itxicaîrd ouatirhepreeloas eveniug,1 and as laceiaard ua lituari's tavers, Frut-saunet i laoîjerîared thîau he lusi his wcli îlitn altiagltu s huard- ing bouuse, and %caudeerd inaItle sicinlu>. et tie isi nmarket. Hie,> cep sus fuued lyiîug eiîa cbex imar cuthelacelieanit'> bserved serafiesi oren b>.Itue pelire, and ài.l uioigii îiaîir Ibalbren sleeping on lic box, ad stsetiug suddeîîly nipha folcloi- to thc vatrr. Aut niaera vusihl un lIhe budy oit 2duesdia>., icairvuiadjoueîavd umîil tts day ia ordere luascelcain mc bre decraased boul opruat ttim er frun aryen 'rtuck np te the iuur uf IllieacienraITle reauli ut tir laquesitbans ityet reucird us. Mre. Ferbnus nI the St. Patrickes Dlammr. lie Leadr-adanistero tic flteciug desereed rohuit e tfint ever-turuseul, and veu-y sharp geatlensan Mt. D. K. Feebn on cont ut offenaive expressiens usud hy bum tuvards tht QUýENaSa Rpresnitativru in Canada at the St. PatricI'n diunier. lie quiet ant i ol féeliung ichci car- terizeul lthectlcirotiee efthIle day serre, ve are sured, ail tiat couul be driirod, serre it net for Mr. Feohsn'a incoîuideroîe and imtesperate remark-e. 'Tin Leaders ce- prinutmale>hai-e ils effertituMr. 1Fceico's coaduri ai aseiherUie. Titre is ne srcouehing- for caprire. A disposition te eppeer aligular seesotu hume been theu areuctionethatcu aascd lic Fenisen tu commnit un art et discouites>, vieil> utiuardonahue, ut ltheiaauer et tir St, Iiatick!5Saciet>'. As cîtairmsan, it fehI t-') hiles tu propose tic irati ufthlej Coi-eeur (tilleraI u 1w ies<îuell'ot oft ait tht Cusernuis that sou luase1harttfur am1uor- tee et a c:ttrylIc us, d aie clriasive dis- ciainatisca. lie shoot uIt teUes rases, brens Sic J. Cuhiirne te Sic Edauuuad hiesul, I in a ba-,, ud laibeilL h ît - ouuuir Ose- enues.-For anuy siciic tus Poser, excepu thet. et duareediliuîg al l ritia!a (lerrs, lie. Fcrliai'e ceous es xiait)llter tue Buepug. Dt tien Mr. Fehu-lis i h i :O not re.ad vitM. McGe, the icere eue-t- ns> et Su-ti poser in Amteria. lie1 anaibema et Mr. Ciaimuai"Feeri ah cas, Det le tbue ikusuofthetacudience, b; -uons lime toaitvas dronk vitittie mat tmas-bcdt eniluaâmu. Mr. lihe> andi nue or Icol " itn dividuala coocted amu edions aingu- latit>. b>. itittg 4euu as mon ne tAn>. b.d slrai lte toast. The eu-celaenva cotet4in lu a atue tiat Mr-. lalle>. mu> pcaesibyrettmner, for uhan, utaslutert puriot in athe evoalea, Le cepiiedt ha tut man>. edte mn st, mni tioso uio remel> ed lotit ne pains tue-%Jnceetiis'impati. ence i andtin ha t rtthero -,w aeetusng et a suent. Nessre.Fenet sad alleyPsitt. gt n. 1ami.abatluifecane u b iey mtin have knonssuavbItibe as tI'rtte groat majueit ft< ibus l e t -ahai h 5 l e b epsêlfih>.-041-rIau, aliore'ibe>. - uaMMhîbt ia pail, h"at atit rndist' in agi mkq*w to, stig dlaredtopeou ehe~t 9uteSpieg ~pueliamenter Coireispoundeu5tt. P:seotIe,0 The Grand Jurora of t 'T .tiebusiocsuem ethe dlu ~o Quec, MLeia20, 1860. Quent, for the Co'uhîy or ts vus conrludcd Fconvcl ai V robdayThîl g, elerS!rree ZT O y tianeut the Court. edjourlu d. .Athogh îh-* sucevtlyestaiîn t diluaiot peno, ui lwlt WO.t eather:.uibh ould bc ne diorredit. te __.. e> aejs firat day, te asesôn the dockimi ee eMsay or Jouoe, and thet resequtico is, ibat o hseenin 0eeogat feu, aud--tho criaonnal binless -0 l.1l;Our aOletls are ilu usythieg bat. ai pîvsant. ty upn tue wcse of et res ii thusecnddq assaficient for theim cstate, but. ville voare favored whi >eîiulty ic Ilappi> justice te despatel i al. The fllwi7 the pen tm 1 q en eni Aige;nt > foleitZ .gri1 a nînsoshu ru 'un P vr>. hOn.th) 'h e -i 1 1 a list of the cases ni N<aii PriusS: u et itndsoaoiudrfo.O tc ekUioppo . Urty t l FIl Asaturday. our Ilibernian frienda haad n royal and diserimita ispec teo u 1îS DY lelsaot tinoetril, and tbcy seemurd te enjçy, l luntu îi~~5 Br3ire et ai ira. ,ýfopes._Verdict foi' tieir festival with more tin sanimanageanisetntt pfitff 60 eld.John beys tfoi A good man>. flage vere dispînyrd arroi O t terensonable seano,, liintiff. Detrîîdant did art 1appear. thte streets, sud ëmre cvcrgree*cis dcecnted et tacrâ.-evr, rnis-Aus Bank of u[T..tC., Cooe et al.Ver- tie tronts of bruaes. .Ameng ldîher mi- fGauler ced bis uodnae1 dici tor lai,îtiIl' £911 1los id.: I. H. denres that et the lion, Mr. Alîryn iwu saual eleanlimîes le l o Tirecoîsyne toc plaintiff distinguislicd, uni sl us u lla sertes te bc e te eriel Boice ir.a i*. V lforteeplairî e e> mueh ispeovrd, lac, in 1liii repues> ther u Mdstu t tif £29 15i9s 3d.- AnîbrOe for platîîtiff. Ot Peesdeuît et the St. Patcick'a Society, thirn etty ic tty o Iltirrie vs. IJbllasc-Vterdct tee plain -laed dtihelprocessiont te leor. Gene- ide fteite ncebe 0frsce tf16li <.Anîbruse tor slIoîtif.' sl's mooins, ahere bc delivererd aloyai ad- ** ats, o luintie' plan, au;a Il 16116o.building adappeedages, I-.. Pi keriîug rs. Sirrttte,.-Vrdicl tfoi dress, iii tie nime 6fthle Irishmnen et Que- tiiility sith due Ventilation a Q6i tffe 16s3 51 .Bailtofi bcr lu HuE lçcellency. lic nlluded tu Ferclssificati renann e plantfffo £, L J.Be tie cxpeced v isit.ofethie cirappiseut alla rasstienine plaintiff sserd Hia Exelleicy tint ho would bc ternater>. cliloyinet-Oïl th, - csres.LainZ.-luîtepleaderissute .tho "lvaut et ,voter elosel; , te try teqeto sote wi ii ireruvr%*dliby 1teciuss oethile pOpulatieî more spaii0i el ti ailO s etc teei eslip oyouuly tinoby tlir Irisi,, bol for tleur liai substitutesofpi nth certain properety, criad uîîder execoliolibn Y i fsr'utiîeenshel dutsit taoture oetsanme o1 the the Sierili', ut tihe nuit of Lainiý sgainst the1 as>,1 sntni yoe, boti thr nddrrss and thi h rn Jr ,,, lie Jry i tu ras fc rn lce1ansiver, seiieb nre ruier ig-niicaisi et a tit, iliat desirablo' as the te up ilîîgi cîîd ui grr îî sct ds-ver> differeot state ot feelinsg front tlintas-. n rIiepmntn fe ast ciac'd Ibi irasItîrsecon limetir nard nexcilse by liai vould-b)e' great au, nite aiev airssî case iad bebecisicoce tic Cour. t.t i to>.M.DAe. sce.itualatistctoyand fi't last trial lie jury gave a velerit ini laver of iMAs t EAiSE TOUR EXCcI.t.Cyr,-Tire peration, iy mus etfec'stl tih' plainif ichl%-es' ssel acide' and a ara St; Patck'u Societ fQucier as-ail titri. the palet et aceeral eoll'iie~ triai' graîiied. H. Cainecoli and John sl-softhis, ilicir National Auînis-eesccy, to ceuiies, or extensive distrit i, Le> s toc ptaiîtiff, Caniece naîd Esedoac i acre yen eftbIeir ratînclniet t te t'crn, lsinent et %NirollSieUetej toe detendant. iuncr bigleresiseciteoryouc Excclien in h heant rd te c ormisenuse ef IJus!cppva. Cha iubrla!in-Verdictteeor-,aitie1statien te sehici Hec Majesty has tirs er Districts. plait titl' hy cousent, £32 lis 6d, S. 13. hidi plgsed le ccii yeu. Tliongi rcee- And the Gr-and Jactes, litaI Fuicbsîiks foc plaintiff. uizing tunr paameunt duty oon cli erra- observe ihat.t.he presèlit iapp> HiJslopp ca, Lansireg.-Ve-diritfoc plain- îu utitis trec and happsy.land 9[ tunr insporant cases tac judicial iY titi' by consenet, £56168ts (id, S. B. Fuir- ;ldoption, 'aicre eqîlal cîgliis ulule menî cf place iniac muai prominenut baats- fur pîaiiîtiff. il crigins and ererds, on tits day Viectend- rolilit>.tiat exista breen i, lv decil alinesi cxclusiveiy on thr recol- l-xpendinre reqaisite te support Dîîiby ra. Crozir-Ejeenîent. Ver- iceions cf eue esel green ilie, tic lanîd ot judivial sysirci, ani nstitutioniof dict for plailitilI'. A. M. Clark for jdaiatiff, or Ilircli er erigine, yet wec are hîappy te îal cetenties cîîd tir inudegaîr, Defendsat dd lîci ulsear. <sne thic ppertuaiily uf declariug te yeuc detee esuits decleaive i Sitr!cil rxo-edilfor defendant Fesrsllency liat sîîuuld yen bc ratîrd en te respecta tic reatresalea alla £5 10 31h. Cetroni ad Sardoirlî tor amive Bis Ro% al Higbieas thelPrinice cf cime. 1laintiff. Joint Bell toc defiîdait. Thic %viles dîîeîng tic enasuingi uluer, tiao casa But tht Grand Jury in Viraes a lonig disputted arcunt iîvisviîîg tire*f Caiîadian suljerîs sit more cordialiy ce- liaitihese importantsiai nîs î i question nM luthe salue uf ssiw legs. .oi'sain iîh tinir frîlese C-.aadi.teàs,, lu up, and rensidererd in an estl SECOND DAY.g u otheir tfuture Sovereigîi a dutitu ol unip1îrensivecspirit b>the~ 191ueonrs illry. Ejct ien , e r i11i1loyal recta-lelceladtvin Ie Iris], uttireInspectii, <1cm il esîrediral dc' fopantis KÎILurp-Ejerle.fo;ntaine- iiieeuicapital fet ticPiceofutClaîaa- frott> -ng.. ny ui>trsu"s ir. for G.lamf. 1 or fnr-su toc p)aIàla.retsrîîtoc'y natl c.iiregftid tif. . G.Hanstur etenant.Itia Excelni eur> cilicd bie-fl> ta theirlutouos auljeets auve efer Vauîîoruîi va. Ifortiden.-I.eeoed sitA- tîllos igl, eet e oel us île.yaretis othese, dram il. Scey hcet rs i Lyaui cii.lllîiby ~'~< M-l lugave ]ieîu ilîrero 1leasure to con-oeeyslîi hytes i r! ri t e 1tly ianAiiatul; te Itîr niciibers etfthe Si. Paticku;th e ho ay eveîatuslly baiset C'oîuîp.îuyy. V'erdict bv rotisenti for pline,îciy u le uiîc titl iîoîîtie sine ii a spirit consonast tilts fue£331 l3à 1i. î.î Tie tersent erîalusiýiasns iiî deliierute nadrerasonsile q Biruira et!alilss. Ill/euby Str,,îuî 3filîî aI Li lie>- ever grerird lie crulnag oettis ticcomeîîtilv. C'oliu12?~Y.-Vecdiet b>'cotiseani fur plibm' tîsive day cvine'ed tn-ir deep uttachiîcit The Gri'anîd Jarors vosît ils* tiff e',40. il) their n~~aative land -Ie lstron.-g nlrunrlea nieteatnto fteleg coîîg/aoo s-as ll'ite.-Tirs1î-a - nleiict bîuîadtîeten iti~'s distant cotoiîy, to the itîjuctirle ietlicted eponlriea ibis rase il uppeaared dita the Stiriiii leaderr 1,e mreen fieîdàofut ed îreîaiîîe. <Clacs.> tiere beinîg 1no provisO5ion île't o hale cee posa, gave detetadant p Msrsi houlliîgi cot it lima'ihn hi lîlcît lacs ss îorize tireipayaienît oo iece ufcretois partis ut alut in Ticuah i, cehapp1y, ini tue tsic nof t tlir worthyv lresi. ia coaing te attend tir seera illaintif laiidlioula tenier a trace. The k-it, teulisse the intellect aitul jud 'tet. trust tiot titis defeet i the lite qution îucîcd tipule the description utie' and îocyat sa Iislîiacn, au essist ibil% eid >c loraet sl3 land derniscid, the deceiptionu givenntheicn îthe govs'àeaut ofiisl'euevince . .uissiî reuse hein., se-e>vaguer. The jury h(lue C, uutisaecieeing.) lie sas satistird iedeietattlera, fiotînd tian. t otresss k-id birco rnîi'11tte liu y 1ne rl'asofs et i1e srs's sublj. s J.IL Il. iMPZù. and retsrîured a vciîliuttertIleeplciîîii>ffuitîeould Ris lRoyalIlitirlmaarss the l'iniuceoutFe £50, Cauincron & Miiedonell tue plaintil', B.H e8 li-eho eceived iiti isurc lu-acîteltIlles- Tie Court theon cdjoortiedi. Canierru & J. Il. Causeron for deteuwt. ti-îre, fer-b> lone sens Ile r .ciuus Majea Arrîs-al oft he latta Duale rs Iluig/at ilci i.-L'jcetluut. %'el ,îY atcture loy> yserveid.Ilie tiauted thino diet ttir 1laititilf. Dled'aiut <11<1 uot apie rlte lerunal honurey h lad dettîe 1iai E Y1K prar. N. Ci.- la-ul'or pluiatiif. sud iii concluision proposrd tier cihera focre-Vu < riiIsL SIE c. the QuecrîancieldIrclad, selicli wore c e lcsiîtemrFuion sericel 77aeQarei c> J.G. Bn'e.-l-rge v - t cehue ari>. good suit cndedrig. Sie loftiCowsoitu tbe e 77e uemil J G Iuis.Fugey.ii te aos deid awes>, Mr. O*NeitI, tise I Oh, auad brinîgs Londdnap lue titis case tie iiltrgrd tuc.iery Vis e tiVe-President ut the S ociet:, catled tfoc 7tuinîstant. ciaigofe a l'igue inac reîpt, niakimug tlhr'e mure teerHis Excriirîu-y tue tior- I readstuifs dulli cocaetdeC"' il, appeur tue $663 iostead et $163. Thc pro cciterueral utfiBritish Nurta Aiuarica, utend Ivisions steady. uner s:oad out uit bail trouetie Insu Asi"r veuture te sa>.tieînt tlhuis ut old Sia- "ie sBuhrîîian. arcived q e, sviru tie Juory cire uenalerte a.rer 'isuoi neyer gave brick a moure vuciféroniasille £30,000 -ii Ausiralio> ge4i On luokiuîg ever tir papees tie roeiptiii> res1uun-,c atisetàiiclicailleu'tfottue fiCent. lritaiîî. ituestion %vstnîîd to bcniaing, anîd ti utie -saus ut tic Euîrraid Isle ont titis uces- IAu advsuro in indit ieauji case wus uut proceedrd sitt iniuuonsequroru sbien. lrun1place. nt titis Assise. 'lieIli somer n'as liieratc liu Londothie Pulication i oie)li ow rcognzane t apica atti t Witr I ans seitio,g1I]have a viceettof Oua t ltileuw, recugoîauce teuî>iuearciatie orsi Assizes. , S ri.lerre, setirhis is apluriel as a mir- nt15s. ii oad ~l cor aîîd reflecîs tht higlu lands ai Poitiseols. vrAneia Yase Hlector Ceuon upperrd en behaît c1 ievi au taillatuli s ithe brut glas. Tiaei'e i usAneca Mise ther Cruisii, cilla W. H. TremnsyneCnl î ir>.Scbona uleura iîlis cenîais et parie as tic# Attorney. J. H. Cumeren appeared usnlac "t te0, nuiiein uThcoani le Ausriareturm nt oil hlait ithle detandaii. ilerne e littir drift ut ire rendercd quite 0' elacral Feia"' comaencidl Thae Queenrat. i-e. t/y Sal.-Mitide oft b>. thensuiti oftir last ivener sex days. m0nsn meller. The iiirtineuitin ibt use acerg.%boust ni>ospromsises Iu'rrcrivc dîuîde- oemnofteSulihM? ril tir defudaîta sitdastuppiiag oupa nOasuliens aaid'geussnxliitumug igias (if active clle. efieSuîsite onî a linr betecre a utrecon19 ini tir Sîl eetîs,,aa ,i. îaîat Vicier Enuiel hiesegierd Cote. ufht biy. A grai deul et iteresi l îe aa tainpuavainpt 5 î oîised b> Fî'ace"oih< ias înaîifteid aithie trial, lasit ' as sup- rtIailSrn g in-ifld loi tîresCity;, sbut uoin agu eindIl posrd tetmhiisutwol st ttetth ju la ehape hae te puy dear fer ail G unrasiiga r5gse.l rorreelaras ut Mue,; Siair iasrvey outliaeti is a Üti utlerîe. Gsclli Cneso;taineo h rsctrM.T.ina 0tic London Marktlb Coîeecio, ti ois u ti prseelurMr. liaetenatter imîlties wceare gcting suie 94j' for clone> and 911i Thonmas Hodgsoo, hein.- tes set it amidle if lon rtyWiytntwtot possible. A large namnier et sitiiesses rare prti , -il, t ucaletnos ouant' ah aitrodaoec en tue paru et tie detence'gîi'. Onlnrda s au cjei noneut ciai sere isvc'cr sa 1n !ood rounad ganse on Mic. Meieus bill te Verdia fortiardrlru.deot He *lun Cmer e irate et laterestatnîd to 1uisi usur> wieat quiet et I9<9dsa 1h VeMdic Cus eeodntfor CronContJr1..lien-io .ou .nuce. .ane.1 1neupa-m.sion S. il. . artooaks teedrtrnd lieling tise penalty of inspisntlerot upu Cansercu ancd S .Farak frdfed coffeuser, but. tic gond unse et tic 551. ' Ilisue presailid and tie sntietuated absucali- lic Gronti Juer amne isteCourt, andl vecas liirled ont. liv.aiug niade tic tollowiug prosenuttOn - ' yMe. Cartier sehnittsd tkr acre dioriargert. 'lic-tfeturon of a bill te improvethti ilicis v In t'eueisssvoy--I t.r '.dso iterng mortugagens bLoer IliGris vs uE thel'ýi t vifici 1ev tiscre vus mach nerd, iiiuiut 1injis rase ccre diete otie ps-e 'se aupesent tusse debis s m ricgei, tnul tricluofet i Lthui,,amîd ttie-tn amain pruperta, but egeinst. tht Owviers ut hiable fr toc jcuudere it lie svutld chaite lu ý e, aid tiret is 's)o munidifficuil>. in fliding lic lias hîreetutîrr, as a Itailca>' direcior, 'cetîia tssmarivuis, and uvîat i le toses, escaestîulceaurib-ting Fas quouta tsilsiay 'bat fraudsaair olien perjuetroteul upon une c.xpruuvc,e, eaceothares issu pa , ideve:r nurtgagcens. Te le uIt ena ceivecti iti tlacir tlcouads-; nay bc liai sàuioiuubl% :probation b>. teFrench rnntbesgener. îis%ooed bis oisu eolruîn olgitulons et,-.1 Iv, and t have ne doni-, cul hoc accepurd tes-e-eln hui shîaIii-, Co-dirctors uand îefttiia gresu been ino lover Canada. Atter tlani u lufuot tire bill ubat. li thae reseule iiuaner liee1Bill ef tise Pottauster Grueral serv esuretlu ias- ti saet.ee"s a nu ineaseul annai grant te uit sc l iuia s a ratraeye ,of tirc tsan, 'a-Jan Line et Ocean Steamers rame lur e second ruading andl vas the sub- rlunBd te cuniribhis hlo aaireofetOur "i uf a ydiseossien fer 6 or 7. mortal Icit"tc bll.liebar>.d hilîr ilI tr bs mtitlonscif ialel urs ~. XQNes ireintiures andunenta t> i.roîuuneî inaRaiIima.ltmattr.-, ndait - "e proposèsti seith ue vies' of dniaying umuh nuise eîougi ut Ruilons> mueeting 'e niesore, but. Coverumeuut rofnsrd tuo ntot genelge ttaisîancl. cede, asn asu eoft tirrsupportes mcd soebeat saIe>, hie Oppoasitionî PAR IA ENT RY i kheurt ofgruce, end 1 vent>. beliere i iule utioduring thteuiuiutie LegmsoiireConucl. 'iias ajonilt.,but lu cils tir>. cens "fiy sappomned, for te Lover Cote- Qurber, W'<diastiay Marci 21t, 1 '. raiJbe3 roundt tem wsiti a euIbeYonti Tir bill te preteet grosviimg ulasher vont .easti seenthe sole vus uken the tires5i emrnittee ad vas urdertet for a id ceadîng ws u -eitti eîout a nird reading tupres. Ou fîlao!Ra. c.!iisugat, l . Yesanti Neasen Me. Meflongail tic bill te groulu an "additiâoel subsid>. te 2 ýtrdmeust, wuih vs hie muet formida- t Ocran Stemees, and tue end the ' sait re 87 t0 43. ulegespuhute te BellIsle, v a eiu a iat ila lie Legianieconeil tirevssaise taise.~~~ noe spircatiiteddbtithr pn'.Ms.van- b - 'net's Laud t z bmug6i ut , IB beh L*:gisîatlre Assembir. tîcl h itht anformnu r"" h oh'e hlself lu le AserilsescaliBi uca l- W saentit ianti 1 auPpos t a irain- In theAssemly 'eecaI illscee M*doirata tMtisAssmu>..blus .sdtrlauoga huis a billtu teîtblirsa lb.5 Boum ese semrate bus atM-9gde- taiis5 t Ceuni> Cousreila trvtaie x. ufua m ïpc &la"1 ksot penises: asti seera tlerzi vere adract 0 i aBaapcyLuat ieam L Ih ot action fur tise reliefetsargo"nu- Me.Mvai'huIiesu~..>dtisela of tiopee-iy nulved etnrsuilhavm Meprsn as abit a neeasthe &'wof tOton, L.M. "L gies netic8Of & f-ulvin ra m a ecndtim ad e on 1h.e ub!jsoet s&Bank oft l& fetehaiP ba bu t nlleurrit itaY aetoae Mc. Gousus lllte ablshtpropetjýA Ade( Wigt,>ed ts1 a ngwni if <uaintiot fer mumbers ut Pala e *Pt% heeiagimt on conemlle tndoist, ,and q -u rlp a ua4 nb,'lu> emtirdenrteof Ms-. le tu ÎÏr, ghuiuut o. t-l 1ibiea* bite , J yeltov 33a e 33à G6<1,Bref qtl otfeeing fî net>. l>enk iiJ' quiet. Lard fîu'm ci 605 a861m lier wnet. Anliri duil. Vn ile use ut COMoiUils duciug an ineidrotl disessiesd tios ut 41lie ennxatioia et Sael gcnahd nipresseti an eamut Parliamnect seouldtietr a againsi thtisacc, and Mc. Bic ed iitrerlyagaîiist the Enqes hlm et bînaci et trnties. Irisha papcro dca>. tAe111111 cent reperts tlaat l>îeeuiumui t latel>. iniDublin. Tise Picauresque aimaise cd b>. the late Lord Monte> t. et tir CatteHli, Ediiiarihl va> ovung te tihe dettetient becast a maie oî rsaiue. lie Ceosiiesj dpubioî eaplaining lie FeCh poic>P rnîiunirag tht soluuionl p taessage of M. ribooveuel, the n soya, if il iu net aSrii i0 an Italien one. Sordiui lusarut>. uchiase vi% idà 11 relue the oppatoat Nurn ln entier te constiutt i vimi the cocurernc eOf ail jes sud netuia lsalian Ieiagdois crything si ~eu u t nlîi tilferenea, oppoiof iakteTC54ý irusts ot Europe., l'uTheatea' Pais their is sarmeour dist Mie~ soldiecansnwo n lsnaOt pimenta s Mneon o i't5~ ai Guart isl noe esnt Tie CarffialmssaiFte membuerofthibmSemtavei tilions, domsudlg thb. 1 Thepor peeettid o t Pottmi esatOndihg" bees frisa aul puimof bUa.. 1- speerh 'balnet inen ceotm blt>. Tisasthei.epeo f vilI coalerm the vot et il I 1

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