Whitby Chronicle, 24 Mar 1860, p. 3

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]Before justices of the Pace fo cmâl Statute 4 and 5 Vie., C U LEJs 5Ur Aizu 2Jtb Ur V eC county of Onta rio, transmitted -by Justices whose naines i12. Clerk of the 'eace, C. O. Sain ofPruecuof. Naine of Defendant Nture hMcDaeo The Qocon:....... .... James Myes........... Vagrsncy.........................Dm'. 12, 1659 1 Corporation......Jhn&Cox.............. Droîîk............................. Dec. 20, . Tho uec.........~M J.Seilli........Vagrancy......................Ji. 9,10 The Qoeen............ James idycra. ..........d ...............Jan. 12, 18OU Blyron Leavens, Inspecteri JosepihIBeauont...Igllisig L........Ot cnt . DocC. 2, 1850 John. Fisher........leinry Doyle........... Obtainin.gegoas on 5.15 pretenccet,...Jas. 11, 1800 P. F. Whitney.:::: Wm. o. les, Jr .... Caceo rvnalltigo ef Dufliuts Creoli1Fcb. 8. Taylor ad Coraîll ...James NIlcecO Noa.payllient for vrk donce...........Fcb 14 David Ilcattie ...... Nelson Hie îîî~..... . do do............... Feb. 21, 4 John Brrell........... Thomna Stonar .....i 0ssaultanad btterç .................. Feb. 24, : Daniel Shank,....Richard Hennie ....... ao-payoscat for %aark donc............Pceb 27, dito John O'l)oaocll ...... Puliig t rees in plai1iff'o bush .......cb. 29, Ilarry White........... Thonas Blrv...... ... tclsi ng te payw&a;s.. :.............. DMC 22, 1859 Richard Branton ..........ditto i do o . ....... . The Rer. G. MeDbou.gl. .. Thotmas hllgyoitd ....Drunkencss....................... Fcb. 2, 18ý0, M. Mevay . ......... larc Cudlawav. l'efusing 1te psy %aa;s . . ............ 4 28, I Nanicy Gral.d...... W'lter Fois> Il. Assasst...........................I Josephi Fines ocbBows..........do.....wndo ......... ................... 28, Hecnry Cli............!Laavrie Vansieklii,.. eiieping Bawdyhtbiso. ............... March 7, .Iuss)ecutoraert. Liccasc;! Williamo Snoddcnl..... Slig Liqoor on Sonday ............. Dem 27, 1858 Franin Woodard...Williamu Cruthcrs.... Rfusing to pnywages ................ Jan. 17, 180 George Aski,hurst...lexnder.%Mîstai-d do do.................... 20, Johnî Love ...........i lrillisî c.cc .sslî.......................28 James Gurtelet. JonJno...........doh a1ýn ............ ...........Pb ', iWillisaî uIts ........... e 1 Biraius Staicy........... Clils his ... .... ssaîlt.......... ...... ............. 24, Frederick liSts......... Rllbrt Hardy . l..... týobrt Ilog... .......I do.....................:..........24, Williin shi Atiuhurst. ..George W~alacc.... hlcuing te psy. aiscS .... .....Mrch 8, John Woud ............ sac Tuy.......... do do ..... ......cb. 24, .Aaron. Whsrrai... Toserii Camopbell. .....ui. Varch,13, "1 Jamies Bail),... ........ IPtrick Quidivcn. ...... Dslr.'yiog propcrty .......... 8, John >-icRac ...........James Wîhite .......... . ',autlt..................... Fb. 8, ditto ...Charles Andrws .... 3isemeanor ............1Dcc. 28, 18ut 'W. T. Diîiglo .......... Oculjasolilol Willjoîns. do ............ J.ui. 14, 1801bO Alexander Caeros ... 'J4oli,, lycrs..... a-......... ........cFb. il Wi* lian l ipàs.... . Join Sinclair ... ....A sault ........... .. .***iM rch 3, ThîomasL.ittle .......... Roherî Iiller .......Stali,îg ............. heb. 28, Tlhomas aMe......Sai,,, Il ong ........... .ssault .................. George ilhcUillivrav...'JohaosMeAnrthor ..Trcpss ...............Jn 17, Robert MeElîoy...... Wilioni Loue. .'.ssauî............... 4 17 ditîn 'Patrick Carey ... .. do ........... .... . Feb 2!2, ditto Theios lobr. .. ...d,...... .. . .. ... Marcli 1, il. Bonis .......... ...W. . . r .ri.k \on ,'î,urat ofaviges .................10, JC. Sterling.. ....... .Mt. J.,.. Il) .kn ~'gga....... ...... 1ekngago ........ 10, D. Lawren.ce........,,lia, l oti... ...1Non a ,îoln'ne.............. ditto (G. .......... du do..................Fb 4 WilliamnoFox ............Vn. %% clcrali ......sonk.......................... , Wlliliîî Peiltîylcî.îon.... ! Franîcis Boter, ansd W ifvl)i.oîideriy bouse........................ 81, Tino Ciief Consable. 1 atry Jo,, Snutii.... .. ioderly1, disto % , ,eFiegg .. .. li.oa.derly10 Robert Feehione n.... Fiali er........ .. soi derly Ihouse I 1) '1'he Ilief CosstIlle. Cltt...................... ............................... ac 1 Cathierine %Webbtr . J.. I. Zwickey .......1 bit uk ad ,isordt'riy........... ......, Pairick Quiiian. Jn1s Ilisî s.l........ ...:.......... , Justice. J. Il. Perry do. du. do. WLo. Dunbar and P. F. '%Wliitnev do. Win. Dunbar do. do. do. do. do. 9L îiarndcn do. 0 JaPles S. Gamctto do. John A. Sangster do. i;jortin Pirt and .. liagohaw A. ilagshaw' do. do. do. do. 'George Brabazon IL J.Gunn and C. Lyndo Ri. G,,,,, Cjharles IRobinson ;0 JohîiaFShOP le. Lyndo 1 do. do. do. A. Iltard F. Grecn anid A1. Fuiharton do. edo. IAFullarton do. do. do. Tînt Mayor *do. *do. do. do. .1 55 Aol pntl of pendo I fieor 40 O0 20 O0 4 84 17 0 4 0 7 00 1 où 1 0 1 50 25 20 O0 10 0 4 0 2 00 10 0 1 00 1 00 3 62j 12 87J 2 0 lus 00 Fine whcu pald or to bu jaid 10 aid Justice Seat te Gaol for 15 daye. Net paid. Scnt ta(isol for 80 days. 'do do Fine partly paid. Defeada nt gave up property an.d Paid cet- Gave notice of appeal to Quarter Sessiona. Gave notice of appeal te Quarter Sessions. Ordcrcd 1e pay 85 cents and cobstB. sid costa paid ia ton days. snd costs, la eight days. Damages and cosla. Tcn days. do Fortbivith. do do laI April. Conimitted for trial nt the Quarter Sessions. Forthwith. To 21 days. do To 8 days. do ln 21 days. la 21 days. By Dec. let 1860. 18th hfarch. Bound over to Quarter Sessions. Forthwith. do lIared, 8, 1800. Senit to jail 10 daye. Contnitlcd foi trial. 3 days. 3rd lIarc,. 1241h January. do do 23rd Fcibrusry. lI Jonc. ý2nd April. do iFortliwith Frtlwi Il, 21 days (isol. Conitcd 21 days. do Forthih commnitted 21 days for default. Forthwith. do do5 To whorn paid os01 er b>' aid Justice? Township Treaturor.. Eouny Treasurer. Plaintiffi do Complainant. County Treasurer. If not pail, why not?1,Md genoul obavtiona, Defondant bas giron accurityto psy e4ma wnth. Not yet puid, ne proputy liable tolurs, Rcfusc'd 80 psy, - omniitedto'Ga.ol 4f hard lahoor 11 Hlaito 10proaccutor and liaIfto 0Co. Treas.1 The miney 10 h rstsriaed.tpsld by Mr. Pirt.,, Proanicutor. do $3 prosecutor an~d $1 Co. T-es $5 proaecutor and $2 Co. Trean. $2 proecctor and $1 Co. Treas. Couaty Treasurer. Couaty Treasorer. $50 Prosecutor antd $1 Cunty Trensurer Pýrosecutor, 1.1 1Prosecutor. Village Treusurer. County Trensurer. Jdsbua NWrigtt, Agoni Townsahip Treasurer. do do Coieplainint. do do do Toisti Tresuret TonTreasurer. Not poid. Nul 1a. =euiyoiven.. .ot yul paid. iNot paliD. Not yet pald. 1 ccrtif'y tliat the above is a truc copy of the Returns of Convictions, made to the Court of -General Quarter Sossions of this -Peace, for !?e County, hceld ini Mareli 1860. Il J., MAC DONELL, Clerk Of tAc P àe, C Q Office of Clerk of the Pcaice, Whitby, March 2th, 1860. Montb. A - wllng to oake, A guolW. flesbt FVH~E undcraigi patrotoof Greet tica those Who ai ing of or purchas IF ARMIM -prodtioe; AÀ.'ho Fafito bé bolden on thobI day wfl b. the lirgeSi ouer field att GreawoodC, .Mores, Oxen, Cwfý tem aH8le Slacep, fflthls, Hoga, Ca1vcs, Waggos, Carniages5 Plougha, 1Iarroys1 Straw .Cut- ters, Cltîvators, Stores, &c., Wheat, Oatai Pes Bancs '-Ryo, hhîckwhoat, Potatos, Ck4výcr and'ligy:eed, Turpipiientd,'Butter, Cheese, Geese , TurkeYe4, Banse, &c., Yan-. - kee Notionsaodtn ready made cothng.'- .As usuil I1aili bu on hband te dlapoaC of by Auction aay artir.1t8 uY frlçtadawlah te aIi la à<that way. My friends,.Mcsm D~ahlmn .& Brotbe, will be on haa)d tu ptrchose St:ranty4sav good workhng horses. Jgcobflryan, üiagoent.trom Brnueiil New York Musmi, aval bc Qýb bandlttopur chats eild anîialak . Joaeph plcrwp o OaI4-wW oivra. Ltorunl4 ,., WjIe 4C ura p4ol. soo IUiari iwr Lth' dartA, Maxay Gameailltake place shmrlngto.dm7. auct arunung ng the $ç 040illbnLaO greaaud polo, M the o tp o wJch vIll)bu qr. <f mutton, 'the 1fft or Chiii Beott-uni.. %wbeehb&rrow rme blin4.folded, &c. 'I no, Gsns, o eoted Grcenwood, Mrei, 1860 .' 0 bis styl.101> ]FOR SALUC ~1AN T~ esood aîtsclad, eon. rlalO, sIa Iq eeu. Thig propeety b, well lniow p*orna<et tbe adsoineul ellooiona fe0, a lb4y#t gqaM, douce in the tte Towna of- WlJtby., Loat Nu.1 asnDouA,. BleetçIth lias tao Storv good Lots near the btiipmopar4 t ha Town. 0ltymm l,1888-, 16ti, peror. Ttc Council ofthet Empire aihi bu'nis, Fanaris Richardson, Miss 511cm She! Dr. W8sterlb aaieatos f WiVI Cherrl. MARRIED. SPECT.AJ NOTICES, augunîcîtcd t> t enomnîationî of tau ex, han and lPatrick M. Gorin, a.d a crew of uThi trigrneyapna ub OIIA-t-TN.A ht selcte frua amng 0.workingwocndera. Vo lavetoonng beard on theth ismt., at tce reaideace of the %Vu coasider e ara doi gor Marchant persona of ksoara ahiisy, sd by then omi Tht retons frons, the Liverpooleirto V t oeio etdsussa heTirathride's unBes hvBr udee ah oitae gooeb îis naion of 3e ordinary cousacîoca, chsocngeat gies' Fi'oisiLiveepool. Catie Paa.(and Longs Iltav e doubt nol its cdaim tiJaeof ic arm0i7 arketse urice byoccasionalhy drmwing JaeT~ .iyrae, Samuel Cochranme Esq., Siss adhooa ft a is it tu bu presented hi> heroi.al sengei, il-Steproge do,. -Il' Croi ru cn el Ceu eie0.~>ai U J 0[ mi înbth of Whir tattcation 0a iraI lan oo 'dice. The Council of ttc Empie ailh ex,Lverpool 80. toal-205. 1m epce iieaw'oapemlio~, bt bue.A raa v hh nyn amine tht budget, conteoh laies relal.ng ta CaE ti .siN-o DcraaitT av\-.-W aonoaot tc Ieod etmilol moln lumamcial matîera, laws O f geacral itere5s'ari itofce;Wm lAln ttested 1te he tact t înir Oritentl bah VAIL-STOYE.-At th e ide....of,,nd grocery housof hîfesrt.S. 0. Dough. 2nddo y & Co., No. 20, BrFoad istreet, News York, Hrordiea letmottccformaton of:prnimncidu-, mmouais. Thée, are hîroimg ,ecneetia dt1ebtildes fatter, in Ohawa, by thBare. for some.yoam largely eagaged ho a trade hireta, ndailtesrmtiono oinc ails hichsard Porter, 3rd do iW..('tin, 4th do;i <joi., sud ,shoculd cerîaimly prommpt RaIlaho j. S. Ttompom, os thc l4tt mat., Mr. aih Canada. dititadatqetossbnte eisM. Fieldimîga bontsaimi ; Jaies Bsaehey, sufer front puhmmoary commplainta in ~ilirs VailoftcTsafWtb, oMis t.JHedrohaositntgr. delitersaîlon hi> tte Emperor, ontil ttc con-'hoataoeain'a mae;i John BaîI'y, M. Me- vnrioua formas, 10 give il r. tria- Otaîco C otheown sbw.of hty n ist. Jhe atronaiteoî airntadgent 'vocation or ihe provincial dicte. lThe Em Caroine StnedofOshaAa ohite Wpo J. ShadaReonn, CUise..l facror aill complteethe Coomcil of te En,. Wna. . McWdleAii, Jhainnoncitiren.DIED.nor pasing through CansaaWIest. an te. pire, 1-y sppoioting persons of distinction Win. MçMiE.Loan, Thmsi JncLate tm itigas leeant, ' ()e\'5) - A tot phousec.)At. IU. ihaa J.O m pR utilivdJoeLte r itnusbdMrhn,,JINO-ttesîidence cf lheyun an, ut excllent mercantile biliy. ontebsso ouaio.ihmsreJhn R00i, erenw deeeaaed, anfavreoftJones hroîhîer.in.haav, Dr. Carter, Nelson, on the 1amid pesing mancia, and, we base no, Nier,!Moday, Marcha 4-Ou ttueoc-jBooley, Jota Bennett, M. CG igbhy, Me. htobeRmd o sha ûhiitMrae nyugs ag-duat ilfihul ar u n n cuion utfte aanivcrssry (Of the promlg5.-, onald, Edwals, Wiliams, ieveeWtt, erofte lite Lieut. Colonel J. Johnson, gagemeuts te nMa> enter int wit.h ont lion of thc Sardinian constitutioni, min- Gelv Merrimna P. Mitderl, A BdYA Boston, AugîssI 4îh, 1853. t? agtd 52 years. inerchants. fesationi isere mado by tte PidmoitseI7 CadocGibet 01,, echrly Ma. Bcri;rr: Duor Sir-The Reine. party inte Itatiantestro. A demoastra W. Cradoc, Glnte J ates~n- olyId? forAttma, ishicho you pro ared, bas COTTER.-In Toronto, oit Monday, thne GxsmA ncr.ac7etxs. - Montreali tien aino t lace in tte Frencht ctesnWakts, ordinaey tourro 1511lmeobetgroal and tpecdy rel'efl thst Georg .Colltte401hyuerona rr.e daserreS.grealcredît fortakiib the lund 'matra Ie ofNice ttcsre, iin Icannt rfrsanDtrus laahig yo forCollrrt,.,J. P., FitfielS, Mihl street, n the manufacture oftataple and uasfuhar ttc'Od îoîolîio de..sed.noy Eigimce, DearlentW. lesesil.C. Cork, Irehand. lices; undar the prsaunt hie.liTanfl oa- th OeNapoleont" and te'-Reinie Mur'It engiuîcer ;Johnî MeNes, 2nd do ; A. tMysféigormyyeawr dn- ntladetrpî cntbmreu. Omiise," shiet sere performcd sia idt en-Smith, Ird do; John Cat, lt do; Hogh a ufleiag or manAten..acer dred. thsatcapllause and abouta Of '"ViveeMcGunn, 11h do ;Isaac olet. John Calder ci tes depniced me of rus, btIla dy SEESO tI utnolon 001 I nS cnted. WLOu c'nnt tmosths l'Emiîiersatore-" Tte aituation kf ttc couti. wuod, Hagiussi, ,LsJ oreand nightl,for many aeeha togethmer, 80 trdS ilhiie, lanrstuvno . q.broi athfal n vn oat-o nhano- Or> la cey crtical.J. Boyle, IW. HIlîno. 1eter! labo, Henry sa ~hf esemisa .isme umacvocate, fonmnriy cf Montreas,,<ged 34f 0f o Mr. Auatims oîims, of tbat cit7, Tte Titties' cîîy aitle cf Mart I7aYs French, Johns Jones, A'-t0 îs., li.i aiSd I expected 10 iier as long a n y ycars. amd- are gha4to 10sou that ont trionS, Mr. altougt te discussionofut ast evesiîmgi onlMcNalIey, Archibald Me-Gahi, Juta Jons lite lesteS. I aSd trieS cccry litberlo .TIEV onStrateheJnUl4d.nona'uiss-tr ttc Savoy question creaîed ad-s eotolo imeWin. Wl ,lex. xc,, neknown remudy itinmy reuci twaith lit 17hin.,aitTIE1S Ongesatrdythorn to Jhougn lIVsd, an abusiess lotat impression, the Emgihfndat nd hsiicar 1ud, Mice. at;, MFln-tic or Do gond cfet. Last MartchWhiî I 7th lî,N. a 81Yoe teutoof 'lintiofI ruth»etrnCndsrprqns Moti. t' rcinlipcuencd tiIlt, T. JmeDaon, MmThomas , JmeIsicoeibsa Bamedy, prepared yyouel,, largMattot N.atîhu29 o arIm fWlin ieo l> ashsnset moiîîg abas e ainai intaupr coe.odol, isan, T.Jabeso Ei, Thomn lîn, Jaserecotamended to me. Thojirst dose quite shila as ecu usintincl 1 th chse Aliso, Rbor Edcarla,'B.cuin. reieedme ; sincu lbit tinie a teaspoonfol MA-Aýt 1Mrkbam Villageon the 151h TIMIE Gg"IBÂT EN6L5REEE Ttc aggregatcetfAustralian gol kaonof i v ~ Drmrs.r-.M thIe otpouted, takcti ihenee 1 have imt., i no I 7t yesr of har age, Mary raIs~~~~ etiarac no.Astain RDniiseCaSMoi 'Au adopîccidooaghter utthe latta George .s JZ Li5' rat bu ai sueso heAudralien.1830,080. Ttc wrd iJohn Mc.ininon,. 2nd fuît any Atheostie iymptomns, ltes minccerYjybaEsq., otflnesiltoo Canada %Weat. gldo - tictaid Thomas, Jolis 'aiduen Geo., intance reliececi Me. Bulievu me, tir, "o0 Celébi"ted Feinale PUla. stp oosndeu er.y 's îcncil20Edivards, Alexaude Wahhao edisard L.en- coniderationa aould tempt me to lit villa. 'LI t aent. u t GellpCopsnon, IRobert Dywer, James lAudes, Hugli ot aboutle ofyon Asthffiiasdisdsu, 20'UITSY 35Â201CET5. ROTECT" 5LETTRESt At inctng f te rea Shp dl OYMGregor, Thiomas Bna,,tew1"iar.a Im, &.,1 YRALPTN.F1 reolhuion u raise £I00,O00 adîlsiona Francis Doieure aimd George, Saristrook, W. S. LINCOLN. _11re yR E rtRn. ~ UA ÂET capital ses carnieS. cooli %Wm. Prestos, balJ.; Jas, Gel. Prepared by Joseph Burnett & Co., Tre. -UWsf5ipWlId /Sr.<s.. f Americon saccrities oraltured. inga, hute; J. Lon ave.,John Bren- mntStreet, Bb>o. orMalrleti 51=Z. 2.18611. àth ttMrpa tSardnia tritc asIs- mnI libs.Foctlc daThiCins La Oceicîn, icijnnla a .... ug<la he 3) Pai;Mach6.Tt Puise5aera an, ThomassKenniedy, ama Kenard, Md- genmily.. Frics,$1 pet boulhe. eTho Létsbh alca &W aiulia d li ihtterpyo adnst h atdsa rd McMaa, Augasus, a Cie, Vi. Ha-' The doweswaed tendestT Of tn b~osthee "fui o.Ilo m ajet.I paltch tfM. Thoveaeh, lias arricel notoHte liéîtms,'etrEcraMartlin News Yortlins-caeSa dclanelderal. ah t êse.as anl remo l ahalrom't Paris. The King la saiS tu bacc agmîa'd stewards ;Edîad Murpby, Vin. Horrocts - B i R T il S. bers ot lIcol pur Basieh on Whtite shest ties,, aunda sapely cure say be repliaS o.- t0 a solution proptaud by France in rater- couâa Win. 1rscot, licbarcl Jonc%, VANKOUHNET.-In Toronto, onanol ets eOtSprisg, i wih ail1receiptalTo MorrkialàlitdinIlapecularly naitd. hf etl totce Romagna, but ns regards thjsp aro, T .Gen udy h 8hiatteebget Wdliii lua shortlies., brù n one. aostial> Jos1itMariol stwars . S (IuenSaiday tt iît ost, te suteetS. J. ioce hit Ireport.Tn hgislpiepid wî tlb nq :Solution of tuequestiomn Of Twm"Yp rostorck-eeper ;Dlr. Ferghsoi.; T. iRober-t.JVankgagmsus, Eq., of a dsugtter. 1 a as13,aS pii 05 useleiht tisi prhm Bus la, t ea in- poatd ty the Enaperor, the rtphy oftif bbc ; Missî vaut casaed àycompati- aris.,e 1 n'~,0 Iia untaerfbt4. *reaIsvose nîietom seh ont aa met., i tRIiB.-sfe instnJo tejut îo 0 . K n e a dtep l e u S a d i tn c t r e c e 0 IA p o a t s c ota asg ltewa r d . t i o n c e ato r e to y w u s ci s la i o e m n l e t a i e P o l u lA U b tO M M a l I V a S " a i 8a , f fm e t l w àî , % e-Id ner ts-w mtngbet a. nw ic, bloeBa ws.b -eela ub tine'FalMdiai a"'* ht O n l ru, -te xct- DOfYadiLEt rfre.-I:s Oitff4éýsde.ard.itlisa, tese PIlla illacht a O>hneW< tisa annexatiosutfSavoyto France. D .&-n ylur, on the 51h Îâin.,, t Ietlowing Iota thin vek i-acil otIer nnaihavaetalaIesatn gl si Tt-imaitath6.-Chevalier Buoueatio1 StCtxTAt'a Orîîctd, tishe cofrlUt. JamesDoyle, o on.. ~Bushîia ggWteat 1 poverf-Mni ye1,lt=5 ehsila ru, aloel p@agimilik, ocsigued tsepolt of Goveretir1 Tooo 8pa-mn î0tOoutineOn, rthii600u-dtol-Whithidoo133ldu». cevcraI of telalsy- Qttsrr, Ma lî laTOM N-I 17br, os86i0.oe 'o .tiledo 13 Ftumtoiatin u ttc 131h iest., Mrs Johs ThouasousOf La 2000 do Peta s ac AgeoI dntbuifoor ejth ea daoce, Theihagrita. aseaer. axcellcnclshelcOcrnoat Ceursai aso. AU in 51042 . JB. IEo.) Tke Hugarîanls Pasengerr ibu ben plmd te a4u thl folowing &. min-IS.«&a 13 R"er te aens-lontens vnBIRD-On tine lot insi., at Bury, t.W&Fhe l, $12e.a 18.<atbc. anul V Menra. Alas & Oillepi, e, po iacti cavfýi; oMr. G0 S. Bird, .f a son. Ditte-SPri ng, $12c to)dore% SO*tealerW,WQO T hamve torviarded the flosiog liat fpoiso, Wilhi5t HorIon, Esquire eor i t 5TALRJoS.lthrieeau. b, a.js stie 8.0.Muls"eslot.~~~< e,.. «a ~ Iairons i olo, Ilerltert Ls, Ha i sti, lMra James Taylor of a daoghte. ". 60 -'11.t eiaAn es seb I CI= pAofxas.-J. E Wilsou, lMandl Police Itagistrate fur 'o, city oft Los.ýaO4i4o rda h u£ o is-Z W y ya &M -iS Iladier5 liet. Jams&U -4Staarm- .don. RUARWIN..aIn Osy« wm, osnFriiliy oh.G.Omis SOc 8 SIc. WOOdniý Ur. & )(a . Ica-s, Alle- Ca- Âlrxander Starw u, of i 01smt., lvtehe t litf M. Joha Garwis .of1 $14 'f ton.ef sae 15W l (8. . Bassaeter, Du Bicrlay $10 (â le.doles;. Nouaut Mare,,,W.-IL Crocher5 J- W. roe fl ne, Âttore1,OLaw, in h oaq Pubic san.park $6 to $6 74. M. l.caie, U lt & l TIbes Dr. & Mes.inJpr CauonsitAHS.-IsOsamia, onthl lth Bort $4 g *. oeiirz.I M -orge SouBaeiy A.. Id. D.,.&yWts, of - r.-JointM'Malnoma Ont aShi %S8 rfOcoNlJu-rredvu -h. a al lI. BoultunlseeselUt. BouLtoe, lira. De-" Gî,M.I., l. U84 0f~- - oaue s (-a30c.0.- aiOby a si-e re d. e avn lan à 8hld, Dr. luat, suid 0QJ. antMu D a n, -, -B., o'LBtter 13.8150 mm .aafvêuoh 7se0 wh0Laa mOte.Au-040t Offccn'a chare .O tals mpneumAs. and - t a<ar, e5, Eoq, M. ID,# CAllXCIAEL-Ie Oashawa, on Fri. l<g 9hue. fd- ss. bRmik koyaem tu l m i*wauaa*rm 0fPort Staeley, to b arh f gen a y the 16th inE, the vite f Mr ugla Futila 25,- 0 "e. 19pair. TUD' hodetir i sO ui '. T a g g, W ill ia m o g l m<,Jo hn li sar Ife , a e x a l iui af Pl p i im n a 5 for i a - P 5 m mc a sl o f a d a u g ate r. T ark Y a 5 ,2-0 * Tc . 065a1a5.y * th r- - " m % d RJkLohdamOf. Al6a ludmoac sbu, ~ JLYNDE..A ibiy, -th thÎ- Gese 50C0$ 0Si mw Vil M".lf- Mms F. <Cîlln, i Fdrli CbildlitBern.-Dis Exellency &G enrGni vfécrl .Je- yne f Il" fl J i, k% T tt Cu lani- 0. IL Tisai. Auea h. C- - RU -ua. __ _a 1.1 $ * % kGRJCULUJRÂL SES -~ ~ are in receipt, per NoTA SGOTIAJN of their annuàl aBupply of FIELD & GARDENSED and, as formely '0o the Sec& Stores of the 1oyui Agr -icultural Society of Scotland. -The lst, 2nd, and 3rd premàium Týr»s asý Y.ear, in this Tou Bship, were grown from Seed of their Importtion. TURN1PS.-Skerving's purpie top SweIe. Laing' mproved, Swede. Large white Globe1, Large yellow globe. CARROTS.-White Belgian. Yellow do Long Orange. Red Altriugliamn MÂ&NGOLD WURTZEh-Long Red. Yellow GYo-tc. . White Clover, Tares, &c1&c 0: GARDEN SUDS, A LAWRGE AS8OIRTNINT.-C41 Ontario Seed Store, NO. 21 Till's Block, Whitby. 10 LIFE -ASSOCIATION 0F. SCYJTLA&ND.ý ?1SEEDOU FR011 RI5TRICTIONO8-TO5 Polielea eov sta muuneuqusad'ata Rietsîcloasc. aooly tanpoft loy ei u* uup«n=a).an mi mr I1aN Vàe~sc. legem. Tîi.fnarelate, tii. ip>u4Mè tass~~eseupapo SAFETI AND » lE1aANEICs-Tba AmsoIa, m eowtTsoiît7 se- àti.aOalhip, la 0»e of theîmlont extessîen. ~aoemofudI Oa ofsam, andll. tàpesmes ap sIejmeetet siil auldurui ce Dot eontWr"Iueillu nchr ti*tton - lamsFlAtNEntil.TPohiuy-holden ,are s1nell' exempt fren %hoe lialtof u uormcunî al i u-s A U=aeaegarsteo SW od.Oa«oaev% for bis Pi><ly. The. ilphouéato'lalay-hdde dr thlts a ries, (àamI>tInseuaiu et eallldtnPriba)1ips1* ay-arbease <ano a.pKosa.tunamu4 7asd per £ of: theamuu eata. Es.alwLUs PO 84224O5Llm B ., 6r ge AZ Al 'RMIUUK.aî .aia1£ *dz a d£: dt 'â da ddB i Adl bted1in,àè....... 63 lIo O1315044 S087 l' suJ3, 11820&0 4 fil 164 .lset 24 11320 8lltIohLSh 4411, 078-44 D'OC»>Dte.....1..4018aM13,111271la8 87rie7417181 î5181314,0 1131005 OP»C1ALLY FUPOWI» bvEortÀLCIAT]M &W ACT i«EàLMIn.1fur UrlflAItOVEANCE 8la th*, OeL(O IES4,800""là «a0*lnhjvoeth* a"e admaiaa "Ut@ 1ini888M81INOCUO 658VSP.owfybieb l IR imd ut oInC-oa. 'Uvtasodig5.jOa. 6ltors imat WW2Ot 0610* od*h <an Inttb~ mB5àO d 005 07NbU. amtmwà<tm ]LitabilàaadOsaaa lineeete iMIht" bÂnaeIoee roy1aieahIa 0 th& bok . orthI. w mou LrAoao5d i Ie.iel ut rlaid, aud the ampl al maanUiIj .fli HEA IL(4 PPICSIN E IffMb2 M*A CJ.FJ.DA-Mcon4 9IQTUd S.OkuM aeu NOP'4 80077. MW5aS-A-NEW kJt0S 4 jk Gountotf Ontatho i lY Virtqa lb WFit: .-'1Vits o pacias, isoetlont of lier MsJeatyla or Quesn's Beitat, at Toronto, anti lrcted agaiestte banda anS tent otJ&Mesuiodgson snd James il stroog, .dafondsrnt, mt the ausit ut Lht cf Toronto, phaielmos. I bave nels take Imo ictauotios.all 1he estatea01 unI of the mlid Jaisies lladgsoilandm p. Arnistrotg in lhe uneruap ]and$ s usfolloia' ,ton acrescutiend liig uril Sonth Wesl cerner cf lo1 go 4 Soci Cos. of ',v ; h 'a i W ncnited s Ad ýiIi:'.: ' tl~a to#Y tenoseSouth ms n<t six, chiniu ,0lnd i -tex M«twe lot NIo. 25, thagen$Or&o chatte823inMit tone or làs eud 04the .South baitof n '£hen goutha740n-Wut sa, orn boandary otf110e Souh No. 2à, à ehains more ianIl tIie distance tif achaîna (ru Isoe lbthesait! lot 25 antI l on theé aat aide of taiS lini 10 ,Eost*89 ChainJS,2 144 the Néebh&ide of Aaiy St. i 0 delsanmd G8 leinksfie th won Cpouncesionm,) th Fast mAng' tte Northtbide 9 chains aoorQor loua(0tehl gîin& tianS ontaitiDSa ment tîgbt ocres, h. 1he parfe Lot 25 In tie IsilCi otp f Wltitty, eonm i betiseon ilie1Easaant Wto lot 286othe Nothidef14 t et thsilstanceofe 10 Ch"ui the iSeuthern i mlt of ' lib.s Mouth M is ë lot;t6e o qe i Sed, and: lie j. Prov UO. 1 zu 1 uu

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