Whitby Chronicle, 7 Apr 1860, p. 2

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- '~1 il GEN ERIALi N O T I CES. Rwis y artileOr vPteô teuchin the À( question o1 tamation. We bliae Mr. ln! G eo. lBrown rather minflaruiands publie cf ttaIt....d....... i 1 4 , . .feeling on tbis pInt1 if hlo iaka i.hstthoe e Iblg lnW - es....... 0 5, le- taxpayerri hse pr'ejudicea lie bassgo fre- th .............. 4 0 mpoie qntl3 eliited in bis, iovor,ànd fulicwitig, ,ce 8 31e do........ S4 a. ta: wi laccept on a purely noncjy question, WI bby tetno 2iLue fsrtInunsupported tatoinents for fl-ts, or tht taf 0" POU? 11E, Uals LOSE. tbcy wiil prefer parlinmcntarY .délanma- ail lkst or G..dICTUonk. .700, a. lm. tien Io the cvidences of tadministrative se do. 1 d..... :eccnomny. The generul 9bjocts fund ri-eailts Wet do. ldo::,*: 00111-inof Mi-. Glewhlce echieme werc saowide- th Broklkt. Prince Albtert, l'rt Fr- rond <ifiles Nortl,. 900,1M.'u. ly sapproved and sdîoitled, und thiexpee. il AelbtlcrBlIOEpetal2brlgotalion of consequent itîncfit tand relief s5P anOOd, lctht . 00, e n. . -neraly ecntertaiited, that ci-en fein ftsr R liAu n nTm o.f disappeintlment, any objctionS lleed h, >t per GrnandTroole.... 90, a. i. a glinst i, ,wilI natui slly ho care[uily con- r it do. dei........ 00, 11.1n. . ;oet do. do........... . ~stdered ted criticîsced.e a,t ddo. o . 9 M i . Asor reuders a-cae «- he main cb-, ? ood - Offrce-ortihc, ..ort.. -0er $p. te. jeet ofba. Galsltsctemes wns te -effeet an hum ticaEluilUmbiidgosarangement ywihteôsanngi sud Seaott ................ 1 00, P. M. uectrsc ~wihlt athtdn Graooicood, Brougthlie, .......12 00, niof. db lirs fte Province, maturing at t ]cYOistloCURT&l difféen-ct turnes, frein Augu4 1874 te Jlyi .....~ti ................... .12~ . 1884, and hcring 6 per cent interefit1 Brook..............14: should lbe congerted l ite Canada Stockori rrk....................... 18 Re....................... 199 gcvernnent ldt7ro endsinl viçw :-Firtt XATl. ct=. the reduel7son cf the ennual amôunt paysa- At tus Tswia.tou ic-todycu g bRlhe 'cy theProvince fr intereat on its t ý;deitt1 -Secetnd, hy naking ftia neit Stocks Evre? oafay veilng, ut th %wla id, sund Bonds irredeemahie, except at tic t 0 30. option cf the Prôvince nt the end cf 25 Fres Mafoois Iliai. Victoria Btiuila., litret- yeaa-, te ai-aid sny lesa ithicli miglt hece- 8treet. sera frtThoscitir cloetro fallInOioal'afaler occur fro ein cg under the liiOys- i-iiitîe .dýe. ln.130 feuxT oayii o oliged ta puy, off delientures minuU qb'rer i îolît. CaldcIl'a àtocle5Brock Street. ring, ut a. Uie ihea freinthe sateto f A. "Vasa"', SffrrtOry v f.oigo_ No. 1389O Crôs0 n i lid n everv nioney market it tiglit liav-eprove2 incan- ......................il te do go, 7. ntllasý+ 1 4 aan "6.tlsn'În 9 Th BakcfIUsa@., - titi-uglu cht Citerend passes. No diS-. terct, ncbos re uteoolead qbii-, -cuity la sppa-citndoad in prticurlng ttiýW liemil0. liaosIWl e orgaaudywc tain- 'PIltcial ecestomy, oay wvit lRtpicill, necessary a sinutritt toe ald of ýprIVAIS frle tir requcst attention toIlais pain isîi ceatdei d ismal ebece. Màainod municipal-atiscriptios. 'petite mcet. t temon oicofo increasedéuel it oald b. non la joutly ilescrlbed as being one cf ing at Uxbridge belongs tho crédit c f îak. t icîsl! du-ideS aiion; ita 25 -pears, fia- tiose, titan wh Il bOa loiver aploit lost siaet iîg-lte tirât racical teptoaruds acnn- , heuCiewnaa-botidýqartoi uocd>irl, illit euven.'1 t ltla tnot thsvefor ranc etoicupishing 1ih11 ,dosired abject. Those pris snisuaitn tt ho airaes te ho. 84,29ii; ete tonetds- crrede rlt cinduiged in isa ratoricai dlispiupo-,.lit si-sa usid si-s o-cii îsidurniiteitets- polua ld hio essertathe.ansuâl)losunder ni5W bar of itlliýn, aor ta toi-mvaent .thin lip box- vund sl ia wk iduen a tuie pint;e ,itcine te bu £4980. iag thc compotesacf a mail coiepiex curran-iune. Ts uucpio litmiicS Mn. rai-n nesan d wehuais-, aud cp ccii. We satail, neveratoees, tbougit firut taken top by te Uxbridge Comiiter Se se sine undty knosvs, tlîst 8 itcix-sot ssuming teta oqnitc se pcafound as andfromt tlie nded tc the Reac1rtýel1i Co si-y*cf 25 ýears- lu lus stateunrt cf tire AdaStaitit, onal thte teCeticalities aii nittcc, and îvlbn tisese twie towsis i Lceount curront cf titis Conversion Scitense moi-sof feccrwsitia csdtbeue questionts, bite dois titeir sasre, titen tietotashiip e Charges te Provincoeititt Ana euiafll venturtuca exatie nec or tire points, s0aid tous cof Wlitby wl hoc. expccted tai recuiiring intea-ct fer 25 s-crs ounti n perfeccti easy of app roach tateail, tàit e ubscribe, suad sie kueir tbcy o-il do it0 redued amolirssfof £d,081,000 sud i inte iii net hlic enaidered prestraeption lea hetceen ttora, te r-unainder àcf île1 Véry naxt linoe charges ta ea-cea-p eur an place temt eforo cur a-codera, fer tiroir asisunt icceesary ta -tMe taken up. u istcticeetf cfono.tn-eusy-fi(ih part of -thtcalaecsde n l liingitig bis eccelisioptofos cffNavitIonPot tibF C neoaecihaigi e ar a u l do n-resoilions upen the himportant sabjeet cfa Ci ir t's endcf tlisa23yestrsl i Wtt ataîaC e- 4fBank cf Iue" before te Bouse the The seass.on fnavigation mrn cc ehi ; nabie cstintc, te lion., tise Senior Heurn. tr ber or Tront, a e ttkil ottheoin- Moiu. M. Cuit incaldisliuetiyprpclaiehiad, saidi te -hoefairiy: opened ou Lake Oiniu bionfor aornte, eppeira Cil t uluce, i-e serre told,; al] v teiligence aid discerinnent cf tire people cf tiiot hioisanga te c-operaît fOh,~ cti'- -cia- Canada? On éther ariat.hv otClasis cars ivre c ly suugestiin or naascdsnent, spart fa-en the poreaouChisasida cf te iahze w e t uuderStand bis atcnupt te-eîislead puliiete usiial btternescf polilîcai feelings.- ceibite. Thte steamer Meple Leaf, Capi. fol opinion ou this question, on accoutit fo is sile abject, hiea-cep impressiiely tateti, Scliled, bas iready commnceed ber re- the hirdihod siitlo ivici ho pulisluies o- a u0tefease te praposeti niasora su glar trips. 0ur ownoPort if Witlly lias sucliPapabule f-1112cies.BIoaspsects hat redmaiîS tl bjclisbe a cniud open titrougitout titoecîtira siii- instiscdi t a ose 2tribt cf ltiit ynacetand cauupicaîed a qaestion cîuid lie tir, (wit thc exceptinc iadp, u cvrthec23deis an ed inthéotcd nisaine onada. We lrsuone tirathttneaîiug cf ,,essais bave tatou cargues ini aîd oul iete otee litei21 BeursfnIssden't ie verilnaintuliarbor mitheut cessation ail lite tiîie,aiiilc S lii-o-ulbinsistaht caeu ou tîiralscalcîiasiajoliteCrn Bîî fIse"isfuuira Cichue saiaouut of anni m caestCro- oIshl1. Il iMay ui, itsever, libc auisa Cci-.éther portasais the late, ine esteirpieteiyfa continue lealie payahie uor lu éthe- rrortu Peut, iliat hp the expeslsin, la seait the closed up. Whitlilatire eniypoprt Ibis e hbst te Province MAYnaypy up dîsriuig 24 snakiag cf one acte by amc Banki of îIssuide el Luike Ontaro of -ueich thee sieCo Yeara, £820,000 cf its débit, bot wilti, ne- wlich notes aire tc lie .enreent îlircuglioa îlîirog causlii said. Tire prepelier Os/ituasi vertiteloi, itave te psy joun tassranch n- Canada, snd ta te guaraitteeti by the on- aid'tite Onfoo-ic, Oakc, Bloosier, Morsliig 8 Ica-cît lu tr 25tli pea-, as it did iste lira csoures cf te country. It inay ho Stcar, ad George Henry, iay up diriaT finisti sveli aise te state ini adeatice,_titat ahe intluer, anti ai-enove getliog raady tee an aavepenatiotta. tWe ta Wrens fbave soiu linta ie -te rigijis, pri-iliegea, andi intereats tiii seasot's prains e veasceîtaiî- a( ci o -cisc cf d l ...ri.....Ciii belid utder exiotisg Batik chtairte, cdihat sitout 90,000 heabeluaofîcbcsty hi et cfv 25 p h teursla.. ... 857,400 20l 000 toshois cf peas, outil and bariey sud ae We bve baiis ita tieoa-ree Ca liefuiiyppeserved, sit thîe pi-sent i ing cf nual isi-aest is £29,. rnches cf tory prectp engrurîgu o-hidli about 3,000liairets cf flour remin a rae- f hic o tuin tt 2 purs -- B4,10adore tihe pictsrial raiiecsen!stios cf dol- touîcd ;sud uarde of tô million feet y Apparent deficiaucy, . £23,250 lai-data, sec are asl aequaiisted iith. Toate cf luis-thonieopiied oce itarief raady fui-e Wlticii souid cori-espondudtp liii Mn. iitcresing and artistie naturaeof theetory exportationa. Seversi atal eraft lihai-cA Brosvn's tatemnttof £4950 sunuai léaschurmnig irfgselles,' sie boit, veihîta dei- tsken aivap cargues te Pil at nuti.. a-hlch, ln 25 peurs, î-cuid Acînut tu graeoioflaiage (ail barbai-oui as te, Ad.-If acca-disg le he amaterncat cf ttc Globe, 0 this. Missin ay lte) alat asvcr Iiipflui as tera lie ouiy 200000 tusteli if graia t i ~Vcbat ase hoie ittt Cteaimntthat isito-hit o-Ohave thOd u ie tsdiffcent porta on ttc tube, (not iclist saving of intoeet, if eslinated utthCiiivatilleooesalcbari-ag production cf the oidest in Toi-oto,) Ive tare a suuci at turei of ù per cent, ceuepound interest, cri isest- Masters u;sa-iosc wirrtalabeit i-ci- capiva-.'lVlîtby waretouoe As tere ie at alhtre b ad ut hat rata e na ankiug londireouiti, tig tciettns etocl a-a rtptCgti at tre end o htn Cr ete acnvnet o ars u oeh r dii duce .................... £ onerileasteluillraies a h.l sTaeiciceuaecfrdélbt ari-ing mc tai-e siludesi. Nes-cthlceasei ite va- Cike.C froua tise pncîîoiuuosa altoic ref- rit> of tîotes ihd cia-cote, il is (ftitie io. Vosuog Ontrtfio Cricketcf Clb. b conversion, falieg due at tiseteîsltinay td-daubselco- ccd cf Cthe 25 pears, la-... £5740 oiuta ayidvlui 4ebe swca-lty iecd (especiaiiy tisiiag tt ieqttttl ncis lteheisve ci £544,154tiorenîct laguis collpsesi) tp te i.- iras field on Monantyocecuieg ise 2bd Aprii, Commiission tohopaisl agents £t4i4norc, uee eouaicss, noz îinsitîy cf store- iiteisthe fallowiîîg gentlemen iscro elecitd fon luvestînent cf sinkiollifond, Ikee1scrs, ti-ero-kecîverseand snli-miuidcd ofice bcsara for the cîaaiag o-nson N 1 pin cent on £1,401,5154 ... 14,016 . ,fanmera, wob,tu cii ceatain kiowledZc, C. Monrse, Esq., Pîiiîst.b Actual aviugCo tise Pi-ciincea -i aisisîg fi-uns ttoe conversioin espeiaiiy durioîg the trief partie abace ai- W. il. Iliggiuti, Esq., iii Viac do. a sciteine--------------------.£3,13 lutiedtC, fiesjuuu'tly rafuacdtirlIe notes if C. M. Keltir, lsd Vice do. Mre. Brown afliiotaannsnoul hana. s7 i-t chichAlo efclsuvn, JV.HmJrSrtay 1cm cof £4930, ci- aotai las- cf 1,23,25f) - h, owpafetysiett, J.n. Wilsn, JrSenrr. _- - aleirapties o-ee ottsanfatailiar as wsi Wn isn icsac- Dilfneue--------- £G368 thotses tare-gencraiiy csrrant. Noir y hpli ctutve UITEOF MANAGEMENCiT. c Ail cf o-ic arises fi-ouitoel&iigeitu- cite builiste cf oe sole Batik, iupers W. Coson, JT. A. Msyerbofet, J. 1 Lousucus, aidd ositoiiorai, aiontoItf te ding te 1ret iutreutiig tuiita-, luis cî,J o.Iatu eM .KUe lieon. Ccc. Broc-ne inuittoig froua tus cal- -I fdfiiti sSuu cee utcotitisJ.cVsHuatoc r., si.ns els,rt. ;culutuon, te tccumutiiiîg esuits of coin- st o fcl-çnû cu. I i hi lbla o nee nisfut pesuii iisonestftîn ite 2 -ce-a. ieaxt iace ti.,i r<tltttsedti tisias setity er tntii uepî bet assusia te tis ndsttic, iiese forojtirse 25e -t fa-su«fao-a- ttdun a-ctire pist thre mtusoLostnos 1 One illistration taure. IVe lhate ct1oo atepbi,-eent:a hsistdfotfwrta tvleotiemthshv ttie prinripie on n-ticit Mr. Gtlt uta-lises ole Ibatik. shah tec stunîeilenteir a-har- enlaydbitqpre vu mrhrs .te exebango ueo- banda or stock fu or insertacti-. hy tieii gntite cf ttcettire Ptro- iiala ail lc o- an I i-ai f deuturea. te presutîim ratio; era-iiig tisîce. Ta ibis, ti--ccertaisuiy, curteb uis.i fwil hybaecneofvcoi ; to tae umubter cf pera sforn ,iirli tIsav usosobjetion, sa irte para cf the fsturearts b ave teoiun, tise iigiest picuiuultitîiuntYttiîsc as tssi ui rt tltCsrlse fon tote teturing lu 1884, fore tiry £ 100 lic îîaiîtuîîîted, ltîat csp Isu., liaseves c f whiiclu hie sgrcecs legi-e £115a ils. 'Te l uîus feraîtoaîgt ~Tune ao-aise Or TuE Poisse sa- WAi aîilsi avi-ig of loîeret titis eîectcd ,i ta cutv jua te dtiit if Il o dus -Bt is ta-iied ilint Perliaeet sili re- ia 6si, sttith, livestet inlu s iuuiusg fondst minnissessiosn util theAartirai af ttce ut 0 uer crut, i-oud, lu 25 peu r, pro- ajeraadi. bp iiicit tisa i-id Lui it - o als- hihisepctdtot rduce...................... £14 19 a-celu lic exetausged for nese, lime aid PinecWtei-e kepetstulb Deduet agents comsnision for caailas c-itiiila tur.Tepince eatiy iii Jsne. Tise piald of Ihie ç neeren,0 erciu . t50 rstltions' cuusiceid iutht Itese sieaisRoCiyal IBigliîes'e tiepaturro laofiilii 141 9ae eot hepblc Oepon i - annueuueedas tiue middle of May. Ris e Iiîca-caseti debt due in 2 vUa-aR, 13 10t0 (itilarip csa-ihy of ricuitul, slieisif te Rayai -liglinc t is abaeaored, ciii-c it A cituarofitton eci-p £100 ----dat/aof sue able Financîe Ttiiitseaarecoeu- ao-uit a îuîeoua ratinte, and il si ex. Ctiscne to lune.p.. .. .pe.....ttetîle6i-il t eIsuiscouti ha-cuit ell--------o uine r'et, (sud ire -cee negrout tis %isater tau pee th ee atin arn ilit e- 6 more eofCisc faltacica n lu r.Bi-own's c.ia-Iiisi1 Iberut-t) i15 uu a-pirtta-t: Mla tny- ebepa teateto aaoitae auljeet, but caut ofs,accirecoittt. tat iy t'uî i-isisupla, titere sit ibceaetargea- MiixtsW euetîeatuta IL We subniit tlita fcts, AussIlete litsCcase aiatie aenîtaof pauter, tiorusr-isrset. Of aur Lady readeru te Mi-. Leeîuis'o adetri m) itit our rentders, anduti ti.isfled iio:t ttc cure as mresthtie publsic, attite dtstostt tiserns. 1 gsece i r. cnoteisi-us iie ubiet ituis eof te laits, suit oe coîtieeabt "y diuiuiah- Haidinstirliesmsaut radical eansîitaeuue Cha if 20fr.iiosa-n tgs i-e teiandc ta lus cdi amount .cf sseaie, idlp anti snprofotabtiiin Ultpea- Canada,lisas titesuhit is Casnlv a- adsi easu on ie atss1 O-c it ii aipur-luctasiin sh seits or boxes. Ot luese Cauncil vter!tian euniniotis utidresi of a ojutige, isuuet tcss lea igiuate a Nuteoute grouuis ttearfa-c, îLe picisisetiarrasugi-- engi-slitian ta bila Excciicocp îLe Go- ILcf sucb iastiîsg îisnî. If, ouitiiiiacitermtamcoses laveralty hefare tue publie ;tea-ior Ceocrai. se lîsus, with te tien' a! dcpreciatiitg te Isa Ii ite geîua-tuiifoa-tity ef ttc ilote. TAXES si-tKNauEDGE.-Heis. Mr. Car- Ilablitiy of a poliicai rivai, antd cf creating 2ud Bp titi- tare exicîdeti cii-cie for dis- icr tas aisnoenced, ttc intention of Ca- q.groutitiems uspiclisu as tluthlisactilie- easiilisiug, acuire i-uo-neccesilyof teep craeantulta brlialbi li tarepeai lite i ofi uclaeuliug fi-c ie tîus uare, hteiating s pecie idie, o-u ils-cefod tnaAyenîsils;duip oui books.'bLis isoania- rigtt astipi-c y -ifuiiy ui-represcited fiels, ausiius- ar fiture hatis, tuairay udoit te notes per, andsi -c trusitatirtamiuiiers o-nu fotiota taites imrsuits, lie lh utterly uorty af cf the ncao- sce, as tIse- bues f titeircia-- it op, ty ahliehliti poatagleonau uri-spa- tisecouisincoon apîurC f ay 1iîillc. a-iueuats 3.iy ot uc iteruuad seturiy ers lIci en, arrose. ifu c L. o. 07, St~l~-neet ucnfl-Ornge Ihall, uthun eay c. OMl,-.,, A, t e.e ru Fi-t at1, os-oct inetîtti. Te n)outcf doîcatures eutstantiuîg U .9i. in9,eet ut tise loftu Itotet, Tieaic ir,tt)l, s3iefi-1 at-rtdus inca-evriasttt. onIst tan, 1800. payabile nEngisil, act e. No .i. 957', iaet5 l,*iest'e flîtt in lieu o!rohichllr.- GusiC propoecéto cs- 1b'"itlt'rCieu, nilIte luit Ttuuredap hos ee-rp n %nantit. W.Janist,"tt, Saeretir. chsange nom Stock or Bonds, iras £7,223- saens ne-uuti~litYDiliisia, lis. 31t6000 stea-ing, liearung 6Spcn cent inteneat. 8so tItf, weilliedel,.reiliS. Il G.0.Oooti Telupian, ntC Crrie's IHall, Of co"e t iuls bave haen ridiculcria VulsîCia t'tltc-naeli oîea-, ni Sonu'* iai, le exiteci-ttul partiet hoding tbeae era- ~ t-une Ilueastiuy oecoitgo ritica t six par cent, ivouaitienchungi îtLtusMe ManGS. theena-orensinib etr ccrity cf lite anail, pi cinCtrieh.St. tshuli, Ksig itre, licsing ire par cent lnterest; bt in cc- l î.bet, n*oi., nuit 3 î'ctoek, P-.utsai ltt-i-dsca te aitain thc tw u tapnsesaîeeady ai- lie iia- 11EjkV. J. PEN'TLa'olD. tudeti ta, reduction et annuibalotresa anti Fi-cMe leniuMariche i-ttcciuaaie' Iititite, postpoeent cf payrnet, 1fr. Cat pi- cartolo f Iti-i edît Mua Streelo,,1il o'etuct, posd lte give thes iodera, Bonsds oi- Stock m.,and6 ol(-k, . lt. EV. T. LOWRY, Ion a lui-ggr amount ,istin ttey usu lold.i. tCsgmtioaii Cituaei, ea-ter nfi- upandst Wc fuar-tis:l twoocf bis proposasis - te firaI Xary Iti eûtâ, 1l oeoc, a.Ili., ansd '"*" tu heid su li arist ne.e e REV. J. T. 1iVICNE. t iebîir tts aict nits i 'tioslpuu ilehdia Ciurcu, ortcrifCutr rnd lante tiders o! the latestat urtaiig anti blsntgbroeee, 10 30 s'eIseh, . tni., ususidebientua-es autstandint. 0 'calistk ta, ta RREV.J. lUtINT. Tohbolderu cf £100, six per uieit Brtshutteeiaus Chiiret, MeuttairstIli- cent debintoînuis natur- settate, 2 30, u'tetic, t. s. ing Augîlal, 1874, le IlloEIY. IL 1,T H RNT(tN. ctr crfe e cu liapîlat CLsi-ei, 3 o'cloilk p. ta., aerra- tn- akc ewlisspertceanlît duaIl1V.1. LLOYD. cf-------------------- £109 10 0 To loldera oci ike dbsitîstut- Auctiosa Slos to 00188 ffr. rus nîstîsain; Juîp, 141, l - isealtra---------------£111 10 0 kifi. Miglaleets Aoctlon Scie eut Paros 'V sicsi lrtî u auti s ÊIOCI, Iipirslcnts &., cenLot go. 28n la v nwslevï h pic-l n Iie i dColnesct Pickering, cinllndeLy toite cjeebu ai thiconatversicn seheoie, anti 16G lpai iU.- . C.Sterling, Au.Âne- ite aui- tendsc a taserftiiianti cundisi heston. cousilur.tios iofn uaC ita rsuIts resalparc, a_______a_______d______ s os f N111 e iorge Ito'suasetionese *~NwAdvertlsemeutstb ibs Day. the sunsule ject.'oVe iate alrenty uuleits tlut thlie uclua-tttt utcec-aaaily luet-5a Oriet Powid Mach.À. MrIcr comiasitl incnezzsit of tîeseut, anîd au netual Spri P Flcuimt Mt-. Ba i-bon. iuecaa-f tit imiCeo ulh. i. Gai eCtatr 8priy Fgcu~t.A..Boa-sec.it as £117 400, ne patcf it payae fetua 25 The Peotecionlal Ceekiog Steve for $28. c nrs îsio-thileten enplt ut tîuoption -.4~hn Byae. - (Ili(lite Prsvinre. 11ia-, l enia-tc bls sspeech Xiog's Diviion.- Meetinsgof-Che Moderato uditulcandut tcculults lua i-lulutias coi-- -- '- -ci. 'iu,îuuaitgsu -asuis a ~ ~ £7,tý2l.600 et ix per ceu-iint d eihetîîres - ~. ~taelie rona-re ict te ri face ter cent Ceci- cf Rvlabo-Itohrt Sparo. stock or batthiiIi 1tiau if the dclii of Cour ofReviionRobrt Si-lu te Provitnce siuleit leraeued to £8,- Ça!d-tcÂexaisser Cameras. 081,000. Selecta ,eooi-Mrs. MeKinsie. Unifier o r isauenrseet, .sixi per ccii Senior Coaoty Gamasraioct-Wuu. Me. on £7,1223.800, is £433,41. S cate. -Iîder lor. Caita1cen' va lteti",fi-n peu Mdiihiery-W. W. Loivenos cent on £8,081,000, is 41.0 - Anîtimal scvisu;o iet uîacestîtie sow VJ.Il>.iM tli-4C. uia c a ave caliss uercunedeyt~c'uilisea-ai admuit tellt iat titi liew nuittei et ts atic ptsui tof t O iet 1VbItY, - tla-yg, AprIl 7, 1860., s ieedoftîtit- Ci-ut-c aii t waue sst g (f iuti-tai aunasae t-, £21.366 ONE 09 D04LLRA TEAR su estît yesr siuing Cthet.pt-tiec pinlo utlelti If ailoired esitacuuiat) itbeut iCtci fbassouk t - nvreutinent,wouuht umeant le, a-ti e -.maturity ofîdelit £7o34150, aid %v-tait thîu >lsLuAcuel ArOIW TF» D S, 09saCI'5D. nana-la- ueet te incecasuti deli t aturu- o i - 1883. But ws-a t iatmnoey us Cens- 'W. have loung kiniri isiuivttcî'iy hope- da, bttier tan Mercatile, Agaicoiturut, oe lmu( it ers, ta expeet tom i-be Hnn. G60. Meciintical porpouca bus-crt trouse ighuL Brown- s a iaebeto Prchslianct, c eea ton percent, and sa-e omiglit fairla- argue " t;Itci-i-Ciie" oethcie Glsbe, an lionesi usai ta-r. Gatin lu cing itic antoat hou- verdict, oraa tudid caiticein o an ey oI tisetien tcai-le Province. iiglt propîrla- clait Onetuoco r do i ilu precut dinîbu tuat thîti annel satung, r in ciler mords, tratlln. Wc buse ettets ad,,ired te ublil- annual addition letite cash wrkiugac.uii tyade uuacyctl s-uculetiassi al cf te counntry, sauecti e reckonti t loeppotens; sud wsa-eaiifae9uentiy îus romopound biseiu, anrai-lier cooupouned aeticei tise dexwrity bttî ohit, iy su intca-et during toso tientf-f -a jeans, ns alfettu lîe auprgt ,titdstterestiaetietCies c rates. "But droppiogth iese ofiresiitasad ulOs -olieee ia-lt ï thîougi, catuion races of inuareatý etfatoiseuaanituti-ted igniftiîent, oil env one dacy tat lIr. Calt la etîtitiet W ieuuntierlieu liscva-y action.'oeit %V 'lto cîlcutate the iaise ot luis anmuly ra. expeat l ite lisate telisounliecn curig a-t uis;of exsi-igecerapecie ci ein elethlie Pulic Det onumdi, thethe lii uet toa-osurly relitird te Etaginsti IMes. gogitlétiani toeofutnriiol abilies by te i-ie f comnpsund inhtermî ai- ove h,",favê eten a 5o ci-dely vuunteti oult Itii-c per cet leOn a;ulluse this annsaingis :cnogataht rai-bei- tuas tcssned trai repu- ot £23.816 ta le ituestei anti relunveutet o"tteîoe là Iis reepeetu taI, rtetiinig tte cloe 01 cl ,a er in secuaiticsa a as hse domts, te hueocf nsa guitilng the Stve par cent ;* wuetiter rousidoeret iun t infcialiletinios c! ttecocuni-iy, h-bcueal ligitt o! the tonctit te ttc Province, or i- lia-roveti cqually capabue cf appreeiat- the shape cfa utnit uluhutiaove pur cent lîîg ad approviiig t. -Maot favorable, te. -ernt ceult bn te sasse. 'This annuel as cf chiiting abaticritcilshug itee h- saving titus tuvesîrd woeànt t haecind ut jectiouable pointa in Chthe cem.- the tn'eetyflve pears a-heu thse increuset est aller a etreful perosal et bis long debt maRtures, omnasa-. te £1,401,554. siedi tooeuely asanged stieecht, it.la quitt- e 'pie cirse cf detloltilesi tesdcnt finot telien- geestieintaOrisbutrent, h bsvactin aaheh 'Id tlesututect an aliordiush s favoiablo c e, telSeyasl .074 pirtulityts lsera onataoihl delamaiici. (lear' galneat anti cf tucuty- rillserisai as a scetesedemoanding coii-h5* eI, -ira.nrislg rom couver- 'ueaaiaoutntd tatenialike investiga- ac . . . 54i eirieu--ttgtutor ha ie ssasy ai- This auagniea oeilt.satLie Sia (y -tio- nsp fuîlp ycencîntie respective cf ana- ethen payalent taa tai- Chili up' atrs ~etinpaepa-oti orsiilutnd, i taon te aunoai aving ce tielered te o-ite Chu- c fcIlael uo iteret aecaopiaoied ly ttc coveria etter lise opinoins na--sicc t ite islam- acitcaue. %V knw at th n cota !* f t iL.giaîasivc -ts Whoilta-, -onprourrli, tisat gua-otu cuit stde tu boe. them sM i-be ictaeiis cf te doCh or anîhn t ieuclies l,Ch jaks haussacivà i hersi rueo. tbitas-ie bisisith -Iu s, thstt cau rie.oedvit th seàt-L t apPeurs ate W Cloui-o fOur ancuah paptiient for ntatra /gthtis spouec mas &get upferi- lcx\e inteEnglunt i hctapha- pua-east t j à6dleinded i seuspapeca, imutChe hteittaiest, o-IC adnsii- hia mucet, anti voteu- £ mtt upporter& ttucu.a um iri7esA callengea- ycetae C t i-al c bmdm*c Un aueat nt a cce$ lptitsne- înticaitcecelIhe tuventy -6 ve OM r a cua ing tesuagor is tu giseauhple accuusa; anti amx gocrars ie bsc rappoisled, sul ne- inoocale, lait la-tac joit asics etbet ilus. Titis tis-ms, isumansiapieaking, ta issue,5 iinas nafe uuiaitiepenident a posi- tioa as fareaiglitteaua sugzesi-. stus guard- cdi i noer ras I, casse a plstiicai engfise. Il ii te te merely àlualiktof isse, antisone stylec 0f actes, anti suevariesa- cf pictotaes.. The vauceft thal noteCte bcguaranecosi C ttc euîiee nation. Orrueders cao sot fora Cthir cas comnsuors. "'The Otai iciIloaà ttomiu',uy. roder- tis desiigtatific.sa nou Counipana- hms-ce t us id o g f rthie rassie- Laige. Ttche rlîs ptstock st t te $14,O0O; e t ai- Citea-te of SînidO prr s-ll 4 -oen bya th2 ,ai-eof tIse pruel- i-'gciii lais txac ci-sas-tti-ac bveb s~-pcir,-ed te ai-si-ti-a 0 ua neccaa Syia sien whiich wave try omaehregret1 aa toc wichis mttapoiegise iotce pat tics, aceureed le oua- notice cf tisa pracees ingo of titis meeting. Ttc naine cf tLq Boy. sThomas 'paier BM. A., et Columbust Ctui-uL of Esgiand Miuishier, mas tcrua; some greal otersight of pui- reportai-oast ted ;as mas alec Utcease e oftoert Check ica- Esq., M. D. cf tisis lova, bot of! oo mca-O present. 2s id preeqooa e la hfavoitie resort foi-sports. men in mea«liof good tlck-soetîng. At titis seeseaf et Céspr the beecet ahosadi it game. Ou eacatiMuersaXR. Port>', andti'hoe awLusme, uhosc ena-- passas; exploita wiidia-eSand gou. me have bletoforieted occeon feequienîtha- e se ice] ticd their lanck thei/tommi-«mu, and mca-a rewa'vdet i mt/t "rsUs-I g0timec. ceas. Iey h.t i togethOa- tcn edoa-m ex- eelot apeet, darng jtac of whib tey npeoy suak q et the geodi tpet o b tue 1 it/tcorthe W"daS isiaot arc uaboet to unomnasele Bous.101- cols Cleunnas- itou- canididate for tise t. Claie Ditisiooi in te euniug electiis for ths Upier biaise. pcta-lCilExhibtioet. Mlis Waraiuip lte Mayor tas luatîdeti us lue fuuloiitg Clrcoitur, sent Cctua tn y lthe secteter- of tise il011,11IlArts asti Mosu- factai-os for Laver Csaada. Tiusc cf ana- entiers wo-Ldtesira te canspei the faut- omns"exibtiialcut. îulog ue "ut micl 1aa-ittg tteir preparations. The cia-cutîr apeaka for itseif. Pou H. J. iilAui-oi-Eu.1., ESQ., Mayor of WIitly. - Slt.-TiO preseneiO f Ila Rapse il- eus te Pi-inca cf 0'oiecan atuileatrge 111,11n- uer of tititîutieti risan8 fa-sueEuroape ut tue faensi a 1 teattug of sthe Vtoria iritieUS e, -ci s tue largo rneourSc Of visitôao froial parts of tise conlissesut,%ili uap lie expeclesi la liapreneoit 0aistltIce- ttîsioa, lias bhi-ci ec1)yp te Board af Atate sud Itafeticues for Lester Canati, , fittiug apîîrtuuity for a gi-eat Exibition o! the ÎlutialRlesasrcesanausiCa1iuiii- lecs oftu o untry. Ttc ExeeCuive Goi-ersneotl s avuiesa ins snctioan nd procise i ls assisîtnce, andt the lBoard is desia-oun te scre colsîri- btutionus()filtu aoa-ant i meufactsiet ilre- dusets of te coîuntrp, su as utuianke the Exiitiitt cisc euisiit.yi'eluoiliiil' ils cissuacter. If iai ttis ilh s etiecesfsi, ttc uiteriur Itena-f ts cf t t e tit ce 1iii 1ttî c 's su snuisip te reliayhlite tintesîti<ttiitya-iili- ed ta cea-ryt uttise peojelcliuna aseule wirttt'y Of thse occasn- A "i-ea a-luisier of C.-itttdisifa-sut ahi parte of Itle Province a iiidosutiteass i it Montrenaiulthe ime atisdtoitandtuil iî su lac a nichier of lunci lu1ssescetarsut the inttcrest of our a- Mtifitînes, te îsls ati suutage ofilse ,paortuitity ltelulitl l our ai-o Pcople Ilte inaiisfueitneitig causabi- iitit-5 of ttc Ci-.etsy. ,Tae,îsua-e, if 1uOSsile-lthe ca-speratius cf tht, tise Boardi ias dtietîteti l ru tel ent-itolas-tuor ltseitv, stiteeu ihiil, aste- ta-atu spuse forexibtitiot; attd, ta pla-e i--a tt i t rs t t i ste ts u c ii n nti, nu l ta s i - tio ia tnthjstiin o Mnissh, tht- litsinil atîlt and tilIttyfogltsthll s utdttnt:1)lstttît 1t uta-tes forexhaiitioia utmy la- st-tletd lty uIcl Luesil Ctotite-, msl, i is lîttîa-t, wiii aiia-cetice ra-jitr-. Tue Ettiututian, it s -peect, s-ilI tse tisa-t, tuiever, cannut us-o et tie do-tesitsii (>tI, tant wl ciii te enîesîta essoas as possi tale. Cihd, Su-c- itt aa--s i-z e Bt-itis, rcm meunteuktilte of tlia- aretsitto, I ltuitîtandîs (Jertita-ates uoruuciii, suilte saadc:d lt the caccensfu out t.îtiosa. iisUi.foaa-longer peu sud thn aults been a-tua îsaunry bore, au2disusla givo thceBNlaiiuf.te- isea-s ofCanadatItslsc (uiteet 0e1)î1tat ltiy1 dct viii tîhnetitIraIs lutiiedittpay ut Ofthel i-arisas prodtuctitis. An Etibitioni ihuitiing c-a-lte i-f lii great ccciii, austioftceetctupaeitv itat rtc,I utaticie sens t ilie spcn ta ttc lsa-au i ta,,e,, laoutl te c -ffe eticîîaiuy fi te occasioa.t T is e ilo a c ti c i - t y p t us ts t t v ots stiii sec thte insp iaîl u e sf-aciîg cui se c tisa tfif îe eilttrypritrte-la- ta-1resea--l soif tuai î'ossii utsOuce talie ctitSt5l'ai eiîie- lpformaisn of eafLocal Cuturnittoi or etiterise, us saii test necure itei-arry oing est ofte great objetl in tiese. Aay ommtuiction tfa-ou a- os, for advne or infomtio, îll lue at oce atti ta, ad thc Pitre Liste aussi Ieguietiat -ill bcli seta a-n a s pbih t1unsSur, Yuur unoal o bcdicnt siera n, Il.CHAM IIERLINý B. C L. Sec. B1. uf A. ansi M. for L.C R on It a i Ml ectia g. RMsATtI ON rUE uONi-AIO uiaO oli Asa.' 'ple Rassi eeing netioned in pros-ici issue, s te tît pace ut CUliritige, os th 4tt cf Aprit, canse ohf ui Plants hoteii iliat villge as peoteaa. Ttcra i-es ter- loir attendance. Amangit thone fprt sent irere t Meser. Wnv, Spa-isg, Gausses Munroe, Venons astiPaxton, (rat acsh aiensrs. Iite Spenas, Whceei-, Piasi- Busissi, Diekey, Wiisiried, -., of U3 bridge ; . Sttevenoa cf Bi-ct, Me. Vei n o ncf S ot. R .LT . H ua - ihon ant ii C- ordais frais te tcsip cf WLilp u; us romnlte Toitn f Vtitby ltera i-es Mesrs. P>ar, Bosse, Dapera antiScott anti Ma-. biggins cf ttc C/o rcuide. The meeting orgaizesi hp rntling J!.' PlIsk Eaq., ta île ritar, auss appointiri »M e H iggins Secrcîarp. M eoss s. M uni-ai Gastoat, andi RcWrci-d. ThM.thetcblauk bc filletie it $21,000. cauirueirnanirneasa-.- 'ple folo ieg reoui ele .a r -li o a cd anisaoaIa-. M oi-gsi ha- M r,:G a to s e tc i n a- I' M n. Yofùaoe, tisai te fdllevlîig le thc Cousa itee, te praritie shat -P tisafo et s iii-C -agi tl ta besor r zà aaise h,tkTsmûl havisloinfcaititte Re, te cflitmat Itat tui cairC,ît ranA.T.Btianos r it ala aîi ugnifset maniter l id h o hpi- siticu Asalthttcmeetintg tou adjournesi. Bloard of Sehoni Truiîces. Wisititp, Marýh 31, 1860. lS. tudy Ci-coing. Aillte mcnsbera tire- sent 3,11. ilesgough, etairnas, iote B otte f p-ttiosm eeatang rassi anti l'bc retursfui-rlte quarter rudiag lIai twii-l shtucith îe fuuiawing fiurea. tili Street Scbaut, 66. fietay Street Sa-i s, 204. Andersentri-et Sciuc, (ci, aloi-to.) .ýt -iuge atteiiac-ýJolin Street 72 tît-atv Street Sehoal i85 ; AnudesonaStrcet (Ili-titurnt ) ,--ditent Pupitu-Jslsn Street Scuioni 9; iiv-Y Street Subooi 38 u Anderson Street (i, -turu.) ttc tbitis --Joiu Sua-cet setoul $51 75 Il, -!y Street Seltesi$138 75 u Anuderonu St --t (aue o-a-urt ) Ot tio outuf Me. Itu-o'cn, aècaiided la Ni h tu-a-r, Dr.-.Fastiroot ias apiti L u :iil i oduit f Setui n lsdais T.il ut a stiuty tif $-tO ia-a- utuulufucon th. -dti tsfAplil lîtO. 0,tt io ofciasc Mr-. Farer, the aua- tlt Aitica-n Stiret Tuc-iaer,cas sa- il t $300 lie a snnuila-entIsC Ap-ul 1160, s;1 bie l5tt tincdc uli uxpeisen fuir saicelin-t ju v;tluaiit iule Sthiett. trait us% tiretuartetifroue tti- Henr- St. S-. tutcmîiiee, sntiing 1tor1)il, it u n- raT-ti s aitee miade ituithîe teiuclu- a-t t-eloe the jusui- classies o*cf itai-a t lia e:.îuer rassi ;aid i-ccaurnniuditug the el t gvI--tuet of lthe clans-routa i 8fiel, tue ,,.s -tai of dutnsgea igem tetesise liu M. -,t ttliue cale teachte10saeep aid -l. te fu s-iotuo-rote &r., far $50 per Ili l. 'hleptrluelrcomnieidesi %ta 'ud :ttuuîof sesîac u-scipie auis regeardite -ti ,hu!s, oui ilfthcf tte pupita hein,! unt athîe fi-no tisi. .!a- repart iras sunendesi hy lthe esditiosi ofi - a-ltiseauotgeeiti lia-Mi-. Fi-sca,Ite t a-I, thaîî tuthe lutise ouf nsin; the ati- titttf,4 fiet, tsei-alla lia reliaiird ahuere bi1,aid siitre1aacu t the amen lue repo-t ias udopteti as aceudeti. udca-s mateienlafa-urof tte fottosiîtg, 01 tts hocf Mr. Par-y, seouded bp Mn. 1tt , Mr. Smjiths, teaciser $120 ; Miss îilV t-itcither $87 20; Misa Star-, icaco- ru- - '2 50. Me. IVootihuso$112 50; Mi, Strielasnd $62 50 ; Mr. IHopper Sut- àO. W. 1H. Iiggiia sccourt.$20 22. .Mn- Stnith cleanis; $10-, rcauia;$10. MnU Itestta-Lecal Superntendent $26 24. tas lttn-per Seceetary eaiarp $12 50. t, m otioncofetMn. Puîry, secandes by Bt Wtsn, s romuailiee coasisg ofth cite naa anti Muses. Feaser anti Browis, itti -psoiosed te actte the accoanta of te cal-tai- Me. P. M. Clark. Nr Fasci-gave notice cf aresouties Coi Le ttated nt tho îext meeting, mah-aug rat ils payabilecoaîisly le adi-anre. tualehuard atijouruosi ahorta- afica- 8 a'i-t-k. Township cf Whliby. Betoce, mx, April 2, 18.60. Ti-Coeif imet at ttc 'Towantit about tel' - cioclt, cli t e mitera pcesent, Uic !i-, anepiesi tlio chair. Ta foiiowiag petitioma mer. peesenteti. () Soi-ltHuisandi otters praa-iag for nid t, rend, , aroati eat Ne. i2. CýT. J. Montgoery praylng fer a sar- )tiPY t iota 26 te 29 iucloudetin latte Oct O atSTcaeinti udotheMopraylag.for ald t ronat ees heatas 21 ansi 22- C taisPo-tagie anti actera praa-lag fan 91, toi tineanothe ttraon et eliea 30 ant 1. 'L Eltuia Houlgecaantiother1, prayiaa fer tSsrepytt eeja oni@ 0 t c u - ' Iexantier liscact saSd othera, pi- ung - aI Cite peececi saavey* h. Dotdils- a-Waiker, Mr-.Thomas Roigmos, sMd rellut, i t t iapateti aa aBisei e-o rusa-. - an. Ut.Walkreiw>tvbt teaid of îLe (' ascii te oupen Ithea-cd la acerdane sitt ,ý Sheia-5a Suer-oye taing te las- dem"- the Coii-aic. a>galsat &Dy legal -,i L~tote etaiea hi M. lbctgeoa. TLI icit decd edtectcerfý- 0- of maWbieO00a&d"lO? 1î26, 04. *Malea-c e bts ~ 55 ~4*uOtar a hato -irer m Mr. Raîcilf a eesointios panset i ithe iteeve teosac Mn Thora, ani tins ta aig a aQuit-rliabasdee teCatua poacieu of c certain rondi alloesc- The Cauneii adjoneci ntilt it ifoudeay linMay. llayce's icouct. IerE EIf. J. MACDONsAD Bvi.,)hi b'nhday Marris I, 1 G earge -Joltuateut, i-l1ie si-ca mîiltitis uloeiui-tu ws sgtin tu loi-e tue Court, te anaiver itue cl hîsncipieecola-p laid aguiuuslluis leb 'l'ira ituesses wo-c a-c eiutiel 1rosectiiîn, sînd o0 nefr ii etue t ,lis W crolip seîtt Choccase tte u Sessions. A farnuer fronuitoeisc-satas buk chtcgo uf coîistalile hlancock chia mi b rnIoutnd lusîaicuatesini th titit lthe pi-tiaus da>', ass 'ouî 't0tl iti 1uî Th-,f 'pi vd, reof lte %tetuttust. lue t hat thina otuu, à eottseaitat tue %O%ureof lu,1uoe, ow nsls i.- orqîutrreisettoe. ut aiseo i iîuC the îîîisoner o uns iaouglît li L>y utile E.ci - J. t'. % io-huaored iiti a iltuttar lu lta tttîetuule. uuud tola uu ilititt.-it ir. futurec, snd tuai theou, ti; a-a-tua-id 1q) tpthe aiileta wa cltuiitOd 15 ju11 ,%Ir. .seucu ie ttsnubIep si-pe ilue tîttîtdidi .1. peuta-r ta la,, t. Oh î.iiig c.a-e oci hiuusuf. hi - a Cursiuip dtscIiua-5cd Ithspi lu i cutuuti. Sattird>-, Ma-s- aRIa Ns rSOtucttt. JtiîS îtu tiahrotug;it i p u t(Itti, lst U1aitslle, su iksftutpus ti Ctuiti tutratti' tts auss torclt iin5a flsesiet1 uu-yilrit Seuit tut jail for tairip du>s. Atunle Firgg 5tU8 tIseisiradeiti 'oVuisiitbby tlijte îliCoslul loîtltilhier tsnlthe stevicus est, shatd rui-of lthe Cot,g-gatcuSh lu cqilulusuup sili seineig p loO i-to nuadeOùtt. u'ttuuuii- ias sctît up for 21 dapTs To thec Ediler cf lthe IFiliibg t Sin.-Is eepiy la a -e n ce 1 W1atchmna, et! aho 151h Marci%. iiielf P. L. B. B. S., anti chii Townshoip Cutucl cf Scot t ÎOu jastand arbitrari-y thie aclecticOdi for tLe Townt Hall o! Scott, I Po fur tise information o! Che "ti-ei-, preaunue, mas 110t preseat mbr MI' for the adoptionoc! a alto for a 100 o-as mode, that theamihon xi5h forma-si iy J. K. Vernon, Es.,is 10 the mcetung, peevioce t6 tOccitil Mn. Levi Cairt ieai cfremto eit ter cf enare on hot No. I4, i8l concession, provisiot it met the0 l' oaajurlîp cf Chu ratepopos.Be o-as made utI-tha >ea-ly Tiol for ttc clecticon ô!coaneilhsioSu' cd andi cari-isd almott lttet& vouce. Me tite ays, ilthere 5l facilit- for ereetiog tte ai Tc" 1 tÈc th Une, mîbel omI2 t e uvie mile cf the tory eeatm O f the~'t anti mniet licel e 1 iiSa-tied,"' day, te teecise the ieatiiag thoO& the Tosrnstlp.'> Astomadblgl f1 B. S. goiog îtdetig ltie asd c' tarten ut Frecat yaBals,&d 1 the meretaats of Wtmlhy dtheec 'A, Oui- produceT If 8o, the 4tt li*0 Msay conse cp te ttecost~ S53 of the aritm. Bot Aflem1iug Ù00t lixeti upes forthe TomaMaIW uIII 9 cally speakng o tthe Ct.01 0 ite Towsthipi I tellevo, mdli t tthe lteeut pOpIUlatiOI-5, aIt W140 wideofo! the Ma&4. Tc r 0e unloftO y, S$ pTba a 1" -MWÇ- payera i-teiing les 1h. weslO P Tomiship ailS hiemtterly udab ' any puiaihe tcung." faia .tise large aaup- eau ci09 alamB fri»M atte mu.L- Sceag WtptthoV Tovaleis 1 Une alt tbetc cuacc 0 TcOWatp u am ba* IV*ys seS ~ ~ av I avs 11115O'~ aîartiog for tw Voa w eetiot e* in the utte-t Iteget IIIIi atceferae, 3r.Ed crs-bdo IoamaFttblb-&bat ell"8 ,e requestthe attention "cfOr SriOiOS to5 te cgieut PlOoghtog Match ad nrtised hY titi saoeicty,, te oinorne rolthe tb, icat, oce cferai0 cf Me Molieri lot No. 1 ib te liii Cen cfMarkbuma, about One nd s quarter mileàsoetit of the village- The prises, .as-,voil ho cCu fi-cm tht t, ara very liberai. The Agrictoltutal ;cietic8ocf thtolistiio f Zarhrtit toe ;arborc', bei-e ansaigitinted pub tthi lnt Society for thé occasion, anul ai Iited give aîrangtit and saiidity 10 ec*oi .1r --lesf 1Sring ' air. The GlciigarY Iuiitlnde-5 ba-e ia suntetaphtict ta arg-alltze a lHighlanid a-flo .anpaliy, lo bc di-esced in thc nationial 1cos- tno , tae lithMI'eîtCtuon0 lte occasion "s oe . aiuo f tbe itaril, Brid,,'cand ibi e oricaig bs tplliicesa tte a-iuce 0 Psu-iaof i tyiiih Bt la dueucfrtl fSt il i meurBac v s: ess.Rbert Ward, uîti the next nmeetinîg of ttckoe ýr'oeoJoseph Cîsogitton, JohnHo. iSitM d.l ay t ili m w ard , W . T om l non , D . . ., eO n cloi n cf M r. R a tiw s,,00, ns &IbertSping, Jas. B. Catnpbýelland Mr..Withe Reeve ea theoster. av * srvymade cf 'lots 26 t 1laced by Mr. Gardon, secouded by: Mr. t lieOth cencessoion, agrea esii tisot the fsllowing bic lt Conuni- tfinof T. J. Montgomnery. Bt: "the iltowna1 hip cýf Whutlîy. The Aca. t îcel !>-r snptl,..FotM . Orders itere g-anttd ini Paitaen ai floIcliay1 . T., Harrisc, .,,G. foliowing acouaIs :-Jbe Shi, VcnepJas. Bores, and the mncier. . vey,' $2 Jo,,hn Leit ud P. Mj,cd liy C. Dueper, and seend d by. oditors, 10 cati J 1a G aa in Rwe aud re olved, that IL. J. stbl, 2 W . il. lig ia « ra Gîte!f. 4. D.,1Cas. IRoberts. Win. lA ~,.- Jîe we. J .Perry, ,and the innier Acot cr eesdfo bc tp Co',nrittee for thelto of Wlîitliy. Wilson & Potcrone cf coi S .t-t, aîr i fr l4ire, and soconded by Corponution va. IHsrisoaFlia, ý Biler, and rcsod, that Wm. Smith, ans1tngl1t4ihoal Illol Wîcler, J. P. Plunk, id. I Mn inititon, Jonseph .Geuid, Samuîel Mr. Ilarrsc iras lioard bc. %%ldifield, Win. Ilandeli, Ira Chapmteaned Culx cdsuttt a0 AcISierrord lie.tho commiittec fo th taet. ~~îî.hiii f tuîstei ie ediegThe Coneil decided te Luh, & TP~~ ~~ .ic t glt asn ud M . aurrionu lith, i th e : ii of sý ber S1icars te the Uxbridgm o. iltitn-a v uin- the niatter arrugA ed -boi tree.,lit irae accordingiy inciutied. 0dfnlydupadcas mocn yMr eru, seconded iîy Mr. nesay tccirou t oi w lîvc1ýranue rcsclved bat Jamea Galle- sien for the purpose. Ia.L cvi Card, Mainb Pirt, George irs, Thioa)sn, Williata Loir,and tbe mater, r.Wieotaedlat t l cuiccittittec for the towshalip o r ete tgndlev oiî a By.law, te filîit the , 1..4rc ywcd by Capt. Boire, secoîdcd hy 1Mr. liceusca in the o waal.'ýil c r8aodî Dmrac, and rescied, that the acterai cons- a certaiin lune litno ~aulicicerii Muitý-save 1 1s)wer te add tlîcirn umbenicrn take out a liai.omd as,ît l t bCirevera locaîlties. asitld thetaucîves cf il, bis bi-ha y -ccd by Mr. Ferry secondcd by Mfr. preveut the aunoyance of future Bioiand reoord, that Cite gecral itOnsi colîliiicc, sohicl is ucumposeid cf the cirer- The by-law papsedisjtctb ait ja,ishilpcainiittece, rucet ut Epsota on cf lavera liccouses - ýnt..- Cal Friç,, A pril 27th, t 12 'c icek oo . bur , and cea je Broo lin. M ird lid y Mr. Gaulai', sccndcd by Mfr. NMORIALS -Teu Ei . SIa Buto, aîîd rcsolccd, thtaïtliiiScctany Resolutieus pasaed sdopiing ioW bl io.îrsctcd le eeud proccedlîîgit cflte te tbe Legialalare, praiag nfor ap-i incCtîg10 tb te severil gentlemeon nsmed on 0lier1m ni gi a ru thc mniiiinlc, said natify Ibein cf the uewai cf tbe charter cf the port q ,t,,oa ld pcc cf îicxt m eeing. aud Labo H ono Iailway. pet Iii theco a and a eToi toîrd fi g sec cattil B rem 1)1 wlersta' Couritil ralle. th Tri Rliow o frnieh îo Uti And lm for Ibo to bod id Pro, ,"eut pnon es t tl tie. S. ssyil Ibtat il ada qi ýt cauld rot OUa that Il a tbe i-e tee ie faio b bog i geve te, lie mte s a -t tbeu thetp it poissi ils for ' e Tw, til 1 hl gitea cuculs. oct ici us frai ut pere ig, thE CO,îici or the ? Oct oi siil ,r ,srt t? ' the I fil t bisq thle D uiiiay s qoi r, bei whisp Th& la cle Crîhe. and mec ded a f the , of cf e' tic' ng Il e, in the q lit ut i de t cti a sec and00 ecuethin,; o uaa'ete intelligent cicetoral Oo! hat Ridiug Ilusha for thenaselvos. The speech alludit ed top your cerrcouIspAet ma,we M arestumlrdtten e Cecader tonrte i4 /car-stcrepi-eaetative, siffleunalhe Ce rein- r-mît it te aneoeiy, eicstpeltio reasi it lu ate Ilouseatiidst thc eglatoten' sud rl- ofculeof tise amsmbleti eciners. Can anp- ifthing ie muse. toilisi-ing te the iii- Issiigouce of oua- Northi tdig ? Ma. GeuloFa voe. ugint orngeisto tdomanst Lt auprls me lý e. lcenat; it la juat ictat nîgiai-t, 1 expectiti.Wieu George Brous mroed (),»orsia ueppesit, JoeCGoulsi ife- elaiacd agaîat Nnoicin ethe vil c f -Uacrarn; astinov Chtai- Gerge Bron eanti - DA-ra mliese tort.tecce so mh-l n- s, Of cocurs'a f inlaJcc'a plaCee tcuflem bie leader, anti enset Isainas"d petoahldes ta ot did set (ront arkn4 de'*g theTtl 'tcite n orie Wles, n wtw te Ed m" dusbe plsme noElumatjJ, sa b a tub ElIsa rrée» -wKp ta ttc I othet ee.TI oral B aag~ set, as I.,. )00100

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