Whitby Chronicle, 14 Apr 1860, p. 3

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rivai of the Prince AlborL PLEBSýGAULEY-On 'd'once, of the bride's, e by A & lit the rosi y lý . yl 'VM tby AgTicW[tinai S0oietý. illing Lit make, hiulsolf genýý , ?jis q1h, via Such'ville, N. B. 10th. the Rêv. Mr. Fishburn, Mr. Fra A BOY 'x EAsi ILIDIN&1.Og-k0ý4 ZCý J 'l p prince Alb 1 ert îe9l, Mary, daughte sisal POST OFFICE: D - EP.4RTMËNÏý, cd Càptain tu M r of M Apil et titis Il &dPJCUÉIT som n ^Car rl.ýt.ý le In flous Galway on Saturday the 31st QauIcý,both of Markltam. M ornirerchil Ilotel front on Quelil 10th liara 1660. ived Ut this port, ut no0à of Mil 7tb Th urBdný the Ufth A Uri 1, 1860. boing the d ay FEU ! TM . 1 FFIIETovinshipsof MRtkham and Scar- Deport lexiiii il i 1 1. BUCHANAN-In Toronto, 0 tbe 0 the lilLby AgtlcultmssiýSccf t 1 1. - -ment Order, oth ilisti, site hold 00 passengers lias. boloil hub amalgatraiteil with this Ne. 49. ýï7 il 1. RS m C. W. instant, ]lei ghter o A FIRF PROOF SAFE'Ito'ýr« sol Horting Society, for the pu 1POl ý 1 h i 1 LI Toltti'8, and.550 for NewYôrk, for B 4 menthe. M tnake. rpose or holdwg a County rit 1, lits nicheuse, aged 14 menthe. 104-2iii > 1 B -BrýýFEM» XÃ" *,RTlCLE V OF THE Gît shalwili lerive cri Tuesday More- 1 Il - - - ' 1 TO j"ez _-Writs of-"Fieii DIED. 1 Regulailors, thf," Yernment, Post M»- F.cias, isa"d et. 13 Co il Il ri of Ber Majestv'ý soirs lis calisida Wb& sienussilip gorth Amerlca, filent CONLAN-ln ý-.E;Ist Whit near D F, 1ýT 1 S T R- Y . at-Torkinto, ardi te, mu reifv-d fruits th-à lient, the am fur the deliverytir odeurs &ci,,ou Sundityý., ir,14ul y the lotis direefed againist the land& and tenements .vrived nt Liverpo?1'6ù flic 29tli 2 yea", I& M d,ýg 0 s h swal on Il a,- 2,:ý--jhe Utter.Box for the, poatinc ofletters il, if. of Mr.ý Thoinas Confort, ý.> , _ý 1 _ of James Ucdpon and Jaines Fý, Alim- -PLOWING MATC11 est iieverthettias bck-Il ýndants, ut the suit of, the Bank in arcCýý-ifihl tu. the Y sit a tcamship Glasýow, front Neiv Yorle ILL BI- SIDLI) -BY p W cil UBLIC ATICTION plairstifla. 1 h&ge Sei' Publie et tilt thril ý ail rL4,dlreýetett by the Bil J nt Liverpool oit the 30tli,.aiid. the WIIITB'Ë ýMAIRItiýUrý4 ReméVal, of lir- J0ý61L WM XIRÙÀYý AýrÃŽ1 18'1"()- tell ffitë execatièn à1l fhoestate ftd apd gabelle hosald bavo an opwtirw lu tI d 6rkifroni NewýYork, rriNýçdat " TOESDAY, the linday of .4 pRiLll or inter-, I-je Roported Il IL El PERhiri ;BQI or atIeilit: Tthielueh , Bo thiât letteras. fith pluie cil the 30th. Irl ut tlie.llolié of 10 n'oloek, On the farin of ELIJAH 'MIL ési of the salid, James Hodgson and James ligistif dinting the Il or uben the Offloë la' 4 ) et flic B. JONES' DèntistrY Rooms i.vvre boers LER, ESQ., ,o 0 NAT 13RITAIN. Store lil orcupiefl by J. S. Don..1.1nors ... D reinoved tel gpaciottà rooms, North door lot No. 6, 7th Con. of Markhart, ont and a e:,.Armistmng, in the undermention 1 cd about. in the Tol of wIIitby, s.ý.-Whon vinder the iuth)rity of thiR Ordeë,' )ryioxt M V-,ùagé. , ', April. 1 B largo av-%OtLtuatit of Brytm'a Il Otel, Briiek StrSt. quarter miles south of ýMarkha al Weàt fi% eloud to tl Ptib John Russell hall stated in the The following Épl uerel ï ý Téh* jëriest of land bèi'ng compol of. , Harclw C>Paniýies atimded of their cndid Prizes>'iLrid 9 t bc ploil in ail permons, bf Communs that the San juan Wheat-riitll, $1.28. tg fl ElIre, Groceries, so-uýth-ivie cerner e Lot Nd in the, Bal et partial dolivery tà ellop FURNITURE, &c. W hithy, garch 1, IBCo. et, Ditto-Spring, $1 2e te $1 5r setti k Ty 2fid cou.: lut tho"Township of NVhitbyl' de. waa appiondhing talent. Plour $51 0 $6. NELSON G. REYNOLDS FIRST 'C.LASS-OPE14. TO AL- S*'I'D'bNeÈ"Y 'S'eU 1 T IL tant Ind been issued against HeL- seribed-esfollowà:l Thatis tosay, coil La, 580. a 60C. Sheriff, C.'O. tZ2 let Prixel rplenffid Barillets . q . Pte mencing.at *&, post lanted, ut the South ayers te collipel tilleul te keefs Bal-ley flot. a 55C. a 111 . sented te the Society by Johil eûn si JýÈ.M Illé. N > WesCcorneW.,ol'said fut, thened North sevle. N. 1ý-1n aewrdanco with-the, xbove InýtrucI- "NOTICE) > CP enty four Ig Id-t- tiora;'thi Peut office la thla- Thwa will cesse th heil o.' OBIS SOC e .33C. Bel], Esq., Barifster, Toronto $80 00 -déüees, put sixëlàaln4 un jý ente toi1e, open for the del of'l£tteu&C., on OUS3 of Commons hadýadopted an Ryo 50C. a flotil:> 'en à 'à 2nd do , Cash ........ ... . Po 00 ty six, links and twoýtlilrd,ýliiiký.q,, IL lIbs ehrý elvéni that Mally (.'nurtiec ci the 0 flic Crown urging, that strong of- Hay M 0 $12 'f te,.. srd do do ........... Pork $6 Lo $6 75. 1& 01) Rorth sixteen dogmes, Westfifteen cbains, aile te, obiain fro iDOwn,% ý1f, ci( ýlclcrinR, in illa Cý'unty of g3qq IR moil " . 1 the French Ontario, Wil a-, ilitelida tralil apFlictition tu fl CD 4th do -Il A. mepEmp".,Oe lai Beef $4 Q $6. the Judge or tilt surrolrato Court 0 the C .......... thente Southaeverity four dogmes, . )VIest étai. ïï roo nt flic abolition of the estrictions 5th do de Sheep $3 Q $4 50. ty of to lie B poiated gardiau or ilkir- Ef, e. .1 ne. and iýixiy'six"and, two third, Pott Office, willýby,,ý ahippi potntoee"20c. 0 soc- t . 1 1 2 Ûth do do ........ . 400 lýÎi.xkcCta.1 ritt Constitue Rhoda ýourticl ichard Thomas the aide lino between Jets twehty fi afin Telegraph C nipany bad Blitter il). 0 j5c f Courtine Andrew James Courges, jaoût Cour leii t - four and twent -tlieý,.tbeýce South sixteea former resolutio lice and Mary Ellers Courtine, ait, OfItile aidti "-s-g l Il 0 0 $184 00, degmes along tu aide 'ý lino fittren chai un il vol and are rggq 'lots. f dil û4ilé of Pick il in, te Il £25,000 ou a mort- Fil 25c. Q 36ý. ip Tu%% ont efiildren or 9 gý CLA&çk-- tu the place of.bçoýn-.'ng. W'dl, Pikir. Thil COI'rtitýc, lutte of the baid. Township-of ta lob lie old table, te, bc expended in Turktys 5oc. 0 75c. 0 Ach, Pickering, yeoinan, deteil let Prixe- Iron Plow presinted-to Also-Commencing on the N'érth aide totakils clmrgè cil MARY COURTICE. -Eq,>rýh Il -t. . Illy lit the chron iule Once. he rus, 'r its restoration. Çcese 25e (085C. Ariril 10, 186o. Fi the.Tcawnshilip et Smrborotit So. of Mary Street ef fil chains whitloy, xattN itu, 1660.l 101 4lu Applea 50e 0 $ý 00 'f bushfil. cicty, by Mr. John Likens, Iiin- on a course South 74 Iý > YV'cat froffi. the in- FRANCE. Bides $5J. CI kp,,,, International Ifutel torsection with Mary Street . with the lin 1 o $40 ffl between the East and ý'rcst balves of saisi il ren S'lit $1 20 %9 barrel. :1 É..ï Toronto, ýià1 cil Sestate hild indirectly Il do L'ash ....... ...... 16 00 lot No. 25, ttiezi-Nôrth.'Igc:i, West » villes e. pelitions il Cord Wood $qý 00 Q $2 25 cord 2na a lar, 11111jol'ily the elle S-0 Arm their intervention lis faveur of the Timothy Seed $4,00 Ilrd do - do jýiý ........... 14 00 chains 32 links müreýor-lemto Ùxe North Cloel* do $6.00 -do ............ 12 00 endoftiteSoutlabst(ofanidilot No. 25, OTICE in lieroby giv; ri thât nt th lotit q th do -do .............. Io oo Thers South' B;eetira ofthe Conneil, te lit 14elide Rit the power of the Pope. M 4 ral fil avis Bourse l'ad boers buoyantand 5th ïIe ' 74'l West aloni the V Irge, of Goedwow, on onsidernbly biglier. 6th do do ........... 8 0 elle 'bouýdary of the South half of said lot il .1 , ý 1 Il nul SPEOIAL 1VOTIC à Taieul file 24th Aay of Apt 1 iÃŽtel 7th do du ............ 6 oo Xo. 25, 2 chaîne, more or lois te a post ait PIS. lc; rends paliers treut Lord John Ru r.' Wisterys naisolis, of'Wild 18 Sale ôf&nnde. 8th do do 4 (10 the distance ors chaires front the lino bc- , Bl vill lie palescil for the IiIIIITOM ofirlol CULS li 1 witl, comparative te a *Il 4 ingup a certain ItoudAll,)Woneoon tb(llifte*ýbe- pecel indiTer D herrY. Counýorofoutario t T .1rtoo- of a %vrit or elll - _ _ tween the said lot 25 and lot le 26 and tween lots 31 &ad 32 awý0« Il ettat ha] foftht l, clos _)y % Ê 'a. >-3 silo ow In the Ëut aide of said line, thon i.4otÈ thinl contusion, in the TQwugltip utUxbridge, VrAit.y. This sterling reniedy nppeari te bc un W Fr. I -U Meri Facias, ImBtIed Il ý, §- rva Pope bail issued en a( %çorking%%-orà(leiýjà. 'ýVellavesoloçglieai-d of the 'Ilaty -'o T MW TÈlÉb bL41$s. 16cDEaàt 39 ehairl links mortl letis in, sud central "oWn &à the Old.Whitý,,Iàurch givesti t8t,ý nt tVýÎ(tby, a(ndutro st the North aide of Mary SL aforeBald, (beitig rose- RoBERT SPFAM -t of major of ils superior merit diseases of thg'l'lSrnat tlittIii(ls and teuenieuts, of John J.,âiue* 11AMILTON Fou rouTas L'Nil 18 risilits or AGr- 10 chains and 68 links frolus the front 61 Township C esk. iIl uniention aýainst ail who coutil and Ltings that we doubt net itdcl:iim of fendillât de- let Pris -Cash ........ ..... $10 00 l;ý,e, 01 being- Ithe Great 7-eviedi %a lit the suit ofJolin Anderson, plah, 0 the second ourièessiolit) thon North 74- Feb. s-3,1860. iio'n, invasion, or usurpation Bo. il ni leur l siezed nnd talien fil eXeýIItlon ali COLLEGIATE JUSriTM , :.d -du de 9 00 East along the North aide of Mari Street, 9f respecteil citizens 'who apprÏchte ils the éabite ne interest of the salit John Jardina, tini Ill and Illid sent a protest te ail Go. "Io lit thut certain tract or pareel of land, büh)g rd du du ........... 8 00 2 chains more or less te the place'of b,: unicomilion worth front personsil use, bave HE ABl OFFERS SIJPEUIOR AD- 4th do du .............. Ir 00 ginning, and.. entitaining by admeasure _o-, ist p its against the minexation of the attelil te the fact by their written tel ci)lsltoBcd ut, the Câst flair of lut Ne T N*lLllt;4 JK mI eTIS, _ý Divi Ss 10N ý, qti îtil oh. of Êrock, liste 6 0 ment eight acres, ho the saute more or 13' 01!011piùtl 1.y the halte enfuit lit t vorisity etther in Law. Modi oth do rail il -are -stronq recommanda Mr. EdWards, 2 1 whieli laii(IB, and terieul Il or Atsaùll.)ý "tridents PreParillg tu m:" ri- &th do du .............. NO Ã"FTIIE il ului ns te Sardinia. I It.,. 1 de ............. é 5 00 lem MEETI, %T, Dit treaty for the Cession of Savoy te tiiiiiii, and should certainly promptall who theroon, or the satid'defoit(iatitla estate or hèter- 7th do do .............. 4 00 andBihgeîar that certain pux- etit therein, 1 illiull o'ffer furmale nt Public Aue- ti A foraspectut; t% 111 bc forwitrdeI7 on appli il RATE )f chIý' was published, but its féatuxes vieille suffer front puirnfahney 'complainte; in lis Lion, et on to tilt eth do do , ............. 8 00 col or tract of lais and premises listing MODB ARTY. nd p eue format tu glvu i %ýIn11ÃŽoe, fil the Court finisse, in the zali eth do do ......... dp known. VI) ri ta trittl.-Ottawd Tilwa ,!ri ithy, in the cil et* Ontario, Oit Prilicli PIIILIAPS 2 00 of Lot 25 lit the 2nd ton. of the Town- reporteil that Switzer WhtttY, Mardi 19, 1860. 1)3-9m. of Whitby, commencing on the lino al>Governtuent, ne poseil toInuoivalions Sb ýland will pire- citizen. 10 Sait urçlay, the UtIi da% Il J uly nexliat 12 o1eloulst 10th de "do ......... 1 00 .1%,lipt A "mjèelxo of the ft"l'da of ennot't'atlo il 5bo7p4 inst French occupation, civil or 1) For sale Il Jurnes, H. f4creic Drug 1,,t, il trolot, - between the East and West halvesuf sald apen the oisacetillutiont = iing tu Uev(dutionarý audits struct, antl hy W. Il. Duel Èrock Sti $" 00, lot 25 on the North aide of MarY Street and PHrici )plestý'*WIU take -É" ut 110 ýJlI of Chablais and Faùcipy. Wliitby. i il ut the distdnce of 10 cliains 68 links fruits lm . stime;e %vert rumeurs or a probable con- uri', 0 1tules fil Ëegtitatiônt for iplow un Whitby A.pril il 1860. fi R E X O V A L e the Southern lisait of salit lot 25, theu7 the Svis8 question. TUE GREAT ENGLISH REMÈDIt Rr*t Clist-opon te allé Parties mein- North 10--', West 89 chains, 82 links to greanwood,'Ia thé 6th.Con. of Pickering, on All SIR JAMES CL,&ItKE'.i bers of flic Townshi k. ai Mhrkham, Sensible- the North end of the Senti, half ôt.-Sam A. -FOR SAM .- roi, or of file Societyq And Who bave plaid SATUR-BAY Aprff 14U, 1860. erreurs Diet Celebi-ated Female Pills, 1) B Y, lot 25, illeh South %8, West 8 chains, 1 . in hall liatidud te the G Hua reinoved to the hotise Itittly oL-culiud by up theïr subscripiicl $2. lothers, net theh South 161D, East fil Maty SL, thëb At the ligur of 2 olclock P. ni., fer tlle paillotes fùr til t agaitist the alinexation of the Ital 1,11i:)Tl,:CTIýD M , LETTERB Town Vî1la and Park Lots, Misé Perry, un membris, residing within the boundsof North Il East along the North side of tif forts air -a corail ontaniritiosil of, the Lectorat Divisitn, $4 ; ail otherl Mary Streett ô chaîne tu the place of be: I fer il hies te sarditil BY ROYAL PATENT. FOI, brNDAS ST]RrI nýr. Aecoliiii Clou.-Open cil tes parties Who aind of te sourire united action of tý p ganning. ils bris At tLu forth- Pi-opar«,IIfi-opit a prescril Ckrié, M. BIJSINFISS Wliitby, Marti, 21;, 1860. 1 have sieveir taken a filest Ii nt any low- Also-Village Lots Nos. 49, 50, 51, and chiait lu lý= ival ofthe "Angle, Saxon.1l - lhg Mill extlèpting Yotitlis under 18 100 Eut of Brock Street, in the Towh of g lice tog innuemitiol %èntlemeti, frohn BIT porte ôfIlie, D., lJtiyWiaii Extraordinary tu the oiten. AND yeuils. Bittrant>, Balise asfirst class; Whitby, ccordingto Pe"'splunoflot Divis! lwllJ ail the meeting; allfritath Il oftho in ZIZ 'attoixlaneei acro POItTE.AIÇD, April 11. Thlw luvaluable ineaieine lm tinfailing in the IFILZ'Vt&%]: amaralancla Third Clasa - Open te ail youths un- No. 26, in the 2nd Con. of the Township ï . .... 0' - l3tire,(!fiill tbose painftil and dissigerous disetiýem der 18 yeais of age, Those resitient witb- ofWhitby. West) IDstihe *Uofwllitoyttudos tg [net tertmer AngloSalvon front Liver IN TIIÉ TOWN OF WIIITBY. il arriveil et Portland, lit 10.45 te w 1 in bourids of Electoral Division, entrance Also-Bouth. East quartier or the South WB, Pintliiiig, rkli-ami P4ýailioruiilÏ, old lait le" tle felllule cull"titutl'on lm slbiect- Tt iiiodurutcs tilt excella and renouvela ail obistrtie- pine Street ...... 2 Lots Cirown lands Departmelat, si. ith.ut boutade of Blectoral Division, hall oflot 25, in the 2nd Con. of the Town- coke and 7V&Ogb&M- linuld oth. tionil and il Rpuedy titre niay bu replied oii.- -1 ..................... To filarried Udics it la rocullurly Tt lickory ............... il 'QuEBrc , , 24tn rets. 1860. $2. ahip of Whitby, 25 acrest more or lm- G ()p SAVE TITE QUZEË,t idettoi o nuniber of workmen have belon Ash .......... .......... Io Ail which landsand tenements thoreon, gr April will, lis a short tinie, bring oit flic in(iiitilly ............................ 9 OTICEkneYtbvtriven,ýIt thélotisinthe Abbil NAL RULESI oard the Great Vastern. poriod with vingularity. 5 N towitabip. uf'licKiL), in the Ceau file sisid debladentés el et interest .. ........ .................. Re fo sissils ou-audtvâ-t let Ille Ground will bu tueaieured bit departure for China bas Eàuh Il price Ûne Dollar, bears the (ïov- itent nflrew, U. Vill wiN lie open therein, 1 shaU offèr Ibr sède ut Publie Aue- ... 7 ter the 28th of ...;[t illonth. wlrcat '. ayed mitil the iniddle of April. transcrit Stamp of Great Britain, te prevent Euelid * ........ : 6 4 A time-tal prepared, for el lot. 12 tien, &IL my oûltl%'ili theï Court Bonne, in couliterfuite. For bars et the litre and conditions ofoale, alý- heure per acre allowed for performance of ltl love ci usacli Roncy hall testified befère lis ail doses ofNervotiq and SviinI AffectIOJIM, Pointe ........................... 8 :: ply. te Jaincs 1'. Moillit, L'Il criltwil faud the rown of Whitbyý là the County of millet of the flouse of Cominors, Iligh ................... 1 il Agent, nt Peuibroll work-, and fratà which no deviation can ho Ontariot un Saiurday'the Twenty Ilhird T-R 6 oCh0ýZ -eed te transfor the "" rtAition, Palpitation of the licart, Ilylil l'rites lange 11roni $100 te $400 each. AN IÛLEW RUSSZT.Il. allowed. Each lot il bc dmwn by bal-> dy of Jutie next, ut Ïwelve Welock, Noon. c Sniclk Lever bail agi Il 1114cil thll Pilla W ill effect a cure %v hel' TKum. Poirotassent vil dellire tu litèild, long q8 Assigtant Commissionner, lot. Sun for Galway te the Montreuil Com- ail Il Monilli havc fl and atil a Il will bc étiven, nt a lots, rate ofink-rtrt 2ni. The forM* tntist bu kt lèa-hL six bal Sherills ci 0. PR. 0. 0. JÉROME, Ir silla lit rubsequently repudiated the Polverrui reinll do not cuntain front Il el, Title itidLýputalle. J. H. PERRY. NOTICE. dites deep. The conter Il of Il ý ha Per 0. Noil SUMOOU Ji>èiïtint, titiloliv, ordi)y thhlg lituril te the Constitil- gathered, and the other two quarteft, te sharitti8 Gilleil, )Ililil se nt. tion. whithy, OLII APTII, 1800. Jol ail IN rotumingtbmlcsto bit humerangfriends Ve London [lerald uilliderstands that Full dir(etioti8 ticenn)lnny triols poil The subscriberts bc- resMettully te th- ha thrownsout, se Thot each lot in whitil March 2011860 sud the Public voiierally fur their liborel ES 01 the grent Powers will bu Sole Agetit foil Va ted States and Cil forin their frîends and eustomers lisait they field lie equal in width, and p.-jl quoge elince lie comnièiiekitl ý ërailitiee fil this -_ Money for Investment. r-1"ltk, Would flûte take offll te iltat«Ite, aU illiAi JOB. MusEs, closeil up wben fluishe,& those Who are teqttiriaiz Artificiel Tecth,,tlint lie London in the course of 'a few (Lait Il C, Baldwin & Ce.) have sold out their stock te Mr. 0. C. 8rdl Alter setting of itakes, et whil gainai Loss Rocheliter, Ný ÃŽ'. SIV RAL Thousand Pounds, fil nmourits of Grol who il in future carry on the bu. by File. Bu Il obtiiiiied a Mâohine 'for *-ôrkinjq thu- foi Ili e,,ý - assistance ail lie hadj no perron wili ho vistoussitied rubber, tkimn %%-Iiiblt lie WM mènert Northrop Il Mil Newcastle, C. W ., W l'oie - , auld ulwardm, tu lin lieuttril Il Mort isineas in the saine premises heretofore ce- allowed in any thanner te inteffert fin ail ail kinde and, stylos os Teul on, Il Agents lur Cillinda %Vest, gags, unbut6ftLetory fartu proierly. Arply tu WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY N. B-$ 1,00 find 6 postage mLtilipn eliell cupied. by Meurs. J. S. Donaldaon & Colt raqeing furroles [0 lier? B. r otherwise, and any hans-ellier " doiéWMI ith t tiàÊré«tm. 0 ;S in assume, with Savoy, 175 tu ailv authorizil Agentilwil, enstire il boule ci Montreal AgeIirniàeo Ottice, and they respectfülly solicit for their eue- interforence in this flespect by friends tif Dr. Q " Knoxa willi guarals.tec tq:ilýý_thB of the delit ut' piedmont. zlie Pilla by return ma - For Il by ail 8-31il Cil flic plownsen wili -cause lem promit= if CAPITAL £100,00p Vau ai i ->il ffltt auge Alley, Turil cesser a @haro of publie patronage. TTfI:ý Dritestsi 13kek , kr disil Iiiiis 11(ilrie Lisserts that the King F a il W'11ill by 1J. A. Banni-ter, Dun il S. DONALDSON & Co. awarded. llqbuxAwcz elletil on Buildings and tinier *n- sol] il is, tal aven . y rdspll ril , 1 k1il. Il. 1jo-A, Brock stroeÏ 4th cent Every Information aurpilled, on fmaupeil- OmYotlie0klIid cl"w0re knulrisi ntVltlistitti(ling the invitation dits strient; 1860. LAXE ONTARIO. 1860. Plowmen niusit bu on the grousinsil l'y lalf-past 9 o'cloil tu. and bc ill -t» applltýattOùllt.11,ýb tht ünderàiguëdè elle, refuses te occupy any portion tý,k,.qt Ai THE iffAlwilLTON TIM S, Lion by 10 o'clock-, ait jolli-q 'If CANADIAN MANLIFACIVRES. MOntrefil Commence citera' th lb4 l» ý1ll 1 , , , u* Papal States, vvith, Neapolitian qu Iti wùi thu ùIlite'l fllil AN EVENING JOURNAL, which heur a flegiWill ho hoisted.. 'tille fer desci-ves grossit credit for taking the letil Travelling Agent, Bîmu Street, Whithy te bal tbi, rien Ara ikd Ilis Subaribers a 9 $5 a-VSr in ardrace ýnl ôth. Entries may bc made with Mr. rot 4 elieved that the Qiieen of Spain in the manufacture ofstaple and useful or John Likens, Internatinal flotel. Market = àod __-4 anxious to send troll Io the as- fioles ; undür the prescrit Iligli Toriff, es- èXý e3u-me-mmm THE WEEKLY TM ESb Square, Toronto; Il. B. Carson, Secre- senior closal Grammar fichoil lie Dik ose- 1 50 a-year in advancoI Markham Soceicty; John Crawford, of tilt Pope, Il the Morocco pital and enterprise Cannet bc more tary Seo rboroSotiety, MaIvern Roud; HE Sfi Tenues of the al WITT test ho fullyeniployed. We notice, et proscrit the S. Y. inenoo (m. V.) un Tu A 'rit 10th. h.retofor"Ïr;à-tliè standard. ne woulu rijoit, o. SPAIN. E.TINIES advinentes Di.-aolution of the or with the Secretary, Markham Village. 40CAB-4 further statu that lie lion been egiletluitly suising brûlent, tua tels, poil and wash board niiinu- T Hullinion, principal the above Insainied mail fur several niolluis 1 pure and Binipluýl Writteu Con- il and à iinaries of pence cetween Spain factory et Mr. Austiti Adants, of that City, Capt. George Schofield, alitai, ntl--utlýi the Excisulijl a tilt Ex"ntà%O XORSES AND ]BUL18. Whithy, April 2nd, 1860. se IW. Pastkjuring-whichtime bels" put ripa gritat f)I*Soi front the legiellatttire, Meailwiàile, Ecossorny ils santal Ir of eues, and in ait instance& tilt Lý"t liner et Il were 8igried oit the 5th, and and are glad ta sec that leur friend, IlIr. Will, until furiber nofiçeq lettre the suisé, il Administration of the (;Uvertlnletit; the DRAUGHT STALLIONS. ToWn,14ip ot IjXbfidp of saU&lk#jtlou h" battu niaidfc*ted by thls lice concluded. Previously, homi john liolland, la on a business tour derissientionessi porte every Bultutl Non Becil Politicil Ellistil patients. Iiii dri ftioRefbitti rail frunithoDoinillation let Prize ........ ............... IP W uoidi 13iltdr estind platinât -làlâtëà sont venied attle %vos fought ou the 23rd, on through Western Canada, ne represcut: SATURIDAY for ROCHESTER 's-n' of cliques; Blicoutinsent te liait du ......................... 0 I)o Mils in the toTiiii.goitýs. TheSpaniardswere tive of flint establishment. VIA COBOIJItG 1 Frein, làtuds foir Sottieril; Hoineatend Excin filon and' Appruitionteut Lawxj liu8trictionst un the Srd do ........................ 4 W eneaper tA" *va4 dnd warmnteï. ly vielorill W IIITBY ut 7 lo'clock a. im. OSIIAWA at 7.30 Bute et luterest i a Bal)kruptey Bl "'Ã" STALLIONS-GENERAL PURPOSE& suit of il elections for represen- CONSUIFIPTIVES.-Tho navertiser o'elcýk, a ait , D.AhLINGTON nt 8 olulock a. forin of the Striait Dialit court&; aud t se a MI Bottied ortèrettoux ýfthoTùèth or Ou end ' de ri Parlianient was vely favorable TolluiIig bout ressortît tu licalth lie il icw tri., NDÙEA atS.80o'clod B. m (J entiers of the bruinas tu the eubweba wlich.21119 let Prise ....................... Ip M Militent p tMJUIM Id ont villir nectingat Rochester with Traits for tg&to, about the lew, 211sl do ....... #3 00 olis, by annuaire of elcetricity. Partien laid a ilieral canse, vveeka, bv a very simple relliedy, aller lia Niagara Falla, Sýraeusel Albaijy, toit, New Times Office, t for attoution giron te the nvm1a.zloû of chil., reportea from Reine on the 20th si' florl ýever4,) yeuru with a sovere Lunqitre.c f ork, Pbiladejp, la and Wtiiliit g 1, Hamilton, March, 1960- 1 grd d o ....... 4 00 of Imala reilà. tion, Illid, digit di-end digeail Conrumptiýll,_1» OTICE la hereb given, tbat the elaurt leuple, and ai.xiotis tu uinko lil tu hi$ fellow-8tifrurer" RET11URNING DURHAM BULLS. N for tznne Tourril of Ulbiidge von«ltàt týorè Irarratite4 old armes Chai ged the r Il whô del it lie will % fislIt first aitting on iobille& tllelniezii)ýot*ellre- 'rosi Will Icave Rochemter overy Friday evening Parm to, Let 'P.S. CMI and examine apeciiiians ofthis worls Lad. dates te Fil 24tli, buý notbing B.-Ild Il Copy ottlIc pi let Prize .............. I ....... -*4 00 8 t s:iritig un 0 EO. SC! IOPI'ELD 2,d do ............... thats 30 were wounded oseriltion uped l of direct fur Whitby and abovo Ports. '1171000AIr, 24th APIUL, 1860. oedfore geuil you touth luissurted cleewhore. 8, go Mal-gw)l witil directiolis for lire N- '8,00 At »Mlis T.I«vn Goodwood in said Town- - saute, whicit they wili tri) a mure etire, fi.r , ï, 50 Acres elcartil Land, being part 4 Il. Il so 0,4« in MbwgLea BLOC£, ~ Lotmi Il Il J'lie total cil of the assainies the April let, 1860. ri Brd do ........... « .......... 111'00 ahip, si yj eleven oclock in the libre- lie Il copieurliption, Asthina, Brinaitis, «L'a. The oniy 2Y, inQnd contession of Whitby. Puîdwg %lem Brod àwwt, ir.4it6y. il aiedat £40,1)00,000. lui oi tilt Ij(i%ýcrtisor in sending the presýrip Appl nemonally te GALWAY BULI-Q truoil ail persons havliig business at the Sept. Ist 1859. 1"w W :,sale unis, trifil gottru thtwo~ licalordin proposeil te il unirmaufactured Il istoliencfit the iifflictud, aud ehoposevery TO CONSUMPTIVES 7 IL L PERRY, WhILby tu anot stitrèrer will il.) fils rIýuiedv, lem Tt vil cost thons lst pi.e ........................ 84 oo ROBERT SP RB, 6d per lh. 104 Township Clo-k. WUtby Iffle ])G"Mt»17. ýIed y nuthill and imil prove able-ising, Partie:, IlInsi do ........... ...... 3 00 tell in Calcutta are in request or wiblag tilt, I.rüscýibi ion wili 1-leuse addrosa NERM US SUFFERFIRS. W ANTÈD. 3rd do ..................... 2 00 ]PRIVrùm OITCE Zola SAM of Bibles and Tests- and China. The United Staw-8 -:o:- CHOICZ selectiois, ri, il 1 ord was ut Iloni, Kong. Wn considertve are doing leur nd«rchýnt AYRSHIRE BULLS. ment.-; beautill bol ad ' in lion«m and :esae 9B SUBSCRIBEI for Reveral venirs other-a-L-I% "il irirl, C 1 1 litteurs, - -â.deiF, who purchase gonds in foieign il re- A n inductrices and Stendy BoY *bu the- let Prite ......... ........ 84 00 'TIIÈ MÀTERIAL OIP TUB added tu thp êtack of sud idow of Sir Wos. Napier la doud rkets, a service by occasionally dralil T eldontibt,"1&4 scoveredwlilletlicro a ýÊX onsilsily understands the Caro ornori lied do 00 0 su 9 BERLIN. ain simple v«otable remed)---a sure curx for Ci SHAW AJOIIIII"ýAt o"l'àrblwam'.'M hByàin'.'Ytbéer' 'D"opmobdatmý),«t tlhlaelýtbro eir attention te a first cluse and borlorna- Noue Il nellil apply Srd do ........... et$ --f- . - ------ I __ _ll --1., il. il mAcDolNELI% pbetfultv sollicit spbeial'âlîd prompt atttnuw th fnpll_ .ý"Ill A. Ilit- -JL X. BAT MU MU 91,11" of xamch wr, 186& - 12 g IAt cour the nem p»M of tho Towik. id 0 P'ATRICK- On Monday last, MM situated eue Woolk gentil of Mr. J. IL i,ý hm r thau Bey uther eolalà"*Oàt okainit &bd biVmn BuL--- Theum month, $izý ýa# daughtem t Street. The Lotit will b, Fry,£ 010 VI? ntzbyi B"kji», and es hi. work Là do 44 9111 muet be roid at âoubé Pieer, thloy wm tan ý" oses, tjarte dlaiu* end wty "I- , it un be ww- iow Wkt* and un time te suit pûmhaaem linkm,ý et,* or lem te ùm pimee of 1 Dg- iqepâmtel OXIgother te nuit pard". The âb'ýve 0" iluistffiotion i"--Cmbg 00TZIL. Aigu latalftertmin >rvel or-et otC ki& te are Vth enclooâ with a goo. -p- the *Pl= 04h* ea Le 19 0-T 10 B prie" will &P"' MARRIED. a I'noo ustèglit lybe Rua ireilit in téit Viibce A ci. DSd will be diven fiÏ50 from ail en* tant April 9th, lby b = - *kttby. uneh IN lm oontpo"orap outil 0 (ý_hf or au appr"ed endor&_ :TÀVING pumlm&d tM unert, pt«lt ci MenW Wal-0- *#,or if Br«è calai -or% et 109NO. ton B. P. Vîner, B. A., bEr. Tbri, 1 d--£% wkieby. note et thraenionthit. JLJL' Dattiel$ a, Co, milh lm addition et Best FNDeh Ut goûts, ...... .... EW ItNOWN,&IqD CEN- cks of Pickering, to Mim ]Elizabeth ed C.MAYERBUFFM T. XïEe, 423 umùdug lu front of the emid coboes4tion Mt the of Whîtl),y to*Wnship. V. IW- A Ife,* Stock, -M 'a" ........ au tammy islt=td how hm boon »bWýY gued Ittr limki, on a elm ....... - ....... op, 2»d revmýated la a incet «mfortabij m»- TOM vougw fmm Èrëma o&ra for >lm üé, mie t boue die mou of «mnmdvtathatwoemgi COW 50 -7 f-- dear- tez . ý : uer by the prosent oeeupeut. No 13 tb h» tY mâlicil &H kinds ofFWrý4e» trsirb menufimtur- "YS ELVY-NESBIT-On the 30th W. ji. Dolm t"dou te au "be MY tavw m *ÃŽth a IWL Une ........ 2 Ce west âdgk efuid loi, um-ow pfflû ntIMMibe beau tolomb» au bd et hi* pmb" la pmo*4 et degm the nev. & G. Baird, Mr. Jam« omm obain Stq ilticxm à -cm Bros4na ....... 1ýý b, ZIIII) ballet btuda of WWI% tilwawl samil càý TÊoùàÉ moonir oné, -_ el q, to Mîm Idary, daughter Of APOTIIICARY AND D111UGGST. ikookikh lqo#omb« loth, 43 wax*,. am Moka, Thmm soutit »vewq il. in idit te ntiiow murmy Nesbît, . both of the Umm IA« Boom ........ ........ .88 Rooloy aud'eonreMont'abbc% good atabl n S. jk, kore" and Demilléra -ill find t- bu and attentive omjfflý dTM014 1019014 une eh$iD Me" A supply uf (warrbuted tmb) 1300M. ............. Sernia. ý P0V8Btý tblitadvmtxp W% rua et ils Thw bowd la Mteated in the very hbft et t lu Whiteb and exanino his list of l whfth hua., and ton lafflesb the -soth MMZIU ÀLIM 19121*7W illiu% psé»V a-tansps tibl#*TON. INU&IM ...... in th, . , % aboya linqb- ta ter- Tmm af'Wbi*y. and win beý Amod to la, 4 the mu dl RIT-meRELVY-on bc 4 iýK WWCILiýe purebe»m à* hod-1ta land au etber medes muet emv"evt stopping piâS ter &ritwm Grir tr " ;C the Rev. B, (j. Baird, lir. MurmY JugtfflaieW, und fer utile vory l0w- mpood e"tk prim -e u vis ý-TIm trèt ai jw-ly I «Uh, ghter àr gr. WbitbT, April 12, IM. stbâ~ baý" la annemmace te the Il vnaux itcaam - travîner- Whiéý.' Nov. 17, lmv. UIý;Irk4w_ adm en tba p»'ýjmb -il hile. te mas Elim&th,'dm ta et Troïton Md tbe TM»tý- B"Okne. 14.mh i l«0ý lgobm% %be X., MeXe Sm., hoth of the t-M thm tbe, aboya &Mt-em Home HOUBJU# et , ï- SEEDS 1 SM I)S! vela a mm Md oeuveuient ruse cana" NOTICE poffrwun". - - - ..-- MI, ta. é - __ m ait tàù FUR c4XADA lm U,&mùgpea b»,bbm kàe*boveEwit RIF-CtIM"_ý-At, the Umm C&M 14640 id WQ'14 01 - bât pa"ime 10 lm imbabd TiS bc-by gi wm but woom wk" be km Dmly= àptii nEsil 19PORTED GAU" & on the Pft L tm *N»mmô« ammvm, 'à Au Lifflon ma Durkm 0-aU@14 !11 et- ý& te the rro lý aa uag% on the 3rd insunt, hy 6code, Wstmut4A 900d ut ý un of b" Us'ý 1 hau' ta"Im of R",how Fernitu pion, for au gouj "aa6-. nue %hag, ig *bM ýbj@«p Cau-pbel4 A.N-, Mr. John Currie, *bu,,* tend Suies V Aucum f« " Pýwt wh"y d ;eý ". auti Drow Siam Md 'M"r atbdte, sita = = niiwood, to Mim C Cunie, of Net- »m *bd ekemm 12, IMO. GIRM" , lNvpria P.NOW4 AwrW4 Ise. C, âme 14 ill". Cmm a bal pu Yl 4-

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