Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1860, p. 3

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swec r wan. 'dors bave ýarci ;'-. net Lrnoon, as§ easy, aebi; 1 tidMi M1u 0. IL 014 hier ;j 4: 'z golf';\840f b~, dif' uid bend.- ftifl Mr., pose till mc-nd lie ;lue said ofta; Ilr. bail heen 1 tld M. blina that Jen, aftor df 1 hecarci' Point for' 'itîu witl )tu nnd -walz hIm, us dying' if luimnif $! 1i1klfc> nd go for tilg Very riu oitBie Id ilot lusy' cold '.we idi- ; Miss me ualot Ii % tem rt hem te'ý ,ive me a te yon if lie wter; ce béer for i neot baave isnud te' ie village uUiss 8tnith 'cidied twts 'weeka id 1 a1poke ' wkttid go'e- ,IraiT, 1 amn ýr twio days soilic in a' .llunsay'à seaie was- tut uponil ý-te vial O inie'; Iý Vit a a the tial teck in the. Ibutafter iclnad, and M Mr.H Iar- used it s rotaud the tcre aon afîer Mmi. 'cd for the J. camne te alit Mr. $('It andutar- e'ou ; tî Séked0&If br. Caonhan O seonVers*tn wlth Mr'. hssy; I told Mi'. Hardquj tb4iMr- IR*sey 'rnted "OI00 himnu-the'ttting ropm ; and on Fridy-tbe.4y, Mu.-i. H. ubuied-Mfr.1 Raren nti tea ttÉie niiibt bé-aiie~ ed on aspicion, ýi1fd ysié4 ab s Broôoldyn mat bd beeon; Hard e a in his ,oori aIl Thuisdàyafternoont- very mu<ih dep'es ed-morôe sç> thaàn akny tijme ig~ i wife's 4deaf ;on 1rida.of.he <the', \ funera-4 Jsavw Mri.rden ee~ltms ho said lie vas sorry that iii. vas bîried without peopie being satiufied, suad tbst lie could b. sI'retd ; such i tlhlnge'%ad been dons as arrestlng and hanginÉ samatn en suspicion, mentioning an instance of a Brooklin '; -ho would ràther bavehad more quti6fsaei'on,,'givçn-,the physiciaxus -ubould bave deeided one way or' the other. (The défendant's counsel objected totthe leading questions of the prosection. Mr. Harden left niy hcpnse on Friday afternoon '*%Wieneii ldentified the viai of arsenic ta Mr. Ramsay the day of the inquest; Har- den drqve away'un his own convoyance, starting to go, ta bis fatlîrr's; lho came back te oui' bouse, Friday night, and loft again f3undsy. moi'ning -,Mr'. >tanisay vent and broug çim back on Friday;-,hoi took bis trn an valise& with him on Friday, but loft soma of his lotiies ;* lie took two vail- ises with hlm on Saturduiy, saying ho was going to bis futhCris; ho nover ro-tîrned. Cnaiozr.-A, meeting of the mecfubers of tho Ontario Cricket Club will bc held et Dryart's Ilotel, on Saturday ovening bit 28h et. ateoht o'lock for the pur. pose of organizing for the prcsent year, ail monitors are part1culariy requested ta -at. tend as weil as ail those who téed interested iu the. game. BRIS. SCANLAN--In Gait, on the lSth it., the wife of Mr. John Seanian, mnarket clerk, of a son. -""O cLEANlZ-On the I2th instant, the wifou et the Rev. Alcc. ML1jan, Pugîjicli, of a' daugtiter. MURRAY-In Bil'îron fthe lSth instant; the wife of' Mr. Adaîn Murray, of a daughteu'. POITTERI-Tn Bcirlin, on the lSth inst., Mmi. F. '4. Poîter, or a dtttightiur. PIPER-' In Barrie, niat teu11 tii instatit, the wife of Mr. George Piper, of a daugli- ,ter. SHETIlID-Tn flamiltnn, on the 1.1îiî instant, the wifc of Mmr. Il. M. 8h'pliet'd, of 'Il. M. -Cuitomis, of a daugliter. BOWMN-In Waterloo Vilingo, on 'the 'lRth instatnt, tihe wife of Mr. John . I3owman, Editor of the CiunoNlels:,, of a son. TYSON-In Blerlin, on the l2th instant, -te wife of Mr~. Abram Tyîton, butelier, of a son. GILLOSPIE-In Pictotu, on the 23rd jWtant, the wift, of Dr'. Gillospie, of a soi, PJAIIIIED. 1098ICK-Mtc'KENZm- In 1>iilac1e'- 'phit, on the iGth iitant, hy 'tber Roi. Ai- 'bert l3aînes, Mr James Rottsick, of Quebce t~o Margutret, eidcst daughtor of Mm, Chari- 'les McKenzice of L)învilio, CE". MfAXWElL--I;ýN EDICT 'At tue Wes-* loyan Pareonagtr, Ottawa, oi the 23rd inet., by the 11v. John Carroi, Mr. James Max- well, to Mis% Sarali,-youtige-it daugliter oi Mmr. Sitînuel Benedict, 'Sen., both of Hll, C. 14. JOIINSTON-II1NRY-On tho lOth lleportcd by R. e. PEEIT, httL'.4 Whflcat-Fitli, $1.28. Qt $1,40, DitLo-Sprinug, $1 2e 0~ $1 5e. Fleur $51 Q *6$11 @ s,5C.a 5C. Outte 30C 8g3c3. Rya05Oe. ~6001, 13cef $4 $. Slueep $3 Ci4 0 Butter 19e. 0 15e Eggs Pets. 'fniez. Fowlfi25e. Q 30ce? inler. iurkeys 50c. 0 75c. cach. G,'ecce 25e @i35C. Appies 50C (D $1 0O0 ibusliel. Bides M5. Sait $1 2o b3 barmel. Cord %Wooui$2 00 Q'~$2 25 If cord rittotliy Secd $4.00 Clouecr do $6.00 Oswego Plaster 85c at wbarL' NEW ADVIERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. By virtao of a d'cd of agisinmcnt, bearitg Bdatotio lI3tiî day ol'Sejitembcr 18'uIlte uidormignocl wus duly ayppoinit(d Assigiixea to tiue Etita' of Tlomau,0'ltcira 111u(1 JoliîilJoynt, of lte Townsihip cf W litby, tie cotsuty of oytti&riL*, txaiinfaturers, for the be aftk of suclu Croditors, as nity beconia pltrt'neb to liink be- fore fluetIrot day of Jane 1880. Said djecd of 'Assigunet now lesn tthde office of N. G Ilium, Esq., ln tie Towni of Wu itby for signa titre,;oetvhizuh al parties inltcrc)itcd are roque- e tenotIco. GOlEWALLACE N. 0. iHAMAsiîcc m iolicitor &C, Wiihy TOW~ F, WIIITBY. ' ÎOTCEtbraby givea, thsat tihe (ourt of >.'~vi4lôn- 11* Lt.' T* of o Whitbe, wIli todiro t te 4g *a TOwue'4qý0.~l ii'Ald THUUSA eh»a"180 At-the 4Iuiofet10,e'elbek Intofrno T11031AS IRJfTox i Town Clar'k SPRJNG FA JR. TOWN 0F WHITBY. The Aîîîîuid Fraeair of tho LOUNTY D0F ONTAIIIJ,' WILL BU ELD IOON Wednesday, lay 2nd, 1860, (N TUE e t he l N r l Cotmcil. e Thfc Fair wilI Opcn at 9L ock, A. M. HORSES, CATLLE, SHIEEP, OF ALTI hîuos; I)OMESTIC MANUFACTURES, AiNI) 'EVERY KIND OF PRODUCE. a~iMR nidi halers in TIoiios, (a;i tic F -r;lltýil. &c., Wiîo w%,;i, b >.AI. wil (Io,' wejig is ati.bum lili 'lii Fair will b' FREEt0F ATL, ('Il AIIi;Es () il ENTlw%. 'ITJ', 'fîîw, u oei avitîg ju»u rwii îî »v.hîw fr thmt jti"r Z-4 Viec FIG WEli 'A1,Ei .FlZ'g OF Ci, 7ýt E ol1t it iIuv, ail I Wec-I1 Mattr ini -îrutiry. TEMmIERANCE LECTURE. ilas tC. 'ýi , w i t un1lr ii]t i Saturday and MIonday Ev'ge, 2q3th anîd I(t ii11.t., alidii l t)tNorilialt. fîriîî>kiii o n tTii -'sIiy ii'tiig s lle o ' . Chir tatou li ît M-t.î.t 7 "l Adlmiiiiitii iuit,, e P to liu 1:i'i t th'-3 door en evei'îtiiii' H0oU5 nad T 'ot -for d Tf lvEmIE~it ise'. - ii the roti- ; it t,,weH m'c i .1 iii- '. " il 1 jiat itLre ot' î.c'- t i,- iTtn e Vi '21 i M -M L D.î'A 11Y, t ,lawa, or tg) FII EEIN SU RAN C LiOC. Ol fflee :C'an,Çt,lt tt 4 lon&kî Capital, £500,000 Sterling. viR'uEI p,- -,riu, 1Lî-fttlie , <e Lord Viseî'uiit Sîdîîî.uttî, Arici,ilealti Caiîîîbcl 13.re- lay, ES-1. Esq., Chiinii t 'Co. B vzilguurtc"c îric- Bci- net, i. Joiti ss1'w, t'si' ., W ilc-,uîîy Pi'1e,, TIIOS. MOODY, Whitby, Agent C01ofutty nOtario. Cas uitpid for W'ool, Wlîeat, Oats, Peas, ltcrley, i>otatocs, &c. 9 tut "-t - 't V THOM"s il. H (1L~4 AgFOR: SALÉ 1rgarn &T~ ed Tt~rip-hi~ Glbe. Turnip-Owede. Oreuge ýand'WIbite Carrot. White Beins. Oniong. And afl kindm of Ga~rdenî Scade froin tihe et Aunoerican Markotg, whiaiu lie le eoiling at unpi'e dently'iow pricem. AiBoa largo sesort ônent of Freshi Tcm, u;11zîre(oe, Fruits, &c. Liquoro, Wincm, Crockor and Giasséware dirodt froin Noiv York uind z1oîitrou ittMicrkt-4. AIl kinds of Lîqtio n ud Iines stulci ut Mîntîl'ictures ytlces. rartics detiritig to paroliuso umy tlîiîg ln lis lii, *III do wicll to give hlm c atia. THOMAS H. McMILuLAN. ________________________________ No. 2, Fecrry'eoJBiock, Brock et., Whitl. WIuhitby Races. T lIE SPRlNG MEE['uN0a1 O 'TIî,tt'- tiIrýo Turf Citai,, uuiIt tomutit' "uer tItic N'iittuy Coturse, ont Thurôday, Eriday & Saturday, 21f l, 25th, xand 20LIII .Ma>, 1800. FiR S T IDAY. $100. lii uli 5 'hmic.,uitt i Iinside stuika tii $15 ceit, fir mill igers, tile liiti, Lest *8100#. Trctti tîg h'utrît-, i iti u sitia stîke (uf $1F)asii, > luî p otit iltrotxiuig itiîi'ss, umile 020. Siumer Cup, Opetufitilmii ttrlem fiit titc- mer wonîi uacte, daio't.i aue mile, etîtli wcigtîts. SECOND DAY. $200. ('ilohi 'uim-e , m-luit ii ii ic' ite M cii'o $-25 ctch, for Éiti ket%%0tmlle i,4:t, T . C. 160. I'diî-s l'ttu'se. îîliî it ituide Stike 'if' $1t; excl,011u011 rîI!%I1î1i i'to 'rietat Itle dlute oIi' tti il ii aithutltts of' tliariî, ît,îd J)IIIIII m itî.uile tuc't$. e lii5, T 'iC. t'. 6,10. 'roîîrrî>g )"îre i'c, mi ii t ,tsii isat c17.f ci~t et, ir si,"iiuil e Ime s ts' ,,tht ne-u vcr wîîu > 1uir.-c cti'.er zi, mle i et,' h c> i5, to liu&rtims'. i;i THIIID IAY. 01.50. Hardiele t i urie, tlle iieiLt.4, 'i 4 limîrdlcs, i -- est '65iluetes. tijit mîale knuîîan ngitit 'mf $1501. I roiice Ihlatadieiapitire et o Itil ro iiiev i 0 15.* $us(dde & Jiiulu, tilt tI uuîui i riiîe, cii. cf $'u <itel, tfuir reu> t rîîtiitu-, iuirsu's ttiu t ue'c'r irittc ittir uiiiii'y, mile' lie-a iîî'et ya iii 7, A I'.iic-lier i uiul'u :uu'ifi b,- givil lQI- 11;1 hunmeï cticii i ,iuritig fiiý mtuibu,. A 13.'>ND 01? MVSIC WILL lE IN A'rT'ENDt>A'iC t:. RU1,ESI AN e .11- it l A'fT 1) NS: Tlurce lîcrses ti uuaieIi tuiv, ii 't <se tii.i twiî to start. E Ittwiec>itii per'tOt altev(-ra rtcs ti, tue riamu iteeiriitig t )t;iîl. Il't tht- e'iib. Ail i"itri,- ti biid e iîîtiuju uni 'r ad ,tticr Scai, witlu iu th , retui'q ,Lit Sttu' ilotu1, butare 11 ltcu>k ciibtue le .t e 11itIýrire ioiis to eaci D y'à Rices. Aitltri er.i ui i ti reiiuairc'd tii 'ress ut .iiicuey stYle tu.orliiuig tl thi>rnies. 1E'very par:imtu eîeruuîg a t tri4e tui e. u'amjtimard t',ii> i î'ls cîi ,î's-.. 'The iiudget, ýiet'iut<Iitto hi.'filial t ii titi ecaes. J1. RIOW'E, J. IL: il ERR', W .'. ut Pesid.'ii. ire.Lu,îr. $i-trciltry. New Eduemuiat.1 EslIhtabtiutlinuent. A ýNF\V ' Sti h)'1, l iasbecniIîl upl i:t (tar ti'ics ii,t,%tviuiu'. uutît" ii-j rii'tl'tii.-4 uit] lie glîive iii Alg"'It. (eScmir .t-iru itil otlier scttieilcos ; ilis'tt tu s Ariii' .tig itli Gruauuîutar, Eti W "Vrititi.' & ',iq <tuuiy <'nuit1.).amuit 4 u"',t.Teruis c, I- îuuîîtiî. Irai. t'> etilil rcîu t't' îlcstitm te 1,trvn'. Mtiel utmi feiuatle 1udjuhis r-ceiveil. Eeliii iii tutac't'ioum glueuiuu'yt', tt1'se wi,îî de,,irc it 0 E.1, E*HtT OtiiuA.D R Builiher, 'tiIt ic .iehpytiy iilit-:i'ti P i'tîs anmd speeificatiis tii luirtie abutttto ttiîd it N.L. Orulars rti'i~ f'orr snm qtiititt' of' Stîshes, I >îî'trs andî 'Veitietia litiims, anîd i;tile aîiu utttt.c simîrtest cou ic'. Acidress WV. W. LEAVENS. NE'tV MILINELýY r'Tt>IEe iIItOCE ST. >t¶iLItby. C Information Wanted O FTHIOMAS FLANNER?, who fermoriy rosiied in Grconweod, and want te the State, hast full, when iut heard cf ha was it Coeg.Any tnfjrîaatioa as to h; bin r- tt LL}~EN FLANNERY, 7i Greeiiwood P. 0., C.NW. lW'Uî.ited Stateý papers wili confer a favor by oopying. JAMES JOHNSTONI WATCIIMAKER & JEWELLER, BROOK ST., WHITBV. JAS iuow on hand a large utsortmacat of' J Faslioatîle Jcwellery, wiliehui umitg iîce piurliuased la inte beeit nuitrkets,, h. cuit sali titi vry iow prices. Jîust r-cal md, a qaiittty o? 10 La £> JEK M 111 Vart'uus styles, of tIllt e evti'iued Waterhnlry t 'tî'c' Cciliîpiiîiy Mîiîou ie s'etaec1cs tu suit idi Milits. 1lits c~catiity as a wort:iianl beitîg now wcll tziýicu'u, )e0lias cîîii. te adîl t Ilit ail1 Watches, Clocks, Jewellery &c., i'tîtrîisted teallm for riliair, îî'tH recie the' siiiv ttî'ti it siîr't tr. Apru'i l 6, i ' i t i )7 W. 1f. DOIEL APOTIIICARY AIND DLUGGIST. A suiplti f' (a iirri.tited trcsli) J istroci'eI'i V il st for suite mary iuw. ~VuriApritl -, 1ei.62Ais FOR SALE. Town Villa and Park Lots, F)R AND> 'le vtIr4j1t ... . .. . . . .. . . ..* 2Lots iekr ................ 4 6 ..i....... . .....u. i4 l'r .......................... 5E' .. .. .. . . . . .. . 7 i K it . . . . . t. ..,. Pioc r'-ranlgefrît>mi $100to $4010 etuhu. iTi ,'wc" wlii', demire to ttîild, lor.g d C I b,,iti.î, a uta low rate ofiiîterest. J.T' EUY YOUN G SIR TATrON! 'i»'Sir T'igiia%%,!It iait ipr nuare. tht. .cason au l t ii"ttil'i tt ou'îî ia « MNVLA Y. tli. willIt euve his own stable, Brin. i,'ti Arivail 'ia t<tet. 0,,hawa. and proeeed tai Wati'r lhul's. Co'iiiias, aîd renriaiît l'omil te 2 î,'-u' k.utami theîrt Wi n IVu. oyaiiîu'sPrinuce Albert allit reiiiiîîailtuight. 'ri; fi>Y e aiti pmoceultao[,*ien.an sd sop a ghiiri tiit'te;li'ttee îîtl.ug the trcck Rdttua iiwiizer Coinitay'm iel Aiitîuri. andi remain (rom 12 ici 3 i0lo' it i let. u Brooktii and rentau ail aiglut ai iVEi L$t'tY-w'utt îrîîî'î' in'c l Tiack's itînel, %Vtjti1' îîtd rî'îîîuîî,î brouli 2 to 3 o'etch,ililuuîec il) lis fi t"..t >ituwa. iuuulul nui>attt tIluîm muri>. ; i ii i ti t!" faîie 1riait, .[Wc'auiir e 'r niitilig] 'ruE YOUNG SIR TATTON, Is 6 varsi' . i e ii l > t"'u iltIihay %ith llack legs. sti i âiii i tiii s tigti. uvis tiriil ti>'Ncvts'> Gae. Eu.8l. Il" wartii ii;ii'ri>'d ihtuti>hitiCountry ty tGeorge Cooper, 1>*,.î>îîîre. t1'I'"î""a,ýit. and a-4iikepitnic t a ruttc'.uitr. i-[;r sitiuti- vra'irs. :iiiiii provieiihitaiseit' the l'uîsest horst' fut Ciititi. tl ieraiug rut» cirer ii rut>',,course.n Monii tri'aît iii i'.tintue tianiictîaiit'uu'er irse tva. ever kitoîma ,. tp»,rt'i ,r eîîîî'î. t>tît Sir '1'iti * 4%kc.% wt; gai tir ititils "iîut'tVtu]îtsiai l'u1,y fénmu.- t grand (tfilm tîy tiiiî'Itir : giruau gruutîîtdutîn%%MA> eic't'iter tass tiey Yu-i Iit wtri':itr. 'iii it'lAtu'xaacier'is Kfiic uie M. 1,;Y iiai; '1p. t'. tiiigir "ai omt o't ,CouiaiMaid.* Coiîitry lid 1,t,,ttiriiiiiLi.'tti, t , c t il err yme. »' Aitir'i(i iti u'.lio. lîritati> »Ii>gir AipienI Tiriiiîg iiits. %vsz- i y'ih>'t"iiik ifiter oui ofîl'liack ïotliaa, i Y l'cg Ga'ttaiî. PigeâYi73. Voumine 7, Turf i' gster. £3 l'or thl'e iafl, mares lna '0-ik ýj I. lie m,'rvi'd îuxt t4iasoan re.pruivicieîltht'>'are oNvred t:v the saine paray. Grooms rées SOts paiyutble a lime service. T. UONINt-,e OWNER. Yciiz Sir Taito tank iklite it Iprize i ' n iriala (iir. t',IttN5 t ini' Totu uroitii l'ftr hioiu iisres--aad %von tihe $100 çîîrw' utai'tiituy iililiaces t839 bting Waugor an %fglt' Money for Iuvestment. SEVERA] Ttieiisa>ii jPotautds, iti amonnîs o Whitby Agrionitural Society. D 1 NNER witi hoeon -the tabl e at Crocker's Comnuercitai Hotel frota 12 te 4 o'ehock, On Triuaarlaa< the 26th April, 1860 beixtg-'the day Sow.h %Viittay Agricîtarai ïOCiety>?as'priag v i.iei ,wtu uaor. rp met' Dusuiççp,,tiiey 08fl pËrQUO sarticles 0f letter iiiip, ofsmr 4dnlt, n Iu~eedntjy flnished anj,ý WIITB' >'RDm TO SELL îTJIEM, CHEAPEII, "noti i m b r a d f rj n r q ýq d t a eý 'l ne r c h a n g e . A iU w e rk w a rra n te d . "W n l lnvijla TE ~yCo,1roh Bfl EGs to announce to hie nuincruti,; friands ant is uaters titt et e iiv CARR1AGE MAK1NG, IN ALL ITS BRANCHIES, ' On the promises heretofoi'e occupied by. Mm. N. Ritii, on Mary Str-et, betitecin Byrnit and Brook Streets, whcme lie is prepamed, sis luertofore, te exeute aiI omders iîîtrustcd to lus came. CÂliIIIAGES, BLICCI ES, SLEIG lIS, C'LTTTE 118,'&C., WltManufuucturtd andi hiodldtthte J'owemt reuiilerating fricet. AL'.WO)RKWAIAXrh LUJJB±i1uandPWD UCE ,TAJÇEX 1L'X'I IUL t MARJtKET PRIzCîs D. FORD'S long expomience of tlirty yod-s in flic princip)al Mattnfunetnmie.s of thè States and Canada tuas giveni tat ex;icrieiie1)e iiveî'y baiiuii iof tithe wti"u ihicl fcw have been atble Le arrime an. and f lor beatîty of tiesigut, elegauicue 0f fitlîii1. durabihity, aad soiity cf workrnansiij, luis wi'oik carinot bii exceilcîl. Wlitby, Aiîî"ust f). 1859. :V'aladséSeies .5arrying 12 c,) * ~ * ~ * - 'ONLY $75 FOR ONE 0F SINGERt1S C ELEBR ATED S EWING MACHINES W AIlItAXTEI')tu bc the saîtia>ne i iî r.ý1cjéuc m.1u4s ttm's iold1,l . .Sitgr Co. lu tise Sttis, itor $1ilo. 1ilivei m e uîititm itiuttîu u scutc i 1tc'1 irgc sic tuachilthie, by 'al tpatenut iutieir ('ai>ti h stiteeld wi ttImpi't <ii. Su' i iumk rFlitcl i i'i'at otiji(-lou to t.attug thuese ma- !"iiiitule t- , tetti b " t ii' oii i 'itttut u, u'ii ik gA loui thetii' ti utu.1 tLietiugts c m s'gîtitere. inmuiie c îi% I I" iv olt)ptn eu ie sei'el d ia .é yhie. - n-w tiprovianitit. 'ruiese riciliL.areiraui utiteceptionu the be.st utd cîuîex irerd fIlor sutIc in Canada. P R I CES No. 1'MACIINIE$75. No. 2 MACilINE $85.1 No. 3 MACHINE, LARlGE A.ND IMPROVED, $cV5. 1 havue receimtd îaîIrl î t,-lîî,is uio Boit 1î1](1,4iic(e Mtiiii r,,,Ta;iorti, Dres m aNk- ers, 1'rivate l'tili-s, uîîîd utli'rs. ah<îire eii'.tt illiiry ieht":.- it in rc»eottitieriditug ttexn f'or gaxueral nuse. li'emal ltii'he .tieiî er'a'ctcuritteti 1-y tie tw uitrgaut uandattetese lu Citadut. WC takie picasîirc in hcuuriigt'i'tioitî. tIole i' Vt-ave îs: u"î f fE. J. Nutghe's 8ewing coiupiecauîokir.at ii leliteMiuiii' tr u i: h'îrlm-fti"l' or thC pu>t iiiitis eci bu' Mr.E. J. Nutizi,-. laI triildure>' lit tie I îtu'î 1po' ti'iýîtiuu iisuîtitat they'u'rei n foir die hast six iiuoiiths. >Il.i tt- vo t Siîer' fei'reuetiitt (ic nost approved Amer- l'att;, Pd cqttttto iîny ai' tlir aiiiittutc i aMct1ilue,-Ot"al WCt tahave severul il, lelILWN Il r s' ' (CIi1LI)S, SCHIOLES & MES. ~~ relative to Setving Muidhines, etc., niut t e pmcpaid, as none E. J. NAGLE, CNDA ~iGMiuti ETrLnrotc - 265 Noutre Daine Street, Moutrc:ii, C. E. Faetory nier B:i'tioe' Giibert's Canai Baàin, Montreal, C. B.' b9gw.4OW NOTICEP S herel'uv gii:c'i, tînt Mary cric, of tlie [Tout'iasfulp i'f Pickerinig, littiae(cinnty (if Outario,, wid ow, iuteniinsuit>'itipilliciit to 1lte Jutige of Ltae Sarrufziire <.Court of'the Coui- -iy oft>itario, te be tupjuoited gmîuît'iauso 4f Ilir- Fuet Coaitice, Rhoutouru tee, icaird Tittîmi (iPurtice. Audrew 'Jiuuîtcs curi',Jann-t couir tican auiMary E111ncm outrtlci-, utl tuf the sait Toviis-llî of P'ick'riuug, iîîtuîuît çtîhîî tmc'îm tf' ThpmiuiCourtice, Jute o'louîi omuhh s Pickeriug, ytuenatu, decaseti. MARY COULITIVE. April 10, 1860.1-3 lIE-ad PRIAIUÂT complaiut tise Iude b; C. B. SEYMOUR &tCO., 107 NA S- Prie. $1 par box; sent froa by post. FOR SALE AT ALL DEUGGIMT. Whitby, Marcla 24, 1860. lEMO VAL,. flas raeu'ed laiesqt>ckof 1)rugtg,Paint s, &c. t., 1Vo. 1, Commercial Buildingys. JIiork Street, oplbositL9 the ewBrick Blecki ULACK'98IIOTEL C'.rncr if Brckol' cd Vuudas af8reetg, fW»itbiy. .JL trtttiy u-tutted hiiitel ha; ýeuauewhy fitted ii, umuud u'amo> uteda ni u st sdi'fortîabl moix- tuer by the( premeait'aiaînatit No expense liag Iteen spgrad te insure te ail guesta and vieltors a/,cm. "' Tise beet bnuniis f'IWhues, Lrqnc1s tuîand.Cî-- Tlliè,4 huttel j,, situiteii te er h 0r1e Towncf Wliitby1 latid will bc fonud te Iso nuoit cieainicmiî ntoppiuug plae for 4Tmners - tratrellers '*ve RmoTe. vnry"lrldiy cvreainï )r Whitby and aboveopftg. '. EiRARY PRIZE-8. A a.13ilighit"ImMowedgment t flie liter.'- ai soupport extended te bis :efitis e,' tu Weil a îéfrom a desire t o urg-ahw e9èr- a limited a degr?Eta aste foi.- litia- tueamiugst the ieuiders'7et lite Chronide, ,the publisitritimaes his-intention tuf. .of- tfeen;;annual premium& for originalIiteruury productions, mn'prose and'verse. The firet dïiribu'tion of preminut ihl%- f alce piaçe o.n-Tutesdayi the. llrst daýy of a aexi, a~nd wiif lie awarded as follcove'u: -' FluT PRiZE., F'or lte test' original Fi'yon > ~ lte Coiinty ot Ontario, tli dian*. týAges cf ifs. geogmapbical poisiuion, ifs settiement, progrese, and resour'eu. SECOND PiCIZE. sii Fer ttc est original . Erîmuuy' on cation axfdph?,sical education. TRIRD PttjzE. $5 L For the test original Esmay ott-Nws, PAPERS FOt'iTn- PitIZE. $5 For uc best origisal Essay cui Corg. -FITE PRIE. Acopy'. f the Scmi-WeellyChmouicle, for one yair (pýostage free,) for ilite lest origrinal Anlten on SPRuuc SIXxTR RIZa. A copy"of the Weekly Cironicle for one ycam, (postage frce,) for the second best orignal Aatbem on Spnrf. 'JU3GES. IL.«J. Ma'ouell, Eeq., Mayor of Whitby, JOhbn Shier, Eeq., P. L. S. &c. R1. J. Wilson, ESq., Bariister. R. J. Gunu, Esq., 31. D. R. Cheekleiy, Esq., MI D, Compretitors must seind in' their -ùUc ions under ecal to ilIe undersiguued. 011 o1. before te lStlu day of Apîil ilext. Ftl Essay aîud Atuîliem to hbar a moito i-,t te be aecoiu1îutnic-d lu the nume Ail .d dress et the- writer, witla the nmotte oni te enu'elope enclo.ïiug. the saine.- The severai Estsays and Antbemtas beh- corne the propety cf the pubtiier. Competitors for le second and third, pmizee te be cotfmned f0 persons esidlitigin ttc County cf Ontario. Vie fourth, fifth anîd aixtît prizee, lu lue exeiusivehy cotifiiued to thc "Teau"hers anîd pupilewithitt tte Courify. _flue ime fuît- rec'iviti'g tuie aboie Fi'7t---y. lias beau ex'tluttelc until thte lùtb of 3Mtty, -the ltwardtt of prizea by the jndg'es, Io take :place ou Saturday Lhe '2ad day of June, at tlue Wltit)y IReadinug Rooui, oçerý the Chroniicle office. The several Essays almeady receiu'cd haie been plaeed la the han'dt of His WQtrsitip the Mayor. Sw. Ë. 1110 GINS, Chreaicle Office.' Whilby, Apritl17, 1860. j > iici ci. a JI' CO MPET ITIOÀNB"* T IIE SUBSCRIflER 1S PEJiPARED TO r'cll i lkinis of uuerk ita ltafinet' çfbusi- ness cheurpcr tîtan any ter eutuuim-t of thea kitîiJABrooklii, and as lus 'uork hla ude îtp linader lis ', ouin iiu;strtuction, it cai iosr 1 anýted te gfive stisfactloiî. For c-heal'nci-s the futiowilig pnlces wilii îPeak: Mens' Ware,. -Beitt Freuclm Caif BooD4s......... e4 50' a 46 i ........ 425. .........il................. 0 " Lic Iuits...............1 75 ..........iît .............2 o Ladies' Ware.

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