Whitby Chronicle, 26 Apr 1860, p. 4

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i v~~ ~ot~I cfrcuWiur sWE ubmei ber ýreqOegta public ýatien tion 10obis new stock ci supelý'or stce. They Includo the followlng 'tow pattorus: TE KING 0F S7I2YES, 711E PRINCE AZJ3ER7, DAVY CROCHET, PRO TECTIONISgT, GRAND TI7RK, MRON D UKE, OmitL and emmrinec ?l On ~ rcck Street, Whktby, LIVERY STABLES le. Ilo. SCITOFIELD &CGo# IMPORTERS OP Staple and Fancy'Dry Goods GENERAL STOCK 0F Groccios, Croe.ker, China, Earthoni A» ~GLASSJWAEIE. Corner of Brook sud colburne Streets, Wh+i~i ~l48mbsribarw. arc lu rocelpt cf Fresis ar- .1 rvaisoftîesbwe Godsdirect froein the manuf#ct oAc»e, sud a id a% 1ev as sny 1bouse la the trude W est ofMetai * ON SALE, A large sud varied Stock of Dry Geeda kept .onstantly ou- baud. L. 111. SCHIOFIELD.& Co. ON' 8 SALE,,su flSteck cf Lîquorn, Cie~ brande.Vini- L. il. RCIIOPIELD & Ce. 30 Bards ef Old Rcctified Whiskey freux Chlppova. u. il. SCIIOFIELD & CJo. -0N SAL E, A oeoce and] fulllimaeortmeîît cf Croery, (Jins, Balsssu tihnware. * L. H. SCIIOFIELD & Ce. 64 heeut Fmh Teasfrom 2s. 34.'te ai.94. per lb. 27 Boxes- Tobacco from le. to *29, Od. per lb., 4Bales Amüeri*can G0%»y Cotton 40 B0oesSoap. 10 -BoxéesOandlew. 36 Casks of Liquor. 200 Barrels of Sait. -10 Darrels of Herring, - ~ Il. SCIIOFIELD & Ce. Thse SUbsenibers ha a reselved on ceuuiug t0 ttii. vear 1860, ta oadhcre ht' Isa CASH 'SYSTEM, Wlieh vlreneotlietiaseosoumueis cissper, L. If.SL aFI ELD &Ce. TO LET. T m 0 comforhuhule-dwlliug ilises lunlise coutreo flise Town, te rouI low. Appiy ta tise Prcîprietar-.. L. Il. SCIOFIELD. ALL these htlàVrD ildeited te lte subsenl- bars eltîser b>r Nntcor Bock seonut, viii cusil sfter the Final dai 0t Janaury, 1860, sucd psy thbsr respeetive sceounts. L IL Schoflold C o. The CIRCULATION Of the] Than that of any other loca Paper in the Province, ana IFÂR EXOEEDS The circulation of ail the other papers in the County of Ontario.united. WEEKJJY CHROINICLE ONLY SEMI-WEEKIY $2.50 FER ANNUM. The Chroniole lu the Paper to Âdvertiso in. BRITISH REYIEWS. LTEONARD SCOTT à; C0., NEW Toar, continue to publiai lise follow- Iug lêadiug British Periodicals, riz:- 1. rus LoI4Dox QUAnTERLT (Cocserratiro.) 2. rM XuNîxUuoil REVIEW. (Wisig.) TUE w;omern uITUREVIEu îw (Pree Cisurcb.) 4. l'nz wESTmIN.sTE zVi iw (Liberal.) 6. These pereodieslos ably represent the ihre gry iiand paiscfGret poli ta re -Wb oiTc ry, s rcabtpoli- tics formu ouly eue feaf ire of heircisarat- or. -As 0 ao f tise montprofouud writers ou Scielnce, Literature, Morslity, ,aud Religion, thoy stand, as they over bava stood, unnivaliad lu thse vend cf lat- tera, being couaides'ed indisponsable ta the. seisc an sd tse profossional mea», while te tise iutelligemsroadev of arery cam tley- furuisis a more correct snd satiauctory 're- cord cf tise cimrent literalure of thse day, tbroughout tise world, than eau ho possi ôbtaiued (romi sny otiser source. JEAIRL«Y COlpIES. Tii. receipt cf ADVANCE seuiT froni tise British publishars gives additional raineta tisa Reprints, inasmuch s 5 they cân nov b. placed in thse banda of subacribers about as accu as tise original aditions. TERMiS. Peansu For any oua cf the. four Reviae. . ÃŽ$8 00 For any tvc cf lige four Raviev ..5 00 For any throe cf tise tour Raviews . .7 00 For ail four cf tis. Revieqa ........S 00 Fer -BlackwrodmaMagazine ........ a00 For Biackwood sud cne Reviaw,. . .5 00 For Blaakwood sud Ivo Revies... 7T 00 Fer Blackwood and tisree Reviewe. .. 9 00 Fer Blackveod sud thse four Beviewa. 10 00 Money aurrent in tk. ktate Ulîrc issed .jIll b. recired at par. CLUTBBING. A dcowttrýt of tweuty-flre par cent. froni thse above price will be allowed ho cimsu cîdidnng four or mor eis of auy eue or more cf tise aboe r one. Tss o copies of Bisckwood, or cf eue Rcview, viii le sent to eue address for $9; four copies of the four Revievesud Blackwood for $80 ; sud se on. POSTAGE. Osuadisu mail subecibers will ba sup. pliod free cf IVS& Postage. Romittance fer any cf tise aboya publies lions sisculd alwaye b. addressed, pee. :paid, te tise pîbiahans, LEONARD SCOTT & 00. '46w * No. 54, Gold Street, Now York WHIB EDN 0K -sud is W.»eilhouiuec i vilsewspspon eud -peniodicals cf ail kinde Termie S 04 p annu m - students -and Sllueted in-he second fiat ocrntise Chrouicle Office. Enîrance.tismug tise Stationery Stare.. I.I RGI RaI.yarly 1.25., AIl the Bsok Nuulbe ut 10,t., and Bound Vclumusectslui' 1T Kuabers,at $2.80ch, liAgentos tdfor thee >b lestions. 0. B. SYMOURA*Co., 4 0 1«t NMast , Now York wITEY. POST __ AiRRANGEMENTS FOR i1860. IJN TII. furtiier notice, Mails wi$ be elosedl t» uad due for delivery si this office as fol- lowa:i Dcv» Mail14going East riz :-OnI ava, Boy- mianville, Newcastle, Clark Kiugto i and Port Hoe, and other eorre4tpondung ofi 1cs cthe GT.BR.travllingPost (Office goilog Esat, lu- ludiug ail places on the West of X ngaton, aet 7à. m., and 5 p. mi. Due for de ve a t 10 a. m., and7 p. m. Latters% for Montreal, and places EstofKlng- ston ara ouly despstehied by the it mail go- inig k7aat.et s P. . Up mailsgoî1ng West, iucuoduing fDunbartop PickeringTorono, sud ail places W est of To. ronto, als.the Q. TR. E.travelingPost Office going 'West, closes at 7 a. mi., snd a t~6 P.ini. Due for deliveryliere atlOS.im.,s dat7 a.m. The Mails for Pickering sud Dui barton are only maiied by thea mcrning train go ing West. Niorth Mails leave daily sîter tl ea rrivai ol the train froxu Toronto, for Broollin, Manches- ter, Port Perry Beach, Liîîdssr, M'niila, Bes- verton, Port Iloover, Aiharn, E 140M. Utîco and IJibrilge, also for ailitlho orres ionding of- fices. 1 Mails are siso unade Upaet Ramietâme fr Ad- ley, Broughiam ,Balsani, Greenvocansd Kin- sale dsily, sud on-Tuescay, Tluksd and Satnrday for Altona, Claremont 4a dl tour_- ville. Mails aro due for delivery frcm tisos offices et about 5 80p. m. ENGLISTI MAILS.-From the 14 cof AprilI. 1859, ail lettera for Great Britaluin 4"e pro- pcid, tby postae stamp. o ict Ltera ntendsdor Erope shou i 'r pnt od botore 7. o'clock A. M. on Mondeaprs. REGISTRATION OF LEMrr E.-The charge for Bogstratlon, in add4umo ik'lo.poed- age, issne folovs, on eaci, letter vt: - T oany place in Ïntxsh North Âmes -I1 To any place ln the United ïate, (postage muâut bd prepaid alpo )>84: To anypacein GIreat Britaln andI lrasnd(post- ega muet be prepuid alo) 7géid : To any paceiln the British Colonie or rosses- sion, set as E~au~(posagenut be pro-- To any place lu France, orother Frep coun- trias 'a England, au amount equal eo thse post- âge rate. PAECEL8 up to 8 Ibn. wclght eau hoc sent by post under regulatious et la; ad per lb. to 4e pregaîd by postage o&tamï,sad ms7be register Nomal are dcspatebed or reeelved on Sun unBooks sud pnuntein atterfor the United States, the Canadian Postage msaaatbc repsîd be ypostage @temps, sud o ui iatr/o t e Uolted Statep, the. CauisdisiilPostagoeviii be to collect on delivery. Ail traustient Nevspapcrs, includl'g tbose for Englaud, muet bc propaîdàyPotage starnp or they canuot ho forvarded. Newspsýpers for the Britlisb Wst Indiesor Nevfioutadland, mueat be pri.sld by Postage S;tauxp, 1ad asci; sud for fudi, China%, Austra lUa, sud othser places beyond ses, 2ýÇd escb. OFFICE IIURS- From 7 1s . n.to7 P.ini. Postage Stamps eau bc purchaued lat the Fust Ufiles. A. 3McPHERS()O, P. Whithy, April, 1859. Os 13v. DENTISTRY! DENTISTRY! -DENTISTRY. DR . C. C.JEROME9 surgeon Dcntast, mmbo 0i efuPpel Vsaldem Banque ami ruupu.- Fi . V P .PlAlex. eînipson, s' est etblisbedle 146sudIt b ya Aotf Prlisinlt 1 f tie Colonie, w h re P u l m id Ciainis setief. iitby-G. H.Dartnonl evory Part cf thse, vord. tricuA .&sunme Company" su M' era ctof1tihe Tldrd. .tise Eleveutis ProviuillPailla Irsuiran etecetcd ou Baildings snd thifr contents. Every inonnation supplie4 onap plestien totde nudersigned, rfrPis IlsarineUiskt- tor the écason o o nr JOHN AGNEW, p_ T eillug TAgent, Byron 18treet , Whitbl Ph Tire Assurance Co- ONuARD gsrEEET AlOi OUM.11<GGNOU, NDON ESTAI3LIRRED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & M0e Age.nts for Canada. TNURANCES aiust LOSSES by PIRE sud Leftbted eni the iost favorasie terra,sud LUSSESg psid vithout refere to the Board in Lonidon. H. W. WOODWARD, CommUgWonr ferelsant, Wliitl'i, Ment, Connt8 0or Ontario. Whitby, Ang 10, 1859 nome insurance Company 0F NEW YORK. -:0:- Cagh Capital, allpaid in, $1,000,000 Surp.lus over............ 400000. - PIRE AND MARINE. Tr RF underignéd, agent of the aove irt e laie (Companîy, is prepared ta issue Poli- clos cf Insurauce aguint4t Loss 1by Pire the Dan- gara of Inlaud Negotation aud Tra nsportations. STEPIIEN SB)ALE, -Dundes St. Whitby, Nov. 29, 1859. 72ov-46w-ly - EIRE AND ILIFE XNSURANCE COMPANY 0IF ENGLêND. Royal n8urance Builings ,Liverpool NY. 29, Lombard îStreet, London. (,A P IT ALj TWO NllLLIOS STERLING, AND LARGE RESERVE FUNDS. FIRE DEPARTMENT, ThsÇmpTn Ieue Bu ildin niiid al othor desritio o Prpetyrgainst L8orDamage l'y Fore, on tise most 2iZrel Temei. A1 ,§o ma osspronipti.y settiod, vitîsout do- * detrdie;couLat, aud vitixoît refenence tu Tise larg Capital sud judicioîs management cf tMeaComnpaîsy iusures tise muet penlece afety. LIFE DE1PARTMENT, Lsrgest panticipation of Protits consistent vitisundoubtad seeunsty, and every boudfit eui- israced su tise science o! Life Assurance afforded Sy tise Royal. BeceiptA for Nov Folioles alone lu six mentbs' of the pust year. P9.910-00 a M TTNTtI TN returuilng tankSt tabis Uuniaeroulfliends Z;UPsv .EXJid.Ad ; an sd tisa publie geîîsrslly for themr libans.l Inceme fre u i sources in 1858 VatfrOnage ines he cneeed praCtie ln thiS Town, vould bocre take occasion te state te ait tiiose vise are reqmiinug Artiticiai Teeth, tisat*be Exiiitiug an inerease ini oie year alene cf bai nov obtsmned a Machine fr ,morking bhe vulcneaiodrubber, Ipon vhicish. viil insafl£ 5948 ail kinds aud styles oi Teetb, gW-okeaper tkacs Tise funda in baud exceed ha@. ever been dose be/orel with titis proces. Dr. C. C. JERME z iii guarsutee te fit thse £7009000t moat difficult case vith tise greatest pracision Exibitinir an inore l euI oe yesn sioe of In ail fulli cases, -parties eau bave Block Teotis vitis Solid Gums, wlicii a18-0~6,900 ftrtsuponiiorto auyotherldudilof vor n îovuw ' s ~iiiing lIons. Caleudans, wîls ln uW. This vr o ls igbly ppro#,ed o!flîy.aI1 'leît.pdetuisothe Compauy's operatiens, aud of thse l.sdiug Dentiste lu liow-York, sud Pnin- evcry neceesary imnformatiou firnisced at tise cipsi cistis roîgiiont tise United State. owirg efffee of ta Its Seing macis ligitean sd cf a uW-cbrc*is'a JOHN AGNEW, nature, sud il la, afar sa test o! tbrec yr, Agent for Town e! Wiltby. deemed higisern d more profoeblo tyb..27j180 orauny otisfrmetaliiiîplate. lo.j Oe4 y 1~'it, Fa.25 180 Da. Jzamruldwxl t hobb ca y,. i à.cîîon against Los ansdDamage tisat bc balu grestiy neduced tise pni talef. « heretofen ro rtise standard Hevowy Are fro tato that be bas becn eouetautly usiug tis aove natmed uiatensal for sov r1lmenthe WESTERN ASSURANCE CO)MpANy puat, durng visicis lime bh a pu& up a great number o! cuasensdilu ail instances the be»t cf satisfaction liabeen mxiîifested by lie CAPITAL £100900(1 patients. & 1 firrsdPlatia P'ates '%ut TNbVRANCI, ffected on Buildings sd tbler up I theLat styes, I e4ctnts. Every information supplied on *p l theLalel Sties, appli 'ton to tise indansigned. Ciseper tlaun~usal, and l{rated. JOHN AGNEW, Alil Sungieai oporatiens of!tho T' tis o Gnmu Trellina Aeent, Byron St reet, Whitby skiiifaliy Iperfornied. WTee tretMed witiseub pain by meanuso! eletrici by. Pdrtie» tan atention giron ta tise regîltion cf Chil- TRI HAMILTON TIMlES, lreu's Testh. AN EVENING JOURNAL, 2onaltsionree dU Waran.a aled toS$Ub8criber at $5 a-ijearin advae P.R. Cal sud examineoapaeimans o! luis vorli -befoeogetiiug ryou tbath inserbed l evhwere. m Z. a CAauvx.L's Bocm, oser Louasté TRE WEEKLY TIllS, Poi«Ws ,Ytore, Brak Strect,WA1, sept. 15, 1859. W"1ly-sv y $1 50 aGj/aV in adeiance. DENTISTI Removal of Drla o! ]Bryau'e Holol, Brooêk Sti't. 4Falesat ended a*tihe!- Whitby, MardI, 1860. - 'Y I 30h08. 5 uare booti mNorth door Union, pure sud tsimple-a -Writteu Cen- stituit,---and tise Excliox, cf tbe Exeenhive rentise Lialaturo. Meaurbile, xeüonoy in tise Admlnustration cf tise Goverment; Ilse Blot - Non,-Soctanian PoUies; Tise EmaucIra tien ;?'the Rafoimu Party. freuxtho Domination of Cliques,;- Enoeuragement ta Manufactuxas; Fra Undi for Seltlers; HomesteudZxeniption -snd. Ap" risoment LaveqRohlesitionn on tise Bato o! iinteret; -a Banmrptey Bill- tisa ne- <crin cf tise $MxIlDebt Courts;sud ÃŽle .appil- -"oýýofhe boomtaIse oiobs v l'ieh. bang -Thues Offece, Hamiliton, MarcS, 1860. k1iLi equiiles Odos unctllY Bt- Brougbain, I>iqkoera C. W. 90 PORtBAL OR TO IT.- FOR -SALE. E'IVE AIPD A UALl' ÂCRES O? LÂKD, -C situatod in thé. Town of Whitby, vlth a dvoUustg hboàsthereon, cootnlniagperlonr, t V i osgoo - its 0 , woe d i. o%Ïr 1noeesoarY outhoiweo; Asucg s go~upply othard- sud siotl ater. Thé pimisesarce, lîgi- bly situatecl, sud well sdapt. freithr s gar. douer or butchèr., The above prerty iiib scld dt a bargain, for cash.0 For furtiier p rtlenuar, apply (if by latter F. leTwno hty or to C. C. Kellr, *Whitby, Feb. 8, 1960;. 92tf Valuable Parm for Sale. r .AT valuabe an eoomposed of N. . . Aof Lot No. 4, in the -4th concession of Pick- Ooutaining 50 -Acres,. About 20 acresl chopped. 'The aboya 'Fari ls itusted ln-te centre cf an excellent wheat-growing loeality, sud vithin about siz miles o! the importent, Tovu of Whitby. de ii ni tbe Tnsiat rbomae aJAS. Mcd LLAN, JAS. OQAN Lot9, Broken Front, THM S HUtSTON, W1itby,. Aloo, for Sale A quantity cf good CEDAR POSTS. API-LY AS ABOVE. Octaber 3 1859 55-sm vwi& am For Sale, or to Let. ACOIIMODIOUS AND PE s.. sautiy situated "'BRICK ÇOTTAGE, vits 1 of an acre o! land, iu tha Norh IVerd of tise Town cf Wisitby, ounlise But sida of Brock Street. For furtiser particuierus epply (if by let- ter, post-paid) et. W. 1H. T-remeyne's office Whitby, or ta tise subsariber, Casili, Markisen. D. O. JENKINS, Pro-prietor. Wisitby, July 28th, 1659. 36 To lent. lEXCELLENT CLEARED FARM, of 50 acots, ncaniy al aider thse pleugis. Thora STONE DWELLING BOUSE, Aise bars aud ent offices, sud a good orebard. Tise remnises ara situated ou lot N o. 14, in thîe 2ud Cou. cf Whitby, sud comprise thse Norths West part cf said lot.Tise makets of Whitby sud Oshsava are repectively vithuu tbre sud eue aud s Self miles cf th o promises. Appiy pcrisouaiy, or by louter, pps;tpaid, ta 1). IIKAY, SPickerng. Jan. 4th 1860. fi2tf BEAVERTON. FOR SBALE i IEAP. A MILL. PRIVILEGE AND TOWN LOTS .eotigious te tise Beaverton Wharf. A large sud profitable Miliing business eau ho doue bore. Favorable tarisnsimbcS made viti thse Proprietor by a Practical l5ifler. APK JAMES ARMSTRONG, N. B.Txero is s fiat-rate oponig at Boa- ',crton fur tise Establshmment cf s FIunry. J. A. Beavorton, Ju1Y28, 1857. 28 FOR SALE IN TJIE-TOWN 0F WflITBY. T OTS NÃ"S. 2, sd 22. THEY ARE SITU- ated ou Bandas Street, betveon Mr. S: Cocrane's sud Lynde's Creek. 2g' TIf4SM5LIEERAL. fi Application ta b. made te MRS. ANGELINE WEST, Lot 83, Sth concession Darlington. IlChristian Offriug"l please copy until forbid FUR SALE OR TU LEAT. T UB WESTERN HOUSE sud promises lu- cL lading Stables, Shesod, dc., sand quarter acre of a gardeu-mnest conveniently sud ce-n- tra 1 Astuated on Bands Street, in the Tovn o! V bitbj Tise premisesq have beels ucvly isuilt, and r n en excellent state cf repaIr. Tise stand lae neoftlse bou nthaTovn. For Tenus, &e., apply ta b)ENNIS CONNOR, o o Tie ovu ier, Pickering. P.0 MICHAEL McCAULEY on tise promises. Wiiby, Marais 8 1800.8 TO AH> T1UEWORLB, -0:- T UIE subsonriber iavig isupende&_bus;lness, he nov ors taSBell or Rent for a terni of yerIt ave mn s e erebis splendid VILLAGE 0F VROOMANTON, STORE & DWELLING flOUSE, Wltis twe Kitcean, a SittinIZ-room sud Parler- sud sttacbed ta tise store saa voil fuÃŽMnised office sud Wsreisouse. Tise buildis are tIrat cas Frame Duildiag. nce O ufu aqual auali istalemita, vils tteroat attise rate of iglitpa1 cent par ennui», or*£25per Brook neads ne vnitten r.ccxunendstlon, Its industnicusiasbititan ,su 'mfflient -recomn- mandation. For furtiser pmrteuuuapplyto BOS ICELL, & (Ce., Marchants, Yluig ra,lToM CH, or te tie subseriber on tho premu - M. MciPADEN.e Vneomau.tan, Broo.k, Sept. 174,1859. 86v-tf TOUSE AND) LOT, helt in tise Tevucf EL WhItbyý,,posesion givenlinmxdlatey, Bout $8.0prnctM- Apýýy ta, Pebruar 8, 1860. 91 Wiiby, 0C T UE Store and, dvolling IHonse novcceupied i br Y.Tâmes Pringlo, and knovu as the STONE.SO E Iu thse Town cf Wbitby. Possesson giron.on- tlhe fast cf Septober Doit, 100 ACRES. rf HEWest20l 2nd (Cc.g fenced snd subatantial barn, abedo, cncý buildings, sud root cellar nawly eracted. For terms Uc, apply to Z. BlUÉRAM Whitby. Whitby, Feb.18, 1860. FOR SALE.- A N exeellentunev Frime C ottago, xearly ln > _Mtisa heurt of tihe .own or Wl. su ad vithin a fav yards of the Main Street-Du~ndas Street-toget or vitîs rwo-fliths of an acre of land sttaclied. The bouse coutaimîs six spart- mflts, bas au excellent cellar, sud thora is 'eod stabling snd ail nccassary on--buildiugs, iù4d as uparior pUmp of good water on the spot. ~For Ta-nsle., vlîich viii be found vcry libra. pplyféJ. A. MAYERIIOFFER, la. Chronicle Office, Whitby. VALUABLE FROPERTY for SALE. .1R Str adprmse itl tcnise Towî Àhi Mr.JeA. toeth ia t ti a quarteareof Laud o aehether. îi to nre acrfaoo ralsfitahete o Thuis s.tore i ge fa Utcrabl in atecornrebofinse TeVi udaIl te tlavei nthcor fte oad passes l ongbalt the rve nis viiiBrookaoa suitprshsestrs. .&p plication te be msade te JAS. B. CAMPBELL, 45 .A.hbmru P.,O., licaeh. .WILD LANDSJ§M IMPROVED FAIMS, MILL SITS, TOWN LOTS, &c. FOR SALE, ~NE Iprored Faim lu Whitby, 100 On. lmproved Farm in D, anliugton 50 One 64 66 Mariposa 50 acres. Wild Lands in Mais, Memerville, Eu- phrasia, Artemesia, Luther, Chatham, Dorer, Hungerford. Mill Priviiege In Hampton, Tovnship of Danlingten, oe cf tb. vcry beat in the Tovnship cf Dar- ligo. Town ]Lots Iu Bowmauvilie, Brooklil, ilampton, Pcrt Perry, sud Sarnia. Also a few Town Lots in the Townu of WHITBY For 8ale Loua and ont Long Credit. Mechanies sud others dasirous of build- ing eau have from 12 ta 18 menthe te niake tisa first payment. Scnd for a Circular. Addrcssi, post-paid, J. B. FERRY, Whitby. Octobar 17, 1859. 59 lot No4. v), mioni ii I U, -, 41enW chains 82 linksa morc or leis to Ille Nert end eoftise Southîbalf of saisi lot No. 25 Tise» Somth74ý, W'e»t aloug tise Nortis- arn beuudery cf tise South baif of said, lot No. 25,,2 cisainauxtore or lmbo a poît at tisa distance, cf 8, chainsfrom tise lino bho. tvaau tisaid; lot 25 suid lot No. Cg, aud on tis"a asida cf Raid lino,'tison, South 161=,ZEast 39 chàinï,82 links înmorless -to the Norths side of Mary St. eforesaid, (boing 10 cliainesuad 68 links from tisa front cf tise second cneson)ts»Northho4 09 Est aleng tise Norths side cf Mary Street 2 cisains more or lass b ,tise. place --o! h.. nning, sud contaiuiug by admeasure- meut .eigbt acres, b. tise sanie more or Also-'AiI and singular-tisat cetain cal or tract -of land sud'premisea being Pa r of Lot 25 iintie 2nd Con. f the To v- sliip of Whitby,- conxmancing on the lino be-twcan tise Eug'i sd West halvas o! said- lot 25 on the North aide cf Mairy Street and- at thse distance of 10 chains 68 links from tisa Seutiseru liit of aaid, lot 25, tism-i, Norti 6,> West 39 cisains, 32 links. lo- tise Nortis end cf tise Souths ii! cf said' lot 25, thon South- 74CD, Wéat 5 -cisals,' thon Souths 160, Est ho Mary'SI., han Norths 740, Eagmt aleug tisa North aide cf Mary Street, à cisaine ttes place cof b. ginuing. AIse-Village Lots Nos. 49, 50,. È!, sud 100 East of Brock Street, un tisa-Town » cf Whitby, according te Perry's plan cf'lot No. 26,, lu tise 2ud Con.-o! tise Township e! Wisitby. Alsô-South EstIquarter cfthe.Souh hialf o! lot 25,,iu tise 2nd Cou. cf tise Town- ship of Wisitby, 25 acres more or loue Ail visicis iaudos,and tenementa hbereon, orý the said defendents' astate or' intarest therein, 1 shahl offer for sale et Public Auc-, tiQu, et my office, lu tisa Court leuse, un the~ rowu cf Whitby, l i the buniy .- , Ontario, con Saturday tho Tweuty lisird day cf June nrext, et Ivelve We'lock, Noce. -- NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Shernlfl0-C.' per C. '\ouuMsL 01 roy dei vith dsse - Firat-elsa F Auceti on Bius. lUQU8 or I'ni beiisg ordered. - ZACII JUDGE OP' T ef orts.-O .3 "O * (LEIIK 0F T c Regastrr of t thesa îxrogateBe W.k SRERIFF'S SL FLNS COuYNv OulNTRIOu, f()N Sattrday, lhe To lVit: - 'Second day of June, A. D. 1860, aI Twcl-va o'lock, moon, will ho soid by Public Auction, at my Office, lu tise Court flouse, in tiseTovn cf Wisitby, lb. night. , til a, dinlerest visici tise undarmeutiened defen dànts mer. erally possesa lu tise undérnieuhionedlanmds sud teueme'ta tis ercon, seiztsd by iue un-,. der, sud by virtue cf certain Wnita cf Viei Facias te nie ditected, riz;. lu tise Court o! Queen's Beucis. Farmforsale. I sd James Gosod, Defendauts. 2O C FSEDDfor D.LOTlu h or fQua~ ac 2010, in lOtli Concession ofThora; 15 Acres cleared. Tisis Fan les situated vitisin four miles cf licaverton, ou tise travel noad te Mars; tise land la o! tise bcst quality, sud is lu tise centre of!asgood settlement, with a scisool, sud a Ssynill convonieut. AioNorths bal! cf Lot4, l is lthes tConces- ision o1 Tiserais, consisting o! 95 acres; 12 o! viih are clesred, sud froutiug on tise Portage Road, near CaeonaMill. TEistM5LINERIAL. -A Apply ta, - D CAMERON. Beavisrton, lOth Jly, 1857 26 Store to Lot. TN tute mx~t central sud business 1IàJ. part of the Town of' Wbitby,*tlsst g"' plendid ucv Brick Store, umdci- aL5 eth thse Law Offces of W. H. Tre- ilîsyne, (Jounty Attorney, aitusite on Dundas Street. Tise building is 40 "Y 27 there lesa show rooni over the Sisop, asud;2 or 3 good apsrtmenuinatisa bulding, can Se let vith tise Store. Tise shov front lo the most eonspieious and attractive lu tise Towu. Posseassion inimedite- ly. Fer Terns, &c., apply to JoHiN ARNALL, 91-8m. Dunds streét, Wisitby. FOR SALE. A'ls, llag Let ~ufiU% Crcek,Frm cl- msfl's Day, sud Port Ferry. Apl oG. H. DARTNELL, Solicitor, &c., TUE MATEBIAL 0F THE OSHAWA JO1JRNAJL, <LÂTE ONTAHO TTIE8) ]Pnitting' Office , comprisiug prluting presses, noe, sud job, type, sud avery- thing complte for iagood country neya- paper, sud ob cem 95 - Wiitby. T.'AW"YERS*AND' DIVISION COURT S Blenku eau ho isad' heaper tissu et -Toronto, sud vill b. founïd,:,,tôb. prnu on- better> pajier. Buy at lhe Oreuficie W. H. HIGGINS The City Bnk, Pisintilla s .Johmu Hieks sud James God, Defeudauts.- SLot N. 9. iu the 4th concession f ithe Townshsip o! Beach, containing by admea.. sîrement 200 acres. lu tise Court ef CommozÇPleas. Easen Watson, plaintiff vs. William Show defeudant. Ail and sinigular, tisose certain percaeb or tracts cf land sud premises altisate, lying sud being lu tise Townshsip cf Wisitby, mn tise Couuty o! Ontario, beiug compcsed cof that part cf Lot nimber twenty.i;î in tise second coupesien cf tise sid Township.c Wbitby, -kuowu and doeribed où 'a-pla tisoreof, made by John Suer, Poica Lad Survayor, as village lots uumbers fira, six sud feirty-ona, Euat cf B"ocktreet ou seid plan. Aise, ail rlgist, titlesud in- terut' cf tise said William Sisaw, in sud tW Lots niumbera twentyrnine snd tiir, (29 sud 0) lu tise second tien in the fi thdon«> ble range of village Lots West cf Brocà street, being part cf Lot numbor twenty- seven, in -tise frat concession cf th. Towp- sisip cf Wisitby aforeseid. NELSON G. BEYNOLDS Sherilff 's Office, Whitby, Feb. 25, 18601Ç Couî4ý' o! Ontanio y vitue cf a writ cf wff * l.,B e Faeise, issued oul cf tisa cunnty Court e! lb. Cennty of Oun tarie at Wh!iyasd te nie direatad, spinal tise landit ud tenemants o! Johna Ja d ed- fendant, a ttse suitcf -John Anderson, plain- tif. 1 haveiozed'anid, aken lu axefflUtoi *iJI tise estato or- intarest o! tise said Johsn Jardine, in uà tiat"ain tract or parcel of land, baiug eesposdof the eut bal c f lot-No. 28, in theo 8th (ion. cof Brook, lstoly oceuspiedL by, he late Mr. Ed&vards, ail viicW lands nultnemeutai tisercun, or th. saidgtefesdautaOstte or teý est thwen,I1shafl-cffer fur salant Puhle Aumo- lien, animyofiRce,lun tise, Court Houa., li thse Tovn o! Wisitby lu lb. Ccuuty cf Outad on m stîrdsy, tisa l4Ui dav ofJuly nextat 12 uo. *NEISON G. REYNOLDS - Sisenift's Office, Per C. Nonnei. WËitSy, April 9., 180 5 Ifor the (Jounti 3ARITSTER.S& Soliciturৠtotise lpT Offieeat thse cou GEORGE I J, V - OLICITC>E, NOT S C siswa . W. -N. G, Street, -Vhlgby. Xlyn Uosptd - ai York Diapfebuy; lrieU * Iesidance --Markhan -S COT1?S -J. W. CA&LD1 elton Court, Kota-y,Pmîs *-UxSnid,çe. OffiSc-Kuný. bc oprciiptlY attended tc JOUX B] LAW, CIIANCUy. (L Olico, Prince AiSe AORNE; AT là Ç,i....butcomy, Convoya -M. DA] IfEPUTY EEGI5TÈA 1inI.Pcdbnaîj., sud exaus . -'MloCenaydf untaie, Bi ER~ oFf- eusn Bisse: * J Slicrhfli; Offlec, wilithy, Marcli 20, 1860 103-tf.- 1 .1

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