Whitby Chronicle, 5 May 1860, p. 1

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tl lîaPrinting Ptgbleî%bittcnt, ><,k Street, wihltby. ýjt'Dccl to tise Rcgltry, Office. EitMS OF sUISCRITION ARE 82 c aifruandelS Il SO în payable nA&Tta or Ani'EaTSNtE 0linos ............ $00 7I Tirîne, t inasertcon (pur ilîe) h0 S8 ,obbt ilt fuîttoli'....... 0 I0 is dieci)ilnt aiiott'ctttu tolîtctnt ae tftrtting by dic yeo. % .. cllulatgctlrtltlnci tiîonn- Te~r, allaisnrond fy tîtvtono u In Whîîthoy.antI uieîlty WEEKILY CHRONICLE thit on tficîflogO nos ATUIII-)ÀY ln taîbi cccliirnt eel lrnil MRtho.ntýêreî circulie- oy thner doîtti'y papt-r pufiblltelin aieo ........... si 00 ton lnc8 Set îtoin, (lier "fnu").- 10 ïtnti e cèitýinsertion.... l - .. - 04 prOil bad!Btclonttd untltt cit Ar- nt tiîo Ptiblollîf Ofcli nddrec[;cd WftîItby, C. W -BOOK AND JOB ITING ESTABLISHIMENT. pnIOPRIRTOR OF TuIE WtttThtY hit lie lin pocitrituf cte lf the raîct ictylc ocf TypC fioic ein Vyrfoanfdrtie Foundre't îd io proputrudt t excuta 1ANDf JOB PRINTING ry otiiPtiontt a o opero tylo and ciPacht, ett laO iolffctt.rloiiai «ion Prooccooara i,liitiicg iliîîoiincy, Éitîht. Iicsec I tind miiculine dcoei- rrittii ifîriA1i it lin il itlior o -W. h.IIIIS £7,vîLsicleo il ce. iii W CA 011N 1tAlýL TIIOIIIPSoN, -f111471 FTtIIE COUNTY 0F ON. ZACIIEUS IRNIIAM, EVtE CII)UNTY &SURIZOGAT] iTtt. tiilit ut1ic uCourt liale. NIIIîSON G, REYNOLDS$ IFF. gOFFICE AT TItE COURZ JOIN 11dM PE[RRY, ISTItAKi,, OFFICle ON 11111CR ST K< tF TITE PR/dE. 01- 'ICE-A' Couîrt 11c119. JOHN 1V. liAIS, Xf 0FTIEt COUNTY COURT, Aet ultor of the Stirrogoto Court. Officest îory illiceo1 tck Sitreet. W. -PAXTON, Jir., SU.I1. OFFICE AT TifE COUR' CITOIZ &c I,Eltlf tF TIiE CIIUNT JOHN SIIIER, ,Nr ENIIEi. OF FI1CE AT Tît .14 Fb I11 IIVisliNCoUtiT. OFFIC )le Cuill ni ou me. JOHIN (SOtLONe RIT tî d îsof lTd& IiASUIhI te ('10111t1Y f Otîtrie. W..11l. TREIiAYNI4, ]ItSTEE AND COUNTV CRth'i ulit ielîArnîtlifuaNew BlIe RfSTIER9 &tiATTOItNEVS AT LAl leioro ustuie Ceuitit Cotitîcil Ontario. cc itt tiliCourt t Wie-htiiiiiig. 'EOItGlSIL. DARTýNELL, ISTElS, ATTC)oINEY, flN VEYA, e ie., lte. fOBet over . IS. DoiînidP 1lorduitre tore, iick Street W bîjit J. V. flASh, IllITRIt-AT-l.AIW. OFýIuCI-IRhol rect, %Vihtby, C. W. S.B AIRBANKS, CtTOPu, NOTARY PUlBLIC, ec cenw, C V. ItISTEIt AND ATTOItNSÇRYAT-1,Al ite-oxppetitpte tt legielry Oflle, Bro Wli ittl. lSTEPIIEN SEARLE-' cat for toltsîîîîty f Ontario. Ofice itiadBon'n IHardware hStoter, lrtcktitr SCOTT'S IIOTEL, DASSTRIF-T V 1hITBY,FîtT DOOR t of W.1cbcg'n Store. oItq11. W. CALDWELL BROWN, VEYANCER, COMMISSIONER FOR kin Alîdunito', Acconnttîelt, LîcndADiii nt, Notttry Public and UOuanei Xcn, ge ofico-Kîcg Street, nearfy oppeite t-Alhitineco uîtruBted te bisenr0c oIl mitiv tteadcd ta. a JOHIN ILLINGS, -V CilbNCERY o&eCONVEYANCING tee. l'rîiiceAbert. A. MAINS, B. A., 01151.EY AT 1AW, S8)1-ICITOR 1IN hî1accry, Cccvoyaecer, &to., Mailn Street G. Il. DARTrNELL. iSTY REGISTRARilMASTER EXTRA- tuf mary, mand exaaiîîcýr n Cttatîrry for ltoi>'cljîtarlo, Brck-t, Whitfoy. 47 JOUIN MNAB, RISTIE, ATTORlNE0Y, &e. Offie- toller o Ch arefo aîd Conrt Street*, ocPPO a Coi s tand, Tronto. COLVILL ~ik HSILTOM, ORNEYS et CoUNSELOM S aocLAW te -Wicg Mfinnecsota. 3 VLIAUS TEMSIESTe M. D. 110 STEET, ostIAwA, CANADA K est. 17 NBENDTIANNAX, E 0OF COUNTY AND SUI'ERIOEt crtý, and Mniecrer te the Conuty ioan- ANiSI W. CION cI8ITOCT, CIVILEItGINEE£R, AND tate.Agsit Thii OBENT s ILSON. LISTER e& ATI!OÉEIOET A W, -ioi p-"w!bF LW on. ve h tm à»fl ii 5c EýTIONEEE,ÀfSlTE'm LEVI FAUR8AN, 4r., T-IFF rDtIIION OUAT- A VnT'i IGEOR01GE BRABAZON, - - NVEVANCER. COMMISSIONEIt IiI jýin hig Affdavta in thnet4ieens Itllcbo, ttc. W ik, Brook, . W.9 REOBT. CUECNLEY, 19. 061, SURGEON, ACCOUChEUR, &0c. CoRQRESU1 S] frthe Conty o Ontarie. Ri. J. GUrNP, Dr. e-- -i.UBOGEO71 TO TuE COUNTY G.&OL1 S Biyron Streti Wlîitfoy. 4 CQCAL DENTIST.-OFFICE IN'Wit i4strect, over J. Bigenw'îtstore nd alla Unt, vieo Regetry omfe. Att oporttiores ,,1cutd l,fctrciîuiî, a fuir trual.- EAST WINDSOR BOUSE, P IJT returcd paor tfllurn Ttetîoton TONS ica uroiiindotlnoi, fer tmellf- (Iood Stnbiîîg anti altonttce otrr.2 through ÎI ancd i eOt String Iitrticente tla Prcme reule e ioo mure tipl ei tor fils rraiduîce. J. C. IhANCOCIti r "BOOT AND 8110EBtAKEf81.&1 h ihfy. ttoek maîde to 0Ora iood Itatiri, ound by xireeclOi ic. Alsn li-pirig docu -t iet itlai'fmt dempaiclle. WALItER e& PATfrEhPON, PROPRIe Wtors, rorcer oI Vciigeeîîd iFont Steceto Toronto, t, WV. 15 OAKWOOD IIOTEL. 0 000(1 accnmodtion forC trarcltt. fM. CLARKt -KIRCIAbRTTAILIIRi Rî. 74. RING S m iWeot, Torornto.i MIANTINeS <îûte Wllîîifît) 1MOTEL. letîce lorr frca Mr. Coche, tsabnole e - furd thîe hcoee cmodtrionrttotlîrpunelle. JOSEPII NOIIRSE, EP.Tr KTW ELFTIî DIVSION R COURT i Ci ortîaiiioriid and utilîrba' itîlit - hrh, clirtwriciît. _____ -ONTARIO 1IIOTElL, giîSrcet iî~iitîy. toratStablUigni tte' D CANTON HOTEL, n FFINS CREFFI PICKERING. .00Fc 1 iacecuîuuudnatecn ?r Tritrrirr-î W. cUriIBERT, CT 4, Int proprfior. PIIILANIR Di. CLARKC f ItOîl CONSTABLiE, COUNTY tINTARII' V Lauf iîooctor nf Lî.uceacfIîlit te ùeipi y cf thc Town aofWlîtho. JW.coRsON, r. D.- IEFIyXiilustaititSe h .ýIeIanc nto tý -1 font 1 Itierlrvi F'eibwo e to N. Y. Aredet of Mlaîicîuue; ircaeituie cfni lper C(umnt, &Il Reridetier -.Nuarklbcm vilage, cueiliç ueo JE ft li e & stoaeaucfi. UIENIRY HANNADI, ES p.AIR ANI)OtNAMENTALIIAI"ETL iler, Pîltir Itagre,&As, Wiitit, AR iSER ATTORiNEY AT LAM Bîiouiiuiirin Cfoiîutery, Witihy, C. W.- oflbee-Xlar's ltîildiegu, llrak-t, Wbeîl ck 10E 7' JOHN MCfIiLLe L lCnED)AUCTIONHSER F1FOR CANAPI Westi, olloru hi# servicrs to tieo f al. tains cf Ottario andelDîîrfîoîî Coiictgrc, tota tcîîd, Foleo hy AîcticaIlattehold Enriitt,îî Ntarcituctlize anîd other crlct3ut a recaâ Ifohaa. Ai,ilt Ki. .iOflN IMETCALF, CLEIII tF TiIE FIFTti ISVISION COURZ, ceaînprisilîg the ro%,islitipBrock. Ac tre: Cetningtoll. 14 LINDSAY, V. W. Y)F..IEWFTT1,PItOI'IIrTOR. COSITOF beaccommîodation for Treveliers. Nhty Jan. 21, 18D7. A. lK. RINE, (fABINET MAK(Elt, UPItOL.STEIIETt, &c ri'.og, d-îtropairicg cf Ftîrmîtlre etteîtdedv 9ociîrrcrefulrintt eoîo. RAIL R0A52ii 11fOTL, R. RER PRPIT .t-TT cR. odsa --oaio ' A. PdtIN<iLi, F RCIIANT TAILOIt, IfROCK STRtE> M Whithy. THOMIAS DEVEIRELLP T)UII1DER, &o. e&c., GREEN STRE) j>whby, C. W. ILIME FOR SALE. OONSTANTLY ON1 lIAND DURING Tri elletu .ioterand Suorteer t0rcmfo Sto meoiehih iihecotel fo.. fir C.1fo nnly, et be pa aý. MATREW CARL4 Port Whiti RtoDENFT rsPEAItS. C t FRt AN~D- TREASURER >OF T]i CTowip lfp f xfoidge. Addreces, tjxfordi TUE JÎOUSIN BOm E.'3i rOz» ouis exiA"£50 1 IEla, "»\-t C C.JOSLIN PiLOPRIETORIt A. focel 1 he Ic lt~tgl inthe Proveilee,. Iloi:n t t travllig pUfoîî. eqa ti fotrai Eoetea 1cIloor te ny other nlI, mentcm tho .MCeieeiC ontinent.e RAIFLROAD HOTEL, C. J. y. FRASER, Prepret. ROESOS ROTEL, sAuscute, 9-s ooeitfl, --~, ON TItE LEADX<G STAGE RI>AD HAL 0 sy itetOen Whitfoy and Uxb 111m. If otel hi e netrefittte anmd funieehle ôûllent style foer the ecemneletiocf tra, le". Eoey au id tetael ers, I the it emenmmedaticm oroided foranIr baise. orA cteady Omiier shusys tn atti 1p e mOS mt yn e themomiae rie t 1>6Wftttby Fonmlr. .E!ieri-=eoù tes'gtnctaee. WulumOeo t Inte f 2-4i A e m h r Vt W001. CAlWING*. a LEVI EIL1PMI WlibbbpXNapM4 ff ind (icd Ped mhi !t'y. tOf Witisý catvi- Prfeteti wor., R - Ikoagitas nul Iatirlnt jadimtry'vi adocate Peace, htogrelet, WliIITBYý,C6 Wi., SATIROÀYI, MAY 5.9 1860, THRA i.PNTS 6olSIviV.0 altrno TeEceo. OiltAo. I 1bfAS DOWNING; (lita Urtceil hîtol l Whftfoy,l Peoprietor. Bet %me;nr a.c liqieor. poorenîîuefnf.tatre Gaold Stabiiîg, iltI attentuve Oaiierr. 7 JEIIWARISS & 111ODUERe rIAhMIRS, DRtAPEES et&-OUTFITTERS, a ig Sreet, Osaoac'. Genriamcnq' gar- rant]§niade u nd rtufcinluthe mot£tîcltionît- iamyle.- - - TUIE TElLRAPIN. Ij 11C PROPRIETORS 0OF TII IS WELL hL nti*n slooinnar i-e rinîo »ccrtpttere cf th uta cMif. NICtIOLAS. Knîg atreol, irnronto <lf.naiXrl! hepî olt b t litfic. 1Vie prcuise f lar ben iem>' cncnîtciltlercuglionaîumnd Sitîcîli)in iithe tiret tÏO. Ever). îîecaeîi delirey n ceaboli. A chtigirian ited i'lise- paatti> intoc lîfieons ltt tluent fIlendo arc petlitttd ta ener QUINN'fS IiOTEL, ize. t, StiT-rT E thO LOWER TOWN QUEIC. qfîa0$ eth ufe .Çaniiranjdinq ad ueiitc fthe tthb ýAmericueaqîreeOiu...4l tJ AVELIE18hAR»DXVIStTORS ta the Aie çcnt City' cf Qîeitte %iuft]îid orprcor li- raaiînoclnttoea întctfertc cliîrgca t tthtl abONe lîctru. Thefotefîcuti tn co eeithhiY souatcd -neir the flnnh,Stcaniout lirlreo1 eAnd prua- iq1bu«n pbýlfceo ftîîe Cit>' illlaOrlcy fttcttioiipnid fte ir eocnîbrtmnat cneenctcaeed eer>' nintiocmand direction mes ta the otdtnlg iccaiuticu 1printcipalf pInces ai receet, actlieryl, dt.OINNQI le Prepriotur. GLOBE IIOTEL, BltOO)KLIft. TIl EFmîderigîiod iemuug takoan pu-feeo- Tofthe aboosa self kncwn Iloe]r, woc i lic cndneted s frînerly oitîte triercît Po pit>' auf regard foc the roînfort anoverti one o ftiîe pubie.1 Thaîe iupeîter ascke hsie mou'frienuf sthîmi o%*ri-tilîr iA iadttt credyauiqforcîeiiY to rter- tainiifcîu nt thl Globe ltntoi, andituf it lie n-1f ho pcreonncfy prerent ko givc tilene sAuch1ta - qlo seitelicoi u torcugl>pilporeuf, -piinied acd rnuacd, anoufeited lup hl, envy repethin uneii a canîter ame f0litre eontciîe l ion. Tue focr and tale lc oîplîetf, uw feenerle witilthefu bet caftalen and drîeîkttic. Caflit) t t-l>.C. DAWEFS, Propriece. G (randieTraik RoiWay Ifotel. (.SolA cube cfP.ail.«DPt, Pore 117Q4ii.) BEGSTO INFOPIM afofolhel, iic c-iiii afutuîrre rry enclonIMA ioun »arotunt. (IcaufLiqîcrc-, WinanmdlBraondies%, Excelletani tafllng--eeofXî1attrîttinîl fr rmnm An es. JOSEPII IUEBOTTOlt, Wlutby, Jan. 19, 1800. Prpiir86 AUCTION BUSINESS lL A TTENDEI) ote 9t18110, hf>' .C sterrling. ýe f-Ali cdero rclletng tîî Aîîclieccsaoes hy the timdelurcd, choiea id o ofltiîoftlChcecile O0- are ai>'astfci-fmd t nppiîîtiii'% teof sale. nettie ternp t., and ta enter itn iteîh otheî ~ remgeceatg e eitiîîg tut my aueiîcutboctiet listhcy mayroli9itlllr propor aod neecoar>'. 1 obaitholioalla ta etiflS an it> glocuent tho> lis) ae konM'Yfoliatf. Salon attecdcd fit ail parte cf tdia CoItrv. J. C. STEMAG.lS ht NOW 18 TUE TIME. it 6 OEYOUR LIKENESS AT J . A. Clark'sislt Prtze Pictare Gatîcry TF yoe daire a eorrert cnd ite-lutte Ambre- i.tyll, careeoýtymi, Lrttorgrail. or Leatleo I.Treîecfer, r a Lfkaeuia e iekt, BaIl oc Rfing, fer J. A. C. in doe tInbtLe fooat tYlr Ciand ut shotrt noton. WILKINSON'S ilLoiCt St ltrutok Jici Vyi0 H. W. WOODWARD., COMhISSION htMCUANT. INSURANCI Cand Ge(eoail Agent- OfSo-1telciaua pied b>' JameeIlledgsOccWfolkhy, C.W. RsrFnnmcz.-Throas Cimna , Roits.1Pre- ftudntBodo f roeto Torornto; W. .Cati Eaq Macagor, Bank B.N. Amulra., Toet W. W. Ronsora, Esq, Manager làbieBiai E Toroto- W (Garabi;eaq. IlIto l Itlo T i-'t rente;l io.Y . (ijoit'lr entutBaiîofreOn -I trsid Iontýreai; Rcos. itia, 1 & Htit~oIîn, Toronta; Mcre ndeo nEanf &t C., Muctrealu OuArs. W eo i o, ne- ly bec 1 Mesrs.Il.J. NadlO at ALEXANDER CANERONs- CME (11?CONSTABLETow of WkitbY; tc il as Ceint>' Co ntae, C. O. MALT VINEG4R. ~WALT VINEGAR ccc cv-bbeMin la]&W lis or salitquantîtint, dit t4e l- W hâitbv Brewerv. hc - DAILY SiTAGE a) BETWEEN WHIITBT ANDI LTNSAI AND WIIITBY AYTI BAtl&ERTON.' T>ASNEto n trivl o t-th frein Thé. Stgafo Und"a> ad htsirton ai.. rfnoottf m0aegnnm iMmd veetI N. RAY JuneI.SO t AZLÂS 17»019WORIKS, ,OHARLES VALE & GO., B theoe ft thep bar v sf tyle f« lm ounjing & Bithý38Wt* i T VIG neliseel tise- retire otoek et1 a. Dan o e , & rttfo nn auadditiona ef M- A qeW Stbiok;M oe Sattr nrcolvra ttîate rocire cteîet.- cc to it obe rit ay' fdisFtif% *1e rlit - jOSEPHIi TCItixs & tcm, tlraoldn, November 1ltte, 1.41 ItROtT STREET, TIILETOIX. rp111E ihiiîrrifoer forgetoecnoîlecio.tie ln- .Ilait te nicfTrentîon andlthe Travelling eommiieuiti' ttînt the atmrc Seet-eîcra 1Ile o-%e been fittouf op In awanomd cncxrnient emrner. Af Fir8i-Cla laie Ùe ad tfliaül IA'OÎO Ait Liqiioro hpt on theo prerihsun %are cf rte boët qîelity, choice CrArem. Alec, a Livery itanlu in ecceîection i tothîe aboya e rucalSc J. S. GERMtAN, Propricfor Trenten, Ang. 8, 1859. $04111W CASH FOR PRODUOE0 IThe Untiersigned ta preparet t FAY CASHI FOR un>'quinity etc 'Whoat, Barley, Pêase Oats, &c. - TIORAS MOODY, Ccacrîihioan Afg SALIT POIL SALE, CHEAP. Whty et.I28 E185 " Fie and Lite' lusurnce Company. Capitral £500,000 Sterliieg CRLflflOFFlCE-Lirerpoo1, Ëieglad. OFFICPi IN bIOSXillAL. ettIAlIAN-WM. M Sf010, ? fQ liont. .Iclun l7cUratr! Tluomuo RKay, Fcl. iteuiry Thiote, Ri0, t lieidTcrniu, R q. .Agentîibfr %ViiitkvayndAu rronilitir De Itilrt. it. -W.wEolfAltiI). Whiîth, Jan.II21,980. e7-2n). New Talloritg Esttibliêhlflêtt StutPS01M &FEIIGSON- RESPECTFUL1Yeoreotnce hoatise in- Rltabitatte of Whttby amuanndiag ount >', tîmit tacy have otîrccd c Tailor'e Stop oneBrarit treet, opposite ttîe «'Ontrio Ilotel," ,rttre mît crelers entitte otheca utti Ian dune uiti coutneq ndacemalfcI. Whlitby>, tOct. 2l>tf. 1815. Ben. .Whutby Browory. C&4Anz & wooaWA8um fiA~tfrtreare 011w urePeerd to lier îitt ait ecelliett i eiri hqnRctittlOOUm nuto lie rcquiitd, and cn ternis ta suit par cîtt.1 ae o ict elu h artle. ClitOi i qLARK & reIIi WAICD. Wiîlî,7c.hth. 1859. 6efî-44m. THOXAS MYERS, LICENSE]) AtCTIONEER FOR TR COUNTY 0F O0X:AIIIO. FÂIISIEW*S SAL.ES in tht Cottrv il e r eine Preopt ttrotîna, on reacaimtt)le nleicît ullte the dccltinRanimé,te ciiim bpoel cf t4,t îhe et adecttge. 8ealcelt the Aurtion Ramto vcry Swmtr lhîoctce cf liceecý, ltmnghonco sif Spavine, aie trenttîd ofit îrcfeîit mîtîie . Adireme, oîmwh y lPest: THIOMAS ul'Eli, Aco oiit. whtlty, Felrety 151:11, 1859. Pianos, KldoS o tos fSinte, elodeoele, &0 And glOril woenafe fr the cepairof mli kîmdo cf MFieuIangttroementa, lu 000 prepartel te recuire mand execotemll Or- deroentrnteted te oira. Ah vorkui mtî,faetncecl Lay leirawitt he guarmiît«Otf eqasi wOckeaRn fipteomnrta the Province. tîanbceo hr$150 te Sf00, irordiog to quo- ty ofiLttstniit. pilenac. bfoidcong, and otîtor Musical lusetra- icoilto meeitifutttld teOTndee. j'srt papracîttmkcc ain tcadc. Ait eiders hy Mail tirerled 1'. f). WhlîbhY, cf t ut ethic own lnar, cci cf tha Omemoir Sobha, iti, ouIfoc - , 11,e Ils ctcmded 4%. 2 H-AMILTON C]OLLEGIATE IIiSTITUT. T HICl A130VE OFFER U 1.ER1OR AD)- v eaneAfli)retudents proparilW te màai- coanteamteo tlnlreraitýy mitîtor binlaw, hdi- rime cr Arts A pruoperti ll bt foefrmidOon IePPlIre- tin tethe Pinciupl Whetey, h 1rf 9,if. 1-It Ti <IOETfcom Preott ffarafo ed at foie potyiern f resott, At eOSOdiWglylaOW îprim T1103AS MIfODY ANgen .%Iithfo N. m.rcnlot and fDealer, oeIl dei (t tic >tbei r antmgc te iaeportMIr.ttiîny'eotekmat thesAgent lu iVh*itfoîsmesme, hi$ tt pr1oeccolOme Agenlawno psrehsaee Whitb', SNov. 17, lui9. 0w.& GE1g MAN, OIL! » aueestes ce W.smtdg Indent l e Eam*M [nBotti.. ai U to UOots EMbOh Aerodfug ta cM.Tis.OS Uiares mi t4me Îo.le cdo m itfitib eal ho-tie s HIORSES &Cfl'-4 sUrrma... Mmalru%, E~ 5OO~keoakaea5M ~ a m e by wtiiLisyn Jia Gerstrat Adcertlqdng Agency, 2= si. Fralieoti, Xavier Street, Montoeaiss Canada Ecît.- Orders forPeictiag,-ÀAddroae f I yltiu ntrfrigAdvrerticecehta Or ingttioc Is the Iratos Clv ad i'rocbaeiml -Joutilme file wf11liktofuse focproporcel tuereebooc, îSud #ay teseecf Ils nnmeruianAgens, lrreogé for Insertien, Advrrtlciftsoin thte ricelperTs efronglicat Uppor cenI Ucoor Canade, ttheLcr- er Petnnes sana tlîaUniteed StAiaia die Or tults deitel>dhf fJirilîtri n Qun, K ft Toroctte, latttc t tît rfferlnp te eler titunre, sudi»Ili partfcsu oalilrp to efa fu "tti and cyctemio pnsuliobty for (lotir anotifie- îontmacrain emcd poedy menc tisodeorgelit; et agnamt caing ot tinte, tr«enan d expnhoe:J ttc Arr"mieants ir w o 00mctlood fongete erdliit froc aI î sautpei i chanue, Muicrfîtuccr,Tr memRatrKcl- gre anel tlîere ttl ransaction of ait enoeb iine- cracp, olefofofe begsea. tinmre thrc ifll he atlfctiy eateneeul t1 titïocnctnulty auitdrane@ Potelhi andel SaterillmeiL tefroc hie loîeg sa el asImein reonneffcai ol l tii, tten Pesci t i cui benahiledte- gitu tîtrti cati- tacion. ROBhET MOOl- 3.fG. itingLcehc;lu'l«'ceratnryofthe Iktati R Il - Kmailton Euq., îîtcnxn d Forarrt- !cg Ageut te 110 lnioTrtiuîhîRbiWvy Cern. F. X. ienshlnt, Eq., îtcrcemt. laaesDcngoit Raf llorciestt. Eý . .paneons, ' a9,Iluoud Prcprictor ou Commnercial Adicrtcer- -:0:-oermntAeny 019Wl ,LAID acd othier PUBLIC 1IEPARMIENTS mttcedcd to. Aise Seufed foy the leri 1. demspmiefci. l'aadsl joi (f ntrol Ageoitt Nôo 2-.-Anis Sf leet QnOce, bMare O rsi, IlfO. Q- 9e county cf Ontaio o irmnef aWrit cf To1ttB A>FItrf Foetae, icoordet OUT 0f Fier Ituflv c rCourt of Qacen1%'e Ifcnc, nt Toronto, und te~î rnctrd ogmtaot theo londit ami tenemento rahich wcocf or orwaiFaire- weil d rrtmcd, et t1l ir lne ofilertt inb the limmtiu cf Milen Fare*elt, 0fdîftrtt,&ci, dfnjail et tlie aoit of Arîtltit O'ltory, ltf. t av ized iccd tnoon îctitioli itho eruoý.t ohirlî the oldatî iwalert are ocrlt0 dcccoîcd, ifa lîj ifo tinie, sîîî et thO tiare of hus denth fond fn thot ctîpror trct cf land, hbcbg ttrcc qortrl'0camiacre 1t0 ttue one mûîre (or tcotZ ho11, tromfptimertiftpart of fol a,îif'or ftftcc la hlth. second ConisoO fo tie Tnooroehilo of Pickrcfig -co'nnacucilog .churmeajpontfîhnenpaflitcotlt si distance of t.0 ftlîtift Orsn ntîd o d'af links On a efrofft îh ocventstw0 degroco mlt f1rom ttre soutil c-.t nglope ct ctîid lot Thenro norttttae%* eety fuît r tfegtçrc, Fait tino clînina cocon Iliche, Tf once ntitcixtreii doiareco%, %cestiffirc ltima andt tweity So lin,îhc iccecor fumatottîn conti sie t thetc publier rcut, Thoîtie norti weotcrly niucg file entîh oite cflSit Ad pllue rond tO ci"mino ccd ceavon i ke. 'frfelicccnt b, clx- toe degreos cent, titee chai île and fifty atine finks ancre or Ilro@ la lite Itiatuocf 1eglnticig. Alec ail titat rerton i acel or tecet cf land Rit- unted, lyfi mad feisig iil the Village cfOfoa- m-e4 P.id bo coîiîtnlFnctid cf a porl or lot Noc. ton hii titi tnd Çon. nth ie Towcnship of EclIt Whft- fy, and hîttud iand itconded aonifiloos:.1rota inenrîag lit front of tire ccid Coeeicn et lte diataeccofociteliflltv oliche on&corme o! th, ceveciy fcîr dcgeecact front rireamofth West îîîgie cfaild lot tliecceeccrthe eveot lfour tlegrpoo, tîet Ocha in itifty licha4, 'l ienre north sitntrmideger, et, uneo chair eeoYnty cne tiakm, Tlteite monît),îeoveintouair dopons, ocot mie thef o flOy tinke, Thenea ocit ix îteen dejcmfttillt eftin ceooîîty cita licha. t "ic eaLdt lnds 1 cnadltelîrmecte thereun or th addefendant, acetate or lntorekttherei, cholioir f.r saie et Plic Adetin e scflinWs vis :-Thee Srct dccribd tttrec qîlîtors cf an lere. on the premitîc et l>effi,î'e CI'ok: on %Mondontirte Teotytîtird dayof Aprlî X.. . i$eot, et the lîoun iToit c'rlnam . . feltue latdcl h oteîm ii f i f Apia 186o, et kte lîcmr c f To ocl, hP. lu. NELS8ON 0. REY94 ILJS, slîcrilt C. O. Par C. Noiîeee. Shotclft' Offe, 8S & W-tel. Whithy, Jan. 21, '80. Old NewslPapers for Saler' A lareqnlntitlr Orold Neweuaarerc unppllt, put yRancefur »le chthL TownMbp of IUzbridgo. N Oin slergl9, n thIL te onni D vî, n lIl elel 1w Oal ing ueitesAi h 3 letavamtt o~o c, ewil Tow mt c mdai eras emn ancteset a9ne, wiiigstit tfoe eO rutiilt ~ec« Afmr thefor ti mi fte oruewwfes wf Lb iofM (d.'crmt t& Lo g oiehr 's, g wlt g ofy n y e Lb 6 &gm te oirrna-o r scnrng Pt nf "tgstsits thtbmn L or tlenr Pau-,c O111es,4 I -s -the& tnsdtIgmfUy attesnded to by a Eud Age t, *tbt te xpmsan lu aemmiUe of a j.ournsy te Qmqb. Patents oflnentuon talietnaiS.L AU oep ncuminlCtlors, addkmah B« Soad8, Pm8qt OfficÉ4Qisabec, wviam -oo nrmite anehntkLea Qeelm. Set. 8 a.28 J. - 1w-I si CIIROULeAP. Bertieday Verset. TItoxiniplg fie air im ceInti eiendr; cré C b e d o li > ' o r s ; And, tur~id iithl t he a tnpasatemg peat GleaOi My hEl brlgfo eene. Bonentis our teck the tetior bhadé ls autehd isoo îo ping Ioera8; - B etom caidoflla the glatie, Ant i rfo.Mriatisa -)ppy huirs. Wbat n>' elncle romalssnt bettiie Otisucnyehiumnr-lmet i lio Rftly iitle sglendoltr ilid en ToentiutW goden prme I A n d :i o tllflb f ae ce t !e ffw bndj H iThoao jmtéhscthe« Qt ii h t eiQ mft a i Tfg h t r uetoriydi>' siht noai)dlho&d NO clie r.ote8tis iirgoitdngteaifc, Içe oltt thglo als . For noberfrthaît royael lino l ol.tr r e nb tued- 23rtb &ftric ie encore *tng on iei so Oc neen, la cremting a éiefaIii rtl l 4ý 51ee fine8fc beemue nd.'a4gshe tels along a<lrji cnyÇ 1 tie lse> clad W tliia tbrcw ec in 111h l Montreal,. dectaree îbdàsiS'bu fred an heard cf h aipsa ta h t ti a l r e e ta " , devintb -1 r adw&JzuoKaigdno ~lllf~ ~c~eri safagi i àuh foier in tt àetsevsM eltu iq1 Henn4 ckth ee h, cked eil Y l1idiiiCoen aut ~~o ~ 27.ns. r1ilqcdSyrroid be ~Cead is» re. avi nto rng, Bose thet coairtting, Vise fere t e o f îiehaù-wne aMaI V4 èr sel andotaera eo n ayr eti ui o ferrMin n&4j[2 '!be r M ifqthé, If t«ht A -s della setie i bitt on a gpspe oflilgbt, nis csie I* ea' etcek n falliug. * e-- ontibriwta si ecBe, ir e 27t. eonan ocitiedSe l oIcii thet Cleean d rie abfieaf leti ~5 " Srsin mengticol brotnglethle foi mte of851 Ltit lie a aolth tfil grnthi. pno oin i> le etÈii atenreegh, bandnt hinclieult ~ uuie SStfl1 ayom eugbit Hooen a bang' Lit lit 1r>'et the Tnon vwa ioD4, tbW là hie - âse, thé bd tloueelandi Sayer thï a tlige rotai ase n tl. " -E stor Comm is Tex arC o m w Ili. Sapera lantir a sevors llo oen -be rge B Tlo k- rea srr cf e- 4 eMooiba-tise Smo choing ccd Sycre felI ocr wont , mco i o uet i Tisurseay mst8h4 1tlm~ tf >' cemaln51111 trc ecO trint under scarus i n c u e ee-nic mi.m.e ma fl the ie in elM ý 1 1 V %, IJL-ds -IL V a 1 F Scf-RING STREET RAST TWO 3)01)15 j1uV EntoftheooCntheoîtle,'trontn, Caupd WeL prinor, Antionîer, Arbirrtor,lluso fe -idelA anund Gecerel foicAcmicn Mercisct. .11atoany ammant doconfd on Mtrohgndige, Furniturand c tiîer. prnpcty ceslieed ter sale.i VINEG AR i VINEQAR t1 T TI8E tocdenlguio4taeore Ive tc Infurro hîo Llnlhaitute, cf MWiîibfo, ancdthîe publie, that priceee Ths.Trudo tIheridi>'deaIt olte, AI' ordere b> 'ai] i pînrtnîeiiy tteiîdtd taý.r Ndmm!ATIJAN RILLF.ft, lh 'ilcy. T I îlE oriogard ]miaeta umlvcIUntel, ofelh ufbehan tîci> ll ted tîp ic On0eert taoîcfotii romiair ftîpcse- Bp de* uci cccl>y rtlel big cerner antiueefnedtiesr ceinctariti,et tnc ec gooirele u l op. Ifona c,> no heymaropo5allt1etly lu>', iltng out Sapera looltinT tt litait oüaEtOotieio Wai tise venait of toc tnre indicté Andie a mgnoenghit but dut; tnt flyi>vis ulefI dùctigaateling 51 emnta for apecifleatonw Isrlaing te thi Lut thia s ati îd S n o> e on kind (roctidpioltia ll Ëtttng t nc i îs mtee ffonce. Tise anmotût pi s ta efilca le iertucoOit rotteSaers. At titis Lime tî *àc n uent tisat tens itg net publh kbaon. -H e lat XMiîe n toitight indmues tob 4fle tise cigisl dapigisi o u lIec i tdg to ocf n o avait oifc anti fum i>' f euidrs i t oU eil &a - ili Who tîs ali tee îhmi.r toe eeneaslic otb flsa yca otieeneari>' vanceti in penae thon iug Stigi gcloonti, anâ blé fmëe a p qrtaanghg 15 .î - .- 1'l à frig isifl l t p p e a i e m t - i e n tie t i r a f in u t i m t b i e oc u l d l i e f u m rt BIrd. Heenaiclandet rd ale Ii~ c i5r' ig lOtiescraU seale. IPi sta eally * nder ArrialIof the Vanderbilt moutisandu nef itbine eIr li ats o o rllec eetostheebcr gre- ni. Il dirl" i 0*plMfit Jfle rigtisat cal agricalieriats are; and it ine leuiami - Sapera cigil atmfl ois Stin teA àil vatd, icg ttfglatira Ilircigisthe teintas ôLie Po TIl 3IEAT FIGIFIT tila, flmitisa repeateti atoppieg et hloa, iiàr-tmc&>'sec a ettitor, '-haictcily lige loiccad Recleasaindi cao bccàe mach nt ino" 5tr.li th faa roti a SBo lu ll- - - e oln frm tise ropeaeti anselie molloe t fIf. DeOn, giing li'rivWe ib farfiStri n 5rug F IMPORTÂNT IIEWS. ttis. Spr ito i pitilp toice gic te flanici tîlt f Ibeir tOd. itla-qel teg it 1t e R u n n b ttaeoe tise -com e anti m o cisprOprlet>' a Sprin g iitkeat tnl - :e:- ~~maoth, He oma iecer felloweotiSajers attempi te intrtetaimyd'mleçeLi Sàxar IToux Rîttu 1890. np end mtimuli bu iscavU>' en the mont iigantiraimg a lroorlu Tise Stesaaip mVantieiflu rîccel secitisittote tise greanti.TiehoratAacsrhea î Thse greal Sigit tonie place cari>' on the - lti. Thisetwoc mioDelonei anti Bayera ver Qaeh.c ce rreopontit antild nieraiicgorftiseIt ista., ci Famrenogisgettngisoldt Ilinali 1 hfie neck bit to ef tise tain tiIang uelin thein ib rieur Altetmish. - iim mverlp.oe ise tnft eyeî <of AsseoeIble ti g eiingty siigi fie Tise figit Imteti 9 iourg aniinnd tea. Iftis. Thise voleancd Sayors owaM to smtm iptu nh..tltt Thiotyiecen tcuuls *ere fenght visen ibtron. -Ill! oua oct>'bagisl>'amae-ilielAttme lise peoplecoseil bite, hl iseglInSmd Sapers' Itis. Ilennan gace Supers oene is Generai Wet la>' hacliin heea9 refoee wosa crowvioiout. menti tise latter hfiling. - mlaugisedI...is'Prosnier eiilei a grin..uu.t Tise pugilisea«vrolthon onlered te de. 38h Sayera cloemi anti foil.1 Heeman cglterievers groati>' edtleil-an*wl elst flgitisg la>'tise refnoee. Bot s gave Bayers one on tise liea visen lie hlli Brown vinreil. vent te grass on the Imt rounti. Bayera almosi resc the groand. PIseisg e Knm i ict aitg eoef u telI climat ever> roundt on thelinirt iogn qfuetion ef fou]l,tout vii ct perseeed Ktansuas bthhen ine tisg e redi-vit rountis. Saeorsa rs octe ceinpîeîelp in, beieg conaidered n mie dctent , -Ilion. vhîcu dvere e latemn th e lmieqtlr off hie logs. Tom'a earem oviegteit nog.cn gel hi# cr10rotituli ajpects f11tc be iocsmkr,6. n ü veto figiting ferefor u ran ic t eeirnn'. $1aiernr a ttitlr to dm toiff> oiets bv et n e l4 OeSttfrn ieobiotitedt!ip tolta tise of let ihmgo mere oriet.f eoi alilii. btdB'- lonti round bE asqjitho llicti. Heeman ecer stock te is biotti, tond Ibe ring osa Feex. Miraua.-Tse botie of aveUb isoweti splendid fisin tisingisoat tise broken in, ite grechoot confusion. prevailled -anti yonng girt vers foumi peeteria>' .i&fi cots.Heeennitoc, -maris more pue. Tise Umpiro owu carriotiao>'intienon hriol> mrerciol, ia tise viinitrc lsisment then Sipors. (tisrong andtihie figit ose prematoret>' St. Johne. Fini euipenniente lmey- om Tom Jnv iret Bloration lotis rouad ibrengisiho c claieq nethier bitfmg tohen firaLraviàiedia anitison maiern. I treenc reomphoiely iffeit Tom frein tise teclaretiltae vinone. - estbaeiice aieniois e teecl Ibo tsag*i groend andi tIroir ira horil>. 10af &L-pIý2tà Thse eigistisrounti iteti20 minte- AtyhVel ttli LIed "5 .9 rteacea - .&A, rettybati. eakgirl ofet seet6Un Tie 7tîliround inoted l-f minlilou. Won- t tatgister oit olievin onfefkori, Bli tinrfnl akillwav is laedeton isothis to. YV4ul*WPOIST, AprIt90. recenti>' detivtsend for a s, ulianti1 Tom ou assily ' lineitioff bis pis. tI bmTheatmip N«116e Brtiotm, front UV-for' the roompe cf theisabIng.m5 ta unirnoonif tise>'oilt figt mgi.Tise erpocivu Queenste, ise arrtocti oufobtatIuell, falot& a léiidta 'but 3,a a mo figlit wuaideci'drittealiena rnon ce. titaent oit lier oap te Quetaoo. 8581 iSoe fegiitnaflueti 1(6 Opinion et tefulicei wuc andicici regard-. Tise neoslà osasday Ieter titan 1»' tise vaist rti rot ottaPlleà Peaur*1 icg lie via tise ist m in i 1il ra iaiuult t N ew fork. W ni r. fi ta rl fe r ce il 't i supp Tisa flgist e t est e a ttreet great et- tise tigeg , t îg b r <k e ep ftarthor Psrt[cftti. tendon. Tise retereis tieçiaton tn rnis. bI.Lg, anitLse xi tising Iuon cf ber - lien te tise feitre ledton bouie anmonnced. lier friermb is tise dimeeverpe near Ottet.m Tite. »)a4t Nîu o.1henISt8& Tiselong Thes London lIme saeys tiese upporters love, cf ber deati body, isearisg IeeSnt ccdproriceti filit islven Ieeniantid r oteuls nn *oes-gaitafled ibat a iravm le iarks off rtiuti Sapes, ode ucepea e ut 4 o'cloclo battin bat laeno decidt ne Tise nsle johirî &an ngliale 1paper, ceceivetil in fee mrcuig Tse tae te seeconemal buesa quettiffl euleogp est Ibs iglit. -ILAinricahbis tise fotteuing rnltitng te t : f actfion ver. ronveyeti trout tise Lenton aya liti ayera oaa confident o c oarp inIPrince of Wates r-Ts Prince cf Wah Bridge Station, e ndt ie>' aligiteti noir tac minutes more, andti lti eettnason ies a it te Nots Arerica, in ati Famborougli. Tise figlit lesteti 2 heurefrienis osqueciet tise refèem tu ie'iate listaliec c 1e enmno ,anti 3m turing ohicis 87,-roandi vers figlit. tv i suitofrtime-pgontletenète bouc :fouglit.- Sayers dico trst isioci, anti nee Tise steamsitip lWiIo frocs Neo Yens, efetmet fState, in cooiiertiottîatid .eDom elaluoti thiis rt lk&do"e. Mayenafor Lnonthiati pnt lniat64Lmuath, sort part-his oly i>'teele calen t ot bdii flot siso mc>' aigeu cf puihment, but of outi, ati vilteesomf rlggimog.&C-,At. - i.ue fiti. w. iseliovesith ' i1gis, rm mmcc en lijurco c>'bansut. nved nt e oie. lcceât c.iest, an at >' JcIrlmfier toc paLof honor a tesnpts te yard coff llenWo itromentiene Quenton; -Johni Clurke, . 1) D. *e<tsUrnlias falles 'on tise ofak ecaât1 Steve. Heenan once gel tise C isapow' Marion Moore, Risdef, anti s<»m ' TieRmprrNpoenhi i bonil cntier tois coa, antidemtiaculte OMef >tivd frmi Mobite, R#a dorsTho Eprar a pole flobu hit - sicanglen bu. The'referee snisequentty = I a Ircrpool. dr opeaeapêritë o, dt quittietitise ring anti declaret a drawn liat. LiVEPoi'e, Aprit î9.-Bréaistu& b oua>'-&Iltheb racucttrlafl tonsof tiesoupir lie. aui. 'Corn Gdtihigisor. Provisions quiet. Biebcp Canit lîlau seedpoimi Fini cennd.-Sayera ted out vlth lin Preisco quiet mnd unchanged. ceuni>' cf Kh a eti ofe e k th left, cangisi Heotan oponth Ie moatt anI Lo-eotr, April 19, P. M.-Cossla eloueti £Mû, ielshliesuIoigemt in ItU » ipon a second teintnlin lindeti a aigoUlicant at 941 a 91 for moue>' sud mebnlaot ni" ank tne te oemitof ilpe Z lwnHennans, ntelatter: SeiuNcffm.Pla iuctueel.mayaeaM taghilt 1* - él sed an g o t b eli o S o ez# y t e D ck ,s e w i M c h i est sa i le i e me pt b Ot to n Os of the D eke . sumd Sayera toi - -Bu=eiehihave-tltlovedtbeto .ctom à Soi, rounn-Heenati oanglit Sapersonce rom Matrag icer10 veet ApcU ifili, gene 0 e etéCeri fRiS the matte l at ter ain *f109"Ilnog.te ete-ut >.dl< talde 4th.Hceenan vent op te Sayers, isoi ui AOnit thnnMtnet in h the lef trcmetndonal>'violshis ti1t, bit sapersain have aprang, tppvltit'tise l"Stboon >'ear tiela pe4osîTat Mja#cu5wt in mo on tisa ~is, .~ ~ i~ u inhanti *round Mohle 1 neo f tise puogiq#ooe iét1 nnt oit he out1, sd set hrapinatng te intereitini onsa ti e lMnifalila lb. Sevlng terfre h bë aenttto tise grcnnt uci chuieangeti. slthfu s y et unfecitimd b la tlie stitmuet B iteeds SaperaMItMahieManufaciey r>'Ocf entel9osg ri- vIimol'. upon tise "jit atsc vatost a>'p<nisatut iesgmnftami e telov-towamie Mri. E. J. I8mgle9 vIose " m0en» o- - f atiout, ny mhen en I aaaescvMosan. BactIe> à GlteresXqa Nlüow- le i. Bayer.led achife 1e ne ll i -Mt bm e 8achl o nuC , wyiTli be empoyese le»~emi Heeen' 1*1 ooleçmuag t ate,~iOffie and Sho 1e v lI utcea elai205Notre lisctiBalt Basdaire gettlog tead>'o». Hleouiai et oiebck at i it oýç an Baie Stmeni.Fwm~erly' tise Seoha;Ma- iie.fr -fiaet ecaste cetmtey1ise Pilum -_ aloi> lq~ltk e e ista 10154 iî chinaeInCanada as>. haporteti front -tise Wsles ccir tbàisaWie s, uimaiesandi endeti b> noem» iesclng UIe8>0bl e âtosg iti Oi rhFidp veoitl thec.P0 Oayem iouittlo abloe a ie eet î0>> Peiolilte I> ldte, g.tovetecr etfvaiisisglt Ilem fter fow - mt ee elmevbtres t ia, a»ta'e 4100.. misnese vwitie cocutng tise railva>' noir ý -t iSof ksâ o tapt #y fWl& 6 r.l at w'yao <th&ileIadkeepof tise Mach- beibacl,vwaacaglrt I bft a ua saygm = a tue, i nuou t e o 1 0 c m ion prej utce fu l s ee ki" ïf yMrrtiegainaiylambduo la t' 'tt.-es- si)&. mt Oei liah àkflt ,x -atHt* > ~tiseex.GQffnrc e icset vs ail siffly>'- oateod b>' Bapeea ietstuImattempj hlut inldiffireuat fesOcees. andiem, i t Allerseito jeaceylagos 1d aide, i lfficettlhs, incidint te cocu>' Mw sa casbt sy a b idesti 9»@- a f ovtiUis*tbO acesbout ,Ne Oiui d , lm oni il ar te outn dxmeiy. s ettrei>' eteub>,' î 4Rgie. Dieh temt.ioPUtt.bis nlri eîWi as tb* - K- maun Îhefai i>'ste et"W aid .ad71à>' sgîtpittaprottece macinceeho coq rboit Wh" usigeursa. andviceUYpota 11 ceit il uecmIleg Bayeras dcv.,- hé ipeoul gaged assai eftlishe st )en, ii me eebi nt Iti.-Hoomma osai p t 'Ieo ii veleeu tes ise aceefactar r>'L l. M. HoiIoay seciinceive tbeIA osagtlli netis uc l seaudBissr&Ce., O e- nvTOrk, mcDIIb>'con- Couesenmftte tise 88*, bT cli bion pteelmou%% and ap.a sfent theien latie ouitaipati eq w cscat ae. 0 I , s "Me mskte a atscla nes, liltit e aetol hi 14010t bs l.0tiftmxt dul ati twnv si-8 N M itbinethequv-ý'a nd Oitinee h - id qialavl>' -- eet r a h iesi m mtm parts s r Qa*id -ha& e. ap I ehia"0' 2utasaf1uisiiMtieletietY-e sin'cfe. 6 9 ex tesA ee. ofth.i5aanfrmr a efln iln liiimi-mak"sthvnt Up ticigosemneinsquatiifrumotcw 40oue w Il Sj Ayer ime Rmm tesMiR.c.oti*tbiffiin tàfleee<ISI - unVb r- Mou at Magnelti m id MI re the tvi frlo nf wi- euî -- gla.,ta ç&*m Ma - bi s oui aail B." . ni l.on ade a. btk --p lih wt - -qkr, , ha ci*lis. g dows

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