Whitby Chronicle, 19 May 1860, p. 3

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ipleudo5r of tics scone preto0 y Igit t tisebl meotUfOgic prosset tha HotlilAlbea sadtitýich laut few veale, issbu icntise groat ,foispetattll,Y0 iiý,l4els8 'aucae beo ârpssOd. *Tise Emperoarronade perence:sbta-tly ler 1 1i e blacle o, bich ho Ouly removel dorug the te ~subtitueafor il a Mon Oeue. cEprec, nico Arriva 4soon sitar, nus eisrongic tise moinuby Prince 'de rileh. H Ier Msjmlty alao vos nade- w. icIel, 10 lie gaeral aurpito, aise tok off report haviug aflrmel hât asa te uppoar as' Disua, tiheutresu. fajety oly remaiûed a short ime. cotumne ofthe Pa-lutes Mthilde tws liait natiatl eserptionsu tica texture rsin u asceuspltely lerirsel uteae- nt a eopper.eoleiurett Indieu, aud lu a erinisaly pîitresqus attiro, lightly sel togaethar. Tht Priocec Clothilde ,d exquitiàeteste icn amuet charuuing mes of va Bergoro luthtilme of Louis Prlecu Naputoat eurel lun ado- Tise guests Yvreoreceicel by lice anud Ducheas do Tascher la Pagea-le, e c00a-105y ael attenstio nere nceas- uuiug cle seîl dearly, aud continu- lor lg tise nigicî, but threo quadrilles - tticulr toîl eut lu hol relief for beatty ansd origîiSsllily, sud tihe coi- ie of nisiie lied bîcu prcrioosly ara-ng la the firt vert represete - tise acIers Of the fia-ry tale nicci deligitel ~hldiood-Pus lu bouts ;tiesecattnd 'cecepsed of tht favorite persages le ItaleCrivàt, sncb us Punchiiel- a1rlequn, anultise rest isile tise 3rd, uiih tise four elemeuts nere attemptel e issprofltd, . ote itise udutii- tattrs onu of lise meust lovely sigis Spresentel luncuy bail-roosu. Tise tes Waleeski repa-lesetel naterlise- remsel lnudnlce. Sise norec oron- fdiamoule, eca-moutel isy a roneis of dinunde anul opl. Belin fltated te ehoulders marine shaub. Air ues cifled by lise Countes le Morny, visa s iesîdress Of disceulds nith ngi talldes,lier hui ting ponderel tith r, niile eli e eatte beceeu whitet a. Tise Puince-eSwSelkoaka repro- ,d eati. ler ieal-da-c u t i n- d off a creuelte ta- Orf g'la, Orna- tel oun5 elle t itis n coreutolsia faout il feul flowtcsaunI fsuit. Fia-e caas et- etle1 by thuel'a-lutesCzarîoaiska, hIer et Quetu Cîsaistaaisele nerea etu of flemeai of guid, hier a-sir hein-. del n itie gui1 assd lamets off tht sumo 1 nere intea-cingel nith ie sr isir.lit quadrille tise ladies nere dreseel ua, Elle , nul luaddition te -tis ers- iteed nioentre te bise athtie Cutn de Persiguy, ModaesNlera-liteee'il Mlademoisele Sivewibofl, thse 1Piieem leteruiel, Madame Nirea-claiecks, ths teas de Portales, tht Countece de La tycr, &. Ile let came1 quadrille nus compostd ly off ladies, four- forech lemteut, and four bting dressel alihe, titis amme toit differtiuce thtel tis Iielaf dia ,dg and paeclons etolles uns aomewlhS ter titisetome off tise ladie tlien thers seis tas tise admirationerl tcd nu0 hy tise riehts of tise ce* tius. bhi he hrcity of the ladieuse hoto par l r [i - -8 )* ý Arrivai 'off tbeFulton. NEW Yonir, May 12. à TheFulonuarrive t Now York frùm a Liverpoot with dtes tolise. 2nd bat. Ics s hip Garland, frein. Liverpeol te Qusbe, veut on camboltov rgrakssud Il lus expocted so yl bue total 'neok. Frilieh eomïmerial affaira very-doll. TheýBgblais Gerumàeutilanegotialiug i f4r tise Great Eastern 'to-lay a cable lio itîsSiogaipoor aid Rangoon. ' The Chloras are dtermisel toi diapute l tise pasieo« tht allies in Pekin. Four.V teon miles off fortifictions-., ul-. 200000 mes are luarau. Tise alip Neptuýnu fa-cm >Now Oreans,f wtutaesore t Eaexfors[; cargo likely aaved' * . . :, .1. i £8ý00OtAus*trlan gaiS ihsheu ote- cethel in Englaul. lt-la oil France propsd tu Switzar- laud to relinqeucis ber righte lu reference *te th neuralixel ditrics of Savoy, for 60000,000 fr. Tise Bishopu of thes Remugusleave brou proibilol f akluganuy partinlutheo reroption offKiug Victor Emmanuel. Tihe correspondent off the Joua-ud des Delets nus erderel le leuve Rome hy thu Pope, but ebtaiued delusy for twnuty laya. Alcices freim Naple eay tbis Royal troupe ttaekel insaurgeaseintrenchel lu tise fouu of Criii, onu the lOtis. Th isifghtiug vas desparsto androntîluord lierelaya u i e- tceson tison tise <oermant troups ro- ceivela-cisfoacemcsa nul compellel theso insta-gepte to retire ae Parteuico, Icaviug1 250 killlcd beiin. Thse royal troops a al 300 killed. Tise tonsof Carini was pitîngelandsatt fiae te by lise troops. Great uisery previls at Palermo.. Sinte tise exceutien of thirteen lusor- *genseou tise Ifitisaome Neapolitan sel- dies were surprisel and huoel ut Ca-m. Letlers asetrt thet tht 'Neupolitun a-uuy umeunt te 160,000. Theire ua-s ou oclodel te ban titis a Greek homse t Constautinsople for £700>. 000. a Tom Sayers nus rereivel t Lverpool Cou Monday nitie mutis rutiusinsac. aTise multitue took tise herses fa-enstice. haun drew hies in triumph froinstise mil- e way statunte lice Talbsot iol. Sevea-l testimuenial& nero preseute te bie, includiug a ptudil cip nertie £25. Tise crepa lresent n premisiug uppeur. - noe le es the eCO iliu stg l vil tim bt tà a-tf tlà the Ica ,n, bu i utetdisthâ li exlr Iltreogh snde tllel Mr tit t pOe Osnk -apsd àu l cspsit sed7 Id 4 teois el~ le1 esle m are tht ùf siaid sioir h offwcen1 ht ouidf New11801 I emeic là,ied ,e55sau nt betu opens- Tise corridor led ou te galierie, che îlel downuon boha ides f is ail te feather toI scenea-y bal isen >51- el sa o tevassiisinlu diatance ;a e tain sent up ite enter lunlise foregrou, sa ou tisensan electe l-le g s ee8te td- SI :1 ce te gis-e tht nnýtery spray asli rose ti fel lice appearance off faoeted iliver. f ' e'o asnmeteaustiffut, sud callelcu lIy te ïeluI îeîe aboIes only readl s !risisis Nigis. Tise centre off lce t ce echlh tiva vide tsirfues, in ite vide expanat tors dispose1 lu ty tables gliîtea-ing ils plateanul rys- d ans>d cuserel titis a suppea-off a mool a .p.eu deaca-ipion. The attendante iscl aolelyof pagee attiael in a cou-N e f e sat isid-silk, vlaet, and Ir i-off tise 6th estua-.- A Paty off muai- ti , aieo preseelmaal guageomsly, pinytd t iag tise supper. lie Empea-or sat downut GouOff lic es, bt hId ual remeove ie musk, ovo f e takieg refresimeut. iigist ladies 2 seaael star hlm, lic Coiuhtecse le ay ou one ilo, anud lie Ceuntes înei bc oher. At lice supper a- tn et tise Isîles off tiseCourt cors ta ho s ths Paincece Clotiide an theiseFaoems tilde. As acounus tise Set parLy Ot ta bel nilisilaavu nelier lesteudede lI su continuel outil al tisat pler sed a. Daning nus resomel aflerwt, t tlefett hid not tarmittat ountil 6 ilu meniag.a traspetharovae neyer osents a mort sufitet dilplay tisaI on tiis coaSece, - tue lu vhieh eea-y paruan appeurcdheu 1 e besoel soecuch attentitu, lufaiîh-t tara-p oui the carous deltia Off tha ceea adoptel. Biponuoseaeid lu o been totally digrgardel, bth by tisei sud Sp lie initaI, sud lie flet rougi wo off tise etertalmat, hofore tisei ste liesd uleraI lise roaceile estimatd1 ote Itaisu400OOOff. Tise lisplay off1 onIs asu omevisat vouderfflsd tleia vore geueaally romn-kable foreir- t. Among the cotumes noticel for la- blulricel eorretsso ansd spiendlta- lisces orus by lire. Esglls offcore ap .ia Lutsley, lu the ciaracter out lb I Èmez ; Colonel Buaosis M anUSe- iopu su d Captain Masse, s FaUta up Ncntc.-M-. Gulblot a--evnlbs. B rîne, nna nisîai eh wel l eseas wthse attention of! su te.a a %ljit la NalUriM istOq. It umre uor leu tane -a-mo v is a la tiick ansaingildo ; partairins ofthlie nfe off lis0- iuffatu tovurla St. t ertally laa voudrfafnlt"ei tulse m In vilve i ripa>' suinaspec- The MitmprWu< uvareprocured il aa m vis. Sbcooglat froua thse Apubicte &»«nje te bai giS te utlI & B,.amshOo Juae et theCou Cernat, u. Tbasaay tbels 111 Ate GloIe ix i0 wsuaeam& .Tha e o- of M qamuf t u morf -m a& Eltapsoo, a.Fmae, D. UOelmMfP. Iamin, lt,11am sB. lBuber. ---- .* ArrivaI eff lie Canundte. Qa-Enîr, Maly 14. Tise stca,îsslip Cetnelisî sa-lied isre yestrlay,liusvicg 80 cbin and 120 teerege passiegetr on boa-. 'nie Cetadisua dete are onu Isy Iter tîanuthos h lIeu sttainssii lon ehN. Y. LoseDo,, Tlîurlay r. am. Aelsices fniani Messnia, fthlie 24th of .lpril, nlte tIsaItîca-teci lrsnquility pre- vaili. TIse nuSisea ef perrons arrestel le reîîidertlt. 'lie itcilela and pritiaus a-o crowdel to txeee. Reportasa-e cea-y ceeladielea-y. ht is scid iliat a Neepoliten Central issd liën captuael b hinlstua-genta, hat tise thet seau t fgeraisiietli:,abontt lectaana- ierred le Messia, snd ieutishe gara-son sI 1l>leelsoogis usmisriug 20,000 smcu arc afril lu paocel te tise intea-lur. Il.iicii, Tliu-a)s-Tishe Moniteur Pub. hi8 auote off M. Tisousenei, proving lltethlie aussexnliol of tise neula-nI dis- ltri t go tIse Situa. 'nuo nnugncol à it i i,*& ... ff adopled by il tîv it1. 'l-, Aadilcoltueà i - 1-i blaitîsheO ij i -, i - -;enea a nse th pa-ties iStI- -f ellegiaucce le - e.-dDue, Tlsursasy Tise DîiZy zVmie aye tIaI o-nigsi -utl deeiilu wsa-bu u IlIeuse Off Cens sueu, i$ fur reoa-tu, as tse oppotioniaul -t la exiassuea Tise Tces, lu a leadaea-,says thaial hti txouse iroiu Irlant1cotisnuessisoe-il son isceesue Euglsh. sud tise Uuitei tales Iriessu ad tliatNet Tua-Id le 15, trucne of thlie Celtic a-e. Thse Dity YIuwoff the ard saye thi sfsnds openel yesterday titisanau dcsirs ci4, but il saes nul supportcd. Consola clusel foa-montY easd accu 18 51 h t5t. - 1'Il Aunriran railasîlmiares are attaetll serentl aetnu. Stecks art geutrslly fira-csd canil duo fie tiosulalel h< the influx off gui und the Itate of tht disount market. Tise Corouer's Jury in tise Groa NoloiaIsRaiiwsy accident, have brougi sn a vea-dict et accidentesl dessti, addst thsI tisatishe railwey V'as unsafe at 1h lune-o oShUe accident. LIVEat5lcL ttASKV¶5 Liver-pool, Bey 2.' Badstilffa-maa-ket doi. Floua- nui forenco in vlut ; IVestero Canal 24s 6d 5s 81; Pisiladelpsia sud Uiltnore 268 a i9 2e6d. Wisusî-drmaid limslite, titis oua pan eucien ; White la12e sd; lRed 0& a li 1wId. A utceyoueg ceeu nea" SmsnlkY, Ohiq uved e preîty leugiter oteadul ad cormuq 1800 cfa fa; mer. 0Sha e l is ic luebi tise itern faîher iisaleted 6l sihoull mars au ugly cuslomer visohbel mai07. St ssiI sha volldis a et Fetea vent 1 gel s magistrae. lu a ahort tiufe ho il tua- nela egreel irigbt, eont tlied, et badl a long aiclînec. TIte alury b. telle tisaI lie ghust off bie deperlol vitle ea dovnuopon hlm cul of a Ueo las haovan ai ing.along, tuitktliarelus OuI uf bis hasa ttfasotheieahuesudssila-ve hoine- 1 look il1ta lbe acomUsand ta himoDot lu ce draIn bis laesgiter'a alliretilmy an sd hstR aeeaordlogly, and lie nice po-n'san la bnce is iaugstea,-, ils a generoli'8i off the property. Tihe Welland Canal ile ailrigisuea and van opeonel on Fridey merslssg for t P~ssgaoff elu. Netising furtir h- 1insPOrtnS ban ta- piredrespecting lie mua-dar, Mcasea John. tosi nhority, tis"I lera arePartie, Canada vboldlarge ,qutaty uf c visicis hep auleol sbpplseg teuEsugin d îthe tiaammer tmoathla onmpaculati The asaculue soaspe stlmalelgfeus. 2 oe@ t lu 0000 b li-. A Àlonaer fa M.Ualurau« ith" iaifouea- coa la"vab p4satalu tise jfrua the st. Luasm vleila »ut«ermalasth"fm-igh Imaielb vlalngeoa tame l"9s ceU b.eis Lut sb k s8$? iSaiglt" esci NlK e rlac-tbe largut P"ee-ia-f OOjPEMý,-Iu East Wbitisy, on tise Ils i gsvwféof Mr.S. E. .cooper,-of n ¶ý»REî!-,1TïOshawa'; on tics Etc ý,t1e*1heoffMa-. Jôhn 1.arrel1, off a son. ïeviUtsR-f Toronto, ou lice Sti ,ni , the vifs off Mra. II .Arthica, off a t)uîlUT.-In Montra-el, on tho 7tU instthbifof Ur Robrt uport, Pur- lui. ue vfs f La-.-Loil.lquolle, off lice flllOOt Jeunln osn. gi ON-In Poterboro, ou the 41is tise ie off Ma-. G. Denoon, offa son. MÂ1RIED. iseÏýoen th. th-isst.*ibi>Ythe tev. ILMon- tt. Ma- job N. Darling tu Muse Margea- et,Ëls>', bath off Port Pirry. . ÉoITTIR-CARRUTHERS-- Utise fale.,isy tise Re. IW. A>1Joisetani,BMr. CiseiesPotler. CTo-qe;ttEliabeths, erid5i Iaugister off Ma-.Robert Cerruthare, 0ffpitisr Hill, nier 'uTeston. ý)pLEOD _SMITR. - In Guelpis, on tise 9#1s iuut., by tiseRoc. John Itogg, Ma-. J. Bbeod, Bockw1 ndelM s Ble nges Smeiths, cille saie platce. iI1TICAIIOOUIàD1NOAI - tisae o- ,,,,,ce offtise lsaide'e fulier, tlie Roc. N. p flgli.tise Rtc. tD. IleMVi= o, f Kuiîx'llChucis, Guelpisbteanr ytn- et st auhe-off Mr. 'Robert Goelitug, off 'Tua-ilo 1townshi5p. 3ycGtBBINS--i-LBE.-On SalerIsyMay atu Pt tise renance et tise bridés altisr, Soliui. by Ma-. W. Hooper, Bible Chisltian Niellter, Ma-. .Porgcceon MuOibbiuu. off Beenusuville, te Caroline,ciltet dauglitor of ha-. Simne e. îO0GERS-SIBLEY.--On lise I 11h lîst., at S:. George's Cisurtis, Dufilus' Ga-tck. by tiseitue. G. M. P. Viner, B. A, Ma-. Richard Ro1ers, off theu-Tonship off %Vhlîby, lu Mi.e Elizabeth Sibley, off tise Township of 'Olc.cring. DIRD. BENTLEY-Iu Ven Buren, buondaga Ce. N.Y., the placéo of bla ba-h, ou Tisura- day lut?. Ma-. Wmn. Beutley, off Broughsam, Tea-uaiip off Pickerlug, C. W., lu tihe 52ud yeae-o et m gq ýE.tRLE. -At WlsiIby on Salua-day tise 1i inst., Ma.r. S.&Soarleienlutise 84 yesu off sieago Tîhoremalua off docessel werc lniered tl vl usoniec eremouy et St. jeksbu haligrotînd Wiiby, onpeser, da-. Tise deceased nef a Master Mson, sel quite s goodly nusubier neikel iu the eloîcrel procession. Il IAUGIIAN-Gu tise Ors inls., et 19l- rgii, lutise tonstifuoff Yor-, Ma-. Johnv MI;ugisan, ageel 46 years, brulisor tbMa- Jipls Beugissu, Deputy Sîserif. !IcBURFEY.-On tiso Stîs lst, of la- jtlisof f the lonsu, et tho reuilene o Ille fatlsea, Mary jette, Sr a-Icsugiser ut Ma- lIns. Btiurney, off Peterisoro, aged 20 a )ALTON-In Bontreel, ou tse a Oic et., o sente riseumetiasm, Thomas Dalton, prie. te, youagmst sou off Ma-. John Diston, agis n2. yeuresud 4 ceenlis. 9 Reportel by R. R Pzasv, Ese. CseoeîtLU OFICtE. kZty 58,I Tise Matrkset toIy cwsu eil topplied, ià ail tise delis-crirs large-. No. 1, nisitc viset, in tise moruing, salI et $1 41, bul Y o tht day advaneed, there tss a ver3 :rosI improreusen ln paice, wniic v 'asucImors ticrougIl compotition Ibsu e0u iegelse. Fult Whent rau up te $1 49 - iicic vas roalizel for 10 or 12 luals il it ne affina-pari ofthlie day. Tisers la evi a-uenly mors thetlutecome forwerd tisa ieyers hal eny anticipattion Off. O priog Wisesl may bht quolel frota 81.1« b $1.18, vitssoleil salas. Oaa- millets il be sutersor are griudiug mont off het it nd S'hlis içilil accout for the ligisI receipi le Peas arn steady est 60o lu 62c. De Oats in moderate deoau a 050. Potaloues ere-y plcnty 15C t10201 I the loislcahsbc Isicl Dilio-Saring, $1 120 0R $1 18e Fleur $5f c(0e tu. Id ?eas, 6r 0e. 6 2C. Usa-loy 80c. (@ 55c. ,t Oase83c t0 85c. Ut Rye.ÀDC. 0 60e. gi 1152,$10 & $ 13 P lui. b. Pua-k $6 0 $6 75. Beef $4 0j8e, * - *Sheep $3 0$4 50. Potatoea, Elle. r-Butter 12. 0 15el Fenle 25e.-@0BSoe. P pair. Od Turkeys 50e. q@ 75c. esci. ApplesOlo@ $1 GO V bushist. Ililes $5é.- Ssii $1 20 IR barrai. Cea-ilWood $2 00 0 t 2 25 P) cord il" Tlmollsy Seed 84.0 Oulu 1 goea O.1W dur- (tL C.BalSvieab 0&) on.Bsa 25% impAB~.aate0 OU~~~~~~;p mqe itbh L.ika bya, rosI; f.W. B Uknta D ,- - 4 CÃ"MM ERCIAL H OTEL, S5OCKS5cVvtay - JA1iW CROCKEIIý - nj'uaG)BlIA-L iTRkv7zLEgWILL mfN %jIléounveult ete ppiug tai htl u, am they al ou i e aRogeglaîa-outk kqpt ai tis ar tise rentes taesen y tislr preeeaur. Wlsiuiy, Bey 1lm.1-t TOBJINTQO TURF CLUB IWiU come 0 o otlie Nov BMarkot Course, on Wednesday, Jane 20. 21, & 221860, For fu partiçulara, are band tille. * WILLIAM LYO, Toreuto. Bey lm6. 1-Id GLOBE MOTEL, IIItOOKLIN*. T Il E UNDERSIONED TAKCS OCC.UtON to rotures*ld.sislsore thanka teliMa tîoub, and tise lravelinje publie. fer the liberfl pareA- ea 0extenedlte hlm sincu bo eomiuue jIwsisut BrookliS. 1dlueg ,t-sres Mai sîeny frieuda,-thal no effrt vl b. epared, su lus part luo ketp up tise ebaraeter of 'thse Globu aie hbartoefortuses.- uongal lthe: botli Mile part efthle Coutî-j. SanI-,1lise sauîe setr slu etesidancea, n dn ais hbue!lues as ual. Tise fueltrt oligny îîBlatk llh," tandis fur a- ree s %. en t the stable. Tenus to $3. l 6, or tiws caseus $B, single leap 69, -** C. D&WES, ONTARIO TURF CLUB.. A MEETINGo e lisiserllansd Sltisk- Ioldera off liiiabouti Club, viSi b.cld 1ýcl Seriptlua'a isotel ou Tuealey eveut euxltiâ eàThes Oertry'a report vili thon ha preacitel the Itoatisaou tise Usures Iut out, ud ohir busiiess etlIportanct rnusete. IV %.$conrr SSeerutary. BAZAAR. A (rendl Ban"iariii oril et sfende off Osae, tiilbuh sal tah ile ts, iluthie Store lalely occupiel by 51. i nuichel iig Strea, un thîe Q'UREEN BIRTB DAY the 24thilest., aud Ivo telotinugda) a. Thebimar w lbope idst tonnOOletk esei Osii.84 MBy 14, 186). 10 hIgtby Vegtable Gardons. -0a- T lESeedribor la retrlîg tissuku te thie TIsebhteuila oft% i by fur the support bu lias retcei et eu cr li.a-sow lier,îse theut, tisailbe li-e ready. for ase, a asuprtîr eaort.- tuent of Panta lu arly York sud ther Cois- finge, Catfloer. Peppor, Tomate. Wolen sd JOHN WRITE. lVlsltl.vlMAY 15,1t860. c-Ice BETWEEN NisiSy ud reeuved, enlia B lâtua., s MINK VICTORINE. Aisy lere itilu noue, and iceing Il elBr. W. %Vamreoc6iv, (a-eeod; oraltat trek- ad etiisWlîtuvlIl uby reatrlel. rteu M ay, 4, îîeî. 1 Woel epettully invts attention tuteu- NEW AN'D EXTENSIVE STIC S PRING&STJMUM N(oST 0F TuESI IMPORTED DIRECT PROM THE and &soetousete ta tahep bacs alde1 tetoiea pesaiosly axtenice tore hie premlae lataly octoiel hy VANCAbLP & MOWGA-N, In visicisviii Se fotend, a ret-rate aacoat- usut of MATS, ftsýi'oqilqhtql >Iei-eQfs' Tisela-pisseviiib. tosel low, sud lie ru-Auurt Uit Bupoo e A" it b t: noma t*d ute atleepba D]UNIDa wOI 154aM llplI i& f M' , sia. 34iàeldy. iBrs. ain up &0 ai.- obirgaý7slSd ol ldatlet bytaI amid .aepatqwîcnaspomunr. - - I -Datedeut Omaba, hie tidrd &YeCIM Bar, 1900-1 -. - D. P. BUR KE, * - THOS. MCQAWa Iu refesuo luhaei4isove, otio. la barby g cau,tbt ai Persons bsceae anyclaissgaut bolàegrs, viii Piuepromunt Ibogasmé su the;-uulsrslgfld for sestlaiu asud -th"ie ai pmlesî esodlths latelirsu, sesre Muire* cel e1lmilofthdises trhwi t lthe nilsuSt o c",ase.Attdt]tîaildebitadue Iba iolffirhhu tlit ithégrt day of June usaI v ii - . rInsitise bande ofiyjSoeltotr for 1oiàt4la D. Y.BUBEE.- Oshawe, U ly 5 18ù00 L li. CiIOFxIELD & Ueiù IMPORTERS 0OF Staple and Fancy Dry Gi>da, - GENRAL STOCK 0F AND GLSSWÂBE. Cerner t of anud Celburne Streete. Witlt ES'ufcuiriises a u acifi tOfFI"iaisr- T reia uoftheabt(ladue t tros Be"nufiot unes, and aso . oelas loy VA1aMY heous lu tËu traIe Testt f untreil. SPRING MPORTATIONS or DrY Goodoi Grocerles, &c-à PRINTS, DELAINES 390uats, fRube, Orleasa Cuiaourgss plini & Fasol Droaaae, Check Plaida, Glugleamas, Plae ald FeueyShirtmm.s9, Colleur, Tîcitge cul StripecI Dibalasa B)erry and Smuelht, &r. L. IL SCIIOFIELI) - Ca. Bey 1ev, 1860. Flanuelpwviite sud grcy Cutons, Veetinga 1. il . . OIOFIEL» A Co. May tut, 1860. Broad Cboths, Causi es, Tweeds, Doeskins, 1 Plaids, &C. L. M. BCIIOFIELD A&ia LAI e, GrsM1,8osCW.rua HualeBoyenspttcte L. i.SCUOFIELI A Co. Bey lat, 180. SPRING IMPORTATIONS OP Tees, Bazars, Tobacco, CarratsRai- aime, BIne, Bavloy. Corçon, SplO. satape caillea, Pattai, rl- - taCIW hln,-is., -ogm ý Ae, Prter, Visogr, A&.40- LI. l.8CBOiLD&Ace. ALL 6flAl>ES AND FR8025. L.Il CIOFIEL1>& COu. Mey lat, 1le. sud Dru~ Capa, Btack, Brownu sud Dcab Volt Hal, White asd Bia i 1k Uta. Bey ltl, 1880. 30 kegs CiàtNis 200 barrebu Pluter. 1. il. UFIL Ou Mip ay18860. FOR SALE. ty of Vic ngt àwaorIa1.e4'COD U . sil. SIdiOFI&L ce. Thaé Subeorluore ha w% reeolvcil un eoeslug tu thaerr1U%0,teuadisers lu the CASH 1SY'STEMI, Wbieb wiil enei te l«el umeichiseaper, su gjite geisd&6erlaieoi. IL . l CionIEL CO. A LL tetisas.tim are u ethe lulb sit- J bars aier by Note orflBuok asor, twlli ai »Aet-he Viret dur et Jaaa"s l18W su'pay her rempoculva e sut. PorbHop. and Poterboro IÀLWAY. âUa atute tl .I a.9 00 eu~~a ,:)IL-PATTEBSONI 6irWa bie h"bas-beecu glqugaq ntod . asau 6 té 1W a s ki e sUia nd aoeoosalltit ttn- hbreamn ai l oa t*eo beutl>q lÇy o nnec .rtu nC I a pu f., il wllatnd tVieil l t licwl ft "Wce ire ui. Tbu followlos Yi.,aMdoW-. t we l »o , ue o r h roncsby. r- J.ms& opottosso tî W B iy. it B Roc. T , ie *1att, téderlcb. r li J.w or Cosses, and he, Wj ilcltby re turu'SàgV o T hel. li- 14,, e . IfeRv J. tur ÂlowSma tna rille. W Wly.t Onon 4 t he arqaus4l Po irty Wldltl.,y. 8 15 I, 1860, 55 Cobourg and PeWcbOW-' ,Éallway. Ned alterTuesd#Y,tieltsIyTa54 e Ilri s follows: Leste Chegt8 00à. c., arrive et Pter bb U 9 o~ t 03 0.-> Lete Cabhourg et 3800 p. s., arrivee et Poorbe- ro'etIà $0. G0111(8SOUTH. 1.çaco Pletertuo 8 00 a. ce.,archeve tCobourg' -1 et 10 $0. Leaca Peterboro' et 8 00 p. %e. arre et Cou bourg et 58*0. - M COVEET A OWBR pttbàiOiîMay, 1860.184 - tien. on~lîdg 70 are w lt 2 wellu a~~~ ~~~ spedi sbedou sver.faillafr Bsais lilîeoesefaoe. i.tlbuenti ùs lat uetel u i. 4gsu sdTor roslSZr. fuites tram Qesvaued siX fteuu Bowmenvstl Thila ian o0 i~aidoenoffore.., Tille par- fuel. lyatiderto. Terme oaay. For par- i , Trenton, C. Trnton ay 14, 1860. 0FOTOYORX ST., SECOND lkOUS£ I tfa periiay. Venl cts. 8 o0 Sab ar'Wi. ISORNTE- AfTrIM %hoYINSTAT RE BLIONCUIALCI " ". BAU STElia- . Y. Frire 81 pta-, ontausl FOR SALE AT u.a , WilIy, Marris 2i, 1t CBONICLE c;-tAleTE». cent* esli cl lb.pol aI theis unstor of tise 2109- 4 8, 78,16, 7%Is, 7, 01,ufvol. 1. SEEiDS!V SEEDS! FR 2511 IltPOItT£D<GARDEN A F1124> JeceWersîtd olugeutt .AFaIr. GEREXES Dr V2tmaoQ . Whirhy, Apnl. 1e, i1110.0-ti - IDR.. c1 Il"a recoer lto DUNI) Wbllby, Ma" .80 15 Arlst, 1860. .8c ias rolnoced bit ilk et iu 'in, ~tu No6.1 Coniflxcienj1dIngl. * BmockStreeJ. oppo" t he, newýrioek A. L. VIINfin TATIOFt Le ETI ONÂ,ldcu.wiU leve buases suabe. Buit- !Y ecupdlod b Walte Diu,& Celuiss aiito5 médET5' jla au i s t4 elia. ii a Bil el ibn, tls remRadisetmlàe0 oderk ; ibaecea eb au A" »UsMa 1t gi a% Wbaby dm reasabu ft n iSIL~.1 n uib ue hsW m at 8; -!-dIL Couuh oestUMeA-oftboasse sud OmeClayleanu ail teaiss NISON G. BEZYMOIIS. - lieriff, V. O. Par 0. ove Lhei 0 S8m, . T 0 Prday, he'2111 of Ap-il, 18640. a wiite Corehiis ilroc,, vilsa"Lueaoe en IAs oluir hmla& Ma. Lyulu.ature, usIh bu euiteh y rseirds. il TO THE DUILDINGk>PVIIIIL. .IL Oudom reeIvdelfer u qantity uf itooos, eor sudVenlle tiidinaI a -M it bc asiLiel.Mla .n t ul lt s, or8s..eah.,Jtassiv" bby OJrTaOas SYkb mte usahss ica im "hsfitryby OC-eg Cer,'. 'nasim. leou1byMei da by le e gtamilr oaaiY Lady,~s~j~ b»ga kfer 8lrm otekfy M ..OIof packN1S, 4*sie> Vuy seàsùu beelsgw s<la beieRE Cout 0f ievllonzor i toaiblu th c.ut.eoke. iiuIi a Ife '-I treferaSlote lot Pie ei.i gelant teT-i UOft aT llEUutefuevlim for tisaUstelTwu- ihi bNaaad 0isWHI b. bld et patek ýo"eim mmDu ou llay, tisa liâal luit- -r 0WOt enbua4 s $11oOIRIE, a.:. I Iblo k Jv~s7~vl TbienpCla ,May prahl e lm-uerbod.s ora Bars, Bey Ztii, 1810. 14 ata y lpre.. u a ÙMlcb»d, 4WliJt! Clo ,oroimfnateL~um s7790es - s.ait lllt - a orliman bb u.- ow v Watcbieoî,.cjoé]a, Joweilerye Wiby-'Racel3o SiE SlIIIRG e)IWIVIO 0F TII, ON- U! larhi, fPrf" çe la, tI oue off9 dmlb Tib1h7 C ourn-o ot rorOfT-t Thursday, Priday& Saturd".e. Te 27. SmudZ 24th, 251h, ad 26Bill a, 1880.- eOM, l, 1na y411u8It tioii, et 0100- lakeepers aailat lutid4-4 gcake of Çà mei, fusa- l*geovqaBe iseelieuh am, T. C .W. - $ii. -Ta-ttlugr Votas hs Ias Iee nis et 011 eSuitopen lteB I etog Iaevàea5MUS baes.eut.B tt SEC014D DÂY. Me, Club raime, viil 4»hl4e au11 t5~ tu5 air, f« -iau ga, l*dev %T W.- s».e Lall. purse% as balle ateaou oit 0»14 0 ow ay to bocge oved u et " artisi, sela th* basa bsof oC.iW. g10..Trotine«g Tesa, îi nh a rlle assa off 61 emaS,forr eIdais beeles thstu- TIB-D ýDAY. 4 qsW*bU laMaMIet der, and by vrtmeof certain Wrfa ttWÃŽa Foocl tue lî'ate& Vit*el1 in lise Court off Queen'a Besueis Thistlty Jiuk,PlalutifeCa. JohIsua c al Jameus (PoolDefoudauta. in the Ouniof ,iu-'a BLas Loi Jo, 9, lsthe5.4th casestioooff tise Tovsseblp olilatm, catiiagtisî emui surgeul $0 ces lu h utisaof C<O<M1AJ p>e88 £sàon Wo% u tï> Vlam sb$ lebudant. Acl l nusi ,1t'big-cra-i ok*0 trct e lsga" Md~?__ s -d id ai at ut rt v Qeehe- eon teise u9 to rehuuie iople sgs1 ig, Ce It in ce 5 Cisectis er tise chah Tie ps' rieus ; artitoîstut e opri6lf e the noue a eliiclegdl l roptoci ce. But f I lîsus 10 u exqoS0e lieith> Mensa of elh religitss Ma m 155 npa .ttly wele«Wt 'rlstit of ;j musliy lie ConcW o te pil5b ; eMenI Vii etald plel Ie QWs~ 1 : .- 1 - Ili '. t 1

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