Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1860, p. 3

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r FIRSTDAY. li May- 2-ltu 1860. e i _j..gEFtitS Pvst 0F $100 tli inside lîe à c» of$16. ecsfrail ages, rudlIteats, 0pAce', Bru"ta Di,*'2, 4,1, 2, 1, ,, ps.itiex0 Keaet Ray,.- . 4, 1, 3, le qE. ' Ma*cssa 2.. 3, 3, dist. - a-rc OeasiU.S, Molilda rTordon... [it 3, 3.4, 4,',4, 4, Ruled Oct. g o. HRta-cneaois, iFiId Itislrn ... ioa. t 5, 3, 6, ,Ssî. .. iJ r LaaXX"sssia, .'s-DL LWyitr .. 6 6, uiiis L Mîacs, Markham a9laidaitcA te 5, di1. cd The tIlird wue a denal heet - betacceea r owu Diài. sud Kennetis. l'aent>' Dohiar Silver csp>, opei. Iao ai 11011 ceses wathi neyer woen a roce. Deasluncie -X ec, catch aveigutîs. e t, e 5A's, JJ7cilby Lia, I. ile .UEy Lys-n Jrnny Lyide, 2,_ m~iii The long and isard cattest in flue Spictu. til - id race for Uie Iniihsarpcn pnrsc, eaecpy- c. gefl cth>'Ue entire day>' thea trottin- cemviii ce a paetpoced uîtîi die secondl dt>. avaL SECOND DAY. t- ii TnoTTiNO Ptiise $100, c-iîiî ail îltide rMvA pu te, cil harnais, itile beaua, 8 la 5. - . .B. MINx-sEa's, Sig. Lawcrence Morid. 2, 1 'î E. McasFranîk>eys 1, 2, 2diat a -tq .its-r's, Blaick 7b#,», 3, 3, dist. Lisla O As. scc Greyiherse 41, disf. l. Titre 2.4à; 2. .3 i 2.41 ; 2-4G. a4 ai Ci.î c'c PrunE or $200, cICI, an uatiale Sinisa-s aut a $25,eac-11 for nil agca,2 mile becats, 75> S. je.jc,s Bi-rwn DirA, 1, 1. sae REEDY Kennii'à, 4, 2. le ecictOai 'Maildi .Jerdsec,2, tuai. -re ca _ - LiL',.i Mo'rksnan, 1, diaC. chichi Tine 3.57; 3.50. . - Lxicite Pur-nE os- $6,acitî tan itsidai sinIse se ir , opent ouI>' te [torses aaa-îts, on the -- h day cf Apt-il, 1660, in te Caeuaîirs utin Onitario eîud Dunhiant, Mile lietras, lia-ti 'lanai iu5 T. C. W. cao-si -'Veon. e~epy Tip, 1, 1, 1. -ici 05 Rliss ffigand Midi, 2, 2, dls.it ainas>l - t. t-siatnSOaas Irishatre,, 1, diaf. pei Turne 1.5j 1.59; 2.0-i. TiTtG -sits t, or$10, aitia anilsida cha of $15 ecd, Ifnur CQ1d clasi ailts os, hirh iteen on a puse sraiag$0 fle hratd 3 it 5 itaruirss. te. Nta-,ia.a Fiera 7'riiip!e, 1, 1, i1. is. Ciotarettac Leady Elgin, 2, 2, 2.- i Ii.Aci'n, Croden, diuwi - - Tie 2.5à i2.54 ;2.56i f estc-d. - A saule Psrqee aas ru for et the scatu- in cf tiese econdl dsy'e ronniig, for ici six humac eitere4l0 Mv.CW It Ilii- F - Tutus 2minuuts. Sa-ut-i li.tcýS.-Oet faiial, M.Jaa euicr, lute 'T'wasnhipt of %Wltlia,it itutun ad Iiti oitl imp1ortaition ofi"r kSouthlal)acan. Tise>' are ofvary cola- tle to i or hreead, nad,'tîîirare n sii:a-litg race, oi liet a nui fnem the fit-at faris in, hietc -at ssi~ Hashlire. I-te lite alca rereicet theTh-a" usure lira-i Devonu rtoics, sietd fi-oui Stisulîm stck cf te Ifigli liua. Lord Partata. !riz n&2ýdIxxIlcin Y. r.t. Can iaus lies returnsd for lstt dia-es, Tse failcc-iîîg is thaelf stat of ti iii r . .... 409 ghcrsi hà C ...... 190 sa f ho-l o ...... 12a9 lemin wt acercilaild sar dateiudi scevnigft I sereiga f mraail raise d àl picaeai Il liut il tmg tair-- Ad lepel ai dher p* of ber $à due epp t aiLe-À yeur Poolu a mwcibe a Qaeeet btloe e04tIre' e kiato d saol d&W 5, its glaw siaib0 we preuei ka te or motl wa nad Ila tfid fcoud Behîcer (aratisia 3a3 162 213 52 1tl ai0 135 7.) Totals ...-.1025 8155 314 oriic for Crai1 over Ba-rhcr.. 170 serit>' fer Crcil, eeer ('orntsi.. 676 l îaaaiehr of vctes palrledfur mîsratvee candtidates .....1204 nll fur Cril- --........1025 ttiffrrence ............ 179 taLar cf rates poiled altogathair 2229 Ontario Road Company. il)Tl islaikretua gican, t5ltsta iaartitar ait Ille atiilnieril, ao ,liereite tsta rit- ititCia - ny wail i lke itiaca, ut Oit- c,î' iit , onbaratt tada-, tise th tic>'of Jituiei18609 lae Ctrasactionof impt1ant bauaiieaa- IIEEi-BY cii-u ci)lijemov'ee ea-iit pusur- hasithe liteIllcaeig înotes, cie z ntea of lient ditiet llthcfni' April, 157, lieien il 113 185 la'esmodc eat lau nfL - -Citarre, St &Co., cud puttht]a ucuia-t -it Aterdutmîe. taita sîade ha uselle i lver 0f1Citaemtmas par- cf tisa monte alitte, andlPaale àacseaateoat thi fer dat,,for te init £*,0a. urterflotea, iafe 1NI-l tlai in miaeaaofIllfuiaaîc lec far te ansi £6aieah, dcted A1riil ISI), "*hi sai e-be ic-tcituttietuisalter itat. lt cho s ze haviit ast> iiptid b>' reatra tas- va0 feur othcrnocateai ucul Ma>' ltis, lStT laiv le ifaarsof F Actrcava, itisuait chIICni Csiurt tnel;acfter siatt, dAMaS %TBOMPSN5 &WILLFOR SALE. ItE Flutvrrfeer offera fcr a idet a piiadia c1 aw MOI ted ten ivese ciLand, en-eu Aiieiusetf ,etl.,.t Nu.l1,littnre"cif luit a 2-s 0 fret lientes e lteir. Thilsiti 1*i1 le ai ntiing fniteitoseaifilettfper de'. e iitiiar infceasctien, (if h>' ettcr post 10 l te prnprttr. Ituaiu, '. O. hba-a p p uetel- tpry. Wbftbr Tewmsatls Ceuccli. Ilaozius, May' 21, 1860. riee Cou ni t perinnt fa adjeers. - uemieru paealet. Reave in t.e ttel;0f the lent meeting ceatndi -p- lIeut, pnmwtd tia acçtoticf I. Inim eiin ure then a ce aaithorwreîg neev"Co asaci an aider oncthia Ina- ce favra- jf Hiraa C&Malbil, $70, foir AOSF, ouane nfayor of PL. Sberuiti, fur f$.89, avii n a of hu. es fer,$18, fritlainlaavdeSi na -No, 31, in the 7trCm. ft- or Mfr. Nielajai *0 Beene icatueflqteoi e nivi J. Fo«, fer 4t Qit-Claln .ol, for' tise ioith s-at e>f6il leÎî, ifiit ieCouli>'of'(rtivllo. qatrle affis rod aicwtec btwcei l ~Au acta ta incorpocrte-tsta Ottawra Board 2.1 nnà 1 5 in tisa 6i.isC'or. or jiitiber Mcnîfacturerd. On niatisu ef Mr. White, the ccrk lv's >n'ict ta inc0rpoee i (etterai lnas. itatrcrfad Ce gia'e tise priaper legal notices ital of the District of Ritiselieu. fcr tho ýpasjhië dei a fl>elaw, ta cstabisl An nct fa ccneaidsté tbecfe forning the rond iraditg frnae Brtaalsiiptt Way'e thse Charter or tht Gare Bank.. Mili, ta the 'itisCou, cf tis e rovnnjp af ncnt te înctrporae tei Towne cf Sa. NWhithy. re Oiut motion cf M1r.RttiiT, Adefan A nn etfta itirorporafe flic Chcabi>' -9a. net$ S. MNcNutt, and R. Lambi, cere eap' Vigâlil adompati>. ptiîted caiiimiaioneerat ta expend $30, on An acf reeptpctiing fisc Liatof Division the aide linae brfaren lots 18 & 10 in ftl ebefeucitn Uppnr and Lawcr Cana-da 9tît Con., ad Wn. Mitcellh, atud George An cet ta entecda netct respecting tbc Oglaa'in commimsiaern Cc elpend $20 cen itaicipal Instifctians cf Upitar Canaa. flite aidt lice hetaccein lcfs 30, & 31, ilicte- ,At acf raiptting tht 1!etySirth Chap. 9fb Con. ter of tise Ceintlidted Ststul.ac of Ulupei on imotion cf 11fr. Almoua, iaheRaieve CcnadaOrcapccfieg the npproltcninof Fu ,%ras instruttel te ccnmcnieafai wiitîcthegitivc cifaitdere it Fareign Coutrico. Reeacof Ecet hitby, taacerteit isoav ,Acot fer incrpornCing end greuling the joiît icieresa tai.d hstavrcuîthet tavacertain powsaae fatise a.ricltsral Loaiv Towanships. aeacsiation of Canada. Tîta Ceancil tiscîn adjonurtuc a l nat An nef. ta nmend a cit e.intituleti he egnais the lana Ttaeaty in îJouececaf. ect forflue rconrtion cf Water Wcrkta ~ intîhec cty cf Hamilton." Lis o Iill p%ýd Jri, heSession. Acf. ta iuîrrpcre thai "5t Lawrenre Liedcf 1111ep'taed drmirtue Nsrf h Shora Company>., Ait Act la iliraipirttfsthea St cr ' An nt ta annax tisa Local Muniripalit>' SocietyofGcarge'c c. f Nore L'ainîe duo Portage ta f lic Muni. Aeiti>t cf moîte Act Pcipalit>' of tCitoutI'of Tetiecoustin. Attait Art aeu itAth e titicd t Anl Art t tareite and extaiîd tite Char. Art10 ttrrparce Ae Vlige cf Newa'ter cf tha Sf. Lawrenceia uiîd Marine As. flIUiaiitr, ia fluaoinuti>'of Waterloo." acueCcpe' AnAtf aaiah te Conceoa10tt An art a incerpoate certan p iersnsn bnetteiataveciaGai-e A scd.ha Bit111rata- cuer tise-rcamai cf t"The Terrehonate and rninAfcteatorth sa of the site LAssomptiont N aigaion Compsny. An Af C aclucris tha tais f Cat ite Ai arttfa lître-porats fte St. Brid '-Cs cf St. Gcare Clîurch, in the Townt cf CsltnnceniaaIQee. GceîalinutcCanal> cfWi,,cogin, tte a c- Au att ta repleiti te art init[led:a »Att qtuiitiaat cf attiîter ite iii lieuta hereaf; and att naprtitt iebak au t aiesiiîag uoîaa y is>nîtrtgne eau tise laC. fatta. iincroaiesthe,"SherbrCoktcepaMale ter, fer hae parîase aof aractiagag ew utc Ttor sirCopany,"aaita Mennfsprari Ciuurch ilaca-sn. _. TeSebok Cto auieuig An Acf te rcnolidate tliettaiD hoflaCm(ipany'. Tow ofBomalvilè.An art ta ernenul ltaearts relnqive ta tisa TAn AcftBwta a tdteAc frailoc)treel und Chaiepialît aiiroad Company' Ac At tasucatal ite rt ocrpora- An arttaCoamrend tîta net lîttitaulada-:'"en tien of fte Intiernational Bridge Comepany'. acclft ucraeeCs itn apn Ait ArC la incarr1aeLa Caiiamuua' A nft a c npoaiasctîe atcttd Compartyf tie des Filles de Ste. Anne, of the Psrieh Ai ctaaedadxenth.ett cf Si. Jacquecs lVAtigan, District of Joli- in ope the>'. -lad rýuil cfte, for theaa iiossaof Educciion. FiwyCmay Ait Art ta itcarpornfe te colieg-e cf A e spria ciit uit fC Titras livras. tolsa. An Art ta previde for te layma3nt, b>' An Actr spattng 'Irade-rnarkcs. Crtinat M aatiritiieo, inth ie Unied Court- 'iAtt ata itcarriate flahe aciationîci aio otubrlanan îdlDcrhtamn P'ea'itcial Land Sot1vÎyei-,aand Inctituteocf tis certngaeliod;'iauua Cvii Eng-inecra. ciaitclre-aiaertied mcto a d lne een Aitaart ta mallc fcralaer Prov'ision for af s fairar oasaacffor tai coinstructiota cf hSaeyoPwsnr bStmot. sucr anI, aaad ta craC he ronds icaMuid Ant set Ccaîccend chanp. 95, ci' tte Con- 1lUfaaiipatliIies. aa idaCad Staicien of (tanada, itald Cia At ledaicire lte isode it s-laiit et it ttperCiiog Lattaries." tesd iaa flactheFir-si Catcaioad Aiaetrelatitta atht Part llnrwa-li sorse>', cf tiae 'owashaip cf Cumbelncd, it se)otC îrrart luitleefraî uta t Coataty taf Russell, saltl iaai Ca. h-l a Ceias Llnrbc a cfhQncir. ora Cta rt ci titei-sî ctaFa-iu, An Acf tocnrîaithe inspection of Coalattiirs.oirsanad Mcci. Ait Act ta antind -'Ait Art reapeefisg AtActaicrsdaeîdhe c i- Ilarriaters at I-a.' i c aatrad nedteA n An As-t Ioa ntastaAu Act ra'peatiiîg th r"rparaticg ltse Machaitieal s' ttitte cf; 4e110 SaciciY e]' Uppt'r Cainada. Nl)lltroal. An ct a aendaitAc repccin. At ,AittArt Ceulîteorporafe tht Village cf An, A. ta- ît itAt aîacitgAC reboniisoiatas a Totwn.1 Ait Actlae ratste tareausi-al cferu. sa-s froc ntal>' tCourts. AAct tenaissind tlac iaariodal .iiet (iea Poitien a-laigrapit Company for.aix- tctadiag tir rliaetua tahlasAilaatia Cast, andî arrosa the AClantic. A ArteCaen th titentitos-sertion o f lte cittlusee-itaol ltae i fafi>ifth edmp- ter of te Caaasolidssted Siaisies fur tTpaar Cancada, arsperataias Aae Aseeaiit ofpi-op. erttri>'nauUpier Cataada.- ,Ait Art torepias-t i tain perovisionsoof atllacCaaînnatasuaLawaalrsaredere Arct? .Ait Act asta iierrc lte Aasasda-iyaf Risaa.i alasde 'atraittu AActteC a sunu tiahe heers' Iatdens.. tait> Clauosesoflte As-I fatamieg CitCer ilarca' ci te Ccitsliit-alSitatîco of Cnatda. Ait Arttio smead te Art inrrarng te Ladies aiftseîProteranttOrptaîti Aoy. flttas ol' t iretîl. Ait Arttlaoatietatthe taitîlapaater of thtc raîsoliditèd Sinfutes cf Cataa, lii-, tulsa:l "ittAcuAt ueojectitg Cleilitstisan r and Eatfraatciiteict cf rcoan idias.' Att Adca repealuhe Arts laarorpî-aliutg 1tite Taronto 1leeliaî,uî" utca, anal Ca permit tua sait ilasîituti teulasclîtrrpara. trd atitaer utue tiaerni Art Iacrporsting Measltairi'Istitutes. As Act Ca itucerpoaae "Thte Melbourne F' raai Seiniary."t AtArttea>ecaisie te Ne(Cit>' Gas Caompsany'of Motatrenil ta iserecsetheir Ceaititi Stock. AtArctta conafiraitrertain cite Rendasia the Towenshipt olVaagiati, anal te preaide for te defaiatg c f atîter- raulaliowtanen uian Unite r-aid Tyawship. An Art le ensila theae tr andtal(iarrh' avardeite of Che Chureh of Sainat Paul, ai Woaidsoak, tecallcertaun mladh eian.ing te ocit Chireli. Ait Art Ca incorporste theDrumusod tant Artlahaasa (Cultica Railes>' Ceniia. t>'. An Art fer inccrpsrsiîg anal gracCiaug crtnu taero tt tiseBeitish Amerirsan Ie. somet(Cmpany'. Att ArtteCaicarparaia Ctue Saitis-East. cui hlining Cuompany'cf (acula. Ain Acfta tectnitri intanmente in a rer- tain lînnial Grnd in te City cf Qaieber. An Acf teaemeutd (lspCer llfty'-ight af thea C'ainalidufcd Sintuten of Canada, as re- gardse aintiseqiat of îaeney by inser. nitre Campaiaies. AAtteCCa amnltise Art iecorpanatitîg atht St. Lawarencre Minitig Company. Ana Ar'tat inrarpnoe tht Annutty anal àGonranfea Fonds Societ>' cf the Banic aI llontreal. Ai, Acf re8ecuiiag Free Porta cf Ent->. An Art ta autisorizethîe Carporation cf thae City' cf 11onfreai Ce acqîire a site up- on chics fa erert a Terminust for tisa Grantd Tula Rala of Canadia. An Art la provide for Che eleetion cf Ollicres tandiDirecton cf tfisco(cnt>' cf >Mieaictjutai Agniculiurcl Society', for Ch. ycar ce thascasal righf hundreul and nia-t>. An Acf fa iuicorpoate the Preeideef anci Ti-uftees cf ftuc Commen tat Berthsier. An. AcCta inrorparate tise Bnis Amer' ires Maeui'aclsning Company'. An Art tae mnten an Act renperting the Repreaientatuan of tise Peopiele tht Logic. latice Assemb>, and thc Art repetriîag ft: Territrial Division cf ItTpper Canada. An Act fither tea amenci the Acf incer- pai'titag Uic Brockielle acd Ottawa ttaiiwsy Companiy- An Art te enable Alexanader Donald A(eas Macciecel ced othere, tusBellsaci rosse>' certain lands te Thsomasa (lIt, caf- aeithctading aiseir disahilÎf>'.-' An Art ta incarporafe thte SU Patrick'a Literar>' Assaciation cf hlontreci. AIR Acfta oconfeir certain poavees upon thse Local LnicipcICy of Grantbcnt, wee- dovar anci Simpsenlo ic heeeoty ofDrcea moccin lerect off the Bridge at Drues- »Oille over the River St Francib. Ant Acf te proiie for the consolidlation liqusidationl of certaiun debte of the Towancof Guelph net affectei hy fhe Act rcapesiu the C wlidated MuispaIl "n PaR4, A, Ac eccoc*ailiaa-d o-&-scertain ces ised for fie cale of Iutoricating Li- qinosby retal.- 1- .An Att reilaeciiing thc Indien Landsaile the Townshiip cf Dùrlisiein the Cont>' cf Drtammocd. 1-An Aet te amneîîd An'Act reapeçtieg Uic Territorial. Diviion cf Uppcr Canada. -Ait 'Att Ce astiscrize Josepha Ovide Rtoue. ceeu le. cocatreet a Taîl Brldee over thc RiWer Nitoief, appoaite ithe Church of 'thé1 Parish of Nicolci,int fis Coppt>' f Nito.t let. - r . I An Aca fer'granticg 9e -UIer Maiccty- certaincasortc f giueey. requireci for.dëfra>. log ceriain expenses of the* Civil Govera. ment for tht year 1860, and for certain o1hiner xpettes coccetteal weuh the peblisi servicc, and alie, for raising a Lae on Chii; crédit of Che Ccnstîtnted Revenue Fend. An Act Iona mecal lise Act 22itd Viet. cap* 90, ie referece Co the, Ni a.-arand Detroit Rivera Rail May, Compainy.'. An Act rssperîieg Cte final abolition of Feéoial rigiats iand deties. Ali Act ttafurltr protcf Timber ie the faretaf t oaver'-Canada. An Act 10ennîcnd fticAct proa'iiiegfor te ccparation of the Coucty of Peel fra the Cccity ' f YorL, andti e prot-ida for the caiection cf tbe Cani>'Toawn of tht Conti>'of Peel. Att Act te n terpcrafc fiasTownt cf SI. Thoas. An Acf. for the btter parotectiont of ganta lit Uîaper Cantada. Ait Art te aenccfthe Art resecting Joint Stock Casiepanisafer rnccfacrint Pitl cater purpooca. Att Art f0 exempt certintarticles Irais ctiznre in staifactionî of l)chs., Ai Act tua enend tise AcftfIt Vief. clip. 160, rctapcctinâ, tbe Qocises Turiîpika Rotsa. Ai Art fe renove ail doniss In talth validi>' af certain iiy-taa'o or Preces- Ver- bauv lasoed under the aetotîrify cf Ineper' fors of Fences andi Ditcte. An Acf reapecting Mtaaicipciitie aend Ronds it Lower Canada. Ait Art rsspecîing Regisfrv Oies, iad' Priviiegesanad 1Hyîaoaiecs ut Laaaer Cana- de. An Artte eantend nAcf pssed lentte presetSessioni, ittlid; An Acf fo re- ctrict iitternt nf.a acertaiît Iutrial Oront iin tLe Cil>' ni Qtsehe. An Aci-fe pravide fur Annuai Siatisaical Returtaof .icdicicf Matters. An Art te aentai-te U)par Canada Corallien Schoal Art Ait Art te -am tht ie provisions of te ceverai An> for ftLe Incopoaticn cf the Cifty cf Montresi. As Art la> pre ent tht e mra effectuai itrsventiee cf rorruptaensicea ttElectiona Sanctied 23rd 4pril, 1860. An Art fa graci nddiinel nid te fte Cascacicît Lite of Steamers, sud fer f itecx- tensionftaf he 10111 cf Tclagrapb an Belle' Ilie. A n Art reperiing the talenalndtariae. An Act raspeting cartaini Orduanica meut af tisa Publie Lantds. Lsad tiseervea ia Upper(andAit Art te rernece deshis ne te thie enli- AuAit rtetc 0 maitd thei Act Ini dit>' ef Marrioges salcoatizaul un Lacer (nn- errîsratiog thî> i fil> c Tîute-ia-ct. ada b>' tise Itigiane Society' cf Frienulo Aat Art ta, anne teta e Cia(outi>'of Le- commaîti> caled Qutakersandaa for otiser as, fer Registraias psrpoaec, that partf idporposats. tis l'anis af St. Joeaphu taila Pointe Ieia>' As Art Io dia-uetchficTownshiipef Wintd. i- rmen>' inctrdd for rÀlerCeornipaîrlaseno, iethuaîe Coutit'of Richauceal, itîto taco i: tite CcOcty of Beileehcas. distintlMuiiialiflcs. An Art Ce amendthCie Acf TenCiei An Art te a aiiiatn sdard Weight \'irin, ritapter one huadred andl Sf1>'- Ifer Bsuy andtSraw. suwr, ia tercrentethfuaiEastwood sad Ber- ,Ar t fteInrorpoate the Art Asocia 11 ai oiwtt> Caîmpan>'. - isc of Meittevai. Aaa Art Ia embre dou;ans e cte s'nii.1 As Art taelîtrarparate flue Comptes a- of B>"issv nsamhcr titreas huedredand vi-eluth Seltool. -th tiai(rpsu-alisufth iie (lit>' cf ToronCa,1 An Act fteîraaide for fhe elertien of the 'sad cf -'actat in eliaiuraàis iand hcre--Suenaier cf te Leguiaive (ouiril. aader. Ait Art le casoidatethCIe dsht cf tht An Art for Cisc pratection of tai Quaiser Cotati of Mliddlesex. luter CYrsk. Att Art C iniat tiste ehapfer 17, ai' the Att Art teamnd the Arts reîatiiag Cc Co sclitatet StostoCas for Upper Canada, ns us0 Uamiltontaeîd 'Port Dovr aitîla>'regeardsteafie p1airtment ai' Constahlee, tsaaapscny. 1 An'Atoe mnrnîs the Art reapecriig the AlitArt ta incarparate tus(Coegaifa- e1reienttCion ai tise people in ite Legin- ai1 Miniioers' Widoavs'antd O1 ht.'latice'Autacitahi>. 1. aad Society'. - AtaArt rcitaiit lte te Siauhusg Fond fer .1î-leb)i ll ite. C.oeraîtl earttaee Ata Aet ta amendthfusLace of Bepieviîî intipsr Caaa- AitActtla acendtChe Las erspcctiisg il. Foariati Pnofessionî. Au> Art ta cotion tIti prssent Side L~i. tesi ast Site Reade in tise Third, Fcsrtis ai Fifti Concessions ini Cie> Toaavseip cf lirveri>'. Ait Art to exent te Periola aîîd Toavn- 811) Municipîlities- the Arts aathoriaing i1s estabishmenf cf Joinat Stock is aned Maîtr Companien. An Ar .epeC tisa Ccnoliulated Sicut- vs fer Loavtr Canada. An Acftaereguatse tht Preaiden>'al ,Fuie ique Meetintgs in the Catholie Parinli- ct of Loavar Canada. Au Act for inccrparating the Village cf eoCriaville, in tise Ceutt ofniAnisais- Ai, Acfto teeet Ciscparochiîal stai-divi- st ai' St. Hunbert, in the paisu cof St. An- is- se dc Longueuil, in the relias>'of Chant la lutt a a eearate Mtiiipediiy. An Acf cauceanring the Administrationi isiJustice in Lswer Canada.- An Acf recpectisg tise Boardn cf Acta RIsI Manufaturen. Ait Acfta amenal the lLaaver Canada Clama Art.", An Acf rerpecting tije Application fe Ciras cf certaina pravieianss ai-tise Ataceaa- Ca-t art applicable cIao ta Cacaties. An acf to ificciporate the Tocwn of Inger- 8111, aid f0 divide tiesamncnt tataWrdta. AIn art ta ineorportate flic "Mount Hope Ilatitue* tS iLonden. As1 arato incisrporaae certain persons ca- dûta- Clname cf UthettUpper and lLoaver Castala Bridge Compasny." Wn art reepecting Foreign ua- dguuanta t>sDeerees. _ n cci ta divide tise Towansip of, Sanc- wIO, le tise CouaC>' of ntez, jeta tavo disa. tins Monicipaities. -sl aet reicting ta tise Nolisera Balaa cf 4ada. At 'et reiafiisg ta te tise Sale cf landea for Taxa, ina the Unitedl Coeaties cf Paterissi rangý anc Victeria. A acet feamenil Ciapter fortyninetai the <tnstsfcated Stattea for Upper Canada 'P'tng Joinf stock RoaciCompanies. A, act forthe e lrfher protecion of Grnssg Tlmhaq. -At-art tarýamendan cd extenci tic prom- ""'Il f th~ect Twcuty-secnd Victoria, cilaptiaseevecfy-fhacr, raateg ta the Towne o f DwI as. An Ast'respccting tics Judicid Incorpo- tie osi ltat Stock Cesaiee for certain t 'h-t ýtos en tiume fer a liietitme te aeezJActsancd, Ordinaumneeatcrein As Art to preceattise unulirenc a ai of ilttcatiug Liuorsfit lte Uutcrgatize' Trncts iii h&iPrcvintce. Coueting oa i thîrp licineas Star. Pubt s a nfcst man, Sharp mnt, a rae of buisiness tact, aed aviien Pitta gces ituto a stare tu trede fie aiavays boys et tlla bavent cash prirca- att lia s; »-Weli, l'Il lokshani, anal if iuloiat littu anyihiug that taulta me better, Ii eau es înkt thia.", Pitti, lite ail fanastaita, le partfltut wvarni, andl yosng cie> in parfirolar. Mate, cita laitel>',PIta oititaIn imsef. -larn gettung ratssa long ln e s, anti I goees la-il gît married." Hia busciness qîaiiic aould nat let him avait, go off hte tracels, andl caiiing upon n lady friecd, opaiettrlfhe conversatn b>' e>kicg chat aisoetisauglit tai hi> getiag marrird. i 'iOh, bMe. Pitts, titat len nîcir l inwich you knoe i cm coi cer>' greatl>' iitrtrnaed lsimd 1 prefer te eit luf0yctaseif.'- »ilct," gays Pitta, itycouare istereciet, k m' dear girl, avili yen marry me?" Tise yoesg girl isusied vrer>' red, beau- tateal, ccd inall, funaecisi>' au pcliIicallY cdi gadneding lau cacie', enle arcepbedl bur. Whsrerpau tise matter ai fart Pitts reapoideci. &'Wall, el, I-il look chcntend if 1 don't lied an>'iod>' Cu scii me heltar thau y700lIli cartLacIs 1", huIlTH. LINDSAY-At Wiify, on thealit -it the tisavfe cf Mr. Andree Lindea>, ofai SOUTHWLL.ÀfK Whitby. os the 22nd inat., Anne, daugistcr cf Mn. Tis, Soubaveil, ageci1 i ancd I menthe. Ba-porteci b>' B. K PîERr. EsQ. - Ctiat,ý.CLOreIsi. Tisera awus ot mtachsdoing ontc era- kati yceserday, oavieg te tise nfverabie atawfthe wis aeather. Ti auomring tila market epenad ver>' briakuitis clair amaunt of biaea-c prid6i,iid bigis tisiugliott tise day, càot- witliataedng M bdownwe.rd t000 OfIsleBEn- glisi manketa -b>' the lait arrivai, WIuit* Wbeu aolcte das, hiigieas $.46 w>Ch a dSvaq- f 64o beehela. The qactit! a Spanttgff.W lt. da1 feted tiP '05 beaiela rcging froua$1.10 t 1.1 Peau nominsiat Çcf.0k (lais pifint>' at SSC. Wbet-lal, ,i8.51. a $1.39. Ditfe-Spring, 8112e05 8 ?ma, soc.O0 adea>'50-- afile Eg,,o licts. 'f dncc l0owis 25r- Qo agie. p pni. Tur k"ve 50c. 0, 75c. catch. Apple$500 0 $1 00 'V îisîîicî, - Sait #$120 ~barrcl. (lord Wood $9 lia 0 t2 25 cord Cloa'cr do_ $6.00 Qwgo Plttsteï83e nt Warif.. < SD.PEnQ-tt&La-B NOix Cins Rr. A hssisnor tle ycar, nasviel a glit ail ceasons, itl alilDpolatïv f0 t>'bave ea grUgncdy furcobsi pi1' for ibe benefit of ourre'nders wben wc re- comtend to tisena tbe achove catned rcencdy' _Iyhiçh bas beco egdverais;ed ine eiur paper for Borne Cimne0 WC have bnc isasion ta cee it fiaour faril>' for oueglfs and other iiiy'at affesctions, and in Pai sncb if. bas çsceecthe cornplaiilt. We naw decer it an. indlispe. cible article, for ce always prefer ta have a reliable remedy> on band foi. tlieaé çoem- pisaits te, which ail iare libàlae.-Ceiii- unt Fremaîn ansiFanilyViiteor. IVe taIse pîcasore in ccdorsiuag the above. 18. Fer ,sail y Jtiine.IL fera-l T>c c t. Dandgt.c rarct', and 1,y %V. Il. ueli Jlrcck Si wViitlay Tr oCONSUMPTIVIES.-Tie edertLsar iL aaiîg heu sia rett tu hltth iaa iota caes, b>' a vera' iiiîplc raineda, ciler lutviitg eitfured evergtl yessct la see aLpiitj of.osg lion? anid îLot dreüd adiseuse L'ieaîîtoi acatoîoi. te ttoke knacit to iofs lcoîlrr tg mnaafs afeaire. 'resua viu e> tre it hawiil e.-ad là copt>' f te>iprescriptiion catad lj-e>of chisayo). avilt directions for oe1a riagiîd aclîlf tige "ca ielîkica h Cit>' il~al ,acreCura fer OeeitesAggMeeoa ýi ,ce7tdL, J. Thae o objectait ti.e ndvertîser in eaatdioî tigeprentip.i f lasîti tue uefitlaie tfihiictl,, e uleops crar>' nfirerrciii ai'>'bis r5tîtsdyag ccit ili Cca tttît notitg, tand incy prove *11 lc'eisg. Parti> Wieltg tCge jtrrscil iun wcilli toae ldreas BEy. EOWAlID A. WILSi)N, W5-i4r iis otrKinig Ce, N. Y. TIlE GRCEAT ENGLISH I1EMEDY Colobrated Female Pills, PIOTECTED LETTERS DYV ROYAL » 'P ArTEXT. PP qîecpriatiaeqI to Me de, .1 Tii tçlthcinedticitfsiiigii îe acu ftiii tito.se pcinitii and tfcgerostdieasss niç,ieateq cli tacata itnevr'eciabstriat- tiatta, andced a cture iicy Ise reilied oin.- 'fa Married Lcaiî-ies i eulacirly eiiited. Ih c-iii, ii ealshort iîie, laiittg att'tageitienthi>y Igurie1 aviltragtîicriiy. Eýci bule, lancetac Deltta, beurs te Gov- eratttieoait ttntip cf Uretitt Iritaitt, te provet s-ottatterfuitâ. lat ailteO.a cf Nervoute ciand t irtei etiaits, Pt.iin ige lissE otil iit attgue on maiitt Patlloilitation effilic ri, tly.tertce, c.,ti Iljitte, iltasal'aile c ii lleffet Ucaire citerý hl ltrittiaitvt, f-,iied, cîtd citotg ac pic rftt rtte.iy, a1i Ct sitatinii, ecaîi, ttnttiittv orlma iiiig Ituraici te the conotitu- Futlltir.eiaic coiopai,' cci package. Suie Agenît for ate Uîsit-ealStatiacnd Càida. 1JO&i. ItIsE$ (Lata 1. C. liatdacit .&Ca.) R.laitoer, N. V. Noariî& Maces, Ntecotlt, CWVti e-tle Agetta r Cctsdc W'et. N. ii.-i,oniid 6ai Itieeieaiiip, eicet te cte iagitarieed AgettaVl! aere a beatie of tite P'ille iaa retorlitîctîïl. For miaeby ucll For mdni llt Iithy t> f. A. liatîtiatur, Du 3u:5 etreat; W. IlB ua, Break zotreet. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. - NOTICE. - TOT1OE is sýeritta-ta a&it e, îtat aCithe ca Tota ilait, Iiraskiiit, stt Taesday Cite '2g3tIt of Jug licet, t -a bacii ' tlsls scai tuie eatod lecaliatr froîialitroakii, pttini eeiie'e tiii, tutcilte l %on. ai ttu 'fowtîsaaip ofi%«W ti B>' oraler ,or te Ccneii JEICIElil A i'lST, Doklinaa, e23ii, ' u . alkp ier.1 Co Lands Department, Qcciucc, laitisMaya- f860. Ia-tC.NT tl urrta peaelalaîîaa vftcime Si fills22Vie. Cp ,Ct o,'iliiiataid Sialauttej of Canadai, i-a assele tesOeaaeuîce Geaer- fimi îaCeîuail tlois t'eilPiaua iui ti i1at hic fol- laiitt-Fiterv e Iiiltiiiaa fotr Uppar f'sita. iiyý-Laac No. 1-Tiae Creasut utvanga faîr thc tatauace of f te Act O5imd iet. Ccp. ai2, Con- s.iitit iatac ai' Cui;a,petetle>iiy recuita- tilt Fialf'iitr SisCtinaeitiaiiuti ta Proctre nf Ccaada, il ca,Puirviat ta thte Stoitate-trter îraiellaltha .the fmloileaviumgltiiisalclait csl5 cntdsut>' persai>, or Permist, eoetillitiiagtai saeit ï>'or use direrala te ituliro-eîly ca>' mach hlesaîns halai,- te the touts cnt penaltifeeimpoi- cdli>' tt la'iiaa-riea e,---itlaneuve, cAli ether remuree iifi liho cdas pnatiiet la%- cc. By-Laa Nia. --.-Thse ccu cf îaaaîuud flotdle hareime prohihuted. Btytotav Na. .-lt ie liria-btii> CcOsi fer, emipture or kl i ' îectiaofcîalleu.,;excecpt oiy la>' ludione. hi, Lote No. 4.-Na net fier ollier des-use suiafitfucse paIteed Ita% eeinela-rtu nbcieratCiao iatsuI.'e aof iatteasaoniti t- cIr Lcatiitera- eeeis for the paanIqeo f oîc!p atd inîee> ii teir apteicli. tle-LavNia. 5.-Iallte ent'- itllet-% uraaiiaar Bita-lama ctain Ii, ay au l ttiia rdatitmîi fiath lavatetuta t> t, *for ttoetlpfioatiot c fehries Aet, %vaesfinisg platof celd ai l,'amut lIt-ait cenaiccarihetu iiisection P3 tai ltue atial Sttite. lOy iswrNo. S--No Illnuin slîîha lîssed iai cii>' ctenaa-iiisy lhsae imei. Icastai or set apcrt ha-thecCron îfinrcatuit r ai artilliud i-alr- 1i tèpigaîirciufsi eoet tb>' expreasse"fition of a Fioetsry uleer, er f lilcra. B> -Ltav Ne. 7.-Allpeesnata re fea-biddenutot tits fi-i>, far Pcur=nsof trtidi, euîblîttue Il- cit oearralha-Lauc front> the C atvi cade, on laaseewriac,:ni' ec>ieL oi of tu-tectm. lintr fates iiegqlaiILee clîtîf he peitLolmat te- acraiiét» taLawandausitisa anrtiauceliedcit cali ,iacisriias uîutil.uafuliy ocedt tîerefon, ca aliméi ee c .tiject te fsrfvititruatcal 6pnceal, Che icalaessa. lis-L 1w iN, . 9.-Itseaiter noe cîthi r etg- ingc, or otitar ill nuhfîiif, efimicsonteadriueft in ana- Iivur or Sireom viiiimît>' ihave lbeeu lecard or roee-, b>' theCtraixtfer prapag.t- cati or abara SAittya lucr e aurctifel. 1i1-I.cw Niao. IW-or an>' cuadt aen>a-breit otfr angeiîî g atfoith e ntt altysii' cielu- as' shaif ha m c lammi b>'tisa clones-dat Sinitite ceeisg iarovîr cil utisen reeeurac in l111e es3 - Ir.oi.ed b>' lcw. Tits firca peidicatien of Cie pr"teiit By-L*av- a i sîoEiinueid Fsetteh Lýoagagemtin Ccthte teaada, Gaztte, uthal habc ilsiontt eicetu gire legil eee ; aC catitii pitatSitiotaof ac eyýPas-r- portia-c tauaie pnuitadc b' th. 4scaaiInuiler, sUliaitWpnitffeid Iei teaotavarymîteoltpe gainan cd that it itail cas eeit. Amnid-alac s utr .vicitiof oran>' or the art- eit B>-lavc suc>' a iaulcem a, n ce .ga!, ieca tFieriam Aeta 17 M. P. VANIE(UGIINET, VLL acp8iieteee iforeatie ep ak lo cOnt- tario. Itrie,IPet reit Riseor aaa Lake fit. Clair oer tibicaeao4 ici dbe .eaîcreaeed ta JohneMtCamlgZo> aîcleeciienet of fichftr- les, ci hiuiluCcnet,fulLAssea in .Lobar SoparÎrla, anreSmeccd TriLîtrstcr, Dfiou 910illi. of Par.s. NOTIC Xin laeaby - gqmw.that il>ctu n ada uiaeemaumaW enterh THOAS MO.EWOJ , GREEINWOOD FAILlI, Th IlF ce-t regalstar Qrtha-]Fuir cf Orcen- WEDNESDA4Y, jpne 6, 1860i llelng -ii, fliist sWenteeAltv ineii it îl - e titaor, thin ssaiilaee ttoatlatàue of bueesu li expacacci, anîd Pannera are htciCng .ocer lr stoein eoriler tae otala alun beat'prieacet the Fair. Sontoel tha besC tria-Iliges4md hanreca aaop et Gre6nvesî, andul e4 -efcnîýulecfSte- liot'ae-ise VaéIrrdey, L.acdruîlTtin, aid Young .bâtui mi rc Irga ite le> li atteettanre on fa'etti ce ceienr tuiodisovs cf Siucsl, Ir pluttsd 8e ttiTeai Iorta- tuFir. J. C. STittlING. Oreenavd a ytlie>25, 1te0. 17 BB GNQYOIJRCAS! T"IlruCAS11 GBEOCERY TM ETORE £Nu IVOPFED IN lIrcL Street, avîtere van sali mnoefrieeCta 20 iceescoSn, Vungr, Seas, (ensiles, Doal'eius, Brecteaý, TohSlcar cPel*n, Pote- deY, snd ChoC, autcIndaa re i cfPiti dia jusla atalih aili hbcatit ffoiashi, as tue cinee - pe ecinlage, icacer aaen>' lincar-ili %hithy. CIli caltlno ris fr. ycarielces 1 -Prdee hotîsiandcit old. Errai> arriesilsaof Grccerlte weeal>. JOUX %t itl>TII5dlAITJ5. 1 Viitis>, Mia'21. l>roprteter. 1. 1860. - 17 MIreDaieid F.- Boa-la lîempomedoiim - eliao~eaîteclfrl!Fd9tâ du9etawa-ctd b>' tit - Tlltestt Osawsa,'llîia thîrd dâyefnitea- 15186. - - - D. F.'BUI , TS. bueGAW, l rrene tlieetistve, piel irh givettc cl praoielicrla ny-iitce te tu aite ftli, - teIi lulcàeearee lecnal tlciiaa~ fer."îttletiii,na, d tisa aIl ppgrttec iuîalee te' ttid letfnie, are roqilred te Snae îayient cf tise"mre fevhavitis- to the, tuiiiirclgpied wcite lsaelcile. cttorzed'le reci a-e flcleit arabe saine. - Anud thktet li daeticsu tîte lata finieniaetied eaitl lrst dey of.lîute stext,,%ciIl ba iaiseed Ire the licuida afo m Seaieltor for coluittai. - D. F. BURIR. - Oshaae, lia>' 3, lîlil. 15 W I G1 BB .8 &tC. Cerner otDreoltcand fieU Msîfe riea; %bd ac ,homminlathe aride Wesl Dry Godds, C - PRINTS, D MUclile Itoit@ri C Plein & OTacTD GieghauntiPlia U t Cottont-, Tickfaga0iM 130r' anidiiaooltdu ITtelal re.peeCfily llitîe nitenieunto t eir LB ih e NEW M~~~, EXI,IVE STOCK HBINON Tweceds, ChseckiVcd~trl 4N ~Linrenis,'MoekineSetinetta, LtcM Fânenek le.itîte ccd gry (littds,'Vetlngp. or Retady.tuude Clotitg--&ct S T.G&SIJMMER Miay 1i8i,1l6t. - Broad Olothoi MOÉT 0P TUE-rii- Doeskine, - IMPORTED DIRECT I lis o MAY>' Ic, 1810. AWta aine tae tate ihat tise>' lavc aflasi totiasir -pecbiasoy ote"isi% tdïre th pratîticen ictai>' eceupiýed b>' VANCAMP & MORGAN,- Ini wiihwili bc fisund, a firt-frata ascortu -mnent aif RATS, ThLir prisse -alilieo feaual c, cnd tise Assortnient Superior to any in the County. Tiser avtîll erelbre topa froun thlce, len ddl- CiOt "ttracu fttciifie fer daing Dnsa, tarecie8t gsond a8etiars "f pautlie patrenalga as Csc> hâvaeisîteru et1jayos, andl fer wltlsh tha>' tactltar Cortb tat ltaaîkc. Thoir New Stock off Iron "UNITEI1) - KINGIOU" Thse Bref chi tiS soasan Iretn O~G L A 8 G O W -ý rTho' are iileraioelit a potiit.lait Ceapl:,7laek- eîîuittte on te ver> butC tarie>. IVAGGON AND BUGGY MXES, BSOXES, SPR1NGS, Spokes and Hubbs! COMMERCIAL HoIEL, Bnoce STRlEET, aSnV lW-Oppoaltc Ilaciltoul& Robers...M JAMES CROOKER, P>reprictcr. C CIMNIUCIAI. TICAVELEluS WILL VINI> "IL t ecitvraaist racipilug cfCtla is ltai, Il'o iteYai lecrn roiafltc Reier hook haept nt t e br teroets taitnb>' their prcdeeceon. The îrairiaaer Cahea tUtis tacqasilntle titank bisi imnereile patron% ceilfriand>fofe t lilacrolpstronni .e e btoveti rîhM istefCite Goed iablfig, ad attentive Ostiers. -Whitiay, May 160. 16-tf 'WOOL CARDING. T HE cittaceiiher asle ire ael tea(Ieocl kinde cf IVl Coralit, Clotialî &ot, 8., ret hie emtabilitint, lot No. 1ii. rd Con. 1>iske- ilug, ceai scrdiu t3 et Idiseol ltiekltrug, Muty'17, 110. le -Si-w TORUiNTO' TUMRF ICLUB Wiii eamae off ai thte New Markot Ctitrse, uns W'edriesday, June 20, 21, &- 22,'1860, Fer faili pdiclcrc, cec ond filin. WVILLIAM LYONS, 8ecreCacay. Torotot, May >'1800.16Lai i STOLEN OR STRAYED. O N Sattnrday. the 1i lio i c'Ma', frtia ite pre- isuesor thlie scrier fa t 17, 25 ese One t>i lk rewti, viit a witeie 't onfora. laen. d eTitleliar wht e d sitI. Ana-pereati ris itît occit )frtaatt it i CrIniade1eItilc crtac elite snheerilier, ce ciii leadt cuaeraaevery cf t i ainem, 1ii bai eitchly rewarded. SAtMUEL LONSG. luisa 'tilthy, Mtty 17, 18. .17 T l î lEa,dvreiened haing misaeop flieinliau Ca, sainnie > i- place (if buiaie.dessaai teese iaiilele aliein ta ieI'iiiiaeine.ps aitent of ifuir ilobiiitiee. aitîot feriluer ilotitd. Ife ciil iblacco cf iaceva, S&o., eta slow Prise for Cuei. JOIhN ZI'ICKEY. WVliitb, 'Maty'21, isto. ie. Âdvertisament. '-IIE eanhîcelir repeetifely ceqaittîîta altc JL plta ila ittte lies on heetl c qucciity cf exetIet Huyla, t-iiai lac aili ccloli a doiraieà- ie fer $12 ceetanc cash, cedi. f deiiverc$13, withîn ah. Toavabeandar>'. BtteidWlftay s>'lai GORDONi. Iiiysde,%elity ay 18 61. 17-Sic. îaeî~î Fer toe NSNaTutifRE- SIIII. bIF ecui PiviCiANENT F ENDT'S IIRONCHIAL CIGARETTES, l.sade iy C. BliSEYMOL'iL&CO., 1le, N.C8 SAU STICEET N. Y. lane $1 ler'%o\; cent fresl'y preni. FOR SALE AT ALT. DIIUGGI-NTO. Vtilîty, Maesit4, 1860.- Whitby Vegotable Gardons. T IE Suhcerlae-r ini retcrî,log ihaiel a tet T iiiiatbfttîtocf MtC for faite riappocrtkta lace retielvedit Ctiteir fîcttvl-itaw leertacthant, Oint ho lia-c recnd) fer sale, caichlriar caert- nient oi Plaut narl ork sudE ctdcher Caàb' icigo, üatiiilowe.îter. Tcintttt, Msl8c aal JOUX NWHiITE.. Wluiahv, MayV% 1-5. 1.1.5-Den PASTURE* ilORSK<I AND ATTLC TAI<I N'Tif l"ctiiee. Aimes£,and Stone fur tcale, Aruei at 15-hin Cobourg anid Peterboro' Iltlway. 0 NadatrTtieeliiv, thue iStu Moay, Trinst O ik cit ai taiowa t (lOîNti NO'ITL. Lacis Ceahaa-nai-aiet a9ii.0 at-reat Pter humetea-calf. - Laucralottrg tcal00 I. ce., arriveet Petarie- GOINO SOUTE. Leaive Pcterlxiro' 8110 a. me.anrrfice ct Cobgae et iii 30. Leara t'etea-isrt' ,et S 00 p. am., arive et Co- boursg asta-t0. C<>VEET 8FOWLKII- Pnieris, l>, M AY, 86. 1-t ]Port Hope and ]Peterboro I fREI>C. SCIIRFIBFR,-___ 011 tès Firqecreen Pepr;'. i Vlitl>, St-a>' là, 1860.laiit RA 1LW AY. Dtics X ) Trîîia fttr tisa Ual> of lia>',-' inst, licra iu avilr: if ria faoiet.hedifeecmict nt tiiniasud e-n - LccvaPart Ilope at So A. M. i'hs 11 Court fRuvlilttafeorldis>'eltdTewua n Mlbee]DI ut halpni itaracie IandRms.,vii ho hId t 9 v rcc-oictfi40 - avtît vh Pteiokt t'ndaise Taversa, Mara,ù.n iti&y>, Arv tPlfrt1'9tIIcS e-a Cisc hct inca- BU" k(»t DENNIS OVBIIE'i - 0Cs(I' OUTl.or. >~ IL>' lais, Teavauhif> Cili cirk. e Nser5'et 2 &J. . 1560. 1,jitevlhrastrieaset à t »16ep PARK FOR U6ALE. -Tis aimg,' arrienntTribu in llli nci la mew Pi atMlbrocgan t ad Oioitt ahe me Ntisa Towa.nei l Dcnrttn brltie i, tbO psYýtcrboo, asd rètiedig cati,.dey. 5-e e fieon, aniuaf7a1certe. witfî a dcaelitmg jMa>vemmes iaem.,bsantccanod e.%lrvfing cstai, wesel- à ttisai ctlhs-v>,tise~e. Tieia-clirc- Ise tavelle W. MOI a c pleediel emrea. sti a cover-&iilinse rffm nt w avsaie eose elefam. It l e&*eatl iauî'at J. B 1A ý cat.a onsethaxiuiageosudnetTectro a-dthc3411.e mile.Foi Osais<îheta, ana - is f&001 t Uweavala. rrWmçwbly meil ebenav,&on the s..i à font Pte ilzm teca 'rem>.F«par- à.a m a tw-h &- p0ýt .MINK VICTOIlÇR n Tres.ae, May f4, 1lite. l A ero nla m.an ee. tbit NWOWCIE.TO CEDMTO S Geuaenas NaFait. 14,ila« y viptue efa slaed of e? aanisietbhariiig 5mliubi- ..a..at , '.eJthaaI foe te ON A I B N , L ADayjE Ciildrent HaI. ACHOFIELD & c0à SPRING IMPORTATION a BolaCtatdie@, Patra Caorde. flnm, Olil whtsiey, -s-'om. mAe, Porter, 3,000 ROULS MONK PAPE ALi0 SuAVES AND> PRICESa L. I.SIOIL. e MayC8'e, 18611. 4 Ces, Iprine eaylose Clip, Leehors, Peaa mia, plA ietdesdia Sa, Bieek, Stre tntUdlrtab Capei, liliaeh, Biet ce d Vrau F*i'19 lita, CChlta ant i tcki-Lk flatte. àla tla, 1800. 30 koesCnt Nailh. 200 barrels Plitstc-r. L. L. Idait)LOPIELD .8Ce. ofV t;trrci -vî>tsialts giv' The: Subaeriec in t es old it elorg t tht er j8,tta.t càullateute a CASII SYSTELNf1, Wiub aili enisle iuem fae ellipnlecelieispor, ' L i C.POIILD .(. ALT- Chotaht a-neuîutehtsatd ta thiiPh4i>iI Abers oefafer. y t>'u «t r Bookune- nrulUl edialater the Firat dar et Jaumlo 1800,* cuit pa>' ilarrepaueecti, ,L. H oo.d&C, whîtiav.lice lot, 'ta1 91el 2 r6 eesOàdIr, 5ng ,rtlri fr t iei t' Md> viciniv, cilles1 bot na-foe Otite cary biera! idétnius lie him Issue tisai, amc ice t jet ipieer y a-ea-asameatdutg te Uiel ifidcaçc sas ha hap tieix lôîaacqmr bL, D.,lti litt cpuai atirsiasa r rit i Lt> a i-a-seaU ayci lia-f r ceusa, i Oshtawa, Mlta . aO 1

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