Whitby Chronicle, 26 May 1860, p. 4

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HEAD 0'IE.?duboh floteel-OlIcaaColonifal Cempaufy'a BOARD O0F DIIIE=SOR-Tb.lIon. Pter MeQIII, Preeîdeu t ofthe BIank ofEotreai- The R on. Justice MeCord. Iloujmis H-1L- *Mae, bsq., Cealiter Banuetio duo'Peuple.- Hnury 8tA..IIq,2. .P es. Situjuu 'Eet.tR. Tyer ESaq.,Mrbot.1. IB. lIqSPnECTOIf 01 AI1ENCI-W.M. Eamiay TIhe ColonIal W" eatlAa in edlu1846 sud. ils pesnuclmne le 2l'ayjG.o "Îw iL11Z oaPm" iuocl 5Ca1p tai-Uns SMilionusterling. Consttutrd ly Ac cf Pnrlloucet. Agea*ieo n ail tlie Clouioia. whoe r ombama are rereverd asti Clouia msetle. Aient e ltwiily-l. It. Datuil. Ageorlea lun ec> yprt Of abhe O. 19 l3ritîah Anierica Asaurace VoapiaY, TCORPORATED uter au At outheb Third J. eseon of tlhu Eioveth Prvincial Portii CAPITAL £100,000. Irguraoce entuet on Builibsgaand Iheir contente. Esery îinur,,îaioo sopplieot ceap ploticu to CIe oderslgoed. M %risie Riekt. foraise Season or forPata. -JOHN AGNEW, * Tras'oIhing Agent, 1tyrou Street, Wlitlsy Phoenix - Pie Asaurance Co. oseÂs BuralAND casaIs. caom, LaNDOs GILLESPIEMOFFÂT C O., Agouts for Cnada.. TNSUUANCES asaloat LOSSES ly FlEEand seffeeîed ta tic moafiora'le tenue, andi LtfSSES peid ,itlîout refemce to the B'"incadl Loodon- 1 . W. WOODWARD, Ceeeeiid<er Mràan4 Witby, Ateut, Cointy qj Ontario. Wlitbv, Aur 10, 1859 Home Insurance Company 0F Nw YORK. C'asho Ca*tal, allpaid in, $1,000,000 iSuln7 tlîe over ............. 400,000. FIEE AND MARINE.- T tIF snderlge4d, egeut of îb. abovo first TrIau Ciipauy, iii prepared lu mono Poli- gera of Iî.and Negotation and Trneportalcues. 6TEPtlÉN SEARLE, Dudon St. Whithy, Nov. 9, 1959. 12aw.48w-Iy 3,1ItPROVED FARÈhS Iat.-100 acres soeufl ilf of Lt No. 19, erd concession of ltby, leeown as. part of the AIRMSTRUNG -ESTA TEP L'ay two milea from tbs Taown of whitby. 2nd.-ý 50 acresSoutha-West cquarter of Lot No. 28, tha'concession oe Dirlington,q about eigbt miles froua Bowmanville. 4 8rd-5i0 acres South Ea-st quarter ai Lot No. 18, 11 th concession of Mfripoaa, Abot . 9 miles froua Lindsay.1 Tiie above metioned Lots re frat-elisa Farms, iin a high tate of cultivation, good Buildinns and ne ar important Towns, 1 Will ho sold reasonable, and on favork- ble tenus. Apply fa H. .J.à M . Agent for t. hene Whitby, Oct. 6, 1859. 5 T Soeeideligby James I'ringlo, au1d knot STONE STOP.Ete" lu th, Tiasn 0f Wliýjy. Possessionî gisk lo9 finit 0ffleptemnîlotat. Apply tc JAMES Rt)WE. Wlitsy, JuI%5s, 1858. lirat Mmes Farm for Sale, 100 ACRES. Il'HB West bal! bat No. 20, 2ud Cones.l JLsoon,cf the. Townsailtof WVbbtby. Thae wbole clearet and under culfivation. Vell feuced aud subsantial barn, sheds, oua- building@, sud root cellar ncwly eroctcd. For ter-a&cappl>' ta Z BURNHII, 1 Whitby. - W'lsîtby, Feb.18, 1860.( 1FOR . AN excellent new, Frume Cotage, nearîy lit A hearl cf taS olnuof Wlolth', sud within a lIfew ays oflte Main Street-Dundma Stree-ol-etoer witb taco-fltbaofui tiesof land attachet. The bouse mcootsi spart- muets, lies au excelleut ,ceIIar, and tiers li good ataitîing audail une"cayoaî--loildiogp, aud aaupertor painp fods e tt pul. For Teon, &c., Pwdoles sdilI hob'etoutnd sot>' lbrl pltaJ. A. MAYERIIt>FFER, la. Clorotilî Office, WhiItly. XVED ]FARMS, NXL SITE, TOVWLOT, &c. FOR SALE, ONE Improved Faim in Whitby, 100 Acresq. one Improed Fanm lu Darlington 50 acres. One tI Mariposa 50 Wbid Lands lu Mais, Somerville, Eu- p buais, rtemmsa, Luther, Chatbam, Mlver, Ilungerford. Mili Priviiege in hlampton, Township of Darlington, one cf the vcry hest, in the Township cf Dar- lington. Town Lots lu Bowmanvbllo, Broolin, Hlampton, Port Pmrry, atad Sarnila. Aise a few Town Lots am the Towna of WHITBY FIRE . ND LIFE Fr sole L«amenid on Long L)ei. 11iLyi~f5MTdd~ iechanicsandst ther. desirous o! mutad INSIU1RAUNE C OMPA&NY iug casahavit <om i 2 ta 18 montha f0 1maItethe.fiet paymsnt. OF E MGtAIq. Sent for a Circilar. Attresa, pust-paad, J. B. PERRE, Roiafl auurvnoeBuîiigarLiceqo l BWhfbie. -»e Octaber 17, 1859. 59 I~>os'~ ew6,Londsi. arm lfor Sale. 03 APII T A L : ACRES 0F SPLENDID LAND. LOT O ~SJ20010, inlotlo Conceteeion of Tîtorsi; 15 T'W' BILLIONS STERIMG, Acesnlesaret. This Farmil% is itald ithia À141) LARGE RtESERVE ysjTinj&. fou anntles of Braverton, on te Iras-el rondtule - 55.-c; a nd h i ftfh, lot quit>, asdOl§in l toe aste. ua gouot ettîciasot, sii a Scheuel, F IRE DE PA RTME NT, Alifo NotillfLt nte1tCoces Tlitis C ilpnu Ius re. Itaiîtîngèb and oil other s iaiTliombelouuisîohigtf 0S acree l12ai tnicption utfrporl ecaluot Lin or esge ilel areelearsd, and ftes/ing ou Ihe lurlig 4 >éir«4 ou the itist zieeai lin». , Rond, rieur Camero'a MiI. A1js 6 eqpomtyPtledloatde- g0" FUSL1551AL.A3 Englacd. B VAMERON. The large Capital sut Jusiciosss oaigsasnt Boaverton, luth ,iuuy, 1857 26 0f haieCimpon>BE AV ERTO N. LIFE DEPARTMENT, FORUAÀL7]îCREAP. Longsolhs:u Iicpa euny ndcf Petsuffitsoui-t RMILL PRIVILEGZ AND TOWN LOT ~~~it't~~~~~~ nuchc runtî u ,rhoslsn nuigioslui tl te Feaveelos Wart. A liraterd n i e sciences uf Life Alleeait tr lre s=d profitaleîsMiIig buloi.'ruiuoue 8> lmie frNeai. bers. » h Favoraleloterses am ado0sii ltoe Eteipl fo Ns Plinosalaelsixmonli Propriotor by a Pranlical ' 1r. ofthepotct 3ar. AppI>' ta £2001000 STEEnLIG! Y& .JAMSARMSTRONG, -ieconite rom it ilsourca eîss8 N. B.-Thers usana t-rte p0 isaSSs aSerteie teblialuseuf of a Foundra,>'. Exhlllîtîug ani itrerai.nsneyer&n'eu.o semo, J.195, 1887. £25,3«, AWYERS AN!>D DMSION CO1URT Titifumla n bnd teosd L 'Blauka cao beh atlCheaper aban At £700,000, iToronte, setdvii houtao f0 hopriof et Ex' ftatinr fnil îecmt.ni rone year abus etfaunbtter paper. Boy at the Chrauicle £2801000 !Ofie W. Il. HIGtJINS - îisOOt iuellitg Ilouise Caodar, suIt__________________ 8a44ehc t ai t i C in otipai'nes tiossand of atam nomlii asao ~as COM PET 1111N. JO" NAGNEW a 1-.. a iAfru feTown tf laai>. rIlE 5t55t'SIBEaR 18 PREPAREDI)TO goutly,'T'. m.isa ail ukhile Mof a ork insIebits fbis luel- Wbithy FOI) 23>. 860.iCauipr tCiii asy ther establishmnt et thes luinunBroliiî, sand asehiti wrk in mud pFimaelon agaiat iLem. mai Dame"5 p uder it osa intrton, it ceau hoesar iaonti taomIro scticfaaetitu. For cluospOsSS istic by Fire. folawipg prices silI apea. a ,WEsTEP.N uî-z - MPATMens' Ware. ASUAN*COMAT Bot Fîrelo Caf Boo...... .. 450 CAPITAL £lOO,00flbu Ripa- - - --........... 55 Cos Iflie..-........ i... 50 TNrtM NC efett sBaStdings ier ' ut Lae SBoots ................. I 5 J.ciîit.Ecersa infeatflse»aP>,on itBrgumna-----........... o SPPtlU e io at oemag.t 1 ies' Waxct JOHN AGNEW, BoatLaaeBaste----........800 TraselleF genmt, Byron SIroal, Wlitabv emnBua - 1 50 Bosek telna ""*ji * ***.1115 a.' ~ --- -aund ait clier art Zein uthe above lils, tecor- F'OR 9sxz OR TqZlm.LT rpoid slsb prieWILLIAM bitcSth1N' ___________________________ BsouluMaurcis1Iisco. 'OaS t FOR 'SALe.- t L T ~2V ND A RALS ICM <Or LAXD, £'XFri<ay, th,27 ai o! Apl, laie, a vile J.' stANtilbftbaheTo4Ms a!W hly, sifis a 'Coruela iBroash, sitis« i<ns, atones tvsliufa 1"Oc tiios-OS seliuigapUt>iNapa" te a>' one solisg l li t Mr. 4t541aStta "t i<Onsi et il~Iyta' trsa ahi ieboantaht>'ruaie. 11 elsu l , t e) aoeteut iter apa-- de 'arusUe. iesasea slsiw viii ha -AS EXCELENT CLEURED FAIML« Se -I..tilier p&nraaesle4appi>' (f b>' lIs~e , aMaise F e l a t u l o iiSi own ..of e ibyta CCa, ar faltio.Tm alatcWsb nS sslhn cf us peaoaias ff"b, Vil.8, 96&"d l» onsisaare 0brs.Mdveya gosn CreaVý 1<9m"rOTTAMdE, B.n theKAY l - d, «t ha4u- ia 5 tfput.ofis il utTh u"àoWit ~ kt3~oé and â iw m rmpete.wihutm Li 50 re M, L A Gl . EL flAniuL 'W Y qja» 'Vif %P #s>. Ifighiest Cash price paid for any quauàtity at thie Storýes-of a coaiX f ntri1B Y Vrtueof twO Facias bassued out of lier Majesty's Cou of Queen'&Bencb, lit Toronto, and tu me directed againaàt thee lands aud fenemeota of James Uodgison asd James R. Armaà stroing, defendants, lat the suit of tlie Bank' of Toironto, plaintiffs. 1 bave neized sud takeus info execution ail the estaf e or inter- est of thé Baia James Hodgson sud James I. Arýnstrongin ei. -underoentiýned lsnds as follaws: Teni acres of land being compoSed of the, South West cerner of Lot No.- 24, lu tse 2nd Con. of the Towuebip cof 'VWtby, do. scribesl as follosa: That ta ta esy,. com- mmncioge at s post plauted lit the South 'West corner of ueid lot, thence Northbacv- euty f«urde0ee,,ý ast six obains, andsix. ty s ali nksa adt o thuilmin ka_, tene Norths sixteen dEgréra,'Westflfteen cbaina, thenco South s eveuty four degrees, Itl'est esix chasins andt sixty >81i and twa thit links to the aide hune letween lots twenty four asdt f'enty ffiee, thenco South sixteen degrees sîong the Bide lice fifleen clsains the place ofhbeglouiig. lAlsu-Commteucitig on Use North aide of Mary Street att s distance cf five cbaius ou a course South 740I West from tiecin- tersection with Mary-Street ssith tie line betweeu ftle East and West balves cf raid lot No. 25, then North 160D, West 39 chains 82 links more or Iras to tho North ent of the Souths haîf cf sait lot No. 25 Then Southo 740ý, WVest along theo North- cmn bountary of the South balf cf said lot No. 25, 2 chaina more or basa s post it ftle distance cf 8 chains frontflou lin bi- ttveen the raid lot 25 and lot No. 26, and on the East aide of sala line, then South 160 ',East 89 chains,32 linkIs morear Iras tu the North aite of Mary St. aforosait, (locing 10 cîtains sud 68 links froua the frout of the second concession,) thon Northa 740I, East aîong the-North aide of Mary 'Street 2 chains more or bs fo tie place of bie- ginning, aud eontiingii by admeasuro- ment elgit acres, bu fhe, samne more or less. àAlso--AIi and singular that eertain par- cml or tract of land and piremises loeing part of Lot 25 ini the 2nd Con, cf the Towen- slîip cf Whitiy, commenciog on the fine lobemen theatst dWest balves o!sasit lot 25 on fle ouNrth aide of Mary Stroet and ait the distance of 10 ciains 68 links trom the Southeen limit cfaid lot 25, thet, Naofth 16c>, West 89 chlibs, 32 links to, te Nort h end of ale South a baf cfsit lot 25, then South 74=, 'West 5 chains, thon Soth 160, Etat ta Mary Sf., then North 740, East along the North aide of N!ary Street, ô citaina ta Usa place of lho ginning. Also-Village Lots Nas. 49, 50, 51, sud 100 Est of Brook Street, ini the Town of lVhitby, according fa Pmrry'a plan uf lot No. 26, in the 2nd Con. of the Township of Wbitby. Also-South Est quarter cf the Saufth liait cf lot 25, in t ho 2nd Con. of the Town- > bip of Whitby, 25 acres more or leaa- AIl wich lantaand tencumufts theroon, or fte sait defentents' estate or intereat flaerein, I siailller forosale at Publie Aur- tion, ait my office, lu the Court blouse, bn the Towen cf Wh itby, in fle ou uty cf Ontario, on Saturday the Twenty third day of Julie omit, litf seelve o'clock, Noon. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherif, C. 0. lor C. Ir. W'hithy, Tuaralo 0, 1h50 1-if. 5JIEEIFF'S SALE 0F LAND~S. Cocsrr o OF 'eÂuo, O(N Safurta>', tbm To Wt: 1S Second day of June, A. 1). 1860, ut Tselve o'clonk, noon, silI be aodO by Public Aucticu, ut my Office, in the Court Ilatior, in the Towen of Whbtby, the right, tle, sud intereat waiin toeundermetionet tefendants 0ev- eraly possesslin the undermenîbosird lands and tenaments thereon, seittd b>' me un- der, aud by virtue cf certain Wrils oi Ficri Facias ta me tireetet, vit: InuthetsCourt cf Queen'a Bcnch The CVity' Bank,Plaintiffsv s. John IlImIt and James (lotd, Defentante. In tie Court of Quee'a Bencb. The Vity' Bankt, Plaintifis vs.e'ohu Ilicks ant James Gond, Defeudauts. Lot NIo. 9, bu lis 4th conession o! the Towshaip of ltesrb, onutaining by admes- surement 200 acres. In the Court ot Common Pleas. Eassc Watson, plaluf if'vs. William Shaw tefondant. AIl and elugular, tione certain parcers or tracfts o! land sut premisca situste, 1lyiug ant bebng In fie Township ni «%'I'ithy, in the Caunt>' cf Ontario, hiug ompoacet of tbat patt of Lot nuinhor tweny'six, in the second concession cf Ciee sit Towanship of -,Wbitb>', knoosn ant describet on a plan liereof, -euat loy John Shier, Provincial Lent Stirveoar, as village ltts numsacr ""', six and forty-one. East et Brachi street on sait 0l1.* lso, aIl rîgbt, titIs and in- terest ofthle pait William Shaws, in aud te Lots uumlaers twenty-nÎbooand tirty. (29 ant 80)>i0theseacondt Ciebin lhe fIhh toto- bIe range cf village Lots West of Srock street, hiug part cf Lot nuinhor twenty- seen, bu the firat concession o! the Towen- ship cf Whitby afrosait. .NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sherigr, C. ., 1t' B11E 8S BUDIS,ýBONNETS9 IUBRUNS, PARASOLS, Gloyes and Hosiery. Carpets, Damuask,, Window Ngts and Ijuslijs, Domcestic Cottans, &c. A large stock of Broad Cloths, tiassimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Gamberson, Farmer'a Drl, &o. in MenWandam Boys Coa, Vests and Pauf.s made top ou the PromiseS. The la considerably elargeol, and parties favorng himn wth thir ordres. may rely upon haviog their garments made tup in a workmanliko runuer, and in the lstest style of Fasîston . Alarge stock of JUST RECEIVED. Perry's Brick Buildings. Wloitloy, 27 April, 180 THIOMAS I-l. MoMILLAN lIAS F01R SALE lover Seed, Hungarian Grass Seed. Turnip-'White Globe. Turnip-Swede. Mangel Wurtzel. Orange and White Carrot. White Boans. Onions. As d al kindR of Garden Stede fruc the bisa Asenricauo Mrkcte, oliilluis1i o, ml tliat preli- demotI> low priveM. Alse a ogaerttnteft of FreghTe l r@ o f esFruis,&e. L îoruorrns, ioctery and ëIelewrn etfron Newre kan orelMkts AI] tiudo of Lq orad i l tMauatue rs.Parties dc tàg to purehao an> tlîngîuiln tdo I og uthl acal LHIIAS H. McMIJ LAN. No 2 erry'o Block, Brock st.,WiVîtlo AEecie t hiruep &7s %YlrokStotWIVthy,Dan sau> ag LAStock a! SPRING & SURLMER ]DRY GOODS, GROCERIS, BOOTS AMNDSHO0ES, &C. As I, & P. are dtpotedtotade a icudiog trade, tic>' psrticuiarly requrat that isîeuting' purchasee bl l avemir thesa viti alral hetore purchusimug ehoeseicro, as the>' have souie a me. nvtin u tockç, suitarc dt-trmiuod tao el hir Goota ah tie lusest poui'bîc p LOWES & POWELL - - j s'eraef,?niWn c TfS5ptCqvD'Ity wbitby, Feb. 25,18601 PRINTIG OPFCE F' - --a TISE luATER-IAL 0F TItE DENTISTRY. Britizh Agricultural Seeds Warranted. audermsnlîlttiet oeda bin u-b quntieles as tes>'b iereojsIlesd saieaatdpore and f0mb. aI Sknrng'e puupla toSwemOs l37% rens. doLc greeln tp do 3711 p,»,-.eraui.a white glose Fauitefos hylit yelov 4ù CARBOT. lMW white 50 mos. Largeaisa 50 cenIe. Imqsai utAltriltgltm 60ieconte. Ripa 90 rense Tolas, Glebe, 40 estas. ScOteic of flue -7 a- iesqelitir. Ey-r" .neeevecgs iee nt te S0eot Md attb ta- = large tswat8ies. OMMtoe cKta- Bougia,ýPskoisg C . D~ e TU TUE UIJUN#D VJ-C .a.a015T WtooG» ifllBtiT L OSHTAWA JOURNAL, (LATE ONTARIO TIMES) Priutiug Offcr, compriiug pintiuig presse, urss, ased job type, antdom>'r- tbing complu-Ir for a gent country news- paper, and job nlSir. IV. IL. Iiggiua, Chrouuicle Office, 05 Whitby. Shedli'aSale o.t ods. Cotl'c ual >Y vituof u aaie t Ta-ws, tI Fi Feri ear !»eu osu ft ht cost>Court cf te Ceeni> of On tat, at Wbltisv L«audIo saleai et e i sts tme Iadi.es, a oiî f Joho Jardeuew , finbatheIbi, tsoLiOa &dtesn, plan- tlif. I aveS aedtslakea in oxemation ahi the. stitIe er.intersegt cf th, e âdJoh .Jardîne, 'in that *or" U raceor pareel of landelein enipost cftha eat«4haIt f o 4N. 23tlaIhe »hi OSiet Rcus.of thvoeplf e>'le 1lae M. ROnardt, aiteiirlland,s ami eemcaste liaseessor s eiemdefdm t ste or intar- ne tiseeiu, I sitl aIl Uir aile nt FnuUioAass' "t tny Mp nthe Curt liesse, laii e T.vasut witbv, lu lhe CassaS> of0sutic, Ott Estmviq, the 1I#Iadav -uf Jly nsg 2t t'elaek D. C.. JEROME, Surgeon Donlisa, I N mcîumugiýlosat.10lfaaiu tuimcetaiis »sOhlice nli.ule ouuraitl' r th aCirllel paîaiagireirali.eonmaucadpertiel laie lioco;i n oaepstrs rtcaieei thi i hou- nos aauen ahinsfor romhir thc veilcoîtolrîihler, upon siILihie ulîl isstel ail kiai nid tybes nu Tethe lFéer sP'làai, Auto cr e&Auose 6./revý itb titis peoces. -Dr. C. C. Jxaomz wvllh garites te f1 itah Mstl dilSilutiaue l ite gee= -t i -'0!o In ail fnul esues, partie e = -havek rtTenl vwina 'Solit Guma, siibh, lane>m erst fat auprlar te sury otiie kniaof work kc in une. Tisollfua s.blappeve of oy ailI of cteaO'teng Dstiab las Ses Vomis, and pio. eipal cities thoeteghon niated Stute. ushag nature and it a, *rafiem so f lin.yeane, deseAhgloir and mors pralbrallo han golt ors,) ather instale platte. I>a. Jas asait violait teite bornein mimd th"t liebas reahly redoeo thelicues ahiel hemtofearsa e sloba aiatd. Ma enit ise fartber $ta"thti bu.hbom cs s ta nimti>' esing thes shows manmctmatéieel fur1rara msui tsil* ibei liashao buaput sp aEia of sesan adis ail Jtae. lti-be of »Uatia hmn bleubsn ninteletb>'tise patientes. GelS0 iNsII suiMdFlMU*& PlaI«.%mi À " e u t a T e e h e <b IS- &i S OPE29ED A N OFFIel I usi-( Sbec for the Transaction' canAda0 cea ofPlaries. rmsidi9n b lr e1nt or elswhere, with ýauy ofib Depàrtinents. ,-ejtCnsfor Persotta desirous of sccurtng j kind I Lnior lîavingCniaoffY0.anyt ainthealto Gelnent, rr rî.n t inomtio ofaifablat themt , ind or other Public Oflccs ay sS Cîcr bu,îiness ,llligentl tta C s in ~ detAgent, witîioIt the C1p3î.b convelteflce of a journe) , t QuiC. ptnset Invention tabou oui A]prepaid communictionqs, 1 1roiL 1 ox316, post office, Qachi', Noice! NgitiCO! arc 1ict100 01 Sheriff'o- Sale of lands. elieO dtiîol ExposAsfoiaIoo theocontveCourt of, the Couuly 0'f<>ularie t Wl1itby,'and to 111a iliLrctied, 1oguillt thi landosud tèeelctg M.orge Waloce.llltill, 1 hate eied and takien lu esceitoc o01ttheo Oet rielrtÜm of theonaît] Jouîit Bengoagla, 10ai sud Anielr, Iloat eoen o oreel oif and -tud preculuco ving ini the Towno f whiltbinlut eCoun! cof<data- rio4#)elng COOipO3ed ,fpart of Lot leeltoee lu the lot con«OsSsiOijth 2 ,Townshiipoi5li- an sd boiicgtie"Ssiitl' hlIalf tTown:.t o S, ia locktC, 1<i ou th Fst sixteoftCe"' t stre, and thine orl.1 htcfL.ot nulilber riglît, l, ltait" G, ounlthe wiest sd oti Willittiio otrrrt, olibii Town Lotos atitarkel 0o1 he tilt", of t4 Ttsu iLottlaid clit ou1Ilîe N. E- lior salit Lot 27, for the lite Jebti Radenural, dercaccit )-li,% ohnîier . . ,. Ail wlîlelîlandesud trellteiits thercoil, or the, salitdefeuitanIters- tntir orluiterret thereiîi, 1 %liait olfer for raIe loy ili. iirllil i 'v 011r îu inthe Court Iie' iiluthe Tooli cf %Whitt.lahe cCouily OP blitario, oce Satîirdlkthe i.Tweiily-eiglitiday of Joly. A. D. lE52, nt i2 o'Clerk, noon. ILSNG. REYNOL.DS, ,Sherllf . 0.. Pecr C. Nollene._ -AT PUBLISIIERI YANKEE NOTIû1q I1IOCK 5Tl1EEî ['RACTICALEPfl ExpeIramenal 8ta - L A supe rsor assortfl1nt of Gents, and Boys FIL! £ 8!RAV EAUS RE,&ID'Y-.««IDE CL 0 TIIIJYG! - in Tweeds, Fancy Mixtures, GARMENTS MADE TO ORDElI. HIAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 1Nos. 1 2, Till's Block, Whitby. SP~RING AND SIIEE PORATONS -0- Begs to inform his customers and the pub- tr, tbat bis stock of Noe Goodu is nos to a1audnsd iîlibo sol,1 fJleap for Cash, cousisting cf a largoea.sertinent of f or bokteo '" ft i'CI£ -à ' ,i't hcnl-aIf1-e, t. tîîmcOii~ sllohie ii~1~5~~15~ i.îll Whittle, April -25, t88). litI -kSre-t. 55libv. EQITXBLE FIRE INSIJRANCE Co. pOST OFFICE DEPARTMENT HEolloway's (hzi Capital, £500 000 steling. pritetOrder, J, S5LTIO 'T l' TRLSTISa-hiO 1ii'hilIriNa.r 4d9.N'EAU LV lty 1sura eaojtîîssIL TR-euoSidocfti, Arilld al il tar- T(. O Tm s R- INC. W. N ij'rt or île lhabitable' gilI. ..aar...ocSSTE5tS îioud CIII 11 ""- s t dtle Ciiiaasîalite l,, P' DICOI:i.trlal llCt-îlalli'aa Irl l'fNjT.î ARSTICLE 9O0F TIIE simple e liitai., openaur, 1s Ka.(iarts I l t.itsagr , t i - tr;a ls canîadaîî taeiltle iait li%-li e e, clliai.1rcîroo is 0 i trais Siiodaigatan. twlases'thr o tchitu, lac al Se et qi o i ieiai, .'- l 1a sfamtaîllsriel-lri o Es.31. D., 'Thelni % tSr-, a -Thae Lellor II'safor Ille pjAcî rt folr iaicleierrcattlac, e 1 , boue, -c, l. tIiattiaeirilrî ackeî' ie'ecltctu lte 11itiinlr', sveue l lac l aînt er, a, LaratbLirelare( Iiai tOfli'a laiele l'aa lt tt lllec an, oiiîl.t ireet.-l litlle 14-- aîlal ltgsaaadrrs-cisg, la jîcIn A l f r e di Ei i sau , I q . , l l iîî . i a l ,l .a 1 ., s- t I lu r i u g l ts ia l i t , o r s l îl i e n t he > ll e la N u r e i n e t r l a c 0 % r s a l e , s a J. . t ,%uteiehiîe, Eeq.oFil. ('lariesF. Tlcîcce, îîîaayr t) i la- ' - i W liîrn su'lerr flic- oîîtlî rity of tîti-' lriler, enre I,-fiallreaaae cf lî t j,,h aacer Chre-F'Fali aa/aar, Ielaele 1 la),llar luit '-ah RN koozi , tikdrtIe Oa.aOlieil atal W . LeuOalrýte uli e f s iia ai lcl.x latlatuIsvat o aiîrjrîei. 13sdLes.01 Smm , a ISut ~ i ri, Iila i ia -tta- u ndaaarai xci onlo aril lieyt aud ilt. cl, 5ur ana' d 'ttrrlaaîa-r VoataSI 1IiNEY SM 1TI1. lia-tof tii arli , air lasinag llaa lailiarît ilireja ;SIIlaîa ilaaaarla r or a l 11Ah i l astul (r iet]i. liaiiiayreilia-ucd tiyIdll laaîaraîîi, Ina0~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~t viillaaoil' Ilal-iatalCaai atal erratiriit, lih,avai iaiaaaI erigpet -la I e ai-Ilrlte-t tioro iii liai, 'I sciaUr, 'rier cuiga.cel andc iuii lrJi llOPCI, aala N.lB.a al.ottre wirl11r.1'tut%%a-(' api liEca tions o tii w sté . Aral'aAOtl'rila thi Towlad e:Llait5fia - levi lstreraa.iaiii raa ica' aîaa l ;;'-lA. MCte 'lier oLtht &IN, ou rti Baarc. ire s on thealia, aaeoaa, dlar La, a l-a.î' fiaislartalili-a l. i c ta ctiiîrb , f, i lliaty, itiaircli îaii.la,'i- Ç - ji th iiliiai aaie ,- tait .1diia aaa i a i ailes t -s isî tl'heal hiaa l a i hel' 01e 1iit - .tie ftsl i ilaoii 5its.aîaîal. rîit~ te t reliantlof aof Lhendu.eil t il iliu-e l I hl la -. at--iil. and aar,,rlini> aard ilcfi Pille%"ad islà. i J.> Firrîr Faucitee 't'iie e ItîViatini.arîa aand îl,.liîaîuaa1'> I - c,îIIitrOal11 l I ciltraiilkit i reat tii,a i itia uiaa lict.il Q aU ptI 'în,\'par al Pae 'a i i e ilcairiJ iatt torli l-. i ,aîî tîîîî li,aa-e entat 1.tl c. '-tua l, i ie l l 's tSaîle of 05. i . 11% Iia,î- s ticaca "a-cobu i",a Barey PuaWcat .I IailaaiIeelaaaiiti;ttoriIiIiiira l r-c- Sr-îl-ae ar -cat "llt -f i t' iii tuci.iitficalci r-,e t ariO icciiostoîtcl .,lit ..a lit lIt ttct it it"1-1 1o-r-c t'it 'r t ie s "i b i li i it o E ni A.IttDpliid'farîitle-riliis iiat lite I Iiamrlliili'-le direct,'lIIs"elaisittheIci-Ià,l1 Il judaelleine li . li i t a r tl i G. lo tarl i - a. l ial aiitiiuit a ty lt r lIa sureaicl -ana- x~~~~I iLl iti l auc r iiciirtof i l Ie imOe 1i -/l Aiiiliirrtirji 1-rW Iaaii i.it tliU Ir utaitliilIa t aibii îr cîîsîterîcria îrlîjîîVlîîaaailaa <'ouE bC ltlilll i-r-ct-ilr ar t, Iiaii aise laii'iiithai-tliti îîî adFaei iaa-ilnaolt pyiant ,icril'i 'rii, iiraaraaiaiilralti iî,u.aualroftLutiula it ' lite oil Ille - iititî-i-laioiaiaiiatat0iha S*' o-I-ti -car ialu-ri'ilt n'iihallaiî1.ý qllli ta r eai a s t a-la'lratittataa i. T 'ele lsil,,cler tilt u lit, lle uiltiaaiieiiut niatari-aire I tiiiptiai,.'iiiai'c l~- cd- a t/c - - t i t i lî -lZlic ehilficof titi i lsat, i io le ,;rta it:%% i tatii % ii' rcii-aeailCi-l /- u- a, t' llt î ,la i tueTc-at atlli tlutte O 1' leeit Iirl I cll, l I's talai tit i lb T--ilaici-ii'i'lejri-lltitat-eh ill-ailla la talaiII Fe- tilt. ta't:t:a4% lit-cait Uîliehi andiNl'lui:î N:i lal, ii t-'c ti iat01rnyItIa ty urtl a i slentaîît.. ttita -i 1 ii t el slujItI.l'iie -Il i rh Nt'a- Col leai lii lu 0 % jarl-, cftatil i' tc1, ii- r rt Ia jaictii. a te liiiiî iii-t lar lltraciatltitotoi illtP bie ilti la ;eiai t-itr a-ar-tta i -ar i--ar r-tlli îs tIa J. ""-ril -,r liste tilt littvjt a allull'ila rfi'sgth e kl>, 'A e-s I URIFY T. la:IS LI).vil ta14ltlc, iliurdNt iarT eiqNixth Izi f a .I l. II i - t.- inisil5oi, CNI Lit'lieIl lds mO Phoaluà VOIJNG SIiuRflerAIlONv-iel'*lE,- rt .,.csaleerl ' T.-th-Iii, Il-i,ah. , zli ,iil' wlC lta 'LiedO . < M P N ii < ls't 'itLA2T5, Çi v, , àIl >11,rillIIa ai., o I,i IýI ilttlesailIce N5O'O 5CIti a , cii - ri'a itii tt !i e s i1ti'e 1 ii i .rsaJI, itor laic I ailtei ir.ia1uotc iiaelicia '5 AOcetiii liati. ti-iaaiai. u ai Iii ,isttiiai.frcte rl-ia i lrrirritralo C'ller tai tattlt.ttî ttii 5 lt N taai-c nîîoracc irjs Zit refo n iaili « iils rtatai- 0 îîîII,aun tclîu l îrtuarcer 1r11, 9. J. nus (a ci i lrli.WI la i tt -ia clîE tîiu,îs.inielunleitielihuo ecciaticlat sîiyarta oiaei'cta tacar taiît uc io-i haai i - Lîita-itl tii.îiiotis-l caa,îhri nu.uî li cti lîaîui uc tiitîlirlliri Ciisi"Ila-iScaio taI -ac Ita l t ut Ui-te.: r 0 ucrPilE eii'1ii.i lstllru uihiii i e0'icst ciclrilcarieiN aaSIRTaAai ra-iaaa al ltarNi!atle ciul c t -i 'ii e csrri-a M iia ' liicaiiP U~IS n a Phoenix do ,.la ta a ,att %%-ati..5p '-ai oal tiiricîc oî a' ai rttC siitiît iairienfer T I I F. 1a% .Il.. vi Sî l iaT , I. r I o i i v tfo iti tdufor fiiinI1rac euh .fiii tt-,ti ia-it ie th alîeiIy sît elIfs couss- 11,li n I- ae iii5' ilai 'IT'ra. tlaci et fonl. ie,uf.aiiIli& l t l ic sslt.eilin liu 1 I I r , l -uti ia lt ttt a i a. ,- iiie a a rîj e t r oi a w1 i ll, ilo w o fuI 0 1.T leS ' u i e$, l i sta t e u ilaa -.ili i tS -i i .r il y lefit- kl.c s uI aia i inca 'ar . . it a -s auli.t'i'i 1 f liaa g wt cI 'lileutte oe tIeuie C op vraue rni. .jue t ir itli cauiiiaiu Irla. ioda OO irai Ni e--Id isiiit'iliia.r tteaa,. Vae, a d,, hou,lrin Ii arCe frra'fta Ikoull Itlîrnu', l ia ar,î'l aIl usdieaîrea r-atel %i. l. lac l le rtetr liu r 2 a.I, aa 6 : 'I a- i l ias i kýtou l ijîedIIUryli at . eueeigttai rb.aet uî ta jar,.1aeî i buua'I aitb i ls.- und t ulta li alCit.ttilt.,.. cttiiii>Itluulucrcir' rea dati tie .rîa-. t ti t iflWt i e i linvu bee. O lco ifit o C a tIir aI e- of n di, i-i li Il lit)nEa aaiiî i.s ~ ~ ~ ~ a -lg aie .uîglt filat-u aCnaattu IIce.Village loils'1' -ieîc w u i i s ?.ltte thr r ts~uI scuiIaîaisit; eietitgh, Iui, titfue-et a i ta a h av p fl . Te o l t l l, tul . 0 Ihliil l'ii saithort pronfitclulîuttutI ai ihit lIt IsU I. e ', au O liE.i) C AIal) inFE 0; .1.1.tl ,. W a 1 r5tal i Sal 1atata- . To i 1 .e rea el la t-t. I re t u l it - ici i. n e l l lasl.ij lc,'v rl' i a, G t C-1. c: i r lu- so.Iulpr .-- 4NEW i a i aqTe.i5Ii tiO 705 uk.ril ety Lu fui tIi rtci ecc, tutoIes a-uttt"',. Sti.lscal'allirelli - lOlaitIe' I,1,vuai per ii liuiti Cl «l li ola tllyl touef 'lt' ft MOn j s-ia. ut blinor a r., se h. teoliniiror INciitus .'Fe- i/sAi, 01 C e , cuOIi)r/c1#' sa l' o C 0ItSi TlFor-Vte l vS paed oad up PelaIty, lcjfuiiliaNofu/'jeue uA dil Ilinop1a-Y ua S'IîlliaI ,Il at -ls- uttig t iv Coaitattiu eai '%N'o hi 'i T iotraltawhu o t 5IiIIb 1. ASiioJa & S,ourc ',toiirs'îiil îeost I ltio u . ituec a îjcil iits', ecilfurlo elI sau ssel. iorMt A- Oua T& t' iu a II1 ohion ae Fi ve R dtrd f1hsaIiua-sItre, a e meu.Ilio>cr f i îuuîî.tnir-.Msouia')uIIa-g.i cu Siarcet..e,..a.itdsîi, Blois,' y 8calGasai. age57. vlulle1.Tur a ,, uLcîtpe .îs. Cý I ioie- tiriiu..... Diam - sît u e Dui ey.uuptou hyioc UM.GZuitàf-alJ un l1ntu cerealocr Il,, iîsto lr 51 Rig-Sf. -7ersGI inorx .itIeeau. a Tu .ur elyes'( . N fSoran u' d i Ilse-eors L.;E V ! u-c n Pspe, fd&b, îly, "r alion ttI , Ilea tusr" l el o reni ilaknt pacu ges, d uulotuii re in SorS da> Ils oedtif 1 rofTtc Ic, asn:t aam troc sla î-y p rt riÇi io Un louelom 180. LAKE ONTarei .isstj( t3() i la'oiarca it oth CSI1Ths1s 'o R.AMa ÂOCtiiLS i & sisul spwl d ne blv 0 lýlAFFalTED REAIIIIdis, sîa"a61 u, orlANDîude otr gS, BFlt W . H I)EL acton nrrnte. A Tiue ' îiîoi hods rt siuibruâif t:- l e, isarticle tlaN iutuhis uie ntaIycSnell~ncM %,a C EDIfCAL&ItOU SE o twkafin h IernIto lai APOT ICA Y A D afi-gllftl exent Ath t i leatget t aai-Ceet f S areovare oo n, lUsa, eoo clai liuoysîttet deerral i a ielc5 a Cat Gog Shfll el.Iesan SvsYCFREn, Taael 1i. nad rie t A ss? aceîioTlstin s l na al fnrfurr FieCyleav «' entbrte l-I tvaliaisera 15 KAu t l iauýcs etmdld ifor ra soto~ Whiby Airl -2 to ane rot aretSqar, ndpliuI o l is iut ntueI n 2orkiee .S'd * i tla SA.IJRAY or OCHSL at e ilneý, e ou AinO MOS SUCCSS oThe eslrt" eicuhOthi-Oe CUIllàulTl:G u A NEW, ý' ma-vejin oiudOe. rssri tieiti),aîod;ata hih rR WIITIf t 7e'hunk . ta t)tIAttSt Lce (5, E>îURaaf 0l)sejEpAma N ietues n.'altvî 1151W 55150051 S» s< minI5Ob Njccu tFIlc, e rieasuc B-a ih Pel laei<ticaofa 55il is t h lle I-h ii. o uakmtes hY1ilan WiliraeRohe~n ucy rls ANDas p acfnel - am,0trart fte etas Whtby sdnho-e5.ctn.raC51) It.G041iINQthucefund the nervuxm%tc!= dîrclfurhu caootmaadis nC ti sis aresuh tig ge ud i l org our, o a e s yeat %ai Liu S'll5L aNro. Th [e Str" sîSnn tau'o risybilouesW, crsat theiiil TEE GreAMILTOfil ccu. Te ffitsai5 ara tiimie ls that f0 aal, J tira-Os mal, rau-et .tole/creva batise slthant iît i>' rovel e o te cure it50' dermentiosied orts lmoisieD., mai>' ysrlfnwly ofEnebtr ae ) alte Isnasu, Ï. arsretb A VENNGJORN A il «11 heneel tecistin YeulcdYouteannI,crat$ o-eot mn re r Cotusitdai#àt, 5 b7 tepflr as- iaiuiay, EW R Mb0vasA D Q I 5 c TEEWEEly (;,-,ai 9u, Vrm«d DEbLLITM"-Y r. inomt& o tl lw u a ni. BO D IEA utsnia, ho-a i a. nrutelS oO hu te hv froua t Meafishtethe etusre f fshe, .<oeçed6O AT TIIL Il

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