Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jun 1860, p. 4

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I - OIROULA.B. lul.-100b réuaBouillihalf Of Lot No. 19, Bed concssion of Witby, ksown as Eheriff s Sale' of Lande. A&RMSTUflNG ,ESTÂTEP Coutycf Ontario D Viteotw cý itw irDh f sstheTow~nsof Whitby. p&ciasissueîduotcfller Majetyl's Court 2si..5o etren South West quarter of of Quean's Be nob, at Toronto, andtet me C A. R R T. A-G E B UIIL D E R S, tot6,'8, Ot-concesion of Darllngton, drected agini tChe lends adtenumonts ah' i-cight siles froco ilowmanvil. Of Jamans lUodeon and Jamens P. Arm- ird.-IS5Q sacrea 5outh East quarter ci Lot trongtiefésedantos, et the suit of thé Tlenk AND> MANUFACTURERS OF N!o. 18, llth concession ofMariposa, elbout of Tor'onto, plaintiffs.Ilaesezdai { sy nswr 9 sies froua Liresay. , taicen intoecution ali thé estas tor inter. YSYIG ~ &~> T1 bviaertioned Lots vire firat-claas estcf the rsid James Hodgsosi andi J&aued BRO T E îII . a o hl gh sute o f csaltion ,goi PL Armstrong, jn the underuséntionedtiROKSRE T,_____T Y Bulifi, and i enr important Towss- lands as foliows i .Will bu ol ais làîable, andi on- favora- Tee acres cf lend blgicoeposeti of the H Subsca ibera t ke lenve te infores the public hat-thiey have opencd business in bstrn.Apply te .PRY Suh etcre fLo o 4 ets thé promises foraŽrlV y rupioti by Mr. Ira B. Carponter, situated in Brock Street îI*Cn c1téTonsi c Wlby d.South East or the Bank, %na vz.riy opposite the lalarbetbuilding, irbere they larc picla Agent foi' d On.saribcd as folicire: That la te a as. cern- red te sepya l hfavor t'aŽmeiith a eal, with evry article jn their lino cf business Witby, OCt ,1859i. mnlga otpa e ttéSuh Tho su scrIl,,r= rcpracticail sud competçeet worlcmen et long experience, anti as he> ____________________________Wert corser cf sasd lot, theece North'sov-devots the entire of shir own lebor te Chir business, thoy cas produce articles of btter *, TO LUT., onty f1ouir degrcem, East six chaîna anti si-. w -vkmanssip, of greater duraiility, aed mare elegaatly finished, anti énIItStreana dem1 ,fas sw -ssteiit tsi linksansd tise thirti links, thance ~ F O D ~ --~ IE H A E ,1 awanng Ruge owoSpiedNorth ixteen degrees, West flfteeu chais., jHF Store and lsg , astik is e Ch. theeceSautb eLeety aur tigasesWest S T ONE S T OR E, six cbairsiand sxty six andti s third Than those who bave te* hiro 'or on ap lde credif. PIsase likho h ieln etwveun lats tset>' Ml articles soldaet. tihe IOWapv la h. Towreosi Whltby. Possession gveosa0'four andti nty fv,, thonce South sixteen Ca. 1anti examne. tfiat otsfSeptember osit. dges l ' tsasda lino fiftese chiains AUl kintis of luilnber and 'ag.M okwarrantes1. Appiy te - te the place cf beginning . WA.LKY & Co SJAMP.IS ROWE.. AISO,-Commencing on the North aide____________ WhitiyTal55,1528 O f Mary Street lt a distance cf fivae hainar ou a course, South 74 0 Wot froua the ln- muet Clas. Fam for. Sale, tersactien, wth Mary Street vrith tIse lino etanthé East asti West halves of saiti .100 ACRES. lut N. 25, -thoen Nerth 160 ,'N'ut 89 ~ chaîna, 82 links more or leas ta tise Norths~ rj %IflEWest haflot Ne. 20, ls Uonceg- éaOd of thse Sautha haif of saiti ft No. 25 -a jnýc heTowsship cf Wbitby, The Thén ?outh 140, West along hs Norths- fente atisubstantiel barn, aietisOut- NoAd 25, 21chaîna mtore r fessalotee post et sbi leaIron t ei u ,ne l eèt . l r onir'c h at sua s a buliFO at otcaia ai roei thaé distance cf 8 chies frao thé lina he-- ortermd, st., sppiy te tiseen thé saiti lot 25 anti ft No. 2C, astid Z. BURNHAMU, on tbeaEst aide cf saiti fine,' thon South WhitbY. >10 ,tast I89chalns,32 flnks emorsarless te Whitby, Feb.18, 1860. the North aide of Mary St. aforrsit.(henig 1t chainseand 68 linÙs frou tihe front ci FORt SALE. thé second conrsaainn,) then North 741D, N esellat no saéCe uéarl CeEast eiosg tise Norths ida of Mary Street entobaiecfnt, ne .pamesécf nasti 2chains more or f rss Ce the plac fbs- via laa fév ards saf h. Main Street- sag Issa ng, asti containigbystmare -Stret--tgetlsar wt to-fittisaof u seraef ment eigist acres, bco'thse sans mars or landi attaéed. Thie hanse enutatt mi s«sart- fes&a mania, basa an excellent sellas, adtihare -u ii-AII and sletllSr hat certain par- gecti aÀbllsceatiatt siedesear>quýa-luildisgs, col or tract cf fastianti prenisus hesag anti a isapa-nos- pamp srgsad irater caChe spot, For Terieo&., whistspril bn fouist ver>' part cf Lot 25 lit the 2nd Cou, ut thé Tus - lithral. Âjpf> te saip cf Whitby, conmuncing os the lIssu J. A. MfATEIlHOFFIII, tetwean h. East asti West balives cf sai le. Chrascle Oie, Wltty. lot 25 ce thé North aidé cf Mary Streot asi et thé distance ai 10 chins 68 flnks fr WILDLAND, ~thé Southeris limit Wfsuie lot 25, th 'Me saNortis and tihtseSouCis 8ai f cfassd jàeÉOMlot,25, tise SouCth 740, West 5 chassa, IEPE VE» FAIM , ,then i5outh loci, East Ce Mary St.,- sien SIT S, TÃ"WN LOTS,, &o., North 740, Est alosg tise North sides of sa> trou,6 chattos Ce hu place cf bu FOR SALE, ghIt _VillageLos Nos. 49, 50, 51, antid' ~a 'ONE uprovoi Parm I Wiitby, 110000 OEnaat of Broube Strert, ln thé Town cf AcélOrov e. luWhtby, accordiig, e Perry'sa pan cf fot EJ..G ' E E IA IE E N : A IIE otsIopwd armInDarlfngtosa50 Ne. 2t9, In ffic led'Con, ai tha Township EJN__ __LE R TE E, I E sacrs. -Meriosa f Whstby. One aps 50 Also-Soutb Esst quaarter cf thé South (0F SINGER'S PATTERN,) acresl. omshalloffsC 25, la he loti Con. of he Town- Wiiti Lande, in Massa, S ilUe, Mi- aip of Whitby, 25 acres mre or fessa t2 t u praiArtemneala, LuCher, At 25 Alper sfndssdtnuetaCore, rc entCCIl (er New York prices! Dorr, HBungerforiL thé said 'detendeits' estaeoor interest o - Mill, Pri--lege teén ialoe o aeu ulcAs-rIIS Machines arc ussal in alitise principal townsansd chiein frues QuebesCte Port In ianipten, Township cf Derlhigtls ic tise, et my offce, ie the Ceurt HouSarin isa.3 cf the vorjt hat in h. Township et Dar- tise Town of %Witby, in the, County oE Srna lington. T -nOntario, en Saturdà,y thé Twnty third 0>-They have neyer faied to give satisfaction.-ÇQ 9 o l LOtB day of June sext, snCt telve s'ciscle, Noon. InBoninvll, klft Bt4on Prt NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Ail tise iesting Boout dSisue manufacturera tertify ta ehcir superiority over any lu Bvusnviie, rooilu Heéistn, ortSheriff, . 0 (. other machinse ever sld ie Canada. Perry, antiSarnia.l'Cr C. Noaaos. Nagle's Seîing Machines arec ca-ar t doing any ktasd of svork, fronts sîirt rollara Cc Aisé, a few Town Lots ain the Town cf Siarill"s (sfites, iarness racea. ___ __ __ __ __ __ ICES For vqate Lois ansI OM Long GieiteIa No. 1 MACHINE $î75. No. 2 M[ACIINE $85. lkMecherabos anti othêrt désirons cf build- ing ea hava frao 12 te 18 mouCha te No. 3 MACHINE, WITII EXTRA LARG1E .S1UTTLE, $U5. enath i rstaCiriar. Aerea pa-ds, SHERIFFPB SALE 0F LANDS. EVERY MCCIIINE IS W.\IIP,.ANTED. J. lB. PER1CV, iitby. CoIJTY O OTsAIO, tON Saturda>', tise All cosmmunications relative ta Sewing Machines, etc., ma.t bc prepuiat, as soue toctobeo lt, 1859o. 50 -To 0Witf jÇ TSecond day ci thera mil f horeceiveti. ç;ETrISIC, * a ~~~~June, A. D. 1860, et Tiscvé o'clock, E. J. NAGLE, CasiNAr)N SErvia aaisEvÀ-Lasmrv BEAVERTrON. no29.ih oiib'Pbi Aito, ~ 55 Notre Daine Street, Montrentl,C. E. Fstetaae) cer l;ritü & GtlbaTsrCaiiidaRin>, -- iMy Offic, bu Chh CousrtIlIeuse, in tise Town B.fosresal C. E FOR SALE CJfEAP. ef Whitby, tise rtght, titIs, anti interst ____________ TOW hacishtise urnderetiofletidefenstanta aur- 00 ils PRtIeGE AND TO LOTSIlatise untierasentuerd fonds A FF L C TE 1) R EA D re andfproita leMl bisi fensaesahbcdoue anti tenteissnts therece, sierd iy me un- E U fR 011 E A N boere. y Cis 1oali ain sM aa l e anis tisetierantib>'vfjtue cf certain Wrts of Fieri e=E1 ~ >repi.tr0yeastti Mlllier. Facist me il, vs.POT FIC DPRT EN ICAL 110 lTSE 1 te S RMTOG In th eef Queon's Boucis OT OFIE PAT E TAND) 1q. 11-Tlerot. na Irfrate enaet Bea- Tise City' 1>iintiffavsa. John IHicksQsbc Ol asrl,16. 8 T J ~ 5 I~A ? ,torton fr t4. Datsffli*=isft ofs rcésn an sd James *Gd, Defendents. Departosent Ortie,t J. ---No. 49. fNO. 1'INGt-aSssasETWca, TonoN*va,, C. W. *à*,s i ýtie8,5. 9 InutisaiCourt cf Qaeeu'e Bancs. TO POSTMASTEIRS SM C. 1W. Usacaam.nî,anDa M N) IiSO CUT Thé City' Bank, Paintifls vsJohn Iliciesa ilt E RRI nG T AtiI us , )IFast, rDII. GOODING, (fouierlyofEian. 1AWTYE ofEnIISOgCUT land.)n% filsDpatiet ioltM ea pbofinitaert. JssMes Gasti, Defeetiauts. ofts , PeMs B-ènka- ri-bWhi, kpe tg vtaon o.9 ith hcocsio f ta in caada Wext are ifrno utahylsirse Toronto. nti viii -h* qfund e b. prnstetd otN. b-hrahcncsioiéla'>cintfsm hqo bligtgsonti taopa55 their sas N EWV, 1 6 5', AND) MOSaT 5LlCCS un ha5terf pieprBa ih,Chrouaclé -Towship of Rouch, conteining by edmaa- lésa rth. dehiveey cf latters &e., on Sidam. A ftlo saotaitho tiasg 0 ' uremeat 200 aReu. -s-Tise Setter lBox for tise Isolassasof la-tes i-ýr acs pl5csstotJ5pcs,.As-o I-tl5 W. Il. IIIGUINS -- a~~ntsast saésrthlels bo kept asserethfle te the Msss,asas0 ae sLiss tae', is ti In he our o ComonPles. Publie et auiltisses, asti,as dirset4 l'by the fIa mali iUl*sces.8, LiaC-os-o ef1> e A, -syil ____________ t.______- ___ letn CutcfCmonPes. rr.aless, Lisossiathave ais 0p55555fin tise a-onaid ad iasdder, kheuiafaoSera,a.e, - ~.j To R~t. ~ BallonWatsoni,plaintiffvo. William Shaw or etreet for thtsapposcia,agothst lettr.,assytebc oU JIt hese,tn-sal a-ce - - ~o déendeant- eaieidorithetiseught, or jWhousatise ttiro ta Cssaisalio e,c-., fs, f-., Si EXELLEN CLEURD FEMsj~ ft0 AUl edsingular, Cose certain parcels or a e~t.î uairts aban>cli.Ode g'Noiaesfrtii. anoslyffundir thesplotlgis. b4e trstof landi anti preasses situate, b1ig1 ai taficsinCnser hestloartd nth- i Passa lutWosanNO aruss for Adin lmt a stolssrtes- * asti bebng in tise Township et Wiitby, lunle on BSnauts, i; nt isbceioieai tc c15 aecrocaao ilsieclnàeaMsaslai ltiatheis sset . sîssi.lsig s-8TONE DWELLING HOUBEtise Count>' cf Ontarie, beisg cooe tofatise, anti noexaceptiaisal or partiasl selivery ta ena-a-a ,mThe-taasseisoacib>hsats -.tnubthat tysiSIDNE.Y SMTII. iceos-r i ersstiîl rnies, lasa msesa le chelai Alise hrsi osa in, sci oa et oesiar- t patC cf Lot nme vnyax, la tisaphte lrCttisl o s 05al5se. eisCe-i~ saisiaii-pasiac it o Tise tremtons are ituateat sn lot Nio. 14,f stge Rcocesesaben cf tise saiti Tovnship of d Mei endem tnt ieasO o 2nmai n.ef WhitisY, amatiComprisae tIse Nertîs Whithy, kuow u atidéslibetiou a plan - rosesosater ecisrl. -esfsa. Tus- fccilitiess fg io arac li, tiiat ose '.0 0f - lisfWhtbà- ri ic as ura-ed ttlseis- ownsies e-ilsoat isesafosr cf id lt T ise s te nie a n 5t thereof, matie h$ Johe ior, Provincial N. B.-Ia caise s-t rtho is aboe îtasatle-- raf-esec, ina 055V partl of tý e Couantrey, fsomsala ant Oshavs aie etteetcayiiit treeaLandi Sarveyar, as village lots nu.mbers1tien,,tise lPest (faO l itat Teon iii rcea as-e'-iiLe dLe aisss-statan cf sieirecses ha f cter, anti yAPp > p raaosaely, se hy at ', p tp lti, t e O fve, s xa ndet forty -o ue, E m ito f Sro ck trost Ctah .o oen for he d elv e y os- Lattera & c., osa ha e li e sael ciesas os- a tiares b y M ail or e- D. heKAY, on sae-i . Aa. Allio, ail n bt5 itle ant inl- A. MCIIIIEEsiiq preci. Paiciein. tes-st othie saiel William Lsev, ln andt ePsa i e.NEIIVC>US IDEBILITY.1 -. uaots atmertvrenty-nine anti thirty, (29PoitOffice, Whfaby, 503. esa-eilncsaaiie" ireat iblh ts sil, s PURSALansd 80) in tise second tics- in tissafifth doù- - March,15 9,1613. g- i co i o lia-a a- aishuisctchatisayt, ts ho * - bc rage c ellhge Lts i'est f Brok -c, sassarllaies as a-tlsii sus tustIse essa, icai ta nIIr n reamteâeorlteresUlCbrtiU. iI isaSe<fe mIe by '>',f nDRANG t8ocoka ¶1RK~b5eaau pepavti e plihsP ublie atueh', tw 0.1liil.Cs oiskase.AIÃŽNT) t5élsee -Tf b - Eaéissstantvr, a TestaslfiseeRefuIe, thaC 1 "~oeda tmiigpboas is ta te - se e heTenof iby n he..oy o of Ontsari t vltieof&a W't BOND 11<»iEAD & t-80O'eg i n cs. ous' itudu-tý-e mod ipgue q.&tit" n ùr(ntW ý e F'tarcay he 'WetyWbt d#to s -. Fyiente Fasia;,lsessid Iletlgunt 'ohse ihTan o uf Inny e ilire w »neaPus-s andfi'sosi. et of JcyA. D. irea nt 195 ock oo, n .nza n o e het' Coureofqf Dei le n-ti&" Fers , S us lay ot e pay b. topitSM4e-oâsYNôtm DSs osIe direate tipauist dtise r, Pisiadelp l in Va uis 5tn. de ta. shoif C o. *ast oemagist s W. Liant BETURNING, Èk is 40 vie erC. Masise. T. Loant d e a tise hesuit ce TiscomasaF. VilI la c es tesoeven>'Fntda vamm, L& . *hW â*tby fnil 55,Jaue, il . l'haveae8im5ntiaken in ex- direet tee Wtbusyaaabée ~1ysÈ1 >e 40w e ,eou. <, i Lot ueApffl laC, 180. 8(loaml for Sùe4.LQT E DING 10 ACR$OF S UsD &D.LO 'se saS - aâte s Saute. e - th 'n- iYIO;DIsiUROIt1 ant is la)offStouke ti /anewspapesa mt r pertodicualuof &I kinsh. Terme :.$4 "res- mo, sCdeasa md Sîtaaatedinlatise secondtialt oves- the Cisroéicle OfEce.Entrance. threuiithe Staticoery Store W. IL HIGGIIW, Higlest ash'rice pad o t.any,,quanitY Higbst ashat the Stores: of A supersor assortment of Gents and Boys, FÂASHIONABLE REJID YEMAIDE CL 0 TJIXG! ia Tweeds, Fancy Milxtufes, GARMENTS MADIE TO ORDER. IJAKMILTON & ROBERTS, 17i Nos. 1 & 2, Tili's Block, Whitby. SPRNG AND SURJIYR IIIPORT ATU Begs to inform bis'custorners and the fie, tîset bis stock etfSean Goatsia leceasto anis andasi vili iesealtiClseap for consisting cof a flrge isrtrnént of IIRE 8ITOBSBONNE TS, RIBBONS, PARASI Ofoves endi Hasier>'. Csrpets, Daosask, Window Nets and ilualies, Dsmestic &ct. A large stock of Broad Cloths, Cassimeres, Canadian Tweeds, Gambe Farmer's Drill, &c. is ié es'anti Boys Coats 'Vs ts andi Paclniti aep on CIhe Pes-cT ThliLORiNO lIPE? TM Ef is csnsiterabiy enlargedand us rti es1vrn b nih hi r es y r having heir garents tmatepi n a oliitlkemrn ,adin heae JUSf RICElLI . Perryma Brick Buillings, 109t, 910 Dp'ln000 wooU -- ý' *ý 1 I3EST COAL OIL!I $125 ois. per Gallon at Geo.. Yule's Telegraph Store. A NEW STOCK OP Juat rtecriètt, at pricco fs-cm 75 cs tt $8 Alteredt tebure- Coaf (but. 92 GEORGE VULE. Queboc Goyernment &geney. -:0:- pub- n )r Cislias -555éa1 iby es bsaaocriher.Asiatessaa--s-sai. Lansd s aan skenal Agcent, $ Ko.2ý,AnelStreet, CotiosO Quebec esur for Uic Trn ilon et flusaaess ilte e «oves-assaésa oTIOS Depiastoests. I.J. 011131S flJA, O'F-ED AN asFFICE IN QUJE- Sbec fortise Transaurtion of tiselasi hé nss of tParties residingleinlisisér Casnada os- sfs-ehéré, salît un> cf tsthesècvraineet Plerasso sîsoirsassiofaigecuraing Patents fer Lans-, osrliasiag Clilsfant tus stlr- ind rly 01a011sgzlststhetséGacaerissuaraat, o us-e1ir1ing as> Style af -1atinformatinCsbtsaailafle aCIteC s-ssssaLaas as- saifir l5sallatitîOlaive, itas lhave tîscir t Lo-daiiss-diligentlUy atendeiCto hy a Resi a-aaua-tissacs af a jouasaay to Qisetsé P'astoutaf Invntislona tatien ont. 5If ps-ejsatd communataicatios, adaireséti ta fBoxL3C6, PesaIt Office, Quciss, o-ii s-o. - ceie l tsnîrdiateattenstioni. s il.J. f.IBtiS Quctar, Sep1t. 28,Il1859. - .7-I-ly - Notice' Notice! 1,a-as- k aisaaaiial sas-s a-s-assa-a-ai laOottîu sassas-e silli tia asha - a-i-t --iai I i555ONIA .CS l'il.ESI.(, I EQUITABLE FIllE INSIJIANCE Co. - - aCapital, £500,000 Sterling. a ~ ~ - ~i 5a-~~i I rit i-; -l ise l'î Ia--sii l THIOMAsS Il. iIlILLt.N îl<AS I-OR SAL.E lais-lllaslas-tia, -al., i-s-a o sassa- Clover Seed, b eilý-sA 0Nc Hlungarian Grass Seed. «-aiis-- VlltaneI.saaan, F-1., 5asssaî Tu np W ie obe. nasaidEs-, b iesllalai<s-iaiasa, tEs1 Tuni--Ïd1.F. fila-tamis-, fiisa,. rIý ). l.aci- MNangol Wui'tzel aaaas tuisSaasrs. Orange and White Carrot. isa-a ia-is-c i sgaialias- rihsvlauiOe !, slr.ataIe-ijiat tcsi iibslliass-c s ac luttsiiîa White Beans. saisi iCaofCi016aa et îsaou, aîl lsa-i aasifeiao O n io n s . as-s-ssa.,Il N 5t 10 i ii i as-lw d a mi s tics-- usat> tsar prisse. The s.amaof thîeEaisitatkeajsrc a- 'b.a O 555 ie, ,oisaIsaf10 lise lassa e ss ree fotasi Ur L"S ý c sas s-olsanss of aîithe pisioftela- ial AR alag prm u ofFrctla TsaSo- alns ina-la illla-assillil, aci osa siîa -îeîi ssltjsitaiiMo ae Askat i d- ofa-iogad1iù Mu ric.PrisdAiI uem iiisai nelaneaae o 1Lonona. ais> thii n hi@ta Iti lia is- itdo wa-a- i tas r1' a lasas i. Tis oasntl ia-aceoaiesct ma-s-hi>. THIOMAS Il. McMILLAN. [4r Afe hî a-ehtéiiapiifatiad tis-ossel- - TrIOS. !aOODY, s IVîsitta>, L Go W 8 «Aigenit Conta>airOntasrio. H1AVE receiveti et tisir cciv prémsasa, 15ac-laStreet, W hîti>, as unuesaiiy isirga- Cash paiti for Wool, Misnt, Outl4, Peass Stock cf 1Bley, Vtatees, s&o. 9 SPRING & SULM-1YER DRY GOODSl GROCERIES, BOOTS ANI) SEIES, &c. ,101IAY N RGIT As U &k P. arc disposedti tede aetasiag tres, tisa->pnrtirsulsel> s-queot hat isstcoaiussAg ppl of( 2wii v BIcsà US purchasers nlîl favour tissa mitis as-ail befr leras caaahasinsg -lsevi>s-,s.o 9tise>hanesoia-sassas-s s ig is rare noveities ini stocke, asti S t inined ta s-ll t eir Gonatuttise foansiposihlèIi-,isatreeeiave(l. sastifor suit -es-y iow. PrimiWitîs>, Alrit 1î2, î1e0.6e21A pnice. LOWES & POWELL.- Brok tretWht- U W O E N X> wC>X l ;C NTON T. CO MPAN Y'S N w Store il15 f, K Rti Fe tss eC n ae tissa St , elssiose al, Toronto. lis-heaaa-or grovaa, stow Otfé e îse ePulic .aa l Ialiajssitt p~iesiitd a-ossTeio a-ns -Ml is aaa ;an ntepifétf asi oil, that tilt 54 s-unsto iase a ce>' agsiisst tsa > ii nt s Sa-i îl swfse have fs-u e liiag for ysuro Se- - ivaa sa-i. nt.i ai ies>proIi. Tue moitte, -- tt io it anaad q uaek r tltsuns,m a ii h - - -i,a!liiNlisjOs-cat y t;Cntisny. Tew cit 4 - a- ilas t ta I i eseele P5' l ,, th u g en uiiio aala'tnt aY EsIANT NEW TEAS, ail x)etJoscibe Figure. s Tisa- ciai s i> hfa ve bren Ilrfti t-a t le tti (hrouirh Curie Ageii iasChtnsa, ados 1Of isoee s icsll.liatTessii idy mentate tise Londonemana 1 ililu Ilorteta, as.tisse esnessn, vise ra asnol teliiidoiionse layon ef Taemolldher r> to annoainco te hie s naies,,sn frisnds ansi customnerothat ise t,, s-js'arrViigog icasnomasaisourppio iethatsthun e isarlg n EGS a hua xtessass-s basoseas ~isasig aineiic rtasia. W é t e ate ria-sl as tut BE> sasse extesivebusinsst. Tise pnsso viii ,pk for tles sIaé.Léok et th-5or IN ALL ITS TBRANCIHES, 40É Pr1b .. .a. aiý =dPU1,..... s40L ()n te pra.e i esetof«eeoccupueti bj;Mr. N. R.as, on lfas-y Stretbetweneén Brrce Os5er !MIluM. . .npelb.lOU ant Broc& Sirees, viaeeho la prnpartsd, as lisrsettcrs, te execute all os-ters inCrusta-ai sOtelKesaena, hoci ?cProlietor, j>eest" Ce bisu care.stor,sstâl=rtagRui H. ruoZl Ur Ferty OM4 a tIpkaffl la" av wad% fTEAsat fra, t. amy oses CÂRRIÂGES, IBIJGIE-S, SLEIGIIS, CUIfER'S, &C. 5, U n tptol;eiTOIl ho h W'MauUsl nd Sud M4attise Loeat eaueaeti«g Prie,, don et bh.go se & ainset>' veaiti tic vai ALIL WOJCK WARRANTE!> fasetoawitoed. ree.e fi e, in as iel datted ac .-h LCX-B,É* sud P.RQDUCR TAKEY -VzEt LTCASOLEt NAIRRT Ppjç£ a f1hgtia-samteth& etpoPh< e ngotdWsl FO In ft 7t eagin heiprincpl X iru a tûfie ftise s"i u5M515ted atCIStiar Donta si t i s). 1Eim eIpmencein e slrty abs prîsuci M t sasaletan and e= 1etems ' a ver> .a-.. f et « u ntssex whisevlgusila eustA.ct>h.l &W b&,e *M mWe e rivefait Md-beauty cf desiigis, eiegasieeeof iis, dumilit'y.a »d i d i vesii, ýllwr -cact b. saseliod. temeg*,a.ler, 11 FO«89 IZ-MIan-treceemejs. v.e 1 Uhtta em TREUdamrsd s~ute nlntote olisb , ef S ntrustag Misn wlth Corumiloiaa vili lidthetr r ioitte enc asIIs>snt neitte. IitOleto.n C a-rt collectiosa p attcsrlf s- qaisteti. ATU IW S. PS. efere/laieshîad> 1msniîleti te Georgse eanspt, Tlitoss EReisasisT. (. atslekS, sît t0 I. F-4nisoEs iresw sLin"ia>', Nvem~brms 59--44 CHEAP COAL 0LIS! ô12 te. per Gallon. r% -.% -f rl 1 Drbase esssswdon aver(m5s- b eéeegecee~7O , trt1 e cmZ~&sfs -s'- ~O lai aIs 's W-ffle ý so imi emie. âw ee»tilý ý IAT Tll ISiCOdE zSTREET, STARTLING, BUT TRI£i Survaveo-or Portis IIOLLOWAYS PILLSI .lE isa-sny tsf lis-a rssC es-os-aI l/ Tsrd iaila aaticaal scalucIet i ltcaiiits WrItc5 la> tile msan res-a en ciasa ha-sa folle1c5c sis no stissn, Cati olj r pgs tas af teatni aissia t a-fosas isc siaes ore cousntr-ls -s-sos-i, le eoiasl-O slids iion iseusasid nsci l a Csa-r sf assy iacaaaî-ao voalona sisies t1issas egasa. illomia itssssdera. l s w l s t e v r f o r a s a ils s e u s i t a a h s î fi i j ý osriCIi scissli asfti-si sîsla-i tiata aaa,-eÏ. liiiis onsasi trres.lillo a-aiva-e Lnt tisés-tis, sailaointisafas-siiy laser sisa, -sI, esot wcilscîsîsidesac, e 111" lisai pa rsllet ,i= 'en, isassaiaslonirisicia lIialis acta-iitt -ale ho trýisé -uUses-o. Dyspepsa. TCe grea casagocf sist ailasaontient i a\iié s y t es aassas-seo f ti sea lsiiaaîiieiil f. ai m digesative orgauans r ss-sa-ei l ilsp ilea;so:0aotteia Oiii5itioiitiiasp,;/ rit edisosas axiatibilo isola luis ea sailosr - eas itesal> diopen ea iltri s~ (IcirniDebility anti iVes,, Fronta 5-iates-eenoss-, losa-aei sis giilsai ali otise s iiensairatdeeszi sos-lier5aai ciex ots s c s a t a t s s f fi c e s y i 5 5 , % i Ri i a i i ,/ eradiosasisaSasfeasea f lis ail passari t si oltia-e and dreil sesii-ly aicly Femeales 8 1Olse s la t le o c s a l a saafi n ain r v ins g a f io d a ic a-ag uia tisi5 sassi d r e a-i i gis iat- s -i ; c i ssek I sais i e tas la -ira-o s la i l i a is i 5 s . i f "R1; sa i li --tdla-! asa isen i a ,sai. ra1i-Iss; ils ea-là sailst ssIs l-actiaisa iro5î5, blin-a t1a14,lainq isi0ia fa t slissi 5sa oawli5a--aa aaaiass L Isasa il it l-v, sl. i las-,u d laist il l' lîaait t -a - iss aesl aiis ais i, as--st la ý ýs- 'A s-Ii< N - a c as-c es i s a-i asi a Its a-ase 'lsl Is a ie i nas- lias- t r. i -ao Ilsa lles-.inialies s i s-ss a- i 'y -ais-t tsi/a tIo bl i h .A Iiaiid i ne rîs aîss i dcasa-lai-sasaisu Lisu aa ljany 0 1 ldA isas Rsasas s-ssa-aiouilti la /asm acaasIy>ca'e des-eics ofssCiaaelstasioc oraslaiius coltlli stfloidi ii iai>s o els- a-r os sasasas-. i tla e I)iî inrzsr s s l a1iiss- i lSis estiisass ii-aIlt.sisa sna-t-I a s is iais lire.a a itisl l (i-Ia-a-ssiassslC ilPUIFY TUE B LOOD. ,I i ttt l t s L i a P i f I l a d P eis c - a s s i t( Feue fsoicniI l ions-af Pisos. s- 'il IE l Ii i 'tiPUl.AIiIT V illtc (41101lit t s sa lais-saXl «litas tss a-i- l 'y as> sis ir se, re si ne ila ai ca-- hýM là :alies 5roprti o assa- lsa st a5lslîac ai theC-ao-iadiciiaaîa-bissas orlOClresDi ii g las ms a flusa ti a- s as > y ea s-s isafas-a tli oli ti-,ass aissifle is 5î55155si leolsasoiaaist siassa is-ca siiiisas1 (i ' c 100118a s- it sîl 9sek reis105edai lia- Cis I.s.Ieeit oit ast 1sos-ieullal hlis-asit t i flot-a-tst lissi su-ms-iltiila sll e lasot a-saIalssssedille lssiow b-lsel flespsils gsaire ai îaiiais.e 1 lsiissaalOatystji Vilage ltslnisteilsits, tlas-a- arcia siYlu as-c ny na-att> sii y10 ieflae a enia5* di asass, , u gi%-iaa ttIistSclial s5l5 e a -ae-s-as ass i ti inu asaas i s-afila, UVies-a1 lsesy sCalp asas sa cf ftise s-h , is las- ss a t i505 offli le i ti ittinscie 5s-ssiy ratssoisiig, oaicasns-sioitgO5s s-ast daya, sa-ar > aes-i t,o s-a iasse l aîiaSsas a- sasai,, . aasi- i9-iII s fe i.-saafile isisa as-ar.dosaAgas ite apîaio trPATpo ilsliu' as eisorI5 assoat i a iocias as eiosso sa-tla Mi ertv ls-aie-la.Noas 1iaa-atia-aaldisstii. sat tiiis-a, sac Cy lsir tisiset> uss alsstriî Yo r t ( rs lie ala b> tfi. A . Bliau ia lac , tfuis 4 IIUFF ALO lIIEDICAL DISPENSAI È.sTC05IS51t05FOR TiIE CURE Of I ) ewliyj s 1 c a , t s' - Ies- a l i a i i tji, J#ie a nd a it .4g Sa---si,feulaOi tIsa-as, <ssset impurss-iy i1f l Asti'ls essss, Pssan/, a l, l'ilas £ilq J le l i t yi , oja a it s e s f o u tl a d ad i 09 1, DR. AmIos & SON, is-saccen or MAIN A-o u 5AToie., 5a5s-IÀoOa5m AitETIIFt ONLV PIIVIils'IANSIN iL'i ASTATE wcis c -ouenibscrofet Ci, 1151 ( s alte g cs i o s - e a s a , Lo nud o ns , si a a b c msit frossa8 osastasa-itsfaise iasessiag isail li att in evsny51e'0 ass i 5> saîtons salDisea. To r5f35 atis-o süYaîtstîtflias reiitf0s eats ofoSti sassai'osietes-veaend que ltiLondon. 55 TChe mocat tos-élénal s-«6 I liueosea eiétedtin 8 ts cos-S9 aysdc, tai a Bllft ssatssa-e sSin 5oreIiys litsa ialeOl' i e pasLs.Thtesira cilcetedti ntistlcosstctsoe or min cs e fotla ao b ta s ale e . YOCLC5u MEN TAKE P AvtICELAs teoVla T isé s- eailsa es il a bi it sio sse ti esîsse lî dall it 0 y s , ftu s iolitu d ea, o ilé sig Os l(g WS lCe ni te oaissoti; agii liaiifaot sala0 in5 dau itasni, olt oi>igt teriasas aislite

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