Whitby Chronicle, 16 Jun 1860, p. 3

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tre tr Cf te Pm of oities EUON. sicte. e piste à n lw ie a betiti lI- j-r"aof ÃŽh itreet Wn itic, h if hatia-ik OsItself u tin 1i h ite talut o a-e Ï Uit waud oi-y m&td avd t tue ýai etulters obligd l8 plhiat (1) Bin. Wal- amie- ehig, O- 1ygsitt irai 80,4 Ce;ort<l hiW leh i haspoken tons Dnot satfer cve te question 'ithO-concesion. -Wlee citu fkuowviegi-eàailblO for se- t 1i e469 epre -;a, te fotain icnse-aeiili don deiste oe lluitlmnti True yen nay eabc- ji ail tey t-noin le bao,or iii fiair aswL.ic aopinions, tut ýtitn wit Iabour is ne- anc] jite <eet itan! lutter il, -ithes- lieu ejealginau enquisitO te ive iL etet ie ceinfl, for thit ihoely t'ho 'fruit cf te- ry. do. en d expeiencet anti cannot easily o trnineit~tetOPester it uuy more tian o prIlvilcal lenoaletigaian! ukill et .tePa SÛRin. LSineyllueen white livisgâ P Ve esmuOPlie Lllir c6limpearies et pa- 0ot ni laboteur, close vlent lîooglt, analin- te tial judgsaent, a-whit aili g.ofu e Ti ke sp for ilei r tifLitraral trom te toi ne et action-teing titati tly yet speait. hei' rdly bail te bar of quaeecpL ut ri, uringu (a s acestomary), for Mr. P ries- r e, aote Benci tlest oceoit is ccu-on ta. I rifer te t e tat etlien, -Jatige lir abt, Wtao togh et otie ay an cI! a-une Il a-criaman. Ho ita! litai!lenar if Ive art lien lite by te amooent oe t is aieu, -. o .virnines1Icvan reuememhai ho was a Iv imuet paron. As La-yer, Legislia-th blinier etfthe ron-, aand moevo- fui tly 1 as Jadgeshe waa eminently a pnb- a Meeait!andthongit hable ochtarges of ldo nisty fr a bnietparL et is careier, (andiLu e i, ne), was aà iiglly ueul, and 1 Lt nkuitprigt maimber et aevaëiuy. Fraek en rat, sociablethe itifiunptreeicn of ala- fr' iîy an!.$ouinatur, %otmi l i en n aisP open te Convictionl, Society lests le aila ornancînt, ad htematiy ia bettfact l' Againu, notiuer gond and ditinguisit- citien, asdeuittny Bay emintictll a 2 uail nai,,ban lately tepartti tiis lite. auW nid itave begen avit blan, for lic Lei il fitst, 1Imtthe Hotliu. JieinMalcolui ai reterchienty, -a a nixsa reliant tIsaTT t type qf tlue clusa. M. Friser lied. at- AI rja t t.- -gandi iketeto i -Iitio lleu , iiitose tienele 1a v le in f ln- à ut h liesitoare, atidest IM sui in inaiiig Qurele a contiu.u- ,iiýutihei for is high mintdiiess, el lltits eeganet vovinisy, and tin ny ottiet ociai vit-tun. This excellent fi was a tneintiir oethLie Leejeleitisai'S ueil, unil Comumetcial businessobligti t n Ltte laie faisi. Ht was aise a di- d, lot iii Lie Banîk of Britisit Nortit Amer- ti, frot-oiis ettblisutait, tutt thueugluhy 2, conîstitutionofa t haiBanki, le lest ]lis i et i the alant, for te saieternson tlet tacteiteti it iiiLte LNgisîture, yt seo ejly iipiresel aeret itaiCeurt et Dintc- na i, Lniitn, aitlu is igle lid nialc & i legrily, tit an texception wa aeldo ,iii favieur naiad le ma rtluetedto teecuti ,,self tiLhuaiGîmon Tabe, wavba ie utcen- uetti iîltieatittraiislaitnd ista Waht- lune. h1eiglit ei.uaeraethtitidepar-k of oilisr netaiiities, but tiia inuelcet- 1 el te rmtiid usa tat taie aaiitus-y ad- S eUtaes iof ieuruuîeg, aitlh ortauieu ,)roeftaegaintathLe assiaulofetLas tL eny. Witee eery mone, te commuuety as a eleeI iîteut upoea tht Ireapevtionislit- ery fun giv-in.( eleet Lua fervneat de- t ta the Piîucluue et Waleteay bc n- -y ivet in is nuauer calvuel t Leoblut a cete i loyaty euid letio e hithu a-a, ciai t taards hlis illuitriieus pal-eut, sndai r ticutien u thec Cl-aanu u e i and ctrly oîtr avlu it iaue tis itla su L auiîîa cehtre. Yen nixy dejîetd iupouu tIi-tI a îcltr or netou: umanifuettinu ulorfit Sortof teitillitteeLtlt itiel aîn tber ruinsarctare ll) ai Lie I--brtîe the auspitinius tun, lîeu-c ailI a ivol-soueld (cl-leur, anti a teelyt lîdnttil diguiliJi Lhîc Qucituat deeeiu- htt avlich, nie thier laceailI sur- a l'isîi cLithe eynatusure of thliigt, ti t olîtlad soi fer sociely lie rui a- sdulture, and las didaiianS s u ieut-- te sud Ignuarius ia clarecten tbiat iL iii- ieiveîy roilèeveevyltigloir andurtiUt tecit. I1iredct s gonti tiute. Pllîlesascere teihave beeua ti-tateti here sItteavrey tuiluthel waay invehicit 1)iY- soiulil fteî n -Li-trot o he ui tog fora-ebear vary tildelofethte satject. cl 0111Y item i ititis coîîuccioîî îvieit meale excitai interest is Ithat document' lierre as avlI an ail over te Pr-ovinuce ce ahcmuri onieity Lie perse is rota- t- Iili iL oecLtii ilght ? Cou IL bean light ? lHa ithets te tilklit part thebusttiins. If ItLdehâti hve bot-uc ligitt aol iLt net bave bee,, brnnht Le tL ?aoiaid uot Mr. iiroavita vountc- ce liane aitoa-uu ailua gorgenes igit wouldti to is itrt bave bhent igiteui- et a lient-y Joad ut lie voudhav uie- omitler- ittidt documnct" u tue igluL et day I IlMr. Bron do eiiigliatei us,ve a-n o i:li iihîL Dvin dois bai-m tte geeti eyeeî tily bats, anti moIes, aîud omis bte civc une iigIudligitL Lighl. Youns, &., CIJON. official AppolsattuetL. SECot]&TAty' OFFICE, y,,~ Piiaaad Oitntm&-Wi tat lmost ilutleisresulie ihave toi- te exhibition etft"aexcllent midi- ianeaam of tirpay. Actinug imetei- y peo Lb. bloodIL priamts titiiffti- Of euma ingrialin quanitiatita" tise ats vcmftue egp, an! by ocjuanilg e9daiuisthe oieoea f Ibm -aettett y tepa ah.. piogi-ama cf tae dîleaupon. 10-aoàtmta ~aIme une! vite ilittasa janeseaOf dlacbargimg by astik ma ltmuaption tea-aies-aa- Y leni t u lscellular tisue.mo i- tm-eaismto e b.o dIauev wha Ils aternhlaeL eain oft uasta-. 4t o You thik thse oramaIfur A pomuit -smadti e o ina te l priaintat of lte belL hoeisho placebeu but atter givingtae maLIen Sme Ccaaiv ration, i deemo!i t ilgit'0 teuulme t, Thte Losnn leoea gisesLý bO OlltbaÃŽ-' Amenisaialngdaa!iaid s ha ntam&vu lSllY Leda. Wb" p ar greatest dsplom iaIs an!dmegiseushava tuae!te saue, lima bois aceonplid lsy te Beama -Bo'y asti TOeMSayera, a-oa. lma vIS a aceeti te tuLeagemui0aocW, qad ahi peitty iii a hbo- etiahitte show fac auisulof tkai mua deualvati acitl biodly , h quiut, osasaly -tietea Tie ti Aialo ablo luIs set Baket ti =ions tegathb tbe go"ultmaug a-ié lamateeas aloviaby lt-e ogladisLOn4 Iw --t sbeltSe w-il leue apêded to the La-e amlitons o ther "afienmiAth ti' welsh~ave ber- oral V" a vit r f h Cd a4 teibev UR m Arrivai ofti iNorlt Bvtou. Thte NorLth Briten passe! Fatiior Peint 6 p. t. yenterday- ibes loocted t aionu- bderry and ti qtWlIgi the traits i 0 nets ne fixvd cl i Oi pusaednmurss- btlrge iinide; experientli et-y toggy enihear, al,î toue dtsine! spa-valds et 48 Siellian deepeLvites atili -et-y conts-adictil- Lote tiespatchaîs asserit euîryteing geing i ieil for Glaribahli. The Eutglieit and Frencit neaiticttL alrmo cusbarked on board tee steomers thuiir respective nations, as an atiacIa by in insurgena a expecteil ea-îy moment. ie Neaoîn e Ierai a-euh! titen! dthe mn. The inurnula tili occopie te cigite aouiding Palerme. Deapaîcite repent te assertion teat gla- basîi balticteaiedth ie Royal t-oepa anal iiti-ed Palet-m-bat titey a-en net cou- rne!. Se-veral Neapolitan visuelsoet a as-ha rited bibe Paltrete. .The Par~is Patrie says LIait an leaurnev- un la hîiîug organized te stanuixtent bat ita dcfiailn rieultosarc ne longer dablt- il. Ttc faîl et Palurme is toneidere! inv- able, thte osly questieut hein.g utote ne Garibaldi avili daiclane iSivily annexe! Liaie Italias kinigdone, riservin Lte ratiO-, .110e ethi bi eeolation Le Universal sot- Tht Ptovisionai Goaernuennt entier te vnesideîncy ef Garibaldia-ouleS îte dit-uct e inurruvection. Aul offisial Neapolitan. tligra of t te !Llu ocys tîet tia mernisg tit ilnurgeets et-e attacled-by our Luoopie, au!da-eue bea- £il iaied ai-issufrouea their ntrueg positin lt arcvno oea ocujiietiby oer volums.- hic lisongeuts sustaiied griot measses- iitter couauon us pot-oigite let itie lttetiieuof Plana. Mtae scooiuis iy mail etote theat ntL [essieîa, Masy 22iid, erder tees mainitaincti, but iserylliiig aas ritai ton ne outittinitin casti (Garibaldi susîeet in enLernag Paler- me, of wclli thîrc lis lilîle do.ubt. Ilis et-ce a-ratten estisuati at 15,000, but il is îiid to base itetu aubsequcîutîy aiveileti tel40000, Acetdiut e an lotirvaipteti eepatlt(rouiet the Gueral coumoeding tue Royial forces ait Alcaein, ont ut 5,00 2300 a-eue itilled, atu! cf te ivoundeti ns menutioun 15 niaide, fer ansutht arsurgetave- il no qtjellfurIlîsir a-ar et-y, dus eluntu irelevai is untiliessary. Muaiy ot ttc Royial t-nope cite-retreaLti Lie Palet-et lied if fatigue. Laler ullinitul lsapaticiesa dteal Naples, ktiy 1)1;,'says IluaL Sicilinabands are lest. jl e «lctrooseof (Garibaldi, w a-h e ccagai aeeuu beateuî et Pieuo, ltaving be! eiany killetian cutakeîî 1tiaauum. Titi lesungeule est elle e îanon antdl are iii fulli tigbt pur- nuei hy theiRol ttyîIoolet ieyoed Cet-houe. Te Prnoviuncicesae Lanuil astitea-olution- elts disctauregeti The o flicial Zritnng puibliebes te fol- oing, dtiîlNaliles Itit a 41 Thetutadz i aribnaldi hasse bien Le- taIIy reeleti. Garibaldi iielf 1 cuidma- voenug.-Lxenuiark. Thteneitels accuse mavi aubet-oet tvacliery.u Il% contraditionofethLie abuce a-e bave tan tollo-iuilg a Truit,,May lotit. Tluc officieal Gozette poleliniten an ufficua] spatci fl-eut SaIles, esuuuonug te os rival Lluare of ait ituglulshvstemear mt tht fuilliiiuig ustl-Ti i iusurgeîîls bave iii ivreti Paleensco. A cotusiterablc part 0e te pop1ultliont haviea-iseuagaiuuut thrtoyel troolti. TIiheiy ia itenianded by landtil a-n. 'liebobardinti omaeteel 0et Stîuuduay ioriiiug, sti te furiuîg vieetiuui aVlieiu theatamier Ift. t PÀns a oy 21). The Patlrie publihes titiller resirve th folloaving desjaatelu t:-Naplies, May 28- Garibcaldiali aaiaug colieilectet al bhis Ibrce anud îttiltuny maînrial, itttatkialPalermoe 0 te toteiug o et iti29tit uit., antirmati blti seastiar of al lue outer avorks, ant îucceeadditnent ite Loae. Titi Liendon uî uus jOcesano rchianv, on lte offca-li segratea freux Naples, a etulfcieni Lîhan e s lpced tte ea-owteysu ebet fabicîationis. The foiîo%#ing le te Iatest veciaed Ib tai Tiiutea rois antitetti asorcea r-Paris Moy 29 pepuint rleinItaat Palermce andtihL atiempteal iombsvdminl by tes, and land te Najiohiu truopa. Arrirai of lte Anago- The stnamsiip Anago. Caplaia Lintm tarrivet au Nia- Yorka ai eigbt o'eloek v luhediay iveniuug fniet Southtampton, a-hi, port ulae lofton tua 30tit ni. The filma a te At-agiefurutisi a monoe cetie on mary outEEsropesn nia-s tas tiat girl atready. Thte toastuur stîamshp Griot EsLc undouhuedly het Southameptonuilest SaLu' dey, tht 9th inL, fer New- York. Th Londen Tiiites et May 80 gineai tho fc loa-isg aivet-tiaieet cf ber iateuidealth tee snecheu-se troLled the distance in eigit miruutes aod fifty-six secondis; an! again, euit lIal2tlî, luigbt minutes analtitree- tieunthseconde. lu h ateclteet Mn.j. J Bail, tce oer o etflu assos atullion Geerg«eB. Patvten, ban neccntly i-etssed $25,000 ton ii. Be considîre blun vwot $35,000. - -.0 Iua Wanitingtopt Cotitcy, Va., lasi vosk, William %Woodsoo, vhittaventis opaavil oft $1 101000, van convivteti of iog sLealing anal senteneualte o,.e yeav u inte Peniten- Liane' DONOVA.'N-AL Whity, on te lIte list, lte itle et Mn. B. O'Doeoymn, et a TEEFY....At Ricitmondl lI, C. W., eue i teh it o, te a-le oftM. Toiy, EFA% J.P., outasoan. TBIiIPSON-4t WitLby on LiseO is itast, titivite et Mi-. Wna. Titempsous et a daugitter. MARILID. BRAS.5TEPERNS-AL the nemi- tdan- ofBMr. Pile, nar Asihun, on tetub lest., b7 toBare. Thoas aï s rpBu. "ii eu-t Bret, oethfle tow-nhip oetWhÃŽuiyte Aundo MaiiesVernon, youageait dagl- tei- cf lil. SitateacitStiphiln ofetWbit- churh. H UNTINGTO N..ALLEN.&L8LtML. tea's CitunnitPiiladelpitia, On ih. Pila M&4 Cv. lDavid I, Hustieget, te Atnia M. Allen, tisugiof etMn. Win . LAI-,a Prealdint et Glu-se! Ctllos, ati Grand- asgiten efthe R er. Jalms keiardon ot 'GOLIE-FLD(DALL-oý .s *0 mit., hy thme o. WuM. BlaMaile iditret Trentn, Mv. Walker Goals, o ens-te%, tu Blia, fefurtidaghaier cf Kv- Johnu P. Pu*a. da%1CEet b.su»placa. Os'à &4 S- ut, hy the Rea-. Mr. BWZU4a bath of Bntovi-st GOBKXAliI.At luitby am e Oth' PICxL j'es.q.th Mmm. ageai4yaM the LWlElIAilC*S' IALL, n chic cettl.u eu Frlday & Saluirday Evg'i. lune 15'& 16 AFE-W IARREI-S lg90al priait cs ue'aprk A o fumoala CIIFATER DRA-tPER.- Waity, Juin. 13,180S. a-lia, just BMeis, a Splendid Selection CONGOUS, ORANGE PEKOBS,&c AISO, VERT CIIOLCE Fine Flavoured Young lySOJ GLTNPOWDIER, &O.,- AT TIlE STORESOFTBM CANTON T WOMPY., lalKing4t. But, Toronto, AND corner Richmlond St London. Fs-11mln a i steanne aioalii CLUB TO- SPrims g es ti ep aove, ntiitatit ttec ettimyan! tha troule ila Ciiai, M, Ta ........... ...l 2g1iS -0 o .....i idnndi--edo I. try C - *ý:..... a... i! GrtnTe t b ..............25 . bmaa, Sb eme ad 6 om mi bhi, UOU6Od itlto Lhe 'ltwo Charai.jous e Sof, ~ O IC Fngiaind," for auchis ta1 inscription lffn ----- th ,se ocf escit, Both are preciscly aluni- A Card to the Sufforixig. jarineryrY and ~te soewahat - înetworkwashilu, on freateli etîver, T11lp REV. WM. CLSGIIO\, cviule laoit- earefal7 9Qpî~toftconsrui t e aia Jon à oîler taffaeliedai- Mr -. F . Ilancook, oft Breton abteat. 011 bla reipo rahtauieilfront uarliiiphviti-, rejjaunls of.Mr. Aberit Smith o ioh 0vuodgoa nc obraaio.»firef intericd i ite ,UronptoR> ceettry 01, forit, frot coniinition, flreobitjc, se Suteillay.The fu-eiral veofibucplinest Thratu, Coagla andlCo dua, anad te îlbility and, description, Mr. Sinith hlaing exprpsed. ailvstit aluioîii it by Lt iàiovler. 1i> riîîant itltiiigclier., 1 avili oîittlula wshtfliant the espenisconnottedi ilt1' ît, reipc, cviivitl a tcilî itentvitlaine,to aluld noL 6R<eed £20. cai ev-lueevd !t, fric fut îîirge th (Ã" th il Ctronc1e.E'.LWU'. COSOiOV,. By 2.IerapJ leIhe ~ Corondî439- 0Fulton Avonue. ru Arrivai orthLie Ningie. *8 li iooklye, N. Y. ¶ý Titi rOM lmail teains'lîiPNiagjara , r,ffi TuE POWtER 'OF BLîCNE ovEa Diaea, b4 LiverPOOiI nîl, via Quetitocvn, 81rdl maL, -We. lnea 0f Do btter illustration et"titi nI bas rrivei liti Hshifalc.fltct tian titi vonderful efrets o e iaOx- ci IL le ceuiclmid haL Garribaldi lias on- yeatel Bittrs, in eirdicating frouxtite e teruitiPaiifiee, and stabishIitîls iea uliman serauaypps aandi ait fnnctiOnsl -b3 quarîrs thoei, aflir a lercqvembat, andl a diseus efthetitornoacit, and restoring ira- ty Gobrlnetliîttly teeou d ]anid. The pie ieto.I sn e edd. Populace teok titi Royal Palace front tihe rildgein I env eaiy tu-enIe, and bitrut IL. Thé bomnbardaienit Tee yîara et trial bj the publie ias esisit- sa contiîîie la est advies. lited 16 an a standatrd meliini ; nd ne ta- de Titi Cititurso rcPly tu te Eîglich oali. mily ii intecountry ýitold be vithout iL an r matu0 1 piibiisheti, iL raijets ail te po-a sale indlsunie eina viit bot eixesand !ci posiianl. li age, In oorlarge citiez iLbhm beau In LeOOsN ONIT 5111Kg. meuht uec! y the.rigolas- phyetciana, and w la Conleoclouaif on Friday eaI 04 aa05 for inderiediy sciaietite strngeaicertificaLes d nieeV.! aiîd 095 a 95j for arcunts. frrnt soîl known individuals. For tale by e lulloeinleBank of Englant huati increits l tedu-ias IrlyNoil o cd 48 thloustuict pouills.-ttlfiedugea-YekyNnitl c -t-ga-----We van ivstify frent. ixperience Liait tePl Fast Tine-Putcitettboute Floro Te... above medicine possgsss-ailt* i'tictcrits plei. chimealfor iif y env friend etoite Neil- NE Yeiitc, Juia 12.-In the trot to-dhay, IFortsaeta)-îyJoîîes Il. terrie Drnggît, &. btrivecia Flaira Temple andi Patruvn --t l)iiitîlei trut, andI by W. IL Duel Britoi St fmile bcuts-thlttLer avas te ainner ln wlîiely Latve straigitt lictL-i. Tine-Lii,31 ; 4.57J. Tlîe first ille in titi rsI t ut maIei rr CONSIJNPTIVESl.-Tlie ativerifer L 2.22; fiM tmlein si econd botat2.271. TLbavitig liera, rliored aIlat eIn iia ev iveeke, itycavery simpile rcntetiy, aller liaviîîtci -TIRE UATTLE AT n.D.i.tALi tîlferm,lseivajnrlyvarlaailit a i-ture Luj Afc c WASILINCiTO.N, Jini h3-Tle New Or- tiA, andii trd ad iiseue, oiviipitieL jexans PicaîyanîicoftSxturday evening a tisuiile îe o aîvuli îlelalîtieler T:tîîîîîicoes ttîs t ice 4th iiîs. 4Juvt lîc ile ita fno.The eriptc-in e itie f t c LlcvrLn ut udalajara avas in Geneil etIar) vvtiaicieie e irpv Iîl îui Urag-tus gritsP, a tray tiinnan slt offIt is te tesefe, wiilct iaey ailiii oi eurerifer i p lg. Muariîsn and confusion fteliaoîti Go- (aaîîlet cAcBediiir.Tii. eîly ~. ,. eijnlailiiialvio viii talifthe li1restrtjýa ' errI aîu-vareec..rged. ..h great lîi steîaîuîutîîîîeiûietei, antdilie hlepieevery l for), on te Liitra1s. The aiair n duitin IDuiiitvivr IailI îry liýelrsiceaiy, lx. ili uIcouL t ein st sthe îdispersion atudifligitL of te aviteaarmy iiîtliiiig.iin ii. aav prove a iluii.Partira t fLitcrtuls. A Tatiapice leLer îaya Lue ciulàig rie preso&ileiutn vilI plaiaidrieta neaisot stn incenipircelel, but il comesl 1EV. EDWAI1D A. WILSON, front an auilacraLttiesud reliable seurce. wv-5-1- Williaîtulsurgli, Kinig Co, N. Y. Clouerai Uraga muadte lis escape, but teb Icte ciflis le.- wili ceaL iiuuî hic iifc. THE GREAT ENGLISU ILIIIEDY A Gcncraii Zuloaga liad aseuine tLe Prcti- sut JAMES CLAXiiKI?'a Jdvncy t Lhe capital. Cclo3bratedl Femnale Pis, TIE C.tfLL OItIE.SE. - lIOETDLTEI lite-, Jiuua 13. -Tbe special sessuon RT TDLE ES r et tht Legislalune essembheti et 10 e'clock BY ROYAL M PATENT. ttitis iuovuing Twe Billesavive atiopted rn- Peae1--oi prviptar f iaiive t)thLe caile diseuse, incrcýatieg tli V.,Phiera ,tteanii-g Io the Qiteei. Stair comm,,issien le lite nexiter, pravui-t -ngfrsciriutic tcvti ia, iî-peau- Titis invaluable iediiae a iâitefiling ini Lie8 a n 60 o u nauthieritics u kilI on iseixtc cul- etîre t falihoe liuaifu*ai ddiigcriiidiecacea tie andtimake etluer reguations fer te 6tuahidi itie flaniiiecsirutilonias stlabiciIl trvatîinit înatal extermninatioicnifluee diseuse, ,iietlerue al eeas tait reiaivcea alisre amiappepnetiîg iocoforlia pupce. ieieionad a petdyietfroi naay ho reled n. and pprpriaing10,000 ur he IUrPse-Te lenried &tie il l iLi.ectilierly vuita Iults - ai-.JAASSE ail, ineia elitri liane, hiig uoshiîîuuetly I Jîte 3-Ttipriac peuiriuduiithrt-ialiiaritý PIIILînî:î.PIIIA, Jn 3 TeErnia avh hboule, pie a-lie Dollair, bers ttie lue- teniberiaoetthîeJapan enuitssy,ecorvLv sll ,Iiuiisiîi lîip futireet lritaua, lu preveîît hy ithe Naval Conamiasianers andthea City cviiirrft,.. -.Council visiLivl Liiisuint titis faerniiuu. 'File i l Il cvLecantNervoii.i anti S(iîa1Al Afaiii, l'fou aiiitle I at dLituhe, Faigu e u ligliL Juipanese inspecte! te varieus îroes8es ext-rlitti,iî ,peu jlt clifllitc llatt, ll>elrieu, il nf reiing anad ciing. anti expresse a s Il lit£ lto le illa vilI elleivut kt t s hln tivîslves gratiliil and speciaily deloliht. al uilrr i-iatutu hvet i altiiotîgh. s ril iLiii. beatutiful inxclincry for coin- du nunîl eiîala l cittaili ironu. valonîul, la t teolakta ei;r i ii..- iiiii tvl-Ci~llliltirlicî ttecuuatiiii- leri corps -pais a frmai visit L Lte ina- FlilI ivcadîi vsiiiii iiire basy autc ertituciai Hotal. Sale Agaul furthue tuiiudal siancacnaile. yn5-ituivîi.or ri "iîlOAA." c.JOlB. BLaSE-, NONAUR(Laie IF uitlii& Co.) SBetTes, June 13, one o'clock, pun-Tlero ilnvluiuirr, N. Y. %vrr, no signs etfttîe steinhip Xiatqirna oirîa laeNivultWloe alcaaia a i rlylucur titis înornitg. N BIl 'anfitt -c tluii eclcued le'ite lue luessine c a liîi iterrupteti ho- tuoa'i*iv t'liiized Agenti.%N111 cii- îîru it boulei ul i-tu-cln S. Joint'.; ait, Sackvillei. IL 10 ex- tlhî ill. b% relîiat ma îîil. For utie by cl ) t-1. lottevr, t e bc in working oraer i~r;.iiWîit . l .ltiil u al Lay li; ovining. aicti tIretla. îIL iti, irucii treue. -arylsad, lias pandoîacd Mrtint Sliav, ib wIITY IIAIiE a-as in jailIacnuitin-' Oxacution ufor amr eoti yI bé deur etfvwlicta lii.lua ein convieteti., RpeIly i. eu,;R~ wa eesdfotcenfiuneenLthlitlue Cituestets O o je niglaigo boluente die aoîcuîgiie rientis, Jîîkte1, ISOU.1 - the sertve anti tulyician ofthe prisontu Whacat-Fall, $1.30. 0~ $1.42. -es lamiantesifrd tai teoe-vas lantelesit DiLo-sîiritug.$1 Oce10 $1 12c. a stgofceusultapition. Flovar $5J(0$i. Posta foc. (0 62c. le Tee AMERlCÀA (N G stu LoDoceotFree lLariey talc. (055lc. id tand Acceptoci blasons heldt ibirt-rd sne- 0c1 hc 30ee.c sion lente Apollo Roo, Nia-York, onl Rye b5-0v- 60cai. e. Thurday, Tte entire day vanl apîntinle liy $10 e4 $13 V1toi.. as nomunti ng ofcliera for te coming yrr.- Pork L$6 q& $1; 75. le John W. Simens vasn neeinaLtd for Grand Brcef $4 04 $6. M(kastîr, Finlay Ma. King, Deputy Grand Shtoep $3 ta $4 50. Mastraitd linton W. Page, tor Senior PutaLoes. 2tle. !1' Grand Wartien. Butjr1.« I te The Troy )Bljet undersleentis thitJohan Fee OI. 5.0 O-V ar La îorissey, tL u la 10 ein o innedibaLo- Tboav-i21v50v- 5. a lY.inta traning ut te itAbitey,î w t ih Apale li0e $1 00V h uel. 51ea- il ligiting iMeinait un Aulpst liîl Miles $31. tan lvft Nia- York, sind expresifei bita de- Cod Wood $ 00 e4 $2 25 V corti tvrniination Lei vaicqiathfla champion cf Tiaithy Sued $1e0 LIce voriti, noLe-iitstanding ho (Morrisacy) Clo' er do $6.001 al truîteniel eitit connuieptioui. Wool 25c. «028v. -D-i-t.----------- - Plater 85c aita-hart. eh Trto ý-o- tisse matie iy Fiea om g ofo laiee-ac. cît theilate race onEWed- M-neauay at, shows a itprovemelit lItrot-. NEW D M Z M S entin.,auie tse ilrattiret le Aunirica. Oni _ _ 'SO ER RO P Fridoy, September 6, 1816, a hotte alled ti S0111AT OV 1 riacOlti Blue" Lu-ttetiilrto miles ou thte - I-Sale.. îuvnpike. ai Lyone,in iigbt minutes Undr -theIi. psoueege Of M la Vè-iP uje t - anti forrtno secondsl. Titis wasate fist Maeyr Rîferu-ait L in Lthe fcregeing BY-haw, anti forluig part Liareet. î72or efai i, thbe ilu18W&, aviie fraiti 1,u 22W 21 7u 13m4- 't tmie a1ssi 512,21 1t2&35 ipmcat ' .1l2M- uhtsi ' 1"1- uSma nisan tee=, s-oa1i 6=7i 7150i &MI iMast set-n- a ut anas, e uosi, muai l uis, la t itu a 1iri, 1 trs, axst, lE 1565, tan luit, h9t0 lute lim tec, lmt iri, ulm sa-ta,uiM iava, two lui, tel% tLm 1818, ut mns1180 1-si lch. Tisai ibis Dy-Law saal ccitalue slhict, eu-coma ie epratien util froue sud after tae ligneothe sameoaiuib. u. natly psased ai sauhotin oft lte Oounty Cooncil, upecially tL eb. alu, fou-tae pur. poae of eonsiduting tae same, aloat ibueo calouder moith tbieter s copy iteu-of aital hase boen poblisitot, anal notice tereel given aecortiing tote tforetanal atute soicasauemade andi proviteti. - Gl Woal pofcltly luta eattejýlntain houir A ]3Y-LAW, n r-aim« by uoay ofjlosa b*the qý fý7%ï- tg.Z7ooeandulollcrga cea ie*reetpesp- aUc in 7%aoy ears feu- te Iiprour- màentofRorue/e hhroug/touithe 7ounty of Oualau-to, Witrisltae Municipal Corporation cf aue Caunty of Guitenie thataby nisolittion If te Goonuil esolseilto expiation ceaipi seu l h te iaaiI Ceenty th -dau 1.çenty.tltousauddoliaa, and Lts th a val tam o etT-nty-ifaeusali! dotlirslbcs-ai.-id ýy-.IÀebinturwsofttait Corpnratien payable inT-etiyotjr er, protide! tat te Muni- dipaiti i ieote money la ho ho expendet ralse by 1 ylst, or otitirwiso an ëquai aLmoni-,Be iL Litoretoro- sissotu! yý ta Municipal Corporation ofLte Ceun- ty cf Ontarie ln Council assemblit, ase t e honeby esetet b7 tietitoibriiy ofthe Rame, tai itstalh ha laa-ful for- ibm ar- don cf ilaCotinty Lov aiso by véy oetlin nom sey persoe or persens, b.dy, 'or te!. ls Corjer rpolitic, a-ho nay h. a-lt- ing Le ailvàne t Lb. mme upen te creit of titis Couoty, antofthlit debentusrieibore- n imenitionit, tonom c f Ta-eety-îhoÙisn dollavs tut lia-fu ol ney etCansa"sanal Le mause te same 1te cpaît inho tebanals if te Tressns- et tittis Couniy fer titi purposis boein atateti. lt Titi §hall bu Ia-ful fcr te -Tardain cf tioCouht etdet'L aay De- benture or Dabottttes Lete bmaode out for utucixsu.. or as ofetmeey, Dot masstitan Ta-cnty-.five pouetis each, anti -aoL ixcceding l intea-bale te aum cf Ttrinly-tbousand -dollars vitit intreL tbereoieean Roy peneon or plersens, bo!y or bodies, vorporate or polittcmuy agree te heu! or atiranco ispen sucit Deben- turcs: an! suit ual! Dibenttsrae-gall lie in suci foretanaLte Warten etfte Counity 'alall ilmnexpeaient, and shall bic tinter the Corporete Seal efthSie Ceun- ty,- anti albolIbrsige eid by te W-ten anal Triasurir titero, and tonei ilol lue mtade payable aL ouci tLimes andi in suvit suus as s&hahl correspendi aithan sd as viii satlety anti discitarge Liai saiti ban aiit interestLtenmeon. t On!. TitaLttieintivesL upen flie eau! De- benturis titaîl bc payable aL Lite Bankt cf Beetnial, Whihy, on te finit day cf Japiuary ineaecit an! every yeor tîuring te cvirreucy oet aid! lebauxtores. 41t. Tuai Lite respeclte annual Spiiiial ratea uinte Scitetui enrneften menLlouucd anti fornaing part eft lIis By-laar, sholite raisoîl levie! sud collecte! neane sd sitve ail otiair rates, for te yeas r ein min- Lieeed, upen mil raLeable pnoperty linte said Coueiy ef Ontario, for te purpoe eof pay ing teaasainmof TwenLy-toust-d dollars se!dLtii interesL thereon, ai itone- sait,,d 0n'ie rcuuoe sucitspicial rate .hall be t""ulcdtell tro e Lte pymniid mtaLon.etfuh D.b.ntures,and theèlu tiret teeon, until tue a-tole et such Debentorma, analthLiiteruet titroren shall bn pait in lel. !,one loft be'liesris. WAkEFMEI>, COATE & Ce., Auetîoneoe, at LLitoteAuctiota tooue, n thée City' etTnroelO, flinàtat l ey: - Tite Northu liait tf Lot NO-.'18, in te lu! Coudonosu e t tueTuiipoet Fieoriuugj ito onle if tOntario (arospt 7 acrces theieof, luot-etore nol! off thLiiief or uildilot- ts Thie targmiswiLiuin haIt a lettéLiftheVillaga et Grtu e du nlysix miles troue te Dut- aille 0ve Sttin théia.Grand Truck BIali wAltinut 40 acres aracailelceat-.!, anal the late! it et gooti qeeliuy, un! a-cIl edaphudifor a gnuus- utiaifLinîu, usen liug atte reuea t- tîuIu th. laut. Tito plurdhtaet-le, afiet iloOe et . aid epey doa-n satihîceit otit0 eprconte open is puc- ce utii eay, houLtte ViatiorOc lin Saleuhor, an! on thoae! tio y of Anueo, niet,L* a y 8e muehuumure, aasilI moa aup tatt£M, vbathLb icnveyac s teLbe excteot, an! Lue veremne. complecal, the ia clamsir gisic au monlgage Le Beet-uu thtebaltance, a-it h uLoelt,at Lice end 'et o110 yiur. froun t flicday etaale. Thie parc'uaact ta h ste te euroYani. an! te mot-tgaulicpccpscud. ait hit-% ov eepeDse, an! Icutet-eti for exettien. Tie thetr candi- iens of sale, are te lu Suesaime Watita atiduug conditionto sale ohfLite Cnet-t oftChsenry. Pa-tieiursanad!cenditionso i tu anle .ah. iL L tta t-c aChamettrs, Ougoede Rfl, modalt flie LuawtilluaoetButer. Suelt & Wood, Ma-t. iluellue'&AWulkeor e-Bt-WueX.ynnt Buaconu ii Tarouilo an! of Lhe Asciioncer. - ied tbilthu01Jue, 1860. Siuci)A. N. BUELL Toveele, Jiiiue. 13, 1860. 22 For Sale or to Rent. A NExceeletst-.ooy cm bt-li -th,, oue, eiiitaiaieg l5 apcvlnîents ami alit quenternot an aere of ca-ted gar- a îUdeu elîtiii uit uuh eesq, alectagoti stitabl e aid a-alicdt, tet-hlonée,&a., sud an ixcilleu l h ero, titeateti In Lhe village ot DufSa's Croit, anal Tcnnulp of Pieker-ing. Tille iuualnpAbithbe. Tot-mo ib.t-e5. Apply t,> IIECTOR BEATON. uEO. BURES, Picintg P. O., s5-6-a-tsw-tf C. W. Important Medicîl TesdMuolly, T lfelo-rina e oecf mase' tlueeasda ef muttent reeinctflu-ti nenett nuetleel mun ieaif>iniueh e eliîley of lviIoaaytePIll, bu- LuvcrCotuilailtsuanal Billitns DiàOrtiirs PROFMCSOI LOLLOWAN I toi81u te gel somae cf yonr medirines. Iaapliuyîieisn,tan! laava tua, extînnite ptcict. 1 lieue triitytsn Pille, an ou,! teth leust flichueslpilla I bave oer aeti fîeterect et ctheIil EPATIC DUCTS il Ihluiv ier iiihY, bai preuutaIyUadmoresure- iY.titan CALOMlEL, or PO 0OL IXLLUM, anad vihuut dieailiiv ng orepietiag toe myseem. Ilopingtalu outr troint yau.nouui Wits a fise0 yonr pn cea Irmita A-. D'ANi I Y. ILLIAMIS,BM.D., Ai o viîle, Prie oEtianalCe. 23 C.W. GREAT SALE 13Y -0 F Tueéeueitctiben liseaitrccivai l streetietia frein 10mit. NATIIANIEL RAYJ To solivitheL onu eve t aititiLiry Stables -W lhtby, on WEDNESDAT & THUM8DAY '_--Jase 27tI asti i,2@ 180le .- Th u folîgaveluahbla proeany, via :-l'els wi Oinntetoittu ahuecle, Ide. OnRamnnt8,0080e1e« es' nes-] 8%LeWoegoe5, 4 Opem Stag- Coverd ules i, 40 e n o, lel-Its 8 Ioveti tLer, 1 &inu tdo,$ Openuta, i Double Plia.ue Sliiu,5 ihunai, luehetia soaumfSielrootiMoBie,, 12oBat fdouble Bar » Dos,, 8 dotin.8,gle, I Bide stitie, 4 Sattilos, Il Bufftlo Robes, a qusuteiy ci Sleiglu Balla, And Oter articles lia nrosta enionm. *TERM - - - CASH. Salo Lteuntuaenos sauh aey aiS o'iboskoos. TIIOBAS bMTER, Whiitby, June 9, 1800. , s Cash for Woo] LOWES & POWBLL. T IF yta viîlthtlîbeau Goodo intl1ia6love.t - .pieti 1 eeu owoll'a, Liteayeî iaeautlestareurivale6VZwek a hItibe', Joune, 1900, L5E OWL.2 P IS OFTEN ILF EGARDED AS A GltIE- vatl.L aloIld ireeotaaici tany tgn rentier 16 oesulorasirabla thpa. soliiy- bolder eiield ralioquîh isia ue eaanetera la Doe (00 iaiity uh t a F air ( M au ) va ] ea vi i be alti fer it. To obviai til objeation, te DiroolvOfethLe seoiai Poml m ausonc ompa iIEREBY GîTE NOTIME ThtL fbr ,irrondav of Pelio"a f« tae tarisef lite, effre.et u niloncu. rasa, and wvitcit bave eetoa hvie easaile ov.e, 4dopar 0606, or L.eorlyoneal at he ueeat of renddua o eeiveal a-il ai sy, Lie.. sreteviaad. tlile ~tihavoelflrr5tMd tu Valtue Ceiatniîe(proI,Ltaeaursadetr valua h et1grobLiL IIEAD OFFICE-O Ovni Bt. JaEUsaa'treat Mentiea, , W IE JOlHN A<JEw, Agent. ORo>-Byeof Street.1 whitbf, iasail, 1800. 8 or' MOST Oeiiýi - IMPQRITE D DIRECT Niehcleo Iea-oli, Iîeunr Bel, JoenAut- drom Torrnme, 'WilliamOtMâcehis, JohtneBeti n luG. Be..,Joite Hall Ezekiol Francia Whhtlaetia-eiion- eneriel Baiciaof tL ii.lad ilDtrtele, Elles Ilecil,a asehtBoswertht, Lium1 unc o teDerei uan n rerr c the çurt e da fer trlppes- Cens!, matielenchie litote uentioneti uene, metditesr- yii it rpttth ic e tiî Dotieur , a ~,~tim7îuî,m l", an d aitiullheap prn iu lAtn-Norton BHetl, Itqiaiin, lit Bihriftml Court, ia fellhug i-ea Faae dvlih ot byýu-Pble Autiiell u Bat= .day, the 21et day of July TIitler pniene uIe bOfn! 1ev, nuil ch AssortmQnt. SuPerior to-,ey~ -M iithe Connty. Titey aenlal Ihimraooeofront thiese, is aldi- teon t oeweat-vaei iteisfor dbina- iteinoic, to ecut- as c- A-oi aaeof publie yat=oe- ns tuey ba-e ittLO en oyed utnd ora-ei tixoy tandonruth s it ui.. Their INew Stock Of- IroO "UNITEDKIGO" Ttc OraL ahip thalaseaaon frQ5u-.. 0O:) G L A S G0OW, Tlaeys het-eroa In a posaume tcsnpply lset- arniLi cxicIatony ly batnter--s WÂGGON AND BUGGY AILES, BOXES, SPEINOS, Sýpokes and MHubbs! PUBLIC NOTIOE,-LAND SORI>. Crown lands Departtilont, Quebec, Mayp 28, 1860. [J XE Loyallate, MBlitmamon ant'illiit[ a wima tWoau olaieca wore atul ,,y admittoil or in aupport otwicihprooi oeffivieuit wau fanlahê3d provioualy te the 1411, Joeo, 180,8, wi1, oUapplieatloe taCeuisiiaerý otOCreve eeda, and p roof oftieir id.iitity, ve oaïve aorp lanaii&otion Ltutoir elalîne elîder the, provialonaeofthe ita itmaotion o i te Iand Act, pmaad dLrlagitheimt »"aIon oethLb Logis- Ia6!ta;zrovidad the amie. b. ean out bafoua, toa nw.1801. And !aIl Lae uip or Elrilieaioa auitilng Ionlaate pureotuaî mu eod rtete 146h e.o1858, viii ha raileaexei w nil or rocoi- oti aa pyiemit fr land; providdta! Lis ioh .ocrip an iorlleea ib. prweotedandi otab- Iiieèd IoLiis efflea heffre 1lutJaury, 1861. PM.VANIIOUOIINMT 21 Ouniiuesnioner. M 0OIL M A N' S m Parlor Operas, THE WONDEItFIL JUV1FSNLE COIIEDIe3, .witiu Llîirpiîvnt8, cuiralig tut, HOLMAN OPEPLA TROUPE nov plsyn inglhUlyl SuccessflilEam gemeu nluToreuto vili appoar at tue MEC-HANILC8 HAIL Friday & Baturday Ev'gs. JUsO 156h sud 1061, in tixir Nov wand NovelEntertaimùent CeeetZoan CoIlurneStretâ lmu ia Benfitetorie, se! ie ROI e1pam tW uue Ila i tetraali Weui e iof alt Dry Go*,o Groceries 2 &ë PMÏtÇTS, DELAIMS 7 lWailmSEmb, OrtesmaCheePlaa PlisA ae? méOe,F&CY bA0ILinidm Derry mail Sons@ditig, &d." t BeY hat, 1860. - leI, ShOlbL e Mtay lot, 18604 - > Broad Cotlwo,- Plaide, &o. M-ft *vtt n810. May lhi, 1800. Tes, Sogare, Tobacco, Corumata- lft sin@, 168cm, avrie. Votreo, iU$4o,. sosp, C audios, psUt, Cord- mgo, &c<,rWjmo,BmEdVy, Ramd, Oid Whinkoy, Tqui, AlePorter, Vinegpt, &C', 11;ii ScUb FIELD8tCo.. May lot, lm,0 ALL BIIADESANPil WEs.. L . L I1LD & (00. .May lot, 1800. Moni, a bnKitrattit, dfi, PU voit .ndRa aBlack, Brown. sit Dr Fo stVlteantd BIazIvillk it. May lot, 1860. t 30 kegu 4JutNaib. 200 barrels PlaBteir. yy lt, 1860. rr 0R S A'LE ,8 0Acr of Land lte but qý- ty cfVictoria. L. il. SCIIOFiELD& 0e. May lot, 1800. Tiie SnbFerhbpnea t r "eo~nmtig6 Ù0o yoa 1860, to mditrd -teVihet C ASH]I -SYS TBM wieit viii onsi t=ti. e ,alnacqitëZý and giva gonaral aataci Lý . SCRBOOFIEL» &ACO. A ILthosa Liti aTaIndobteti to Lte o bsou- tXbon lther by Note or Bok mooooMfl oui aftar Lt.e Vinatt iaret Way anf puy toir resectivamuntwi6. -', Wht.May 104, 180 0pfrl Cash for WooIO. To Cariage u.er. 0 IE uft 4.hno u. i guai, 1883. PoIsitO WittbyJUDO ô,860. 9 î NOTICZ li lierby giet tixt a the ubeia I neera tfr#sll onîied, to otitl ionHlM ilp, on Teqaday iii. alLi"'d Jono nexi, aBy)-iaw loin lei eaadioatbml Bihytaotl,7 i f Lt t4 oilp tWtua ,IElIiAB JLsT, Briiokie, >May 23, 1860. ~ le OFAL NDS Fur Sale ai the Andi ase te cuitestheLt tey baveaàade!te Lhuetr pra-lsuoîy exteslt ie r,e IUcpeete lsïte i zped by- 'VASNJAMP & OGN in w" lélU-efb onnai, a irm-raio isrt- READYMDE CLOTHING, a- in Lys ti- Id a gý, le- e lue Ce le- the de- a na. de. w le' by à%- e te 1 ý 081-14 mayl.1800. 1&Slit 1 ý 1

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