Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jun 1860, p. 1

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heSniWeklY Chrniole ra i 'rni atu£ arastesea e7 j.ESqDAY &THURSDAY, i~okStielt, Whitby. r.NeXt 00lthe Registri Ofice. ËIbhTEIMS OF SUBS(lIIPTION AIRE t2 eo !I "aaencesud t3 50 cWheu payable bci-Re. RATES OIF Ai-VEltTISStO oer test 1mnev .................. $0075a hae tll line, lieinsertion (er ine>) 0 08 ,,I»ettlsueant insrton ......-10 02 î iri ,, disoumttlowed te Mrerebiamta and e deetisiI5g livtrie esir. d$ .Pr il" a lirle tiivifltion 'n niîsCeo ltuetarosio rosA hry everyaitte tnt lWEEKY CHRONIOL slliaied ù o i eoriigs ef SrrTUiIDAYr sne mcli ocri, t roe OLLAE ]PER ANNUM, adaeOfeU ,teluice. ies W eek tsroielis tltelargt eo reti- eet aLuY tîer aScntry paper 1sbiaiieil iti UteA,,,er AavEeyte'eo IZI WLES.Y. ,%.0-s îeîhre frt ine4reloit, (per lita). O 10 r ,rIc~uintsert - --.. ... )04 0 pa c%il n1luedtrrntiiiuied outiltal arrear- ,are paid op, lrgersrciileu i":k 01 tlltupblirrticr mViss-n alrt-crri W. il. 11 IuiiîS, ObsbC. W BOOKANDJOB INTbING ]ESTABLISHIMENT. cit ttBW!E~OF TUhE HiTllY batet Il, r 'erosite Newirrlini lsi i ls rIt S1tyletcssejIreiri ise l e are rinc t To "sMe ,reris eerS iiIuta 0K bAU JOB PRINTING 'e e riucrilitsiliî i n st e ety tlO iand h telee , ati tc u bcsei-i retutiig ciltis.iiir oee tlil,saieihutiluir r rst f. c i tiiltt' ietris.Iilsd eithliit c ii ltir " -- fC SI.lil(llINO i jotîN hIALL TUO-1bb'SONe hîliE (îe il5 CUNT OF ON- M. ZACliEUS DURNf1AII,ý .' tpnltI ti ( TIEoUs %SITy (,.- leU1tlIlGATE .NELSON G-. REYNt>LUS9 j IEItFF. :4t>FFICE AXT TilE COtURT JOIliAi 'EJT at EIISTi~~OFFICE UN tillilin ST-, ý.1 iXlE rOF 'itE t'EACE. ogjryite-.-AT JOilN V. liA-M, .1, IFFI iTIIE I>UN- îuiUiT, AND We. rAXTON, Jr., it IEAO.UIiEII OFFICE AhT TE COIlIT 2 oirT ai. U.&lCIONLLe îi.Euitti,, &, F IltI<OUNTY tEi 01atNTY ENIiNIL uFFhCE AT TuIE it L.mr f Aitlite ( I JOI[N (.01RDON, 0i'.qtTqîrtr.f OS IG~iM, &t IiE.hStlil foSr the C,ssujY -i Oite'run. 'am ritfa u5-i5 làdn~ WV. Il. TIIEMAYNE. cli A U1U1 STi FLR ANI1) COutNi' CiRIC)WN diltt ci-îruuec 0 asle-hii Aruiltuà Ne-w Bu irb CAISEION & MuWDONE5,L, S Aelle- usIleet A'l7rIutNEYs AT LAWV, lm! > ,Ieuînrntir Ceito ni-it Otutai-h.- ,Rr GEORGSE Il. DAbITNELL, wla AtiiiilTEiC AT-TOiaNY m:- ir VEVAN - os> c ri , 11 5 tre, Utsr .,ri k- sce r e W 50. liti nett J. V. tAiM, s*eqNo ýjý e-trou-i -te iiîriécrte sAiN. G. iIAit, AIIIISTEII ANDS AhiTtItINEVteT-LAW. / ili tibce- QItnric ue iritr> ofice, ItIrer5 i. orîste-y. I J. W. CORSON, M. D. 3 bis Mieeirrsl - lusse 1.11Nj-lî tri itu Neer - la ur-.r-irrue-;Icte i i N . Y. Aeiuîiily Ai 'I t lir2134cA;, c- -al:Nzrla ii ilýtg, uei ruuttiocn- &..Mo nrr/rj r terie eur. mi SCOTT'S IbO-EL, ilt S tr.c-e-rTiij.r S lltllt* F ti,- tra ili i di*m-ri bdstî J. W. CALDW0ELL IBOWN, 'iNV1V c-NCEII, tlttCIiElF0OR trtkitie diiî lis, Arsuittat, LUA I- l..usui, Prlu ablie and uliiri Agemur -cinte- uuSe-eKiutpStrr i terty tj'p..nitc bierilue rale wit. sà JOlIX ILL5NtIS, TTSINýEV AT LAhW, SOLICtTOiR ICN : (, ia.iiri-, Ceuirs-jacrr, cie. Main Sire-et a. FPUTÏ ilITYit sSTt EXTRA- ses - ÇtLVIst &studHAeshe e -nf , hîtEySe & COUNSELOW*IS uT LAW ut t b is- tng, mhiilunsots. WILLA TENET 19. *e' ING STRET, OSBIAWA, CANADA tls tESt 0F Ct,tiIIY ANI S UPEETOR l-uetý, ansd àfcaeaeor Indu the iutjt Ceai ie - 21 smiq EO.W.CION rlISTE i h TOUINEX AT LAtW$ CeiIetcba»Soee le. CVbltbF, c. W. user liaslrs etrsor3mg ALEFX. TROMON me InEVI FAII4NK85 an drucas-.5hi1>y Pa-r 4 Lb 154 r iVillicati rremted wards, g-al Ibemeta antd natiriag iaaustry, -we astvouete Pcace, preganas, Kowsde, la VOL.* IV, ____ GEORGE BlIABAZON,' ONVEVANCF-I. CMtSOE.FOR1 Ç talriio AIlavîts itesaQueee's ileecl, &o. tçek, lIrotk, C.,Wt. BORT. CHECKLEY, DI. D., s URGtEO>N, ACCOUCII EUI, &e. C;OaIOýNE for thse Coumsly etf(laitrie. R. J. GUNX, 31. D. fS 1111ErSN'TIi TUbE COUN'TY (mAOL, Bjtyrn iirireLi, WiilllV4 EAST WINDSOR flOUSE, WVIITItY, or. G usi ruptImEve. r IErbver iId rl s oter l laîttssitii ic itleiiii ritm ronst rond. (-0.1 iicniiiiiiiiilr forii Ii- travolleco4. tr Stablilipiz thîîtivie eCei. 2i ILUGU FELITZ, INMUStC, TuIE Fure-, Hiniiii ti. -I 1m s a Ir- ai-l imiil iii1 4r J. î. iîîl olic ir. irlrOriIANDrSIIpiE MAEnî5- AiIEICAN JIOTEL. WTALZEIZ & rx'rrEtlCtlý(N, i'll'llm ?E- toîrsrr -r irof Vnoi1g a1id Frlit -itrret-a cýT IDII & C,., ER, :Si-ttN'r TAILiRi, N.ri CNlST - i-.t.,rrsltr.- . 10 MARTMNS (îkilo Watli'r> IIOTEL. T il-re , Itel trîm rss . (i i , jabIr te 01,- Iorr tise bri re. rssiuii kii ti s u isiie. 4-i JosE5t1 NUCSE )- Ntji crEîfi linlianc ur i Agul t, t 'onsîcisarei-r, &-c. Artler".- \V illirîrr.1- biirptri riipt. ONT ARItO IbIS!EL, CIs1-Siseri, W\iVl>. erid Sii igganp ie l ls- CANTON IIOTEL, W. CUTIiIiERT. yiiiilir Tîsosisî liteI IIENRV SANNAI!, P1X AN AN i) ,RmuNI ENTA 1.'AINTEiI, P 21s sse lsse .rs, tiieC WV. Il. ISILLINti. I)rAl.ltlri Et ral'S UEV .xt LAW, JOIN >irT.Ale., L tiZNSEIIEFSIrt\t-E Fini ihN ZT, ýlitiesiJaucn.55 A-.e IL . R.E %r I UtN et r îlt,' Ut»ti uSTEICEIi, &C., l iiii i L ! isiity Iri,r ti-I alilt iîre of jub- inupss rl r1airiuuserof kFtillirii u a ttustd tes. Faunsiture iicefiui yreusueei. RAILRIOAD SXIOTeL, A. PItINC.LE, uiOtTAuLe-ni, ililîsU STRlEET, TOIASDEV ERELL, 1)1 u 11 11, rOe. &,U., 4, IZEN sTREET, Luth FOIt SALE. C INSTANTIVS ttc-Ni> lerlNGlTaiE ouan cLruo- M.hTuIEW CARi, i Pornt 1IhIiltiy ]ROBlERT SttEACCS.8 C ER (ISANID TIlEACUIILI F TuIE cTu rus suetîhî f Ue-brirtpr. tît-r5Ue-Iurlie. TUIE ItOSNIN IUUSE. A. tustI i- nsetse e r- itir leme rn ieni tir hle rra-rtine rlil ir ii-Iraliaoth bri asntniilrseniIst> o re nralnî THIOMAS il. S'OItTAS, KIN( 'r ru IX r.0Ina lrtr-ni hi tu C Mel uin:crsmtiit rr i ori us AXES! AXES!! ~)EtleiuNS itualeuhOf is1ursed e, fruave til h lm a te uitla, n> i tsu tise aritidieè u Il - V,illnS Futirc% Ci-re.seirîi CL4.ilE uliT1lItSc CA.C. KiLLERC. ATTIZ5lNAC-A'AL: e SILICTiîiIN - RAILROAD HOTEL, FlE'O OD AlCOMrliATION. BF;,,E A1»bli' *giaie--triti l U.lerâ lre.is 15C. J. M. FP.eEt, Proîrriter. SISITIU AIIEICA HOEL, -rjrgst5tksDOWNING, (tle Riliad Hltul Wqlitiy,>Xroitieri-. Ilet s ,iie is1( iqea seroecoisiedten rletero. tioudSbligi iandtattenitive 0.tirice. T KlitI, luxt'ttS UTITIS rrs lrriee utiiiîiide cii liitise ,il fe-iiii- lit e . t- i-ly. TIIIE TERIIAPIN. rÎItEll)iItEjRPR 'tIii.OF TulileWEILL birrc-s Zilorii, arernom 1irrjstiesr tse olil s. NICIItlLX, - iltsri reet 'trirorrîs (feriasrrly Sept b% M. Iourtny. TIs 1e crier Ilsi.i l1, i iscwI euotie Eer-rliceisebl an pussteJ lfluvit,,ci mosllessrblet tse bn-i benst 'c.,recislirt tueleni 2iCAiLIrSi.E &ste C(iINKEE. lrtnI.,rndik t- uio eîî y i> iii ui i-ri ui trnrire etîrry ir m l ire lis Pin-- ine, assiti Iuitri. o r l ii an 1r(- JOSEPHIi RtEllrTTI1NI Oc-iCO, .tîîIl. lis1, ]iloC. . i AUCTION BUSINESS A l"FENhDEtosr u isiis. bYJ. C. lerlngu. ili rrrrlordr, rt rhunsi -ic- lac Irvdie rriaiercilissrl, iuinrlrlr lie su uliCtsc iro l- si, .110% r. icos. l à.-ls i s, ,iduyen ilni- .tsj icrris, v.raosi.srsItir urer bnu s ioi-t uer I-rri s I.1trl l.itilruiiitiàatira eCee555 mlani d ar -.ns iri sarber sif. ,rýiilt ; ims, màtlis%,ttieiritil> il. . WOODWARtD, iit te-e-ra STl-lStý N\«. -LN sFeM jr- iercI i xs1e.rN . ric-rir i u Iri-i i-W. suac ilrrrlEs.uMangerisas>- n: s l Eo.1 Slsiru.ps-r, tsal. :.N l rhu iiri. Tir - roitolo.urI(ir ul -1,Sts1-r tlralziei. b ScIJ o%ji Co.iî Crrirulat. i I V AÎLEXANDESI CAMERON. C'T FIulThI.Teoriraof NClitl-Y c inuraS nnrtallC. 10. 3 Whitby Browcry. T II rr~rir-, rt, mris-ru r1ll u sel rr -Iiii t ririr ui l js .l e iirir i u i r i o .r- rir'-rcrr-- r CCiirr-.Nre. Ii lu.là n rr, i1r OA LtbION 1iIOTEL, \AT St aICET rrtTIlXlurIINTusb, E -t r-> II liil 1 ii.ti. E--- lr-r t raeiai- rrisiru LrrrriaiaIrsirilrcu UNION tSTATION IIOTEL. F2 uIT nul- SiIIlR-rST, SCO NDiIiraUCE ICr t ri cl-tu SEEDS! SEL'DS! 1ciRI iSi tîlI ii eluuND E t SiIL A T 1NE(;.\ arn usure-bucu i arge JAME1 S J 0L11N S l'ON, CC Otrri I.., O iI t JC tIr t , f 10 M-2CD 10 :1-KIITJp ii, -n n> in c iui ,, é, htiuoiec u1 Watches1 Clocks1 Jewellory, s-n, einnrrrn tI i ni rist rueir, ril i-se-se DAILY ~~STAGE BET WCVF,-:, WIIITPlY ANDI)LINDSAYl .hS O Xi-ii TtiY .tY O IE.VEILION. P - coN.111 sî uctm tîareuigi front Tie r 'nsIuin ueatae- etutSiiefittelSsruCing cisteui mn'et.- N-. îRAxY lIes-, ,t-m ,usset t'iitbY. e Ji0cr:rne W. W.LEAVES. ILACK's HOTEL. EW MILL.IN}.R sýTORE, BRUOUItST. (Lien i ilrrcne-saCite-surrs ee-e) . RNETa & Ca. Tt RSCWL NOWN, ANDS CEN- ER ANFITE-EAND IDEALERS IN T irnîl idlutiotll ice isicit nealo ltla tliU, FsuT VLEstTaaes t liîe , nu d en Sun U o aentiru e t e enIfutasl Ite as- Litn ainsi. -a oti5 uîee.1-by tu i rreteil ccapeutt. Ne iiel h miabt Jebai sI-est, Poatl'iopa. tatsirucic riuan5 iloeeiInasr port Ilote, Marehstb SiW in. ce-e v TIh.be-t brn/c et lsse, Liqarulaassi Cc- 11mffl-r4R1 VINE(SOIE 1 g-u. l ite-nivent aImana, gesiletahien Tr Z idmir tekes lae" OIfmte Tiserin;htel iuccbtate inlusthtevenir beret ai thea T..habitat o Vtblny ma tis1cubtla, tat Tiscu o e lthrnf,- il cnI i e trsil te tee tha tue us nov umiaier»c inegar eao0 eoi Oa 8n 10t muueeîî irt hipiug psce fer iti-maesd qatbtj muet tae gstsre tn eeplj Withiurtise-ller,. aie te rntueant ususslt gi-adyji-ed JAMtES Il-AcC. -1csTisaTrad its IIrei ttj it vile.AI' _____________ ma sb sslp.aaimay aùenedA te. AAreee ILEIe lW TIRo -I:istblis=mt! agnat". iaea. SIMPSO- u&sFiGusolN. - EUE-ONflOUSE> RJ'sYJ(T"uýLby cenouca-tisu e Whltai, fIItisy and sce-siundng u iolge bas tai-sac-Ibm abe-ote , k-Sua m h ibsrYi ftad intae bw -Tuils's Nhop esu urmai-Street,, [nnfr te S i>ù01ýth t07 s-tri aoonsa, m t .'l tu lemtud home. FW Mdemnwilhe wils q .IIIew ? K -t -- l0. WII-ITBY, C. W., SATIJRDAY JJNB 3ô0, 1860 NOTICE. IJ/VING pitrelseered tise retire eclsoftIL Ilsids z o hCs, rîil -s,,1cadditioni et 7C-A New Sok WrCîte trrrlii hitoe roisirreetitire zooti t-ýtiou tu nIl wo yt rsyti 50witlsas col. JOSEPHI IIUCKINS & 0a. llrookliis, Nouriri- Cltts, l. 43 ATLAS IRON WORIKS, Lj7 ruint Street, Toronto. MLg CHARLES VALE & Go.9, BEUIs i iioristielttaplc Ie t llry lsL e-e Bmn reriIrnt, lrc xleiqisei-e.,t'ieiiirrio Lrevc:rr in tIr eiir- us1 ijlrie rile fur carry- Iron Founding & Smith's work iiiA lie srui feIl iof irii s ralliifil rFen s-riri, s veinsrelî. x.ilî h- -, l i rosi iii niiiil Ai? (I7R.CTUL 11-0-P,117 ritever- l-i-rîria r-sePorlir ie-tiBox Ciese iei- ic iil-, Cîîliree de ildeiill N lisir ttnriî s-T ie à -I t 4ricrr i i ld - tod- Ticsîrtrtiiber50, lS5. 110W 15 TUE TDiÉi. CIET irrUl IiEENE.SS AT J. A. Cart's 1 iI rze Pil ltre Galler-y j oar5 Vrriiruo ineitlcsrrrspii. r.cir luj r eJi. .. n re1.le inarthti e-tI ýe andî lit iii-orlisrctîre. iI, IVILKINSiONrSBLOCK, 33lie- Sai i ilby. ID IPx ECT OR Y COTNTfY 0F ONTARIO. A om let irccit-eof lie i-rai - i ci ezr- rt iii i sulr-arlu-i Nrir rlrer tir r.' it :".nl ra r ri11Siln-tir-l i iutii t - 1 1.t-rr ir iI - -I L.rirl1--Ir c- lsthe ;-ý ii -e NIIiiirrM rIllse Leto ue rt il; Ge tîrruru-ip ijr le edtil -sra terw- i- i- f an leria rei,,l rt- ss.sl'ielin lriint.Ari >o iot .t- issu inie d 'AàI cii seOs&0&e. Ai.-ia:. ;- l A- ofi- -r --it ii-i usse s Cru sîr f .1,r i nc i>je, isu %,m il' ,11 ltise I î t5 1 i i r 1 S r - i c - I a a s i i-- si. ariA ,uil ireLu a pli, rlit ()NIE' tsrLLhlu i rsr,iiuaitilc siscretsui r lc rA Iiiii1rre o'iIii i- ldC Ik il ure i ,r- resj er ni fjr , i :,i11lpursie cr5 ritrssioe susi p etr r ru irr i e se ir-i Mill s n a rr :-t i el l iU l hO GLOBE IOTEL, IIRODELtE. ilELUNI) El 5IusN Ici)TAhEi ueC eli agr tr m o Iii rur-ur lir ie v-i- mee ta se- rers e iii Iisa ldài ýI,-t- aU.rnitIacnsso .Il-tbInI t ilnsicr-rrtnia- j-ntie-Ir iim - ecin le riiur C. 1).t FINI) IroksaSs>urt i "I O 10,g-, 1-kIp flw rle nu1Isl ell autl i, '..I"ý"r The Oiuprictcllumnstit lIli'I Re il, .e-il'i his ltl'l, W 1s"r the 1n f tl iiihl 'tl Cai.O51 ci. ii FIthr Go d ,lias g ai- ndorr n une r- 1er- n r-ran ,is- trinr. eior rrIrr-rl- lcrn Il i L-rrul n rerrne -i. rur- --- I i -nrer tue t iIe- ie> t50 ii i ein.sex-.111llaniIli.n WthlinSi.hC St17,lI-s b:-To the Afflctd.Cl ia Tilt CELEB11ATEI) GEJIMNAN OIL! Caip ]3ruteas and ail &inds et Flash, Wouds incident t th Ie umaa In ]Botties at 25 to 5Ots Each, Ariraicta r Th, I lare t li rre al rMr cetsoaa -cu a u i sie er-ca ri>miatIe e- flORSES & CATTLE essumcsua via reu, e-sD sE grEALING 0)y AULWOIJIiS, indieeean imal,. t;jI Isute-en aseil naturescnferi-heiaboiseSe-e Ver, "Alma usienrbsnUrkosutea maAeansiAolutbl A. KN;OWLES. Piceinmg, C. W.v Olstliy, mJan. t4,1 6- -ly LICEXjED AUT5oX~ ORTI COU-NTY 0F Oef'2ARIO. hUVRM ALES te tise C0"tr e. roia e sR etion, en t is As- C&loeives lj amli heActo - TIIOXA8 NTIK, AneemB O-us, Wsmmx,. Wbni ;a ah b. 'CIS"- .A Mosa t elreb lé Ceeu.- Whetlier ornigbtly Qr mrônglv, soya. the Lieder, Toranite le gatti1m railler suun-e viable ùItue troun ottir citite tnd,4le hi Canadas. Tis atftord cseariir, orturî- day, centaines teriiowiog eiy aggrava-. ted case of ci-ise, and unduertiots _ . 4For Ibe pressnttcea ll spprens att fîmes, ani tnrîly relata thetacts as thay lieCbeceq coiiiuticatnd te nast-A short lime age, tu-o yatuig girls, respWicely et lise age ot iiiasd 1-1 yerr-tse daitgltas eftw tie vry rnsqpnctabie faniiliue its Toronsto were tteco3iéil fsorsi tir lieues, il appeare by a girt qf qustionabsleceerater, woe tis beemi a reieit e!ci ti., tucn fer 'same lite, but oen.c torsar-crie t sers-li ut te tin- ity in Tai-ontoe . Il iaesù jotn t iscetxte, cruel t e mate, fr11 vctiiiri te tihe desircs et n hersaià in cersit os-lts hare10 grl a- Indei te ores actiuug,adw "r rc nte ftiî Torunle fer tise iirua bcuinisg tise int.es f utasdisreitîl e Il Ispuse iii W'ootilettck. Tbcy arrived iii -Biànltoiet liat %vecci;-in rualuy ceitî thtpgIi-eteli of a gir lusofi-st tlise-uit 10 ee thise-mperenîrs runef.Tise sIeuret fiit r xpnrieuend byV tIhe îsscîîubarecf the fstiins uthtueseducil -cotn msore i-e-sut> ire isaîgiined tIlî sîs crib- ed. On Ilirîti, iincrd, %e-s(lie Iuatl et cf- fliction Iiesi-laid s. A Touciitu enciuau, on eliriiaig eh the an ts uttIe se e, rQsolvee lu fiu.d ilie-unerabeiitsofet lItetire girrs, and sccor-tigly- set soiI fur tiat prrpue. le ttc heri a-rtotePort Croitit, te wcit place the>, issisibren cssîsîrltnîl teo %itk, se, as lu ecciet delnrllei by pirnnlsiiiîtinkets loti lise casuat iereito. At Ilent Cirelit luey lied tahen paîssage le Hamtîiltons, ut risicluiplce th,l-taid ce- lofola ite-pttiug up aI thu e-ioyl Ilote). Vi0iitn -luitrtdtisier- at liaiihsu lctsreuitîtt ttîy lad procrodrd ueetwzsrr un the Loundoni ioeil. Ili oiioirnilrnuit sait crilstt lîralirs ds, ai onceiput hluasefitlt comunîticaution oclti Cosaty Const.able Il. Illeltsl i liem-110 eett ilig îîuteete trirt ont tise isjorcet cnrs. NVtaeri clter a seai-ciioft usure tîseiîasulni, SNl litlciuit eres abosut tepienciil tie-k, ii tIse Est Wearl lie met ais thîe sire-et a pilIo, il uppeorel te baise, esîlsiverei ta tise drecrip- tiets,andl teck lieu- in rae. Shi ceas e- csgraizclasseeorithtise e.tacecib>- tuTo- rintagnl-eman, andiie ei irarjsir>- il orna nseneailstiarîtht lue- cormsprsiiiinsase inae tauie situratrdith ie East iVaurd enie shl %as-rus tbmqtsisetI 'fosasai A This occui- red Iste ors Saiuritiy, Cti uit. Bibi, gis wnetubaed te (lie Brantil obtelanA pîascrd ins clargpcetf Cii-s. Fiunig, su-be i i silit lien psir -Iato aiaise incoinlurîabe- fuaîlsetîjî-. lions cciii, eera riIs cItllalua;. TIers- emiaisaeitts lit te Brat Ilte] ititl IondaYlir.tIse Ilth hart., cehen ýutieelle oTui;to lirt in maiiy ee ii tîseir ceister. Ther girls rsatedl tIsaI ley tisA becu iIllrrlte asAsulhereal for ecest of feodt, te etin %%s isli atlîr>liad t lerecru-st tu bepgisag. Ttsey svoso te lisie becîsi takcià ors te Wriedslork i isiiiiiiitetr. tisere leu1111 tise places ofithe illsîrt regrsslî,g pliti- Liaes. is 1i ethia ie reisag> eltizrl 10 tisalie tIse scout ssci-r, cîd tuncs-seepairets r0 lxie î i-r- -n Ire-t cre t-ieeIIOtngte al- ititantcelelli itr ulet ofdorasesties ?,, Titact ae ie eteceil by the Paice. Il is repertel tIat tiselPrince cf Waes, Ascis-']liso ci-it tieCanad, ciii rcofri tilles opuen six iudinieliaslî, lis-piuuuis itb tise Govrior Geteiael, and eiadiuig cish suils-y ucyoe. TiseCoee- or Gollerai, il lu sciA, mitbcecaîrd te tehecese ocustiste tile et BiscuitOttawîa. Tise Speakers cf the Legisîstive Cocueil andAst- snaisiy cull be tmsae hirnts. And uigi iseel cili confer-es,seveeraiy,ucoa lise Maj- ors of Quelier Siacuareai, anA Turonito. A feut ntt ilPtlMlrunravuuears, c-litbc et tise dispousi ofthlase ieand AMs. Cartier cad tie ecleare s-lftle eide este- Iller thrc Mayi-oro ttawsea or lie Marliy of HaIesltun at lebcte erecipiuat et tise dstiietien. Tise Clerelandi >Hfel et Sietutle> ys TIse Clevelndia nducsABu!fielo steamroi, 'Ves- toen Metrapotis, made anoruher - ta itp ast ulisit, eilh/mu isaneiiug il. Ste loft Bluffalo osa lieue, 1itaricel lnrus bnfure su rurîsek thie mernias, doli-r ,ttue diestnce in 8 O,à asndruc 5 0 mnrutes. lBer aneet-ge rste cas tiserse clbout 21 mile-s aius tîur. Co1rîsiusGoldsmniths sais tlerc rese nelet- teuspt to aisexetre fast imue, tutîles boat s'euturd te i-ne away ft îler rn'-ie.- ' 1lise Wee-rneMelropehie hais aihary, iitis- ira a jean, muae tise falest rtruluat Utiue inlausae muel, end u anc elle-fcrs cerin eoylu; tuatts-y havce înt Yeu tiad rruasu Se tuee Loir t-t ase conil ruts if see ias SicuinasDuepii01tr it iere Liuv. -ss Julisa Pcsîranm, lie iesrdeet lady, tes uio nShortîy ufuer gpi-lu;bjrtli ts mute elsild, lus Mescue, Ilceria. Tise body ban- li br-en diliseeed by tise profssera eoftte Univerisiy, c-s us uaid te pasicco ail ilie distlictive sigits cf luneaioi-.ataiectiei- Tise beard mes cunrehy lise elfeet cf an ex- trsiiritieury decelolseut outhlie roîilterir .sen. Thse crsrul btîli utrieanA elfsprieg ouIltecpucsei-v-d in lima anatomi- cial Museumnofethie enieut cepitael ot Rus- The Sielcauilasurrectioa i-H'Bu Itae-tcniscai-OrF AIniE5RMU (Abrietged rote i s tasoCnrrnpnnleiee.) PALEnso, May 27. It is 2p. me,,and I aux oritie; te jeu is the ismbclielîs flying elievo my beisd threuglitde air. Wheuthedia lnding et Garubaldi prdcAed the iret lit et larron tey Napiesde oîbet éun-ecsul"' i brav. e sIoaetrted ldaBay ot Pal- arma tlIsaorder le otehmard bis taitlttul Pahrmitens, anA reazce ilu wn ira ahea if drey aoltîdurs te rise agaluet th p.- ttrsàl audeorily. Thse Palercatans Led bran ireated aue already ila hua patereal1 mauciar bj the illustrions faisan of the, pre- nant Soearaigs, rhe, as Yeu raemiter fi- gares tinltltoey ttsRingBomba, for bac-li; gbnatisae S Seuenioret is love ta aveu-y arge t,,wsa ta is kings5m..yst day, as oficiai bultlaetinoftIsa Gavn meat anoaeed la the Palaritans a ts Garin lbia sdafateul banda v-gre ftioag latise direction et Corleone, tooleaiby thte vie tanions treapofethim~eig; iat tIsa bta& nhiai baIl jali dhua lan IClIy er. gaiaa home. gradally*a iq!l1y i sut ibt ins a ott im &U 4Z:i qb.eoere. Tkii moaig t iaybresfrflibsld appeau-ad ai thek-m tes of Ptleraw% man fIrr a anuparatnai; Mmodeu ns si-ggto émerai ce iclu occr-et tel remri-uiof et ts t fer.thuinitise laui Olse ci' tise teale ut thse Cettnesot ce-rt in ausclosedas tio seceived wmue of 600 men uaIMla eal rauilnga 'es the bouts tram tii ane Stussetnue cie tise ladiltg eeey usIsre, tut ohmu ber-sua i-lui t th tender te, mli b tisanes 'lie le-st lling iras le eut tntrrnraîih miresr brut iltuo te taîn) proveil it fi-cietrets- salîtia;usethe es ut tise lauu.iutp tePalen- to. Tise lat tlire ssaes-s ore - aToe sieromere in risi tinniau u r fi-tise port suie- picinies, as tîaey carry aie fiai;" undcdius,, &,Thie tire eteamners, ianiiîphiistdth as ur- diciers tIag, bac-n cous hn anA are lsudiuip tiseir menf-'" TtheseriraI et Garibaldi ctas;cd tie nu- tuteetfithe ineurredctiun it Siciiy comîphote- hy. Uitil tise-s thue Alffrretit srjadseu (baisAs) ofet Wfissu nptrtie) Lad cuinied osaa LissA otfesutry gtieiria ocentare rithsuî tiauclu rnuutrrriuu betmenthorani- Tise tiadeesuer, if icflienîhal enonghi, ar rise nouer pejilai maisniure ruerae isais tise reel, ceiberîrd for Siis purpeese misever vruntrA tu coerad isd sonncae iontor uther cf armes. Tiein tatndre oera tc appear and diseppesri-nt diferent partsocf the ceuntry ud teutearabsatron sasie places the Royal truepspu usuuut liiugi tise iuteriri-, bel as fer concs-iut a planî or meetinug te Roy- alisîs inthe saopenu, use c ioutd tac-e dreamt cf it. Tise meuitaisus countr-y atud tise wanel et ronAs rrentiy facilileled tItis kiud ut scusifrre, cchile tise absenîe cf dattger suaI fatigue %ias nuiuinet iduare-iut een fer tise e nho cntrentuet Airrunt tire by tîupii- atrd apalustteth be Neîrlitene. Tue erntny letweenutPalermne, Trapanii, Masala, eaud Corinone mas tleise et ofe il eistquaedre, eot a fer eofbicis irare cel- lee rIalc tte tinse in tise mutintaiut riain uilIire IPaIeuro. Garisateis nealoed preetige, aend tIse seeriaurs clis ie obrosubî be-ramea elink belore t titri lIerent nquclo, china plue- cd tbenseelves uîtdoi- is orders. Source boil tho e ies et is lening spreed irben lise basuds et Tnpi-its, Cortaona, and c-se or tiroeltsi- joint-A. I C te omeet this forcer, enluleli es ee-errduy eiiu, tisat Brigaer-(luners Lunodi mes sent in tise direction of Mar-sla, and Trahia.- TIse i-oeA tu tîeplaces intsme mats tac as CalataeFhmir ituated on lise top aofn eilevated plateau; tram 1heure ut eeparates. A forcer, lirafire, stationtrd aI tie-- section ehetsclif al comnmuicatiounty ce-r ;sler roadu trena Partama ta Trapimsi anA Marsala. Il cas on tise lever nhepes of the plateau ihit (lettelLesti bal tae-n lih poction, weuh feueraItatilos oef et li riflen, anA tour teonunain poses. Tise rosA te iMarsala, atter pasin;- Salami, des- cends ceeeofthotisase b etr-ael plateau wbcli are a ciarateristic testuea ut thia paot et Siehty, anA, alla- e-ceenus; a littIe castisy, res np te the odier plaa, ceare Cisiti Fimi is ituate. Tisa posithion cas, dierefore, oeefethdie met difficcl lucarry. Likeaiel solîlars ai'thse saine kind, dia Non- pelatatos, wose iassehetsare excellentl, roll allogretisei-o etIti ir, espeeiaîby if il ces le cai-rieul an. tcem star. Tise receptioe, dierefore, utf(Garibaldi anA bis troupe ras sc iset tisatIshe 8aausre noua suught chaîtar whers tliay coulA, Savne;aIl tle wrik to tha troeps artibadi hta r iujhlt rîihlm. Th CAecclatori dett4 Alpi jestied diriire- nura, anA, la spitseofthde heast etdia day, the altantsge et posiioea, ami numbers, Aove the Nirapotitais Ait the point et tha lejeet tram oeuposition te asetisar, tek- la; aneue iootainl gens. -Oaaet di stu1atts fi-oie Pansa, a Yettis rainiay Dot more ilisos18,0vas iret la by banda on b. Inl t tisa tv- bosalte NeMpOlitat ver, rne feame au tlr -positions ad ly-] et; back lorsdPaherme. Thse retresat ef the brigade whlcli but lest cossiionibly, va nul molestai at mot and tey sey - Irm o ous tonIas.- at- tacked, butat sePatanico, viienoes heua110 saehaiut, saut amasisami ple- ly, 5kroig veusaands ien slimé h &re, Ihm people - -p des 't' se tha homeso nt Ibm h ti lb. en be pehitune, Giaribaeldi ocest bark le Piana, huA set bis artilisry aven fuitiser back, mhIe hca isinf, rillu Lis crbseîubaud, made his crcy ovrthue aseuttains tegaii, ead, svhihc tise Feapouluetu folioere bis trark la Plana, bu bcdl arriieA yeie-diay mernil;, aItlMi- ilmani, on tise 11gb rend t, Culailia, ohere ho ted gierirendnizeono te asu thes riif- tans or captains on tisot aide cflise meui- laie Chain. 1 ora ick et uncrtiromore, %cui aloreero-ate bha pot alias tome, aad mids %ouolA Icue eyonr readers its raristueu cisoutl IlIte true tite et thngu. Beeilese ,1uîelui; e uitIle cf .bc getint Gecral'e tuclics, I Led easeng suspicion Ibat norentiita r iisprtditipwhehlicoulA ho botter sceus tun oitisoat isaufi-enain4ide thes teen, ne I datermituel te seemiaîber 1 contA eut get Seun aller may arrival Gai-ibaliu made hie atprearastea, anA' race-cA bis foreigis viîitara mils dial chai-min;, quiet implici- îy mihiscscructerisas huuu letudin i in- self witis piest complaisance le lise havanea- lily nedurisi; demanda f etoepraluiso, ausd ausseelu; the ,uumei-cua quesioneus chichi wero nturotly put ta bis. it amo nty aller dia drpatunaetflis guests tisaItise Gener.ti eeunsnd businse.s. Tise quentieon deiseteA cees etisianuemre uier leso thcs te venture eus e coup de saiouauPaiermo tise smue nigis Tisesore s ue doulit ail lise informetion ereulte sow tisaIlise Naîoliîeuuu 1ud t4ia'en the Lait tisi-au eut fui- ttr, -liît thuey bInA tae a IuigneA retrait fer e detesat, anA tIesa endin 1 bath et tise gus luiri-s tleinteiior sa ipn et discourepement, As fui-tise flank micro- meut te Mrisitceaii iley Beemed te have nue ides cf it, fer cen cense fiose Piana eiateî tisaI tliry eere hiî forte le that place.- Aaetiser coueilerieble isedy af mecnoros et Perce, and on tise rond lejenis Inlu Mati-eala tise reporte apoklnieskerrmaet neeiaI tioisacals. TIi tact, the appruecis- esat e ie rtoelest named places, cetted the Pieuse di Bcrazzo andl the Tisai-sa, risicis are Close ta tisa Palesco Reale, iii c-la ncclbaçt pai-t oe iatomsw n e tise peinte et concetration, rihia thoestidets fromeutls oclieily anA aautli-astte-y parts efthde terre oece conppai-ativahy undetrusd- ed. Fegt.iavetnus li, foi-cad tlie Nuapu- litans té Ps-y a&etioait. 10 the tepognepisy af the terra, ne as te remein naers et ut in cau ef a pepular ri-in. 'Tsi ceas net na-y aosy lue nucis alor-eas Pslei-ns, oniei like a trucse estheme toms, foi-msaeatuiyrintis et amatI ariA tornueus s e-aluflanked ty higli bousers al prendrA oitis bulconica- Tisis ros a serions drawback toi-tise troolis un a street ight. Tise Neapolitens id Iliair braite orepeir aiis- Aisaditse.- Tsearree t trectseveiàeiatlY ut Spauss te.,wh oi-m tise main citoies ofthtie towm. lTba iret celied Vieai Toluedo eterl- iag front Ithe Mailueta Porta FelicQItra- versesi tie tome lea taiItiinouefi-e uertlirast te, soulbovrut, pasie; close te tisa Catuadral et Sente Riesalis, anA ending aI the Pico e ale, tbm larguaI square et Pa- terme, en lthe eppositeasida ofthtIe tara trom ehicthe baronds tarI for Monreale sud Pas-c. Beside diae Royal Palace, suppased lealie on tde site oethdae lA p4late et dia Emîra et Siefly, thera ,We maeral large publie buildings vhicislima 1the sare tha Arttçsmïi*do foreriag onea êcee, an elage 1,"Ceavant et Sa. limbetba ithe odier. The -oued cises Suat tiFwat* Ibis part weficomaanusda. ltaevirIle tose. sAt it Iisagles to, Ibm Visa d leo@ it men frein cadi coumiany ofthtie Cacciateriý Adhele'cîpi, ceci-aferîserd inte un qaet, gai-de, cetfiliel te Major- Teori, a' Hue. gorico effrer, oriuoditîî;cisled'liimalt nnder Kmety on lise liel et September aIe Klars. liehind tise rantc gssarde, 'teo- loirrd the Siciiiana, commneîd by La Ma- --- 9114 uc emigerant, Whmit idcamue ver witlt, Gibldi. Tise second lino ras laed iy tise rilemen et Genoe"-excelîant ebetsia, aI ai-mcA euh tise Soies tariie. Ilebind lisenscaeo tt talien o f'Caeeisteri Adela All)îiande in the roar the rest oattisa Tise order laitns;bren istibated, tisa dilieresa bads gradcaIiy woriked their may tocards liese nmmut oftîhe pnss. Iinci-dec ta etîtotai e ieNeapoitas oritis the ilAethet cIairaenste on Iliat aide, tise nsaatlargefSireoere kinîled on tise r tops eftIhe meintus, tend kopt op long afîsi- car dopai-lors by mon loft bebiasélfeir tîset perpeee. It mus juIt the firot glimmtete of luao lie me pesseel the Ilet i'souc,' mmi hextcnd in tluio directioe a- ltne. rey ont ofet tis orreotPalenme. Thu a!aseaa mlae ospsi ta h ave kaume the locality 'bet- ter, tegsunsaouin; and "e-ce-ltin," jitt as if me lied bren close te the galeà. fiai il not bavée brn foi-Ibis lunder the oaant- garde migbt bave nurpricé'ise pheosont 1he3 cf tise Ammiragliato, sud probahîY' penltrm1 tedm din te town, vîdiut ise - laa o-f rci man. As il ras, the shouanun co qtly roee those on gea-A an the bridge, but likeoriae gae aotppnrtunity ta th iseNepe. titatîs lu stcetsgtbai tise forceItishe gats of, -Tsi-miel,- auA te, malte aIl their dispaaioa to-a deilence fromtdia lanis.ý' - 1 Insteadi thorersetfuriislng lte poot en the bridge, tise avant-garde ras reeeir- eA by a oeil sestaied firs, moonsy la-front- but fi-ens die houeraile their Ianklca. At tise firot sad et the muaketey mot of ther Picdplo!i epousacrouothe gai-demaIl,, bet net witllthelie iof utiltiag tram hbli diena, lette-lit thes die 30 or 40 meof the avan-garde &ailisolatei le i t rgapepo- sed seto chieSe ieads ta dia bridge. lIW - tIrst liattaien etfdtaeÇactatoet wasOsear up, anIsau lîdié mt aarq ibthepostion- test eneugh, dia second. Was sent &mit - aeon atter. Wbietiseee rore ngsoIy the Neepotitais,- eerne diibis hast t drretdiaPicStin irail.-Aftey scee troble, mest etftemoraera efeîy broiughIt dirsegis dia open apaca estai-. the bridue, lut tisa general tendeacy s > te go ,e-r ratere-tisaisaboya the bi-dg,i la ne cit bridges oer terrante,hgh, m wus ia duos iitatîce expesed te a beavy tro ssm' froue isaPana di Ilormas, wvite N». ,u irelilans da lhoapliool railau gausa moutited, oviicle titiev êSWa abisl. WIhula tisa Qesb tloin many et lis Stssf Adid tiai àeeWo tbetn leene tis s belter agait edýU4noeeed, tIse avat grde ba)ca hm politaos -tglte .4radre Rig*eVU« ; 4aa te diahe sa s isfron tr"r tsiT.- mii. The sjijli t fots-%thea mi coes3iders1ably eifored, pogSt&ot a le e basses leading It6 lhe beip, orl at'"t -me atimemtwo s ieg m "dthe- tu - e atthe Port Sauetonixob«m ai croas e.toea bsonath. getm*ê«, 1Ba t4hias np bt"tte birave hers Who lei t4at-wra. Tbey iutnot I isme miels M»s&la tx«b*sheI un ilsiasbobayonaLt oÇîo~ccchre all.tbsatremaine4.q -la oypi tq, eatabliah and lceep up gomosunication betweee ttsa upper hie -,N O S,24 the towli, thereal jpoint ofdefeuee, au peeioutside of tîe towq, baoth of the grenier part of the treepaconvcrting their fligtlieotaa regu4 sterling Fram thesa neighlpqrhae:- o ends. The Neapolitans lac deanodade, the 111h'Regýimenttosàing Royal pultane and ranning dowu>sy th( oumber of. etong pool- uis colora. Ganribaldi la flot the maist te ar.to.e b Villa (iiulia,.a large. p oyai Palace« ta thsé south- bau -mucb ure but alýsibI thse eceaaity of gardena ajoIiiug the Marina, ao4ithe, iî. tim thedia arth-west ceecertinx a conason action eviti the banda peqain tise',Quartier dei Quatri .&en' their lino otrrfea4,aa an d iae ni ghbaerheod . oflermo prevented the,,Mole., This latter *stàdonts tme ôdo goylslng mare, the hlm fraie takleg thse position et, Manreale'eaaba oadrda lelm tr their fiee, alovays the tast by surprise. te tse placof iedasplthln oéefi Gariba1dj could net unité has forces je by largo baiildiaga, the politicai PI or frcoa Ibis place of tise tises lu arr ive et Monreale-beliea the Nea.,mme- barrachu-, 'the ajimititl pria@F to gire jYeu ý sketch.~ of petitans hrsd ecupied' t in great 'ferce, finatily the evorisa3 on tbhe Male itaelfi but cud tell Yeu little aend rehen ho arriveél le the neiglbiheuroed* Tho plan which Garilbaldi an Üjecirce aboutt what evas of the position, four days aller the vict'ory fraie these dispositions wvas le euxprý8 I cann ew supply this of Celeta Fimi, lho aw tht saIthe tkige petinhelvradceprtiJ l yeeal -that bappeneél Motnreale coutil enly lbe eltcctela-ith great dfcîsedpartet ,ise atouen, te ibree;v hi tilt yeatoeday, fraie thluebos. Ha iherefore determined tet change isti te aie nd.graduelty work Nùi rthe events Sirice yester- bis plans. ,Tise tirât îhinug weî te eurronnd froro otrect te Street,. The twe'rettd sneyeWieness. -Tlsay andl watch att theý.oeteto, aud for thio pur;isig te tti part T tise luenru theis GarihaiPa star, s0 poeothe dittlereut equadri'cf thse insurgents parallel, aed, net fer tramnc alliéter. the dre ecuras lno ec uk up positions ait round the ebsie et close tu thu e ashotre cees tise Icat f ,aund if Sirl.ly liecomes moontains irhiel, etelese the bey. Peler- cd, cosîtelinn m nerety te coMpany o0 ng te hie. Meo es in a stete of excitemelit and fer- altgether cnt 'frote ail com.munc ehber, ho' toit the neigls-, ment impeosihle te, destribe. T!.e Secret The ensk oeulil have been celte~r ts auo the nigliht ot the 5tb. Cemmitteet wlsich lied mai,îleitîed itsecî in aids hed ih net been for feair of tlhe a lits; tenir place on these pite of thse vigilance and elsepîie of tise et e long colm e bru, Aicoyerea atTatamone, andAolte police atways toon mA nste cemnsicete thus a alerte "iven.Tea üon telle, orbicîs deteinedtbe -aith Garibaldi, in epite of the tnititnry au- bigh rusA train tir.e itterier, evas thei st dey. On the eveuin;- thorîiis. Tice cemmittee interted Gari- chuscenas the lice ef ope rations. Il cr pedition set eut for thé batdi tisaI Paere wa s reedy te rise, bel about bell e mile fromthe town,tîheý reci. Thse Nesputitan lit itapusci tise condition that hoc aboutA ap- Del Ammiragito,leads through atarge perfeetty oretI-informed, pear ietore the gales of the town. Hoeta- Street te thse etrqdooe on ti 'a ie0 er.isiti; about in att di- repled Ibis conîdition, and made hia place town, esters the ow tereitise Perte 'di iri.gl it e. Little iqua- eccurditgby. Brain; that ho had come tee mini- At ibis gate the Nefipolitaa mure steamers hsdt bren laie for Moniietbe, lie teft a perty efthtie -made a ean4lihsg barricade, wbiciwt te risief nesport teowlus et estive inourgeeits te lcep up the fires aend cupied by t*e compeoica. Theéisr rd by cruisitig tu e ei t engage the Neapolitees, -white bu took off buera it ores é nfiladeél by a, couj isîseil. Tise seuîh andl the mess of the force, and 1, by' an' aImait moelaii gen, Plnce aiethtise gte of ests were, ahoce cit, e ineredible mae along the monndain chein, Antesielo. Bieyid lise utradeamal tentien, ir Boneaoe their ohrle the gens lied te lie carried 'hy the extendeq 0l11Ut u t e bridge, and tb ring acen the extiedition men, hie tppeared ait et élnce at Percé, e o l ss re're Juil on" the octhar 'aide c is. Two e amera, the the'rosA te Plane, on tise 23rd. As sen bridge. ehol, oere ayit et a- as tise Neepolitens eaw their misteke tbey Witbi that jun-t codup doil arhicl surs befure the terrie-at et sent up la bot haste teovrdsPerce orbat- balAi certaiiily poeseca, h. led ainglE a geeout" fer a croise. axer îisey cachA muster et terces erithont this point as tho most practiceàbtle.Hi nding lied net buten fixed exposing their positions je the tee,,. They viti tIse exception ef the treepa lit ispirtlion ot the moment Aid net tbîink therasuenficient, for, atter isresuiteritb bina tlt reeg-li, uiglineil ite choose the muet fre- tomne sbirmiîhing on that ds.y, they wittî- gueritîset lis dispsa], ho îaw iia: sat aide of the isised, aisd drew agein te ttieir position on tee terrer best chancr e s teareiscenîrate ailrlii ttiere jîst in tise iniervet tîlaîrana, tise plana Beraze eand Sants ces and surprise or break Ibreuàl lte etostIste gain; ont and 'i'bcree.Tise next day, 24tbi,,they gel ut) force. The operation ores te lie'tai canors3. ie-d il eut heen sorut i he treeps fraie Mofireale, andl, by ae-Ceietrîse et tise Peuple i'tei s; i,ý,ht hure fsitd.- thus strengthened, matée eother attacis- IHsciig eketebed out bis plan, bË i-e strurk on a rock jent thsee stert1 wiînessed Ilote on board ahip. velszed tise difftrent guerilte chef% a * the part, while tise otiser Thse prîrpose wso gainedi îhcy bed get an- tonneA ihera of bis inenîtion ;ail exp: pesite. Tise intormea- alLer change. Gaeribaldi wlthdreor, Ieav- more er lts toudIy Ilîrir appreliat tise ththere atea gerrisenis le;juet a tee of the baissbehinil. Tiseo e lfOitt)hi, eaAdovre Alsmissed, ruf rosis, and tise oerci hd latter Aid eut rosit lois; te tettue, cnd tbe iejuetiee lu colmate their peopl n lu landd e ninati party tlgir as ithe suldiero ara calleil, entered keep ap their ceerege. r tramn tbe berrors ekbeti7tsMadonna dette (li-isie, aîîd Berce the Tise tret idea evas te linIe the atIl le store came of iths-I the eainc afîreons, assA pillageil anA buret the tise Middle et the niglît-tse Neepi ores there. Tiseme-de ptace, acerilista lime besîcrel rusIons dosnt tise te stur antiight, eed ltais y onugli, large, be.rgýes killiii e isuieteer of the peaetut inhebi- cvery chance et a partie emoît; thaï gsidr n ciA teeeryttiig tonte, eand puî lising, as usuel, neat day e there n-ns soute danger thal 'w'y lit la eicr7)îbiug orcu lasded sjrtcidid bulletin, aîîsseeciîîg the detesît ut for tise Sicilien innergents, andAi nde ticir alrieaanre ead tIse bansido f Giaribaldi, and prômiisi; etînir theeghl beet te mlések ecli rrang .e Leîr ltrn' ceot eitb- csreedy nutrjeelion. asi teild bring ithe force et dame it =tien. i, the rosace, ruteu 0 ope pe aor F ant;, sI for.a ip - -e lat- e -i tien ofï la tend- sck la' s ; bunt: ikawisa it ras te tha" 1

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