Whitby Chronicle, 14 Jul 1860, p. 2

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7 ý lB DIVMON. could haveWn Capable à of the bu lion bc sapires top sud diPu Peckaniff t»,T- exCWluý believe tbat Th, GENERAL NOTICES-- entided te the posi Ilow ii e pro- a claire. iont a Boyne wu celebmted bY the 1 y fý et in nuy wise adora, nor beautiful tmth. - R,;ý_hy,ýR&m Mr. Reesorts Platform ai 011kawft. à which, lie wadd n ui fiàzhi=etf alerte in tbat ýMýW d jýUý :or beautiful 0. OMIT lm iiuirrtu To . TB£ ayowy «» ira im"M xàmvàv, ww"E =rDir 4'ý _ýould in any deceýt degrea sustain. They faned by vicions p4lénions 1 Théhi datit net ý1 __ ve roplt&- of South Ontario, at Duffi a erprmsgýlzg Xdat'.. rà piociplýý but, At a meeting of the, electots bM& ibt .1fik. t. N. Gms, thâti siýtowee The gatheriég wu very umi illourgot. tyý" The uldýïwtw dwdllà-a waýf l'heauti gr FaretreÜ 8 »'ýqu year. ............. arevigritable4lÉmitsý .,- 1 1y_ýXO _z, e of 1 . & NIiiil dr.. do ....... in. if th'q' onthelipeofÉa-nunlinL it-ishaiýto Oshàwï.Du Firiday eveniàg litissi Mr. David lit vrith BO -know howto, guidd' the *11lephan greement embraced a 900 114'811dulling < IMMUETS or 70 or!rcl- Men woing West, ........... . .10 04 P- ni- -et the char coéjat but thro'ýtlte bear- vith ý mfýikind, (My Conspiring Col- Retentir, the Grit candi" for Xing's Divi- will exprette, a like di- lier Mixedi do .. i'.. ............. e 3G4 P. M. The different Lodges F-xprem do ......... ..... .. 50-p -le. g ,ce, n rac but fet me do no meekly 1 Il is elon, gave au exIlOsitiOu Of his P01ilice unuarmted a etallement. ,id Reesor wo -kutrali mail bas arrived. The -U là- bide, foi the ore'ira- lesgués) Od, Broôkl.int. Claremcut, Kat ne 'an - - * Montrent time, 22 DùDntcs fimïer il . pheftOmen&ý or tb iti Creed of Mr. 13' botrne llý" , te A 1 2j, Whitby tinte. The pot cal advices froin Me, pli portant details conneç" with hî-seteruý1 iny'datjr*ato do. 1 will lie amonist the ew éreed b tàlk of a, etective us,, Osba,«%, 1 rMT 07yrcz, xýui-- aimr-, Lenwood-, Columb sud f rom Sidney te April 14. Tbe Eng- Fg -wav& nouof s=b7-aýýd. W.kodotbçlrduty. is-ail podushineý,-l 1 1 1 - - 7,111094-J141, âtmctu». _W* tours . . a tered well and towith colors lial, lisait of Febitraq arrived out on the E-t" _:d ' f the country n14 ýs canada expects avers Man th do tais existi ou-7 net a dissolution pure ami executivel.TWO elective goe. -or the il...: . . . . a 30, IL. ni. we trust the. ý çqiýia4 Isezý» a, sîmpl.OLUIýt(. a diiiolution wiih the view 'or 13th Aprit. %vest nt against la dutyll-Canada ià ille tuent sanguine Colle- written constitution 111 Dissolution il- - --- 6 00t, P-m- will back this bill or indietme a rederation of boik province '- tk"nl'lin. prince A, S., That all Provinces 1111 and tlhe like, is et fuàge'- noua. A bandsomé ïaed. va the Meiheurne corres rAelat or'the Ibert, Port Pur- try on»f face, of the Carlit, and trill find favor Of fined up ajeh of eeer-'Èytýeens,'sU PO 'l utflers N'Orthj .......... 9 009 a. ni- sopolitical graits-11 questions of Trade, Commerce, . Postal, ada in Mmes reports thet « trade . was, aot Onty it»W icoutinvally ."dmppointed."' Peck- aboula 6 uladqý the central of theýFederai Supposjug, all Vpper C-ý an"I seoti, ........ ....... a 00, a. M. vould, Lower CI"" Jtaa Mr.i Wm. câthbert*4 canton 1 Mure depres"d thon ait m Cartier, piriod of, »,ýwUý:: ....... sowbu his Legislature T-and.ibat all mattenr-of a pure- thelle changes, file under ý 1 1ý ýýi ý. et pirefer te ma îéýal paru 01 this -Y"r' but the lowest mate Ordepression lie , controlied by as? Woula allie the street, se ra;ij)er* G rond Trýnk,. ý ......... 9 30. a. in. Il loëd chazacter should bc locî1ý'Iegislaturè. ý Ùeý wîOuld'restrict the constilutioa-"ttën siA DDrdttpln- were decomted with flage uni hâd net yet beeti resd"4 The Xelbourne r.!,t d- do ............. 9 00, P-m- The misrepreeentýtion of the Glok -ill CorreCuouýWàýo>theJ4ibeMl t the power of thë erecueive in the expendî- ta ,,king for welIt do. ý do ............. 7 30, P. M. whieb she et present enjoilli bearing emblema and molles Iterald telles a more élieerfal výielV'- %Ve*t 1, ýdn. dw ............ 9 30, 3-m- be cif -ai, Iîtjë'ývâ st-ainst Mr. Party, as tureipf thé publie monçy, without the con- tir theste impractcahle noveleel, And of thé oder. A Cr- the blaguardism of the Whitby graieh mats. The statement in the Ffralchusan- res- sent Or Pýrùùment; andýhe would tirait the anY in re. Thé followin- further departuria Or gold 11ro6klin. "ilee Nllwrt, 1inrt Il 1 ý 0 gîàýd procesii Vessels la rëpojcd --TbýMarc0 Ilbolowith "ýiàld qnff1Ceý Noilh; .......... 3 009 P. M. uding a meeting p wer Canaa Pee' ed tbrough, the,,Villa,-e ý? tl 14bum. l!tiýc%- Eeum, Uxbritlgc Peqdëiiill'iot.sake' the olk"idçd state. pecting Mr. Higgins atte ower of * the I*Xialature îtsel4 and allnw what then if- Le polie 1 , Il pý te no lar halage in ber Church, where Owen glendower, £91000 and ... ............ 100 0 Mure 'leiïili purpose of getting ait, a sellera go publie expenditure i ta be made ruý.iný te accapt of any Venilia, £75,732 Prince of Welles, 132,- (kruen.iltýetJ, EWon«luw4 .......... 14 ments or t1in. u 0 M ; -Miid of Jud*14- ÇI24,000 i sud DIVMON çgcxm foul-mouthed abuse of achool, in, like mrist of its aller statementsy without subraitting it ta a direct tient existence T Aild. wbit if the igother eloquent disceurse was delilî ............ jnly 2. ded. Mr. Hi- people. Hè would make theExecative in. tituttail Revd. G. P. B. Viner, B. À y Ur. jameï-Wallace, and J. utterly untrue and unfoun Eagle, wi» £132.000. ýjr ne- ....... .... ... 3ýý Saut: peemons as dependent or the Ilegiatature a1toigether, country refuse te Yank-fl Our cons his ................................ 1117- 0. DOM&u of the Whithy, Walchman, for ginss opinions bave always been unchangge- and bave the extent sought by Mr Refflr and bit taxi frOm'john 13l, 32. Bmverton. . ... . * ............. . ..... -.. - 49,118. the members or the Exetutive "i atioanted te 192,000 cune tas% ....... ........ zumient. lis both cas" the aniallus te- ablY in sYstem Of elle' electeil by, sud directly respollbible te the frieilà ? la these contingencies, lubat w"l itThe trulli aball make you of bc the Malt ? %Vill the people of Upper 24q.000 cunceai calme parlait, lut year. The Uxbradge ............................ ... 30. wajý* Mr. perry is tue transparent net te cation; and opposeil te everything partak- people. He would bave the Govemo A bandsome pocket comm gold escorta liad brought. in 23t,000 ounces vAire:137- cou". chool and ench of the féderal provinces elected by rebellion, arla eek for of plate, was prosented te the i agniait Ï59 Ounces last. year. At the Tuvrn ilinu, every Uonday meriting, ai lie men through. Th.e Globe desires the ing of a sectariani character, in s ýhe peuple,. and a third, general Canada rise up in 5 10 O'Cloek 0. tri hein- the out of schnol. Mr. Higgins publishes his Governor' nnexation te the United State demait on flic occasion by lin At Sidney, tousiderable failore lied ta- uxcu_ elecdon of Mr. Re-Ory because appoinied by the Home Government. He a bis ke.ri place. Doring the test fortoight' of av of Mr. McDougall-one et Own conscientious opinions boldlv and hou- w when lie i3 Wk"" t brethren of 957, with au- ai Prerv Monday orouing, ait, the Irown INI, brother-in-1 was in Invor of the Legislature paming a Reesor must kno March business was &Jetant et a atmdstill..l ai 3iJ tors of the Globe-he will with him estly, and is no sneaking cowardly slander- hish, that lie is si-ply deiudii1gý, bis ait- lows The liabilitiés. of nine bouses which.bave :ree 1'.%Ittnl.= J t their lI%1lý Wz;llttce*s Bleck, lie an obedient tout of Mr. Brown. Be. er. Can Messrs. James Wallace and J. 0. lie appointed by tho whole province j sud dience, and if lie does net Lnw that lie is Rzv. iLiD Dsin Sia, supended amounted te £400,000. -- C"éufi- rroeck Street-.,m tue, ir4t Thumiuy lu overy Durnan say as mach Il -the one-a political that ConvlintiOn te PrePate & suitafile writ- d inc est tell bila that lie is Cul, On thi dence W*u becoWing restored, and the 4th month. cause lie will lie the Most falsifiait tOOI tlaat ten constitution, or if mrcessary, prepare a sa, we m ed of ex- Orange Imge, N'oý. 130 -d_ý:and birouýht out under rene.-ade, and the other a hypecritical pre- tainly deludin.g bina"If. There are those niversary of the victory of il or the Month or April bad Pau overy menth. t',nltlwell% elock, Bruck Stècet. coutil lie procure bill te lie passeil by the British Legisiature, con"uent triumph of the ceedxù;,,Iy weil. nain rown'a tender, who c1barging Mrý - Hi.-gins with - tatod allow 31r. Reesor's A. Càutuo-t. WTetw,ý'. the e of & the party,' te do Mr. B 0 . e Ying--,a constitution the saine la lie we k-now whO will sw Civil and Religious lýeédom The Snewy River Diggings ave thn great jýmj#a, No. @f» eeeond Fridny in every bidding. Mr. Reesor, litre Mr. McDougall, what lie bail never dieniedi but opeuly submitted to-a vote of 'Lhe'people for ilieir sayings. -As the Leader admirabIT exP-3- ile dt sigas of a menacing ai feature oýf the mining intelligence. The S»W. F«Mtar.v. will lie a second shadow of Mr. Brown- avowed, the crime ! of being a'CathoIiC \ý approveà. As for the navigation of our ses il: despolisin, vçe the master anq Werakf says flint fillette dîggîn" have been L. 0. L., Nô. 16î, meet in the omnjzû liait. lied Papist, hoUin.- the waters, lie would bave thera free and open, There is always a certain percentage L. O.L. 957, white tbanking Gjueilwoo(Iý en t'ýe 1-,,ýt Friday i-ý ex-ery tnnitih. and will never think of acting in the House in himself a ni. from the Saskatchawan te the mouth of of the population willing te lie hfflyed ; for the iuc-stimable privilege L. 0. L.No 7» illeet ut the 6101X Ilutel, i y ery that bas yet. taken place in dis. New nMOIt111lý theïmt gri.1py 811 every m.'uth. titan as Mr. Brown choses ta dictate. Mr. most extreme ultramontaine opinions and the St.Lawrenceto both sections of the Pro- tvith mouth agape ta swaliow down ally initted te rend for ourselves lit South Wales territory. The mont extr»r- L. 0. L- No.- 9579 incet in *11eaWA lim-tel. Perry would lie likely te filial: and gLýt for bas re-,ieat-édly expresseil himself su t6'ý%fr. vince alike, andaliso te the Huýh-on's bày plausible lie. On ibis ullible segment of tures desire ta acknowledge dinary finds of gold h0e been mal even him-cielf, ý and do flint whieh wouldbe ýest Hig.-inN."d, quarrelleil with him for bis territory. Ile sailli that the advantagge of a humanity Strange PMIÎL-8 arc played, and in having placed us under the Duffiq'. Creek, on the Itt Tlitir-day fil cvury DivL-ileii, Nu. 31 1 opinions. Who isthe Liberal-Mr. constitution witla these changges would lie on the surface, ý and. auggets, vminc in sý 1 fortheinterestsofýhisconstituents. 1ile, libera often pidyed with success. Thev fana the onu distinguished by the lime Wei.-ht froin 20 tu 70 ounces, bave been (K. sons Hall, Wcji1eýday cireuiligil. IL A. 0. Gand Terapl.u,, ut Gerrieu IL11. net make every interest Hig ins who opposes separate richools ou grenier amity and more amicable intercourse capital on which impostur,3 Of a' Il sOrt8 kiud, and enJearing virtues a posed to- view's. littie Wow the, ground.- evellin". ward - lie - w,,:Il . 1.1 -- pets . ans who were ut *is new Et Do- %Vljitby ilhilbarmouic suciety, nt son'is liait, uberviýut Mr. Braire and bis clique. principle, who never meddles with reli.ýitias betweeii both sections of the Province. He operate." tic of the life of a. true chriti ouly for afew deys tretun"ed ta sid- Mond vellil4.. Brown could net attempt te rant, or secturian bigotry and bas never ai- referred te the state ofSew York, as show- Il is only with such persons that '.%Ir. lit presenting te you this bund" ,and in soute cases thon- , t;= Ténlpla-, 'Sorni. Ilall, Tuesdity evoititig,- ver im ing the advantage of Euch, changes, sud il find ofesteem sud affection, we pouuds worth ofgold. stimmior9 ur.XTKios. Thus the misrepre. lowed either te soit the entamas of bis pu- stated . flint there was a great conserva- Reesues impracticable novelties wi will net lie rê.-arded aucun = In a, coin- ChurchSt. Jultiie, King Streetý 1 s posi- per, or his assaillants who denourice him lieu etement, in the peuple theniselves ; favor. The thinkin.- and sensible Portion paratively short time there was no lessi 1 JE P.! e -1. rki a" lula 'cloch-, p. ni. (Alter 1 lieulation of the GIOW of Mr. Perry cuniary value, but 83 it is r« il il advocacy of 331r. Reesoes pre- for thus &clin« and who play the hypo- ami that when an agitation took place in thau seven or ei,;ht thousand persona on ",,te suujt.ý REV. J. PEXTLAND. lion, au à a of the community will lie satisfied. our appreciatien of your the giýduud, and reports of rich finds daîly Fm t;,,tel, (' tentions. that state,, in 1846, for an amended con Millier to txý«.ir the ii1ý w,- liac many services rendered te .1lartIl, Niectiiiiic-' Institute, Crit, and the biggot, te suit their base pur- appeared in -bu Sidney and Melbourne pis- cornet of 8% ron aud àlary Strcets, il eclock, 0 stitution, and a bill fur that purpose was Than fly t-ý others tilzit'we kw-w net et." Il. church. lu., and à Glt-ch-, P. ut. The scurvy knaves, villa lie se villanous- postes ? passeil for takin- the vote of the peuple, As stàted in Mr. Perry's addresa in t 'B pers. A reactioti, howeyer, shortly net in. týe people deciered against any amend. issue which we extract; Wu destre filet Yeu will 'The mets of aurifertous ground discovered Ce REV. T. LOWRY, ly, and recklessly in the lValcJ&tt . &an, re- Mr. Reesor as a Publie Speaker. ment; and 'that lhereafter in the eu se of Dissolution Of iner, our grateful acknow 119Tfignts nid Clurc1ý,eorierofItyron and -7 ' il -1 the union is sa obvictisly abjurd, and as ber kinduess în performin, Il was net sufficient te employ the large pu. Mary 93ti eet», 11 u'clcwk, a. in., and 6 p. tri. gardless, or every senne of propriety ai] Canada, if the people declared that no appears ta me sa fatal . il, ils rousequen- tien or the services in . rig fée ing, sud of every law, human and f course none would wishing you and your doine pu atiorr wilich, had sa auddenly beau REV. J. T. BYRNE. ghý 1 The character of Mr. Reesoes publie chalige wasXlNlýs8ary, 0 Si. Gt brought toggether. The first comers bail %Vea!DN-an 'ilettimi.t 41,orcli, corner or 0:ntre diviney hava their private enmitie3 te grati- speakin.- îs somethin- on a par with bis Mr. Reesor's ressorts fer ilis Il ces, that I Cannet believe in the J)atritaism secured ait the avaitable ground, which tires "il blai) 8trcçtý, 10 30 o'clock, a.'in., sud idualp is Mr. = Images were that as ne govern- lor siucerity of its supporten. Lower coutinued Cajolaient or lien principally in 0 lié . d of the n'ver. Agaîn, OClSL-, P. ni. REV. J. IIUNT. fy. Pere-onal dislike ta the indiv polities. Both are tery indifférent. ment could bold office without a majority é-Cnnada ta the East, and the Uniled neu, allow us te hope fini il wu feu #4. et the cost of provisions, United cibllrellt Meellaslied lu- the patriotie motive by which they are ac- Reeo, due, net atutter,,overmuch, nor May lie added ta your minist gmeefu; attacks upon MI Of Parliament, inducements were Wd vut .Si tes ta the South would then lea%7t'Uil and that il may please the - doies lie hesitate a great dent ; but lie puis te niptubers and bribes given the anada under their central, from tbedotqlkèe the anowy River lis front 4titutc, 2 30. u4"cl-ýÀz, p' lit. m either and en- poser of ait things te grant j 1. R. Il. THORN are knQwn, neither lifé, ene",y, nor animation into directly or indireetty te sustai lie govern- "P"' C 'TON. Perry. Rare, where the authors t - Sidney,ý*was i.ýr4mvagantly high, and ýthat I;aptist cliurch, 3 o'clock p. m., cvery Suit- would bc covered with nantir, and REV. B. LLOYD. their malicious attacks raft. harmless on bat lie says. He isphiegmatic, and Blow ment ; end in tireur of this e instanced "ti-IY ai their merey. Hostile tarifis sud the fruits of your labours il% Perry, white they disgust flic publie. Their a, th, most stolid Dutchman from "Fuller the case of Ur. Clark, whom, lie alle-ed t'injurions restiictions here or there, or seuls gathered te the Cliurch pported the Éciverrimera through thick ti digging would lie impractible. Thelss Coin- frect tipou - sa The reverend gentleman i thla publie is direct*y the "* land," and enlists neither unes interest nor perhaps both, would lamper us on every bined circum.-unem indueed numbers Who New Advertisements UM C and thin, a-ainst the wishes of his consti- .4side, se that commercial disadvantages imitable termsveturned his av 011 the Politi- tuents, because'hè got il t te ments for the compliment bah coule, frein giéat distanSsý ta refera 1)ay* verse of what their authors intended, for sympathies fi% his address. 171 le governmen 1 md by the 2nd of April last, out of aleven the dirly productions arc justly condemned. e purchase front, him a number of Hamilton land our isolated position would diive rite Protectionist Cooking Store for $28, cal stump, lie is like a landaman et en, ý h debeutures ai 97 per cent, whi(h were sell- ýUpper Cauada intu soute now unforseer- or eiglit thousands persons who were un . - and despiseil by the honest sud respectable i, test in bis Ilimpracticable iiovelties," and thanking thein for their go -the grouad ou men of &Il parCes. Outside this imtacdfiatr can n-j more explain the effect of lits con- ingg al, the time et, and ouly worth 80 per &,but toýbe-dreadtd Convection, and would igrs. Viner. r gince ýthen the population Steel Ptns-Thomas Mactear. cent, at.d by which transaction, Dr. Clark 41most probably tend tu a movetuent for an- After Church the brethre mained. Ever locality the Il itniut.machine -this vile stitutionat Changes, coutil they bc obtained, -etted $14,000 without ayin& out one procession, and assembled t( bas grestly diminished. The Snow River Meetinr at Oshawa -J. H. Perry. pock p exation ta the United States. heet or Mesam Wallace and Durnan duel; his remons for thýse changes, nor how cent Itimself. Mr. Reesor claimed that the trois serveil in the open air hi -feeling et Colùmhue, du iftgginV me distant frOM Sidney &bout 130 Election % 0 net circulate, and is therefore powerless tu they are ta lie accomplistied, titan Mr. cost of his system wotild lie le-" thon the sud cre 20 miles; over the Victoria Election Meeting et Weil'$ Corners. do Boware of the Wolves. of the Can-on hotel. The Th t tw Snowy, River diggings do evil. Joseph Gentil Coutil a passage in the Sais. presotit, where two sets of officers were -fila S il Fourth Ascensiou cf Blondin ai the Niagara eTmbepliiýyed in each of the Dêpartments.- up ilý a very creditable style .ý rýîtvaiI somie of a r richest Vie- te alloir crit of the Hindoos. It must lie Observa- old re tan be little doubt, Falla ou the 18th inst. We advise the electors net ble te unir eue hearing Mr. Reesor how se were the main points of Mr.' Beesur's ralinu alpine. Partiular Notice-PL F, PerrY. 7 Cecil a.-ain!.t respon t a tli vn et 1flor CKhOiýC1cs Or -1 FePrescit- libriest every good thing th: themulves ta lie swayed in any manner by sible gevernmentand sired, including green peut; but the neverity Aust non Bit ""te the misirepresentations e ' ating from those labored and difficult are bis efforts ut publie in favor or ce stitutioual chan-es. Reader (Io flot promise our tues. ' l' gt0und 16-ned with snow Te the Blecturs of the Kin, DIv ision - . ûOût APrâ ta September-wq acceaititatip, urces. * Let them gi a a fair hearing and S.Saking, and how utterti lie faits te con- Mr. Abraliam Farewell urged Itl'-ly vote to, anv iii.tit. Doring the afternoon add Ham Perry- 110 y lie necessity for dissolving the union. He 0 the suspension Of èperations unth the spring- consideration te Mr. Perry's opinions i let vince bis bearers. The speaker's matter, 0 1 commerim. Theu, no doubt, thént ;il luth nt ç,-û said liait there was net a single thinj, but flear b tli.s.'des before you livered front atemporuryba be a large rush froin this a ' .., iàli'-61ïj' . ii6iia-Tile. -Ilui-l;ë- ;ýeiIî rýr Nfr: -', ing the titrent front Mr. tk--, - ý y ý' -.Iy _)ý - - ce 1 wol q«sfwh(ý,,. ing en a nd the adjoum- thie, right. luttai lit attempit te apeak about, and vain- M Ly Messrs John Humer Gr ItSsor's plan. Mr. Farewell aise said that ly endeavours ta explain. Mr. Reesor'È pu- lie hall test fitith, Î_ obtajning ithout ivei-liiilIr. Ille coli, ait quence& lough, sud others, the rema Whitlly, Satiirday, July 14, 1860. sandfield Macdonald end ëthen vu. G. litical canvass cannot brin-- him much lion by population; and bis reason wa ý, QuElaKo, July 9. - Browu. fruit;-it must, we venture te predict t bat lie was afraid - that a fair and proper Belierp none of the stories re- -1 sfieakers hein- warw, Tke Palestine arriveil here lut evening census would net bc talien 1 tailed at street coriiers, &nid be- Cheers were given fur the qq et 8 oiclock, brîtiging 129- passetigers. ' ONLY ONE DOIJ.ý A YFà" prove fruitless, and unprcfitable.ý Only Every Man who prints. imagines he pves Mr. T. N. Gibbs said that Mr. Perry hind shop countem of Wales, the Grand Maste Me passait the Noya Soutien off Bell- ri the thick-and thin Brown believers wili was his choice; beeauie bis opinions-were Bool and satir the Bobe 1 mien. 1political Gnats. te the world something which they had net Avoid the hypocrite who Cameron, &c., after which style; that ho lie induced tu swallow Mi. Reesoes wild more in unison wilh his litre, titan those S & il ivish he'd win, but Fin reformed, and the sevemi 1»'CDON, June 28. before, ei.her in =attër or and vitsionary nonsense ; white Mr. Perry's field by Mr. Iteesor. And that although S*-IY or adomed -11e's the irre.lte:st egie- there were several grounds which lie coutil ztfi-aid." lrize English fonds shovred inereaged We forget precisely who it was finit bas brought forth new frottis their departure homewards. limeticallogical, Cortical, bottela and truth- Zn -nlîvened by the àwellin- a lmqwinesýk The pressure for money very compared a conceited Geologist ta i'a gnat old unes when however we eau discover ru, exposition Or r latin against Mr. Iteesor, lie should vote DIV. active. Soma amouats are atili negotiated ight principles, will, we fur Mr. Iteesur in preference te NIr. Perry, Lrood bands, liait of the ;.h 0 mounted on an elephant, and laying down nothing but trite imbecilite.or unblushing Beware of the wokes in ait 31 par cent. internal structure mis-statements ; the law must '0 Let confident, only require ta bc board to as the two men now stood, because lie hein.- particularly notieeabi There are scarcelly sny tra- tion in the theories ac ta the whole i tahe iý. te carry ail thinl.iiii,, unprejudiced, and en- Coutil net consider Mr. Perry an indepen sheeps' clothintg ? Rmian toute. A quotation is made or imr of the vast animal, froin the mere fille course, and the dellinquent suffer thai mer- lighteüed minds with bien. dent mcuiber and holding ilie attire of Reg- We are gind te lie able te te half preinium. nomme of the hid&" The remark is as tification te which an unsparing exposure il that Fatal arcidz-let on the Grand Truak. accident or casuaity of ally tous et the juif of wit as abrewdre-%% and it is a defi- of bis fiction justIjy conderans him. The What Mr. Spuiding said ai Mr. rtpresentation by population tiras the renie- Tbere were nu gold operaf We les- that as the six o'clock train within our knowledge. Igank to-dey. r cent. Bardiniau tenu trait nition filai mont apily suits a host of claire- question et issue as between the plaintiffi Reesorla Meeting. dy, and coutil bc oblained stoner thon Mr. . oreille ý6tward wm passing the le.- 1%e Five pe , Reesor's written Constitution. He did final T Cr ëxpected ta be onred for publie snserip. ants ta polîtical conaîdemtion, who in aiy and defendants in the millier of the Sei.-- icket. 1 net a-rec with Mr. Farewell iliat either ermin., rieur the SI arborough station, et 80. other country on the face or the «airLh' norial tenure payaient, simply resolves il- The editor of the Oshawa Vindicalor- on tien àbout the beginaÎnx Orjuly On who certainly hm never yet given clins f faille or improper relents would lie made last evenin.-, the train Came into Collision m of personal criedability. 0 reméàw, the census. The returns would xlur A conflict between the tire, Housels of would bave been brushed out of the politi- self into one 1?arliametit belli oSurred. The select coin- cal market, like no many fleâti-flies, ont of the present occasion the unshaken eviden Complaint for soir very lively or witty things i b * witti a farmer's waggon which hiNtenud te The match betitree'n th, ce , lave te lit- matin under outil, and lie lie- mittee, after sitting till six yeslerday. lie bas written, makes a very laine attempt lieved the duty would lie as properly and bu gettin.g over the Crossin.- ai the time. selle off, as previously intir the ilbatrabi, W. allude net only te the of four unimpeachable and unsullied wit ta ridicule Mr. Spaldin.,-, ex-reeve of Osha truly discharged in Lower Canada as here. The waggon iras tOtally detnqlisbedi »qreêd te a report whieh id net who ly Mr. situ day on the Markham grot Brigbes nor- -wholly Mr. Walpole's. The numurous plWanx of infinitesimally mititte masses, bas been volutiteerèd ajainst the urned out remarkably fin( iv ical midges; solitury and atolid contradiction of a partir, lva. At the meeting held ai Osh wa b We have only lime iii ibis issue tg notice tre, regret bavin- te add that ýlr. Charles t mmmittêe bas net acted wîth much spirit and monstrousty ohtrus _ýpoIiC y -siding ý,n the first fur play. Quite a large Cr( r of hr;ýf1v wli:àt, %Ir Rop.qnr'q nlatfnrm is. and Harvy Ham, a Lnuer ru eent- umrawe riemasill of aie- 44 are credibly ictormed that et the Mark- more wantîng, and that is, tbat Mr. Perry, The &-idé dolam thM the P&W loisa confim themmelves to the-oirzle prScribled u to âsifiait this JL ne luisuwing M wn utý,ffl At Oshawa the mectiný ,% , public for fifty millions fran« le CORIT111Y tO the by thâtèmploy. Never"lfin, the se r«- aing, and scornfully mj,,u the elsm. And hum Convention, Mr. Perry stated he should boist on bis political bannur a dis. bL and opiniom of the rai r. 'Perry, one, conveueil in the Town Hall pursuant PL Prmgk, Il Nýrm ....... 2CW tyliditiom of the ChS-eh pee e" in" in bis a«igot, we candidly &0 the vest majorîty of reuonin,; individu- hid confiulted the Attorney Celle West 1 sulution of the Union atrîpe. M te notice. There were about en, bundred G. Nmr» ...... Il bNu Fathers ; scamly any Cou«H han beem produits that mme qWiti,,-of mind &la will conc:ode, as zegards tha or.-a!liza- and hall been assured that he ëssald ton- is Loo honest a man, tco gond a Canadian, J. b Ham ....... _ 8 s4um hdd tbai bu net excommellicateil leaders as weil us 'the possession of brasway -- tio of the Clear Grit le84erý aboald that ttnue to hold bis Office as Re."istmr, if and too loyal a British subjec% es he is persons prement. The 'Vote of cqtý,dence tirrem Il xlmarée ........ 4 tim of n Mr. Rtesor, was proposed by 1. p= «»mpd %vm. » b lq. Contribution of PetWa pente have and expansive chest% we requisite f« gov- bç the alternative te whieh he " be dri- efSted. Let this matter be cletred up. ton, grent a lover of hic country te do any- 4r. Car- -il miom ...... 2 bN. equ&HY la"I'd &moag the 200 mil'iuls Or enum«tt aucSu. A bair4hmuer is ad- Yen, in palliation of bis present si fix."- la there such an undersitandingt between thiný of the kind. Mr. PeM is WO well inichaele meended by Mr. Orr, of,,b, Fim- TU. llin"tiiileLoilbw.w. ..b. lim.. 3 Il INVO Rom» Catholics, wheu the ltly Father 0 dicafor. About twenty pers %N% Prtuee, b ffasm. .... 0 b tb mîmbw je hui tri«Ung capacity; a tallow- Ilk eou1ý, howerer, wîLl overýrule, it---nor 49 Mr. Perry and the Attorney General ?" atwýbed tu Bniith Institutions, and appre- fi. Ons--Ud Ihis P. Bsà4ý. b Nom« ....... 0 bih in& biSself thua "gea to make " b,,&er rulber attruetive ljula ýotber«îs4 win any furth« trist be, conSded, until The GloW# information in this Imstler in ciates too well the solid adivantages whieh ýaS if _Ydûn. «tmy, s o%ýer .4 ms^ý _ " Le '*Vdenu. b Rom 4 moit c firther appelai te the faithrui. bers beld -j;7 A ktur front Pýàs1erm0 alâtea th" Gali- -midât his vats aud, d4% a jolly «Mater tbat wriam dommew lix IM defexdWg verY ranch ak-iu te th" whieh it trequent- we posweils as one vaitpd Provinces in cors. sor. Ther ap theÎr hwxk fur àr. Ree- Bes % -ia- 2,4 bjýs t. a Bym bawl lost upwarà Oi aine làundred men UP te Ide kmei in aboaingN alonou Io be own possession be fértbeoming. Where we Il publisbes on other subjeets . il is totally »section with the Mother Country, te be in e uns Boule ils tha consiet et ùe 27th sud 281h alti- about the chairmm'a cal'Îno' f- the vol. .. id ; bat-but -veýw«W Wby is 't unreliâble and utterlY untrue. Mr. Perry faverofeeverîng theempireina mauser Mo. in the Dejalives and aitkou,-2ý perbaps Tbe Aimâm pablisbea. the aSmnt of thiis hoaS*ble"pe"" ehm fbr tbaw a: ss" prodoW r Hm tà4d* vould it not made no such statement as that attributea wbich woüld bltÏm&Wyl, and ïnoet mmiy twe-thîrds of the meeting were the proe" up of a emv«tkm between 31stanee in the adj«tmmt of Our national bé j» confonjad as jiàrâý and awlacious wit- to himy et the Markham Convention: he l"d te twýmmmwitm of this porfion 'of luplsorters 0"*W nogimd and Frme% relative ta Chkese The rend to éme and power W* semi " w1to mRàtuà » PertÎusekmWy Dever dted the opinion of Attorney Gen- Cam" to tbe United States. Under our dours the resolmüo%-Ihel 'art toted r. pu. gen". b fL prhWe 4 0 jj as" Voeu bave opela te au Who developés the th" in th 4" W.îk documeut is clmt&iMd tnd Macdonald, vith whem nor with any pramt-,"emef alowed t-te- %Vâm& Il IL Pti-ule. à b Bn Vu âliadkar suzamuffl tlut the in. -'Pouubbe tovermmm4 bu declèred mrrimL -1ký«4 b agew« ........ 0 "wa*m" q»UeW,«; but sire rew- tbe v«y elalft omfir-Ù-1 of the U" of other minister bu he bail asy »Ocm&ng » zaw, J- V. 11*1%, e %V. î*tùý. ýj4 c CL " or Ptique J«Ume vin take place ous opp', th Every word wu quid 0 àtr -LýVwee% b IL Pfimte. 9 am. lutely ladvel, of preteaders isto tWr &,verment T Like the calprit Cw&n&Î -tien, en the subjPc*ý There is no luch nu- bers conoeded, Mr. Kerrj bellieffl t1sat tbe rnmusny by Mr. & M F - Perry C. M _ Il w, ès P 4 smt. Or W. P"dw& b 0 #4 jle dies aad ml, ne niga:' derstanding, as "t âHeged te . are 3. cen4b, b rit *-ne. îkýsatimW larder, where inch lïnmcb" Bes« wt-- t"m Mr. politital ille of Cassalla eau ait be hwed. jtrý. Gibée, am th, elber 'jeuý wd4 - - a ples. of 1%rry and the AUnmy Gemenl. Wé The publie, we tàial4 will bu eSmwhat the htbm dezm eempume4 us, la r , a IMU.-Xcowk Blouffià& wedi prosj doubly wischkrom ; fur whut 1% is te mi] iMM 9W rWill-ets Issu- làd% ill 10 -ceed -Y- tiley -o*U et apU, thj,-w»ld býmt.- " guihy," and âe M& l ut mis, in &%W this à sufficiendy expltit fûrý the-, utouisbed ut aw stâtemest mode by Mr. P" - to, lEn. 4d met i sa t]6e nugmt of ma things. Mmb eeremity, iaqdy e0elaiffl Gi0wý to do Farewell, thist the Susas retures woidd lue ,W, 84. kg bi. 1, ...... til)- thâag ouci "W by bise. Bee ka Mver- P& P«7 will aot neek 1% Adver6w fuir ille »Me the proeeedin% sud we Sire 10 - mm Chd" à Bq-W& plle- M-b-i» in neaded te in It texture of the pofidod P«hmdK Lake tuet lailt abîe9j in aewràmm wm fakifieL W* could never bave believed, Preveut. av tào& ]&,le" S" l'hm in MM -deud - -Y -à--pth- of %cia, asi 1. OM trip m every M""Li-M xac Md 0, ilut am prime ma4de of cwîmdy W 1&w& of *n ecautry j mum »M bu " -we kowd 11111% 9W a gesdeulun the e..ggmum inglalga ill 1, Sr-et buzu On tbmft> palitical hmiau% timt je aupliriq, and ja lis w«dý, our Onne, exf«ted of any-Oun d Mr. Fâlewers mading sud positiés and bis partusea, &-emr la lký« id iremau

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