Whitby Chronicle, 21 Jul 1860, p. 4

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'V T OrWsONTARI10 UB Virtuo ofaWran iuc ~1U Te .0W OT IOby the Trosurer 0f th on- Mi t Ontario, hoaring date tIse Fourteentla day of May, one touuand elgit huudred and sixty, and-to nao directud, tor te zollecton ofarrcaesanai asseesents dueoe pn thne 'foîloaing lands in he salai County, I $hahlon ERONDAY, the 8th day,of, OUTOBER next At thee heur of 12 o'clock, noon,' at theo Court Bonne, inite Town o Whitby, procecd to theo Sale of 8lid Lsis r soeonucla t *ooo bacoayhouacesary for te payniont f tîdaarrears of assmeiinuts, unlesa te same, to.-ether atvith aIllaafl chargea, bc aooîet paid. TIROOL. LOT, État hait ? NE qurter 10, 18, 'Wetquarter 21, Nortsh It 24,- 5, 10, Nortihalsf 13, North, hall 14, ~8 West part 14, Northn halt 17, 'West hall 21, N 16 quarter 21, South hat 13, Southt lalf 14, 15, S West part 21, 23, 'Nqtaater 18, Wet balf lii,* Weat haf 19, SouCthbal 1 , 8 W quarter 2, N W qater 2, W,,sthaIlf 7, Northn hall 4, Nl EUuarter 15, Northalf 16, Southn bal! 13, Northn halt 14 10 mt hat 1, Nrth ha#l 8, SouthlsaWl 8, 14, SouCth halt 7, ý8outia hall 12, Nortiabail12, Nortinhall 14, SouCtahll .12, Norths hall. 12, Soutinhall 13, Northn hall 13, Brokon., >2, SouCth hall f, eortahball 13, South hilf 18, ~ - - 20, 2, Southn hall 7,' South hll14, Southn hait ,16, Soistih-.aîf 17, Nortls.half 17, Northa hal le18 Soutia hall"18, 20, NL ut ahal23, 27, 28, 29, Northn hall 6, sthhll 7, NortIshaif 8, Northa bal 14, South hall 14, South hala2, Southa hall 18, Northt hall 18, Soutia 'hait 20, Northn hall 28, Broken 26, Broken 27, Broen 30, Brokten 8, Nortshall 24,- Northa hall' 26, NWolNhWl2i8, 82, .AIIarI houa. , Southn hal 9 South hall 10, 116, Northn hall 17, SouCi.abal 17, pAuC baîf 22, Northa hall 28, South hall 24, N 1 quarter 26, N W quarter 26, -, North hall 27, m wPart 80, South halt 7, Souttah all 8, North «il , Norh balf 15, Northa laut19, Norths part 21, - 21, Nortiahall 23, Eutmat l 12, Southa hall 17, South sliait21, 24, NOM lihall -2, North liaiu 27, CON. ÂCRES.L i î0Ã" 2 50 2 200 2 25 2 100 3 200 8 200 a 100 8 100 4 200 4 12 4 100 4 87 4 100 4 100 4 50 5 100 6 100 6 zoo '8 15 6 200 Il 50 8 100 8 100 0 100 111 100 18 50 13 50 18 100 14 100 14 50 id 100 -MARJ. 1 00 B 100 1 100 1 100 1 189 ,: 200 8 174 a 100 a 200 4 100 5 100 5 100 5 100 5 200 a 100 6 100 6 100 6 100 7 80 7 100 7 100 7. 100 7 200 7 200 8ý 60 8 100 8 2(0 8 leu 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 100 8 200 8 95 8 96 8 181 8 115 8 21 Q 100 9 100 9 100 '9 100 0 87 9 100 9 100- o 100 9 100, 9 100 9 14 9 2 9 80 9 13 10 100 10 100 10 60 10 lie' 10 110 Il l 1 il 100 il 200 il 100 il 100 il 100 il 100 il 100 5l 0 il 50 il 100 il. 75 il 196 12 '100 12 100 12 100 12 100 19 100 12 2900 12 25 12 7e 12 100 12 150 18 200 ,18 100 18 100 18 t' 100 15 200 18 100 18 100 Ewat=1rt l1, Front' Wua7prt 0,front 20, , Front si, Front 20j, Front 21 ront' 6,Front, 27, Font 49. Front 44, Front 8,Front 19, 2C, YEAItS sce. à. ;UNIT 1952 486 7869 -$2 08 1854 .............. 4 86 18234 . 24 93 1854 ..............8 OS 1854 ..............8861 1854 ..............Ir89 182 46 7890....74 35 182846 7Q-8 3 7 18246 7 8 9.2560 185234 ........... 244 1852 456 7 89.... 17 09 18S2345678 ....:347 185284 56 78.... 25 64 1854 .............. 9 Se 182384 ....1968 1854......... 424 18234....15 35 1854 5...... ......520 1854..... ..... 7 36 18524856 7 80.. 23066 1854 .............122 185234678..26 69 1852834 .... 117 185485..........181 185 46 7 89 ..2673 I18558....18 74 1854 5............808 18548à6 ... .......8 58 1852 4 689 ..3894. 1846 78.9.,31 79 1854 6 ............ 4 69 1861,........... .. 4 80 Nsorth Pa 'N W par East hall Wcest bhl N Wpar S E part S W pari s, wpai I#est bhl East ha]l Southabh North ho West bhl Eust hall West hiý 8W qi South hi Southa I South h Southn i Anier 18, mlf 20, 19, 19, iart 24, ,rt 18ie, . )art 191, ir 20, 19, if 13, rt 18, -t 19, Lrt 19, Irt 20, aîf il if .18,- 14,' aîf 18, ilt 19, I f 1 , ' alf 1ý 19, 21, tarter 2 îalf 5, 19, saîf 5, haîf 6, 19, Ul 24, rt ï, jif il, at parC il, SW pant 1, SouCth hall 2, NW'ypart 6, S E.part 21, South baf 24, S Epart 2, Centra 2, E @ide àN end 4, Northa hall 7, North part 8, Easthalf 6 ~Wpart 6, Middle of E b.ifl, W part 10, 185213 i..4 .. 3177 1852 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "0 0 Wpr 10 18545 6 78 9.... 67 02 SpaC 12, 1852845789 ..31 13 16, 1854 5789 .. 6053 North half 17, 185 348 67 8 D.-86 08 SW quarter 17, '18546 7 8 9 ..90 75S E quarter 17, 18524 56 7 8 9.7269 Eat aif 22, 1858456789 ..78 2 West hal 29, 1854 ......26 01 13, 1834ý ....... 6 29 E partC i15, 1852346789 8 m81 le, 18528 4....169 - 35, 1854 7 80i. ..21 4i35, 18524r)678 9-49045 West Part 9, 152436789 (;0 01 Wetpart 9, 1824179.(60 01 Southapart 14, 1852 345à6 7. 07819, 18524679,..41 73 20, 1853486789... 18 41 32, 182 3 4 56 789-58289 Northapart 33, 18 4 5.1......22 40 Enihâtf 1, 1884 ..........366883North a baf 14, 185246 789 9. . 1 10 Sat al 28, 185456780. 8 80 West bal 29, 1834670839.. 1 61 Wet part 32, 183456 7 8 9 ..6828 19, 152436 7 89 ..103529 lWet alf 20, 182 346 7 8 9 349 West balf 24, 18545 ...... 21 O9 28, 1852 3467 89.48588 Southbbalf 29, 18230467 89.43041North part 29, 1852 314 5 17 8 9 .à)50 5East quarter 15, 1852 4 6 78 9 .5080 23, 182 346 7 80.. 78 26 West hall 34, 185- 8 436 78 9 38 01 Easthbaif , 1M8 4846 79.... 41 89 East huf , 182 84 à 67 89..115 89 East alf 6, 182 34 56 78 9.î19 04 North hâtf 7, 182 346 7890.. 29 37 27, 185167 89. 4468 8, 18456789. 47 116, 183 4887 8 ...87 44 20, 182 e556 7890...-54 81 21, 18230456 7 8 9... 50 87 29, 1854............. l 88 18284856.3809 185284 ..........21 82 18524 56 78 0... 50 996Epat 5 182 84 67 8 9...20 85 Centré 7, 18368436789.... 1567 liauiCh sf 9, 1852 8 467 8...3045 Norhihalf 10, 1852 45807 89..16816 Nrh a 1 18884 ...... 18 il North hall 13, 18545..... 81 72 9, 1852 4 ..... 6 25 Northt baîf 10, 1834579 ...185 16 Soth hbil 10, 18284579 ...1072 Suh ef 1884 ..............8 88 Northi baif la, 1854 5 67 8 0. 1 18 ]lortic half 14, 1846 789...56 81 North hlaf.15, 18 5 6 7 9-...889 N f4 1834..........4 21 N W quarter 1, 1852 34 587890... 47 28 Nôitbhtlf 2, 1854 .............. 10 45 Northhâtif 3, 1852458678il9...41 67 Eut aa 10, 185478 9. 060Booat ar , 183845..........20 06 N W'qiaater 12, 1848678..8086 Wetput la1, 1852486 7890... 85 98 1828456 . 6920.....higa20 , 1853459.1.. 7600 Sotiliall98 1852 8 4.587 8 9... 40050 10. 1852436 7 89...46 42 Sout pâtit 14, 1852 345 6 78il9...59 88 WO at là1, E 13, 1852314 5 678 ..67 48'ç%eut hal 1, 1852 3458.4.. 1 8 Nrth hâtif è, 18545679....819 North half 1. 1852 8 430.14 SOuth helf 9, 183245 . 016South half 9, .18g3845... ::: 0 a. 18545ô...........447 8, 1853 4......... 16 72 Sai al 4 182845678..4024 Northal , 1852 8 4 . 20.........b2hall o7, 1854 .............. 88 a, 1854 5 ...........89 85 8, 1852 3 4 5 .. 81 o1 Noth inaif 5, Soatthaf 6, 1858 S 4..... 28 87 Souath hâtif SW part 7, 8BE putI 1, [ANorthllaht7, 185245067 8 9.. 6877 1846 789. 1788 1852 3 4850ô7 8 9..102 34 1858458.... 17 21 Fut aid t 183245678 .77 48 Wate s. 185238467 8 9-18 07 do a 18528 45 67 49 .54 96 do. 18528 486 789.. 54 96 do 4 do 118345078.M 58 72 do 6 185245678 9.. 8206a do 7 r18524 à67 89Q..69 49 do a 18524678 9.. 44 00 do 9 do 1 184607 8 9 .... 50 27 4o0 i 18232484 6 78 9.. 84854 do 18 82 8 4567 8....02 94 ,do 14 1852 4 587 89.. 44 07 do 14 183846 . 810 do 14 1884 ..............31284 do 1l 11828245 6 78 9.. 45 14 do 18 182345679....974 do Io1 18»8 458--. 88 8 8 We." 183848878 9.. 46008 do 1852845 .... 027 de 8 p 8304588.... I W do 4 I802834 67 e.. 580 Ob d 182 45 6 78 9.. 95 04 do 185 34 6 80.. '7948 do 182345789w.... 678S& e l Ae 1f 10 li ôz ;j 4 a.... a-U 9 .10 1859 84580...51 16 8 70 "1854 5G7 8 ..... 46 08 S 95 18845......*10 88 8 b.50 a 5ô.. . 188946 . 880 8 100' 1852845 6189.. 27iW 4 150 1858456... . 144 4 55 18528458o. 8. &24 4 40, 1854 5Il8 ... ..25 88 .5 15: ,18e49 ............2757 5 80 18528s4 .....40 73 ô 8 1824........ .. .9'07 8 900 18284 ....1774 a 100 182 8 45807 80..84 87 6 100 1854868 9...e....2437 6 195 1854 ..............44 68 a. 5 .1854 5 ............451 ô 80 18t141............. I160 ô 40* 1854 .............177 6 8 1852834 5. 21 11 7 100, 183 45 6......19859 7 100- 18546............. 486 7t 200 18234 66 78 D.-.6l186 8 200 184568.......... 25 13 8 200> 1852345678 .... 4882 9 100 1823245a87 89... 34 92 9 100 182 848580789... 40 72 9 100 185456789 ... 53 61 10 100 1852 3 456 78 9... 55 48 10 100 18545678 ...3022 10 200 1824 56 7890... 52 86 10 20Ã"> 1853458......21 79 il 50 152324856.....10 97 il 50 18284350 7...188 4 îî 100 1854...... ....... 2 24 Il 200 185456789... 580où 13 100 1852486 7890... 87 77 13 100() 185204...........13s87 13 200 185 4 56-7890...60 78 13 200 18523453...... 0 24 14 15 152488 67890... -13 40 14 100 18584 .... ........ 5 11 14 100 185458....... .... 21 32 SCUGOG. 5 25 18845 6 7.......27 18 7 25 182 45 67........3053 7 SOC 1854................. 9 86 7 3 1854567 ...........7 86 y ai 185456.............. 513 y 100 185345678....8601 8 25 18546780 ....2580 5 0 183467 .......i.23 29 8 50 182340656.... 456 8 100 1853 45618 9..02 34 8 100 1853 4 56789 .... 505 9 200 1854536.. .........5066 9 100 '1854567 . 3513 9 4 1854 5618.......40 17 9 200 18456189 ....1410 10 15 185450 ....... *» 9 05 10 133 18523456768....91051 10 47 18346708 .... 207 il 40 182345 ......243 SCOTT. 31 1852346 .300 1863 45.. 200 1853 4 .... 10 18345.. 50 1853456 50 183456 100 1853 4 56 100 1853456 200 18545 67 13q 1852 3 45 2o0 183456 5 182 3 4 45 1852 345 28 1854567 72 18523 45 50 1854567 179 1852 3 45 185 1852 34 5 ï73 1852 3 45 200 1853 456 69 1852346 100 185234 5 97J 1852345 100 1854 5 67 100 1854 567 6l 1852345 176 185345... 10 1854 à560 100, 1853 4..... 200 1852 345 100 1852345 85 1851345 &0 1812 4....- 200 1852 4 .... 100 1852 345 100 1852 4..., 100 1851 3 45 100 1812 3 46 100 1854 567 100 1854... 200 1852345 25 18852345 25 1854568 25 1854567 25 18545067 25 834. THORAII. 50 X852a34 à là 185450 50 18M5698 100 16545671 100 1545671 100 1828451 100 18486 71 100 1845671 166 1854567. 83 1854567. 83 18"5671 88 180571 es 18546671 88 1854547j 8 8 84 4.. ta 1854 5 67 100 184567 100 185486 7 50 1854.. 100 184569. 100 18307 10 1858 4.... 100 184567 50 18245. 60 1854 6.... 18" 4 a 9 2m 18545O 67 200 184567 100 18;145617 10. 2854667 200 18 506 7 la5 802405 6 14 78o- 4 18543748 100 18545671 100 185406 71 10 18545671 100 1854061ô 100 18U5667 200 1854 à641 200 184056 7 200 1854050671 100 1854561 100 182845, »60 1854056]V 200 18545671 200 18545617 200 1854587 100 1854 56]Y 100 15456]7 100 1854587à 20 18"5à5... 30 185345 o 200 1854 5 6'7 100 183845 BEÂAVETON. one-I'fith ono-fifth ena-fiftis oua-fifth onestiftl oncAfftlo onelaiti ena-ONu cne-fifti ona.ffth do do de do do do do 'on, lUi do au de do de do do 6 7......1 94 .......... 35 29 ..... ..... 4 14 . .... .... 17 12 61....... 20 16 , 7 89..... 28 17 678 9...5680 6 78 9.43 66 7189...46 90 56 789..43194 6 7 89..30601 5 670 30 93 78 9.......14 99 56 789..2 36 7 89 ..... 1820 56 789 ...3121 5 6789 ..4097 56 789..62 90 6 7 89...6036 661780 ..4 34 561789..31173 7 89 ....4933 789 ....49 33 516 78 9.4 30 ..... ..... 26 02 789 ....2921 .. ........ 7 53 5 6183.8697 5 6 78 9 . 419 56a78 9..40 85 .... ..... 9 43 5067 8 9..36 94 .... ..... 9 42 5 67 89... . 403 ô06180s...-. 55175 78 9....38 35 5.........4318 ô 678 ...18 20 8..... .... Il 7 07809....1736 ..... ...... 5 24 679......28 97 7 9.. ......... 27 67 67i09 ....... 43280 7 9.......... 27 72 789 ....19 96 789..... 81 18 ... .. . .. . 3 77 78 9..... 26 57 789..... 27 82 7809.....484 .............03 ........8l e '9 ......9I8 ' 829.4...439 .220..... . 55 '89...... 130 7...1....làI ' 89 .....1 '00...... 222 789 ..... .27 9 7 89.....7S 789 .......44 789.,2... 1 4 56 788.... 3014 '89.....428 789.......... . 424 18 9.:" ....42>8 1890.....21l 7à......... 7 1789 ....iô 1867 9 ...5M 18545678 ....... 2078 18545678 ........ 067 1805 67e -........20 67 là"516 78 ........ %67 M84678a........ 067 18fl554789..... 0 67 1854 5 67 8-....2207 19056 7 8........ 067 1"5à478 ........ 67 18545678 ......... 074 1845478 ........ 067 1804570 . 27 18"54568 .......... 17784 16"05 678 ..... 67 s 1p4 à 18Y .. 0208 185456tB. ....80207 1a&£]& à78 .-.- - -2041 do "27 do 10 -do 4 do 8' do 4 do do 7 do ~do 10 'do 10 do il do 18 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 16 do 18 do 18. do iz0 do 21 do 22. do 23 do 24 do 2,5 do 26 do 27, do 28 do 29 do 30 do s1 do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 North aide do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do il do 12 do 13 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 do 3 do 4 do 5 do do do do do Iý do 1 do i do 1: do I do 1 do il tdq I Nort t ade Victoria st. do do do do do do do do do 1 do 1 do 1 Southt aide Victoria st. 0 do rdo do r do do do do à do do do 1 r7 Northt aide Alber't al.> do do O do O do O do do o do do a do 1 a do 1 do 1 ka South aide L4 Albert st,. West quarler I! Easat haIt a. West hait il East hall 2 W est part 2f East hall 3! E of E qar. 11 W of E quar. I1 West baf 21 West hall 3'1 S E prt 2 Part of E halfl 1 SE part P East hall If West kif If East haîf 2( Weat 141f 2( Eaat hall 2( West hall 2 Eaasthalf l £amthalf 2 2 WEathall West haf i S W part Ematprt Il Endhat 14 4 84 si 14 90 29 .o......76 ..r.2067 do 160"567 8...... £ 7 do IM45 ......20 67. -do îe45 78 ......20067 do .100506 7 1 ......2006 40 10567 6.....206el do Leffl6 78 ......20687 _do 185406 87,........... 17026 do 18 ô 6 78 ...-... -2. 067 do- 1M556 7 8..... 20 67 do 1854 6 758.£ 067 d) 154567 8...... 20067 do 184 56 7 80 .... 27 el do 15406708.......2067, do 1&%556 7 9..... 20 do 164567809.....24 17 do 1546 70 9.....24 17 do 18M à567 8O.......20 67 do 184567 8......v.20067 do j1m 46 768......0. Ã"67 do 154 5 #768..... 20067 do 1854ri6.7 8.... 20 67, do 1854,5678 .... 20 67. do 1854 5678S.... .20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 18%556 78..., 20 67 *do 18.-45678.... 20 67 do 1854 567,8.. 20 67 do 1854 5 6-7 8.,.. 20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 1854 56 78:.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 97 do 1854 56 7 8.... 39 43 do 1854567.8 .... 20 77 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 5 6 78.... 20 67 do 1854 56 'l8 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854567 8.... 2067 do 1854567 8.... 20 97 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854.5678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do, 1854 56 78.... 20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 1854 56 78.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 5678S.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18%5567 8-- 20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 1854 56 7.8.... 20 67 do 1845678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67, do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 97 do '185456 . 12 92 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 5678S.... 20 67 do 184 5678S.. .. 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 67 do 154567 8... 21 59 do 1854 56 78... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 5 6 ý8. .. 20 07 do 185466 78... 20 07 do 185456 7 8... 20 67 do 18545678S... 20 67 do 1854567 S... 21 32 do 185 56 7 8... 20 67 do 1854 567 9..2067 do 1854 567 8 .20 67 do 1854567 8 .20 67 do 18456 78..20 67 do 1854567 ..20 67 do 1854567 8 .20 67 do 1854 5 67 8 .20 67 do 1854567 8 .20 67 do 18545678..20 67 do 1854567 8 .20 67 do 18545 ..........9 00 do 18545678S... 20 67 a do 18455678S... 20 67 1 do 1854567 8... 20 67 * do 1824 5678B... 20 67 5 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 i do 1854 567 8... 20 67 r do 1854 567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do" 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 1 do 18545678S... 20 67 1 do 1854567 8... 20 67 1 do 18%55678S... 20 67 3 do 1854567 8... 20 67 k du 18545a6 78... 20 67 5 do 1854567 8... 20 67 5 do 1854567 8... 20 67 7 do 18545678B... 20 67 8 do'- 1854567 8... 20 67 9 do 1854567 8... 20 67 6 4 100 1952346789691j5 B6 4 100 18523 467 8 960,89 Il 5 100 18523456789 55-W3 m 5 100 1853 4.4..411 14 5 186 1854 6>... 65 2 6 10 182 3 48.3371 6 6 100 1852 3 456...2U4-70 Il 6 200 18523456789 105 37 14 6 1W0 '1852 3 45 618951 61 7 6 200 183 4 56.7 89196 79 M 6 200, 185456 7 89.86 33 5 7 SIf li8556789. 31 38 16 7 200 M"82345678919389 8 7 93 1854 56 TS 9. 4043 M #7 2W0 1245 67 Si.. 93 27 5 7 100 M82 34 .. 9 37 7 ioe iff........... ll 30 8S-25- 18I5 34 5 678 92417 Holloway's_ Oiitm.ent. CONSOLATION F012 TIIE SUFFEISINGO. F'AIRLY if?, i îeîtrqîco t lirse i uceri at nd el itzcd gobte, îîîîtoii t'Iti gavuOlud te ciilizdlilite, insaprovcd tcit tislar lttioa, ienutcr'l tiardtiuitie Wii)fmlOSdceo dtSeta lfattkiclictbert as )1 e ntccs 1ii fea iiîîd ii010Ic every apecie ofiifiîaitit'ttiiici adsppuraitionl wlettîn' iilitte m nsteo esti, t gl.tads, c asisgttî stitcîtiCliibut îrresicd atnd pire ,,,tuieitla' ct1 rel, citol ttit anger, ity riitiitl hl 'and scig nau a dressii.g,' titis itcet'itîl O uai bient. 8croila, Erysipeliis, and Salt Eheoil No rotordy lias;ea'er dn acten iti, tfor Ito cure cf lisocai teshe tcSkis, uwlîttic'er feri tieY Inn-am anteîi, aï titis titiiettti. :UNscut SatRitoesSituSorc tietîti,SertîttiitOr ErY'ipl, poiîtlcî4r avwitisttitîtils tîîtlîîree. Blad l-egs. OId Sorcu, and Ulccrs. Cases of iitttîy yî'îr clîitliltîîiîtttit btvaper tiiiseiotisly rcfticsi,d t tuehlt,,t ai> itit eI or reIieiseit, liane iliictîrtaiîlaticciliîbcd la feîs sapicas'tins cf titis ptcs'et't'ttl ittigcilt Braptioos on the OlîSo, Arisng froiitas ts taîctu f thse 11ttt01l0 elict disccss, arite ritdiesItet, tîî,tI acictr lt tranttpa.rent suîrfatce regtincetl%'tthelicretirittttt' aetio oftttistîît'î Oa t t.. IsritttstCt i itt tie eosiiete andtthtoiti l îet iliîtce u i 01thetoface. piles atnd Fistolti. Ea-cry foiii ttd featîlrc eftilieosprevaicil i c ititîboru ii toralers is eletttti ielly tatdi(rtt tiret) b>' the vieo of'thitlinoilkenti;itarci fsîccttl tt'ae s nitîid trccdo ils tîllittitttt. I elitî tby qOasîtie %vil] bc fotîtil tt o looUl t Inavariable. .Buc8Atlie aOiiceîti att? Pil/a c0cîlti.rbcîf tît lai1 Bainis, Burnst. Cae't.lt.t lttiCtlltt Fiattît. it t, 1î t' ttt.itercîtrittiEriltid.le Scalde., Skiît i i.ee.e l' 1Insr j.rgs, Sure Iltreie, Sur" ItîsîLd, Sture TI1. Itti Bores orîit kîii, Sîtrîtit, Stitj,,iitt, Ttliet Ulcers, VeitcrctttSure,, %w(aulitJc et'Ilii lt iti Igre.4U'riitN !-Noeeare gc)Itittttlt['tlsi te scrdtt t'lttittt,.'tttt1't'ansd Londons,' tire diernibtleisa litteiet?-îtu0inievery letîfeo te tbok- fdircetiite tisill ti ht oltbor the saleies îty ttu îttitît.î sucîti b) /îeliuîttlieîi it'î tte e ltgli. A ltttisttttreti'til l'O ti tgt' ta aycte reîtderittiici itît'ttItls 11. 1 lesd tt4 edrettit of pucî aty trie r.e ceutnerfeitite tli ddit îti tttu. r 'utditg tti lante, iuoiîititoi-0c ejtcrttis. *** Stid ii t tiuittttht't .i lreîfel' itit rcsttciititc80t L a:t'tetttIleic yrutnIti oite tltrouseititthe ljit .,tti;it itîui eciil iacd n'ont1, iin ecîsvtiiut tt2 s 6tGt Ceitis iltt $ etîcit. Mlhe'Tttct te ceitnile sicetitg ly ttitti N. IB.-tttrî'citiné;futrttcîFi i.îîîec(f tttieilti lit esery ditletrct.îillixeî i toeitex. 3ý PRuoIVY TISIE BLOOD. tilofat's Life 8iM and rPhoeaix Bttei Firefr0,. i i ineritP1oisons-. T II18E A l.il'Ut.htiT'0' iitiitasO îtît i t tit itti iiittelrtttt'Bittr haeîrt eaitctt >iteiiriertitticr liextaritiect'ctr f life t3 qtiti'ii.ü e tttietil te-hiîttît e fo otiîetrcitiitits itiietîr tt , t'-ic lfl reserîtbttinut cli tent %* IwIor tht.i ePub tle dtlî' ic tLeililitttIiitil thonîiltrci itt.tiinttf'. i Ittt%'lilt.ty iii tilt re rtiiit u ite iitis'tt lit of l c e tlitiîty ict arcet.sdt il î' î t' Il.itîttiit.'eî'ttuli'c il.,til, ditîstceit. t e itenn h obi vi'lgeatic teilidýaetecar 1.iy a e tt.s .ttt te .t l i t , ill , 1 ' e f tl l te l. ih li .v ity-, and r ieit.' tt ,ott-ce, tc i, tcic ri> iti ,14cît1,tlie itt et it c'tye. ite. ," ti th-,lScteiît ' ,,;- î t.. ltt. i t ui t. i ircm n t.hel.. cr it's-rti' uii t.i ,> iXA. etittPic, Witit cil t.ickitt5rtî iecte or cy ailh , I ti l'y . A BUFF ALo i)oICA ItSPENSARI- mit. 550s & IoN4, (i.týikR F MIl sDe act scScî.cs., i etelA., s. T A RF E ti Nit' iIIYSIilhNO IN Tii s'r.î'tt iiittie t ic is t li It g. 'Thc trcîiîîîcîîîthic> îttîiti te restit efsn àtc inEa pltî itdi. lericti. Anisttrîîîîcîît furt1hiecuetre of gentliDîhi or N(clîri~ ije.iîttioe roptrrcekits, as SciiiiIttttiWeitittitcc, &e. cuit te eiiien eîîred lia frit 't5ttu 2 le 2tîttle, Vte Ie ofttt titieusraitieil, ilii itteletitjciiii)îa. YOUNuG MEN TAcE rAcTtCt.,.sitNOTICE. Dr. Atots & Soit ttclic lnutc t tiii tik ItitIticnt fotr titi. cutrcettttctl ti eietc. 113tetat il;15 il tua tt risatt titi tviiI1 Uletork;liltt.loe.itîtîl tii a tttlste 0i it aa i:tay prec ittîlesv ter i l ontu iifr t cuttoaSiiniîeiitc rct'ttidutcf trc ieuseiot Dier.ijint&l tut lisoîsrert aif h i ""(" ti "'tcuthit Ciailt tîîittis istrili witt-taerr tîa tie tc lit Yiteancecîtît A crefiiii rtiiirii i Der.mcs&Soîî littithu fcrsiisfit erritil er iteedirecn,igctt urie y pccoiejandatie n li trealmetft l.cce 1.eitl st;htiic e te oaîI lsgall ty qaIifed I'lysau.iansaWho1uc advertire intheta Cuatiant Ies. louirre cerini comuplainote,tir frcnî avieesGCtttte Eurîspoan Remeolie eaus hoobtaincd. 1'ereone suas>' partci lte mWcrld May bitRes cesitully treated b> foravarcticg a cotrrect diiai oftlad taise. wîtlt a remittecre fo.r hltcreî &De., wbieh wtlI bco retrrxed witb te utot deiepateb, astecire frottu observ'ation Âddresa Dr. aicmos &S5uoncrer c inands QoySîrcots. I4ttftalo. N N Crown Lunds Dopartment. F1SBIEIO BELAbCII. Qaebe, Jane lo, 1868. P IROPOSALU beil,, g ade o am on Nittor. laidArtifiSe uIrîtoagatuonocfise ilj te protect the Ereedtng GCieaodîina huaI part itr the waer of 1sake Meîsphrem g.iuIcog cititin the lsoundaie, eof(awsd, ae lthe Le8sar Slageg, sii" ip, Bromand aOxford Lskes and nutheir Trîhutarici, vitliia the Eaaîce Townships of Leser Canada'* Tenderscuro ut l u of t eroq u iste K'i h e ry P ri ilcg t, lhltpcl, Y.aPectinely, sili 0se reeaied ,t t1i Dpartmeut tit Wçdanedely, tCIlt day f AuesO, 1860. Tise tereau of leasing wtil Dot tDavery aD, zlgh te ta elient setieni früm laakir îg prprs as i or &ma » purPuneaof deon, -d Avanlit I apronaô,agume±il, GREAT CLEARING SALE' on and after Monday, July 2, 1 '60, the subseribers w n usnence selling the s emaunder of ther Sprng and Sumuler Stoe o At greatlyrduced prices. 7' ,p er cent discount -%YÃŽI1 be lwè on.l Ca shp rhacoovcr one dollar. Sale to conîtinue for two 'sonths oîîly must bc clcared toeinako ooty foru arcPl -lnss aithin the precribed tiîo. o of bargains ens>' hoc xpettd inLadies. Ot RilATS, 'BON? ETSI RIBON Xuslias Barages, Dolains, Shawls, Capes, Skirts, » trimmings, Gloves, Hosiory, Chiidrens a.nd Ld.Ou Boots andShoes, Gentiomons Hats and Capse Alapaca and Lutr Coating, Ctton:and Union Tweeds, &0"., &6., &c,. r oirThe highest price paýId for all Sortsof1 Farmers Produce. a LOWVES & POWELL, Hdfighest Cash price paid for' any qUaîtity et thc Stores of A superor assortment of Gents nid Boys FASHRIONABLE RE.ID 1XMIDE CL OTII I/ G! ly ini Tweeds, Fancy Mixtures, GARMENTS MADE TO ORDER. 01-A Pa* s9aAi1zt1%OR! igIAMILTON & ROBERTS, il Nos. 1 & 2, TilI's Block, Whitby. SPRING AND SUMNER IMPORITATIONS Begs to infor-mn'is custioniers and the pl lic, hat lits stock of Newa C.od' t. nota to lîad, nd aili ho sold Chesp for coitsisttflg of a lairge atsortînent cf BIRESS G80II18, BONNETil, RIBBBNS,PASL, ho Glaves and llosier>'. Carpets, Daia.sk, îVindow Nets and Machons, Domesti elltee ln Brad Cloth, <assimeres, Canadian Tweeds, amnborson, ed Fai mer's Drili, &c. in àn ens and Boys Cuita Vgst ond Pants inade i p on Clhe Preimises. The .is consideriebly etilarged, and parties Iavong iii th he rorders, y roi>' upun lg lia ing Choir garnients incide i) ia ws aits i 111nn suad seinth e atstyle et iWF ahi .ioi large to k of - JI.ST RECEI El). * Pcrry's Brick Buildings, Whitby, 27 April, 1860. idSSEGD1t131I1 r.) THIOMAS IL MeIILL N l "S FOR SALE HARVEST I1IPL1ENS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION WIIICII HIE IS SELLING AIT UNPRESEDENTE DLY aus aa Attittda f Lqooa sd Wîîo i,~6 t Mssaaclie pru. Parties desiriig t80ure Boy tinia ilita lino, wl do avel tu give lîls a calli TIIOMAS IL. MeMILLÂN. No. 2, Parry's hock. Brook su,..Whtt"1 BE 0stoannm o suo l 818 % itela±.6vb&uni00-mOt Chamt b&J IN ÂLL IlS BRANH%' On h.pruiaa iuntolraocop[ad by Mfr. N. RAr. o ["mu el aadBok tetwhera 18 OSâpprStre, 8 oeooe wWA,.4uaad 1.14 Bt 818 IaW I C.M AL WORK WV"Mq W r 1. rp lty twilt ttc tii> the elite ier tritni ,,lea 55 108 88 91 91 sa 81 881 Be 107 84

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