Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1860, p. 1

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l 5sDAY &TrHURSDAY, il t uo tluî Eetnbîialun ont, of c1lStx'eBt,' Witby. e ipr. to e Rýegtatryr Office., S TER$~s-SuIIS(!IIIPTI()N ARE $2 hoilusend $B 50 îsicus pasyable ii~0V vÂDVERT 11SINO: #0 Icli $0070 gtbsoqulel ii iortioi, 00 oi fl iscofl .ut ihowd to Morchanuts aond odvortLlîîîf býy the yenl' sirCr laîrgoe rcîîlo tiCe1 WEEKLY CHRONICLE n. theo ioriiiiigso f SATUI1DAY rliedel ctou Nvechi, ut IDOLLAR PER ANNIJM, *e ictyin Uaileiîc. 'ntCircula- f aOy ollior .colflliy paier 1 .ublioliod lit eAtE 1-4~II WEEKLLY. et ulioller t iliseoll, (lier Ihiio). 0 10 se f li odtiietil0 ii0ti 04sîre utk0 tlui 1iibheîr wliii iddrsscd W. il. IOINS, Wîitby, C. W BOOK AND JOB NTI NG ESTABLISIIMENT. FpRIt)IE'Tî>t OFc VIE 'WIIUTBY Il tjiitîlll lierOOslrotie 801110 Orth muetiîi8 ri8NîîofTVIl froit Ni\ York tinî1 o r Fii1~ indresId 8s proitîrcd tu rorcîtte AlN JOB FRINTING l i 110,iloor ! h is u1 lilr Stylecall ifIr l it iî u wt..od eitî i tiîî our o sirdolorus. orlr(. w. il. 1IIIIOINS, cliroiiele 0111cr, whihly, C.W johNj, hALL TROlIPPSON, OFTECCUNTY OIF ON7 ZACIIEUS BURNhIAM, DU(I'F '111E îUN ' &SUIlDQAT1 D< <o llo 1110 at titi (0111r1 111. . NqELSON G. IREYNOLDS,4 tb. EIIIFF. Ze" OFFICE AT TRE COUIC JOIHN 11AU FERRY,- <ISThAIh. OFFICE OIN ST IC5 wiIithy. i. J. DIACDONELTA- E1 0F TuIIEAI .OFI C 1'-A il JOHN V. J , R1ilL-'1ECOUNTY ColET, AN ~jorîl oftij SîrrOls o tîlt. 01110,1 I IrO, Bîrocri Street. %Y . PAXTON, Jir., 1AiIE.OFFICE AT TI1E COU]I LICiTi1I, O 1EIC<F T11E COUNI LOUNTS'ENNE OI FF'lCE AT THIE L. FAtRDBANKS9 .EEE tIEST DIVISION COURTl'. OFFICE1 l'r tlite COiLul>YOf Ontuario. W. H. TREMAYN111 A tRI1IS T E tAND COU NTY CIDIWN utllîtns. oiti-lii Arnîall'is Now Brick CAMERON & DMAIDONEI-sIs, .'ihMThhElh CS ATTORNEIS AT LAW, Soliiora o ho tt Cuuy Couîisoll (>tino- (0Ieulto he ur tîntIhu-SOilhiWilig. G.EORGE I. DARTNELL, AltI1ITEBi, ATTORXNEl', C0NVEVAN e er, &-.ac. die Olce Oror J. S. Dosishdsool Cso hnlardar Stuo, Brook Street W hiuoy j. . RAM, .t<li'ElAT iAw. OFFIC-B1t0CK traîtlt'litby, C.W. S. 1.FtB N S <)IIT'1T Ott TAtY 1PUBLIC,&e&. Oshaaiut'îë. W(. N. G1. f , AIITEIiANO ATTOINE"-AT-hAW. (ljiium s .ltOalo uaEcgiany OfiUce, hrnîk it, W'l lY.I i. '%y. CORSON, 10. V. Ol>lblEtLYIIIystcIAN 'rO'IIEB1RC>OK - y ipît lithreIiiisto theo New kDipssuuy l'eliC 0 tîheN.Y cel' Meodiine uiuo1ucithaI0(UPIîmr Cosîndo, &. vdlc ltnuuîîilage, 010 umiln nrtiî ilii Lmotaest Ofsfice. SCOTTYS IUOTEL9 IINIAiiSTREEET ihtTBY,1'(hST DtaO)Ih Ent of W. LidigoOhtore. 1gllw» J. W. CALDWELL BRtiWN, ()NVEYANCE1 ,COluMISSONEl F011 toliug Aidoîtt,," Acceutet, Lssnd, Dlvi Court, Notnry Puîblic ahdanctiurai Agas lridg. Onttc-Klng Seet, uuorîy Oppositu M1odicnh IILusî. btB-.dlliîiiiiceuihrntrsvhd ho 1118 Ce e vill .rt a.îystouided ho. 8 JO11[1 5LLIN<sS, AW, CHANE1Y d&COIVEYANCIN( WdOfIce, Prince Albert. A. MAIRS, 1. A-, TTIh:iiY AT LAW, SOLICITR tIN Cluusuer>, CoîsroyOOcer, &., Mais Street arkliouî,. G. H. U)ARTrNELI(, EîU TY REGISTEAR. M ASTER EXTRA irdiîîr Ï, aud egaus,îîter in ChaiSsrY fnl - uua(y o Ontasrio- Brook-t., Whitby. 4 JOHN MeNAII, lAEEiSTER, AT1JOY, s&o. (Oes- Conner of clstrll'%fi ourt streete, (ep tbe CaS. tasd,)Toronto. - COLVILL & HAMIILTONg TTOEJYS & COUNSE-LOBS s- "A' lied Wlsg, Mjnesota. W . IA TEMPEST, a. n. INGO TEET, OSEAWA, CAMADJ Iet. IE UP OUIITY AND )ISOPERIO] -Courta, me Memoongrs'ta the ContY JoEUI AxPI W. cEtON, ECIITECT, av. 'm -XiGINKM sAIC Lttt 'As-et Whits'- ROUENT J5 WILSON. IRLSTY£ & .ATrOXIMIEKyAT. LAI ALEX. TlWUWlV, MeIONEE, &, SCAEUQE(IGp mmkhau. IL tT "1 i T it (T 'with cala Prlate(itwoitgreat theugistas nd'-eit!ig iaduatu'y, 'w. aievocnto ýPeaco, progresa, Ka VOL. IV. WIIITBY, C. We, SATIJRDAY, JULY GEORGE DRÏiABÏAZONe . fit TOTL, NO CONSUMPTI YES, DETXSTRZ )EniR! £ONVEYANCF..COMMISSIONEE PFO EAVE i DAOMO TI______________ faolli Affldits in the qilo ' ciin ohit&C., j oo tu"uimil900iu Ot1iiiihii> In__eh __._IV.__1 ln(a tanNElVABER, 8UFFERERS DENTTlSTRY. l ir, Bro, C .1iiitiiîbC,1 J.M. FI1SRIrpit BOUT'. CIIECKLEY, M. D., PRITI .1 IXMRICAN OE,-o- DR. C. C.ý JEROME, UJ1.OEON, ACCOUCIEUPt, &o. COIiONEB sWlOU SOEmî O5iiWA. s>for te Cointy of Otario. ehOIlAS DOIVNINQ, (lto shro ote101r'1'IIESUBSCItIBER1frsvrî or r- . Sreo esit Whiitb)1raoritodu<othio1111J ndn f so îo crî 811 N rsturnilg lhînsîîko tls fliiilliiuhifriios R. J_ÇNMr . n e.ftin Grtr.oî'ol.rs. nsmpho Urgotaileloreiirîy- n irocalri s frCli îad the poublie poîîerally for thclr'liberpl URGEON TO TrItE cOUNTI (SAUT (iod stabiiug, iindiattenive)tIVO Jolor. cu'il1o&,Alt<samc, ronehifiid o Ciîîylî, (hidI siliée lie coioîîîoîoed protlcoin hotisi s Byron Street, Wlkltby. iind ensem l lt.Forflio borleflofCou- , oîsgo eocnioite$enetea 'Whiitby. EDWARPS & HODIliER. ~~~~siiiiipti'es aiid .tdr oiii Sufep'o'ai 0 s bwiling. IVI oî ir us cois o lt 0s temketepas ubi.rasiiwothiera bieIîiiiiu forislorkl* t:e EAST WINDSOR BOUSE, WITBY, l(sRDEAPERS, &,OhooîîowoTotupviseweaihcihIlio wihh iiteoert na ilni td pndotflfg ne, uili iii- la a us slpe effila o 8/C ail kid îî Ul 1 ttie 8 si ha der beais dîie l'fore I1îîithî t lahroC118. hIetiiheo Pat oftheetiso iirOitr biTERRAPIN. lierlo,. Thîoso deoriiîg hlo lboîîley clin oblalu, inost dithtcîîit C1800 'ihl, the' gistotproeiiolon G003o ticcoiiîioduittioi for trsrcllero. Oood TUB __il oy rfra os îit, loy aodhi'siogiiîî <I oc, lrioonlîo lokT Stuiîiig »Rdt)pltlLTOIIS erO 22F TVUS WEILLJ. E. CUTIIIII-ClT, w'tîu moeldaOuoîo, wîicîî 1, iii ocry rellOt, _____________________________ IhE 1RPhTO hBota,îic 1iîyoiciaîî, liit ooperior ho liai ushiîcr kiaîdof iwork knowo Sa50rlo an Iho ein oeption 1y i RUGI! FELITE, . ilOii2j0,1>As.. iig ati'eit, rito No. 429 Broîîdwiîo, New ok 1 0.Tîoer 0îigîi îpoc fli I EA(ftINMSV TIteoliiî ',kcp-lo.1Mr. hirhoy. Tlihe rsinisir _________________________ fG lic hdiîîg Dentiste i n 'sw York, iioîh rhus' o 10t, itnoForte,, hloroioiuV hrs brou i o"roîsoetod tîiroîighoiît, Rail lalctiohlriglooh îîîo (efîahcdiSnnD'. oif tlir Ligi Brocs and it Ilkhuîîl of itt 5a- umin i t style. E*Ory î,roeiirablo l' lobin iiîîî ieîte nd îfor itiou )*r,,,h' trhigistrumeiints <o proportd dl s" DR. FRED. UA lgr ivn itei o lei irs-, nt1bsSroeoofhîcyor, ,rsYislWoia'oîilteiisc- DR. oREoý A chgiir divan lihtod more JjbIéiNDIiUtissusigala orlîorcuiliee. Qa4w ec ipl i tliruooîly lista wdh shiiesteObut thicbot branicssf llio îdlao îcooh huog ilc.4rac erit t et0 F IBUFFALO, N. Y., OC 0 6s:otîr iclhi lace.p _________________ irîitdtZLiSLE & bMoCONRIET.)s.vm lt,1w.Iiltlebon aa J.C. R]ANCOCýK, '3FTE Ili iiîuipreccddodl aio'eefi pricetire hah lse srreahh' redt'l lm pliriceto whih *.g-11oT AND 5110E 1IAKER.& Grsind Tressikt ilway Ilotel. of over thlit y ycars, bsiig shoat roîiriiig lîrsofsrs iîweio tho tisoidrd. lo woohd rîgoi .~mI'1oMMEtCILBiud0gn Brrh-t. JouS *ile Dept, ort frîs 1active1 rneticC-st thes reijllo'oofîiioiiosfortier ehite tlitliselaio boecistoottly usiiig t j lfRiuiliinil 1rÂi205i.)r f-t. r.ik idefi nii it lPoarts utthîe e 11118 ligseiîiî't- the lie oiiîîod iiudoriadl orseoo l onrî iohis % hitlîv.Wsrk imaîde to orderof JEUSN fl0NFD BECS TO1 0 el, t IImakeo uo'iîîdipoîl 'r-'1îai ies, t la 'ii io , doi'liîg ,siîelîlie talin,; Pit up o grcot Ucooî îsriîîu, îî,d ly es rcisd work- -isfiid îî he nuc lîtleh îw niclieooits o octowed the sciai oîuîoid do î 1'~f cusoco, adîiul insthîacesthe ibot 111. Auiserpsirî'lg donc wit il n essand l io frieu i '( heionçp ulie, l iaitl os oflîoîis ong e is0'l"lî"it'l'î ii fsîiflolu î es uîsfoo o b dcspiitoh oslwhi'îilue w u o f the ioe10 ,'r thIn on lils o' he ulilforot it rueioîî(fr e'. 'T'aho hîooo pî aîtints. P p ne u of 1îýZ--e1sbe ili 1.1 utur e i adBidsirseiuriiite itlcitlle tucor iiallîlîig iîi'OîiGohdSilver andainaPae u AIIERICAN lfl?'EtÀd. ocoolt. 6<3usd Winssu rolde, be aoîd-tosoheîroi obut îîcocoary ho vav, lCht&l'T- ONlEOIiEgEoololotslhsg.cf&3. otuioîfodonuit )lissofor ycsars pcsîi r froin , 0f001 up inthe Lfiteut Styles, 'NiLT' lAIT1. hRPRE xelntealn--Crflatnto o a o.,00 pLircoui, snd lwas isthe iîogrioîîesl Cieaer titan. isial, candsl W'ssraotect to, corneîrof Youg oiid iroot trets. ,uudIlîoric. JOEPI RUBOIOM, osceio s oi'eav 61lflodutsieîr iueabi Siir -Toronto, C. W. 15Proprieusr. "'n,)-lsIded retdily tehisfls ie su ad lier Ai 'isiorîtls fi, TtoorGn¶ F. M. L A R , WlîiloY', îîuî. liens. 1égae115 ih7 fironi lîin-iredstfle îîuso tu l ie iîhh fortiiîd. -"-,e -ceths sxtu'ieted )f - .M LR , WitS ai 1 80 86 sîîrod. Tlîo Dochor, Iîowev'e, lîîîo lt bosiioal ii on tusby ucoîs of celcetricih'Y. Paurtiels LA8e0a118 & O., ile ohers, ta cure e'er3'tlhiîg wo'it te 0110 repr' iîîr teîlioi u hte ncgîlotluiuof ChulI ST AUCTION BSIES ion,]alt his put alsipioîieliuiiein IItîs' i, riIs eti West. Toronto.ATTENDED)taoas iisu, loy J-.O.Stering- boîosîoîbîdh ni ioiolc C olis el ecitions Fiee. AU orit-Waru-auteu 10 ATAIorders relthîîg to Aieti osclo y lhs BLOOD PURIFIER. P.S.Cnid îa .llile poOin sfilî fls worL.' MARTFIN'S (Lto Widlial') HOTEL. lnoeroiuvd,,hîoud bhofbt ut tlioCirônicleO0f- Li i si'fiee Whitbi'. ?sessr.Ilig io&Muy u îperisr t10thels preet 0 rr.rît of sarons 0li, ourie gctiiliglr 'c toîli i,îsrhe lsowiere. HF. SBSCRIEE IIVINO AKEN IIEars îly oiicýrzod to sppoint ny disyâ of imhî, osde suuirely ao rootesndliîerbls af t liq nd ficess 50i -leî..' tîîîou1ieCe(OIO f îîo" Bse rîU lOIr. Cli - i T- soldIs îerîuuo ., and ho enteritn s sithuouer frodglieouaiiîrieB, cils bot hropoilobof uiîîohî Pîîsieilq t' or. liî'orL,ctcri 'libo TliFovelÎotR rn ir.Otk, iS 11.10ei- ao rs xtouured Ici, on sîtiro nUecitinical prian-.ts. lct. là, 1859. lv-oW frd flic bist sceoiiîisdotioîi toIte e. rroiueush e rlotig to iuy asehlofl buileso tso nlr nte 44 sra îtîov ,îuov sider Proper ansd necessotry. l t n agrdotsetoIi uii stivii 1liyile, iu, ______________na_______snattier__ailes i s ltcroii'oioîrkiiig dirscily ub JOSEP REpi ov i, Bissiu£osllbuoi'hiid tii roify auy agreemenîit tlcy oit tiie Lvan sd Eltuacy, ifxjulhiig tleralrîsnQ cGovrlnn agny dcf tho Co,întric. OUR O a'g'alnîorbid unîutr, tultibirigiîc !itoto orl ilh o ..Jel'hhsîsulonisud 1111 onlsuu, uutnueo ul5aM 55 - ' î.<j S EILIO. tu oguisîsuniily los iooofousth.e Bussî S ouusceu nuhs tî glit, ('ovoeyaliuoîr, & . îîi§$îlitlt ----- yd (sup.aitbe ieon11u c~uiru'Ie i ue iti î ugl, Curîmiulît. _____ I. iv. VoODWAIU>, andiîigai»u,to of th Iiao. ('ao5110I Drtlui/îfll cjsQ V N 4L~ i~'tr ONTAILIO itOTEL, COO1iuSSlUN 11EICIIANT, INSURANCE ceus, &uefula, Ž Pf'1ein 'iplus, Sfamuet IltîtAN Jr., huIOtalIETOlt, BPs(. aU~nd Gtrie'ul Ageunt. UIer- tAly ccuu-otî- aîerbilhlg, £rysluîqiui, tuuieuut njbiui l Stroet, WIsllhy. Llod Stusbliug suîd attes- îsied ly Janues lodgiious, Wtlly, C. W. oa tl U y1 îî Il tiier lu 14so hsiuid ther- I I(barkou, Ko, Pro- lira Ilim origcuuilù It o lelrer tl sU r 1., 'e ((chlore. - oaidentBosnd fTrade, Tsronto; W. G1. nsauol, stite of loeod. It la of litiii istanuieo,PUBICf EPPART18ENTS u-r- CANTON IOTEL, Eoiuoour, BaIuliB1. N. 0îuuuonl., Torosto; inui.1 iliînover msouo lrsrl lî oîy'utiuililh.s'loDi IiUFFINS CIOEE, PICKERtING.O D on'W .lhsiua,,q., lManauger tiuelooc Rank, Th nsubr 2ie a atlýl u 10Bl L)uccusuiîuodiuliou fir Traîrrîloro. Torouto' W(i tiubio Poîq., Milton 1Nlilb To- FEVER IMEDICINE. W2 1J~fsuhs W. CUT1IUEIT'?. routeo.lion.Il. MecGilI'r is.aodet Bnik ofýdOui la lu î'rîîniîor. lutoutu"uuî Messrs. Iltituuîu, Tyleo &di ,,a ust i, er be totueu nrt itî coii ti Scecunclly tolorit'. dnoopr.ui front Ititelaiiaau,Tronitoi OMesrs. Andersonî, Erus i silNal.Id ltiiuo . f tina'gutr-E.1. 'lStI' 0 _1tS»AN OR . dCo., MouiirohI -m2esr. W. 'nce&SoustUe- 1nîsilitro, allildd uOf l're 'a in, ithfle laiLanud îttirîtoiirat sAgeunt, hie l1t CONSTABtLE, COU NTY ONTAIIIO, bo Meur.il2.l'od io. 8 Y rfecteq.f tuilul, oiîd ali Poitu, wo"Il,," uo a '!' uuîsSr1 Iu nî hno orrof ticteo ain thss Municipal- or Acte.-TIsoe uî,diciuuooouI il'ct CultES, Qiiohsc. aunis ysf hîl Tomen of Whistlîi. W'htby flrewery. uet renoralo Itralis 0 unpothof Illettbody tuthue Qiober, Ihorchi Iril, 1860.9 arec ciller. ____________________ IIENIOY IANNAJI, a U Remnober ta Proeiuh ouil\iioui, liî'î'forc L)IAIN AND) telNA1IENTAI. P5INTER, eaMuiiîe iopr.uîu o I/ l-rodi Fur'ACAD e Glatihuolr, i5upr lîusîgur, &o., IVIithor 21 fil ou 7 r.îoioî 811lteîreio u iu W. . IILLINCSa. 'lTO 1rveiud ruiit. a a rî--t i 1ý1 nu r fili( R ICN, in i tl,u'iig ronu lulobroc- lest IV. lî~~~~Dotcla nou Itou i'ruplerr t' at-uit ituttu- 1111"" ic,iutius I iî'uu iîîf I uuuoroîus fruuts isain » ti')A ru1Et d& AT'fi)NE'o AT LAWS, rT lîStiutoribum roesrnom uîrlîured tofor- uDI. Fs'od. Doîheisboî 'lu diCo., BEtthuo, 1. ' liu Wlitlt uand viiulily, cinîuot hit rstsuui I L> Ssliniuoro !n Cliuser, I illor, C. W.- tlostu the patonsiuiuo? ths Wlsthy Itr ery blomuidt(h Ilus. lDiractiaos icoinpavniiuîl it, mlreonli,? u -ury tuank for tloir kiud sttcu- tise otnto-i'('o1Ice' Biiliig, Bi'ook-t, '(t'ilth ' mthltîexcellant article in osu h qttailltiloam cuicluboule. No. 1lin sli far el Por buitlîs ionue ani1theo very libllanu'patronageloisalins-o-- 3t1 îLully bo ro.ti-edu aula rut terni&ieto slit Pur' Ni,. i2 for 75 conta. Witl thiis îiiiIeio iut.iece o'al'oulfronts tluiii, îuîd luase <rettplcisauro li ar JoliN McGILLs, lotîlîui1 le uîe o i c i ttiuuîortoert rti ltuer relitci o h uol'.rl u u lcr triut'coiuuouigh îoi ouino for ICE SE A (, 00bl 'urt nossiuerroauulio igticd i iit t'li'o. t'eor au ttuy ician, l ýlTIOl8 EZ O RtANDA Wîsîy i (IAltI<& W'% Wht. ase 1 o nuits ý,f utario su Dtir8.4tiv-Owin'.cJAS. il. GrEEIUE DR. PA TT EISON, tendSls hy Ailetidus ltoiueolad Faruuteltr ALBION MOTEL,SuuAetWil t lni iehs ollngeititd Ra MOoeiudze and ctluor efecta, ut a reaîîOui1lild-I' OST MAIIEET SQUARFE'TORONTO,_ iutîy e-Y ~~~ or ab tla uutUuoathpolto-Bh eu,1i5a5010io, 10 JEi J. 10111TI, tro1ritor. IIl,.eît sceli- _______________________ r laOuO. Aist1-t es oodatotls. EN ury atetio l aisd te tIse èsoinurt s-a PIT'lERSO'N, Mt. D, li etecrdiuig Dr. hou ___ - ' UlrrsIsr0 ~A rFF LI 1C T E1) LR E A D 1jCur'en,%ou,'tîllauio î JO MN3E'FCALF, t' tiit iteiions of '(Viutt.y end îicisity, thîatlle AÂ1 - EK F TIIE FIFTII DIISI0NCOURT, UNION STATION HOTEL. no1ueîedh-hiuh. htuuo Iduih 14 00 NODPEA N ltethe 1al tîiî os (!tto o h0rIrol cand ptr- vn Ij eusî'ioiug Iîe omuolui lh'sih. A- o nionS.,SCOIILStatioA, TorontE.tîrnili]oîoporu*olig ulooî te Er land ;r vitb tipi FRANKLIN IBOUSE. Blird, $1 Pu8Y. MIstsS eu. (Sourd talo- fr. o Clivlrysudtlend 't ocolis o hro-in s C. vr.ing. AND Ifores o io. fa h'uuthe lcet respalete viso JEI-ETT,]Plt0t'IIEToIt. esOFOR- 13h . OLpNirtor rneemgiv. .aTho l, BamîttarcnaViiIO. B.'Uîl evîiiuiiidntsOs lfon Truirellors. . x0T A1lii00x 9A r . bl.oEmoo: Eu ., IJuilky. vil '(tiuthy. Jui. 1 ffl. h 'NTRE IiOTEL. NO. lK losSousrW'(Vitoî,aooC. , Lioho~sloiiWuty- A.rsnK.ulSiu VNti. f. Ia,'aonoluuu, . sue A. . ICE YtO CET~u, Op atitellosf Mon j. îi 'ulule01,'R.Ilmtril. i %,BINET MAKEIO, UPI[IILdTFER.,&., B treol, Wldhy. D%.DNISON, InPrî0Jof Engnu> . Iii i ,I.lniloail tnulIlily '- pietor. Oi AG s,,olhiO. DB. GOOLING, (fssrmsriv ofEnOua)i. usE-.,WU itliy.se s3 Ilii :lz loLy eed un i hîddo ~f jo- Wlilby, 23ue h, ulI 5 y.' - o Office oh Mr. lotiuck's oold rohdeneo, a Lniitusuund lyreioe. N.,tl oi NEW, SîOERtITAN]) MOSTSUCCESS brl trVilOreet, Wlilîy, nsuuniy opposite Seri pir' hue.1. a repirseoitFslsuusesleldd l. ' s-fu'~RO IOTIL A fuI iiads ot luiot6 ________________________________ __________________________ Ai~OCO. irer (hiplolot Dygjaeetl»u e lu '?180Jdii'A, RAILROAD JIOTEl-riulIfe rurtr legs Wtealinu lueftiendi, JIto-aeojrusa nIioisf ,ail ua 1 Sia- PO ~ RusRR. T ai i troueliiug PubicI,chathohs etak- slii "kotLieeeif s-leldd.a-os (hy-To the A&fti3ted.-ÇI be RhAmRuORIETOB. tirTil110 os tieu'e ma wil kusomîs hbutai and tnuoetuy and lliadoder Je,tiiitsufo lins ?am o cceuuiatlon for strict attouilun (o lbusinesso, aisdt 1o' ndcaceriuusg sait RA'unot, M Jfeia 'C/iouivil '&' muithi L attentive <(t- ta do0 AUlhin is pomer fisc tle couiufrt oud con- complainte, &Ce, l., TuIE CELEBRATED Di fesra r. 5 s'tiince o? giin-tate iert aoeroof plablic Se-No eturgi for Ado'idn. bye. pstiroiiomo, (SisalLiquiorosoitd Cigas o <lls A. PRINGLE, orable sceinlsodatiouti for ausi sud hors - DRE. (GOîDING ho nom ouslluged in tretî'îg G- ER IA N 01 L 16 te, ECtANT TAILOR It,151CR STREET, Aisatentive aud crceful Itatlen. Ii ie olulde %ihteiiu,iouiom ro ruui onaho M1 S. CON WAY. nirces. 'rî,FORotuoeutou'ubtud OF -- -------- - Aîbnn, Tutu 1, I11c. 2à) i tuebuiad u1ouaîo iplicihlea lUlîli ll'us he -kii fF e THOMAS DEVERELL, disoorcd rrnoodico, OitlîhîîtalliO or P1101 - Bruises sand al id rFei U1LD E 1, o&. s&c., GSREN STREET, REMOVAL..0ls. Viso facilica d f porco nrc,,ucIi. thtoPau- 'aoniincident ho tIse oison six BwiLtby C.W. lAMRONiîOtitscuis ho oursd luttliir ovu buseiuaoa otSyaten. m Whut C. W. AJficlaEras, Ç.MACD)NELI'S LAW OFU- epoelliny )uuhit' dV ouuuh r, fiii s"aitEahf LIME FORt SA&LE- Uiel otoeil fronu tie court 1uholta 'î-pîlaî of b hioicnoîuInu fottles t 25 to 0te ah e the__IL______________________________ tue soluro ito ftbir ee by I.tioler on-( WyJtu ePh o, 1860.ng," roo htauve theo Medicsent ioitau o aiai r x-Aeorotiuugte UlOê Tubhis 1,îeticoe al rosl H1 07TI TL N1 D IUSING TIIE Profits.Jîe 81, t50.o uîî ad ua oiu Iuftiilio ruisc'ii y for thie re- C flIiTATII 'LIluuser Fruali Bant N l .WSB, NRVOUS DEBILITY u'os, Iiatsî r rr 'îRLi11flMlSS1oN AND 5131mlour îî islhii eai, ta110 USES & A T o pu' Mna. IATIIEW AR G usît eit ofr " fgudo i, Couiiioit orseu telsing f elles1?usedy bilbalCA.TTI0E lth Port0505i Odusits Acssîtsta,Cariot sd Droiglto' olfi.13 of v lobore îiuucesl , ollu; luiOct I I>or Wieibi o. fflc-",l~'îiitu i os un Oss. rs 0 li olur lî rok St. uea nn lliies arI niugl i te uce ro, %Voit surrtERlOO s-5oM PAIN, %N'D îua ___________________________ 11hFuiu, cuue North ci Voa edîlit h1h î,uuutoser extousu- ROBER? SPE.ARS. .W.ifitlo- ii B AICorser..U»S i ______________________________ ty ornce. îtics, colf ooef id no. hoSo1of utucusru, mhsKAUGO .LW U ,i LR bRUitND TREASURER tOF TItE Rsas-slsseCos-Thue Juduge of the Counnoel îuobolOy, uay h0ced ly (Ma Non hilleisflielol u oîuaniuas. 1ý7 IL bas loeinatal I ; Cj Tsawsohiîu f Uabridgue. Addra", UClundge~. Ceurublo luc Senlu; tîsc a nrun ofthe casul, Ieniodies. sscreeo<oiuy for theto avon 00Yearst, ansd issu tue Curk Of th,. Pesose; tie Repltrer 25 COUNTRY PATIENTS- lin-or bois kusos te fai. ilado sud sold ly a THIOMAS 11- PORTAS.,.KNWE ING .50STREET EAST, TO flUORS ALEXANDER CAMXERONs hite-iS'lhful directionsuon Oit e.,1111y pOrt ickienug. C. u. t 120 atP Essfi5Cîesés,'orîtCanada efthhiUnited Stoîoo. loy patuet aituiaiulg ~ » îVe, Apîur.eI Asetueler, A\rbitraoe,li.ouo fiIIIEP CONSTABLE.Iow f hth;tîîois>, ipt,i hither. Wiiîoty,.Jaun. 24, 18W1. 1"hy and Lin Agent, on'W uuril1oouiuOiOs u tsoCuuey Csonsutble, C. . s deluc srictiy Coliudetiol. < d ..To ?Whlyihussti îouusouco O-F Mercnîiut. ('oits tuao1Y usn't adCsiucd o011 ______________ Addreoo, GLOBE 110TELo BRZOOKLIN. 1 uudgisod !r osle. DI. GsOi LBo da riE UNDERSIGNEFD TARES OCCASION P MseudOs ulloradoisrpoet S E S!S ED o t uslrr0u901 I'(tgoe riaoii ioere thuks tolus ptu oia, 114 AXES! AMX-'ES Il 1tSlIM1PRTED tiALDEN & FIELD) Torouito, Polo8tIqDh. N 41 ork. h rvliucuillfrhelkrlpius Il PERSIONcu in antefa useil Cotgdv J S od , rssil od t ___________________sgo ctonded (oelinu silicelie comnseiscad a te asuonou aPPInn te thei ere sled JAMIlhR . <iEIhhir's, ----- ielsoltBokli.u ,c0basme tri s. notice. ssrnr Ce te.Druux SIors, Quehec A-socs- fer tise Trtnsocion oet 'se 5,11117 frtcudc-tlieh no effort vulu bespsil W ,Vthly Foudry .a esneavîishiO SieGlbeuu îeuîaorfsonuot itohe eu CAKiIUTrCIIIN>i 'uad55 trSt. rBsssus Gobuue îulh, opuplebsserofteWis'u ouinaste is h aitenoue,onusi n this ~d4l LE x-isoulier, 'lihb. hy O-hI ,1, 86. UDepartehns ltelo lu tils partoftiu esntr. ath - ChIAS. C. KELLER. - lsiniosaeuIiial. TIEXYAT-LAW, '(LICITOR IN 14L SAG H J. G113B3S The fast tnotting v50 11 llick Bird, sundg N hs-eioue6ufrtsssssacnl ia l Covslaisr,&e ASTAGDEN FFC QUE- foir unires I(lis soes i Ilte table. Teonnete tgnl thal(Ibrosieec for tise Transaction a? tue Bush- ,DW liol) Brrte ahve t Y 0BTR N WHITBT ANI)Drn1 T b51,1-0 raiin h Ipper Canada C AY- N Oi 0T h C EB*AND) WIIITBY AND) BEAVERT or easebsGoyersulieult Bceeull., Meyieel k_1]AV1160 porelusositthe otrs stock et IL rASNEIS uO-s-ltiagi rl -paens ~mlian fts isr P isoASIIEGR satIe hog rnsprosdesiroti o? acetring Puelosfur LI nessi(Omu ssd5hi l TisaStages 1-f 7ndy ed Beaveror'm- fande, or iaving Chais outup yothos' kind COMMERCIAL HIOTEL, 9W' A fNew 5ok, -M l Ive ie te is e cmCogo«Attn informathocsitSTEE,%vuirs; mefaltO' er athit vemaivesirseseth RAT e GoeraLands - tfintý%nwonly JVTunwt a«I"& tle fit w li ?' esL A Ysd e i.ngfration bturtaisepI uy baya tseir go- usod amitoguns-suuîsv, pulo a i hO7 laîor Kns v &h aCou. une30' 858.or other Pubilic Offces a îetier p1fl lmîe &Rb-s.~ -' ISEPI HU 43NS Cusinecs~.isn duligentip attendrd toi Sp a Rei JAMES CROIIKER, Brookis. Noemener 1otho 1837. ~dent Agent witisouit,(ho exîuenae and in W.___ W.________________ BILACEOS HOTEL. coneniocf a a unc laQueber.- Pptt. .W*EAES<.iafOs5',a'ae.uas.) pâteuta s? fInvention takion oui OM-01MRCIAI TRAVELEOS WIILL FINI) à &EW ILnEISOR1 BRO T.:ise h5WetfBurt sD J>*0 rm4N muàitb. AMi ,îseuoid comunitonst, aidfoesed Cit cooveniiet rtopiel-sih chichbell,Lus 'N Ofl- T ox 86 P s IsQoec tlu' Ie'jnansfrrnudèse EegiRtescBook kept ah Whhhtby. IBE ABUTE WELL KNOWN, ANS) CEN-ffieox 8110. FootIre tisey eutouaeaskoStorpttsêe- A 3àDAREI'.P & Ce. T trsul alsat- boW oIh.iauas- thitudcmi"ve iiiate attention. the prpcitottto aies (hIs"r easben t.thaa 1 MYOmm ANS) DEALEES IN i 8"'7cvoaeirb amel sefotbit u a-numeroas patrons and fiesitsfor tilt ~~~~~~! ~ ~ ~ e M by aee iewius sth rsoeat esupat.LNe axpesatast L 28,ep. ~.1859. 8W--I lSeaIparoosemutteae t it s hlsaiaisah lesissostO.4i.* te l0uttabt e *aalasa i ilt 1s WMMODisieMMOUZ off hietbûlUosslu Wiithy, Johnn fltr o ah, 4-"( -&W 7 Thse Ses;atll roa fWla es, Llqumus sud Ci- -sGo". 5fr s .. tabisg, ad sttematîvu Oetiets- PIL Ho-,--- elsStuu18y.,v-vay gor. îrna1ai it et EAg ÏZGR1 Rooy aitdoveniuietstsilse, goed stabla o~~ae 1ht>~ls 8 ~~'.As.ssteaitfbs tesC Il" 5 c bà ijolim lis hvo?>'heut ohthe ID j tWhslttey tui t isanasiis_ en y asiedBSeforuute Ses B OUECAsi TO TtIE CASH ho in be(sw mo ebahtupisesferlhnsrr sudAn TE& k >AMBR T Y P E GA LLERY. qunt aaUlyvhh eiamd et i>'saitj yi&&sL . GROJ W --- ý nouW4ten-u ioow OPINE» 1I - 0"811 suiaadeif e. bo geA. £ 11*SUI lit New IslSSS' x5 '11e t«1 AbS16,3t iul gi oIp tta oSv tasa N~BU5IsW bar, UOM Clin U"~ B r o Ssre 9c a" atsn.f b u h ui m e ve i ce u - [wîedgo, Drotbore 1O. - t 'PA 281 18610.. NO. 28 M.Ln IVelceme I, Priso ou Wles i a isit i iýtof Upper Canada yul have noderatocOd tiaI Mai i a ta an 0 ltiteuol's oos .1 no dhffinuhtp lu oppceCIating 1à5 value, asd entimlp relieveit 1% ,2 l t th lu i or e f B rit aîi iiu 'a t hr c o i, a a e o lio g ,t o ( h e P r o r O eý tp O ? (h o m o d e o f 'c u n t O f th ' $ i n liS! o, the l'rine wmises10lies lelv'd Whsa lore 5nedoserlisais-nont i'ils dIstriistioas1andt yul have littie trouble. convecealios as Ho <musies io6 Wr tis %O$aveo ? R th eso lsg ' i ot r i i ir o t iic s o ( e mi l e g frasi v hich t h eo Toeî'ielh our hamns in Itue iwestl ,deemniga o Vi Oth n Be os er I se a promise fEssglds itis lti, ineutded s-c Setcpth . present, ortse liromu hoprovited, ilt, - Dothan.il u »-' lienonas i hlie.triniuhof r e l - .-- afrt %id. 'Yi 1v101 uOmle.nl(lOx i2ITIT BITEIl- sivrly coîlecteit18orlae nu155 - - A Tii O 'w the, hia 'ho' qe Pr« Sel ferg li Sl TI hi te it rel a mi t- 4 sîIll suve or cliatun hînu o'er lue md tlionzhlBo f brave WolfO.rsou A1 i londe pahicy an tne Soiguutris.l Tenare, M». Labergc appeala ta aps ure ou tIshitbilltbo'hieysogiuglih usurt h 11sld ta ho gathered, or rather gleaued aide of the Admlinstrationl, ti cprrol ioncesst con1uir ol Egîu~d~ hpofrnul partial etrplanations drswn frein ità ratiois1 of hisuia OOsdCV ing p? f the, lie eoneo er-1idesolme, dlWsbre1 fforeoit meroboro froun lime ta li me, thero poaicy, andot uhowas ot <slip fteresa2 son whîilst sur*gieatlhnuoyer. rngret, ho littie difficslly ib-arriving at the giflerail auiipedfrolh su h eicY, but MA. T ho h om oe tliu t' p sid th e a atis o m e f th1b y U o ne s ue h ro s l 1 long moyo tholunii-e a naution:§ ssyý, feotuors theproponed- pohiey. e l e ytf&of-taettcs ws ab. plrgm ?itîi tîy ueio s i l su virturo ovînior, o d i h t i s g o d ia i h u d i o r Canada, 1and4 £15 l4t. i J y t le heuîr ns'ereOlIio mues vslh repentami'ta twsare htabl hud i m ltiing orchcqîuod tthon noble Prince, ho hnts'odoeed for the final aettlementoftise U.lper Casadas, in order ta0 aîcure lu ROBERT PORTER. -i Beignorial ri.ho oe fhe rees é elcttff tlb -n ilbrg of the Asl ring, îîly 1,1860.dispute as ta tht fond or fuod efo ii is n nis rathioOtn 't'iC Y U ~eigtoral enuo Qeston. the isdemanity ta thse Seigui1r w% b, M1r. Isaberge p.'cee oolplu.~ provided. Wé 'thiok haI (ho folhovissg drnng tise perit vison, hy acceptaOce v thse Brown-a rlaniOiAdomistre-. poinsa c o losrly establizistd. office, thse metersa ftisat Âdmunîstrati au hateided tà Legisote tôr thse ini. lit.. Tisat by tise paliîy agu'ed upon, lhait vuscuted their se , fle i the Hanse rsta of Lower. Canadila, ans& ho w 'the censta re erstab.entirely rolieved Asrmly : resohution vos introdoced y neglisetefi or'over»ioolted' tise niars laOms of Upper Canada. froa au' payunent for tise redemuption of oneO f hin friondg On.tso lOtIt Âgust 'i .t is prset inîtr hve ealythe Seignoiial rigisus. ta the follovwing e&iet: se loy their Legsslati@it . ntits d. Thuit tise fond propooed ta bc asod for On tho question offtise Speakeor hui stion,, in tise way or ,ieoling out paying thse isdemnihy ta thse Seignusors, ires bis "ott for a nov uI1eica £afýBrol(vi sai justice ho bot Ilsaeetlous of the tise Lower Canada Municipahl oan Fond, (Hait George Shervobd- eIBÉtatt oVisce. and tlual ns unier tho lirst proposition thé iO in thse prescrnt Mhnmstry, atd.vace :arcely a nusmier or tise Glok e su cenitaires vere net ta ropay, tise mooey hesa,- appeorance nov a-days, vithont sorne w5O virtuslhy ta ho proviitîd fremin he Pn4b. Mr. Bureau moved, seçonqed . by,, oence ta this long agitated qustions;-lic Foods. Fiche, io amendment, tluut tise !r"rd wils a view of inflnenchsg the nupproacs- lIn. That in tiseir cantemplael'ulioy, "White this Hfouse does not visis» electioni for (ho Legisiative Coonoil, no0 eqoivalest vss provided for tfpper Ca-.Iltard the iunisg Of "s writ for tise e urge amloont of starmy indignation is nsda. fiien o? a meuiler fsr thseTown of Beo ng fiaily expended agahsS tise prepetra' tis Qst(h oioy thon adopted, vas "ville, if cassQt refrainfrom xe s of tisat outrageons rohhery, and in. framned witis a 'riewr of outbiddig tiseir op- 'lits erttsIto dsaartoi us sorrender af Upper Canada rigbts, patients in (hoelihoraiity of their proposais '"formation of visics has - rented the i titls iy vtits tse lonrabe o ito ta- Lover- Canada, o rientaprcure addi. suvaeosoy, hbave net anuouneed their in ased ta deoigsate thse ScignoralTe onusl support fronts ta section of tise Pro- itO obigfratam meie 1af 1859. Koovina tise cosequoos vinues, nnd ts secur tise electon aiof u th lsial settleunent o? tiseOSeignic meruiencO exacted isy tise (Irit chief, Lamer Caisada Menuiera visa hait joined I rigiste, and for prviding far tise papy i ail.,isa, claie tise isonor of being al- tho Adminiatrattion. suotise indcmnity for tise rodenupton ôl ïd ta serre in lbis raoku or bsk in theo Dsring tise dehate on tise prisent Seig Il multation utne9,'(lods et ventes) andi o uhioe of îluis great Onontio'n oisilon, me noriol Tenure Bill in April, 1859, tho Haln Il cognâal rightosà, as, 'esiirely (Ii digçlss not surprisedl ta fidittisaI in the conteot George Brow md ogadvoet icCOlft-Btorefroto," lus adde King Division, tise opponeonts of Mir. speech in apposition, castending tisat tho dethese ildtiereoaf." s'ry tako their eue fromltiseir iunmacllal mlessure lnvolvedan aet of (ho grossest lis- Mr. Laherge. infiýrmed-,tise Hqtuse ker. No vendes'tissn, thot Mn. Alors' justice ta Upper Caunada, aisd iat tise cois- this resolstion vows trameu luj iiu i FresU (is as is iusin e t pensalian provided for Upper Caq .ada vas wuO introd1sced nt luis request, fin4it ac alime of hie canleot vils Mu'. Lnnnde)u tterlY vocîbleso to thse nsjority af- tisat P.rWnOlsali sAoles a erg Member aj rSouths Ontàrla, advooahed tise necessity section af tho Proiiceu as,-il vwoulîlnover' Broses-Doris Admhiistraton,1 and tise total abolition of this very Seipor- isosme availishle ho o'sy atier Municipali- premAby.them, asdit hat, sfter lié bal Tenure,) abouit naw tsrn round and ds- lies thon tisose (hon indcibtei t ths muni- plained ho Ihein, tisai thee êjegt for 0~ ,ota as on infaosous rohbery, tise very cipal La Fundt. tw mve a&tmurth'ltc ï isy visicis that priscipie bs bean car roB. BRavE ÂTTEMOfl Te îa xpu.Âul(Tas tiseir Lover Canada colieages, . adbt ,i ont. Bot tise fat of hie master bas aa9mi-OIIO yoLuor. Sid tissir opponentsin ho ie usi na issued, aud tise edlict mntsl hoobeyod. IHo ossesSed-tbat l'y the policy thoy liait ntala 'vr anaaspI Dissolution cf tise Uisiono? the tvo Pro- adopt.ed, ao'injtuslc oUpr aa sMir. Lablerge 4isaourg anilgaaùji ces, ithr eltis a viem ta Federalison os'coshemplatd, anulheis insoated, Ltis ai-.~ igis oili pure and simple," muet isaw b ho ieatch- tisougis no agreemient wma rriveid ah, viths . ilyp'aighu o pidé rit of thse pasty, os tise only mnusay rsec o;î dtii f hinp'ooedè~l and $',sssv.JWý bicisthis iseedy and uosrupulaus leader amosece, t;isý g6tioù hiciswvas.ttitse - ix ým iattain ta power ansd patronageh. Fer limte malt favorably entsrtsined, vas tisaI m14. aëgiwidguphesf ,eh a pisrposol ail meaoo are hoist, and theo Soigihrias sisoulitlho ailowed to bar- - nnoned %uhs intention te ieatiril [lmeapans ara fair, andi ta tisis end tise 00w trom tise. Lover Canada Municipal egnorilqusestion ha ta ho vigoroualy agi- Loar. Fandi -tise amntshaeqssited ta melt .prlin isheitecle th efeat (hneeresent linisr rl nd if necessary, tise lrown-Dorin pohicy tise censitaires sisouid.cepay thlessuaats t eettepeetMnsr.J tise sahject may be fsintly disapproeed in tho oe suanner sa Micipalities u ht tvs o hîot eypaea canoa on tho Lover Canada colieagites thse funtifmers req!iu'd ta do. lIn liseilgs, lisat hoite made op luis miitd, hil fou the adium, andtin (ho eveot of course of his speecis, prohobly wvh tis e ised i iao long oc uptedto e sri isolution of tise Unlionu il culh a mat- view of soft eniog tise indignation of hie h a oln cuid aaorn cale cf tise absolition cf Seigrilori.,i ri or of litle moment bac (hey feel os ta Laver Canada coileagnes, h. argeed tisat t is usepaain st eir treatment. Âcconllngly, 3Mr. Face- ottoisaspolicy wald, net ho very bsrd on tadfernds is epoliosoaota diy riII at Mr'. ieegor'a meetiisg in Oahawa, hontise censitairsa, 'soit vas aitogotser unhiu'ely Sertaihs o h ine st40is. pealcing on tisis question, designated thenthientth4ise M eîitits arire mere la- mduadts s v~ Uastre os an. outrýageosrobbery, and ce' debieà waousld .vçr pay, and o? course (he mllo n. thoru494 ravo, w r'ng ta (h a ite carresp a ide e hotw een ce nsit air s v ousld so t lho com pe led, unIras p 11, - l1~ t0 g v In. Geo. Brovn and J. S. McDaad, tisey vers. sproinadcnv ,ntendod (hat thiseneauce viicis bas iov No lTjer Caada d ollague X>M ment &ausitltonthIS ---,,u c a m fe ia , a n d tS e c o rre s p a n d e n ie re fe r - B r o w n a tts m p te d l ta c o r laç ,h tà e x p i a - , o o e a - -l ta, pravedl deeisively, lise pressignes- nations o? (ho pslicy 1h5 uetin Wno dnea; .9wa -esily fur a Dissolultiaon of tise Uniba, as isLover Canada ouitageN -anl hisAt- inehg i s 114 filkog of'tio vos nom maite perfeotiy clîar, (hat no tprne7Geoejs - tar Uper Caada, cjecte ho ndich o ' he " 'pper Canadin party old hope9e ni r dispated (hem.unetostieeputla f tu alla nie vilS one fcem Lover C nada, . 1-oceocE orales TuE TT icK 011E s RU leader, (Mu' Dorien,) if o,' h o wu ihcn t a sisam eful a ndosm ent _9? ,ushé eo am a ux tt o a r ot t, mt vQ I niml gisan tintereotsaf Upper Canada. 3fr. Shorly aber 'hei.Brovu itdcancludedltsii ioltg lralt sa'<p 'arevell proceedsd ta atata that the lois- i1 pel,3f.Lbro ielI iae, atài ts ausntgoyitienta dacao eollutian alloged ta lho provided b h, a Solicitor' Gensel flor Lover Camaila, of oaserror1 la -jugemf.ltas. th lisent miiniotry, for Upper Canada wasrose adats*e, tisIafteu hIl ng tbe pold< Jle& # & bUWb, thw otising Sut a vauslan and grevions insul, speeech of Mfr. Bcovn, lue lhait tt iltede te .f a &%"sh fu lica auts mAce eoiust o e b. pe ait8 hinsehff ta commuenleO ith is aPslitW<I a um s.nooxeaaosa tj. crédit cf lie dslfaaiing Mussifpali- fonder, (Xfr.Darhin) and tisah ho bato- BOY Il DO5va<555 19%& tiý tadaiedt th ie Province anuer ~tah isdei hiesanction. Mdd appro >n, ftr aofa oetheol.s Muicipailolan Punit, stop visich, ho now foît inosmieut uupona fe a rghilcnud b White vo Sive tua fer hst ny Buck i lue àke :-io gi-e ta tis angéasenatos,lMr. Dorin sosaate l 1 1 . Do one0 coutil imputeta 10Mr. obr giaio n cul drive he reffecti n.- mus n o f lis (M . laisoe 's) îa tpiauatiau of l u n-~ eu ro '~ i~ u e t'e a i1 Upper Canada,, ino t th ie suicidai pahicy drtnhge iephe gei pi s ye eioftudget e pc.yagu'q.dk W of Dissolutiaeo? (frhe Union, and chite me (ha Bs-ovaDoniou ÂdmhiWlcatioan tins yeaed te icy "d, lip ie tisItise Sgniai Tenac um esla Seigriorial question, wmho wub. SeignoiiTaeo bas aio'rded, auj jflt pies foc diseontent, ua a l .on iI. o iseassaut.v u su are quite prepaueol la admit nt adopt T T. L MO < or M suffltisegeatosn' Msr. Parevell'a omnisiorence frousts iavlthe er-ax r a. bUlut ho eerl Bromn.McDoalticarreesaondeucili etIs î.&MaOo'a rx.arom. Biltle no-edOw tise limeasf thse formahion o? tise Brown- M' sis ttd isSoe'ano(osaeemnt. At raso. I)orian Âdministraios,'tise Hon. George epaxtosb i o formation ?(eaacaioelilee u y ave miurSegu or Tthah aitdactaitbas.bea jeont Yaabià- bn pio--s his, assit (liai st ol oeIis ues-i t9e1ooopsA M, teboltioh'f h son, upoq yle 01 1 ,

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