Whitby Chronicle, 28 Jul 1860, p. 2

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spalce, ta taeeffist liiititsISOitIwu e&Ilumauetm alMM ..a, gray sriv" of te ut te ige f te oue n dscu. rpongonuEset .. ......... Ir10, P.tM. I ta -ast ibtim aiits 0~.b~.Ilaos.Sopeesgia ut. ..........î1 12t. m- in Uta tise pliey ofi htIaiadministraioin. Mi e .........as ýrhY uaagee teablih heSegnira MilrongWqàt, ........ .....10044P-m Tbiyhaâ grul t dolil..t .......ra ... .... 03oi-Ps. Oe Tenure, ths aeldalQ akeesd taeoellava theï Expoeaado.............g609 Im.s. itemaIlpsyaelt .~ acotnt Moutvat isse, 22 ,inates lIster tissanc oeaasitarlt'a fonW&bitby onacou tisse. iberiai, As ta tselocal ifond, tiare vwau * Tamore% ui., aui.i iso sucl tininus Over Canada avilalei, F p" Grand Trnoki ...... 7Y00, a. ta . . . . . .M. .. '... .30 ., oxcipttha Muicipal Loin Fund. Weitb , a. do... 30, . Wet dN do........a00, p.Mr. vspici ta ida. propouadid by Mr. Broolln.prInce Aletprr-? , Brava,-tà Qeri sold lind iroa 1.b at OMMeain.b......... 9 0.09t. Ia~IOsivera~metAsibeuru, Utlco, Ipaem, Umtridgc 0 tltunt teaigniorinic, vtsa iv andS ,.............sm rapayasont nlnUtaiS0 talMen 1tg Oi eigt suofi rui .u.aa.....e9 WI.p ,pr cen4it W&&iipertitly absarI, ia nnver .liat kr Grand Treour... 0,1. m. t Ba, oc cotaid Isva/beoun ntertainel. Westi lu. o la.. Ce0p , ' ÊoU. J. S. McDonald is, in te course -Wet de.,-dé< ... 30, a. as. in ai ibis labile, admittcd ibai tieseignior. %at', urÂt, .. * .......3 00, p.m. e lit righta vie> te ha cadeemel by provin-. 1 ei.........~00,ea..r cli Feds. ib (iSc-ot, ....eau.... 0on Cid Fune Oconwood i . courags. B1on. . Mavwat, o teday aiNonina. iokcla............A9oit1 tian fac South ontaria, stated ibt M. Uxtridzes...................... O Pl Picercing ................ ai i farinsld aebaitted tatadiisra*ii.Wiitiy ........ tin&achaiern tIe sulement ai tIse BarteiS.............. .... 2&37 Seignrial Tinueta by viich, 4nstemai of TOS" auto-r. entalling au ncmrasseof ibe dabt oaiteib t haIe Towna Bull, oery Mouhaas'nrlm Atmp province, a large uioing vould be affecte.1 l * . t o-ivS NuaCcux. Ia abat vay couli t tus ha arragel, excepi aiF.ero- Motioay ivenlng, et thi e on aI, i loy an appropiation ai a part ofithea Lover ata3. -,TflXL"n .1 Canada Municipal Loan Fond, ausul lebaer- FreILionsAtrIttlc 111Wullioo'aEIcek r-roak Street. au tiéfti in inuredy aerery iag Muaicipalitis icoma ay urther iccon tannnth. ta iCIOt-usuce Lltrge. lN130 aceaul TTeamlay lu d Our evîdetice is nov dlosaI. Wa hal . ua.i# 4,SertarY. 17crBok tet Loalge No. elit cnd"r4 I vy thakt eva av *caapîeLtby esablisbcl aur 741-1101, ni Sire e aà Ilota, Pot Wibth. . Iý adbléethai Sur ov. S. q«etia- L.N.Î1,mmci la the Oronge al, ara vili anecd els10thWis. Olvq»id. etitstan~st Fn.aytu o Iery nonth. 'LU O. tNo. 7»9 îusaiintthe- lotie Motel, e«d Boollii, th l 1mt . loy ioent moath Doutbtissany vbo nevier iI oc bave Bohi.iole L.. t>.h. No. 057, iet n Ilcid'su Mîtel. nov iorgottcui iLs debate on this important Diillla'a Crai, an the 1,-iTlincradlu tuo ry Smeasure, vil! vonîer visy vs do net fer.ticth. W. Jei.alt, Stcoturv. 1t nisb Mr. Brovua'a ceply ta the attacite, or tins o-al. %vealeiycy voinOt 1 r a xa i leaguies. WILB.A. 0. (uaI TeinplsY5, ar Gauvri.Hull, elatioso sa welmeslsr ve~ii ansver, ise maIe ne rcpîy. J.fier tbese ex- 'Wlitby Sabat otséScity, M Souui Hall,- Mose-evenawg. plasmulaas vieofidisbcî. Mr. Sicotte, 1Mr. Guo?TeupIaeiitSOs *lhaBl,TabttIay oniIl Cauchoan, Mr.Thibauîcau adother,rcpca. EOLIO5! Meuas calel n llasta tat, tsonsolthoa, El.igeopil Chure, St. Jet u',Kug Stree, tetily ale n it tae he ndter,à loot, . m.,anad ' P.atn, p. ter I vither Lis owvvraleisofithe policy adop. ut s adm>'). ..PETA . tei! an ibis mansosc, or it ai bfis rcoltea- Frec leotelu Ctirch, Xee*itilc' Institutle, vas ta te kocacl of ltàroo aryis>'Streeteil a1'éelaek, goe% u e cbeliavad. DiI th on. î. sla elrk. i.t. - te Premier af that administration accepi MEV. T. . wRYt tae Chiallonge ? Did ha rise, and frantbis Coerestiosusl Clîreli, carnrairByron amod Macry>Su Otit. 1t t ocklaté- a..,un.,mlaiP. a.1 platesin teouase, adlut presance ai is - lUEV. J. IT. BYRNE. 1 cantaiora,dauy tLe asser tions matie, dis- Wralevai l utbot tai Clncli, cornier ofCcatrek c mail !itarr itre.tu, 1t>30 olock. a. m,anmol prove Ila explaîsationa offeed, an1 viadi- Ookle in. 1IV J tUT caiebis avu position as the consistant, namy Uttu Folvcnut iR' . ile lnits'l tise oely vlable advocale and supportelr oaisute, 2 3o, Jelck, P. M. lUppe Cana rights ?Did a ofbis E- R. LIl. TIIORNT<ON. Uppe Caadariglls? DIImny i bs U. lapisi Churetu, 3 U'tloek . a., îVa-ry film- pin Canada coleag-ues ruis ta Vis rcscuet,da.R . .LO . ad -cai bitkithieir leetb, thc naugbty ____H_____D ininaitians, uticis ibir iEstern calcagues -New Adverisemets Iis DaY. bal uttrel egainat their Fremiar'u ultra Up- pat' Canada attchaenti? No! nto Weqttrn rLe Frotectionisi Coaking Stava fan $28, date face aucb ait arra>' ai vitnesses. Singi>' -,îabn Brysu. Mr.Browa ibrev dov te geaaatetiagly le Veiitema f 1I.-H. J. Matdaacli. bore tlI ào lctaad viseibr indiWe'rent taei..,t >aiaiutExhibition-IL. Cha- su a' ix Ai c l ils contîsasci>'hepel uosa ilas b>-hia forme- banaln, SOcretarY- er coleaguie, or ta tLe tients lavlle t Rosptug liaclins-Rice Lavis & Son. ia b>- bis apponanis, an perrbsavar- hiailil a tel-Alex. ThluPr»sis e vhalubed loy thon humiliation vlicbho bal lI Cancery-A. N. Buati. Lctn compllaI ta ondargo, but site, viib Noica-ExectaY5 Il Kantien. dlosaI eyes and fisiel n d ailenti>'Agnmuiîari Ipteasant Mnia erlN but oauucîonsl>, allavel jelgitent ta go '%. Bravnu.t agmiss imasb>' tifiiost. No0ice John Keltip. u eeing et Asistr'-J. H. Ferry. Houyî PiIl.-D"satafnaai Apo- meige ufd rkJ LPry pli:>'arcc in %bitatuaispilbutable îU i- Watinz atDtsffee'aCra-J R. Ferry. prudenend n eglit. -lai Prsans aiOf een10,(iecvaul4.R Fery. a- Waitbabi, vho have a pradiapasitiau tethebiOpuuing Ote Episcopal ucba(b- digsteMortcte tb:dS grat vegeamila sai a-Rav..J. Fenilmn. l -ivâ ead itrative vhonever ti>' fal a semnaiton.iuOfiainela the bail, ar aresain- Bible- Of i n> osdue excitémnt la thea mia- q -ict risl aytia an thc e uroe#,ad vavii- gai- rauonte baagainet mepolx$, ml msa- agaînat al diseusea eorthhurt *hico a WbaJby, Satuuly, JII1J 28, 1860. -Dot reaît(Fram alformaticn or e change. or structure. ',At a tuemof ai rulatiag tc oI)I'r ON£ DOLLAR A TEAR -Io bluta-hebmblond, ad peifiag ih front ail _______________ maclold pacticles, ib.saePilli aid tefint liteonfîeCoas. place ia tieti iscsa saoie. ----- &- ýWa reOgive tae Coloial mutirnegelari>' X. Partya Adurs. in ibis quarter ai tisa a-ant, tht itva la Frometi imYon Hars11.>) goultrough ithi Globe aldLeader ai y"u- Oasamm"utIn thiis idîrasa agma, starda>', va irai becione avare aifte rai- we 2voutddirect piticolar amention t a pcbendld' aa&toaddsr ut ,iapurtatpart vbicb vwas amittelptbendlayahsfetiumdlsr in aour li4t hs.& We rafer tm tue expresions tien f&OUI tue raute ai the Molerate Party. ai lai*tav .ardslth% ladvhich offera abat- Wall, te poil nil sont, saibongi e Mamy te tean t ie xilad victimeaiftyrana>'. Whri hi Barry' vacaunnai cry mter iser. Hec min b.boutemnoanlons ou tisaAmersoan del'la gone t>' for daiag masaebharas on itintintithiai enat vibti taebe gluev- log varda aitick t aier a noble aentismatt goal. Fev vis a uabac ver>' aucb. XrýMn Pçrry.alsin raera lt ti 0gasarattiago--viii ha aurpnisaol ai thie lait fit ai fictla- sagsm vi bave uutve d fren Bitaie'n. ehmuu anindeel beau, alfaise, change- peaple, enal alviais usm imnislitn ollug teaible jade fan&alog dosema pmt-idrifting" t Par Prent cOnascliaun. Ever>' layaIlianut auseut ai the marc>' aiver>' curreni ai pub.- *0«O=ar mea yl epol leirtitu, t le piitrotie atOarasts. We aise ai1naitted lic apijioaman reail>'ta cimbrace aven>' tuai pet rt ibia alllrme, vbicbrecammads uav lover tai stoppai[ an îLe vs>' taec- th.lue o vATIOSan A TUE rut IsuNsCE'S aF quet vit beba. BsrrIssaNeta urui-co. The remuons -.-s'îol'e ith ber,. aluata bibele Of MOUs. 1 gsieb>' Mr. Ferry tien ai ib is messire if'.cis uus-r coin.%O ac, ahu'a no greatbos" ire unaeavcarable ond eaitesman-like ,la- We alsl triefi>' glanco ai te raisons lied va ty"Mid eacuity advinaeu adorie givea ty Mr. Colosist fo an i.rths te tagpampre ýyc. Pery'ipliticat platiarnu -It Id vhbsoppoii.tesîs, 111ecusung lUc. Reesar. <uump Jies Cr," ail exposeotain as- Ur. pare>'graipi 1,e futue, admae hat reasuabtencs nevago &lontg. îa rsail>'vailto iaioe umagreatipsOPlel Frsaof al le Coasiin f ault ithi wùut kXc.Eaaor glesstatce elactara the formationaifte Canventionsand imys T ose pifea ILi fri,ýs a jade. thitilvies m u stairl>- conductil toavod = uindon alutil, $ e uinvincs - enly tise titi Caavirvative andoaidatea. .proff sdof ua »oa.6h#o à iû vlieich halloea. Mt-taIOiaffl eeOLg. -te a i 1 .î-n tic irai pla ties tel -lî in ïstnii. -Eld *. ë t vlmu t etretOfavl i basi vbasa sOtes cave icr. uid umbavai m I vl spor ca erry tisa nomunatiounuvere cln e&uace- - 5uxe% "T Ide'î;Pt as ho ietonstuy LO S-ali n ccoquins ofai ner dec orini vua....tOn -mai' comae iâoaliir ota'>'confidenceiln lir. (oable, vithoat wabe ai go lmv Sb- w; natrieslnl » Y ex. declationm> aeyuh1net bave bien e- tar mrtua ta Province iin bm fint -Tidlitieret lctel mi saine Md aw.1 çaàdrý,0f aiUme pâtriOLV aeeie ho Mr. Gamblo ippearel te Ibm Ydg-iSeSooe r e tepIm oiiset ha the cisc, ml mi othara te delegai acosigâýiljac.t Wa the.,-tis a-maMvreinatuceut b>'Yt eciaig taeosat orwe b e d? - ini Mr.Bnoertaiîr votes for Garibe;anmalthe votes aI te a l'm vitu^ l iban vreagit? thune ver, imitadeleatea, gava M. Part> *iy ne g t 5lc94ejavo of a Party. t] enisaton!And vIs>'? Whaa the 50 ibOcfndi n he taoiIi iSidioscandidatesilutrissed tiie Convntion, Mc. vOitmaiurexim- iat in ] Pnovincea Md lman«maite the Uied btfur o aisryaspeecht, sud Mr. Pcry'a poltic -IroW", Gmýe Bo- t ai to- pimfot, viere bt oit »S aifu th"la bttiMUapespetta* Dukeo i. . oiblc'a in a"abl e spech, Mdtent &&Lmtb,(àD beymkW j&n,.Canitieavt aagit, atatmd i is pallticd vis. b7 i-gt i lits d- achiienm K'. L-Peur>' 114 be m ea. Aller hmnis ot Sir Rbukl*Ou4 we-7, am nd<ii0-7e> Jbh, Ibm aavaaioi efe ifc r. cPoe>' le 00 beaad> spiathe AsYthimt Tbgiisks 7~e Sty cuf -annet -M e t Pia * lbaMam it eMW i S e tio smbatcf ol fih - t0fm. (mMe.Aàilihg bath aev4ww--- emntfla,itdaeaI p-ttaiMPnt irt »e« 01r i -Perry. eemtswafr cidaci? S"ýà ààde«Mngaion ýThe ff "au Im tfa lerd, à vth i.sb* anaWb aise knov, froas fas recctîr cdicted. tisai vbilmeutnoi0 vms e lloen et tke tise plactis n pa prtons, e cno>' rbichoccurnea e Mmrilauudilegatian is actually filildup mter tIti Convaniont net. or an tise day oanv isiisiassuastl- s! lis Ail vrong., Tharevisa coamitteeamp- uointed aon credistial R teubaa dml- Oatas vira admittiel -bnproductionof the, ctificite airtae chisamofaihebmmee&ing, aIssai sasuusr la it the athercandi- lites; aid if aiytiiug* bad bec donc ir- regulavlýy *enadthae en rethttianud ilace toasjict teai. Aaste tvtoaha- ont dalagaies frea Miabicate-oo-cm if presial, thitaivotes v ld.nat givae a* Jort>' for Mrc. Gamie, The vals an ibm Ïrat billet 1iras Par>'31, Oamble 28-a bat vitn tise oulacr tva voies farGambie, perrywvonll Stil bave a majorit>' ai anc. Ael vbo ocm say bot tia thoeatva Eto- bicaite delegates val change taein votes la Ferry, as altera 111, aler bearing tLe adîrosiofaibath tise candidates ? - flbsti- luttes vers nat allovel for ibosa tva abscnt iclogitea iran tLe simpla isot ibat îLe>' tre aosgzt tô bloiraplace b>' panions t""I acre meareiice cfthe taueiusip. soiicit sesm thei. elgeles. The vacancy un tihe lebacihana lelegation -vi fmI op b> e resere-seas egulîri>' mppointedati ' -tise bimkiasn meeting. Anytiig enimir an the part af ir. Ferry, or bis friands lusn ail tbis? "Mlr per>' cime btafre iconvention irfislmng te beld thosa viavs vbict arc opposaI ta ha genennly enterteuînel by -bhat is calleil tbe modeasta panty, andI diso on tisa uniiertandingtltuaihouM7s Pre- <ail Le seMign taeituation ich d e ns', &eU.ela whtvieh olul siot te ocenpiedt A> saeouser of the.Jleiétatire seiitonl con- CU àm tPs piral, tiough nsot pserpa tse lutter,ed i te lou. Onthese condions, tisen, ïaeting "ide the little msniulvrinh &1raiuy -sllulod ta, Mr. Ferry was nemi- intel, mil clearly ho cannet, depi tram liens vitbaai atnolvring mît smo supported uSfa frnun tisce obligation. Aad iuov lu-4 laIs quasion va bava anly ta raier tu bis pUa1LosiAd llcs, aldta tht easive statc- Menti vlîicL ho hse etruade sith regs-d t- tse Ragiutrarabip. utpmnt frein mli othez :onscideratiane, vitbvbai shsov af resac can ha sauklr onservaiivea tO support th( leaceratith ibeas vhich tbctuas pronuiti- -ual sinca tbe Caonvention ?p ln wvIol ranl.bayend thut oa is ie cg opsposec tea a-Dissolutian ai thse Union, cati heasl ihein, on .whomstIse toccleus of te con test' -really reste. 10 gi-n hrio a prefen cuce avec Mn. Reesor, bis CIereurit op ponant?" Quiteasîna>'. Mr. Ferry tamec hcior, the convention anl statel bis cievu fuit and plain1>' as tbea reportai1 in Lis poblish cd speech. Ttey mre pracitol>' tbe a embaditl in ttc adlress. The noainatio ai Mrc. Ferry proves ihat tha conveatie enlareel tase viava; or ai mIl evouts th., tise conventian preforcal tiscaita thas beld b>' Mr. Gamble. it tally 'untra tuai thora vas an>' ealeratanîing as ta y Part-y'& resigîuiog bis affice- tWa moot di tinctl>' ma lnnqoivacaliy atate tUithieu vas naot nalcrsertmdiut. falucancers tiain it vasasteil vbetiîr Mr. Penny Wou! nat hae compelleil ta resiga Lis Office electel. A repi>' vas 8ven tbat Mr. Fa ry'a holding the ofice voul net bc co trmr>' ta 1mw, bot tint it vos net iikely th -Mc. Panr>' vould bol tbe office if alacta AnIdlMr. Ferry hiaaeif tbcn, es La tes sime etatel that haie ol net bald tLe office i oaa banc coisirary ta the letter or tis pi, ai tLe incidpeulenoe of Parliamaut At Tisera vas usacoalition vhatever aitmcb' ta Mr. Peccy'a nomination, fucL an ial giion ihavisoli>' uniaundel, in at mol irutb. As la Mr. Parr>"s potitira beiiig t' Icmacnatio for thet Coloni.. vabave au agmin ta utate tiritt iba>'vrathose expu' ael lu> hlm ai, and spproo-tI ty *.iea onvo tions. Be bai neituor adîed ta aoir ai tracte1 freuibtea s iace. And tbatt vera apprevel in prefèence ta tLe poli cal theavici propauaedt>' Mc. Gami. Tisa prafarencies aithe Coloist ma>' givea ta tLe Gi candidate or teasny o ca smay tstcomparu erith tha go al deone's conservâist5iuMr. Ferry nos aougbi fanthora. Haviag ubus disposer] ni ttc Colonis grouuua oa iaifection wvi a>' r ourmalvea ta on>'tirait 'Mn. Ferry is o-e little coticeroal imîel, as ta tLe cmii that journal ma> thinit propete 'ta pore, li vilI tavera-a>'little veigt aninfluer v iîh ttc Camservativats ai Ring Divisit aMost oaitincan aIrealeil' aare of 1 ivariable, vacillatiag-anul vamsttr ficcctic course niecrel ty tua Colon an te politicil aceafoa n g time Po sTIsa>' bave long ocasel ta acceptitis OP' au, on tealieguidel y t>'ls .tirectiýh-as, iforgan ai tino part>'. It pranurs a HIu t10auch vbcu it tataes apan itieli te spe for tbe Consenvative bcdy'. Tisa Consr tive section aifte Moderato Fart>' Lt tea mach sali-respect, andltone great a gardianr tteir pont>' abligations touaIIav t Sprcainga tate bataitiflel, or thair gr fiith teah trokeaiut tue biddigof a )fpar, vbich bas tata avayal b> aveu)' bre ay Uftae paitica m i ree. Coasero-ati L ava axpressoil the liapeat indignation ibmthecaurs poeusue1 b>'tue Cloininl ia 1 înglmce, and wva tutofaisoea teaiibl bava goee cleegltaifcetanring tlear &Zpics, ai tIhe muret real>'mci tIsa>'ou tala ai giviag axpression ta tueir kleeBa ah4t) andt U o erviatairugaaiiut h Diviaion, are et the prisant moitent Mn.- Perry's wurinait smos nat "loua auppor- tar. Thiykaav Ibir daiy, aid vill pet- cepting toavce oaitibm oatW. And vibaatabsîtaian lt »aniugtat Jabhn Ham Peïcy vii! praveisi is never>' va> voriby ibeir aipponi. go fack,b iiiad. dressas Lave acosal ibeièr urinait enthu' siasci luibis favanr isWcanvasa -bus hein met uccmfaio, d m illI att vitisat tibmLaid ai ibe Ceonùt,'ba is abla ta beat îny Dissoltutisi is hicis tce Oral ParyMamy briag ta the Rid egaltthim. Were the colonae' candidate aid fity othars te iitaetae intapM. Ferry stands- bis ground ai, il,. rndepausîest Canidate for King Division, aoud ho vilI contait it, ever>' iac!i taete lutIgains ait coners. The Lover Cannela Pirean mmd Uc.. Ferry. Wc ara etaielais e taccooanl for tbe on- usent anxieiy manifestaI by tLe Québec Chroniclc aldthe Moutreal Gazelle, ia re- gai-d taMc. Pcnry's canidature for King'te Division. The>' centaiml>' bean> a surpris- iag amauni ai interesa Inlatis atmter.- Heuar thea? (Ecea thé Iteatreal Omante.> tVa publisb elsobere the greaer portio or tbe aîîress ai Mr. Hem Ferry, alua bas teen namimatel hy a convention ai moter- atas as a candidate ta represeat King'a division la the Législative CaneI. tVa re- gret ta seco any masetting ap a piaiiorm ai a certain nuater ai plants pledgiumg tiaseli ta ail ai thons. We bliere ma mam 0,cr kept such a benîlut ai plalges.- Thechcanices at- o ba mds hinseai umable toneutly ta dosa0 ara be bas hnî tva ycuira of thut close stady ai practicîl legislationt vbieb membara of cubher blousa are sure ta 1acquiri. Ha lisclaims mlpari>' slliance, and this ie as it uhnul te for a Logilatire rCounillor. Wo hliecethtaino mac Fetonlenter ttc llouse ai Asnomhly wyuL- out baving a Iefiiîitc nation as ta tLe party ibara b3si entitîcî ta confidence. No mai stoul enter tue Uppen Moose vit me> connectian ybstever. ho ttat vice aifttc ee aetolievis partyconuvettions eta oei nala couodidates for tbai HOua ma" s tien. lace. Buti ta ratura ta 1Mr. Perry'î mîdre8s, it vil! te rcmarkaed that hoa cOmmits biai iself t a a Iomestem a 1 andma e inottar kindreul foulies brcd ai Western recttes r nus ila ,peculation aldits bitter fruis- ,We bave soute clmp-trap about potin tse 0pruning toufe in mi îLe top in the yod a0 -retreuctmcntî vticb no man ef axpenionci la inpublic ic vwould bave beetusosasiily as 1ta bave uttered, unless hote Iiberataly il. te e tla th5îe demagogue. Wa taie, -to, a declarrtion iln fivor ai ereseotaý -tiennriccordiag tu population vittout re gird to a dividinjîg hue-i meassra vticl u tawcrer, ve tope it is net intendel tua p yply ta ttceblouse ai abiet Mr. Ferry .a8pie es ta ho a meaiter. Th w ere a grico-oue toli>'. Ero long doutl ttc repcescuUa Le îiau in tt uMs ai sscmbly, vhicb bu n the coatrol of the taxes, viii te placol at Ssoutae saahbtasis. But asidi front titou defects, ttc generel toue ai Mr. Ferry': adlIe3ais one wict ià deseneing aif tigl se praise. He givas iortt uon ucertaia anuni .0 an tte grasi quetion of the day, ttc mait r. toaceofa the csising union umtil morge, las Fedarat Union of ail tuhéhProvinces, an, reha sttaforth li iav but aptiy c eecu -ottc positionî vticb Western Canada yodil la ta pîscel la hy a dissolution ni iba union Id And va telieve tat in ibis Mr. Put il mta spathttcopiin ai the oast masjoîi r- t>' ai the intahiitaaiorWestern Catnada i.men ata lave teir coutry tue ,ell -tii too fond amd prend a nope for ies future I Lat te viliiagto eaco h dvmrfel ta suitLe c d-. pacities or dcsigms aifte Grits; On il !e tasie of a maintenance oi the prescut unie oruntil mergcd ini a greator, vs believeaa te btter emcuts in Uppor Canads ou rit ad yul bc ralildci It veuf a canuma et- an Mont devoutly to ha vistel." We ta- cd spotien atove ai Mr. Ferry'usîdresa til le eleetora. We regret ta learuut ha ii lu tends te taire adeautage ai a tachuical d, fitiency aifteev, aIaIdhl tûe office1 Do Regitrar ai the Conuty in wicb Lue i ilY aides, eitbe samo timne vitb bis seat lu tl es- Ceuncit, huosl ha otto IL . We qui' en- cocr iltue viie tahen of thue matu, ub. ty ttc Quetcc Citroaice, vhicb sye le (Fromil-e QuoaieCliranitla.) ili- Mr. Ham Ferry vho lu about ta coate ,. the Kin,,'a Leg-ilative Councit Diviuion tc (pper Canada, appeaus tu hc determiaq t t ol ou ta bis Reagistarahip, aven in tl )ni eoentoa istieélection. We ara uorY cd learn iis-for lttou-b 1fr. Ferry ansat erces imnelfinim avor *ai maimtAiniugILt Union, bis occspaacof aescet as an eE tel ascaber aifte Ceuncil whteobhabta ta tt place of Regitrar, voudi moaIe t it v.iolation ofaegresi pinciplo, ilha A---y -eretL:_i _-etabi prt'.han pi agii av Noo Aer Cianadva semmarbe, mmal bpae a larga amunt oe roubea vut m i adeon arIa iamnt auteavlas i ai« ipdigatiohajumpingtey cocle lutmal of- ba eciîg ibnSJopini on a u petit&.dTii ebag mrigt i eas i aameqeithelu-tasnlea p.o With vat lMc. Pbaeny'îsainua tenlvra ropal vhrelnatiMrtg a sstmirbatuliero Eg. "grat constituatioal prmuscples.'.i Wbau tWy>'vuument Uta ",nitheuit Convention litan ba offic iRégiiicacT DiI Mr. ;viibthe MouraisO eforsis, taont ak Mi erry ivar amy liaita vanul rataisthtuaoa ii-osé um#itol pie1>',tbçy ka-v liai60cifurcos euanc tar bis eioiaif li. yard,amithe putar tha tlumlwila i dviSn B'tti lthk*r oes. i.pi61ofallindle. 1emdve% amih a Oth ae hicpuahofaiPaciimnmAct.? nu nmil aetti if ihs pami>'bueem imaii edthe Mr. Pu ni>, ievai>' esdaut il bri le ucoagate ourna>tbs Diviion agalaute.mmtiigmuand alamyhace, talmi itheam- <2&Mr Glt, a"m&iaisliathe m m lssu?1.Pnc a7amd ii A dsi"the so mm ,0de wqwidi holdagof bis Offic i CoeMBUiMta taW «OU tlt M» md_* *we -edd i4t, he ltfr fohe l , if slaetd, be us ge r mdw -oh u]à.-§Mail aihomit i",mimn.a.slut w TwIIy - ee- cftou .-à* ba'mvu ait ilsmeua' luis kImipes 6w~ ~~ ~i aptyaflai£00or £,400ijetar; lie aImaI iigisîr, 'and vas iliag ta taie ep bis office at any lt.er.'t Ithe face Oi ttsplain, clair and explocit declacation, vhare itho grcad for the hiroica cf ibe Gazd*teand tic Clrostlcle, and the Clear . int jounaus vbicis have a ia oupibmecy i'raa tbam about titi lodepandeace ai Par. iassent Ac? . Our ootemnporirioswva mb. mil, aorguaetapon fale premisa. TLey ire beÎfflg tisa -question. They are vriting in ignorance ai Mr. Parry'ns intentions.- la ail fimas tbey albpld have infore tisesselves ai Mr. Perry's viav ai ibemamt- ter. privions ta proaouaclng their canues, and Bat tales tIse'itteainte ai Clair Onrt journals fôr tisir sole taxi. Tha ealacrily tqo, dispaycl libis instance, in deicace ai kubIic virtua is soasubai, remenlablaon the part ai writers whvba hva upbcld tiseIldos- hIc abidfia," aid aiber acte oai hua praîcut Admsinistration, strengly condcaned by Mi Ferry ai the time. Tharo muetiha otiser grooesai objection te Mr. Ferry, and otb er motives ai vork bahinî tba-->fiimoy ex- cusa of the Regastrrbip put forward. Fer. heps Mc. Ferry is a littie tas lnîcpcndeat ta suit thc aut-sol-out supportera ai ttc preseat Almititration ? Vcry likely ibat bis political platioros, viewcî frova a Lawcr Casad.àn palet of view, (and witb Mininsteri- ai spectacles) witb its plants for restrainte an the cxpenîitueaoaittc public mone>', Ratrencbmcnt, Homcstead and Bankrelpt ilas, al repreocatation by population, &c.> sey, not lhe quite acceptable ta the tastes ai bis fault-fluders. Indead apon this baud -wrarecvery reforas ndvocated by Mr. Pcrry, moete vith a beari>' respouso la Up-o per CanaI-île'anly item ai bis political1 3cracî vticb ppcirs ta bo appravcd ofy àite Lover Canada papcra, wbich assume that taie ii cataies the Rcgistrarsbip, is ibat of tbe Calas, of whiob thc Gazellesanys. 1 9But asioe.froa ttese defects, (the ot ser plns,) te geiuerai onomf Mr. Peu' r roo adsslcosne e shicit is deserting of ilAigh praise. Ht gives forth no uncer- l ain s ouai as the great question of the Lduy, te amaciuteance of the eristing uni- i- on ,uffl ssrgtd in a Federal Union of î- aI lte Provinces, and hla selnforlh in few ibut apily chasniwuorde tht position whidt. kWestern Caada woutd be placed i n loy a ýr dissolOiutn fflie union. Andtu oe belieo-t i- 1ha1 in titis Mr. Perry muentnpeal lte * opinion of te oast sscjorily ofý the inhta- ebitants of Western Canada, aiea who loe if Iheir couettry laoatU-itace toc fond and * praud a hope for its future lo be uillig i Ia se il dssrfcd la suit thc capacilies or desint sof te Grils. On titis basin oj a iieintesuance of te prescrit union osslil i- wergcd in a greaier, sec bloe,,e <oIlite ebeter eteente n u pper Canada can th and seul bc ralliLd." r1 Our cateunpararie musttont assume Ibat r-Mr. Ferry in te epanent af the opinios aioftIse Ministerial party; or that ttc con- s rentian irons ,vth ie Lercccived tte assi- on nation for Kiog's Division, vas s Miaister- e ial covention. lu dc in., sa, tcy are quite l1 m istake . 1M r. P orc>'c cr es fo u ard as a id candidate for the Legilative Council ought il. ta do -quite independent, and no party- A mana. Theoconvetntion vus notoe aitht id )Iioisterial party-maoy ai ttceajembers *bcupets l eing îtrong oppanentâ of n. the Admniiistratio. hwua aconvetiio y ai tle Reformera mand Conercntive hold- r-ing moderato and litcral vieva, and loyal1>' 'i unitcd for the purposai maintaiaing the te cxiattg union o fthProvinces, as againot a. tbo ultra Radicale,, Gits, Chartiste, mmd Au- de naxationisîs, wvba uccitotadissolve the Uîn- On ion, and dismember ihs Froviace. Fer. il1 tape aur friends ara breetiug ttc groaod ,. for thir asialtarial candidate ? If sol vo ,ro vish thora Incki10the Division. he ---- - in. Tua EXCURcSIO otvaNiÂoÂIi ONc BOARD ke Tise "MAcLe Lotir" vas a vcry happy afl Oi fair, slthongb ibe vcatber hid prove saee 1e bsht unpropitious. There yoena neari> te sevecutundrcd persona on board, and ron ter cnoon-îs fur tem. EvîrycueBasw Blondin - craiiig I.te cape, snd eo-ryono mmv iLe Filla, botb as great turiosities iii nature est sud art as ose coul1 deoiro to ece. Ecery inS one appcered ta conjoy the trip, aud if co-ery cd ane did nt do aol it vas natodys iat.- tae Iu a yard te tripvas cteap ad pîasant, mn-adieesars. Christie & S-quair proveî thei lie acllvqs in cvcry respect, vorthy ai tieoen- et- couragement tbey eceival. Nathing could I l18 s u r p a s e t h i d a s a n do l c b o li y a i C a p I. Where Au >Mr. Rteeman9s Alîces Until ve got Mns'Rceso's paiticai oppm- iaons in bluet and vhite, over bis ava eig. nature, iis reali>' lifficuli to ay>'wbera va saal flud tbm. At île titi>' tva paLlie meetiogevisici te bs aatteadd, a-a find hlm, ai Ooaalanfavoofa a dissolution, [lective.gocera<sns, ad anelective axecu- to-e; adin Searboco' proiessing Lias- slinl ivoar oaIl snaoejoint authorit>," a Felieraiout, or vbutever te people approv. aI ai. Loitasthae tIse adîras ? WyilIsIi lirepresentntion. Wiifinllyald parsistenil>' tic Globe con- tinoues taceeat tue snof iMlc.Perr>"sà haing a Siocit-hoider in tLe Whitloy Moud ail ifacton Coapan>'. NemI>' turee yeuni ago Mr. Fer>' Îecse ta ha a tacit-bolleur la the Compai>. This LeoLas piblicl>' auteà l area'oeutsevera accaios t aid @,ho axplained ibat bis ole cancclion vit the Campa>'yh intot k.ot . iintrust ai assani aio Stock pmurbaSc fan $M5, ai Sbarifl'isi. Wththbai lacfoo ibis relatives holding stock la the Comany'te da viii tue lectitus fac Kn.-Diviion T Boy 10o1 g vil dotPbGlobeeattinza taopar- sie a sriraesiatiismatir?7No me uhlùit-i'tribbile tsi: puy *tteu tia e oliaratlujet The rsmaingsuguoeudveuk nie sutIis &" mga âs b m ~uadopbd Mr pt Eir eii m Uay* Mibaf* e Patineof wam.- 5.Sm M-ie dmtwg I- s." Albert!lta', s part ,c-nlorrwt 'Tis nallosohi tiltyiýlle. Ai t it surd mIl t. otiT Itili roaliluhc, neti lciuhals TWit temr, tluc' noenisî oscer, Tlu' ulureatllcltàiIu a' uieeur>,~ Frouu mtt' tat -o lae' Dacga oterf lal dootoir monasry er dui Frotn't bndeu, r çl¶ îe tn PremIer iuffciiîg nouea ms gice Nveic-uovor-.îe it brakci,. Cbveriahb h alisi thon Ie cklVO 'TIS the tllsqte, rose auudSllâhtllî ).et1 tleiuuaiiaddid lia, 1o "Te ls oIde in snai s>' l-Y k laiet tLmutis hâi1carrytIe. B3y Telegraph. Arriai fthetPrmi St. Johe's, N. F., lîrd, 4 30 p.-on. Tva largesîtemers are ia sigbt ravili in, undotsbttdly tLe i'Haro' sud& AriiidluO' vithth taPrince ai Wales. Latet R ewusoy TeleirliPb. 13y ttc tcamabip Jura fr00 biverpeals wtieb arrive1 at Nov York ai tLe 23rd, va baie Falecns-adavices te th; 3rd sol., vbicb tite thitGaribali b ad bell -a M v:ew ai ,000 volunteara. An inpecter ai police hal bain aurden- ed near Fulermo. Garitaldi tidIissueda decres tbreatemiag vitîs tunkInuaet and cva deatta wh a ever abouiis e asguiust ttc fermer police, amd sîstie tàat Bspeciaal caitlmiosioIsu bleau sppointed:o dintover tose iulactianaiâvbo a b p?cessacltise people. Ttc Ncspoiiaiiexiles ins'asie vce. eaIly ail retorniflg ta Naples- Ttc effective force ai tLe Papi1 amy 'h 19,000 aiea. Tva Frenchband tva 'n!ihessotîs ai van are orecred te Bryrout. Nupoleauî h nuaid to bave cithrisel the formastionai a Nationa esl 18' ociation, lite ibsai fEougIuul, tte bcuden thcdirca- tien of jules Genscl, tLe fumonsss to iller. Poulis, Jnly il.-The communIera ai French menai-vear ta Sycia araenrle1 10t atstsa i rmietsuiitcrvenlise, andcocnfilue thîcoscîvea lu itue preoeroatiuis of ttc Frenuch Consul, aod aller reugi te ail Chrintians. Tte officiai journal cr Sicil>' publisteà tLe proclamation of îLe Kisg, ifraning constitutionu for Naples) buît preceles ilt>'y s leulimg selticie, udisiîîg hilm .a raenm- han tie poijicy of bis predecesýsrs, vill mso ivore 10 garera casiutisislly. The Empaer Napoicon gavu un audi- encec oanfSuaayto CounsiDe Vascatue, opcul ianl)asssdoc irom.GsritsIi-i A despat-lirmasRome, of ale Tt in- islit, onys tia Ilâi olu onnicers ira foc Spola- tiior. A corps of 10,00 s ta le eoucee- trated Lefure ttc fortrans. St. Jtrs N. F., July 22-"he steam- sLip North Briben, rin Lýireroul 1lt, 1via citw ait uîîuî, au tiedliut St.. Johns rai 5 p. iii. t-a-li'y, ndsailel ni 1)lfor Que- meecltuat tGriali toi determiiied ta tesiege lieaâina. Tha Noaprlitus Gamera oresale ed tea ffr tLe Sicilis thcorntiution of 1812. Arnlvîialte Prince oi ISle,. 7h tA. E4Uor cf îii~~. coincera ibm han avar fait lut titis Interese. ing portion of ber domnu. 1 abal con. "ey baeilivelY rtceciO5S Of tiis dity prolecdingsiand ai your kindnusata myseli peiaaaly, bahbvi a-R' aithoe sbcBrtY demonuieneatat f petriatiata, wbicispreve9 joué dèep raated attaet to athe great1 anud fraeciksl ofaiwbich we ailH giory toa bc calied ber im." The Prince plusses the populace immea- euly by. hs adaotae eatemssiicand Émld geuntMly beaîring. Re drives ont to-day. Thre will heaSanine. party t tha(la.i ernmoat Houa tis veniag and a bail et1 10 'cloclr. The firavorklult aight vira a poar aliair. ,To-day in a beaatinut clear dal for the regatta. Tarrents oi rais fel! laut .sight anod ii morniwg. The scarborut' Meeting. Somehbody ïmoot have beau hoaxing îthe Gl*ob-aoat the Scarbora' meeting.- That veracious piper sates tiat M.r. Perry vis ttdcieaiad hy an overwheliang majori- ty Il oa tho vote laken 1 Tbit "ionly acea votes for 1Fr. Ferry could ha ssustcred 1" la ibis another Recoor Dodgo ? Tbo Globe ehould have hctter assurnces oi crcdibility for is publishcd staturmeats. We happeried ta ha preseni at tbe Scarbora meeting, and vu tan assure the Globe, tisatitis informa- lion in altogether incorrect, as will bc san from aur o*o report. Mr. Perry had the majority, and ltrgely, notwittstanding thut Mr. Reesor bail drumid up aýU bis iriena in the neighborood wbich hac ould mus. ter, asd brougisi nssny otiiers irons Mark. tam, in ordar ta oui-vote Mir. Ferry, at a meeting couvaned ia thai part ai the Tovn- ship of Scarboro, wbaro Mlr. Reesor belicv-- d imsctuta ha Strongly spported. lr. Iteesor iailcdl utterly and conspletely, and whenîthe nays werc cal led for, os the vote* in fao-or ai Mr. Ferry, wa certainly countcd but eight bauds hald np, and vo vore as witchlnl as could be oi thea umbner. Là .order ta disposa of tbe Globe sertion, it wiii ha enly nccsury ta mention that the Secordi, Mitcbells, Rolphs, Ilelliwells Milues, Do-cens, Jobustans, Cbeiters, Wbcclers, Mairs, sudteir fricudu, ail sup- portera ai Mr. Ferry, weeapresent il anm- bers. Would teir -vota caunt only seo-cii -MEL.aocuoi.y Dear.-Of violent diu teraper, aftar forly-nina yacks of terrible 1atraggling, darnsg ebicb pcriod the poor creatureaumntied conitiiualIy iroins volant conu-utions, the Wbithy lWalchmia.- Prian's PUIlS, iî is Maid, were takaen ib tan Llarge doses ta, operate plcassntly, a nd the imsmcdiate cause oi deaîb is ascribcd la 1his amiuufsl hant yet quita gieco p te gtont, but conli,.uoC ta linger an in feanin ag-on>'. tis to'cn bas bs.,dd us a ostople of ncw Fait wbeat, brougbl by bita froin the townî- ship ai Brook, and cut on te 23d ins. The grain ià plump ad homo7 ad as fine a samplq as cyu could tok o. h o-as ,,rown nca. Valleatynes corners. NMr. AýLCW reparti that the Conaiy orth s fll of splendid wbent equally good in qualiuy. The weevil has out donc a great deal of heraéthiis locality or len the uortbcrn part at the County ibis ycar. 7b thte Edîtor of Me C/tranide. Dràa Sua la order ta couvince yen af the mrtbs ibtat ara being publised with uegaid ta Mr. Pcrry's meetings, uow haiag be.ld th.-,uz.bnit. the Division, I will sjînplo- GREAT ENTBUSASM AIuI9NG TRE t h.av haiaipois i naIlt PEOLE. aiaireprascntitioms, tbat i, Lis meetinug n icte ing aitute village ai Brugbam, i - t - lii> TcIre~tul teotitir teing atîl>' iid>'presetît as Sir. J ou ,çs, f 24.u as r pr sente . 1I am ai p repaeral ta ga s>' ( Ja2e4.lJa> that tuere vera no lesthu siet>', teiug a. a Ttc Prince vas taeilaud ut I o'loct, ibe meeting myseli, ald baoing coentel tut tbe iasding vus posîpoîtelo-h moon on the nuaster prisant j ant i vtb regard ta uccouit of ibe.veatter. - M . Ferr>' *o h ing u el a ," h vonl s in- - C A i lions la-la>', tc F nc, a ndI uie PI>' S a, ib i a z s e wvb a a fit ta m ak e a lsL iicl m n tt e lie r oa, tteler i R oy al s -a . t a a sse rti n m uât h av e lo ote l îb no u g b i lte irons ttc citali <ie Aninie sud Itie iha ey es ai a u ged up cota nit>'. AmI to-yiîug Fist, te yrdj of vticl ocreran- mcv vitu reference ta the vate la support sel, nu aiso tbosc oÈhettc -cors u of Mn. Ferlry, 1 vilI ay> that it wes umcmi- steamer Ja'sainci. mensa ithtae exception oa i focon six, no o I'b Leorernor, Alexainderlasoerman, ameulcocut aas maved mt aIl. You wyul, mt bis Roeyal igiss on tie Qucca'u pcnb.ipes iik tbat thbaotteAr va>'tatirent Wharf, ndl couucied tiu t ara rmage, sncb itashirib >'pying o tced vtut- th euce throu .- tino p hiai rttre tae tise even ta e i . B ut S ic, it i n b ird t e cam ai n Goverement boise. sln -e isr his ara cogu Ttc procession canoinlel cf LeIlso lentoîet sumi i>', meueantenbu yo o dy' ; he St. Audr e,, 's, S e0a, t t u e ais n i tc i 'u iia llilh M rlm î, Cooptres tip rauce, I ramain yo-ara, &C -9 estive sn IitihSocitticu, sol tc Phanix AN EYB WITNESS. V olonteer Fira Co pn u y ja g ourd i oh- - er of te IRyal Newv Ireundant corp, ald7b hett dolr f te Chrcnide. tise i t t, , o n t isird a nd f r t V l a n Icer Rifle cars. Duii.a Sua. A t ana o'eioc t e P rince eId a iov ee W îîî you ins ert ibesa (e w linen, ad tîe Gverom hsen lusaî iic v oblige a uigibaor? At tIese ame tiae îL e a nr limese ncour la donet parsuile yaunieli tisai aca Tbcurssaeteuiasonleron i oproyonc ihiclc.md.ttia Euupprters, iltbough -1I ist ra cl rau etita iss piauisd. m u et c ues % tIsai y u x pap ir là catdu ced i W edmruluy c regatta iii couse oa. Th , in a macin m are hoan oab e aid mauti> man 1 Pri ce dien oui, raceiv eas ideymn, toi.. cen, tIssa t hise an e ismue i nla tAis lava b>' à a d vili emba-h Thar au>' vein;. W am e nd Dl tn . N1 e , Sic, h a m 1 T a ilua holiday in Ne . Foandiail, prend ta amy ibat 1 al ay s telongil te thec Ua s s are clomol, Imisa in- t-John and Refonu ,part>', ad ta uam i ailent hli a i thse surreuriing viage, ttc itatensafainluthe doctrines of Gorge Brava; but tu a-hein ici searl>' ail b r e Fa. , -i e re have it iid t hIsai I ic o g t a a Par ty' re -n flyimg firmes cvery bouse amol il>' hippirtg is ented by nodiaripauea eheit ai tbm ail dicorate. Whi .tuy Waîcimm, i, apeaiting cantl>, Th e here taaiag lu p " el ditactl>' mo rettan 1 cao tomais. A ndI ifM r. fiee- avec M erlin rock lut hI n ett tu c t i . soc a ndut is m pp ater ( Ad f1v it. n ) ,do tongh h vas ina- vaton. The rock bas utiilii ie atDm 4 ta t tee bîsie b> îl Teeg'hutCampai>' tbm polling comaes off thonIam vrOng. rfisc years aga. TIs e vaihe . u i laul' To Lava suit i rS tera as W llm e ad mol hcetanig. ii asa iae l DoSroan cacmete itithpis~ e laeelgl,1 a'ciok. dan > i pria-t1 UbiPrice olace eu hî,ehaitibsauppot. 0f courgse sai mte latter p. v-, in plais dattes. Tui, ssê,>em forn ms, M si> 0. limppc st5Michange sile ai six o'elocit TIsara>'ieig licmnhlu5y~i a i St.JonNe, Jly25 ,Itig ai titis c"a.t bâoami>, vibce fit JoaNt~, Jl> 25 -stooping t tan lin>' vitras or draggig Y estecly ald esta varv prsantel ta i n >'ay ilia. L et ma ta ke ti me n on t l e P rin c % e, t v ic b b ire arp icu a s f il o v i: iit r a u it oi s a O n h e M i c f I iaceei' taanit orfise-u dnuieie leirpalîtîcai0isinios. Iis5ti ib prasaintal Ita mu s am d f ir th, i. .",s> vaie va> te .. N o p ap rb ut tit a flth t a m e « c a m e i ire m d i r a i i t n y onn> 'M d s n e a t uea - b a t t h e am a ns v i t e ac O iet i h ~ h a e s o f th ia t h iÎt u t r W nWca t p o é , o m l i d el m e s s i t0 u a l v n r - viMnt ait "una ragasieof aiyc.c »Wjurai.t is bm* thibmhatr f i ou 1 1 lo i î f 1i a i 1h* g e au , i a m 0 .n a t la. a il a v la il e tà . 1 f or m a c a llie t i i> ' k v a t q ffl t i i v i l M u t c a sse n t t e h o i1h. ah io u le ' ge the deva "s. csa rswm id p ai a. W lam amid 1 s e '? U teai d l ta> %utah -di >' -viuu l thne - , M- m"is de' ih>' ueeealdb ber a e. t1 am uamd cth q t - Tinte PL vi lit 111 ly je Pl ai tdc 01 Pl ci ým T- puLlie. meeting ni ttc rlectoa ofni Km-'i visions ovas ell utiioudl lI. The narge Rail vais seli filildvil electoa ot Il Blinudes of pahiticn. R. MaL, E&q., pu. sidel, simd introîsel li. Ferry is s forci hle n1'eet reisîceeit soand tdo-icc tn île Ms i. t5Eaaiu incomm; ngforvard ens limd y ciuccred. tHc dieammel the vacieus st. jcii coasied in bis 1,iatîiacn euhon hrcot miiî>-, pacticulai>' te gent qua., lionao asDissolution cofitoeCUnion; te- paîtd iii s eststecl>' msuiur thc oph'is anI impractinatiit>'o ainlt aulthoîit" ao cure tlue avim compiainel of i hetc ieult of tlîe Union. Dissoluion ai ttc Untit; pure unI simple, vas bald up lenthe tn coalora snl shacn ta te impolitit ald1cr g ereun,, ald thea pnomatn'S OaiBuckhnetisn anwonit>' ai suppant. The %reanmud Iy retnordy frcany 'injustice va migtremism lroua Laver Canadm v e, ho nid, Repus seatiou t>'Population, i questuin t4> doncI ty thé Onite fur tLe mytt i'Joint»a thoril>'." Ha coacindal a vecy ablc spunl ofan Loir amdal afb y iavitiuig asYeO- tac ta ast au>' question tue>'choose. '01r îomae tva or tbrae quastions htil tet sIi and ausvenedatisiactoril>'. Cal. luOrasoe seicoldel 17 N. Arnold, Esq.,-uiTbat ibis atliq corlisîl>' audorse thepolitical progruiui ns cutunciated ty Mr. Ferry, ad pbadi itehi huuliridunsly ad aletivmly tu P*. mole bis élecion taete Légilative CuIa cli." fia greai vas îLe nmshr cifbiaIds hWl sp in faour oi the motion tat tise ctsir man pranaunuel cannaIe. Amas Waeon, , Eq., M. P. P., for bd~ Yort, baveven taok exception ta thaed6e Siom, sol requestel tIsai tLe nayastoniôud i taten, vtich vas douie, mlandOIi> li votel ay, iree ai vtom vers elel ai the (Prit Camctiiee; praviuig te ad5 manniatian that Dissolut.ion voe' i thl Youung at-cet aitai>'rata. MR osa.ratY u-A aiK~O~ao (Freas the Lecher.) Mn. Ferry evidatl>' daes aot iteilt lai the gerau grsvunIon bia feat. Witl tLe past tan dayn ha tas hd alle sImell meetings l aons Sparts ai tIe dls~it mli ai ebics bas leeW. aa &bltebkis as coutl hoa esirel,3 indeel tis tavouî fanr bai een agia 9USccam. onFOl'> aveniîtg t are ilnc ailm roe e a1 la Burvick, Veeiglai-*an croulaI i' vas it tIsai may cool1 mait mater aist $»- Dr. Willimna presill. Ws e a5abd & tIsai Mn. Pcrry'a spechb vas&a nuiitel aia"Ment, aM ail vba berbisa ailse tIsai an tue gput quesieatiinOfteiob@' tats tigL »d seaneinlOigraiim appus ata the .11ar heMIS aUclIl l heurts oai b uduience mas! bis pIC5ewS gentimmal>' bes-l; teovarl ta. di&fr frein imSia acarea bisami, He ildncasal mafor as hauts ida i& imecuaptal onlj b>' plindi01 aiufeue~ Disiaitin ois Uic e pi on the joints aibocli 0111010O5 b v er an oth aboya ta oamet ail1Y ieui tut langiroUs. Tieatier* or eplatiocit von traaaidlaasid .' ar uM1ait the coacloilea -ofhWq iinitmtat e y be 91 t Ibis cailsi apamhsi soitholu asuh*.a - b m Dc Wlhy, 26th tLI" ofteproceedinge ced documslen,sls Cd *withte -approeohing elcctîa, for Division, Ij cii bt faI a îi~tr11 Kt Mamy gi the scomaustae R UK~d *For instavn, euh reupect ta the positi on ai tha M arkbeo an ca "n Cr fiud that Parirt ws v aldlbe,,u sip consultedl,and vira irritaI ta -le in les formation uPhste es. tereat iu the îmuater, are novtheUic ty f4 fnie, their. formser, apatty -apposas th bava giveu way ta a violent fclin, oî,e Ian diacontînt ad arcnv.mideî tj, tionu. Idippaiatcd wiîh thec00a. tbey. have thiselcas laeblesse. , Again, wa find'that the-,Grit prsu Mr. Pccry's opposaent etaibis 113.n,, prove of bis Politien, patiorus, andgof Reforma 1a advocates, but inoinate tt hls - 4 u ê1ty caunaibhareliel oapins.W on the atber baud, va fiaI o i ad Iobrle ini Toronto snd seina otît.etra.cie tiva uevspapers, objactieg ta bishiui as hein- ioa radical,, unI oppoing )b Ferry bocauso tboy sec that lbe h sli' carnest, snd tbey k,îaw ibat ho h lau caergy anul Itermiuatios ta mdvcate4,îet wvith zeal and ability. Isoxe, jr Chranicle Yours lruly, Mr. iiu Perry nla nlet. WtTiiOUT IiESINtSU liho noeM tFrooî thîe Qîcohvc lorcccîondenceof the ILn lion petator.> Ini the firat place, then, thoae is ail the Statute conearning tbe lîdepaîdet, of Farliament vliiab praccots aistiî, running. lIbtheuecond, e tiegiota tau îsroperly spcaking a masewli ord, nîl i«c' - ce ai profit or ensolumot from the croite. A Minitar causnt naimak-e a Regatrar.. Tte Goveremaint douanet fix bshi,7 and lbas uotit. te do iib psyiug hica.. Thc people doiug business vit in niake, up bis jacasse. 1 remember, toc. à 057 încînory is correct, tis: the Grasd ju- ry ai ilie Ccuuty iu wbich hae lires hnu Il, pbwer ai securitsg bis lismisoîl epea îh, former represaustation o astbs hdisci,. dit. 'Cannot s Wardeu tua for Paliaunctl fs s Mnyor disquslified ? Mesr. Rotin, Clarke, Aikotis, Wilson, sud a huor el a. er moruters viti anoe tioee3oslies tric tiagativo. le abat, 1 woonld thon ah ion a Rgiotrur different troas a Wacdo? Ir 1 wei-o Mr. Hars Ferry, I ceclainly nouhr net resi6i,aveu îlion-iglie i~claeur isSu aaiiot latu hy hie encunies an the usortocil lus hein- aso-eihicd ilufice tole"othil rdauîagc theebran mes ai hiselectios. Ih aiht tperhapo tic wt-ll for bins to mcci this cli- mac hy 1rotoNsiri, ta cei,'n, if clecîciet l thîou'h t reèaly duli'tase trio eu otceeu for iliat. 0 MR. PERRY'S CANVAS. OiICAT natTIsi; sA-T RIUMoND hin. coMFIrTrUI-ZEOr TSIICCAO CRITs.

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