Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1860, p. 3

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-[r.7nery and tihe COtaiit. j~b the flýdifor o te Lcelier. n- scrotariy for the Western hut' iug ])!isiocn, 1 heple you wiii cloir CI 51ntp inic yoeei jefplie te) cor- r ive ta tie Conenttin of tie Moderate n eî t MnrtýlklenC vitliaigO on tie ni. inceI net Say tient T, incoi noe Lt th Mri. Citale'ai staitecet slip- Iris mueni e ( pic n t reachtingý lie tl e Iniltctd to, ns froue Mir. leerryis euc-. Il ccceenccii ire cnterttin neo dociet ef 7 ucccoî. 1 r e ient error of tie Coltauioi i ini Stet- it &,the CIonention iras ont fitiriy tiecnee tteit nvrrci of tie Dote- IY Or mmm iisen sateiy iee connequeunco f la ,Ietiç~o~ in Mr. Ganetae." This wj truc fer, cithebulgi prerioun ta tie ta nation a tîcecoiegi supporter of ",%r. te lie iiy tient any dete-ete iras ta e0 pliled ta sepiortý ciltlier Mr. Gaie- ti r Mr. Perry.- tee tii asertion I ùus S orteil tey eRo. Mr. Narie, of Scarieoro' etîtril pîbiniy, tient aitieouigh ti de- mie lobi iced'r. Gene- tri asmcr c a o) lî tie hast nc'au, yct icOt a Wrint ia rteclatie ta 1r0e0ei tieny %vntit suîpport, il! Mcr. 'tYnin, Of Ette'coie, distiieetty In il tient u ncd tt hibotieni deegnte à.e tuerae unpindgcd, andi tient if Mr. l5nr- et hîîicled tie noinaiicition, lie %vouie. woiti ~i rd fer icini as for Mr. Ucieebt. And ia .PcrollrLlly -cetîe)inil tie rertilege tee )m tergne aind 1cigcic cccii tenthfcctty as- or imet c10 1ledgee iVas cseented frocn tico 19 sien of thtiaol Townceips, andcc ice Pic- r&. Mr. Copccali etecteet nt tico Coierece- in.- test te teaid coulse t0 tient Coccrecntioce mil n detercceticitin ta supîport Mr. Gin- te lct thialt lifter liecriceg tie speecthes of GancIble aicd Mr. Perry, lie hcld a!ccd ieed aint rotcd for Mr. Perry. Coli v i co tisi Oint tice Picleerieeg etine ires 'lot piodgrei ta Suppoert r of tien detegîlces aned ici Witîiy ee4 eîtctp tino of tie deiegotcn enpported gi. Cacecleinl. Stîoecg cvictece tteis ticat ce. iey ris ecit ticked. Relative ta tice te aol Oncetsheawa, 1 Nilit oniy sny tteey ex- tirce1 hie tierce, cend tie oeey irregutar- il 'oai thut tie Cornieittre of ticosn dote- tlt dit nt niet titi lifter tie tiaeo ccp- op ted, ivteici fact ions eot ceneîd net tie h I eeg.]lot if Mr. Gîmbin or his fiiecetls fie1 a:ie et it tey ehoutd hcare nentent il ltai tie tillle it ta disteoceoraiete ta do il tht cet tbc Csiaciet crosipiiiice ticct no iota hil teccec eiosyrd tee place ef tue nie the ci freicn Etobiccie, Tie cenocn %liy, i of trc ions no Oece pcromiet froca Eto. e teltlil thtirrplaces. il cm-s ituecd eus1d to ftt tueieupteesi y gneiLCenu Vantmn, but tiias n'lot ciinmnrd, csjtiy, lat i asseet me-toticcatIr of eali cismu ti tuent eueay leeneiiiaeeue t trois colo they ceNvolave iueroh-ceuiies it s dlengten. Auatieoî greeccu of [suiit iy thenColnuio! te metiuet a m-n ywmhintu ennurred in îtue Mesîklimnue l- tin8acca tnei feiop Lifter tienCani- iose mera on tien dey oui mehidli it as- cid ' L'ut tien camnniet ta ignorant of ritilly igcoese theeftat tuaI clenetien sonsccic et ocîtda nioUcuieneiMtit Cc ir uueieae, cees etieaid te tlt Iy %"sc-n;Iley tuaI eiit ancor fricuecuy jwle iivates iucg asent, miicbtulet duly uiec t ethee Coceelioc iucul if jevîemg Lt ltobjicotan tead taenutheo rjjý sti oci dillicutty wmnleenc r ouete aLicli, me0Cth tue excise gicecei y 0Ileuieiui11 ntien gisîuici ot ucfair iminnt il, os l[vnenncoîus i thenextîene. le e timlditateil ui te isCrlsuil ouen,, mcorieutieteb etit (if ht is ile. iiith li c lcolMH. îeîry 1ieem ct- if llierct reetiîtî etees silicn theo'cea ii ju) demi c ie l lait previneisiy. Nieci te thiy iaI Mr. 'tceryo meuI(Cîsi. ruj)ljeeeteofie ru us spenecth efore the wlhmi chitaIs e ite iiituethe Lcina ic nfo e ietgate ceeuen Bay that lCe )(,ccn oiî thîrn ta not a mesere adt- el icte mePeîry centIes but meut irai cated inte itspeieocheiefnro tha Conmoe- inincrfore I Bay tIet tienexcusei l fer- tien Clauit for lite IMention race scveeuulire ce curd te tue extrenie. ieuiloii, hM. Eîiîoî, I crul juat elI -u faic cs t1iuitoniuwae, cea unue ltietu- ivcý en tarî bpick tueL'onvmetion u bc- Mn. Ceceelen moo resect t tit Con- onecuet if tnlisentall uy nomîsltiseto le(us ccatut imnIde tiers thercebut actïiýaï uset afac s tue Conventione un rnerutherînoueoin(je i mictovrifor ecteiti'sinumurisi, as 1 cae epenl po y iite regardntto tienwmetern ticeitof Diinoc, oued ncy tiet thse Inegaten ciejeeicao fiity as possible, aldneo c meliairn ias eeactel by thenu, an 0 fLindeirgnîns crotc ta Mur. Cin]ue novice4 liaiof tie nausntionande voiied ganaeMin, tien Conenutione ulmhtinest bche Cent eonie for Indeen I anue srprison ttient tien Colo sct tir. G(icchin sCouintbciso footiele pumsile ete oicidci course tieny haee 1 thiciuî it voîy Iisteouoînhtc, for (11Y ue0 onenction wmciiihveiscn ee etnt lCnet mn huen ciearoet t1,1o03 tot tue nomination mouin hacve taklc hoorabe ateccourse. reie njors, Mot rimpnetfulnet IL. EDW)iîiDS, -tuaiy taelien Moderate Party foithue Westnrn iecef o! licg Dirisionu. usaI( i it iti Jey ite, lotis. Ici îsausseTu s Asmiscenu- HRngKoeg udates c am i uoe 'ti. Ex- uotcet Aduenetiser, afier rcpiyiug Gleueu ruscs-pt eilPag tîat change mas et 1684. lencut thet in Gou'nPayst iucv oHstitities ueeabout te o numncee. atli eni hte, Gao ernler cuy etii wlams reporten th tiec12,000 Rttan sol-se M'y aivne for ue G. 'I. t a-uoItm roen nteglePceia, bt lien ucoterforte .Riiiray, i te tatmnuet acîcî conirmasction. 'fklitd h e plisi9a t faPurenNAs-LES. soea(iiernmtteieiealoo, aed Cas not Tien Neapotitaci Miuitry huntai ilcamen umale sieudai of aunudetile, Pro- tieir reigutiou , thee fiigtr in- taienu ieucunvin cacii of tien jauroati ened deciaime scaserea ta secam Cthu adieenee wCr ithirtrnetirse quetians et a!lies roupaCtee Cacatitetion. inuret te themneimna ainthten peope TCe Scapaliten governmont hal aiOel iltie. 'ieny aieIheunsl e ia-tien rmovei o! ilen Royal gourd, tien absti- hIi (o-gR ome durisg thes hut tnof tien piuihnenct of tien eatinsibo, i0u Pertieame1et idaeLea= O! Dos fsereOdm',,G A tueMse.AdsAC.seCiad tienauppienamcfss-ttegoe Iti siprla te Cpo o .,o fras e LeoNsJsiy Ttt.-Vie tetegnepiefsos m uol ta te Mooitionaifocean uî 1syaGas-ialdi acesosoew bis atten- Suibidy h ot la ca ies of anaexiag Scily ta tien Kiglas o! Os1iît omay Sceood,-aViethcr Saruiii. inee hsaatiute<itossy barams coxEsMftI. INqTELLuOENdE. lenrct oppostionemea Dnt caimnî ldoms hr a ennoipoeeti h hcame & a hane?1 - Amd tbrdy- Ter a esn npoeoa ete hic tien saul George Brown, M. P. P. fanîn, miiicie cioncul Yeteîdcy at 93 a 94 ~ lensitoandcaIprepietor cf the eGltinle ienstaoont maret hel eeemuel tas- a letar te Allants Ca.-tas- theesintuony ia moderato. 0e the Paris bourse et Le000; aod Cas nlt gieno a sait- theenmtes cioseel ynstemlay mat 25. le iecnie the s autueV"Tien Ad«ren a tien Lononccocn are-etcItere mus dàe *,e We tiust test va have pt sn adrasce aifi2s. one at yeterday. 'tînoîtous as cxpiciiy us then previ Litroo, lti.-BnsAsiseTrs.-Te COmir, thet va hava mane e thene60 vscaher biaîleee fasozabtiafor thee es-ps. tu thes oecpehpaxinahat thee-o iti i"TT B Y tzflUOai sO ALV£ Y. dimiet7 l iln rstanding test tieey GALWAY, Jaiy 4dm, a poitivuese-aguetfgucÈs cermap- ID thee He of aCommoos LoerdPuisses-', sas~0 tranacIio, off wihi1itienMustanuee<d liait tisa Govus-asset hucai lltit& flevngcloneolanvupausie asopteni tin s-port of telias sioer ~~ ~ yards adiPot defencesu1 fr wviica£9,z ~~~ ~010SI alaretsgmutoisa saisel sy amicel il Pictuion& ant M. Mdii., tiesa tas-miub ta in yeuse- VLe tlt "tan, received and e5i5UtfOatbmudb i s sali 43a e s- fr hedeen r duScess- the cossUS 5ere viie lthe Prneoor wiVes. 15S ArRIVAiL A", rCÙ1'TION AT HIALIFA (iepîreel far tle New Vinenii.) hTAi,.nVX, Jaiy 30; 1840. Tite encing et nigiet o'ciock 1 unt uîîua tie in te steamer Neptuiee taO ceet Ilce Rocyal equndron, coneisting ofthe rrera, clricdce, andentFlying Fies, mmmcii e' uron etnmiug ep t ien I itnce. Tien ire ncannnibronit of tie iico, Iunir n0 Prine teplin tntme on tie'quarter lo. Wn cleceîd, andl ho rainen his cap iii ieqwcet ii reepoccon. Ailthte batteries 'rdi eue0Royal roiecte of trecty on gnn i tie reniele paseil,.nen mmm e afired -oie unrieendcimarchant omS, nl of 'bie mere dreised IrVitta Sage. As tue uquadron iepproaibed the fsilgctn Née, eite meuned ber yardsi, eand tie crew, en tienir wite jankots ccd trowscr,ý, ciceereet rocifecioneiy. A nigiity cienrees of m'oicen roie niea frais tiestaneding maisie i' peo. te liiethenator eaide, and gront mmi tie nriiig of bnte. IJnferteeccfeiy, theue mnter wmmm nay, witie criznticîg iicnieri et tuteri-cie, but net ceiliiictiy to epeiltiegenerni affect of tie orie, wiietnasmneone of extremne hnccty. On lie uctis of tie citydet mm uacnetie cd cents of tua iîefnntry, cnd cli tie mey towe ta tie boy tie roofs of tie'ieoues wre covrrd iritie epectetere, and aoir tie cilds of tienne, tîousiocds ofimnners tenue tccip andcltiftcse froue their statfs- At ton a'cieritie eqeedron aeoiorod opposite tie rot;icyccrd. Tie Prince teSt theer incteenue of tue bisîsandci etacfei mintîceseieboeareecooci inedet ittie leckynîn eîcid tie tieneder of îoiueo from e ien x [hitiste a emerin jeport. Hin ias ce- conienil y tieheie of Noewnastte cîd Manjor (Icienint ren. Hein me îccnvirndcclthe meeting by Lard Melnigro, necetintinluenil iy tie Duke of Nlewcastte, ced ecitte niem lie ebook ends eniti e ocf-poeieessod case ceed cnîdintity, et tie sanetie u ttorieg c foîr merfle ef gratiictione,wmite n pieiant senie tigited ep titi ieappy inikieg nontoenne. 1 stoulntndiaiel defuit mmm of Mein. île ta veîy prepoînnsing ita ppocrauce, neen icitcd genorni cadmiration. Ici heigiet une tsfe fie ot enine and eiity hut.- Ho tees n scnti, btat ot forend and fuit. nenutteo face, aned iiscye, meiche teoa uecî iytilei, nre largo ean ienicoîrril Hn lias n comploxione eqccoi toetiat of n ponnie, cend ionis cnry ieontiy. Hia tenir t cis ersecron, nintdcue 0cc asetesow tie lobs of iticais. ln ire c abinait corlol licet initie n teortof wite plueson, n ccd nat initi nateloe sieste ncros.i tiebineat, ced n whte iicîticheti. tround ltie eriot, laent troiracri mt, c tlii ela c tîle down cecti icg, patenct icottecihasts,wittekint gtarce aned n eogicoent acsoret. Tisa aiforre spe- ciatiy beonegi ta tiisîof. TiehItyer andul Adermen of tiecil7 mm ee tiodcil eoetie opot ty LerI litai girv, miteu tieir spenker cecn uacIic of wneco te t un e- Arrivai if tiel'rineoAlberti. St. Jolisie, Ncouedcce, .uty i31. Tie Jrince A-lhert, froccs Geltiey, nrriv cd nt ticis port ntl six o'cloce teis eearceiîg* Blei cens, teocegl ie dys ]sine, is ceci imeportnt. Tie ntenistip cingla Sav.on. finisQue tieu, nirerednt n ceeaeriy oietie 23rd. Thue oîecneteip Adriintic, frou ewcm ort arrîtoîl ct Souetheatoneon tie îte. Tie -ciipenror of ehutria cccdPrince n Piute iare abouet ta etod ac ncenc0. GREAOT eicirsi.1, Tin tianefer of lie Galwany cocetient te lie naeediaec Linoe leas bterri ce:ctd.- 'Tie steamcers of ticatit Ue heecefoîtti tenei Liverpoolen t i Tcrseteey, raieg ent Lioo cieîry nec t'eidey-comcleciain itIe tiî Thee Peertianeecîry pioceediiegsaraen imcprtant- Tie <Ovrnent bteld mt drain tie n k Suppty illtfor tank a tise ta pois it. Itliras reportent that tie Galway cîncter ýerc about ta Cali on5Mr. Lever ta reaigi bisnnt te Pertiamnt. Lord Brouegtham, et tie Statietinal Cou gineee expaieetd tes remnihi ta Mri. P., alla icelative ta tie presenne et a nengin detegece ands dienteeiicedaîny tintentioce of tcsultn diîrespnnt. .nYcciA. Adnicca tînip Syrie report ciioterecice icot yetsenttted. It ta etateci tient Frncn' tronîce cre ta eitirin et Manreettin, Tnutnî aeed Aiginîn mitiioct detny. Affiraen mcuncienged. ifînîtero cor tinenilta meer c nnry grare aitect. Fraunceis a etiîeiy prepnniccg for poneerflitelrventioni, ancetcd iioiifinil tIe etteni Goerneenets ici orler ta unie cocee tee action. Tie Sultaon teuindwitten ta Fronce an Eîegtaaexp ciresinofutis grief et th avnits iriiticcmave renopired, ancepronîte ceg an e etoit ta censtaiitte eder. It iareopîortudnt tat tie ttesiee gavrî --fietb.d1exiesnndits dnoqire taent i Hoittiîin.-Ot iSetumlcy om-ciug, cmue neel John Jielgen., wce-tua tuaIeue tic tien neplay of Mcciii. Gibh & -lsuter, Notar- tes, Litle St. Jamesonnuiet, for tua paît ynoî, nniiei a îobbemy on tioeenetie- mcci isy isactimetg tie caste iox fias tue inuit, ioiteiluetg $2,400, forty of mrietni irure in cie, anul tien rîeeluder incldue- ceuen. The vr n te ich le cmnngcîtien transactineier lis i-At cigfit oi oneu tien eicueicg il!question e tc oet ta liii. Giblu caId tout ticliut IiMr. Iluter snt titis bine forsone pnpe, mmwich iehu tîcacgiet he col icd tuetien m-ut. Tien iey ofthten mnut meas imccoliatnly givec teccu, andl mn nacele, wurneho iret aint se- curen thtua on y, cieletier teeiend extiue- gutahel tien cdie, qnuiy icft tienie- micro. Mri. Heaufil issel tien cash teox ou goiuig tt tracte yentnmley moniug.- Dteettro Nig*eiras ou iHoîgnas' rack and sny ciroesItetnioriy.-Muntreul Adeer- tiser, 31sf. Ilollown'n Oiniuenet antd Pill- Pi-nul e&i eu.-'Te wamtenmsnieel tamemil- tien, Ilitotiomve, Nemi Toril ciel Loulo," miciienir eppeuero on nvry tecf of tien Cashs of derictiascencentpieg tiese piope- rioness, ts a terýcet netoguail ageiuiat fîcul. If lice moîdocre viihie achoiniîug tien pi per eginut tue-Igu, thue carticle eny tee re- lied oui ao genue. Tien Oitmeut littoro frin e -cy cthuui txteruuil applicationi ii existeunce-, tsisnelai it 1ieeetrizn tue tumuttiugir prinipals[it h te fhuctutoaid tico flicîi, îeed tieuies liieont tiee fue of iuitiane- tienu ett u e irt. i[iesjcctof Iîricung icitien exteîinî syi>ttiue. lice Pis ootcle aslcificclly oncc'tue tale cnthten ilood. A tut, nineieMeLenue, reiîati eair the- Port Stanleyr icioalbridge aI Londnlame mc nncinteetcty dhet cuoit'usdiy nftoîeooce, mîtite eacuempccyiiug soute upoirtsennmu Wcatnii.isterc. tfe reeirne eemeatots intin enadandonni aet. Vice rounti ara nat nnupodi tu e fata, andl itlain teongie tiet tien boy miii upecdly renovnr. One of th ien tseiceettera in tien Uited Statesa uneletee fniioieg Cits for Canc- dine trsioe u -"'Ait o r em arley ta e: eannte instonk or hore for twe- or thîme ineiha before timivng. Tien graien ust oecstenluimeit la hetteri il stocl do aa vhite ici tue traco tieccu msiiouitirehel ciel intue iteap ; ctu icnlo better accclliicore- sucnt eaIigier i eic." lue Ciluciuceia, oer uoee tnemuir- Ieiehave tarn e ncmittel ilutoar yenro, cent orery uîeînîl ba sa ecped. uneuieg t Rciiyt-TscO-NOmm-suil tieummefin(Ittcr mvii etteuici, tteîeu -teyeeus of tituexemil _- s-y couduiei, ciearueyaneci ccuniftene, e position sf iciiaertzince nesoug un,-m-lua acn keocru for- tue îosotieIl"gond thuuidl," nott ht tucy elui)eta tic o;rhaare' shtectulfrounicthenftaohfncnîueihy tîcir goal dees ce mut inoeoirfs!aiu muen." Woeis tactiro tc Di Wtatr, liendiune- verni a! tie long iviec Ieul Viai's Beuiaute ai IliIZ (hCsr1,' uins (douce as mcttefou, Chie relief of poor suilierteg huneity, andi Chhci teteuucory to juutty cutittel te ce- counieofetrespect oand gratitude -as coy pitcleant iît t our country. Tiseit- vateiele pîperatiuu etiti meinloîna an in- comparaepîosttin asog piepoicinsnandt droggisma 1, cu thle îuehli le icheesisiecl as c renndy etfcusrpîsscble vaina fus- nIl dieniees o!fthernt cnt luneo Ive nontedestiy recoocunes it Ce our icadirs crien ailicu.el miC lu pemas-y Wae suy ditto CiiiovC. 26 For oele tmy Jc 11 cd. OnerninDrecguot, &n. id11ceeu litrnut*,rloiee t'y XV. Il. DeC uil imah hIANLUEL-t Oshame on Snnday merming thne 291h tinit, Mrs. R. T. Manel of acugieter. IIIT'IIY tIlK'S Repostel bieILR Poety, Este. Anâitt2136i0i. Ditto-Spriug, $t Detl$1 lI,) Paa, fIc. Bartny 50c. 14Ec Ocuts t0C 0 a.lcn Rye l5On. fla c. Iz y$10 tQ $t 13 tom. lIe! $4 <ei $6. Sieecp V$1144 1e. Potateenl, 2tlei tluttei 10e. IlS cC. 3dos. Ccs-dW9il$2 00 % $2 25 fcord Wooi 125a. 0 île. Oasrae Iltes- Sic ai viss-i RiNGS ]DIVISION. sn8l#îl57lie~tl e nnSI Us etepcm. ý 4 - vCf :W àVnsu A ýli;Tvn10 o Munstz-A ioet Myrte. inus istrder ileitOiy0aC 1u'Pied puite attention in 'ln land.A fàetnry inýpcctor,r living tunr ýfnin Somereratshire, Oea nering iieadhie yaenngest- chlid, a boy of abent four aisn of age. fsouitien ct n tien nuaen'n maa ,wbeoho alnniy sRiapt na eafn tertiun searce, fouet isi boy1 tiemuot lnwi ,entlto( nn outhoe, irith1 th tierot cnt n srtam inl eie ît)i te e g je oftien beat, evtdeei1tly tinici i ftnr dob inueece ee tpient the wmhotiffftir baltes even tien fa- mosmidotectivest af Londani. Tisameay botterîbtanepprt.iiel *emhon it te knomn thien teoneoa i tusbeitroorne niept Cthe nurse- muid. and intethé san ein th ien ite tee aittie cet, e4(linteasotteni paît ot then s-on'another d in tacsecond ct -A ilim o'cinck tien 1eext maniag tua nuse airoine, sanl iiiasm tie en icesen. Tienira- proeson of tlien e1iiid's saeîy titi insained outetcla4piliaw, tanttie ndner baina- ilo, and tien overlitticaen- feyfall olei on. Tien fatie nd ie nia- tieni mmm appliid tatay tie n ure, ta inamm if ticîy ieod enerel tienhedeil Into thoir hedl 'but tteey blai ninotting ofàit nce tho pieriocci niglit. Furtiec enimnie iai moe nd eitien Imawng-rm<ailoni, iieloir, autd sluttr-iir f ertinietad i ecu faîtea- net an thin iidie then preeiou iiingit-woee fosenit e iitiiao pûnel. Ater n ticne tien body nfthe penr eici mm-es discorrol te teim eigit motien, aasre etoel. Evcry inite of tien boiv mmcchene, butnt a spot of bondI, or tVie aigietlet nue tnd- ing ta iriointenynen in thee comamission of thee 'rinier, oulijte foundl.Iliown-nt- diiiii caeei esrntalienetien oieil inioc hiqet, not aîenîtt V i bdcltii tieiiiy, cii- id ticatirougle tien Iramns-rooin, ocros tien lîmr, tiereciti a nirabhcry anul stntble- yardt, mm-ie o n.ittedoi n'ai toise mroiag abniet, tecuce ibcsthe water-coset, deprir. nti tue citi of lite, an enlIcanceeo miitt- oct tnoing tliltiieccien e nitleet nine ta timir git, or distîcîhicg theienmrrtes, or ccccceeing -,thescitd, or noscing iota collision iitin Idtm og-is n roystcerb ini ticen nincn coc nnrcte. A rcn'rl hon teneottereet by tien (erenet ancd e fiee pardnn to asrceennoîy, netlothing the anctceenîreii -n iny gire eccie in- forarcetione as inar tend ta thoteeocntioee of tien nurde-ici. A Card ta the Sufforiug. "['IlE 1v.Wm'. QGO ,miteter Jlig as a si .enee n iiîîe,wie red cf' C eneeculiuîem,sieriil eicri ()leus iiet tjiti- cd, y aîrýipe u ciiced risea 1ie erdl 'l i clan ruondiig inte igvent ity nof Jeddtin . i ritîe itie ciret cgrcet ce ceeceeri-. eexci entu- fering eeeel'rom ee ieBrounleiite, Soin Thirst, UCcîglles îeced Ce deb, 10111tien eltiejiter111d dn1vu Ilr --imi c aisud ly ti)ce- iere ('É! 1ieii ieOviiiii!e1e:ei 'ii ct lis rcei pe îhvteeeii lte echi oau wtile me, tee UNeit- ci es.d t inec Aetdlcee 11EV*. Wtt. C Wil 430 FaitineAvenue. iS-i-ti BrenebieN. Y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IIRS. S. 31. DAVIS, CLARVOYAIiT PHYSICIAN, ISnomr ntopptug it Wtiitiey fer a feme Icys. Innînous iwiiug ta musultClCes en dineccees, milpliseo su atlieriionin ut tue eUntrc itnuoe, Byrnestict Wiity, Augicet t, 1860. 29 itin. Exacutors' Notice. A LLtPARISilt u tuetvtle 1,10q ttm0llt of e eteide JOH-1N GI11eJ1,VAti, Y, ory ti en rmeg -,en rleene, t mine te int, itiaet laeiiiiuei i n, cecuurmel t icinuuil engto, 1eoieiliuiiv, lem i ideC cit ,toteie tIerigieei.i>i IieciSelei etY futeu ii le cii C.(tElilti-MiCGiiiLV.tRY, .11o 111 t' lNit elti %V. GtJlllt Nt.luN !d I l lv sni lslenteecLiut 1c4. u3eel l INEW ARRIVALS teF GROUIE RIES AND TeA, AtiunGrsney i Tuaci 'I i i ,ceCeedu'et'a biset Bs-en t hi feleiilbuaometlfir as-eII uns-y Joi, cl]ii ese ciàeus he uc toek JuilN mETuEZALD. WtutItiiy, Aies u su,1 TWO TRIPS DAILY. The Royal Mail Simet eZinmerman. C PAI e 1)TiN C. ui.ICO, tenues lCemstoem c Iiueseetetieet,ediuy,ecI7A.M, and 2.2-0 b Pl ., fchr N'j,ieere cuit Luotatuiui, rsetiedcg ne oitie Frie Yoi, nlitra iittîimtîetteîSinpen- lu oioem ie, Nieugere a ac lîuîtu aicinîl umnucta iW s1110 uet eu andte, c ie ritîueidOn- eicri.ielu itnse Nieeeni c Itcti cuîccue, tciset.witei et tO,15eA.tNt, t NeelI.t , sectertnel meftrainefronuleues Feee- Ysch, &ce., canulNicagesitefi11.1) .i., and et5tO t'.M. m tiqe ot luth&lettet, ntieh4tu nesrrat Toronto eue Seeceley enuimt i P-tN. Agent. Tis-nite, Aciugat 2, lOuI. a Ontario Bank. Dumînesu No. 6. TItUî o ternaten ci %cuuitas divieucetOftai jfeuir j'ruceteei l e pimiut capitalcef t tlix iitcitiei nn fleurci-icIt; ieit per, (teerce et ftlicte of igitlper cent unuer meu, iltase tis uar huclec Irtr, mii 'Ceeue tien auee iii ce pictcile mtei ailmîct e i rci 1iluisd allier satuunmiey, fCime isI eiey Oet Sseimhr f 'Iie'Ieeui iieeel.eu9 it i te loasitifulienU mctli, c tuil-t 'ceesi, Ce atti ill tueicn 0 iy tidcn au flice B.esîd, lltlltneeitte, Itot .tuIV, tSii. SEYOURti& Mi OitOU's rATTRNul, AT UalW tho ManufactulrraPrico. RIlE LEWIS & SON-, e Sigce et Utie Piller1 Toroneto. Ic Toronuto, Jaeju Oti, tOC6,1. Chaflongo. N ceen ouif teDarlicietos ('richet (tnt, t A eeý i eie tcilteno Kiyclree rtcetene m-e ccdlw imiisitenUuutyf itar tWilay e triandl- 'y hnptandethne eimatch, (ort th niuucs eau e.eapluuc e ic ut n thgice Opttiotlptni ha-tot C fnsIt t agie nttt. ik lu - V ÃŽ'i.S çitPISVIR, tlcmniie uy 19, 1860. 14.2ia Notice.e 'T'tt ucamn o e tinrOuOiio CrietnuCI nt JLacept teuts iciuieot tnomwiassWeI 1 Crichet C[lai, ass i mOt ay tiene Ktisascassi- pasenOtin thle ontaio *icetClab.t JORN IUeit' - haeMW 0. C. C. t Wlitylns- ..145, 1-11. @ENJOIL CO. GRAMXAU ScIIOO.t sr>n utineni -snttien ulOve W'11 unm- mence oD.Vn 1t Ulkl Whus ý5 i~,vu1, ima. lv. SPECIALNOIE. TV O.CONNUiUMPTIVES.-Tcane-îin .L inrtaîg te lutirttainttia feir meu-e, hy ayr m iel îîsdy, rfa lunitiic îinlinrnd nevenît yeer;miiti ce nveneeme Lon g f Unes, accutuitîrneel l itinie Ceeeuieplie-eu antieýnneta ine tknie-i tnli.ts etnneirî tinmonsfcr.Ton,, s-ti)dOire it lineciii Telae . u IeîrCîcîitinune-i(fred jc eleege), miii direcctîfion .,'1c1cil-mtîgnit ieîitig te namma etlet il ny miii tteîteîsre cure fies- Cieeemjiien, eîle,îe, Acneiili, T-ie toiiy1 obiectnof the i critaer te!I rcete r n eînmîuî tioclIl teia hnecîttme eitinet, eniteeieennny aucîire etltry iel.ei riiic(iye soq it ii ct t 7Oreitie eotteicc, sccicIi-t rm netsis.leit muateimîlie thertecin citt -1pineece sidnressa lux1. EL)it!D Am -WllsIIN\, m5-3caeWiiiemirgie, KieegUno, N. Y. THE GIIEAT ENtILISIX REIIR1Dy Oece JAiFSCiMcseS' Celobratitod Femalo Pins, iICOTECTIID LETTERiS IIY ROYnAL teATENT. 1 Preeeicfîeîia pescre-iptiin o ir Je-..(toik, J. D-, llegicincèE Llciicni-g te ti Qteeeîs. 'Ie ncrle icedicicce ii nccfitiile -iii tie Cuee emfailtl tii<e-.e - a acil en diegcricceeas ta wcrimelthe temaee neisilttie is scecte. it ceiseinrec ti r-mi t 11 n eîieees cleh.,-bste- tioe en-i e oteu eeti rneeiy leOretltet o.- To tieiiitiles1-, ieepietiity aiiet. it tee , n achoit tillie, t 011 ietieheitiety Emcie iottiee ,jrtiicen f Dltti, linaci tIe Inn- nceeet ceimiteof Gril Briîeeiecto trieit nsColi1teilts. ltecil w.neaeoefNcrninie ccind imil icltiice, nmwrc iileiieiyeieeii emitni lie, tt:lnrie , attiTlly otir eiee ieleitireilt1,ûi liminie Fit dýircelioii. ce ceeien rlyeite Jve me. Sain Agent fnr lien Ciecret teis nemiada. (Lice i. C. lkldunin A& '.) Nort-tirti p&eenote*atC r % . Y.o emile Aznecd oie-rCi i ià tirS. - ,et N. ïitOiiiOte tieci cuiseurliertesail te sie etilieerierel Ailientl-IL'ieeictleietlf ti i tut5 etaciilimi. Fei saie i-yaeti Diienetel. 7femoiuie Cmiii. [O THE ELECTORS RXTLEMCNZ: 0 Einm- istaicel the un- mimosnoinaution of tico Conentin cii nt Marîchues ou ile Otis uf Juine,- an-.ponnd as tiiot Caurentcion rsm-fm in )fthe tost inullceetiat gentlemoan iilg ilim KinagDirisioandccivi ig icised eecy kicîf issuerances otfsupport, frour lentai-s (utatt potitieal siaeeina, uecmi cysci.1uf a oCanduidate fer your suiffrages t the cppreaicing etentioceofai O iisn- etire ta repiroorit yoeur Divisionetin thc Leginltiie Coulcit. The grent rnuqpuoritittty mmieiiecittaches t the fuigie position eo aLcfiulatmo Counu tuler, anentlie powe-r jiarnei in luis hnthi te bc ueI toi 1, ftuemm-vent os-w Wofetthe wimoie Province, aie grave subjecte ter ancr couatîrmetios ; cul 1 fîccnklt cenies thàt ut sntwmithoiime aunuy dotat iuný mnciraitty ta ropremucît your inteiclte, ae fflnientt[r an tiecuglut taetan.and an ocuc ie te o , tht o pmerit cy- clf heoeryoli. A ie-sicret nitie Dtiiioe f-arnenmlya jireofao cecncy. i betieme myseifteabh ee'isnenlpytiuoem-ue Ceoa e eijoit&'ofIfic tElrCecia, irh isammti tieenifare tan the better abte tojuelge crurrectty wilter un tien cmit of tcy beusg pice tel uend teieno 1mcocuiuiprote-rt yoriteents, adroac 7ml views andcetpieinces.on qestiosue0n P.ît luicy, andlzeelosisy guarsi yoer iglts -os cime tihaitacls et one otfite reeettient, tndieot îouiois, and intollignt Divisions ni Cuuenie. A% Cueeteuboni, Incarty iancmncîtienu gi-at guvrii,iteil eitsiecnilts of usogree, muet iefon,*ctli E hamevre eo' i"enppilylind berocicisly rceicelt)teS cetY flin Mociei 'Ccuty. Itesposile Garerneint- eetiîiug flta,,est riiuullnrigita et- syni uner fic BurPsitisth Constttution, 1coussinierlime ftaisif tiomnerot rast edi1Rt itte suntrty, mm-ten lîn -fi , ccle*ettcut< cerdiig ta tce wmmc unirstooet cise of nftic eppe. Sicoult1tas hoceorel tnitie jomruppes- anI bcn3your neosere repscsonlititve, I mili n filie utunslni my ciuity alvoate Ch( oiiamvieg ps-incipuiee! 1. Maintenncen of theaUijon of tie tir Provinces. 2. ilcyrcestation ccading ta popuhe lation, itrceelivn uta diviîing fine bh mm-ire Uppcî oued Losy n adeseia. 8. Euîcooageiccel tta Eiigratioe. 4. Fine giceuts tla imigatandetflsuc etiûsce, beiueg netiel settcurs. I. A ilouccistelim. 6. N(o e-menndtuue ufpiibtin mancye mIl eut tue cosenrt cl Paiie sut. 7. Pr-oicialn-actes oney, ta btasen Ur ib tie Gomenicenet ; aid ue expennditurt IÃŽpqubli t ueoe-t e cemade on mm-rka o! i lucaI niecrictýr, i8. Itotrîcuuent inci îny ueportuier tr flime puieei xetàeliticr elt0uttnag in thc prueing lutte cct tise teile." 9. Relection of r eCestoueu Duttin-Te amIne nioftueiten ta ho placent oui Cii lxerien oftticnîtieh, nitnt oi, tie ncecces eueis of!fCic peepe 10. A Juicious Btsuiiucpt Lemm-. Iil. lteîntion nifLoir Cout, 12. Simepification ot tue piaicceisol Cnerte et Lawi. i3. Revisinofhflue Cous- t nICiaeioni 14. Extenusian ettie Municipnl Leaw. i5. Etentian o et henninuDleputÃŽeci anI Waardees os! Couieties by tie people, tho saoue ns Mhus ofs!tie-s cacudiTomnu 10. Asniueilaion of tie tiemvnof Uppul and Loemmr Canads. 17. Tie rcstricting oftie îighu nofhMort gecn tatefiec proecty eun it iioitggo- eitieut ni!om iueg Cfleictinrighet ta coin ipon the niiec i -aupes-ty, i"cal or persona: ut the hortg.or. 18. tloneg &Il Parieentary enoti une onne day.' t19. A botter made ol settiug canett Miettions. 2a9. A Proititary Ltqucos Lawu. 21. Peyueeuet et Cîreuiint imiuce. 22. Ataolition of Nnucnpapcr Postage., 21. At5lttinn et tie Fruntnugpîivîtie I hetieme tienttuelicahcm ptuncipira tn entre mceiy voten ad imuportant mon murs-s oefriu, uhicie evontd tend tCatC, inîncrintarauvnnceet etoui social arg poltttncét pingrss; btacentetie pieseul dis iorhcl statuof hpolttisi opinion, andlccn eilering flin violcet agittion fora comet disruption ot our constitutonslisetattan w-tb Lamer Cannim, I foui bannil ta stet frs-ely, and cendily, Chait tie Union cf tl ire Provin=n,1 coneive ta be tie grn point aItissue tu theiniAction. Auy dise letton e! Che ualiieicamu wbtds u i getier ei a ui gient admestege, aamst pre diaslroma. Dissolution ccitb a viemu te fednlcisnuneeliîon of tetua Provieces, helinve tCabaneoin niy a etragatie assin jumiotis potiny, but, se eimenul ty tie vol of Lowesr Canuldaanthueit Session of Pa-hi meut, pesfcntly unattudieubie. Diuolitti a! teUnionur e ~aud simple," a paîte tsongty sîvocotud le soeaqcare-uas tuse 10mete b. se oLvs-labsaurd, an ce ts coiesequicaces go faitt atI eanc hles-e inthe si<ialSly ns-palcicliec f il suppoter. Lamer Omaà, tCelithesZ adth Un ited $taîesCtenheSouCbie, s-a Ceule soUpper Canada ondes- tieir eo tset. tant cuhiselyaItiteir e- sey. Rosti "M-il,,aad inejurions ecusltieeos, bas-c tiec.1 or' peas-ats LotIs, Voulhlamper t if le le el -te ti a- ho n as te ,ho nid gor tos T IREauinnsçeiren .Lgta eenniiillea Xa tien .Tradu tinarrtreet ut iem- Largil Sto ck of Steel Peeki 01 UE'l)tQIJALITY. Nîtolnecýprenelr fer tuttl hysin oflii n1onnt. ,iettietes Siilfiei Ntuiecetnarrc.' Tieey ,iviié ct ( -i e[eelýte iin t ll Iant ceistly Ieeito i r, nil ,ielnctliir liicci i Timryni-ir;criteusi.,; nsfoncie, maC cý Gtoercl peuoi, li*seiml Tinittpli,, tiiere-cnse leu~, (het %Vetrrilta, ('IoeriGCrictes'i, Teramto teni Oueds npri. On Von ec Inpui cest", Gua, 1I ire un pnc, Cci tI Pen. - ilice po, Muaeouin PCie. U'niuidten, St. LAeinee Pen, hierneeitii peu, Andi !uigiuccitionecetWreel inun Pccý 0- tubsua aceige u5aileieet of eeic 1ctteice, mu Tme i 0satntetifuilrtu a tien ts. WitOLESALE ONLY. Tua peils eeu uny la di ttuelic 1!lÇluII elieceni nf G. YUtaFTlcc1ete ente-rle, ini tviietiluîsit l .11BosiileaIln cii taionrsnis Upîi THOfMAS MAOLEAII Wiioheeiin Staioner nnt Pipýer Dener, Aid Icceportn' itcf mieitulWtliotatota Pictuure rniietca- n, T-eieontoaSt. lcner tin Toronton Juiy f, C11.. 32. NOTICE. T oft nert il dcCospietiauin, oPtieoriticg nete ncmueese-t irne it, pa sc ndt i nel iew O% r,. enttune se ofe Leets ,,-F9iee i c i17, uGe 91- cliesiensin ofa thia la cli ci rn u 11 t Ierenuwisinter- ceteit tee gvrice uimuîee e- enceeidiugty. iCitee mi l Pichet ee1g, Itili ceday of diity, Macesnter Rond, Juty l7h, 1860. 1 Calinm% Ju~ll iii,180 CARRIAGE BIJILDERS, AND bMANUFACTURERS 0F BU{IS, CUTTERS, SIETGI &CY-. IJOK87'REET;WJITBY Tl RlSutasciltacrei ui e avo teoifuerrotienpublicelieut tiney have opensdui clesn in the prrnises etipie by i. Ira B.Cerpuinter, situieCelaBrokSCieent Socuthe Enet (cf tie nko, mn .c uuly oppouite te Market tbuildiug, mhnueýh roc ieprepa icI ta ceuipty stI rbo fanai t(ina mmttiîa ca),wiihi eoy iarticle se theus- luneo! busesea The scbeibs rc mitracticuet and cecepeCet eorlmecoof ]onge apcmieise, sens Cley uhîmte tue ectire cf their accr latior ta tenir tasiescs, teey copeaunisde ara-tces othetles- w rlmasieiip, of imeater ntuesatiity, aned more eieganstly flamsbent, sod Zr»AliFrOlD TO STQILL TILEM CllEALI-eRr-W Ilon thoas eî lihave ta bis-e Ctah ar niothicue. Ail articuc-, satd at tha tomet iintg prices to asheae or on appravesl cmndjt. lusa oal nd eml inie. Ail kinde cf lineansd las-ers piolsea ahne je cachange. Ail mos-h vas-atent, DONOVAN, WALKEY & Co EJONAGLE'S8CELEBRATED SEWING IIACIINLS (0F SINGER-S PATTERI) At 25 per cent under New York priccsi! T HEsOI macInmos -se-a minnl ot luemiýcacumutosn lcicef-mcescteIst b-They have noever hâild te give sati5facUiLa-41 Ail theo eadingf=u-"sd Seon stusnsahhctcrera tuatify te tliais sesority o-es- any oteer uteclaicoes-crseinl lane-eus ý e vesimg X iesarsse capable et alulssgsey bled o elt ; ~fru ashirt escaUm t- hans-ecUst-Se P3IRS t No. i MACIIIN $75. NO. No. 3 MACHINE, WITFI EXTRA. L ]EVEIiT MACUMisE BWAI AU communation eis-la to Sd.B.itg Manhihas , c, - - - - -, - -n -- MACHINE $85. a a eVent amy ceraic . Yeu ana 1 5wi~q;o~~IlI(O are iiii b uentsaeuer ttytalf d a oe ta aei - Qacon diatagulabeti ifor ees-y gra Qantid Jn~ idlt a CeIce late etfte virtue thsat men ,-p4or er-cn-ppntian,.our Li tta IIUfi eDen-teofil a Tom-a of Whit- benrifi anti symepthiles ar wth fiulcud by, Daniiecnuaild tl iiny arae rqsilss emiicin offMrs aofugato te n exii& and tuaiusanti tmsunite settiaient 0 lhes menant pf tuiiitlbteduneps; Antiait pcnnouienia victinsaof tyrany, Corne front what coin- taionnlin àft us4i eut aesta rquirdlt lin nul s-y tbny niny then iistory of-thet countrfy, thcs autues ntu ie eieeýigii , nefletra ber associatian, len strggias, ara ours fiee FIiILST DAT OF'hut or ies herm enny, lber acro ,lithem sujport, bave e - JOHN~WÂSO nsiteei) n- nohia Province througie. ai THOMAS 1ult(STÃ"N, oui lonàera, difflainhtcitnd dienînceotages. aEetu. Tficyyace vrith ne ntil.LoLt uee ding tlien. ta aur presne coneltion, anI unentneus- -R IIV L iy oppoana ycnd t eteer poltey, tteat irontcl ikniy ta enducuger it. Tinqelioe t edisio oahtiaAMBRlOTYPE GALLeERY. Provinces 'of' DritilsieNortie Amec i t, - aenunow, gsneraity tend ývnry fivuabte e LuO IRE - entertairuit. I ceafilnntiy anitecpatto daim cary acconepibmcnt ai nucie a ct6iasu, N mthice ientulns tWtîJu Piiiîinfer tienfi- nti st carientiy hope ferits conus- pt-ecrîhlsj? ,hee matien. Imi nlui in o l e l a lutimate iiat ho basaressuen TltaA- suypporst oves-y ste6p Wcaicuitel ta aenus-u its leotypa(italies- toitheamesaaer tha stare et aittailissnft 1 beticyitit atay ftien conea- Brooa oenist'mi, ink Stect, mmr tilution ar oui -situali ntaieuts anu l einpripameil te fariiahie ktliiefp6 Likeuseece strcugtb, ir l a seeiiy tienfounlîtton of a n es ne u ci rentmon ae -tdfýl grat Sortie Asacricen -Natiou, linketi ta- ture tnp, aeîe ry upta, ioa; uet noiuainirt the getieci tayfleo boula ot sutucci cocumercialpi epîeiîeneefor itihiitin ueutpocteni île-iti ulvantagen, anidta ans- itîer Country ti neeoeeu of cit ii cel. by lice stroogieut tien of orJfgn, tinds-cn lu- Wety eynms etitietions, aud iulentety of i intots. r taciieme tient tutu iu thec outy plan, tay wineN RIcPNh> P l mme uay boe ta roat ournt esameoiget us, R P I G A E S iedet bitte pitesct ndcete tnIlelf -T RTIECEWED oe aoertupriit et Colt- tciieny s'cxitigendcirat tenuoc d ItON. 1GREY, BIZOWN inI IIANILLe'i petty pilitins oft-nus- Prineta more WilAlîteNtd e'&tIl l ttstues mut b. suint mmortuey aspirations cfter Grand Natioueltase eieeip n iLIle ntrnuitor nirnito Pie, objeta. At the , I siel ctitnno porty marin ttbt IANcKË9 NOTION ST0BIE. cucuno!ftien munîltbct icqutîeatt sc suere, gool or bol, cmccucting fiasoe 000 9,M_30 L party ta bc supprtel; wmitel of At mntiouepines ntber rire ta be tnvaiioaily ijecten.- 1 sialenil clceor ta julge ieenetty ot B 1L-A NIK B OO K S the snis-un et neniucasue, as it in Of nvnm decreiption, pitelsol, iepectiva of thoecsource ors BIk forigie front wie it proccîlo, uand support Standuardi aile w aeosBo or oppnseoit uon Cicse graîcedsalou.- 0f ait huIds Ftrmly belicrin g tiett the tien priucipies of ccii Legisiation stoultae-iethe groutent Blank Books, Ruleti.& Bouutd goal ta tien gîoatt umbni"-uti mon- To sny pattera, suecl culcitnîta cîmnieotho country' unI sennuietien îeppnnnî ofithen mnsei' B OO K 13I N 1 IN G ty sieuti onire uey cnrnent attention, and Ici ail tuicbraches, nt tua, cardial support. '2 YANKEE NOTION STORE. 1.f ciectel, I &hllenitkow nuo 1EeVntcn ____________________ eeWsicseitieer iocalty or pronciliy, but - cciil eicierur ta cnt ispertinity for tien PEACOCXS R ESTAURANT, munie, citheut distintian oft ialeity, No. 3,1lie-e dAiue, oreel, or sect.Ar -u - =u Tieere acretiraqueiotne oa elocal nature n 82 .JW .I àlwn e ctin uegliDivision la wmmcii Idesire ta WILL SUIPLY lotitu nepooe iyRlue-n IItR.tFA1ST,-- LUNCIiRONS, INEIS, The e qiîtio etgrcctieg County ciii t Supterso, eundle ot u at tnunes jtient wn-nilin stlendy heetîncidel tay FIC-NIGSJeliu Creams. &c.3 flie ratepayerK ofetOnîta. Wiltient de- SPLET RRI yeueoe I mucntnte, cndlliiiet une sy UiLEDT ODI , inuce, or pesition, ta brin., ttuct suie- G. PtIACOCK. ýà j~ JCegoiie fore-tine poopte, fnr pecuntamy Tinimit ioidena iny day ns- wsak. 30i -assistance. Tiencheurterslineaepiîcd, ciel eFi> cudnontuen cmiibc gîneteci, it t8eVci dont htiettienmal rmust itiîeî anCoculi. es strutel hy primate sutaeriptten or mitteJs h v d -farige assistanno. o R ied pienflu s éSlection- s lnt. WitC retoeece ta tiee sepaatunu OF ie oftienCountyniTas-rk fias tien City nflT )r routa forjuliciai purpines.1ai n eluver N 4 E W A% Sof tien pasnagetoetc bill fortient purpoae, ta oa- oxîs ,y tatzeaeltent 80an aaupppuomicc of by tlien is mtpayere of tien Gouety af Tork. CONGOUS, ORANIGE PEKOE-S,&c Gentlemen :-In uoiittng yotrnupport ACSOc ViIU CIIOICE aca nidcate for the pmosentationoetflc . eKing Division in tien Lngistntimn IJouneni, Fine Flavoured Young Hlyson- t may sun nonlusien ht ibure ns eB unac ambition ta sererfa primate e- GUNPONVDEIR, &o.. tin1,t ta gaitti;anul houl I tiare th ienouor AT TîtE STORIES OF IE ýrta imtectod, I miii gn te lien Bouse fie t, cclut- eiluidepegî u h CANTON T COIMP'Y., isupport et uny potitirot ciity o et ta menu, "for the uni-e qf fthe Imr." Miy po- 151 Ring-St. East, Toronto, if titicot vierus en tien publie qurstions ni AND Ir tue lc c sefniiy tefore yet. 'iose psi-i le ctptns nre nunieansi1tactiee ftisc trcce inter- ComreR ichmond St. London- rt stete Province Itencni, und miti u- Fais ta izacsmuaCUTO les- ovcry circunotoncerand condttion tend, dTttnlaul c irrune Fivnî Sc te me a Crs ceîratc. Mecc miy couciseunn1, or ton ielaitul siiaement ai mile- S ainto paireto-loy, caud go out tuoimr.- lieou'ameel tof t[he taei. idI Miistries mue xist tcmo luuri or totu-a Pr7icen a eitikeîp l, o, e-thstondInî ir ycccn; hut itl e l-fin nof tienPrince, rtextreitinomy, standtne tiiCinai, - anu ltien future gretnea of ny nature n- country, ei imm wyn tac m staIonatîci- ~E. t I bore tien houai,..lacet:la ..f.hiele n4 1 have the bonojeieeGondîdl'Il, .............. a Cl n- SGrend Tes V Il.................la cd C, JOHN HAM PEuTY. be la ..- - -... u Wbittay, Juiy 10,1860- teulcaientdu V t R.l........ &faOi Chiastphes- Uoegonsas Amngameat. TuIE FINSiEST DESCRIPTIONS OF' COFFES XTOTICE tee lieccy giseen theuatita-.tnpe'ini uiys ou bacul, tenie antue, seul graiecel <ady 0 [Ioddýee, ftacueety sf tien Te uco t' F ieesi JaaCoffe- - - Ca........l a- iiliey, hbut ceaie ot tienTowrshitp of Scegsg, Ftiieen Lea Geeyra- --..........Olit ic the ('eccty 01niletaeri eoneac, fileaiy lie- r.-Reciinieni Clitali eoem ta tiraounorâ dceceurn boeerilug dae, then Itiday sfJuity, 1800, fî,ee uItrkieîit Squcen. s cemiguisi suc ail isale inetace rsud Leeoai Temoccia, iay, 1860. £4 proer~oty, la Jothin luueie, nfotceamîee, à vnrteliit___________________________ andeetWci. t'nosnofnfJechceeter, ume lien 'Imi. neumueetor inc Arcniiiit accIConrC3ncr i IAJL111 % UOTIIL. h- iit Sitit a en citof et h tua cnîdteeîs wmites ueoTO cnen unselexcemue tieeni n nuit ceîure witis ue'Ni icoes eoîtes. Accu notcea ie teînty feuiter ALixa:iuss vunMans, EUerxea. IP gen, tiieltheo saa ltileeteure la lied in t ien r IfRboecl hn eu emtauttand ie, und e- e oior et ofthen oint Wîien- t' i- i e Çeoecnte i -L uactnl, aned tann fat mmi r'afor île a cniisigiicurca. rnopuion of guies. lula mntiîaiedone ltnnu JOHN HIHSLOP. enieeeioce t in -h ouel i tu a ie-l. odbin- 50 C lieue et- d.eýiii', Twscwj-tnouaaaud os.% nd souiest auni of Tmrcaty-Cleosisad doiccb in Twesnty yeus-, providcd tinafr.. is cipalitis . mie-n hec mooy là expe-nîsil saise iey lty.iaw, oo-ere euetasamusit. Ber4it tCifesi-oom by tie Municipal Ci (Jis pnaoit ty af Octario ta <Conuiiisssemblo îshe ob seta nncl hte ancctietlt saine, tluat ilbit aelawfàl for tl den o! thie (outy Cc raise,:by Nix i frouis Rny paffl or personSg -550<174 ina Cerporate- s- pouitir, mec may ing tea atiimsithie nsaoopen lte o! titaCeunty. and of tie debcntsii tn sentiaucd, tien suas o! Twintytt -doule a sift s-onoy CU Ganso cause he samne te inn paîinte to Ci of tisaTeasuers-o!'tis Ç<unty' ppooices tatel. Tie he oe ita a lins copy cof By-lsi Ce tak aen tnte oeudî iiselhunicipstity et te oànCy n the CIeosurt Roussin tlesaToiwn 1ev, iteeaitCounty, ecoin fiml day o!fSepebs-1860, atit s-eis-ueofthUeo Cock, mmos, at wl Mdl elce, tie enamLana ofthse C btoresal ro aedttticcfor Qu 1.J,5 M.&CDON b."4s Y, is g Bop iiy,- e Dct ed Do eloc t!e seti talun a te tain o n thain rna tw )ri xs- a itir -t seln l'or a, np t55, cee, go bpiat ficali5 ty.lUoauasd cdol aUlin ia7%oà*Y: incaS of Boaa** tine CotyN'«QuI 'Warlen eft Clis County ta direct aneyýe bouetureoros- etactuces, te bc ma exi.t for sctasuc e isues o!moncey, 6t ImstneTmufity-five panns eacbandu4 et exncnledîg un tiemhoio lie asemo Tmety-thnsaxnldadllais wviCi îaemot theron, as any persan, or icerseous z i- or boies, compoasDios-po1eiCenasaag ta leol or adocince upon souciaebn ture: cuind sncb saint Debeealae- ah&&iI bc fa sucia faim sunthea Wss-dexxa'ofthe (ioetyshati Incas axpeiinl, atnd shaU be onde- tee Coi-pas-teSeal the ti ouic ly, andl shahll e sigu ed inje-*la Wazen 1 audTs-easu-er thereot, asel Ueo sams hsýl hi caIe payablo e t chtisauntdlin 4c suces as shall cosrespond wilb, tid ans Wil satisfy anl disciehe osait] loui wit îietemathe-son.' ils-. That thien teicst upea thesiW4 Do. benturesial b epayale at thno «acek of Monlieel, Wtuittay, <un tUeo dîrst-4-y' Janoa-y te eac und e-es-y y.ear 4ur-5& the cus-mecy ofsaintDeetues. 4te. VIeiltie respectieo anal Seca ratés t inaheSebeduhe hemcalter.mnsso ciel forming part oethin ily-taw, oiaiî4, mmcinellvinitasI neoilectent oves- uaà%èsoý attaCther rates, for thé jourà hene nn- tionel, upan ahi ralcabia ps-opçrty in the- cait Conoty oh Octante, for tUepurpoàce payiag tUesaintaleso! Twny4hoes«aas dallersaund tLe itftos-t lineon, su alêne- sail, sud tho proceadu of uch apa-cual aLte cubait ha appiilWsoiety lte epaymoetand satisfaction of soieaulres,aa ei- ters-cetes-on, mnCil te irote'ofovu.0 Debentures a udthetnse 1 smt Ceateosi as4Uj lea pail ta flt. Rers-icite afoiegoieg By-isv1 anM4 farceing part tiereofi e3tes -faea c ei he Ù1180t,& psuv&uirhstaflý2M lcc ee, et% luep SILii-e ci11 - ue i 5187, i ut - s e. inelmu, tel sellecii l enp, s 18-e rits Th nthsets.a 4Unt * -nda rth îe te s s- a bceawa, Mae ' pse.a in g i, " a"Iia - lndr m ta 5ier op erco#1,tit ahen codel t tefr i d4t4ei incheue adean, usut nu v rk- 1

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