Whitby Chronicle, 4 Aug 1860, p. 4

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o8 l p' t V01Tor ON«AR10,' y virtue of a Warrant inoed B o Wthe relsurer oihe Coijas 0 QpaIOhring dte the Foîrteenth day of Mily,-one oum*llginthundred and iztv, anal to me diratod, for the cécitoa 1 aerg and efsessmeils due opon thse 6lowing lands iasthee nid CauntS, I iaol on" g9N)AY, the Bt~h day of OGTOBER nezt, it thé hlour o 12 O'CIock. noon. ant tho Court. Hospn etiue Tqotis of %hty, prooeed- to tlae Siel of a.sidLads or so aouch t.iaen a am h. neemry fur tii. payosea5tof sanda arroers of eumennia. isles.the amre, 'togethor wth Il iawtul charges, fflue l?"-d noc 1a t1l 7 00 1852 456 7569 -$3298 2 quarter 0, 2 60 1854 .............. 46 1a. 2 20() 3852 3 4.....24 93 Wetqere21, 2 25 18.54..............s8 OS se d3 - 2 10 8o4 ........-..... 8 10 8 200 1IM2456789 .74835 Nothhalf s, sa 100 1852 456789. 36? North bh>14 5. 100 185246 7 8 9 2.5690 S. 4 200 185284 ...........244 lutvert 9. 4 12 1852 46789..17 09 icisthdalf , 4 100 1852 4546 78. 5 47 Wespa 1 4 4 87 18524 5 68.2564 N eirths haCf 17, 4 100 1854.............. 9 5 West hait 21, 4 100 3828a4....... 9 68 SEqiairter 21, 4 60 1834.... .....424 Sothhbaf, 3, 5 100 1852 S 4... 15. $outhha1t 14 6 100 1854 5 .......... 5 20 15, 6 200 1854 .... .......76 SWest Part 21, 6 15 852 34 5 67 89-2366 9'S' 200 154............. 12 52 13ueteî. Ir 0 1332 345 6 78.26 69 itrh l , 1~ 8 300 M25254 ....117 1ehal 7, 8 100 1854 5 ........... 18 91 Wetbel' 19, b 300 1852 4 56 78 9..26 71 SoutIh al 1, il 100 854 56 ....18 74 Sqate 13 50 1854 5............5988 NW ale 2, 13 0 1854 556... .......8 58 WethI , 13 104) 1854 5 689..389b4 Nouucl 4, 14 100 18545 s89 179 Nquarter 15, 14 50 1854 6 ............4ýi69 blot ait 16;. 14 100 1854........... .. 4 80 Soutahhait 13, North halfit 4i I&qt haiS 1 1 , Northa hall S à. South hait S8. 14 Southabail 7 Oahlat12, Nortisia 12, North hall 14, i 15, South hait 12, North al 12, -Soeutr hâll 13, North hall 13, Broken 2, South hait 7, N4orth hall 313, Southhalif18, 19 20, 2, Bouth hat 7. 13, 'South hall 14, South bal(f13, South liaIt17, North Ëitf 17, North hbail 18, South hall 38, North hall 23, 26, i 27, 29, North hll 6 Nom shait 17, Souths hall 14ý South hat 18' Northshsîl 18, Soutihall 20," Not hall 23, Breoken 2r1, Broken 27. Brokten 30, Biroenes Norths hall U4 Northx hsl 26, N If oCN haiS 28, 30, 32, Sout hall 10 1joethhall 17, South hait 17, 9*at hall 22, NoShit 28, .boath bali 24, Nis ! quarter 26, -Norath halit, - w arat Bo, MnshaIt 37. Sot 2af 8. NItsli h, 20. xoth putait2, 21. Xwth, hait 2a. 1oi Sl 7, r.8at st 10,Front pu4 ~t 31% Front lea front 17, Front 1.front t, Fro~nt 17, front 27Fronst 8,Front 9,Front 3,Front 37, Front 4.front 48Front A& 200 30<0 100 M0 100 180 200 174 100 200 11<0 100 100- 200 10<0 80 100 20t) 60 loi> 2(0 10,0 1004 io 200 95 16 181 Il5 21 ît>0 100 100 11<0 87 100 10) 100 100 14 2 50 18 300 100 60 110 110 1040 100) 100 100 100 100 500 50 750 100 100 100 100 200 100 210 20 100 10 200 100 loA 78 5 103 88 9t 91 81 83 88 317 84 84 ý8E 13U ,i Wnst al 18, SNWpart 19, S EY part 19, S WVp a r t '19 . Nvest hal( 1, 14, South laI le3, North hall 18, West hall 19 Eut hall 1, Westhalf -1, 19, 21, S W quarter 2, S Eqarter 2, South hait 5, 19, South hait 5. South hait 8. 19, 24, South part 0, South nael .8, South hat 11, 2 0 I 100 4195 40 6 200- 9 00 I 100- 100 1 0 10 100 10 100 10 200 10 200 il 100 Il 200 la 100 la 100 10 200 130 200 14 100 14 100 14 100 ...... 15 . ......5 . 824 185457S,... -258 1149.......2757 185234...........07 11852 4.1.ý- 7 1858456789. 348 15468 9......2487 1854........... -44 68 1864 5............4851 .11 ... ýI60 1854.......... ... Il77. 185234& ...21 11 185456 ....19 59 18»546..........456 1853 4 5 0 89 ... 6118 19545r6.......25138 185345678 .... 4382 1852845867 89..84 92 3822345 67 89-..4072 1853 45à67 89.... 58'61 1853545I6 78 9... 5548 18545678...8022 18523 45 67 89... 52 86 1853458......21 79 18528456 ....10 9Ã" 1858 4 5 67. 16 34 1854....... ..... 2 24 1852456 78 9. 6037 r18534 .......... 387 1852345......5024 1852 34 56 78 9 .1840) 18534.,.. .........5 il 18545 ........ ...21 82 SCUGOG. East parý 21, S Wpant 1, South hait 2, N Wpant 6, SE9pasrt 21, South hait 24, SE9part 2, Centae 2, E idae àN end 4, Nortih aiS 7, North part 8, S Wpart 6 Miiddle ùf E hehi7, IVpart 10,. 1852 34 ....3677 18U, 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 061 ut O0 1854 5 6 78 9...67T0 8SWp 10 18-2 3 4 à78 9 ... 51 1316 183 4 56di789 .... 56 53 1.qorthisaIî 17, 132834 5<1l7 8 5 86 08 8sW qusarr17, 1854567 8,9 .... 90 75 8 liqssar<.sr 17, 18284567890.. 72 69 Saithaîf 22, 185845ô6 7 89.... 7 8 Z2 Wst tlf 2,. 1854 ............. 26t01 13, 184. ...... . 629 SEBpart la, 185245467 8Y.-55 81 la, 1852 3 4 .....69rio35. 18547 El9 21 43 35. 1824 5 67 89. 4940 West Part 9, 15U3 485 11 7 8960 01 Wsest Part 9, 185 34 56 78 U 6j) 91 South part 14, 1-528 450ô7...37 39 14)2 3 4 6 7 9 41 7320 18 4 6 7 9.1841 7 187b2 34 à6 78el9 52 89 \North part 33, 1853 4 5.... ...î. 2340<> R ilaniss la , 18523-4......16 3 \o.rtbhialf 24, 182 34 5 679 .. 110 F.ssethait 28, M454 5 C,7 8 ).....78 t0 West haIS 29, 187)14 67 8 9...3161 iWetrert 32, 1853456 789.. 63 28 19, 18233 4 -5el7T i 9 O a 29 tiWest hait 20, 1851 4 3 ;7 89 53 49 Tet half 24, 18i5 .......21 09 38, 151 3 4 5 fi)7 89 48 58 South isaîf 1 9, 18-2.1,5679 -43<04840 Slooart 39, 1,532 a 40afi 7 8 9 .50 ôtOsa ua jrter i5, 1852 345 67 M 9 .50 50 23, 1 852 3 40ô 6 7 8 9 78 261 Wet hait 34, 1853 4Fi67i1k49 58 0ii0st h4fsi 2, 150354 ôIl7 9 4 Si ast boit 3, 185'3140<1678 9-115 89R:silîiif 4, 52 3 4 fi 7astliait 6, 152456789.29 8727 1854 5 67 89. 44 68, lm54 5fi 78 51. 47.4751 16. 1 5 4678B..7744 20, 18%)34 56 7 89..54 81 21, 1824367 89.50 37 29, 18534 ............ l 33 185 4'5 6.8... 8809 18234 ..........21 82 185240789..5099 18.34.......... rt263,i 1852 316 7 80 .20 85 s2,so 7 18'3 467 8 9.3567 ..,ssslaialf 9 182 3 4 5 67 850 43 ~Nrhis.il10. 153 4 . . . 3 l Nortis h5a l 1, 4 .. 51 72 9, 1 ~ 24 .......6 25 Neri>h lf 10, 1822i3 4057 9. 1 liat18 2 1.247. 10732 gîtsttisisssf '1 1834 ..............3 88. Norths issf 1, 1854ô6 7 89. 6 31 5ortai' u.J 14, 1854 à 6 78 9.. 56 1 Nfortil iaf 15, 1854679 . 389Nosrth Isell 4, 1854 679...... 8810 Wemasitsf 11, 18-3345678947 28 .rttasl2 1854 ............ 0 45 Noîrth ia iel 3, 18:12 34 5 6789.41 67 5.~i 10 18347890. 0600 W quarer 1%. 1814 5...... 22006 N W qs.sessr1, 1816 78... 83 WetPart 13, 185214 56 7 8 ... 8509-q,3 1853 4 56 . 6920 SOuhhiell 182 34 5 9.......î76 00 Noarthsiaalf 3, Vffl 34 à i Ti8 9... 4<850 10. 1833 4à6 7 8 9... 46 42 -SetiiPat 14. 383b214 5 6789... 59 88 lWt part là, lei 3 4 5 678 ..67 48 Iet hll1, 18M3345.... 441 9, North lWaf a, 18345679 . 1s'-h hall 7, 5852343....... Il 14 ,aihll ,, 1452 34 5.... 2.)if; ssI 1,el 1852 34..... 2394 3<4>45 ...........447 3, 1831 4 .......... 6 7 bScshlf l 4 1832 3 5 6 7t2 2i 1f S, 18524567... 422 Sstlshait e. 1852834 .22....279 7, 18M4....... ....... 538s 2 184 5.......... . 39 85 3, 182 3 45. . S1salilNorth half 61 1852 3 4...,..* 28 87 esotih al S, d W lp&tî 7 8hs1rt ai , 1182 3 4 56 7689.. 677 11:5115 6 789.17 58 18,32 3 4 5 6 7 8 9..102 "4 lM8 384 5 .17... 31 1 Etss 182 34 ô66i8 0.. 7-148 WtrOtL il 3,Ç35 6 7 t .. 18 07 do do a 18-2 44 5 7 ..54e6 o 1 383S4567809- 54 94 do à 1 185245678 9.. 52 ai.dé i si18248678 9- 52069 do do 9 s 1852345678 P.. 44< W do 10 r 1885à6a7 8 9 .... 50 27 de. 13 4 l82 3 4 5 à79 9..3454 doe l1t 4 8ef14 b 678...3 2 94 do la 1) 183,3346 789.. 44 07 do 14 7 187â2 34 ...3916 ado la PO 3814 ............. 1384 do 17 a 82 1 à6 7 8..45 14 do 18 lu'1823 45 8.8882 W M ,0 .18234567 8 9..4ô08, do a> 12 3 4 36 .«. 2 9 do 3 ý24 1:2 3 4 à ....il06 do 4 -If 182384 ô6 7 a.. 30042 4de 0 9 X&4 à 78 V.- 9:j0f4 de a K' 18284 il7 8 9 79Il48 de 9 0* 8 3 94à7 8 9.... 867,3t 40 I» d la U IM à......4.U 1 4 M l 25 'oc 3 31, 100 23 50 50 100 100 200 100 Ï4 200 18 133 47 40 210 200 100 50 50 100 100 200 135 200 55 45 28 72 50 179 les 173 200 69 100 97j 100 100 ci 176 100 100 200 100 85 50 200 100 lue leu 100 100 100 200 25 25 25 25 THORA1 go le S0 100 100 110 100 161 83 sa i 83 100 10 50 100 100 10 100 lue 100 100 200 200 100 100 100 200 200 10 100 20 300 100 LE 183 4 5 6 ........27 18 1824567.......30 53 1854..... ........ 986f .84 6 ... ... 7 u 185456.......... 5 13 18525678... S86 t )853467898....2580 1853467.........23 29 18224 678 ...4956 185 3 4 56 78 9..102 34 183456789 ..... 5 0 1854 56......... 066 184567.........35 13 1845678 ...40 1 18456789..... 141 00 1854 5........ 9 5 185345678.....91 5 18523467 8......26 5. Ii53 4 5.........24 23 1823 4961 . 1....94 1853 45........35 29 1853 4 .......24 14 j53 45 ..........17 12 1034567 .....20 16 1853 467 89..28 17 183466789 ....600 1853456-j89 ...... 43 66 18546789....... 46 90 18523456 78 9 ...4394 1853 4 56 789 ....6988 18534 5636 B9. 30 0 1853 4516 7 89-..30 93 1854516 7 8 8 .i4 99 18 3 4106789..25 36 .84 567 89..... 18 20 182 34 56789 ...72 1852 3 4567 89..-.40 9T 18534 5 6 8 9.390 18534567 89 ....6036 18534 5 6 89..... 34 34 18234 5 6 7 .33173 18523456.......19997 1854567 89 ....4933 185456 789 .........-. 493 185 3 45 678 9. 24. 430 1853451......... 202 1854 5 67T89..... 292<2 18534 ..... .....7713 182 34 567T89 ...89 182 3 4 56 789 ... 149 182341563 a9 . 40. 085 1852 4... .......94 1852 4,........... 22 99 1852 3456789 ..... 36194 18.52 4 . .... ....- 9 42 1853 4 5 67T8 9-- -54 03 181,2 3416 789 ... b 111 18556 7 8 9. i. 8 3 1854 .... ... .... 44 84 1852345 .......3 182345678... 810 184568. ._.. Il 70 185456789 . .. 138 1854567 a .... 13 1853 4............. 2 185-24 57.....--. 42 . 1841345672 ..... ta'2 18545à6 9......737le Itq5436 7 9 ........ ' 7 9 ..7.......... 276G 305545678 ....... 43 8 IR443679 .......... r277 18.54567890........ 2982 184 5 67.............. la1 1)515<a 47 8 9......... 19 96 ISMS6t7 8......... si 18MSS4 S 9......... 145 IS8,4667 8............ 1546 1854 6 .......... 1365 l8.4 5 789......... 247 1S567 8 9..........4Ï4 18".% 9 .............. li 18 5 6 78 9....... 27 2 17 182 4 ... .....1644 18"5 .......... . 13 ( 84579 .. ...61 V 1854 57 8 .......%M 18.l478 9 ......76 15456 7...... %I 18419678........ 415' 1855 7 89..... .. 7e 184567 89.... .. 1e 185456789.......2 18456789.......21 18A2à4371 0 3......0 10il54 5 6 7 8%0. ....27 1"5 457 8 ........... 4i 1446............ 1 1 45.............. 4 1854 -a6 2. 4 115â657 t9.........4 18245457 69 ....... S98 BEsiVERTON. eoe-fifth oaeifth onllis cai-flfth *ne.fth one.flth O".4ft10 do do do de de do de de 40 de de de de 185s5&la7.............207 1s"447 .......... .. "67 105i5a6 7 ............20 67 184567T8.... ........ .21 1856 a7 8....... 206 1g45 437 ............. 20 67 18A567 .......... su067 18" 46 7 ............. 20647 1A3 178.............S1 7 18fl56 78 ..........-. 20 si l8ý 37a8I?......---_O 47 114 54Ç 7 .... .......i20 67 l, 5468.............17 68 3%4 a a7S8...... ..... 208c 3824567 .... ....... 20 si 185 478à.........» 7 38814438 ..... 47 1131311S8 ........ e lm à4 y a ....... .. 0 7 u1847 8......... w WVeetquarter 15 tEast IsSu 17 Esc? hal 28 %Vet pari 28 East limif 35 E oftE qar. Il V oS E quar. il IWest lait .17 Wes bVs all 37 11;E Fort 20 Pari o(.E hait 13 S Epart 14 East balf 18 Wect iit 18 Eau liait 20 %Vemthsir 20 EssI hall 26 'oVes balf 26 Eesst haiS, il Eut hait 22 24 Eu e haif , 2 sAem kthall 6 Sosâihat 14 17 19 S wpurt 5 En melpai18 23 EatIabu 3s-, 37 84 84 84 14 -ii 0 29 19 de 4 do - 6 do 7 do a do 10 de il do 12 4o 13 do 14 do i5 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 do 22 do 23 do 24 du 25 do 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do il do 32 do 33 do 34 do 35 do 36 do 37 do 38 do 39 do 40 do 2 do 2 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do 14 do 15 do 16 do 17 do 18 do 19 do 20 do 21 de 22 do 23 do 24 do 25 do 26 do 27 Siancce st. 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8 do 9 do 101 dlo 11 do 12l do 13 do 146 do 15 do 17 do Il do 2 do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 s do 8 do 9 6 do 10 do 11 do 12 S ou tha ide 1 Victoriasil. do 5 t do 1 es do 4 do Wî do w do i ý2 do 1 do do Il s3 do il & Do SNorth %iade $1 Albers.$ tu do i A iL. do tif do do do t do do 1 53 do i 83 do j do V S3 Soaatlaside 44 .Albert i9. 33 do 61 9v5 Easti$ide !!'eis onil 100 19.51...........5 70) 100 1 K->4 ............i7 100 84 5 678 947 87 79 18m3456789 460OR 100 1854 ........... 89 35 1854.......... 2 60 il 1854 é8 .3..393 10 0 1854 5 6. .. 1 7 19 100 18--3 4 56 7 895062 40 1854 ............ 10 40 185ý3 4 5...150 80 18M4...........5S1,3 3.4 i8:2 3 4 56... 37 65 100 1852 3 45... 25 10 100 1852-3 4 . .. 17 60 100 18353 4 9...22036 100 1853 4. . 2 2 100 18 3 467 8 95915 1~ 1852 3 4 6 78M 9 60 89 I% 18W3456789 5503 100 1853 4. .. . 41Il 186 18546 ... 17 65 100 I12 348. 333371 100 182 3 45 6... 24 70 200 18M345678 9 105 37 100 18523456789 5167- 200 1833456789106 79 20 > 85467 89.6 33 61$ 1854 5 678&9. 31 38 20 UM653456789 1089 93 I 35 6 789. 4043 2(» 1854 5 678 9 -.. 93 27 100 I 8 13 4 . .. . 9 71 10 1854 .... . 70S- 25 18W34567895217 1MSNG. REYNIOLDS, Pwr C. N«u. do':ôIS0taT ...... 206 do S I .... ......20 67 dé .... O . 267 do 1818 20 67 do ....58...1 6 1851678127 61 do 31166 20 8 do 1557 . 01 do 1s5156à$ 2417 do 33546729 . 217 do t0515 78 ... 2.7 do IÈM05567 8...:::::: 7 do ltlSBS8.......2087 d, 'le45 r7 8.....20 67 do 18%5467.. .. 20 67 do ff 354678..2 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1545678 .... 20 67 do 184 56 78.. .. 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18 545 6 78.... 20 67 do 18.%5678 .... 20 67, do 1854 56 7 8.... 20 97 do 1854 56 78.... ;39 43 do 18545678 .... 20 77 do 18i4 5 6 78.... 20 67 do 1854 5 6 R..20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1845678 .... 20 67 do 184 56 78 .... 20 67 do 18%5678 .... 20 61 do 854567s.... 20 67 do 1.545678 .... 20 67 do 1854 5 67S....067 do 18,-457 8.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 1854567 8.... 2067 do 1854 ri678S.... 20 97 do 18M546 78.... 20 67 do 1854ri6 7B.-... 20 67 do 18M546 78.... 20 67 do 18M54678S.... 20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do IS54 56 7....20 67 do 184 5 6 7S..120 67 do 1854 56 7 B.-.. 20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 1--4-)6 78S.... 20 67 do .8U5 67 S. 20 67 do 84 5 6 78...20 67 do 18M546 7 8.... 10 67 dn 84 56 7 8.... 20 67 do I15456 7 8.. -20 67 do 18545678.... 20 67 do 18545ri678S.... 20 67 do 1 4--4 5 6 7 8 .... 20( 67 do 18545 67....«20 67 do 84 5 6 7 8....20 67 do 1546 7 8.... 20 67 do 1855678.... 12067 do 1545 678S.... 20 67 do 18545678 .... 20 67 do 18fl5457 8.... 20 67 do 18546 7 8.... 20 97 do 18 54 56. . . 12 92 do 19,5i45 67.... 20 67 do 1S.145 678S.... 20 67 do 18l546 7.... 20 67 do 1854ri6 78S... 20 67 do 1854 56078... 20 67 do 185-)4 5678S... 20 67 de 18-54 5F6 78...20 67 do' 1854567 8... 21 5-Q do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 18545 6 78... 20 67 do S1546 78... 20 07 do 18.14 6678B... 20 07 do 18fl54678S... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 18.-4567 b ... 21 32 do 1855678S... 20 67 do 1854567 9... «2067 do 18--45678B... 20 67 do 184567 8... 20 67 do 18545678g... 20 67 do 1545678S... 20 67 do 1854 56 78... 0067 do 84 5 678s... 20 67 do 18545678... 20 67 do 18545678... 20 67 do 18U56 7 8...067 do 1854 5......... 9 00 do 18545678... 20 67 do 1845567 8... 20 67 do 8546 7 8... M 67 do 1824567 8 ... 2.)67 do 18,U546 7 8... 20 67 do 18545 678... 20 67 do 1854 5678... 20 67 do 14 5 6 7 8... 20 67 do 1854%567 8 ... 20 67 do " 1854567 ... 20 67 do 154567 8... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do 1854 567 8... 20 67 do 1854 56 7 8... 20 67 do 18545 6 78... 20 67 du 184 5 67 8... 20 67 do 18.U5678... 20 67 do 18.U 5 67 ... 20 67 do 154 56 78... 1.0 67 dlo 1845 678S... -20 67 do 18.!4 5678S... 20 67 do 1854567 8... 20 67 do- 183456r rb7 8..- 20 67 LUNE B8EoIct CHANOIERUTSAX-XII Hollow PBiu nèft. COxSoLATION FOR TUE S iFFEr1h\-G 1TEARtLY Mfileyer"c cotanlltI'"' 'evss'y .1'Nport ofrtie; itbiable globce, LIoOIStau sae inal, rte cicille'drallbeiait a riOVeli Oti 0.00, toneceis, nid svosls a, ndaln e o Oe vor peicies r nfislmmations Osd se1p -it ' Inbtl lttise pi,tise icOls, 1tise tag - f cmelsg tise sosseno. albo srestllsirandl 1'.. monti eîîeesrOl, Iwîtli(l5tillgellyb' eîbbingt 55 fisal i îssg os4saereseiss, tiss sinstile011 mient. SerofllosErysapelas, anal Salti Sheul Nio ycneds' bas 0*n o go lînlmîsisfcr'tiO eu5e ofdsee. Ot'lie Skie, wlinteer fora tiîy SsII hoin, Scrv , p re Itese eef sîiss Eryoiipocu c, îslesîsi etiisnsi ils iaîislle. ad legs, Olal Sores, and Ulcels. Ccaueel of masc >-crs stlllîîiîîg thlct laîsss5ir tinaecilsi"rofei ais -ia i i O111Y 0Otiler relle or trentiîieact. jîsîçe ib*i l icecsîîîbei tao f'cw rppliessationt, tiîfîiaiss plivrscfsi sîîîgsîclst. ]Ersîplions on ahe Skia, ,%igilig ferima allandstate cof rte bliod - cliîrsn7ie ie. tre eridicaeiel, natal a civseir fi tmlspileesîtOîleilCace .sil,.aie tIe.ctorl't fictioan siitiie SllîtliO!t. Ir ecrpmqOCCO nal iîi> t ' iefs e i( lh rtie i 'l Oth lc.piles nadl Faiatai'. Foc,>' foirs isi ifumurse ocitlic 6-evoi9i1(i ptt.lborniss si rcerc e r.siî 011-1bcei> ossicl'> ti ecis Nholtite îî-e 01eîit tllslîliitîc'lselrn .seClf tâtiones ,l I sccdî~'lii isstlee. Ilieb thyiseqdîitiei s iesWin le11151bcs.i inuvaîriabe. ., the lcointssi es) ndPsis scAssis) k set.) 'a 11 fuliî ,Iicf l a rscsssit . iîîIscI i i.s.1 C111jilsiitf, Fietîîl.s. Gour.1sssbîî îersei Esî's pilîn î'ses elflt s, l îi rsgmorni ass sI ii, 1 Scils~S.ciss i 4-cs Oielil lilsson5c $oîrîcesol i s.i.5. ~îss ufi lTetie U'Ic.r, VeiseceilSlcc.WsîîîIcc11l r "Llm'ss r~CUiois)N-Nitae cgeils suc'llm the sessils..Hfl i *Y, -.5î 17-v ""l' 'a"" îssss, tlie Ilossk îsiie,i.ti saruiîîld - !%('Il 1.CI-t «I t eit . ssîcisl ' . sijîf si,- "e. 1s5 hîlsejcSlhe.lesJ ltîhelis)st. A's it-sss.s.lOr a'c I l5 wi:,i ' i-"von toi fn)d aec ll'iil et 55l oselS s.C assl'.1e Railîele iliit Ji i.. Sc 'eîll.l15 u s.sis st he l a,î il il:1 t Pe ei % i; N. ~ l- c )" Csim is liii ofsis V hts Usgt incever> .il'i. Oic(Irt i'ller csciO'i. 87 PUIIIFY lTUE OLOOI Mlotiaits Life lFille ansul îseuil lisacre Fee frottsa iltMiaerai Poisons. T i117. ilE." *Iit i.slI S t'lll'Ill 31F fut'c , lre 'ili .iîsand isî i i ic ssii ssilses i ls 55i5,'pic5ice .*l ie.~liîs Iîs Ics ofit le y ,r r:lIsse s-s', isig iseis iii lssii o i i es-1 sss . vti' lîs 1'. . 1 li 1su- lie, si lîii it i"! IL, Wi cliîi~ i sssc reiicuiI ls' s'it,. .ltss'I' 1 i-a ;i'cisý. tliCili lu>J' btei el i i II îIli i îîh .'1îi si i*t .liii >i l - ie ar ell I IIu i i, tl. , iýrIii , i tiiisigo kl utiiski.ilisliliiils i. Ili e s', isC cll ihe .'rils..si C s'llis'l ssii liii !OW l&% %-,evei %-itis tîe îtii1-« %tIi . uisîc- N i 'si lit illrt cc isisilie -iisir touatie N- eiiy's1sus e iss, .. .iSec y l,sl ttosale b.% G. 'sA. kiîtisi r, 'sI1I, IN E W "TR E ATME'NT1 DUFFAi.OIEIICAL DISPENSARY PSTAO5.t555t0FRsTUE 0CUREOcFs Dygpepoia, elamceiîl 1Islieh. !s'esr mi Alve .4dihiîsa, IssiieXsi O<.>ietsis5 Cseeejwmpî.oa of yculhîoI nd a4l aj,,e. c W sîo31Icltyrîso s...f DR1. ASIO0S & SON, (cosclslseOFa.i.lesÂhieQsssY S"TuliaUI.e.Y> A RE litE ONIVLli'l.SICI.'NS5 IN 7115 Arsilî ATE ci hi iitiirellsi.eiss.er Iîil' il,liis. iîî esccy sti5ci ssi Tisron tîsciii sfiessiming, lits-suc ec .igitiî waecils ,f 511 soisce,'evssccscsislsIiicesc"t .li i ii Eipes.ss ii Amissric,. A MO57ST SCIETIFC INaVENTION', ne Ne tIsî Isi llsie 55 c. s r.l cul' 4 > k i ,,.a',siesuiWeslisisîesste- e lîss'.cso ici5 csciestinslcfrima 'iisi. . 2s1ssils.li îe s of tiiic lictiss ti, n ai , il fa.ssjuill i . meslieiîsc. Totoîs sacs rAtE rAallacULes 57r. De. Aisîsi. & h-is ice llcîcisce e tist tieylsshavaeii'i 515hntd % i5.lq1c.l ,i Ra i e t sir(i u s'îi.-fss'islle s sx e usisî. bas breun cs iirs'i a, i i -1 s 1,N i lis0si.. s asicciîss .ss us ~ si.ila ow I1.' l ii ,ili il i MW Yo krk; i lisse lsesss t..isîcs.s usiatî i ii"lcliiiiiil 5i5 iss'î,ii isa . offressfii.siisi i'cîkis .s ssiie cssccr . i , gctaîitl ocgssi, cîss-sl ( ise eccee i.l.ss Dic. Asinses & Suis,ira eIlucslrc li isisfs tise i.- %lcîe .s asii sue sth e i c Il ti tlî e eslciie i iscî-lisssoin l> 5stls isjii le th'sà;eyî suilhe eiss i di' i I pyuc iisc l es Lieî est sirueti.sîs seîri> î.skcl ali,[>l l ', r NEW RcEssosES AND QUaC r cat, A 0155E 55IMA r.5750 THIOMAS il. lch l s > SFoR 8.11.9 HARVEST -I IYPE 1VIENTS- 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION WIIICII 11E IS SELLING AT IJNPRESEDENTEDLY i ss'tlisig uin sic lus.', nilu el ,;Ic ' ' a îe I ~ ~~~THO MSIs)i L. ,MIL B EGS tw announee té bissnuan(cree. facndson tstsee hthel, B ~on liotenuae s ut CARR1jAG;E MAKINGIl IN À'LL M 8BRAN(2llES% Oas tise peemiselaheritore o-upied by Mr. N. RAIr, on )WaYt6~~16i M4a lleate.kstreets, wbere he ile P resaa eroaa5teettal" CARIAGES, BIIGGI ES, SLIIISCfIR~&e M'aehtrda --à8.84 at tke Lawe« *MOlàO AL170111 WABEALI4T&W e KI X LUMBR ad PRODUCE .TAK.EY IN RXCILLYVG4 .t D. FORIFS long exposiece of <Sir yes" in te ibo dUS.- on and nfter Mondtty, July 2, 1860, the subscribers, or,, menceseUing the remnder of their Spring and SUmmr tcko À t grcatly reduced ptiices. 7ý per cent discount Wyî1lbcs aIloa on ali Cash purchases over one dolar. salesteo conitne for two menthe s .1.s- must bc clesred teanako sony for Fait purchaases as stlssrithe ilOescribç.d tim, oa * of barganS may bo expcctcd lin Ladies. Uiih"s HAIS, ONNETS, IRIB BONS,I Musins, Baxages, Delains; Shawls, Capes,, Skirts, r. trimnliXgB, Glov8s, Hosiory, Chldrens and Ladi,, ]Boots and Shoos, Gentiemens Rats and4 Caps, Alapaca and Lustor Coatings, Cotton and Union Tweeds, &o., &o., &a. Ci The highiest price paid for al sortso Farmers Produce. LOWES &. POWELL, iligliest Cash price paid for any quanIltity' at the' Stores of .10: - A supersor issortînent of Gents atnd Boys FASHRIONABLE REID Y-J tEIDE CL OTIIIJ. G! ini Tweeds, FauîcyMixtures, GARMENIS MÂ1)ETlO ORI)ER. pxi REce P1R Z U~A~~ on U 1 A90 HJAMILTON & ROBERTS, 17 Nos. 1 & 2, TiWls Block-, Whitby. SPR1~ AB SUffFTR1IfNP RT ATIONS, Begys to inforîi lus custoniers zand the pub. lie, that lis stock of Netv (Gonol, s oo'v tes lîsizsii iii lihe sold Cheap for CRS% coOlitillg of a lîrge lsslhalent cof 1RISStGnouhs, BBN'NIÇr, RIBIUNS, PARISOLS, Glovtssad Iiosiery. Csrîlets, 1) i nîc lsssoî Nets eîsd Mîclins, liemestse Cottueni &e. A lis ,e .isssisof Broad Cloths, Cassimercs, Canadian Tweeds, Gamberson, rarmer's Drilli &c. an Mens'end lBoys o ts sadPan. rnde pon thePrenises. The TAL*IMC G E1ARTIENT as consa lerai i cc lacged, n a is rig him i thear or trs, May>reis qpen bts ang thier garmens t nade pe awro lke nwnterman nthe latest st>le et Fasio. A itg 's k of JLSI RLLrîVFD. Perry's Brick Buaildings, Whitby, 27 Apr i,18610. lutH UOGKIS ýnr3 ýwwbj43ý24i

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