Whitby Chronicle, 18 Aug 1860, p. 2

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ont] lyhat a poàiuou iur a canmulm &0 uý ý »dim Hum et Peem t* O-PY T The 'Cbàmw hm tom weil-6ined remarks un vw the (30uneil'u-rd- Not,.,Çithstantling r6urpo6es $2,327 gencrai purposes . said David pte-01 . on bèing sivorn in- . The Micunt la at the Mt, or 'face, dia déclare that he had no in- «ub m' the doUae. lit st by bimselfor p*rty or agen t th MY tutary transactions wÃŽth or on bëhiLlf ADDRESS Te U. IL a. yne ÉRI'xen Or ho salit ilorporation. The Xàedr, làjà herét, the doacit Lk il& That byla resollution or the Cotin- draft of au address te be Prose, cd on Sattirtby, thO 7th day of te ad- Corporation te the Prince oP;1è21'ý *k X-tà,'.t the elerk was etn0wuted Lise fùr tenders for, printing Towhsliip 9, coldmittëeý of thre tui 0 wu$ appoinied te Quitta for 18-39, fitue li-gn!Lcd for -rëSiv- aider attit.Ikrieét the saine. tenders te expire ci, the, 19thday of On motion ýofMr.ý Draper, a te Outh, Mr. David Réesi)r; the Rouve, wu Passed authoriaing the Mayor t lit ist, by Prictor of the Markliain P.toptôtn his proclamation, conven in.oreillan, John àlanrneldj'trid tender . Publie xwv; ing gr the citizons nt the Town 11,11 the follewing Word-, Thursday evening, for the ,, D 4ýEcon0Mijt OMM iug arrangements for rpou of M#khau,4 8th April, 1860. 0 receptIon ut IL Il. nt this town. ý Il The Utýdersi--ned agme te iusert lit the - The Couneil then adjo yk-hain E«)nooniat the Township au- U-ed untu ints of this Municipatity for 1650, and day the 27th inst., ut half-past 1 ëv nu 00 copies of the saine, Un [taper 0 ?ar 1 ÃŽie saniple fer $08. COOMIB Corresponde,,,,. il to " (Signed) joiiN wANSFIELD." QvxnËc, August Id David r, as . àrti. 'Nat the sai Reew DEaR Six, ý , witlicut corsulting the 10ouricil did, ove 'rhord id little atirrin.- at th, contravention of th. Statute In such a ;a inade and krovided, on or about the 00verument in ilie way of polities, and lm. th day of April last., âwarded te h1raself, for the recent disclosures of the oprictor of the Markham Èwnomjtt, Commercial Advewmer q,,,d ,ýuh bis su, n John Mansfield, the ýtti et 1. pr,7t,_ý anddidprint.in the BrOwnbf the Globlet and JUlon ut the ,t tain in the mouth of May naditin steainship lire, the preparatio., foi uý.uut. of this Municipolity for ý5.)' with au4dors report thercto atiach- the recoptioù of the illugtrious yo'th RW so near ut hand, would have almorbel &I 4th. That the condu lit or the said David thoo-ht and considerattou. Bat ceýsur, in awardinig to his servant con- acts, whereby advantages accrue ta him- cd politicat bargain and sýIe of the talit if, in, In direct violation 01 a most steng- nitude indicated, could net ýt Act of the Legislature, an comment, and if the presti P- withq c.it of a just and wholesoine prinleiple med selle, 'î id down in loir, an outrage on publie biniselfl could but hoar a amodi put 4 ritinient, and a -rosa insult te the muni- wbat even Many of bis oid Md roust s ý ýrs 01 tkis couticil. ted Bc it therefore resolved-That this fast friends say on the subjret, ouneil deciares that the said David Heu- bis cars wouid titi. e and bain in a ýr illeL-.Illy lloljs lits scat as ectincillor impleusant rnanner. Su jar as 1 balm It ce ve, and, that cvery act passeil by Opporttinity of learninij publie opinion ci ýîs Coutteil, se ton- as lie rýýtains bis sent, this grand operation, it la te the effe.'t tbg ill thereby bc ille-gZ1 and void. the Il ordinary transactionil as the e14 Mr. Iteesor, Reuve, having read the duc- bas it was a very favorable Que te ait luttent iddressing blinself to Mr. 1 - pu. tics clincerried, but there are uncasoili tid _- Gentieiiieilthi,; is a serions charge; never voted illyself money front the persons vvho assert that it la a B=dd* ougieil, and the ainount you charge tue affair, and one that it %vill seul Mr. Browýj ith rélceiving the Cotincil got full value Pulitical- fate---as if it was any mattr at S, and, unless front personat motives yor. ail te the Grit fmternity thut its lehhi esire te drive nie froin the Couneil, you aboutit tura his Parliûmentary infinene, to ill withdraw thi% charýve." tha best possible account in the way or Mr, Marsh rel)lied--i have nu dosire te =hl Surelyifheb n for. rive NIr. Reesor front the Ûouricil; 1 have 1 as bue «,YeQ for rotight this matter before the Couricil bis attempt Ut perpetrating a publie çjrQý rote sense of duty te illyself as weil as bery" Of twO Or three ràilliouâ ut dollars- a 11 Lake jeave te a for it was by this 0, the rati!pgyers. ay petite terni ho charatte, hat 1 never experienced %uch painfut sert'- ized the settlement of the SeiýgnodaI Te,, ations lit the discharge ofany public duty, tire on the Tery --e basis thai his m, nd 1 trust '.%Ir. Rcesor wili honorably Cabinet had dgrecd tu deW wilà th ree iiiiiiseif front this greât scandai. 1 jejo-he WHI bc easily, absolved Of a], ma. ind, sir, that ýtr. Iteesor, ait Pa, belug sworn aides when the jqb la ouly te the extent of nto office, declared, bc liait no interes. t in ,ny inonetary transactions with the Court- twenty thousand dollars, and the monel, il. 1 find, hovrevee, that lie drew front ilistead Of coming out of the public tre» lie Couiteil $177 90 due te hint for prit tt. ryp is 8crevved out of a pr;vate commenw ng in 1858-i). 1 cannot allow thl,; Motter bouse. What is the use then of tbojýg o pa.,s over without remarie, as 1 uni lie- ail titis fusa? I*ýatIlur let us cong-ratulme ýitive, that honeeforth overy act of the Ourselves that the precise nioney value of 'oulicil Wili bc Illegal. 1 aise call Mr. the honorable iii-cinber kas been aseertà. teesoris attention tu the tact that ho bas cd, niA that fûtnre lie.-Ociations have the ,,iven te his own ollice ail the printing fur his present year, anli contrary te the exy LeY Of a tariff %, ith vihich they may cem [)rc,,qsed will of tbis Council. late the cast of carrying 1hrOuý'h par1w Mr. Rowman exprc*-,si,-d similar senti- ment 1111Y little matter in'which they ml nents tIecIariniý that it was a most inde- bc interested. lienceforth a siml)le mie znt ta sit ut the Courteil board of tbreij c&lcullttion, will givg le ddna inowin.- that the Reuve Was ille.-àlIY IlOld- - information. Thus-if $416,000 gitm ng his sent. $20,000, what will $20,000 or $40,000, m Mr. Pingle declared ho coutil sec nothing the case may bu, give? Theu having » wrong ;n the conduct of Mr. Itouor. Mr. Buttort, Deputy Reeve, declared for certoi oeil the cost of the leader, that of tho his part that Mr. Reczior hall aie right tu subs and privates wilt net bc diflicult to sit at the Cotincil Board. lie was disqua- figure out, and everybody will admitl thaï ligied froin being elected, and the deëlétm- lit this view of the subjeet, a service W Lion malle by the lteuve wu-; such 11-9 lie been rendered to the screwer of Grit poli. could n-it have malle. Still, Mr. Rerct 1 tics, by develol)in.,r its fiscal Mysteries a Will Support Yen. briiiging, theut dowu te the level of thi .NIr. Reesnr replied, fîrA iii a bullying inanner. Fiudilig however, that the nov- meali'-et capacity. er and seconder %Z ru net te bc brow-beat- Our ministers and the licid of the Ge ený le ýýqjddejdv descelitied te the whiniper- crimient le1% for Gaspe the day before i:lg ninod. Ali was unavailing-the vote yesterday, thore te meet and weloine tbe was taken. august visiter whom they have invited, sal Ycas-Howinan and Marsh. %Yho thou-h bc hua taken the smaller P* Nays Button, Pingle and Recser! vincý 011 lis wayfis Our guest Imr Titus voit rind, Mr. Editor, Mr. Reesor, Its-eve ci Ntarkisai a %Vardon ofthÏ County lence. WOR't the Primitive people ofPil. aspirant for leg-ist'ttiive bonors, burkin.- un caturial pursuits, who lieretorlore tiave m inquiry into his own condueL Will this no more distinguisbed a persotiqe thos motter bc allowed te rest hure ? If the member of Parfiantent, and ho geueA iteeve bas malle a faIse drelaration te Ob- net a very grand one, bc astounded by tk tain bis sent ut the Couicli Board. and viâiL of the whoie Conciliait Execýv6vee à thercby being appointed Warden, will the Ouvernor Guttural and bis staff, a iýbÇretul acts of either Council bc legal ? of State for ail the British Colonies, ut Are ive conte te such a pass lai this large and: wcalthy courity, that such disgrace- the most î1lustrous Prince in the VO& fui conduct con bc tolcrated, 1 say, Mr. %vith a retinue of titled magnate3 lai Nd Editor, it won't do. Let the Council bc clerical, bosides soine three thousud purged. 4-beart3 of oak" la jacketg of blS, ad Ta the inaul Independence of Meurs. their accompanjing frieiods of crdolou ilownian and %I.rsh, members of the (;con- fame-themarineal Ifthercialabigwè cil, ive are iiidebted fur the exposure Of titis silamefui conduct on the part of Mr. fish in the bay of Gaspe, on Liait dah hl Recsor, and the niatter must bu fulloWed shOuld Lake coun"l of W'sdont, Md keq Op by a criminal prosecution. close, or by book or by crook, ho is 30 Rkhmond Ilill, 13th Aug. 1860. te smoku on the Prince la "le as chowm -if ho bc net embalmed as a ineinento il Town ceuneil. the royal visit, and placed in the MM Museum. WitiTBY. Monday Ev'g, Au* n 1 ut a trace te this nonsense, riait lie . d STRVX= A" Igr»UxcxT& l'in, Mr. Pom te, Sm 4 punnu" 1 he (Mr. PAmor) W bee- -M&--g a ruoituon ta correct stmct&,fronl4 until Mr. P«,y .Rr. Yak moved ce or the report of the Comndttc-e PARed in July Mr. FUWC14 wbther it %vas re 1 last, by making the appropriation, to, the not, in Mir. Remr te centre ward $200. The resollition Irm quest, Mr. F-a-mwalat it 10 allowed Lu, stan& - torwarqi amne- wd" Mr. Co th, CO£ËF nothing but right, that Cap" p Md Ow On motion of lot Mr. P«ry Sm the Lmpblet v t 00% mittee en streets and împrove--ta were - r thing WU COM: bOLWOO* r dîrected te advertise for tenders for, gravel P" - - aith a tremendOUS to be laid dowe, on truck sVeet ing. Rêègw. .don, Ilouck, and the ÃŽIIUSÃœ"o wm ",ro&78 coxxuxtcàTloxe . , Sont -thst a for North 1 Outuio - th? W-,* )b The Major laid on the tàme a rmlution Umill te be c»ý w' W frcm the Sourd of $eh" Tr à at nue emit ad ÃŽlýý içst -tm -ith - Iký tbeotb« lfr. emîmam or reoaipts and «pe*diwreý, re- HuiklS at tempti r- quîred for »choilà pepum 9m. Al»* Md = te sOMZ; t Nybîtby 8?- comamdemîm from, the On""or G"& de ve A*4 Olt Boa 0. liowtt d rar& &tretu, in vee rer in your lifO he&r gne on x. Ree«, reception. -1 Pr-i-i-g up . w dé vising the eà«ýW- t? aw rbd d ne O'm Cfen mention Xr. Draper iuüo&md a by4Ê« but demed NEr. &;d fbr à, ànWolement of the rûýd t,,.,F, bat Umm, to Ur. of bb a ma te woëli suwranom âd 10 frm b,»klin to UxbrW9-ý ty and in ed a fit )ftý àsovratr re" &W, is be Tolm àsszsumwm ybom why be dîd net st Xr. rý,,vu i,,WauSd ne pmed a by- Me- He km- fmP Ma O-Z ÎÏ, O)oold,, V ma in au la. te L"y $7436 by mommu-t ont tb@ DM' home te ttma te bis fi be eqd,-ed iâ bu se" li- T-- tký Y-- The -onnt 1 and tbat tbere Wm b.0 a mm at mode op of Cuimty rates $4ra 91%,00 to t r lit Bot 1-ne, SOI CI lky, 1 on inI 0 is 0 ffitmitIRal At il] as ttici" sýlictoý. ff"em- the sg 44 Bribe,, te Mr. Brown. publication, AB 1 know in connection with ry Ici me 1 udilig 1 . IVII0 is the W91tchman. The $20,000 the Credit for $20,01jo necociated last De- gentleman or the' higliffist Sts Who cortified te Of[ juagnierit te je by derault against him.- GENERAL N 0 Y 1 c ES itil Messm iiàlonstunei Atlan plôyçd fol Y,-'due the property, $6o,00. toresl Mr. Lawàer aise roferred te Mr. dates J. 0. Dornan and James weace tfIcy A CLEAR REFUTATIOINT. Cembèr W ta prescrit o > uh value ta lie Ottr -th great- Mone Q"ND wmwàkr, *o rmir STATIU,4. rrilierty WOT or thi Id bave.hia You . cOnsidet,ý.-d the IUS(Gt -adtùitý proof of the abili- 1 lad 1 heurt In town ýoü.*ouL non q!oidversion scheme, AS m. Kxpre&ý gotiig F-%Slî .. ......... 20t p. In. arc the Walchihan 1 Knowin., tbftt fact, flic N 2w ably an 12, P. In. In commun with others of car cotempo- ly ovèr thai su-, an Of that m-luister, and veu 4 lu Mi red do.- ........... a. in. farther comment is quite unnecos"Tl 113, te immediate reply, and. 1 now loge nu titue . t prod cil exposoil te the meeting, àe m;sre- \I.il 41ci. do ............... cal ? mr1w) we- publiallied the cbargee made in stating, as briçfly and dîsunc.uy as, I ëah ted thit if sold 09 t'me 1 -ned the titles APA. "Y N1.1il e-'ing W-Mt ................ Io 04,.p. 1, Abeet controlleil ý by 1 r Amant. exIIIII, r ujieons, (aise fi.-ures, and falsu cou- n: what U-Y appear in a nom, of the transaction In question;' a ,,tistactory, 0,30, p.M agaiust Mr.. Brown in relation to thel $20,- WhAt 1 k atim inding them perr"ctly A first verLLI 50, à. in. a . 1 It was in December lastl- and In the of- 1 ton cet publisbed without ýj"oAs, pairnLd off by Mr. Brown and ille F_ýprL,_s do...: ,uch p" i, A Ab 000*transaction, with Messrs Allait, &- Cà. 1 j frout encumbra"M a cent Loud and prolonged Chicots te- * Niontrmi Unis, 22 minutes fitster tton editôt or fice or the lion. U IL Bbiton,, yon stated and fri POW Whitby tinié the name of primer, publisher, on' mortgsge for fige ainount of the pro ing t At the thn o considemil appearances te te me your desire te obtain a crediît as A Straightfor- ed Mr, Lawder's " arlm poffr cirerait, Win» CLORr. proprietor i and by mon, who, frein. their et W lelc - «*' o* rivale chtr"terI their social 0 first clam bouge here, for $20,000, te credit, The tranSactient have saute denlined te coule, forward 1= 1111 EaA per Grati-ITrtink, .......... 7 bc against Mr. Browny and the charges Soin t out four or five millions tard ordinary bus'i Ifficssmatict' and 1 rroiv Ur. Agnew, sec6ndq'4l bÏ Mr. Itàt le. à p. tin: personal and p ennblo ý«u te go attempt te cO1ý 1 (10, were certainly of a ln'ost serions an;ldt,=- of feet of bard Wood sawed tomber for ýsecn with astonishnient fi mont On ilis weIt *: a 00" p--u7l givm- which you bad offers, at te erative pri- nect it with YOUr cotir-se 'In n II moved a vote of confidence and ÃŽheimpport %Vtý«t do. .......... a 30 relations, their ary circumstancos, 1 - la of thimeetiàg tu, Mr. Reesor. .10. - ýao .......... p gin.- character. Having ailloli in Mun 8M)kllný'peino Albert, Port l'er- 00, and the -publie notoriety *hÃŽch, Attends ;, and which yeu desired te accept. thIl Ocelui Steaniship subSiay. The mOýSu, wast put after golem difficui_ rv. tout Offices North, .......... 9 currency tà charges which no%,y turn out te cm Yours faittIfill,3*% ï§ýe'tbtirn, Ltica, EIMOIII, Uxbriago them, appeair infameins in their notoriety, it was proposed tbat the lutriber, or !ta s-NitTIL and 8cott, ...................... 1 a In be altogother unfouuded, it la ënly fair that proceedr, shunta bc applied te the pa LARRATT ty; whon froxii seventeen* tu twentyy Marl were rawa for Mr. Reesor., Aprainst o 0()' ln the eyes of the whole community Te y- ýGmûnwood, Brougham .......... 9 00, ni. we aboutit Allio give what apponta te us te 1 ment of the draits, an« in addition, as col- non. Gao. motion, sud tôt Mr. Po car b blackg-ciard and vilify tes 'ýctâbIo men, ap- bc a clear, full, ]îd security, you 6fféred te mortgage : ilth4w ..1 lui ý VAILS ABILIVIZ. Po and satîsractory reflititation Inter COMI of the immense mec. vi up Il F-Lst. pur Ciaud Trouk, ........... 9 30, pont te bc the note mWion of isuch vagît, mal estate of very cimaillerable value; aýd Whitby ToivushiP COrmoll' also, bauds, hurrah'd for 94 o lý4f rryle and Fd.Lqt > (Io. ai, ............. 9 oop P-lu- of the saine, fui-niabed là the followin- let. you asked me te, undertake the ne.-ocia- .9 ý West (10. de, ............. 7 309 P-M- bonds ;-te suppress the trulli, te defisme t te adjetirn- si p Po *0 voteýwaà doclared o ri fo Perry by W t (Io. ........ 9 30, a. ni. fers te this moirningla VrJobe tien. The Councit met pufflan mi o r private character, sud te briug down reg- The transaction thus proposed, was INûktlll, on Tues- and 3 00, p. in. L LETTEIL.-Nit. BROWN To TIIE Bo%. EUTIIER sortable and mercantitél the socurity suffi- dIty Ausufft 7th. Ait the ulemburs pre- the ellairmain, aruidst deaiening cheers. Itrookliii, reince Albert, ll,%rt Pur- ma- ment ut the Town 11-111 ý 'The éhairMam was then voted front tfie A , tien, F1,80111, îX* b*ëlIlge pectable men to the saine level with tliem- às ý7"or-, L' IL HOLTON. cient, and the commission adequate; and ëWrt and N. 'W. Brown, r!eq., moved L., ..................... 1 00, P. m. selves, are thé objecta which Auch indivi- hall no hesitation in offerin- it, in. generai sent. Reci don SI l, bitè by, ',%Ir. in et iliereto, wlien the tbanks of the meeting (.rtoitwood, 11rougliani, .......... 12 00, 110011- "GLOBe' OrnC Recte in the ch-tir. la situ, au Through personal piquethe terni--, te some six or savon first class Mr. V . mure-% secondell le Gov -were voted the former chair;nan. The llvLlgo4 Concis: Augurt 17à name of car worthy, and popular postions- ToitoN-ro, l0th August, 1850.1 lieuses, whose business And cireuinstances IRatelifre, flint the Iteuve petition II - case Pi'ek e Prn-g-. My D Pà it S à il, - Yeu have of course ob- jusýifled my bringing it belote them. nirrey 01 lots Nos igtt meeting thon broke Op., 66 le. extraordinary charge that bas crnor Gencrat te have a s - the thrid proi KI, ",- - S t -ter, la omitted in the proceclings et the served the One ofthese entertairied the proposal go 021. 22, 31 and 35, inclusive ln l'ickerilig ...................... op LI 9.1 te inclu-qive in the thm Meeting nt Duffials Creek. *%VlIitb% .......................... 4. Court llou3efor the receptiont of the Prince heurt preferred rigaitist me by the Minis- fat as te warrant my subluitting your concession, al, Z. i Whitby.- cent Broek: ................... - ..... 44 26. terial preqq, in connection with the cmdit nante; and only after reine bouts cOnside- 4th concession, TOtn9llP 0 Mar Mr. Reesor beld a meetiný nt Duffinis ..................... 41 27. --although Mr. MePherson made himaelf ex- for $20,000 which I naringed in Decem- ration was it declined-one of the partuers, Carried. MATOU . « curirr_ ceedingly useful in forwarding the business ber last front the firin of Messrs. Edinon- ecentltl by Mr- 1 as Creek on Saturday last - 'Mr. Mowat was however, being favourable. Another of Mr. Nichols MON'e-% otý]er on 1 M51 stoue, Atlan &- Co. As 1 consulteil with these, entertained if still ino n'- At the Town ILII, overy %londay impriling, At ýTu Aigu prescrit ut this meeting. Addresses to o7ci,ýk, a. il of the meeting. For the saine muon, te, and Se fur White thât flic - *70W.4 CotNcff- yen througliont the whole of tlm Il "ýti" A, te dtir, ut, te introduce you te them, flic te S. for ,45 -, cil. veto delivered hy Messrs. Ret-sor, Perry and because of the depraved chatracter of tiens for the said creditl and yeu, are in a which, 1 dia, and flic ucgociati waq af- -n faveur 01 A. C. Shor- 41 and Môvrat in succession. The chairman, Fvery Ilouday aveniug, ut the vo% n Uall, e positiiii te statu :III the tacts relating te il, 9n aise on Treasurer 1 allies Dry- ai a 30. . the ebaracterless fellows, the Mayor of th -III bc obliged by your putting in writ- tènvards go fat closed with thelu âS te have tard nIsO in favolIr et J Rec a Mr. Barney Boulin, Ve were informed, socil-iirs incryl".9. 1 n licou about te tend te flic exchange of let- IL trac Fft.e Bleck, ,.in; when the junior partout Nir. iýJtCIiffû mOv*ý sec *ho âUempted te make a speech for Mr. town is viliffl, and bis lapriglit character ing what yen know about iti vrith a view tors of bargý de, FIsci fol $20'-Ca-1t. by Mr. self, Reesor, but goi a wholesome snubbing Liay in overy defamed; Mr. lýawder-a gentleman Who la, for Icare te brili', in .1 lty-lav te ont Crock Street. on the âr%,t Thurà te publication. interpSed an objection which catised its Nicho '; 6io for Coutity nie; front Mr. PeiTy, and the mceting -mentit. -1.001-ge X 130 in Coutil teach Wallace and Dornan-and Faithfülly yours, terraination. The senior o! this firln su, assess, levy and collt'ct obliged to restitue the sent whieh ho filleil -vi-ry incuth' ë.1LIýeIi1. Mock, Brock. St&et. thir betters, belli, their political, and their gested Messrs. EdmonstQne, Allait & Co. purposes. à, cAuritoN, Secretàry. Hon. L. IL IIOLTOX, New flic tact vras, 1 hall called. of My Leavz granted. sen Montreal. civil motion, on Nlcssr& Edmonstone, Al-, 'ÃŽLIr Nichols nlovc., in go improper a instinct. ýcc,,nded by Mr- ber. IA,14,e 'N.b. 860 «second F klov lit every lit" A. B. C. is sneered ut, and ridiculed, n th' vil-ntiý- nt Sprowlees Ilotel, l'ou wbitb, because lie sacceeded successfülly in con- lait & CO., without finding any one'of the Ratcliffé, fur lenve te brklig il Mr. Kowat, in bis speech o in occa ta By-law te 1 nionbdoo omatted te say a Word in laver of il. -BON. Iý il. IIOLTOZý TO, XIL- BitowN. partuers within ; and note 1 called aPin agsess levv. and collect . the $nul of $1,935 cot L. 0. L. No. le7 Mort in the Orange Ilall, troverting the statements both of Mr. Mow- andsawtwoofthefirin. Thematterwas sor Mr. lkesor, white ho passeil complime-.ts Greeilvoýxl, nnthelaet ýriJay ILL overy mentit. MONTRIRAI., AUgust 14, 1860. for Toivilsilip purp0se3ý ime, te Mr. Perry, repentedly ex- 'o t the (;Iol;o Ilutel, At and Mr. Receler; Mr.,Pe ils denoune- thon in course, and in gencral ferais sub e granted. and *11 flic C L. 0. L.'N - 789j "'eut IL . rry My Sin,-I aut in reccipt of veut m Leav IL lie wns net one tilevervillonth. ittedto thons, but without mention ut hy Mr- thie pressin bis regret tbat locut in'Ileud'. fl-,tel, ed, because of bis admitk(l îability t Messrs. latter of the 10th inst., and 1 proccèd te Mr. Xichols illoycý,q, lly-law te vr i 11 9 L. No. 957, eY, in turn White, for lenve (,rock, on the Iaýt Thursilny il% every A. Macdor fiscal), the cir- that Élue of )'Our naine, and th te hriný, in a hapman, for statu SO for as 1 can rucall »,iiicnt of of us." On the vote fully 1 two-thirds of ald andý Nelson ( go far entertained if as te say that thuy = priat, *-11. 1 '.5 foi 101lirÛle the Mectin.- were in fayot of Mr. Perry, titoiltil. '%V. Jetiiiiige st-cretarv. ctinistances of whieh 1 was personally ce.&- ar. ,sons Iiivi.ýiolk, No. 31 the uprightnessi of their political, consisten- would consult with a leadin.- momber of arlil brili-los for the lir-clit yc. elit] but the Il Mr. Barney,11 the respectable il nizant relative te yout negociations livre thuir firtu, then in Quebec, but expected by Mr. sai, chairman belote alluileil te, declarmed the 1', #3. t' ..... 1 Telupla", ut Gerrie's il;Iti, cy, and the editor of the Chronide, in the in December last, vrhich ended in your ob- Mr. Allitiond nioves, do now adjourin 1 taining a credit of $20,000 front Messrs. hume on Ille following day. A day inter- Nichols, that this Couticil semeofthe-meetinýtobeinfavorofMr. absence of aught else againat him, Calleil veiied, and the following one was Sdur- nestl Col Whi «)y 1'liilliaruioiýte Society ai Sou'» Ilall, dino te the first Tu-day in - 0 il Inan, y nstone' Allau & Co- As ).et' say' d ay and as you, desired te close your bu- -Car- wit Re«or. Hia partial deoision was hailed NfoiI(IBN" evt ill-names. Suclij3 the Whitby- 111latch ou consulted with nie througl.out flic l te incet at the Town Hall, lirooklin. with hisses, and the execrations of the uuod Teuillituars, gons liali, Tue-Ony cvenin.- 0 whole of these iiegociations, sincsÃŽ boire, if possible, on that day, sous; ried. for, great majority prescrit. $200 for a picture 1 Yeu called Open trio imniediately aller te Ile enabled te mach Kingston tlvit night, GEolt(,V ýloTT, des Eplemlý.91 Cilterell,",t. jolill'e, King Street, 1 inthe begining and as it hud beconie laite before 1 had been Tûirllsl'iP Clerk. ýviI 1 oelLLek, aý In., and Iclock , Il. lit. (Alter your arrival in Montrea able te ascertain flic return et flic partiter Meeting ut Harmony. qute suIIJ4%yý)- Like many others, we were indueed te Of Docculber, and explaineil very fully the who hall licou absent. youvrent downyour- dri REV. J. PENTLAND. Object of your visit tu this City. You told self te tha office of Memm Ediuanstonc, A Stock Vairm in Cailada- br( On Thursday evening ' Mr. Rsuscir ad- litmtititte, sign a petition te the Town Couneil pray- me you had offors front Ainerican lumber FrLe Rentell chureli, '.%Iecliailie, Atlan & Co., tak-ing withl you the luttez dressed- a Meeting of the clodots at the il Mary Streets, il o1clock, ing that an arrangement might bc made dealers ut highly remunerative prices, fur iVe find the following: dcýcr'1 t'On of fýo cornet of livroti ail specifying the tort S and details of the te villiàge of Ilarinony. Mr. Movrat, andMr. in., and Ã" ocleck, p. lit. of flic ail the hardwood sawed lumber your iiiills il Yreweli spoke on the occasion. Mr. Denj. REV. T. LOWRY, with Mr. Tremain te have a view coutil turn ont during the winter; flint transaction, which hall been addressed a our firiend Nlr. (1.co. Millcr's farra in pick. th. ales te the Colizre£m inlinI (Ihtireli, corner of Bý"n and Town placed on the malt oý the CQunty you desired te obtain a bard, credit througli day or two belote te the firm previously cri[,, in the 1I(î7ýncsee Fariner," which wu sat Rogers, one of the dele-, Grit ý g il ý1 convention, doclarvd his waut of confidence MwY ýitI -U. 11 o'clock, ai. in., alla 6 P. M. now being published by that gentleman. a Commission-house bore for $210,0U0 te ircierred 4 and witlidr-aw te bc subinità gladly reproduce: oui in Mt. Iteesor, and that ho shoudd nelthor REV. J. T. IIYRNF- b ou te accept and exocute those, or- to.»tlcssr.;. Edinonstone, Allait &- Co., as fre 0 dors; tilat you were %%iIIingýto pay a libe- t -Late ln the fin vote fer, net support hün. Nvetilevail ýýtothodWt ciiurcli, corner of Centre We signed the document in ignorance f ena le lie basis of the transaction proposed, te ED4. "GFNFSI:E On the vote the meeting divid. the oust, for bad tire an idea that the price rat commission for the ,I ,d Mr and %laiv strects, 10 30 o'clock, a. m., and trin,, the riegotiation te issue ut once- afternoon of the l3th of Julic, ar- int Itmor bad a itiz.;iority of, two over Mr. um J. IIVNT. would lie aulythmi, likp $200, ýiçc should thüt the proccells of the lutuber %volitif bu The transaction, thereforc, although coin- rivea et the reÊidonce of a C,,,,ztliust fariner, an Perry. Ilny-nionv'it will bc mcollectea is 0 applied tu the paynient of the drafts te bc pluted by your-4çit, liait licou first proposed whose nome is well knovvii a: One of the el Ur, Farewelrs stro itute, 2 ;o 1-vlleurelk, 1ý lit. 'd["Ã"nstone' Co" best importera and breederi of iiiliroved ail 'hurobl Mcchlu'7'ee 'n- certainly have hesîtated before giving out drawn undur the credit and that, te pro- ngliold, bât Coutil Mr. by mu te Mcsý'1- fý IZEV. lit. 1 d favourably vievred by theui, vrithout (.eor,,e In; Nxry have been presont we are Assuma 1. TIIORNTON. ignature. 'Vfe must net lie understocul as; toct the acceptera against overy possible In' stock the country eau botvt,-f. that the vote would have goue the other rmi itist Chnréh, 3 o7clock p. m., overy Suu- contingency, you would give thein, its &)I- knowledgeofyournaine, andconsequent- te way- saying that the price is extravagant.Not et lattrat 8ceurity, a mortgage on property ly its illeuptioli, as u4th Ilium, was OUIS. Miller, Esq-, of Marklinm, C. %1'-, lle 'à a AB. We do net object on such a 1 have no hwitation, in conclusion te plain hoiie8t, hard-workiog Illân, Who lias REV. It. LLOYD. -round. Ail Cil Client Grit rurlty. W oiniuch gritater vahie thon the aliment of avow niy IlIblief that liait net the inatter seuil reine sixty sulumers. Lihe the talc Itc boGil thus opetied te those gentleine Mr. Bates, of Kirklea% in lie loves te Interna te state la; that the Town connut the credit. Yeu asked my advient as te you the bouses thot would bc lik-cljr te enter- Il ? , gil (FrIni the New Advertisements this DaY. afford te înveRt $200 for sueb a purposp would net have thouglit of theni bu, vrould bc among bis sheep and ýaItIe. ind knows th have nuit troats each individllui anion, thent as pr The extent te whieh a pure-minded tain proposais for sucli a transaction, and gono off as you proposed doing-il just now. The streets and sidewalks and 1 recomniended the employnient ufa bru- .. rhe - ker as the limans whoruby most ti ânsac- y , bis oo-n childroi, Aftertra CleA Grit, who talks by the fleur about protocticuist cooking Stoye for $28, wu Wero unsuccessiul herc-to viegotiate the corruptions of the Ministry, eau go la other pecessary and indespensable improve Cions of magnitude are now cilected in Ibis fur the desired advance In Alban or New if they were 0", _-John Bryan. mients isbould lie first looked after. Apart York, lie toit], nie - hià farm. lie lias 1,100 ln, the direction of jobbery of the worst des. Proclamstion-IL J. Macdonell. market. Yeti adopted the suggestion, and 1 am, dear Sir, acres, 300 of which Comprise the boule ce imitiediately placed yourself in coubinullica- -r cription, la Wolf exemplified in the report ionery--.:%V. IL Rig-ins. froin this we have the Mayor advising the Yours truly, filent envier ilis own iiiimediate.,ulerlsioik k f certain proceedings of th, municipal New Stat Conneil that they have lie right te appro. tien with Mr. T. M. Taylor, ut Taylor Bro- in L neil of the Township ofe Markhant, Germait Physician-Dr. P. Delleubaugh. thers, a well-known and highly respecta- TH( S. M. TAYLOR, -the rest hein,, farmed by inants under priate mocy for auch a purpose-that bletiriiiofbrokcrsintiiiscity. Youg-ive OfTaylor Brus., bis direction. In the firstlui 1 %, e entered wl which appeared in our columins yesterday. ment sud Barley-C. Draper. .- illegaly. la this we Mr. Taylor his huitructions in my pres Broh-era. were accu depasturing surne cility Leices- Tfie gentleman who figured in this transac- they wouild lie actin once tion la net only the Reeve of the Township, Oats and Peas-C- Draper. believe bis Worship is corcet. Let Our Their purport %vos situply te request hint IION. GEO. BROWN, M.P.Il., ter slieep, 'Icostly eWC8, ivitli ilivir lanibs, hi te licgotiate a crodit for $20,000, with a Toronto. lkt ho ils aise the 'Wardon of th County Notice-Nelson G. Reynoldî. Town Fathers rentember what resulted te first-clasq bouse, on the basis above indi- and a few Cotswolds. 1 t wils 1 ori- eýL%)' te Notice-Mr. Stanton. . r tg.. distinguisit nt a gl. and un aspirant for the botter of Ilepresont- cated. [ was present -lutrin.- several inter- V.-MIL BROWN Te MEssus. Enno\ ""ce th the County Couneil when that body took stuN ing the Kin- a Divison in the Legislative an illegal step reine short 1 time ago, and vievvs when NIr. Taylor callud te re inft te L.%N a CO., MEILC:I.%NtS MONTREAI- nimid-barreled Leicesters, short Conneil. ne la, in short, no less a person you what progress lie was iiiakin In flic OFFICF, sientler le's,, alinost hidéli w thau Mr. David Hecsor, the nemineu of the take a lesson. Our advice te theut is te oxecution of hi> commission. one leadilig Torontn, August 10, 1860. front the gigantie, sq are-1.111,1 od net tirin who lin with broad back il; VU retrace the step t'ýey have talk-ert a" (1 ai first entortniried the pro- 'a of le Cieur Grit convention, the esliccial pet of Mr tbg (Irlâro CI£ I .,IV c4oss. in the Gàke the man for whom, Mr. Johi. place the Town or thomselves lit the position ultimately docline'l it. Another ee' ruFN,-You have of course seqp Thpre %verc some ehoice inl rams ci proi.1111unt lioti.,e se fat. te it that (Il ký.-,TI Bell, and Mr. Farewell were set i yen werc brought by %fi-, Tavlor into fier- the cxtraordinary Charge that has theul, which LA lit-,:; 1-rize-takelýs aside hy been pre among guist 18, 1860. momy of auY litigiOus PersOn- large majorities. Mr. David Reesor then, IvIlitby, Sattirday, Au. sollal Communication with iliein for (tic, ferret] a-ainst Mt by lire-, in both in E land niel A merica. I was sur- bemg the proprietor and pubtishet of a The Newcastle Division. pui-poe of closing the transaction. The onneciýion with the credit fur $2 -fflo no- prised te fil il that. the weekly newapaper, bearing the ambitions ONLY ONE BOLLIAL4 A VVIAR ilegotiation finally full through, because, gotiatud for nie %vith your finit by Mr. T. apparent diffurenco in ý" c the toïo The Globe Il re-rets te observe that in. pickej Tutus of encli bre(,-d, ilie diffcionce am EconoȕW, tenders as 1 usidet-ý,tond, 'ilie junior mouiller of the M. Taylor last Decetiiber. %%Ittiavdectii Still ho 'tviùs 1 tirait considered the transaction ont of the 1 live wci"lkt was 0111V about fur lIoulids Il -wt Igeuovýr, fdreman for work required for it expe(ti.%llt te illeut the infaulousslander decisiou still seems te prevail among out line of their rc-tilar business. The senior with a full refutation ý-Ou %vill oblige tue t1w élervice of the Couneil of whieh lie is by putting iii writiný the simple facts of in favour ofthe Cotswold. yll.ll.ru"",,",r,, to es.,rs. Edinonds lie transaction. 1 %vill thank you especial- One imported Ipiceswr eý- %vas liter.11- il the presIding- and awards hiiiiself Stili lie wins, is the M. At almest eve friands in Northumberland and Durham- Ilion suggestod ypur addressing 0ye11ý1 -loue, Atlan & and flint no candidate bu yet talion the CO.I as ly te statu, whether the trawiaCtion was ly mlling with fat, and una'à, te louve làt emdractwithout oven consultin- the ry one of Mr. Reesoes own mélitings, Mr. partie,; thorotighly converhant with J Couneîl, ýus' directly violatin- field vigorously in the interest of the 0 simply and soiely a crodit te bc ont- viIlý IIIIII one of hcr 1---s injured Perry ils victoriens. The electors cannot film- the Iiiiiitier trade, and therefore inost like- lot about, lin "visions et the Act whiCý esppcially pro- a f#,%v davs previousiv hY 01- ýLf Ille neigh- bring themselves te vote for a man of Mr. eition. We four this arises froin want of ly te takc up the transaction. vouconfer- 1)10YCd in brin,,iiig out logs and iiianufac- lübit the members of any municiral body roll vrith Mr. Taylor and inysell lis la the turingg luinher % my suills in Bothwell, bour's ÈOrses breaking into the field- A froin baving any intere8t in anY contract David Reeaor's calibre for King'a Division. harmony among the prominent men of the probability 0' theil- doing se. 1 iikew lirolb"",ie(l by nie and acceptud by you as ail She cost thirty four gui e- in England.- g lierait inerchant,4, but 1 dici net know Iller the said Credit was net vrith ýOur Ail the animais allowed t1wniselves te bc a fur the perfôrtuance of work required by Wherever lie holds forth the people tire of Division, and the janiug of local rîvalry. they had (toile a large business as Ordinary business operatlun Y Also, whe- nough of the recent course of their ý,i. bouse as a mercantile finit, and totally un- that body either by themselves, their part- bleu. Ife sings out the saine tome, nain. It la full time that this indecision were et ce huý approache«J and hauled as tLeý in the fi ne% or agents. And )et only doles Mr. teresting and insipid address, %vith. alt the an end-and the whole party united heurt- Iless te ellable ine te terni an opinion. Mr. connecteil with thu Nlotitreal Steamship field. The Leicesters lire ail Ilireetty des- Reesor thus flagrantly violate tho plain let- tedious indifférence of a griuding machine. ily on one man. Ouly one cant lie clected, Fuylor said tliéy were ninong thosu lie had Company IL Aiso, if therc was the sliglit- cended frein Bale-gc.ll's flock. and the erres W as well as the spirit of the law, but, as People gel sick of the saine nauscous story and the one likely te pull the most votes criffinally intei-ded calling tipon. II, vçaýs est refèrence made directly or indirectl v ' generally produce two larrhs týach lier an. is forther alleged, lie was holding a claim thrrutorc decidud that lie shlluld sec Ilium. duritig our à.egotiatiun.;, te a demand fýr uni. o against the Couneil for 81771 fbr work of relicatellover and over in Mr. Iteesor*s aboutit by ail menus bc selected." [le did sec Ilium. The proposition was an eticrensed subsidy te the said steamship over the Cotswolà, and estiniales duit lie t a ainaîlar character previously performedat most &awling and doleful toues. They Who bas caused the indecisîon, and tho forinally considered, but nothing could lie Company, or tu tuy action in Parhatuent eau nittain as much mutton ir two years 1 the very finale illait lie made the sollicitait de- made eue split in the New- (leteriuined until the retum of an absent on that, or any other subicet IL. Aise, il. f certain number of Lt-i,, sier olives aS RI get astouished at the man's assurance, and difforences, and ,tomber of the lirai. On his return the 'hall froin you then, or ut any unie, any Iw from elaration ripent outh, which, the law requires, enquire of one atiother, Il la this the man eutie Division ? The Globe itself And identical proposition which had licou sub- tiination that the Stoamship Compauv lie Cou in thme years front th, Saine num. that ho had neither dimetly ngr "lindireetJy r and mitted by Mr. Taylor te others, was sub- wüuId apffly te l'arliament for a turthýr ber of Cotswolds. He thiiils thev ton. any intcrest in the monctary affairs of the that seeks a sent in the Cenadian lieuse of wîth if, that eneaking calumniato , iiiiited to them, '.Iiid the transaction vças grant ? sumo less grass than the com-non 'sheep, Comicit 1 And Whou the matter of these Lôrds ? la this the »Mince of the Toron- common, disturber, Win. McDougall, the closeil on that basis, ris you told nie, stilb- Yours truly, and finds ait acte of goed -î will keep eharges la formally brought befère ibe te Conventîon." Il Whyll they conclude, member, for North Oxford, and one of the ject, howevor, to a roservation which (;Lo. BROWN. ten of bis sheep tlirûu;,'hont Ile summer. PorMeM Ur. Reesor actually stmýds up and tditors of the GloUe Mr. MeDougali showed on what, strict business principles Il any eue of the gentlemen that atteuded the negotiation was coneluctel on the part VI.-31F-S$lt& Co., Te Ife gives thent nothing but 1>-.1 straw and 'gives the Casting vote in bis own laver went down tu, the Division,. told one story Of Bon & Co. MIL ituo%,VN,. turnips in the winter. te Mr. Clark, and another te Mr. Shuter Thuir letter of credit uras only te bc issucd MONTREAL, AtIgUSt 14. In another field. 1 saw abfý1t 100 nom t amnat the resolutions settin,, forth the that convention, ce-- Id give a fat botter se A tu vour Ictter of the sIl eiý-ht Of whien wore Cq)-ý%wolds, the 1 - . . . , - . - - .. 1 his Psane throngh the place.- ýrhe ait- ial pree:,, in connuction ivith the credit for tex"hllýt was large und much enthasiasta 1 oftbeéouneilofthe Toum$4ip of M-k- schools. Co. tim To wn Total. r-0,000 nvgociatcd by yuufor ine last De- iVe are, Sir, are retnarýably good loyers, -l Unlike the hm # of which Bir. Beesor is Reure. It purposes your oVt mrvants, Asiatie breeds et. fowl, d. ul=ifested by aU lirtseilt .%.ri ;Ld4rezý& was vill ho foùad thst Mr '2622 «12 celutier witli the finit of Messný. Eâmon- NZSTONF CO. tz,,t evince a .(;,0 EDMtJ- ý, ALLA reported bv a committec appointed for the peoser is therein Ilffl 2700 28 77 j stone, Allait & Co. As 1 inay deula it ex- The 1101L GeO. BrOW11ý disposition te spend au suniu,.,r in si, 'f. il adoptud hy the meeting; and charged by tiro of bis brother ConneiHom 1850 2500 1776 3518 ÃŽ94 pedient tc, publisla a full refutation of the forte le liateh etoues and addýý,, seriez ni resoluti rdi 1860 1731 2375 7436 atrucious duductions attemptud tu bc dravrn 1 will resorve a descriptj", with roceiving from the Tressurer of the the shOrtý tbe aMiroaching visit, were rouved an front the tran,-ýaction. 1 will loci obliged by borne and de 'y 1- d- A com-itttc ew- li»iciWity the am of $% 77 the put tire araoklin Fuir. your puttin.- in vrriting for publication &H VIL-39IL 70 LARRATT ESQ- loway catilt f.,r "M'r .waamime B.-.Itttwmx, To*o- louer, br"ag lanst et the leading men of the you know about it 1 wish, especially, ,,Utry W» aplhxnw te wàkie arransý-- yeus fur printing dace by him, for the The Quarterly Fuir of Brooklin, héld in that yo-.i %vould state whether the negociam August 15. J. j, monts W tb» r.--CeptàwýL 1%e gSd Uks Township, whde ho at the saime ame oc- don vras not entrusted te you simply as au My Drja Slgr,-l am anxious la have - *. tend tu, iras that viliage on yesterday, was Very thialy markham Couqcïl. are deter-inW te - eopicd a mat et the Counà Bmmt ne wing. no doubt te the buýy ses. ordinary, and le6ititnate business transac- a lino front jou for P"Cauo% S"ng a cordial welcome duiring chwged with kokEng, hW tion, te be oftered by you as a broker tu what Sou know as ta 'Dy busiffles tram- on thït4I9k &on% AU» On the 21 th inst, the i,ý,,neît Ir son of the yimr,,%vheu farmers am 'alto.-th- any party in the habit et granti such actions with messm 241 Filws notel, Unionylue. jý,,nt met al ------- 16ý foremm T Aise, whethel ed t'o & c*, and sa 1 me"k ii =to - in, the Oi,,tM,*t a" pa-A Printer, the contract for certain The credits r yeu a ', 1 - -D"id j11rjý 1j or ocmpim in àr-4g operafions- other parties besides MessnL E. ë it C1& ? Gkk tema e jr« WM cwige B«S')r' Es%' Roove; 4tton, Boe- th, ,pM»wý madi.-te« Pribtiftg Of the TOwuduP the present ye-ý, iian, Iso, whether you negociated with the pair- me bir .rm« Umm Ua" and )nngk mm liât, cd &sàou" won1d 611 M-y on thons groiends a zmalMim is introdumd , Z, the Gààe hotel wu vm super-, A . janéing icte me ttm aà«Mýq» lhe minutes of huit Won, osd Uond by - tbe P" ior as annal j Md we abould ha very gW tics as front me, or if the fiwt was not; that Teuret baliffly, 1 and approveit yet the greatost of modern sur- ý,Ȏe»r b" big seait â»IVM tiild w d"ý tW *r- My naine was net even known te NOMM am. The Mi«- aoemum etcm me owggàg% 114-die. là 'ally. Tide icoghttîm in onty »W te am the public spirit of the propr . ietor, Edmonsione, Allan & Co, untâ thay- ba-J Larratt 'W. sIojt1iý Foq, D. C. I-, Moved b = M 138 lhen'rmd - th'& tant «W tjW» cm bc atufor-1Y - ille. gr. JXwes, botter appreciateiL estertained the Proposition and fimend BWTL*er, Torontix 1 _y arsh, ;ý,ý en M à on the ether hand, down by LU castine mie of J&. Bomr bY Jaal" BOwmat'4 Vsq., oné"Yg fianodics that --------- intercourse became neoressary te arramp 16L IN71beraits David ILoq:, prosecation in uu-u--d, vlit-im sunu " XIL B»WýL c0lor fer Ward Nu. a, in mm et *m tbqr Cam thS« UXTM--Ii-e ha" liait the detos of 1 t 1 he transitaient? 01 ia lainde eu" st mater" ma wili, no doubtý be inaitaied tg once exbracrdinary moteurs during the - Yom Ù-wy, 'r..DNT% 1ýth Augu%4 186a M_ïhaIoý and lk'-Yt Offlie TOW-&%- qPM Whou tbo qbdq sev" GU). having as propri à« pem = .IW-d r»M àg*inst the gentleman who thon holds hie Premmt month, but thcre ia a b"eny T. 3L T,,,o., Fq. My DIAZ swý--la reply te ye« note le or 0 th, Xarkh= oeut in defiance of law ' and cmüwy to au to come Which is -anuswd- orthi. i heg te -Y tbm corif 1-1 froin the weew notions of, propriets and' publIc moral, phenouàcnou yet Dece&bor 1 reecied a k«er ftuen Meurs. Trenurer of this M A CO, iRk-bag OfFeb-rY, 1360, the..ut, ýft,77 go fS -ffl@@Mâjký wjL a nosùûn fur a c&ndi" &o the Caý Or! the 31st of this month them ww bc a IV.-%IL TAYL« Te a& 3110". . Pý, IV on the 1 ht e a 1 printint dSc fer " m -- - .. - - -ipaliti in the and 1 RQ9' waý' icing clçcw ci '04ling à bru MOMTUF.11, AUr, 11, 1560. 1 Mr Dvl ha-re :ýour iýd-efj loth iwiLý euaing tue to put in wnte& r

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