Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1860, p. 1

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TIýJESD)AV &THURSDAV, W H1. ur&GGNS, At bis printing EstabUlimant, i3roOk Sret Whby or Neit piner tai e Reglatary me IE RMs OF suBRRiPTI ON ARE 82' 50 lus iiie ad $3 50 wln payable tioder e0 lOon os007 aveo'8boinQ4M loeii3rtll ...... 00 2 J ibes doulilt( ailioîed to Mocobsots atid ogiom.- by the Yeae. ît. papver iidte9 " eoioi by a eosoo nias rRWEBKLY CHRONIOLE la ohllihed cotllo moirnipgeoft SÂTURDAY inO caïcilCb, ut lbeicioî1 an edvonco. î1bole Iyo,,rna.e ha1bligntcrua ilO î1yotir counltry poopir ptnlîlislîod le ada.itkr OF AI-EsTlnNO 1N WE5KLf. Uhoflon elitle tiret Inorioo nbe)i. 0 10 L.~ ~ i isertion .... ..00 Bnppel lhdieoittWued until ail arroar- Inrs leoiiogmi-, I regfiotee, cill ho lnt the ich olielilinir wieli aîldeened W,. H1. IIIGGIN5, Whothy, C. W BOOK AND JOB ity rl'll<b ESTABLISHiMENT. r iE iORETOR 0F 'fiE WIIITIIV "o oood L, wonltoi enîolo liifofrioo (ho -VIFhPtetii ln perdSlie Oo iietnoflo ot ie îî,oî iolei Ointlie ol-~pe freon Newv Yorke and sîli- ,, Foudi c ii niid le 1iriipireilte( coocotot BOOKC MID JOB PRINTING e1 ov'ero des QrilltiOni in a ispeiir stylo and itî depatlCt at lise loeicoroiooioe'tiil E!Tti.,i.cNi Preoco' oil Peintiio Meiioi" Asnctino ltIIo. leor lliit,îoII,ioillaîotor derip'ý tooon f i'eiilii l'cnriiolod w itliin oil lîeor uf Clroicio Offie, Wliitlhy, C.W ~cas joliN HIALL TJIOMP5ON9, O'TAIlE F VIIE (2OUNTV OF ON. ZACJIEUS IIURNIIAMO, lp(EOFTI] E CiOU" '(iOT J'~ Offc t ir(lN line N SLON C.1(ENOD 17 PRlhhF ff' OFFICE AT TIIE COURT JO lAis 1»E itRyq 01.OFFICE ON BItîlCE ST., CLRKO TI 'EACE. OFIC-AT lubi JÃ"IIN V. l1A111, arw ORsF TIIE COUNTV COURT, ANI) C91 tlitrncerofttbie Sirrocite Couirt. iiluee et ie ,rr'nt ltegielry iOllie,'. Brioek Stieel. 1 j (P W-.R PAXTON4, Jr,., UVRESt. OFFlICE AT TIIE COURT il. j. uIaAC1ONIL1.L, nonS &ill'tOd ('L.ECI OF5 TIIE COUNTY "7 E\Y'0NIEîtE. OFFICE AT TRE IIKFi, vii. COURT. OFFICE ip JOhN C'ORDON, 1(310 ~ ~~~ ý l OIT$d IEASURI'S f. l ,Iitii 01, Oliio .. WV. Hl.TREMAYNHs liII1 1S TE It AN D COU NTV CROW N X.eos fites-Ibi Arnollaè New Bni lo' ,"ueoiFluor. 10 CA'MERON & MACDONEILs ) .tlSTEES & ATTORENEYS AT LAW, )oiiior oton Cnioty Ceninil Onitaioe- "iOtio'O no Ion Court Iieoiloe.-sotttlà wiiig.- GEORGE H. DARTNELL, ) .M12,ScTEit, ATTORtNEY CON17EYAN J re, &n., fZe. Oture ecer J. S. Dtoidiooii Co' o. lliedware Store, Beoek Street WliilbY j. V. HAM9 ) AllltISTER-A'l"LAW. OFFICE--BROCS J sîee, Wilotly, 0. W.1 S. 1.FIDNS 50IIt 1'IOR,1 NOTARV PUBLIC, &e. & )ýi0.c.n, n. W. I N. (G. HAMs AIISTER AND ATiTORNEY-AT-LAW. olloe5piistin, Rcogistu'y Ollice, Blrook J.et WVoib. CM9M ORIR plyl.IA TIOTEBROOK- 1,i 1 1pîl* aeIliyobiiu tui tl N e 6AIl 00qeflà jetlow et'l'ie N. V. Amadoc> NIG s 1elli 1Leoitatit IUppor iios t -ileIoe -Marbliono vilage, 0000 nilnnorth lc' .o'i dton iob llug'o. NCOTT'S JIOTEL, l doSSRETt fiIITIOFltlST DOOl emone gn h e'0 ~ ~ ~ & LAW? .WUSN S AILIFIF iis r> DIISON Mm-Elà P. ()Le. ISI G YDa. PoeO U'1405t> ~~h pu emr7o lu ove ofteboeb te ifls AiIqm0 oN tlmST., SWONE nouas wîth cae PrîiatsI wordlsb grat lliaughts -andi uatatiiag- indasîry, ve adlioiate Pence, Prugroas,1 WRITBY, C. 'W., SA1TURDAY.q AUGUST 2 VOLIIIV., s ROD't. CICLY .Ds DR CQ'RE(NAO'OUCHEUR, de. CORONER IL. J. GUNS, IM. D. S URGEON TO TISE COUNTV OAOL, J. Byron Siret, Wliitby. f ront BAST INDSOR flOUSE, WILUTBY, irov, la. osuai. elOeaiEoase. wcdu Ercaabrnlnel la oittmildlisea plouaatana i el _ md port otbeToa on thefront onda. tua i oIannIionlti fer tra'eBters. Goendasea iloblsg andlîatontive esilers. 22 le sa IItJcIltFELOTZs - teS5, EACIER IN MuUSIC',TIIE nom T Orgoun, h'iois Forte, lniony sno ilîreuglo Brand aiailouI inde ofetIOra Strinîg linteueunin, 6e reboae 1 t coroce le e more Pnpils at- tbl, 2 oharslcoe. - 4er b J. C. JIANCOCJ&, tW BOOT ANI)SI110EMAIER,.M I 1i CO IECI'A5.Bitildiitr., Irocb-ct. fer, FI bîîioo Il tetur oerden tforc g ooîd 'isiariid,iiiol uc yesliorinîîoedoeorb- lia u Mben l. 'tec'poiing donc u ibi natocesndolinbi ilespotelo. e 1n,ot AMBIRIOIAN IOTEL. itie alla W ALKERt &bPATTERSON, PROPRIE- and tam, ernuor eVuuîg allaiFront Shonote. gain Toronto, C. W'. là ceru, 1'. X. ICLARK,1 LaTE oIsu-e u;o,«4 1ERCIIANT TAILcJR, Nu. 74, KING ST ,sIio %esth. 'fiTorote. 1c00000 CLEIIE TtV EIM'i IVIINCOURT OF Aoi Northoooohonbsoîd and tDoolnmlo.îo, oioe w iti .4gni t, Couli, 0oOce, tes. Aluercs-Wil lioii nu a hionglo, Cnoofgl i«e ONT!ARIO IOTEL, boni rf BEVAN, Jr., ~tlEO, BRîfCR tI OIS.'n, t'itby. Uie> stablioîg aoîîatieli- 9b 010e 0 tnr.1 île CANTON ilOTEL, tfià DU FFINIS CHEEKi, lVlCl<tbING. OOOD 1 NV. CUI'UBERf. q 4 n, oih'oiini tor. Wo THIOMAS DANIFORD. No 1 C111O'NSTABILE, COU NTV iONTARIO, tl-, t Icciiol hînetotr ef Liseo ini the Muicipal-t' e oiilo Tion of ,e t tt'lial, pL.AIN AN 1)oIINANIEN'AIAl. 'NTER,1 p cnt',Pîoîec llo.ticir. , IVbiii, 'dl - .. 0 IILLI Id5. 1ARtiid'rl'II&dbA'T'lOINEV AT LANV. [>s.oi ýeic n ClCioiee ', W7t'lii>, C. W0..- Oitlbo-Wioliao'sBuildings, Bnonb'nt, itbitby ain JOHINiMcGILIL, clu 10 'ENS>.I>AUCCIONEEII FOR CANADA eti tLa 0.Vesl,tlc!ro loio eerciee o te Ionloialolîl taoîoiof uet lboio i îd Dîîiniîuo Coiiiiiee;, t ata- tn toio oîc ie 4Aothis lionuuiiooî Fsiuroe a iierboicizo iid uclhee its, te.ota reeonabte esuoboooo.10 w r t llOe.Aisiriuot 185. h - Oh ETCAýLF, or- CER ORR1F TIOE FIFTII DIVISION COURT, c e0=iiiri 11blis anciiip Beonli. Ad-I FRîANKLIN 1IIOUSE. l1 LtIDSAY', C.Wi.flb '5F.JEWETT, PRgbl'lllETOR. CbIMFOR- 9r JB.. itaeiuubiommatin bfer Tnioohbneg. T, '%viih'o'. Joli. 2h, 11-17. I - A. K. LICE. 3 CABIINET NIAKER, 111lOî.BTE1IER, &C., cl.0(errieoll l. Ma lyrio',ioi Wcty l lier liiuigiocîibcdoî,u'. I l iuîîbk i f nf ,i', îîîîld recîiiig of Fîîrnuîrsattoolol(ou. Fnnîiitiue norflly -raniovel. IAIt ROAD ]MOTEL, rua'! Eaoev. t, > ) FAIM>Ett, l'IOPlIIETOB. SWT'TIIIS - R lSloseso -,Oes., gonod aereuoulnitioui l'or Travllr, .' StalIgandI attenltive Oot' 0f ERCIIANT TAILOR, BROCR STREET, mIII'itby.1 TIIoýmAS DEVERELL, 1 L H c &e-, GREEN STREET, Il, ýI»M -FR SAILE. ti 1 pONSTANTLV hfN IIAND DURINO TIIE bi Il 09olnutiit ig lrieg and iiiiiar S'rnnlo (loriot 1h 'y niec, olioe ili bciioll fon cashi aîly, at 2se 6 ci pior Barre. MATIIEW CARL, G il port woitby RoDELT SPJEALS. ('hF.RI< AND TREASURER tuF TIIE iC.ToTnshlip oft!sbride. Aîdres,ý Uihride. THtOMAS H. PORTAS. %eoi, Apiysis.r, Aueiotirr, Arbitrslne,Hause Ok and L0aAgtit, and Gouieril Ceu.ii.onbo Meneloc5l('jol ( amimat aiiuncono Merelaolst, Nanui n ut hmr pprG ounliIgue l 1r se.n- A xES!AMES! 1 DrIttoiNci n antOrf9a900dshaxe,, mu hliane Jthle sme 01, av pilig ta (lie 1, ,dereigubltfl wiilh'by aiîtdr>i, A% roeirelen the CLARLK IIUTCIIN,; f 24in Ae.air, tVlib)-. OTICE. C .FtLED. DieLLENBAUGU, A 0Élbu]FFALO, N. Y., lEER an lepe(dr-tOd sueesisl ptiel ofoc'ïen' thieti' junos, bel'ng abiît mîeuo in oitii'o.iriro etsIthoo enquiet neonoi bud hua aISparts of the enunîtry, bs ueocîi- o maie twomedinel preporatinmi, ,11'i dol ho lina bestsied I(liecentalod minigo lfanllit ee sudeîlbas Irit tlîeos otio ditrerctdergei Inrase.To Ilioso oll nitdwt lie Dctor nothiif needl te otios, it l boit iaQco.osa te y. Di htb on fiaor for casprn fleninlrsot4,000 50 Woperiienteand aIna th c tiiiUic grst ca. v'cns thtîmflave aolil5oh îr ineoieda cý, >'elded eooduly te Ilois reoitéinl, andi Por i riases ditily froniiiîntreof ietms ts te i.tfle Dontor, honerer, loso int eeesable ltlias pla ih tos îîedbie ici (so iote-i, oti .uinboued 1landl 2, Tite nuiibier lin i 111.0050PURIFIER. pore (nIlie plorcetrtiet ci Sarsiiirilli-, boc iireIc' of rensoihebeofotlt% end igoî muntnice, thblit prvpcntiee of cetiel in914 t xtcecby seticitire (10W tloanilo pio e- nein aolager dos esa" actie phyocnil di alter ouîne o i,tenti'o o'orkiigdiroeii> di tie Liveraund tiiiiir* ia, expnlliog tloeroioi - sinrbid bîineu, tIinn'bingruoe lattai aihinl lie aorne dStai illoi>'liaocu, iouile boul lie, min> ha retied itîstoea 1cu O>iephiais, au a coplansiof lMe APrqs Jiusnl ., i u>tfosg, j.i.GoeussiDcP.ff ON 015 1 P S'r'oi i I-f«M1'Ae«'ii I'io;f.* e v,, .1wr'ýer ' o dehfi~.tgiah Indiigestion. Injfirisifies Iofi unAd el it.allaoitier .li.cete.onanieti g 'ad tiunoriiioion adissrIii'id or imopubre e de 1 f hoc. hi In coto srtligtiîrnit ioinature, ilc ti obl lîcer mwscoken rpmonrate the body'. e, l ruuabr 1 s ail; FETER MEIUICINE. a ndill. sn ocer b t lieienerlt n neeliolî E n No. . f ilitetes iaîl!menatry mAe- <imn, s5OUiatis Of . F'erc oadci.use the niic, colit (e, aaiel l'oins,;ewtelher o' ioi .leuie.-Taeoe iedicnais.' ili lnÉe l 'IE, :tneiova'ao r,0un tt itillanbod o di e da ~ S;î" Reînceuîoiol re'oenoîtrnfusioan, tlîroî' &arcîeoin breiiorec lah j Ici1. l>oàFucs onc DnciLooN"Bstuu obon liRýati Nietd l it iloof ,1,( îoeecct uOlnd. a corrert liheuic of tlot T o.r leon tihe %conipio0r ctcoc hite ,ol Dr. Fred. & leiei"itsCe., Bîîllt'ct, N. V,'. lccbiOblittheon ieloc. 1irnýetinn orriaitiii ,ehb. htîle. Ns. 1les ootl fer $1 Puoc bdtle o o. 2 ùeon75 eeiiis. % lt titnis imp. t ic icy tireofel'.ote tallnhe, nil> ini on thr rtioelu Oe0icoiding t 17n.'o u. a oi b>' JAS. IL GERIIE, Solo Atgenit Il'ib.. Whiith>y, SepO. 14, 1859. a & a1-0 A CARD.t V.CARSO)N, ira relieiiog froc bbc brie-i L-Jie ',oood lrcooiug 1bis iilneriîbls iieio'lct lt'lîlîbî'orand vcinîlir, es,îotboit etorn i lc ocero aicI iecirtY tIiiioiifior iîoir loibiol iihiuo ltiuiottili, ver>' tirui patrosnagi lu ic te- biel frontoIiume,oîanod hitn greni pliera ti i rlia'l N rcooooieoding (nuIlîir niidnioe, on Pli> oieiiis, D:R. PATTERSO'N, vitt oloniilie lo:i% benonbgaeliollotsil, sudî îooo ta ho n îhilfsb ooand ooeeoniîib pmciiin B PA'iTFISON, il. t>' oioiracnerotng Dr. iont eitizoniof c iitlly andî'liiit>, iooollie i ý l o rc.tdrecb o" tceootolit Il.'oo1ýe 'iihi'iolool ia orins oil oceu teoibnEc 1%11,1 bbc citl i ,reni oie eo. i ol stroil tii colisroiior li! ne ('orîouiiir'.Oboo the ui-n rnlo.c ru-b n ereltoen go co. TIal nbt tliire a 00n les Ro.. ..cc e BONcuciioîi1'le. WV. >hnEîtioc teol.J. P., I5,*Aiiiible. LhioOIilir o, _q.titiy. J. I. Giii', E.iWiithlo. ffl Officeiti Mr. Ilbiiicbio aidrosldric, hyrsîs itreet, tVlithy, uicnnby opposite Secip u"s IlelO. id. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 500OCK 525050?, 'o'IiTBV, W-Opposite lHamiltn & Rnberts.4Ra JIAMdES CROIIKER, c'IMCIAL. TR..0VEILERS 'WILL FIND J fimtitirîîdoi in opiug rat Chia botel, ne eycumit lar Iin ithoe egltier Book bo1oh ai the'bar tie routes hslieu by tlioir pedceonooe. Tie proprieluir tales this oecain te (otloaî uisntnieu'oicepatroseamiîfrteiidn lfor the liellal orooi Ie lnoneai nhîa elaceIsle ncîommenemnttlalis businsnaWoiiby, boeultabllag, andi atteative ostiers. w'Iitlee, ml-,' ueo. 34-hf I)ENTISTRY! DRS. CALLENDER & CARD Surgeons, Dentiste, &o. rARCE pleicolre le aqinneuie the ilcst Ttainetf %'bIiiiby , a,,îlciiity, (liat (bey have taicu athe miosi% oee nsthe eeof (MR- .ETON LYNIîF, otQnsDuihs tirnt, where on, auii ner jso(li ihe s lotîthy vill be foeiiid Ppilocirri iitiaitooteba0ailoporotoois cc'ory b.'elirliling toe(lie profenýiiiii. Toothlî ll liii Ibe naoob perfect mesner. ,oîln laece boit the co-uibd iimtapprovenciiateiel tond, The long esporiee sf Dca. Colleaber& lord andc iloierhbocroîgb hkuiowlmeelutIbeprse- irof Del~iiry, eînhi (lien te oAppeolati he gest t entl, teeilc (elîeci ron a aorolipro' levatiin fl nI inoii.ieporhael, amd inntiiîll organeo, t(lieleil. 1 in. p elir pfflserv(iil 1a reeI ooa eflencltli, bePPinr,e d es,îîfcoit of anankin(dldepoîîd. Tbcie otuersdes on in i bruiaiof t lice proeteion canoat fail tenic'But elmaetion. i]At the iifflictol viih i, eed lectle, suy il' i brnilit bille, beiar he d tioemgotb 'osa fin a isolai. AIITIFICIALTEFTII insre ili i tînt>.811- ver, i'botiilaPlate, oisu upoi Oie relboOoieoi,suid lol eonîoîaitvubcauined btue. aller itie nien82lt =01-110mote lppoonccmctili.e diipto'nl fi thie pret.iiTooessniea'f Dma. Cllnil aieu ao ur mrtaliy pentormosi. and sn pcrfont tiatboc llelcec ii at, onthelIn atna- .losprcesios (i preccemdisi (tle line cui mn, foetut lthe wselrofiîisie artiflil tselo, apria- iateol ut theise tcinteî. lit tho lriimîiOyouî EUROPEA-3t IEDI1CAL HOIISE AND No. 51 KLu itumnlWmoTooono, C, W., IL GOODING, (formerly of England.) FESPEETIY, AND MOST SUCCFSS k.. fil modO ut 111 eli i1 Deiii « Lhnplaii Dcpepgn i, e.ooJDbiiy moiliici'c, Leooaen of le. Kiodocys amfnd l4iRclemntio, o(io ,Ill RJliom, mcîrialC c "îî Cornjotnit, d0e., ite., cée., Z;î'No chcîrg'i fur Ad'ie. th DR11 GOOIDINO is oi nwegogod in trentingof oi cl.Oeof iontndicn 00111, the ilo .o ll gig Tfio '1e îreuint aeoet ccol 1) v iiiii s ORTý là b;gov,1 opon orientifie pritoolp]ÃŽ% witlî ten si ieooered reméodies, withot iîerolsOor Pol b3 Cis. The iooilitieof et cire ic, .thi ipis- pts clin hoenurc-eit tloetr ooei omes ioointt xponce, iliouly Jpart 0nI G0 ouneotry, frnt il cl a- tiiedeseei1'ti onf lîeirccae by lttier, und l e .av' ilie niedivie sennt tu theinb>' maîil or ex- no ýZERVOUS DEBI]LITY ty Yoenir coeo tho are. lroubledi ii, caeoseo, eclle' IVened b>' obabohll Liii yontb h Il o' tresof el'c oolcire diocineso, polo, -tnrge ftil- d( lu', o'Io:etjnoeia TillIl ,aIL'o ocars, weon 'e, cochec Ishnboo loor eoieîii teooion fiees, looo leiinry, mlii lloalcnýy, h bcculed b> hy l3tle1 wSOIL110ini teiediee ? COUNTRY rATIENTS. in >idoienoithi iolldirertinioititntuit dge , '(tlie Uîîiio-d sioi, b>' patoietseoonoioion(îof -ltC. hoir ocîuuîcis bnho'louter.thBusin enreepoo- 16non àtricîl> colldestial. 01 Dît. GOODINCI, No. 31 East lrondwoc', Nooo York. rorgjnlo, Feb 8 l,60O. 4w b --___ British Americ an Çircslior Delivery & li Geea Advellawg Ageney, 22 SI. 1) Fraucos Xavier Street, lMontreuil,1 Canada Eat. t l'îil ,srlceeir rempeeiolly notifies tethe Il -a coOli lie hI. coco joepared tb rg'eeive t Ordere-,ror ilhtloo, Addiresnoendo Dintribu- in Bill..cireobirs, &cî, ilon 'cinîg Placairde andlreeciviiiz .hoic'einIeooinnl'or insoerinii lie c'oroi.'Citc' codlPrcvioociri Jnîrnoln. lie m-ilil Iho'oo mo hbcpeeparedl loreecice, oîîd t 'o' muenuso ni hc ooioocironn Agentsn, arnoge or a ineetiinl, Adloertillolethoin(lotc'vroePîopceo lhorolit ler and i.eer Cainadahe(loLnw- 'r Provincesi, he Uin îitedl States, aise fers ili o ' ireulghoe io Qoebee, Kiuîgstn, c rnrcooi looiiitn, &e., (oini ooriiop lu od'er i i,.ers, oand a0ol îories ooielcloog tunocnére rgolni ciiol eo'oOiniiii ýoolicit3' for Ilicorroince io l eorhuaiti oundlpeodyîoimano ofdi"oeMo, ut a zre:noig iii' linmon.ie n îd ecpeuîe.1 Ilic. AirýI.,îoceiits biiog now i clteol, loe oes: to goo'liuiî l'ooIiii Ioilec' CI'oiîcooiooco1u, jMer-' ,loîîiol, lititi fautoiiooeeen.Troolesie, IIIolel lcel! orn and oloern lIce transaoinnI0 ll toei l Iiîol- 7lIon liebobo leoitsue tecn illibe tucîo ntecrd(ooiih piiicliliiy eid des- oiilnolliitero iieti int l'e.in lllongo loeýroo'ooer iinEîoocoio' iiiin iln liot IfBoîsne as etl ol lioi eoîi o i'î'iiet (ho ntrentl 'iecoco %ill hu colo, bled le gdeC eoition nalin- boeOtioli.t RoODEIT MOORE. E J. GI. D',îoooio nq., Pereonrynt f lic oarod of"o. a0000ando%[rellalgita, Eoeliniîpo. I l. 111 cilioo ho.Ciýiooî iioludForord-k iii-_ ALe'ocII00%0 e G(ieoiolTrci ii hiay >Ceoin. F. W. MeiclcoeEq., Morcalit. E. Il. l'oor'oiîo., Ec1, clineoîîad Prpriotne of Commoooercial Ao E crl . 1)ENTISTRY. DR. C. C. JEROME, Surgeon Doutiol, TN rel irociigilooîcho leIloi@ oicoiofin .aid (lie jpublie geoellle for(lieir Ijiioret pc(nlgo ilion ho eoiooiiecceet pboclico li1ilil 1 î.ocnIolbore inko neccson t10elitte10 cil tlini lincereîjnircog Artificigt Tob tîni Ion11 jion îoîow e îîitoooll ooàMaheio Or n'oreing thc rnlen3nlgod Tablier, iapoiinwlclion wll nirtic ail hiiie l oid et>lin oi Teello, tf"cleaPten'fa Aansee cei o<oI'ne nefcre ! milili.o pnr.s Dr. C. (2 J caouswitt gciorn(ooetnuI;theli înot ditiollntcane niilithe grenioo( )îreinin 1 lîntaitoll nea, partieso nn boee Bloek Tooib wiih Seol Unis, W flt, oioî ioCcYrreleoti f'as oîpnrltn10ain)' oo(er hind nIofo'rk lnown ini ne. Tîin woeb ii l iigblapPrOvednOf bYiil of ftl oliooig Deontiii oew York,und prici' cipicitie thc iroiiglîonîtliiUnited State. nwbgI tu lib(11 unc h îîciitb(r anîd et a îîno'oserneio natue ail lit b, ller a btestof ilîrcé yoro,, deeilbiglir aoîî otînre preoc.iablo thon gnld oralo ic illîebtie plote. DR. jrouloiceol iol ishil ubehorieinmiflo filai, bie lins eren(ly rudoieud tohe1rices wich heroetoiorcocere (ioe oiidnrnl. lie woold Fcl8n fariereutcl tnlce lins boen conobtioii.i ng th(hov nceîomeol îiîoeriol for oevroit îînilî poât, dîiriooiwhich tiolibn 'sPut sp a grnat liumoberîOflCaese, oandl in iltt lotncuthe boest oft saotistni lon bsheertiioaiileotniby (iae Patientso. Gold, is lor anid Platilagý Platla s aa( up la the Lainai StleOm Ckesqicr thoi i tosai, and 1Worroint. Alt Sntrgicd etOleaflon l'he Tetocrbooiî otiilfoily orl'oîoed 1"eeth oetroikeoed n'itOoîlipiili ~ noon ofectriciiy. Poie(ion jar .lltiIccogî'oîtu e inrgoininiof chl- Irni.on l7neli. ioiiultatiooii Fen. AU 1 îOrL' Worraîiteei 1p.S. Call anoioiiiiooiiiîsPoeioooiioOf t'lisi worh ioefîirc getiioog )'U nu eiiiiinr(e'il elceinier, flapt. 15, bull. ly.nwW Jnst Reked, a Spilndid Sele12io1 OF 0u a r u c iz* l za< E u . I L Liam m m % 4. - . s . -. A BY-LA W$ bo raise by sony of boan te niof TiSon. ty-Tioud dollars and Intorest pay- aolu in Tenty'years for the iînproec. Mcu of Rond; tolroiigliot thc Contny of OnIa,'io. Whcoas the Municipal Corporation nf le County of Onîtario have by 'ronolution Ef tho Coùnil rcsolc'ed (o oxpiind on certain ad thin the ild County '.bo sum 0i .onlty.thoissd edoltars, and that the eniel wan of Twcnty-thousnnd dollars ho raiood #'Diebetures of saie CorpoWition payable nI Tweîoty yearo, proeided that (ho Muni. pcolitieo whcre theoîonoy 'is te bc ependeilTaise by By-law, or otborwino an Dmal amount. Bn k therofor eonacted y tho Municipal Corporation nf the Coun- ty of Ontarto iii Cnîîîcil assembled, and it is hreby enactcd by tioe authority of the samne, (bat it shaîl bo lawtul for (ha War- oen of (lus Cnunty t(omieb>' way of loao 'osr any peison or porione, hody, or bod' is Corporatn or poliei, who nîny ho iviti' ig to advnîcn the snane upen tho credil if Ibis County, and ni (ho dobentures hero' in montioneel, the sume nf Twenly-thouonnd dollars ni lawfîîl nîoîoey of Canada and tc cause the saine t(olhopaid imb (hoelbands of the 'Vrensurer, of (lus County tor (hi purposes hercin stated. lot. Thal il shaîll h lawiul for the Varden ni thin Counly tn direct any De. enture or Dnbcîtures t(o ha mde onl for sucb hm nor ns of Morney, on letlien Tn'onty-fioo pounds n och, and nt exceeding In (he wheofi( he sec 01 l'wen(y--tlîoucnîod dllars 'athnisîicroo bhereon, as any poison or persone, hodi or bodies, cnrporate or pntitic,mnay agiet .e lcnd or admance upon sncb Dehen- tures: andl sncb ssid Dehontores -shal lie in sncb forca as (ho Warden of (hq ounty shahl deern expedient, and sas lin under the Corpornte Seal of the oCn ty, and ebl hac sign cd by the Wardei and Trcasurler therenl', and (hoesinelîsa bie ruade payable nt sucb timon andl in saoc sumas shahl corr'espoîod witb, nnd as wil satiol'y and dieochargo the aaid loan wh(l interest thereen. led. That the intercot upon (ho saidelD bentuross olall ho payablenrit (ho Bank o Montreal, Wioitby, on(ho first day o Janoîary in 'eaclo iand nvory yoar dorne (lie cuerencynIfsid Dehe-Ltures a 4th. 'rlat the respective annuiil Speclo rates in the Scbedoîle hereaftor mentione, and terming part of ibis By-lecv, salbsî rniced levied and oollecled over and ahos a il oor rates, for the yenrs bereini innr tioeed, upon aIl rateahîn prnporty in tl naid Conoty ni Ontario, for (ha purpnnn payioog (he said suni nf Twenty-thousai dothars and thie oreet liioreon, an oforg saiol, and (ha prncesdn nifseich opecial ral shall bieapîolîed r eltyh le pa>'menn os satisfactioni of'oucb Dcoentures,and thli terest thereon, unotil tlhe wholeofçisuc Debentures, and (he intercs( theron a hae paiel inifull. BC[Iit7IZL Retorred tin it(le fnregoing Ily.law, ai, torîiîg part thernof. I50 mois18d'2 12M 165 1115 -1867, iU 1 i 88, i I0 il 1873,1 - i Isis1, i. 187,iý a m ' u 41 îî 878,1 1750 17, lrl 715 IWO . 188 (7, j..is. edeeimeg I _ ______rffode te "",egec oeiadfs, s lhtq t and fya mgh * o ldeu-10W" i iei ecne ae ifesily -1 eopt Bk* g C5ays"i h o k m' M tk r uo___ to lime wi Tm4, *U , r t__m o~a N~0 N~7 oz..;~ <"~, ~ "" -V'N Thne mbemll i0tty of jaaIIInuo frnte - , lILY. amMet aQuaeustown on the 7?4#ý 1%e .eslaby (ho Glasgow la quite 'ula.- Kaowledga, ljrohearhooul. portant. Naplewms trenepail, mand tunr. innolth, - itsg lalar nf thaunoreumenls of Oclsl )5, 18600. NO.D 32 di- pama ib amealgeui the bEuopoean, fc¶ ho , MassacraS. l amso b t helIti groat ý0WOi. muiduaivoamriin aIodla., fo BIE GTÉ ÂcÂO T A ÂO5U-FOUIh T1iOtSý say When (bey hesar tas mso ailig ilIJl _______ AND 'E5bLE-EVEI(T Cninl'n nous£ gencenAmysid @t(hile aaat ost on~. lIunO-l0tlTË61Tunusn CRI1T1AN1 JuLx 19,1-Nof,,àa inile bouse bnlongians WITOU BOESOI ~OU.(oa aOCristian làb as beau eftin Dnasu.BosTos,iiugut 18. (Crmndnaof (be N. V.'Wo0rld.) Four thoVsand Christiana (bora have benne leosteashlip Paradisfroui a ewy t0bi latesrT, Joly 17, 1860. rnrcilemly hulcseecai. Then Bey. Mr. OGs. vie. St. John, N. B., aremredtis m roiing. tn:neylouer uf'(ho laithist.,, I stated bhem, an Irhis senioiry.10 Dacitba eilu fermaila 1cm foewardenl to Ne~w XYork fa- tinat ynu onooula i uaiincloseol a printoi ap- amnoug thme number oneisalled, togethnr thn ea, in. tre, tia e.itw Ravon,' an& peal in (ha Anorican andl Euglinh Publie, with aI (ho Feenciscan monlis, andt tiirt- due inNew .TYnk et 5 p. ni. on behaîf of(ha soffl'rsrs bylisa recent war six niftisa cativaery . The ý Dublin 2limei of the 11h inst. mà in Mount Lebannen. 1 wnu noable a toSena tains (ha folmowi'g ieat intelligoee- it aitb (ho latteru as (ha asondiogvoCWS Latter irrous tha Eaapor of hhe Ireach MASSILLE5, Auguat 6. fiom Damascus bas ornpelled tisa commit- te thie IiahPPends. 'ime itroupe bave Inft for Syrie. tee in Beioul t-(o.ndiy the taternts made -'Tise Fiooesloana lait Toulon yeusterday, gon as 10givo (he publice ajost idea nf tisheoreSaude said tisaBaragistr, vithis bfa b. aitahi)i of preselî nnhcbr ni (ho suffnrecn. I barnent- Tise iollowing latter appears ln tisis days Ciaseursu bift for Marselles to-da?. ly resot tisaI yon ciiigivo (hie. "appeap, issue of tisa T4speSolry Eoainer tise Tisa ifusragirnent nof tha lien basgr- an early andl peorinut insion n lu77a editor ni whicis bau rpeataolly, declarod ibs rireai bore. 1IVorld wttb ech axplan itory remaeks as dissent train, he' chaegea of cnmity toelise Accncding to adviens rm Naples - 39 1yneu may îiink propor. Tise case le on Pope wbicis were adensl y mrny of tiesamldiers, viso ve on tisa point of joiniag .of pressing necessity. Bers' ard-"tos nIirishs Catholie 'jaiernals egainît Napoleon QÂribaldibad benu arrastool. tisousnude ni peuple, bot a few days ago in 111. Tise latter le introdaceai et conaislera- 'fe ia. nlIster nf 'Wr bail nrawra o hzh prosporoos iand cocatortable circumstanCi2, ble Sleng(h hy tha aditor, isbù giva:,it 'as a troops front AbrasaI, in ordan (oa coocen with bornes ntboie nwn, eropa grocie', complota .justificationnof his viea onf tisa (rate lise prinecipal paof thai (o my eeoun& flucis andl heedo ho supply thoir oanto andt, Frenchs pnlicy in Roma. Tise followiug la Naples. Laid tisota letheir lahorsu sand avnry pros. he translation t Brc.o; . ug et aÈ. bpectofnipoace and necirily, ohosa bonnes IdTisa Empeeor's Cabineet, Sariana nhluriancm teck' 'place - yeste. woce ail burne o theIn greuad, (scie crnps FPaanesniSt. Clouai, July 6, 1860. J day betwenu Serviana, Tiai dsèlmre sai'- *étod (boifBocks andl heasta ni hurdon 99Si-W lun conty(heores rs toens, (hein fatisers, sonsî, brotiesr andi passioîately persitils in fnrgetting itaef nîf helu r sonrminL ue. *frientis massacred in cold blond, enai (boy 'oniier ho calomnatU sud ierepreseot thein- IL. lire tueneil ont peoniless, bomolemu asnd tentions nie. foreigu Sovereigo,notbuung caen Pi.AL-n, Auguat 4. 1 almost ieally detitute nf cintinng5 taiha more p!easi g5 or evao more coosoliug, large ntnmbeos ni volunheers continin i) lice upen tise ciarities of olberir, or elle of hutseaclvrnd iitrse rt-tarve i exposre and ntarve.tion. Tbooaands haeahsnt e oe u iilreellt. ria a fleai te Boirut, aendi olien linousanser iriseop sponlImnouiIsly 10 delisuai im- NaPfAS, Augumi3.u aresctteedthoug t alasnd. Tise floue. Yon, Siruisave beau (hat wrnter. Fou AU effortà (o-ulncSude au armiatice' vill i es eattereil n i ts t a nt n H bte ave hua d t isa sin gul r m t , i u re isting G aribald i havin g fa i na, prepa r t ah n us r bssa omnntei rtoatai o he tie nerat overwiseSring impulse, ta op beiuag made ta suppress euy afnnopt Atiwia y ia le brohen psuadaitise poor andl ricis alika are nm dapenoleis upon the Ame'i pose a cooscienlins jnidgcmont ta false ini. cosione. mprovennts are hoiasg actually< mit inorlerati thes lor(ber ors nim.sd a cule rvicn Ite helm- intrndeed loto tiseRoyal ermi and a.avyo ct auo soaisadohr frterdiyor fmlerolenco. Thas succes bas Conmmander Capauclaïsohia houa ap f bregio.coThesnef yelerruccitaisexebise grsdually crosoneai your efforts, anai if thse piinteil Director of Marina. )f egin et o Tye, her prtesantchrs.error ho net lotally destroyeai le it at least Tise office ni Privahe Seoretaly ta ibm 3tiaeily was epreading so rapidly. Tise vit- aIrsaoty mucis enféebleai. So murs pow- Km;q bas hbea iappreaséd. t' loges nre al pluodereai sue bhnea, (hoer ie rtsbtw o iswo ieRn savoti h salqalr p lr pe is p !ik e p e ' O e n n i ut a n e n s c , a i is e a n i r a t e a i t i e i n s p i r a t i n .- o f t h e aio n a l G u m e . , - reel like e aed ifon hootaIscape i- I have tisc, ois rositsatisfaction, ub- A 'furin itter ni ho rd lamfird ie mne lneelaa f(e saeotsaitted vcuriosarticles publisiseilin jour as- 'thel (lin Peusolasi Ambassador eatt(h.flox. Lîl their liven, itiici abject poverty, wt oît nh erneaijournal te tise Empaer, aud' bis dmusa Cortasureai Couil -Cacom aiba i. a trust ta eut, andl iaedty a rag (o csvnr llajesty 1i1itetains fer thnm tiese BeuS01nit(h Cabinet of Barlin woulai obldin the~ !n tiseir bacuts. The auffernog fet by hion' gratitude. tho sincenr exp ension of soiiclastrictast neutrality wlish regard te Itaily. LU aineis in Syia ah Ibis houe is incredible.- I haeagam salestonu Ânpt TieNuesnaiGus pbieiai bh Eenry day bring" oew (sIe3 ni disiressanad Sirulthe assurance nifrny muet dislinguisse< exteordlnary odition on Stunslay o veag, i woe. If immeciale messuresaeeest tahen ciaaeall.anucn ia h a oa OhNaoi a y iru pe r l a i ng c bo u g e r m e rs0 1 T h e m p e o r n's S e c re is'y , C h i a i n t is a ti n re g im e n s b a ulm u tin ie d in C a l b ria (t e Boiul n ar fedog oodotroa onCabinet. tise cry nof IlVive Garihalail Ifsînoden aas, andl unien a cary consîdera- 'SMOCQUÂRD. Stricco hldi emharked. vitis1,600 vu- ai bbc respoose is made hy our benecaheat g tnieiod n l Amorica, we ah ansonu beoblig. IA. W. Mlamet, E4q., Proprlatoe an un uteermsud mot wiUe n atisusiustio res ad te stop payaient. Thrse mente(bieiice Editor ni tise Limerickt, 2'fppacry aund ceplias froca tise peuple- ai tise snifferings ni tisa people wil be mocisî f>,d Exa~miner, Cîonmul, Iead fi.areot te igo Npe d grealer (ban at prosent. Nov lthey c'n ------ @* 4,200 soîdiesu(o Reggio oppositee Mousi'* e leep inte open air, oeils caoty clotbiog; The Coloalst la Chacery. sud tisosa troupe it wuu maerteai iultân: ve but oison (ho inlor hogios tacorne s bon mf~'ii(ommnth eiie o- (bey'most have sisetîe, itubheter fond Yentedy a bill oas Bleainl ChancesyN se and al rrn clouing, andl if oraier la realonnd hi' Mr. Samuel Tisompeos, proprieto of "~» avswioln ii mei ni i0 tise lasai, Ilîcimuet baee ho m o fnitisa Cobsat uaesauer, agaînt Mr. Win. A oeh a atdfrwt mi ad g ù-il to their home,taid in rnany cases, O'Brien, lise peesent publisher of tbat lance. ae gi 0poc. o arellrjournal. Tise object eoaght te haeaistined Lt id stin oeat, aneieulmoiiiig taanaitsn; i Mr.'fhLpmpn is the recnvory oamtie Towa Coseebl. a. hospport tieseoîes again as soon nasponsesonn athe Ceuolt, tise present pubS-CA EEIG eh possible.. Moreiv£', if la important that lialuer havingu itlai alhnga<l, boa tise prosamp' PCA MEIG all contributionus boshl ho mode as soon as tion ta(0prolaim bimseli peopriatar. t Mue vgAge 0 80 possible, eo (bot tise committea mai' procned oalai appear (t, a sifnm e ia go5Mr. oo e' litonoce ta the relief ni tise destitste. Asi' O'Bnien nagohlaloil for (ha pumchasnef (ho Tise Conncil met et tise own ii short' nd finds sont for Ibis porposo to A. MIain, paper, and tliaI certain termeoearo agreedtily befro?7 n'clomok. -Pre*ent-H1e Wouwd Bible bouse, Astor place, New rkr city, apon, whicis tere, boaever, it le complein- Ship lino Mayor, in tis* chair, Meurs.. Ceesl 2w wll lie fonsarded at once. ad, b ave nayer bran .csrrieai ot. A eron, Brown, Draper, Gnon, Lag, lyndei it may be ashiedu and vils reoniî visi eonf othbegrievsucos are stets thin Perri' said Boy. Abset, lor. VaIS. are net tisee mn aad wm n e sso ise ebil, (he muet noticeable ni 'isic is la EE<E5oiror OTa r»Mcs. 140 ahor bî ohicis tiey ean eurau hieir breail? that *he banmde of O'Bren, tise telosùt Tiese imple answor la hocause therela non bas Ce.n nd ruriuea.-LeSZder. Hie Wnomiip phaceilbefare -the ottCiael oN work teolho doue. AI! susineasa et ai<ead the menorial oi Mesrs. Tisas m oot lock. Tise industri ni tise countri' ho pros- Heavy Bank iRobbery. suai Tisoma Lsîer,aking. for 1Osve te - asoerct a platfaem, "o, for thelie momqid*4 tratoil. Tise majoriti' oitbn vealtisi'ciscis. Wa-rxsvnws, Âogsst 20.-14L. S. Hm- tieofnipeclaurs on the Peine's a visiltmOll Il taïe mercilfhns nf Beiralisaea fled Alexeo- mondai5a haking officenat Cape Vinceant, ta lie allowad te malte a charge orf 25 cesatA eie, or Sycrae, ni Cyprus. Tise îisps oas enteu'c n Ouaiday mnrnag hi' burg eoci for (he mets. [sm are ebut, andth ie streets coieparativeli' de- lars, andaine $3,000 in corrency, asell' TisaMayor n luormei is Caa la1 aeTh.Treo mootis aga e.lar,'a naobar bills ni New Torki Stata Banks, asud ioma boaldeemed itilexpeilient toec Ibmopo"a nf new ibuildings îero iu pennes ni erection $20, 000 lunntes and sacunitiea etolen. Tise meeting in aoler ta lai' baera (hoCouac»l ero. N ir (h onr l sop aIeTs LO r Ncw arte r soat Daacoshe ueglarlyi hisupposed aibhave hocu commit, certains comunications raceivea>i h mi n , u n ch c rig od t m su e yt o m n w so er e a n about the relati (o e lhieledeuwîàil nof th o rdff ,su aveempoyaentte hndrdsbutthevillage et a litte heur onuSaturdmy eveieg, nf Wale. Tise Seat wum a commuaeotion work ni construction han topei. la tise and wbo lait on lise moninsg bhata for Og- irom Hiis Exeellenai' (le 1Quoeeann Omas oponielis no oune au abor, ooemg te (ha denoburg or hinenreel. On.enf th.ea aim eneM yinlfomiug tth pYo th" ,80 wibtiruffians Whio coac orrtheiscountry saspectei vas nf medijunmise. full caai face tihe Priace ouohairenivi Iau adairou ati*44 takiisg dantage ni tise disorderedaltote of and ligisl haie. 'fsche ther las nof ouaeR itaihei'Station. .Ahne Coom#itiIol 119 tiings, sand tisautier imbeci.ity ai tise gar' sisewi(b derli haie sud sohukera. A 10' fmut he Wacdea o ne hCoucty, ozpmeg erament. On suy nîbor lanti tbe publiesau- îarai of $506 ln affereaifotebomnaey. hlm liamrty dembo (oa co-oparato witl the (borities voutdtelle e nsnures foe merelief Tbo paeointis te notem, &e., ohmsbeau Town Enontcil. 1Almo cosiaxaousieioutem anM ai (ho suffaring. More tise'Turkiis offici- topé.Wm. MeP4sernl, Eq h e use, o abs eern ta regard cii satifacionutise -----*-- 'a rndus u nbsebn g for thne purpeueeaof ,s ssfferings ni tise cisristîoî sorte, andaiin iâny The IaternatîosSi Eroolkot Mitele. theoint sîcosasitteI hcaean he iaCounili ni tise massacres, Turbbassaliers borea ; ý- Md (he altiaena te masanrrenass for promirent part. Aihor tis a asfl.adue- Tise NovwYYock Conaslesdi( Adi'eri.ei (ho eospton. for (ha Prinn»e. A bd mime Iw0 ronce et De el Knmy sud Hahoiy& sud speakîhionf tise lots match saya-cTell pcroedlige a the pblie otiug p v ic i i hi' e a e r o a p p rell a n t a h e( og reat C a n a d i n s vio v e re g e n tle m e n s w iv e I s l u he o * pt e t a I i s t e ib m eî t ié v u 14W u.b.. nitise des(i(nheu. The burning crfickeîems, bave couse amiesdus amateurs te apoleul endi bsîcberry lun Damascas hast weak bave pn' Uie gem, suad hase eau eotMl by one mlienef'Ur. Lytide, àpee4o.y0 adtdiltiousanils mathe ist, saod maltitudes pnieieal Maîgîbholers, aida iy the M1, Peau'. a rmolttinaaa ed, tahdIi 1420 lu tist citi' îbne tndaa sgne lareconhrh.ssab leiing sud battbsg nf fv mecneeîn iePlp iWSestelh bullaag for tisa reliai oi retugeen iram Mos- cricketen reirosPhile.,, vbo liaithe Pri sa"Ohawa, th& a bisnhip (lu Masyore ieie s aWnl tieissehi'enutterli' destitute- cip.al hlding, sud (vo-tishs* of tise baSing, reqeua.emh (ne lite tho Uaeve s ai Crpooe Il Rlow cas îe Sienp tiseaileohe in sntar- leavisg tisa Englishman (ho ceedit nf mdis ea i ofOshawa bto ale part viltlI"4Cor. iig.'(o deatis 1 is nue conatant inqeri'- ing theentier (bled. A iaggetice 1mBs poratinain preeasatsg u aMdra eoI un

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