Whitby Chronicle, 25 Aug 1860, p. 3

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£ooa m~Cveap0tdeo,:e. tooilthat theltter viii weat .thetne- wih a lhKrllesranithe Ilittita i t'ratnc. ( àumÊc Âi-niI2t, bol). granid dignity, anti eorlainly lbis flue «phiteui. - -mmntanet i- 00 veel tecomes bthe.leBoulejoints wuo rpodoco be Lec' omnact AIR, -nt Tbrevee gsiig theno eunds about lm, immciii. on Ibis greas trnnsiction ereret y oh, a. iiiroyalturn hr ateiy aller lise. Seremony, but lnthit i'lot Mr. ileesor.The ucseSOof Johnn Manslleld'a m P tar latSaterna!, Or eatlser commencitng .îmueb affect hjm-' t î e t l h gb t mei s oe t ee- sau. f - iSautaas 700 bavre alr«atyteetn in I." Tino otlitnrommtdt<d4 0bolsavo ael oepniit.ebn.o Iatortte tlegraplic reports wihci botter laie in tbe day, anti in tbe eveing fieldi io Ilor's OOan, and mai no inte- mi e mande il annecel uneceosa1 foc onie te vas vcry fine oaqctylceocetu etwnbrin t e co oiLtilfice i li mu tir ons yen l. obe! ',n'ba'sntsofagti-aent aboUtAndtad utreds. anyochier càacit!. burs ciuacny the ilht otb-he d t io teing vsf'nnl te visil -b be-e-àr le Prince Aolave io aptnished n eont cou1~asye villn f o ecptiôin, avie 'binciof the cpportueity of goingcuenaisoeenntigfrbgrlevb Id ideeti tbontgin 1do fntproten oti t o 1 te fallisof lsontorenct, vhichbeifi njonlg dùlitstigfot i h e ta do-boter titan tho pocia reportera swolien vilu tbe rene, bail a very granti c arges ag-ainat IMc. Davidi Reeour, Wartien a re 0Cib heTlgah ompaey foOperC~,at l aogbsjeey e f theno Uniteel Counitstaof Yorltanti Pol, his C il.1feir 1byPettceTndlog apin -iis aornaydide.-lll toclitu e resétoeniOr cfde,( eOiccn. 1nay ay -at te baf bàà eivet i ach ct thot mlf.roiàlioyalîy. adeu adif t ettns4lnl0i thlino aIt emnctbotolti, lli te ventisn te men-of-wiar wërgml Ring Division in the- Legfitlitice COuCil. ohi rIlIt . ',-Wëîey yilun Vie refreined front ntakiCg iat, commienta mue imos jpasible frvmsl-ene'-yll niane t iuteathre*"'lIp aboorera Iltsio eii'Ini -i nhig oexios of fulbeartesti n<o et h;lnîînn'vckeîs, and truîy, the seno cl hearth de b w ichoe Accutc1sedLî t Jh lasday ev.., heurt oas full. Inae4Il os lOOn s amstnaitifui une. Tliei lino baIlsealte efeialo*vic 10 Jaitubcdmn nt "rxamte ineT aly UaI ts teling or enîbr theo tlreo ibatu, cameh offtiha etpfoeaivg uriO5lbtrec ciset lea m cf joy, for te Prince itonoriegOin1et insheMusicelRailttsIoimulidcamler inctr 0,nc taàt aleady sa ondeareti hieseif te oltin bispresencre, asti remtiniing Ibere tli hnguhain« pie l ac b cers people by his (roquent exhibitiossdc1 oescloek a. u., outere li daneei constntsîy eidence of gùit ia othle port cf Mr. lc- ndly feeling anti et aympâtyithaUe ef- atidemeattei inimecf vithun saibandon nr, migbî stili %dnilof 8astisfaçtory ex- c iaede by tino Loorèr Province t0 gis-e orty ir a Prinre vîto iuow o ute10 lnaqoît. Noe tltat titis oxpisination blas lu a ert! iveicoutti, ibat vien ho Came inieglo olluIis Peuple, 'iîiou coirproeia sbeen givon it l c ioell teuestîre into til uandl bis fiee yoitfg face va amen lng, bis dignity. Of courne tlnssalaroawu lînotur f ieslag soila is e bed opv-th gesnroos intere n eout h Il t otligbifol one, and. as 'nitlser n- e. uces oohi ItI. ReoMbsuitil îinacoîlttuedtiatempîs le show bou ejnoir ecanxiety, lir stili, had been econ- colathillcfagtef. 1hmthrs tri teh ive loves1 lissotoer asti iis 1moîber's onîleet lis thc geting nu?, il rîslec thils bit tisewlape of ub-ic -ak1: Rt t for hon ase, limetenilorositouesibilities uiieosb espettionîs ofIle liserrytnastern. iaeisne Soo~îaî nwe acnedapctily iiithe bearts of b underetantd a lady;'itis ou te Prince Ë.eoasmist. L'p tth ie preseîîb ycir M. tii ibeuSantis cf neotiersand dtaugittere vas dattcing siunhies, andît s ieun rîcr ng- leesor vas'dttenl h pilmerc i ai te'r0ct eat bio.Vota knoose lie img hiitdownommr traî esdmipaper. Derin-gte ycare s '58asti 5fn lie oefltheland in Quehee, andti vat tapi- faiu ton but ofcoreteib lo ed i tu- osns lec isTonni fMr-c opportunicibe alopea and batis, tit is aithlie fait. To-da is Roy leal Hilliiitess tanastiby virue of tite office 'vas tis- ces doa anti bouse-topt, thte streels anti wusthovisil Lorette, vinent literaees, uso, qoatlilicti rot hviotgoantinntaI win anylie unrs attd promecades :vouuti affoit te aly cenlei tise Qucisce races, ivee1tebe . t-f ilttneCrorattin ofthewic ie illio for vieiog napeetaele. Weilltentfbeld, ansi as tIse oeatter bas iteen very gnn, as a mrciehr. Thte fulIilglntee'v te availeti of te te sttîist apoiiy, asti fpreauînse lie diiigo. This aevcninng tee .g4ofrtlîe aci unoferetîreCourtitfuis oint d t tere ocre ibousact wbo Coutilt grandil Vire Viork tare te lie lct off, andl nN uiec tt en fJrsE-A eigihle ies. Titi view cof Qncbec jnidiug frontue preîîaratioîïnsow gem' tiotn, uo Gaoler or teepèr tif n Hotose of wo nte royal aquadron nmt bave licu ot, viticis cotsist of a foresi cf masts ansi CorrelooofDivisirnCoatt nfunieriatil poing lente extrel5tcanti as tise Sbi$ijn eraocf lte naossîcomp1licated ritaracter, "itBa IniiT f eisiroCrt uoo Sheroirs niedth ie ton andthteodenseumasasescf sonthinsgvery inposiag mtoaite intelîded ni.otcr5e nneerorSocieprnm anan hings cengrae-,tid opon heigitto f mot nov Close, but 'vil.atdîcta yo pereont receivig. any aiio'vance front the -tsne aoîfa d a tti ter ornansiet- neont agatu. - C(orporations excelîl as Mayor, Wacdnt, bal nntiom cooth isnret ilncisoes Toe,&, Ileve, Depnity ileeve, or Township Ctn CO, cilior) anctnepeson laing by hivitsef do nt vontier il uboodltiehoreiorteilte C oN. hltspae-, n iteirttsftina uapcon v- djuce vas tranuporlei vitit admiration. Thèsil QR sai ziard. ftractiiifi, or ce behal offtie C'orPOrru- lu i tindreti ant ive gouns frot une sifer- t btteries vere. fre the momenelthetol - li te on lo le oî1laOcdte i enhe o tadron came oibin îbr Port limta ho- G. Liausitîjer, tîhe RoyaiWurl h eocl ffi ozoaia. es poitblyas an7 ore tinta, fronts. Europe, assistei b y is litholeItaian Andtheiscdoclartien reqoires Ibat hoe (Use es pobaby asmanymorefree siîaliera i ona eneel by privaeo juivitiuais, cefilysjtiglitly Kanelie, wl'vii neeof is nftrecr elcetedî lsti st'etr te point Levi itie. Thee rittg wasgrand performasnuersin thc icinnci iliera intèt i a iso y stpeell tornte e signal for a universal about, or ratliterof tis jplace, on lionetsy veniug. lis lu ecan iofte Copoutiayon«"at ib ro r ontinuons sores of ebeere oricit very iigily 8eocf by tue Presof tlsfo ieCruain"i 1- 'Wltt sncb ait inttrest is, oc ihave tlsi te renecoctifrein ime te imc otil tne Europe andîti .nerim andi WCehave no deofnetiin te Mucica'iul Monos! :- t nels came to ancitor. Tie tesr a lilîle douit toihi greatly ateelain al v-ina aveut -1iTe cjct*** is cearîY bteci hile upont in preparuincs, dressincnt., tlteiscsmves of ite oppeitutnity of vitueso- pieenil ailtilalitîgs on tine part cf tlueT yards of tise obole fOet of lirnetaon-cf- îng lis rrnuaralilt Élese As il s for cnc Connet -il it aîîy cf ils =Ceillers ninneir n ore ntaatinclb7 te tousasrds ef bine ni-îlt oîîly ibis e-ii bute l ly cilliec:*pricate sp:cty, inn other wordla 1n, revcnt d keuwh swrmin hoe imese eselsgoant e i aclln. Admsissionti6j e, inu Re- a morutier cf tise Conscilebo stans ilitt' c bndniot hoardi the lera sturi np Ile 't er testaio fatuse o hepbi,0 tiosaI anthiet-anteuePrince of Walsaserved etsa50 ccnta. Full partIcuaslt ieiino sIui e fite ubli teM etppcd mua bis ton careti barge, incon- gtvrn it prograintînes front tkinz îsiy same or heefin otcf ita-ei qpy jt ie great atsainof th uig .te 7b heA L'fitr of flic Clrenist- &Idng of ibt-ie/ho, as one of fhe Council, t oîîpaîy is Tienagattttc, oghtin,<eorcise a sepxericnteuoecce.'t a te out lunlincr voice cf titundor andilthse Duffut'a Croule, Ai d16, 110. <tllLnsots's Mue. Iban. 53) l ry roek of Qoooc baook mullier tse MataAndt inn arder t, howto hov strict la tea pcnte] concutsionts. Iows on Durias1-lEânlSItaintenion cf te a4etliocase cf 74hé ti vonce vitere theo Voluteer Artillery ocere lit 1ietitg tnp a sIray eopy et the Qo-ncl d ioen.Mne actt laird il it a flue irass gonit attcry sand lWàfchmstîati f lasI see, I1 oed ila very In titis case te defeuilant, heforo tee cc-T deiermincti scre te multitudes tbere sîrangea accossit of 1fr. Reesr's meeting tiieu, itai tendereil foi- tertain paintinng atttd mcc tite lastiing, titat il vas vitt tise ex- ell iereý ih entes tîat llsey f[the inhbi- h oct h iyI uet diieulty they Couldlho kep t ot off ats-tite Oit prtien of course mol intern- gsing roîjutredti1e dn tsit i e linoof fiin it as reily inrvellns doi,] reained p dHespitaai, antit lits Hopitailan r isaviner ngavngcbcense- c lse f fre Itwasroulyana-clios dill rstonnti p dintisg, nt eaousngceptcd,lise prfortsei port of tise vork-, f onte accient tidti lohappen. Even aItte tilferenit Ivertisoutil bvo ocieck:enOCfor seiic i e Itaitnt lbcon pilie enlise- eu femgching Ibeir naurl tuijiity Stsndal hnsortintg. 'itto.Mr. gditor, yoor queîuly refusel la Ov-etuttt à srihtncn_ n- un.. pertinacionsly ta their positions asîd reandors uay rest anaired, is saitunt delibe- tract 1rejiretity te City Solcitar,' ands oel te deafeninngrocam vith a courage jrata andI usqnlified fasmnised. b1iave inforinucite Mayor ditlhoedîi ot intanît tiet vas pcrfeeily astoniiicg. After j «nIwitht otiters mati e cuimy et bath te go on ît i te sork yet thé CGurt e fiig tite Pritn6e wooaleun on te jtisetavorîna tnt tierce as oel so frentsPar- Il Idîs ai liten'es dtsqnealifridfrncm naing a larE n,îtîl proeedsing latote gar- itirs woua voold te asenre cf tise fue, r sar sen tîsheic lcstil. IlilInnsuh it s as, Nos pvillian propareil for ltsn receliiOluocre ts ae dIatqil Ctm r tac dutiste Munci-tpal Mannal, I- itlai no- dvtere the Mayor lit iitenm robes Ithnoesttnuent is wooiy wi-itolndation. sîra oîî 1htJi ri ia os ilecudetilby bis lerkla i niar gem FTise oritero itteucil'oiisuuare guîtiof "Iteil isintto sit oo i.; nt." Nov, cuttei hum tine andrescf-thse cititoun oltterintg ait atroett5s Ocsilumuy inîaissbres- nteCroain"Nu,1 f Qebe. Titis done,andt he ieatiful ro- petalie nleu, lite 3fr, Ibeati an 3fr. Cutis- olat is tino positoni cil3tr. iweeer'u cese ? y Iiven, a monssir procession ras forniei leh oh of hn-tnshavo e e rediî l utiîotseyraconSa:d10 oi t i lent its liste ertutarei, but the nreis dueing tîscîrbainss as vli as any otiier oas i teevo of te Towniship ut Mariuna, aile s thongd, otwthsandig it n he rovnce Bu 1 m gadSir, tatpritttîg Il"ecm ihs as ane of tise Couin- sntcutsitrnge, uovtttatsdjng a inlIt Prvitîe. ut tus gld, trIta n'cii lie onglît to exorcise a auporntent- e precauliaunstet avoit it, Ibat il ntaned tise unnîrelis of tise l'aueilis art 000Il n cc," vas disne tai lus nenspapor office. il loly. Thte bouses on tsetoeai'vire tuoeocillenown te do any arta. On teverai occasionna tbe Treassîrer paiti 1treitrac f iedti h ngaxec, particulal! b aira ceomtiiniail e u akefSir, 10 over variaus snoms of money tate Ecctno- ith titsse ef tte genter seir, vito miied reation taeosee Iir. Rteeiers sipport. tuai for tin o vitlinon performeti, asap te ani n cmo- isea, i r, biitfr urases te tatinng of thetc velcome, adi sneiltane von- oa h 1arsrislaisrofron the t e inetgs of te Ceiinaii. ted uponi lirovitg isuoquets mb ite rOY- i0110ePer cenctfor endrsing tIh e Ütty pa- 'liesecsons are iasil 00cr, Ioserer, acnd carniage. Tho lPrinîce Juta ocupotion per. 1 have if fnon a relative Of titi Party M r. Ilcesor is changeit-ilsburing- on tbe osgh int antoweniril tieso demùmrttenilcndii lmaler isl1f.tlorCa 21st f Feti-uamy of lise presan year whlli t quiet ansti nnifiet but eviticcly veilifrientis ocre soppliet vili $150100 cati h Twsip ndWrduo iaiedtotsa, andtia hintiredtimes liteti guenu yoorseef vitere the ntonîey camne fron)tiheevoaoftc Tond ultip, cuti Wmaeu of t, ci feîhres tI t lts asca.flr te~li bet ounte occasieit. Aîîd frttrr, tise It ents u fe sin îd e tnp fasyisgitim ttuite l ates.cer Fya amepr- 11ia0tîîa iavoltetfelaration thtstlie hitdno jîterest in aîuy pmcuso .' ts attaiUsthovs clpi ,fr ,nntary transactionsa oltîttise Counnil, , i tepoesinopen' ceut ho lt t bis ovn, sae htlewa vi adfrreivet a soins of $177,60, for printing al Cotege as and thent came itac, the casvssing for and atendit). Mr. Itccaar'a toue in tise Rconojnt office foc tino Cor- rnearpinlte <ioveror's iospitail- meed tp i s a i t prt te $1500 nvn. oralion over wic4 hosepreoticti as Iteeve. loite nigit. paeia i upss e iopmoi.An Tite defence sel iti tyMr- tocaor is, 5setfar il n cmpuet ita c liltuila, tscr Inov state tnal b1aon readyte 0cotlefor-, sv aeicuai asc iattIi It s cmpuei tht o Sauraythee van antigive te na meofethie Party aiiud- lsme hreree lultofice, nca t ut itbi re in Quebec anti Point limi, frotn120- cdl to, antd gis-othe tinte anti place woe nstie, il bavistetenofpre iritnlyletnbs i ta 130,000 people, anti1bduonet tbink bnedsobo lufin.-elti. )ntiuly Cgas lree, is an cxaggerainhtonth mi le taomeet wv amdeadoeJh anil. ditna rc l ain u smhwa ounl Yonrs I., tsi1r as i a iopryvob gicg,oetiter in themanthoats andtethtIr.MasfelANiLheILO.wh hl vrer cias botelsa mnInlvert, or li thetise monetacy inereats in thne printing office, ighbrie vilaga. n tte viinCgcol 'l fA Edtorof O-e hiIp Cîrotire. oy coucait titthlie rereipt for themelnc iý,,bûrng illges Intheeveinânet 7bthe£di,, f t icilb Choniie.is gis-ens hy . Reesor, anti igmeti itt iiistadicg a senalliaing rm, ths e-- tii oon nume. Tise reecipt 'vas givens on led illuminatisonwviade nds, hig nHaeisnita thofbe tiddg leo siFiIIOatsi its od' wcre theîe ipelaiona i aunpnssaenltemr. egin,:-Hvesmo eeun'ao iardt n les 2 tFb,16,adi nteewr oweer elctatl, yu wllsectht te uedut teaorg eetn - I ato as 1Itciced pa Inynsuof tihe vilhunt e- osevr reuctsly, eu vii ae tie t? b otderestund fronsgond îoithoriy Cotait. ontroal prosse atitsit iis, andi vien onr dap rortecied AI REO ' -- ---------- -- ~t tnaI tcoactoaily proscited_ sîrfrIe î(une> D'-I IEOb 005tir g i -regti mo -- I - r l i,'t boed:"i hs grdigapproval, Yon ,oay lho surethat Betr edarc'e"t Fe tig so ighly favored runthave ben natoos are hercunto ennexcdarcb oe Ver7 gond lig. Tiere iras hardly a for and suppnort Mr. Reesor in the coliot nt bionse in Quebec, wich itn addition Icit o igsDvoo. o s IL profusion of igbt, barldet olmrne sjO atoivnpeo in ged it ;but on te Cou- coaions. Flags vwero in great denaand trary snid,-"wO are afraid of you, and do dal colored glansa aoonded, and etioretcolbelievo 700 are itoeestL Wo will watt g p int ail sorts of devices, aiali Color- nntil vo bhear tho other aide of the ques- and variegated balooca and lanterna je ton."1 Don't thal looke as if ho vats a lit- Ient fnhiet,were hong out jibousaua tic dubjoos of bis aenes? There in net fuxtures outide the bousesinje s ape thc sigblcot doohibut ho vilii Wdrann orvn, feathers, stars and nsottoea iere off; aud a incter man put o11 the traek, h in every strect, glass designa, with te-awhih villii le very dilS cult te do. 1 ivng colored igbts freiod *m h r otder bho liltes that lutile arrangement tiere VÎ&lWm5 green branches sand ". aout te Mrhwnt Priniog 1 lei ndeedl 'li flowera vorked ep in festonna leucers, vooid ho a ies raproseotative for Ibis jet- wnt and feathera vere quito cotmon, portant Division 1 Titat honor wiii nover devd regaia veo"s e i nve oibcPeroanios bm.-Mone aeoc. but the cbef femîlea ofithe îlietein- IIONESTY. 'sasfouncé jevery bandeotas eanapar- paited for Ihe occaunon. Nejîber 7bâtÉUrqth roie Y cor line. veo smevd, an 1 atmareD aSa je resPect of lthe feelicg o"sbitecl, no0Dra ansmea. la hl n ~Er' r P aSw f Uîdndr a m s fienceCele iglaD ivisioMr. are -~~cm ofnday vaes in Kidng es.icyioayare W& radFiee vola, ver poolpoceti au- F ttis oveniof, u bt priVaIs agnifleao %W iat onspmmtd for tihe disaPot-- MW forsevedtgsathntoaon Ibm qw anti m ygrOat bees ii, iittbel 'eborffor tbe smatmslmn eof immecs6 ,00~ Tenugia raig opiooisy, lihe tw visiaseCiposaai le Cliandte leeandam bc te&m Oton borme-lho lboraagbhly v4ba b n « j motesl Cam anv &W onamu Taae .a.emiveti a&- w ade.of Itan t»tUmm 0f rus- a teetmellus njtiisse Tbe rasbea " prmoi Su*d mai amd4 hm mwýPm voeew~m fm ditmimm of mighaa m a~t o -- F Sit IL Si. LWW* to- them &n geatat e Samwifeima bn et- oaS<m iii. "t, w11 man- eeey -day hcomief brigiter and more cmtàin, vitla« thome of bis opponent cou- tin tu t goor an by degreos and bea- tifi, los." Mr. porry's amnly defenceo tf tbm union, and îiadeaciag«es, nlil suchi imeu mea féed i - f lite Provinces~ shah take place and is advocacy of t pentntt oby nu. eai viicishbe oppe nmmlnov qûitts lgttor oi5t meetu the osdependsst isotdatdW itnpprt of S good lama nt e es. <oaiOitt im m etofaulparties andi a-se, ne mt ho ý .a»8 vy by liae lsp-teap Of polti- cal utgognes. Mr. Peorfy 5 s uarfian »ad C--&-n oua OmaitsBfiueti, Fr - 10555j"A m e l., n the S"gtdayo M rfta a respect"L Germa, wuotamjséandmi c a da by1,I MW .~g la yoàsof &p. neossai- if Mr. lieeoor wnr es t tte proprietor of te Econrtoffoice, boy cotons tai thal nie gave a rtcipit for te tnty ? Il scill nt do t Say thot 2Mr. Mansfield w'vs lte esses of theow ternIlte uie. If lho vus, by sehat righl nid Mr. Revoor aign 1.i13ne- teîla ? Tite only oter pies put in by 4r. Ileesor is that the reecoution 10 Pa7 hon te motney 'as tooveel by Mfr. Mareln, à rocittier of tise Conntiji, wbo nov conspîsitta of lte ýraîsaclii.. We bolieve it js troc ltaI Mr. Marst did iuxave lte resolitîon, as aileg-eel bot to Ihit a justification for Mfr. Ileesors wrengdoiogs.? E10ch a defene coulti oniy Lev set op by one 'vmo breor tisaI ho nia gnilly, atîd who saav Do nsm of escspig fronthtie fex -in wbicb bis dopli cil7 ba I plateni hi,0. It iste10 horegrettethatoit y one holintg te position of itcove of a inonicipliiy sitouiniab oracdogrtole hioneif anudbis office, a to ho guilly or tise crimoeviaici laaile- geti againot Mr. Reesor, andi vbich Ihore la buonranmch resson te believo iatre it ovcry pssrticular It is &aserions offee for a pereon cleted bt inw tuoi&eicy of a tmunicipal body, tu " a déanlclaration titat ho litas nopeconiary îinlerpt jn thenodis of the Counei, vien tino raera thie fuet Adeclartion in sncb a Mneuhj qeavelmt te an oatb, mani if falsoiy im"ta j&c-oa"é by liho statue te 10ho tifa mmd oerolit Periur." Sncb thwaffsMthons alwi'e astalMr. ileesr aion ii ho .alioei te renauMth*e tpst i ca, al vs hop. x. ia beingimi tbm malter 10 an immunatheC mt0f~ iinamifincent it is rienth"-" ~m u fusat haline ae h éW&h ota dâLTn-o in o f.i it li amibe ntu X em eaW éelrlo% Iam ¶5nt«m va, S éy tw ime " 1 mea4 M Le p. BamMMBOU. m4.eimo iol vsi le rt la] L'h rif: the Pci tra the bt pi qv .~in enio laiee la, il seili ho ntecotstlry SPECIAL RO~ICES. thc Priecels ieits !tiey ultii adverficUse enev stock of bh gulIls precureti hy bieus for lte ecca. sen. Nov la Ihe limt t doas, antiua; rce te crootis cf visiteat vitcit ili lrong Cinr nîreeta, tiurittg tito luit et Hia syul ili'giscsa. Miesrs. Looes &r Powell ows boy tu do luià. VThey hase alremly made titeir annanentenlit treg t ltie oluntos, seiich it viibc sure le atîract tbem elsoreisimd re 'warrant it, lmn ail vina ait lteose very ageeable gentilemen, vilu >plcascd viîh lte splendid asorlmeu,, în voin ic t lie7 e nakle a aciection.- Idrrise lieu, and uusvcrt lac in a popor yorth adverîiiaini, thse XVîmrrs Cussx-nRN* LE, iii its large circulaion, Ycu *111 inia ,an salue for ypur màney. B'pu e tiot tg 1 ýat pto toc e Ma in' MRt. RleeRT rCA-rern..-Weoare vrry le, îpy to statu ltat 0cr toiv-nmain Mr. %Il sert Campephll bas sreluret front bis D t ta Euroehale and Isitarly, and toucis irociet in là'is gooti li>oks front bis voy- ;cacrôs thliteslantic. t Title G.Âi.ÎvÂv Lie.-Mtr. Lever, M..P; e] ts the defendant in an action aI the Wat- ,ard Assizes. Il vas broogitt by 1r. fv arîtuet, vito, 'vith iia ife andtbo ochiid- la onird in tht Indian Empire f:.om Ame- en, itefore 1Mr. Lever nolti thal -ssel 10 re l Galway Comtpany; and the plnitttiff a smuli damages for the breaeb of cotract ec steamer atarteti from New York on cloher 23, 1851, reacbed Halifax in aix lys, sinyed there a day andl a haif, insaiie teit'days loocheti Cape Rare, rond ruC a a tndhank, nd arrived aI Bronditavets, 570a, uC the 2lot cf November. The asetgere ocre detaineel tisaindys, and. iywere ditu, pot on boardi another veonel da renclied Gel]iwny, tbe port efthIeir des- natin, on Noventhor 30. Il 'vas aiso , ecred tiot lte food supplied ta tbe plain- ift anttd10ail lte ubverage passengere vas tulllcevt in q altity and htiin qnasy. ,'e jury finira a generai verdict for tbe efetdaîit, at>mnssesed tho coatinkent de- antds et eue farlbiog on catit cf to o l- Île. on titi niglît of the 251h ollio, a Dm îeied Frcderick Mooaney wiit occorai otiter rstes gel oot a bit of a spree in a IaversaI iPetechoro. Ttey kept alp a careusal a util the nioreaing of te 25th, oben lbey ve pub tu bcd feeling very maelloor. Oni tis& i1toincy discol'ered tai a puekel tootaiîittg $130 or $135 in his land eti abstrurtcd fret the peehel cf bis pan alons, sw'ichlt ailheert plaeeccalrrbis )d. Tue iutonier of the itotel vitere ltet nithcry ovos conitlod, James Brocs, bas 5eco tarresind lfusr ttc retitery1 ind i ris- ntuèes are very rancb againaltbints. Liste advintes front the Pike's Peak re- joli are reccived by the arrivai of the ex-1 reso nt St. josepht, viieb brougbt oprs f $1,000 in gold doit. A nunther. of1 ouaclz nulle are nov at vonkltahe mines sore ofrlttn vlli wtconsidereble succoss, re- lIieinng frein $100 10 $l]15 per day. Sel 'f ttc tuisiug dains bave iurned out vory riet. Crime of ail grades, boieer la ne- porteil as prevailiîîg. Siti.vnit Tîisn'vns FoisTuvie Plt,*CI-The roel cdreslittetifor thm use cf lus Royal lilîneos lin Prince cf WVies, on tbe Oc csjou of layinîg l"t last atone of bbc Vie- toria Blridg e, as Co iposeti of oxydised it- ver. Tihe indie is formeil cf a flneiy nuodreti isbeaver--ctitblenlOf et tda. Anotinr Irowei linaes prepareni for the use cf bis Royal Iligbnes vtih bvhîich il is intennded te iay bine OrsI atonesof ltoe o llonstof etparlinînent litOttawva, Tino builing a latebcof lihe Tudor (lotit SI yle. anîd lte troei in ls fienteanti elaio- rate ùrssjinnentab,isilinjelupéet harnnony, ,îviti, te eîifnCe, a reresenîlation off oriici is cntgravCsl on lte bade. Conudrust 1Mr. Vilitor allow me hoto a: it -là ttc reasoo svhy tce WaOcItaas viet tries 10 ite, oeilnr stuoke in Kioïa Division cailltnt grt up) a latue?1 Winy bvrasce bloc heci (Beach) won't itindie. CII.CKI.Ey-îi tVltitby on tbe lOtis intl lte vîfo ci Dr. Cberkiry off a non. liARTIZY -At %hitbY On bine-lOtis ist, tle 'vife of lilr. John Hlarlry of a non; Dl El). lÉ.iES-Abb lie Internttsional ]Intel, gn0îý 3iltltet Squnnrc, Toyonlo, Angoul 22, ! 800 bMcy Alice, icnttdaugblt et ofMI. snd lire.John Likenqi agoni7 wecks. IIANNAII.îl Pirkenn" ou Fcinlay lte iTthitlst., Mc. lgh Isascaiagoni JGIç, NAI tWiiy on Fciday lise 17thinst lts0lc. Alexannder Ogulon, agoni 71 yearu. Rcpctted by RP uo.Esti. D'tlIo-SPtifl, 95e ea,4e 0 50e- ORtlO3c t038e. RIO Sou. .611e 'eot $40 36. Shsoep $30&$4 5&. OO* WO& t 1161s&i. *4b -rèu Mmobe%- h )PIY te Paliament liu le.alian the. sasseti tring bis illcgal tenta cf re vciatjdnofritis grass Bd of, cor- Mimunt bave a-tnnat dsmagiag offert, r. eesor's chace éc lecbion for Division. Aireetly vo are Ivare il bas, ited frem in rnorofbis ttostardent. )rters in Soula Onimrio, anti tises! a et indignalion aiainat immmf, obiciait et be.-easy te oxplain tovay. A man qgulti ho guilîy of tting bhis nusiatioti is vîsenntative of the peopso ta repleniab x beepser la unwortLy t fpubliecocnfi- e,1Ho dteters theUse SvereâtCensure lit is possible le givo Itins ainti v Iesietalce théeeeeore of Ring Ilvist.ont r.eesor dous nct ilisýoer befora ary nemi flitis bjcsndutra s eeco irkban bas bren of a moot impropor ns Ui - ~U2 ru lia 4I~oe' ~ 61) o -i ~ 60 Ps m~ç 'hi .51 ~in os 0e 148 0.0 ,14o as-" o-g Q-el tn,2 On ,0 Qi: 'lis' 5,-sa bu1' MYail Ooutraci ,siî(esia e nîurTa] neîr muil1 12 olet, ca eiFrSsliiltit Oe NItîsi rilnensij'i oet, etitils 0011 bot Ocimabern unsl TtteeosseY&niitu e o ,"Railn ns'11a ffgoln, ei ter, Soigli un 1i0snngnc otage euthlieopton Tine oîsîpslteul (Stmie hoîveen Uxditi allat tolîits, lA -:isiils. Tite rtes of issu tu bc etsai aslisan i oes Peir11n11r lltltmlicg oistultulqi tifr ail ýutrPns Thencli nd lmiOurss ut arrivaian tennsipari tae U olloirs,isuctaua mgtl of thaPo inss5Zr i ndtua te sosnie, lcnid esooluion itsul*i-abic ce t,' tins LeiaUshnitince itiits,, lsutu y oxmptoti Sa. nI., arrivectl litby t 2il ., mess aOl mu asible so ttarivâutiof mniitn t ium ti aiasid veuýt, sima arrive nt Us n stiiluimi finslinsire amietadiset. The rolîi, if eati-letOtmîy exentted,v enibise ins tenu-ct'om a tenu nist eaceclitg yasna sTuse Peaimenuan Gucerai nscrviog mglittesnintothe ibecitnt cIamor i ptoni uths expirationfte fi ani s, sînsinil thmpubpeit'sat. in i lîlOpinion, quis il, tnPO"mgiving tltise essuloa l ut" praviimentioil niunteion. EsatsTendetue , naw thic Isoes e t,in v ai tengtia ndnlta ho scnomtpa'tiailbt he iit' fruaratuli ft los n siile partie, UB4ti tig, ilsalin lue esest ofethue Tender boi tIeptcd Uheic reimsiirmli ho tisus, macenteel lief lacirty tiricifurtote prtieshfntidod undeainlg ise t4 01116nouma osîsi vt cei-ar'iiin tise Bins ut 4-fl'oi-st Usedus taineice nItt e oui-s P>rnterst forai s «Tnder and I ronta i lns obhis t aItetin at (Mole ns t tsbmid Illin a w h'ity ora te uSce et 211111ciuiJ. JDEIW, Posl office apechor Torelt, Aug. 7, 1860. ItECEPTION 0F 1IL R. Il. TMl PIRINCE O0E WAL] teat sMe timnssbril ItrOt en Tlursy cvenif aImm f pmntiyé',e IJ. >IACDO IL, Mayac 41 Cltaînms, pu n GOUIITi A1uCT.OxxMEkOIALUM Sawela alus fer a f itl vu.< sd utem u«etae la t. L" t*bsaIt5 f1tmai rýn-nîy.ln %ni.tU neAESr xr W itu...arthe i it fiart ofU be lie th tract LIinavnng hl entrsîtot to n tljsi a kfe 'veelie, liv as rry ittipîne rendy, aller. 'lsvittg nifrs ecsly*tre oilthi eCnûL asJ ..91; hbsa, ainsi %lac itt'lmla ieocrp. Covttnntpltvn,-In nnxlolitn alz.utoo bî,,vtîl tIe follon-ntllnrens' sentîtn,.ttoft Ï ite l.cTLtrvjiitlîst ,ed (fiÉee a e-inIte). vîit dirtetilitor Pin ne1sritgsntd uinlt lins <aine, ithleiàt ticO seul itca0cmsure rfor obj(eerol ibtI advnîrli--v inn vcndinth ie preftrip- rient i0 tuboîneit tlite tiieei, uoitlicei. evnr5- snferer viii try ii retttcîl, asiliit Mcm t teut nonlsinc, îsoitt nt-tepretc n te Partg luties orLehins, e ipreseýbieull ilJlsstttna 11EV. EI)WAItD À. WILSON,- vS-m billiatntilttrgt, Iriiîg dos, N. Y. TUE GIIBAT ENES;LiO RIFIEDY mint JAMES CLAtOIe' 17.smThsritins p OetyhO ein! On Mortag- wit,2 l~ue 1 gageto heoeet y heldll Î Im ign 0t b onts 1" %'wwttUI OI%- Uhi hieS rovrinOilthe-Pthe iiUl t ptutiMme fs! I&ima dn -H ~La te sitdi Cour* dlit te ite ad t aliji àtreport' na esten t Qots d t, lbt Dorer e rtkn la dnet ne t lb h Mrgisai rielob *lysmj it bave bo rofA5Wi a CIO 0150m< e,,ar0< of srs eigt La r ite, 'e. no~ mai fou? 4 'or oeil is 04 e 1 th tg vbo :1 1 it( T tom "l wli con Iu ROTECTED - LETTElIS t.i ROYAL m PÂTEiIT. ipsrenfreusaOpeeOitO iojTSirj. bmre l lu.,F/qociuu Lnirnae-duinit.,y o f50Qieceu. Thsis ivalnstlu micieitiaini iiiling t te tennIs n.i]1 ees. n du s imd îoses mIi nlr- elenauiieionl-ire iin hobc eitiiedun oMatrrie amit 1-laeclIIarIyin tild.t il, ii aiimert lima, triutg oit tu iiuntly lentd ovit reptitritv. EdIsi bottae, piie i lune Dollarc, boasIlite tuc- ruinent Staîîîp eutlineit Briiiî,tu îmroemu Li I ait i ç%ofNeroi inlSmul Altrecuioiu, alit the suc Itand mî Iliîs tîi'.dus îtlimeli '"Iirttiii,41'iillii'm isimti licirt, lluutercrt., t li Initeis, tiýc PUI ila eli mentot e tioit ilutiner imîmoînslisse mIiici, uaîd athlitgin owemti rtluely de uit esmitiuin ires, alommîl, timnonts, erniS Ïttitng liirtfii tueithe cetititti- Full tinuetions uccoionaycinttilpiekasee. SIO Agirtlfom tue Umuimee t tes asut (usotis . i t . 3 O S E S , (lutte 1i . ]Itîidiej & Ca.) i-timle.ter, N . e litIl, mtmm li. Fur sale ty ia] )ruggiuic. A Card to the Sufféring. 11IF EV. %VN31 CuSuuiQ<VE, sisilu hubor, [-s ing.îUacniketioni uieit atsi, skýeir ýCcimuîimmîîutl.isî1uit atîtî t h miii uisl ui]u 1,i ins a ne-ipe cîstultied fena1-rpi .1. ipeIo ls, traItl rn tn l wo 'vre soif énng froui Canimesilpi1n, BImoileIitiu5 flan Mirenst, toigli ndîmC ISu, a iilsebimisîmmmi romsu tpreon -stail, lm. mîes, iiises licaimotis of belei IlîosIle', VPeili tamîttlut nies, M-Iilit iiîi'culisiiuitlIlevitdIll ue, tg i sllo lteed ii fia-c etfrcharge. RE1V. 5V31. COSOICOVE, 439 Ftocn Avenuîe. il!tw-lani lmoeklîsn N. Y NEw ADvERTISEMENTS. -, ' ~~Viz: O~tg rWE ff E, ad SA ý fli rn& Ge txdW îeCttonsi Striped SbîLns Itenil nrotre," oinLnu re.. a(ÏI bn til e insin Englisb, Cailidian and Amencan IC; 1oeituelAn t-- lier ' ifs wedsk&., Gents ShiriShirt Colora ad bort for lte cuîîvcuesL Mil eysbf C v, , . k , ,oe n i t o îa y , t e e e n ) V l i i It y F m i f - .r sodf iulosy SrtitioO, - - svn .;ac -o fui ave set ouin*ude tn u ogot, eut- teS, initeinor.p iege stage, t flie optiona et Tlitocs&ptitt5 I0disltaneîIcîs lVltl tby Làdieà i ancy Dress Goods Stùffl', &c., Sxa'wi ,t~hpnflo e ad:eL t01cAn tilas ta ionle 1<iites Thesnn ta e ttmte uotîlettihu ttties' Ditessés lt bîcliteries, Collirs, Laces, Edgiugs, &c. àCbtton Bats, lier huenr, tuetidini t Wiôks, Twuinés, Grain Bp lopdSkirts, white and 1o-lred Tii, da)- int dltoiriof.bhvoand ispartiu BtsJoo tiu fl.iil ot, Abje e ti ftn 'n-Cotton Veormiti- le-oh-Shùes, &c., &a' tiis u i e rit s e s n ci l % nta u t s s nedé : u i n - - n - ~ T ct it oâ tutis ec s ti a 11YLOWES & POWELL. b iulilîa'iteli iPoloffe ns sl!oietien Cuenttr te viinegobel-nwitlmtrinis cmmm1iur tiniu, andit 6s0liunnta issuPest ufceoinimmiet- fheinctaIisaovrpniil i. ilitcty ntor suta excisne: Iblbetâ h bv rniI n Ti", cetettrn, if eatisactamily exb ie, *iii volve iucny tàlloable anti Importanlt nmez . citimic s inforces foia tentus .isl net ocveuinil sutis cf RefoÎln,ie. 'bcwruidt endIti he b tîr oCos.:thlimelotntister General reaemviuîe matetial ativaCicmerîl et ouïr atcial andi filiim-'it tu, 5,imiitsio ±lsagmreementa nils iy os"olet rsnîi- imn lîrpevimmutethie ebliltittbof t hictoton)"cais pultîcat ps'graubtntepe tds t lnitl the publie litemmiImi s ;îliioii, re- îortstatul of poilical opinion, asti con-- qien i,, open glo mni iecîsontraetur 53ioutils sldering Ibis violent agitation for a complets l imres-iot nniceoetfiîlsintentioni. prt disruption etof or sonstilintiotnal teationn Euttûch Ïc rtenadts flic pnic ukeil prsp, 'viti Ler Canada, Ifuel boumusitela ate t,,i %ols-silamentiî, aniS tube acnenmpinsed a7 flie onitiaenartutes ofetwomesuoiruntc. freely, anti cniitsIbn no fln l 1o tidrm tiat i t fic te ntitof thsern- 1*o Protiuces, 1 cencei' e ta bcIlie g..nd . îg ecetoo li nai . tlih~ il'Itini a raîi, ts Coi-laeiebith i ,sW piintet isaue inntitiseon. Any disse- itnsCci on tlnbhtstyf.ottlmp -- Akîtdtyti1ttieieig ciime îctea lotion of teta is hidinoue bleds us to- topreeent tpe.-a ilay lItofisctisenrtao slemnnsî0 diat0ilCtia portmienieffile ai tîIîind - r- A illi thueCottratr la fleins îîî t 0foirtie triiouft a. doantage;, muesît provo istabh5mn tteIrerl~mt es dit lSfuriiiie.- f tli tzrvee.iste gý isslatîon oitt a vieov 1e a Lots Nos. 18ant 1, Inntho te iosaiontc sua tarfciianme aer'itituis Townip,sand roquenat ah monos Inter- I»i'nîitfimns ol Tendter and iguornmtes uIIM fedéral connection cf lue tbotProvinces. Intait teogaven t teninel ves acemwg.17 ho Ituineed ut tins :est offies, ut 'Wiitby, or believo ta be not cnly a relcogadu ant in- . hsito aIPiclesicng, Iltia SeIn day ef Julye, lî it i Oilicofetftis essceiten. juritaut polmcy; but, as evinccd by lise v-eto1860. J. DEWE, o f Lower 'CanaatI lasI Sesion et Pachia. HECTOR BLVItON. Pontntoffice luspector.43met, perfecty untuallnable. Disslution 17ovlpVin Torosto, Ag. ,l, 100. 48of the Unionn, il pare and imnple," a pelicy ________________________strougly-stoocatet i nnhomte qnirteas, Sp- Ontsmfîo gank. tu REWARD. puaca ta me to ho seo ohrioosly absurti, anti 'i - ~~~~~inn ita consequces mo fatal, tisit I =annol tc-snN.6 JI0TI1AED or Solonîî eus ts lltinoý- etJ'il)' believo inu tinssinority or potriolisin cf ils a frontu lut No. 3 litfic tu uCoti. 55 Il ice- supporters. Lower Canada 1tebise Est, ~OTICE ia hîreby glveonnsttilvtiottiloe uiig, a large rel alo i ote n11ie011esOn, SuaO linsasnst the Unied Stae otheSonîth, woulti £4 oitspartenîpo thtenspaiti op Cbpîtat e imesiaif et lienrni jlicareint off, hviner Unis institution fo our-e trrettt ll iyean, Iin '-iiliss,î fmîoin su cI 0esbsuleasotiUpper Canada undcr -teir 0cn-îAtimeérats of eiglit paran trAtte,) bail r-csmec uft tie Saulne.ovil rceits the nboco e- « rlaentielet ey iilieir merety. tEcetile titis day bucno tiecacoil, sii liamn - oued. teriffu, sud injauiosrestrictions, Seraeor aepaya oatins Jankastiita]3BnhIbeios q idIJWIN SHIAW, .- - ttee O cinsbot'alilinpr futer Satttrday, thé irsit nyei' Snpisntb0r 52liW o sS ii o.1'si<on every sîde, na linat conmercial nisadtvan- TheTranefë r ochok Ih bcsticadflousttt '-"-u. tages snd our isohateti position scould diviv 6th, te the3t luAgese, bols days Inclusie f-DISTRICT MEETING lippes Canada mb ousen, nowunfocesee. By Oinder e breme, ae itlI-toe-trmeti edonnocticrt, anti voald -D. FISHLEI, Csallr. mos pobal 10 s t amoventeuîlfor ant- lIntarlo Bankl, nexatien taebine Unitedi States. Bvwtlie ay tu(Icublemeni 1hilpo ce uecessity for sucb à moveinclul msy ever aste. Yeu antib 1 mre Britislistsbjectlotr loysityisissue 1t a -ate I 4uecu tiltitaguisiteitfor ýevery grace antid - iB virtue tisat enta adoitalber position, oor ' Y.nherts ansi sympathies iraexniUtbcthelande1 ~~' e onwhicis offere a ratage tlutelia s tsanti . victiis cf lyranny, came frottas vtlcourn- . J aL lry tisuy msy ;tise bislery efthlbt country, o.f lier assuociations, hiec ss'oggles, sec durs e5-l . C) h~er moumoy, liser credtllher support, bhave s-e D:l3.-erct litreait' f r licét Iriset fWhiti asistedi aur noble Province ttranghIl ?.a-I t5~ S1.I, i line lit Cmt.tDay- n o liotel, dcr dang, Maifficulies and disastvanlagna. ~, o muîitet2a5ibio, o hio O iut, i.t s Ticy ara vilS u uill. Lot ns cding Inen J.g>ne.~ns ~t oc' ,,et, ie o ranscisniifI iprtîiiîtateour proeonnl concctiou, andti snnniancna- rit r. r ~-.o tolnSo,. lDy orlerof fliciD. M., 1)' opposaeany andt sOhabvor palcy, bbal f . I7UE. 'vnulbc likeiy te entan , er lb. Ir% Wlitsiy, Aeg. 2t, I u I.S . AUE.48 Tho question of a Feeteratiotior alil the Newsaper et Provinces ct Britishs Norlt Americaa: > OId N w ppr frSae ven n ,genereîîy advr aorbee t- ennerteinesi. b conienIly anticipji.the1er' lagDmitsio ilSbovppecîipliod ealy accentsmeto so slee B 5Cen itL 2 lliternsl hp o ils ccnsnm- ~ lal iar, for Saleceieuls 25 mation. 1 'vIli zemoultyanti eoreially * support oecry step calculabti 1tesecurs it n TO THE ELECTORS attinuseit. 1 belle-ce lest iny lusconnso- C). Imimmidation oor mutuael inicrests anti $ stmenngtisWe Siali îay flns ontadnition eta - K m - D ivision gs'eai orti Aierican Nstionn, linteti ta- ý gtier by uts boctis oet tunisîcommierciBl K ing Ddvis on. es, ani lte on? Moîber, Counntry __- o-- uy the strengesî hacs f oulgin, kmutret iin- GENTLEM EN: sttbutonu, auss indeulity of intecote. 1 11avi g ob ained the n- blieiiv c bat thi is isc o ly p ianb h c llovng blaieilbs n- ve may hope ta rooteout frometn --eti~t us, animousns om îation cf tise Convention tisaI bitter spirit of seoalisint an3 loeai fieldi aetliarkhisnn tnlie lOtit otf Junoi- laoulusy nov exishing, anti etoate tjieoneoulucil composeiltastîmal Convention 'vas otnany pelîy pnniies et aurProvincmetes mots ot tise canal mulucttiai geuntant rmiiç voriny apiratian afer GrtatndiNationsal TvsttIt witinnKing',Division; sud imving ecenveetOjc. useia onalott snny tînt assusraces of support, front ob iajctep.-ymm, nIbl ct, toredoeltondpaon a By-isv fortiepot- elechars of AI lpcitiet Binadés, l soery otsotte word thal reqaîtes ail me& m.poof"etshlighlains tiomrtloot t bm Bmui part oflthc Dison baniducedtetaoflcr Mcmiiulegsrulesh'a ,anpo a enysîf a a andîate or cnc uifugesstires, goot er bai, entanating front oes3s lu rrot lt e on e ii vi ai te appcaaeinnglleciion ci s rapmem- pasrty la hosupporteti î tniloces0eft es'mesed bl Jinlum licr, Esq-, P.1.a*- W i taivete rpreealyoacDivsIonlu iseanc lier arce tauho nvarlabiy njee- qîntolacul persoos luterestoîl, te <pvm Sb"n- Legiulalive Coincl. fisi nistr ejsg snels !)' dat ZZ6 Usiis Setdmalet Auglît Tins great responnibiîity wbicb atachesthen ismorits cf enchis neasnre, as it 18 lU60n. - te heigis position tif a Législative Coun- preset, repci othsucerRBUT8 Mk cillern andthîe poscor placet lunlis bandetign frisie ip mt anspport tO-ln-v teubcsusi for i'lise rosi or wdlot"e i or oppse nIt uuou lssgrotunds aloe.-_________________ woePoicare gravesuijecis tor Firmi ly igîbhat tht riteprincipient W S AT O E Y y o lo coi ane, an ti 1 franuey confas of hI Legilaîiou s to l be-"Uc gr otest N E W T A r N E Y your c isotsieralloany tibta atomuy gootitsegreaest umxbcr'-àLItocaa- AlE - Ni lim ail inc. ol iimmaysures calcilaletto anacoe 1hoSTOCKyo - 000 abiiity ho~~~ rpsrt youc iteresls, ~atisous tA efflcientiy an fle ougint 1é te,'and si 1 a£apnasc irueemtIL *osLrqsved, ineldlnig Pips enit - ty âSallreeMny omesessb OtlhutioY, mât Envel en fai te n m coulti desice te do, Ihat I nov preseci nty- Ecatchit etpanlrsortis dizos, » b self hefere 700. flec d bl no o"m"n SI-'deý m oi es t A resideul tio heDivision f-r sesrly a I lceIsalkov~ooatnn e/o egrPreitna. l4pl quarter et a century, 1 believe myeelt ta bih mtly'eslnieibinr locally or provinialy, bel Cards, Domcinmo*,* 'lisBooksn, Rc-~ pcrsonaihy isown te a majsriby oftisc'vill sudeavoisIý tc Bel impartiauiy focrlnsthe mmBoards, Boxes of beaf Coli; OCai-t Eledcocu, nWho ili tincreface beclise botterwonti, vitint ditictittlontof locsiby, pestera s atn er Fendis, quiiB ýw4 st- able tojasge correctlîy ielter lin eecvent 5tltl0<, Or sCt.P-,4. a re aii ldm of My being place t aItis eaod off the Ps,4 Viera ara Ivo questions ola local nature pn,4. in-e tùv ton 1 ol poet orIntorantai ailvocato aflecting the Division t hbieh I1tiosirs te -Gentuleman% iWahkUith liit i7 syr yoar vicavo andi opinions, on questinoa t uot. W u CinroIni î IL ptbiîerpolicy, landi ealonly giarsi yeus' IlaI ielb seoelWitbmlay .~ol irst rigisbi-as ltse initabitants cf eueeof te Tise question et ranttng County nlibt Br*&St Wk ti Calt- vesiiC niest oimpuleun, stdintelîcligcent ltaI vert, bualreaty bheon tieoi y diuo Divisions of Canatma. tins ratapayere of Ontarios. IVilu thsaI de- ~ u>i. A Cunadia born, 1 esrly learuot linuse dl5lot i aim coenutant iolil nat use tMy la nncpr f rgu influence, er psition, te brnog ltaIaube LPRUf n- aln eaed gréai; govcrrtuictal rnpesopogsi jeel agein bofore Use peopue, for pecanias'! A.. iPTa IESita&t toltae i l e a a n t i a l yto nt , l n I ae t e e nW s a l n a p p u y t i i a s s i s t a n c e . T i e c h a r t e r li a s a e x p r e t , a n t i ses" benfcal rncet atc yIi n hnc oultiannothe e-rer ho granteti, i is svi- JO HN GILLVA-R Y, 0ir Country. Retsponibis Governent- dent titLbm, os oletsrb o-B nosrls r ot'ciUn aeearotng lihe nost vaînable cighta en- sreeib rvt uacite rvl sii asr CUmtîLa rqsnet4bd joyed unuilr flincBritisin Costtitutionru oeg sitne aec uleci55gebnnt id ititosy m I c a n a i te is t oo n t y , io v c n hn c n «Zt .d W ith r e c o t h e - e pâ ra tio n u t c u a r Z o u e d t sn d t o é* teg u %ia n 6 -c bs at dptç1ctalusoofîrtheuenhe, îtinye ork frtino heOy trTô- ooog IAOIIiLYRY Z esîy aditiîitered, accas'diug latins oelu cntforUse alpupos 1am inn laer WGEOR GUd LYA understoi>t risies of tino people. cf lte pasusgoent abiti, for ftisaI Puroans 1LAtING, 'vtii Sol uhnrdwt yorsnpperl, tuke effect smo no~n pprv las 1 G AESaQANDERSON , tÏLo anti bch o usr ci .nea e ie s îlâtve, fI'viii raepayera es t e Ooun y f Tort. . w l B m ne s .itt th binesuloecf eMy aEiiiy atiqoln en.foloving prncipîca to Uioentlemen :-bn molkitilg your aoup rt Oemns ai ~ eis «- -.Manenevcc io , aditataTor tlears pentation1 t.. yffi tt.4 mt>6mieý N-R) ýÇV

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